Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 2 2018

Hello everybody, my name is Maggie, and I like to react to K-pop videos on the

Internet. I hope that you are having a good day.

Welcome to my channel, welcome back to my channel, whatever the case is. You Decide

Monday! Today we are taking a look at some V focus cams because it was, it was

the clear winner. All right! I have chosen to react to the

focus cams for Mic Drop and Not Today, because I just am feeling it. Um, my V

jacket is on. This thing is huge! I really like big jackets, and big bombers, and

stuff, but dang! I probably- yeah, it's big. My shoulders are there, and that's where

they're supposed to be in the jacket, but we're just going to roll with it. That's how

it's going to be. All right, if you are new here, I run a Twitter poll. Every single

Monday, you decide what I upload on my channel. My Twitter handle is

@ReactionaryMag. Please go vote in the Twitter polls so I know what you'd like

to see. Also I upload Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 3 p.m. Mountain Standard time.

I would love to have you if you're not subscribed, and also if you could give

this video a big like if you like it, I'll do some more fancams.

Al right. All right. Trying to do this without the first

aid kit today, but I do have Scotty the emotional support bear in case we need

him. I'm just going to put him on my lap because I'm feeling like we might.

Yeah. Okay. Let's start with Mic Drop. Mic Drop remix, V focus, oh dear. Oh god, oh my god.

it's already bad, it's already bad, it's already bad. I'm already in trouble. Already in trouble. Okay.

Nope, see? Why?

See, I've got such problems, because as Taehyung, he's adorable

and then as Tae, as V,mm-mm. The adorable is gone.

Sassy, sassy.

Oh my god.

Whoa. Whoa. Did- was that a, was that a moment?


Whoa! When you can see the facial expressions, I, I kicked my camera. That's

where that went.

Oh no, no. I'm so, so soft for Jimin this week after seeing Burn

The Stage. Oh god, oh god, oh god, this is bad. This is a bad. And Jin, dark haired Jin.

We're in trouble.

This is trouble.

Oh my god, okay. Okay, okay, okay. We're fine, we're fine, we can do this. We're fine. No.

Stop, okay, maybe we can't do it. Oh no.

Okay. My hoodie mafia's here. Oh god, they're going to do the

hot sexy dance break thing at some point. Oh no. No.

I can't, I can't. Okay. Why did you guys make me watch this? Why?

I should quit You- okay, when your biases are like, hanging.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is this? Put your clothes on, put your clothes on. We can't

take it, None of us can take that. Oh.

Don't you take those clothes off again.

That takes me to a dark place.

Can we just talk about how amazing it is when they stay chilling and dancing on the

sides of the stage? I freaking love it.

Bounce in. Bounce in to your spot.


Okay. Okay. Okay.

Mm-mm. Why?

Do you know anybody in real life that this- is this good-looking?

Cause I just, I, I don't. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't.

Oh, RM in the shades. So cool. Whoa, didn't need anything out of J-Hope

right there, didn't need anything out of Jungkook, this is a bad, bad focus cam, you guys.

My focus is all over the place. Whoo. [headphone warning]

Oh, no, no, no, no. I can't. [headphones safe] Okay, okay,

okay, okay, okay. I haven't seen these up close like this. I haven't. Oh, no. Okay.

Oh no.

Oh my god, I'm done. I'm done. Oh, I'm so done, I'm so done. I'm beyond done. There was done.

I am across the street from done holding like, a sign that says, please dear God don't kill me.

Oh stop it.

No. No. No.

Okay, okay, okay.

Oh no. Oh no.

I think that dance break is coming up. Oh god, oh god, oh god,

oh god. What am I- no, no, it is, isn't it? Okay, okay, okay,

Oh, who took this fan cam? I want to either like, punch you, or give you a big kiss on the mouth.

It- the pain, the pain, the pain. Oh my god.

What, what, what? I will never be able to withstand this pain.

Whoa, I've never seen that out of JImin. That was really cool.

Suga, I love you so much. Oh my god.

That was rough. That was really rough.

Dah, okay. Okay, okay, okay. My back is already tense. I think I just pinched a nerve.

Um, it's fine. It's fine.

Yeah. What is it like to, you know, react to BTS videos sometimes? It's

like pouring salt in an open wound, but at the same time being so happy that you

can feel things, like feel feelings. Like- that is a horrible analogy. I, I don't

have words, it's a problem. We're just going to keep going. Okay, this is the Not Today

V focus cam. Oh man, you guys. I'm really, really in a place though, I am in a spot

after that Mic Drop focus cam. I, I just am already.

Let's go.

My hoodie mafia. God I love the hoodie mafia. They're backup dancers. Hmm.

They're so good, they're so dedicated. God bless them. Okay.

Oh. Oh. Oh!

The pants! Who chose the pants? Who chose the pants? I want, I want-- okay. Choices are good.

Why? Why? Why?

Okay. Okay. Oh, not okay, not okay. The body roll. Hmm-mm.

It's been a minute since I've had to like-- Oh, no!

No! No sir, no thank you. No. No, no, no, no, no. No thank you.


I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I'm done. I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done!

I'm so not, I, I, I'm not okay.

Oh no. Okay. Okay.

At first I was wondering if he was an angel or a demon. Mm-mm. This boy is straight up demon.

I, I can't even get right with church right now. This is church, and I'm in trouble.


So horrible. Oh, this performance, stop! Okay.

All right, as long as we're dying together, man, because you are freaking

killing me. You are killing me slowly, and without mercy. This is not a mercy kill. I felt that though.

Oh God.

Okay, no. Not today. Not today. Not today.

Oh my god.

Oh no.


It's as bad, as bad as I thought it was going to be. Okay.

It's all right. It's all right. Why did I do this without the ice? I needed the ice. I needed the ice.

Why are you perfect? I don't get it.

You guys, I'm being just absolutely run over with a freaking bulldozer called Taehyung.

He's, he's driving it too, and he's got that evil look.

Oh no.

I didn't realize that he and JIn locked- oh.

That didn't look good.

Okay well, something happened. Something happened.

I didn't like that. Anytime you see some kind of grimace like that, that uh,

that puts things into a little bit more perspective. I mean, because we're here, we do us, we fangirl, we fanboy,

we fan day, we do whatever it is, it's, it's fine, and I have no shame about it. And I'm just

gonna be me and do this, but when you see something like that grimace that he had

at the very end, it just really pulls you back into like, these are real

people who perform like that, on such a level that, I mean, the way that they tour,

and just after watching the second episode also of Burn The Stage, it

becomes really real, you know. So, yeah. I hope that everything was okay, I'm sure

it was, but. Whoa, you guys, that was, uh, that was, I haven't done a V reaction- this is

why I don't do V reactions every single week, because I can't take it.

I can't. I'm so sorry. My cat just kicked the camera. I think she's scared for me.

She- you know how animals can tell when you're, you know, having a moment? That's where

she's at. All right, if you like this video, if you like me, I have tons of different

content, so please go back and take a look at that. Like I said I upload Monday,

Wednesday, Friday, 3:00 p.m. Mountain Standard time. I would love to have you

subscribe and hang out with us. If you do subscribe, please hit that

notification bell, because YouTube does not notify people when I upload a lot of

the times, so please hit that bell also if you could give this a big like, like I

said in the beginning, I will try to find more focus cams. I will put myself

through the pulverizer torture that I just did, because it's what I do. It's how

I feel, and you're never going to get something false out of me, so there you go.

All right, yeah. I need to go back to my day and all of that, so I hope that you guys

have a great day. I- whatever you're doing, I hope this was super fun, and I will

talk to you in my next video. Bye.

For more infomation >> [KOR SUB] REACTION!! BTS V Focus Cams Mic Drop and Not Today - Duration: 13:10.


University Challenge: Newcastle v Fitzwilliam. 2017/18, S47 E34. 2 Apr 2018. Jeremy Paxman - Duration: 28:45.

For more infomation >> University Challenge: Newcastle v Fitzwilliam. 2017/18, S47 E34. 2 Apr 2018. Jeremy Paxman - Duration: 28:45.


LAMPIÃO, O REI DO CANGAÇO │ História do Brasil . feat. Raoni Rodrigues - Duration: 14:45.

For more infomation >> LAMPIÃO, O REI DO CANGAÇO │ História do Brasil . feat. Raoni Rodrigues - Duration: 14:45.


Theta V How to Create Street View Tours on Google Maps Work Flow Tips - Duration: 17:56.

How to use the theta V with Google Maps to create pictures by shooting video.

I'm trying to show a tutorial here so you can get started with the

theta V and shoot video then post it through the Google Street Maps it will

then convert it it'll map it create Street Street View views just like the

Google car does what it's portable and personal. Google now has got a number of

innovations coming out that are VR related and it looks like they're

they're going to be offering a whole different thing to Google Maps and it

looks like they're trying to make it a much more interactive process. I'm going

to share here what I've what I've learned and by go through the

process step by step make it a little bit easier for the user whoever's looking at this. If you

want to get shooting quickly avoid some of the pitfalls for you. Some of the

applications that I think this will work well for, is for companies that don't

have a good road sight curb appearance, now you can go back within the building

you can map it for them you can video it it'll be online visitors could now see

the location. I know one case of a lumberyard that's very narrow in the

front people don't realize how deep it is out in the back you can also map

cemeteries, walks, bike trails, ski trails maybe even kayaking along the shoreline.

