Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 2 2018

15 Ways to Make Her Miss You When You're Away

As a man who loves your girl, it is important to play something a little bit.

There is a game that you should play to make her miss you so bad, but you need to do that


If you are successful, the impact will be amazing since it boosts the dynamic in your


However, the complete opposite also can happen, and it makes your life miserable.

Therefore, proceed with caution if you want to make her missing you.

Here is some of our advices for you.

#1 - Being a little bit mysterious

You should make the other person to know you better.

In this case, it's important to keep the details for yourself until you are asked.

However, when he really asks you, you should not reveal all the details.

Keep things in secret to keep the conversation going later on

#2 - Don't reveal yourself too much

Basically, you can talk everything you want.

However, you need to keep the little details somehow.

Wait until she asks the question and you can reveal the answer.

Otherwise, keep it tight since it will not make the story interesting.

You also don't want to be considered as self-centered person considering the fact

that you always tell about yourself all the time.

#3 - Be careful in using technology

Smartphone, internet, and social media help us connected.

However, it is worth mentioning that this actually makes you stick around too intense

with her.

Thus, boredom can quickly build since it is always you and you again.

Be sure to slow down with the tech.

#4 - Spend time apart

Sometimes, it is actually best to take a break from intense date together.

It is better to have another date with both of you being separated by distance.

Yes, doing activities separately actually helps to make her miss you.

Once you meet her, the feeling of happiness is magnified.

#5 - Showing a fun time

Spending time together should be done frequently, and it should be memorable.

It does not have to be expensive since a walk in a park also works like a charm.

However, you need to consider taking her into cinema, romantic places, beaches, or anything.

#6 - Don't talk too long

This is important, especially when it comes to phone call.

There are things that you can tell on phone calls, but it is best to keep until you meet


Don't use the phone for every single thing that you need to tell because it makes emotion

less strong.

#7 - Don't act desperate

Both women and men can act desperate.

However, it is worth noting that you should hold back a little bit to make her miss you.

In short, you should know the best time to delay since there is probably something important

that needs to be solved quickly.

#8 - Don't track her

Of course, you can track your girlfriend easily through apps that you have agreed to install.

However, it is worth noting that it is just not interesting.

It does not only a sign of not being able to trust each other.

It also makes your relationship boring because you just cannot make a surprise if you are

always spying on her.

#9 - Giving a space

Both you and your girlfriend have life to take care.

She probably has a job and you just cannot interfere when she is doing her job.

Otherwise, you are slowing her down, and it eventually makes you feel guilty too.

#10 - Take things slowly

Don't rush on your relationship since you are developing a relationship from heart.

It needs time, and it should not be complicated with things that make your relationship ruined.

#11 - Spending time alone

This may sound counter intuitive but women actually like it when you have your own activities.

They are proud when you have productive activities since they also can learn from it.

Therefore, you basically need to improve yourself to make her even miss you.

#12 - Don't force her

Forcing people is always not good.

However, people do that because they think they have hobbies or activities that most

people think advantageous.

Women don't think they need to follow or participate in all of your activities, and

that is why don't force her to make her like everything you like.

#13 - Being reliable

Stay around her radar even though you are having break with her.

That way, you will be considered as reliable person who always stays there in the time

of need.

#14 - Surprise her

Women like surprise, and it absolutely works 95% of the time.

The main requirement is that you know what she likes and it works like a charm.

#15 - Give a special present

A special present is something that reminds her of you.

It can be anything, but it has to be sentimental and it holds value.

It is recommended to give something that last longer because it philosophically shows how

great your love is to her.

Well, that's some of the tips to make her miss you when you are away.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Ways to Make Her Miss You When You're Away - Duration: 5:31.


Garderie musicale - AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Garderie musicale - AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE - Duration: 2:21.


Warface: Нам вернут СТАРЫЙ ПОЛИГОН на 6 лет игры в 2018 - ШОК - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Warface: Нам вернут СТАРЫЙ ПОЛИГОН на 6 лет игры в 2018 - ШОК - Duration: 5:24.


En Revue #2 - Capitalisme autodestructeur, sexualité et Habermas - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> En Revue #2 - Capitalisme autodestructeur, sexualité et Habermas - Duration: 8:34.


Eye for an Eye: One of the Greatest Ideas in History - Duration: 5:23.

Even atheists acknowledge that the book that is most responsible for creating Western civilization

is the Bible.

Until very recently, that was considered quite an achievement.

After all, it was Western civilization that created societies rooted in individual liberty,

rooted in democracy, that affirmed the equality of all people, and which gave the world the

notion of universal human rights.

Of course, these unique moral ideals took centuries to be realized, and the ideals were

often violated.

But only the West formulated these ideals, let alone achieved them — and then spread

them around the world.

In the last half century, however, many of the recipients of these gifts — especially

the well-educated — no longer regarded Western civilization as morally superior to any other.

And as reverence for Western civilization fell, so did reverence for the source of that


The Bible has not only been neglected, but reviled — as a foolish fairy tale at best,

and as an immoral work at worst.

This view springs not from intellectual rigor, but from intellectual laziness.

People throw out all sorts of objections to the Bible as if there are no rational and

moral responses to those objections.

But the fact is there are rational and moral responses to all those objections.

I give many of them in my book, The Rational Bible, but let me offer two here.

In the biblical book of Deuteronomy, it says if someone has a rebellious  son  who

does not obey his father and mother, his parents can take him to the elders of the city

for judgment.

And if the son is found guilty, the citizens are to stone him to death.

Sounds pretty primitive, doesn't it?

In fact, however, it was an enormous moral leap forward.

This law ended — forever — parental ownership of their children, and with it the right to kill them.

The brilliance of this law was that it seemed to preserve the absolute authority of parents,

but in fact ended it.

But, you will respond, the citizens of the city could still kill the child.

Theoretically, that was true.

But we have no instance of it ever happening in the history of the Jews — the people

who brought the book into the world and lived by its rules.

Critics of Western religion also often cite the famous biblical law, "an eye for an eye,

tooth for tooth, hand for hand," etc. as another example of an immoral biblical law.

But this law — known by its Latin name, lex talionis, the law of retaliation —

was another great moral advance.

It was not meant to be taken literally, and it never was — for the simple reason that

it's impossible to exactly duplicate bodily harm.

Only "a life for a life" was meant literally and taken literally: there is capital punishment

for premeditated murder.

So, then, what did it mean?

For one thing, lex talionis is the ultimate statement of human equality.

Every person's eye is as precious as anyone else's.

The eye of a prince is worth no more than the eye of a peasant.

This was completely new in history.

The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, for example, legislated that the eye of a noble was of

much greater value than the eye of a commoner.

Second, the principle of "an eye for an eye" ensured only the guilty party was punished

for his crime.

In other law codes and in common practice, if you killed someone's daughter, your daughter

would be killed.

That was expressly prohibited in the Bible and by the "eye for an eye" code.

Now the killer would be punished, not the killer's daughter.

Third, lex talionis prohibited unjust revenge.

In the ancient world, if a man gouged out another man's eye, the victim, if he could,

would gouge out both the attacker's eyes, or kill him, or hurt his children, and so on.

In contrast, "eye for an eye" ensured the victim receive appropriate compensation

for the damages he suffered, but the punishment had to fit the crime.

The next time you read or hear someone argue that the Bible is irrational or immoral, tell

them how the stone-the-rebellious-son law ended parental killing of children and how

the "eye for an eye" law struck a unique blow for human equality and justice.

If they're intellectually honest, they'll admit that they have learned something new.

I'm Dennis Prager.

For more infomation >> Eye for an Eye: One of the Greatest Ideas in History - Duration: 5:23.


