Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 3 2018

Just a quick preface before we listen to this horrifying recording:

The background is that this student - Felix - had a discussion at KTH University-


-about feminism and immigration with two female classmates.

He started saying that immigrants from a non European origin are-

-heavily overrepresented in being perpetrators in crimes such as rape-

The girls said, "We don't believe you, do you have any source to that statement?"

"Yes, I have, absolutely, I can solve that..."

And... so... the next day-

He had gathered a lot of sources and gave it to these women-

-these women - in turn - spread this paper to other students-


-a threatening situation occurred as 15 or so people started screaming: "Fucking racist!" -

-they stood and - more or less - threatened to beat him up.


It became like...

The fellow students stopped interacting with him and similar things...

And then, what happens is that KTH University starts disciplinary action against Felix!

He is then terminated from the group work.

Its... totally crazy. Felix even clarified that this discussion with the two female students-

-occured outside of school, however-

-what he did, his crime is, that which starts the disciplinary action toward him-

-and that he risks suspension from his education-

-it is that he has presented facts, when his classmates requested it.


He even referred to BRÅ (Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) and similar "accepted" authorities.

That is his crime, and that he gave it to these women, who asked for it!

He is now at a risk of suspension from the course.

We're now going to listen to a recording-

-which Felix himself recorded when he met with representatives from the school in connection to this disciplinary matter.

Hold on to your hat!

You are aware that you're not allowed to spread-...?

Spread what?

Spread, you know, like political opinions or, regardless-...

You're not allowed to spread political opinions?

Regardless of whether it is facts or whatever it is, it shouldn't be here, on campus.

Where does it say that?

In the Code of Conduct of the school, for example!

We spoke about the Code of Conduct, I have read it.

When there is something that might be regarded as... a violation or harassment-

-or a specific treatment which originates from ones Faith, for example-

-which could in this case, be regarded as-...

But I haven't even voiced my own opinions about anything-

No-... No, it's sufficient if you are just spreading or if you're distributing-

It doesn't have to be your own opinions, it's enough if you just do that...

It's not my opinions, it's not like I think 86% of all gangrapes are conducted by immigrants-

-I refer to a study on the matter... so-

-what do you mean, could facts be discriminating?

Depending on how you-...

It's so difficult to explain!

It's enough if somebody who has heard about it, or have had it explained to them feel violated-


-you have a right to your opinion, but your opinion can actually generally be a violation to somebody.

So, in reality we don't have Freedom of Opinion at KTH?

It's not just KTH! It's in every place, whole Sweden!

We are following the workplace and foremost the law against discrimination.

One can wonder, as a first step... Why did you feel like you had to... procure those statistics?

They bode me, they asked me-...

And you do it just because they ask you to do it?

You didn't consider whether it was appropriate?

If it's appropriate? If someone asks me of a source, then I'm printing the source-

Then I distr-... eh... Is it I who have violated or harassed the person?

I'm not sure this will be regarded as discrimination, upon a closer examination-

Harassment or violation can be actual in the next step when this information reaches higher instances.

If the people who you gave this material to distributes this further-...

-and it ends up in the hands of someone who feels that: "This is a violation".

Just a question: If someone feels violated, regardless of what happens, there is a perpetrator

If I feel violated by this discussion, hypothetically speaking, have you acted in misconduct?

Yes, it has to be investigated if we have made some kind of error-...

Don't you understand?! Am I the only one here thing it's a bit odd-...

No, no, if you feel that you're being violated by this discussion when we are asking you questions-

-because of a certain event that might have come to our knowing where you've been involved-


That's your own interpretation, in that case.

I have a question to ask, in that case, or yeah, I can respond to what you said... I want to ask:

Could it, hypothetically speaking, be unacceptable that 15 people stand up after a course and act threatening while screaming towards me-

-that I'm an idiot, a racist, a nazi, similar things, in that case?

For no reason, because I'm not!

It's also something that's beyond the normal in a university.

I think it's a bit weird that one person on his own can bully 15 people, shouldn't the alarm bells ring the other way instead?

If it were 15 people who printed this and handed it to one immigrant - for example - I'd have understood why it could be a problem-

-but it's rather that I am, I'm the victim in this situation, I'm the one feeling threatened, it's totally backwards, everything.


I mean, it was they who suggested it, and I even said that-

-I even warned them, don't get offended, I even said that to their faces!

And they insisted that they wanted this information, and they give the information away, they chose to distribute it further-

-and then there is a mob, some kind of mob-rule towards me...

If I'm at a workplace, if I say things that others dislike, I don't fit with the group, I'd get fired.

Mmmm... do you mean that-... Could you give an example to what kind of opinion that would be, that would be unacceptable?

I think it's regardless, if you don't mix well with the group because of strong opinions that are so different from the others-

[cut]-can't even imagine!

So you're saying that you're not allowed to hold any type of opinion here at KTH?

You're allowed to hold your own opinions...

As long as you don't voice it?

As long as you don't say it so that people feel offended.

Do you think it's reasonable and acceptable?

It's balance!

So Freedom of Speech can be put on decline for someones emotion, you think that's positive?

No I'm not saying that I like that!

I'm just saying how I imagine people react, how it works-

You can be however intelligent you want and consider it his Freedom of Speech if you want...

But people have emotions.

You can't mean that the feelings of people can be put in front of Freedom of Speech?

Eh, What? Is it like in North Korea or something?

"The leader is offended, we must execute people!"

"We have Freedom of Speech as long as we're on the same page."

Isn't that a dangerous path?

I can't comment on that...

I mean, Freedom of Speech started in the universities, it was a free zone from the totalitarian society outside-

-and now it's being abolished inside the universities...

It's an extremely dangerous development...

It's not really that I've done anything significant here...

What if I - hypothetically speaking - would have made a roman salute instead?

In that case, I can understand why you'd want to investigate it, but I've just held a factual discussion with two classmates...

Yeah, they were not offended by the discussion, I could add-

Yeah, and then they spread the paper-...!

No, they weren't the ones who spread it!

But they did-

They were not the ones-

They were the ones who spread the document.

I understand it as, how they told it to me, there were people who came and asked what kind of paper they had-

Yes, and then they chose to give away the paper to other people.

Don't you think this is becoming absurd?

What I believe doesn't matter!

But actually, it matters, it's actually important, you're the one who will take this to higher instances.

Yes, because I have to!

But then again-...

It's a misconduct if I don't take this to an higher instance.

But Anna, the Equality Coordinator, said that in many cases, these things won't proceed...

Yes, but do you know what? KTH has received a lot of shit for not doing that.


That's why they're on to us now.

So it's just from this situation onwards-

-the media has started attacking KTH.

They've kept bringing up, "Why didn't you report this case?" to Disciplinary Matters-

-In the cases where we didn't want to proceed with the case.

What do you think happens to me if I don't take action now?

So you're saying that you send this further because you have to but not because you think it's the best course of action?

I wouldn't have made the decision myself, but like I said, it's not up to me.

For more infomation >> Secret Recording - KTH Student Risk Suspension After Handing Out Flyer - Duration: 9:47.



legend says he controls the seas and whoever sails them gets hunted by the

Kraken Hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today i am playing build a boat for treasure

which i think if i'm not mistaken this is the same game i played where you

build a boat and you sail but you fight but i guess it might have changed or am

I thinking of Tiffany when I was a pirate I guess I have to build my boat

here and then I set sail and try to go as far as I can in my boat so let's see

if we could be the best part

boom-boom-boom-boom I guess this is my chair we'll have that

at the top I need to buy more stuff all I have is this gold shop I got five gold

what can I go five gold alright so now I've got this random piece of wood ninja

that's just one I guess I'm gonna put that right there

and maybe that'll bounce my boat I'm gonna have to sail for some more more

gold here cuz I don't got no space for no gold fine I'm gonna try one more of

these these uh common chests what is this chest pack for me let's see

anything better okay I got two of these when I close the shop all right two more

of these so let's see what this can do I'm gonna put this on both sides on

either the thing is the keys balance okay that's what the key is there we go

it looks like a Tetris baby that's straight it looks like a Tetris piece

okay so I guess we're gonna set sound see what we can get all right so let's

go up that sail get some art get some more gold so we could build a way better

boat yes I'm sure Oh

oh wait no no no get my boat get on the boats oh my gosh I should not have

gotten off of my boat no now come back boat come back oh my

goodness I'm gonna die I'm gonna drown oh my goodness oh man all right I

figured it out I'm sitting on it correctly and we're about to set sail

garrison gold yes launch a boat the music is so serene

and doing just like hang out if I press any of these other buttons it's gonna

move badly wait don't I okay the water at the current moves with you okay my

boat is kind of is kind of taken take it a little little turn now but that's okay

are those rocky waters over there but will my boat survive this let's see

where's the end point how do I get my gold I got a lot of questions who can

answer that okay Oh luckily I don't know wants to be too too quickly cuz these

icy rocks are right here boom just when I said I feel like what's gonna happen

here oh you just keep sailing oh okay okay ahoy mateys

it's just your pirate I coulda seen and today I am sailing the seven seas

I'm sailing the seven seas okay I'm not sailing the seven seas anymore my boat

is broken bird is broken oh my gosh the rock broke my body oh I gotta go though

okay okay got your girl got a little bit more dough

how are you building this let me ask her she was got mad ich breath because she's

like a lot of material she was some mad money now my god she's standing there

with all that's why is everybody just our team do we have any more material to

add to this to make space for ye don't you have any more material to make add

this to this to make space for ye yes my tea now we're popping yep

yes I I are yes okay so let me say then onward we must go I'll reject ranchers

bones carpet okay here we go here we go hi I'm a

tease no I mean I put I don't want to actually

get out of this no wait crap what did I press I press something I get to get in

this oh shit yes shit no stay strong mates now we

tied oh wait no I died since the pirate song a pirate's life for me I got two

gold alright make you whiter you still miss Missy girl ha ha ha ha not me I

thought I wasn't the one who stole her seat someone else did

let's help a parrot named I will be captain I anyway buddy bear the best

ever the best to ever sail the seven seas I am kpop pirate I will be pirate -

aye matey - give me your luggage give me your lucky charms I must say this is the

best ship my parents eyes have ever laid pea pod

oh look it look it look it look at this what's going on okay is this is this is

this is a bomb boat bro we got cannons oh we got some ice blocks at the bottom

but are you ready mateys let's partner disease alright with our

pirate ship make it to the end to find out like just keep watching I'm

not father your chin to me let me thank the camera whoa whoa whoa look at them

flags and everything this is a bomb shit bro we got a big shit okay a couple of

apart parts of our our ship we're hit there's like a bunch of us in here oh

wow we got cannons though oh can we buy mother ships that's pretty cool at least

we're passing the first one okay what should I name our pirate sport SS Kraken

I like it we know I was trying to type and I accidentally chub

what's it right here in the back i'ma put some rocks to protect me so I don't

accidentally jump out again I put this here okay good they put a little rock

there you know you got to protect copy to look and copy time or lock up

you're done what would I be I'd be a Lula and not my Spanish brethren to help

me look at the eggs onwards mateys oh you can't even see my words right now

this ship would protect us I will try not to lol look at our shit wait wait

our trip is tipping we had a too heavy whoa

what is happening

know what is happening why is ownership tilting to one side we've a tube too

heavy on one side that doesn't even though we put like a bunch of stuff on

this side and it's like a lot more stuff on the right side oh my goodness what is

