Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 3 2017

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

The other day I decided to be a good roommate and gathered up some trash to get rid of in

my apartment.

All those extra bits of code my animator creates can really add up!

We don't have to worry about landfills or the effects that waste has on the environment

here in the digital world, but the trash you create in your human world can add up to some

pretty bad consequences, especially with plastic.

But why is plastic so bad?

To begin our journey to find out why, let's take a trip to one of your earthly landfills.

Plastic can take up to 1000 years to break down and it also has the potential to leak

harmful pollutants into the soil.

The chemical components of plastic can be absorbed by humans and may lead to negative

health effects.

Not only that, but plastic production uses up a large amount of our fossil fuels.

A report based off of 2008 data found that the amount of chemical energy contained in

the millions of tons of plastic in US landfills was equal to about 37 million tons of coal

or 139 million barrels of oil... and that was 9 years ago!

So plastic is bad for the turf, but what about the surf?

If you take a look at the waters of the world, you'll find that plastic pollution can really

wreak havoc on the oceanic ecosystem.

Nobody knows this more then our sea turtle friends, where the majority of their population

will be injured or killed by plastics in their lifetime.

Not only that, but plastic is often found blocking their breathing passages and stomachs

along with doing the same to countless other marine species such as dolphins and whales.

Plastic can also break down in the ocean into small particles the size of plankton.

These little pieces collect toxins like DDT and PCBs at levels up to a /million/ times

the levels found in seawater!

These toxins then enter the food chain when any aquatic life accidentally ingests the


It might even make its way to you the next time you go to a seafood buffet!

Trash and plastic in the ocean goes further down the rabbit hole of doom by threatening


Plastic debri can serve as floating transportation to foreign and alien species, allowing them

to hitchhike to new and unfamiliar parts of the world.

This is common with barnacles and algae.

These new invasive species can become detrimental to the local ecosystem.

I don't know about you, but The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Ocean sounds like a pretty trashy

prequel to me.

So what can you do to help?

While it will certainly take a global effort to counter the negative effects of plastic

waste, you can still be part of the change!

You can start by picking greener options when you get the chance, like bringing your own

reusable bags to the grocery store.

Many different types of plastic are also now recyclable, so make sure to recycle when you

can and not throw them in the trash or let them litter your beautiful planet.

Your friendly neighborhood Blocko is on the job!

See, if we all work together, we can keep this wonderful world a beautiful place to

live our lives to the fullest and nourish those sweet noggins!

Let me know down in the comments below ways that you help to protect the environment!

Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.

As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

Don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> Here's Why Plastic Is SO MUCH Worse Than You Think! - Duration: 3:21.


Zelená budoucnost Mongolska - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Zelená budoucnost Mongolska - Duration: 7:12.


Broken Hardys Gimmick Days Away From WWE!? HUGE TNA Title Change! | WrestleTalk News July 2017 - Duration: 3:50.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News!

I'm Oli Davis.

TNA Rebrand As GFW Many consider the initials 'TNA' to be

a poison brand, synonymous with 15 years of bad decisions, sliding ratings and Dixie Carter

clinging onto Hulk Hogan's leg.

In more colloquial terms, TNA also stands for Tits and Ass.

So it's long overdue that the promotion are changing their name from TNA.

To Impact Wrestling.

To Anthem Sports & Entertainment, I think.

To Jeff Jarrett's Mega Gold Giveaway.

To now, finally, Global Force Wrestling.

Just days after Impact Wrestling 'officially acquired' Jarrett's GFW promotion, TNA

will rebrand itself as Global Force Wrestling.

Their weekly show will still be called 'Impact', just like how WWE's weekly show is called


Jarrett spoke to The Tennessean about the name change:

"We're a global brand.

We have partnerships in Mexico, Japan, other places.

Collectively coming together, we've combined forces and basically the rebrand final touches

happen at 'Slammiversary.'"

Huge TNA/GFW Title Change Those 'final touches' included Alberto

El Patron (the former Alberto Del Rio in WWE) beating Bobby Lashley at last night's 15th

anniversary show to become the new Impact Wrestling and GFW Heavyweight Champion.

Presumably the 'Impact Wrestling' part of the title name will soon be dropped, with

all the promotion's belts just being referred to as 'GFW Championships'.

Unfortunately, Impact/GFW/whatever I should be calling them spoiled the momentous title

change just hours before it happened.

