Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 3 2018

The Twin paradox is probably the most famous of all of the seeming paradoxes of special


I made a video on this that had some math in it and it seems that some viewers wanted

more explanation on the phenomenon.

I do read the comments from time to time and decided to do another video with more explanation

and less math.

We'll see which one the viewers like better.

In its simplest form, a pair of twins performs an experiment.

Their names are Dr. Don and Dr. Ron.

Dr. Ron heads off in a rocket ship at high speeds towards a distant star and returns


Dr. Don remains stationary on Earth.

Upon Ron's return, they find that the traveling twin, that is to say Dr. Ron, is younger-

perhaps much younger- than Dr. Don.

This is a well-established consequence of relativity– moving people age more slowly

than stationary ones.

This example is called a paradox because it involves Dr. Don and Dr. Ron and they are,

well- a pair of docs.

The real reason that it's called a paradox is because it seems to break one of the assumptions

that goes into relativity.

This assumption is that all people can equally well claim that they are unmoving and that

people around them are the moving ones.

Under this assumption, Dr. Ron, who is in the rocket, could say that he wasn't moving

and the Earth and the star did.

Since Dr. Ron wasn't moving, it would be reasonable to claim that the he was the older

and Dr. Don was the younger.

In such an experiment, there can be only one outcome.

Only one person is older.

And yet we have two participants, who have different points of view.

It seems that both can claim that they are unmoving, which means that both can claim

that they are older than their twin.

And, obviously, they both can't be right.

Hence the name paradox.

It turns out that this really isn't a paradox.

There is an explanation why both people- Dr. Don and Dr. Ron- agree that Dr. Ron– the

guy on the spaceship– is younger.

Now you'll find many books and videos that will tell you that the reason that this isn't

a paradox is that there is something that distinguishes between the two observers and

the reason is that one of them experiences acceleration and the other one doesn't.

Because of the acceleration, Ron and Don have different experiences and that's what people

claim is the answer.

The problem is that this answer is not fundamentally correct.

I mean, it does have some merit and we'll get to that point shortly.

But at the deepest level, acceleration isn't the explanation.

To show this point, we can come up with a thought experiment in the spirit of Einstein.

Let's imagine three observers in constant motion and in which none accelerate.

The observers have the unimaginative names A, B, and C.

Observer A sits stationary on the Earth.

Now, there are some of you that remind us that the Earth is moving, but one of the premises

of relativity is that everybody can consider themselves to be stationary, and in this case,

the Earth is moving around observer A. So in this case, it's important to remember it

really is legitimate to say that observer A sits stationary on the Earth.

Observer B is traveling towards a distant star located some distance away.

The distance doesn't matter but let's call it L. Observer B is traveling at constant

speed as seen by Observer A. Observer C is a distance 2 L away, traveling towards Earth,

this time with a velocity minus v.

Observer A watches Observer B head away from earth and Observer C head towards it.

B and C's paths cross at the distant star and C heads back to the Earth.

During this entire exercise, all three observers (A, B and C) all move at constant velocity,

meaning- and this is important- none experience any acceleration.

So Observer A uses the symbol T stationary to represent the time it takes for B to go

from Earth to the star.

And because C travels at the same velocity as B does, just in the opposite direction,

Observer A says that C takes T stationary to go from the star to Earth.

Thus Observer A says that the total time she measures from when B passes her on the outward

leg and when C passes her on the return leg to be simply two T stationary.

What time does the traveling observers experience?

Well, here I'm not going to do any math.

I'm just going to tell you the answer.

If you want to know the mathematical details, I recommend you watch my other Twin Paradox


It's all worked out there.

So when Observer B passes Observer A, they start a stopwatch.

When they get to the distant star, they stop the stopwatch and hold up a huge sign that

displays the time they experienced on the outward journey.

The sign is big enough that Observer C can see it as they pass by on their way back to


Observer C writes down that number.

We'll call that T moving.

Also, as Observer C passes the star, they start their own stopwatch to record the time

it takes them to travel back to Earth.

When they pass Earth, they stop the stopwatch and see how much time they experienced on

the return trip.

It turns out that they also experience T moving, which is the same amount of time as Observer

B experienced on the outward leg.

Observer C holds up another sign that Observer A can see, which displays the time experienced

both by B on the outgoing leg and C on the return trip.

Observer A writes them down.

So the travel time for B to head outward and C to return is simply 2 times T moving.

How do the times experienced by the earthbound A and moving B and C compare?

Well you can use the equations of relativity to calculate this and I did it in the other


But here I'll just tell you the answer.

T moving is equal to T stationary divided by gamma.

Gamma is a term that shows up everywhere in relativity and it's related to the relative

velocity between two observers.

It's always greater or equal to one.

Thus we can then simply say that the time experienced by the B and C as they travelled-

call this moving trip time- is equal to the stationary trip time divided by gamma.

And since gamma is greater than or equal to one, that means that the moving trip time

is shorter than the stationary trip time.

So that's the bottom line.

The moving people really do experience a shorter amount of time than the stationary one.

So why is that?

It's not acceleration.

After all, in my example, there is no acceleration.

So that just can't be it.

The difference is that Observer A is in a single and unchanging reference frame, while

to get the moving frame, you need to add up the time experienced in two frames- B's

outgoing and C's incoming.

Now, judging from the comments, this statement wasn't very clear.

So let's talk about it.

Some people correctly pointed out that, for example, Observer C saw A and B as being in

two different frames and that's true.

The same is true for Observer B.

But it's very important to remember that we are comparing times at the location of

Observer A. That's not the thing that fixes the paradox, because, well, remember in the

classic Twin paradox with Ron and Don, the times were also compared where Don was.

But perhaps it reminds us that when we ask about durations what matters is not only the

time experienced, but the location where the time is experienced.

In fact, I made yet another video in which I showed that a moving clock runs slower or

faster depending on the location at which the measurement is being made.

That video is a little technical, but it makes so many important points that if you want

to really understand it, I recommend watching it again.

Another important point is that all observers agree A is in one reference frame and B and

C are in two.

I mean, you could look at this from the point of view of Observer C. Observer C sees A moving

constantly at one velocity.

It's also true with Observer B. But when you ask what time Observer A saw, that time was

experienced in just one frame.

Even Observer C sees that adding up time experienced in the B and C frame is two distinct frames.

Imagine a fourth observer D who sees all three observers A, B and C moving off at some other

common velocity.

Observer D still sees A as having a single and unchanging velocity and B and C as having

two different ones.

Yet there is no acceleration in any of these examples.

It's not the acceleration.

In the comments of the earlier video, some people insisted that frame jumping, which

is the term they often used, requires acceleration.

And that's true to change the motion of one observer.

In the classic twin paradox example, Ron certainly did experience acceleration to change frames.

But that's why the thought experiment explained here is so important.

It's because it removes that confusing factor.

Time dilation occurs because of constant motion, not because of acceleration.

Finally, there were a few people who claimed that the time dilation was built into the

example because A, B, and C started out stationary and B and C were accelerated prior to the

start of the example.

But that's not true either.

I mean, it could be that way.

But you could redo the problem with B staying stationary and A and C having been accelerated

in the past, or C staying stationary and the other two having been accelerated.

Or you could have all three of them having been accelerated.

Since I didn't give you the acceleration history in my thought experiment, you can't

know it and it therefore doesn't matter.

What matters is one and only one thing.

And that's the fact that we are comparing the time experienced by an individual in one

frame to the time experienced in two frames.

Acceleration, while obviously necessary for an individual to move between frames, is an

incidental factor here.

It's only time and distance and velocity that matter here.

It's just the coolest thing.

Okay, so this video covers some of the same material as in the previous video, but with

a very different explanatory approach.

I'm very curious to hear what you think about the two different approaches so be sure

to share your thoughts in the comments.

We'd hope that you'll like and share the video so other people know how to use relativity

the right way.

And, of course, remember- physics is everything.

For more infomation >> Twin paradox: the real explanation (no math) - Duration: 12:05.


THEY'RE COMING! MASSIVE Crusade Of INVADERS Marching To U S Right NOW To Annihilate America - Duration: 5:51.

An unprecedented angry army of Crusaders are making their way toward the U.S. right now

, and are bringing complete chaos and destruction with them .

Thes invaders are organized and have a horrific plan to annihilate America . By the sheer

size of their massive migrant caravan, they can't be stopped and are prepared to do

whatever it takes to take over.

A former Secret Service agent is warning everyone , border patrol agents are abandoning their

posts to protect themselves . The army of invaders are expected to make it here in about

a week and are bringing hell with them that must be stopped before they get here.

However, most of the mainstream media is strangely silent about this horrendous ordeal which

we will all soon be faced with.

The group of approximately 1,000 mostly-Honduran invaders started their trek to America on

March 25 which began in the far southern Mexican town of Tapachula , the Daily Mail reported

. They have already made it 150 miles on foot and are picking up steam as President Donald

Trump ripped into Mexico Monday morning for knowing that this army of asylum-seekers were

coming here and refusing to do anything about it.

Trump tweeted that Mexico had "absolute power" to stop the caravan before they got

too far but let them continue marching on toward our border where they plan to riot

in Puebla, Mexico when they arrive there between April 5-9.

