Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2017

Counting is one of life's most basic skills and something most humans are quite adept


Despite most of us being experts on the subject, theoretically capable of counting infinitely

high with the ceiling bounded only by available time and how good we are at staving off psychosis,

few can accurately guess how long it would take to count to a million, let alone a billion.

This is largely owing to the fact that our brains have an amazing amount of difficulty

conceptualizing such large numbers.

This all brings us to the question of the hour- just how long would it take to count

to a million or a billion?

Let's start with a million.

The most commonly put forward time it would take to count from one to a million out loud

is about 23 days.

This time frame is cited in a number of textbooks we consulted and seems to have originated,

as far as we can tell, in a children's book suitably called, How Much is a Million by

David Schwartz, which uses various examples to put into perspective how amazingly big

numbers like a million really are.

Given the figure being cited in many a textbook and first appearing in a book literally titled

How Much is a Million, you might assume it's reasonably close to correct.

This is not the case, however; this number significantly underestimates the actual time


You see, Mr. Schwartz wasn't trying to come up with a real world figure here, just a simple

exercise to blow kid's minds without bogging them down in the details.

As such, there are a couple assumptions being made in the "23 days" figure that turn

out to make it completely useless as a real world estimate of how long it would take to

count to a million.

The first assumption is that the person counting would be able to do so 24 hours a day non-stop.

The second assumption is not quite so absurd on the surface: assuming that it would take

only about 2 seconds on average to say each number.

However, while certainly some of the lowest numbers can easily be said much faster than

that and with little time needed for thinking, the majority of the numbers for an average

speed speaker would take slightly longer.

For example, just consider how long it would take you to say out loud "one hundred ninety-five

thousand five hundred sixty-five".

Granted, when speed speaking, one can easily hit the 2 second mark, or even less.

But when actually counting aloud for many hours on end, there is a certain level of

physical and mental fatigue that goes along with it that makes it so speed speaking isn't

really viable long-term.

This is a marathon, not a sprint.

So just how long would it actually take someone to count to a million?

Thanks to the efforts of one Jeremy Harper, we know the real world answer is somewhere

in the vicinity of 89 days.

How did Mr. Harper figure this out?

Well, he did it from June 18 to September 14, 2007 and live-streamed the entire thing

online for everyone to watch.

Harper, a software engineer whose boss gave him time off to do this, neither left his

apartment nor shaved during the event; he recited numbers aloud (read off a computer

monitor) for about an average of 16 hours every 24 hour period for 89 straight days.

This is about 3.9 times longer than the oft' quoted 23 day estimate.

To be clear, we're not saying this all couldn't be realistically done faster.

Harper did take the occasional mini-break to break out in dance and things of this nature-

he wasn't trying to set a speed record to count to a million.

However, given his overall pacing when counting was reasonably quick, he dedicated the vast

majority of his waking hours to the task at hand, and the large sample size of counting

time we're dealing with here, this seems a pretty good ballpark figure to go with on

the "How long does it take to count to a million?" front.

As for why Harper did it, he was looking to raise money for Push America (now The Ability

Experience), a charity that helps disabled people.

Along with raising about $12,000 for the charity directly (and getting them a lot of free publicity),

Harper's achievement was recognised by no less of an authority than the Guinness Book

of Records for being the highest number ever counted to by a human.

As you might imagine, the reality of spending nearly every waking moment for just shy of

three months doing nothing but counting aloud was extremely mentally taxing according to


As he noted, "The cameras that were on the whole time, I think, are really what kept

me sane through the whole thing.

If I would have been locked in my apartment and counted to a million and nobody was watching,

I would certainly have lost my mind.

I would be like, you know, just out of it.


Naturally, after hitting 1,000,000, he did what anyone would do after such a momentous

achievement- the chicken dance.

As for the feeling of finishing counting higher than any person before, according to Harper:

at that moment, I lost – I just kind of lost all control, and then, you know, I said

the number.

And then, it was just like a big bubble – it's kind of – just popping on me.

At one time, I just said it and went with it.