Give viewers a different experience of what that location is like that's where

I think Google is headed and this is a personalized way that you can contribute

to Maps we'll show you some of the pitfalls and by the end of this

hopefully you'd be able to pick up the camera and go pretty well with the camera. Basically

what we're talking about is the theta V the new one it's different it shoots 4k

currently it's the only one available for the Google Maps application. The

current qualification that you have to have to be able to post

on Street map on Google Maps is you have to be level six contributor or a Street

View Trusted photographer you need the theta V and then you also need an Android device

with the Street View app on it you need to download the theta app. One of the

first places of confusion I found is

they call it a theta s app it's a theta app it covers all of them they've

renamed another app that I'm not familiar with but the theta s app is the

one you want to use for it. Before we get into the details of the exact settings I

want to give you a warning that the file size can be an issue when you have to

transfer the file theta V to the phone it's a wireless connection it is the only way

it could be done. Sometimes you lose the connection so the smaller the file the

better. Time wise what I recommend is set your timing for about three minutes stop

then go then go again recording the mapping will follow it through and you are not losing

anything but the file handling iwill be easier dealing with the phone is a little bit

easier as far as space if you miss something you can delete it or change it

as it comes off the theta V to the phone so in the settings you want to check the

notifications for recent information to up date the software that's your first

step. Then in the connections you want to connect both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. This

gives you a little more capacity and control over the different functions

Bluetooth control some you get others with the other one. Right now I've been

shooting 2.5 megahertz frequency for the wireless connection. Switching to the

camera settings okay on sleep bump I have sleep mode off camera volume high

so you can hear it when it starts to record or when it stops and under transfer

method I have copy. That is when it's bringing stuff to the phone I still have it then

once I'm done or happy with what I've gotten I take

the information off delete the stuff from the theta V. Obviously record

position of the phone to the photo has to be turned on that's getting the GPS coordinates from

the phone to the theta V embeded into the video. I have video mode on. the Codec can't be changed

again I mentioned that I keep it under five minutes to three. I have done a 25

minute video and I have been able to move it to the phone it just takes so

long and if you get errors you have to start over again from the beginning it's

a real pain in the neck. They do say that you can switch the settings during

shooting but I haven't. I start out from each three-minute interval I pick the

settings that I think are best and then I go from there. In the final setting

that's most important is obviously I select 4k settings on the camera because

that's what you want to shoot for because that's what is required for

Street. The View Street View cameras themselves they keep improving them

going to higher and higher resolution so they're getting clearer and obviously

they're going to push independent users to do the same. So now getting into how

most of my shooting is going to be walking or moving and what

my hands-free to be able to deal with not falling or tripping so the idea I came up with I basically

grabbed a ski helmet I had a GoPro - GoPro mounts on it I took the back one

so that it would be as close to vertical as possible used the basic GoPro

connectors and then I set the camera up on top so it's the the two connectors

combined together and then this piece is a standard thread for tripod for a

camera now I can mount the camera up on top. As I walk along or ride or any

activity my hands are free on a trail in case I stumble I can protect it, protect

myself so I'll give you a look of how it looks with the camera mounted. Just

because I don't want to scratch it anytime I'm moving around with the theta

and carry in a cover I use the one that came with it. Then the shoot

basically I've got it connected to the top of the camera

I'll put it mount it on. The other thing that I found is just as a tip the name

goes in the back and the buttons here go in the back so for orientation when I'm

shooting going forward is opposite of what I thought but that's no big deal.

You've got the helmet and basically put it on people think that

you look really silly but that's me going down the down a trail to record

something. Ok so basically to get ready for shooting you've got the Street View

app on the phone you got the theta V on, you have turned the wireless on right now I've

ran out of battery so the lights aren't going to be on but you connect this to

the Street View app then within Street View with the Street View app you go to

the privacy you go to the private and there's a feature there where you can

connect the phone connect the app to the phone then you start shooting with the

theta V and it puts a marker image on the phone it's not downloading

everything to the phone. That's a key point to remember it's where I got stuck.

So here's the key way that I differ in my shooting from what's described in the

link on the google contribute site i'll post out of the bottom of the video so

you can take a look at it. What I'm doing is I take and I connect the phone I'm in

the app and then I'm ready to shoot. I initiate and control the shooting from

the theta V app not from Street View the recommended way

does it as they say click on the camera and start recording when you go to

record click on the camera it opens that up and then you can see picture or video

you click on the video and when you hit start it will record a blue line and

your recording you can see where you are. The disadvantage to that is you don't

have any control over the settings on the theta V and I think you can make a

little bit better image and video if you take and tweak the settings some. What I

do is I go to the theta V app open that after I've got it connected to Street

View and from there you get a preview of what the scene will look like I'll

change the white balance. I will change the settings for sunshade it's a scroll bar and you

can pick what you want. You can also move up the ISO a little bit I think it's

called EV it's not ISO but it'll bring it up or dull down the image if it gets

later in the day and the sun's going down you may want a little more

brightness or like on a beach and a sunny day the theta can get blown out so

you can taper that off quite a bit so there's more control over the shooting

and a better shot. Then once I go to hit record I travel I keep the phone as

level as horizontal as possible and as level as possible not jiggling around

with a fast stride. I'm finding that walking I can do like 1.6 to 2 miles

depending on how hard I push for walking but that's the distance in a typical

walk That the battery lasts. I'm expecting to get about four times that on a bike and that's my next

experiment that I'm going to try, So basically if I'm walking along with the phone with me

it shows me how much time is recorded in the camera I'll target about three

minutes. If I don't have the phone free what I'll do is I'll set a three-minute

alarm stop the video then restart just so my

file is easier if I lose something I don't

have to go back and do such so much more to correct it. The other thing that's an

issue with the file size that keep comeing back around to this but is if one file down load fails you

have to start over it can take a long time.

It also takes about two hours for the theta to charge in that charging time

obviously you're not doing another recording so this is not a high

production thing you would have to have multiple cameras if you are going to try and go

out and do a lot and your data handling would be a you know a different issue. As

far as camera charging is concerned one of the things that I learned was that

you have to have a point 5 milli amp charging. A lot of the storage devices

like this from Amazon this one's going to put out too much and can mess up the

battery for the theta. They also are very particular to recommend the charging

cable for the theta that has the round piece on it that is a filter and

controls the the voltage it gets. So always use that cable or the other thing

that I've heard recommended they do recommend a iPhone charger has the right

milliamps to it. The other thing that surprised me in using the camera I

thought I could shoot manipulate videos then post it to street view this is not

correct or I haven't found a way around it yet I do suspect there may

be one place to change it but you have the workflow is really fairly locked

down. It goes like this you shoot the video it makes an image on the street

view app and it's a placeholder. Then when you're done shooting and you've got

a better Wi-Fi connection and internet connection I sit down I take

the there's a the image comes up with a download button when you hit that

download button it's actually transferring the 4k image from the theta

V to the phone in the Street View app. It's no longer a placeholder so now in

the Street View app the image the video the image for the video is bright and

clear it shows as you can publish it. It's on your phone in the panorama

folder on the Samsung it's not edge on the auxilary card that you may have with

your phone it's on the main memory of the phone it's no longer greyed out you

can publish it and once it's published you'll see some dots start to appear the

area you're doing you can watch it as more and more information appears then

at about 24 to 48 hours there'll be a blue line it'll look like a regular

Street View app. The thing that I'm noticing different is offset from where

you drew the line there's dots that show you the images you can click on each

image and see what's there. It does not map those round dots

directly over the path that's on the map it may be the path of the GPS

coordinates I'm not sure why that offset occurs but it's there. Okay now I'm going

to get into some of the tips and issues that I ran into. I used to use the theta

s and I would sometimes go into the phone itself take information off edit

it put it back the change with the theta V is the media is not right enabled. It's

only it's read-only so to do any editing there or take out that red dot that

appears that's not available to do anything with. If you put the image

somewhere else on the phone and then try to connect to Street View it won't

connect it just stays grayed out it won't acknowledge that video file. Even

if it's the identical one that was on the phone. The place you have to clean up

the storage is on the phone itself not the auxilary storage. If you have a

lot of music a lot of apps and its almost full they have a problem using any

number of files and shooting continuously and using a lot of files because it will

give you a warning when you try and download more than the camera can handle

it may force you to use just one small file at a time and do a lot of

sequential ones. The other thing is is get you I think anybody using this needs

to be pretty familiar with file explorer just so that you can get around

delete files move stuff and do what you want it's not just an automatic process

that's going to take care of all the file handling in my opinion. On my phone

the Samsung Galaxy seven the file location is Samsung slash phone slash

pictures slash panoramas that's where the files are stored after they're taken

off the theta camera wirelessly and onto the phone there also seems to be another file used

on the phone that is not readily readily visible that it mirrors that one and I

think it's a control to prevent editing but that's just my assumption. Again I

think that the biggest advantage with the theta V is you can control with the

app the camera get better settings therefore a better product. It doesn't look

like you can edit them. Biggest pitfall I found talking about pitfalls is I tried

to move the pictures from using the transfer mode on the camera to the phone

and that blows the whole system up. I just followed what looked like a logical

process and what I thought I had done in the past. So hope this helps happy

shooting and mapping and please ask any questions you might have. The whole

concept I find is pretty exciting because of what you can map and the

speed you can map it at. Prior to this when you had to do individual shots move every

ten feet another shot move it to the phone it took a long time. Now at a rapid

speed you can do an area. They come out good it's not DSLR quality that you

would get from you rotator but they're good-looking decent

pictures and I'd love to hear your comments in the flow. Please post them if

you have any questions I'll try them out and hopefully this will get some people

started using the concept and avoid some of the pitfalls

For more infomation >> Theta V How to Create Street View Tours on Google Maps Work Flow Tips - Duration: 17:56.


Solving the Mystery of Darwin's Lifelong Illness - Duration: 5:38.


Charles Darwin's five-year tour of the Southern hemisphere on the HMS Beagle let him see the

natural world in a new light, helping him develop his theory of evolution by natural


But it didn't provide any insights into a much more personal mystery: what made him

so ill.

Darwin spent his entire life searching for relief from an endless litany of recurring


And while his condition improved at least somewhat towards the end of his life, he never

figured out what made him so sick so often.

That puzzle has fascinated scientists and doctors in the decades since.

They've combed over the symptoms and have come up with more than 40 different diagnoses.

And while there's still no consensus, there are a couple plausible answers, including

several that suggest he got an unfortunate genetic hand dealt to him by his mother.

Darwin kept extensive health journals, applying the same meticulous note-taking he used in

science to his own health.

The detailed documentation of his symptoms has made diagnosing his condition a common

challenge in the medical community.

But Darwin suffered from such a wide range of problems that it seems almost impossible

to pinpoint a single, root cause.

For example, he was said to have a "weak stomach" because he was so quick to puke.

And he had bouts of fatigue that went way beyond exhaustion—he'd spend days "most

terribly knocked up," as he phrased it.

But at various times in his life, he also experienced headaches, severe skin conditions,

chest pains, trembling and numbness in his hands, dizziness, shivering, visual disturbances,

backaches, psychological symptoms, and more.

One of the earliest guesses was that his famous voyage was to blame, as he may have contracted

Chagas disease—a parasitic infection spread by bug bite.

But the idea has been strongly rebutted because no one else on the HMS Beagle got it, and

Darwin didn't show the classic physical signs of disease, like an enlarged esophagus or

colon, in any of the doctor examinations he received throughout his life.

Also, Darwin experienced some of his symptoms before he set sail.

Other doctors have proposed that his troubles were psychosomatic: physical symptoms arising

from mental illness.

He did have anxiety and depression, and some of his episodes coincided with periods of


But many didn't, and most experts say mental illness alone can't explain all of his symptoms,

especially given the severity and sheer number of problems he had.

One diagnosis that fits pretty well is a poorly understood condition called CVS, which stands

for a medical condition called , not the pharmacy chain.

This is exactly as unpleasant as it sounds: sufferers experience periodically recurring

bouts of severe nausea and vomiting, which is definitely something "weak stomached"

Darwin was all too familiar with.

CVS patients have a higher than normal chance of anxiety disorders and depression, migraines,

and certain nervous system disorders that might explain Darwin's mysterious episodes

of numbness, partial paralysis, and distorted vision.

They also tend to have severe motion sickness, which describes Darwin's experience on the

Beagle to a tee.

It's hard to believe the poor guy spent a year and a half of that five year voyage

at sea.

Another point in CVS's favor is the fact that patients often seek out water during

an episode—either drinking it in excess or spending long periods of time in baths

or showers.