WrestleZone pointed out that the TV Guide for this Thursday's episode of Impact had

the following description ahead of Alberto's win:

"It's all about the fallout from Slammiversary.

Alberto El Patron will hold a celebration in the ring…"

You're exposing the business, TV Guide!

Jeff Jarrett's Five Year Plan Hopefully such accidents will be fixed in

Jeff Jarrett's five year plan, which he described to Sports Illustrated:

"Slammiversary is the beginning as we move toward Bound for Glory, but we are, realistically,

looking at 2018 to fully implement our five-year plan with Anthem.

We want to be on television in 2018.

And I'd love to go live...that is a major reason why we are going back on the road for

live shows in August."

Jarrett also touched on the current legal battle between Impact Wrestling and Matt & Jeff

Hardy over the ownership rights to their Broken Universe gimmick, claiming "the publisher

[so Impact Wrestling] is always the owner".

But according to Matt's Twitter account, this could all be about to change…

Broken Hardys "Days Away" From WWE?

Yesterday Matt posted a forebodingly manic Instagram picture with his brother, and the

caption "My URGES are actively becoming more difficult to contain."

He followed that up with a tweet later that day:

"A MASSIVE "Thanks" to all the Wrestling Fans that backed #HouseHardy in the latest


We are days away from winning.


Matt has frequently referred to his ongoing Intellectual Property battle with Impact Wrestling

as the 'Great War', and the tweet strongly suggests a decision over who owns the gimmick

is impending.

Given Jeff Jarrett's recent insistence that the publishers are the owners, this could

be more of a deal negotiated between the two sides.

Who is behind the Kurt Angle texting mystery on Raw?

Find out mine and Luke's fantasy booking storylines in the latest WrestleRamble.

And has Smackdown's title plans been leaked?

Click the videos to the left to find out, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk on


I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> Broken Hardys Gimmick Days Away From WWE!? HUGE TNA Title Change! | WrestleTalk News July 2017 - Duration: 3:50.


Stop The Worry And Fear - You Are More Than Enough!!! - Duration: 4:06.

Alright Jensen, you don't know what we're talking about? No idea.

But I want to talk to you about this and hopefully, you're vulnerable enough to share with our audience.

And by the way, if you guys don't know who this man is, he is the man generally behind the camera.

What's up guys? So give this guy a big thumbs up!

He is a game changer in my life and everybody in organization.

And thousands, if not millions, well millions, because you're making these videos of other people in the world.

So give this guy some props! Thank you! Hold on, hold on!

Yeah, you didn't give him a thumbs up yet! I'm very disappointed.

Come on, waiting for you! Alright thank you, thank you! That was perfect!

One thing you were talking to me about this morning that breaks my freaking heart, & I want to share w/ you guys,

is that sometimes Jensen feels like where he is right now isn't enough.

And that's a problem that plagues humanity, yeah, because as I told you, where you are is perfect.

You're whole, you're complete! You're an amazing human being!

How to know where you are is perfect?We're going to give you three different ways, okay?

Yes we are. I'm so excited.

So, we're going to quickfire, this is impromptu. Uh-hmm.

What do you think? Like how do you know that you're enough, where you are right now?

You want to know the number one way? Go for it! Yes! Because you say so! Wow, yeah!

Your word has power. That's good. Tell me how powerful the word is.

Your word literally creates new experiences each and every day.

How you wake up in the morning, the first thing you can say is like, "oh God, it's morning!"

Or you can say, "thank God, it's morning! This is a new experience, a new life that I get to step into!

And when you shift, just that minor shift creates a whole new space of possibility.

Yeah! So many people wake up, I used to be like this! I used to hit the snooze alarm five or six times.

And then I'd roll out of bed, and I'd be like, I'm tired!

I mean my whole day, there's a shadow casted around my whole entire day of feeling tired.

Why was I feeling tired? Well, because I declared that that feeling tired in the morning

was more powerful than what I wanted to do during that day, my vision for that day .

Wow! So when you wake up first thing in the morning, start telling yourself how radically abundant that day is,

how many people you're going to reach out to and inspire and impact!

That's going to set your day up for success! Incredible.

Number two, if you're breathing your life purpose for what you're here to create that's not been fulfilled yet,

what do you say about that? It's, give it some go, Jensen!

Incredibly powerful! Actually real quick, you guys want, no, do this!

I'm actually telling you guys right now just take a moment, close your eyes and then just taking a deep breath.