You know, there's a weird emotion.

Now, within those 89 days, it took Harper about 1,424 waking hours, or about 5.13 million

seconds to count to a million doing almost nothing but counting.

This would mean the real world average time to speak each number is roughly 5.13 seconds

or about 2.6 times slower than Mr. Schwartz's 2 second assumption.

Granted, when we timed Harper saying some of the largest numbers here and averaged it

out, the two second mark wasn't that far off, ending up around 2.6 seconds each.

But in between time was needed to, you know, breathe, give the tongue, jaws, etc. a quick

rest, and take time to think about the next number on the screen before saying it, to

avoid messing up.

So what about a billion?

As no one has ever counted that high (and no individual human ever will unless we solve

that whole mortality thing), it's difficult to get quite as accurate of a general ballpark


Seemingly the best way to do this would be to gather, say, 10,000 people and have them

all take 100,000 number long segments out of the 1 billion number line and begin counting.

We'd then simply need to add up the total time and get a good rough estimate.

But as we don't know 10,000 people willing to volunteer a couple weeks of their lives

to such a task (unfortunately), we'll give it our best college try at an estimate using

Harper's numbers as a reference point.

On that note, as a sort of baseline, if we assume that the average time to say each number

was the same as around what it is to count to one million, and assume the same very reasonable

criteria as Mr. Harper used (counting roughly 16 hours per day with small breaks here and

there to eat, drink, etc.), that would be a whopping 5,126,400,000 seconds or 1,424,000

hours of actual counting time.

After adding in the other eight hours of the day, this comes out to 89,000 days or roughly

244 years.

(And if you're curious about the whole "no need to do anything else but count" scenario,

that would be roughly 59,333 days or about 163 years.)

But, of course, the time to say each number would actually go up slightly as one ascended

the number ladder.

But how much?

Considerably based on a few practice runs we attempted on some of the larger numbers.

Beyond it being much harder than you might expect keeping the large number in your head

to increment appropriately (an issue that could be avoided via reading the numbers off

a screen as Harper did), the actual average time to say something like "three hundred

twenty two million four hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred ninety nine" for

us was around 4 seconds at a normal speaking pace.

Given Mr. Harper averaged an additional roughly 2.5 seconds in between each number, we're

looking at a slightly more realistic number (though still with a large error bar) of around

6.5 seconds average for those larger figures.

The lower digits, of course, would be closer to Mr. Harper's 5.13 total seconds, but,

as with counting to a million, the upper end would come to dominate pretty quickly.

So just for an exceptionally rough ballpark figure, we'll go with a more realistic 6

seconds per number average, giving us around 1,666,667 hours or 104,167 days (counting

16 hours per day) or roughly 285 years, assuming one had the benefit to get to read the numbers

off a screen.

(Without this, we're quite certain given our little practice runs with counting such

large figures, that it would take much, much longer due to added interim seconds needed

for focusing/thinking in order to keep the number in one's head… and stave off a

mental breakdown as the years go on.)

So how long would it take to count to a billion?

We'll go with somewhere between 244-285 years counting for about 16 hours per day.

If you happen to know 10,000 people who want to dedicate a couple weeks to counting, maybe

we can come up with a more accurate figure.

Now that's all counting to a billion with normal speaking pace.

Just for fun, we were curious what the fastest speaker in the world could do assuming the

unrealistic scenario of being able to motor-mouth all day.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the fastest talkers in the world can speak

over 600 words per minute, such as Sean Shannon and Steven Woodmore.

This is about four times faster than a normal speaking pace, meaning Shannon or Woodmore

could count from 1 to a billion in about 71 years given the previous stipulations… you

know, if they had nothing better

to do.

For more infomation >> How Long Would It Take to Count to a Billion and What's the Highest Anyone Has Counted? - Duration: 9:25.


Fyre Festival Founder Billy McFarland Arrested & Charged With Fraud - Duration: 2:18.

What's up guys?!

Beija here for Complex!