Doctors aren't sure why this helps, but more than half of patients report it eases

their symptoms.

And Darwin, too, seemed relieved by water: he noted improvement when treated with a popular

remedy at the time called the "water cure," which involved cold foot baths, scrubbing

with wet towels, and cold compresses.

The exact cause of cyclic vomiting syndrome is unknown, but it has been linked to abnormalities

in mitochondrial DNA—which would also explain why his doctors didn't diagnose it.

Mitochondria produce the universal fuel of cells.

That means mitochondrial diseases can affect almost any organ in your body and can cause

an enormous array of symptoms.

But the first mitochondrial disease wasn't identified until the 1950s, more than seven

decades after Darwin's death, so his doctors couldn't have suspected one might be to


And there are unique features to these diseases make them really hard to diagnose without

specific genetic tests.

You can't simply track them in families unless you know what you're looking for, for

example, because they don't obey the classical rules of inheritance.

That's because mitochondria only come from your biological mother—they're they're

passed down through eggs.

And they have their own genome which encodes for many of their essential parts, so abnormalities

in mitochondrial DNA can cause these cellular powerhouses to falter.

But each cell in your body can have hundreds to thousands of them, some of which might

be normal and some that could be abnormal.

Since it's possible to have different ratios of sick and healthy mitochondria in different

cells, the same disease can produce a wide range of symptoms in a single person.

They can even present differently in identical twins, let alone different people.

If Darwin's doctors had known about these conditions, they might have looked to see

if any of his family on his mother's side exhibited signs.

Interestingly enough, Darwin's mother and her brother both also suffered from illnesses

with long lists of symptoms.

And his mother's youngest sister died when she was only eight from an illness that strongly

resembles another mitochondrial disorder called MELAS syndrome, which stands for 'mitochondrial

encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes.'

If mitochondrial diseases did run in the family on his mother's side, it would make sense

that Darwin could have inherited one.

And MELAS might fit the bill even better than CVS, because the stroke-like episodes in its

name would explain the periodic episodes of partial paralysis, memory loss, and difficulty

or inability to speak that Darwin began to experience in his 50s.

MELAS also causes a build-up of lactic acid in the bloodstream which can cause severe

abdominal pain, vomiting, and fatigue, all of which Darwin frequently experienced.

Of course, we may never really solve the mystery of Darwin's illness.

And it may be that more than one condition was to blame, which would mean doctors are

mistakenly shoehorning too many symptoms into one diagnosis.

The only way to know for sure if any of these hypotheses is right would be to exhume his

body for tests—which seems a bit extreme.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, a Complexly production.

If you want to learn more about Darwin's transformative theory and how he developed

it, you might like the episodes on our sister channel, Crash Course, on evolution.


For more infomation >> Solving the Mystery of Darwin's Lifelong Illness - Duration: 5:38.


Inside the Dinosaur Library - Duration: 8:12.

We want to thank Google for supporting PBS Digital Studios

During our first field trip to Bozeman, Montana we met

with Paleohistology Lab manager Dr. Ellen-Thérèse Lamm

who showed us the fascinating world inside of fossilized bones.

But we also visited Amy Atwater, who is a Collections Manager, like me.

She's in charge of the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection, located in the basement of the Museum.

With a backdrop of Edmontosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex bones,

she describes her job and the collection she manages.

Hey everybody it's

Kallie here again I'm at the Museum of the Rockies in the Vert Paleo collection

talking to the new Collections Manager Amy Atwater. Thank you so much for

having us here today in this amazing collection. What is your paleontological

background like what's your specialty?

So I most recently completed my master's

degree at the University of Texas at Austin where I focused on Eocene mammals

and specifically Eocene primates so it's something that not a lot of folks know

that around forty five million years ago actually like 56 to about 43 million

years ago we had little prosimian lemur-like tarsier-like primates jumping

around hopping around North America, the United States. We mostly focus on their

teeth and they're extremely small my biggest sample had teeth that were about

two millimeters by one millimeter so in length by width so.

Lots of microscope work, huh?

Everything under a microscope absolutely on everything

So this is kind of manage this massive dinosaur collection and you

study teeny tiny little mammals.

I always had place for the big megafauna in

my heart and it's been exciting to have an opportunity to protect and take care

of all sizes of fossils here at thr Museum the Rockies

The Museum of the

Rockies has among the largest collections of North American dinosaurs

in the United States. It also holds the largest collection of T. Rex and

Triceratops fossils in the world. Managing a large collection of massive

million year old bones is a surprisingly delicate task.

So I'm a collections

manager at the University of Montana just like three hours to the west of here but can

you describe to our audience what is a collections manager what do

you do? What's your role?

I do a lot of things and try to take care of all of

the fossils. I usually deal with fossils after they have been removed from the

field taken out in the field jacket and usually after they've been prepared by

our preparators and then they make their way to me and my office and it's my job

to take the fossil, make sure we have all the necessary information, make sure that

it's labeled properly. John has often referred to collection managing is kind

of like being a librarian which I'm sure you can relate to.

Fossil Librarian!

Exactly and that's true we take care of these objects and then make sure that as

they're in their final long-term storage, that they're still in a safe place that

they have a nice cradle to protect them, that they have some foam around them if

they need that, that we have all the right information on them and make sure

that they're taken care of and also available to visiting researchers.

And you mentioned the cradles and we have some lovely cradles behind us here can

you elaborate a little bit of what the purpose of one of these cradles is?

Sure of course. Fossils have been in the ground for millions of years as you

know and when we bring them to the surface, this is not the most stable

environment for them. So we want to make sure that they have everything to be as

protected as possible to minimize any amount of damage that could take place

and it really just helps maintain the long-term safety of these finite

resources. We don't want to screw it up we don't want one of these things --yeah

you can't just like go out and collect another one--well sometimes maybe but--

--nothing that is of that individual right --yeah ---exactly so we talked about that a

lot. Some folks will say just go get another t-rex and well they're not all

the same and I wish I could just go find another that'd be great--that'd be great

We'd all be out of a job is that easy just go out find me another one!

Exactly so every fossil that comes in is unique it's finite it's the only one

of its specific type. It's already fragile. It is

millions of years old so that is a lot to ask of anything and we want to do

everything we can to make sure that we can research them for hundreds and

hundreds and hundreds of years.

Now you mentioned prep and prepping a

fossil what do you do when you prep a fossil?

When a fossil is discovered in

the field it is rarely in a pristine ready to go on display state. You know we

don't find a perfectly articulated t-rex standing there waiting to be found that

just isn't how geology works so when we bring them out of the field, they're

usually still within a lot of sediment that they were found with and that's

part of their jacket and so the preparators job is to get the jacket off

from the field and work away all of that sediment and stabilizing the bone at the

exact same time. It's just about getting them to being there they're true bone

instead of being still partially excavated if you will. And then while

you're doing that you frequently will use a variety of glues and putties to

get everything to stick together and to hold together correctly so that it will

be stable and so that it could go on exhibit someday as well.

So there are a lot of amazing things in this collection I can imagine, what is like the most

special or unique or rare thing that's here at the MOR

Something that really

put Museum of the Rockies on the map was eggs and dinosaurs in embryos and

nestlings and this idea of some dinosaurs caring for their young. I

personally think that for me the most exciting and unique thing that I've

learned about and been really excited about is a specific t-rex specimen

MOR 1125 which we call "B-Rex"--It was found by Bob Harmon one of our

preparators so it's called B-Rex in his honor. And Dr. Mary Schweitzer has done a

lot of work with this B-Rex individual and she looks at soft tissues in bone

they were able to identify what the soft tissue in the femur was and it's

medullary tissue and that is something we only see today in female birds that

are preparing to lay eggs. It's a source of calcium. So because of

that by using the comparative method we can conclusively say that B-Rex was

female and she is the first t-rex to be conclusively shown to be of one sex or

the other. One of my other favorites has been this incredibly beautiful Borophaginae

skull and a Borophaginae is a bone-crushing dog so they have these

incredible teeth that were just---

they are ridiculous---

just insane and it's the most

beautiful skull and jaw I've ever ever had the joy of looking at.

So this was

super cool Amy thank you so much for having us here today and talking about

your amazing job is there anything you want to end with or sign off?

I just want to encourage everybody out there to go visit the Museum of the Rockies

Heck yeah, Great thanks so much!

Thank you

Thanks to Google for

supporting PBS Digital Studios. They've created a mobile app Science

Journal that lets you take notes and measure scientific phenomena such as

light sound and motion. You can find activity ideas and additional

information on their website at GC.O/sciencejournal

I want to send a

special thank you to the Museum of the Rockies for allowing us to film at their

facilities. Also, I want to thank viewers like you for joining me again on our

visit to the museum. We're already planning more trips to the field but

while you wait for these let me know in the comments where you want Eons to

visit next and don't forget to go to and subcribe

For more infomation >> Inside the Dinosaur Library - Duration: 8:12.


How Rich Was Cleopatra and Other Pharaohs? - Duration: 5:43.

Famed for beating the men at their own game, Cleopatra has always had a place in our consciousness.

From the Shakespearean play to that Hollywood picture, to bars of luxury soap, her image

conveys a sense of beauty, wealth, womanhood, and power.

But how much money was behind that beautiful diplomatic façade?

Compared to today's billionaires, is Cleopatra considered super wealthy or just stinking


And how do the other pharaohs fare on today's rich list?

Let's find out, in today's episode of the Infographics show - How rich was Cleopatra

and other pharaohs?

Cleopatra was one of history's best loved and well known figures, famed for using her

beauty, intellect, and wit to make political advantage.

In Arabic circles, however, she is known more as a scholar than a lover and a fighter, and

400 years after her death, a statue of Cleopatra was erected at the religious center of Philae

(phi-lee) with sub-Saharan pilgrims traveling north to Egypt to pay homage.

Some historians say that she was beautiful, while others claim that she was rather plain.

Some say she was war hungry others say scholarly, but one fact all historians do agree on - Cleopatra

was totally rich.

Born in 69 BC, Cleopatra was part of the Macedonian dynasty that ruled Egypt. from the death of

Alexander the Great in 323 BC to Cleopatra's death and Roman conquest in 30 BC.

She forged political alliances and was said to have been extremely charming and able to

adapt her personality to whomever she was entertaining.

Her life has been dramatized by William Shakespeare and subject to a feature film starring Elizabeth


Modern everyday products named after her legacy include a popular soap brand, a perfume line,

make-up, ladies tights, and women's boots.

The Egyptian economy during Cleopatra's reign was rudely healthy, and by today's

standards, she herself was fabulously wealthy.

The industries flourishing in Egypt at the time included glass, wheat, linen, oils, papyrus,

and unguents – and these were all essentially royal monopolies that Cleopatra would have

benefited directly from.

Plus all her subjects paid taxes to the crown on every namable salable item, so indirectly

she benefited from all commerce outside of the royal monopoly.

From this, we can calculate that Cleopatra pocketed roughly half of all Egypt's produce

and her annual cash revenue was to the tune of 12,500 silver talents.