And just be conscious of this moment, it's not just creating a new experience,

you're breathing in spirit, you're breathing in intention, you're releasing love.

Number three is you're here on this planet not to just receive.

When you're in a state of being enough when you're emitting that vibrational frequency of feeling worthy,

of feeling self-love, and feeling enough, you're only filling up other human beings' buckets!

And you'll soon realize that by looking at your mom, your sister, your romantic partner, your lover, maybe your boss

Whoever it is, you're not looking at an individual separate from you, you're looking at the oneness that's already within.

The universe is always speaking out give, give, love, love, it's always outward, it's always explosive.

I mean if you think about the Big Bang, it went outward you know. It's that exact, that kind of cosmic light!

So as always give it a big thumbs up for Jensen for joining me here.

Remember, we're in this together.

I'm doing a mindset with Drew Canole. What?

For more infomation >> Stop The Worry And Fear - You Are More Than Enough!!! - Duration: 4:06.


CLASH ROYALE ACTION FIGURES! | DIY | Clash Royale Edition - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> CLASH ROYALE ACTION FIGURES! | DIY | Clash Royale Edition - Duration: 10:45.


¿Por qué CHINA quiere romper con COREA DEL NORTE? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué CHINA quiere romper con COREA DEL NORTE? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 12:06.


Wow Escape Game Find The Sunken Treasure walkthrough. - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> Wow Escape Game Find The Sunken Treasure walkthrough. - Duration: 10:41.


In Denvers competitive market, apartments up the ante with trendy move-in gifts - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> In Denvers competitive market, apartments up the ante with trendy move-in gifts - Duration: 0:44.


Bad Kid Magic Transform The Mermaid in Pool Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme Playground for kids - Duration: 2:58.

Bad Kid Magic Transform The Mermaid in Pool Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme Playground for kids

For more infomation >> Bad Kid Magic Transform The Mermaid in Pool Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme Playground for kids - Duration: 2:58.


The Best Supplement for Fibromyalgia - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> The Best Supplement for Fibromyalgia - Duration: 4:18.


you wouldn't be here if you didn't like the taste of blood - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> you wouldn't be here if you didn't like the taste of blood - Duration: 2:44.


Ben Sasse on Age Segregation | Conversations with Tyler - Duration: 6:41.

COWEN: You're an opponent of what you call age segregation in education, and I think,

more generally in life. Tell us why. SASSE: If you brought people from 300 years

ago or 3,000 years ago to live among us now, if you dropped them out of a time machine,

I think the first thing that would stun them is just simply our material abundance and

our tools, and especially our digital tools. We have more built stuff than anybody in human

history by huge magnitudes. I don't think you could possibly arrive here and not first

be surprised by our material abundance. But if those folks stayed with us for a while,

30 days later, that would wear off, and the thing that would be most striking to people

from other times and places living among us is how age-segregated we live. It is a really,

really weird thing to allow our 17-year-olds to believe that the world is mostly made up

of 17-year-olds. It's strange, it's not healthy, and it's not true, and that's

the way we raise our kids. They are hyper, hyper age-segregated.

As the father of 15- and 13-year-old girls, I get that the pure slight of a 13- or 15-year-old

girl really hurts. But it's not really enduring if you have any wisdom. Right? If your 13-year-old

knows 60-year-olds and 75-year-olds, and they've been through a lot of life experience, another

13- or 15-year-old girl saying something trite and mean to you, it's water off a duck's

back if you have any perspective. I don't think we're serving our kids very

well by allowing them to live these hyper age-segregated lives. And that's closely

connected to the core driver of our perpetual adolescence category, which is that our kids

don't know the distinction in their belly, they don't feel the distinction between

production and consumption. They know aging through grades in school as their productive

work time, and then the rest of life is just different forms of consumption. That's really

unsatisfying and it's really unfair to them. Again, this book is not a blame-laying book,

but if I were laying blame in this book — COWEN: And he's not. [laughs]

SASSE: — I would not be blaming millennials. I would be blaming we parents and grandparents

that we're not helping think with our kids about the fact that we're not celebrating

scar tissue with them. Scar tissue is the foundation of future character, and they are

able to persevere, and they need to develop a work ethic. They just happened to live at

the richest time and place in human history, and so they live a life that's almost entirely

separated from productive work environments. That's never been the case of anybody who's

ever grown up before, that they didn't grow up around work.

One of the most basic things that makes you happy in life is thinking that you're needed.