happening oh this is she could not oh wait is it it's getting old

is it getting normalized oh my goodness our boat is gonna squish her

oh no I'm okay I think it's cuz they were stitched she was standing on the

boat that was the issue she needed to be in the boat yeah well oh you will be

missed oh my god how many got one two three

four five six seven eight nine ten things you gotta go through does this

count what is it okay onward mateys

let us sail the seven seas and plunder oh my goodness will we will we survive

this time oh crap we're leaning forward we're leaning forward I should put some

eggs back here to keep it even oh my goodness oh my goodness oh okay the seas

are in control wow I'm not typing anything else everything else I'm gonna

just think to myself because I don't want you girl don't wanna um you know

died on accident from jumping out like what's happened to me in the past

Oh our ship was taking a beating a ship was taking a beating and it is our job

to tame it within the zigzag messed up they literally killed us the sea is a

wild beast yes let's see how far can we go this is a rocky behind moving is rare

now this is the rocky oh my goodness I must walk the plank as a girl on top did

dude look she did she like jumped out oh okay okay okay okay alright alright okay

okay we're making a little far here's the licorice the fire died horrible way

these rocks are annoying they are annoying that's not alive there's like

Matt why are there so many rocks in the water well well boulders what is Brooke

big old boulders come from oh my gosh oh my goodness no follow my goodness oh my

goodness our ship is making it smaller that's pretty cool but also pretty scary

because our ship is taking a beating Watership is actually doing pretty well

you know Janet did a great job Johnson Jana and John cow and oh it's kai and

Jalen 34 and other people that came in and helped us build this stuff legend

says he controls the Seas and whoever sails them gets hunted by the Kraken

whose head okay no mine I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead what the heck was that oh

my goodness oh gosh what was that buzz that's made from the carcass oh they're

still surviving oh no maybe they're there they're dead

they're dead okay I'm 37 now awesome all right so

let's build again let this bill is one last time to survive and tame this wild

beast named to see oh let me see what no more Turtles ah yeah oh you can steer

the boat this is too heavy now this is too heavy I wish this was in

front of us to take a lot of the damage hopefully it's not damaging our ship

okay all right here we go oh that's good actually that's like

taking a lot of damage before us we are a crew young coolest okay let's go it's

ticking it was taking a lot of damage for us okay now it should be yes we've

got a a barrier ship in front of us let's go matey's lemon tow we're

actually surviving pretty well at the thing though that I'm afraid of oh we

should have put like a thing at the top oh goodness

okay okay okay okay oh my goodness okay here we go

oh it it's taking on the mine it took on the mine oh goodness

okay so now we're on the other side oh crap crap crap oh crap crap crap crap

oh come on come on oh we just need to survive this room she was launched from

the ship Jenna no okay this one okay the water came back all right let's go let's

try if we get out of here let's hurry hurry hurry

no no no partnerships our ships in bits our ships in bits

oh my god it's one phone back now I need come on where to where to come back come

back water water or to come back go back go back

look wait in the waves okay okay come on come on at least those are getting

smaller okay our ship is taking damage all right sail across hill across yes

whew okay I want to see how far we can make it how much gold I'm gonna get from

this matey what was that what what mines oh my

goodness come please maybe to the end okay all right here we go

a hashtag Babubhai dippity looks funny oh my goodness

that mine is gonna blow us the Freak up yeah why isn't she sitting

Oh her seat is going do you want to be launched oh no my seat is gone my seat

is gone no our seats are gone now oh my goodness - like a pool of debt I'm gonna

make a play here with a lot of fun to play with these buddies and make the

ship and be a captain of a pirate thing I could give her a plunder this time so

that's good let me know if there's another above level you like for me to

play if you liked this video hug like that like button don't forget to

subscribe and click that box you're notified when I post I love you guys

enjoyed and I'm till next on ponies to us

For more infomation >> AHOY MATEY | ROBLOX BUILD A BOAT FOR TREASURE - Duration: 15:16.


LIVE: Active shooter reported at YouTube HQ - Duration: 2:04:20.

For more infomation >> LIVE: Active shooter reported at YouTube HQ - Duration: 2:04:20.


Don't Let Anyone Trick You Into Microwaving Foil! | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 4:23.

You may, apparently, need me to tell you this, but please don't microwave aluminum

foil. You're watching What's Trending, I'm

Martine Beerman. Make sure to subscribe for more social media news daily. This

started out as a trend which came over from Japan. Twitter user Asu_Astell

showed people how he made a shiny ball of foil by hammering and sanding down

the edges. And others in Japan started making their own. We even did one of

those cool text on-screen videos for Facebook.

That is what you call a cross-

platform promotion. It was a nice, fun, and harmless trend, and then of course

some people had to go out there and make it dangerous. Why you gotta do that? A

couple of fake tweets used Asu_Astell's photo to make it seem like the shiny

ball could be made by putting a crumpled bunch of foil in the microwave. And then

a couple of additional tweets made people think that maybe some people were

actually gonna put balls of foil in the microwave. @1ndi3 tweeted: "Wow! I just

burnt my microwave because of this." He was joking.

Good, because I hope he has more sense than that. That photo he used appears to

come from a Japanese website about fire prevention. And this photo from DJWallie

Mayne also has been floating around the Internet for awhile. It looks like

they're all kind of part of the same April Fool's gag, so as far as we know, no

one's actually taken this seriously and microwaved foil. Good, because science. Oil

is a conductor, takes on heat, and gives out more heat, creates big boom. If

that helps. And if my description of that boom just

was not enough for you, we are kind of curious what does happen when you put

foil in a microwave, so this video from 2013 should have the answer.

Okay. I stand corrected. It doesn't completely explode, but still not good

for your microwave. You don't ever want to f*ck with radiation. That's all I'm saying. I like

get nervous to stick my hand into the microwave to pull my food out after I've

opened the door. And let me tell you, those people who just randomly open the

door before the beeps gone off... damn. I don't even know how you're still

existing at this point and are not just like a big green monster. So to sum that up, you

should avoid putting anything in there that you don't want to get really, really

hot. But if you have some extra time on your hands you can make a really cool

shiny ball. Japanese YouTuber SKYTomo detailed the process on his channel. It

involves forming the foil into a rough sphere, hammering it down for about two

hours to make it more exact, polishing it with sandpaper, and then using a liquid

abrasive to make it shiny. It's a relatively simple process. Asu_Astell

gave these instructions to BuzzFeed, and that link is in the description.

Seems like a fun use of tin foil when you're not making yourself an alien hat,

so I figured I'd give it a little whirl, so let's turn this puppy into a ball

shall we. Oh it's already big.

Yeah. All right. I don't have a hammer at all, so we're just gonna just put it in

there, just squish it down.

Okay. Don't have a hammer. I don't have any type of liquid that would make this

different like totally almost spherical. If this isn't fun for the whole family, I

don't know what is. In fact, there's a bunch of cool stuff you can do with

aluminum foil. YouTube channel Kiwami Japan made a working kitchen knife out

of aluminum foil, and you can probably do that at home as long as you're planning

on using it for kitchen stuff. And while we're on the topic, let's dish some

knowledge at you. Tin foil hasn't been made with tin since

World War II. After that, it was replaced with aluminum since that's cheaper and

more durable. And millions of people still call it tin foil and it's a losing

battle to try and correct them and to be really honest it's mostly because most

people can't say aluminum. And if you grew up in South Africa like me

we call it aluminium. I know. So different, right? And if you don't want to be called

out by your buds, you just call it tin foil. Don't say we never taught you

anything. Did we just save you from putting aluminum in your own microwave?

If so, let us know in the comments and for more trends head to

For more infomation >> Don't Let Anyone Trick You Into Microwaving Foil! | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 4:23.


Things Teenage Girls Say - with Translations - Duration: 1:58.

hey guys! It's Hashtag Zoe, welcome back to my channel. for today's video I'm going to be telling

you a bunch of, things that all teenage girls say, and also really quickly I am

more than qualified to make this video because I am, myself, a teenage girl and I

definitely say all of these things. most of these things anyway, and parents, don't

worry I'm here to help I will give you translations for every

single one let's go ahead and get started the video whatever it's like

like, like, like, OMG literally I am so obsessed, obsessed of totally definitely

amazing, I really want to go shopping, yeah she's killing it okay, okay, okay,

it's lit, I'm so down, yeah no no it's fine, it's fine, fine, I'm fine I don't

know I feel like she's just in it for the clout, thanks fsm, um, I can't even

watch, low-key, high key, why are you so salty? girl spill the tea, my wig flipped off

snatched, we stan queen. that's so sus, I'm shook, wow that is so

funny, that's so funny. heart eye emoji, finesse

thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please make sure

to give it a big thumbs up subscribe if you have not already and also follow me

on Instagram because I'm just doing Instagram lives a lot recently

and I want to guest you guys in my life so yeah follow me on a gym and I will

see you guys in my next video bye

Things teenage girls say

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> Things Teenage Girls Say - with Translations - Duration: 1:58.


C64 Mini | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 13:21.

So it's that time again.

A new, retro relevant product has arrived, and I suppose I'd best take a look at it.

As you already know it's the C64 Mini.

Apparently I pre-ordered one from Amazon back in October, so why the hell not?....

Right where do we start with these, oh yes, of course, the unboxing.

Here's the box.

Quite pleasing actually, as it's the same shape as the original packaging, just much


64 games included, here's some of the better ones shown on the back.

A Pegi 7 rating, which is hilarious, given we're dabbling with Commodore 64 software


But apparently, there's violence that a 6 year old just wouldn't be able to handle within.

This is all actually a very nice package.

We've got an inner box which looks beautiful, and opening that reveals the perfectly laid

out kit.

Usually I couldn't give a crap about unboxing something, but this was a genuinely nice experience.

Anyway, let's get all this out, here's the little weany C64, the rather hefty joystick

- in comparison, some leads underneath, and the manual, again in the original style.

Apparently this is a 50% scale replica, which I'll just take their word on.

Unfortunately the mini keyboard doesn't work, which is a shame.

That would have been a nice touch, regardless of the fact it would be unusable.

Maybe they could have just made the Run/Stop key work.

BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER, it's a product, made for a price, sacrifices are part of the course.

Another sacrifice being the lack of graphical characters on the key fronts, but like I said,

it's not usable, so it doesn't matter.

It still looks the part.

But here's the question I have... why do we even have a mini?

When this project started on indiegogo as "The 64" the idea was for a computer version

(with proper keys) and a handheld version.

Somewhere along the line, the C was added to the name and a mini version popped out.

Now there was a time when I was miffed at all these Minis popping out of crevices.

But I've slowly become accustomed to them, and I see them for their worth.

Most people can't be arsed haul out a full sized computer every time they want some retro

gaming fun, and so popping a mini console in the lounge solves that issue, whilst offering

just enough reference to the original aesthetic to transport you back to the 80s.

So I understand why Retro Games Ltd (not to be confused with Retro Computers Ltd, although

it has ties with Chris Smith & Paul Andrews, who were originally behind the ZX Vega) opted

to make a Mini, and I actually quite like it... so far anyway.

Reportedly, the larger versions will follow this year for the backers who wanted one.

Not sure about the handhelds however....

So, here's the joystick, which plugs into one of the two USB ports on the Mini.

Now, I don't know about you, but the moment I saw this stick I thought... wait a cotton

picking minute.

This looks the same as the C64DTV joystick released in 2004, which was essentially a

full C64 on a chip, in a joystick.