【MUKBANG】 [McD's] 1$ FOR A DOUBLE PATTY!! [Double Big MAC, Teriyaki..etc] 10 Items 5818kcal[use CC - Duration: 6:11.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa! Night time Mcd's is a new thing recently

with an added 100yen you get to have double toppings and fixings with this "Night Mcd's" deal

So in total I bought eight of these things

and.... so I picked up a giant Big Mac and...

their Grand teriyaki lets line all these up first of all

Tadaa I've line them all up Don't they look amazing lets EAT... itadakimasu

Let's start off with his double Big Mac And the regular Big Mac

These are the Big Macs The one in the middle is a regular Big Mac

The one on the right is the double Big Mac When you line them up against each other you can

see that there is a difference in the meat patties

There's a real difference in weight as well And of course the double Big Mac one is heavier

This regular Big Mac you've got double patties and Two slices of cheese

The burger patty is flavored with a simple ketchup sauce

next up is the double Big Mac its not 3 patties but its double there are 4 patties in it


I don't think that I can bite it

With four meat patties stacked in here It's so very meaty

Next up is a double gran clubhouse

in this Clubhouse we've got some bacon And the burger patties

There are two burger patties There's tomato in here as well as a bacon

The buns are so fluffy with a hint of sweetness As well as a tomatoes and bacon

With a double meat patties it really ups the flavor game

Next it's a double gran bacon cheese

these grand bacon cheeses come with 2 types of cheeses

Two burger patties with 1 slice of bacon And two different types of cheeses its so big

Double double cheeseburger It already comes with double cheese

And with the doubled up patties we got 4 patties here

this s t e a m e d h a m is so big

and double shrimp fillet This is straight out of my dreams

I love these shrimp cutlets And it makes me so happy to see 2 of them at once

for me, if I feel like eating 2 of these shrimp fillets I simply eat 3-4 regular shrimp fillets

but to be able to have 2 of these shrimp cutlets in just one burger brings me such joy

the cutlet is so crispy and the shrimp within are so plump and juicy and tender.... so yummy

I'm really digging this tartar sauce as well

next up is this... it got flattened

double egg cheeseburger Two burger patties with one egg

the egg is so flavorful and yummy

Double Filet-O-Fish

We have two fillet of fish in here

the white fish meat is so fluffy and you get double the yums

And last up double gran teriyaki Add a regular Grand teriyaki

I luv these teriyaki so much.. That is why I bought the regular and double versions

Let's start things off with a regular grand teriyaki

The sauce is so sweet and savory I love teriyaki sauce so much

The buns in these burgers are so yummy They're so light and moist.... so yummy

These Grand Teriyaki is come with tomatoes... I didn't know that

lastly double gran teriyaki

The Teriyaki Patty covered in that sweet sauce and we've got 2 of them ... this is the 'bestest' stuff

Last mouthful itadakimasu


Night mcd's was tasty

It's so awesome to have double burger patties with only 100 yen

patties, shrimp fillet, and fish... ... fishuuu

fillet of fish? It's so nice to be able to get double Filet-O-Fish

They're so nice and big

( PUN lost in translation... just smile and nod )

This is also very yummy won't you all please give me a try And as always thank you for watching if there is anything

You want me to do or eat to please tell me in the comment Section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [McD's] 1$ FOR A DOUBLE PATTY!! [Double Big MAC, Teriyaki..etc] 10 Items 5818kcal[use CC - Duration: 6:11.


Will Sian eat an insect?! [The Return of Superman/2018.04.01] - Duration: 10:47.

What is this?

Strawberry. Strawberry.

(It's a mangosteen.)

It's mangosteen. Sian first.

Sian. Sian first.

There's an orange inside!

- It's a mangosteen. / - Mangosteen.

(He takes a bite.)


Is it good?

It tastes like orange.

(The taste and the juice)

(are exploding.)


Is it good? Is it good?

Yes? Is it good?

Next, who wants durian? Durian?

- Me. / - What do you say?

(I want it!)



- Who wants durian? / - Me.

(Come to think of it, a durian...)

(What is that smell?)

The kids tasted durian a year ago.

(It tastes bad.)

(It was a shocking taste.)

Me, too.

He forgot what a durian was.

- No. / - "No"?

It's good.

Seola, Sua, this is good.

It's good.

- It's good. / - It's good.

- It's good. / - It's good?

Durian. Yes, it's good.

Try it.

She loves it.

(Will Sian)

(try some durian?)

What? There's something inside.

I can stand it.

Is it good? No?

- It's not good. / - It's not good?

Sian, is it good?

(He questions himself and tastes it again.)

- It's good. / - It's good.

Do you like it?


You don't like it?

(The durian bothers Sian.)


I can't swallow it.

It's good.

- It's good. / - I can't eat it.

No, thank you. No, no, no.



Shall we go to a big market?


A big market.

Are we going to a market?

A big market. It's a big market.

(They're off to visit a night market.)

- Let's go. / - Market.

We're on a motorcycle.

Sua, Seola, and Boise, are you scared?

No? Yes?

I'm not scared.

Sian, are you scared?

What is that? Sian, look!

There is a shark over there.

Jungle. Sian.

It's a crocodile!

I'm scared. I'm scared.

(Sian, are you scared?)

I'm very scared.

Are you scared?

Hold hands with Boise.

(If you're scared, hold my hand.)

Hold hands together.

(He rejects his sister.)

(He's acting indifferent.)

Boise isn't scared.

You're not scared.

Sian, you're not scared?

I'm not scared.

You're not scared.

You're a big boy. There's no need to be scared.

ABC. Do you know the ABC song?

(A, B, C, D, A, F, G)

(Thanks to singing and Boise, he's not scared.)

We're here now.

Yes, it's a big supermarket.

(This place is brighter and fancier at night.)

This place is nightless.

It's Thailand's traditional market.

With its unique foods and goods,

this place is a hot place for the locals.

(It's a hip place for the locals.)

Did they go to a night market?

It won't be easy with four kids.

It's a big market. Ice cream.

Ice cream.

Who wants ice cream?

(It's a coconut ice cream stand.)


(You can add the toppings you want.)

Sian, what do you want?

- Chocolate ice cream. / - Banana?

- This. / - This one?

(I want chocolate.)

(These are actually black cherries.)

(They choose their toppings.)

Custom-made ice cream is ready.

(You can customize your ice cream.)

First one.

(Seola gets to try first.)

I'm going to have a huge spoonful.

Okay. Sian's turn.

(He eats the topping he chose.)

It's Boise's turn.

(The kids are good at taking turns.)


(The big eater, Sua's turn)

Sua. It's Sua's turn.


(They're enjoying it.)


Daddy's turn.

Boise wants the banana.

(Wait a minute.)

Hey, that's what I do all the time.


Ice cream... Banana...


(I ate it all.)

(I only got one bite.)

(This reminds me of Dad.)

You have some left!

(I see it behind you.)

- Finished. / - I see it.

- No more ice cream. / - You have it.

I do it all the time,

so they won't be fooled.


(Stop right there.)

They found it right away.

I'm glad I played pranks on them.

(What? It was right there?)

You had it.

(It was only a joke.)

We'll get some food. Special food.

Come here. Do you want some?

- Oh, no. / - Do you want some?

(You can look forward to it.)

(It's fried insects.)

Will they eat those?

Those are...

How do you eat these?

- Oh, no. / - Do you want some?

Sian, which one do you want?

I'm scared.

(Try it, Uncle.)

- It's a big one. / - Teacher.

Try it.

(You have one first.)



(She's choosing her menu very calmly.)

I don't want it.

(Come on, choose one.)

- I want this one. / - Do you want this one?