From there, they will force their way into the U.S. by all means possible and will demand

asylum and will not quit until they get it.






wrote on Facebook including a picture and video of the invasion coming our way.

Despite the massive lack of media coverage, likely because leftist outlets don't see

the clear and present danger that this group is, Trump is furious and not taking it lightly.

"They must stop them at their Northern Border, which they can do because their border laws

work, not allow them to pass through into our country, which has no effective border

laws," Trump announced today on Twitter.

We have the power to stop it or fight it even if a citizen militia forms, but without media

attention on it and people being warned what to prepare for, the invasion will be here

before anything can be done about it.

We can't wait until it's too late.

The Washington Examiner reported what this caravan is already celebrating as a victory:

According to an account from the Center for Immigration Studies, Mexican authorities have

allowed the migrants to drive north "with relative ease."

Researcher Kausha Luna added that the group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which aids immigrants,

bragged about speeding into Mexico.

It said, "On Monday Pueblo Sin Fronteras posted a video with the caption, 'The Refugee

Caravan knocking down borders yesterday in Huehuetan!

Immigration agents abandoned the post when they saw us coming.

The people celebrate this first small victory!"

Locals have also provided supplies along the way.

Their goal is to cross into the U.S. this weekend and demand asylum.

But they have also prepared special security measures should something go wrong, according

to Luna.

"Additionally, the group practiced security protocols, including formations which called

for the men of the group to form a wall around the women and children.

Moreover, the Central Americans made their way to Mexico's Commission for Refugee Assistance

and made calls for better compliance with international and national laws, faster processing

of asylum applications, and an increase in acceptance rates," she wrote.

This is likely a victory for the left as well who want endless amounts of illegals here

regardless of the hell they bring on our system that they will inevitably overwhelm.

If nothing is done to stop this invasion before it gets here, the fallout from it will most

assuredly be blamed on Trump as well, regardless of the fact that he's the only one harping

on it now and being ignored.

The Daily Mail reports:

At its current rate, the caravan could reach the U.S. by early May, or earlier, if the

immigrants speed up their journey with trains or buses.

Reports from the road indicate that Mexican authorities have been abandoning border checkpoints

to let the group travel unimpeded and that locals are helping the caravan along the way,

donating food and water.

This has infuriated President Trump, who took to Twitter shortly after 7am Monday morning

to demand action from Mexico and the U.S. government.

"Mexico has the absolute power not to let these large 'Caravans' of people enter

their country," he claimed.

Assaulting his opposition in the U.S. legislature, Trump also said, 'Congress must immediately

pass Border Legislation, use Nuclear Option if necessary, to stop the massive inflow of

Drugs and People.

"Border Patrol Agents (and ICE) are GREAT, but the weak Dem laws don't allow them to

do their job.

Act now Congress, our country is being stolen!"

Trump went on to call America's border laws 'pathetic' compared to Mexico's in the

Twitter rant that invoked a trade agreement between the two countries and Canada that's

being renegotiated on his orders.

He argued that Mexico is 'making a fortune' on the North American Free Trade Agreement.

"With all of the money they make from the U.S., hopefully, they will stop people from

coming through their country and into ours, at least until Congress changes our immigration

laws!" he said.

Mexico doesn't seem the least bit interested in stopping the army of immigrants this time

as they have never done anything to slow the constant flow of border crossers before.

These people will become America's problem and no longer Mexico's which is exactly

what they are hoping for.

For more infomation >> THEY'RE COMING! MASSIVE Crusade Of INVADERS Marching To U S Right NOW To Annihilate America - Duration: 5:51.


Liverpool defender Joel Matip to miss the rest of the season with thigh injury ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:17.

Liverpool defender Joel Matip will miss the rest of the season with an injury, the club

have announced.

The Cameroon international sustained a thigh injury during the win over Crystal Palace

last weekend,

and despite being able to complete 90 minutes a subsequent assessment has uncovered a problem

that will sideline him for the remainder of the campaign.

That will mean the 26-year-old misses the Champions League quarter-final with Manchester

City as well as Saturday's Merseyside derby with Everton.

A short statement read: "Joel Matip is likely to require an operation on a thigh injury,

Liverpool can confirm.

"The centre-back sustained the issue during Saturday's 2-1 victory over Crystal Palace

at Selhurst Park.

"Matip was able to complete the full 90 minutes of the fixture, but afterwards medical assessment

on the thigh revealed surgery is expected to be required to correct the problem.

"The operation is likely to end the 26-year-old's involvement in the remainder of the 2017-18


The Reds secured the signing of the centre-back in 2016 on a free transfer from FC Schalke


and he's proved to be one of the smartest acquisitions the club have made in recent


Additionally, Matip brings an assurance to the base of the team alongside Virgil van

Dijk with his smart distribution.

For manager Jurgen Klopp, the issue comes at the worst possible time, as Liverpool's

season is set to reach a critical point.

With Joe Gomez sidelined with an ankle problem, the Reds appear to be a little light in defence.

Dejan Lovren, who is renowned for being inconsistent at the base of the side, is likely to start

against City on Wednesday as a result.

For more infomation >> Liverpool defender Joel Matip to miss the rest of the season with thigh injury ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:17.


Is There Less Oxygen in the Winter Since It's Colder? - Duration: 2:59.


Back in elementary school, we all learned that trees are awesome.

And not only because of climbing and tree forts, but because they make the oxygen you breathe.

Your cells need oxygen to convert food into usable energy, so you'd die without it.

And you probably also learned that trees and other plants make oxygen

using a little chemical reaction called photosynthesis.

Using light energy from the Sun, they can combine carbon dioxide and water

to make sugar and oxygen, with a little leftover water.

But if you take that train of thought one step further: during winter, when it gets

colder and darker and those trees drop their leaves, there's less photosynthesis.

So is there less oxygen too?

The answer is actually yes!

But only a tiny bit less.

First off, you can breathe easy, the Earth has plenty of oxygen,

and the amount in our atmosphere is pretty stable.

By volume, about 21% of the air we breathe is O2

and almost all of this oxygen is from photosynthesis.

But trees and other plants that grow on land aren't the only source of it.

About half or more of the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from a bunch of microorganisms

in the ocean called phytoplankton, which photosynthesize too.

Although the oxygen they make gets dissolved in water first,

instead of going straight into the air.

In fact, the most abundant photosynthesizer on Earth

could be a marine cyanobacteria called Prochlorococcus.

Photosynthesis in the ocean also varies seasonally.

At higher latitudes in the summer, the Sun is higher in the sky

and sunlight penetrates deeper into the ocean.

So phytoplankton get more light, photosynthesize more, and make more oxygen.

Warmer water also holds fewer dissolved gas molecules.

Because warmer molecules are wriggling around with more energy,

oxygen can break away more easily and escape into the atmosphere.

Now, it wasn't until the 1990s that scientists started regularly measuring

how much O2 changes seasonally.

At a few different stations around the globe, they collect air samples in flasks

and compare them to standardized reference samples.

What they actually measure is changes in the ratio of O2 to N2,

because nitrogen gas levels stay pretty constant.

And they've found that O2 decreases by about 24 parts per million by volume

during the winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Since the atmosphere is about 210,000 parts per million of oxygen,

that change isn't very much, only about 0.01%.

Now, there is a little bit less seasonal variation in oxygen in the Southern Hemisphere.

More of the Earth's land masses are in the Northern Hemisphere,

and all of those land plants release oxygen directly into the air.

That means there's a slightly bigger change in winter

when they're not photosynthesizing as much.

But, all in all, you can thank the plants and phytoplankton for keeping you alive.

And even during the winter, there's still plenty of O2 for you.

Thanks to our Patreon patron Ethan Ambrose for asking, who's apparently just 5 years old!

Thanks Ethan! And thanks to everyone who voted for this question in our poll.

If you want to support SciShow, and possibly submit a question yourself

you can go to

And if there are any young people in your life who are curious about science,

check out SciShow Kids at!


For more infomation >> Is There Less Oxygen in the Winter Since It's Colder? - Duration: 2:59.


The Untold Truth Of Roseanne - Duration: 5:15.

Roseanne was a revelation when it hit the air in 1988.

Starring stand-up comedian and self-proclaimed "domestic goddess" Roseanne Barr, the refreshingly

working class sitcom dominated the TV ratings in the '80s and '90s, and made huge stars

out of many in its cast.

And it successfully returned to TV in 2018, debuting to huge ratings with its first new

episode in years.

Here's a look behind the scenes of this smash sitcom.

Not just a vehicle

In the late '80s and early '90s, it was common to build a show around a stand-up comedian.

Roseanne certainly feels like it was based on the act of Roseanne Barr, but she was actually

cast in a role that TV producers Marcy Carsey and Tom Werner had already conceived.

Carsey told the Archive of American Television,

"What wasn't on at the time was anything about a working mother.

We knew we needed a loud and interesting and unique and in-your-face kind of presence to

take it to the more outrageous end of the spectrum."

"It's like a cathartic way of making the world right."

Werner suggested Barr, a comedian they'd both seen and thoroughly enjoyed on The Tonight


The star vs. the creator

When Roseanne went into production, it wasn't called Roseanne.

It was called Life and Stuff, and Matt Williams, the guy who wrote it, intended for it to be

an "ensemble piece" as opposed to a starring vehicle for Barr.

