Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 4 2018

Oklahoma Sooners star player Baker Mayfield has positioned himself as one of the top quarterbacks

entering the 2018 NFL Draft.

The brash Texas native and former walk-on doesn't have to answer many questions about

his talent on the field, but he does have a lot to explain about his behavior off the


From his highly publicized arrest to his clashes with coaches, press, and players, this fiery

competitor's brand of red flags and swagger doesn't sit well with everyone.

Let's take a deep dive into the shady side of potential NFL star Baker Mayfield.

Hung out to dry?

Mayfield received zero scholarship offers coming out of high school, so when asked at

the 2015 Orange Bowl which college disappointed him the most during the recruitment process,

Mayfield wasted no time dropping names.

According to Tulsa World, Mayfield said,

"[Texas Christian University] hung me out to dry..."

...suggesting that TCU effectively hurt his chances with other programs.

After Mayfield claimed TCU head coach Gary Patterson, quote, "doesn't like him," Patterson

clapped back, telling ESPN,

"If Baker Mayfield wants to blame TCU for 128 BCS schools not offering him a scholarship,

that's fine.

[...] If people knew the whole story, they might not have a great opinion of Baker or

his father."

Boozy arrest

In February 2017, Mayfield was arrested in Arkansas for "public intoxication, disorderly

conduct, resisting arrest and fleeing" after a scuffle in the middle of the night, according

to ESPN.

When an officer instructed Mayfield to give a formal statement, Mayfield allegedly began

yelling profanities, caused a scene, and tried to run.

The police report stated:

"Mayfield had slurred speech, had difficulty walking down stairs and was covered in food

on the front of his clothing.

[…] Mayfield sprinted away, which forced the officer to chase him and tackle him to

the ground."

Mayfield issued a lengthy statement via Twitter, saying in part, "I wish I could individually

apologize to every single person I have affected.

Just know that I am extremely sorry.

I will earn your respect back and prove that I can handle myself in every situation, on

and off the field."

According to, Mayfield was ordered by the University of Oklahoma to complete


"alcohol education program and perform 35 hours of community service."

Keep the fire burning

If you've ever written a critical article about Mayfield, spewed a hot take on television,

or questioned his character, this guy will remember it… possibly forever.

Calling it his, quote, "secret way of keeping the fire burning," Mayfield freely admits

to keeping a running tally of everyone who has ever doubted him.

He told Sports Illustrated that he saves negative comments on his phone, saying,

"You keep scrolling down the list of things, and it goes back far.

It sums up my journey.

It's a reminder of how far I've come."

Planting the flag

After defeating the Ohio State Buckeyes in September 2017, Mayfield took a victory lap

with the team flag... and planted it squarely in the middle of Ohio Stadium.

Needless to say, the magic of the moment was not shared by opposing players and fans.

Mayfield later apologized during a press conference for what many interpreted as a tremendous

display of poor sportsmanship.

"It's just something I got caught up in an emotional win.

Yeah, it should've been something I did in the locker room.

So I apologize for doing it in the middle of the field."

Did he learn his lesson?

Let's find out...

Infamous crotch grab

In November 2017, when Sports Illustrated tweeted: "Baker Mayfield didn't feel like

taking the high road today."

… they were referring to Mayfield grabbing his crotch and screaming "F--- you" to the

Kansas Jayhawks' sideline after throwing a touchdown pass.

The game's announcer was quick to point out what many viewers at home were thinking:

"NFL GMs are going to see that and they're going to mark it down, saying, 'That's not

what we want in the National Football League.'"

Mayfield once again found himself issuing an apology in a press conference.

"You know…

Thinking about the kids that are watching, it's not something I want to do, to the parents

out there, I'm sorry"

Not here to please

Love him or hate him, Mayfield isn't particularly interested in your opinion.

2 "I'm gonna be who I am.

I don't think I'm over-the-top cocky, I'm just proud of where I came from.

I'm proud of the fact that I had to earn it, so if that comes across as cocky to some people,

it is what it is."

"I'm not trying to please everybody."

NFL teams will have a difficult decision to make come draft night.

Is his talent worth the headache?

NFL fans have seen this story play out many times, but here's hoping Mayfield can turn

it around and enjoy a productive career.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Shady Things Everyone Just Ignores About Baker Mayfield - Duration: 4:30.


Mobile Legends WTF Moments 47 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Mobile Legends WTF Moments 47 - Duration: 10:02.


The Voice 2018 Knockout - Christiana Danielle: "Elastic Heart" - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2018 Knockout - Christiana Danielle: "Elastic Heart" - Duration: 2:11.


You Can Do So Much Without a Conscience - The President Show - Duration: 0:49.

- Kellyanne's the best, she had absolutely no conscience.

In fact, that's our next act.

You can toss out the names of the worst people in history,

and she'll happily defend them.

All right, Kellyanne, here's the first one.

Bernie Madoff.

- Did Bernie Madoff's investors go bankrupt?

Yeah, but I find it interesting the media used the words

pyramid scheme.

Frankly, that's anti-Semitic when you consider

the terrible suffering of the Jewish people

in Egypt at the time of the Pharaoh.

(audience laughing) So this so-called bankruptcy

is actually a moral one on your part, Wolf.

- Wow! (audience applauding)

For more infomation >> You Can Do So Much Without a Conscience - The President Show - Duration: 0:49.


Crooked Hillary Thought She Was Off The Hook, She Was Just Delivered Devastating News - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Crooked Hillary Thought She Was Off The Hook, She Was Just Delivered Devastating News - Duration: 6:01.


The Voice 2018 Knockout - Jamella: "Girl Crush" - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2018 Knockout - Jamella: "Girl Crush" - Duration: 1:50.


The Voice 2018 Knockout - Brynn Cartelli: "Here Comes Goodbye" - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2018 Knockout - Brynn Cartelli: "Here Comes Goodbye" - Duration: 2:03.


Illegal Aliens FREAK When They See Nasty Surprise Trump Has Waiting At Border. - Duration: 4:23.