Back in Spring, Fyre Festival was supposed to be a luxury musical experience in the Bahamas--but

it turned out to be anything but due to lack of organization, no security, lack of funds,

poor facilities, bad infrastructure, and more.

One of the co-organizers was Ja Rule, and even though he says it wasn't his fault,

he is still taking responsibility of the fallout.

The founder of this disastrous event was Billy McFarland and on Friday, the Department of

Justice announced the unsealing of a criminal complaint resulting in McFarland being charged

with wire fraud.

"As alleged, William McFarland promised a 'life changing' music festival but in

actuality delivered a disaster.

McFarland allegedly presented fake documents to induce investors to put over a million

dollars into his company and the fiasco called the Fyre Festival.

Thanks to the investigative efforts of the FBI, McFarland will now have to answer for

his crimes."

Back in April, the inaugural Fyre Festival was canceled at the last minute leaving some

attendees stranded in the Bahamas…and as you could imagine, they were p*ssed.

Paid celebrity promoters and previously booked musical acts distanced themselves from the

festival so they wouldn't be affiliated with the hot mess McFarland had created.

If you get charged with wire fraud it has a maximum sentence of 20 YEARS behind bars,

though the DOJ noted the potential sentencing was only disclosed for illustrative purposes.

The unsealed complaint stated that, Fyre Media brought in less than $60,000 in revenue from

approximately 60 artist bookings between 2016 and 2017.

Apparently, McFarland told investors that Fyre Media earned millions of dollars in revenue

from thousands of artist bookings from at least July 2016 until April 2017…which is

obviously a straight up lie.

The report continued with putting McFarland on blast for presenting "materially false"

information to investors and putting on a festival that was "widely deemed to have

been a failure."

You can head on over to the Department of Justice's website to peep the entire criminal

complaint against McFarland and Fyre Media LLC.

That's all the news for now, but for more updates on this story be sure to subscribe

to Complex on Youtube today.

For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.

For more infomation >> Fyre Festival Founder Billy McFarland Arrested & Charged With Fraud - Duration: 2:18.


New Cute Nail Art 2017 💥 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation | Jule 2017 (Part 45) - Duration: 10:29.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> New Cute Nail Art 2017 💥 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation | Jule 2017 (Part 45) - Duration: 10:29.


Car crash causes power outages near Lake Worth Beach - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Car crash causes power outages near Lake Worth Beach - Duration: 0:48.


Holiday weekend water safety - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Holiday weekend water safety - Duration: 1:19.


Hassan Nasrallah : Israel didn't win any war since 1967 (1/3) - Duration: 10:39.

Well, the sixth (force element for the Palestinian cause) is the persistence and endurance of Resistance movements in Lebanon and Palestine.

They did not run away, nor withdraw, nor have disarmed nor destroyed their missiles, nor threw them into the sea,

nor threw them in the trash or have bartered them, nor have changed their line, alliances or positions,

despite everything we have just mentioned: threats, intimidation, terrorism charges,

arrests, killings, imprisonment, blockade, drying up sources of money, laws imposing sanctions,

(inscription on the) list of terrorist organizations, etc.

This is also something (very) important.

But most importantly, let me emphasize, which also constitutes a success for the Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine

through all these (six or seven) past years: this resistance that works to its perpetuation, its strength, its readiness,

to increase its workforce, on moral, psychological, material, military and security levels,

this very Israel, at its (annual conference) of Herzliya (June 2017), considering the countries he called "the moderate Sunni Arab countries"

(And in reality, the responsibility to respond to these statements lies more with Sunnis than with us)

but at the same time, Liberman, the fanatic extremist, what did he say?

When speaking of the problem of why Israel has not reached compromise agreements in the region,

he lists a number of reasons, and I'll just read two lines and a half (of his statement).

One of the reasons he sets out, listen well because these words have cost (a lot of) blood,

and are a (true) success, a victory, a recognition of the enemy (himself)

(that should be taken into consideration by) those who are still discussing (this reality).

In this speech at Herzliya, Lieberman said: "I consider that one of our problems is that since 1967,

we haven't... we haven't... (laughs)

we haven't won any battle."