My work, our work is needed. Not "Does my back hurt at the end of the day?" or not

"Do I think I get paid enough money?" or not "Is there some annoying person three

cubicles away who talks too loudly on his or her phone?" But when I leave home on

Monday morning or whatever day you begin your workday or workweek, "Do I think anybody

needs me?" If you think that, if your work matters to somebody, if you have a meaningful

way to contribute to your neighbor, you're basically going to be happy.

And if you don't have that, you're almost certainly not going to be happy. And right

now, we're raising our teens segregated from work, and therefore, segregated from

any clear sense that they're needed now or going to be needed in the future, and that

ends up feeling a lot like cotton candy. It's pretty Peter Pan–like and pretty miserable.

COWEN: I'm actually a fan of the older 19th-century British Lancasterian system, where when possible,

you have these somewhat older children teach the younger children, and the older children

also learn through teaching — not just by being students — and you mix roles

that way because you have a natural way to mix ages where there's some rationale for

it. I worry also with people aging and going more into nursing homes, we will become more

of an age-segregated society. There's a lot of worry about racial segregation,

gender segregation; but age segregation is hardly mentioned. But if you think about it,

how old you are is a pretty fundamental fact about your life and I'm very glad to see

your book is drawing attention to this issue. I hope that gains some traction.

SASSE: Thanks, and it isn't just the older. I want to underscore your point, Tyler. It

isn't just 13-year-olds being around 60- and 75-year-olds, though it should be that

because the pattern of life is, you start needing diapers, and you end up needing diapers.

We ultimately become dependent again, and that means there are a whole bunch of people

that need us, that they need our help. Our kids shouldn't live the narcissistic

13-year-old consumer experience of thinking there's this fountain of youth and if only

they could consume more, they'll be happy. All the data shows that that doesn't actually

make you happy. There are older people who need us, but there are also younger people

who need us, and there's a really good way to get outside your own education, to think

about how you pass along education. I do think there's a benefit to our family structure:

providentially just happens to be 15-year-old girl, 13-year-old girl, big gap, providential

surprise son. COWEN: [laughs]

SASSE: It is a gift for my daughters that they have to help teach my son, as it pulls

them out of the narcissistic experience of being 13 or 15. He needs them. They matter,

and they learn about their own learning by doing that.

One last point: When I was a college president, we used to host these dinners for donors at

our house. We would do these rolling salons of 8 and 10 and 12 people all the time. And

one of the questions that my wife and I started to ask people, and it was fun if you were

talking to a 45-year-old or an 85-year-old: "How do you recognize whether or not a kid

or a grandkid is mature?" And one time we were hosting this party, and

this woman said, "Oh, that's easy. For a boy I know for sure. If a boy is old enough

that I would trust him to be alone with my baby for 90 minutes, such that he might have

to change a diaper during the time he's there, he's a man. And if he's not, he's

still a child." And all these 30-year-old guys around the table started squirming in

their seats . . . [laughter]

SASSE: "Yes, I guess my man cave really is a place that I escape to be a little kid

again." But it was amazing. Immediately every mom around the table said, "Oh yeah,

that's it." If there's an 11- or a 13- or a 15- or a 17- or a 19-year-old boy, and

you'd think he could take care of a one-year-old for 90 minutes and not have the kid die, he's

mature; if not, he's immature. [laughter]

For more infomation >> Ben Sasse on Age Segregation | Conversations with Tyler - Duration: 6:41.


Video: French food highlight of Bastille Day - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Video: French food highlight of Bastille Day - Duration: 2:56.


Fire displaces family near Pecos, Desert Inn - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Fire displaces family near Pecos, Desert Inn - Duration: 0:22.


Me And Bobby McGee - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Me And Bobby McGee - Duration: 3:02.


How To Find Your Most Watched YouTube Videos - Duration: 4:43.