Illegal Aliens FREAK When They See Nasty Surprise Trump Has Waiting At Border.

Illegal aliens, marching through Mexico toward the U.S. border, are freaking out after seeing

the nasty surprise President Donald Trump has waiting for them.

Democrats are going to need a new way to get voters after this.

According to Politico, President Donald Trump said on Tuesday, "We are going to be guarding

our border with our military."

The shocking announcement about Trump's new plan came during a White House meeting

with the leaders of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

In my opinion, it's about time that Trump sent our military to guard the border.

Not only did he reveal his plan to have military personnel guard the U.S.-Mexico border, but

the President also indicated how long he intends to keep them there.

"Mexico, if you look at the caravan of thousands of people coming across, I told Mexico, 'Look,

you have a cash cow in NAFTA.

NAFTA's been great for Mexico.

It has not been good for the United States.

A lot of businesses have closed down because of NAFTA.

You look at empty plants all over the place, and this is from years ago, they still haven't


NAFTA's been a terrible deal for the United States.

We're renegotiating the deal right now," Trump said.

"But it will still be good for Mexico and for Canada.

And, when this caravan came in, and this is a caravan of a lot of people coming in and,

in this case, from Honduras.

If it reaches our border, our laws are so weak and so pathetic, you would not understand

this because I know how strong your laws are at the border," Trump remarked to the leaders

of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Then, Trump tells it like it is.

"It's like we have no border because we had Obama make changes.

President Obama made changes that basically created no border.

It's called catch and release.

You catch them, you register them, they go into our country.

We can't throw them out, and in many cases, they shouldn't be here.

Many, many cases they shouldn't be here, and after they get whatever happens over the

next two or three years, they're supposed to come back to court.

Almost nobody comes back to court," Trump continued.

"They're in our country, and we can't do anything about it because the laws that

were created by Democrats are so pathetic and so weak.

So, I told Mexico, and I respect what they did, I said, 'Look, your laws are very powerful.

Your laws are very strong.

We have very bad laws for our border.'

And, we are going to be doing some things — I've been speaking with General Mattis,"

Trump added.

"We're going to be doing things militarily until we can have a wall and proper security,

we're going to be guarding our border with the military.

That's a big step.

We really haven't done that before or certainly not very much before.

But, we will be doing things with Mexico, and they have to do it.

Otherwise, I'm not going to do the NAFTA deal," Trump said, according to Daily Caller.

This is tremendously good news for millions of American patriots who have been waiting

for President Donald Trump to make a move, and use his executive power to secure our

borders and deliver the level of security to our citizens that we deserve.

In contrast, the Democrats who have blatantly admitted that they like the idea of vast numbers

of illegal aliens coming over the border, to replace their voting base must be freaking

out about Trump's announcement.

Our military will ensure that the steady flow of future Democrat voters coming up from places

like Mexico and Honduras comes to an abrupt end.

It's time for Americans to realize that Democrats have been slowly taking away our

ability to provide a prosperous future for our children with their radical, and destructive

liberal immigration policies.

We can't afford to waste another minute letting illegals flood our country.

Once again, Trump is delivering on a huge promise to make America safe again as he kicks

Immigration and Customs Enforcement activities into overdrive and now places our military

at the border.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Illegal Aliens FREAK When They See Nasty Surprise Trump Has Waiting At Border. - Duration: 4:23.


The Voice 2018 Knockout - Terrence Cunningham: "Tell Me Something Good" - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2018 Knockout - Terrence Cunningham: "Tell Me Something Good" - Duration: 2:02.


The Voice 2018 Knockout - Pryor Baird: "Will It Go Round in Circles" - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2018 Knockout - Pryor Baird: "Will It Go Round in Circles" - Duration: 2:12.


The Voice 2018 Knockout - Jaron Strom: "Grenade" - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2018 Knockout - Jaron Strom: "Grenade" - Duration: 1:22.


Is It STILL A Good Time To Buy Verge ($XVG)? - Duration: 12:47.

What is going on snipers Naeem mallow baby here, I hope all of y'all are having an awesome day today

Let's dive into our daily cryptocurrency market update

We're gonna be talking about verge surpassing over 200 million dollars in daily transaction value for the first time ever

Shout out to all y'all verge fans out there

And we're also gonna be looking at bitcoins technical analysis being that Bitcoin moves the market and then also touching upon

The all coin opportunities that we've been talking about over the past couple of weeks

Because I want to show y'all how I'm taking advantage of that. How you can - so

Transitioning into our technical analysis you can see here with Bitcoin

Unfortunately, we're not seeing the strength that we're looking for right now with this pullback

Especially looking at this MACD here on the one day. You can see how the MACD is still extremely hesitant here

How it is curving back however you can see how it's not doing it with enough strength with the histogram

In terms of buyers and sellers and what's most important to note here is

Looking at the previous bottom that we found with Bitcoin around February we bottomed out

Around fifty nine hundred you can see how we had this sharp pullback, which we're not seeing right now. This is an extremely

casual pullback and in my opinion

This is just another bull trap that we're seeing and because of that I'm being very

Precautious with all of my swing trades, and I'm not being greedy

I'm taking profits when I can

Because understand for you to make money in a bear market number one is a great thing but number two

not being greedy in a bear market is extremely important because a bear market will easily take your money out of your pocket and that's

Not what we want to see here with Bitcoin so in terms of the RSI one interesting thing that I am seeing here that may

Allow us to change our opinion

Slightly about where Bitcoin is headed is the fact that it's testing this 40 RSI and level here

You can see how we're now above 40. However. We're not necessarily

Surpassing that into the neutral zone

Which would be a very good thing for Bitcoin because if you look at aetherium STEC?