Okay, we'll get this one.

(Boise chose the pupa.)

Please mix them up.

They got four kinds of insects.

Which one do you want to eat?

- Seola. / - Try it. It's spicy.

Which one do you want to eat?

Boise is good at eating them.

They must go out to eat it often.



(Culture shock)

I want some too.

Do you want some, Seola?

Which one do you want?

This one.

This one?

(Crickets! I choose you!)

Eat it.

Eat it. Eat it.

- No. / - It's yummy.

(No way!)

She's going to eat that?

(Yes, she's going to eat it.)

(Did you see me?)


(Good job, Seola.)


(He's getting competitive.)

Sian, what do you want?

- What do you want? / - This one for me too.

- This one. / - The big one?

(Which insect did Sian choose?)

What is that?


Is that a cicada?

(He takes the wings off for Sian.)

(It's a big cicada for Sian.)

For Sian.

It tastes bad.

(What do you mean? It's good.)

- Sian. It's delicious. / - I want to eat that.

(What did you say?)

- Try. / - Sian.

(Will Sian eat an insect?)

Is he going to eat that?

(He bites.)

He only bit the skin.

He only ate the skin.

- Sian. / - Did you eat it?

I really swallowed it.

- It's good. / - I ate a fly.

- I ate a fly. / - I ate a fly.

I want to eat it too.

- Seola, Seola. / - I bit it.

Eat it.

(She looks wild.)

It's good.

Seola looks grotesque.

(Seola is the best.)

(Sua takes the insect away.)

Yummy, yummy.

(Sua is trying the cicada too.)

I ate a fly.

(It's not bad.)

- Well done. Very good. / - She's eating it.

Did you like it? Yes?

- It's good. / - It's good.

Seola, Sian, Sua, and Boise,

are you having fun today?

- I'm happy. / - Happy.

- I'm happy. / - Happy.

(Was Boise's dad happy too?)


(I was happy too.)

Come visit our house.

My home.

Yes, sure. Sure.

Sian, can I visit your house?

- Can I go to your house? / - Okay.

Yes. Give me five.

Big one.


(Make sure to visit us with Boise.)

They can barely communicate,

but he was always smiling. I'm so thankful.

If they come to Korea on a trip,

I want to treat them to a nice meal.

For more infomation >> Will Sian eat an insect?! [The Return of Superman/2018.04.01] - Duration: 10:47.


Can we do something fun for the last time? [The Return of Superman/2018.04.01] - Duration: 12:01.

I'm hungry.

(It's time for the twins to have dinner.)

Who's hungry?

(Raise your hands!)

I'm so hungry.

- Are you that hungry? / - Yes.

- I'm really hungry. / - Really? Let's eat a lot.

- It's here. / - Excuse me.

(What's their dinner menu?)

(Octopus and abalone)

Look. That's a whole octopus and abalone.

(A fantastic combination)

It's fresh seafood and jjajangmyeon.

(Octopus jjajangmyeon)

There's also jjamppong, jjajangmyeon's friend.

They look so delicious.

- I want the octopus. / - Do you want to eat it?

Pull it up. See how big it is.

Try holding it up.

What is that? Is that an octopus?

How should I eat it?

- Should I just eat it? / - As is?

(Seoeon does things his way.)

You're going to eat it like that?

(Will he eat the octopus whole?)

(He looks serious.)

Can you cut it for me?

(He takes a bite.)

That looks too much to me.

Are you okay?

(He refuses to yield.)

It's delicious.



Should I cut it for you?

- Then what? / - I'll eat it like this.

You're such a show-off.

(I'm not showing off.)

You look scary right now.

Hold on.


(I will not cut my octopus into pieces.)

The octopus is really good.

- Is it good? / - Yes.

Let me try the soup first.

I'll check if it's spicy.

(Will it be spicy?)


Let's eat this last.


- It's spicy even for me. / - It's not spicy for me.

- Try it. / - This? The soup?

It's not spicy? It's spicy for me.

I warned you.

(He takes a sip. He's fine!)

(That's strange. It was very spicy.)

Seoeon, are you using a fork?

See? You're eating that because it's too spicy.

Try it again, then.

(Try the soup again.)

(This is nothing.)


It's spicy, right?

It's really not spicy at all.


(Is it not spicy?)

(He fooled me.)

It's spicy.

It's spicy.

(It's spicy!)

Eat the jjajangmyeon.

(The jjajangmyeon will make it less spicy.)


(It was actually very spicy.)

Good, good.

(They're eating so well.)

You guys are such great eaters.

(Here comes the noodle monster.)

(You're pretty good.)

It's so delicious.

(He's checking the length.)

(It's my turn!)

Seoeon, we won't take it away. Eat slowly.

You look like a bandit.

(I'll eat all of the jjajangmyeon.)

(I won't let you have it all!)

(I'll have the last strand.)


(Am I being too messy?)

Is it good?

(This tough guy keeps on wiping his mouth.)


You used to just eat without wiping.

Are you wiping now that you're big boys?

(The Trio's first appearance)

They used to eat baby formula.

Don't cry.

Then they started to try new tastes.

(They dropped more food than what they ate.)


They will only eat.

They learned how to use forks,

and ate with their whole faces.

Did you drink last night?

(They found their love for soup at an early age.)

(That was a good meal.)

They learned the sweet taste of sharing.

(They found their love for meat at age of three.)

This is tasty.

(It's gone.)

Is the meat gone?

The twins learned the happiness of eating.

(At four, they fell in love with chocolate.)

(This is the taste.)

Stop wiping. Your mouth will fall off.

Seoeon, have a shrimp.

(Have a shrimp, Seoeon.)

(They're big enough to take care of each other.)

Is that for Seoeon?

Open up, Seoeon.

(The twins are really big boys now.)


I wish you would get along all the time.

- Okay. / - Stop fighting.

I might forget.

Forget what?

I might forget to get along.

How can you forget that? I say it every day.

Mr. Octopus.

(It could happen.)

You're scary.

(I'll try my best.)

- It was good. / - It was delicious.

(Where will The Trio be staying?)

Take off your shoes.

This room is really cool.

The bed is cool too.

- Is the bed cool too? / - Yes.

(This will become another memory.)

This traditional house in Jeju Island will be

where the twins make new memories.

(A traditional house in Jeju Island)

- Let's play by ourselves. / - Okay.

- What did you say? / - We'll play by ourselves.

- Just the two of you? / - Yes.

(They're keeping a distance from Dad.)

What is this? Are you newlyweds?

(The newlyweds are very energetic.)

One, two, three.

This is fun.

Like this!

Excuse me. Knock, knock.

- Yes? / - I need one of you.

(What is it?)

Take off your clothes.

Not now.

- Then when? / - Before bed.

Before bed? It's already late.

I didn't get to play.

What have you been doing since morning, then?

Let's go.

- We're still zero to zero. / - No.

- Can I shower? / - Yes.

Take a long shower.

(Hwijae goes to shower alone.)


(What are they scheming?)

(Hwijae has no idea.)

(He starts to shower.)


(Why is he taking Hwijae's clothes?)

(He looks at the washroom.)

(Nice job!)

Where are you going with Dad's clothes?

You guys are such troublemakers.

Come here.

(It'll be a fun surprise!)

(He dropped his bread from rushing.)

(I choose pranks over bread!)

(What's with all the commotion?)

(Where are the twins running to?)

Can you pass me my clothes?

(Silence is scarier than noise.)


What is this?

Who opened the door?

- We're over here. / - We're over here.

- We're over here. / - We're over here.

Where are you?

- We're over here. / - We're over here.

- We're over here. / - We're over here.

- We're over here. / - We're over here.

