Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 2 2018

- [Man] In 1942, the United States Supreme Court

in Wickard v. Filburn told a farmer that he couldn't have

his wheat and eat it, too.

In an attempt to improve the weak economic climate

in the wake of the Great Depression,

Congress enacted The New Deal.

One piece of legislation, the Agricultural Adjustment Act

of 1938, imposed a maximum quota on the amount of wheat

that farmers can produce.

Congress passed the act in response to a nation-wide

wheat surplus relative to demand.

Farmer Filburn, who operated a small dairy farm in Ohio,

grew wheat primarily for home consumption,

and to feed his livestock.

Filburn received a fine after growing more wheat

than his alloted quota.

He filed a lawsuit against Wickard,

the Secretary of Agriculture, seeking en enjoin

enforcement of the act.

Because Filburn wasn't placing his wheat

into the stream of interstate commerce,

he argued that his wheat production couldn't be controlled

by Congress under it's Commerce Clause authority.

Filburn argued that his activity couldn't be regulated

under Congress's commerce power,

because he wasn't going to sell his wheat,

and his wheat wasn't crossing state lines.

The district court agreed with Filburn, and found the act,

as applied to him, unconstitutional.

On direct appeal, the issue before the United States

Supreme Court was whether Congress's Commerce Clause

authority allows it to regulate purely in-state activities,

such as the private cultivation of wheat.

The court held that Congress may regulate

in-state activities if they have a substantial effect

on interstate commerce.

Justice Jackson, writing for the unanimous court,

reasoned that wheat grown for home consumption

can substantially affect interstate commerce.

To reach this conclusion, the court applied what's now known

as the Aggregation Doctrine.

The doctrine hypothetically combines all instances

of a given activity, and then asks whether that activity,

considered in the aggregate, would impose substantial effect

on interstate commerce?

Here, the court looked not just at Filburn's

own wheat production, but the effect on interstate commerce

of all wheat grown for home consumption across the nation.

The court reasoned that if Congress couldn't regulate

small amounts of wheat, then large aggregate amounts

of wheat would escape Congressional regulation too.

The court found that Filburn's activities

substantially effected interstate commerce,

because if Filburn wasn't growing wheat himself,

he would be buying wheat on the open, national market.

By imposing a quota on private wheat cultivation,

the act effectively forced Filburn to purchase his wheat

rather than to grow it himself.

Forcing Filburn and others to purchase wheat

increased the demand for wheat on the open market,

which was the purpose of the statute.

Because the in-state cultivation of wheat,

considered in the aggregate, substantially affected

interstate commerce, the Supreme Court reversed

the district court, and held that the act was constitutional

as applied to Filburn.

Wickard v. Filburn was a landmark decision

that interpreted Congress's Commerce Clause authority

to reach purely in-state activities

using the Aggregation Doctrine.

Although the decision has been criticized

for it's broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause,

the Supreme Court continues to apply Wickard

in its modern jurisprudence.

(marker scratching)

For more infomation >> Wickard v. Filburn | - Duration: 3:29.


What Happens If We Run Out Of Sand? - Duration: 3:32.

HEY THERE! Welcome to Life Noggin!

Did you know we're running out of sand?


Scientists just discovered this a few years ago and this problem is actually a heck of

a lot worse than it sounds.

Surprisingly, we can't just make more or take it from the deserts.

This problem has lead to dozens of islands disappearing, hundreds of murders, and serious

environmental damage.

The global sand shortage is a huge concern for groups like the UN, but no one's really

doing much about it.

Sure you won't get sand in those hard to reach places but

What does this really mean for us and for our planet?

Sand comes from rocks and minerals that have been battered by wind, rain and the seasons.

It resides at beaches, rivers, and sandboxes all over the world.

And while it may seem like we've got enough sand to last forever, we really don't.

Not the most important kind we need for construction anyway.

All over the world, sand is mined for things like building material, land reclamation,

and hydrofracking.

Most of the sand in nature, like in the desert, is too fine for society's massive needs,

so it's mined from beachfronts, the bottom of the sea, riverbeds and quarries.

The sand industry is huge, worth about $70 billion!

It's being mined faster than it's being made and some countries are expected to run

out of sand for construction as early as 2020.

And it's now known that we're mining more sand and gravel than we are fossil fuels - an

estimated 40 billion tonnes/44 billion tons every year.

There's even a black market for sand that's worth billions.

These so-called "Sand Mafias" operate in over 70 countries and send armed gunmen

to the beach at night to bag up sand.

Hundreds of people have been murdered over this surprisingly valuable resource and the

negatives of this sand shortage don't stop there.

Taking sand from an area makes it more vulnerable to erosion and reduces the stability of the


It can contribute to landslides and coastal communities have to deal with eroded beach

fronts which make them even more vulnerable to rising sea levels and storms.

At least ten islands in Indonesia alone are thought to have disappeared because of extensive

sand mining.

Erosion is already a huge problem caused by global warming and changing weather patterns,

and sand mining is just contributing to the issue.

Ecosystems are also damaged by sand mining too.

When sand is taken from river beds, it can alter the flow of the entire river and affect


Water can be rerouted away from villages and areas that need it, creating shortages.

Plus, the wildlife in those areas suffer too.

Animals like endangered Asian crocodiles have nowhere to bask and wait for food when their

riverbeds are taken away.

And fish, crustaceans, and dolphins are also impacted by the altered water flow and the

increased amount of floating sand in the water, putting many endangered species in even more

serious danger.

If we don't acknowledge the extent of this sand crisis and figure out a solution fast,

we're in real trouble.

With more and more people moving to cities, demands for construction sand are increasing.

We'll need to find alternative materials for building buildings, roads and bridges

Otherwise, they may just have to stay in the suburbs... which might not be so bad after all.

I have a pool in my backyard if anyone wants to come over.

Let us know in the comment section below what we should talk about next.

We're taking suggestions for future videos.

Curious to know what's hiding deep in the ocean? Check out this video.

These are massive, terrifying creatures with eyes the size of dinner plates and lengths greater than a school bus.

and when it's time for them to eat they capture their prey with their two long feeding tentacles.

bringing it in towards their beak.

As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin.

Don't forget to Keep On Thinking!

For more infomation >> What Happens If We Run Out Of Sand? - Duration: 3:32.


Discover Ionia | /dev diary - League of Legends - Duration: 5:22.

Hi, I'm Joon Hyung Ahn. I'm a World Building Artist here at Riot Games.

And I'm Odin.

Yes, that's my real name.

And I'm a writer.

So today we want to talk about Ionia.

It's the region where champs like Zed, Karma, Irelia and many others come from.

So Ionia is a place where people attempted to live in harmony with nature,

but also with magic.

Now, because Ionia is so infused with magic

and the borders to the spirit realms are so thin here,

that radically affects Ionians everyday lives

and culture in some really cool ways.

So like, if you wanted to build a house in Demacia right

you would cut down a tree, turn it into planks,

then like nail those wooden corpses together.

You wouldn't do that in Ionia.

You would probably upset the tree spirit.

And that could have repercussions for you and your family

and further generations.

So instead you would contact like a wood weaver

who would try and convince the tree

to grow in a way that's beneficial for you.

And then that way, you can live together.

The tree gets to live and you get a pretty sweet condo.

Of course that means you might wake up one morning

and find your house has grown in the night

and suddenly you got some high ceilings.

Or a branch has moved in the night

and now you're trapped inside your own bedroom.

So because of natural magic,

Ionians have a totally different relationship with permanence

and their surroundings than other places.

For example, there's these rivers of grass in Central Ionia

that flow and move with the tides of magic.

And there's these people called Landfishers

who can collect all the grains and fruits

that are the result of these sorta magical tides.

If they're in tune with that magic.

Yeah, the landscape and the culture are also affected by the spirits.

For instance, there's a coastal region called Azure Farms

and at certain times of the year,

people might give offerings and gift to the local sea spirits

and if those offerings are appreciated,

thousands of yellow crabs might walk onto the beaches

and just wait to be captured later in the year.

Magic in Ionia can also affect you in smaller ways.

So if you were in a city at a market and you bought a sun apple,

you discover that that fruit can warm you and can even tan your entire body

just as soon as you bite into it.

Another thing that makes Ionia different

from the rest of Runeterra

is spirits and creatures abound in the wilds here.

Some of the things are fierce and incredibly dangerous

but many others can be helpful

like the giant Luonn Kon seen built in a dam here.