So maybe the C64 Mini is really an shell with a few connectors, and this whole thing is

just based around that joystick... so rather than plugging this in, the first thing I did


Like the C64DTV, this stick is modelled around an elevated Competition Pro stick.

It's a bit more waggly and lacks the satisfaction of the original - you won't find any micro

switches here - but the buttons feel nice.

Anyway, it turns out that internally, the joystick is actually very sparse, apart from

a couple of weights and the switch board... which means the guts are indeed in the C64


A few screws here and there, and there we go, a dinky board wedged in the corner...

along with this wire, which actually turned out to be a reset/firmware flashing button

craftily hidden under the bottom sticker - quite a nice place to put it really.

The main bulk of the board itself is taken up with the Dual Core A20.

It's a 1GHz Cortex-A7 ARM processor which works with the Mali-400 MP2 Dual-Core GPU

to run it's menu system and emulate the C64 functionality from a stripped down Linux installation,

as far as I'm aware at least.

So it's not an ASIC based simulation like the C64DTV, but as long as it does the job,

it doesn't really matter.

Actually, this setup makes it pretty hackable, so I'm sure we'll see many interesting homebrew

projects to come.

Anyway, now we know the truth, I'd best put this all back together.

Really, you could do without this part entirely, and put everything in the joystick, just like

the C64DTV really.

But I think that aesthetic is really crucial to a lot of people, plus it gives a nice base

station to plug two joysticks in, if you've got some friends, or even swap the joystick

for a controller of your choice... although compatibility is reportedly a bit flaky at

this point.

Actually, talking about aesthetic.

The paint job on those keys is a little thin on the ground.

During the course of reassembly, a fair bit seemed to have scraped off onto my table.

You can see from the corner keys, where the paint has been worn off leaving the white

plastic exposed.

Anyway, most people won't be sliding theirs about upside down on a desk, but it does indicate

that over time, those keys will deteriorate, a somewhat more serious issue than yellowing.

Anyway, I digress, let's stop being a miserable bastard and have some FUN...

You know how to plug a console in, so I'm not showing you that.

Like most of these minis, power is provided by USB, so hopefully your TV has a spare one.

The joystick can plug either into USB socket 1 or, and then you're ready to go.

Here you get a conveyor belt of titles, along with screen shots and a blurb for the highlighted


Among those titles is C64 Basic mode, if you do fancy dabbling in some BASIC, then you

can use the Virtual Keyboard to type.

BUT YOU'D HAVE TO BE OUT OF YOUR MIND... waggling the wobbly stick about and picking characters.


You're much better off plugging a USB keyboard in like this beauty.

The problem then is that, the C64 keys aren't always mapped to where you might expect.

But still, you can tap away and create wondrous programs... if you so desire.

When you're bored of that, you can work through the catalogue of built in games.

Now there are some classics here.

Titles worthy of both your time, and the memory they consume on this little device.

There are also some lesser games, but overall it's not a bad selection.

Oh, and you can thankfully turn off that bloomin' music.

It might sound nice to start with, but trust me, it grates 2 hours into a review.

So, notable titles include Boulder Dash, Impossible Mission, Highway Encounter, Paradroid, Skool

Daze, Speedball 2, Temple of Apshai, Uridium, Who Dares Wins II, C64 Basic.

C64 Basic.

You get the idea.

I played a fair few titles, and in my opinion, input delay is negligible, and you'd be hard

pushed to notice a screen response slower than the original kit.

Now, given the C64 Mini has far more games than the SNES Mini, you'd think its £65 price

tag was stupendous value for money.

But then, C64 games aren't always the epic titles that you'd find on cartridge platforms.

Still, there are options, like changing the screen mode to keep you happy.

As demonstrated with my particular favourite from this library, Creatures.

God damn this is hard.

Each game has 4 save slots, which saves the entire memory state, and this works both within

games, and BASIC, allowing you to save programs you've typed out.

You can even load your own games via.

USB, but this isn't as streamlined as you might hope.

Firstly, we have to load programs through Basic.

Secondly, you can only load one disk image onto your USB stick at at a time.

Now, using programs like DirMaster you can put several games onto one image - space allowing,

enabling you to hold several games on one stick, but it's still extremely clunky.

Multi disk games are even more of a problem.

At least there is functionality to load external ROMs out of the box, but if you're having

to mess about to this extent, you start thinking...

I might as well have setup a Raspberry Pi emulator.

Retro Games Ltd say this will be improved on later firmwares (along with other features),

but that doesn't help Boris, who doesn't know how to update firmware and just wants an easy

to use, out of the box experience.

The only saving grace is that once you've loaded an external game, you can save it's

state to the Mini's memory, and then just reload the game from there.

This way, you don't need the USB, but it does limit you to the 4 save slots found under

the Basic interpreter.

Ok, what about 2 player?

This thing is perfect for some multiplayer lounge action.

Well, you can apparently plug another joystick into the 2nd USB, but as I don't have a suitable

controller, I thought I'd try it with a USB keyboard.

However, for the built in games, this wasn't successful.

Titles like PitStop II seemed to want a second joystick or nothing, whilst California and

Summer Games just kept adding more and more players, with no apparent way to limit proceedings.

Now maybe this is my error, but the point is, it's not intuitive.

In fact, given the the number of buttons on the joystick, it's disappointing that you

have to fall back to the keyboard on some titles, especially if you've only got the

bloody virtual keyboard.

It's fine, but the implementation of some games just feels a bit "off the shelf".

It would be useful if there was an indicator on the menu screen as to which games are multiplayer

as well.

Going back to the joystick.

The cord isn't the longest, so if you're sitting on the sofa, this might cause some limitations.

But you can use your own pads, so a decent wireless one may solve this issue... if you

can find one that's compatible.....and that's the main issue for me.

The quality of the product.

Little things like incompatibility with certain joysticks and usb cards can likely be fixed

through firmware updates, but there are little issues here and there which make me doubt

this thing.

This ranges from display issues in games, to crashing

and even to this horrific sound the device makes upon booting.

I can't see these lasting 30+ years like the original hardware has.

This was supposed to be fun wasn't it?

I mean, look.

It is fun.

The thing is fun.

It can be fun.

It will be fun, as long as you let it be fun.

I do like it.

But the problem with all these computer minis is the lack of keyboard, and I think the slightly

smaller than the original, but larger than this, with a working keyboard version, might

be more up my street.

Still, at least I can plug my C64 Mini joystick into my PC and PLAY SOME SPECTRUM GAMES WITH



For more infomation >> C64 Mini | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 13:21.


Seeding Oats 2018 John Deere 4020 and Grain Drill - Duration: 10:29.

welcome back to the rest of the story how's everybody doing we've been kind of

well not kind of we've been pretty busy here lately as I've said in the past I

don't know it's been a couple months probably but I said that when it comes

time to put oats or start planting corn and beans it usually does turn down to

more of a last minute panic kind of thing where it's the decision to start

planting is usually made the night before usually without any idea that we

were going to start that is exactly what happened when it came time to put oats

in the ground so what you're seeing we stored our oats in the basement and out

of the weather and where no moisture could get to it mm-hmm excuse me and

basically where is in out of the way now that we have our oats pulled out well at

least let's go ahead and say that we're putting down the on this pallet of oats

say this properly here this is about half of what we used to put down when we

used to seed when we were milking cows we used to seed 40 to 45 acres a year we

put in 25 approximately this season we are not technically done technically

we're not done yet we're done seeding all of our hay strips all that is left is

mmm all that is left are just waterways and really that shouldn't be too bad

it's going to be more of a tedious job than anything because we have three

different farms in particular that we have to get waterways seeded down on and

hopefully things will dry out here and warm up a little bit I mean as I'm

talking right now it's in the teens out right now but hopefully we can get a

little bit better weather going forward here I guess this next week well this

whole week here is supposed to be fairly cold and supposed to freeze fairly hard

at night so the ground isn't gonna be doing anything as far as warming back up

but I can deal with the cold at this point because if it's not snow

the cold isn't that bad especially for this time of year it's I mean we're

looking at April and it's honestly you know that the cold weather isn't gonna

be around for too much longer I mean we can have snow in April that's happened

before but once you get past March January February March means January and

February to me are like the worst months of the year and they're just there is

really dull but even March really once you get snow in March it seems like for

people in our area for our area snow really doesn't hang around that long

so this is the first time we've taken this out and really ran it this is the

first time I put seed in this grain drill we went through we put probably

two days worth of work into it it oh it got shined up really well I'll give you

a close-up look here once we get done putting oats and alfalfa seed in it

people were asking me how we fill this up and this is entirely how you do it

and it's by hand no seed tender or anything of course in this situation you

could say the seed tender is you know either my truck or either dad or I

now you're gonna see here towards the end of the video I guess we can wait I

do stand over on the back of this platform on the drill and make sure

everything's working we did go through we got done this day yeah we ended up

using up all but one bag of oats and we used up all the alfalfa seed we had

available but luckily for us we can just use grass seed for what we have left I

mean we really don't need to seed down waterways with alfalfa so at least that's

the plan anyway but the ground had to dry out because the end of tonight or in

this video you can see the clouds are actually clearing up they were saying

rain the whole night the whole day that we were gonna get rain that night and

ultimately we did but luckily it wasn't a gully washer and it really didn't wash

any waterways down that's happened to us before in the past and that's really

depressing you hurry through to get all of your

oats in the ground or get water ways seeded down and then you get them

all washed out after you have them all seeded and leveled off really nice it

doesn't happen very often and in the past where we knew that we were going

to get a bunch of bad weather we usually did hold off on putting oats in because

of that exact reason it doesn't take much to wash them out right now dad's

just looking at the seed tags as far as the pounds per bag and everything just

making sure because it's this has been the last time we put oats in the ground

was 2013 ourselves I mean we hired it done what was it last year and did we I don't

think we hired him the year before but as far as us I mean it's been a few

years now since we put any oats in the ground and looking into next year I

don't know none of us are really sure if we're putting down any more next year

this alfalfa ground we're seeding in right now should last us ideally for at least

four preferably five more years Unless the alfalfa gets killed out

I don't know if anybody's noticed the Aux beam addition to the 4020 here lately I

know I got some new viewers that 4020 with the Aux beam is a force to be

reckoned with you're allowed to work a lot later at night with it now this is

what the grain drill looks like full that's all the oat seed this is the

alfalfa seed that comes in a variety of colors depends on what they treat it

with it's that's not it's actually more Brown right there they're anything but

it does have seed treatment on it it's I've seen it yellow purple red like a

dark dark green and it's all just what they treat it with and here is

the 82 the window has been put in I'm sure everybody knows that now this is

the first workout we got for all the equipment that day and it was on the

630 ryan went through and he hit everything twice it worked up really

well the soybean stubble obviously worked

down really well the corn stubble that probably could have gotten hit one more

time to be completely honest but mm-hmm hey what can you do this is probably

shows a perfect example of well 80% of my childhood right here even as we were

kids this was a pretty common thing watching, keeping an eye on the grain

drill when we first start out making sure everything works

this is not something safe to do I don't recommend many farm kids to do this but

if memory serves me right no one ever told me growing up that farming was a

safe career choice to get into I'm not gonna get in any debates about how

dangerous this is but as you can see I'm looking right down that space between

the oats seed and the alfalfa seed you can see all the oats,.....................