I'll count to 10. 1.

(There's the cold wind blowing in.)


I'm so cold. Hey, close the door.


We're over here.

(A culprit always returns to the crime scene.)


It was a joke.

(It was only a prank!)

It wasn't scary.

(Mission accomplished!)

Hey, where's my shirt?

- What? / - Hey!

(His shirt is sitting out in the yard.)

- We'll be back. / - Hey...

- We'll go get it. / - Hey.

We'll be back.

- I'll come. / - No!

(They run for their dad.)

Did you drop it on the ground?

Is it over here? I found it.

I think this is it.

It's this.

(They return with confidence.)

- Dad! / - Yes?

Is this it?

Where was it?

- Did you drop it? / - Yes.


Dad, what are you going to do?

Hey, don't open the door.

(I want to open it more when you tell me not to.)


You little...



(I'll get you back!)

(They're such troublemakers.)

(Hwijae is exhausted.)

Dad, can we do something fun for the last time?


One, two, three!

(It's Seoeon's curtain show.)

Am I funny?


(You're good.)

(Seoeon is proud.)

One, two, three!


One, two, three.

(Is that Jang Doyeon?)

(Copy and paste)

(If my dad likes it,)

(that makes me happy. I'll do my happy dance.)

Stop that.

- Seoeon. / - This is my dream.

Is that your dream?

- Seoeon and Seojun. / - Yes?

What are your dreams?

I want to dance.

(Seoeon's dream is to become a dancer.)


I want to dance.

How will you dance?

Dad, play a song with your phone.

Do you want me to play music?

I'll practice over here for a moment.

(Let me warm up first.)

♪ Up, down, up, up, down ♪

(He's very serious about his practice.)

Seoeon is serious about his dream today.

He's practicing like he's performing.

He doesn't forget to do his key moves.

(Seoeon's dream is to become a dancer.)

Seoeon, is this right?

Yes. That's right.

I'll cheer for you too.

("Up and Down" by EXID)

I'm a magician.

(Dad, please watch me.)

(Up and down)

(It's a new cover of "Up and Down".)

(I'm the dancing king.)

(What is this pose?)

(It's the dance's final pose.)

(He did it perfectly.)

Here, have some bread.

Eat bread? Out of nowhere?

(Seoeon won't stop his dancing spree.)

(Seoeon danced all through the night.)

For more infomation >> Can we do something fun for the last time? [The Return of Superman/2018.04.01] - Duration: 12:01.


[EXID(이엑스아이디)] 내일해(LADY) 뮤직 비디오 (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:15.

(Come On Ladies)

Come back to me boy

(Come On Ladies)

Come back to me boy

still standin in front of you

you trying to curve your way out

I can feel about ur feeling

its why I'm hatin can't you feel it?

what you in a hurry for no no no

don't got a minute for no no no

can't even give me a chance to hold you back

an amateur game you play whats with that

woo I can feel it even without words

just hold me close

(can't stop now) enough talk take me bak My Baby

Baby just stop baby just stop

Are you tired of me or just don't want me

anxious to say you're done with me

Im still your lady lady lady or

just once more babe babe babe or or

don't like the look on your face

the more I think about it, even if its not right I can't accept it

can we just rewind

i won't ask no more

even if the shattered pieces can't be whole

I'll try to mend the pieces lets get it

woo don't say those words

Just tell me you were playin

(can't stop now) enough talk take me back My Baby

Baby just stop baby just stop

Are you tired of me or just don't want me

anxious to say you're done with me

Im still your lady lady lady or

just once more babe babe babe or or

If tomorrow ends like this

I'll be lost everyday

Don't do it

even if time should fade

you're my you're my you are ma ba babe

Baby Let's Get It Boy Don't Fake It

Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum

Baby Let's Get It Boy Don't Fake It

Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum Dum Dum

(Come On Ladies)

Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum

(Come On Ladies)

Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum Dum Dum

Are you tired of me or just don't want me

anxious to say you're done with me

Im still your lady lady lady or

just once more babe babe babe or or

For more infomation >> [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 내일해(LADY) 뮤직 비디오 (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:15.


Chinese raises tariffs on 128 US products - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Chinese raises tariffs on 128 US products - Duration: 2:22.



Hello guys.I'm Ali

I'm shooting reaction videos for the first time in the channel

I usually respond to dimash and kpop videos

I'm taking a reaction to a desired song Jasmine

I really wonder what will happen

what an interesting instrument

sharpness will soon catch up

tremendous performance

Perfect! Perfect!

Take good care of yourself, goodbye

For more infomation >> DIMASH KUDAİBERGEN 《JASMINE》REACTION [ ENG SUB ] - Duration: 5:42.


Landing £10.8m Real Madrid man would help Arsenal finally replace Santi Cazorla ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:02.

It's no secret that Arsenal have had a poor season this year and the Gunners are hoping

for many improvements, and possibly successes this time next year.

Arsenal looked a damaged side at times this season and their lack of consistency has proven

to be very troublesome as the Gunners are far adrift of the top four race.

A player who usually brings so much to the Emirates is Santi Cazorla,

but injuries have set the Spaniard back on numerous occasions over the last few years,

damaging the career he has left at Arsenal.

As much as they wouldn't want to, it maybe time to start looking past Santi Cazorla and

target a new signing capable of being his successor.

Our punters believe a strong candidate for this role would be Real Madrid's Dani Ceballos,

who is valued at £10.80 million on Transfermarkt.

Although the 21-year-old isn't a well-recognised name for Los Blancos, this season since joining

in the summer from Real Betis, has seen Ceballos feature in 19 games.

During those games, he has also added two goals but his contribution to the side has

been eye-catching and he should deserve a chance at first team football for a team like


With the Gunners likely to have a clear-out of their own this summer, quality in the centre

of midfield has been hard to come by but is something that the addition of Dani Ceballos

would fix.

With years ahead of him now, this move is appealing for the present and future, with

Ceballos showing the potential of having a great career ahead of him.

For more infomation >> Landing £10.8m Real Madrid man would help Arsenal finally replace Santi Cazorla ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:02.


Cutting-edge performance on the XPS 15 2-in-1 (2018) - Duration: 1:15.


The XPS 15 2-in-1 is our most powerful convertible device to date.


We've never seen a 2-in-1 device that's focused on performance as well as form factor.

So it's a very unique blend of form factor, design, materials without compromising

[Screen images simulated]

that performance that a very discerning XPS customer is going to be looking for.

That was all enabled by Intel's G architecture— which combines

the processor and the discreet GPU into a single package.

Basically what that allows us to do is save that additional space

for thermal management and for battery life.

When we talk about innovation it really takes a village.

It's a collaboration between our strategic partners, our system architects,

our technologists, our product definers, our product planners,

we all work together to deliver the best possible experience we can for our customers.

The performance levels that we're able to achieve in this device is pretty limitless.

Whether you're doing videography, photography, deeply intensive computing algorithms—

we can now put that in your backpack and you can travel the world

while creating all of the great experiences that you would want.

This is the most powerful 15 inch 2-in-1 we've ever delivered.

[THE FIRST EVER XPS 15 2-IN-1] [Based on Dell internal analysis, December 2017]

For more infomation >> Cutting-edge performance on the XPS 15 2-in-1 (2018) - Duration: 1:15.


Liverpool star Sadio Mane vows to help Mohamed Salah break goalscoring record ● News Now ●#LFC - Duration: 2:28.

Sadio Mane is backing magical Mo Salah to beat Liverpool legend Ian Rush's 31-year-old

goalscoring record.

The Wales legend is the last man to score 40 goals in a season for the Reds, hitting

the mark way back in 1987.

