Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 20 2018

In this video I am going to show you how to place text behind anything in Photoshop.

Hi! Welcome back to the

Photoshop Training

I'm Jesus Ramirez.

In this video, I'm going to show you how place text behind any object or person in Photoshop.

This is an effect often seen in magazines and movie posters.

And I am going to show you how to easily recreate this effect on your photos

using non-destructive techniques.

It's going to be a straightforward tutorial, but it will have a whole lot of tip and tricks

that you'll be able to use in many other projects.

Okay, let's get started.

This is the image that we're going to work with and we're simply going to place text

right behind the model.

And the first thing that you want to do is click on the Horizontal Type Tool and just

type anywhere that you like.

The font is not important, but I am using Gotham Light.

I'm going to type the word "Behind."

Notice that the word is a little too small, so, I can increase the size by doing two things:

Using this drop-down and adjusting the size.

Or I can simply commit the text and then press Ctrl T Command T on the Mac and scale it like

I would scale any other layer.

So, I'm going to hold Shift to constrain the proportions and dragged from a corner handle

and just make that text larger.

And I can just place it anywhere that I like.

And I actually want this to be all caps.

So, what I'll do is I'll click on the Character Panel

and from the Character panel I'm going to click on the All Caps icon.

There it is.

And I'm going to show you a quick trick to center objects in a canvas.

So, whenever you want to center any layer onto the canvas,

you can press Ctrl A, Command A on the Mac, to make a selection around the entire canvas.

Then select the Move Tool and in the Options Bar you can click on the align icons.

On the Align Vertical Centers and on the Align Horizontal Centers and that will place your

text in the center of the canvas.

I'm going to press Ctrl D, Command D, to deselect.

So, that the selection is no longer active and I can just hold Shift, click-and-drag

up and down to keep the text constrained.

So, I'm going to place the texts right about here.

Now that I have the text exactly where I want it, I'm going to the disable the layer

by clicking on the eye icon.

And now I'm going to work on the selection that it's going to allow me to create a mask

to hide the text.

So, with the image layer active, I'm going to select the Quick Selection Tool.

If you are on Photoshop CS6 or older you're going to have to click-and-drag across the

model until you select her.

However, if you're in Photoshop CC, then there's a tool that can help you get started Quicker.

Notice that with the Quick Selection Tool active, I have this button here.

Select Subject.

If I click on that, Photoshop is going to use Adobe's artificial intelligence, Adobe

Sensei, to make a selection out of what it thinks is the main subject of the photo.

In this case, it does a really good job.

There's only a couple of areas that we need to fix.

Select Subject will not give you a 100 percent perfect selection, but I still think that

it's worth using it because it saves you time.

It gets you jump started in the selection process.

Also, since this tool is using artificial intelligence, I think that in future releases

of Photoshop, Select Subject will be much better.

But anyway, in this case it does a fairly good job.

There's only a couple of areas that we need to fix.

So, I'm going to hold Alt Option on the Mac and subtract from the selection on these areas here.

And I'm going to add these areas to the selection.

You don't need a precise selection.

As long as you're close enough, you should be fine.

Once you're done making your selection, you're going to need to refine it.

You can refine this election by clicking on the Select and Mask button in the Options Bar.

In this case, I would recommend you to use the "On White" View Mode.

That way you can see the adjustments better.

Also, on the Onion Skinning increase the opacity to 100 percent to better see your adjustments.

Start by enabling the Smart Radius,

which creates a variable edge width around the edge of your selection.

It works great for portraits that include both hair and straight edges.

The hair requires a larger refinement area than the shoulders where we have a straight line.

So this Option helps you create that variable width.

Then increase the Radius

which determines the selection border in which the edge refinement occurs.

Then I would recommend smoothing your selections, so, that your edges are not so jaggy.

And maybe add a little bit of contrast.

and also shift the selection inward to try to remove those edges.

Again, you don't need a perfect selection

because the text is only covering part of her body.

Also, you don't want to spend too much time refining areas that are not going to be needed.

So, just fine tune your selection until you are about 80 percent of the way there.

If you have hair on your image,

then select the Refine Edge Tool

and you can paint directly over the flyaway hairs.

This is a difficult area.

Photoshop is going to do its best to extract the flyaway hairs in the background.

But unfortunately it won't be a perfect selection, but that's okay.

You can fine-tune your selection later in the areas that need it.

Then I'm going to press OK.

With the selection active, I'm going to create a group.

And I'm going to call that group "Text."

And I'm going to click-and-drag that group into the top of the layer stack,

and click-and-drag our text Inside of that group.

You're actually going to apply the Layer Mask to the group

and not the text layer, and you'll see why in a moment.

So, I'm going to enable my text and I'm going to create my Layer Mask.

Notice that the Layer Mask is only affecting the visible areas of that selection, which

is why the text is really not that visible.

We want the opposite.

So, with the Layer Mask active when this white outline is around the Layer Mask.

You can click on invert and now the text is behind there.

Now I'm going to undo that just to show you one trick.

So, with the selection active, make sure that you have your group selected.

You can actually hold Alt Option and the Mac and click on the Layer Mask icon to create

an inverted Layer Mask.

So, that saves you a little bit of time.

And the reason that we wanted to include the Layer Mask in a group and not directly on

the text it's so that we can have multiple text layers

or any layer really doesn't have to be a text layer

that is controlled by the same Layer Mask.

So if we need to make an adjustment to the Layer Mask,

we only do it once and not to every text layer.

But in this case we're only going to work with one text layer.

But I still wanted to show you that technique because it can be very useful in a lot of projects.

And by the way, let me know in the comments if these techniques are new to you.

The only way that I know that the stuff that I'm showing you in these tutorials is helpful

is by your comments.

So please let me know in the comments what's helpful, what's not, and what you're enjoying.

It will really help me out when I'm creating new tutorials.

Now we've done a really good job

and I'm going to zoom in so that you can see

that the mask here is not perfect.

But it really doesn't matter.

It looks very realistic once you zoom out.

On the other side, we have a couple of issues that we may need to fix.

If I go to fit to screen it is barely noticeable and this area,

and this area, does need a little bit of work.

So, we'll work on this area first.

So, I'm going to zoom in, click on the Layer Mask and select the Brush Tool.

And I'm going to use the left bracket key on the keyboard to reduce the size of my brush.