The region is also home to the largest Vastayan population in Runeterra.

That's those half-human half-animal folks like

Ahri, Rakan and Xayah.

The Vastaya are here because most of the Vastayan race

originated on the borders between Ionia and the spirit realms

and they need magic rich environment to survive.

What I love about Joon's painting of a Fauhwoon tribesman

sort've looking over these magical Quinlon things

is it actually captures the feeling that a lot of Vastaya have.

They're very unhappy and uncertain with the way that humans are using magic.

Of course, the humans have good reasons for this.

The world is changing and the Noxus empire invaded.

Now Noxus wasn't the first nation to attack Ionia.

With it's lack of centralized government and standing military

it's been a tempting target for a long long time.

But the people of Ionia have been able to stay disorganized

and not meet violence with violence

because the land itself always proved dangerous to invaders.

Sweeping supplies away in sudden storms

or scattered enemy troops in its dense soul altering forest.

But the Noxians weren't like their other foes.

Noxians solve problems brutally.

So when land turned out to be a problem,

they hired this Zaunite chemist to make chem bombs.

And they just started wiping out huge areas of the land

causing mass extinction of creatures and killing a lot of innocent civilians.

When the Noxian did this, a few people in Ionia

decided they were no longer happy just being defensive.

They start using magic offensively and fighting back.

And then, at the bridges, at the Placidium of Navori,

in what would become one of the most defining battles of the war,

a fourteen year old mage dancer named Irelia

nearly wiped out all of the enemy high command.

Her heroism inspired the nation to take action.

The Ionians managed to drive the Noxians almost completely

out of their nation.

Previously the people had these illusions

that if they just live in harmony with nature,

everything would always be okay.

But now they had experienced the true horror of war.

So this means Ionia is at a turning point

and the divions within that nation are polling against one another.

On the one side, there's traditionalist like Karma and Shen and the Kinkou Order.

And on the other side there's radicals like Zed and the Navori Brotherhood.

Actually, we're not going to go into that right now.

Yeah we'll have more stuff coming that will delve deeper into those factions,

the Vastaya, and what has been going on in Ionia since the war.

Thank you so much for watching.

Oh and for more info and art, be sure to check out the Universe.


For more infomation >> Discover Ionia | /dev diary - League of Legends - Duration: 5:22.


TOP 10 JAK SBALIT HOLKU - Duration: 7:27.


For more infomation >> TOP 10 JAK SBALIT HOLKU - Duration: 7:27.


ŞAŞIRTICI LEZZET Tavuklu Patates Bohçası - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> ŞAŞIRTICI LEZZET Tavuklu Patates Bohçası - Duration: 1:55.


'Incredible' Loris Karius compared to David de Gea after impressive Liverpool form ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:24.

Loris Karius has been compared to David de Gea after his second season improvement at


Karius was drafted in at the beginning of last season to compete with Simon Mignolet

for a starting spot at Anfield.

The German failed to usurp Mignolet during his debut campaign and reguarly failed to


But since dumping the Belgian out of Jurgen Klopp's side earlier this term, he's caught

the eye with a string of impressive displays.

And his improvement on Merseyside has been likened to David de Gea's slow start at

Manchester United.

The Spaniard was bought from Atletico Madrid for £18m in 2011 to become Edwin van der

Sar's replacement.

De Gea didn't impress initially at Old Trafford but has since become one of the world's

best-regarded keepers.

And former Liverpool man Stephen Warnock has likened Karius' situation to that of the

Spanish superstar.

When quizzed about the Reds' current No.1 on BBC Radio 5 Live, he said: "The only

thing I would say is years ago when I was at Villa we were playing Man Utd.

"David De Gea was in goal and having a bit of a tough time.

"I turned to Wayne Rooney and said 'what is he like?' and he said 'he's unbelievable.

He'll be the best in the world one day'.

"Of late, Karius' form has been incredible - he made one of the saves of the season recently

against Newcastle's Mo Diame.

That save is as big as a goal.

"And he's showing that form and potential that Klopp sees in him."

Fellow ex-Red Charlie Adam isn't convinced by Karius.

He said: "They need to go and spend £40 or £50m on a top goalkeeper."

Karius is likely to start in goal on Wednesday when Liverpool take on Manchester City in

the Champions League quarter-finals.

For more infomation >> 'Incredible' Loris Karius compared to David de Gea after impressive Liverpool form ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:24.


Q&A – How do I get rid of garlic and grape hyacinth in my lawn? - Duration: 2:41.

I have grape hyacinth and wild garlic spreading across my Bermuda grass.

How do I get rid of it?

And this is from Eric over in Bartlett.

So, grape hyacinth and wild garlic growing in his Bermuda.

- Yes.

Basically if he's gonna go the chemical route.

- [Chris] Ah.

- You're gonna use two different chemicals.

- [Chris] Uh oh, okay.

- 'Cause your grape hyacinth you really need to spot spray that with some glyphosate.

But the wild garlic, your 2,4-D will take care of that wild garlic.

Of course wild garlic is also known as wild onion.

And sometimes it may take two applications though.

- It's gonna be multiple applications 'cause both bulbs.

- Yes, yeah you're dealing with bulbs there.


- Right.

- But those are the two ways to do it chemically, now if you wanna just go out there and just

pull 'em up, I don't know how much of it that the person has, you know, they might wanna

do it that way as well.

- Right, I don't know how much either but we've got a lot of moisture here lately, so

it's real easy now to kinda get your trowel out and just work it out of the soil, if it's

not too much of it.

But yeah, we're talking about bulbs, and the thing about wild garlic is this though, I

don't think people realize.

I have it in my yard, every year.

It's a winter perennial, right?

It has little bulblets at the bottom of it, okay?

But wild garlic actually has leaves that are hollow and round, while onions have leaves

that are solid and flat.

- [Walter] Okay, okay.

- So I mean, there's your difference.

And, believe it or not, you can actually cook with the wild garlic.

Have you done that before?

I actually know a couple people that have.

- Actually I just had a pesto made with wild garlic.

- There you go.

- It was delicious.

- See there you have it.

See weeds are not all bad, you can eat with 'em too, right?

They're not all bad.

But yeah, using the 2,4-D, Weed-B-Gon Max, or something that of course UT recommends

that you can use.

I would probably use the wipe technique because those leaves are real glossy.

And then for your grape hyacinth, you know, you mentioned glyphosate, which is fine.

Read the label.

On all of that.

Okay, read the label.

- And you could also add a little bit of dishwashing liquid to your solution and that'll make it

stick on there better also.

- Yeah, break that surface tension.

You know, the cuticle.

For more infomation >> Q&A – How do I get rid of garlic and grape hyacinth in my lawn? - Duration: 2:41.


10 Ancient Languages that Disappeared! - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> 10 Ancient Languages that Disappeared! - Duration: 9:48.


The Truth About The Big Show - Duration: 5:58.

After more than 20 years of chokeslams, it seems the Big Show is hanging up his singlet

for good.

In March 2017, the World's Largest Athlete told Sports Illustrated he was preparing to

retire in February 2018.

That, plus the news that his hip surgery didn't go as well as he'd hoped, makes it look like

the Show will soon be ready for a curtain call.

In honor of his Hall of Fame-worthy career, let's explore parts of Big Show's past you

might not know about.

"Y'know some people say it's tough being a Big Show, but I gotta tell ya, it has its


He could've been Like Mike

It's clear Big Show can wrestle, but it might shock you to learn he knows his way around

a basketball court.

In high school and college, Big Show (going by his real name, Paul Wight stood 7'1" and

weighed 325 pounds.

He won a division title his freshman year with Northern Oklahoma Junior College, then

transferred to Division I Wichita State University, but, according to Sports Illustrated, suffered

injuries and multiple benchings for being, quote, "an arrogant S.O.B."

Years of fame as a WWE superstar have probably soothed the sting of not making the NBA.

The truth about his size

Big Show didn't become a giant from eating all his vegetables.

As a young kid, Show contracted gigantism: involving a tumor that infects the pituitary

gland, causing a rapid increase in growth hormone.

In Show's case, he was 6'2" by age 12, according to Slam Sports.

While his height certainly helped him as an athlete, it could have cost him his life.

In adults, gigantism can become deadly.

Legendary wrestler Andre the Giant had the same disease, which ultimately killed him

at age 46.

Luckily for Show, he underwent surgery to remove the tumor in 1991, leaving him with

all the size and none of the life-threatening side effects.