: Alice's you can see how true to pull up a four-hour RSI it is actually

hovering above that 40 level and this is a perfect depiction of

Understanding how to use the AR side you can see this is 40 right here

And we came all the way down from these oversold levels bounced at the 40 or at least right around it

Bounced all the way back down to that 30, and then once we broke past 40 we bounced on it

And then now we're seeing further upside because it's in that neutral zone

so I'm looking to see this exact pattern here with Bitcoin and

Once I see that I can have a little bit more

Confidence knowing that the RSI is now in a neutral zone at least not in a bearish zone

So that's what I'm watching right now for Bitcoin and this actually leads us into our trade alert that we posted yesterday

I'd like to talk about this because a lot of you are asking about it

If you all don't know we give trade alerts on our patreon the link is in the description below

But we did a theory of call yesterday with the USD pairing for all

Exchanges and the buy zone was from three hundred and seventy dollars to the minute eighty nine dollars

And if y'all pull up this trailer you look at it. You can see how we're already

Surpassing the buy zone into the tick profit zone. However a lot of you are asking me whether or not

They should wait until these higher highs well. That's more of a personal preference. Here's something

I will tell you I can give you

some options and maybe some

Hint ores and pointers on how you can play your strategy whether you're either gonna swing trade this or hold this for the long term

For me personally. I am going to play this in a specific manner where I can still swing trade, but also have a long-term

Opportunity here with aetherium being that the one day RSI is so oversold right now

it would be a good time to have positions locked into a theory not just positions to eventually sell for a quick profit and

So what I'm watching right now with aetherium is a couple different things

But here's the best way to dollar-cost

Average and manage your risk in my opinion with a trade like this if y'all are on our

Patreon trade alerts and what I would say is now that we're in the tape profit zone

being the fact that you were able to get these good prices in the buy zone number one you want to set up a

100% stop-loss

Realm or zone for yourself so that you never can lose your profit and most importantly keep your profits

So what that means is you want to set up a stop loss in the take profit zone that you're not willing to negotiate

So let's say I were to set that up here at

405 and this is gonna be an example since we're doing this on the video

But let's say I were to set up this stop-lossed year at 405 US dollars

No matter what if aetherium pulls back past 405

I will sell 100% of my position

Take my profits and be happy with what I've created or what I've gained which at this point is right around

78% on this trade alert now if you want to take advantage of further upside understand we haven't sold anything yet

right we've set up a

non-negotiable for ourselves

But now it's about setting up take profit zones and laddering our way out of the position to eventually enter back in so in

This case what I would do is looking at the for our our side understanding that we're most likely going to see some resistance

Right along that 60 because 60 is a bullish zone

And it's sometimes hard to get it's part of get past 60 you can see here

We'll be found resistance along that 60 but for the most part

You'll never just soar right through we're mostly gonna see some sort of resistance here on that 60 so because of that my first

Dollar cost averaging exit point in my opinion

Work is going to coincide with the RSI touching the 60 so what I'm gonna

Do is set up an alert here, and this is a little bit more of a dynamic trading style

But setting up this alert here is going to allow me to be aware of when the RSI

Touches that 60 where I know there's going to be potential

Resistance and I can take my position off in there just in case we fall all the way back down to this neutral zone

I can take that money that I

Had exited the position with and put it back into Athenaeum if I really wanted to so you see how this works because there's so

Much dynamics to this this isn't a 1 all be all strategy

This is just an idea so setting up that non-negotiable setting up a alert here for the first initial profit exit is

Extremely important now it's also setting a price zone, so what you can also do at this point you save yourself

Okay, if aetherium goes from this buy zone, and you can even use this percentage or let's say like for me

as an example, let's say I were to purchase my position at 375 dollars, and I wanted to initiate a

15% return well here you go 15% is right around that 430 USD

Mark so I can go ahead and set up my first profit target at 430 US dollars now

I can go back and say to myself. Okay. Now. What is my next profit target? Let's say we want to do 20%


that's at four hundred and fifty dollars a

big even maybe you put it slightly below the big even just to ensure then we can take their profits properly so maybe

447 set up another take profit

Exit so they all see how you manage your risk with

setting up

Non-negotiables for yourself as a trader so that your emotions don't

interlude or

Almost blind you in your trade

So this is an extremely

Important thing that each and every one of y'all should be using and utilizing and that's entry and exit point so that's just a quick

Example for those of y'all that are in the etherium alert

But let's transition into bitcoins total market cap because this is also extremely important right now. We're right around

127 billion dollars a lot lower than where we were in December of course

But what's really interesting about this whole graph is looking at the BTC dominance like we've been talking about over the past couple of weeks

And seeing how the altcoins are now rising in dominance with Bitcoin at the same time for the first time in a long time whereas?

Before when we were acting as an inverse relationship with Bitcoin so knowing that there's more opportunities arising with these altcoins

Transitions us into this next phase of opportunity

Which is coins like Virg right Virg had this amazing run up today 53% in the USD pairing

43% in Satoshi value, and why is it seeing as well if y'all are here on snipers to number one?

You know we talked about this several days ago saying that there was hype about verge announcing potential partnership around April

17th so that right there should have been a notice for y'all to know okay?

I should probably put in position by the hype salva news write that down if you haven't already

By the hype sell the news and the hype was bought several days ago for a lot of our snipers here on snipers, too

But for those of you that did it don't worry

There's many opportunities like this all the time in my opinion looking at the technical analysis here with Burge

Remember you can never determine total magnitude

You can only determine price direction with technical analysis however

You can still utilize

potential resistance points from the past

To determine where we're gonna see potential resistance and now that you can see we're heading towards these very known resistance

levels in my opinion

There's just not as much upside potential right now with verge

For me to position a trade even if I were to put in a short or long

Let's say I've put in a long position right here

Remember we're looking

To see and and get into positions that have a lot less risk than reward so you can see with our risk here

We've got all this risk down here and only so much reward in my opinion

This isn't attractive enough for a trainer like me to put in a position at this point

I've actually started dollar-cost averaging my position out of verge at these higher highs just like we talked about with aetherium

Because understand that yes, it has intrinsic value. It's an awesome project, but don't fall for the hype

Don't just buy into the news once the coin is already broken out

Be the person that buys before the break out and then cells within the breakout so hopefully y'all can take that advice

here's the graph of

Verge surpassing over 200 million in transaction volume, and this was a huge feat for

Virginian it shows you that verge has a lot of potential for use case and it has that intrinsic value, so

With that being said I want to conclude this message with allowing y'all to really become more level-headed

I hope each and every one of you can take this time to really start self

diagnosing looking into yourself and say to yourself am I

Smart with my money in this market or am I just following the hype because what we're seeing now is all of these opportune

moments in this market like the by Nance

opportunity or the VA an opportunity that

have almost become more and more obvious as we've become more accustomed to this market and

taking advantage of these opportunities

Can really allow you to enhance your profits in your trading portfolio so in my opinion?