And I'm just going to paint.

And if you hold Shift and click, you can create straight lines as you're painting. So...


Hold Shift and click again and it creates a straight line between those two points and

that's what I'm doing there.

If you paint into the body like I did here on the jaw, you can paint with black to reveal it.

Notice the black is my background color.

So, I can press x on the keyboard to make it my foreground color.

Then I can paint to reveal the job.

Then I can double-click on the hand tool to fit everything to screen and see how that looks.

Now it's not perfect because the text is actually hiding some of those flyaway hairs in this

region and a little bit in this region as well.

So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to select the Brush Tool.

I'm going to go into the Brushes Properties

and I'm just going to bring the Spacing down to one percent.

The Size to one.

And since I am working with a pressure sensitive tablet, I'll be able to use pressure sensitivity

when I paint in those hairs.

If you don't have a tablet then no worries.

You can just use your mouse and simply use a one-pixel brush.

I'm going to press Z on the keyboard for the Zoom Tool,

and I'm going to zoom into this area here.

Press B on the keyboard for the Brush Tool,

then create a new layer and drag it on top of the layer stack.

Then you can temporarily select the Eyedropper Tool to select colors by pressing Alt,

Option in the Mac.

Select the color of any flyaway hair.

Then paint flyaway hairs using that color.

And I'm going to select the darker color here.

Then continue painting flyaway hairs and continue doing the same process, with a different color.

And I'm not going to spend too much time with this process.

I think that you get the idea.

Once you have your flyaway hairs, you need to match the depth of field of the photo.

Notice how the hair strands in the backyard blurry.

I can go to Filter, Blur, Gaussian Blur and I can blur them just a little bit.

With the Radius input box active, you can press the up key on the keyboard and you can

increase the radius by point one pixels.

And do that until you match that, depth of field of your image.

Then press OK.

Notice how these areas are not really touching there.

If you have that issue, just select the Smudge Tool

and just smudge those in until they touch.

And again, you don't have to be very precise because this area is going to be so small

once you zoom out.

You can also do the same thing on this area here, but again, I'm not going to take the

time to do that in the tutorial because it's exactly the same process.

And you always want to be organized and name your layers.

So I'm going to double-click on the layer name and type in "Hair" because that's what

that layer is controlling.

And I'm actually going to put it in the group because if I zoom in, you'll see that we have

some pixels going into her neck.

But if I click-and-drag this layer inside of that group, you'll see how now I'm using

that same Layer Mask so that those pixels don't go into her neck.

And once again, I'm going to double-click on the Hand Tool.

And by the way if you are interested in another cool tutorial that uses text, then I recommend

you watch my tutorial on the Knockout technique.

This tutorial is only 90 seconds long but it gives you a really, really cool technique

that uses a method that not a lot of people know about.

I'm going to place a link to it right below in the description.

Also, if this is your firs time at the Photoshop Training Channel,

then don't forget to click on the Subscribe and Notification buttons.

If you decide to create something with this technique

don't forget to share it on Instagram

with the hastag #ptcvids

Thank you so much for watching!

And I will talk to you again in the next tutorial!

For more infomation >> How To Place Text Behind Anything In Photoshop - Duration: 11:22.


Too Little Too Late: Donald Trump Reverses Course After Family Separation Outcry | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 13:31.

For more infomation >> Too Little Too Late: Donald Trump Reverses Course After Family Separation Outcry | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 13:31.



good evening everybody our top stories the president responding decisively to

the immigration crisis his predecessors created signing an executive order that

stops family separations while pushing for a new legislation that will secure

our borders and fix our broken immigration system 60 years nobody's

taking care of it nobody's had the political courage to take care of it but

we're going to take care of it going on going on for a long time the president

due to speak in about 30 minutes he's at a rally in Duluth Minnesota we'll have

live special coverage here tonight and complete analysis from an all-star

lineup of guests including Congressman Matt Gaetz former White House strategist

dr. Sebastian Gorka historian presidential historian Doug Wead also

tonight Peter Strock escorted from the FBI for his anti-trump tweets and yet

somehow we find out he remains on the government payroll former FBI assistant

director James Kallstrom is here tonight to talk about out-of-control corruption

at the uppermost levels of the FBI our top story President Trump today acting

on what previous presidents including Obama and Bush long ignored signing an

executive order that will allow children to stay with their parents caught

crossing the border illegally the president moving to stop the family

separations we're gonna have strong very strong borders what we're going to keep

the families together I didn't like the sight or the feeling

of families being separated and we're working very hard on immigration has

been just left out in the call people haven't dealt with it and we are dealing

with it at the same time we are keeping a very

powerful border and it continues to be a zero tolerance you have zero tolerance

for people that enter our country illegally the order signed by the

president authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to keep families

together while they are detained at the border unless unless officials determine

the child's welfare is at risk the order also authorizes the Defense Department

to provide facilities to house those families also under that same order the

Justice Department directed to prioritize the prosecution of cases

involving families the house is expected to vote tomorrow on a to immigration

proposals but a number of House Republicans say they don't believe that

either bill as they stand now can pass joining us to discuss all of this House

Speaker Paul Ryan's amnesty plan and the deep division over immigration on

Capitol Hill Congressman Matt Gaetz he serves on a number of key committees

including judiciary budget and Armed Services congressman good to have you

with us we have heard all sorts of in some cases conflicting stories from

those who were at the meeting with the the president the Speaker of the House

yesterday we're hearing all sorts of stories that could lead us to imagine

that neither bill would pass if the vote were taken today but it's going to be

taken tomorrow where do you where do you think we're headed I'm deeply frustrated