When Barr got her way, it launched a bitter power struggle between her and Williams, the

show's head writer and co-executive producer.

In the middle of Roseanne's first season, Barr threatened to quit the show after only

13 of the 22 ordered episodes had been completed … unless Williams got the boot.

"Hey, I'm not a restaurant, okay?

You eat what I cook or you don't eat at all."

Williams got canned, but people who worked on the show told the Los Angeles Times that

producers almost let Barr walk, because she would allegedly launch into angry tirades

on the set, lock herself in her dressing room, or leave the studio at a moment's notice.

The star vs. the writers

Roseanne was celebrated for the quality of its writing, but reports from behind-the-scenes

reveal that it wasn't the best work environment.

After the show's staff would finish a script and the cast would do its initial read-through,

Barr would reportedly re-write the script herself.

That injected a lot of fear and resentment into the writers' room, which Barr later attributed

to writers having, quote, "a lot of emotional problems."

After observing that her writers would only laugh at the jokes they wrote at the read-throughs,

Barr reportedly assigned numbers to each member of the staff and would only refer to them

by their designated number.

Roseanne writer Amy Sherman-Palladino, who would go on to create acclaimed shows such

as Gilmore Girls and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, said her nickname was "2," and revealed to

Entertainment Weekly that …

"The writers did not think it was funny."

Roseanne writer and future Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon called the set

"a brutal environment" and added …

"Anytime you tell someone, 'I'm not going to learn your name, here's your number,' you're

diminishing their worth."

Cartoon incarnation

Not only did the big TV networks give a lot of stand-up comedians their own sitcoms in

the '90s, they also gave them their own Saturday morning cartoon shows.

Roseanne Barr's was called Little Rosey.

On this Roseanne-meets-Muppet Babies curiosity from 1990, 8-year-old Rosey battled everyday

little kid problems, like strict parents and tough school assignments.

Barr didn't voice the kid version of herself — actress Kathleen Laskey did a slightly

higher-pitched take on Barr's signature sound.

"I want you to do something!

Call the police, or the National Guard!"

Barr claimed the show was the only one like it on the air at the time with a female protagonist

and that it had good ratings.

Even still, ABC canceled it after just 13 episodes.

Sitcom pioneer

Roseanne was among a small group of ground-breaking shows in the '90s that helped normalize LGBTQ

characters on television.

Roseanne's boss, Leon, was openly gay, and he wed his partner, Scott, on an episode of

the show.

Sandra Bernhard's Nancy was one of the first out lesbian sitcom characters on American


Another character, played by Mariel Hemingway, kissed Roseanne in a gay bar during a 1994

episode that ABC initially refused to air.

Failed spin-off

Roseanne's long, stellar run ended on some odd notes.

In the final season of the show, the narrative took a complete 180-degree turn as the Conners

won the lottery and experienced rich people adventures and problems.

The series finale flipped the script again, revealing that many events of the series hadn't

actually happened to Roseanne at all, but were things she'd written for a book.

The biggest gut-punch?

Dan passed away following a heart attack at Darlene's wedding.

That's a mic drop of an ending, but not everyone was ready to let go of the show that had made

the network so much money over the previous nine years.

So in 1997, shortly before the series finale aired, production company Carsey-Werner engaged

in talks with ABC about a spin-off or continuation of Roseanne.

ABC reportedly backed away after Carsey-Warner's asking price was too high, and the project

fell apart.

Long time coming

Roseanne made its much-heralded return to TV in March 2018, but if Roseanne Barr had

acted on some comments she made to a reporter a decade ago, her show could have kicked off

the current TV revival fad.

In 2009, Barr told Entertainment Weekly what she thought each of the show's major characters

would be up to in a decade's time.

She said DJ would have lost his life in Iraq, and the family would have lost their house.

When asked for info on Jackie, Becky, Darlene, and the rest, Barr said,

"Your question is intellectual property that may be developed later, so I don't want to

get into that."

That time has come, and there are a lot of unanswered questions.

How is Dan alive?

What's up with the two Beckys?

You'll have to watch and find out.


Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Roseanne - Duration: 5:15.


• deathbeds [james i of scotland & joan beaufort] - Duration: 1:22.

The depth of your beauty, brings the rest of the world to shame.

I love you.

I'm with child.

Come back to me James.


For more infomation >> • deathbeds [james i of scotland & joan beaufort] - Duration: 1:22.


Dev Diaries: Polish Tech Tree Pt. 1 - Duration: 5:50.

At Wargaming Fest, we announced the release of the Polish Tech Tree in 2018.

It is time to lift the veil of secrecy

and share details about the development of the new vehicles.

Why did you decide to create a separate Tech Tree for Polish vehicles?

When we started, we were actually considering one more option:

that it will be actually a European Tree as a combination of different nations.

But not long after, we decided that for the Polish community

and for the size of our players,

a pure Polish Tree would be actually much, much better.

So, not long ago, I would say somewhere in 2017,

we finally got to a pretty good space where we decided,

"Okay, you know what… at least let's go outside with something."

So that's why we actually released Pudel.

Because we felt fully committed behind the Polish Tree.

But still, fairly speaking,

we still didn't have the Tier X that we would feel comfortable with.

But nowadays I can say we have actually a Tree

that we think is gonna definitely make the Polish community proud.

Why did development of the Polish Tech Tree take so long?

The biggest problem for us probably was the end,

the content at the end of the Tree.

We wanted to create at least one full line of vehicles

as we did for the Czechoslovakia Tree.

We had enough candidates for low tiers,

but we faced problems when we started searching

for vehicles for Tiers VIII, IX, X.

We wanted to make something that will go from the beginning till the end,

be consistent, be cohesive.

And so I would say it wasn't so much about the development itself,

it was much more about digging into archives,

going through all the documents, going through the real vehicles.

We were really going through every single combination.

And it doesn't look like it, but it takes ages

just to go through archives, go through museums, really gather all the materials.

In the meantime, we started to work on symbols for the Polish nation:

emblems, inscriptions, the flag, and crew.

Developers from Minsk discussed every step with the team in Paris.

We corrected spelling mistakes in inscriptions,

discussed the shade of red in the Polish flag, and picked emblems.

Few people know that the red in the Polish flag

changed several times over the last 100 years.

Even though we would love to actually be much faster,

it's unfortunately what takes the most time,

while we are developing the completely new lines of vehicles,

especially in case of something so important for us

as, for example, the Polish.

But I think the time that the players are waiting is gonna be worth it.

This year, the Italian Tech Tree

will be released earlier than the Polish Tech Tree.

Why will the Polish Tech Tree be released later?

For Italians, we actually had a little bit more materials,

and we were much closer actually to the Italian Tree from the get-go,

because there were lots of possible combinations.

It was more for us about polishing which ones we are gonna pick.

With Italians, we were pretty much set.

And it was much easier actually for us to go through it.

For the Polish, we had to actually spend a little bit more time in the archives

and digging into the data.

What vehicles will the Polish Tech Tree include

and how historically accurate will they be?

For the Polish, it's gonna be a combination.

At the beginning of the Tree, it's gonna be much more historically accurate.

There's gonna be the long-awaited K.S.U.S.T.

that the community was talking so much about.

At the end of the line, there are gonna be completely made-up things.

Of course, we are still using the materials from the archives.

So they have been at least thought through.

They were pitched by either universities or by some engineering groups in Poland.

But there are still actually things coming directly from the napkin.

Regarding the structure of the Tree, it's gonna be a combined Tree.

So it's gonna start with LTs, going to mediums,

and ending with some heavy tanks.

We considered several options.

One of them was to use Polish modifications of Soviet vehicles.

And part of the community was ready to accept such a decision

if this would have introduced the Polish Tech Tree earlier.

However, in the end, we gave up this option.

The game already has Soviet clones and such vehicles

would not be of interest to the wide European gaming community.

What is the current stage of development of the Polish Tech Tree?

For us right now, we are just about to actually hit the Supertest.

So we already have done the research,

we've done the first pass of modeling and some first balance touches.

Now we need actually the players and the Supertesters

to get their hands on it and give us feedback—how are we actually doing?

Is it good? Does it feel solid?

To get the data that supports that it works,

or it will tell us that we still have some work to do.

Plus as you may have actually noticed,

we've been already testing a new map, the Polish map "Studzianki".

For the Tech Trees, we are always trying to actually go up

together with the Premium or with the line, with a map from the region.

We decided for Studzianki because we felt like,

historically and for the Polish nation,

it's definitely some really important event during the Second World War.

We hope you will like the Polish tanks

and we look forward to your first comments on the vehicles

that will become available on the Supertest server.

For more infomation >> Dev Diaries: Polish Tech Tree Pt. 1 - Duration: 5:50.