This is what Liberman (says).

I resume my reading: "I consider that one of our problems is that since 1967 we haven't won any battle.

In fact, the last battle, and the last time we won (a war), it was the war of the six-days.

Who won and who lost (then) was not a matter of doubt for anyone. "

That is to say, in 67, no one had any doubt that Israel had won, and that the Arabs had lost.

"The lack of victories is something that leads to low confidence (in our abilities) of the opposing party. "

I'm going to quote again from his words (after my comment).

Well, so they now recognize (their successive defeats).

And so after 1973, he had to get a victory (hence the invasion of Lebanon), just like now, they must destroy Syria

and work (to undermine) the resistance movements because Israel needs a victory.

Israel needs a victory. To reach a compromise agreement (with Arab countries), Israel needs a victory.

Now, of course, there are some sneaky aspirants (to power) or ancient occupants of trembling thrones that want to offer Israel a political victory without a fight, for free.

I will also return to that.

The other element that must also be recorded to the credit of the Lebanon and Palestine Resistance...

I still hope everyone will be very attentive to these words, because in Lebanon, in general, we follow such statements:

an Israeli official rises (regularly) to make (threats of war), one claims to send Lebanon back 20 years,

the other 50 years, yet another 200 years...

Regularly, the ambassadors also, some foreign embassies (trying) to intimidate the Lebanese officials,

(implying a hint) there will be a war or not, that the summer will be hot or not, etc.

Of course, I will read these two excerpts, but we do not trust the Israelis, (so) it does not mean that we are sure (of the veracity of their statements).

But (I read them) to show what was the state of mind of the conference, what was said between them.

(I will read) an extract of statements by the Israeli Minister of Defense, the Minister of War,

and a text of the Chief of Staff of the enemy Army.

These are the two people most concerned by matters of war, with Netanyahu.

Liberman said (I quote him so that some frightened Lebanese will be reassured):

"People always ask me: 'What is going to happen in Gaza? Are we once again face a war?

What will happen with Hezbollah? What will happen in Syria? ' And once again, I repeat what I always say... "

Who is expressing himself here? Liberman, the one who (kept) threatening, promising (military action), foaming (with rage), etc.

"We have no intention of taking the initiative in any military action,

neither in summer nor autumn, neither to the North [that is to say with us] nor South [that is to say to our brothers in Gaza].

Our goal is prevention without war.

And it is possible to [take action of] prevention without starting a war by creating a real and effective deterrence, about which we can discuss."

Thanks to the deterrence, war is prevented.

Well, who is speaking here? The enemy Minister of War.

Of course, he spoke in a lot of open and transparent manner in his speech.

Well, why? Why does he not want war? Neither with Gaza nor with Lebanon?

Because such a war would be (very) expensive, my (dear) brothers and sisters.

It is with such statements that we must understand the importance of the achievements in Gaza and the importance of the achievements in Lebanon.

The success of the Resistance, the success of the golden equation Army-People-Resistance.

The success of national harmony, even in general terms.

That's success. But fundamentally, it is the resistance, which has the ability to make any war with Israel extremely costly for Israel.

And [Lieberman], what did he say just before? He wants a victory. And he knows that a war in Gaza will bring no victory.

And a war against Lebanon will bring no victory.

He can destroy, kill, violate... Nobody disputes the bestiality of the enemy and its abilities [of destruction].

But it can not achieve a victory because it (faces) willpower, resistant fighters, heroes, a nation that embraces (the Resistance)

a people, families of martyrs, political leadership, scholars, forces, etc., etc., etc.

Therefore, the Resistance (has nothing to fear), and continues to achieve victories hour after hour.

This very situation is a deterrent to the enemy.

The situation in which the enemy knows he has neither door nor window, nor any hole to launch a successful war against Lebanon,

or to conduct a successful war in Gaza is what deters him.

And it is a proof of the strength of the Resistance in Lebanon, proof of the strength of the Resistance in Gaza

and this is the fundamental consideration taken into account by the enemy regarding the Resistance and its battles.