Lou that this legislation has not been reviewed in the committee process that

members of Congress have not had the opportunity to check with people in our

communities to really understand the impact on people's lives but Lou you

were news today on the floor of the House of Representatives when there were

some trying to get a bunch of people to support this purported compromise

immigration bill the rumor was that lou dobbs was going

to come out and support it and so maybe I need to ask you Lou have you come out

and publicly stated your support for a bill that seems to remain in flux as to

the details and component parts you know I'm old school congressman as

you know I I prefer to read bills before I'm asked to sign anything or even to

accede verbally so I I don't think that I would be in that list for either bill

but that I'm I'm an unimportant observer of the process that is yours and process

seems to be what the Congress is all about these days the leadership bill

that is the bill written by Paul Ryan and the K Street lobbyists the Chamber

of Commerce the Koch brothers the Business Roundtable in wall street that

seems to be the one that imagine this your speaker favors and will be pushing

tomorrow I don't even know what's in it Lou I mean as late as this is being a

great deal of a democracy congressman I think sometimes you you you you presume

too much I must I mean I'm with you I think that we promised the American

people if we had Republican control we would actually read legislation before

voting on it and forcing it on the American people and right now the the

target is moving and I want the opportunity to be able to really review

this and understand which pieces are going to help us restore the rule of law

aren't we going to be able to crack down sanctuary cities will we end this stupid

visa lottery will we have the opportunity to ensure that our border

wall is built like the American people were promised by this president if the

entire focus is on how fast we can get amnesty for people that's not that's not

what we promised and I think the American people expect from us to be

very strong against illegal immigration for the benefit of this country I can't

believe that the White House or any of the president's advisors could ignore

the fact that what they they are being asked to do by the the

Illuminati of K Street and the special interest is to move 1.8 million people

to the front of the line something that everyone has said they would not do but

now they seemed a be urgently headed in that direction secondly this president

was elected not only to build a wall but to make America great

now keep America great and I can't for the life of me understand now it keeps

American great to push people to the front of the line who have violated our

laws who are not part of a meretricious immigration system that the president

wants to put in place and who have in fact in point of fact simply lined up

with the left and the what the elitist globalist to fight exactly this

president and his policies well and you know the American taxpayer cannot be

expected to pay for every human being that has a compassionate story in the

world they're people all over who do and frankly I think that we ought to focus

on Americans first that was the theme of this last election and when you don't

end migration when you allow the parents of daca children so you have a path to

legal status those are the people who broke the law that put us in a bad

position in the first place by bringing children across the border and

committing the crime of illegal entry if we legalize those folks and then they

start to be able to pull on the chain and bring even more people over then

we've undermined our entire argument so again I don't know the extent to which

those provisions will be in or out of the bill but that's the problem as I'm

talking to you right now Lou the Rules Committee is changing the legislation

and we could be voting on it as soon as tomorrow this is no way to run a

railroad and frankly if we don't have true hearings on this issue I think

everything will just be a band-aid to get us from one crisis or one news cycle

to the next rather than dealing with the root problem with the illegal

immigration and that is that we are building magnets in this country that

draw people across our borders illegally when we give entitlements to illegals

and we don't have a verified to hold employers accountable illegal immigrants

deported the same social safety net is American

citizens drawn to this country because in most cases they are uneducated they

are unskilled and corporate America desperately needs them in certain roles

but how this makes America great that should be the first test question period

and the second question should be if everybody's so doggone smart about

immigration riddle me this I've said for two decades that you cannot control

immigration if you can't control your bortles yes if someone would defeat that

straightforward little slice of logic I would be glad to sign on to whatever the

plan might be but I would appreciate the respect to the American people the

middle class to whom this president has promised so much and delivered so much

our middle class is growing again wages are rising but this looks to me like a

step straight backwards to you the last word well you know you're absolutely

right the low-energy amnesty bill that we may be asked to vote on is certainly

not in concert with the principles and the ideals that you laid out I came here

to vote for a border wall to crack down on sanctuary cities to end chain

migration if I get the chance to do that tomorrow that's what I'm gonna do but

I'm certainly not gonna be standing for any low-energy amnesty bill good for you

I love it low energy atmosphere but we know we

don't like low energy don't we that's right loose mandates congressman

thank you very much great ante with us up next anti-trump

agent Peter Strahm he still has a paycheck from the FBI

despite his clear efforts to stop to subvert the Trump candidacy and the

Trump presidency former FBI assistant director James

Kallstrom joins us next and we're awaiting the beginning of President

Trump's campaign rally tonight in Duluth Minnesota you say why Minnesota what

we're going to answer that question tonight and a lot of people

across the country may find it both surprising and delightful we'll be

bringing that to you live on this special edition of luodans tonight

please stay with us throughout we're coming right back

For more infomation >> LOU DOBBS TONIGNT: AWAITING TRUMP MN RALLY - Duration: 10:44.


Chrisley Knows Best | Season 6, Episode 7: Todd Really Hates Participation Trophies - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Chrisley Knows Best | Season 6, Episode 7: Todd Really Hates Participation Trophies - Duration: 1:57.


Nhạc Không Lời Rumba Trữ Tình I Nhạc Vàng Hải Ngoại I Organ Không Lời - Duration: 1:31:53.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Không Lời Rumba Trữ Tình I Nhạc Vàng Hải Ngoại I Organ Không Lời - Duration: 1:31:53.


"You're Playing It Wrong" - Intention in Games | PostMesmeric - Duration: 12:22.

So imagine you're playing a game like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

You're wandering the snowy landscapes, interacting with NPCs, and just having a great time.

You're moving across these elegant paths, but there's a notable method to your progression.

You're having fun and staying engaged with the game's world, but you're ignoring

almost every side-quest.

You're constantly progressing solely in the main storyline, sparing very little time

or energy on side content or even general exploring.

Imagine that you're doing this with a friend watching or even streaming it on Twitch.

In some cases, your friend or viewers might lay down that phrase, one that casts a shadow

of judgment on how you're playing: "Dude…you're playing it wrong."

This isn't an uncommon claim from anybody, whether you're a long-time gaming enthusiast

or a casual player fresh into the action.

It's been heard for many different kinds of games from so many genres, but it always

seems to circulate around that one idea of "playing it wrong."

So what exactly do we mean when we say "you're playing it wrong"?

That's something I kind of want to explore a bit in this video.

I've been told the very claim myself, that my method of interacting with the game just

isn't compatible with whatever standard the game appears to structure.

I've been told that I've been "playing it wrong."

So to get things started, I'm going to confront the elephant in the room right off the bat:

there really is no "wrong way" to play a game.

Really, if it's possible to initiate an action in the game, then it's "correct."

And I'm using very generous air quotes.

But I don't want to end the discussion right there, because I want to understand the mentality

behind the claim itself.

Why do we say "you're playing it wrong"?

What about a game conditions us to play it in a certain way with certain patterns of


Is it the developer?

The culture?

What is it?