Top 10 Ways Kephrii Destroys EVERYONE Widowmaker GOD - Overwatch - Duration: 5:05.

if you've ever asked someone who plays a lot of overwatch who

the best Widow is a common answer that you might get is kephrii, kephrii is a

very popular overwatch twitch streamer with well over 350,000 followers who

consistently shows his ultra dominant widow play and consistently lands in the

top players of the overwatch competitive ladder today on epic moments we're going

to show you the top 10 ways kephrii destroys the enemy on Widowmaker my name

is Nathan and this is Blizzard guides

Clips like these really show us how scary kephrii can be on widow however i'd

like to know who you think the best widow is so let me know in the comments

down below let's see who the community really thinks the best of the best is

also don't forget to leave a like on this video if you want to keep seeing

this kind of content and don't forget to subscribe as we have tons of great

overwatch content from highlight videos just like this 2 tips and tricks videos

so that you can be the best overwatch player that you can be I hope you guys

enjoyed this one have a nice day my name is Nathan and this was blizzard guides

For more infomation >> Top 10 Ways Kephrii Destroys EVERYONE Widowmaker GOD - Overwatch - Duration: 5:05.


A Family Saw This Creature Clinging To The Rocks And Set Off To Help When They Realized What It Was - Duration: 5:19.

There was something strange just above the water line.

When the Gecys spotted a mysterious creature clinging to some rocks, they were fascinated.

Their intrigue soon turned to panic when they realized, what the animal was, though, and

so they set off on their way to help.

Robert and Dee Gecy live with their family in Beaufort County, South Carolina, and in

July 2017 they were enjoying a day out on the Harbor River in their boat.

However, as they were cruising through the water, something caught their eye.

Yes, as they soaked up the scenery, the family caught sight of what they believed to be an


The only problem was this: it wasn't in the water.

Instead, it appeared to be scaling the bottom of the McTeer Bridge – which connects Beaufort

to Lady's Island.

Unsurprisingly, the family were captivated, and so they steered the boat closer to the

bridge, where they could get a better look.

However, as they got near, they were horrified to see that the creature wasn't in fact

an octopus at all.

As it turned out, the orange shape that they'd mistaken for a sea creature was actually a

tiny ginger kitten.

The cat looked just over a month old, and what is more, he was precariously hanging

on to the oyster pilings at the bottom of the bridge.

One misplaced paw, then, and the little animal would splash into the water.

The Gecy family were understandably astonished by what they were seeing.

"We were in disbelief," Robert told the Beaufort Gazette in July 2017.

And they knew they'd have to act quickly to save the kitten.

Dee then began to film as the Gecys embarked on their rescue attempt.

This involved the family attempting to steer their boat to the oyster piling to get near

the animal.

Unfortunately, the powerful tide just kept pushing them away.

Meanwhile, as they worked out what to do, Dee called out comforting words to the kitten

– but the baby cat looked absolutely terrified.

Indeed, as the family approached, they could see that he was quivering with fear and that

he had also sustained some gashes to his belly.

After a nervous few minutes, the Gecys subsequently steered their boat within reaching distance

of the kitten.

Finally, then, they were able to pull the poor creature from the oyster pilings and

place him in their boat.

And before long, the little animal was back to the safety of dry land.

That said, the tiny kitten was showing some signs of dehydration, so the family decided

that the best course of action was to take him home.

Once there, the good Samaritans then cleaned the animal up and provided him with some much-needed

food and water.

Thankfully,the kitten had no major injuries or ailments, so the family reckoned he'd

be as right as rain in no time.

And they were spot on.

"He seems to be doing great now," Robert told The Beaufort Gazette a few days after

the rescue.

Later, Dee meanwhile decided to share the footage she'd captured that day.

And in the accompanying caption on social media, she revealed what she believed was

the nature of the harrowing ordeal that the kitten had been through.

"We rescued a tiny kitten today that appears to have been thrown off the bridge," she

wrote on Facebook in July 2017.

"He couldn't be much more than four or five weeks.

He was very lucky and only appears to have minor scrapes from the oysters.

His name is McTeer".

Dee's husband Robert, for his part, expanded on their theory about someone throwing McTeer

off the bridge, although he conceded that the kitten could have fallen too.

Either way, as he told The Beaufort Gazette, "It was very odd circumstances as to where

we found him".

In the meantime, Dee's video had gone viral on Facebook.

Indeed, before long the footage was viewed 148,000 times.

It also clocked up over 300 comments, many of which doubled up as adoption offers for


But McTeer wasn't going anywhere.

Yes, the Gecy family had already decided to keep him as their own.

"Thank you for all the wonderful comments.

McTeer is doing fantastic!

He is healthy, full of energy and already spoiled rotten," Robert reassured the kitten's

fans on Facebook.

A few days after the kitten's rescue, the Gecy family took McTeer for a check-up at

the Port Royal Veterinary Hospital, and there vets too, confirmed that the cat was doing


"He is in remarkably good shape, considering everything," veterinarian Marikay Campbell

told The Beaufort Gazette.

However, just to be sure, Campbell x-rayed the kitten and took samples of his blood to

ensure that everything was well on the inside.

"One concern is his sodium levels and if he had ingested or inhaled saltwater," she


"Sometimes it can have an effect even if he didn't drown".

udging by Dee's Facebook pictures, though, it appears that little McTeer got the all-clear

from the veterinary clinic.

As you can see, he now lives a comfortable life of nap times and cuddles in the Gecy


And although things could have been very different for the kitten, the family, for their part,

don't see themselves as heroes.

"We did anything any other person who would have seen the kitten would have done," Robert


"It's a happy ending, and hopefully he won't have to use any more of his nine lives".

For more infomation >> A Family Saw This Creature Clinging To The Rocks And Set Off To Help When They Realized What It Was - Duration: 5:19.


The Success of 'God's Plan' Has Helped Drake Break a New Record - Duration: 1:13.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Drake has reached a new milestone in his career.

According to Billboard "God's Plan," which had one of the most genuinely exciting

music videos of the year, just wrapped up its 10th week on the top of the Billboard

Hot 100 charts.

Drake has spent 10 weeks at number one with 'One Dance' but having a second single do

the same thing makes him the first male solo artist to do so.

Billboard also reported that "God's Plan" is only the 36th song in Hot 100's 59-year

history to lead the charts for at least 10 weeks, and only the fifth to have spent the

first 10 weeks at No. 1.

The other four songs are Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men's "One Sweet Day", Elton

John's "Candle in the Wind", Diddy and Faith Evans' Notorious B.I.G. tribute "I'll

be missing you", and Adele's 'Hello.'

That's some pretty good company if you ask me.

Drakes new achievement shows just how massive his status is in the world or pop-rap hits

for the masses.

All eyes are on Drizzy as he gets ready to give us a new album.

He posted on Instagram over the weekend with a photo captioned,

You can see the album hours under my eyes.

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> The Success of 'God's Plan' Has Helped Drake Break a New Record - Duration: 1:13.


JAW BREAKER: Entire Network Left Limping After President Trump Throws Powerful Zucker-Punch. - Duration: 3:16.

JAW BREAKER: Entire Network Left Limping After President Trump Throws Powerful Zucker-Punch.

President Donald Trump came out swinging early Tuesday morning.

Not only does he know the "Art of the Deal," but he's also the MASTER OF TROLLING!

President Trump made fun of CNN's president on Twitter, calling him "Little Jeff Zuker"

and slammed the network's nonstop bias.

The President is right in calling out the fake news network who's been caught in so

many lies, and their failing network has turned into trash.

With the recent coverage of 24/7 "sh*t-hole" and "Stormy Daniels" coverage, it's

no wonder their rating keep tanking.

Hannity, himself, gave Jeff Zucker a new name.

You can read more about that HERE.

President Trump blasted Zucker and CNN on twitter, the day after Jim Acosta shouted

questions at him about DACA, in front of children during the Easter Egg Roll at the White House.

"Check out the fact that you can't get a job at ratings-challenged @CNN unless you

state that you are totally anti-Trump?

Little Jeff Zuker, whose job is in jeopardy, is not having much fun lately."

President Trump mocked CNN.

Then, the President offered some advice for the network that consistently bashes Trump.

"They should clean up and strengthen CNN and get back to honest reporting!" he declared.

Trump also supported Sinclair Broadcast Group after media outlets criticized the network

of local TV stations for giving local reporters a one minute script of content criticizing

one-sided and fake news.

"The Fake News Networks, those that knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, are worried

about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast.

The 'Fakers' at CNN, NBC, ABC & CBS have done so much dishonest reporting that they

should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!"

President Trump said.

CNN became so triggered by President Trump's tweets they responded "trying" to one

up the President, but failed miserably.

CNN communications responded, "Once again, false.

The personal political beliefs of CNN's employees are of no interest to us.

Their pursuit of the truth is our only concern.

Also, Jeff's last name is spelled Z-U-C-K-E-R.

Those are the facts.


"As for "challenged," CNN just finished its second highest rated first quarter in

the past nine years.

Those are the facts.


"Interesting poll out of Monmouth: more people trust @CNN than @realDonaldTrump Those

are the facts.


Nice try CNN.

You can't beat the troll master.

President Trump is absolutely correct in calling out the phony networks.

Especially CNN with their 24/7 Trump-bashing.

This is not a President who will lay down and let people run over him.

We finally have a President with a spine.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> JAW BREAKER: Entire Network Left Limping After President Trump Throws Powerful Zucker-Punch. - Duration: 3:16.


Why Do We Have Eyebrows? - Duration: 3:56.

Hey, Squeaks!

I have a great idea.

I'm going to show you a feeling, like happy or sad, and you have to guess what I'm thinking

of, without me saying a word.

Got it?