All thanks to Danny Bonaduce

Big Show made it to the WCW with virtually no training and literally zero independent

wrestling experience.

He got in thanks to a good word from, of all people, Danny Bonaduce of The Partridge Family.

As Big Show told Chris Jericho on Y2J's podcast, he trained at Larry Sharpe's Monster Factory.

Sharpe, however, was never there due to health issues, and nobody taught Show much, except

for how to lock up and run the ropes.

Frustrated, Show left the Monster Factory and started working with a karaoke company.

One day, they were working Bonaduce's morning radio show in Chicago, and Bonaduce was clearly

impressed with Show's size.

He invited the big man to be his "secret partner" in a charity basketball game against Hulk

Hogan and Mr. T.

The connection paid off, as Big Show went from working karaoke gigs to main-eventing

wrestling pay-per-views virtually overnight.

A case of mistaken identity

Big Show started his wrestling career in 1995, but didn't enter the WWE until 1999...thanks

to one of the silliest cases of mistaken identity in scouting history.

As Show recounted to Chris Jericho, he was working as a bouncer when WWE (then-WWF) ref

Mike Chioda was at the bar Show was working at, and Show handed Chioda a tape, which Chioda

passed on to WWE agent Pat Patterson.

Sadly, that gesture went nowhere — simply because Patterson thought Show was another

giant entirely: a wrestler named Robert Maillet whom Patterson had no interest in signing

at the time.

Months later, Show was signed by the WCW and immediately thrust into a main-event feud

with Hulk Hogan.

That, says Show, is how Patterson learned of his big whoopsie.

No Shaq Attack

Though you may not have heard about it on WWE TV, Big Show was hustling behind the scenes

for an epic match for WrestleMania 33 against NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal.

Show would even regularly call out Shaq on social media by detailing his intense Mania


But depending on who you talk to, the match never happened for a few different reasons.

Big Show claimed Shaq was getting fat, saw Show getting stronger, and got cold feet.

That said, Show told Sporting News he was simply "talking trash."

Meanwhile, Shaq blamed WWE on his podcast for waffling.

Finally, wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer reported on Wrestling Observer Radio it was

a money issue — WWE simply wouldn't pay Shaq what he wanted, so he bailed.

The only thing we know for sure is that Big Show versus Shaq might be the greatest WrestleMania

match to never happen.

Too big for Big Show

By 2000, Big Show had won multiple world championships and had headlined that year's WrestleMania.

But even so, the WWF demoted him to its minor league system, Ohio Valley Wrestling.

His weight was a big reason why, as he told Slam Sports.

While recovering from knee surgery he ate too much and maxed out at 480 pounds.

Show worked hard to get back to the WWF, losing weight and getting his career back on track

... but a few years later, there was another weight-related setback.

Show found himself getting far too big again.

This time, as he told, he took it upon himself to drop weight and get into the

best shape of his life.

He's since lost over 70 pounds and has wisely set himself up for a long, healthy life away

from the ring.

Showtime for the Big Show

Big Show isn't the first wrestler to appear in movies and TV, but he might be among the

most prolific, due to his striking size and decent acting ability.

Over the years, Show appeared in movies like Jingle All The Way and The Waterboy.

In 2010, he landed a starring role in WWE Films' Knucklehead.

It wasn't a critical success, but Show was as entertaining as ever.

He even cameoed in the music video for Sisqo's "Thong Song."

Clearly, Big Show's a natural on camera, so even with his WWE contract officially expiring

as of March 2018, most likely, the Show will go on for a long, long time.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About The Big Show - Duration: 5:58.


SECRETS Casinos DON'T Want You To Find Out! - Duration: 10:06.

From getting your personal information to monitoring your every move, here are 10 tricks

casinos don't want you to know!


Free Stuff

Places like Las Vegas are all about the money.

If you have limited funds but still want to gamble, a wise move is to focus on comps.

'Comp' stands for 'complementary' and it's the casino's way of keeping you

happy, even if you're losing.

A good tip is to bet high as your opening move.

Spending a few extra dollars at the start puts you in the good graces of the casino

and the comps should start flowing.

For example $20 per hand for blackjack gives the right impression.

Don't do anything you can't afford though!

Also if those comps aren't happening, ask!

A little initiative on your part can go a long way.

Even if you are only hanging out in a casino for the weekend, you can get all kinds of

free perks!

Getting a player's card is the right way to go.

This is similar to a customer loyalty card and they are free.

All you have to do is show your ID to register for one and then the casino will send you

offers for free stuff using your info, usually in the form of coupons.

Your info can also be used to snoop on what you get up to but we'll go into that a bit



Money Maze

You might ask yourself how you lost all that money after a visit to the casino.

Clearly Lady Luck wasn't on your side.

But it will surprise you to learn there is another major factor involved.

One that operates on a subliminal level to keep you in the building and make it difficult

for you to leave.

This is the maze-like design of a casino, something the owners really don't want you

to know about!

The psychology of casino design is talked about by writer Bill Friedman in his book

'Stripping Las Vegas'.

Friedman mentions that the best kind of casino layout is like a labyrinth.

A labyrinth made up of slot machines and other distractions.

The gambler tries to find their way through this elaborate maze to get out, but a combination

of short pathways and hard-to-reach exits mean it's more likely they'll stop to

spend some more money.

Some casinos are designed like intimate spaces rather than gaming zones the size of aircraft


This creates a sense of comfort along with the confusion.

Add to this perks like free drinks and it's no wonder you decided to try your luck on

the Megabucks machine.

You couldn't even find your way to the exit, plus its hot as hell outside at least in Vegas,

so why not stay and chill for just a little while longer...5 more bucks won't hurt….right??


NORA Software

NORA stands for Non Obvious Relationship Awareness.

It was devised by Systems Research & Development, a data mining company in Las Vegas.

NORA is keeping a close eye on you from the moment you walk in the casino.

It's no surprise you're going to be watched in a place with lots of money but NORA goes

much further.

The software gathers a wealth of personal information about players via tools such as

loyalty cards.

See...that's how the getcha!!!

It then uses that info to weed out cheaters.

However it can also be used to judge how valuable you are to the casino based on your activity.

Big Brother is watching you!!

NORA works hand in hand with CCTV cameras and a team of experts hired by the casino.

These include security pros, cryptographers and game theorists.

The technology they use is like something out of a Bond movie!

Playing chips are fitted with radio frequency transmitters that let experts know if the

player is being sneaky with their game.

At the same time masses of information is being gathered about you.

In fact you hand over much of it willingly - for example when you're trying to get

those all important comps.

Some have expressed concern that this gives casinos too much power and that the information

can be misused.

Others see NORA software as positive for society.

The security tech used by Homeland Security to fight terrorism started out in the casinos.

Either way casinos aren't that happy that you know about their snooping!

But even so, we probably don't even know the half of it.


Free Drinks

There's one surefire way to get free drinks in Vegas… if you're spending lots of money!

We're assuming you don't always want to do that so here are some pointers on how to

drink for free without breaking your budget.

You can score some refreshment by hanging around the tables watching other games.

But if you really want to keep the liquor coming you have to put a bit more thought

into it.

The secret is tipping.

Bartenders and waitresses are always looking for something extra.

Don't let that idea scare you off though.

You don't have to pay them a small fortune.

Start with a generous tip of, say, $5.

Then you can offer smaller tips as you go.

You can even drink for free at penny machines, they aren't judging.

Just be nice to the servers!!

Be careful how you go about doing this.

Casinos are getting wise to losing money through comps and there's talk of free drinks being

ruled out to save extra dollars.

We'd advise you to take the opportunity before it disappears!


Chips Not Cash Using chips in a casino is something you take

for granted.

It's easy to think this is all part of the fun.

That it makes life simpler, avoiding the pitfalls of keeping track of your cash or getting fake


A lot of us take it at face value and don't think about it.

However you should think about it because this is another way casinos trick you into

spending your hard-earned cash.

For starters there's the idea you'll be more daring with chips than cash.

$1000 looks pretty intimidating as a wad of bills.

It's a different prospect when its wrapped up in an itty bitty chip.

Also remember what I was saying earlier about chips being fitted with transmitters?

This is known as RFID, or Radio Frequency ID.

These transmitters can be easily traced by the management, making it a cinch to move

in on criminals after fast money.

Chips function as both a mental distraction and a vital tool in the fight against crime.

Casinos don't mind you knowing about that last part of course.