The Chief of Staff of the enemy Army also said, after extensively describing the (alleged) Israel's ability to act, destroy, break, eradicate and anything you want,

finally, he says: "And despite the facts that we have described, and our strong desire to remove the organization Hizballah south of the Litani,

as called for in (UN) Resolution 1701, we have an interest... [to what?] ... we have an interest that this calm continues for many years ahead. "

This is not the Foreign Minister who speaks, it's not a diplomat: it's the head of the Army, whose role is to threaten, promise, terrorize, frighten. ..

What does he say? He says that "our interest is to stay calm, sensible, we want peace for many years,

as long as we can achieve that calm by this deterrence."

Well, why not? Why does Israel consider the Resistance like that today?


Seventh (force element for the Palestinian cause), with the Islamic Community (besides Iran and Yemen widely mentioned before), and despite all the injuries,

look today the people of Bahrain who manifests, and to whom are shot (live) bullets.

O Palestinian people (I speak again to our Palestinian brothers), your brothers in Bahrain demonstrate for you,

for your cause, for your holy places for your rights, and the regime of Khalifa shoots them on their heads and on their chests,

and it stops them, tortures, imprisons, hits them.

But the people of Bahrain, faithful and loyal (to Palestine) too, showed up (massively) today to say that Palestine for us

is a religion, a principle (of faith), a brotherhood, a family, an Islamic community...

It's the same when we consider Nigeria.

Their leader and Sheikh is in jail [Sheikh Zakzaky] because of a Saudi plot, thousands of them were killed,

thousands of them were arrested, but today they demonstrated by hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands and in several cities

for Palestine and Al-Quds (Jerusalem). And we see the same in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Mauritania ...

in Western capitals, London and elsewhere.

What does this mean ? This means that the Islamic Community, despite threats (against them), distractions and overwhelm [caused by crises],

its being teared, its sectarian, religious, racial, partisan and identity incitement, to which it is subject, and all you want,

Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and Palestine are still present (in the hearts and minds), and will be so more and more.

I wanted to mention all that to show that no, in the opposite Axis [facing the USA-Israel-Europe-Saudi Arabia-Gulf Axis]

the important goal of the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, the exclusion of Palestine and the Palestinian cause from the equation

has not been realized, it failed. They failed to realize it, and even more,

the Resistance Axis grows in presence, efficiency and power.

That's what I wanted to say last (before the conclusion soon to be translated). I wanted to talk about the internal situation in Lebanon but unfortunately I will not have time.

For more infomation >> Hassan Nasrallah : Israel didn't win any war since 1967 (1/3) - Duration: 10:39.


Body found after fire in Palm Beach Gardens - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Body found after fire in Palm Beach Gardens - Duration: 0:43.


Over 50 people evacuated from Nashua nursing home - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Over 50 people evacuated from Nashua nursing home - Duration: 1:57.


Springfield residents enjoy a holiday weekend at home - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Springfield residents enjoy a holiday weekend at home - Duration: 1:50.


RedBirds rally for walk-off win - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> RedBirds rally for walk-off win - Duration: 1:28.


Additional Teams Arrive To Battle Mill Creek Fire - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Additional Teams Arrive To Battle Mill Creek Fire - Duration: 0:20.


IRAQ Muslim :The WEST should support us without having to work because they are infidel Christians - Duration: 0:34.

an IRAQI Muslim woman once told me '' that it's true that we get money and other aids from the Western Christian countries

without having to work because they are infidels and that they should help us without having to working

and also I have children at school as I work as a teacher

like first , second and third grade have a negative attitude towards the WEST that rubs onto them from their parents that the Christian countries of the WEST are infidels and they will go to hell on the Day of Judgement

in spite of the fact that those Muslims have the best benefits given to them from the Christian countries of the WEST


For more infomation >> IRAQ Muslim :The WEST should support us without having to work because they are infidel Christians - Duration: 0:34.


Vice-Chancellor introduction to Colleges - Duration: 1:03.

