I've gotta admit this building is one of the most...
Lemme tell you, it's really surprising.
I will explain it to you really quickly.
This is a church, see? A church carved in stone.
And it's not on the surface, it's underground. Why? Look at it.
This is the rock.
See the sky?
And first of all, they dig it all up here,
and then they just... sculpted, if I may say so,
that church... amazing.
Hey listen, imagine that I was just walking when I saw a LADA taxi.
And not the one we know, with the square lights in front, but with round ones.
And I said oh hell no, I will not miss a chance of riding LADA in Africa.
Do you know why there are LADAs in Africa? It's related to the overthrowning of Haile Selassie.
Once it happened, his place was taken by a dictator who was an ally of the Soviet Union,
and after aiding them, they had to accept these shitcars.
But I respect LADAs, check out how it looks like.
They're fucking amazing. A M A Z I N G.
Fuck, amazing. The miracle of Soviet's technology.
Beautiful LADA.
I bought myself a car, a fucking LADA~
I'm on my way, about 60 KM away from Lalibela.
The problem is it's about fucking 2500 KM above the sea level, and every step is a...
is a suffering.
I should eat something.
Imagine that I was walking, and... It's 1 KM away from the main road.
I just wait for anything at all to go this way. A bus, a car.
Whatever comes, I will get in anyway.
Some brats came and asked for money, I ignored them so they threw stones at me.
Once I threw a rock about 2 metres next to one of the bastards, they ran away.
But I didn't throw-- I mean, I missed on purpose.
I just wanted them to fuck off, cause y'know. God's mercy and all that.
I gotta sit down.
You prolly wonder what's the difference between African blacks
from the citizens of Ethiopia.
Are they black like the rest of Africa? No.
They aren't black in terms of race...
They aren't black, they aren't Arabs, they're not Hindus...
Visually they are simply totally different from the citizens of all surrounding countries.
But we'll talk about it next time.
So how different is the development of these people and the Africans blacks
who only know how to make a house out of cow's shit?
People in Ethiopia build houses like these.
Prettily made of stones. With a beautiful... a nice thatched... thatched roof.
But look, see what they're doing? They use stones to build houses.
Stable, solid houses.
Beautiful stairs. Everything is fantastic. But it's more likely a pantry rather than a house.
But as you can see they have different building standards from other African countries,
where they haven't developed at all in the past 100k years.
And no, don't tell me I'm racist, I'm only stating facts.
I've barely reached my goal and I'm already tired. But lemme tell you where am I.
This, my friends, is Lalibela. So it's an Ethiopian...
And a copse here.
We're in the city of Lalibela. A city named, or more particularly...
named [yes he repeated the same word] after the king who ordered to create this place.
But what is it all about? Well, Christanity emerged in Ethiopia in the 4th century.
And when Muhammad appeared and Muslism began their attacks,
the whole country was surrounded by them. In result,
the road to Jerusalem was completely cut off and people couldn't organize pilgrimages here.
So what has Lalibela done? The king of the kings.
He ordered to carve in stone, 2630 above the sea level, eleven churches.
Holy crap.
They created the new Jerusalem. That's what this places was called.
Ethiopian... Am I saying this right? Ethiopian...
Jerusalem. Cause dunno if you know, but it's a sacred place.
For the church... the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. They're of course different from us,
you may compare it to... I shouldn't really do it, but they religion is really...
really, really, really... well, radical. We, Catholics, are really lax.
You know, Boy Marley died because he beleng- belonged to this church.
Cause there are many prohibitions in this church, but...
We may say we're in the most sacred place, I mean,
dunno which one is more sacred, but the former capital of Aksum
is where the Ark of the Covenant is and I'm going there tomorrow.
You can see a canopy here, it's probably placed here so...
it stands for as long as possible. But it endured all these years...
Why would it crumble now.
Imagine that this... is all... carved. In one rock.
In one rock... it's carved in one rock.
They... carved this whole church in a one piece of rock, y'know, a big as heck one.
And they... carved it... in one piece... this huge room, this church.
Apart from religious aspects, this building is really impressive.
And now something interesting. This is the biggest national symbol of happiness.
A symbol that makes your heart dance out of joy.
But not for us, Europeans. Here it is.
A swastika.
Yep, a swastika carved in the window.
Some of you are probably furious now, but remember that
before Hitler borrowed this symbol, well, you may say it was one big international symbol
of happiness, the sun and all important things.
I've gotta admit this building is one of the most...
Lemme tell you, it's really surprising.
I will explain it to you really quickly.
This is a church, see? A church carved in stone.
And it's not on the surface, it's underground. Why? Look at it.
This is the rock.
See the sky?
And first of all, they dig it all up here,
and then they just... sculpted, if I may say so,
that church... amazing.
I decided to lie down.
It's only 10:30 AM, I can lie down for 30 minutes.
This is the most beautiful aspect of my life.
If I wanna lie down, I'm gonna lie down. And no fucks given.
Whether I can or not.
I just wanna rest. Here, 2630 metres above the sea level.
But the air here is... It really isn't as thick as in Poland. And...
I don't feel good. I mean, I don't feel bad, I just get tired faster.
And it's not because I'm a little round ball, or a Kung-fu Panda,
but it's because... I'm really tired. And I woke up at... 7 AM.