[Squeaks squeaks]

Do you know what feeling I'm thinking of?

[Squeaks squeaks]

You're right — I'm pretending to be scared!

But how can you tell?

What's different about my face?

See how my eyebrows go up?

That's how you can tell.

Your brain knows that eyebrows arching up like that means "scared."

Let's try one more!


[Squeaks squeaks]

Oh no, Squeaks, I'm not really angry!

[Squeaks squeaks]

Did you all know I was pretending to be angry, too?

How could you tell?

Look how my eyebrows go down and angle in like that.

When you think about it, it's kind of weird that we have these random bits of hair on

our foreheads.

You have the hair on your head, and then the smooth skin of your face, and then bam: two

more patches of hair where your eyebrows are.

But they're actually really important!

Your eyebrows help you express all sorts of different emotions to the world, without you

having to say a word.

If your forehead was covered with hair or fur, it would be much harder to see your eyebrows,

and they wouldn't do as good of a job of expressing different feelings.

So it helps that they stand out on your face!

Your eyebrows have another job, too, besides helping you show what you're feeling.

They protect your eyes from all sorts of stuff, like water, sweat, and anything else that

might get into your eyes.

They're almost like little umbrellas.

An umbrella curves downward so that the rain can fall off the sides of it.

Otherwise, the rain would just collect right on top.

That wouldn't be so helpful!

And your eyebrows have a natural curve to them too, called an arch.

It's like a part of a circle – there's a high point in the middle, and then both

sides of it point downward.

So if you're out in the rain, your eyebrows make sure you don't get water in your eyes,

which would make it hard to see.

And when you sweat, which is something your body naturally does to cool itself down, your

eyebrows do the same thing: they keep the sweat out of your eyes!

You wouldn't want sweat in your eyes because for one thing, it would be hard to see.

Plus, sweat is naturally salty, which could bother your eyes a bit!

We know our eyesight is important because, not to brag, but human vision is pretty incredible.

Overall, people are pretty good at seeing things that are far away — even if they

have to use glasses to help them.

And when we look at something that's far, we're also good at knowing how far away

it is.

Plus, most people can see more than a million colors!

So, our eyes are pretty special, and our eyebrows are there to keep them healthy and happy.

Scientists think the reason why we have such awesome eyesight is because a really long

time ago, people had to watch out for animals that might attack them.

If you were a human way back when, and you were running from a predator like a big hyena

or a saber-toothed cat or a poisonous snake, you would need to be able to see where the

animal was and where you were running to.

And if you were sweating, or it was raining, or there was dust being kicked up while you

were running, you would not want any of that to get into your eyes!

So, in a way, your eyebrows really save the day!

These days, you don't need to worry about being chased down by hyenas.

But it still helps that your eyebrows protect your eyes, like if it's a hot day and you're

running around on the playground, or if it's raining and you don't have an umbrella.

They do all that, and they help you tell the world how you're feeling!

So, can you guess how I'm feeling now?

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's right!

I'm feeling excited, and that's because we've learned so much cool stuff today!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

For more infomation >> Why Do We Have Eyebrows? - Duration: 3:56.


Shooting reported at YouTube headquarters - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Shooting reported at YouTube headquarters - Duration: 3:38.


The Bold and the Beautiful - How We've Hurt Each Other - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> The Bold and the Beautiful - How We've Hurt Each Other - Duration: 2:26.


CBC NL Here & Now Tuesday April 3 2018 - Duration: 1:01:17.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Tuesday April 3 2018 - Duration: 1:01:17.


General Electric shares continue to tumble - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> General Electric shares continue to tumble - Duration: 5:50.


Preventing TBI's by Preventing Falls - Duration: 6:20.

When you look at statistics around brain injury, 47% of them come from falling.

We're going to talk about how to prevent that today.

In the United States, March has been Brain Injury Awareness Month, and we've been posting

some information about this on one of our Instagram page.

One of the graphics that we just put up comes from the US government looking at the causes

of brain injury, and the number one cause, by a huge margin in 2013, was falling, 47%.

Compare that to 17% from traffic accidents, which is where most people would think that

you would have a head injury come from.

Now the reason that we discuss this a lot in our curriculum is we are very interested

in the visual system, but also the vestibular system, your inner ear and its influence on

your movement, your pain, but specifically its job, which is keeping your head from hitting

the floor.

Your balance.

Today what I'm going to go through are just a couple of drills focused on one specific

portion of the vestibular system called the utricle.

Now I'm not going to do a long anatomical discussion today, but you basically have these

organs in your inner ear.

They call them otolith organs.

That means ear stone.

Have you ever heard of people having stones or little crystals in their ear?

This is what they're referring to.

Now you have two different otolith organs.

One is called the utricle.

The other is called the saccule.

You don't need to know that, although there is a quiz at the end.

And the utricle basically gives us information about linear movements of the body.

When I'm walking forward, I'm walking toward the camera, I'm walking backwards, I'm moving

side-to-side, these are going to require the utricle to give me good information.

Now this is a very integrated system, so when I saw we're working on the utricle only, we're


We're going to be involving a lot of other things.

But we have some drills that we have found to be very helpful for just stimulating this

portion of your inner ear, so if you have issues like motion sickness, you have ... let's

say you're in the airport and you're on one of the people movers and things feel a little

bit weird, you feel a little bit dizzy ... these drills can be really helpful for those kind

of situations.

On top of that, if you're an athlete and you have to do a lot of running, sprinting, etc,

sometimes reducing the impact of everything you're doing and really focusing on these

particular drills can have a huge impact on performance, as well.

So let's go through them.

The basic thing that we're going to be working on here are linear movements of the head and


Now the goal for us, whenever we do vestibular work, is to link it to the visual system,

because they're supposed to work together.

The basic setup that I would have you do, first and foremost, first exercise, is you're

going to want a visual target.

For this particular blog, I'm looking at the camera.

But you can set this up anywhere, in your gym, in your house, and I just recommend using

one of our downloads.

Put up a Snellen chart.

It's got the different size letters on it, or some kind of other visual target.

And I normally have people start relatively close, maybe an arm's length from that target,

and you want to have it just slightly below your standing head level, because what we're

going to do is we're going to get into kind of an athletic stance.

So like a quarter squat.

We're then going to focus on one target.

I would be looking at the camera lens, and then as I focus on the target, I would then

begin moving my body side to side.

Now I'm moving fairly quickly.

And what this requires my body to do, it's going to activate the utricle.

It's also going to make the utricle and the visual system try to work together.

Looks pretty simple.

We're just moving side to side, but I try and go faster and faster and faster and still

maintain that clear visual target.

That's drill number one.

Drill number two is you want to make this much more challenging, is you repeat the same

exercise, only now you cover one eye, all right?

Then you cover the other eye.

What you may find is that by removing one of the eyes from the equation, it gets much

more difficult, more challenging.

Maybe you start to feel a little bit weird.

You have the option throughout any of these drills to actually decrease the challenge.

You can go slower.

It can be smaller.

You can use a bigger target.

The idea is to find kind of a challenging movement that you can do, but one that is

relatively comfortable, because obviously we don't want you to feel bad after you do


Now you can take this to another level, should you choose to, by adding in some head tilt

to it.

One of the interesting things about the utricle is that it senses not only motions like this

and forward and backward movement, it also senses head tilts.

Another level to this drill would then be to focus on your target, tilt the head, focus

on the target and then move side-to-side.

And then switch, head tilt, move side-to-side.

Your last layer then, you could do that with one eye at a time using an eye patch or whatever.

Now again, we're just kind of throwing these out there as options for you.

I have no idea what your inner ear is like, what your balance system is like.

Your number one rule here is you have to be safe.

If you get any kind of dizziness, you probably should stop.

Either reduce the speed, reduce the range of motion, reduce the intensity, like the

challenge of the visual system.

And if you still feel bad, you need to stop completely.

Talk to your healthcare provider.

Make sure there's nothing contraindicated for you.

However, these are very powerful simple drills.

In terms of your goals, the idea would be to work up to roughly 30 seconds to a minute

of each iteration of the drill.

Again, find the one that's challenging for you.

If you can do this for a minute and your visual system's never feeling challenge, you're never

feeling any discomfort from it or any balance challenge, I think that's too easy for you.

You again progress your way through, trying to find what is challenging, but still feels


And then aim to do that maybe 30 seconds to a minute several times a day.

Give this a shot.

If you have any questions about it, please let us know.

Otherwise, good luck with this, and hopefully you will find it will have a tremendous impact

on your balance, as well as your performance.


For more infomation >> Preventing TBI's by Preventing Falls - Duration: 6:20.


Failboat 200,000 Subs LIVE Reaction - Duration: 1:58:10.

For more infomation >> Failboat 200,000 Subs LIVE Reaction - Duration: 1:58:10.


Active Shooter At YouTube HQ In Calif. - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Active Shooter At YouTube HQ In Calif. - Duration: 1:21.


Cyber Fashion: Digital Fabric - Cyberpunk 2077 Lore - Duration: 5:11.

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadqueenShow!