Really, there's so much more to dig up beyond the surface of this topic, so let's dive

right in.

From what I've noticed, video games are the only medium that you can interact with


(once again, air quotes here) You never hear someone say that you're reading a book wrong

or watching a movie wrong.

I mean, if you want to get post-modern, you can read a book backwards (starting at the

last page) or watch a movie's scenes out of order, but that kind of thinking pales

in frequency to how often playing games is judged.

There's always more going on in games, so many paths and progression styles to address,

so things are inherently more complex than simply watching a movie.

There are so many outlets that we're naturally driven towards, so it's bound to occur that

we deliver them in some kind of arbitrary hierarchy.

But I think this is one of the game medium's greatest strengths: it has that complexity.

So many elements are combined to make a game, so many systems and mechanics need to be implemented

in order for its design to operate, even in the simplest of titles.

And as games become more complex, the number of ways to play them has grown exponentially,

and it's getting to a point where a developer's efforts to compensate for such varied play

styles have become incredibly demanding.

Between bug testing and even creating new design archetypes, developers are becoming

all the more aware that there are so many "right ways" to play.

Keeping track of every potential action a player can make is an ordeal in and of itself,

so I'm very much aware of the lengths developers must take in order to cover every base.

A single change in design direction can change expectations and ingrained behavior.

It's always a balancing act.

At the same time, there are templates in the form of video game genres.

Genres all have connotations to them.

RPG's demand growth and progression in statistics.

Action games need responsive movement and exciting combat.

Puzzle games require depth in their challenges, along with valuable rewards.

Every genre has some identity tied to it.

Very rarely do modern games break out of those archetypes, but that's not necessarily a

bad thing.

Familiar elements give us comfort and let us settle into a game's design naturally.

A game doesn't need to innovate to be compelling.

Sometimes sticking to a template can be the best possible option and that familiarity

can mutate into certain genres being expected to play a specific way.

For example, it's naturally disrupting for a platformer to lack any kind of jump button.

We've grown to expect them to include lots of jumping, and I think that these expectations

have colored what we consider the "right way" to play.

In a platformer, the "right way" to play is to press a button to jump.

Yet games like Bionic Commando exist.

I think it's very interesting when these types of expectations are subverted, when

a game takes what we're comfortable with and does something outright unexpected with


These techniques that have become ingrained into the gaming ecosystem are shoved aside

in favor of something unusual, but ultimately beneficial to the game's design.

For example, Pyre taught me to avoid getting attached to the characters in my team, as

they might leave in the game's Rite ceremonies.

It taught me to go against the traditions of RPGs, where my team is meant to stay synergized

and united to take on stronger challenges in the future.

Pyre was built around these tough decisions, basically showing that the "right way",

investing time and sentiment into a select character, was not something I should do.

The game's "right way" was entirely different than what I was used to.

On the other hand, while developers are growing to make shocking and disrupting titles that

challenge expectations, this level of gamer involvement in breaking down templates and

basic structures has made it pretty challenging for a developer to design a game.

There always needs to be a skeleton of mechanics and systems in order for a game to function;

you can't have everything in a game.

So developers need to decide what kind of game they want to make, what kinds of directions

are needed, and what kind of behavior they encourage a player to do to fully validate

these directions.

Whether or not a genre's established features are what guide the design, game developers

are always challenged to guide player behavior.

This can be done by distributing rewards for specific actions, creating visual elements

to lead a player to a particular part of a level, or doing something more concrete like

preventing progression until certain conditions are met.

But games are a living medium.

The role of the player is essential for a game to be a game; it needs a pilot in order

to fly, so to speak.

When the player's choices and actions become a part of the game's operation, things can

change, and game developers must compensate for the player's actions with various design


Sometimes the player can do something that the developer didn't even predict, like

exploiting a bug or glitch in the game.

In fact, these unusual techniques have become the cornerstone for speedruns, which disrupt

the general course of gameplay using glitches or other unorthodox methods of progression.

Since gaming's earliest years, speedruns have been embraced by the community, and even

developers themselves, as some games even include modes dedicated to speedruns.

So with both developers and gamers actively seeking agency by establishing a game's

"correct" form of play, there's always a level of tension.

A developer can make a game a certain way, but the player is not obligated to play it

that way.

This was a contentious point with Super Smash Bros. Melee, where the game was unexpectedly

embraced by the competitive scene, despite director Masahiro Sakurai's desire to make

the game more accessible to less competitive circles.

As a result, the follow-up Super Smash Bros. Brawl was tepidly received by the tournament

scene, even giving life to the Project M mod, which took Brawl characters and refit them

to play as they would in Melee's gameplay framework.

It seemed like a pretty heavy-handed approach, but Sakurai was unintentionally supporting

a specific type of play with Melee and it led to quite a bit of backlash when the tournament

demographic was not being supported as intensely with Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

While Sakurai never considered playing Melee competitively to be the "wrong way" to

play, it's clear that he wanted Super Smash Bros. to occupy a certain sect of video games.

Despite the reception after Brawl's release, Sakurai held deliberation in how it was designed.

But sometimes subverting that deliberation can lead to something entirely new, even when

not in the hands of developers.

When given the opportunity, the gaming community can end up flourishing after going against

a series' innate design directions.

For example, Pokemon has always been about catchin' em all, finding every single Pokemon

and building up your team for battling other NPC trainers or other players in multiplayer.

The concept of collecting every Pokemon has been a part of the series DNA for more than

20 years, so it's very interesting that one of the most popular game styles came from

the exact opposite of that.

The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules where the number of Pokemon you can catch is very

limited, along with the restriction of releasing a Pokemon if it ever faints, delivering a

type of "permadeath" element to the basic gameplay.

Nuzlocke runs have become one of the most popular alternative game types for Pokemon,

giving players an entirely new perspective for gameplay, and forcing the player to battle

and grow their team more conscientiously.

It played against almost every single standard that the Pokemon games established even in

their earliest incarnations, but whether it shows the versatility of its RPG mechanics

or simply the creativity of its fans, the Nuzlocke run has become wildly popular and

one of the biggest combatants to the original Pokemon games' mantra.

I've also noticed various communities embrace alternate play styles, always seeking to find

a new way to approach a game that might not be apparent to a first-time player.

All memes aside, I have to applaud the SoulsBorne community.