alfalfa seed dropping down into the tubes the reason we do that is because

one was jammed we went through and cleaned them all out but I'm obviously

missed one because I'm the one that cleaned him out I'm I took a piece of

wire and it was just a little clump of alfalfa seed that got in there and it

worked great the rest of the day dad had no issues with it the oats tubes

didn't give us any problems at all even as far as the rate I think I don't even

think we adjusted the rate after we got going there is a graph underneath the

back plate there where I'm sitting on for the oat seed that's a graph that

tells you the rates and the pounds per acre and everything but I say I guess I

missed dad doing that and this is me I'm checking I'm looking for there's an acre

counter on the grain drill and that's what Dad was asking me how many acres we

covered because when you go through and you check to see how many acres you

covered and then you go to refill you cover a certain amount of acres then you

go through and refill the seed drill and you should have an approximate idea how

many bags of seed you're putting down per acre and we came in just under what

we wanted it to be and it was a good thing we did

plant them a little light we didn't seed these oats down as heavy as we used to

I mean the alfalfa was just as heavy if not a little heavier but the oats we are

not planning on combining these we are not combining these so the only reason

we're putting the oats in is more of a cover crop to get the alfalfa seed going

because we'll be cutting these oats off probably what June mid-june somewhere in

there probably right before the farm day the farm day is gonna be kind of hectic

this year because June is a very busy month for us so it might be all of us

kind of running around in circles trying to get ready for the farm day and trying

everything caught up on the farm but it'll be a different time of year this

year, two months earlier than last year so maybe you guys that are

returning viewers or at least you know watching the live streams or whatever we

end up doing you can kind of see the differences of the crops and how things

look around this time of year I mean you know corn will be shorter the beans

will be shorter hopefully I'm not replanting any soybeans or anything when

we're trying to do the farm day so hopefully all my replant days are behind

me but that's it for my seeding video guys that's all I really had on me or I

was able to take so until next time or tomorrow night Take care Take it easy

Keep in touch


For more infomation >> Seeding Oats 2018 John Deere 4020 and Grain Drill - Duration: 10:29.


Peacock Leg 2.0 - The Project List - Duration: 10:10.

Hi I'm Mike, the project list continues and today we head back into bird territory

as we tackle the peacocks prosthetic once again, its peacock leg 2.0 today on the project

list on our Wyoming life.

Welcome to our Wyoming life, each week we tackle projects from the board and try to

whittle away at the tasks that need done around the ranch.

From cleaning corrals to tractor maintenance its all up there While some projects can wait

others can't and month ago we started work on a project that we cant give up on and that's

Project peacock.

If this is your first time here please subscribe and join us as we explore the ranch life and

escape the ordinary.

Sometimes escaping the ordinary is very true for us as I never would have imagined that

we would working on a prosthetic leg for a peacock but when we started going down this

road we knew there was no turning back and this is the continuation of that story.

In the beginning we had a peacock who lost his leg over the winter due to frostbite.

Peacocks don't sit on the ground in the wintertime and he didn't get frostbite from

direct contact with snow but he did get it from roosting in the rafters of the shed and

with the wind hitting him from just the wrong direction his life will never be the same


We took him into the shop and began what we thought would be a normal recovery but through

the magic of the internet, a reddit user heard our story and created a 3d printed leg for


We got it and put it on him and soon he was up and moving again.

But not without difficulties, the leg was heavy, he had trouble moving the hinge at

the knee as the muscles of his leg had already begun to atrophy and I think it was just uncomfortable

for him.

The angle of the foot was hard for him to deal with and even though he did wear it,

he got into the habit of trying to fly with it on rather than walk.

And when he flew, he crash landed.

The extra weight and bulk must have been awkward and after a few weeks of wearing the new leg

he managed to break it.

We repaired it and he broke it again, this time beyond repair.

A new solution was in order, and while our original designer and 3d printer started to

work on his own new plan, we started working on one as well.

Building him a new leg, without a knee and a rounded end instead of a foot for him to

walk on.

Sort of a peg leg system, which might be more stable, lighter and easier for him to use.

Today we get to take a few drawings on the board and turn them into reality.

No matter how crazy it sounds.

One of the best and hardest things about living on a ranch is that fact that all the animals

that live here, from chickens, to pigs to horses to cows and calves all depend on us

for one thing or another.

Most of the time it is food.

Feed me Seymour!

But there is also protection from weather, hygiene issues, and of course medical needs.

We firmly believe that if we can help we owe that animal our time to do everything we can

for it and to try to help it.

Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't but a win is a win and with a win you can

bank that good feeling that you have made one animals life better or even saved it.

Back to the peacock.

Our goal today is to get him back up and walking evenly again.

He can walk on his stump, but he uses his wing, putting it on the ground for balance,

which can be troublesome in itself.

In addition, with the added struggle of moving around he tends to be lethargic, sitting and

not doing anything for hours of the day.

When he used to be one of the most mobile animals on the ranch.

Helping Erin garden, or me work in the shop.

His new prosthetic leg is going to be pretty simple, a pvc sleeve will be cut to attach

to his leg.

That sleeve will have a wooden dowel attached to act as a stump extension and the entire

contraption will be held to his leg with Velcro straps.

We start with our PVC.

We have two kinds on hand, both 1" interior diameter.

One is thick walled the other thin.

We are going to start with then thin for todays prototype because it will be lighter for him

to wear.

Based on measurements from the broken leg, we will cut it down to about a foot long,

giving us a piece to work with that we will be able to trim as we get closer to fitting

it to him.

The extra length will also save our finger as we are going to cut the PVC in half using

a table saw.

Then after cutting it, trimming it to a length of about 4 inches.

Then its time for our first test fitting of the day.

I have a feeling the peacock is going to be plenty annoyed with us as we move through

this process.

Each step along the way is going to need to be fitted to him and tested for fit and size.

I'd be annoyed, I'm sure he will be.

After we determine the length of the PVC is correct we can break our belt sander out of

month balls, I don't thin I have used this thing in a year or so and sand down the edges

and rounding off corners in order to give him a more comfortable fit.

Next up is an issue that we are going to have to deal with and that is the peacocks spur.

This claw is used for fighting and it needs somewhere to go in the new design, after marking

the location on the PVC we can drill a hole for it to fit through.

This is actually good, as it will keep the prosthetic from twisting on his leg.

Back down the stairs we go, this time testing the placement of our hole for the spur, which

seems to fit just right.

Back upstairs, its now time to start working on the dowel that is going to fit to the PVC


We need a pocket in the end of the dowel for his stump to fit into and to keep it from

sliding out of his new leg.

To do this we are going to first mark center, then using a spade bit on a drill we start

taking material out of the middle of the dowel.

Then using a Dremel tool we can sand it down and thin the walls out a bit where then need

to be.

Back down with the peacock we test fit the dowel that will become his new stump extension

and with the fit about right, we can then add some felt to pad the inside of the cup

that will hold his stump.

In the fitting room, the pieces are reattached to the peacock and then marked for length.

Can you see the annoyance in his eyes?

I sure can and I'm sure its going to get worse before it gets better, but there is

light at the end of the tunnel.

Now its time to attach wood and plastic, by drilling through both and securing them with

a bolt.

Measuring time again and now its time to get the length for the wooden piece so that we

walks straight and level.

Cutting it off and then sanding it into a rounded dome shape for him.

Velcro straps are then attached and we lay some padding into the inside of the PVC to

keep it from wearing on his leg.

Our padding is made up of a few layers of Vetwrap.

The stuff you see wrapped around the legs of horses to treat sprains and injuries but

this stuff has tons of uses, and now they can add padding for a peacocks prostetic leg

to their label.

We lay it in, cut it to size and then its back down stairs for another fitting on the


We attach the leg and cut the Velcro strips to length and then its time for him to try

it out.

And it seems just a little too long, and easy fix.

Better to be too long than too short, so we head back upstairs, where we cut off some

more of the length, round it off again using the belt sander.

Now the final fitting, Setting the peacock down and strapping it on.

And away he goes.

This is something we have never done before obviously and we are winging it, so to speak.

The design keeps getting tweaked and already we have some ideas for how to attach it better

and make it more comfortable for him.

But I think we are going down the right road.

I'm sure to some people there is the thought of why bother and that's ok.

But for us, we look back on all the years of enjoyment this peacock gave us.

Yelling at intruders, trying to help calve, and the way he seems to be watching everything

we do and we consider it payback.

He deserves to be able to go outside and stroll around his old stomping ground and we owe

it to him.

Even if he walks like a dog wearing shoes.

Thanks for coming along today, we are one step closer to the peacock being turned loose

to do his thing and as soon as it stops snowing and we can trust him not to fall on his face

in the ice and snow we will do just that and I hope you are there with us to celebrate

his recovery.

Find us on Facebook to stay up to date with what is going on with Cassidy the peacock

and if you head to our website you can sign up for the herd report and get weekly updates

on all things ranch related, including bloopers and behind the scenes footage.

Those links are in the description.

Erin will be back to planting this week as she prepares for a big move into the high

tunnel with spring gardening now underway and of course look for our regular ranch video

on Sunday morning.

Thanks for exploring the ranch life with us and we invite you to escape the ordinary every

chance you get by subscribing and coming along with us on this incredible, and sometimes

crazy journey.

Until next time, have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Peacock Leg 2.0 - The Project List - Duration: 10:10.


Why Lonzo Ball Is CHANGING His Shot In The NBA - Duration: 3:59.

Lonzo Ball was putting up brick after brick after it seemed like he figured out what type

of shots to take in the NBA.

Now Lonzo's doing something different, he's changing his shot.

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players.

It's ya boi MJ.

Today I wanna talk about Why Lonzo Ball is changing his shot in the NBA.

Y'all seem to like seeing things about Lonzo's unique shot and keep hitting me up on insta

about Lonzo so let me know in the comments whether Lonzo should change his shot completely

or should he keep his old shot.

Alright, let's get into it.

Just three weeks ago I made a video on Why Lonzo Ball Is Shooting Better and it looked

to me like he was figuring out his spots and what type of shots to take.

Then he had this stretch of games where he was just trash.

I mean, he hit the side of the backboard with a 3.

He went back to taking rushed shots and taking shots out of rhythm.

Lonzo was also terrible at one other thing, midrange jumpshots.

He never particularly chose to shoot midrange jumpers because his shot form just didn't

work well.

It seemed as if his form didn't allow him to aim properly without having set feet.

Without a midrange threat, defenders could sort of drop down once Lonzo Ball came off

a pick because either he was driving to the paint or passing.

He's not doing anything else.

Then out of nowhere Lonzo Ball was unleashed against the Pistons in Lonzo Ball fashion

with 15 points.

And it's pretty sad that Lakers fans have to get excited when their number 2 pick in

the draft score 15 points.

He also had 11 assists.

He shot 7 of 8 from the field but the way he got those points surprised me.

Apart from layups and dunks, Lonzo hit a couple of midrange shots.

He hit a rare two hand floater in the lane which he shot from the right side.

Then he put a player on skates and his a one legged midrange shot from slightly to the

left of his head, but noy all the way to the left like he normally does.

And the shot was nothing but net.

Then he banked it midrange jumper with ease off of a pick and once again he shot with

the ball a little more out and slightly to the left.

And finally he hit another midrange shot from off a pick and this shot was released from

right in front of his head and dare I say, looked normal?

But these cases are anything but normal because they stand out with dope designs so check

out athletic cases in the description.

Lonzo ain't big baller enough to have his own case, yet.

His three point shot was still normal, but Lonzo is changing his shot from the midrange

so that he could release the ball quicker and off the pick and roll.

By bringing the ball towards the middle, he doesn't have to bring the ball all the way

to the left to shoot and shaves seconds off the whole process.