I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu, we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 lore video for you, and today we're

going to talk about Digital Fabric

Digital Fabric integrates microcircuitry into the weave of material, allowing the material

to have other properties than mere adornments and protection

Some weaves incorporate light emitting threading that allows the material to act as a video receiver

Some weaves are made up of vibrating monofibers that allow the cloth to emit sounds

Other weaves involve pheromone fibers that emit perfumes or other smells

Still, others have heating or cooling abilities, or sensors that can pick up the body's natural

electrical fields to gain information on the wearer's condition

Most buttons and zippers incorporate microcomputers to control these functions

Heat sensitive patches and badges also allow the user to control functions of the digital fabric

By adding a patch or a badge, you can often integrate new functions into an existing piece of clothing

Clothes in 2077 know if they are ripped or dirty and can report this information to Agents or other readouts

Their "tags" not only contain cleaning and wear data, but also manufacturer's codes,

order numbers, and sizes

The Agent can then order replacement clothing based on this data

They can adapt themselves to temperature changes by monitoring your body temperature and tightening

or relaxing the weave to let air in or out

They can receive digital information from Agent or other transmitters and use it to

adapt themselves to hostile conditions, becoming waterrproof, acid proof or fireproof

They can also change color or project 2D images on the cloth itself or make color and texture

animation by using simple controls or minicams with chameleon matching programs

They can power small electrical devices by incorporating heat or solar sensitive threading into their composition

Plugs, hookups, and contact pads are integrated into the lining or other parts of the clothing

They can also harden themselves into effective body armor within a few milliseconds

But, to be honest, they don't offer a great protection, I wouldn't use it in a solo

mission but I would give it to a braindance star surrounded by Arasaka security in case

someone who watched their latest piece wanted to throw them a sharp tomato

Digital Fabric is not only used in clothing

It is also used to make "floppy" hardware –video screens that can be worn like bandannas,

musical keyboards, and keypads that can be rolled or wadded up into a pocket, computer

hardware that can be stuffed into a purse or a backpack

Digital chameleon fabrics are used to hide vehicles or operations from observations,

while digital reactive fabrics can harden themselves to stop bullets

That is what I call fashionware

Well, folks, thanks for watching

Don't forget to visit the Cyberpunk 2077 lore playlist to know more about the dark future

See you in next videos and Stay being Amazing!

For more infomation >> Cyber Fashion: Digital Fabric - Cyberpunk 2077 Lore - Duration: 5:11.


El gobierno español se niega a explicar el plan B si no extraditan a Puigdemont - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> El gobierno español se niega a explicar el plan B si no extraditan a Puigdemont - Duration: 2:20.



For more infomation >> THE BEST NEW & FAST 🔥 KODI 17.6 BUILD 2018 🔥 DRAGON BUILD KODI FROM TEVERZ KODI WIZARD - Duration: 14:40.



What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video

so many of you are looking for a build with lot of different add-ons

and lot of different sources for content then you might want to check THE BK NOX BUILD

I've also tested on my fire TV and two other fire sticks the build works great

You will enjoy this kodi build on your amazon fire stick or nvidia shield or android tv box

now I'm gonna give you guys an overview of what it has to offer

offer if you like it I can show you how you can get it installed on your device.

Now if you haven't already go ahead and hit the subscribe button

and make sure you click the little bell icon right next to subscribe so you don't miss any of my posts

so let's go ahead and jump into the overview of the build.

Now once you install it the first section you're gonna run into is the movies section

so you have the widget here at the top

you can scroll through find a movie and tv shows you like.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to stay informed.

For more infomation >> BEST FAST & NEW 🔥 BUILD FOR KODI 17.6 APRIL 2018 🔥 THE BK NOX BUILD KODI 🔥 THE STREAM DIGITAL WIZARD - Duration: 15:18.


Las Spice Girls podrían actuar en la boda de Meghan Markle y el Príncipe Harry - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Las Spice Girls podrían actuar en la boda de Meghan Markle y el Príncipe Harry - Duration: 2:53.


A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...

For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


Pierre Arditi est fier d'être désa­gréable avec les taxis qui « n'ouvrent pas la portière » - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Pierre Arditi est fier d'être désa­gréable avec les taxis qui « n'ouvrent pas la portière » - Duration: 3:10.


For more infomation >> Pierre Arditi est fier d'être désa­gréable avec les taxis qui « n'ouvrent pas la portière » - Duration: 3:10.


People Who Have Their Own Understanding Of Fashion - Duration: 3:34.

People Who Have Their Own Understanding Of Fashion

For more infomation >> People Who Have Their Own Understanding Of Fashion - Duration: 3:34.


For more infomation >> People Who Have Their Own Understanding Of Fashion - Duration: 3:34.


L'hypothyroïdie : comment prendre soin de sa thyroïde | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> L'hypothyroïdie : comment prendre soin de sa thyroïde | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:59.


For more infomation >> L'hypothyroïdie : comment prendre soin de sa thyroïde | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:59.


Le vin est-il bon pour la santé ? | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> Le vin est-il bon pour la santé ? | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:05.


For more infomation >> Le vin est-il bon pour la santé ? | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:05.


Niepokój – nie pozwól, by zatruwał ci życie! - Duration: 3:31.

Naturalne sposoby walki z niepokojem.Chociaż niepokój i stany lękowe to złożony problem natury psychologicznej, nie od razu trzeba umawiać się na wizytę u lekarza. 

Często w najwcześniejszych fazach jesteśmy z stanie zwalczyć go samodzielnie stosując odpowiednie techniki relaksacyjne.

Pierwszym i najważniejszym krokiem jest uświadomienie sobie problemu. Wówczas łatwiej będzie ci stawić mu czoła i zrozumieć psychologiczne mechanizmy ludzkiego organizmu.

 1. Zaakceptuj fakt, że lęk zdominował twoje życie.Tak jak każdy inny problem w życiu, należy zaakceptować również i niepokój. To pierwszy i najważniejszy krok, dzięki któremu łatwiej ci będzie przezwyciężyć szarpiące twym wnętrzem emocje.

Równie ważnym aspektem jest określenie przyczyny uczucia niepokojuoraz uświadomienie sobie konsekwencji, jakie napady leku mają na twój organizm oraz jak wpływają na twoje codzienne życie.

Im bardziej będziesz wmawiać sobie, że wszystko jest w porządku i budzący się w tobie niepokój to tylko przejściowa reakcja na stres, tym większą szkodę wyrządzisz samemu sobie.

Zaakceptuj fakt, że w twoje życie wdarły się lęki i niepokój. Staraj się ich nie katalogować jako czegoś złego. Po prostu masz problem, z którym należy jak najszybciej się uporać. Im bardziej będziesz się zamartwiać, tym trudniej będzie ci się pozbyć wciąż nawracającego poczucia lęku.

2. Naucz się wychwytywać nierzeczywiste myśli.Pierwszy krok, czyli zaakceptowanie i uświadomienie sobie problemu, już za nami! Teraz kolej na naukę kontrolowania nawiedzających nas uczuć i emocji towarzyszących naszemu codziennemu życiu.

Koniecznie powinniśmy nabyć umiejętność klasyfikowania nachodzących nas myśli. Te, które są wynikiem lęku i niepokoju, zwykle są nierealne oraz brak im spójności i logiki.

Ponieważ są one bardzo szkodliwe dla naszego umysłu, powinniśmy chronić go przed nimi ze wszystkich sił. Należy oddzielić je od innych, sensownych myśli.

Jak tego dokonać? Zadanie to wcale nie jest takie trudne, jak mogłoby się wydawać. Przy każdym napadzie lęku czy niepokoju należy zadać sobie kilka podstawowych pytań, najlepiej w samotności, zagłębiając się w najniższe warstwy swojego umysłu.

3. Nie zadręczaj się problemami.Jedno w życiu jest pewne i nie da się tego zmienić: im jesteśmy starsi, tym więcej przybywa nam obowiązków oraz ludzi i rzeczy, za które stajemy się odpowiedzialni.

Pamiętajmy jednak, że im więcej na naszej głowie, tym gorsza kondycja naszego umysłu. Zalewają go negatywne myśli, których zwykle nie jesteśmy w stanie odgonić.

Stale nachodzą nas myśli związane z pracą, presją zarabiania pieniędzy, ciągłych zakupów, zdrowia najbliższych, frustracji, braku czasu na spełnianie marzeń…

W obliczu codziennych zajęć i stawianych nam ze strony społeczeństwa wymagań, nasz mózg zaczyna szaleć, a objawem tego są ataki lęku i uczucie wewnętrznego niepokoju.

Niepokój rodzi się w głowie. Należy więc spokojnie zastanowić się nad tym, które z codziennych obowiązków są dla nas najważniejsze. Przecież nikt nie jest w stanie sprostać wszystkiemu, czego świat od niego oczekuje.

Po dokonaniu oceny, zrezygnuj z tych zajęć, które nie wnoszą niczego cennego do twojego życia i tylko niepotrzebnie mogą nasilać rosnące w tobie uczucie niepokoju.

4. Zadbaj o czas dla siebie.Osoby, które nie zmagają się z lękami ani niepokojem, to na co dzień ludzie bardzo aktywni, wykonujący mnóstwo atrakcyjnych i ciekawych zajęć.

Różnica polega na tym, że nie jest to nadmiar obowiązków, którym nadludzkimi siłami usiłujemy sprostać.Szczęśliwa i wolna od lęków osoba robi to, co lubi i codziennie ma czas dla siebie.