Are you creating videos that your target audience wants to watch or only

producing videos that you want to make? Do you know which videos on your YouTube

channel have received the most views or are the most popular. in this video I'm

going to show you how to find the most watched videos on your channel from your

desktop or from your mobile app. Hello my name is Herman Drost from if you want to grow your audience on YouTube and generate

traffic leads and subscribers on autopilot hit the subscribe button or

hit the bell notification icon stay tuned to the end to find out how to make

more videos on similar topics to one of your most watched videos on your channel

this will help you to deliver more content that your audience wants to

watch there are several ways to find the most watched videos on your channel right

from your desktop. Log into your YouTube account click on your video manager hover over

newest on the drop-down select "most viewed" here you'll be able to see the most

viewed videos on your channel in descending order the second way is to go

into YouTube analytics click analytics you will be able to see your top top 10 videos you'll be able to

see watch time and the views and revenue you'll be able to see top

geographies gender traffic sources and playback locations if you want to drill

down further to see more detailed statistics just copy the title go up to

the top where overview is enter the title under overview then click on

the title here it will show you watch time views likes dislikes comments top

geographies and traffic sources you'll also drill down further by clicking on

watch time so this will be your watch time graph and you can see all the

different countries and if you click on audience retention you will be able to see your

absolute audience retention and your relative audience retention

If you click on demographics you'll be able to see age gender and geography click on traffic sources

and you see how much came from search external suggested videos etc for this

video most of it comes from search let's look at the most watched videos from

your YouTube app tap the YouTube app tap library tap my videos at top here tap date

added newest tap most popular and here you've got all the most popular videos

on the channel let's look for the most viewed videos on your channel using the

YouTube creator studio tap the YouTube creator studio app from your dashboard tap

the top left icon tap videos here you've got the most recent tap this icon tap most

viewed and here you have all the most viewed videos on your channel if you want to

drill deeper you can just tap on a video and it will give you the analytics it'll

give you the watch time the views revenue and just tap "view more" it'll give

you the real-time views watch time views revenue audience retention and traffic

source types you tap discovery get the traffic

source types top external sources top YouTube search terms and top videos

suggesting this video how do you find the most popular videos on other people's

channels let's enter Casey Neistat in here Click search here's his channel click

videos click on this drop-down box click what's popular here are his most popular

videos in descending order on this channel how do you make more videos on

topics similar to your most watched videos go into YouTube analytics copy the title

of one of your top 10 videos paste it into the overview box click on the

title to view the results scroll down click on YouTube search now you'll see

all the keyword phrases that people have entered into their search engines to

discover and watch your most viewed video this is the first 25 keyword phrases but

I have 500 to choose from this means I can make 500 new videos on similar

topics to one of my most popular videos now you know how to find the most

watched videos on your channel and create hundreds of more videos that have

similar topics to your most watched video let me ask you an important

question how are you finding the topics that your target audience is interested

in? Post your answer in the comments below I'd love to read them and others would too? Click the card icon to download my free report YouTube editing secrets you'll

learn the shortcut to editing your videos right on YouTube without having

to buy any expensive software if you want to learn how to grow your audience

on YouTube and generate views and subscribers on autopilot click the

subscribe button below and check out the related videos I'll see you in the next


For more infomation >> How To Find Your Most Watched YouTube Videos - Duration: 4:43.


Shakarqandi | Weight Loss Tips in Urdu | weight loss tips | fat loss tips urdu By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Shakarqandi | Weight Loss Tips in Urdu | weight loss tips | fat loss tips urdu By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:36.


Mortar found in Lee County Business - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Mortar found in Lee County Business - Duration: 0:27.


AMERICAN SLANG VS. BRITISH SLANG | Language Wars ep. 5 - Duration: 4:07.

Hey guys! It's Debbie and welcome back to my channel. We are here with another episode of

"Language Wars" and I'm here with my friend, Jimi. I hardly ever get to see Jimi so

I'm really excited that he's here today. Today we're doing something a little

different. Instead of "Spanish versus some other language," we're doing American

slang versus British slang. You guys know how this works

I'm going to say all the American slang words and Jimi's going to have to guess as

many as he can--like, the meaning of them in under a minute and if he doesn't

know them, he can just say "pass" or "skip" and then I'm going to guess as many as I

can in the British slang. So we're going to see how this goes. Yeah I'm pretty excited

All right, here we go. So I'm gonna go first All right, so it's gonna be under one minute. So are you ready, for the timer?

okay you can start your timer. Okay, we'll start with an easy one

"It's Lit." It's Lit? It means, uh, it's really good, it's really cool. Okay yeah! okay yeah! This

party is lit. This party is lit. This party is liiiiiiiit. *laughs* yeah! yeah! Okay, it's lit. "Extra." What does it mean if someone's "extra?" It means

like, they're too much. Normal hey. It means like "too much." Okay excellent.

"Savage." Savage? means, like, they're like brutal. Too harsh

Okay, yeah, yeah, that works *jimi laughs* I don't know.

