Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 2 2018

Yesterday, LeBron reached a major milestone,

as he became just the seventh player ever to score 30,000 career points.

Go ahead, LeBron. >> [APPLAUSE]

>> Everybody was so proud of him, but

nobody was prouder of LeBron than LeBron. >> [LAUGH]

>> Before the game,

LeBron posted a picture of himself back in his high school days saying,

in part quote, wanna be,

one of the first to congratulate you on this accomplishments, achievement tonight.

Only a handful has seen it, and while I know it's never been a goal of yours from

the beginning, please try to take a moment for yourself, on how you've done it.

Congrats again, Young King. >> Yes.

>> Now, [LAUGH]


>> Some people may find Jame's self

congratulations, while others love the fact that LeBron is his biggest fan.

Drake even put up a post on his Instagram,

congratulating LeBron, and bragging about Spotify streams for

his latest single, God's Plan. So-


>> I love that song.

>> Never too late to promote your own

stuff. Now ladies,

what do you think of LeBron's humblebrag? >> I'm here for it.

Because sometimes, while you're motivating

yourself, you're motivating others.

>> Yes. >> [APPLAUSE]

>> And you have to remind yourself-

>> Yes.

>> Who you are.

>> I can remember after Sister, Sister,

going on auditions, and I forgot how to audition,

because I'd been working on a show for so long.

And I had to look at myself in the mirror, and remind myself, Tamara, you

played Tamara Campbell on Sister, Sister. >> [LAUGH]


>> You got this.

Cuz actually there's a one in four million chance of somebody being booked on

a sitcom. >> Yes.

>> So I was like one in four

million. >> Wow!

>> Which is basically a lot of zeros,

a lot of zeros and 25, so I was like, you know what?

I got this. >> Yes.

>> I can do this.

>> You have to remind yourself.

>> You have to tell yourself

that. >> Yeah.

>> And he's played 1,107 games.

That's a lot.

And he's only the 7th person.

The NBA has been around since 1949. >> Wow.

>> That is a major accomplishment.

You know what Kobe congratulated him he is always looked up to Kobe.

Kobe sent out a Tweet a lot of people sent out a tweet, but

what I really thought was really sweet, his kids congratulated him.

We have a little bit of that, can we run that tape?

>> Congratulations dad on 30,000 points

and you're the best. >> Congratulations, Dad, on 30,000 points.

I'm proud of you, but

you know I taught you well. >> [LAUGH]

>> Congratulations, Daddy,

I love you! >> [SOUND]

>> Zhuri is the cutest.

She is the cutest. >> So

cute. >> So beautiful.

She mom. >> And

his wife, Savannah, was also on there. >> Yeah.

>> You know what?

I'm just feeling something, you guys. >> What?

>> I think sometimes we all need to pat

ourselves on the back. >> I was just gonna say that.

>> And you know what?

Sins are old.

On Instagram or on Twitter. >> Yeah, put your own.

>> Put your own,

put something that you are happy or proud of yourself.

I don't care if you went to work today,

if you got up early. >> Yes.

>> If you just something.

So send it to us at #therealseason4, realS4.

And I'll retweet some of the stuff, okay? >> [LAUGH]

>> That is [CROSSTALK]-

>> I actually love the idea

>> He wasn't just congratulating himself.

I think there's a deeper meaning in this.

He actually put a photo of himself up when he

was in high school. >> Yeah.

>> And I think that it's

such a healthy thing.

We've even done it on the show,

writing letters to your younger self. >> Yes.

>> What would you say to your

younger self?

And I think in this, he's looking at this young kid who had a dream,

who had a goal. >> Yeah.

>> And now he's accomplished it.

And he's saying congratulations, not just to himself now but

to that young boy in that picture.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Love it.

>> And I think that's so

special. >> It is.

>> And to piggyback on what you're saying,

when you really read his words, he actually then turns into thanking

the people around him that helped him make it possible.

God, you know his family.

And I love what you're initiating now because I did this over at Christmas.

I was home with my parents and I saw a picture of myself, and

I just flashed over me because when I looked at it, I was like, my god.

I remember this girl,

what she was wearing.

>> [SOUND] >> [SOUND] So cute.

>> What I was thinking when I put that

outfit together what I wanted to be when I perm my hair and

how sassy I wanted to get.

And it reminded me that if you don't know what a fine self love,

you're gonna spend the rest of your life trying to find somewhere

else. >> [APPLAUSE]

>> And the best movie,

let me just bring this up.

The best movie right now that I encourage everybody to watch,

it's an Oscar nominated movie.

It's I, Tonya.

It's a perfect example of what happens to a young person if

they don't know how to find self love.

They get into the wrong habits to perpetually filed filth with wrong

people. >> Yes.

>> And so don't

try to find in someone else.

Some people don't know how to love you out on those streets and

find a way to love yourself. >> [APPLAUSE]

>> Love yourself first.


>> I love that.

For more infomation >> LeBron James Celebrates Himself - Duration: 5:00.


Tiffany Haddish Makes Hilarious Oscar Flub - Duration: 4:50.

Yesterday, Tiffany Haddish had the honor of announcing the Oscar nominations and

had a little trouble pronouncing some of the nominees' names.

Despite that fact,

people seemed to love Tiffany, as the host including Best Adapted Screenplay nominee,

Michael H Weber who tweeted, quote, Tiffany Haddish can

mispronounce my name any way she wants! >> WOOOOOOO

>> He's excited.

>> Yes, well,

Tiffany saw Michael's tweet and responded saying, I am so sorry.

I just felt like I was a substitute teacher in a Key and Peele skit.

I was having an un- >> You know exactly which one it is.

>> An unreal experience.

So Greateul you are cool Congratulations! >> So ladies-

>> That's a good skit.

>> Can you relate to Tiffany?

Loni, do you ever have a little problem with people's names?

>> [LAUGH]

>> All of us do, don't we?

>> No, I know, all of us.

>> You just stumbled.

>> Yes.

>> This is just what we do.

When it's live, first of all, I wanna give it out to Tiffany, because to get up

that early in the morning and she probably wasn't quite prepared.

You do mispronounce names. >> But also, she-

>> Now, I also want to say that everybody

wasn't happy. >> Yeah, really?

>> There was some people that they went

in on her.

Sarafina @Sarafffina tweeted it might have been nice if #tiffanyhaddish had taken

a moment to learn the pronunciations of these noms names.

>> Mm-hm.

>> It's only one of the biggest days of

their lives.

Now, I wanna say, you got to understand where Tiffany come from.

Me and her kinda cut from the same cloth.

She was raised in foster care system, so maybe it's not the best education.

Maybe they don't study phonics, but the thing is that she's a survivor.

>> Yes.

>> And for

her to go from where she was to be here on the Oscar stage worldwide,

I think you gotta kinda give her a break. >> You could have a doctorate and

some people's names are just not easy to pronounce.

>> Yes, I would not say,

yes. >> And

she might not have known those names, you guys.

That's top secret up until it's announced. >> Hey,

every day there is name out here that you all see me, and we can run tape or

me struggling to pronounce. >> Yeah, yeah.

>> And you can put it phonetically, but

in my mind, I'm seeing it one kinda way.

But this is the thing, I keep trying and I won't [CROSSTALK] To keep trying.

>> Keep trying, I'm sorry,

we just did an award show the NAACP. >> That was

hard. >> There were names that were literally

like XYNZA you tell me how to pronounce that.

I don't know.

It's difficult, different cultures,

it's hard. >> I just want to apologize to Marsai when

she won her NAACP Image Award, she is a lovely actress on Black-ish.

>> Yes, I love her.

>> I said, Marsai.

And I graduated with honors from Pepperdine University,

so I agree with what you ladies say.

Sometimes it is just hard to pronounce certain names.

As long as you do it confidently, you're cool, you're cool.


>> M-A-R-S-A-I.

>> A-I. >> You could

think that side.

>> Yeah. >> Okay.


>> Okay, I wanna take this into

a different direction real quick, okay?

In this world, there are two types of people.

One that will correct you when you say their name wrong.

Be like, no, it's actually Lucy, or whatever it is.

And then there's others who sit by and just let it slide.

And we four here, I'm keeping it real. >> [LAUGH]

>> We have absolutely been guilty

of letting it slide a time and a half. >> Yes.

>> We've had reporters-

>> They murder our names.

>> Shots fired and

you see our face be like, Jeannie, or no, it will be like Loni Love.

>> You guys at the end of the NAACP Awards

they kept calling me, Tamara and Adrianna. >> Yeah, Tamara and

Adrianna. >> Tamara and Adrianna.

And we're both just like, okay. >> And they were just quiet, and

then I was like, it's Tamera and Adrienne, ma'am.

I just, okay. >> That first NAACP luncheon you went to,

they announced Jeannie on the stage, and we have here Jeannie Mai.

>> [LAUGH]

>> They be confident, too.

>> They were like, Loni.

>> Yes.

>> Loni.

>> There has to be something.

I'm guilty of being that person.

>> Yeah. >> Yes.

>> How do you correct somebody,

cuz sometimes you don't wanna be rude, but it's wrong.

So- >> I think sometimes you could just

do it as a joke.

Like, girl, my name is Tamera.

[CROSSTALK] >> Don't embarrass them in front of

everybody and take it some and be like, hey, just wanted to help you,

my name is actually Adrienne. >> Remember Gabourey Sidibe?

>> Sidibe.

>> Yes.

>> Yeah, I was calling it Cinnabon or

something like that, but she waited until after the segment.

And she was like, girl, this is my.

And so it's the way to do it.

It was perfect.

[CROSSTALK] >> Help people out.

>> Absolutely.

For more infomation >> Tiffany Haddish Makes Hilarious Oscar Flub - Duration: 4:50.


เกมกระตุกกลิ่น - พากย์พังหนัง - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> เกมกระตุกกลิ่น - พากย์พังหนัง - Duration: 1:46.


No, Teens Aren't Really Doing The Condom Snorting Challenge Anymore | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 4:15.

Your teenager is an out-of-control condom snorter!

Except they're almost certainly not.

You're watching What's Trending, I'm Danielle Radford.

Subscribe for more trending and social media news every day.

The latest thing media outlets want parents to be sh*tting themselves about is the Condom

Snorting Challenge.

That's when you stick the tip of a condom up your nose, snort it as high up as you can,

then pull it out of your mouth.

And it's a scary new trend!

Oh my god, no!

Every teenager is doing it!

Are they?

This round of articles began with a report on Fox 29 in San Antonio.

Educators are visiting area schools to talk drug and alcohol prevention and make sure

parents are aware of dangerous trends like the Condom Snorting Challenge.

Because these days our teens are doing everything for likes, views an

The report follows Texas education specialist Stephen Enriquez giving an educational seminar

to parents about dangerous trends.

"Condom-snorting" is only mentioned once in the report.

But you wouldn't know that from the barrage of articles online saying things like, "Snorting

condoms is the dangerous emerging social media trend that could kill you."

It's hardly emerging.

The videos we could find were nearly all from back in 2013.

In fact, the summer of 2013 was the last time the Condom Snorting Challenge was a major

search term on Google.

It's literally something nobody has been talking about or uploading in the last 5 years.

But other than The Daily Dot and a few other responsible outlets…

Nearly every article you'll find on the Condom Snorting Challenge is how it's this

crazy, dangerous new trend that every kid is doing.

Chances are your 14-year-old was 9 years old when this happened and doesn't even know

what it is.

They've probably figured out what condoms are actually for by now.

Sorry, parents.

See, look at that.

That's as far as sex ed as we've gone.

No, we put the condoms up our nose?

No, you put it in on your... you know what?


Just snort the condoms.

It's fine.

Now, to be sure, you shouldn't be snorting condoms.

It's very dangerous.

Accidentally swallowing a condom can result in a collapsed lung or even, in at one case,


But those cases were from people accidentally swallowing condoms during oral sex.

I commend people for putting condoms on for oral sex, because I think that statistically

that's the one we're least likely to put condoms on for?

Because everyone's just like: "Oh.

It's just oral sex.

I can't get AIDS in the mouth."

And so people don't do it as often?

So I do commend people, but man - you gotta be really like...

I be doing some hard work.

You gotta get the tight... you gotta get that tight condom, my dudes.

To date, there is not a single reported case that we could find of health complications

resulting from the Condom Snorting Challenge.

But that hasn't stopped your parents from reading headlines and jumping to conclusions.

Like this comment from @vannsmole: "From munching Tide Pods to now snorting condoms.

This is the generation that is screeching at us about gun control?

While idiots like Laurence Tribe push for the voting age to be lowered!

This is the intelligence level of the left.

Thank God for Trump."

That's right.

A couple of teenagers did something really dumb 5 years ago, so now we can completely

dismiss the gun debate.

That's sound reasoning.


Now, we contacted the Education Service Center in San Antonio that teaches the "Dangerous

Trends" class, to ask if they thought the media had gone a little bit overboard.

They sent us the following statement:

"This 'trend' is not all encompassing, it is one of many things to help create awareness

and have healthy conversations with our children.