Taking the time to look into yourself being self aware of your strengths your weaknesses

What you need to improve on is important, and I kind of want to just deliver that message?

I just felt the need to do that because we've had some awesome calls over this past month even with this bear market and

For me at least

Profits have not necessarily

Been declining in comparison to the early part of 2018 where we've seen a lot less profits in December

I've actually seen better profits here in March than I've seen in January in February

Because we're becoming more accustomed to what this markets like what influences this market

And why you need to pay attention to these sources like our YouTube channel or any other source for that matter so with that being

Said thank you all for watching until our next update

Hopefully this added some value and if it did hit that subscribe button and the post notifications bell

Thank you so much for watching snipers team out

For more infomation >> Is It STILL A Good Time To Buy Verge ($XVG)? - Duration: 12:47.


Senate is too gutless to take vote on Trump wall: Rep. Gaetz - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Senate is too gutless to take vote on Trump wall: Rep. Gaetz - Duration: 4:55.


NEW LOW: Jimmy Kimmel Takes A Cold-Blooded Swipe At Melania In New Attack - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> NEW LOW: Jimmy Kimmel Takes A Cold-Blooded Swipe At Melania In New Attack - Duration: 1:52.


YouTube HQ Shooting: Suspect Dead, 4 Others Hurt - Duration: 14:17.

For more infomation >> YouTube HQ Shooting: Suspect Dead, 4 Others Hurt - Duration: 14:17.


Face Lift Tape - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Face Lift Tape - Duration: 5:37.


Woman Does Extreme Couponing, Then Store Discovers Her Secret - Duration: 2:21.

Woman Does Extreme Couponing, Then Store Discovers Her Secret

Couponing is a way of life for some people - but for 29-year-old Lauren Puryear, it's

a simple method to provide food for the masses.

Lauren has always worked to give back to those in need by working in soup kitchens and donating

when she can.

But when she discovered the power of couponing, she knew it was meant to be!

With her coupon book in hand, now Lauren regularly hits the local grocery stores and bulk outlets,

like Costco.At first, Lauren began couponing for the same purpose as every other shopper:

to get a deal on her family's groceries.

The grocery trips quickly evolved once she realized just how many people she could feed

off of a handful of coupons, Lauren explained to

"I started couponing for food items like spaghetti, meatballs, and I was (often) able to get the

items for free or for little to no money."

Lauren claims that, with as little as $20 in coupons, she can fill over 150 hungry bellies.Lauren

doesn't want to be the only one who uses coupons for the good of the community!

So she spreads the word about resourceful couponing to everyone that will listen to


"It is very important to teach him to help other people.

The little things we take for granted, the food we throw away every day.... and if we

just spread a little more love around, the world would be such a better place."

Food banks would be overrun with donations if everyone donated the food they got while

clipping coupons!It's no wonder that Lauren has devised such a brilliant plan to feed

thousands off of a few hundred dollars in coupons - she has a great head on her shoulders

with a bachelor's degree, two masters, as well as a Ph.D. in psychology!

Despite all of her hard work in school and dedication as a mother, Lauren says nothing

can compare to giving back to those in need.

"The joy of helping other people does not compare to any other accomplishment in my


The world definitely needs more amazing, generous and caring people like Lauren!

For more infomation >> Woman Does Extreme Couponing, Then Store Discovers Her Secret - Duration: 2:21.


UNLEASHED: The Unimog Strikes Track (Episode 3.2 Trailer) - Duration: 1:42.

This is something we don't do every day... the popular route.

We normally go a bit more remote.

This is one of the ways you can get to the top of Cape York, mate.

But we're gonna do it a little bit differently this time.

We're gonna do it in a 12-tonne Unimog and tow a 3.5-tonne 7.5-metre-long trailer behind the cruiser.

I know the length of this trailer is gonna give me grief on this track.

A little bit further.

You know what's gonna be my problem, don't you?


Are you scared?

Can't talk now. I'm busy.

Simon was just absolutely loving it.

Get on the gas!

I don't think that guy's happy unless he's popping wheels in the air.

And he was having a ball.

What a beast.

Very nearly.

I was having a good time in the ol' mog as well.

You don't want to take that track.

Oh that's tight.

The exit looks a bit gnarly too, Simon.

Oh she's gonna go.

Here we go. Here we go.

Oh no no!

That's awesome.

Oh, you're kidding me.

That's twisted.

I can't believe we just did that.

I know!

For more infomation >> UNLEASHED: The Unimog Strikes Track (Episode 3.2 Trailer) - Duration: 1:42.


Launch Date Set for Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)! - Duration: 4:54.

Hello Space Fans and welcome to another edition of Space Fan News.

In this episode, there's an update on the NASA TESS mission.

A date has finally been set!

TESS is a followup mission to Kepler and K2 and is designed to scan the entire sky over

two years to find as many exoplanets as it can among the closest and brightest stars

to Earth.

This is coming at a perfect time as the venerable K2 mission winds down forever.

Well folks, the date is set: the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, has a

launch date!

On April 16th at 6:32 pm ET, SpaceX will launch the mission that will find lots of new, nearby

worlds aboard a Falcon 9 rocket.

Back on March 15, the spacecraft passed a review that confirmed it was ready for launch.