They're always discovering some new trick to progress or some alternate build that requires

a significant change in player behavior for progression.

A different weapon, some different stat arrangement, there's always some new way to play Dark

Souls or Bloodborne, and it's given the community a lot of publicity simply in their

diligence to wring every bit of enjoyment out of a series that's approaching its 10

year birthday.

It's still a series with omnipresence, and I think a major contribution to that is the

community's level of enthusiasm for taking established gameplay templates and contorting

them into something wildly unique.

So as I said at the start, there really is no "wrong" way to play a game.

If you can make it happen in the game, that's all the qualifications you need for it to

be "right."

But games encode various mindsets to us via their design.

There are standards and expectations we have across the many genres and we use them to

shape our perception of what kind of behavior is acceptable or effective to us when playing

a game.

Developer direction is a big part of what we can or even should do in a game, but even

so, that can be overtaken simply by creative or diligent players.

There's a level of excitement in being able to try something new in game, where we can

color outside the lines and initiate actions that might be contradictory to those expectations.

I'm not saying that the most common method of playing a game is the best or worst, because

that's simply impossible to coherently argue, but I do think that claiming a right or wrong

way to play a game hinders the potential enjoyment of the game itself.

In the tumultuous relationship between the game creator and the game players, things

can get unpredictable, but it rarely results in a game that only limits actions to "the

right way."

Play the game your way, but don't be afraid to mix things up.

There's a lot to see.

For more infomation >> "You're Playing It Wrong" - Intention in Games | PostMesmeric - Duration: 12:22.


Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 VTI XS PREMIÈRE 2e EIGENAAR_LEDER_7 STOELEN_PDC V+A. - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 VTI XS PREMIÈRE 2e EIGENAAR_LEDER_7 STOELEN_PDC V+A. - Duration: 1:13.


Toddlers separated from parents 'eerily quiet' or inconsolable at one migrant shelter - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> Toddlers separated from parents 'eerily quiet' or inconsolable at one migrant shelter - Duration: 8:02.


Large Protest, March Gathers Outside East Pittsburgh Police Station - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Large Protest, March Gathers Outside East Pittsburgh Police Station - Duration: 0:41.


Jeff Sessions Dropped A Hint About His Future With Shocking Decision - Duration: 11:06.

Jeff Sessions Dropped A Hint About His Future With Shocking Decision

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is under fire.

Insiders continue to speculate that Donald Trump will one day oust him as Attorney General.

But Sessions just revealed his future with one shocking decision.

One of the reasons Sessions has been able to hang onto his job this long is because

he's committed to implementing Trump's 'Make America Great Again' immigration


And Sessions just took another step toward cracking down on illegal immigration by ending

a legal aide service for illegal aliens.

The Washington Post reports:



















Programs like this are a magnet for illegal immigration.

Illegal aliens enter the country knowing there is legal aid to help them stay.

Jeff Sessions was right to end this program.

Sessions came under fire from Trump and his supporters when he recused himself from the

Russia investigation.

Recusing himself allowed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint special counsel

Robert Mueller.

But he has faithfully carried out President Trump's immigration policies.

And that has allowed him to keep

his job.

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Dropped A Hint About His Future With Shocking Decision - Duration: 11:06.


Couple Wrestles with Home Invader: First Person Defender| S6 E1 - Duration: 13:07.

- I don't know.


- Hey (beep)!

- Oh (beep)!

(metal music) (gun firing)

(baby crying)

- [Narrator] Welcome to First Person Defender.

- Gimme your keys!

- [Narrator] Where regular people come face to face

with unknown attackers in real world scenarios.

And fight their way out.

- Put it down!

(gun firing)

- [Narrator] This is First Person Defender.

Husband and wife team Sean and Jordyn

are excited to see how they fair on First Person Defender.

Sean enjoys shooting and martial arts.

Jordyn learned to shoot shotguns in her youth.

Since meeting Sean she's started shooting handguns as well.

This force on force training uses real firearms

converted to fire marking cartridges.

The crew wears yellow shirts

and are considered to be invisible to role players.

Sean and Jordyn are returning home

after a trip to the grocery store.

Normally when they get home

they can let their guard down

but not on First Person Defender.

(suspenseful music)

- Hey (beep)!

- Oh (beep)!

(intense music)

Get out, get out!

- Get off!

(stealthy music)

- What'd you see?

- Well I came in and suddenly

as soon as I heard you I just saw you charging right at me.

- [Greg] Right.

- [Sean] I just braced myself

because already I figured that

you were gonna get after me.

- [Greg] I threw my leg over your hand

so you couldn't take it out. - Yes.

- But I'm peeling your hand off the gun.

- I wanted her to actually get out and call 911.

Get out, get out!

- Yeah, I wanted him to come with me.

Was like, "Well (beep) what do I do?"

And then I reacted. - No, that's good.

Look it's a personal choice. - Yeah.

- Or it's a choice of what his

life insurance policy is like.


But you know you said you wanted

her to get out and call 911.

- Yes.

- Here's the issue, 911 may just show up

to investigate your death.

- That is true.

- Right?

We need to have these things pre-coordinated as a couple

if one carries or both carry.

When you need to know this stuff ahead of time.

- My initial reaction was I saw you on him I was like,

"Well shoot well I don't want

"him to grab his gun." - Yeah.

- [Jordyn] That's what I thought you were going after.

- I like that, that's what I was going after.

I'll tell ya I like the aggression.

I like the decision, the immediate action.

You don't see that a lot.

And did I have a deadly weapon?

- No, I had it. - Sure I did.

Sure I did, it was on your hip.


- Yes.

- If you carry a gun there is always

a gun involved in every situation.

(hip hop music)

- In this scenario the good guy

and the bad guy are wrestling, close quarters.

Well a lot of times when people shoot at the range,

they shoot like this, right?

Well if the bad guy is that close

you don't have to shoot that close.

And if you stick the gun out like this

you may end wrestling over the gun.

You could actually pull the gun in

and shoot from retention, way back here,

make it harder for the bad guy to get to you.

Let me show how that would work.

We've got this Ruger EC9s, small concealed carry gun.

And when I shoot from here

you need to get this hand out of the way.

Some people will block this way

or just tuck it in but the main thing is

don't have it in front of the gun.

And then the other tip is cant the gun to the side

so that when the slide runs it doesn't catch

in your clothing or hit you and malfunction.