He also can have better control off pick and roll situations because the ball isn't moving

as much and he can use his follow through to guide the ball from midrange.

If Lonzo keeps this up, I feel as if he could change his form for the 3 point line and be

more of a consistent threat since he won't need as much time setting up his shot.

He can also make defenders step up on him and create more opportunities for others which

allow his great passing to show up.

And that's why Lonzo Ball is changing his shot.

But what do you think?

Is it about time that he change his shot?

Should he keep using the old shot?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Drop a like if you liked this video and if you like this one legged shot.

The instagram shout of the day goes to Wavy Kid and the ALLDAY notification squad shout

out goes to Ned Doyle.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> Why Lonzo Ball Is CHANGING His Shot In The NBA - Duration: 3:59.


Falling asleep on strangers' shoulder in Korea's subway - Duration: 15:15.

I don't know if today is a new vlog or if it's part of the previous one


hi, if this is a new vlog

and hi too if this is the continuation of

it's snowing so I have to wear a mask and a hat

yesterday my nose was getting frozen, literally

I was like, not my nose

oh my God, it was like an ice cube

so I'll be wearing a mask today

I'm gonna get an injection today for hepatitis B

actually it's the last shot today

the two previous ones I got them in August or October

my doctor said I should get the last one after coming from Colombia

after that I'm gonna get data on my phone

apparently there is a problem with the sim card

it's not working

my friends said they've been calling me and it says it's suspended

I have no idea why it's suspended

I was told I have to go to KT

it's my cellphone's company here

and the last thing I've to do it's going to a meeting near Gangnam

so it's gonna be a long afternoon

This is the hospital I go because they speak English

this is the emergency entrance

I have to go this way

my doctor's office is on B1

I like today's weather so much

obviously this elevator has to be huge

but I've never seen an elevator with a seat

I'm gonna give you the prescription to get the inyection

after the injection you can go home without a problem

all good

okay, thanks

20,000 won

I'm gonna apply it now

it's gonna hurt

*it actually hurts more in the next day*

I'm not happy in this moment

I don't even know why I need this injection

Hepatitis B vaccine

in Colombia I never needed it

apparently everyone does in Korea

this is the third shot and the last one, thanks God

It hurt a lot but I survived jk

*I had to wait 20 minutes in case I was allergic*

this is to drink water

I made it

why is there a Dunkin' Donuts in a hospital, I don't get it

if you need a hospital where they speak English, it's located in Sillim station exit 1

now I'm around my neighborhood

and for many things that are gonna happen I've to start a new diet


so I'm going to get some groceries since I can't eat anything outside home for like a month

so I'll get some food

let's see how is the convenience store of this corner

outside it's everything you shouldn't eat

I love these chips tho, honey and butter chips

have you tried it? they taste so good

this is choco cake

and it's too tasty and cheap

this is on sale every day of the year

this bananas cost 4,200 won and now are down to 3,000

as they are getting spoiled

I'll get the best ones

I've to buy apple's vinager

and drink it every morning

this looks too big tho

normally these are the ones that Koreans drink

but the apple one is the most popular

if I can't drink it I have to throw it away

this salmon can is actually pretty cheap, only 3,000 won

I'll get a couple of this

Katy Perry is coming to Seoul

in like 2 weeks or something

but I can't go because I'll be in Argentina

have you ever tried milo?



ah, all of this snacks are differents

you're gonna have to explain to me what are all these

so this is milo

I've never heard of this, it is chocolate...

it's not chocolate, but it's similar

malt snacks covered with...

you can't see it but it's snowing

and everything is falling in my face

I think if I stop a moment you can see the snow

I wish you could see it as me

actually now it's snowing just a bit

I gotta go cause I'll be late

*Me in life*

This is a kit from BTS

and these are cushions

apparently the whole makeup line is from BTS

why I just found this out?

this is the white one

and they have it on black too

look at the invisible snow

they're selling Idols' masks

I just recognize one of all of these

who's this guy?

seriously let me know

*getting cash to pay my rent*

I got all the money in 10,000 won

what am I gonna do?

if you want, you can get an envelop for free

now Cathy is craving for some cake

and we're in my neighborhood


in front of this agency there is one of my favorites

I really like this bakery

and I'm just gonna watch her getting fat

but it's freaking cold

and it's too windy

dude, be careful

this is so cute

I know

these desserts are tiny

looks really good but I'm not gonna pay 9usd for this

it's too cute but too small

in starbucks they are bigger and cheaper

so Cathy thinks that in this place the desserts are too small for her

is not enough, they are too small. I don't understand why

so this coffee shop is where dramas are shot, many dramas


no, I'm just kidding

it's obviously truth

and also in W coffee too but they changed the owner

looks like they're shooting something

*they were actually shooting something so it was not opened*

this one looks really good


5,800 won this blueberry one

I think I'm gonna look over there

I tried this one last Sunday and it was exquisite

why they are so many in EXO?

what you are about to see is a challenge I wanted to do to make you laugh

it didn't turn out as I wanted but you can see I put a lot of effort, so enjoy it!

*first try*


*changing cabin*

*second try*

dude just give up

*the third time's the charm*

*this is the exact reaction I was waiting for BUT...*

*this was totally surprising for me*

*time to change*

*there was not reaction*

*time to leave*


*for real my friend couldn't get out of the subway in time and I was left alone at the station*

For more infomation >> Falling asleep on strangers' shoulder in Korea's subway - Duration: 15:15.


Trump Just Gave Dems Big Middle Finger, Invited Their Mortal Enemy To WH– They've Already Started... - Duration: 5:09.

Trump Just Gave Dems Big Middle Finger, Invited Their Mortal Enemy To WH – They've Already

Started Slandering Him!

Over the last year, the Democrats in office have been doing all they can to attack President

Trump and his administration.

It appears that no matter what Trump does the left side of the aisle is ready to pummel

him with audacious claims of racism, bigotry and of course, the Russian collusion story

that they keep peddling to the masses.

While weaker men and women in the political world would have already crumbled from these

constant attacks, Trump seems only to grow more confident, and stronger in his resolve.

Now, Trump is giving the left one big middle finger to the Democrats by inviting Russian

president Vladimir Putin to the White House, and just as suspected the left is already

pitching a massive temper tantrum.

As you know, for the last year and a half the Democrats in office have been hoping that

President Trump would be found guilty of Russian collusion.

Though no matter how hard they dig they cannot seem to find a shred of evidence tying Trump

or his family to this ridiculous conspiracy theory, which has angered them to no ends.

Now, because of this ridiculous investigation, tensions between the two countries have only

grown worse.

President Trump to smooth the rough waters between the two nations has offered an olive

branch to Vladimir Putin to come to the White House for a visit.

While this simple gesture would never have been frowned upon if it was the Obama administration

offering it, but since Trump is the one extending it the left and several never-Trumper's

are in an absolute uproar.

Here is more from ABC News:

"President Donald Trump offered to host Vladimir Putin at the White House for a summit

during a phone call with the Russian leader last month, a senior Kremlin aide told Russian

media today.

Both the White House and the Kremlin have previously said the two leaders had discussed

a possible summit during a call on March 20, when Trump called Putin to congratulate him

on his win in Russia's presidential election.

At a briefing, Monday, the Kremlin aide, Yuri Ushakov, said Trump had suggested on the call

that the summit could be held at the White House.

"When our presidents were talking on the telephone, Trump proposed to hold the first

meeting in Washington, in the White House," Ushakov was quoted by Russian news agencies

as saying.

Ushakov did not say whether Putin had accepted the proposal and said that no specific negotiations

for a summit had started, adding that Russia hopes one will take place in some form, according

to Russia's state news agency TASS.

"If everything will be OK, I hope that the Americans won't withdraw their proposal

to discuss the possibility of holding a summit," Ushakov said, according to TASS.

Ushakov said Putin and Trump had not discussed a precise time frame for the meeting and that

there had been no discussions between U.S. and Russian officials on the issue since the


But he said that Russia believes such a summit is "highly important and needed for both

countries and for the whole of the international community."

The White House responded to Ushakov's comments by saying that a number of venues were under

consideration for a possible summit, including the White House, but there were "no specific

plans" for a meeting at the moment.

"As the president himself confirmed on March 20, hours after his last call with President

Putin, the two had discussed a bilateral meeting in the 'not-too-distant future' at a number

of potential venues, including the White House," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders

told reporters.

After the March 20 phone call, Trump told reporters he and Putin had discussed meeting

and that he thought he and Putin would "probably get together in the not-too-distant future"

to discuss arms control and the threat of a new nuclear arms race.

The Kremlin has been signaling it wants a high-profile summit between Putin and Trump,

likely focused on arms control.

Putin touted an arsenal of "invincible" new nuclear weapons in a speech at the beginning

of March, calling on the U.S. to treat Moscow as an equal.

After Trump and Putin spoke, the Kremlin said it has ordered Russia's foreign minister,

Sergey Lavrov, to open discussions with the U.S. about a meeting."

Now, of course, the mainstream media would like everyone to believe that this was some

sinister plot to overthrow our Republic, but guess what?

It's not.

In fact, what President Trump is doing is precisely what any strong world leader should

do to ensure that everyone in the world stays peaceful.

If President Trump were to start more controversy with Putin, it could cause a domino effect

which would inevitably lead us all into war.

Trump is the strong leader we elected him to be, and naturally, that angers the left.

Hopefully, this meeting goes well, and President Trump can reach common ground with Putin that

would benefit the entire world.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Gave Dems Big Middle Finger, Invited Their Mortal Enemy To WH– They've Already Started... - Duration: 5:09.


BREAKING VIDEO: IMMIGRATION Agents Just Abandoned Their Posts!! INVASION IMMINENT! - Duration: 8:14.

BREAKING VIDEO: IMMIGRATION Agents Just Abandoned Their Posts!!


U.S. Border Patrol has the unenviable job of keeping illegals from crossing the border

into the United States.

While their job has gotten a lot more complicated, since those who arrive are immediately given

many benefits by the liberal laws that govern them now, border patrol is still our first

line of defense against those who want to enter the United States illegally.

This tense battle between law enforcement is complicated by the fact that America is

embroiled in a hot political debate about how illegals should be dealt with, and illegals

seem to know that.

The problem, which is often portrayed as just a few desperate illegals, dribbling over the

border, looking for a better life, is not like that at all.

Breitbart News reports that not only are their masses of immigrants marching toward our southern

border, they're being publically backed by groups who consider it to be their right

to invade us.

In fact, they're not even coming from Mexico, although they will end up having to come through


The most recent push has left border agents in other countries fleeing their borders,

in the wake of the roughly 1500 central Americans who are marching toward our southern border

as fast as they can get there:

"A caravan of more than 1,500 families [sic] including men, women, and children are making

their way from Central America through Mexico and are expected to arrive at the US-Mexico

Border in the coming days to request refugee status.

Known as the Viacrucis Migrante 2018, the caravan began on March 25 in the state of

Chiapas and is expected to reach Tijuana within a month where the members of the group are

expected to request refugee status from the U.S. government.

The caravan is organized by the immigrant rights group Pueblo Sin Fronteras who have

The group is reportedly made up of families from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras

who are fleeing extreme poverty and gang violence.

The group has been demanding a stop to the violence."

While any large group of people descending on the border of our country should disturb

and potentially enrage Americans, the even more frustrating part is that there are groups

who publically endorse and support this movement.