For final launch preparations, the spacecraft will be fueled and encapsulated within the

payload fairing of its SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

For those who don't know, the mission is being led out of MIT, and it's going to find

thousands of new planets orbiting bright nearby stars.

It's going to build upon the legacy of the Kepler mission, only it's going focus on nearby

bright stars that are sprinkled across the whole sky, and it's going to help us answer

a really important question.

Which of our nearest stellar neighbors has planets?

Like the mission name suggests, it's going to use the transit method to find these exoplanets,

just like Kepler does.

It will look for signs of planets, ranging from Earth size, to giants larger than Jupiter

by measuring tiny dips in brightness as the planet passes between us and the host star.

For two years, TESS will scan the entire sky using four cameras, and each camera has a

16.8-megapixel sensor, covering a 24-degree square-- that's large enough to contain

an entire constellation.

They are arranged to view a vertical strip of the sky, called an observation sector.

TESS will watch each observation sector for about 27 days before rotating to next one,

covering first the south, and then the north to eventually build a map of 85 percent of

the sky.

This coverage--about 350 times what Kepler first observed--will make TESS the first exoplanet

mission to survey almost the entire sky.

TESS will fly in a highly elliptical orbit that maximizes the amount of sky the spacecraft

can image and is carefully timed with the orbit of the moon.

It will spend most of each 13.7 day orbit collecting data, and then, as it passes closer

to Earth, it will transmit that data to the ground.

Please watch our video on TESS that we made a while back for more details on the spacecraft

and the mission, it's up in the little thingy up here.

So this is great news after the disappointing news about the delay in the launch of JWST,

and it's coming at a time when the Kepler mission, which has since been renamed K2 after

it's initial science mission ended, is coming to a close.

We are in exciting times with respect to exoplanet discoveries.

With the magnificent Kepler/K2 sailing into the sunset, we have the upcoming TESS launch

to look forward to and I'm sure the discoveries coming out of that mission will be every bit

as exciting as Kepler's.

Don't forget to get a cool TESS T-shirt to show your support for Deep Astronomy and

the TESS Mission.

The link is in the description box.

That's it for this episode Space Fans.

Thanks to all Deep Astronomy Patreon Patrons, and especially these guys, for your generous

support of our content, don't forget to watch the Patreon only Q&A I held last week

if you missed it live.

Thanks to all of you for watching and as always, Keep Looking Up!

For more infomation >> Launch Date Set for Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)! - Duration: 4:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 1.5 B160 5DRS, NAP, Airco, Trekhaak, - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 1.5 B160 5DRS, NAP, Airco, Trekhaak, - Duration: 1:01.


Martes de la Octava de Pascua – 3 de abril de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 1:43:31.

For more infomation >> Martes de la Octava de Pascua – 3 de abril de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 1:43:31.


Kia Picanto 1.0 5-zits First Edition Met 7 jaar garantie!! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 5-zits First Edition Met 7 jaar garantie!! - Duration: 0:56.


Seat Ibiza 1.2 TSI Enjoy NAP Airco LMV Radio/Cd - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.2 TSI Enjoy NAP Airco LMV Radio/Cd - Duration: 0:59.


A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...

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For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


Envie de pimenter votre vie sexuelle ? Optez pour les astuces naturelles ! - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Envie de pimenter votre vie sexuelle ? Optez pour les astuces naturelles ! - Duration: 6:10.


For more infomation >> Envie de pimenter votre vie sexuelle ? Optez pour les astuces naturelles ! - Duration: 6:10.


J cole Type Beat

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"M jak miłość". Marcin wyrzuca matkę z mieszkania! Przez Aleksandrę rozstanie się z Kasią? - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> "M jak miłość". Marcin wyrzuca matkę z mieszkania! Przez Aleksandrę rozstanie się z Kasią? - Duration: 2:02.


행사장에만 등장하는 덴마크육군 M-41DK1 경전차 |특수 부대 - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> 행사장에만 등장하는 덴마크육군 M-41DK1 경전차 |특수 부대 - Duration: 7:08.


Spring Haul 2018 Try On - Duration: 11:38.

Hey guys it Samya what's up welcome to my channel if you're new here and if you're

returning thanks for coming back you'll actually notice that this is a new type of

video that I decided to do I usually do beauty videos but this week I went on a shopping

haul unintentionally and ended up with all these clothes that I was going thinking to

show you because they are freaking awesome I'm super happy about everything I bought

and thought you guys would like to see them so mainly I went to shop for some spring items

because I noticed the weather was warming up and I realized all the clothes that I like

are either too warm or too summery and I needed just a few items to get me through to the

hottish weather which I think won't be for a while so a shopping trip was needed I went

to H&M to check out what they have you know try on a few items I ended up walking out

of there with nine things and then realized I was pretty much done for the season and

then just went to Zara picked up a couple of shoes because I love their shoes so I will

show you all of these and I will also show you how I'm going to mix and match and wear

them with different things so stick around hope you enjoy the video let me know in the

comments if you want me to do more of them

so let's get started with the haul!

So the first item I want to show you are these really cute cropped black pants they're

high waisted they're cropped just above the ankle and they're not stitched they just

look so great these were actually on the mannequin and were the last pair of this size I always

feel bad when I ask for something to be removed off the mannequin just so I could try them

on and decide that maybe I want to get them but thankfully they fit they were great I

got em and I even let the girl know who helped me she didn't seem to care though so I don't

know why I felt bad

The second item actually goes with that one it's a hoodie I'm slightly embarrassed about

this one I think h&m has a line with Justin Bieber or some agreement or whatever that

they have a few of items that say Bieber tour I was just needing a nice cropped black hoodie

I was gonna buy one at Urban Outfitters earlier this week but wasn't really sold on the

fit so I found this one and it was a lot cheaper than the one at Urban Outfitters and I like

the red and the font and just everything and I don't know I was really feeling it so