Also – we aren't saying these trends are occurring at ESC-20 schools but rather our

role is to provide the educational community with trends circulating via a number of outlets

including technology, drug, opioid, tobacco, etc.

We've been sharing about this and other challenges for years now and don't know

how it gained such popularity just recently.

We can say that parents and teachers are very appreciative of learning what's trending."


That's our name!

Unfortunately, it gained such popularity because a bunch of news outlets decided it should.

Are kids actually more likely to do the Condom Challenge now because of all of the media


Let us know in the comments down below.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more trending news every day, and check

us out over on for more trending stories like these.

For more infomation >> No, Teens Aren't Really Doing The Condom Snorting Challenge Anymore | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 4:15.


Seed Bed Prep With John Deere 8235R and 630 Disk - Duration: 11:48.

welcome back to the rest of the story well guys it is time for fieldwork and

as you guys can all see that's pretty well self explanatory Ryan is getting this

ground worked down so dad can go through and get it seeded the field

worked up really nice almost too nice I almost have to say because the soy-

bean stubble we hit that with the disk twice and for how soft it got it

was almost too much but it worked down or seeded down really well and well I

have a video coming out also that'll show me harrowing it or getting it

smoothed out after dad seeded it but we are using the 630 the 630 does not have

the rolling basket or any harrow on the back of it to smooth out the ground

behind the disc blades or to kind of take some of the air out of the soil

because that is one trait of this machine or this implement and that is

that it likes to leave the soil kind of fluffy almost like a pillowcase I'm

gonna you go through and step on it or walk through it after it's been hit like

this you sink in a couple inches and you're packing the soil back down the

VT not taking anything away from the 630 here but the vt earthmaster

with the spiked disc gang that it has on it

including with that large rolling basket because that VT the earthmaster

really does have a larger rolling basket on it compared to some other implements

i've seen i think john deere their basket is fairly fairly small it's not

as well it's not as large and i've heard that they like to pack with mud or dirt

better than that earthmaster does that earthmaster hasn't packed up with dirt

at all for us those rolling baskets are known for if you get into muddy

conditions there known for packing full of dirt which a

lot of people are gonna say that all if it was muddy you probably shouldn't have

been out there in the first place that is true that is very true but sometimes

you have a low spot in a field that is dry like if you can see to the right of

the screen that is a waterway we went through when we tore them all up but the

grass waterways tended to be a little softer because it is kind of like down

in a down on the bottom it is at the bottom of the field and the whole reason

why Ryan went through and worked all the waterways up that's what he's doing

right here and tearing them up is so dad could go through and reseed them

properly years of tillage like two three four or five years of chisel plowing

it's just the nature of that job you go to pick the implement up I mean every

every time you do that pulling it into a waterway you're depositing just a little

bit of dirt at the end of the strip and that's kind of what happens is you

gradually end up migrating the grass waterway to either side of it and back

when we were doing a yearly rotation where every few years our hay ground got

shifted on every farm it really wasn't that big of an issue it really isn't

that big of an issue now this farm in particular the waterways have always

been kind of a kind of off so what we did here Ryan went through

and he hit a few of them a few times and you're gonna see him he's gonna fold the

disk up to put all the weight on the main frame so he can really dig in he's

doing his best to work up any these soil sod clumps as well what they

really are and those root balls in grass really don't like to work up that nice

even when you chisel plow when you go through and chisel plow sod or alfalfa

ground typically you always have to hit it twice maybe some of my viewers know

some some other people around here don't hit

Sod ground more than once we typically do when we when we work it up

we have no-tilled into sod ground before that does work with proper management

we've had issues before with getting it sprayed down and the spraying didn't take

or we've also heard of guys that have sprayed down their alfalfa in the fall

and the problem is is that by spring that ground gets so dried out and we all

know that alfalfa ground is you know it's driven over numerous times

throughout the year and you look at alfalfa field that's been in been

alfalfa for what five years if you're lucky all in a good in in good

management five years of alfalfa is is what you really should expect but that

ground get really compacted and then guys that were spraying alfalfa down in

the fall by spring get dried out that surface so much that it without that

moisture that the alfalfa plant was keeping in the soil the ground got as

hard as concrete and guys were having problems getting a planner to penetrate

being able to plant the seed properly and here is Ryan he's picking the the

wings up that's putting more weight onto the mainframe and it's allowing him to

dig in and really break up these waterways he's right now he's disking

where this is actually going to be planted to corn on either side of him and it's just we're

getting the waterways put in where they need to be because let's be honest we

may not after we get this ground seeded down this would be the last time we work

it for hopefully up to five years so you want to get it done right the first time

and that's purely what he's doing it's kind of a trick most farmers I imagine all

farmers are aware of you get more weight on the mainframe and than it will really

cut in this 8235R what can i really say about this tractor

it's been a really nice tractor other than a busted window it has been

really reliable I do have an oil leak on the front of the radiator that looks to

be it's just like an old ring so I'll have to look at that

but I cleaned it all off and that's why Ryan ran it today for the simple fact

that he runs it for a little bit I'll be able to get a better idea where it's

where it's leaking from and definitely get it figured out before we go through

and start using the 82 heavily for planting corn and beans because the 82

does a hundred percent of our spring seed prep work when it comes to our row

crops that tractor does run pretty well around the clock when it is needed to I

mean I've said it in the past last fall I put all of our anhydrous on

in 28 hours straight I stopped basically just long enough to

change the tanks I started at 6 o'clock one night and I ran until it was at 10

or 11 o'clock the next night and yeah it's I wanted to get it done because it

was what the 1st or 2nd of December and I was really pushing to get all of our

anhydrous on because I wanted to go through and chisel plow the next day

because I got done chiseling the next day and I believe that's when the ground

pretty well froze up tight so we did really good going into 2018 all of our

fall work was done that we had available I do have some chisel plowing to do and

honestly I don't know I may just put the 82 on it on the chisel plow I have

people who were looking forward to hearing the 4640 bark when it was on the

chisel but it's probably six to seven hours of chiseling that we have to do

and the 82 it can go another mile or two faster than the 4640 can plus the front

wheel assist it pulls the chisel better that's no way to sugarcoat it it pulls

the chisel better it's a heavier tractor it's roughly around the same horsepower

give or take I mean the 46 is turned up to 225 the 82's 235 but we never did

dyno it it would be interesting to know what this tractors putting out at the PTO

but yeah if I don't know how many laps Ryan's made right now was this the

second or third the 630 throws a lot more soil sideways than the VT which the

630 is really meant to they say you know people say it causes compaction it's

terrible for the soil but we're raising quality crops I mean it's not like we're

raising 150 bushel acre corn and 30 bushel to the acre beans we must know what we're

doing to a certain degree because the yields were getting are showing it so I

mean if it works don't fix it I think is the best way to say it people have been

threatening challenging us to try no-till we have tried no-till we are

doing no-till and the no-till ground is more of a problem child than our

conventional till ground I honestly believe that if I could have at least

hit it with the VT just once and mellowed that top of the ground out in the

spring and planted into that I wouldn't have had the issues I had with it the

last couple of years but no-till is no-till and I'm not it's rented ground

so I'm not really allowed to do much soil movement to it other than really

plant it but I knew that when I took the ground on and no I'm just different

management for conventional till and for for no till but that concludes our

spring oat seeding, tillage work video I have a couple more videos you guys can look

forward to seeding is tomorrow night and then harrowing should be the

following night so until tomorrow night Take Care, Take It Easy, Keep In Touch

guys I appreciate you watching

For more infomation >> Seed Bed Prep With John Deere 8235R and 630 Disk - Duration: 11:48.


The New Rules of the Dating Game - Duration: 5:01.

Nowadays, there are so many ways to find love.

Not to mention, all the dating sites out there.

It can be confusing.

But sometimes,

your crush may be telling you how they really feel without saying so.

So it's all in their behavior.

Wanna find out if he's really into you?

Just ask the love editor. >> [APPLAUSE]


>> As reporters, we've taken an oath to keep it real with everyone,

who writes us asking for relationship advice.

And our first letter is from, am I wasting my time?

She says, she met a guy who she's really into.

They've only gone out on one date, but they've been texting back and forth for

weeks, but here's the problem, whenever she brings up hanging out again,

he ignores the question and doesn't respond, mm-hm.

She wants to know if he's into her or not.

Jeannie, why don't you take this one? >> Gladly.

My gosh.

Now, this looks like he's straight up, breadcrumbing you.

[SOUND] >> Okay.

This is when someone you like seems to like you, but

only keeps the conversation surface, and never commits to hanging out again.

They don't tryna make plans.

They'll either change the subject, or just flat out ignore you.

This is the same person that likes to like your social media posts, but

can't give you a text back.

If you find that most of your conversation are via text only, girl, run.

My advice?

He's not that into you, boo.

Get out before you waste more time.

[APPLAUSE] >> People should be more honest.

The truth hurts, but it's better to know now than never.

Okay, our next letter is from Love Lost.

It says, she's starting to see a guy that fell head over heels for her really fast,


Within a few weeks, she says she thought things were moving too quickly at first.

But the guy did all the right things, like calling, compliments, etc.

She wants to know if she did something wrong.

>> Mm.

>> Adrian,

let me know. >> Okay girl, let me tell you.

It's not you.

This has [SOUND] Love Bombing written

all over it. >> [LAUGH]

>> Which is the complete opposite of


Love lost, your love bomber quickly fell in love, won you over,

but had no intentions of committing.

So he flipped the script once you started to catch feelings.

Pay attention to those red flags, let me tell you.

Mm-hm, those guys that are professing their love early into the relationship,

isn't always genuine,

if they don't really know you. >> Wow.

>> This is just a pattern for them, and

they will do this to the next person, because they love themselves,

more than they love anyone else. >> Wow.


>> Okay.

>> That's a good one,

too. >> Wow, okay.

That is tough love, but we gotta keep it going.

Now, we've got more people to help.

Ooh, this is a good one.

Okay, flirtation on 100, says that she's seeing someone she likes, but

she can't commit, because she likes to flirt and keep her options open, just in

case someone else better comes along.

>> Mm-hm. >> Ooh.

>> Lonnie, what do you think of this?

>> You know I could tell you exactly

what's going on here. >> [LAUGH]

>> She's caught the cushioning bug, and

this is the type of person you don't wanna fall in love with,

she's the type of person that sees endless options,

and avoids getting deeply emotional, with a person, signs of a cusioner are [SOUND].

Hiding their phone from you. >> Ooh.

Flirting with others in public, and lying about who they're taking to.

So if you are looking for a committed and monogamous relationship, anyone that

treats you like this, is not the one. >> That's right.

>> Tell them, Lonnie.

>> Beware of the cushioner.

They are a waste of time.

Now lastly, we gotta letter from what are we doing here.

She says, ready for this, she's been dating a cutie for about five months.

She thinks are going well.

But every time she tries to get clarification on the relationship status,

to her dismays her boob daddy, hits her with the, we're just hanging out line.

Tamara, is this guy into her or not?

Hmm, this is straight out of the player's handbook,

chapter 17 page 588. >> Come on,

tell them. >> He's avoiding DTR,

and DTR stands for defining the relationship.

He's not defining the relationship, because he's not looking for

a relationship.

Similar lines, a guy or

girl like this will feed someone are, let's not think about it.

Or let's just see where this goes naturally.

They'll even dismiss your questions by saying that

you're over-reacting. >> [NOISE]

>> But it's always important to see where

you stand with someone, so don't fall for

it. >> That's right.


>> And my advice is to avoid this person

at all cost, but keep in mind that, just because a person doesn't want to commit,

is not your fault.

And you can't change someone, if they don't wanna change.

The best thing you can do for yourself is walk away.

Remember, there's plenty of fish in the sea.

For more infomation >> The New Rules of the Dating Game - Duration: 5:01.


Is Cardi B Telling Offset To "Be Careful"? | Genius News - Duration: 1:56.

CARDI B: If I want to mention my nigga name on every fucking song, I can.

You wanna know why, bitch?

Because OKURRRR.

CARDI B: I'm my nigga's biggest fan, like you know I'm his biggest groupie

like when that nigga come in the building I be like oh my god!

CARDI B: Hi there, my name is Cardi B and I am here to talk to you about how you can

suck my dick.

For more infomation >> Is Cardi B Telling Offset To "Be Careful"? | Genius News - Duration: 1:56.


Top 5 Multi-Piece Wheels Of 2018 - Duration: 5:42.

- What's going on guys, it's Alex from Fitment Industries,

and today we're going to be talking about

our favorite multi-piece wheels

with giving absolutely no regard to the price.

Now, if you guys didn't know,

there's a thousand different

multi-piece wheel companies out there.

There's a thousand different makes and models,

so please just remember, this is our take on it.

So if you're looking to ball on a budget on Instagram,

maybe you got your tax returns back,

or you'd rather spend more money on your wheels

than the rest of your car, this video's for you.

So let's just jump right into it.

Number five on the list is the Rotiform QLB.

Now, if you're looking to get just a base-finish 19 x 10,

it's gonna run you about $5,600.