What does it mean if someone is "woke?" Woke? It means like, that they are aware of the situation. They know what's going on.

Okay, excellent. "Ship," like, "I ship them" ...Ship? I ship them? I don't know what that means.

I ship them? Maybe it means you sent them. *checks timer* Oh! One minute! That's one minute!

Oh, it's time? Oh, okay. Looks like Jimmy got: "It's

lit" and "extra" and "savage" and "woke". He got four of them! Which is pretty pretty good! Yeah!

Good job! and then "ship" was just short for

"relationship" and pretty much, people just use it when... Soo, if someone saw "Sally" and "Bob"

and like they got along and everyone's like "Oh, I ship them." So, to endorse a

relationship. Ohhh right. Okay, now Jimi's going to give me all the British slang. I'm going

to try and get as many as I can in under a minute. Ready? Mmhmm. I took too long, go! First one, "knackered."

Knackered? Um is that like, like...use it in a sentence. *sighs* Ugghh, I'm knackered.

Um, like tired? Yeah! Oh really? Oh okay okay. Um, two, "I'm gutted." ...Full? Hurt? Give me a clue or a sentence.

Um ..."I failed my exam."...Oh! Like, you're, um disappointed!..."Blinding"...Um, just like you didn't see that

coming. Is that right? *jimi laughs* "This curry is blinding"...Oh! like, it's amazing! It's like really good!

Okay okay yeah! I've never heard that one. Oh! that's a minute! Wait, one more quickly

#4. Ace... Ace? Um, like, I aced test? ...Oh kind of, it means like, awesome...Oh okay!

Oh nice! Was that four in total?...Yeah, so that's a minute, that's

yeah, that's four...All right, looks like we tied this time! Woo! This is like the first time we've ever had a

tie on here, so--yeahhh Jimi! *highfive* Well, yeah, that is it! I hope you guys learned some new

slang there--some American words and some British words. I'm really happy

Jimi was able to come on today, and if you guys enjoyed this video and want to see

see more videos, make sure to LIKE and subscribe. I make a video once a week and

I will talk to you guys in the next video. Byeee.

For more infomation >> AMERICAN SLANG VS. BRITISH SLANG | Language Wars ep. 5 - Duration: 4:07.


There's a baby in my belly - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> There's a baby in my belly - Duration: 0:28.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Urban Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Urban Automaat - Duration: 0:54.



For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST STYLE 100 PK CLIMA.CRUISE.LMV. SUMMERSALE - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Navigatie Leer/Stof Trekhaak Clima 17"LM 136Pk! ZONDAG A.S. OPEN! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Navigatie Leer/Stof Trekhaak Clima 17"LM 136Pk! ZONDAG A.S. OPEN! - Duration: 1:02.


Video: Barbecue tips - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Video: Barbecue tips - Duration: 2:36.


Shakarqandi | Weight Loss Tips in Urdu | weight loss tips | fat loss tips urdu By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Shakarqandi | Weight Loss Tips in Urdu | weight loss tips | fat loss tips urdu By My Help in Health - Duration: 2:36.


Learn Colors With Spiderman Eggs for Children Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes for Kid - Duration: 2:07.

Learn Colors With Spiderman Eggs for Children Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes for Kid

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Spiderman Eggs for Children Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes for Kid - Duration: 2:07.


Truyện Tiềm ẩn K.inh Ho.àng Trong Đêm Khiến Ai Cũng Cảm nhận được || Tâm Linh 24h - Duration: 1:07:14.

For more infomation >> Truyện Tiềm ẩn K.inh Ho.àng Trong Đêm Khiến Ai Cũng Cảm nhận được || Tâm Linh 24h - Duration: 1:07:14.


Hé Lộ Tử Vi thứ 3 ngày 4/7/2017 của 12 con giáp Xem tu vi hang ngay thu ba 12 con giap - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> Hé Lộ Tử Vi thứ 3 ngày 4/7/2017 của 12 con giáp Xem tu vi hang ngay thu ba 12 con giap - Duration: 15:00.


El emocionante regreso a Formentera de Jorge, ganador de 'Masterchef' - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> El emocionante regreso a Formentera de Jorge, ganador de 'Masterchef' - Duration: 2:57.


For more infomation >> El emocionante regreso a Formentera de Jorge, ganador de 'Masterchef' - Duration: 2:57.


Sédévacantisme : pas "hors contexte" ! - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> Sédévacantisme : pas "hors contexte" ! - Duration: 10:43.