I don't regret getting it although I'm not sure how I'll feel when I actually do

wear it but I think it's a keeper

next black item is this really nice knit sweater it actually fits really nicely like it's

not like the ones that make you look like a marshmallow but it's not too long and

it has these puffy sleeves it's just kind of stylish for just a plain black sweater

so I liked it I will show you how I would wear this as well

now this one I would wear with maybe the high waist black pants maybe any high waist pants

really because it's a cropped hoodie but the cool thing about it is it has this little

cool detail this printed ribbon fabric thingie it kind of reminds me of the Dior shoes it's

cool it looks good it's laid-back but stylish so I could definitely dress it up I will show

you how I'm going to do that

next item is these high waist really simple jeans but they fit really nicely and they

were only 30 bucks and I feel I'll be wearing a lot of these because they're just perfect

for every day use yeah just casual jeans

next one I kind of got a lot of sporty things which by the way I only discovered like a

few months ago the h&m we have in Vancouver has two floors and the upstairs has the men

and the kids I think but I would hardly go upstairs and then one day I was there with

one of my friends and she took a left and just kept walking in there and I was like

what is this section this is new and she was like this isn't new yeah I literally shopped

there for years and didn't know about this section and now apparently I'm getting so

many items from there

anyways if you didn't know that H&M has a casual sporty section look for it it's there

I got this mustard shirt just a nice cropped T-shirt which reminds me actually the one

I'm wearing is also from this haul it's a cropped shirt with these two to tie them

I just thought it's a nice white tee

okay so just a couple of items left I really wanted to get something plaid because I've

always wanted one since I saw Rachel from Friends wear one and now that they're in there's

so many options so I literally tried on maybe four and only one fit which you know works

out because I was only planning to buy one and it narrowed it down for me I didn't

have a flare bottom in mind but they look great and I like that they have a side zipper

not a front one it just looks better

I'm pretty happy with it I'll show you a couple of ways how I would wear them

anyways last item is denim jacket I've been wanting to buy an oversized denim jacket for

years and I never found one that actually fit nicely like they're either weird around

the shoulders or just the wrong length or the wrong colour or just not simple enough

like they have all these things going on but finally I tried this one on and I literally


so this is probably my favorite item that I bought out of everything and it was only

50 bucks it's your classic oversized denim but not your typical one because apparently

that's quite hard to find

that is it for the stuff from h&m and all the clothes for shoes I'm not completely

sold on the ones I bought I feel like I just go to Zara literally scan all the shoes and

try on the ones I like and somehow always walk out with a pair I usually keep what I

buy it because I love their shoes they're just always stylish they fit nicely and they

don't hurt my feet and they last quite a while and you know they're not super expensive

I like to have a lot of different options for shoes but I don't know I'm probably

gonna keep these ones they're just not my typical style I usually don't go for loafers

and stuff but I love the colour and they don't look as preppy so I probably will keep these


now for these ones I just have a really similar pair and thought I would replace them because

they're getting old but honestly I'm not too sure because the one I have isn't this

shiny leather type and it doesn't have the bows so I just feel like I still prefer the

other ones so I'm not completely sold on these I'm gonna have to decide

that's pretty much it I'm gonna show you some outfits

So this is the shirt I was wearing I apologize for the tiny mirror those are my lights that

I was using now when I was on the bed anyways this is the outfit this is the shirt it's

actually designed to be tied like this so it makes it easier and these are the flare

pants they're high waisted and I decided to go then with these shoes that I got from Zara

last fall I love them they're so comfortable they're like bedazzled white sneakers with

those little flower embroideries which by the way happen to be on the shirt as well

and I decided to pair them with these - let me flip the camera to show you - these cute

earrings that I feel like really go with the outfit and bring it all together and the lipstick

goes with the red as well so that is one way that I would wear these pants and just you

know make them casual

I can also swap out the sneakers for something like these sandal pumps I think it's a super

cute look I think I bought these last year and I haven't worn them once just haven't

found the right outfit but I feel like with these pants I can totally pull them off maybe

not with the same shirt but you know another option for these black cropped pants

okay here's the cute gray cropped hoodie and I decided to pair them with these flared

plaid pants and these Nike sneakers I really like that the sneakers go with his pants because

I can instantly just dress them down to make them casual

okay so here's the black sweater and I just kept the sneakers and the pants on I did this

half tuck thing because I felt like it was really hiding the pants and it just made me

look a bit weird so it's longer from the back but from the front you could totally

see the pants and that they're high waisted and yeah super casual with the sneakers I

really like these pants with these sneakers I think they really work

so I tried cuffing the pants and I really like how they look and I took out the tuck

and I think it works now it doesn't look weird anymore whereas before when it was at

the ankle my body proportions looked weird when I had this out but now it totally works

I'm actually wondering if the denim jacket would look good with this let's try it

yes it totally does the length is perfect because I like that the sweater is showing

just a little bit under the jacket and these pants just go so well it just makes this whole

outfit you know with sneakers and denim you think super casual but the plaid really brings

it together and makes it look more polished totally love it

okay so here's the Bieber hoodie what do you guys think and these are the jeans I kept

the Nike sneakers on these are really nice stretchy jeans but I actually just read this

label on it and it says careful warning this colour might transfer onto furniture yeah

I don't know how likely that is to happen that is not good I don't want to do that

to my furniture or other people's so now I'm starting to understand why they were so cheap

but they look so good and they're so comfortable so maybe I'll just put them in the wash

keep washing them until the transferrable stuff disappears I don't know if you know

what to do please let me know because I would really like to keep them

okay the casual mustard shirt that matches with this warning label that totally ruined

the jeans for me and again these sneakers work with everything that I bought super casual

shirt it was like 12 bucks so let's hope it's not one of those that shrinks in the

wash and you start understand why it was so cheap

ok so here are the pair that I'm not sure about - ouch shit the thing came off can I

still return it though I think I can or did I just have my decision made for me

ok onto the next one

forget how super wrinkled this shirt looks it's not really my usual style that I would

go for but I feel like I can pull it off with a lot of stuff that I already have

I just realized that I'm wearing a white shirt over these possibly staining pants better

take this off this is the outfit and these are the shoes

both these shoes are I think are around 40 bucks great deal if you ask me because they're

super comfortable and like I said they usually last me so long anything I buy from Zara when

it comes to shoes almost never fails so I think I will keep these

And that's it for the styling video let me know if you guys like it and you want me

to do more of them if you're curious about this make up look I actually look like this

because I was filming a tutorial for you on this whole look and these faux freckles so

you can check that out in the description below and that's it guys if you enjoyed

it give this video a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already thank

you guys so much for watching I'll see you next time :)

For more infomation >> Spring Haul 2018 Try On - Duration: 11:38.