The first part of the trick is one they're not so happy about broadcasting!


Clocking Off

This next trick is pretty simple.

Casino owners want you to spend as long as possible inside their establishments.

The more time you spend, the more money you'll spend.

There is a direct correlation!

In fact it would suit casinos if you lost all sense of time altogether.

If only there was a way they could do that.

Well guess what?

There is.

They can't stop time.

But they don't have to have clocks on the walls either.

Or windows, or any way really to know what time it is.

But I'll get to windows in a bit.

A gambler could really lose track of what they were doing without a reminder of how

long they've been wandering the aisles in search of a jackpot.

A good way round this is to wear a watch but there is a more obvious solution to the problem…check

the time on your phone!


Window to the World

Casino owners hate windows.

It's as simple as that.

When you look out a window you're not looking at a blackjack table or a fruit machine.

You realize it's gotten dark since you went in to place a few bets.

And that's not what the casinos want.

They create a sealed world where all that matters is their brightly-coloured environment.

This is also true if you like to gamble online.

Make sure you're near some glass so you're aware of time passing around you.

You can lose a ton of money sitting at your keyboard as much as you can working the floor

of the Flamingo!

Don't give the casino owners the advantage - you're there to play, not get tricked!


Big Brother

You're being watched!

Player's cards and CCTV are used extensively to track your movements as you gamble.

The cards provide authorities with your personal information and the cameras study your face

and more importantly your hands.

Take these epic levels of snooping into account and you wouldn't be out of line calling

a casino owner 'Big Brother', after the all-seeing eye in George Orwell's novel


The thing you should understand about gambling in a casino is you're not anonymous.

They know who you are.

The marketing department can then send you whatever they like in the hope of tempting

you back for another spin.

And while you're under their roof, the management can keep tabs on you in an extraordinary level

of detail.

This extreme surveillance culture is intended to crack down on bad behaviour in the casino.

They are checking for cheaters, card counters, and in recent cases, robberies.

There are arguments for and against this high level of spying, but you know its there!


Sights, Sounds & Smells

A sneaky trick casinos play on you involves bombarding your senses with sights, sounds

and smells.

The flashing lights hold your attention and stop you thinking about stuff that doesn't

have anything to do with having fun and gambling.

Music is piped in to ramp up your excitement levels.

Strangest of all, smell plays a big part in the experience.

Certain scents are pumped into the casino.

Smells that conjure up exotic places have proved popular in the past.

On the plus side, the fake aroma helps to offset the stink of booze and cigarettes.

And they usually have an excellent air filtration system so you feel fresh and awake.

However you are being manipulated through your nostrils to stay and play.

Watch your back.

Can't say I didn't warn you!


Hidden Fees

You're losing enough of your cash while gambling.

So it may shock you to learn that casinos add fees on top of everything.

Fees which are hidden and are less than reasonable.

This is the dirtiest trick in the book when it comes to your casino experience.

The resort fee is famously unfair.

This fee is everywhere in Las Vegas.

It isn't made clear at the start of your stay but daily charges are applied to your


These are described as for "amenities".

Even if you book online, when you check in there will be at least a $35 resort fee.

Seeing as you're paying to use many of the services the casino offers anyway, that's

some nerve they've got there!

Say you want to get away from the tables for a bit and go grab a bite to eat on the Strip.

You could also fall prey to a Concession & Franchise Fee, or CNF.

This puts an extra 4.7% on your bill for the weirdest of reasons.

'Prime real estate locations' is one of the reasons offered.

What has real estate got to do with anything?

Just be careful!!

Thanks for watching!

Have you been tricked by a casino?

Let us know in the comments below.

Be sure to subscribe before you leave and see you soon!

For more infomation >> SECRETS Casinos DON'T Want You To Find Out! - Duration: 10:06.


মিনা হারবাল এর মুলতানি ফেসপ্যাক – আপনার ত্বকের জন্য ভালোতো !! কিভাবে ব্যবহার করবেন – দেখুন ভিডিওতে? - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> মিনা হারবাল এর মুলতানি ফেসপ্যাক – আপনার ত্বকের জন্য ভালোতো !! কিভাবে ব্যবহার করবেন – দেখুন ভিডিওতে? - Duration: 3:53.


Will & Grace - Love Is Complicated (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Will & Grace - Love Is Complicated (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:17.


Nghe Truyện Ngắn Nhật Ký Làm Mẹ Tuổi 17 - Giọng đọc truyền cảm | Kim Thanh 3S - Duration: 2:25:48.

For more infomation >> Nghe Truyện Ngắn Nhật Ký Làm Mẹ Tuổi 17 - Giọng đọc truyền cảm | Kim Thanh 3S - Duration: 2:25:48.


Trump tweets 'DACA is dead' - Duration: 5:43.

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Illegal immigrants in California allowed to pay in-state tuition - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Illegal immigrants in California allowed to pay in-state tuition - Duration: 3:45.


The Bridesmaid That May Outshine Meghan Markle on Her Wedding Day (2018) - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> The Bridesmaid That May Outshine Meghan Markle on Her Wedding Day (2018) - Duration: 6:15.


Mercados, en el vientre de la ciudad. | Barcelona, la Boquería. - Duration: 51:33.

For more infomation >> Mercados, en el vientre de la ciudad. | Barcelona, la Boquería. - Duration: 51:33.


2019 Koenigsegg 1090 Motorcycle Concept | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 2019 Koenigsegg 1090 Motorcycle Concept | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Release, Feel Better, And Raise Your Vibration! - Duration: 3:06.

Release, Feel Better, And Raise Your Vibration!

by Dianne

You Can Do This Technique Anywhere and Anytime You Like!

The Guidelines:


Think of whatever it is that you wish to release.

Pick only 1 topic at a time.

Think of it as you are there experiencing it all over again.

Remember everything you can about it.

Use the �who, what, when, where, why, and how� to help you recall.

Remember the names, who was there?

The location?

What was said?

Look at the expressions on their faces, and the looks in their eyes.

What were you feeling back then?

What are you feeling about it now?

What do you think they were feeling?

Was there shouting or bad language?

Remember Everything!

Bring all of that info to the front of your mind.


Now, I�m going to ask you 3 questions, and it�s imperative you answer them exactly

as I tell you, in order, even if you don�t agree.





Got that?


Now, here�s your first question:


Just for now, the best you can, could you let it go?

(Answer: Yes)

Second question:


Just for now, the best you can, would you let it go?

(Answer: Yes)

Third, and final question�



(Answer: Now)

Great job!

Now, take a deep breath, and release.


Now that you see how it�s done, you keep repeating that process until either the negative

feeling or the memory of it is gone entirely.

Notice after each release how much of the event you remember.

There should be less and less memory of the event after each release.

If you do the healing, and find that you still can�t release whatever it is you�re trying

to release, check the situation for new remembrances.

Also, check how you feel right now about the situation.

What additional emotions have you likely stirred up?

Be thorough, and don�t be afraid to give your �yes, yes, and now� answers high

volume and pizazz.

Mean what you say!

Believe what you say!

To all of you soon to release: Please pass this forward.

Helping others will help heal you, too!

Happy Releasing!

For more infomation >> Release, Feel Better, And Raise Your Vibration! - Duration: 3:06.


Despacito Dive 59-100% Run - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Despacito Dive 59-100% Run - Duration: 0:23.


애주가는 '비타민B', 가공식품 즐기면 '아연' 보충해야 - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> 애주가는 '비타민B', 가공식품 즐기면 '아연' 보충해야 - Duration: 5:36.


不堪压力,梁静茹深夜缅怀亡父:如果你还在,会不会还是我的靠山 - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 不堪压力,梁静茹深夜缅怀亡父:如果你还在,会不会还是我的靠山 - Duration: 4:40.


新婚夜老婆沒有流血,我正準備提離婚,卻見到老婆鞋子我幸福笑了! - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> 新婚夜老婆沒有流血,我正準備提離婚,卻見到老婆鞋子我幸福笑了! - Duration: 9:06.


田亮女儿,黄磊女儿,陆毅女儿,差别不是一般地大 - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 田亮女儿,黄磊女儿,陆毅女儿,差别不是一般地大 - Duration: 6:13.


La Migliore Musica Rilassante - Dolce Relax - Musicoterapia - Duration: 1:05:05.

The Best Relaxing Music - Dolce Relax - Music Therapy

For more infomation >> La Migliore Musica Rilassante - Dolce Relax - Musicoterapia - Duration: 1:05:05.