Let's take a look at how this would work.

(gun firing)

Shots on target, didn't need to see my sights,

and the bad guy couldn't get my gun.

(intense music)

- First thing's first very, very, very basic simple thing.

You know what under hooks are?

- Go under the arm.

- Yeah, go under the arm.

Under hooks are key.

Anytime you get into a scuffle or a scrap

with someone you want under hooks.

You want a good base, good posture,

head up, kinda butt low, knees bent.

And you want to shoot these under hooks in

Preferably get double under hooks.

Just like this and clasp.

From right here you're not gonna

be able to grab your gun

and I can pick you up, I can toss you around.

If someone is running up to you,

you wanna try and shoot those under hooks first.

I came running up to you that's what my goal was.

- [Sean] Yes.

- And I came and grabbed you and boom and took you. Yeah!

See how your elbows are in tight?

- Yes.

- That's what you want.

You want an under hook.

With an under hook you can very easily turn me over.

Or just control me and say, "Jordyn get my gun!"

- Okay.

- Right, now you're not into an entangled fight

where I have the upper hand.

You're controlling me, she comes up,

pulls your pistol, and shoots me.

As we're wrestling whether he's got the upper hand

or I've got the upper hand, no matter what it may be.

- Come in. - Yeah.

Attach yourself to him.

Now as we're struggling and moving around

you can reach around.

No, don't separate.

- Okay.

- Because you're gonna reach around and contact shoot me.

That way you know, turn this way.

As we're here grappling, right, boom.

That way every time he moves you move.

You gotta attach yourself to him.

You gotta make sure you're on me, obviously,

with the muzzle - Right.

- and not on him.

- Okay.

- If the guns out here, as we're moving you don't know.

- Gotcha.

- Right? - Right.

- If you attach yourself to him

and you jam that gun in stomach, boom.

- Okay.

- You run the highest percentage of,

go ahead and holster up.

You run the highest percentage

of shooting me and not shooting him.

As you know it takes a fraction of a second

for things to move and to get in front of your muzzle.

Attach yourself to Sean, grab his pistol,

contact me, bang.

- Okay.

- That's important part.

One thing to be aware of, obviously,

with semiautomatic pistols depending on the pistol

is if you push too hard

and shift that slide out of battery

the gun's not gonna fire.

(intense music)

- [Narrator] First Person Defender brought to you by...

Sig Sauer...


And Ruger.

(rock music) (gun fires)

- Sean and Jordyn got into a little scrap with me.

I attacked him and the teaching point was

how do we safely engage an aggressor

if they're entangled with a loved one.

We covered the drill anchoring yourself to your loved one,

drawing either their pistol or your own pistol,

jamming it in, making that contact shot,

making sure you're in contact with the bad guy

and not your loved one or spouse.

We got a real pistol, we got real bullets,

and now we're gonna go ahead and do it live fire.

Let me gas up.

Same thing, I've got my good stance,

I'm anchoring myself around my loved one,

I'm gonna find the bad guy,

I'm gonna drive that muzzle into the bad guy,

and fire when I know I've clearly made contact

with the bad guy, and my loved one is clear.

(gun fires)

Hopefully one round gets him off and then I can fire again

but look if I'm here and he's still fighting

I can keep plugging away (gun fires).

Until that bad guy drops off, is no longer a threat,

and then we can go ahead call 911.

Do what we need to do.

Check my loved one, make sure they're okay,

and get ourselves out of there.

(gun firing)

(hip hop music)

- Greg talked about pressing the gun into the bad guy

but you have to be careful the gun coming out of battery.

What does that mean out of battery?

Well that's when the slide comes back

and the gun will not shoot.

Let me show you what we're talking about here.

We're working with this XD-S in .45

and if I am against the bad guy

and I press the gun into him...

It won't shoot.

Guns out of battery.

Now if I back off just a smidge, watch what happens.

(gun fires)

Out of battery, in battery.

Gun needs to be in battery to shoot.

(intense music)

- [Narrator] This scenario may seem similar

but the intruders target has changed.

(suspenseful music)

- Come here (beep)!

(gun clicks)

(stealthy music)


- That was a lot more. - Are you okay?

- That was a lot more intense that time.

- Little different?

- I was fine. - Yes.

- What'd you see?

- I was not prepared to be the one coming after.

- Mission accomplished.


- That was the scary thing.

I was actually expecting you to come out armed

or something all of a sudden kind of a deal.

- What do you mean? I am armed. (laughing)

- I mentioned to you a little bit I wasn't sure,

'cause I know I have to keep role playing.

There was a couple openings you left me

where I could have easily kept pounding your nuts.

- Yeah, cool.

That would've been my reaction.

- At least you're thinking of that though.

I'm glad you didn't, thank you.


'Preciate that.

What'd you think?

What'd you see?

- Well at first as soon as you came out

I thought you were gonna come after me

but as soon as you changed trajectory

I just went and just had to intercept you.

- It was good and you actually did a good job.

You kinda put yourself between me and her.

- Yes.

- And I didn't wanna wrestle with you.

I wanted to wrestle with her - Yes.

- so it was forced to get you the contact shot.

I kinda pushed you off to the side, fought, grabbed her.

- I was trying to get you off

but as soon as you just wouldn't let go,

that's when I just went for it.

- It was good, it was good.

And I felt the muzzle go on my ribs

so you made that contact.

I felt you click the trigger.

I went down, we called "End ex."

Obviously for safety reasons we had to do

completely unloaded gun 'cause even blanks can be dangerous

if they're making contact. - Yeah.

- It what really scared me is when

I was kinda forced to sit back down

'cause I know that that's a terrible pin spot.

- Right, absolutely.

- The whole time we were outside

we were just thinking, "Well what if he comes out

"and I see when he's wrestling with you

"if he has a gun. Do I pull his

"or do you want me to go after yours?"

And we were just talking about those different scenarios.

- Well that's an important part.

That's an important part of this and being ready

is running through scenarios mentally in your head.

What if, what if, what if?

If you kind of run it through in your head

and you're always planning for the worst case scenario,

then if it does happen you've kind of

had a practice run mentally.

- I think she did very well.

Honestly out of the entire thing

I think she did better than I did. (laughing)

- I will say I was very impressed

especially for a scenario how aggressively

she just jumped in there.