I'm delighted to welcome you to Flinders University's new Colleges.

The world is changing and we're changing with it.

With a streamlined structure designed to

support and enable a new era of research excellence and student success.

We're welcoming new leaders and empowering our staff.

We're freeing up resources,

simplifying administrative tasks and processes,

and we're investing in first-class teaching and research.

A simpler structure makes it easier for

staff to innovate and to exchange ideas with colleagues across the University,

facilitating research collaborations,

and improving student outcomes.

I thank you for your contributions

towards achieving our vision,

for sharing the journey,

and for making a difference.






For more infomation >> Vice-Chancellor introduction to Colleges - Duration: 1:03.


Latrobe Valley's new Dental Prosthetics Lab - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Latrobe Valley's new Dental Prosthetics Lab - Duration: 1:02.


CATHO - MOTOSSERRA - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> CATHO - MOTOSSERRA - Duration: 0:31.


Jak my to widzimy – z daleka widać lepiej 02.07.2017 - Duration: 30:19.

For more infomation >> Jak my to widzimy – z daleka widać lepiej 02.07.2017 - Duration: 30:19.


HSN | PRAI Beauty Celebration 06.30.2017 - 12 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | PRAI Beauty Celebration 06.30.2017 - 12 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


DIY Play Doh Accessories for Girls Coloring Womens Dress High Heels and Bag Fun & Creative for Kids - Duration: 9:55.

For more infomation >> DIY Play Doh Accessories for Girls Coloring Womens Dress High Heels and Bag Fun & Creative for Kids - Duration: 9:55.


i get e x p o s e d by princifygamertv (must watch!!!1) - Duration: 2:04.

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

the point of this video is that this little kid starts an argument with us, and then 1 hour later he just leaves, probably to make this video. he's deleted all of the mean comments so far. that's very sad..

For more infomation >> i get e x p o s e d by princifygamertv (must watch!!!1) - Duration: 2:04.


Rider vs. Keller 1991 part 3 - Duration: 14:53.

For more infomation >> Rider vs. Keller 1991 part 3 - Duration: 14:53.


Learn Numbers And Colors With PlayDoh And Baby Doll Play Toys For Kids - Duration: 4:58.

Watch More Fun Videos On My Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Numbers And Colors With PlayDoh And Baby Doll Play Toys For Kids - Duration: 4:58.


I'm playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds again. - Duration: 38:27.

For more infomation >> I'm playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds again. - Duration: 38:27.


How To BEGIN a Novel - Duration: 6:35.

How do I begin?

How do we start something?

How is it that we transform the thoughts in our head and the ideas inside of our brain

into something real and tangible?

Hey, it's Annie again!

And today we're going to be talking about beginning a story.

Or really, I guess, beginning anything.

Everything in life comes with it's own set of challenges, and sometimes we're not always

prepared to answer those challenges.

We're not always up to call, and we'll sit there and think to ourselves, 'How can I start


How can I make this the best it can possibly be?'

And if you read online, everyone will tell you the first chapter is the most important


It has to be perfect, it has to have a cliffhanger, it's got to have all these details, it's got

to have the storyline that you want.

It's got to have something that draws in the reader and you're sitting there and you get

really scared.

And I get scared.

Who doesn't?

Like you want to begin something but how do you begin?

Well, to begin first off we're going to be talking about Why It Is So Hard To Begin,

How To Begin, and How You Can Be Your Greatest Fear.

So first off, why is it so hard for us to begin something?

Which is a good question.

Why is it?

Well, from what I've seen, whenever I've seen my friends who go and write, and whenever

I've seen myself when I go to write, and I don't know what it is or why I can't get this

writing done, I'll usually sit there and I'll think for awhile and I'll realize, it's so

hard to begin because we never just begin.

If you're sitting there staring at an open page and you're waiting for the words to begin

and type and furiously come up and everything perfect it's not gonna happen.

Unless you put your first finger down on that key and begin typing, not deleting every word

as you go, you're not going to get it done.