The average wage of a priest in Cleopatra's day was by comparison 15 talents a year.

The most lavish of funerals would have cost a single talent.

By today's standards, Cleopatra was a billionaire on a Bill Gates level.

On one contemporary Rich List, Cleopatra is positioned at number 22, a few points behind

John D. Rockefeller but ahead of Napoleon and J.P. Morgan.

The same list valued her at a net worth of 95 billion, which is about the same as Mark

Zuckerberg and Elon Musk combined.

On Money Magazine's historic list of the world's richest women, Cleopatra sits one

place above Catherine the Great at number 7.

Cleopatra wasn't Egypt's first female pharaoh; before her came Hatshepsut who took

a stake of gold mines with an output of about 2 billion dollars in today's money and controlling

one of the largest empires in the ancient world, and taking control of vast stores of

copper, gold, and precious stones.

Female pharaoh Hatshepsut is historically the 9th richest woman in the world, two places

behind Cleopatra, in Money Magazine's list.

The rich and famous of ancient Egypt lived in decadent times of high fashion, parties,

wine, and sex, and when the party was finally over, just before they died, the truly rich

had to make arrangements to get themselves mummified (immortality was a commodity for

the truly rich) and the tombs are teaming in information about these pharaohs.

When King Tut's tomb was opened in November 1922 the priceless gold therein simply stunned

explorers and looters alike.

The contents of the tomb were insured for 680 million dollars before going on display

in Switzerland in 2004.

Although King Tutankhamun was a relatively unknown and unimportant boy king, the discovery

of the tomb did beg the question – What treasures must be contained within the tombs

of the more celebrated pharaohs?

Possibly the richest of the pharaohs was Amenhotep III who led Egypt during the height of the

golden age and has the distinction of having the most surviving statues and monuments of

any of the Pharaohs.

Crowned as a child, Amenhotep lived in a time of great prosperity and artistic splendor

when Egypt became the richest and most powerful nation in the world.

So rich in fact that it was envied by the likes of Babylonia, Assyria and Mitani, and

Amenhotep's letters show that he was not above sending gold to surrounding kings to

avoid conflict.

Amenhotep reinforced his position with a massive building program with monuments dedicated

to the Egyptian gods, particularly Ra, the sun god, whose body is the shape of a man,

and whose head is that of a falcon or hawk.

The most greatly admired is Ramses II who was the greatest of the pharaohs and most

celebrated due to his military mind and cunning.

Ramses was interestingly born outside of the royal line but his family's servitude to

the royal family won him access to the throne where he became admired as a great warrior.

Ramses lived to 96 years of age, had over 200 wives and concubines, 60 daughters and

90 sons, and his name is inscribed on virtually every Egyptian ancient site.

Ramses even built his own city with military compounds and pleasure palaces called House

of Ramses and his influence and wealth was so great that when he eventually died in 1213

BC, the people of Egypt burst into panic as it was commonly believed that the day Ramses

died, the world would end.

And if that isn't rich, what is?

So, Does Cleopatra and the other Pharaoh's wealth surprise you?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What Happens When You Die!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> How Rich Was Cleopatra and Other Pharaohs? - Duration: 5:43.


The communication error we all make, and how it intensifies conflict | Esther Perel - Duration: 5:05.

There are conversations that will intensify conflict or the potential thereof.

And there are conversations who will intensify understanding, potentially even resolution.

Conversations that are sure to polarize in which for everything you say I come back with

what I have to say, without ever taking into account what you just said.

You know what happens.

When people disagree they literally have the capacity to listen to ten seconds of what

the other side has to say.

Ten seconds – that's three sentences.

And by then they already are busy creating their rebuttal.

They are no longer listening.

They are just preparing their return, their retort.

When you have that kind of conversation here is what happens.

One is I am constantly just going to come back at you.

I am not integrating what I heard from you and it doesn't influence anything of what

I'm saying.

So basically you're saying the same thing over and over again and I'm saying the same

thing over and over again and those two never meet.

And the more I say X, the more I make you say Y.

It's like I'm going to – it's me who is reinforcing you saying the fundamental

thing with which you disagree with.

I come with expectations of what I think you think or may say or may want.

All relationships are colored with expectations about myself and about the other.

My expectations influence that which I then see or hear.

It is a filter as well as my mood is a filter.

We in communication have the ability to set the other people up because we will draw from

them the very things with which we expect from them even when it's the opposite of

what we really want.

We create the others in relationships and in communication.

It isn't just that's who they are and that's who we are.

That is one of the most important things to understand about relationships and communication

is how people actually co-create each other in the context of a relationship and why we

are not the same person with different people.

Because those people make part of who we are.

When we are in conflictual relationships we will often be prone to negative attributions

which is that when you speak to me a certain way it's because you have a bad temper or

you have a nasty personality.

When I speak to you in a certain way it's because I had a lot of traffic getting here

this morning and because I'm having a bad day.

You are a bad person, I have just bad circumstances.

I essentialize you and I contextualize me.

All of these things will intensify conflict.

It's the opposite that will create the potential for understanding.

Is my ability to take in what you say, to mull it over, to include it in my response

so that I make you feel that you matter, that what you say makes a difference, that it enters

me, that you're not just talking to the wind.

What is lacking is the ability to see that speaking is entirely dictated by the quality

of the listening that is reflected back on us.

If I'm talking to someone who is on their phone I will be expressing myself and experiencing

the communication completely different than if I am speaking to someone who is looking

at me in the eyes, who is shaking their head, who says to me I get it, I understand.

Not necessarily I agree.

So when you listen to me the first thing I need to know is that I have your attention.

The second thing I need to know is that maybe you can acknowledge the validity of my point

of view.

That doesn't mean you agree with my point of view but my point of view makes sense.

And potentially you may even empathize with my point of view.

You can understand why I would think or feel or experience things the way I do.

That reflecting back, acknowledging, validating, empathizing.

That sequence is where the depth of communication takes place.

Because ultimately if I speak to you and in the end I leave feeling even more alone I'm

literally in an existential crisis.

There is nothing worse than to be alone in the presence of another.

For more infomation >> The communication error we all make, and how it intensifies conflict | Esther Perel - Duration: 5:05.


Raw Drift Chase w/ Audio | FPV Drone (Import Alliance) - Duration: 13:28.

For more infomation >> Raw Drift Chase w/ Audio | FPV Drone (Import Alliance) - Duration: 13:28.


Georgia Peach: Elimination Tattoo Sneak Peek | Ink Master: Angels (Season 2) - Duration: 10:31.

- Hey, Clay. - Hello.

- Hey. - How's it going?

- Good. Welcome to Anonymous Tattoo.

- This is an awesome space.

- Thank you.

My name is Clay McCay.

I have been tattooing 23 years,

maybe 24 if I remember correctly.

I do classic tattoos.

I like it to look like it's in the skin,

not on the skin.

I am the longest-working existing tattoo artist

in Savannah.

I got into tattooing because I thought there needed

to be somebody in Savannah doing custom tattooing.

- Well, what was it like when you first started here?

- The reason there's shops on this street

is because I pulled the zoning.

I talked to the landlords.

- You were a pioneer.

- I'm the godfather of tattooing in modern Savannah.

I started it.

♪ ♪

- I'm Brittany Lively,

and I've been tattooing nine years.

I specialize in illustrative new school,

and I use a lot of bright colors.

I'm not just some cute, thin-skinned princess.

I've busted my ass to get to where I am.

- I don't fear anybody outside these walls in this town.

- Oh, hey.

- Hey.

- We got your first competitor in here. You must be Brittany.

- I am. - Clay.

- Sorry. Clay. - Nice to meet you.

- I've heard of your shop. It's a really nice place.

- Why don't you tell us about yourself?

How long have you been tattooing for?

- Let's see. About nine years.

- How do you feel about competing against somebody

who's been tattooing for 23 years?

- It's a little daunting. It'll be some competition.

- Looking forward to it. - Yes.

♪ ♪

- I'm Jimmy Butcher, and I've been tattooing for 15 years.

I have my own style, slightly abstract,

that feels more like art.

I want people to see that I'm pushing boundaries

to create something new and exciting

that's never been done before.

- Oh. Welcome.

- Here we are. - What's up?

- The hermit crab. - The hermit crab?

- Still hang on to that after 20 years?

- What exactly is happening here?

- We've been on the same block.

- Oh, no, you moved into the shell of my old shop.

- So you opened your shop next to this shop,

but you were the pioneer.

- You got it.

- Did you feel like there would be

any kind of issues moving in there?

- Could have something to do with the fact that I have

a huge sign two doors down with my name on it.

- You moved in right next door, put a big honking sign up.

- Yeah, I did. - Yeah.

- I'm here to assert my position

in this town at the moment.

- So you guys ready to get this [bleep] started?

- Yep.

- This is how the competition's gonna go down:

you have two elimination tattoos,

and one person's gonna be eliminated each round.

- D'oh.

- Whoever survives these two elimination tattoos,

you get to tattoo against an Ink Master.

- That's [bleep] intimidating.

- Let's do it. - Yeah. She's great.

- Hopefully you guys are ready,

because I am definitely ready to get back in the ring.

- If you can beat her,

you secure your spot on "Ink Master" and a shot at $100,000.

- All right. - Yes.

- Your first elimination tattoo is going to be

a two-hour tattoo.

We are in Savannah,

and Georgia is known for its peaches.

- Ugh. Peaches are difficult.

- We are going to be looking at style, shading,

outline, and overall application.

- Your canvases have been randomly assigned,

and they're completely open.

- Yes. - Get set up.

We're gonna send in your canvases.

♪ ♪

- This place is nice too. Maybe I should put my name on it.

- You can have the sloppy seconds again.

- I mean, I didn't bring the first settlers

here or anything.

- You didn't do anything first.

- Bunch of old-timers. Hi.

- Clay. Nice to meet you.

- I'm Jimmy. Nice to meet you. - Candace.

Nice to meet you too.

- All right, you guys. You have two hours to tattoo

a peach, and your time starts now.

- Okay, so...

- All right. - Yeah, no pressure.

- That's really neat, just as an outline.

- It's what makes a good tattoo.

- There's a lot of problem-solving involved

in tattooing a peach.

- That really kind of fits nicely.

- Yeah, I like the way the arrow's pointing too.

- Because you have to figure out,

how do I apply black to make sure

that this tattoo lasts the test of time

rather than fades away because I used too many peach tones?

- You ready?

- Ready.

♪ ♪

- It makes me nervous to go up against someone

who I've been next door to for 15 years.

I grew up in a household that nourished

an ambitious, artistic, creative person,

and then I walked into a world that didn't like that.

I've faced a lot of violent situations

just because I was trying to do me.

I don't know how this is gonna go,

'cause I don't really know what I'm doing.

I've made it a point to dedicate my life

to creating a world where I can be myself all the time.

The Butcher. I mean, that's what it's about.