But Salah already has 37 in this campaign and Mane believes he has plenty of goals left

in him.

Mane said: "Hopefully he will score more than that.

He's a great player and he helps us to win the games especially today because he showed

his quality and he can help the team.

"Everybody is happy to have Mo in the team so we are going to help him more to score

more goals for us."

Salah's latest matchwinner came after Mane cancelled out Luka Milivojevic's penalty

opener and helped Liverpool edge closer towards a top-four finish.

Mane was actually lucky not to be sent off after deliberately handling the ball having

already been booked for a shocking dive.

But he said: "I was not worried.

I was surprised the referee didn't give the foul, but in my mind it was not a red

card or something.

I was sure this was a foul."

Salah has now scored in 21 of his 31 league games this season, equalling the record in

a 38-game season held by Robin Van Persie in 2013 and Cristiano Ronaldo in 2008.

He's also been involved in 38 league goals, scoring 29 and assisting in nine others, the

most by any player in the competition since Luis Suarez was involved in 43 in 2014.

Manchester City star Kevin De Bruyne is being talked about as Player of the Year, but there

is no doubt in Virgil Van Dijk's mind that Salah deserves it more.

Van Dijk said: "He is my Player of the Year but I don't think I can vote for one of

my team-mates.

"I don't know who I will vote for.

He is very consistent.

A key player for us.

He definitely deserves it."

For more infomation >> Liverpool star Sadio Mane vows to help Mohamed Salah break goalscoring record ● News Now ●#LFC - Duration: 2:28.


Steven Spielberg: From Pong to Ready Player One - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Steven Spielberg: From Pong to Ready Player One - Duration: 9:07.


TTW MAGE 🔥 Full Run Ruby Sanctum 25 Man Heroic # 23 ❌ Wotlk 3.3.5 PVE POV - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> TTW MAGE 🔥 Full Run Ruby Sanctum 25 Man Heroic # 23 ❌ Wotlk 3.3.5 PVE POV - Duration: 10:29.


سديم +| الحلقة 29 | المشتركون يبدأون التحضير للتحدّي الجديد - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> سديم +| الحلقة 29 | المشتركون يبدأون التحضير للتحدّي الجديد - Duration: 2:38.


11 Recommandations connues des experts pour acheter tes produits alimentaires en toute sécurité - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 11 Recommandations connues des experts pour acheter tes produits alimentaires en toute sécurité - Duration: 5:59.


Краска для волос Preference ➥ Изысканный блонд от L'Oreal Paris - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Краска для волос Preference ➥ Изысканный блонд от L'Oreal Paris - Duration: 0:16.


[김생민] 김생민은 지난 2008년 한 방송 프로그램 뒤풀이 중 방송 스태프 A씨, B씨를 성추행한 의혹을 받고 있다. - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> [김생민] 김생민은 지난 2008년 한 방송 프로그램 뒤풀이 중 방송 스태프 A씨, B씨를 성추행한 의혹을 받고 있다. - Duration: 4:00.


Erdogan calls Netanyahu 'terrorist', Israel 'terrorist state - Duration: 2:31.

Erdogan calls Netanyahu 'terrorist', Israel 'terrorist state

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

over his comments targeting Turkey's ongoing military operation in the northwestern Syrian

region of Afrin.

His remarks on Sunday came in response to Netanyahu's earlier comments rejecting Ankara's

"moral lessons" over the Israeli army's killing of Palestinian protesters in Gaza, and labelling

Erdogan as someone who "bombs Kurdish villagers".

"He says our soldiers are oppressing people in Afrin.

Netanyahu, you are very weak, very poor," Erdogan told the ruling Justice and Development

Party (AK Party) congress in the southern Adana province.

"We are dealing with terrorists, but you are not.

Because you are a terror state," Erdogan added.

Calling the Israeli prime minister "an occupier" in Palestine, Erdogan said: "You are also

a terrorist.

History is recording what you have done to all those oppressed Palestinians ... We are

not guilty of any act of occupation."

At least 17 Palestinians were killed and more than 1,500 were wounded on Friday when Israeli

forces opened fire on "Land Day" protesters near the Gaza Strip's eastern border.

Land Day is an event commemorating six Palestinian citizens of Israel who were shot dead by Israeli

forces after protesting the government's confiscation of large swaths of Palestinian land on March

30, 1976.

On Saturday, Erdogan "strongly" condemned "the Israeli government over its inhumane

attack" in Gaza.

Friday's rallies were also the start of a six-week protest that culminates on May 15,

the day the Palestinians call "Nakba," or the Catastrophe, when Israel was officially

declared a state 70 years ago and more than 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their


The demonstrators are demanding that Palestinian refugees be allowed the right of return to

towns and villages which their families fled from, or were driven out of, in 1948.

Turkey - together with the Syrian opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebel group - last

month launched an air-and-ground operation into Afrin to vanquish the US-backed Kurdish

People's Protection Units (YPG) fighters near its border.

credit aljazeera.

For more infomation >> Erdogan calls Netanyahu 'terrorist', Israel 'terrorist state - Duration: 2:31.


"김생민"'성추행 의혹' 김생민, 피해자에 눈물의 사죄 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> "김생민"'성추행 의혹' 김생민, 피해자에 눈물의 사죄 - Duration: 3:03.


Ezra Miller (The Flash) Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:34.

Ezra Matthew Miller is an American actor and singer. He made his feature film debut in the film Afterschool. He starred as Kevin in the drama We Need to Talk About Kevin and co-starred in the film adaptation of The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Born: September 30, 1992 (age 25)

Hoboken, New Jersey, United States

Height: 1.8 m

Nationality: American

Parents: Marta Miller, Robert S. Miller

For more infomation >> Ezra Miller (The Flash) Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:34.


Kiwi-extremely powerful healing tool. Why kiwi need to eat every day. - Duration: 2:30.

Kiwi contains a lot of vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, microelements

and fiber.

By its composition, kiwi - record among berries

and fruit.

Kiwi contains vitamins groups C and E.

The content of vitamin C - 92 mg in 100 grams of kiwi, its

in it it is more in 2 times than in lemons and other citrus fruits.

Vitamin C significantly increases protection of the body from infections

and viruses.

In addition, vitamin boosts the production of collagen in the body,

it significantly slows down aging process.

Vitamin E is necessary for skin cells.

This vitamin works, As an antioxidant,

helps the body get rid of it from toxins and free


Kiwi has a unique ability remove excess salts from


Substances that contain kiwi, prevent the formation of

kidney stones.

Kiwi is rich in minerals: manganese, copper and potassium.

Manganese and copper help the body to renew cells

and fabrics.

Potassium regulates levels fluids in the body and

heart rhythm; in this way, he plays a significant

role in cardiovascular health, microelements,

which contains kiwi fruit, impede development

hypertension, heart failure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels

and capillaries, reducing the the risk of

in them atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Kiwi contains lutein - this substance stops

age-related loss of vision.

Lutein also protects our eyes from harmful effects

free radicals.

The human body does not synthesize lutein alone,

so we can receive its only with food.

In kiwi there is also a substance zeaxanthin, a deficiency of which

significantly affects the severity of view.

Kiwi helps to stimulate sleep and cell renewal


The use of kiwi improves duration and effectiveness

sleep in adults with there were problems with sleep.

Masks based on kiwi help prevent damage

skin due to sunlight and environmental pollution

environments that cause wrinkles.

For more infomation >> Kiwi-extremely powerful healing tool. Why kiwi need to eat every day. - Duration: 2:30.


김생민마저 2건 성추행 의혹, 소속사 "확인 중" - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> 김생민마저 2건 성추행 의혹, 소속사 "확인 중" - Duration: 2:30.