Was like, "No!"


I was like, "Yes, come on, get it!"

I was hoping she'd took the gun and shot me.

No, good job.

But that's the way it should be.

Look we're here to support each other.

(dramatic music)

For more infomation >> Couple Wrestles with Home Invader: First Person Defender| S6 E1 - Duration: 13:07.



For more infomation >> BALON PATLATMA CHALLENGE! (BALLON POP CHALLENGE) - Duration: 5:05.


Port Aransas homeowners face more repairs due to flooding - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Port Aransas homeowners face more repairs due to flooding - Duration: 2:25.


Las Peores Actuaciones De Los Mejores Actores De Hollywood - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Las Peores Actuaciones De Los Mejores Actores De Hollywood - Duration: 6:26.


JUST IN:Trump Just Received Life-Changing News Today He Didn't Deserve - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> JUST IN:Trump Just Received Life-Changing News Today He Didn't Deserve - Duration: 9:18.


Exclusiva: Mayeli Alonso revela que ella dejó a Lupillo Rivera | GYF - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Exclusiva: Mayeli Alonso revela que ella dejó a Lupillo Rivera | GYF - Duration: 7:34.


ICE realiza la mayor redada de indocumentados de la era Trump - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> ICE realiza la mayor redada de indocumentados de la era Trump - Duration: 2:15.


Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: Resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: Resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 5:16.


Stupid driving mistakes 223 (June 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 8:20.

territory of smart drivers


hey, I'm going 50 miles an hour in reverse


he seems to be alive

damned cyclists

blyat suka yourbBBunnywrote! stupid two-wheeled insect blyat

What are you suka doing?

yurbunnylamb blyat!

are you okay? Yes or no?

the road sign escaped with a mild fright


The black Seden had a technical malfunction. The driver's brother came to the rescue, on the blue subcompact.

The driver of the sedan remained in this world, his brother went to heaven

Operator 212, hello. Hello, crash on the ring road of St. Petersburg

specifies the address

are you a participant in the accident? no, I'm an eyewitness

I liked those colored pencils

Well, we already bought everything you need


mum. I do not want, I do not want

maybe this is an old video

yes! yoptvoyu mat! blyat ebat three went to heaven

The cyclist was not injured

locust intervention

For more infomation >> Stupid driving mistakes 223 (June 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 8:20.


Volvo V90 Cross Country D5 CC Pro Panoramadak Intellisafe B/W Sound Polestar Tuning Luxury Line ! - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 Cross Country D5 CC Pro Panoramadak Intellisafe B/W Sound Polestar Tuning Luxury Line ! - Duration: 1:10.


재일교포 여배우 조재현 성 폭행 - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> 재일교포 여배우 조재현 성 폭행 - Duration: 5:35.


Opel Astra 1.6 CDTI Business+ DEMO Nav. Comf.stoel. - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6 CDTI Business+ DEMO Nav. Comf.stoel. - Duration: 1:13.


CRİSTİANO RONALDO PSG ??● GOAL & SKILLS ● 2018 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> CRİSTİANO RONALDO PSG ??● GOAL & SKILLS ● 2018 - Duration: 5:22.


Marie the Mermaid Reacts to Meeting a Dog - Duration: 0:32.

"Wow, what an amazing day!"

"So sunny!"

"And all the dogs are having such a great time!"

"What the...?!"

Oh, excuse me!

Is this West Kelowna?

"Umm, yeah?"

There's poo everywhere.




"What was that?!"

For more infomation >> Marie the Mermaid Reacts to Meeting a Dog - Duration: 0:32.


小米宣布推迟CDR发行:在香港上市后择机在A股上市 - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> 小米宣布推迟CDR发行:在香港上市后择机在A股上市 - Duration: 2:41.


Expert witness testifies in murder trial - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Expert witness testifies in murder trial - Duration: 0:47.


Creed II - In Theaters November 21

For more infomation >> Creed II - In Theaters November 21


For more infomation >> Creed II - In Theaters November 21


WHACK A BOWL *OR* SLAP A BRO!! - Duration: 10:01.

ready ....that was crazy bro

Whack a bowl, Whack a mole, Whac a mole game, Whac-a-Mole, Slap A Bro, ENJOY!