[김생민] '김생민의 영수증2'와 '짠내투어' - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> [김생민] '김생민의 영수증2'와 '짠내투어' - Duration: 3:00.


i woke up to 9 subscribers *emotional* *famous* - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> i woke up to 9 subscribers *emotional* *famous* - Duration: 0:51.


Health Benefits Of Poppy seed - Duration: 3:01.

Health Benefits Of Poppy seed

Health Benefits Of Poppy seed

Health Benefits Of Poppy seed

Health Benefits Of Poppy seed

Health Benefits Of Poppy seed

Health Benefits Of Poppy seed

For more infomation >> Health Benefits Of Poppy seed - Duration: 3:01.


김생민 "성추행 최근 인지, 진심 사과" vs 스태프 A씨 "10년 상처" - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 김생민 "성추행 최근 인지, 진심 사과" vs 스태프 A씨 "10년 상처" - Duration: 3:56.


Evolution of Madagascar Games 2005-2018 - Duration: 10:01.

Thanks for watching, subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Evolution of Madagascar Games 2005-2018 - Duration: 10:01.


For more infomation >> Evolution of Madagascar Games 2005-2018 - Duration: 10:01.


Les Anges 10: Charles assure, « à la base, Barbara ce n'est pas mon style » ! - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Les Anges 10: Charles assure, « à la base, Barbara ce n'est pas mon style » ! - Duration: 4:15.


For more infomation >> Les Anges 10: Charles assure, « à la base, Barbara ce n'est pas mon style » ! - Duration: 4:15.


La Sirah du Prophète Muhammad(S): La Bataille de Uhud(Pt 2) - Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi - EP 47 - Duration: 1:14:36.

For more infomation >> La Sirah du Prophète Muhammad(S): La Bataille de Uhud(Pt 2) - Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi - EP 47 - Duration: 1:14:36.


For more infomation >> La Sirah du Prophète Muhammad(S): La Bataille de Uhud(Pt 2) - Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi - EP 47 - Duration: 1:14:36.


The TRUTH About Passive Income | Don't Buy The Lie (2018) - Duration: 12:33.

For more infomation >> The TRUTH About Passive Income | Don't Buy The Lie (2018) - Duration: 12:33.


For more infomation >> The TRUTH About Passive Income | Don't Buy The Lie (2018) - Duration: 12:33.


RENAULT SCENIC 4 TCe 130 INTENS 2017 - Duration: 8:18.

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For more infomation >> RENAULT SCENIC 4 TCe 130 INTENS 2017 - Duration: 8:18.


Pranang Cave Beach on the Railay Peninsula | Thailand - Duration: 9:01.

greetings to you dear friends subscribers and guests of my channel we

continue to travel thailand We are located in the province of Krabi on

Peninsula Raili and today we decided to visit

pranang beach pranang beach is one of two best beaches of krabi

and one of the most beautiful places in the south Thailand with its unique shape Pranang beach

bound to monumental rocks overhanging the beach

beachside Pranang and Riley west cliffs to the east of

pranang beach is very interesting place is the overview point from which

impressive views of the beaches the relay ist or west and it is hidden

depth of cliffs view point is on height over 100 meters

refers to the number of places that are worth to visit

we did not risk climbing after the rain to this point, the more so as it was

the sign is indicated here even after the rain climb dangerous and yes sports shoes

we did not have any

Warning signs are posted everywhere It is impossible to feed monkeys though

Many tourists pretend that they do not can read and still feed and go

monkeys to the beach goes well-groomed footpath under the mountain on the way

you can observe wild monkeys photographed under the arches of high

rocks or climb the observation deck

huge rocks are not the only landmark prnang beach on the beach

fine and in itself fine sand emerald water lush tropical

Vegetation all pleases the eye is equal to as well as views of the neighboring islands

opening from the beach I want to add a few words about the rock

it is not only the main landmark prnang beach on

one of the best places for rock climbing in Thailand, one glance at the rock

enough to understand that the rise of The 150 meter vertical wall is already

professionalism Pranang Cave

one of the most famous Krabi attractions

it is located in the eastern part of the beach Pranang

here a sheer rock to get into it very easily the more so that something is not quite a cave

just a pretty big groove in rock cave dedicated to the princess nang

patroness of women have several related legends

one of them says that once on Andaman sea was floating princess and and

the ship was wrecked now to its spirit women

who despaired of having a baby they say it helps alongside the cave

emerald shade of sea water reaches its apogee

on top of the rocks look fantastic by the way there next there is a grotto which I

and swam around a small rock and then returned to pranang beach

natural beauty prong attracts a huge number of tourists

a lot of different excursions from Krabi

rides on pranang beach any weather bringing with them a crowd of people who want it


It was enough to climb the rocks it's hard because I went barefoot

as for nutrition, it is on pranang is presented in the main form of floating

boats mokashnits on which the Thais trade every unpretentious meal from morning till

you can buy sunset from them seafood shish kebabs

rice and noodles in Thai salads and soups come across European fat fast food but

already more expensive such boats cafe is easy learn by the big poster with the menu on

board and taikam standing behind the gas stoves

prices as you see enough democratic sometimes on the beach appear

monkey that makes it even more colorful but behind the things at that moment

it is better to watch as brisk macaque not particularly embarrassed and can grab

something on the beach about nang we met bearded man famously fulfilling

exercises from yoga he introduced himself Andreev andronchym than he is 69 years old and he

rock-climb whole life every winter for four months

lives on krabi teaches yoga

ways to get to pranang quite a lot you can come on foot with

beaches snouted east railie west if you live in a hotel on

island railing sail by boat with aonang beach boats

depart from the central pier of Aonang starting at 8 am the last leaves 1800

fare 100 batt person take the boat leaving the pier of Aonang Mao in Krabi

they are much less than in most of it is used by local residents and

many excursions from Aonanga

Phuket or Phi Phi Islands bring of tourists to pranang beach

on pranang beach you can meet the floor the globe on this our journey

Thailand does not end if you liked the video subscribe to our

channel ask questions leave comments all the best to the new


For more infomation >> Pranang Cave Beach on the Railay Peninsula | Thailand - Duration: 9:01.


For more infomation >> Pranang Cave Beach on the Railay Peninsula | Thailand - Duration: 9:01.


We are the Princesses

For more infomation >> We are the Princesses


2ème BAC : Séance ENGLISH en live BravO The Best Tacher in Marrakech M.Karim - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 2ème BAC : Séance ENGLISH en live BravO The Best Tacher in Marrakech M.Karim - Duration: 4:44.


Breaking My Water Fast | My First Meal in 5 DAYS! (SB111) - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Breaking My Water Fast | My First Meal in 5 DAYS! (SB111) - Duration: 5:24.


How To Be An Instagram Beauty! Photoshop Beginner's class - Duration: 13:48.

Hi guys, it's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna

It's photoshop again~

I was planning for it to be a one-time content, but you guys loved it, so it came back

This time, I didn't get applies, but I did it with my selfie

This time, I didn't get applies, but I did it with my selfie

I downloaded this when I bought my Macbook

Anyways, before I started filming this clip, I took a lot of selfies for samples

I prepared two of those selfies

I'll show you the tools that I use in Photoshop

I'm not a pro

I just studied alone

And I just use the things that I use everytime

So, beginners can follow the steps easily

First, let's do it with this photo

First, we'll do the shadow erasing, that I emphasized at the first clip

Shadow erasing is done with the 7th tool in the second line, that looks like a swab

This helps your skin to be a bit brighter

If I show you it on the face, it might be hard to see, so I'll show you it here

Can you see? It gets a lot brighter

Now, on the face

I'll brighten the side of the nose and the under-eye shadows

Now the philtrum

I thought that only I have this problem, but almost everybody has this

I don't know why this part gets shaded

Sometimes, I thing that I have a beard, but there's nothing in the mirror

And the side of the mouth!

Since I have some fat in the cheeks, they get shaded a lot

Shadow erasing isn't finished

Only brightening isn't the whole process, now we'll use the 4th tool on the first line, that looks like a band

This tool connects the skin together

How it works, is pressing the alt button and clicking the skin on the side

And sooth it like this

Actually, if you do this too much, the blur looks obvious

But, I don't care, it looks nice

Now, blend the skin like this

Now the stamp tool! I use this often

It's right on the bottom of the band tool

If you press the skin on the side, and press the other side, they get similar like pattern pasting

I use this often, for erasing the side-nose

Because it looks natural

I'll do the side

The process might look minimal, but if you see the before and after shot, it's really different

I erased all of the shadows

Shall we see the before and after shot?