Custom finishes, custom hardware, all that sort of stuff,

you're probably gonna be paying more around the $6,400 mark.

So it features a multi-spoke, double-spoke design

with a heavy, concave, deep-face wheel,

so what that means is that you're getting

a whole lot of depth and style from this Rotiform wheel.

It's gonna give you a really cool look.

And it's definitely something that's gonna set you apart,

if that's what you're looking for.

So did we scare you with the $6,000 wheel tag?

That's okay, we put a budget one in here for you

because we know that that matters.

Coming in at number four is the Vossen VWS-2.

20 x 11 will only snag your wallet at around $4,200.

Now, Vossen deserves credit where credit is due.

They have been on top of the wheel game for a long time

with making expensive, big, wide wheels

in pretty much any application possible.

You can get these ones pre-made or custom-made,

depending on what you're looking for.

The Vossen VWS-2 features a very elegant design.

It's a multi-spoke, heavy lip style wheel.

But Vossen does a great job with quality,

and overall design, and styling.

The multi-spoke features a lot of curves and sharp edges,

in contrast with its overall huge profile,

which make it actually really good to look at.

Definitely a clean looking wheel,

if that's something that you're looking to pick up.

So coming in at number three is a new wheel.

We decided to mix it up,

because I know you guys are out there,

you're already typing in the comments,

"What about the WORK Meister?

"What about the WORK Equip?

"What about all those WORK wheels?"

But we wanted to bring it up

and mix it up with number three,

and that is the Radi8 R8CM9 multi-piece forged wheel

that just got introduced.

So at a price tag of around $4,400,

the R8CM9 is a brand new multi-piece wheel from Radi8,

and if you haven't heard from Radi8,

this is actually the company

that sent us our first sample wheels, what's up guys?

The multi-piece wheels that they're introducing

this year are absolutely killer,

and for around $4,400 for a basic finish and style,

it's not too bad.

The R8CM9 is my personal favorite

because of the way that the spokes, and the leveling,

and the face really match the inner barrel of the wheel.

You can get a flat profile or a concave profile,

but these things are gonna look absolutely killer

on any European wheel, I'm just calling it now.

It's gonna look awesome on pretty much anything.

I definitely think the R8CM9 is gonna get more popular

on the East and West coast this year,

and eventually, in like 10 years,

it'll make its way to Wisconsin where we live, but,

until then, R8CM9 takes number three spot at around $4,500.

Coming in at number two is a wheel

that we've actually talked about before,

and it's definitely something

that we think is going to be popular.

We're talking about the Concept One CF-003SX.

The Concept One CF-003SX is a plain, multi-spoke style wheel

with floating spokes, full reverse lip, step lip,

everything you could possibly imagine

in terms of options and sizing.

This thing's gonna cost you around $5,800

depending on the sizing, and dimensions,

and features that you get on your multi-piece wheel.

But Concept One comes in with their 003SX,

not always just for their styling,

but for the way that their wheels look.

So the spokes themselves feature indentations

inside the multi-piece wheel,

which actually give it a lot of depth.

On top of that, their floating spokes that they use,

they actually get a really cool curvature

in terms of where that connects

to the actual center cast disc of the wheel.

On top of that, they use and are assembled

and made here in America.

They have T6061 aluminum forged,

all of the good stuff that you would wanna know

to make sure that you're spending around $6,000

on a set of wheels, I would hope so.

But the Concept's CF-003SX is definitely a wheel

that if you're looking for something clean,

if you're looking for something that's multi-spoke,

if you're looking for something

that's a little bit different,

but is gonna look great on your VIP sedans

or coupes, bigger-sided vehicles,

this is definitely one I think you're gonna wanna pick up.

And coming in at number one is the Avant Garde F251,

which a set of those at around 20 x 10

is gonna run you $6,700-6,900.

The Avant Garde F251 is our number one choice

just simply because of everything

that Avant Garde has done recently

in their multi-piece wheel game.

On top of colors, and sizing,

and dimensions, and all the options that Avant Garde gives,

the F251 features my favorite twist multi-spoke design.

You just can't go wrong with a design

that actually twists with the wheels,

that's directional in nature.

It just gives that car just an extra,

I don't know, feel for it.

Their center caps are aluminum.

They have T6061, they're assembled and made here in America.

On top of that, they've got multitude

of different designs and qualities,

and different colors that you can go with.

They're one of the wheel companies that actually coined

the rose gold color on top of WORK,

and I definitely think the F251 deserves this spot

for its overall look, concavity, the way that it looks,

and how it looks on pretty much anything.

I think if you put the F251 on pretty much any wheel,

any car manufacturer, anything at all,

you can definitely make

that car look a million times better.

So AG takes number one spot

on our top five multi-piece wheels

if you're looking to spend a little extra cash.

So that is our top five,

if you guys agree or disagree, let us know in the comments.

Let us know what you're running, too.

If you're interested in picking up any of these wheels,

let us know, you can actually shoot us a quote


or you can just browse our store,

we got 30,000 different wheels,

But I'm Alex from Fitment Industries.

We hope you enjoyed this video, be sure to subscribe.

We will see you later, peace.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Multi-Piece Wheels Of 2018 - Duration: 5:42.


Mueller's Latest Scheme Has Been Exposed! He Wants to Hide the TRUTH! - Duration: 7:30.

Mueller's Latest Scheme Has Been Exposed!

He Wants to Hide the TRUTH!

Robert Mueller's Russia "witch-hunt" findings will likely never see the light of

day, much to the chagrin of liberals, who have been waiting for #MuellerTime with baited


From Washington Times

Whatever special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of investigators find out about President

Trump, Russia, collusion and dossier gossip may never make it into the public domain.

While the tight-lipped Mr. Mueller apparently moves ever closer to a direct confrontation

with Mr. Trump, a pointed legal argument has broken out over whether and how the special

prosecutor and former FBI director can make his findings known.

Options range from a full-on, tell-all report to a bare-bones summary of findings delivered

privately to his Justice Department bosses.

Precedents from previous special prosecutors have been all over the map on disclosure,

from the highly detailed report prepared by Ken Starr against Bill Clinton to far more

modest disclosures.

Which direction the former FBI director takes, legal scholars say, ultimately depends on

how he imagines his role as special counsel and his reading of the updated statute regarding

the work of special counsels.

"The question of whether and how the public will learn what Mueller knows is actually

complicated — complicated legally, complicated historically and complicated as well with

respect to another variable: how Mueller imagines his role as special counsel," Quinta Jurecic

and Benjamin Wittes, top editors at the legal news blog Lawfare, wrote in a recent analysis

of the question.

Regulations governing special counsels mandate that Mr. Mueller submit a confidential report

to the attorney general at the conclusion of his investigation.

But there are major ambiguities, starting with what the Mueller team decides to include.

With Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused from the investigation, the report would go

to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who selected Mr. Mueller.

A second major question mark in the law involves what happens next.

The statute says Mr. Rosenstein can override the confidentiality restriction if that "would

be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal


Mr. Rosenstein then would have to weigh several factors, including the "traditionally confidential

nature of criminal investigations that don't result in an indictment; the longstanding

Department of Justice policy against public revelations; his own distaste for disclosure;

and the likely dramatic effect on the government that public release of the report will cause,"

Ross Garber, a specialist in government investigations at the Connecticut law firm of Shipman & Goodwin,

wrote recently in the Los Angeles Times.

"And he will have to weigh all that against the public's interest in knowing about the

potential misconduct of the president," Mr. Garber said.

In their Lawfare analysis, Mr. Wittes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Ms.

Jurecic cited three distinct models to guide the findings of the special prosecutor's

11-month investigation.

These models lead to different outcomes in terms of how much the public could be told.

The first special prosecutor dates back to the Grant administration and an 1875 scandal

involving whiskey revenue, but the modern era is deeply marked by the Watergate special

prosecutors, Mr. Starr's Whitewater investigation, and the series of special counsels such as

Mr. Mueller appointed to specific probes following the expiration of the independent counsel

statute in 1999.

Mr. Mueller, the Lawfare analysts say, could take one of three routes: the orthodox approach,

the Watergate precedent and the Starr model.

"Broadly speaking, at least in the modern era," they write, "these reports have

taken two forms: final reports of the investigation and referrals to Congress of material that

might be grounds for impeachment."

The orthodox approach simply presents the facts and findings through the indictments

of targeted individuals or plea agreements prosecutors have struck.

There is no overarching narrative or legal summary prepared for public release.

Leon Jaworski, the final special prosecutor in the Watergate investigation, took a different

tack by delivering "55 pages of bare-bones factual information" on President Nixon

to the House Judiciary Committee, which was considering impeachment proceedings.

Mr. Jaworski's packet to the House panel also included what The New York Times described

as "a briefcase stuffed with 800 pages of documents and 13 tape recordings of Nixon's

conversations in the Oval Office."

But Mr. Jaworski's report offered no independent legal conclusions and was drafted with the

intent of allowing members of Congress to draw their own conclusions in the political

matter of impeachment.

Nixon resigned before the House of Representatives voted on Mr. Jaworski's findings.

Starr and Whitewater

At the other extreme, Mr. Mueller could follow in the footsteps of Mr. Starr, who spent five

years as an independent counsel originally charged with investigating President Clinton's

failed real estate deal known as Whitewater.

At more than 400 pages long, the Starr report was a comprehensive document that covered

not only the failed Whitewater deal, which occurred years before Mr. Clinton became president,

but also the firing of White House travel agents and a sexual harassment lawsuit filed

by former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones.

It also delved — in detail — into the extramarital affair between Mr. Clinton and

former intern Monica Lewinsky, along with Mr. Clinton's subsequent sworn testimony

on the relationship.

Some legal scholars say they don't see Mr. Mueller following the Starr blueprint, in

part because revised rules in the wake of the Whitewater affair have transformed the


Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith and Madeline McMahon, a Harvard Law student,

in a response posted on the Lawfare site, said the drafters of the new regulations regarding

special prosecutors saw the public Starr report as a problem.

"It provides an incentive to over-investigate," the two wrote, "in order to avoid potential

public criticism for not having turned over every stone, and creates potential harm to

individual privacy interests."

Mr. Rosenstein's appointment of Mr. Mueller last May stipulated a much narrower vision

of the reporting requirement, raising the possibility that Mr. Mueller's final report

may not be public at all and could be handed over to the office of Attorney General Jeff

Sessions for the administration to decide how to proceed.

"We think that the best reading of the special counsel regulations in their historical context

rules out a Starr-like report to Congress that lays out hundreds of pages of factual

allegations as well as legal analysis and conclusions," they write.

"The drafters of the regulations criticized that approach and took steps to preclude it,

and on the whole, the regulations achieve that goal."

Bob Bauer, White House counsel to President Obama, jumped into the controversy Thursday

over the handling of Mr. Mueller's findings.

He said Congress can best protect Mr. Mueller from White House pressure by enacting a law

stipulating that the special counsel would have to send a report on the status of his

investigation directly to Congress if he is fired.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Mueller's Latest Scheme Has Been Exposed! He Wants to Hide the TRUTH! - Duration: 7:30.


PISSED Conservative Has Had ENOUGH – Puts Up Huge Billboard To Finally END Liberals's Big Lie! - Duration: 5:26.

PISSED Conservative Has Had ENOUGH – Puts Up Huge Billboard To Finally END Liberals's

Big Lie!

The way free speech and capitalism works in America is that anyone willing to pay top

dollar for a sign can do so and apparently make it say whatever they want to get their

point across.

This seems to be the case a lot lately with Muslims in Florida putting their billboard

up to mock our president and push Islam on innocent passersby.

However, a new trend in signage from private citizens is starting to emerge, as seen in

Indiana and now in the great state of Texas.

When certain drivers see what it says, it's only a matter of time before a civil war erupts.

A war of words has started with a number of signs popping up across the country from different

people with very different opinions that are raising tensions and potential cases of road

rage among Muslims and liberals.

It's fair to say that the latest sign in the San Antonio area has "trumped" them

all with the specific message it portrays that someone needed to say and we can thank

Kyle Courtney for being bold enough to do so.

It doesn't take much to rile up the volatile left which is why they're likely to go to

war over a few words on a billboard.

If they can't stand the heat, then maybe they shouldn't have supported Muslims'

rights to put up signs that push Islam in America where it doesn't belong.

Two can play at that game and Courtney just proved that with his well-played, pro-Trump

billboard with a big conservative message that's infuriating liberals.

SAcurrent reports:

Boerne resident Kyle Courtney apparently has some beef with ABC News and how they've

reported on President Donald Trump.

So much beef that he bought a large billboard ad to make public his fed-upness, reading:

I grew up with you.

We are through.

The Russians didn't elect Donald Trump.

I did.The billboard is located on I-10 and Buckskin Drive and, as reported by News4SA,

will be up for about two months.

While there were a lot of people who appreciated the sentiment Courtney shared in the conservative

state, there were some leftist detractors who didn't like what he had to say.

Courtney elaborated more on what drove him to make this message in a statement made to

News 4 San Antonio:

"ABC News was the only channel I watched as a child growing up in Texas but I think

they have lost touch with America and forgotten the working man.