We're bringing back The Hoo...

For more infomation >> We're bringing back The Hoo...


For more infomation >> We're bringing back The Hoo...


Pourquoi Macron n'a-t-il pas adressé de message de Joyeuses Pâques - DN? - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Macron n'a-t-il pas adressé de message de Joyeuses Pâques - DN? - Duration: 1:39.


For more infomation >> Pourquoi Macron n'a-t-il pas adressé de message de Joyeuses Pâques - DN? - Duration: 1:39.


Yves Saint Laurent Cuirs | Sexy Sweet Leather Fragrance - Duration: 5:26.

sexy sexy 11 fragrance welcome to the channel where fashion meets fragrance my

name is Kevin Salmons in today's video we talk about Curtis core leather about

YSL you like this kind of videos cool go ahead and subscribe to the channel then

turn a notification phone with your video and livestream updates show you

boys in love I've told you why I say I was doing some big things in this one

right here this one oh my god sexiness in a bottle if you like CH men

Prive Herod tusks and leather mercedes-benz lapa from Ferrari essence

I mean Ferrari leather assets you will dig this fragrance why because it takes

everything that I love about leather fragrances and it takes away some of the

things I hate Gucci Guilty absolutely when you start mixing leather strikes

saffron in some kind of combinations think it gives me a massive migraine and

I can't rock with it leather being a quintessentially masculine note is

always starting off in a great spot bad-boy note and it can be done right

you take the bad boy you blend it with something sweet and alcohol kind of

thing you're in the right zone that's what why I sell deals with this you

start out with this big blast of rum and it mellows into more the berries with

some saffron oh my goodness this is an incredible fragrance I said it once I've

said it twice I said 15 more times if you have not got a hold of the YSL

lovely story blah blah blah collection you need to get up into Neiman's and put

your nose on it this thing is a bona fide compliment monster on my skin

let's get directly into the c-3po system compliment factor simply amaze ball

amazing complement of fragrance again you got that ruggedness of that leather

leaning towards that bad-boy blending in with the sweet notes and then that

liquor that rum yes think of Tuscan leather mix which

straight to heaven Oh monster compliments then you give performance a

solid six to eight hours it's not a beast mode fragrance so don't think it's

Tuscan leather or something like that it's gonna project and perform and go go

go go now it kind of lays back in the cut and

does its thing projection two to three feet see eyes

two to three feet overall this is the perfect mix of that bad boy player flirt

the perfect mix of the bad boy player flirt again imagine if you mix like om

and CH me improve a man come on you in the zone and the place I see you wearing

this honestly in my opinion this is signature set worthy because it is so

versatile you can wear there's some cooler weather all the way up to about

90 degrees or so again anything that sweetened has leather I wouldn't want to

wear it in extreme temperatures but this stuff this stuff if you a leather lover

and you like leathers like I do you want to actually test it out I'll say about

as usual I say don't just leave it up to me get us up in the comments X and let

us know what has been your experience with this fragrance cord do you like it

it's so cool it's not cool to keep it cool keep it classy I'm gonna put a

rejoinder on there look get out there sampling guys you come to these channels

to hear our takes on a lot of these fragrances and some are better than

others but in particular what people are talking about fragrances and our

signature scent worthy and compliment monsters those things are special

I can't wait to review the next one I got coming up from why is it was the

find of my trip to Atlanta that one mmm gave me life I went back and smooth it

three times before I bothered it and I'm so glad I did alright that's it if you

like this kind of video go ahead and give me a big thumbs up and share it out

to anybody that you think you use the information thank you guys so much for

watching and subscribing till next time talking to you later

by the way you want to stay connected follow me on social media links me down

in the description peace to things that are efficient for

hey guys if you want to be your best look good smell great and be your best

each and every day follow a link down in the description and book your one-on-one

private Skype consultation details in the description it's up to you you only

have 7 seconds to make the great first impression you might as well make sure

you knock it out of the park when you talk about a leather fragrance and you

guys know I rarely read the notes but when you talk about something crafted

like this oh my goodness it opens up with ginger rum and saffron absolute

then they get down into osmanthus black tea pipe tobacco in the heart we have

leather guaiac wood and food masterfully done I'm not gonna say masterpiece but I

must say masterfully done exceptionally well blended super smooth super sexy

super cool hitting on all the right notes hitting on all the right notes

this stuff smells like pure class pure class I am NOT a huge leather fan but

when I can find a Lebanon works well for me and it tends to lean sweet - oh man I

am happy happy happy happy

For more infomation >> Yves Saint Laurent Cuirs | Sexy Sweet Leather Fragrance - Duration: 5:26.


For more infomation >> Yves Saint Laurent Cuirs | Sexy Sweet Leather Fragrance - Duration: 5:26.


Seksendört Ölürüm Hasretinle Turkish Rock Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Seksendört Ölürüm Hasretinle Turkish Rock Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 5:36.


For more infomation >> Seksendört Ölürüm Hasretinle Turkish Rock Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 5:36.


11 Recommandations connues des experts pour acheter tes produits alimentaires en toute sécurité - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 11 Recommandations connues des experts pour acheter tes produits alimentaires en toute sécurité - Duration: 5:59.


For more infomation >> 11 Recommandations connues des experts pour acheter tes produits alimentaires en toute sécurité - Duration: 5:59.


The Walking Dead | Saison 8 Episode 15 | EXTRAIT - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead | Saison 8 Episode 15 | EXTRAIT - Duration: 1:11.


For more infomation >> The Walking Dead | Saison 8 Episode 15 | EXTRAIT - Duration: 1:11.


MPV - ProjectionViewer - Optimal Set of good Projections (deutsch) - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> MPV - ProjectionViewer - Optimal Set of good Projections (deutsch) - Duration: 3:09.


For more infomation >> MPV - ProjectionViewer - Optimal Set of good Projections (deutsch) - Duration: 3:09.


Despedida Almería - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Despedida Almería - Duration: 0:43.


For more infomation >> Despedida Almería - Duration: 0:43.


La boisson au persil pour nettoyer les reins naturellement - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> La boisson au persil pour nettoyer les reins naturellement - Duration: 7:43.


For more infomation >> La boisson au persil pour nettoyer les reins naturellement - Duration: 7:43.


Víctor Manuel y La Alhambra. Granada - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Víctor Manuel y La Alhambra. Granada - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Víctor Manuel y La Alhambra. Granada - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> FATIGUE CHRONIQUE 4 SYMPTÔMES À SURVEILLER - Duration: 3:23.


For more infomation >> FATIGUE CHRONIQUE 4 SYMPTÔMES À SURVEILLER - Duration: 3:23.



For more infomation >> Nevedno


Landing £10.8m Real Madrid man would help Arsenal finally replace Santi Cazorla ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:02.

It's no secret that Arsenal have had a poor season this year and the Gunners are hoping

for many improvements, and possibly successes this time next year.

Arsenal looked a damaged side at times this season and their lack of consistency has proven

to be very troublesome as the Gunners are far adrift of the top four race.

A player who usually brings so much to the Emirates is Santi Cazorla,

but injuries have set the Spaniard back on numerous occasions over the last few years,

damaging the career he has left at Arsenal.

As much as they wouldn't want to, it maybe time to start looking past Santi Cazorla and

target a new signing capable of being his successor.

Our punters believe a strong candidate for this role would be Real Madrid's Dani Ceballos,

who is valued at £10.80 million on Transfermarkt.

Although the 21-year-old isn't a well-recognised name for Los Blancos, this season since joining

in the summer from Real Betis, has seen Ceballos feature in 19 games.