It's as if the fact that they're helping people break the law isn't even an issue


Below you can see the translated verbiage from a Facebook post supporting the march:

"Day 5 of the #ViacrucisMigrante2018, families washing clothing and bathing in the Novillero

river in San Pedro Tepanatepec, whike others in the caravan prepare rice and beans.

A group of 350 men just arrived after walking all night from Arriaga.

On the last stretch 2 truckers stopped on the side of the highway and all 350 climbed

onto the truck beds to arrive together at dawn.

90 of us arrived last night on a bus after negotiating with the bus company in Arriaga.

The border police stopped and boarded us, but we insisted that we are Pueblo Sin Fronteras,

1500 families without passports but with permission from God to pass freely; the police backed

off and we made it to San Pedro, where we found the town fair and played foosball before

falling asleep exhausted.

We are strong, we are impatient, we are beautiful and fun and we have dignity, and there are

a lot of us.

Of the 150 people who flee political repression in Honduras each day, more than a thousand

are with us, roaring "Fuera Joh!" as we march.

We struggle against the corrupt governments of Mexico, Centroamerica, and the USA, an

end to violence and repression in our countries, and respect and freedom of movement for all


As America braces for the impact of a small army descending on our southern border, Breitbart

reports that communities and groups along the way are providing real, tangible support

for the encroaching horde of invaders:

"While the group is made up primarily of individuals who could be considered undocumented

by Mexican authorities, officials have stepped aside, Mexico's El Universal reported.

Additionally, the group has been thankful to the local governments in various rural

communities in southern Mexico for helping the caravan by providing transportation, food,

and other aid.

The push to the border comes at a time the Trump administration has clashed with the

Mexican government over their apparent leniency when dealing with drug cartels, border security,

and the payment of walls."

As long as illegals have the warm and cuddly persona, there likely won't be any change

on the immigration front.

However, if there's any hope that we won't be completely taken over by outsiders, we

must see this for the invasion that it is.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> BREAKING VIDEO: IMMIGRATION Agents Just Abandoned Their Posts!! INVASION IMMINENT! - Duration: 8:14.


The Story Behind Japan's Bathing Monkeys | ScienceTake - Duration: 2:36.

The snow monkeys of Japan live further north

than any other nonhuman primate.

And one troop has become downright famous

because they're the only monkeys in the world

to spend hours in the winter soaking in hot springs.

Only recently, scientists have started investigating

the behavior of the macaques.

But before we get to that, here's a brief history

of how a group of macaques developed the hot tub habit

in the first place.

Macaques live all over Japan.

But this group's home is near Nagano,

where the winter temperatures are often below freezing,

but the landscape is sprinkled with natural hot springs.

But it wasn't until 1963,

so the story goes, that a monkey first joined human visitors

in a hotel bathing pool.

Of course, one macaque in the pool

soon became many macaques, which upset the humans.

The solution: build a park and hot spring bathing pools

just for the monkeys.

Happy monkeys, happy humans.

The macaques soon became an attraction,

drawing more attention and more visitors

to the mountains of Nagano.

Back to the present.

Researchers are now focusing on why the monkeys bathe.

Probably to stay warm, but that's just an assumption.

Since cold causes stress, increasing levels of hormones

called glucocorticoids,

scientists tested levels of these hormones in the monkeys.

They didn't draw blood or collect saliva.

They collected and tested feces.

And since the monkeys are so used to human tourists,

they paid no attention to the researchers.

As suspected, stress levels were lower during periods

when the macaques were bathing.

Interestingly, the higher-ranking females

had more access to the pool and more time bathing.

Takeshita herself found a kind of nonscientific inspiration

in the monkey bathing.

Many times after coming back from the field

I would go to hot springs.

They also show how a small group of animals

can develop a unique behavior, their own kind of culture,

passed down from generation to generation.

I wonder what they think about while they soak.

For more infomation >> The Story Behind Japan's Bathing Monkeys | ScienceTake - Duration: 2:36.


Fear The Walking Dead: 'A Looks at Season 4' Behind the Scenes - Duration: 2:17.

Madison: We've lived movin' from place to place,

doin' whatever it took to make it.

[Walkers screeching]

Madison: We're not going back to that life.

This is home now,

and I want it to feel that way.

Season 4 of "Fear the Walking Dead" is going to pick up

in an expected place.

Goldberg: This is where Madison, Nick, Strand, Alicia

have made a settlement.

Nick: You know, we're almost growing enough

so we won't have to go out there for anything.

Part of what this season is about is the journey

that got them to this new place

and how they found their way back to each other

and what that journey was like

and where they've found themselves now.

When you are building a new civilization,

there are new people, new complications.


The crossover character

is one of my favorites from "The Walking Dead."

Morgan has always been capable of being a stone-cold killer.


But he also is capable of adopting a peaceful philosophy

of non-violence.

So it'll be interesting to see which of these personalities

he brings to the crossover.

All of the speculation about how and when Morgan arrives

and what the impact he's gonna have on the existing characters,

pretty much everybody's got it wrong.

Surprisingly we've kept the secrets.


It's a cathartic launch into a new reality.

Domingo: The world is gonna continue to grow,

and it's gonna continue to fall apart.

It's a very new experience for all of us.

It's a season about people starting in an isolated place,

forming a community.

There's gonna be a lot of action.

We're gonna do things with walkers

that you haven't seen before.


But mostly, I would say that this season

is about a journey toward hope.

Who the hell is that?

Madison: We're not going anywhere.

For more infomation >> Fear The Walking Dead: 'A Looks at Season 4' Behind the Scenes - Duration: 2:17.


Lose Up to 4kg per Week with Amora Tea - See How! - Duration: 2:58.

This tea is a strong ally of whoever lose weight.

What's so special about him?

It is made with a very special ingredient: the blackberry leaf.

The blackberry leaf contributes to the loss of weight due to the presence of yeasts

facilitate digestion and improve the of the intestine.

And best of all, it tastes delicious.

Blackberry is also rich in vitamin C, which fights diseases such as diabetes and cholesterol


In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant, contributing to the beauty of the skin and hair.

Many attribute this tea to property to stop hair loss and avoid


And it's also great for easing the symptoms of menopause, such as the calories that

so much.

Here are some benefits coming from of the regular consumption of this tea: - Combat

the diabetes- Prevents and Combats Obesity-

Normalizes blood pressure - Prevents against cancer - Improves cholesterol levels

- It improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys - Fight against constipation - Regulates

the endocrine system - Prevents osteoporosis- Has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect

How to prepare blackberry tea:


1 liter of water3 chopped fresh blackberry leaves


make the water boil.

As soon as it boils, add the blackberry, turn off the heat and cover the pan.

The indicated one is to drink four cups per day, at meal intervals.

There are reports on the internet of people saying who lost up to 1.5kg per week taking

blackberry tea combined with diet (nothing so intense) and moderate physical activity.

You can make this tea with leaves of any type of mulberry.

If you can not find the fresh sheet, you can with drought, sold in stores of natural products.

In this case, you will use 1 tablespoon (soup) filled to 1 liter of water.

For more infomation >> Lose Up to 4kg per Week with Amora Tea - See How! - Duration: 2:58.


Homeless Boy Rescues Street Puppy, Has No Idea New Dog Will End Up Saving Him - Duration: 2:45.

Homeless Boy Rescues Street Puppy, Has No Idea New Dog Will End Up Saving Him

There are few things that are more heartbreaking than seeing a homeless child or grungy-looking

puppy beg for handouts on the streets.

But, what happens when you see both of them at once, snuggled up together on top of a

piece of cardboard they call home?

Well, that would make most people's emotions go on a wild rollercoaster ride!

Yet, when photographer Maria Kabs noticed a homeless boy and his doggy living on the

streets of Quezon City in the Philippines, her heart was steadfast as she captured an

emotion that most of us would never expect to see from these little lost souls.

Maria couldn't help but notice a small boy named Rommel Quemenales and his adopted puppy,

Badgi, when she first spotted them on the street.

The two may be homeless, but they have something that many people seemed to have lost - a deep

connection to another living being.

They've brought absolute joy into each other's lives, and it clearly shows!

Maria was so touched by their friendship, she decided to share their story through a

series of heartwarming photos on her Facebook page.As a homeless kid, Rommel didn't have

much to offer the tiny mutt he found wandering around on the streets.

But, he was more than willing to give his new companion all that he had, which included

lots of cuddles, kisses, playtime, and attention.

Lucky for him, this kind of puppy love is exactly what all dogs are actually hungry


Maria was sad when she found out that the 11-year-old had to quit school after the second

grade, shortly after his parents separated.

It's not exactly known why he ended up on the streets, but he has a sister in another

town that he visits when he can save up enough money.

For now, he fills his time playing with his doggy, and dreaming of the day when he can

go back to school again.In a world where people no longer look up from their smartphones to

say hello to one another, neither of these two "lost" souls are ever lonely.

Their living situation may not be ideal, but all Rommel and Badgi have to do is look into

each other's eyes to know they'll always be fur-ever friends.

When some people see a homeless person with a dog, they might believe the dog would be

better off if he were whisked off to an animal shelter where he could get proper food and


However, Maria said it best when she mentioned that a dog doesn't care if you're rich or

poor - all they want to know is that you love them very much.

Isn't that what matters most?

For more infomation >> Homeless Boy Rescues Street Puppy, Has No Idea New Dog Will End Up Saving Him - Duration: 2:45.


Biggie And Tupac Say There's No Beef Between Them (Season 1 Episode 6) | Unsolved on USA Network - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Biggie And Tupac Say There's No Beef Between Them (Season 1 Episode 6) | Unsolved on USA Network - Duration: 1:40.


Trump ramps up illegal immigration crackdown - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Trump ramps up illegal immigration crackdown - Duration: 7:39.


Saudi Arabia Is Still Finished | Oil & Money | ELAI 33 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Saudi Arabia Is Still Finished | Oil & Money | ELAI 33 - Duration: 4:54.


PBS NewsHour - Full Episode - Duration: 56:55.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour - Full Episode - Duration: 56:55.


FIT FORNES El consumo de la bebidas energeticas ligado a la ansiedad, depresión, tensión en adultos - Duration: 5:17.

Energy drink consumption linked to anxiety, depression, stress in young adults

Sunday, April 01, 2018 by: Michelle Simmons

Research continues to uncover the harmful side effects of energy drink consumption.

A study revealed that energy drink consumption is linked to anxiety, depression, and stress

in young male adults.

The study was carried out by a team of researchers from The University of Western Australia and

Telethon Kids Institute in Australia who looked at the longitudinal links between energy drink

consumption and symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress in young adults

Energy drinks are widely marketed to increase alertness and boost energy.

Moreover, they may contain high levels of caffeine, sugar, taurine, ginseng, guarana,

B-vitamins, and herbal extracts.

According to the National Center for Complementary and

Integrative Health of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), energy drinks are the second

most popular dietary supplement consumed by teens and young adults in America, with multivitamins

being the first.

Moreover, males aged between 18 and 34 years drink the most energy drinks, and approximately

one-third of teens aged between 12 and 17 years consume them regularly.

The study involved more than 1,000 participants who participated in the Western Australia

Pregnancy Cohort.

The participants completed self-report questionnaires in order to gather information on their energy

drink use and mental health problems at the 20-year and 22-year follow-up.

The research team used linear regression analyses investigated whether change in energy drink

consumption across the two-year period was linked to change in Depression Anxiety Stress

Scale-21 (DASS-21) scores.