They don't represent our voice anymore.

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign was funded by the Clinton Foundation in close

coordination with the media, and now we're seeing them try to fix what they couldn't

fix during the election.

They are doing everything they can, night after night, to create narratives and sway

people's direction to impeach Donald Trump.

Our democracy is at stake when a major political party and the media are in bed together.

I'm not asking anyone to boycott the Democratic party.

I'm not in the brainwashing business, but the liberal media is."

Courtney paid for the sign himself and a spokesman for his great American company, Wellstar Groundwater

Technologies, told the news station that the billboard will be up for about two months.

He may keep the sign up longer and switch the message to something new if he decides

to do so, which we think would be a great idea.People need to see what he has to say

to counter all the backhanded claims the mainstream media makes.

We the People are fed-up with the divisive and irresponsible rhetoric being fed to citizens

in this great nation aimed to discredit our president.

It's these kinds of messages that the media is pushing that's driving liberals over

the edge to do crazy things like we saw at the Congressional baseball practice.

Trump isn't going anywhere so the media needs to just get on board and accept that,

or continue to see a decline of their ratings and reputation.

The message that people aren't buying what the mainstream media is pushing on them anymore

has never been more clear than it is now with these counter billboards popping up all over

the country.

Another sign that recently appeared in Indiana effectively defeated Democrat and Muslim's

lies about Islam.

Freedom Daily previously reported about a truth jab made at Muslim's prophet Mohammed

being the Perfect Man:

Not beating around the bush about the true meaning of Islam, the billboard crafted by

the group "Truthophobes" hilariously mocks their prophet Mohammed as "The Perfect Man"

where the gigantic billboard then lists out six truth-filled bullet points to describe


The bullets include: "Married a 6-year-old," "Slave owner & dealer," "rapist,"

"Beheaded 600 Jews in one day," "13 wives, 11 at one time" and "Tortured & killed


Local Muslims instantly got their man dresses and burkas in a collective wad, predictably

screaming that the creator of the billboard was a "bigot."Conservatives have a right

to free speech just as much as Muslims and liberals in America do and it's awesome

to see so many unafraid patriots using it now.

The truth can and will be heard and we can thank President Trump for opening that floodgate

of honesty for us that Barack Obama had tried to lock down for years.

For more infomation >> PISSED Conservative Has Had ENOUGH – Puts Up Huge Billboard To Finally END Liberals's Big Lie! - Duration: 5:26.


How Cryptocurrency Works | NYT - Duration: 2:14.

There's Bitcoin.

There's Litecoin.

There's Ethereum.

So just what is cryptocurrency, and how does it work?

Essentially, it's digital money that's bought and sold online.

There's no bills or coins.

It's not based on another asset like gold.

And it doesn't go through traditional

financial institutions like banks.

Instead, these currencies operate

in a completely decentralized system

that uses so-called blockchain technology

to track transactions.

To see how this works, let's look at how

you'd buy something with cryptocurrency.

Say that Alice wants to buy a bike from Dan

using Bitcoin, her cryptocurrency of choice.

Alice begins by logging into her Bitcoin wallet

with a private key, a unique combination

of letters and numbers.

With a traditional financial transaction,

the exchanges get sent to banks on each side

who record the money being subtracted from one account

and added to another.

But remember, in this scenario,

there are no banks or middlemen.

Instead, Alice's transaction

is shared with everyone in the Bitcoin network.

These networked computers add Alice's transaction

to a shared list of recent transactions, known as a block.

Every 10 minutes,

the newest block of transactions is

added on, or chained, to all the previous blocks.

That's how you get a blockchain.

To ensure that each block of transactions

on the chain is verified,

a subset of Bitcoin's network joins a race

to solve a difficult math puzzle.

And if they solve it first, their record

of the block of transactions becomes the official record.

They're rewarded with Bitcoins of their own,

and the network gets a new block on the chain.

This entire process is known as mining.

But instead of chipping away at rock,

you're solving complex puzzles.

The fact that many computers are competing

to verify a block ensures that no single computer

can monopolize the Bitcoin market.

To ensure the competition stays fair and evenly timed,

the puzzle becomes harder when more computers join in.

The Bitcoin protocol says mining will continue

until there are 21 million Bitcoins in existence.

That's set to happen around 2140 —

if Bitcoin lasts that long.

For more infomation >> How Cryptocurrency Works | NYT - Duration: 2:14.


Mueller team probing Roger Stone's ties to WikiLeaks - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> Mueller team probing Roger Stone's ties to WikiLeaks - Duration: 7:24.


CNN In MAJOR Trouble After Hogg Goes Into Full Meltdown For Being Att**ked By Them - Duration: 5:13.

CNN In MAJOR Trouble After Hogg Goes Into Full Meltdown For Being Attacked By Them

The students of a Parkland Florida school that suffered a mass shooting earlier this

year have been in the news ever since then.

You can probably recognize some of their faces by this point because the media has been focusing

so much on their stories and opinions.Sadly, not all of the students that have something

to say have been given a voice though.

Conveniently, only the students who oppose the Second Amendment have been given airtime

on many of the major networks, and none as prolifically as David Hogg.

Hogg has had a number of questions and even conspiracies swirling around him since he

became headline news, but what we do know for sure, is that he can dish it out, but

he can't take it.

He's been spouting liberal logic in front of every camera that will hold still, but

when someone dared to push back, he had a big problem with it.

CNN has been one of the most supportive networks for Hogg, and they were appalled when Fox

News anchor Laura Ingraham called Hogg out.

Daily Wire reports that they were quick to give Hogg a format to strike back against


Sadly for them, Hogg wasn't entirely classy in his response, and CNN might end up taking

the heat for it:

"Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg on Saturday accused Fox News host

Laura Ingraham of being 'a bully' as he claimed she has hurt people throughout her

career because of 'immaturity and unprofessionalism.'

'A bully is a bully and it's important that you stand up to them,' Hogg told CNN's

Ana Cabrera.

'She told Lebron James to shut up and dribble,' Hogg continued.

'I don't see any apology for those people.

It's sad, it's disturbing to know that somebody can bully so many people and just

get away with it, especially to the level she did.

I think now with advertisers standing with us, we can accomplish anything.'

It was at that moment that Cabrera brought up the fact that some people consider Hogg

to be a bully.

'The word 'bully' stands out because some people are calling you a bully,' Cabrera

told Hogg as she referenced a tweet from conservative commentator Erick Erickson in which he called

Hogg's refusal to accept Ingraham's apology a sign that he is a bully.

When asked what his response was to Erickson's tweet, Hogg replied: 'I don't agree with


Hogg demanded that Ingraham apologizes to everyone that she has ever hurt in her career

before he would consider appearing on her show to have a discussion with her.I would

only consider doing it after she apologizes to all the people that she's hurt throughout

her professional career because of her immaturity and unprofessionalism,' Hogg said.

'It's not right and I think she needs to apologize to those people that she's

hurt.'"Twitter users were quick to respond to Hogg's reply, with one user saying "Keep

it up #bully @davidhogg111 – when your done, no college will want to be associated with

your name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember, what goes around, comes around!"

Another thinks that Hogg will be in for a big wake up call later in life, saying, "Who

in the world does this kid think he is.


Life gonna be hard on him when his bosses don't do what he says.

Entitled much?"

While the subject of bullying is a big one for liberals, especially those who want to

control others, based on their emotions, it's also been a big headline of late that fellow

Parkland survivor, Emma González, admitted to bullying the shooter before that fateful


Spectator reports that while González is admitting to being part of the problem, no

one is calling for her to apologize to everyone that she's hurt, including the families

of those who lost loved ones:

"Yes, said Parkland student Emma González.

She and her fellow students at Parkland's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School 'ostracized'

fellow student Nikolas Cruz.

Said when speaking in Washington at the anti-gun 'March for Our Lives':

'Since he was in middle school, it was no surprise to anyone who knew him, that he was

the shooter.

Those talking about how we should have not ostracized him?

You didn't know this kid!


We did!'

Which is to say, González just made a startling admission.

Parkland students bullied Nikolas Cruz.

It may well be that González is right — the rest of us didn't know him.But there are

a large number of people — some of whom are celebrities and either marched in and/or

supported the March — who have spent years insisting that what González and her friends

who 'ostracized' Nikolas Cruz did was… bullying."

The finger-pointing continues, with both sides of the issue very sure that they have the

answer to our problems.

Unfortunately, none of the lawmakers or students who are pushing for the gun reform had the

experience with tyranny that the founding fathers did when they created the Second Amendment.

For more infomation >> CNN In MAJOR Trouble After Hogg Goes Into Full Meltdown For Being Att**ked By Them - Duration: 5:13.


ZAFUL TRY ON HAUL ALL UNDER $33! - Outfits On A Budget - Duration: 12:22.

hey babes welcome back to my channel so today I am working together with devil

to show you guys like a couple of new pieces that they just sent me I'm so

excited about them most of them are all very neutrals as you guys know those are

my favorite I have a lot of actually off the shoulder tops I will be linking

everything down below in the description box that makes you guys check it out

make sure you guys give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy and also don't

forget to subscribe if you guys are not following me on Instagram yet and make

sure you guys do it at statue Macedo and i show you guys a ton of fashion looks

on them the top I'm wearing right now is another top that they sent me I

absolutely love it it is a crop top it is ribbed and it's like this perfect

perfect tan color so for the first piece here I'm gonna start off with the two

black tops that I got from them I absolutely love them this is the first

top that I got from them it is off the shoulder I have so many off the

shoulders in this haul you guys I'm just really really loving it I think it's

just so soft and pretty this one I got a size medium from them and when I turn it

around there is a zipper at the back there as well and there's just like a

little split at the back has a ribbed detail on it as well I think this is

really super cute with a pair of jeans I think that's what I'm gonna be wearing

them for you guys today and with a little pair of heels I've charted on

it's a really nice comfortable fabric it does have some stretch to it as well and

this one is not a crop it's gonna be long enough I can tell to kind of tuck

it in into my jeans this next top you guys should be a little bit familiar to

you guys because this is the top that I wore to the Romeo Santos concert I was

so in love with this top this chopped actually came just in time because I

wasn't really sure what I was gonna wear also red like the last one this one is

not so much cropped either I was able to tuck it into my jeans I did wear

high-waisted jeans if you wear mid rise it might just hit the top of the Jean

and you probably wouldn't be able to tuck it in but inside of high-waisted

jeans it was so cute I'm gonna recreate that concert look I work for you guys

and just do the exact look to show you guys how cute it is this one I believe

it comes in one size only I don't remember picking a size in this and it

doesn't have a size on it it is super stretchy you guys so I believe it

stretched from a small to a large anyways this dress you guys I was

excited for it it's a super-long off-the-shoulder new dress I'm actually

gonna wear it with those lace-up soft boots it is like a tight-fitted it has a

little bit of a stretch to it but not like a super super stretch

so in this dress I got a size small you guys I really love it I did try it on

and it just reminds me of something that Kim Moore one time and that's the reason

why I got it I love how it's really super long it's actually really nice for

spring if you're going out somewhere to dinner or somewhere a little bit fancy

I'm actually really really in love with the off-the-shoulder look right now so

this one I'm so happy with so this top you buy I absolutely love it doesn't

come with the knot at the front but I'm the one who did that for this one I

noticed on the model that it was a little bit more of a bigger fit and it

showed that she was wearing a small so in this one I did get a small and I was

okay that it was a little bit of a bigger fit because I wanted to turn it

into like a very casual top so that's exactly what I've done I'll show you

guys how cute it looks with a pair of jeans and also a pair of shoes so this

top right here you guys like absolutely love to it is again off the shoulder

this one's more in a mocha sort of color this one just came out of the package as

you can tell by all the wrinkles on it this chopped actually comes with a very

interesting sleeve so it has a cut on the sleeve there it opens there and it

has a little bit of a bell look to it which I absolutely love

this top I got in a size small this one is definitely more of a fitted fit with

a little bit tighter to my body and this one I think I'm gonna be pairing with

also a pair of jeans I love this for like a really a nice spring look I am

clearly obsessed with off-the-shoulder right now you guys I think it's just so

pretty and I think it's just a very soft way of showing a little bit of skin too

this is the last piece out of the seven pieces this sweater I wanted to get

obviously for the gym or casual days it is a really gorgeous like pure pure

white as you guys can tell I love it because it has this mesh detail on the

top I got a medium just because I didn't want a small to be too snug I wanted

some room I'm gonna be styling this sweater with these red track pants that

I have from forever 21 I think it's gonna look super cute and super sporty

like look how good the red and white looks together I just absolutely love it

and I think I mean they're gonna wear my first slide or my running shoes and it's