Kia Picanto 1.0 5drs ACTIE MODEL M-Uitvoering, € 9.995 RIJKLAAR UNIEK!! - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 5drs ACTIE MODEL M-Uitvoering, € 9.995 RIJKLAAR UNIEK!! - Duration: 0:43.



- Walking Street Markets, here we are.

(mellow music)

- 1,000 baht, come on. (laughs)

1,000 baht to get to Walking Street.

- (laughs) 10,000.

- This guy is pulling my leg.

How much?

- [Driver] 150.

- That makes sense, man.

Alright, let's go.

Alright, so off to the Walking Street Markets.

And this, this limousine

is something that I want to buy

when I get back home to Australia.

I know you can't buy them, but if I could, I would.

Check this out.

(engine revs)

I just love them so much.

They're the best.

Anyway, so it's about quarter to five in the evening,

and apparently the Walking Street Markets

start at about 4:00pm,

and it's nice and warm, the weather's the best!

Let me just tip you upside down.


Just perfect.

(mellow music)

(Thai music)

(mellow music)

I'll get the, actually I'll get the blue one.

Yeah, for 200, yeah?



What's inside the sausage?

- [Woman] It's pork sausage, a little bit spicy.

Pork sausage, not spicy.

Pork rice and noodles are spicy.

- [Brad Newton] Can you only get this in Chang Mai?

- [Woman] This is Chang Mai sausage.

- [Brad Newton] Oh this one here.

- [Woman] Yes, a little bit spicy.

- [Brad Newton] And there's pork in that?

- Yeah, pork. - Yeah.

(Thai music)

Alright, I just bought a tank top for 200 baht

with our Chang Mai city route on it,

which I'm super pumped with.

I'm aiming to get a tank top from

every city that I travel to.

(upbeat music)

That smells like a watermelon, it's unbelievable.

They smell amazing, amazing.

(upbeat music)

Two, is that the right size?

- [Woman] Yeah.

- [Brad Newton] So, do you have one

in that size but this colour?

- [Woman] Yes.

- [Brad Newton] How much?

- [Woman] Same price.

- [Brad Newton] How much?

Is that your best price?

- [Woman] How much you give me?

- [Brad Newton] How 'bout, so one colour is how much?

- One colour 350. - Yeah.

- And then the two colour the first time 750

but I do that for you 650.

- [Brad Newton] How about 500 for one colour?

Or for two colours?

- [Woman] 550, okay?

- [Brad Newton] I reckon 500.

- [Woman] Okay, man.

- Yeah? - Yeah.

- I'm super happy with that.

So for 500 baht, I've got myself a new pair

of Muay Thai shorts.

This one right here, two colours.

- [Woman] Two colour.

As the one that I've had for about four years now

has been ripped to shreds, so I'm super happy with that.

Very happy with that.

Thank you very much. - Thank you very much.

(upbeat music)

(Thai national anthem)

(upbeat music)

- There are thousands and thousands and thousands

and thousands of people here.

It is absolutely insane.

There are people everywhere.

(upbeat music)

- [Brad Newton] Could I please have one coffee?

- One.

- [Brad Newton] One coffee.

(indistinct chatter)

I hope I don't get food poisoned.

- Okay. - Thank you.

It's so ancient I'll get food poisoned.

It doesn't really have any flavour.

I wouldn't buy that again.

(Thai music)

- Mmmm, it's good.

Do you want to try some of this?

- [Brad Newton] What is it?

- Morning beauty, it's oolong and some sort of flower.

I didn't get the name of it.

- Man, I don't normally drink tea,

but I reckon I could eat this.

- [Brad's Friend] (laughs) Yeah, it smells like candied tea.

- [Brad Newton] Yeah!

- [Brad's Friend] That's another sweet smelling one.

- [Brad Newton] Is it?

- [Brad's Friend] Thai iced tea apparently.

- [Brad Newton] It's quite sweet, is it?

(bowl chimes)

Is that right?

That's good, huh?

Man, I can't do that. (laughs)

I'd lose my patience.

I have no patience for these singing bowls.

(upbeat music)

Alright, it's a quarter past eight at night,

I am just having a break.

I'm at the Walking Street Market

and I'm watching people.

I'm exhausted, 24 hours with no sleep

and it's been really nice, actually,

to come back to Chang Mai and

come back to the markets here.

Now I haven't been to Chang Mai in about three or so years.

But the markets are intense,

you can buy pretty much anything you want here.

Handbags, necklaces, bracelets,

like anything.

I highly recommend you come and check this place out.

So, I'm about to have some Northern Thai cuisine.

(upbeat music)

Alright, it is,

(snaps) what time is it, nine o'clock at night.

Just leaving the night markets, the Walking Street Markets

and just had some chicken skewers.

And that's it, I'm done, I'm finished.

It was a great experience coming back here

for the first time in a few years.

Definitely a place to come check out

if you're in Chang Mai on a Sunday.

It's literally four streets,

and they cross each other.

You definitely have to check it out.

Check this out.

If I could, I would buy one of these back home.

Anyway, I'm out for the night.

I've only, I've not rested, I've not slept in 24 hours

so I'm really really tired.

Thanks for watching, (snaps) out.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> CHIANG MAI WALKING STREET MARKETS (SO MUCH FUN!!) - Duration: 9:18.