Then, the researchers classified the results by gender and considered for baseline DASS-21

scores, socio-demographics, lifestyle factors, such as physical activity, drug and alcohol

use, body mass index (BMI), dietary intake, and parental mental health.

After they adjusted for potential confounding factors, results showed that switching from

an non-energy drink user to an energy drink user across the two-year follow-up was linked

to an increase in DASS depression, anxiety, and stress scores in men.

On the other hand, there were no significant links found for women.

The researchers concluded that young adult men who consumed energy drinks had a higher

risk of depression, anxiety, and stress.

Energy drink ingredients harm the heart The consumption of a 32-ounce energy drink

causes more potentially dangerous changes in blood pressure and heart function compared

to drinking 32 ounces of a control drink with the same amount of 320 milligrams (mg) of

caffeine, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Consuming 400 mg of caffeine is generally regarded as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug

Administration (FDA).

However, energy drinks also contain other ingredients aside from caffeine, and little

is known about their safety.

Therefore, researchers of the study conducted the study on 18 healthy individuals who were

then divided into two groups – the first group drank a commercially available energy

drink that contained 108 grams (g) of sugar, 320 mg of caffeine, and other compounds, while

the other group consumed a control drink with the same amount of caffeine, 40 milliliters

(ml) of lime juice, and 140 ml of cherry syrup in carbonated water.

After a washout period of six days, the participants switched drinks.

The researchers measured the electrical activity of the participants' hearts using electrocardiogram


They also measured their peripheral and central blood pressures at the beginning of the study

and at one, two, four, six, and 24 hours after drink consumption.

Results revealed that participants who drank an energy drink had an ECG change known as

QTc prolongation and sometimes linked to deadly irregularities in the heartbeat.

Moreover, both groups had similar increases in

systolic blood pressure, but systolic pressures in the caffeine group had nearly returned

to normal after six hours.

This indicated that other ingredients in energy drinks may have affected blood pressure changes.

Thus, the researchers suggested that people who have high blood pressure, heart issues,

or other health conditions might want to limit or avoid drinking energy drinks

For more infomation >> FIT FORNES El consumo de la bebidas energeticas ligado a la ansiedad, depresión, tensión en adultos - Duration: 5:17.


A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...

For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


How to Install Android 8.1 OREO for REDMI NOTE 4X | Lineage OS 15.1 + Kernel SUPER PERFORMANCE - Duration: 5:03.

Hi my friends, I'm Manu!

Today I bring you a rom for Xiaomi Note 4 Note 4X or snapdragon.

Lineage is based OS 15.1 Oreo 8.1.

It is developed with Treble so it is easily upgradeable modular rom.

As you can see from the pictures the launcher of lineage has changed in giving oreo

one aspect of pixel launcher although not as close as the latest version of google


The integrated camera and snap a QR reader and has changed its trigger.

Speaking of the launcher is very fluid and material design appearance, there are also

note that you can customize your color hue settings in a way very


This rom offers a spectacular performance battery even though we already have in this model

con 4100 mAh podemos sacar más rendimiento con un kernel personalizado que podréis flashear

junto a

la rom.

He probado estos días varias roms para el note 4 incluso versiones de Nougat y la verdad

que esta me ha dejado encantado, es fluida, ofrece un grandísimo rendimiento y si le

instalamos la google cámara con algún otro ajuste puede ser la rom definitiva.

Y no me enrollo más, a continuación os voy a enseñar cómo se instala todo lo necesario

para tener esta rom funcionando en pocos minutos.

Para empezar vamos a iniciar nuestro teléfono en modo fastboot.

Esto lo conseguiremos pulsando las teclas volumen abajo y power al mismo tiempo.

A los segundos nos tendrá que salir una imagen del logo de miui con un android.

A continuación vamos a conectar nuestro móvil con el pc con el cable usb o cable de datos.

Recordad que tenemos que tener un bootloader desbloqueado, suficiente batería y una copia

de seguridad de los archivos que necesitamos porque la hacer esto perderemos todo ya que

es como un formateo.

Ahora vamos a instalar nuestro recovery a través de una consola de comandos de Windows

o Linux según nuestro PC.

Debemos tener adb instalado para tener soporte.

Escribimos fastboot flash recovery y el nombre de nuestro fichero de recovery.

Deberemos estar en el directorio donde descargamos el recovery porque sino nos daría error.

Una vez flasheado escribimos lo siguiente para reiniciar en modo recovery.

Fastboot boot y el nombre del recovery.

En nuestro recovery empezamos con limpieza, limpieza avanzada y seleccionamos las particiones

dalvik, caché, sistema y datos.

Confrmamos con el slider hacia la derecha.

Lo siguiente es flashear la rom, google appps y en el caso que queramos el root y el kernel


Pulsamos sobre instalar y flasheamos la rom, después iremos añadiendo los siguientes

zips y una vez acabemos confirmamos deslizando el slider hacia la derecha, en poco tiempo

tendremos flasheada nuestra rom correctamente.

Podemos guardar estos ficheros que flasheamos tanto en la memoria interna como en una sd.

Lo necesario realmente es flashear la rom y luego si queremos google apps, root o un

kernel personalizado con el que obtenemos mayor rendimiento ya es opciones es vuestra


Una vez acabe de flashear todo, si el proceso es correcto nos faltaría reiniciar y esperar

el primer inicio que suele durar entre 10 y 15 minutos.

Si tenéis algún tipo de error no dudéis en comentarlo.

Y hasta aquí el video de hoy, suscribete si no estás suscrito, dale me gusta al video

y sígueme en las redes.

Soy Manu y nos vemos en el próximo video.

For more infomation >> How to Install Android 8.1 OREO for REDMI NOTE 4X | Lineage OS 15.1 + Kernel SUPER PERFORMANCE - Duration: 5:03.


For more infomation >> How to Install Android 8.1 OREO for REDMI NOTE 4X | Lineage OS 15.1 + Kernel SUPER PERFORMANCE - Duration: 5:03.


D'excellents aliments pour nettoyer l'intestin | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> D'excellents aliments pour nettoyer l'intestin | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:53.


For more infomation >> D'excellents aliments pour nettoyer l'intestin | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:53.


Tuto : Comment monter son premier studio photo maison pour pas cher! - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> Tuto : Comment monter son premier studio photo maison pour pas cher! - Duration: 12:07.


For more infomation >> Tuto : Comment monter son premier studio photo maison pour pas cher! - Duration: 12:07.


Metro Boomin Type Beat

For more infomation >> Metro Boomin Type Beat


White Plains Metro-North Station Getting Sleek $92M Upgrade - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> White Plains Metro-North Station Getting Sleek $92M Upgrade - Duration: 1:52.


Things Teenage Girls Say - with Translations - Duration: 1:58.

hey guys! It's Hashtag Zoe, welcome back to my channel. for today's video I'm going to be telling

you a bunch of, things that all teenage girls say, and also really quickly I am

more than qualified to make this video because I am, myself, a teenage girl and I

definitely say all of these things. most of these things anyway, and parents, don't

worry I'm here to help I will give you translations for every

single one let's go ahead and get started the video whatever it's like

like, like, like, OMG literally I am so obsessed, obsessed of totally definitely

amazing, I really want to go shopping, yeah she's killing it okay, okay, okay,

it's lit, I'm so down, yeah no no it's fine, it's fine, fine, I'm fine I don't

know I feel like she's just in it for the clout, thanks fsm, um, I can't even

watch, low-key, high key, why are you so salty? girl spill the tea, my wig flipped off

snatched, we stan queen. that's so sus, I'm shook, wow that is so

funny, that's so funny. heart eye emoji, finesse

thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please make sure

to give it a big thumbs up subscribe if you have not already and also follow me

on Instagram because I'm just doing Instagram lives a lot recently

and I want to guest you guys in my life so yeah follow me on a gym and I will

see you guys in my next video bye

Things teenage girls say

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> Things Teenage Girls Say - with Translations - Duration: 1:58.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 335D 286PK M-SPORT Pakket! Automaat! Navi/Xenon/LMV18"/Pano-Dak/Voll-Leder/Keyle - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 335D 286PK M-SPORT Pakket! Automaat! Navi/Xenon/LMV18"/Pano-Dak/Voll-Leder/Keyle - Duration: 0:54.


Manage the code upgrade and tool process in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations - Duration: 4:56.

>> In this video,

we'll show how you can take

advantage of the code upgrade service in

Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services also known as

LCS to upgrade Microsoft Dynamics 365

for Finance and Operations

from one application released to another.

Before we begin, note

that the code upgrade service can also

be used to upgrade Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

However, this video focuses on finance and operations.

Additionally, you don't have to

use the code upgrade service if you're

just taking up a new platform release or binary updates.

For more information about when you

should use the code upgrade service,

see the process for moving to

the latest update of finance and operations

topic on Before we begin,

there are two prerequisites that must be completed.

First, you must make sure that

the LCS implementation project for finance and operations

is connected to Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services

also known as VSTS.

Next, you must verify the release of

finance and operations that's

running in your environment.

To complete these prerequisites,

sign into your LCS implementation project

for finance and operations,

and then on the hamburger menu,

click "Project Settings" On the left,

click the "Visual Studio Team Services" tab and

verify that the project and VSTS are connected.

To identify the release of finance and

operations that's running in your environment,

open the Environment details page in LCS.

The release number is listed

under Environment version information.

Now that you've completed the prerequisites,

you're ready to run the LCS code upgrade service.

On the hamburger menu,

click "Code upgrade" Click "Add".

Enter a name and description for

the code upgrade run and

then select the release of finance

and operations that you're upgrading from and

the release of finance and

operations that you're upgrading to.

If you just want to generate upgrade

analysis reports instead of completing an actual upgrade,

select the Estimation only checkbox.

Click "Analyze code" to run

the code upgrade service based on your selections.

Wait until the code upgrade service has finished running.

After the code upgrade run is completed,

you can download the upgrade

analysis reports to review the upgrade effort.

Note that if you've selected

the estimation only checkbox,

this step is the end of upgrade estimation run.

After the code upgrade service has finished running,

a new upgrade branch is created VSTS.

The new branch includes the upgraded code

and any artifacts that contain conflicts.

Next, you must prevision a new development box or

a downloadable virtual hard disk of

the target release and then connect to VSTS.

To connect to VSTS on your development box,

start Microsoft Visual Studio as an administrator.

Click "View" Click "Team explorer" Click "Managed

connections" and then click "Connect

to team project" Next,

click "Servers" and then click "Add" Copy your VSTS URL,

paste it into the name or URL of

Team Foundation Server field and then click

OK. You're prompted to

sign into an account that has VSTS access.

Sign in, select your VSTS project

and then click "Connect" Next,

you must configure the development

workspace and link it to

the upgrade branch that the code upgrade service created.

To link the workspace to

the upgrade branch on the file menu,

point to Source control,

point to Advanced and then click

"Workspaces" Click "Edit" and

then in the row for the Source control folder,

click the "Ellipsis button",

three dots to map the Metadata and

projects in VSTS to Local folders.

Note that you can also map VSTS to

your development box by using Source Control Explorer.

For more information, see

the Configure Visual Studio Team Services

mapping during code migration topic on

In the visual studio,

on the Team Explorer tab,

on the Solutions fast tab,

open code merged solution and resolve any conflicts.

When you've resolved all the conflicts,

do a full build and Visual Studio.

To do a full build on the Dynamics 365 menu,

click "Build models" To finish,

you must run tests to validate

your upgraded solution and

then check in the upgraded code.