Before & After

Isn't it really different?

I get really different, even if I only erase the shadows

I'll grab the shape now

You should do it like, when you do your make up

Because, when you take pictures, they come out like you don't have make up

Shading can be done with the hand shaped tool, that's at the swab tool

This tool makes the face darker

So, it'll give a shading effect

So, I'll touch the front of the brow and the nose blade, like I do make up

A bit of shadow for the eyes

I like making the lips bolder

And, with the tool control, it becomes like gradation

And, I like to make the eye brighter, this is by the swab that I told you

If you make the swab smaller, and rub like this

The shape gets done, and now I'll show the before and after

I'll show you the original one

Before and after! Isn't it different?

It's another person! LOL

If you see it from a distance, there's some places that aren't done

You can see it from a distance and brighten them again,

It's easy, guys

Now, let's do the liquify process

It's on the 5th of the filter tab

It looks like this, when you click it

I only use the first one, here

I used the 4th one, when I learned, but the first one looks more natural to me

Since, I have hair line complex, I'll fix it first

Only a bit of pushing will do

The forehead is cleaned now

I Have a habit, that is opening one eye bigger

So, even if I draw the brows the same, they look different

So, I'll balance them with the brush

Now, the eye shape!

I touch the eyes, since I don't like them

I'll make them smoother

Make the nostrils smaller

Raise the ends of the mouth and make the lower lip thicker

The appearances is almost finished

My face is unbalanced

it even appears a lot on the picture, so I lower the whole face, by making it bigger with the tool

Some people might not like this way

But, this balances it

I'll touch the face shape a bit

Using the pushing tool often, helps you to learn the way to make your own face naturally

You'll get better, if you practice

Finding the method that matches you, is important

Sometimes, when my face looks long

Making the brush a lot bigger, and lift the face shape, like the eyes

This makes your face shorter

I'll show you the before and after

Before! It's so ugly LOL

After! Isn't it really different?

It's not done, yet

I press Ctrl+M to control the brightness

Since natural looking is the trend, I'll do it only this much

And this makes it look a bit dim, so I'll take the saturation out

This hides the shadows a lot

Look at this, I'll compare them

Everyones' taste is different, so you can do it the way you want

There might be people who like it bold, like this

And I like it more bright and softer

There's another thing that I do

There's something that takes the color out, on the image tab

I use the selective color option

I can take out the colors that I don't like

For example, I don't like yellow tones, so if I choose yellow and lower the color, it's done

It looks like this, when it's done

If it's done too much, it looks like a pink filter, so I'll only do it slightly

I'll take out the black, too

The black here, isn't real black, but the black in the yellow

The yellow gets lighter

And after selecting the black color, I'll upper it

Because, the bolder makes it prettier

Shall we see? Isn't it nice?

I'll do it like this

I'll show you the before and after

Before, after~ woooow~

If you want to make your hair look with more volume, you can select that part

If you go in the liquify again after choosing the parts, and use the first tool to puss the hair line

Since my hairlessness is a complex, I make the roots look like they have more volume

I'll show you the before and after

Before, after. The roots' volume is more rich, for sure!

You can lie with photoshop, like this! LOL

I just showed you the way that I use often

I focused on making it look easy, for beginners

Because, it doesn't need professional ways

I usually use the ones that I use often

I'll show you the before and after

Isn't it really different

I'll do the second one faster

I'll do it faster, and show you the things that I told you before

Reviewing it~

I'll do it fast, without explaining

I'll fast forward it

1.Erasing the shadows with the swab tool!

2.Making the skin look more natural with the stamp tool!

3.Making the shape looks bolder, with the hand tool

4.Brightening the pupils with the swab, again

5.grab the brows, eye shape, nostrils and the lip lines with the liquify option

6.I'll touch the hairline to the face line

Now the compare shot!

This is the after

Before, after

It had big effects!

I'm a big liar, guys LOL

Now, the brightness!

Do it like ago, and raise the black, and it's done!

I'll show you before and after for this, too

You can look a lot different, without a lot of tools

Beginners can follow me easily!

If you follow my clips, you'll get better and better on Photoshop with people's photos

I feel like I'm creating liar pupils LOL

Well guys, I told you how to lie with Photoshop

There's nothing difficult

It's because, that I try to get the most effects with the least tools

Anyways, this was the Photoshop class, that you guys have requested

In this month or next month on my Youtube community or Facebook, I'll take applies

I hope you guys apply a lot

This is the end of this clip

If it was fun or useful

Likes and subscribes please !♥♥~

See ya in the next clip


For more infomation >> How To Be An Instagram Beauty! Photoshop Beginner's class - Duration: 13:48.


陳冠希看1歲女兒「搖晃學走路」一臉慈父模樣!眼尖網友發現「這個小細節」大讚:好爸爸! - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 陳冠希看1歲女兒「搖晃學走路」一臉慈父模樣!眼尖網友發現「這個小細節」大讚:好爸爸! - Duration: 3:29.


Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 21 🎙️ a Funny Post-Apocalyptic Audiobook Series 🎙️ by Lesley Herron - Duration: 18:18.

Tall Tale TV SciFi and Fantasy Short Story Audiobooks

Of Monsters and Mushrooms by Lesley Herron

Chapter 21 - Lentinula

"Who am I?"

Alpha asked the question aloud, almost as if he was expecting a response.

He turned on his heel, gazing at the flickering remains of foliage around him.

"I am the darkness that envelopes the night.

I am the conqueror of thousands of civilizations and the devourer of worlds.

I am the first of my kind and the end of yours.

I am Alpha."

He kicked over one of the many charred muskets at his feet, scoffing at it with a slight

shake of his head.

"Until recently I was but a humble god.

Outcast by my creators to an unseemly rock of a world."

The sneer in his words made his hatred almost palpable.

"A weapon cast upon an unsuspecting land to test my destructive force.

I quickly spread across it, spawning my children and consuming life.

Well, only those -worthy- of assimilation.

I grew from a mindless abomination into what you see before you."

He waved a hand down the length of his torso, the black ooze on his face pulling into a

wicked grin.

"A fully sentient and superior being."

"I do not know if my makers suspected my full potential or not.

I like to think I exceeded their expectations, even frightened them with my veracity.

For they never came to retrieve me; never came to welcome me home.

And when a portal rent the fabric of reality in my kingdom, I crossed its threshold with

hopes of praise, only to find a weak minded race beyond.

Obviously not -my- creators, as they were barely more than clever hairless monkeys.

"And so I returned, waiting for the homecoming I knew I was deserved.

As the centuries ticked away, bitterness gnawed at my soul.

It grew into resentment at my careless dismissal.

Though I was patient, I knew in my heart I had been abandoned."

"I decided that my children, a race born from my own flesh, were far more deserving

of my affecting than any of those absent progenitors.

My offspring was present, tangible, and in need of my guidance.

"They were starving.

We had sapped the last of the resources our pathetic and barren world had to offer.

Without new stocks of life we would surely wither and die.

I decided it was time to leave.

Together we would strike out into this new realm, find other gates, should they exist,

and spread across the multiverse.

And I would pity my makers should we ever find them.

"I sent many of my children through the gate, an advance party if you will.

They were tasked to bring back beings of exceptional genetic stock, fortifying our forces in preparation.

My progeny began to grow both in strength and intellect.

"But we had learned our lesson.

This time, I would not sap the world dry of life.

As soon as our forces were ready, we would descend upon the new world and consume only

what was sustainable.

Enough to quench our thirst; enough to crush the spirit of those who would rise up against


But never so much as to drain the well -completely- dry.

"You may be asking yourselves, 'What has this got to do with us?'"

Alpha's form seemed to bubble with rage as he paced, the edges of his body rippling in


"Good story telling is an art, and it takes time."

He took a slow steadying breath, willing himself to be calm, before beginning again.

"All was going according to plan.

We were nearly ready to make our move.

And then -they- appeared.

I recall that when I awoke that day it felt as though there was a ticking in my brain.

A rhythmic hum, like a tune that refuses to end and one that slowly eats away at your


As it pounded against my mind, I concluded that it was emanating from something outside

my being.

"Quickly I realized that whatever it was, it was altering the gate.

At first, I thought perhaps my creators had returned at long last.