Bez względu na to, jak bardzo jesteś codziennie zajęty, każdego dnia powinieneś znaleźć chwilę czasu tylko dla siebie.

Poświęć go na ulubione zajęcia, uprawianie sportu czy praktykowanie którejś z technik relaksacyjnych albo po prostu obejrzyj w spokoju film, przeczytaj książkę, zapisz się na kurs tańca, słuchaj ulubionej muzyki…

For more infomation >> Niepokój – nie pozwól, by zatruwał ci życie! - Duration: 3:31.


For more infomation >> Niepokój – nie pozwól, by zatruwał ci życie! - Duration: 3:31.


We Are Going to Play Fortnite...

For more infomation >> We Are Going to Play Fortnite...


Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom - Playthrough Part 3 (The Sky Pirates) - Duration: 51:56.

welcome back friends to smashin bro ben and I'm continuing my journey

ni no kuni 2 today I'm gonna head into the canyon let's see I have not touched

this game for a couple of days let's go back into it so far it's not that

complex in terms of control it's pretty simple straightforward and I don't think

I'm gonna be seeing any considerable challenge in the beginning so we got to

here and I was playing with my boy Evan

let's take a look at on that side when to gorge okay let's keep going and we're

gonna try to collect everything on our path I don't leave any corner in turn

this here really really awesome landscape change here you know what we

started in the beginning of the game beautiful lush plains little Hills and

now we're here in this Canyon area I really enjoy that bomb RPGs where you

get a change of scenery push you this early in the game never boring oh and

somebody in here hello damn know how convenient yes quite a story how you got


Oh Paul he recognizes the king so the boy is popular even though he never

steps his foot outside the kingdom as we learned in the previous video so it's

still unclear what happened to the after the attack so most of the people I guess

assume he's dead but we're not really we survived and I'll head out there

okay so he has a device he wants to push on me

hmm damn this much dude that's much money what's the discount

oh that that's kind of him okay so he is a loyal citizen of the kingdom he's like

here you go your majesty so we got a nice book I guess we'll learn what it

really does a little bit later a new mechanic has been introduced I can

gather news

almost seems like it's gonna be a it's gonna have something to do with treasure

hunting and and side missions or fetch quests

all right whatever news all right I guess it looks like it's teaching me how

to play the game I can still use this items it's a nice neat little feature

it's almost like a journal a recap what was happening so funny game on hey let's

get going let's having to battle

Rick - real simple boy what's in this cave bigger monsters let's see I love

the music as well great simple stuff so guys as I mentioned before in my

previous video it's once I can hear let's see what's going on what is this

oh my jump booster you're gonna jump on that upper platform let's see maybe

yeah as I was saying guys so far the game is not really pushing you know the

boundaries of what's been done in JRPGs before but it's the package that I'm

really enjoying that's very good writing that's good music everything works in

singing very well together it seems like these guys who develop this game level 5

had a very clear vision for what's going to be homies

I don't see these little fairies you kind of feel harmless I feel bad for

taking care of them so gotta get it all nice so beautiful

Oh finally pay their opponents let's take care of the small fries first okay

we got - nope ouch oh wow

we've got dealt a lot of damage holy crap

I gotta get myself

you gotta find this nope apparently not money that's always


even musically the the game seems to take cues from Ghibli studios even

though we the fans know there is no official enrollment from the studio

anymore like I love these musical cues how they

kind of try to tell you look at this curious area but this potential danger

so tread lightly you never know you might come across all right so much

stuff to pick up all right treasure chest yes we'll take that John let's get

me a baby book Claire let's see I guess it's gonna be oh that's neat little

equipment okay you can equip bar as well nice anything else I picked up close

range right oh hell you know hold on what should I give the close range well

I'm playing with Evan so I'm gonna get quickl to him it kind of makes sense

even though I got to say Roland is pretty damn cool to control

no sweat no sweat yeah so far it looks like I'm getting up

I'm getting only the lighter and these two kind of like glide no but don't

level up as I go along except for that one big go test looking guy we're good

here yeah we get everything nope not yet not yet

now we do let's get our bearings here on the map look phone button sorry guys

alright okay so it looks like these areas I can't visit quite yet the game

is almost Sami hey dude you wanna you know this this area come back you're not

ready yet I can't win tip you like the leaf which I'm pretty sure it's gonna

give me a boost up it's it's some sort of an environmental ability zone

we'll be able to flyer will be later hope he's Gary gathering inspire of blue

a French

I got the magic wand yay look wonderful

nice my boy Evan let's see if we got a better magic wand it's better shit yes

it kind of looks more powerful overall and let's see what kind of done with oh

hell yeah that's a dull gun and pros are critical attacks sweet oh dude what is

this these are the things that like a secret passage not really it's not shown

on the map

not really let's make sure we check everything oh how do we get the on-seam

can't get to it yet can't do it my perfectionist feeling is

tingling they're like oh how do we do it nice I think this will be a nice little

area to save no way up

many guys are gonna help I'm still trying to pronounce article those little

features higley geeks Pete Liddy big Liddy come on let's go to work bite no

he wants us to follow him

now let's say it first

oh man I can't say yep he's taking us to a different part of the map and this is

where you discover your super jump abilities

oh damn so nice miss pool I'll take them yep see thank you

once again the princess mononoke lines you guys remember the Ghibli film come

on this guy was too damn I was sleeping you guys woke me up

we're stuck in the hole is funny I'm mouldy old twit what the hell does that

quit doing do hmm lucky here that's funny

like no stupid he's gonna show you what to do with it

all right let's see there we go I'll get the spell thank you sir

now what do we what do we do

nice that's point oh I want to try now

nice nice

gust proof shoes okay let's put those on my boy Evan oh wait I didn't even

realize that other ones that works

everybody's equipped let's get going now I guess we can revisit those couple of

places where we couldn't before

we're gonna start with this one here Oh shoes never spawned oh well then we go

one more experience will not very

there you go buddy you tangled with the wrong crew right here victory let's

activate that little let's go back a little bit in a couple more spots and of

course those got a gunner he's falling why wouldn't they

please don't do run your IP weeks off

this is my only little area of concern guys that does give my band up being on

the easy side I mean it's never a game reading experience baby but like with

older games like final time to be mind I didn't like it as much as the other ones

even though it was an amazing game it was a bit too easy you do want some

challenge pressing wrong buttons here oh

I've asked for challenge here it is I

challenge you can Lou me Samsung or whatever the Texas name was okay nice

another treasure money I was a lump sum there 300 coins sweets and another

treasure chest

yes weaponry is always welcome

very powerful stuff

anything better than this oh yes I do yes I do

that's one thing I'm forgetting to do is to change my weaponry make combat but so

far honest they haven't the need for it it's only when the game really pushes

you to use everything in you equipment then say like look you're not gonna win

unless you really put everything through strategy that's when you know the game

is challenging but so far ninokuni has been getting me with his charm but not

difficulty level oh I missed something I

need it I don't know what it is I gotta grab it I could've sworn I picked it up

I don't miss a thing

those guys despawn announced respond I think I went back way too far

I think there's anything else to discover no there was the ones I believe

it was one area in the very beginning

really enjoy the effects as well they they're not a significant portion of the

fighting mechanic but they're just so fun to look at and when you see

attention to detail like this it's always you know you have HPV game or yes

oh shit oh shit god damn it this guy's freaking powerful

guys I think I'm gonna I better run my asshole oh damn it I'm about to frickin

knife I'm about to frickin die run away oh man I wasn't up to the task

alright now we can move forward in the game and I'm not gonna be surprised that

it's gonna be some boss battle right about

soonish am I gonna say no ass-kicking

for you

so that's skillful attack I like pretty much took out everyone nice

but let's not miss any license they might come in handy

you know I'm gonna make that score of my primary sword let me just do that eyes

I don't even know what half of these items do I guess they're gonna come in

for some sort of crafting or just loot I'm gonna sell it but yeah let's do our

little change here there we go fine nice lionize kids fire and ice

nope I don't know why this area also reminds me of one great animation movie

back in the day if you guys went home ice and fire by Frank Frazetta nothing

as a crazy barbarians world vibe to it I guess because it's a candy


Oh another item

young yes we got it we got it now oh you do couldn't even define himself

wall sorry that's the way of the world oh it's a good thing I felt pressure

chest crabapple see

- done hey John let's handle the fire first

this guy

but you got good what you got for me damn it

got him but what happening just like I've tossed now to cool down

looks like we're finally making our headway to where we're supposed to go I

see signs of civilization batteries try different skill boom

oh nice vision guys Oh

all right all the enemy's dispatch and we can move

forward now

what's this guy

Munchie nuts there we go what does that do

no you want to join you know more than welcome and all safe spots

I wonder where this is going to take you whoa too much pressure

a sixth Center what is - what in the world is this I don't see it

alright so I'm wearing my inventory

plays this where I'm supposed to go because if it is sucky going backwards

which I'm sure is gonna lead to Fraser

I guess we're going to find out what all those things do later on if there were

the relevant and not I can't fall off

what if I want to Oh kitty here bigger uh-oh something is

about to happen guys

oh nice oh we got a quad

cloud snake excuse me those kids bossy

pirate by radical aviators cold no kidding death a little bit severe

really bring it on you want to fight let's fight it was nice to make your


hmm nice joke on the cover she would so cool taking the law into your own hands

eh the boss will love that you know she's not the boss we we you rule set to

play judge jury and executioner then drag their bodies back to claim the

reward weren't you go on I dare you to deny it well now I never that is we I

thought as much but what happens to them isn't your decision its battles now take