For more infomation >> Sédévacantisme : pas "hors contexte" ! - Duration: 10:43.


BMW 5 Serie 523i Youngtimer Executive Automaat M-pakket - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 523i Youngtimer Executive Automaat M-pakket - Duration: 1:01.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 160pk 4WD AUTOMAAT GT-M - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 160pk 4WD AUTOMAAT GT-M - Duration: 0:57.


On the Wings of a Silver Bird - Engelbert Humperdinck - Lyrics - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> On the Wings of a Silver Bird - Engelbert Humperdinck - Lyrics - Duration: 4:21.


Happy July Fourth from Hannah - Duration: 1:12.

Hey guys, it's Hannah.

I hope you had an awesome weekend.

I'm not posting a video today.

It's the holiday.

Hopefully, you had today off.

And tomorrow is July 4th.

Independence Day.

I hope you are doing something awesome;

partying not partying,

watching Netflix all day, resting.

Whatever you do, be safe.

I am headed out to the lake to go boating

and do all of these things

that people do in the summer.

I have not done anything yet.

So I'm going to soak up some sunshine

because I think I need it right now.

Also, shout out to our troops

our men and women protecting our freedoms.

I know I could not do anything that I do

without them.

Happy Fourth of July!


For more infomation >> Happy July Fourth from Hannah - Duration: 1:12.


AMERICAN SLANG VS. BRITISH SLANG | Language Wars ep. 5 - Duration: 4:07.

Hey guys! It's Debbie and welcome back to my channel. We are here with another episode of

"Language Wars" and I'm here with my friend, Jimi. I hardly ever get to see Jimi so

I'm really excited that he's here today. Today we're doing something a little

different. Instead of "Spanish versus some other language," we're doing American

slang versus British slang. You guys know how this works

I'm going to say all the American slang words and Jimi's going to have to guess as

many as he can--like, the meaning of them in under a minute and if he doesn't

know them, he can just say "pass" or "skip" and then I'm going to guess as many as I

can in the British slang. So we're going to see how this goes. Yeah I'm pretty excited

All right, here we go. So I'm gonna go first All right, so it's gonna be under one minute. So are you ready, for the timer?

okay you can start your timer. Okay, we'll start with an easy one

"It's Lit." It's Lit? It means, uh, it's really good, it's really cool. Okay yeah! okay yeah! This

party is lit. This party is lit. This party is liiiiiiiit. *laughs* yeah! yeah! Okay, it's lit. "Extra." What does it mean if someone's "extra?" It means

like, they're too much. Normal hey. It means like "too much." Okay excellent.

"Savage." Savage? means, like, they're like brutal. Too harsh

Okay, yeah, yeah, that works *jimi laughs* I don't know.

What does it mean if someone is "woke?" Woke? It means like, that they are aware of the situation. They know what's going on.

Okay, excellent. "Ship," like, "I ship them" ...Ship? I ship them? I don't know what that means.

I ship them? Maybe it means you sent them. *checks timer* Oh! One minute! That's one minute!

Oh, it's time? Oh, okay. Looks like Jimmy got: "It's

lit" and "extra" and "savage" and "woke". He got four of them! Which is pretty pretty good! Yeah!

Good job! and then "ship" was just short for

"relationship" and pretty much, people just use it when... Soo, if someone saw "Sally" and "Bob"

and like they got along and everyone's like "Oh, I ship them." So, to endorse a

relationship. Ohhh right. Okay, now Jimi's going to give me all the British slang. I'm going

to try and get as many as I can in under a minute. Ready? Mmhmm. I took too long, go! First one, "knackered."

Knackered? Um is that like, like...use it in a sentence. *sighs* Ugghh, I'm knackered.

Um, like tired? Yeah! Oh really? Oh okay okay. Um, two, "I'm gutted." ...Full? Hurt? Give me a clue or a sentence.

Um ..."I failed my exam."...Oh! Like, you're, um disappointed!..."Blinding"...Um, just like you didn't see that

coming. Is that right? *jimi laughs* "This curry is blinding"...Oh! like, it's amazing! It's like really good!

Okay okay yeah! I've never heard that one. Oh! that's a minute! Wait, one more quickly

#4. Ace... Ace? Um, like, I aced test? ...Oh kind of, it means like, awesome...Oh okay!