I was conflicted about this, unsure of how to react.

Kill them?

Torture then kill?

Just torture?

Or perhaps imprisonment for several eons.

But the point became moot, as I realized it was only another hairless monkey.

A rather...exceptional hairless monkey.

"He and his kin were more evolved than the others I had met, a race apart.

Travelers of the realms, I assume.

I am loathed to admit it, but this creature had done what I could not.

He had deciphered the underlying matrix of reality, crafting a device that could not

only stabilize the anomaly of the gate, but alter it.

I understood what he had done, and my eyes had finally been opened.

I could traverse the realms, find my creators, and at long last return the favor for their

callous disregard.

Alpha bent down and plucked something up from the ash, examining it carefully.

"Unfortunately, the machination of my freedom also posed a potential for imprisonment.

The anomaly could, in theory, be collapsed, effectively cutting my race off from any chance

of food and survival.

The hairless monkey realized this as well.

What was I to do?

I'm sure you would agree that a -single life- is not worth the lives of an -entire- race.

I decided to consume his mind and those of his companions.

"Admittedly, I may have miscalculated in my estimation of their prowess.

Despite the odds, they managed to retrieve that lovely device from me, and escaped through

the portal.

It was...infuriating, to say the least.

"I dispatched a battalion of my children to retrieve them, some of my -very- best.

They entered the portal, and I awaited their return.

And I waited.

And waited.

Eventually I decided to give chase myself and stepped through the swirling vortex.

"Once through the gate, it became apparent why none of them had returned.

I found myself hurtling towards the ground like a meteor.

The portal had emerged hundreds of feet above a forest canopy.

My hope was that the massive foliage would slow my decent.

I may not look it, but souls are a heavy thing, and my form is quite dense.

I ripped through the flora like a brick through tissue.

Alpha paused, taking a deep breath.

"When I regained consciousness, I discovered the fate of my offspring.

They were not as robust as myself, and had, regrettably, exploded upon impact.

It was a grizzly scene.

Black goo spattered across the forest like paint flung against a canvas.

My heart ached for them.

"I searched the area, not daring to hope for survivors.

At the very least, I was comforted by the thought that at least the hairless monkeys

would have met the same, sticky end.

But there it was again.

That nagging in my brain had returned, and in a fit of anger I realized they had once

again slipped through my grasp.

"For days, the hum in my brain drove me to madness.

But I endured, using it like a compass, pointing me directly to my quarry.

The more I focused on it, the more attuned I became.

I would have traveled more quickly, but I must admit, the jungle was not short of animals

willing to chance a bite.

Or plants for that matter!

How could a band of imbeciles not only survive, but make better time than myself?

The more I pondered on this, the angrier I became.

"But as I closed in on their location, I finally discovered my answer.

The cowards had gained assistance from primitive locals.

The cowards!"

Alpha slammed a balled fist against the surface of a large boulder, sending a fissure ripping

down through the stone.

"The tribe had escorted them to yet -another- gateway.

And despite my greatest efforts, they managed to step through the other side and alter the

gate behind them.

"My fury was boundless and I swore that my wrath would be biblical!

But, they were gone.

The portal was no longer leading to where they had been moments before.

Were I to step through, I wouldn't even be in the same universe as them.

I willed my mind to be calm.

"To my surprise, there it was.

The gentle hum, the mental ticking that pointed the way.

Ever so faint, but still present.

With great effort, I found I could track them through the multiverse.

"I am not...what you would normally consider as vain, but I must say that only one as impressively

intelligent as myself could have achieved what I did.

I created entirely new fields of mathematics.

I formed revolutionary quantum theories!

I reworked the basis for the understand of -reality- itself!

And in the end, I found them!

I nudged the portal with my mind, and I was on their trail once again.

"Upon stepping through the swirling vortex, I entered a whirlwind of steel beaked birds,

and -no- hairless monkeys.

I had never given birds much thought before then.

But after five minutes in that realm, I don't think I've ever hated anything more.

They were loud, obnoxious, and messy.

Covered in a layer of thick white goo, I altered the portal to once more mimic their trail.

"Again, I found myself flying the air.

Shot over the edge of a cliff, I landed in a soft pile of fluffy ice.

I had never seen such a thing!

My home world contained barely a drop of water, but here was a land covered in a solid form

of water crystals.

It was...delightful.

Alpha's face pulled into a genuine smile as he recalled the memory.

"I reveled in the feeling of the flakes landing on my body, the joy of causing it

to billow up before me as I moved through the mounds of white.

It swirled and danced before my eyes, hypnotic in its wonder.

"And then it dawned on me that sub freezing temperatures do not agree with a being comprised

of metamorphic gel.

My movements became stiff, my mind began to slow.

In short, I was freezing to death.

"I resolved to give up my hunt, to return to the warmth of my home world and lead my

people once more.

No minor threat was worth this.

"The innocent white flakes of ice took on a sinister nature, each one burning my skin

as it fell.

Each step was harder than the last, my very essence forming into unresponsive slush.

But in time, I was able to make it back to the summit, back to the portal.

"To my surprise, the hairless monkeys had left a message to -taunt- me.

The portal was surrounded by sculptures of, well, humanoid -piles- of fornicating ice.

Naturally, the insult wouldn't stand.

And I was spurred on to resume my pursuit.

"As soon as I stepped through the portal, I was swept up into the air by a hurricane,

and tossed out to sea.

Still half frozen, it was all I could do to not drown.

But the warm waters slowly thawed me as I sank beneath the waves.

After fighting off the inhabitants of the deep, I slowly dragged myself back to land.

Had it not been for that nagging in my mind, leading me to the portal, I never would have

found my way back.

But I did, and more determined than ever to end this charade.

"I was then dumped into a rather peculiar, albeit pleasant enough place.

It was a bit dark, and the inhabitants were overly pessimistic, but at least nothing tried

to drown, freeze, or -eat- me.

It gave me a moment of respite and allowed me to clear my mind, gather my wits, and,

of course, dry off.

"Which was wonderfully ironic as my next landing was face first into an orange swamp

that smelled of old feet and beet juice.


But the alligators were the last straw.

The moment I landed, they attacked.

As though they had congregated at the base of the portal, just waiting for me to emerge.

"I may have lost more than few mouthfuls of flesh, but I made them pay for every taste.

Eventually I sat, perched atop a heap of their lifeless reptilian bodies, considering my


I could continue my pursuit or I could turn back and return home.

Given my current track record with the portals, I was beginning to lose heart.

Home it is, I thought, where I could rally my forces and hope to outcast the memories

of this misadventure to the furthest reaches of my mind.

"As I began mentally adjusting the portal for my home world, I noticed a mathematical

quirk to all of the landing points thus far, and a third option occurred to me.

You see, the fool wasn't spinning the dial on his device -randomly-.

He was simply spinning it as far as the dial would allow, and hoping for the best.

I was able to calculate several jumps ahead of them."

Alpha looked down at the charred skull clutched in his giant inky black claw.

Singed hair hung down low over empty eye sockets.

"Oh how very Shakespearean of me."

He gave a smug smirk to the bones, chuckling to himself.

"It was a simple, but delicious, happy accident that the world I chose to stage my ambush

was the same as their birthplace.

Then again, whoever said Fate doesn't have a sense of humor, eh?"

Alpha's grin wavered as he stared into skull's lifeless grin.

He rolled his eyes and tossed it into the pile of bones at his feet, huffing in frustration.

"Perhaps I should have left a few of you alive."

He looked around the endless forms of corpses strewn out around him.

"Monologue-ing to the dead just...just isn't the same."

Of Monsters and Mushrooms, an ongoing series by Lesley Herron, is a crossover fanfiction

mixing her own characters and settings with a few of those created by Author J.D. Wiley.

She writes for the fun of devising new ways of messing with her characters, and seeing

just how much trouble they can get into.

Honestly, how long does it take to traverse a handful of portals?

I mean, it's been days!!

Maybe I should take up a hobby.


. . collecting bottlecaps

For more infomation >> Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 21 🎙️ a Funny Post-Apocalyptic Audiobook Series 🎙️ by Lesley Herron - Duration: 18:18.


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Most Promising CRYPTOCURRENCIES! - Duration: 10:13.

Bitcoin, the word on the lips of every amateur investor last year and most people's first

introduction to the world of cryptocurrencies.

If you don't know what cryptocurrencies are, don't worry, neither do we.

But that doesn't mean we can't make a list on the most promising ones.