Unless you start scribbling out furiously exactly what you want, you're not going to

get it done.

If there's no luster for the project you're working on, it's not going to happen.

And it's scary to think about because sometimes we're just like 'Well I just need a push,

I don't know what I need, I need something so that way I can make it begin, but I don't

know how.'

And the thing is, we are the reason that we can't write our own stories.

Because we're sitting there worrying so much about how to begin and why it's so hard to

do this and why it won't come to us that we don't realize that if we just sat there and

typed out or wrote out what it is we're trying to say, our words would be there.

And maybe they're not perfect, but the thing is, with a beginning, you don't have to have

perfect words.

And I mean it's sometimes you want perfect words, you want it to be just right, but you

can always, and I mean always, go back and edit it.

You can change it.

You can fix it.

You may not even use this beginning twenty chapters down the road.

But it's okay because if you sit there and you begin, that's all you need.

And now, the second part of this is, How Do We Begin?

Besides just writing.

Like, where do we want to start our story.

Like, and the thing is, you can start anywhere in your story.

You can start at the end if you want.

Why would you start at the end?

I don't know, maybe you just really want to.

But, you can do it.

You can start in the middle, you can start everywhere you want.

There's no one who's stopping you.

Well, besides yourself, or possibly your mom, whoever's watching you type.

When you begin this story, just do it.

When you want to begin a story, just begin it.

And if you decide later on 'I don't want to begin here, I want to begin it further back'

you can just rewrite, you can write what happens before that.

Or if you decide 'I don't want it here, I want it where I had originally had chapter

Three, I want that here', you can just cut it.

You can save it if you wanna, or you can just get rid of it.

Sometimes it's nice to just delete things.

Scary, because you don't wanna lose things that you've written, but sometimes it's nice.

What I perfer to do is go and just exit it out but you know.

So, that we've covered why it's hard to begin, and how to begin, so now I wanna talk about

why it's, why we are our own fears for this, which is my third point.

And the thing is, when you're writing, the person who's coming up with all these ideas

of why it can't work, that person is you.

That is your mind.

Other people might say, 'Oh this isn't going to work, Jeffery, you can't do this.

You're not a professional writer.

Why do you think you can do this?

You're not the best.'

Those people can say whatever they want, but unless you take it to heart and you take it

so personally it's not gonna do anything.

If you take their words and you just continue doing what you're doing, they cannot stop

you from writing.

I mean, they might kill you, but I, I sincerely hope that's not--I, I, I don't want that to

happen to you.

And the thing is, you really are your own worst fears.

You are the person who is inhibiting you from writing.

That's may be not true for everyone, maybe it's sometimes the person who's stopping you

from writing is a real person, but if there's no one's saying 'Don't do this' and there's

no way for you to possibly get it written, like if you have a way to write it and you

have these tools in your hand, the only person who's stopping you is you.

When it comes to writing this book, you can write it if you write it.

But if you don't write it, if you never muster up the strength you need to begin your story,

if you never start, you will never end.

So yeah, when it comes to writing, there's a lot that people can tell you.

There's a lot of advice that you can get for how to begin a story, where to begin a story,

but I think one of the most important things is, is that you start your story.

By beginning this story, you've gone and you've begun something that no one else can like,

no one else can take your words and just do that.

This is your story, this is your thoughts, this is your feelings, and until you go out

and begin it, no one else is going to.

So, go out there and begin your own story.

And stop being your own boogyman.

You got this, okay?

This has been Annie!

I hope you've enjoyed the video and if you have comments please leave them down below,

I would love to know your thoughts on this.

Great to see you again!

For more infomation >> How To BEGIN a Novel - Duration: 6:35.


Japanese in a Year: 6 Months Progress | Vlog #22 - Duration: 12:03.


Now, I'm in Sweden.

I just arrived.


I'm really tired.

Now I'm on tour.

Last night,

I left New York.




I just arrived in Europe.


I'm tired.

So, on the plane,

I didn't sleep so much.


There were 2 planes.


the flights

are short.