Finally, you must merge

the upgrade branch with the main branch to

merge the branches and

Visual Studio and Studio Control Explorer.

Right click your upgrade branch,

click" Branching and Merging" and then click

"Merge" Remember to check

in your changes before you merge.

This brings us to the end of this presentation.

We hope you found this information

useful. Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Manage the code upgrade and tool process in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations - Duration: 4:56.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI 105PK AMBITION PRO S-LINE LMV/PDC/Sportstoelen/6-Bak/Boordcomputer/Radio-M - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI 105PK AMBITION PRO S-LINE LMV/PDC/Sportstoelen/6-Bak/Boordcomputer/Radio-M - Duration: 1:00.


sMMV | LẠC TRÔI (ft. my ugly voice) - Duration: 0:09.

(You) follow the scent of flowers and cloudy mist

Let this haze take you away from me

I just wanted to make something edgy :P

For more infomation >> sMMV | LẠC TRÔI (ft. my ugly voice) - Duration: 0:09.


A Study in Style - Duration: 2:45.

[Yay for Kay theme music]

Welcome to a very special episode of "Yay for Kay."

You know, I keep getting comments on my vlog.

"Kay, I love your make up, but can you give us tips for a more natural look?"

"Kay, I love your fashion, but can you show us some more bohemian styles?"

"What about men's fashion, Kay?"







Why do you guys need any of those things whenever you have my style?

Well, I guess if you insist on thinking outside the box, you deserve the very best your inferior

style can achieve, so I've worked up a few case studies of some of my friends, who, despite

my best efforts, still insist on dressing how they "like," or whatever.

[cheerful Kay theme music]

First up, Gavin Lot, rocking what I like to call "sweat sock chic."

Note the essential accessories:

The oversized T-shirt that doesn't accurately show off his jock muscles,

the baggy basketball shorts, although he is not currently playing basketball,

and sandals... with socks.

Don't be Gavin, people.

Next up, we have a friend of the show: Vera Strong.

Note how Vera has taken Gavin's athletic look and classed it up a bit.

She's wearing jeans that actually fit her,

sporty and attractive layered tops,

and Converse to finish up the effortless look.

It's fun, it's flattering, and from what Vera tells me, it's comfortable, but I wouldn't


Finally, Mordred Pendragon.

Stupid name, snappy dresser.

Take note of the well-kept jeans, the shirt that looks like he actually checked the tag

before he bought it, and shoes.

Like, real shoes!

And a jacket that ties it all together and keeps it from being totally boring.

If you insist on wearing men's clothes, and can't be John Boyega and wear a velvet suit

on the red carpet, then let Mordred be your guide.

What do Gavin, Vera, and Mordred all teach us?

That if you have to go off-book, here are some general rules that you can follow for

whatever your "style" is.

Number one: Sweat the details.

No matter what your style is, always have at least one interesting accessory so that

I don't fall asleep whenever I'm looking at you.

Number two: Quality, quality, quality.

Even Mordred's socks look better and will last longer than Gavin's ever could.

And number three: Dress for your size, people.

See you all later!

For more infomation >> A Study in Style - Duration: 2:45.


How to Install Android 8.1 OREO for REDMI NOTE 4X | Lineage OS 15.1 + Kernel SUPER PERFORMANCE - Duration: 5:03.

Hi my friends, I'm Manu!

Today I bring you a rom for Xiaomi Note 4 Note 4X or snapdragon.

Lineage is based OS 15.1 Oreo 8.1.

It is developed with Treble so it is easily upgradeable modular rom.

As you can see from the pictures the launcher of lineage has changed in giving oreo

one aspect of pixel launcher although not as close as the latest version of google


The integrated camera and snap a QR reader and has changed its trigger.

Speaking of the launcher is very fluid and material design appearance, there are also

note that you can customize your color hue settings in a way very


This rom offers a spectacular performance battery even though we already have in this model

con 4100 mAh podemos sacar más rendimiento con un kernel personalizado que podréis flashear

junto a

la rom.

He probado estos días varias roms para el note 4 incluso versiones de Nougat y la verdad

que esta me ha dejado encantado, es fluida, ofrece un grandísimo rendimiento y si le

instalamos la google cámara con algún otro ajuste puede ser la rom definitiva.

Y no me enrollo más, a continuación os voy a enseñar cómo se instala todo lo necesario

para tener esta rom funcionando en pocos minutos.

Para empezar vamos a iniciar nuestro teléfono en modo fastboot.

Esto lo conseguiremos pulsando las teclas volumen abajo y power al mismo tiempo.

A los segundos nos tendrá que salir una imagen del logo de miui con un android.

A continuación vamos a conectar nuestro móvil con el pc con el cable usb o cable de datos.

Recordad que tenemos que tener un bootloader desbloqueado, suficiente batería y una copia

de seguridad de los archivos que necesitamos porque la hacer esto perderemos todo ya que

es como un formateo.

Ahora vamos a instalar nuestro recovery a través de una consola de comandos de Windows

o Linux según nuestro PC.

Debemos tener adb instalado para tener soporte.

Escribimos fastboot flash recovery y el nombre de nuestro fichero de recovery.

Deberemos estar en el directorio donde descargamos el recovery porque sino nos daría error.

Una vez flasheado escribimos lo siguiente para reiniciar en modo recovery.

Fastboot boot y el nombre del recovery.

En nuestro recovery empezamos con limpieza, limpieza avanzada y seleccionamos las particiones

dalvik, caché, sistema y datos.

Confrmamos con el slider hacia la derecha.

Lo siguiente es flashear la rom, google appps y en el caso que queramos el root y el kernel


Pulsamos sobre instalar y flasheamos la rom, después iremos añadiendo los siguientes

zips y una vez acabemos confirmamos deslizando el slider hacia la derecha, en poco tiempo

tendremos flasheada nuestra rom correctamente.

Podemos guardar estos ficheros que flasheamos tanto en la memoria interna como en una sd.

Lo necesario realmente es flashear la rom y luego si queremos google apps, root o un

kernel personalizado con el que obtenemos mayor rendimiento ya es opciones es vuestra


Una vez acabe de flashear todo, si el proceso es correcto nos faltaría reiniciar y esperar

el primer inicio que suele durar entre 10 y 15 minutos.

Si tenéis algún tipo de error no dudéis en comentarlo.

Y hasta aquí el video de hoy, suscribete si no estás suscrito, dale me gusta al video

y sígueme en las redes.

Soy Manu y nos vemos en el próximo video.

For more infomation >> How to Install Android 8.1 OREO for REDMI NOTE 4X | Lineage OS 15.1 + Kernel SUPER PERFORMANCE - Duration: 5:03.


'제주 4.3사건'이 아직 낯선 당신이 알아야 할 7가지 | KRVBA News - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> '제주 4.3사건'이 아직 낯선 당신이 알아야 할 7가지 | KRVBA News - Duration: 8:53.


Why On Earth Do Airports Air CNN Non-stop? - Duration: 5:42.

When you walk through the airport, you may notice that all the TVs around you are tuned

to CNN.

This isn't a coincidence.

The war mongering network has a virtual monopoly on airline TVs, forcing airline passengers

to watch their corporate sponsored content.

This is an interesting story to me.

Do you remember the run up to Iraq?

You would walk through an airport and I have never seen such war mongering as was coming

from CNN.

Remember the big maps they had on the floor?

Wolf Blitzer would walk around and, "We're sending in our troops here, and we're sending

in reporters."

It was like they couldn't wait to get to war.

Everybody walking through an airport thought, "Oh my god, Iraq, they're responsible for

9/11, Saddam Hussein, he's at the heart of all this."

CNN, along with the other cable sold that story.


They did, and what's interesting too, and CNN is still 100% this way and we'll get to

that in a moment.

CNN sold that war to the American people.

They did it more than FOX, they did it more than MSNBC.

They did it more than New York Times, even.

They were the ones who convinced the American public, as you just said, that Saddam Hussein

was somehow involved with those plane hijackings, 9/11, this guy was linked to it.

They did everything they could to sell this.

Now, just like back then, you're going to walk through an airport and all you're going

to see on the TVs is CNN, and it's because that they've worked out this deal, these contracts

to be the only network that can be shown in the hallways or in the waiting areas at the

gates at airports.

You have no choice.

Well, the reason this is such an important story to me is, it wasn't just Iraq.

It was Syria.

The next thing, we got to go to Syria.

Go all the way back to Iran.

Where do they make their money?

Where does cable make their money?

It makes it in the ... Now they're trying to sell a war with Russia.

I mean hell, we'll be having ballistic missiles between the US and Russia if CNN gets its


Here's my point about this.

If you look at trends, you've done so many stories on trends with cable to begin with.

Your theory is that cable is almost RIP, it's almost RIP cable.

Rest in peace cable, where do you see this kind of story fitting into where things are


I mean, we should be able to walk through an airport and not be confronted with this.

I think so.

I think there's absolutely no reason to have a network like CNN.

When you're traveling you don't need to be subjected for this.

Again, this is essentially, for the most part this is corporate propaganda.

They're doing this, they're selling wars.

They're selling Saudi Arabia and Yemen right now, pushing for more attacks, more missiles,

more bombs, because then the commercials come on and it's a commercial for Boeing.

Okay, well, who's watching CNN that's going to go out and say, "You know what?

I'm going to go buy a Boeing ..."

I'm going to buy a cruise missile, yeah.

Nothing about that makes any sense.

Then the other half of the commercials on there are pharmaceutical, so they're not going

to talk back about pharmaceutical, they're not going to talk bad about war.

They're going to help sell it.

You're not getting actual news.

You're really not.

You're getting a watered down ... The only time CNN is happy with Donald Trump, remember

after they all said, "Well, now he's presidential," was after he sent all of those missiles over

to Syria.

Yeah, I remember that.

Yeah, he gets involved with escalating war, bombs Syria, and CNN, "Now this is presidential."

I mean, you got to wonder, who in the hell are the people making these decisions behind,

but here's the point.

Look, if I'm making this argument, I'm saying this.

Taxpayer money subsidizes airports.

Taxpayers pay for infrastructure, they pay for a lot of things on the airport.

Taxpayers are now going up to the people who work in an airport saying, "Turn off CNN.

I want to watch something else or I don't want to watch anything."

Do they have the right to do it?

Yeah, they have the right to do it.

Your point is, why have anything on the screen?

You say, why not simply have expanded WiFi ability at an airport to where people are

going to use their personal devices anyway?


When you have CNN, these were up for contracts and CNN bid to pay the most to have it, so

technically we let the corporation come into this taxpayer funded thing and buy it.

We don't get the profits from it at all.

We're just subjected to constant war mongering.

They could have had companies come in and say, "All right, we're going to bid on who

is going to provide the free WiFi for everyone in this airport," and then when they connect

you get a quick little ad that pops up, they close it, but they know that you paid for

it and then that's it.

They can look and watch at whatever we want.

I mean, we got these monitors, show funny cat videos or something.

It doesn't have to be CNN.

Exactly, but there was a day when CNN even with their war monger history was considered

the most neutral.

If you can imagine, they were the most neutral network.

Then Zucker comes in, Zucker, he comes in and he says, "Look, all that really matters

are ratings, so we escalate the possible war with Russia, we escalate, Trump becomes a

hero when he bombs Syria."

I mean, we got to do something about it.

I think there is the argument that there are taxpayer rights here, and if we're subsidizing

the airport in any kind of way with tax money, people shouldn't be subjected to what they

think is a total fraud to begin with.

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