It's everyone who works there

and everyone who comes in can be proud and excited

to be whoever they want.

- What's this?

- A heart with an arrow through it,

'cause a peach is kind of heart-shapey,

so I can blend this line style with a realism color,

and that's what's so cool about

kind of winging it a little bit.

- Improvising is definitely, you know, a ballsy move

in a competition sense.

- My reputation on this block,

everything that I've built is on the line

with this tattoo today.

♪ ♪

- My strategy for the peach:

a badass tattoo that is bulletproof.

I'm shooting for perfection on this.

- Ready? You gonna get it?

Are you gonna get that? Ready?

- Go get it, Hannah. - Go get it, girl. Good job.

- I've been in Savannah a long, long time.

I want my kids to know what I've done

for this city and tattooing.

I want them to be like,

"Yeah, that was my dad. He did that."

- Ooh! - Nice.

It makes me happy to see them proud of me.

♪ ♪

- Did you just take a marker and make a straight line

and just wing it?

- Gravity would pull that string in that direction, so...

- Well, yeah, of course, but no one takes a marker

and just draws a straight-ass line and tattoos it perfectly.

Just real quick, let me do that.

- 30 minutes left. There's only 30 minutes.

♪ ♪

Damn, you went big. Holy [bleep].

- Yes, we did.

- Well, hopefully you work fast,

'cause this is damn near a quarter sleeve.

- I want to push the envelope.

This is my chance to prove myself

and kick ass and take names.

Being a young woman in this industry

and trying to gain some traction is a little difficult,

'cause it's most certainly a boys' club through and through.

Coming to Savannah changed everything for me.

I went from having almost no tattoo career

to being able to help open up a shop.

From struggle comes clarity.

- Where's the black? There's no black.

It's just pastel on pastel.

Everything is gonna look washed out.

- I hope she realizes it before it's too late.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

Five, four, three,

two, one.

That's it. Stop tattooing, guys.

♪ ♪

- Done.

- We did it.

- So what do you think?

Did everything go according to plan?

- Designed it in my laboratory, and it worked.

- Well...

- The tattoo that Jimmy pulled out today

is a very cool tattoo, but that's an apple.

- That's an apple.

- My honest thought is that he was afraid

of making it look like a butt,

so he didn't putt the little peach crease.

- But he has really clean line work in that tattoo.

The tattoo that Brittany did missed the one biggest thing

that she needed for that tattoo to actually be good.

- There's just no black. That thing is not gonna hold up.

- I love the shape of the wind bars.

I think it gives it a little bit more movement,

but damn it, give me that black.

- You know what's crazy about Clay's tattoo:

there's a lot of brilliance in the simplicity of it.

- He started with beautiful line work.

The black contrasted against the colors of the peach

makes the peach pop up out of the skin.

- You can see the years of experience in that tattoo.

- We're just gonna have to figure out

- I did a quarter sleeve in two hours.

- It's not about how much space you can cover in two hours;

it's about what's good and what works,

and you know what to look for...

- And holds up. I have issues with both you guys' tattoos.

- Seems like we have some pretty mixed opinions

on what happened today.

- I thought Jimmy's was a trendy mess

of whimsical, sloppy lines.

- Or you could say that it was a very trendy, popular, cool...

- I like timeless, not trendy.

- Yeah. [inaudible].

- Yeah, it's created to be a timeless tattoo

with a style that's... - It's trendy.

People will know that was done...2000.

- But after 20 years, why aren't you paving the way?

- It's not about reinventing the wheel.

It's about doing a badass version

of whatever you're doing.

- It's really interesting, because we have

a completely old school mentality,

and the more new school mentality

as far as styles are concerned.

We can't necessarily judge things on our taste.

We're judging on the quality of each style

that you guys are doing.

- We have reached a decision,

and the winner of today's elimination tattoo is...

♪ ♪

For more infomation >> Georgia Peach: Elimination Tattoo Sneak Peek | Ink Master: Angels (Season 2) - Duration: 10:31.


Albrecht, Novak Preview Michigan-Villanova Title Game - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Albrecht, Novak Preview Michigan-Villanova Title Game - Duration: 6:05.


The Bold and the Beautiful - Do Right By Your Son - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> The Bold and the Beautiful - Do Right By Your Son - Duration: 4:34.


The Blacklist - Next: Red Cooks Up a Plan (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> The Blacklist - Next: Red Cooks Up a Plan (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 1:09.


A world without cash: Could it happen? | CNBC Reports - Duration: 2:45.

So if you were looking to buy a coffee a couple years ago here in London,

it might have been normal to ask the question, "Do you take cards?"

Now that question is increasingly becoming, "Do you take cash?"

We probably have customers here now that don't even know we don't accept cash

because they just tap their card and go.

Ross Brown stopped accepting cash at his London cafe

more than a year ago after a trip to Sweden,

where he said paper money was nowhere to be found.

Have you noticed any change in business since you stopped accepting cash?

If anything, it's been great for our business.

We found that the time it takes to count the cash, go to the bank,

understand, oh you know, "Are we £4 up, £3 down, where's this money gone?"

It wasn't an effective use of time.

Browns of Brockley is among a growing number of small businesses in London

that are choosing to ditch cash.

A recent report found the U.K. is the third most likely country in the world

to go "cashless" after Canada and Sweden.

British consumers are more likely to pay with debit cards than cash

for the first time ever this year.

So it's not even an option to use cash on London's buses.

But they will gladly accept contactless payments on your smartphone.

The city says contactless payments make traveling

faster and easier for millions of commuters.

40% of all journeys on London's transport network

are made using contactless payments. That's up from 25% in 2016.

This transition toward digital and card payments is forcing many organizations

that typically relied on cash to embrace new technology.

Take the Church of England, which recently announced

it will start accepting contactless payments

with the help of two fintech companies.

The church is taking card for things like weddings, christenings and one-off donations.

And in the future it even plans to pass around a card reader for collection at services.

One business that would miss out in a cashless society?

The people who make these things, ATMs.

Graham Mott is head of strategy at LINK, which connects 70,000 ATMs around the U.K.

ATMs are still very very important to people.

And there's quite a lot of people who rely on cash a lot.

There's about 2.7 million who basically pay everything in cash.

All the time?

All the time.

Research suggests many of those 2.7 million people are elderly or low-income.

The transition to a cashless society could be especially difficult for occupations like

builders, gardeners or nannies that rely on cash payments and tips.

Mott said millions of people still rely on ATMs,

which he doesn't see going away anytime soon.

People have a very strong emotional attachment to cash.

It's very important to them. It's a strong sense of identity.

I think it will be a long long way from getting rid of cash.

Hey everyone it's Elizabeth. Thanks so much for watching!

Be sure to check out more of our videos over here.

We're also always taking your suggestions for future ideas

so leave those in the comments section.

And be sure to subscribe to our channel. Bye for now!

For more infomation >> A world without cash: Could it happen? | CNBC Reports - Duration: 2:45.


US would defeat China in a trade war: Sebastian Gorka - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> US would defeat China in a trade war: Sebastian Gorka - Duration: 6:07.


Liberals FREAK As Trump Drops Bomb On DACA & Demands Nuclear Option. - Duration: 5:43.

Liberals FREAK As Trump Drops Bomb On DACA & Demands Nuclear Option.

President Donald Trump is taking a tough stand on DACA.

As Congress drags their feet, he's demanding a massive change, and as expected, liberals

are losing their minds.

DACA has been a thorn in our side for too long.

The terrible policy created by former President Barack Obama has allowed hundreds of thousands

of illegals to stay in our country, but they are stuck in a kind of limbo.

They won't get deported, but they aren't legal citizens.

So, what are they?

President Trump has refused to support this toxic situation.

He gave DACA a deadline, requiring Congress to draft a solution.

With Democrats and Republicans deeply divided on the issue, a solution wouldn't be perfect,

but it would be better than letting Obama's foolish program continue.

Months have passed, and Congress cannot come up with anything.

It's clear that, while Republicans are trying to do something, Democrats refuse to work.

DACA never meant anything to them.

The policy — and the people — were nothing but props.

The moment Trump made it a priority, the Democrats dumped it.

Now, President Donald Trump is demanding that action finally be taken.

He is calling for Congress to craft a solution, ending DACA once and for all.

If Democrats refuse to do so, he is calling for the nuclear option, one that will cut

them out of decision making for good.

President Trump on Monday once again hammered lawmakers over immigration, demanding Congress

pass stronger border legislation and imploring Republicans to use the "Nuclear Option if


Trump has previously called for the "nuclear option" – which would require the Senate

to change rules to end the filibuster.

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has dismissed the option in the past, saying

Republicans will welcome the filibuster when they return to being the Senate minority.

On Monday, Trump tweeted that the U.S. must build a border wall, but argued that "Democrats

want No Borders, hence drugs and crime!"

He also said that a deal to help "Dreamer" immigrants is "dead because the Democrats

didn't care or act."

[Source: Fox News]

Democrats are not interested in helping people.

Even illegal immigrants, whom they claim are so precious to them.

It's obvious that illegals are simply a prop liberals use to get political power.

Just like women, gays, and minorities, Democrats promise them the world for votes, but when

asked to do something to help these groups, Democrats are suddenly quiet.

President Donald Trump made DACA a priority early in his administration.

In his State of the Union Address, he made fixing immigration a top priority.

In recent months, my Administration has met extensively with both Democrats and Republicans

to craft a bipartisan approach to immigration reform.

Based on these discussions, we presented the Congress with a detailed proposal that should

be supported by both parties as a fair compromise — one where nobody gets everything they

want, but where our country gets the critical reforms it needs.

[Source: White House]

Since then, Democrats have been surprisingly silent over the fate of DACA and other illegals.

There has been little movement in Congress on resolving DACA.

Democrats can't even negotiate with Trump and the GOP.

If they did, there might be a reasonable solution.

But why do that, when you can complain, obstruct, and blame everyone else?

It seems like the only time Democrats get involved is when they help illegals evade


Recently, we've seen liberal mayors protect aliens from ICE raids in California.

These weren't the "nice" families that Democrats pretend to love.

They were criminals, with violent records.

They were people guilty of armed robbery, rape, domestic abuse, and DUIs.

I guess those are the only people whom Democrats will stick their necks out to help.

Birds of a feather, I suppose…

Democrats' pathetic obstruction of this issue won't deter President Trump for one


Either they get on board or be left in the dust.

Trump began tweeting over the weekend on immigration from Florida, threatening to pull out of a

free trade agreement with Mexico unless it does more to stop people from crossing into

the U.S.

He claimed they're coming to take advantage of protections granted certain immigrants.

He said Mexico must "stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow,



The U.S., Canada and Mexico are participating in tense negotiations over the North American

Free Trade Agreement at Trump's insistence.

Trump says NAFTA is bad for the U.S.

"Mexico has got to help us at the border," Trump, holding his wife's hand, told reporters

before the couple attended Easter services at an Episcopal church near his Palm Beach,

Florida home.