definitely perfect for outdoor workouts in the spring and summer going to the

gym or just a casual look so this is the tank top that I was actually wearing in

my this is also from duffel it does like

this crisscross detail and it's also ribbed its in like the perfect tan color

and I'm also wearing my sirens jeans the ones that have just the rips on the

knees they're also a light wash Jean these ones I'm wearing in a size 5 I

will be linking all my jeans that I possibly can down in the description box

so make sure you guys to check it out I'm wearing this crisscross heel I will

try to find a similar I just loved how the top is crisscross and so is the shoe

and they're both like this really deep tan color I love this tan color with the

light wash jeans this is a really cute spring and summer look that you guys can

use as well the top does have some stretch this one isn't a size small I

wanted it to be nice and snug I'm just wearing nipple covers right now I don't

feel the need to wear a bra on this top personally for me but I really like it I

love the way it fits it's not like a very uncomfortable material it's super

comfortable and overall I'm really happy with it

I am so in love with this chopped oh my god I love this mocha color I've paired

it with my favorite forever 21 jeans right now I love these jeans I'm wearing

a size 27 a lot of you guys always asked me how tall are you I'm 5 foot 1 inch a

lot of you guys say that when you're a lot shorter you guys have a problem with

the bottoms so forever21 I do have to cut them but with sirens an urban planet

for some reason I never have to cut their jeans they're always to my length

maybe they're just made for people who are a little bit shorter but what I like

to do if you guys want a tip I just literally chopped the bottoms off that's

what I've done to these jeans they were way too long for me I talked about like

4 inches off and I just give it a raw cut that's all I do

I've paired this look with my PLT boots these knit boots show you guys the

close-up of them I absolutely love them I will leave a similar link down below

because I think that they are sold out on their website but I love them I'm

just so in love with the color of this top I love how it's like a deeper mocha

I feel like I'm kind of getting into that color I love the sleeves they're

very playful they have like I split at the side they're a little bit of like a

bell style the top is very stretchy it is ribbed like I was showing you guys

and I tooked it in because I'll show you guys there's a lot more these jeans are

high-waisted but if you have like a mid rise kind of Jean and will still tuck

inside the Jean like that's how long I still have quite a bit to tuck in I love

how pretty and soft this look is I'm so in love with this color it is the fit

that I actually wanted so it's perfect this is the top that was

a little bit like a bigger fitted so I got it into a small and it is

off-the-shoulder I've just done like a front knot here it looks super cute I've

kept on my furniture in one jeans and I'm also kept on my PLT of boots

absolutely love them they match this top so well I love how stretchy it is it's

so comfortable when you don't want to be in something like super super tight I'm

the one who's making it like a crop top it's actually really long you guys can

pull it down you guys can tuck it into your pants it doesn't have to be a crop

top like the way I was wearing it the other thing I wanted to mention that I

absolutely love about saffle is that they're extremely affordable

I love the pricing like it's super super affordable I've actually always wanted

to order stuff from zaple but I actually never like took the chance to do it so

I'm so happy that I got to test out their clothing I just really like this

top I love how flexible it is how you can leave it long if you want to and

have it loose you can tie it up you can make it a crop top like I had it before

I just think it's really really cute and again the off-the-shoulder I'm just such

a big fan of right now I really really like it you guys can actually use this

top with a pair of joggers or track pins as well you don't have to wear it with

jeans and a pair of high waisted leggings would be super super cute too

and you also don't have to wear heels you guys can pair it with like a sandal

or something but of course I'm just trying to get cute for you guys so

that's why I wearing heels this is the Kim K long dress how pretty is it it's

in like the perfect nude you guys it does have some stretch to it I just

want to let you guys know it's not like a super super stretchy fabric it's a

little bit more of a stiffer stretch I love the ribbed detail on it oh my god

you guys I'm so obsessed with it peridot with a lace-up boot here I believe I got

these ones from Miss PAP I think it was if I find a similar link to the boot

that I'm wearing I definitely will share it with you guys in the description box

this is so classy if you're like going for dinner or something you guys the

back detail is the same as the front you can pull this down as much as you want

to or you can pull it back up this one will also be linked down below so make

sure you guys check it out if it's sold out I definitely will try to find you

guys something similar I will try my best I love the way it fits it is very

fitted nice and snug on my arms as well sometimes with dresses like these when

they go like too too long I finally you can't really walk in them but in this

one I can still like walk in it which is really nice so overall I just really

like this dress I think it's so pretty and it's like the perfect color this is

the long-sleeve off the shoulder top it is also ribbed as well and I have just

tucked it into my jeans here these are forever21 jeans too and they have just

like a repla theny as you guys can see there and I'm wearing it with my fuzzy

furry slides from urban Planet I will leave a link down below to some really

cute first slides so that you guys can check them out as well I really like

this top overall I did get this one in a size medium it does have like a fold

over part - this one was the one that had the zipper on the back there but I

didn't even need to use it to put it on so I'm not sure if that's to help put it

on but it was actually really easy I didn't really need to use it and overall

I think it's just really cute to use those like a casual outfit you guys can

also really dress up this top that's what I love about it super affordable

but you guys can make it look so expensive like a long midi skirt with

some heels I do still have some room I think in this small it would have been

too tight on me so I'm glad that I got a medium it is nice and fitted on my arms

it's nice and fitted at the top and throughout my body as well in my stomach

so I think a medium was actually perfect for this one this is the top that I wore

to the Romeo Santos concert this top is not exactly a crop top it does come all

the way down and it does still have room for me to like tuck it into my jeans so

that's why I wasn't showing any tummy on that day I love how it's just very soft

and pretty kind of like this very flirty kind of feel to it I really really like

it it does have a lot of stretch to it the arms I could still stretch it out if

I need to I really like that this top can stretch out to all three sizes this

one still just fit me very well it is one size the other thing I wanted to

mention to you guys about saffle is just in case you guys are wondering I was not

charged any customs again I've paired it with one of my favorite jeans from

Sirens I love jeans from sirens in general they are I will say my favorite

place to get jeans that's something that's for sure and with them I don't

have to cut my jeans they just come so perfect I love the way sirens jeans fit

me they don't take away any of my hips like my hips show when I wear my sirens

jeans I just love him so much and I've kept on my first slide so this is the

exact outfit that I wore to the concert that night I knew I wanted to wear all

black but I was so stuck on the top so I'm so happy that the

came in time the last outfit I've saved for you guys I'm so excited to try it on

it's the white sweater and the red track pants I can't wait

my dad is currently yelling at our dog outside because he's like trying to run

away I didn't think we were that bad how cute is this look oh my god red and

white this hoodie is the one with the mesh top these track pants I've shared

with you guys on IG story and snapchat these ones are from from two new one I

absolutely love them I will leave the link down below I did take out the JA

strings as you guys can tell has no string I just like when it's plain and

it was white and I didn't want the white to show and I'm just wearing my white

fur slides you guys slides are gonna be like my spring/summer shoe I promise you

they're super comfy they love the sweatshirt I'm so happy that I got a

size medium instead of a small I love how I have some room here I feel like

the small would have been a little bit too tight on my arms but overall I think

this look is so cute you guys can wear the sweatshirt to the gym or you guys

can just create a casual look like this if you're just going out somewhere

casual like the mall or something make sure you guys comment down below and let

me know which look is your fave hey guys that's basically it for my trend

clothing haul from snaffle make sure you guys check the links down below in the

description box to shop all the items I showed you guys today

also don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe thank you guys

so much for watching as always and I'll see you guys next time

For more infomation >> ZAFUL TRY ON HAUL ALL UNDER $33! - Outfits On A Budget - Duration: 12:22.


AG Sessions appoints federal prosecutor to investigate FBI - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> AG Sessions appoints federal prosecutor to investigate FBI - Duration: 5:50.


Trump calls for US troop withdrawal from Syria - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Trump calls for US troop withdrawal from Syria - Duration: 7:44.


La Crema Nivea te Ayudará a Tener un TRASERO ENORME en Una Semana Sin Salir de Casa - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> La Crema Nivea te Ayudará a Tener un TRASERO ENORME en Una Semana Sin Salir de Casa - Duration: 2:35.



Coughing is a natural reflex of the device respiratory system to eliminate microorganisms

which are affecting the airways.

In many cases, the person seeks remedies in the pharmacy to solve the problem and these

end up not being very effective.

One of the best natural remedies to treat coughs, sore throats, and infections

respiratory system is the onion syrup

and sugar.

In today's video, we'll talk about the combination of these two ingredients and what benefits

you can get from them: 1.

Calm a Throat Throat irritation is one of the main


A syrup made with sugar and onion may help relieve throat irritation.

By reducing the discomfort in the throat, the cough It ends too.


Expectorant The mixture of the two ingredients becomes a

syrup which is a great expectorant.

The syrup acts to soften the mucus and the lungs, which helps in the



Antibiotic Most cough medicines found

in pharmacies has only expectorant action, but they do not help much to combat

the infection that caused the cough.

Onion on the other hand is rich in compounds sulfuric acids, which help to eliminate

responsible for respiratory infections.


Reduce Inflammation The onion is able to reduce

inflammation in the airways, which help alleviate problems such as difficulty

to breathe, common in infections of this type.


Antiallergic As if that were not enough, the onion has a

natural antihistamine called quercetin, which helps bring relief to some symptoms

typical of allergic reactions, such as cough.

The mixture of these two ingredients uses different mechanisms to bring relief

to cough.

Now that you already know the benefits of this mix, let's teach you how to prepare it.

This is a very old home remedy, and very popular because of its effectiveness.

And best of all, this recipe can be used by both adults and children.

Ingredients 1 onion; brown sugar.

As make Cut the onion into slices.

Place these slices in a large pot, tidying like this: a slice of onion, a layer of

brown sugar, another slice of onion, another of brown sugar, and so on,

ending with a layer of sugar.

Cover the pot to avoid the presence of ants and other insects and let it rest for a


The next day, you'll find the a liquid of the color of honey, and this liquid

is the syrup.

The dose is a spoonful of syrup every 3 hours.



Dem. Elizabeth Esty not seeking re-election amid scrutiny - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Dem. Elizabeth Esty not seeking re-election amid scrutiny - Duration: 3:01.


Blac Chyna Went Off On Someone Who Touched Her Daughter at Six Flags - Duration: 1:18.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

A video of Blac Chyna at Six Flags Magic Mountain has surfaced online and let's just say it

does not paint a pretty picture.

While at the theme park with her daughter Dream, Blac Chyna was spotted attempting to

start a fight using her daughter's stroller.

One Twitter user managed to capture a few videos of Chyna lashing out at an unidentified

person and trying to use Dreams stroller as a weapon multiple times.

Her boyfriend YoungBoy Almighty Jay tried to prevent Chyna from going too far with it.

On her instagram story she shared what got her so heated, and it reportedly involved

a woman touching her daughter Dream.

Being famous is hard enough dealing with scrutiny but when someone feels comfortable to come

and touch your child it's a whole other story.

I do not condone violence nor am I a violent person but shout out to all of the amazing

mothers out there that will protect their children at all cost.

Love, King and Dreams Mommy.

TMZ later reported that after the unidentified woman made contact with Dream, she started

shouting at Chyna and called her a "hood rat."

The gossip site also reported that the woman ended up pushing one of Chyna's friends, and

a fistfight broke out.

Chyna's daughter is nowhere to be seen in the video.

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Blac Chyna Went Off On Someone Who Touched Her Daughter at Six Flags - Duration: 1:18.


Is Cardi B Telling Offset To "Be Careful"? | Genius News - Duration: 1:56.

CARDI B: If I want to mention my nigga name on every fucking song, I can.

You wanna know why, bitch?

Because OKURRRR.

CARDI B: I'm my nigga's biggest fan, like you know I'm his biggest groupie

like when that nigga come in the building I be like oh my god!

CARDI B: Hi there, my name is Cardi B and I am here to talk to you about how you can

suck my dick.

For more infomation >> Is Cardi B Telling Offset To "Be Careful"? | Genius News - Duration: 1:56.


"I Can Heal Water." – A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to "Wake Up!" - Duration: 10:56.

�I Can Heal Water.� � A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to �Wake Up!�

The idea that a 9-year old girl can heal water is astounding enough!

Find out what else she can do and the message she has for humanity.

An Excerpt from the forthcoming book The New Human by Mary Rodwell

I received the following email about a nine-year-old from Northern Europe who speaks about her

ability to �heal� water through star languages.

She also gives her perspective on God and her Mission:

�Poor us.

poor kids who come to volunteer; we have such a difficult time ahead of us, a real fight.

I am here to help my family �wake up,� EVERYONE is sleeping.�

Cathy�s Mother:

�My nine-year-old daughter speaks �star languages� to heal water.

I live in Northern Europe and have four children.

At the time of my first pregnancy, a �voice� told me my children were not mine.

They would only come through me.

These children belong to no one.

It wasn�t until recently that I was aware there were such things as extra-terrestrials.

My nine-year-old daughter is a special girl who finds the conventional world and rules


She asks me why isn�t she allowed to do things her own way.

Cathy has healing abilities and dictated some healing words in an ET language to purify


I noticed the water actually tasted different afterward.

She says that star languages are from a place outside of the Universe.

Cathy receives messages in ET languages and understands what they are saying to her.

She says that they are important.

I showed her your presentation, where a woman does healing and writes several ET languages.