And we'll warn you about something right off the bat; Bitcoin is not on this list as

this list is about the most-promising currencies,

not the trashiest.


Stellar Lumens (XLM)

Lumens were created after a Hard Fork occurred within Ripple, which we will be getting to

later on in this list.

What is a Hard Fork?

Is it an eating utensil meant to be used on the toughest of meats?

No, a Hard Fork occurs when a disagreement happens within a cryptocurrency network and

part of the network takes all of their coins and upgrades them to a new version.

Many cryptocurrencies have come about from Forks, most from Bitcoin like with Bitcoin

Cash and Bitcoin Gold.

Lumens happens to be a Fork of Ripple.

The reason for the fork is that the backers of XLM did not like how Ripple was appealing

to the banks and wanted to put the power of the technology into the hands of the people.

In this way, XLM hopes to give individuals the power to transfer XLM between each other,

stores, and online retailers with little to no cost and with efficient speed.

Even if these financial transfers occur across borders, which in the present day can often

be a time consuming and expensive transfer of money.

The goal is to give every XLM owner the ability to have equal access and economic participation

no matter their social or economic class.

Which is why XLM ranks so low on this list.

Do you really think people are about to get control of their own finances?

Not if Big Banks have anything to say about it.


Lite Coin (LTC)

Lite Coin, also known as Bitcoin's little brother who is better at just about everything,

was created after a hard fork from Bitcoin occurred in 2013.

Yes, another fork.

The crypto world loves their forks.

Anyway LTC, as Lite Coin is also known as, has the same goals as Bitcoin, to create a

decentralized peer to peer currency transfer system.

However, the makers behind LTC found Bitcoin to be inefficient so they created Litecoin,

which excels in every area that Bitcoin lacks in.

LTC's transaction fees are in the cents compared to the dollar amounts for Bitcoin.

Additionally, the coins transfer speeds are a fraction of the time that it takes Bitcoin to transfer.

And finally, Lite Coin has clear leader in the form of Charlie Lee, a former Google employee

as opposed to Bitcoin's near mythological leader known as Satoshi Nakamoto.

Everything Google touches turns to gold, so I'm going to have to side with Lite Coin on this one.

Plus, I live by the motto of never trust a person who leads from the shadows because

they're probably a super villain as every superhero movie has taught me.

So in review, Lite Coin and Bitcoin are like the Affleck Brothers.

Bitcoin is like Ben, in that he is way more famous and well known, while Lite Coin is

like Casey in that he is not as well known, but he is better in practically every way possible.


Etherium (ETH)

Data breaches have become a new norm in out society, with businesses as big as Sony or

Equifax being affected.

Even the United States Government is not safe from hacking.

And it doesn't help that every website and company now a days wants out information,

whether it's our email, home address, or our credit card.

Every year, these companies ask more personal questions.

They're nosier than my grandparents.

The problem is, they don't know how to keep this information private, just like Grandma.

Big companies get hacked more often than Kanye says crazy things.

But how can we keep these companies from taking and losing our personal information.

Ehterium is the answer, or at least they want to be.

Their solution is to give control of Data back to the Users.

Instead of storing all of clients valuable information on the cloud or company servers,

areas that can be hacked, ETH wants to decentralize this information by storing information on "Nodes".

Nodes would be run by volunteers around the world, creating a super computer.

By doing this, the only person who has actual control over your information, would be you, the user.

If this sounds at all confusing, than take solace in the fact that it is confusing as hell.

But the question is will it work.

And the answer is … maybe?

That maybe is the reason why it doesn't rank higher on this list, but just the goal

of making sure that Walmart doesn't give my phone number to Russian hackers is a good

enough reason to be on this list.


Monero (XMR)

Monero prides itself being the only truly private, secure, and untraceable crypocurrency.

A lot of cryptos claim that they are untraceable, including the big name ones like Bitcoin and

Etherium, but they can be linked back to users through transfers of the currency.

It may be harder to trace a Bitcoin, but with some effort, it is possible because the currency

is transferred through third party sites like Coinbase.

XMR, the shorthand for Monero, avoids this issue by giving the user COMPLETE control

over their XMR transactions.

No middle man involved.

If you mine the crypto yourself from the blockchain, then there are zero ways to trace any Monero back to you.

One of the ways Monero maintains this secrecy is through the use of Ring Signatures.

When transferring XMR, one just inputs their private spending key, which allows the transfer.

The Ring Signatures then sends a bunch of decoy keys along with the real one, to the

recipient so they can never know the true sender.

Pretty sneaky, huh.

And that only protects the sender.

Monero also has systems in place to protect the privacy of the recipient and of the very

existence of the transaction.

So Monero makes it so a mystery person can send XMR to another mystery person and then

make it so the transaction appears to never even happened in the first place.

In a way, Monero is the most crypto of all of the cryptocurrencies because of how secretive it is.

Does Monero even exist?

We'll never know.



IOTA is probably the most frightening cryptocurrency on this list because it's pretty much the

start of Skynet.

Instead of promoting p2p, also known as person to person, transactions like most cryptocurrencies,

IOTA is striding towards m2m transactions through the use of a high speed, low cost

transfer system.

And what does that "m" stand for?

I'll give you a hint.

It's not man.

Or mouse.

Or monkey.

You guess yet?

It's machine!

That's right.

IOTA's giving machines a currency.

But why would we want to give machines a currency?

And the answer seems to be … why not?

Nearly every machine now a days has an internet connection.

From TVs to refrigerators to cars to lightbulbs.

Even toasters can connect to wifi if it's fancy enough.

The goal of IOTA is to create a standardized currency to connect all of these things with

an internet connection.

In short, IOTA wants your dryer to be able to pay your waffle maker if it has to.

That particular scenario won't likely happen, unless your dryer runs on yummy breakfast

foods, but a solar panel could be able to "sell" the electricity its creating to

your refrigerator using IOTA's.

This would create a Machine to Machine economy and bring us one step closer to being taken

over by out Robots.

Except instead of robots, it will be our Keurig's and Dishwashers cracking the whips.



There is one reason why NEO ranks so high on this list.

It's not that it plans to create a digital identity for its users that will be verified

through facial recognition, fingerprints, or voice.

It's not that it shares similar lofty goals to that of Etherium, with its use of Smart

Contracts and digital assets.

And it has nothing to do with sharing the name with the Chosen One from The Matrix.

Actually, maybe that last part influenced its position a tiny bit.

No, the sole reason NEO is on this list is that it is backed by the Chinese Government.

The Chinese are one of, if not the most powerful governments on the face of planet Earth.

They have a thriving economy and are a world Superpower.

So in a sense, NEO has one of the most powerful allies on their side.

Cryptocurrency is like the new Final Frontier and you can bet that the Chinese will do anything

to make sure that they come out on top.

Some of you may balk at the idea that NEO's association with the Chinese Government makes

it more promising.

Isn't the whole point of cryptocurrencies to get away from government meddling?

Maybe, but a bet against NEO is a bet against the People's Republic of China, which is

not a bet I would be making any time soon.


Ripple (XRP)

We told you we would get back to Ripple and we always keep our promises.

Ripple, also known as XRP, is the most promising cryptocurrency because it stands against everything

that cryptcurrencies were originally created for.

Cryptocurrencies were originally created in order to make currencies that could be exchanged

without government, bank, or company oversight.

XRP is created by a company, Ripple, which has been working with governments and banks

in order for their coin to succeed.

Already, over sixty-five financial institutions have pledged to adopt Ripple and that's

just the start.

Even South Korea, which has become one of the first nations to try and regulate cryptocurrencies,

has come out as team Ripple.

If Ripple goes against every moral foundation that cryptocurrencies stand for, than why

would it succeed.

Two reasons.

First, it has a clear goal, to replace the current system for international wire transfers.

Current international money transfers take several days and have many fees attached.

XRP can transfer from New York to New Guinea in seconds at a cost of near nothing.

The technology can save Banks trillions each year, and I've heard banks are in the money business.

The second and most important reason is… never bet against the people in power.

Banks and government always win.

XRP knows this and have submitted to their overlords.

Every other cryptocurrency must do the same or risk being destroyed by our money Gods.

Did we get it right?

Do you think that your Cryptocurrency of choice that is not on this list should be?

Are you mad about the absences of the Bitcoin?

Let us know in the comments.

Thanks for your time.

For more infomation >> Most Promising CRYPTOCURRENCIES! - Duration: 10:13.


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