Yesterday I woke up at 6 AM. And the day before at 7 AM.
I can't live like this anymore. I know y'all wake up at 5 AM, at 4:45 AM,
my Silesian miners bros, to be at work at 6 AM,
or even earlier cause by the 6 AM you're already at the bottom of the mine.
But... I'm different.
Alright, I will just lie down for 30 minutes. I deserve this.
And the time has come when I can finally tell you a story.
Where does Lalibela come from? And who was Lalibela?
Basically, Lalibela means 'Bees have approved his power'.
When the king was born, he was surrounded by a swarm of bees.
His mother took it as a... sign.
A sign that her son's gonna be a Negus. And what does it mean?
Basically, a king of the kings.
And imagine that his older brother, who was a ruler at that time,
he poisoned him, because he felt threatened of losing his power.
Cause he was the king. And in result, Lalibela fell into a 3-day sleep.
During these 3 days, the angels took Lalibela to Heaven.
And what have God done? Well, obviously, um, how to say it,
he sent Lalibela back to earth and gave him a task of building these churches.
But He sent angels to help him.
That's the legend. And what is the truth?
We dunno. But we'll prolly learn something more below.
According to the legend, it took 24 years to build it.
And... the king hired Egypians, Hindus, Arabs and even people from Jero- Jerusalem to work on it.
They say it took 24 years, but according to some calculations
done by reliable guys, it would take 20-- um...
he'd have to have at least 40,000 builders. To finish it in 24 years.
But let's be honest, we all know, we all know the history...
We all know the history... Dunno why they're screaming.
We all know the history- I mean, we atually don't know the history of pyramids,
and nobody knows how they were build.
So we also have no idea how these churches were build.
Another legend says that one of these churches
was built by angels in one day.
There are usually a few churches in one place, but this one is the only single one.
And it's the prettiest. So it's prolly this one that's been built by angels.
And about its shape, why is it in a shape of... well, for believers it's a shape of a cross,
and for non-believers it's probably an X.
This is a symbol of an Ethiopian Orthodox Church cross.
That's how it looks like, so it was made like-
I mean, y'know, that cross is more dopey-looking in real life, but remember
that these churches were built in- between 12th and 13th century.
So, between... from what I read, between 1181 I think and somewhere around 1220, don't remember the exact year.
Such thing have been built in Africa 800 years ago.
And why am I here and why do I mention it?
Africa all the way down from Ethiopia is a Shitstate. It's...
it's crap, shitstate and nothingness.
So now one may wonder, why a king had not hired blacks, from Kenya or other countries.
But would you hire people who in the last 1000 or so years have been living in houses made of shit?
It's XXI century and they still use shit to build their houses.
So he prefered to hire Hindus, who were really hella developed,
I mean look,, they have a 3000- 3000-year old culture, their own customs,
of course I have my personal opinion about them, but they're great builders.
Another guys, Arabs, they're obviously... Same with Egyptians. It's a higher level.
Even we could have looked up to them in that aspect. Back then.
Well, Jerusalem, it speaks for itself.
So, to put it gently, black people just weren't the best option
besides even now if I were to build a home in Kenya, I would've hired Poles or Ukrainians,
I would have never hired blacks for that kind of work, cause they would fuck it all up.
But what I'm saying is not, NOT racist. These are facts.
Is it worth coming here? I think it is, after all these are curve- carved monuments in stone, churches,
carved in stone, with pickaxes or other... stuff used back then.
It's amazing to me.
The costs. If all you wanna do is get inside and take pics,
you have to pay 200 PLN [~$70]
If you also want to record videos, just like I am for you,
you have to pay... 16 dollars more.
Shitload of money.
In total it's... about 260 PLN.
Well, Africa isn't cheap.
God, it's 2600 metres above.
Never again.
And imagine that just a few days ago it looked like this.
One of the interesting thingd about this place
is that during holidays even up to 50,000 people visit this place.
Right now there are just few whites... I've seen maybe like 7 of them.
So I can say I was lucky cause I could film more places.
Not just peeps walking around.
Oh well, that's luck.
Fuck, this must be for Maasai.
That hole is too much.
How is it in terms of width...
Look for yourselves.
Well, Koksu [Polish MMA fighter] couldn't walk in here.
And of course Pudzianowski [another one] as well.
I'm not in church, so I can say it.
Fuck the pol---
No wait, dunno why I habitually wanted to say 'fuck the police'.
But that's not what I wanted. I wanted to say 'fuck the tourists'.
And the local citizens who throw... on such a pretty, craved in stone path,
things like these. Unbelievable.
Look. What is this?
This is how his fabrics look like.
And look.
I've never seen a dude doing it.
That... that was nice. Imagine that this man is making, let's say, scarfs, dunno how to call them.
But it's really beautiful. I asked if I could film it and offered him 3 PLN.
Trust me, you can't film anything for free.
I still remember some of the stupid comments people wrote to me
about how the heck would I survive in Africa.
Where would I withdraw money from. That there are no ATMs.
There's one right here.
And this is a modern rickshaw. Look.
I'll show you right now.
That's how new rickshaws look like. And here you can see the old Indian ones.
And going downtown costs only 0,80 PLN. Remember one important thing.
Never pay more than 5 Birr.
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