[Source: Fox News] It won't be a problem for Trump to get Mexico's


The master negotiator can easily convince the nation to get on board with improvements

to the Southern border.

They won't like it, but how well do you think they'll fair without NAFTA?

The Mexican government will be eager to offer support to President Trump if it means keeping

a lucrative trade deal.

How sad is it that our own leaders refuse to work with the President?

Perhaps these hacks should be voted out of office, once and for all?

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Liberals FREAK As Trump Drops Bomb On DACA & Demands Nuclear Option. - Duration: 5:43.


Roseanne Destroys Writer Who Called Her Fans Racists & Accused Her Of Using Them. - Duration: 3:47.

Roseanne Destroys Writer Who Called Her Fans Racists & Accused Her Of Using Them.

Writer Jared Yates Sexton is angry with the reboot of "Roseanne" because he thinks

that it "ignores the very real racism of many white working-class families."

If you are white, working class, and voted for President Donald Trump, Sexton is saying

that it is likely that you are a racist.

As anyone should expect, the show's star, Roseanne Barr, fired back as only she can.

Sexton also claimed that after he wrote his story about your racism, he was contacted

by "multiple people at ABC" who said that "there's a real discomfort among many

of the employees with the propagandist nature of the reboot and a feeling that the project

is meant to monetize Trump's base."

Roseanne Barr tweeted Jared Yates Sexton and asked him some pointed questions about future

episodes that ABC executives would know about, that have nothing to do with the president

or his base.

"oh, really? which episode r they uncomfortable about? the one where we get a dog or my mom

gets a boyfriend or I drive for uber or darlene gets a new job or david comes back? which

ones monetize trump's base?" she asked.

Sexton fired back with his own tweet on Easter Sunday.

"The one where your character's support of Donald Trump was framed simply as an economic


They have real concern this is sanitizing a really problematic worldview and dismissing

the inherent bigotry," he said.

What is interesting is that Sexton is not the only person to express concern about the

pro-President Trump nature of the Roseanne character.

But where were Sexton and the other writers and critics concern when the reboot of "Will

& Grace" attacked the president and made a direct appeal to Hillary Clinton voters?

In fact, where has their concern been for the past 50 years of television in which any

conservative was portrayed either as a heartless and selfish person, a backward redneck or

a simpleton?

People often point to Archie Bunker as a conservative champion, but can you name an episode of "All

In The Family" where Archie was not portrayed as a bigot or a simpleton?

Can you name an episode where he was not proven to be incorrect by his virtuous liberal daughter

Gloria or his more liberal, atheist son-in-law Mike Stivic?

Conservatives, like Bunker, have been portrayed on television as people who have character

flaws that need to be fixed by becoming more liberal.

And now, along comes one show that says conservatives are real people with real concerns just like

everyone else.

They aren't racist or dumb, they just want to provide for their families, and people

are going out of their minds.

If you watched the first two episodes of "Roseanne," and judging by the ratings there is an excellent

chance that you did, you witnessed both groups of people, conservatives and liberals, being

portrayed as good people who each had valid points.

You watched a strong female character, probably the strongest female character in television

history, come back as strong as ever.

You also watched the condition of many modern American families who are at odds with each

other over politics, and you watched as they pushed those arguments to the side because

their love of each other was more important.

It was a strong family show that had the modern world in mind.

It was fair, and some people don't like that.

But, if they want to watch a show that only shows the point of view of one side of the

political spectrum, they can watch, literally, every other show on television.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Roseanne Destroys Writer Who Called Her Fans Racists & Accused Her Of Using Them. - Duration: 3:47.


Nature's Masters Of Disguise | Maddie About Science - Duration: 3:57.

Can you see the bug?

Probably can't, can you?

Doing its job.

Hey everybody, it's Maddie Sofia from NPR and Joe's Big Idea, and I'm here at the

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History hanging out with some bugs.

These critters are truly nature's masters of disguise.

Hannah Wood has joined us.

Hannah is an arachnologist here at the Smithsonian, and Hannah's going to take us backstage

to see some of the collections.

How many insects do you guys have?

We have about 35 million specimens of insects and arachnids.

35 million!

That's a lot of bugs.

OK and arachnids, sure.

Spider lady.

Why would an insect want to mimic something else?

Could be several reasons why.

Some of the more common reasons would be because they're mimicking something that has venom

or is potentially dangerous and so they get the benefit by looking the same way.

For example, in spiders, you have ant-mimic spiders where they look like other ants, they

live amongst them and this allows them to prey on other ant species.

But insects don't choose to become mimics, and it doesn't happen overnight.

Let's look at our walking leaf buddy from earlier.

Random differences in DNA lead to unique traits.

And sometimes, these traits do not work out so well.

But, occasionally a trait might help them survive.

The ones that survive make babies, passing down their unique DNA.

And the trait sticks around in the population.

That's a bug, not a leaf.

That's a bug!

And here we have an Australian walking stick, and these insects look a little bit like tree bark.

Look at this!

That looks like part of a tree.

We're going to look at a giant Malaysian walking stick.

And here we have an Asian dead leaf mantis.

And these insects, they look like dead leaves.

All right.

Well, OK.

Sure, yeah, no take your time, wherever you want.

He's putting out his little feelers for a little high-five.



Have you always liked spiders?

I have always not disliked them, yeah.

Just to be clear, everybody starts off with just not hating spiders.

I was fascinated with them.

I took this insect taxonomy course, and from the moment I saw an insect under a microscope,

I just knew, "Wow this is what I want to do."

What is this mimicking?

So this beautiful little moth here is mimicking bird poop.

It's a poop mimic!

So, I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that these are leaf mimics?


Are insects, bugs still evolving?

I mean are humans playing a role in that kind of deal?

I mean everything's still evolving.

Humans have certainly altered the environment in a way that other organisms have changed

the way they look or their behavior.

Such as those moths during the industrial revolution.

Hannah is talking about the peppered moth.

They can be speckled white or black.

During the Industrial Revolution, there was so much pollution that soot covered the trees.

Suddenly, the white moths were pretty easy to spot.

By the end of the century, almost 100 percent of the peppered moths left in the city were black.

But, after we cleaned up the environment in the 1950s, the white moths made a comeback.

Our world and the millions of species of insects that call it home are still evolving.

Who knows what they'll mimic next.

Hi I'm Adam Cole and this is Skunk Bear, NPR's Science show.

I'm a mimic, like you, yeah.

Oh, OK.

And we're excited to share this new series.

Maddie About Science is a part of Joe's Big Idea, and we tell the stories about the

people and the process of science.

If you want to check out what we're doing, click here.

And please subscribe to our YouTube channel right here.

I know you're not a leaf, you're not tricking anybody.

Don't turn away from me, don't ... can you just, OK?

For more infomation >> Nature's Masters Of Disguise | Maddie About Science - Duration: 3:57.


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For more infomation >> SpaceX Launches Resupply Mission - Monday April 2, 2018 | CNBC - Duration: 48:47.


Trump calls on Mexico to do more on illegal immigration - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Trump calls on Mexico to do more on illegal immigration - Duration: 2:33.


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For more infomation >> Cafe Music & Cafe Music Playlist: Best of Bossa & Jazz BGM Cafe Music Compilation Jazz Mix - Duration: 3:13:45.






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For more infomation >> BEST NEW & FAST 🔥 KODI 17.6 BUILD APRIL 2018 🔥 THE SG RESPAWN BUILD KODI 🔥 FROM THE SG WIZARD - Duration: 11:28.


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Have you seen my tacos?????


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The communication error we all make, and how it intensifies conflict | Esther Perel - Duration: 5:05.

There are conversations that will intensify conflict or the potential thereof.

And there are conversations who will intensify understanding, potentially even resolution.

Conversations that are sure to polarize in which for everything you say I come back with

what I have to say, without ever taking into account what you just said.

You know what happens.

When people disagree they literally have the capacity to listen to ten seconds of what

the other side has to say.

Ten seconds – that's three sentences.

And by then they already are busy creating their rebuttal.

They are no longer listening.

They are just preparing their return, their retort.

When you have that kind of conversation here is what happens.

One is I am constantly just going to come back at you.

I am not integrating what I heard from you and it doesn't influence anything of what

I'm saying.

So basically you're saying the same thing over and over again and I'm saying the same

thing over and over again and those two never meet.

And the more I say X, the more I make you say Y.

It's like I'm going to – it's me who is reinforcing you saying the fundamental

thing with which you disagree with.

I come with expectations of what I think you think or may say or may want.

All relationships are colored with expectations about myself and about the other.

My expectations influence that which I then see or hear.

It is a filter as well as my mood is a filter.

We in communication have the ability to set the other people up because we will draw from

them the very things with which we expect from them even when it's the opposite of

what we really want.

We create the others in relationships and in communication.

It isn't just that's who they are and that's who we are.

That is one of the most important things to understand about relationships and communication

is how people actually co-create each other in the context of a relationship and why we

are not the same person with different people.

Because those people make part of who we are.

When we are in conflictual relationships we will often be prone to negative attributions

which is that when you speak to me a certain way it's because you have a bad temper or

you have a nasty personality.

When I speak to you in a certain way it's because I had a lot of traffic getting here

this morning and because I'm having a bad day.

You are a bad person, I have just bad circumstances.

I essentialize you and I contextualize me.

All of these things will intensify conflict.

It's the opposite that will create the potential for understanding.

Is my ability to take in what you say, to mull it over, to include it in my response

so that I make you feel that you matter, that what you say makes a difference, that it enters

me, that you're not just talking to the wind.

What is lacking is the ability to see that speaking is entirely dictated by the quality

of the listening that is reflected back on us.

If I'm talking to someone who is on their phone I will be expressing myself and experiencing

the communication completely different than if I am speaking to someone who is looking

at me in the eyes, who is shaking their head, who says to me I get it, I understand.

Not necessarily I agree.

So when you listen to me the first thing I need to know is that I have your attention.

The second thing I need to know is that maybe you can acknowledge the validity of my point

of view.

That doesn't mean you agree with my point of view but my point of view makes sense.

And potentially you may even empathize with my point of view.

You can understand why I would think or feel or experience things the way I do.

That reflecting back, acknowledging, validating, empathizing.

That sequence is where the depth of communication takes place.

Because ultimately if I speak to you and in the end I leave feeling even more alone I'm

literally in an existential crisis.

There is nothing worse than to be alone in the presence of another.

For more infomation >> The communication error we all make, and how it intensifies conflict | Esther Perel - Duration: 5:05.


The Craziest Ideas that MAY Just Actually WORK! - Duration: 12:22.

Here are 10 crazy ideas that just may be worth your time!

10 - Wasabi fire alarm A Japanese company has developed a fire alarm

that alerts people with impaired hearing by emitting the strong smell of wasabi.

And if you don't have bad hearing, if you really think about it, what would get people

out of a building faster, loud noise or wasabi up their nose?!

The alarm was developed by a fire extinguisher company, Air Water Safety Services, in response

to the rapidly aging and increasing frailty of Japan's population.