Oh nice! Was that four in total?...Yeah, so that's a minute, that's

yeah, that's four...All right, looks like we tied this time! Woo! This is like the first time we've ever had a

tie on here, so--yeahhh Jimi! *highfive* Well, yeah, that is it! I hope you guys learned some new

slang there--some American words and some British words. I'm really happy

Jimi was able to come on today, and if you guys enjoyed this video and want to see

see more videos, make sure to LIKE and subscribe. I make a video once a week and

I will talk to you guys in the next video. Byeee.

For more infomation >> AMERICAN SLANG VS. BRITISH SLANG | Language Wars ep. 5 - Duration: 4:07.


FROM YOUTUBE TO MY DREAM JOB (My story) - Duration: 1:47.

My name is Florian

I was born in France

Where I studied and worked

in the Human Ressources for 4 years

Outside of work I like to see friends,

do some sport, and produce my own music

My friend told me

It was a game, Royal Revolt 2

I decided to give it a try

I was basically playing every day

I found a group on Facebook

Where people were sharing stuff about the game

I was playing for a few months already

And reached the Top 10 a couple of times

So people started to ask me for help

Pretty quickly I realized that I wanted to help everyone

But it was impossible...

Soooo... I decided to create videos

Tutorials, Gameplay, Tests, Challenges

Tips, Tricks, Previews

EVERYTHING, so everyone can find what they need

with just a few words

My first tutorial was shared

on the offical Facebook page of the game

They shared more

And more

and more



AnD More anD mORE aND MoRE ANd MorE

I moved to Francfort

I'm a French guy

living in Germany

speaking English :D

I turned my passion into a job

When I was younger

I was fascinated by high scores

I made 40000 World Records

In 50 games

over the course of 10 years



The fact that you support me daily

through your awesome comments and messages

makes me simply want to help you even more!

Don't look at what you can earn from something

but rather what other people can get from you

For more infomation >> FROM YOUTUBE TO MY DREAM JOB (My story) - Duration: 1:47.


Tutorial - Animated Handwriting After Effects - Duration: 8:19.

Hello! Welcome to another tutorial.

This time, ill show you how to create the handwriting effect.

Let's start.

I opened Illustrator, and copied my path.

the letter A.

Back to After Effects.

Create a new comp.

30 fps.

Let's create a new shape layer.

It is empty, so we add the path.

And inside the path parameter we paste.

And here is our letter A path.

Let's add the stroke.

To view the thickness.

Black color, for best view.

Lets change the cap, to Round Cap.

How does the effect work?

To do this, we'll use Trim Paths.

The Trim Paths gives you great control over the line.

So we just need to animate this parameter to have the effect.

Lets do this.

Let's create the keyframes.

Create a keyframe with a value of 0 in frame 0 and 100 in frame 30.

Let's make it more interesting.

Let's insert an image of a hand holding a pen.

Lets create a new solid, white solid.

For the background.

And now let's copy the information from our path.


And paste in the Position of the hand layer.


The position now contains the keyframes of the path animation.

Lets fix the position, changing the anchor point value.

Adjust by placing the pen tip at the beginning of the letter.


Also adjust the animation keyframes to match the letter animation.

It works.

There are also other ways to do the same effect.

Only inside After Effects.

Let's work with a rasterized image.

Increase the scale slightly.

Lock the layer.

Then create a new shape layer.

Add the Path.

And then we will draw with the pen tool the shape of the letter.

A vectorize work.

There is no problem if the drawing is not perfect.

But try to do as close as possible.

A new shape layer has been created, we can delete the previous one.

Remove the Fill parameter.

Turn on the Stroke.

It is very similar to our letter.

Set the cap to Round Cap.

And in the same way, let's add the Trim Paths.

And then you can control the animation of the stroke.

Let's work with a font letter.

Just to demonstrate another way to get the effect.

A letter again.

Let's do the animation of that letter.

Let's create a path around the A letter.

Adjust the points.

Same procedure.

Remove the Fill and add the Stroke.

Raise the value of the Stroke Width.

To completely cover the letter.

Try to cover as best you can.

Now, apply the Trim Paths.

It is very likely that you have to make some adjustments.

And then we will use the shape created as Luma Matte of our letter.

Keep refining.

So we have the same effect created in a different way.

Thats it.

It's up to you to decide the best way to solve your problem.

Copy the Path and then paste it into the hand position


Turn on the Hand Layer.


Adjust the time of keyframes.

Thats it.

Do not forget to give a subscribe to the channel.

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