My daughter responded with joy and excitement, �She knows what I have written�.�

Astounding as Cathy�s claim may be, a scientist from Northern Europe is researching ways to

energize water and explains how this could be possible.

Dr. Ohlson (Ph.D.) is a Swedish scientist referred to previously as coining the term

letter people..

She is also studying water and its properties.

Dr. Ohlson States:

�As a scientist, the spiral formations I�ve been working with in my water research, such

as loading energy back in water, helps healing recharges and strengthens the energy field,

the aura.

Healing works on a cellular level, whether you believe it or not.

The healing from my hands affected the protein binding to a gene P53, which plays a role

in turning genes on and off.

Rightly used, it could be bliss for humanity in rebuilding our earth.�

Masaru Emoto, the former Japanese scientist, demonstrated in numerous scientific tests,

the crystalline nature of water and how it can be programmed, purified and changed by

frequencies through certain types of music, prayer, and human intent.

Note: For studies that have demonstrated how frequency and intent can alter the crystalline

nature of water see: Masaru Emoto and The Hidden Messages in Water.

God: A Different Perspective:

Cathy�s mother continues:

�Cathy doesn�t use the word God as she says it�s misused.

She calls It a �BEING� who resides in the �DAY LIGHT.� It is an �OVER TERRESTRIAL�.

Day Light is where we all originate.

God is not a man or woman.

It has no gender.

This Being sowed the seed of Light and Love, and it�s where the light and angels live.

Cathy has �helpers� who guide and teach her.

One of the beings is called �Emenoke�, a female and is blue, has no hair or ears;

her eyes are like human eyes, only bigger.

The green guide is male.

She has a helper from Day Land (dimensions), who helps her understand what her guides tell


She says �my friends are here all the time.�

The Knowledge:

�Cathy�s spirit ET friends have given her information in seven books (not real books,

but this is the best way she can describe them).

The red book is about creation and our origins.

The brown one is about different planets and the life there.

The light green one is about nature, and how we can make contact with plants and animals

and understand nature.

The dark green one is about the body, how it really works and how we get it to evolve.

The blue book is about light and truth.

The red-brown book she can�t open yet, because �a dragon took the key� from her sometime

in the 1700s.

The black book explains about darkness and evil and is dangerous.

All the books contain important information.�

Schools, Educational Systems � What is Wrong:

Cathy spoke via an interpreter on Skype:

�What they teach in schools is inaccurate.

They program you like computers and shut out your light.

There is nothing good about this system.

The children are programmed, the teachers just push the keys.

The children already contain the learning we need, but they don�t allow the children

to expand on it and finish because we have to stop and do something else.

The information is set and rigid at school.

The school programs are like a virus, it destroys what we have inside us and when we are like

the computer, which is old, and we grow up, we will be finished.

We lose access to information we had at the beginning.

But education is only one of the ways this happens.

Our inner core can be destroyed by too much stress, facing multiple tasks, less sleep

and more anxiety.

We are deliberately destroyed.�

The Potential of Humanity, Imagination and Making Something a Reality:

�Everything is possible.�

�People need to know we can do anything we desire.

When children play by using their imagination, it�s not just imagination.

When we stop them by saying they can�t do this or that, it stops them making it a reality.

What they are imagining can be a reality.

What at this time we call imagination can be reality.

We say it�s not possible, but everything is possible.

We need to believe it, then we will have this capacity.

When we rediscover what we can do, we can achieve our full potential.�

Humanity Has to Believe in Itself:

�It is difficult, because first of all, we don�t believe it, then if we believe

but still have doubts, this prevents us from reaching this potential.

We have to be at a point within ourselves to get in touch with our REAL truth in order

to achieve this.

There is a certain time we will achieve it, and if one person does, it will spread to

other people, and this is the way it will start.

But at what time I can�t tell you.�

Cathy shares why the star kids have come to this planet at this time:

�The star kids have come to show us the way.

They are the ones to start the process, helping the rest of humanity to wake up.�

Cathy says she is from Evening Land, to help us evolve.

When her purpose is accomplished, she will go to the Day Light.

We have already been in Day Land, but because we wanted to have more experiences, we came

to this planet.

The beings in Contact with her, like Emenoke, do not live on another planet.

They are located at the �edge of the universe� in the White Light.

�The �light orb� is sent to protect us.

My little brother has a blue orb that protects him.�

Mary: �You said he will also be a teacher ? in what way?�

Cathy: �He will be my teacher, as I will be, and he will be home schooled so he will

retain true knowledge.�

M: �What do your guides teach you?�

C: �They are teaching me different knowledge so I can teach adults.

The danger is that it can be changed and then the true information is lost.

Then people get confused and lost by making fun of the star children, or not believing


Many Star Kids are destroyed by education.�

M: �How many star kids are there?�

C: �Forty or fifty percent of people of a hundred, but many get lost and only twenty

percent will remember who they are.�

�We Have to Wake Up!� �The beings want us to wake up and see reality

as it is, to understand how powerful we really are.

Some individuals from Day Land and Evening Land have come here to help humanity with

the Awakening.

It�s very dangerous to come here to help because our past life memories can be deleted

at birth and some of this is destroyed by society and education, drink and drugs.

Those who come here are aware of the dangers and still want to come and help.

We are not awake yet.�

M: �How can we wake up?�

C: �We have to increase our energy as we don�t have the energy required; it�s stolen

from us.�

M: �How can we protect our energy?�

C: �At present, we only have point five percent (.05%) of our energy.

We need to have one point five percent (1.5%).

How might we begin to increase our energy?

Cathy says�

Don�t get angry about small things.

Don�t speak on mobile phones for a long time.

Don�t eat white sugar.

Don�t watch TV.

Don�t use microwaves.

Don�t have wireless internet.� The Next Five Years: 2012-2017:

�Something important will happen in the next five years on this planet.

The parents have to listen to us.

We need to educate the parents.�

Cathy told me that her purpose here on earth is to get her family to wake up and to protect

her little brother because he is important for humanity.

By this, she means he will become her teacher when he grows up, as he will, in turn, help

humanity wake up.

Cathy then says�

�Mary has BIG ears.

She listens.

Most adults don�t.�

For more infomation >> "I Can Heal Water." – A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to "Wake Up!" - Duration: 10:56.


Ford B-MAX 100pk Titanium Trekhaak - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100pk Titanium Trekhaak - Duration: 1:51.


360deg: Visualization of Gravity II - Duration: 1:01.

Use mouse of VR glasses to navigate!

For more infomation >> 360deg: Visualization of Gravity II - Duration: 1:01.


🔴LIVE #55 PUBG First Person (FPP) SQUAD Savage Legendary - Duration: 1:59:16.

For more infomation >> 🔴LIVE #55 PUBG First Person (FPP) SQUAD Savage Legendary - Duration: 1:59:16.


Retinol Serum | Anti Aging Natural & Organic | Retinol Serum Reviews & Results - Duration: 1:57.

hi I'm dr. Sandra Lee and I'm a board-certified dermatologist I'm from a

family as an apologist my father is one my husband is one it was just meant to

be there are a lot of beauty buzzwords out there and retinol is definitely one

of the hottest anti-aging ingredients on the list retinol is another form of

vitamin A it helps to minimize fine lines it helps to decrease the

appearance of pores so it's really become a powerful anti-ager

as a dermatologist I get a lot of questions about retinol can I use

retinol and go into the Sun absolutely you should use retinol all year round

many people are scared to lose it and go out in the Sun because they think

they're gonna sunburn more easily but this is not the case will retinol dry

out my skin retinols can be drying and irritate your skin so my best advice is

to use a pea-sized drop and remember you want to use it at nighttime because it's

actually deactivated by the Sun dark spots liver spots age spots wisdom spot

retinols of kratom lytx which means they help to exfoliate the top layer of skin

so if we can peel off some of those brown spots they make them lighter and

less visible we all want to be smart about our views and retinol lets us do

this because you can find soon the treatment for you if you don't like the

lines around your mouth if you don't like the lines around your eyes you can

specifically treat those areas with retinol and get the best results for you


For more infomation >> Retinol Serum | Anti Aging Natural & Organic | Retinol Serum Reviews & Results - Duration: 1:57.


Dean - Dante's Creek (Remix)

For more infomation >> Dean - Dante's Creek (Remix)


For more infomation >> Dean - Dante's Creek (Remix)


Goldie and Bear Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 617 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 18:14.

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Behr's red shoes

Are you guys okay, what are you guys doing that floorboard is uneven?

Give it another try. Yeah. I think I'll just save my moves for tonight, but trust me

Don't listen to him bear with some practice you'll learn by tonight. There's not enough time well. It's worth a try

Isn't it sure there's enough time there?

My dancing shoes are gonna help him

Maybe I need a pair hey know me see you at the winking


Here you need a pair of dancing shoes and

I've got a very special. It's like they're magic. That's because I'm a magic

Cobbler what you've got this I'm a magic dancing shoes

when you have them on I

Can't wait for everyone to see me dance yeah, I'll pick you up on the way to the wingding Bear

But but I told everyone I was the best dancer in the forest I need those shoes, what can I tell you I'm all out

I'll be a dancing machine a dance

All right, I just need a plan

Man I've gotta get those shoes what?

Now's my chance to make the switch

Wait there bear bear look at you. You are so

Fancy gee thanks big bad listen. Why don't you put them on oh?


Why are you putting on bear shoes? Why maybe they're my shoes

You don't know oh, please wearing regular shoes. What was that?

He's wearing regular shoes that look like his magic shoes that I switch when he wasn't looking

But I can't dance without the magic shoes you were a dancing bear don't you get it

This is all you you must have danced so much with the magic shoes on that you act I'm a bad bad wolf

And nobody likes me

Hey big bad wanna dance. Oh, no. Thanks truth is I can't dance sure you can dance

right pair of shoes

Here you go big bad

Little coach Horner

Fairytale fake-out bear this o is you yeah

That doesn't look like me the O stand for the players on our team and the X's are the other team

Ready Humpty

Are you guys okay, yeah, no cracks hits a tricky play, maybe we should try something yeah

That is better. Thanks Humpty

Wait, how are you gonna play in the big game against nimble in the pigs yeah without you wait

We can't quit just because I hurt my ankle

We've worked way too hard the game must go on but you can't play, but I can still coat well

Just not anymore come on bear

Oh, hey, sorry you hurt your ankle on that play Goldie mateys oh

But she's so good, and I'm well. I love the game, but I don't really play much

There goes another one are you sure he's gonna be able to take your place. We've been practicing a lot

I'm sure yes

And he never drops the mom you know there might be even faster if you lean in there good hustle good hustle

hold the ball

Sorry guys, I'm gonna do this

I'm gonna turn little jack horner into a Buttercup ball champion. Huh hey guys come check this out

The big game starts in a few minutes and nimble's team looks awfully good

Can I touch everything I know I should have been able to turn him into a buttercup

Oh champion you tried really hard gold without them. Maybe if we try to go hey

Hey, sorry, but you gotta see this. Not a great time to look at tax doodles. We're getting creamed out there bears

Thanks. Why didn't you show me these before I tried, but you didn't seem that interested oh?

I'm sorry jack. Maybe you could use one up - are. You kidding. I'm gonna use all of them really

loser first play coach

coach I

Called this play the plumber around the Rosie Jack you fade left bare head up the middle and flip the plump

I mean ball to gold


Now that's how we feed the goal and that's how you coach a team

Goldie's to our day


Better check my calendar

Okay, okay, who's coming further so you can practice Wow oh?

That's all right dear don't worry. This is actually a good opportunity here. It is now

Just give it a toss and say do-over

Here you go grandma Mae. Oh how nice nice. This is my grandma Mae. We're talking about

Whoa your grandma sounds amazing I can't wait to meet her me too. Can I walks back?

It's gotta be just right

Rama a long time ago even before I met bear. That's what today is gonna be so special

Here's how it's gonna go mmm-ma shows up with a wingding area and then

I'm fine. Oh, but the box


but hey wait

Could you use a magic spell to make my flower disappear from up there and reappear down here? Oh great idea?