During those games, he has also added two goals but his contribution to the side has

been eye-catching and he should deserve a chance at first team football for a team like


With the Gunners likely to have a clear-out of their own this summer, quality in the centre

of midfield has been hard to come by but is something that the addition of Dani Ceballos

would fix.

With years ahead of him now, this move is appealing for the present and future, with

Ceballos showing the potential of having a great career ahead of him.

For more infomation >> Landing £10.8m Real Madrid man would help Arsenal finally replace Santi Cazorla ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:02.


BMW Z3 Roadster 3.2 M 325 PK / LEDER / AIRCO - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> BMW Z3 Roadster 3.2 M 325 PK / LEDER / AIRCO - Duration: 0:55.


SUKAMADE, INDONESIA | 한국 남자와 일본남자의 캐미 [Eng] - Duration: 6:49.

Now we're going to leave this memorable place where the turtle sea live.

We will go to a very distant place again.

We will go to Pulau Pantai Merah.

Ayo ayo ~ (ayo: let's go)

- ayo x2. - ayo x2.

- ayo x2. - ayo x2. Grandpa ~

Alright ~ Grandma.

We will go with this old car.

It sounds like an old engine sound.

(This is my journey video with International student of ITS)

Hello ~

Hello ~ I'm Shinosuke.

So fresh. The wind is cool.

I think he's saying something behind.

I don't understand what he said.

"Hanyong?" (Shinosuke wanted to say annyeong/hello)

- Try to say this "Jay oppa" - "Jay oppa"

"Hello ~ Jay oppa ~"

- What is "Hanyong" ~ ?? - Hanyong ??

Annyeong ?! "Hello ~ Jay oppa ~"


Hello ~

(Shinosuke TV knows the cute angle)

Good night ~ Good morning ~

What are we waiting for ??

Oh ~ Okay okay ~ Wait a minute.

(We decided to play here for awhile)

Jay ~ I will try to imitate you.

- Hello ~ (vlogger be like) - Hey, Jay. We meet again.

- Say something ~ - We ...

- Hello ~ - What do you think of Jay??

What do you think of Jay? Just say it at the camera.

(Shinosuke's way to avoid the topic since he doesn't understand english)

Hello kkkk

My name is Shin ~

(They know how to have fun even though they do not understand what they are talking about)

Hello ~ I'm Dib.

The weather is very good. Sunny ~

It's photo mode.


Hohohoho ~

We meet again, Jay.

(Beautiful little river)

(Shinosuke who can not close the door properly)

(Chic uncle)

(Shinosuke's cool side kkk)

You bought a new car.

"Get in the car."

Try again. kkk

"Get in the car"

He's amazing, isn't he? kkkk

In this river of this little village

we've been playing car racing

and taking photos on the roof of the car.

I think we have to go back now.

- Do not look at me. - Shinosuke is peeing.

Whoa ~

- Cool. - Cool~

- Extraordinary! - Extraordinary!

Incredible ~

For my subscribers, may you always be happy ~

See you soon ~ Bye~

"Wonderful moments with Shinosuke and Jay"

Translated by: Eunice Gracia / instagram @eunforyouu97 / kakaotalk: sjyeun9

For more infomation >> SUKAMADE, INDONESIA | 한국 남자와 일본남자의 캐미 [Eng] - Duration: 6:49.


15 Ways to Make Her Miss You When You're Away - Duration: 5:31.

15 Ways to Make Her Miss You When You're Away

As a man who loves your girl, it is important to play something a little bit.

There is a game that you should play to make her miss you so bad, but you need to do that


If you are successful, the impact will be amazing since it boosts the dynamic in your


However, the complete opposite also can happen, and it makes your life miserable.

Therefore, proceed with caution if you want to make her missing you.

Here is some of our advices for you.

#1 - Being a little bit mysterious

You should make the other person to know you better.

In this case, it's important to keep the details for yourself until you are asked.

However, when he really asks you, you should not reveal all the details.

Keep things in secret to keep the conversation going later on

#2 - Don't reveal yourself too much

Basically, you can talk everything you want.

However, you need to keep the little details somehow.

Wait until she asks the question and you can reveal the answer.

Otherwise, keep it tight since it will not make the story interesting.

You also don't want to be considered as self-centered person considering the fact

that you always tell about yourself all the time.

#3 - Be careful in using technology

Smartphone, internet, and social media help us connected.

However, it is worth mentioning that this actually makes you stick around too intense

with her.

Thus, boredom can quickly build since it is always you and you again.

Be sure to slow down with the tech.

#4 - Spend time apart

Sometimes, it is actually best to take a break from intense date together.

It is better to have another date with both of you being separated by distance.

Yes, doing activities separately actually helps to make her miss you.

Once you meet her, the feeling of happiness is magnified.

#5 - Showing a fun time

Spending time together should be done frequently, and it should be memorable.

It does not have to be expensive since a walk in a park also works like a charm.

However, you need to consider taking her into cinema, romantic places, beaches, or anything.

#6 - Don't talk too long

This is important, especially when it comes to phone call.

There are things that you can tell on phone calls, but it is best to keep until you meet


Don't use the phone for every single thing that you need to tell because it makes emotion

less strong.

#7 - Don't act desperate

Both women and men can act desperate.

However, it is worth noting that you should hold back a little bit to make her miss you.

In short, you should know the best time to delay since there is probably something important

that needs to be solved quickly.

#8 - Don't track her

Of course, you can track your girlfriend easily through apps that you have agreed to install.

However, it is worth noting that it is just not interesting.

It does not only a sign of not being able to trust each other.

It also makes your relationship boring because you just cannot make a surprise if you are

always spying on her.

#9 - Giving a space

Both you and your girlfriend have life to take care.

She probably has a job and you just cannot interfere when she is doing her job.

Otherwise, you are slowing her down, and it eventually makes you feel guilty too.

#10 - Take things slowly

Don't rush on your relationship since you are developing a relationship from heart.

It needs time, and it should not be complicated with things that make your relationship ruined.

#11 - Spending time alone

This may sound counter intuitive but women actually like it when you have your own activities.

They are proud when you have productive activities since they also can learn from it.

Therefore, you basically need to improve yourself to make her even miss you.

#12 - Don't force her

Forcing people is always not good.

However, people do that because they think they have hobbies or activities that most

people think advantageous.

Women don't think they need to follow or participate in all of your activities, and

that is why don't force her to make her like everything you like.

#13 - Being reliable

Stay around her radar even though you are having break with her.

That way, you will be considered as reliable person who always stays there in the time

of need.

#14 - Surprise her

Women like surprise, and it absolutely works 95% of the time.

The main requirement is that you know what she likes and it works like a charm.

#15 - Give a special present

A special present is something that reminds her of you.

It can be anything, but it has to be sentimental and it holds value.

It is recommended to give something that last longer because it philosophically shows how

great your love is to her.

Well, that's some of the tips to make her miss you when you are away.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Ways to Make Her Miss You When You're Away - Duration: 5:31.