Japanese horseradish contains allyl isothiocyanate – the same chemical compound that gives

mustard its bite.

Tests have shown that all of the hearing-impaired people exposed to the odor of wasabi woke

up within two-and-a-half minutes.The company tried peppermint, lavender and other different

smells, but none of them worked quite like wasabi being sprayed into a room.

Further tests were done to determine the appropriate amount of odor to release without causing

people's eyes to water – but that side effect is pretty minor compared to the fact that

this fire alarm can actually save lives by getting people up and out of the building!

Have any of you ever snorted wasabi?!

How much money would it take for you guys to do a line in the nose?!

Let us know in the comment section!

And do me a favor would you please…...hit this little thumbs up button right here!

9 - Tooth in the eye Back in 2009, a blind man was able to see

his wife for first time after having a TOOTH implanted into his eye!

I'm still trying to make sense of what I just said right now.

The guy was left blind for a decade after an accident at work.

But a remarkable operation, which implanted a part of his tooth in his eye, brought back

his eyesight.

The process requires a living tooth as an implant because doctors suggested that there

was a chance the eye would reject a plastic equivalent.

So a canine, which was the best option because of its shape and size, was taken out of his


This uncommon procedure used a segment of tooth as a holder for a new lens grafted from

his skin.

During the operation, a small section of a patient's tooth is removed, reshaped, and

chiseled through to grip the man-made lens which is then placed in its core.

A patch of skin is then taken from the inside of the man's cheek and placed in the eye

for two months, where it gradually acquires its own blood supply.

The tooth segment is finally transplanted into the eye socket.

The flap of grafted skin is then partially lifted from the eye and placed over its new

sturdy base.

Finally, surgeons cut a hole in the grafted cornea to let light through!

What a time to be alive because this procedure just sounds so insane!

The eight-hour operation, pioneered by surgeon Christopher Liu, was specially designed to

help patients who have corneal blindness but aren't suitable for traditional corneal


8 - Roller Coaster Relief I'm sure that most of us have ridden roller

coasters, and you may actually be a roller coaster lover.

But did you know that riding roller coasters actually has a great health benefit?

While riding a roller coaster is supposed to take your breath away, Dutch psychologists

have found that it can do just the opposite for asthma sufferers!

They took 25 women who suffered severe asthma on a series of roller coaster rides and discovered

that the euphoric thrill experienced subsequently reduced their shortness of breath commonly

associated with asthma.

The short-term burst of extreme physical stress appears to relax asthmatics' airways, improving


The sheer thrill of the ride may help, too.

Adrenaline is often used as a therapeutic drug for severe asthmatics: it sets off a

reaction that relaxes the muscles in the lungs' bronchial tubes, helping sufferers to breathe

more easily.

7 - Cure for hiccups When's the last time you've had hiccups?

When you get it, sometimes it feels as if it'd never go away right?!

However, just a few minutes of putting up with the involuntary hiccup is usually enough

for the problem to go away on its own.

However, other times they can become a far more unmanageable problem and well – DESPERATE


There's a surprising but highly effective cure.

Published in 1988, a study called quote "Termination of intractable hiccups with digital rectal

massage" details the case of a 60-year-old patient whose seemingly non-stop hiccups were

stopped by ummmmm massaging the inside of his cut.

However, he got the hiccups back in a few hours.

But surprisingly, the hiccup was gone again by applying the same method!

The research from the Bnai Zion Medical Center in Israel notes that "no other recurrences

were observed."

Dr. Francis Fesmire wrote the medical case report back in 1988 and in 2006, his research

actually won an Ig Nobel prize in 2006 for unusual achievements in scientific research!

6 - Gila monster saliva You guys ready for the next crazy find?!

A drug made from the saliva of the Gila monster is somehow effective in reducing food cravings!

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg found an entirely new and unexpected effect

from this lizard's spit, and made it into a pill!

They've tested the compound on rats, and after getting the Gila monster saliva treatment,

the rats stopped their cravings for both food and chocolate.

The whole trick here lies in the fact that our decision to eat is linked to the same

mechanisms in the brain which control addictive behaviors.

The exendin-4 found in the lizards' saliva affects the reward and motivation regions

of the brain.

Most dieting fails because we get obsessed with the desire to eat, especially tempting

foods, such as sweets.

As exendin-4 suppresses the cravings for food, it can help obese people take control of their

eating urges.

Research on exendin-4 also gives hope for new ways to treat diseases related to eating

disorders, such as for example, compulsive overeating.

5 - Charcoal lined underwear According to research, activated carbon underwear

is the most effective method of removing smell down in our sensitive regions.

Of course, some entrepreneur came up with Shreddies, the charcoal filtered underwear

to help out noses all over the world!

Shreddies aren't exactly magic – they work because of science.

The noxious smells this underwear gets rid of feature an activated carbon back panel

that absorbs all the smells.

Because of its highly porous nature, the smells gets trapped and neutralized by the cloth,

which is reactivated every time you wash the underwear.

Apparently, how you stand, sit and how you pass gas is extremely important to get the

most out of Shreddies underwear.

The trick lies in ensuring there aren't any gaps in the waistband or leg openings

and that the fit is firmly against the skin.

Oh, by the way.

In case you decide to get them, don't forget that Shreddies are designed to absorb odors,

and they don't work on muffling the sound.

Be sure to remember that whenever you guys are out on that first date wearing shreddies!

4 - Drip-free bottles Daniel Perlman of Brandeis University put

his brain where it really matters: designing a bottle that doesn't drip.

A biophysicist and inventor, Perlman said the trick to this design is an additional

two-millimeter groove added to the tip of a bottle that helps to catch any liquid as

the bottle gets tilted back up.

The conclusion came to Perlman after he studied slow-motion videos for three years of wine

being poured into a glass.

Three years!

That's how long it took him to realize that drips most often occur when the bottle is

full or nearly full.

With the extra lip, he claims that the tiny design update fixes an obviously very real

problem that many people experience in frustrating ways.

The fix is simple enough that he hopes bottle designers just take this into consideration

when manufacturing glass containers.

3 - Walking on ice Walking on icy streets could be made much

easier if you just do one simple trick – put socks over your shoes.


Any of you guy guys out there ever tried this?

Let us know in the comments!

A study done in New Zealand found that wearing socks over shoes appears to be an effective

and cheap method to reduce the likelihood of slipping on icy footpaths.

Lianne Parkin, Sheila Williams, and Patricia Priest did an experiment to test the wisdom

of a local winter tradition.

These ladies published their findings in the New Zealand Medical Journal.

They based their research on reports that pedestrians who wear socks over the top of

their shoes are less likely to slip and fall in icy conditions.

Parkin, Williams, and Priest found it simple to recruit volunteers and in order to qualify,

passing pedestrians simply needed to wear socks while walking downhill.

In the end, it turned out that wearing socks over your shoes could significantly reduce

the self-reported slipperiness of icy footpaths.

On top of that, apparently almost all of the sock-wearing participants displayed confidence

in descending the study slopes.

Amazingly, the only falls occurred during the study were to people who weren't wearing

socks on their shoes!

2 - Caffeine eye drops Ah, good ol' caffeine – the magic ingredient

that makes life just a little bit nicer each morning.

But usually, it's ingested through your mouth.

Or some adventurous people also do coffee through other adventurous means.

However, did you know that a recent study proved that caffeine in your eyes could help

you fight UV-B cataracts?!

Now, here's the thing with cataracts.

It isn't fun.

The World Health Organization estimated that cataract operations would increase from 20

million cataract operations annually in 2004 to 32 million cataract surgeries annually

by 2020.

However, this is where caffeine could come in to help cut down on those surgeries.

Even the delay of cataract onset of only 10 years could reduce the need for cataract surgery

by as much as half!

A study involving rats found that topically applied caffeine protects against UV-B-induced

cataracts in the rat.

According to the FDA, we tolerate caffeine pretty well and caffeine is classified as

sufficiently safe.

Unfortunately, you can't drink your way out of a cataract.

10 to 15 grams of a single dose that needs to be taken is equivalent to 80-100 cups of

coffee a day!

There has been a concern that caffeine may increase eye pressure, but further studies

in which caffeine was administered to humans with glaucoma showed zero change in eye pressure.

Could caffeine eye drops be a new trend?!

Would you put caffeine in your eyes to give it a shot?

How much caffeine do you take in a day?

Let us know in the comments!

1 - Name the cows What exactly is in a name?

Well, it's a lot of course.

So much so it even applies to cows!

Scientists have found that cows with names produce more milk than those animals who aren't


In a study involving 516 dairy farmers in the UK, it was found that treating the animals

as individuals increased production.

The average amount of milk produced by a cow over its annual 10-month lactation period

is 13,198 pints.

Those cows with names had an average higher milk yield of 454 pints.

The study found milk yield to be lower on farms where cattle were herded as a group.

Really, it's not actually naming the cows, but it's the attention cows get from being

given a name.

Just as people respond better to the personal touch, cows also feel happier and more relaxed

if they're given a bit more one on one attention.

Apparently, treating every cow as an individual with different personality is vitally important

to milk production.


Here's what's next!

For more infomation >> The Craziest Ideas that MAY Just Actually WORK! - Duration: 12:22.


Lyme Disease Story | Heidi | Infusio Integrative Lyme Program - Duration: 6:37.

if you at home thinking yeah I have this symptom and I relate yeah I've gone

through that and how can you get better I have to have antibiotics to get better

I have to have this treatment and that treatment and you might be on many

forums and they're saying it will never work and that won't work you've got to

look at it for yourself you've got to feel in your heart what's right for you

feel that connection and if you feel it's right for you to go to Infusio

you will walk through those doors or wheel through the doors like me and you will go on

your healing journey but the best decision I ever made was coming to

Infusio you know it's really really helped me in so many ways

I've I no longer have seizures, my heart hasn't stopped, I'm not in hospital

anymore, 17 times in hospital three weeks here, 2 weeks there, so I'm not in hospital

anymore which is fantastic and a big game changes, I'm walking again I can

tolerate light, I can listen to music, all these things that you suffer with so so

long and nothing's work and you try everything this is working for me it is

helping me and don't get me wrong I have a few little bumps here and there but

it's nothing that Infusio haven't got under control right now and they're

helping me with the ACT which it's amazing fantastic addition for all you

people now thinking about coming to Infusio on having stems because this

is going to be the game changer for you and your healing for me personally when

I hit the neurological healing stage between 4 and 12 months that's when it

was really tough, I took a nose dive down, and it was all of a sudden when

I was at home you know after having lots of histamine issues and sneezing and

wheezing couldn't breathe and my head was feeling drunk after eating and you

know many food intolerances like barley, soya, and all sorts of things but it

was just before I came to Infusio four weeks ago I had a really bad

flare-up I couldn't breathe I was wheezing my oxygen went to 72 and it was

a few weeks after that something neurologically changed

there was a shift and that was past my 12 month point so if you are you know

thinking about going to Infusio when you have been to Infusio you've got them stems