If Jason Chaffetz is Right, Jeff Sessions Will be Terminated ASAP - Duration: 12:47.

If Jason Chaffetz is Right, Jeff Sessions Will be Terminated ASAP

This past Saturday night brought a hurricane of new data about Attorney General Jeff Sessions,

and if this data stands to be valid, he ought to be booted from his position instantly.

Jason Chaffetz showed up on Judge Jeanine Pirro's show, and he had a considerable

measure to say in regards to the lawyer general.

Their discussion went as takes after:

Judge Janine:"I need to know a certain something and I need to know this for my group of onlookers

– for the Jeanine gathering of people – I'll call them the Jeanine crowd, alright?

I'm a prosecutor.

I was a judge.

I did this for a long time.

I know how to assemble a case and all that stuff.

Barack Obama and his organization did things that on the off chance that we did we'd

all be in prison at this moment.

Presently the Republicans are in power and I am not recommending that the Party has anything

to do with it, yet when we see glaring check of equity like we have found in the Obama

Administration – illustration, when you have Eric Holder submitting prevarication

and being held in disdain.

You were Head of Government Oversight and Reform, adjust?

You all held him in disdain, yes or no?"


"Truly, Yes."

Judge Janine:

"Alright, why is he not being accused of a wrongdoing?"


"I can reveal to you that while I was in Congress and the Chairman of the Oversight

Committee, I went over and visit with Attorney General Sessions and it was a standout amongst

the most disappointing dialogs I had in light of the fact that whether it was the IRS, Fast

and Furious, the email outrage that we experienced, I didn't see the Attorney General willing

to simply give Lady Justice a chance to oversee equity and afterward complete.

I saw possibly the most recent a half year of the Obama Administration…


Judge Janine:"Hold up a moment I don't have that much time.

You talked with Sessions on IRS, Fast and Furious.

Did he give you a reason?

Did he say he was introducing anything to a great jury?

Indeed or no?"

Chaffetz:"No, he essentially let me know he wouldn't seek after anything on the significant


Judge Janine:"So IRS, on the significant cases?

Are we discussing Hillary Clinton, since I haven't gotten to her yet."

Chaffetz:"Truly, the email embarrassment of Hillary Clinton.

We had Bryan Pagliano.

I issued a subpoena for him to show up before the Committee and he said "No".

He didn't appear.

We issued another subpoena.

The US Marshals served it.

Also, you know in my reality, in case you're in court, I promise you that a subpoena isn't

a discretionary action.

We needed the Attorney General to indict him and he said 'No.'"

On the off chance that what Chaffetz says stands to be valid, Jeff Sessions ought to

be expelled from his position IMMEDIATELY.

This would imply that he is endeavoring to square President Trump from expelling the

filth out

of Washington.

For more infomation >> If Jason Chaffetz is Right, Jeff Sessions Will be Terminated ASAP - Duration: 12:47.


Advance Decline Line Indicator Explained Simply & Understandably. // AD A/D A-D breadth nyse - Duration: 5:28.

Advance Decline Line Indicator Explained Simply & Understandably. // AD A/D A-D breadth nyse strategy tutorial basics david moadel

welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell today I wanted to introduce

to you the ad line which is the advanced decline line it's an indicator so let's

learn about it the ad line or advanced decline line it measures the breath of

participation in the stocks in an index such as the S&P 500 the Nasdaq the Dow

the New York Stock Exchange composite index and so on in other words when the

market goes up is it because a lot of stocks are actually going up and that's

broad participation or is it because only a few stocks are going up a lot

while most stocks aren't going up at all and that would indicate a lack of broad

participation in a healthy and sustainable market it's going up because

most of the individual stocks are advancing or going up not just because a

few stocks are carrying the market higher so let's take a look at the

formula for the advanced decline line they take the number of advancing stocks

they subtract the number of declining stocks and then they add that number to

the previous periods advanced decline line number so basically you get a

running total because you're taking the number of advancers and subtracting the

number of decliners and adding this to yesterday's numbers so it's a running

total when the advanced decline line is going up that indicates that more stocks

are advancing and when the advanced decline line is going down that

indicates that more stocks are declining if the market is going up but the

advanced decline line is going down that is a divergence and could be a bad sign

for the markets you can get you can use it as not your only indicator but you

can get a feel for which way the market might be headed all right so this is and what I did was I plotted for the New York Stock Exchange

composite index I put the New York Stock Exchange

composite index itself here at the bottom and then I put the advanced

decline line for the New York Stock Exchange composite index and green above

it right here alright so but also as a reference I put the the index itself

down here in black and we can compare the two and this is for the previous six

months the past six months and as we can see they've pretty much been moving in

tandem moving together I don't see any particular divergences in the past six

months so when they're moving together that's kind of business as usual things

are behaving pretty and normally what I would be looking at for a warning sign a

possible warning sign might be if the stocks or the index itself if the market

was going up with higher high as higher lows that kind of thing or just steadily

going up and meanwhile if the advanced decline line was going down at the same

time if we add this line going up and then the advanced decline line going

down then that might indicate to me that mmm not a lot of stocks are

participating in the rally and so that's not broad participation and that could

be a warning sign so that's something to look out for and it could be the

opposite way to if you have the index or the market itself going down and

meantime at the same time if the if the advant advantage off the same exact time

that might indicate that there could be a turnaround in the making because that

would mean that more and more of the stocks in the index were advancing and

that could lead to the index itself the market itself advancing in the near

future possibly but once again please don't use this as your only indicator

use your common sense do your own research and feel free to use a number

of indicators for formation alright so that is a basic

introduction to the advance decline line the ad line I hope it was helpful to you

feel free to check out all my videos and subscribe to my youtube channel if you

have not done that already I appreciate it and I hope you'll give this video a

thumbs up on YouTube and leave a comment and if you need help with indicators

trading investing putting together a trading plan or an investing plan

because you really need to have one you can contact me anytime my email address

is David Modell that's M Oh a de L at thanks a lot I really

appreciate it and I'll talk to you again soon

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