【MUKBANG】 [McD's] 1$ FOR A DOUBLE PATTY!! [Double Big MAC, Teriyaki..etc] 10 Items 5818kcal[use CC - Duration: 6:11.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa! Night time Mcd's is a new thing recently

with an added 100yen you get to have double toppings and fixings with this "Night Mcd's" deal

So in total I bought eight of these things

and.... so I picked up a giant Big Mac and...

their Grand teriyaki lets line all these up first of all

Tadaa I've line them all up Don't they look amazing lets EAT... itadakimasu

Let's start off with his double Big Mac And the regular Big Mac

These are the Big Macs The one in the middle is a regular Big Mac

The one on the right is the double Big Mac When you line them up against each other you can

see that there is a difference in the meat patties

There's a real difference in weight as well And of course the double Big Mac one is heavier

This regular Big Mac you've got double patties and Two slices of cheese

The burger patty is flavored with a simple ketchup sauce

next up is the double Big Mac its not 3 patties but its double there are 4 patties in it


I don't think that I can bite it

With four meat patties stacked in here It's so very meaty

Next up is a double gran clubhouse

in this Clubhouse we've got some bacon And the burger patties

There are two burger patties There's tomato in here as well as a bacon

The buns are so fluffy with a hint of sweetness As well as a tomatoes and bacon

With a double meat patties it really ups the flavor game

Next it's a double gran bacon cheese

these grand bacon cheeses come with 2 types of cheeses

Two burger patties with 1 slice of bacon And two different types of cheeses its so big

Double double cheeseburger It already comes with double cheese

And with the doubled up patties we got 4 patties here

this s t e a m e d h a m is so big

and double shrimp fillet This is straight out of my dreams

I love these shrimp cutlets And it makes me so happy to see 2 of them at once

for me, if I feel like eating 2 of these shrimp fillets I simply eat 3-4 regular shrimp fillets

but to be able to have 2 of these shrimp cutlets in just one burger brings me such joy

the cutlet is so crispy and the shrimp within are so plump and juicy and tender.... so yummy

I'm really digging this tartar sauce as well

next up is this... it got flattened

double egg cheeseburger Two burger patties with one egg

the egg is so flavorful and yummy

Double Filet-O-Fish

We have two fillet of fish in here

the white fish meat is so fluffy and you get double the yums

And last up double gran teriyaki Add a regular Grand teriyaki

I luv these teriyaki so much.. That is why I bought the regular and double versions

Let's start things off with a regular grand teriyaki

The sauce is so sweet and savory I love teriyaki sauce so much

The buns in these burgers are so yummy They're so light and moist.... so yummy

These Grand Teriyaki is come with tomatoes... I didn't know that

lastly double gran teriyaki

The Teriyaki Patty covered in that sweet sauce and we've got 2 of them ... this is the 'bestest' stuff

Last mouthful itadakimasu


Night mcd's was tasty

It's so awesome to have double burger patties with only 100 yen

patties, shrimp fillet, and fish... ... fishuuu

fillet of fish? It's so nice to be able to get double Filet-O-Fish

They're so nice and big

( PUN lost in translation... just smile and nod )

This is also very yummy won't you all please give me a try And as always thank you for watching if there is anything

You want me to do or eat to please tell me in the comment Section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [McD's] 1$ FOR A DOUBLE PATTY!! [Double Big MAC, Teriyaki..etc] 10 Items 5818kcal[use CC - Duration: 6:11.


Street Prize Winners - SE25 6XJ in South Norwood on 01 April 2018 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 1:30.

"Hey there! Welcome to this Street Prize in South Norwood and it's part of the

draw promoted by the Royal Voluntary Service.

So, we've only got one winner in this whole postcode

Terrible! But not for the one winner.

Let's go meet her!


"You ready for it?" "Yeah." "You sure?" "Yeah, yeah!"

"Yeah" [LAUGHS]


Oh my God!

Thank you!

Oh my God, thank you!

Well, I think I'm going to put it towards a deposit for a house.

Oh my God, I can't believe it.

"How great is that? Are you going to treat yourself to a pair of shoes as well?"

"Maybe a few small purchases like shoes,

that have been suggested today!

So, yeah. I think I shall be spending it with glee!

That feels amazing!

Well, I'd just say "Get going everyone!"

"So, what a day for you! Are you happy you signed up?" "Oh I'm absolutely overjoyed that I've signed up."

So everybody, sign up today!

"Good advice! Here are all of the details,

and hopefully soon I'll be knocking on your door."

For more infomation >> Street Prize Winners - SE25 6XJ in South Norwood on 01 April 2018 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 1:30.


[EXID(이엑스아이디)] 내일해(LADY) 뮤직 비디오 (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:15.

(Come On Ladies)

Come back to me boy

(Come On Ladies)

Come back to me boy

still standin in front of you

you trying to curve your way out

I can feel about ur feeling

its why I'm hatin can't you feel it?

what you in a hurry for no no no

don't got a minute for no no no

can't even give me a chance to hold you back

an amateur game you play whats with that

woo I can feel it even without words

just hold me close

(can't stop now) enough talk take me bak My Baby

Baby just stop baby just stop

Are you tired of me or just don't want me

anxious to say you're done with me

Im still your lady lady lady or

just once more babe babe babe or or

don't like the look on your face

the more I think about it, even if its not right I can't accept it

can we just rewind

i won't ask no more

even if the shattered pieces can't be whole

I'll try to mend the pieces lets get it

woo don't say those words

Just tell me you were playin

(can't stop now) enough talk take me back My Baby

Baby just stop baby just stop

Are you tired of me or just don't want me

anxious to say you're done with me

Im still your lady lady lady or

just once more babe babe babe or or

If tomorrow ends like this

I'll be lost everyday

Don't do it

even if time should fade

you're my you're my you are ma ba babe

Baby Let's Get It Boy Don't Fake It

Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum

Baby Let's Get It Boy Don't Fake It

Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum Dum Dum

(Come On Ladies)

Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum

(Come On Ladies)

Dum Muh Dum Muh Dum Dum Dum

Are you tired of me or just don't want me

anxious to say you're done with me

Im still your lady lady lady or

just once more babe babe babe or or

For more infomation >> [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 내일해(LADY) 뮤직 비디오 (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:15.


Weekend vlog #3 | Groceries & new shoes - Duration: 12:27.

Good morning!

Today it's Friday again and that means a new weekend vlog!

Today we're going to get a "little" bit (a LOT) of food delivered

We grocery shopped online yesterday evening

It's so great to shop groceries online because you don't need to carry all the bags!

So that's what I'll do today And off course I'll do some editing

And add subtitles to the last weekend vlog that I uploaded yesterday

And then we're going to wash the car again, it's like the highlight of the day for Theo

If he were in charge we would be going to the car wash every day!

Even though he is so scared when we're actually in the car wash

What more am I going to do? Clear away some stuff, like you do every day

But first we'll go home and eat some breakfast

What are you going to do today Theo?

What are you going to do?

Saturday!! Yes it's Saturday today


You're going to Slottskogen

Yeah! With grandma and grandpa

Going to visit the penguins

Visit the penguins?

Yeah Yes, they've got penguins there


And do they have elephants?

No they don't have elephants there No

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Weekend vlog #3 | Groceries & new shoes - Duration: 12:27.


• уagiz & нazan | мy ℓove ωhere αre уσu? - Duration: 1:30.

I'm with you.

You are with me.

We'll leave together...

...or not at all.

I'll die here with you,

but I won't leave you.

For more infomation >> • уagiz & нazan | мy ℓove ωhere αre уσu? - Duration: 1:30.


[Thai Ver./ Male Ver.] Décalcomanie (แค่มีเธอข้างกัน) : MAMAMOO - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> [Thai Ver./ Male Ver.] Décalcomanie (แค่มีเธอข้างกัน) : MAMAMOO - Duration: 1:19.


Новый тренд! Новый челлендж 2018! Товары до 50 рублей россия 8 серия - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Новый тренд! Новый челлендж 2018! Товары до 50 рублей россия 8 серия - Duration: 1:24.


So yeah... Here is the intro. - Duration: 0:03.

(Cover of Infinity by LEMMINO in his first actual album NOVA by the Phantomdive.

For more infomation >> So yeah... Here is the intro. - Duration: 0:03.


海外のネイルアートまとめ#8💋 マニキュア - Duration: 7:35.

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Please, like, comment and subscribe! ❤️

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