and you thinking "Why aren't I better yet?" your healing remember you are healing

you walk in that door a sick person when you leave, you walk out a person who is

going through a healing process and that's something I have to constantly

remember, I am healing I am getting well and changing that mindset of you know

I'm still feeling sick it's not what it is working your blocks are rebuilding

you're getting better you're getting stronger and I'm at a stage now where my

neurological healing is getting so much better I'm no longer locked in that dark

room with the windows drawn the curtains drawn even you can't draw your interest

really curtains drawn and not being able to communicate I am now able to speak

more I'm able to you know listen to music again and now I'm walking and and

I'm still healing and ACT is helping me again and this little home

care package it's fantastic I wish I had that before so you guys are so lucky if

you come to Infusio now you're getting so much love, care, and always they're always

there and listening to you the one thing you do need to remember is you are

healing, it may take time, never judge your journey from somebody else's

journey. We're all different we've all got lots of damage done

although our stories may be similar, our immune systems are different and we're

all at different levels of healing so don't be down beat if you are in that

group too just be patient it takes time for your

healing and those were in group one fantastic, go on and have a great life

it's brilliant, those in group two, you know hang in, hold tight, you will get there and

believe it when I says because I'm getting there now and I never thought

that was possible and it is but it's also changing the rewiring to the

brain tell your self constantly, "I'm healing, I'm getting well", you know if you can try

and get a bit of air, the sunshine and just stay in that mindset and just be in

the now and you will get there I probably you will get there just hold

tight my neurological shift was just two weeks before coming to Infusio and I

started to be able to eat more foods and things started to change

I started be able to walk a little further which was like wow

oh my god am I happy, that friend happy that sometimes disappears when you

get sick and ill came back after 12 months and I started to feel that shift which

is great and to feel you're happy come back he's like wow it's like an old

friend coming to hug and see you haven't seen for a long time so you know

you may feel low, you may feel down, but it will change and it will get better and

it's all part of the healing process. It might not feel like it

but it actually is so hold on tight and Infusio is incredible, it saved my life, and it's given

my life back and I cannot thank the whole team it's not one person I can't

thank more than another everybody from Bijan to Philip to the

whole team Infusio they've supported me like nowhere else has before and

they've given me health when I had no hope, when I was ready, literally I was going

I was going and they've given my life back and I didn't have to go to

Switzerland to end my life when it was too much, and I held on I turned that

corner and and I'm here to tell the story today and I'm alive, the main thing

is I'm alive. So when you feel like time to give up, I can't do this anymore the

time the tide can always change. Things can change in a second, in a minute, in a

day. Don't give up come to Infusio and you will see for yourself, and meet everyone

you'll see that it's totally different to the hospital environment and

taking pharmaceuticals. It's healing the body inside-out, and it's incredible!

I can smile again, and I can laugh again, and I can have fun again, and I can

walk again. I'm alive, and I know if you're on a

journey whether it from cancer, whether it's Lyme disease, autoimmune diseases,

there isn't a place in the world where I'd rather be for myself personally, and I

hope you to get to get here whether it's to be fundraising like I had to, you know

fundraise I had a friend very fortunately who helped me out, but I hope

you to whatever means possible do what it takes to get here because you can't

put a price on your life, on your health and that's the most

important thing, your health

For more infomation >> Lyme Disease Story | Heidi | Infusio Integrative Lyme Program - Duration: 6:37.


[KOR SUB] REACTION!! BTS V Focus Cams Mic Drop and Not Today - Duration: 13:10.

Hello everybody, my name is Maggie, and I like to react to K-pop videos on the

Internet. I hope that you are having a good day.

Welcome to my channel, welcome back to my channel, whatever the case is. You Decide

Monday! Today we are taking a look at some V focus cams because it was, it was

the clear winner. All right! I have chosen to react to the

focus cams for Mic Drop and Not Today, because I just am feeling it. Um, my V

jacket is on. This thing is huge! I really like big jackets, and big bombers, and

stuff, but dang! I probably- yeah, it's big. My shoulders are there, and that's where

they're supposed to be in the jacket, but we're just going to roll with it. That's how

it's going to be. All right, if you are new here, I run a Twitter poll. Every single

Monday, you decide what I upload on my channel. My Twitter handle is

@ReactionaryMag. Please go vote in the Twitter polls so I know what you'd like

to see. Also I upload Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 3 p.m. Mountain Standard time.

I would love to have you if you're not subscribed, and also if you could give

this video a big like if you like it, I'll do some more fancams.

Al right. All right. Trying to do this without the first

aid kit today, but I do have Scotty the emotional support bear in case we need

him. I'm just going to put him on my lap because I'm feeling like we might.

Yeah. Okay. Let's start with Mic Drop. Mic Drop remix, V focus, oh dear. Oh god, oh my god.

it's already bad, it's already bad, it's already bad. I'm already in trouble. Already in trouble. Okay.

Nope, see? Why?

See, I've got such problems, because as Taehyung, he's adorable

and then as Tae, as V,mm-mm. The adorable is gone.

Sassy, sassy.

Oh my god.

Whoa. Whoa. Did- was that a, was that a moment?


Whoa! When you can see the facial expressions, I, I kicked my camera. That's

where that went.

Oh no, no. I'm so, so soft for Jimin this week after seeing Burn

The Stage. Oh god, oh god, oh god, this is bad. This is a bad. And Jin, dark haired Jin.

We're in trouble.

This is trouble.

Oh my god, okay. Okay, okay, okay. We're fine, we're fine, we can do this. We're fine. No.

Stop, okay, maybe we can't do it. Oh no.

Okay. My hoodie mafia's here. Oh god, they're going to do the

hot sexy dance break thing at some point. Oh no. No.

I can't, I can't. Okay. Why did you guys make me watch this? Why?

I should quit You- okay, when your biases are like, hanging.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is this? Put your clothes on, put your clothes on. We can't

take it, None of us can take that. Oh.

Don't you take those clothes off again.

That takes me to a dark place.

Can we just talk about how amazing it is when they stay chilling and dancing on the

sides of the stage? I freaking love it.

Bounce in. Bounce in to your spot.


Okay. Okay. Okay.

Mm-mm. Why?

Do you know anybody in real life that this- is this good-looking?

Cause I just, I, I don't. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't.

Oh, RM in the shades. So cool. Whoa, didn't need anything out of J-Hope

right there, didn't need anything out of Jungkook, this is a bad, bad focus cam, you guys.

My focus is all over the place. Whoo. [headphone warning]

Oh, no, no, no, no. I can't. [headphones safe] Okay, okay,

okay, okay, okay. I haven't seen these up close like this. I haven't. Oh, no. Okay.

Oh no.

Oh my god, I'm done. I'm done. Oh, I'm so done, I'm so done. I'm beyond done. There was done.

I am across the street from done holding like, a sign that says, please dear God don't kill me.

Oh stop it.

No. No. No.

Okay, okay, okay.

Oh no. Oh no.

I think that dance break is coming up. Oh god, oh god, oh god,

oh god. What am I- no, no, it is, isn't it? Okay, okay, okay,

Oh, who took this fan cam? I want to either like, punch you, or give you a big kiss on the mouth.

It- the pain, the pain, the pain. Oh my god.

What, what, what? I will never be able to withstand this pain.

Whoa, I've never seen that out of JImin. That was really cool.

Suga, I love you so much. Oh my god.

That was rough. That was really rough.

Dah, okay. Okay, okay, okay. My back is already tense. I think I just pinched a nerve.

Um, it's fine. It's fine.

Yeah. What is it like to, you know, react to BTS videos sometimes? It's

like pouring salt in an open wound, but at the same time being so happy that you

can feel things, like feel feelings. Like- that is a horrible analogy. I, I don't

have words, it's a problem. We're just going to keep going. Okay, this is the Not Today

V focus cam. Oh man, you guys. I'm really, really in a place though, I am in a spot

after that Mic Drop focus cam. I, I just am already.

Let's go.

My hoodie mafia. God I love the hoodie mafia. They're backup dancers. Hmm.

They're so good, they're so dedicated. God bless them. Okay.

Oh. Oh. Oh!

The pants! Who chose the pants? Who chose the pants? I want, I want-- okay. Choices are good.

Why? Why? Why?

Okay. Okay. Oh, not okay, not okay. The body roll. Hmm-mm.

It's been a minute since I've had to like-- Oh, no!

No! No sir, no thank you. No. No, no, no, no, no. No thank you.


I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I'm done. I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done!

I'm so not, I, I, I'm not okay.

Oh no. Okay. Okay.

At first I was wondering if he was an angel or a demon. Mm-mm. This boy is straight up demon.

I, I can't even get right with church right now. This is church, and I'm in trouble.


So horrible. Oh, this performance, stop! Okay.

All right, as long as we're dying together, man, because you are freaking

killing me. You are killing me slowly, and without mercy. This is not a mercy kill. I felt that though.

Oh God.

Okay, no. Not today. Not today. Not today.

Oh my god.

Oh no.


It's as bad, as bad as I thought it was going to be. Okay.

It's all right. It's all right. Why did I do this without the ice? I needed the ice. I needed the ice.

Why are you perfect? I don't get it.

You guys, I'm being just absolutely run over with a freaking bulldozer called Taehyung.

He's, he's driving it too, and he's got that evil look.

Oh no.

I didn't realize that he and JIn locked- oh.

That didn't look good.

Okay well, something happened. Something happened.

I didn't like that. Anytime you see some kind of grimace like that, that uh,

that puts things into a little bit more perspective. I mean, because we're here, we do us, we fangirl, we fanboy,

we fan day, we do whatever it is, it's, it's fine, and I have no shame about it. And I'm just

gonna be me and do this, but when you see something like that grimace that he had

at the very end, it just really pulls you back into like, these are real

people who perform like that, on such a level that, I mean, the way that they tour,

and just after watching the second episode also of Burn The Stage, it

becomes really real, you know. So, yeah. I hope that everything was okay, I'm sure

it was, but. Whoa, you guys, that was, uh, that was, I haven't done a V reaction- this is

why I don't do V reactions every single week, because I can't take it.

I can't. I'm so sorry. My cat just kicked the camera. I think she's scared for me.

She- you know how animals can tell when you're, you know, having a moment? That's where

she's at. All right, if you like this video, if you like me, I have tons of different

content, so please go back and take a look at that. Like I said I upload Monday,

Wednesday, Friday, 3:00 p.m. Mountain Standard time. I would love to have you

subscribe and hang out with us. If you do subscribe, please hit that

notification bell, because YouTube does not notify people when I upload a lot of

the times, so please hit that bell also if you could give this a big like, like I

said in the beginning, I will try to find more focus cams. I will put myself

through the pulverizer torture that I just did, because it's what I do. It's how

I feel, and you're never going to get something false out of me, so there you go.

All right, yeah. I need to go back to my day and all of that, so I hope that you guys

have a great day. I- whatever you're doing, I hope this was super fun, and I will

talk to you in my next video. Bye.

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