them back to base before I tell him you've forgotten who's in charge yes

miss what should we do let's go doesn't play around I like her she like wait for

an opening it and run all right you two take this lot back to base I'm going to

scout around a bit more the widens are on the prowl again

hmm don't worry the boss is a reasonable man most of the time how could he not be

he's my dad oh okay what

weird kind of like a lot of pirates he's gonna happen now sky-high base that is

so freakin cool

dad look so cool down I'm me oh man this looks so freaking cool back to I bet

he's gonna be some oversized brawling dude with a huge beard I just have a

mental picture in my way

alright alright I've got the point we're not gonna mess it on with your face see

this brings me back all the way to Playstation wanna here we're looking at

those products we always imagined me and my friends what would PlayStation want

sprite-based games look like animates fire games in next-generation graphics

and Eileen Dancing's right here before you guys this looks like a freaking

animation so nice alright let's get into that conversation do you talking to a


sorry guys not the boss Oh

matey why I says I I'll do is rolling so what do we have here

all right I was wrong no beer but it's still a little no huge all right these

guys real estates that are cold Hey

and of course they don't believe us


oh no she's thinking hostage snakes your knife tonight so it looks like they have

a warring faction of other pirates we got to take care of the snakes now I'm

gonna help I volunteer

what she tries to be reasonable but that's your daughter dude I know listen

here excuse me

see as I told you guys Evan is he's a small kid but he has a huge heart he's

gonna try and go save the girl that's right

he knows honor that's good let's do it

all right dude it's not trickery okay we just want to go in and help come on no

now this guy has to go on and be an asshole

this little kid then I'll put an end to war a misery I'll unite all the kingdoms

in peace what's that no no just a king indeed but the king of the whole blessed

world a lad if that's what it takes I have to try and I can't stop trying

until everyone is able to live happily ever after

that's quite an ambition I can't let it all end here I just can't

I'll keep laughing dudes get blasted so this he mangy curs you were sayin lad

if I can't repay my debt to tani I don't deserve to be king I don't deserve to

live so kill us if you must to save her first and if we do grant a safe passage

to the king's cradle hmm so that's your game eh yes all right

sunshine you've got yourself a deal all right sunshine sleep now you're

reasonable all right

by now the great cave to the list how convenient

who got a little shop oh there's a safe point in here that has got to be one Oh

it actually looks smaller than I imagined it to be baseball camp oh

there's more down below where is that safe stone let's do a bit of exploration

saturday looks so freakin cool Oh more stuff

antonie Gary yes just like you don't even have to have an RPG inhalation it's

like stuff laying around everywhere boom advisement

love how the npcs look as well each person is like so individual and then

different looking well similar your cousin whatever it's just a design of it

it looks so nice how do we get down to those pirates get meditating what's up


so many items also I kind of don't mind the linearity of the games like yeah

they give you a little this little hot place you go around areas but more or

less you're moving in a directional way so I kind of like that I missed those

games that you do feel like they get exploring so you're not very limited

here no Final Fantasy 13 sorry to the fans

but that game was just like one corridor

nice exploration

everything come to do some shop in a let's sell all the crap they don't use

why do you have to sail for me

what else can I do for you

now we get it lift

I guess no lips

now I've got to find that wyverns den Oh

open world can I see it here oh here's a little map it was very large yes but it

stays nice so just like classic Final Fantasy games and older RPGs once you're

in the open-world area the overworld map you can save alright so in the next

video I'll be doing some questing guys saving the little princes the pirate

princess but I'll say goodbye for now thanks for watching if you guys enjoyed

this video please like and subscribe and I can't wait to explore more in uni -

I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom - Playthrough Part 3 (The Sky Pirates) - Duration: 51:56.


Easter 2018 Baptisms - Duration: 5:26.

Psalm 139 is one of my favorite passages.

It talks about God's omnipresence

and the fact that He is involved

in every aspect of our life.

It's amazing to know that He,

before we were formed,

was intentional about reaching out

and grabbing us and saying "you're mine."

As we look at the new life that we have in Christ,

as we look at the way that He has saved us

from the past and that He reached out

when we were enemies,

we can celebrate that God has known us all along,

our good and our bad, and yet He chose us.

For more infomation >> Easter 2018 Baptisms - Duration: 5:26.


Let's play Far Cry 5 Part 8 - Gameplay - Walkthrough (Patriot Acst and Some Really Bad News...) - Duration: 27:40.

Let's play Far Cry 5 Part 8 - Gameplay - Walkthrough (Patriot Acst and Some Really Bad News...)

For more infomation >> Let's play Far Cry 5 Part 8 - Gameplay - Walkthrough (Patriot Acst and Some Really Bad News...) - Duration: 27:40.


• deathbeds [james i of scotland & joan beaufort] - Duration: 1:22.

The depth of your beauty, brings the rest of the world to shame.

I love you.

I'm with child.

Come back to me James.


For more infomation >> • deathbeds [james i of scotland & joan beaufort] - Duration: 1:22.


How to eat Funny hamster cookies is too cute【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:53.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> How to eat Funny hamster cookies is too cute【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:53.


Estelita Opens Up To Erica Mena & Spice About Her Heartbreaking Past On Love & Hip Hop Atlanta - Duration: 5:56.

Estelita Opens Up To Erica Mena & Spice About Her Heartbreaking Past On Love & Hip Hop Atlanta

Even though Stevie J is giving Estelita a hard time, shes grateful she has Erica Mena in her corner to confide in on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.

When the girls meet up with Spice for dinner, Estelita takes the opportunity to open up about her past and explain how it affects her present.

Spice and Erica are clearly taken aback by Estelitas confession that she slept with Stevie.

Estelita skirted around the subject and now, as she tells the truth, Estelita hopes for some friendly understanding.

Estelita explains that her relationship with Stevie was before she signed her contract.

After the contract, he abused that relationship, blurring the lines between business and sex.

Estelita said: He feels like if you sleep with him one time, you belong to him.

Spice had to get real with Estelita, though.

She shared her own hardships about growing up in poverty.

Spice worked hard to get through that time in her life to make it where she is today.

Spice seems to use this perspective in hopes of empowering Estelita.

In paralleling her hardships and successes to those of Estelita, she shows that no struggle is too big to surpass while simultaneously showing Stel that she never needed Stevie to succeed.

Estelita finally broke down after all of this, and she invited Erica and Spice to take a look into her own past.

Although it was incredibly difficult to tell, Estelita opened up about one of the darkest times in her life as the youngest child of 20 in her family.

Estelita said: I was supposed to come to the U.S. when I was 18. I came when I was 14. You wanna know why? Because I was raped by 5 guys..

She elaborated on the horrors of her traumatic past, detailing how she was assaulted by her father, beginning at only 5 years old.

The effects of that abuse and her mothers passing of cancer lead Estelita to attempt suicide more than once.

Estelita continued, saying that she was never weak for signing a contract with Stevie.

She saw an opportunity where someone finally believed in her, and she took it.

While it may be difficult for Estelita to write off Stevies actions as manipulative, she has her girls Erica and Spice to always remind her that she is worth more.

Tune into Love & Hip Hop Atlanta on Mondays at 8/7c to watch how these women stick together and beat all odds.

For more infomation >> Estelita Opens Up To Erica Mena & Spice About Her Heartbreaking Past On Love & Hip Hop Atlanta - Duration: 5:56.


2018 Highline College Poetry Contest Winner - Duration: 0:44.

My mother says to me, "Yasmine, can you please talk to the bank lady

on the phone for me?"

I always do, but never understand why

she asks because to my ears, her English is perfect.

She cuts through any silence like a knife.

She's sharp, but they call her dull.


one whole of two halves and when he and I speak, they listen, but

when she speaks, they turn away.

And I know her blood, that it

runs through mine and that it's thousands and thousands of years of

ancestry and tradition and war and family and famine and

survival, diluted down to an accent they call funny.

For more infomation >> 2018 Highline College Poetry Contest Winner - Duration: 0:44.


a speedpaint because i like the way the picture turned out (read desc) - Duration: 1:43.

Hi, sorry there's no music

To make up for it, I'll talk for some of the video.

So the person I'm drawing now is named Yui!

She comes from a very traditional Japanese home.

However, she doesn't want to be traditional.

So she acts really rebellious.

Oh crap, we're already on the 3rd person!

Ok, so the 2nd person was named Pumpkin.

She likes the Fall season and pumpkins!

The 3rd person is named December.

She has PTSD (I won't say why) and she doesn't have emotions anymore.

(I know that's not how it works but play along)

(Also she lost her emotions after this photo)

The last person I drew, the one on the ceiling, is named Mimi!

She reaaaaallllyyy likes cats!

And they're all magical girls!

Cool, huh?

The magical girl anime their world is in is the anime "Puella Magi Madoka Magica."

It's my favorite anime!

Ok, I'm out of things to talk about.

Bye bye!!!!!

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