Because of that,

sleeping is a bit difficult.

The first flight

is from New York to Iceland.


we had a 'nomikae' (meant 'norikae' = layover/transfer).

This flight

is only 5 hours.


flights from New York to Europe.

I sleep. (meant to say I normally sleep on flights from NY to Europe).


short flights

are little tough.


the flight

2 hours

was more than 2 hours late.


In Iceland,

I needed to run to the second flight.


the plane




in Copenhagen

(searching for a word...)

I went to (Copenhagen).


in Copenhagen,

A train from Copenhagen

I drank.

I took!

The train

just arrived.

So, I'm here.

It's really long.

I want to sleep.

But, it's OK.

On the plane,

I studied a lot of Japanese.

I also studied Norwegian.

Last year,

I studied a little Norwegian.


a lot of things...

I forgot a lot of things.



Swedish and


are similar.

Because of that,


is useful.

It's convenient here.

For example,


speaking Norwegian with Swedish people

is possible.


you can read Danish.


for example,

Sometimes it's different.

Sometimes it's completely different.

For example,


Danish and Norwegian

pronunciation is different.

It's completely different.

Because of that,

I don't understand Denmark (meant Danish).

I can't speak Denmark


I can read Danish.

So, Norwegian and

being similar??


(It's) because it's similar. ??

But Swedish

is a little


Swedish and Norwegian

pronunciation is similar.



reading Swedish is a little...

I can't do it.

Sometimes, I can, but

it's difficult.

It's different.


I wanted to study Norwegian.



now, more than before


Japanese got easier than it was before.


That's a little


Thinking in Japanese

sometimes is possible.

I think it's very interesting.



2 months ago


was much harder than it is now.

(rephrasing that same sentence)

It was difficult.

So, now

it's a bit, a little easier than before.


is great, isn't it?


This video is very long.



it finishes.

Thank you!

Good luck!


See ya!



about ?


talking about "goodbye"

I have to practice.


was not correct.

Um... now,

I'm really tired.

I'm going to stop.


see you! Thanks!

For more infomation >> Japanese in a Year: 6 Months Progress | Vlog #22 - Duration: 12:03.


Creator Encouragement Thoughts [CC] - Duration: 2:56.

I edited that video which I think is about two and a half to three minutes

long down from like eight hours of footage. (laughing)

(upbeat music) Intro

So I'm wanted to do a video today to say hello but also say thank you to all my new

subscribers. Let me set you in here in the office.

So I'm going to do some more VidCon videos coming up, but I wanted to take a minute to step back and talk about the

blooper video that I uploaded right before leaving for Anaheim.

That was a video that was challenging for me to make only in that it was very tedious and

time-consuming. Yes, I had like eight hours of footage from about, oh probably

45 or 50 different clips all in one file that I scrubbed through and I edited it

down from 8 hours to one hour down to the final 2 min version that you saw.

And even in my process of doing that I was questioning, Why am I? (laughing)-- is this worth it?

that's what I was saying, not why am I doing it, but is this worth it? And the

thing that really motivated me to keep going to do it was that it's an

oversimplification or a cliche to say that vlogging is hard, or video creation is hard, I feel.

And by hard I don't necessarily mean technically hard, although that can be part of it, it's

just it's a lot it's a long process from from video idea to research to gathering

the assets, sometimes creating the assets, to sitting down and doing the rough cut

to doing the final cut and then you have sound correction,

color correction, all the things. Sometimes being on camera comes more

natural for some people than others. My main point was if you're thinking about

vlogging, if you're thinking about getting this video space whether it's on

YouTube or some other platforms, if you feel passion for it just do it!

Because everybody starts out rough, and this fact was validated for me at VidCon

where we got to hear from, you know, featured creators and panelists who've been doing

online video creation for years that they continue to say

it's hard. And they continue to say they have to do retakes. So don't be

discouraged because you aren't alone. You know if you're thinking about doing, or

if you are doing it and you think you're the only one that takes ten takes to do

a simple intro, you're not. So, please, just keep at it and you will get better.

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