Except it's a magic spell that lets you go back and do stuff over again

So I could go back to right before I drop the box like it never happened

Yeah, but yes

Everything's back to the way it was

Thanks Rosita. Okay to Grandma Mays party. We can't be late watch out for that little


You're just what no not that well I got paint on my FAFSA treasurer though again

Huh what's that gee Goldie? I don't know if I can't keep doing it

Please Rosita today has to be Chuck

We made it past that rock and we walked away around bricks in his wet fence whoo just keep an eye on where you're going

We don't have time for any

If I do it over again, you are definitely gonna be late well

Bridge it's the only way to get there on time

Okay, we're ready Marian hold on tight


speaking of your travels

I dropped the box with all the treasures you gave me and let's go get it downriver Marian quick

So stuck on everything being just right

Hmm, let's see I'm with my daughter and my granddaughter, and we're all safe and sound Mike you're wonderful

Like mother like daughter like granddaughter


Thank you for dinner mama and papa bear those yummy plummy dumplings

Oh, we're dealing I don't know any ghosts or night stories

But I do know the legend of the snark. Oh the legend of the snort

No, I didn't hear that. Oh, yes a traveler saw a flash of orange and blue, and then it was

Interest and two summers ago about the snark well

I love a good legend didn't then you should tell the story oh no no please you tell the Papa Bear

Okay, oh boy

but stories and rumors abound if the rumors are right it must be quite a sight just the

craziest creature around

Nobody knows

But some people think the snark is a dark red or possibly pink

Pardon me Papa. I don't mean, but it is very shy

The speak is not turns invisible and hides well

No, but you say. It's deaf that disguise the truth is nobody knows

The truth is nobody knows

Whoa boy

And they say the snark has six heads Humpty said three if fool me we could see it

Well you heard goatee and bear. That's okay jack. See you later come on guys

We all split up one of us is sure to spot it. Yeah, I gotta go home to get my camera

Around here somewhere

You're not the snark nope did you decide to help us find the snark after all


I don't know if that's such a good idea minute

You just gave me an idea if someone takes a picture of me with the snart I bet I'll become twice as famous

What do you mean? I mean I?

Guess the snark really knows how to hide huh Goldie bear I'm tired you ready for a break yeah

We have been looking all morning

Sweetie it is made up story his sink Goldie

Dumplings these dumplings must be so yummy and plumbing we're even without noticing hmm right or else it would have to be

You can change colors so it can hide anywhere does seem pretty shines we have a problem Yeah, right?

We've got all these leftover dumplings and we need someone to help

Believe it we made friends with the snark

But they won't have a picture to prove they found it and I will but that's not fair

It's okay, Goldie and bear don't care about being famous. They only wanted to meet the stuff

It's breacher so he could be famous, but it didn't like the flash chuck skated away

And benny was running after it oh no

What if Jack steers a spear you are?



The snarks not here, but I looked everywhere, and if it isn't here then sorry - Humpty

I guess I got a little carried away I

Wish there was something

Now all we need is a picture, let's just keep it a legend

For more infomation >> Goldie and Bear Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 617 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 18:14.


For more infomation >> Goldie and Bear Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 617 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 18:14.


Trooper retires making last cb call - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Trooper retires making last cb call - Duration: 1:10.


For more infomation >> Trooper retires making last cb call - Duration: 1:10.


U of M's title run a boon for W. MI stores - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> U of M's title run a boon for W. MI stores - Duration: 1:56.


Minneapolis Seeks Ideas To Revamp Historic Riverfront Post Office - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Minneapolis Seeks Ideas To Revamp Historic Riverfront Post Office - Duration: 1:13.


[Closed Caption] Sengoku Koihime X - Arc 2 - 01 - Duration: 18:39.

Kensuke: ...

???: Kensuke-sama... It's morning. Please wake up...

Kensuke: Hmm...

???: Today's a mock training of Oda clan, including Kensuke squad... you need to make preparations early...

Kensuke: Now that you mention it...

Having today's schedule whispered into my ear has completely awoken my consciousness.

Kensuke: Good morning, Shino...

Shino: Good morning. #Why does she always sound so confused?#

Kensuke: Thanks for waking me up all the time.

Shino: ...(nod)

Nodding lightly, Shino had me get off the futon and started folding it. #I find it interesting how they haven't seen him with a morning wood yet#

Kensuke: Shino, did you eat breakfast yet? #They come every morning, right? Not much of a privacy#

Shino: No, not yet... umm... #Most eroge protags can't sleep without getting one it seems#

Kensuke: Hmm?

Shino: I want to eat together...

Kensuke: Right. I want to eat with you too. Wait a bit, I'll wash my face. #Guess things like this come from the fact that it was originally all-age#

Shino: ...(nod)

I completely woke up after washing my face with a cold water. #Good for you, water makes me sleepy instead#

Kensuke: Ah... I forgot to bring a towel.

Shino: Please use this one...

Kensuke: Shino? Thanks...

I wiped my face with the towel she gave me, rinsed my mouth, and ready to go.

Kensuke: Well thne. Let's go eat.

Shino: ...(nod)

Leaving the residence and walking the usual path, we've arrived at a small diner that we visit often called "Ippatsuya".

Kiyo: Welcome! Good morning, you two! #I translated it just as "diner" before, but it seems to be its name#

Kensuke: Hi, Kiyo-chan. We're here for breakfast. #So I'll just use "Ippatsuya" untranslated, as its name#

Kiyo: Sure. Sit wherever. Ah, can we choose for you?

Kensuke: Yeah... are you okay with that too, Shino?

Shino: ...(nod)

Kiyo: Sure! Then, drink some tea while waiting!

Urged by the girl, we sat down nearby.

Kensuke: Kiyo-chan is really full of energy all the time. Seeing that fills me with energy as well.

The person I just talked to is the kanban girl of this diner, Kiyo-chan. #Why is this explanation happening after Kuon's event?#

She's of the same age as me, but she's been working in this store for ages now, and gets along with youngsters of Oda.

And the man owning this store has some splendid cooking skills, I'm teaching him some recipes from my world, and he recreates them.

With all that in mind, my Kensuke squad is quite indebted to that man and Kiyo-chan.

Kensuke: Well then... Oda clan mock training involving Kensuke squad, you say.

Shino: Yes. The date has been decided for a while now, but we've recieved a message yesterday that said it'll be held in the noon.

Kensuke: Noon, huh... then, Hiyo and Koro will make it in time.

Shino: Most likely.

Nodding, Shino sipped her tea elegantly.

Kensuke: (It's already been a month since I kidnapped Shino...)

The injury I recieved back then... is not compeltely healed yet, but it doesn't get in the way of daily life anymore. Now I need to train my body back into shape.

Kensuke: But still... I thought Kuon will invade Mino the moment you've arrived to Owari.

Shino: She still needed to replenish forces after Dengaku crossing, and, though rotten, Mino is still famous for its fierce warriors and their rush.

Shino: Loss would be final, so of course she's cautious.

Kensuke: I see. And I've heard we lack information. So I guess it's comes down to us.

Shino: It seems Hiyo and Koro are struggling with Mino... I feel kinda bad.

Kensuke: No, it's okay. Just rest in Kiyosu, Shino. Leave work to us.

Shino's from Mino, so we don't want to make her work against it...

At my suggestion, Kuon removed Shino from anti-Mino force.

Kensuke: Come to think of it, it's my first time participating in training... how does it work?

Shino: I wonder. Mino and Owari do it differently most likely, so I cannot answer that...

Shino: But, Kensuke squad is low on members, it's not a squad suited for frontal assault. It's best to study guerrilla warfare and train mobility.

Kensuke: Not suited for frontal assault... well, you're right, including me, it's quite a gathering of irregulars.

Shino: ...??

Kensuke: Ah, just talking to myself... anyway, what exactly do you do as guerrilla?

Shino: There's no reason to think about it right now. During the training, you'll be going with the flow.

Shino: And most likely...

Kiyo: Sorry for the wait! Today's Ippatsuya special, fried fish set! #Again?#

Shino: Fried fish!

Seeing the lineup of food that Kiyo-chan brought made Shino's eyes shine.

Kensuke: It's the fried fish set you like today... happy?

Shino: ...(nod, nod, nod!) #Her personality is really confusing#

Fried fish and radish. Also, pickles and miso. All that poured on a freshly steamed rice, it's a flawlessly Japanese breakfast.

Kensuke: Okay, let's eat it while it's still warm. #Shino goes from emotionless to very emotional real fast#

Shino: ...(nod)

Kensuke: Let's eat.

Shino: Let's eat.

Putting my hands together and saying thanks for being able to eat, I started eating the warm breakfast.

Shino: ...(nom, nom)

Shino is moving her chopsticks slowly, putting small portions of food in her mouth and taking her time to taste it.

Kensuke: ...

Shino: ...W, what?

Kensuke: Eh?

Shino: Umm... it's embarrassing... if you stare so much.

Kensuke: Ah, sorry! I was just deep in thought, or more like, remembered something.

Shino: Remembered?

Kensuke: Yeah. Back when you just joined me.

Though she consented, I pretty much kidnapped her and brought to Kiyosu, Shino really didn't speak much back then.

That's only normal. Owari was her enemy until recently, and the only people she was familiar with were me, Hiyo and Koro.

It wasn't easy, but she started talking more recently. #And then there's SKM, where everyone instantly adapts...#

I was also trying to keep conversations with her, which somewhat helped me understand what kind of a girl Shino is.

First point. She's generally quiet and silent. Second, she's surprisingly cynical. Third, as I thought, she's smart.

Fourth, she's surprisingly bad at waking up in the morning. Fifth, fried or whatever, she loves her fish. Sixth, she takes her time eating.

Kensuke: (Well, she's a girl, so the last one can't be helped) #Says a guy that grew up with Rinrin and Kii#

At first, since I'm a fast eater, I didn't mind and just ate rapidly.

But as I finished eating, Shino also stopped eating and tried to stand up, following me.

Kensuke: (That's why I chat with her or sip tea, trying to stick with Shino's eating speed)

Right now, though there's a slight margin of error, I manage to end the meal at about the same time.

Kensuke: This fish is quite tasty. What do you think, Shino?

Shino: It's really tasty... Owari is good. You can eat a lot of fish here.

Kensuke: The sea is close, yeah. Mino is inland, so it's harder there.

Shino: River fish is tasty too, but seafood is rich in variety, so you can enjoy many different tastes.

Kensuke: Haha, you seem happy.

Shino: ...(nod, nod, nod)

It's not obvious, but when Shino is happy, she nods three times. Not two or four. Always three times.

Kensuke: Yeah, you can only eat seafood if you're by the sea.

Shino: It's hard to taste fresh seafood in Mino... I was quite displeased with that.

Kensuke: Freshness is quite important for fish, yeah.

I remember seeing on tv how you poke holes in a pot, leaving fish half-dead when transporting it... would be nice to implement that.

Kensuke: Ah, by the way. About that Mino... was it okay?

Shino: Do you mean instructions I gave Hiyo and Koro?

Kensuke: Yeah... you don't have to force yourself to cooperate, you know?

Shino: I appreciate your concern... but it's okay. But looking at Mino's current situation, to tell the truth, it's better for citizens if Oda gouverns over it.

Kensuke: But...

Betraying her hometown... I can hear people say stuff like that, even in relatively magnanimous Oda.

Shino is quite observant. So if even I hear it, she's also probably aware.

I don't want her to endure sadness and force herself...

Shino: ...(shake head)

Probably seeing through me, Shino slowly shook her head.

Shino: If I don't want to, I'll say so. But, I believe this is the best option. So, it's okay.

Kensuke: I see... sorry for asking that while you're eating.

Shino: No... umm... I'm really happy. That's how I feel. Knowing the fact that there are people that worry about me makes me stronger.

Kensuke: Of course I'll worry. You're an important person to me, Shino.

Shino: Then, I'll say, me too... Kensuke-sama, you're a very very important person to me. If it's for you, I'll be able to endure anything.

Kensuke: Thanks... #She has a quite unique speaking style#

Shino: Same here, thank you. #I like it, but it gets lost in translation#

Kensuke: Haha!

Shino: Fufu...

Wakana: Hey! Kensuke!

Hina: Morning.

Kensuke: Oh, Wakana and Hina. Are you two also about to eat?

Wakana: We've been enjoying the morning sun until now. So I'm so hungry.

Hina: I suppose we're eating our fill to prepare for training... though Wanko is still sleeping.

Kensuke: Will Wanko be okay? She was just scolded by Mitsuki-san recently.

Hina: Red horo got a bit rusty, yeah. She's going to feel pain again in today's training.

Wakana: And she's still sleeping, you can't mimic her toughness.

Hina: So, Kensuke-kun, have you two finished eating already? #Second breakfast, Kensuke. Those two are worth getting fat for#

Kensuke: Yeah. I'm planning to study under Shino until noon. #That... sounds awesome too though#

Wakana: Study, you say, why are you studying?

Kensuke: Well, I'm still illiterate. And I'm learning military stuff too... wanna join us, Wakana?

Wakana: I don't need no studying! #Why is Kensuke illiterate though? Isn't it still Japanese?#

Hina: That's not something a leader of black horo should announce proudly. Frankly, I'm a bit repulsed.

Wakana: W, what! Why not?! I'm a leader of black horo, Kuon-sama's cavalry! Training is more important than studying to me!

Kensuke: Wasn't horo made out of people with good tactical competency and strength? Wakana, are you any good with tactics?

Wakana: What! Of course I have tactical copm, cpompe, competency! #She did manage to spell it correctly in the end. Good girl#

Kensuke: Ah, okay. I see...

Wakana: What's with that tone! Do you not believe me?! #To be fair, stuttering difficult words has nothing to do with intelligence#

Kensuke: It's okay. Whether I believe you or not, something that petty doesn't matter, I sincerely believe that this is how you should be, Wakana.

Wakana: Is that so? Hehe, guess you really get me well, Kensuke! #Generally, I don't like muscleheads, but this...#

Kensuke: Right? So, sit down and eat for now. You're hungry, right?

Wakana: Oh, right. Kiyo-chan, I'll have the usual!

Kiyo: Sure!

Hina: Ah, me too.

Kiyo: Sure!

Hina: Kensuke-kun, I see you've figured out how simpleminded Wakana is... you got quite good at manipulating her.

Kensuke: Her simplemindedness is cute, so it's okay. #Yeah, but also, it doesn't feel infantile like for Kii or Shunran#

Hina: I agree with you there.

Wakana: What? What is it? What are you talking about? #I suppose she's more similar to Sui#

Kensuke: About how cute you are. Right, Hina?

Hina: Yup, yup.

Wakana: What's with that! There's no point in praising me! Ah, except for, I will treat you to a meal here! Hehe!

Hina: It'll be a feast then.

Wakana: Ah, you, Hina! I never said I'll treat you too!

Hina: Well, don't be so inflexible.

Wakana: Tsk, can't be helped. You owe me one, okay?

Hina: Yes, yes.

As I was watching them chat, I felt my sleeve pulled on.

Kensuke: Hmm?

Shino: I'm done eating...

Kensuke: Oh. I'm done too... okay, we'll head back first then.

Shino: ...(nod)

Kensuke: Well then, we'll be going now! See ya at the noon!

Wakana: Yeah! See you later!

Hina: See ya.

After eating at Ippatsuya, as we said, we returned to the residence and got to studying.

First, I got seduced by Shino-sensei... just kidding, I studied literacy under Shino-sensei, followed by military affairs.

I've learned a lot from Shuri-oneechan and the rest, so it seems I have the basics at least.

Like a fish that finally got its water (did I go too far here?), Shino taught me various stuff happily.

How to fight outside enemies, how to deal with enemies in ranks. How to crush enemy from inside. And stuff like psychological warfare.

As I was studying all that, it's almost time now... #Finally, a proper strategy and not dumb Sonshi basics#

Hiyoko: We're back!

Koroko: We've returned! #I like how town events actually go along with the story#

Kensuke: Welcome back! Good job, you two.

Door opened, revealing Hiyo, who instantly leaped on my chest.

Hiyoko: It's boss! Euu! Boss, I missed you so much!

Kensuke: Good girl, it took a while... really, good job, you two. I'm glad you're alright.

Koroko: We've infiltrated Mino and acted there for two weeks, after all. It really tired us out, but we've made some preparations!

Koroko: Shino-chan made us a letter of introduction, and after we gave it to Three Great of Western Mino, we've succeeded at removing some key points of Inabayama.

Koroko: With this, we've mostly conquered both Seino and Touno... Inabayama castle will fall like a ripe persimmon. Also, Hiyo, not fair!

Hiyoko: Hoe?

Koroko: I also want to to be soothed by boss, not fair, going ahead like that! Hurry up and change with me!

Hiyoko: Ahaha, okay! #Pleasantly mature, report first, personal stuff later#

Koro pulled Hiyo away, leaped on my chest and looked at me, waiting for something.

Kensuke: Good job, Koro. You've done well.

Saying that, I'm gently petting Koro's characteristically fluffy hair.

Koroko: Ahaha! Now I'm satisfied!

Shino: Well then, now that your fatigue is soothed, let's exchange information.

Hiyoko: For Mino, it's as we just said. Is there something about Owari then?

Shino: It won't be an exaggeration to say it was absolutely peaceful. However, today at noon, Oda members are holding training near Sunomata.

Koroko: Seems so. We've heard about it even in Mino.

Hiyoko: They were spreading rumors. Something about how weaklings of Mino won't get strong no matter how much they train.

Koroko: Well, Owari is said to be... the weakest force in Tokai. Almost competing for the title of weakest ever.

Shino: I see... #That's a good thing#

Kenusuke: What's wrong, Shino? #Being underestimated is a powerful weapon#

Shino: Hiyo, Koro. Sorry to ask this of you after you just got back, but will you help me make preparations for training?

Koroko: I've got my supply of boss, so I'm good to go! I can do it.

Hiyoko: I'm also okay! #Is Kensuke a charger?#

Shino: Well then, Kensuke-sama.

Kensuke: Yeah. I'm counting on you all.

Even though they just returned from a long trip, Hiyo and Koro started actively working on training preparations. If you ask what I'm doing during all that...

Kensuke: I really have nothing to do, huh.

I tried helping them before, but I don't know the procedure, so I only made things confusing and got scolded by all three of them.

Since then, I have no say in Kensuke squad's administration. No, I'm not sulking.

According to Shino, a good leader should just instruct his subordinates and then quietly wait for reports, so I've left Kensuke squad to them.

Kensuke: Well, it goes smoothly this way. #Shino is right. That's what makes Karin a terrible ruler#

I question if I'm even needed sometimes, but well, I guess that's just how it works.

Kensuke: Drums... #Kensuke's job is negotiating with Kuon#

Koroko: This sounds like a "gather up" order.

Hiyoko: Did something happen?

Shino: It's probably to listen to Hiyo and Koro's report.

Kensuke: I see. Then, wait here, Shino. We'll pick you up before the training.

Shino: ...(nod)

Kensuke: I know you two are tired, but I'm counting on you.

Hiyoko and Koroko: Yes!

For more infomation >> [Closed Caption] Sengoku Koihime X - Arc 2 - 01 - Duration: 18:39.


"When you gotta question your own intelligence - CalebCity" Reaction - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> "When you gotta question your own intelligence - CalebCity" Reaction - Duration: 7:06.


Rodriguez, Ontario City Officials Celebrate New Funding to Revitalize Downtown - Duration: 1:43.

First I want to crin congratulate the city Ontario and the greater community for your

incredible work on achieving this historical grant.

For far too long the Inland empire has not received its fair share of state dollars that

is now changing starting today.

With your hard work demonstration of unity and powerful argument this community demonstrated

that it is ready and to transform.

With that senator Leyva as she mentioned and I work together to help bring this message

to Sacramento. But none of this would be possible without every single one of you helping us

along the way this investment in our community from the strategic growth counsel I want to thank

them for being partners on this progress.

What is truly the grassroots efforts of the community that separated this proposal from the many other proposals and it's it's a much happier

day for me here then fielding the calls from those applicants that were not awarded a 35 million dollars

but it's it's a testament to the strength of this proposal I'm very very saddened by

the need, not only here but throughout the state but it's it's legislators like senator

Leyva and Assemblymember Rodriguez that didn't create this problem but they're not going

to rest until this problem is fixed.

We have a lot of work to do in the Inland Empire to clean up our air insure affordable homes

that are on the market and we have green spaces like parks for our children.

This is an incredible beginning and I know we can copy their success in many other cities that

surround Ontario. To do that we need to engage community and leaders with the vision. Thank you

for being here today, I look forward

to achieving more great things in the Inland empire in 2018 with your help.

For more infomation >> Rodriguez, Ontario City Officials Celebrate New Funding to Revitalize Downtown - Duration: 1:43.


10 Ways How to Stop Overthinking and Start Doing - Duration: 5:38.

Of course, it makes sense to think, collect information, and to make a wise decision.

However, you can think too much.

And that's what this video is about.

If you struggle with overthinking, overthinking to the point where you don't do anything at


Stay tuned because we're discussing 10 ways on how to stop overthinking and start doing,

starting with the first tip now!


ask "what's the worst that can happen?"

Psychologists tell us that we're more motivated by a potential loss than a potential gain

and that's generally why we don't take action in our lives.

But, when you ask a question, specifically addressing your fears as far as "what's the

worst that can happen?," you're forced to use the part of your brain that is analytical

and uses logic and reason, your prefrontal cortex.

And by asking this question you address your fears and you're likely to stop overthinking

it and take action.


Ask someone else.

Oftentimes when it's a big decision, we're too emotionally invested into it to think

logically and use reason.

That's why if you have someone you respect and someone you admire in your life, ask for

their input.

They can see the decision you have to make at an angle you can't and that information,

that advice they give you can be priceless.


Give yourself a deadline.

I've learned that deadlines can make your life easier and less stressful, largely because

of Parkinson's law which that an objective or task will swell in perceived difficulty

the longer you give yourself to do it.

If you find that you're overthinking and you're stuck, give yourself a deadline of a day or

two and watch how you come up with a decision that's wise and sound.


Treat it like an Amazon Prime Purchase.

I cannot tell you how many times I've bought something impulsively on Amazon, then waited

two days, have it arrive on my doorstep and then lost interest in it.

I can think of recently of buying a juicer, I spent like $150 for this thing, thinking

I would use it every single day.

Months have gone by and it's still in the box!

It's okay, I can still regift it to somebody, but it's so great when you have that opportunity,

when you have so much emotion and so much impulse to make a decision right now, to just

step back, wait a little bit, possibly wait two days if possible, and see if that emotion

about your decision is still there.


Flip a coin.

I'm starting to learn that taking no action at all can often be more detrimental that

making a poor choice.

If you have the right mindset and you're looking to learn from every mistake you make, every

choice you make will come out successful and you'll profit from it.

If you're stuck, just flip a coin.


Why Not Both?

When presented with a decision have you ever considered that if you use your creative brain

power that you could have both?

I think back to growing up when my dad asked me when we were playing golf.

Son, do you want to be good or do you want to have fun?

Why couldn't I be good and have fun?

When you get off work why do you have to decide between going to the gym and spending time

with family?

Why not both?

Why not work out with your family?

I can give several more examples, but don't let your limited thinking hold you back from

living your best life.

When you have a decision to make, think about having both.

Ask why not both?


Play Devil's Advocate.

It's wonderful to ask people for help and get their advice, but often times they won't

ask you the tough questions you need to ask yourself.

Last month I stopped making videos and I said it just wasn't my thing, I didn't like it,

but then I started to play devil's advocate.

Is it possible you do love it and you just don't like that you're failing right now?

Is it possible that you do love it and it's just getting hard?

Is it possible you're quitting, not because you don't like it, but because it's easier

to give up?

I realize if you love something, keep doing it, don't worry about failing, don't worry

that you're not successful, just keep doing it.

Asking these type of questions can be tough, but playing devil's advocate can help you

get the most out of life.


Write It Out.

What's so draining to our willpower are making these decisions, not necessarily doing the

activities themselves.

And just like asking questions, writing it out activates the part of your brain that

thinks logically and analytically.

If you can do the night before or the morning of, decisions on what you want to do and when

you want to them, you will stop overthinking and start doing a lot more.



Psychologists tell us that we think up to 60,000 thoughts a day.

That's 41 a minute!

A lot of them are in our subconscious, and a lot of them negative and not helping us,

but meditation helps to resolve that.

I'm talking just 20 minutes a day.

Closing your eyes, just breathing, observing your thoughts, not judging them.

This could dramatically help you make better decisions, stop overthinking, and start becoming

more successful.

Consider meditating.

And the last tip.

Nothing speaks like experience.

Mark Twain has said, "20 years from now you'll regret the things you didn't do, as opposed

to the things you did do."

All I'm saying every time you make a decision to do something you haven't done before, that

you're uncomfortable with, yes you may fail and it may be uncomfortable, but you're going

to gain an experience and nothing can speak like it.

You can watch videos all day, get advice from people, but until you actually do it, you're

not going to gain that experience.

So stop overthinking, err on the side of action, and I think you'll get everything you're looking

for in life.

If you want more videos like this, not from a guru, but from a friend who is just doing

life with you, trying to learn, trying to grow as much as they can, subscribe to my

channel today and hit the bell notification so you don't miss anything.

This is your friend, Michael, inspiring you to learn, laugh, and love.

Hope you enjoyed this video, can't wait to see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> 10 Ways How to Stop Overthinking and Start Doing - Duration: 5:38.


Boosted Board Travel Case! BRD BAG V2! - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Boosted Board Travel Case! BRD BAG V2! - Duration: 7:00.


Talk Show the Game Show - How to Date in Your Fifties (ft. Cynthia Bailey) | truTV - Duration: 1:14.

Applause Break, 2 points.

I know I don't look it, but...

Cynthia, you're never supposed to say that in Los Angeles.

I know, I know, I know.


But you know what?

I embrace it.

I feel like I represent 50 well.

Yes, yes.

[ Cheers and applause ]

So, I -- I kind of -- thank you, thank you.

I kind of ran with this whole 50 Cynt thing, like 50 Cynthia.

Yes. [ Laughs ]

And so, this is for you.

Gift for Host, 4 points.

So, Cynthia,

are you single?

I am single.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Laughs ]

Have you been seeing anyone?

I am single

and I am dating.

I'm actually, uh, the newest member to the players' club.

[ Laughter ]

But is it different dating now

than it was when you were, like, modeling in New York?

Oh, my God.

I've been, like,

off the market for 10 years, and everything has changed.



nobody calls, okay?

They text you.

And then there's the whole -- emoji.

Yes. Very complex world.

Which totally

messed me up because, like,


the monkey is, like, the monkey.

[ Laughter ]

And then those little raindrops?

Apparently, that means the monkey is...

[ Laughter ]

The monkey is making it rain.

Um, Cynthia, here's my question for you.

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