by the end of July we have a goal of hitting hitting a big 10k subs and

we're gonna get there with the help of you yeah you so here's the plan we're

gonna start pumping out more and even better videos I need you support us you

can help by sharing our video to your friends

Santa Claus more expanding our audience back to the video so you know the game

whack-a-mole right well we're vegan or we're vegan we can't play that so we're

gonna play whack-a-mole and this is how it works from the makers of bowling with

bowls in this here bag here he there are nasty items we're gonna hide that item

in the bowl shuffle it up while the other person is turned around not seeing

the shuffle I'm gonna turn back around I'm gonna pick a bowl and smack it if

the item is not there I'm gonna get smacked with the item who's on first

me not you what is my choice of item this guy cuz there it doesn't like this

guy don't look at it nah Spain Eric's facing the other way go Buffy I'm gonna


okay today before we swing we're not stupid we're safe always wear eye


get out farther than I thought I wanted to do this you exist

Mayo me know what like what monogamous is that mean ominous I just got smacked

with anonymous ID - ominous bro it's not so bad you have enough teeth what's in

this thing yeah probably nothing I just know what you're putting in from you

what is this my guess is cocktail sauce yes it's ready I will protect my

daughter I'll Eric to take the dog

yeah I hit the ball you have to hit it

was crazy

oh hey what's the Bulls favorite or today the Super Bowl makes it worse it's

like you do surgeries with that how did you think of the video ones that was fun

it went in my goggles I have two worthy yeah I wait you guys see the raw footage

imagine you're alive one day we'll go along over there

I know exactly on the side no I get smacked with this harnesses work fine

snappy baby but it's yogurt it's expired yogurt what do you need it

wait textbook this house at all wait you're dumb I'm a bum has no bum

it has a thumb it has four fingers one two all right bro okay he's just

everywhere we're gonna have to just deep clean this house I'm gonna say deep

fried okay next up next up so many questions okay okay I know you cheated

last time okay some strawberry sauce raspberry design and dessert sauce

literally cause the best one

bringing this where this got me so you pick the right walk how this possible

like this god playing jokes literally chance it should be equal but it's never

equal fortnight dance forward road is just so perfect

smack my brother in the face constantly with food there's a fly on your face

stop turning stop turning it's coming too fast

yeah I got it even slap like this art what do we call it lucky they put on

museums that's literally what they put out museums this was good I hope you

know but this is the last ball that break

Gary's going hard I'm really not holding back somebody might get injured

all right I'm ready I'm not ready forgot to put your eyewear my name is Pham I

like dubash Nichols boughs cream was successful and

giving me Sofia if you can you know I'll give it to you those two that brought

your faith you can hit my face I'm glad you trust me

now you have to subscribe I didn't smack before we leave you guys got to tell us

what we're gonna do for every thousand subscribers we gain we gots the ideas we

want to see what you have to say maybe 2000 marshmallows up our noses no every

large with a lot of vessels go don't forget buy them of joy we are hitting

10,000 subscribers until next to no time than the usual time

CIA star

I'm gonna send these guys back to mother nature okay

no no

For more infomation >> WHACK A BOWL *OR* SLAP A BRO!! - Duration: 10:01.


For more infomation >> WHACK A BOWL *OR* SLAP A BRO!! - Duration: 10:01.


Princess Eugenie: How is Princess Eugenie related to the Queen? - Duration: 2:53.

Princess Eugenie is a member of the royal family and was yesterday photographed in the Royal Enclosure at Ascot

She will be the next royal bride upon her wedding to Jack Brooksbank, 31.But what is Eugenie's relation to Queen Elizabeth, the head of the royal family?

She is currently ninth-in-line to the British throne, behind her elder sister, Princess Beatrice, 29

Eugenie is granddaughter to the Queen and Prince Philip, 97.Her father, Prince Andrew, is the Queen's second son and third child

Prince Andrew's brother, Prince Charles, 70, is the heir apparent to the British throne

The reason Princess Eugenie has a title is because she is the daughter of one of the Queen's sons

She will have the option to get rid of her royal title upon her marriage to Jack Brooksbank, although it is not thought she will do so

Princess Eugenie's mother, Sarah Ferguson, 58, is not a member of the royal family

However, her father Major Ronald Ferguson was connected to the royal family. He served as polo manager to Prince Philip and later to Prince Charles

Sarah's mother, Marian Louis Montagu Douglas Scott, was a first cousin to Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, who was an aunt by marriage to Queen Elizabeth II

How tall is Princess Eugenie? Is she taller than Meghan Markle? The next royal wedding bride is more petite than you might think

n fact, she is shorter than Meghan who married Prince Harry, 33, earlier this year

Meghan, who stands at 5 foot 7 inches, is often considered shorter than she is.This is because she is pictured surrounded by taller member of the royal family

Princess Eugenie, meanwhile, stands at just 5 foot 4 inches – the UK average height for a woman

However, she is often pictured with her older sister, Princess Beatrice who is also 5 foot 4 inches

For more infomation >> Princess Eugenie: How is Princess Eugenie related to the Queen? - Duration: 2:53.


For more infomation >> Princess Eugenie: How is Princess Eugenie related to the Queen? - Duration: 2:53.


請一定要告訴女兒,這5種家庭,一定不要嫁,不然 小心苦一輩子! - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> 請一定要告訴女兒,這5種家庭,一定不要嫁,不然 小心苦一輩子! - Duration: 6:40.


For more infomation >> 請一定要告訴女兒,這5種家庭,一定不要嫁,不然 小心苦一輩子! - Duration: 6:40.





(RDR2) 0:00:00.000,0:00:03.750

hey what's going on guys my name is Zack RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2

0:00:02.100,0:00:05.279 be guys and call me hazardous thank you

RDR2 0:00:03.750,0:00:06.899

so much for tuning back on my channel RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 STORY

0:00:05.279,0:00:08.130 and welcome back to another red dead

RDR2 STORY 0:00:06.899,0:00:09.570

redemption tube video here in the RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAK

0:00:08.130,0:00:11.790 channel today and it's today's video

RDR2 LEAK 0:00:09.570,0:00:14.910

guys we're gonna be talking about a new RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 NEWS

0:00:11.790,0:00:16.320 potential story and plot line leak that

RDR2 NEWS 0:00:14.910,0:00:18.270

was actually leaked in the collector's RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 STORY NEWS

0:00:16.320,0:00:19.650 edition for Red Dead Redemption 2 so

RDR2 STORY NEWS 0:00:18.270,0:00:21.119

thank you so much for tuning back in RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 STORY LEAK

0:00:19.650,0:00:22.830 thank you for eight thousand six hundred

RDR2 STORY LEAK 0:00:21.119,0:00:24.090

subscribers we hit that the other day RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKS

0:00:22.830,0:00:25.560 I'm sorry I didn't get a video up

RDR2 LEAKS 0:00:24.090,0:00:27.390

yesterday but I was moving into my new RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 INFO

0:00:25.560,0:00:28.800 place Monday and Tuesday was just spent

RDR2 INFO 0:00:27.390,0:00:30.449

moving boxes and getting everything RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 STORY INFO

0:00:28.800,0:00:32.430 organized but I'm all moved in I'm all

RDR2 STORY INFO 0:00:30.449,0:00:33.870

settled in my gaming setup is up and I RED DEAD 2

0:00:32.430,0:00:35.790 absolutely love this place so if you

RED DEAD 2 STORY 0:00:33.870,0:00:37.500

want to see a house tour and gaming set RED DEAD 2 LEAK

0:00:35.790,0:00:39.120 up an office tour just drop like on this

RED DEAD 2 NEWS 0:00:37.500,0:00:40.890

video and subscribe if you guys are new RED DEAD 2 INFO

0:00:39.120,0:00:42.600 and also don't forget to enter my Red

RDR2 PLOTLINE 0:00:40.890,0:00:43.860

Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition

0:00:42.600,0:00:45.120 giveaway the link is down in the

0:00:43.860,0:00:46.590 description and the details are down

0:00:45.120,0:00:47.850 there to enter as well like I said we're

0:00:46.590,0:00:49.469 gonna be talking about this story League

0:00:47.850,0:00:51.120 on the collector's edition for Red Dead

0:00:49.469,0:00:52.110 Redemption 2 in today's video so let's

0:00:51.120,0:00:54.809 just jump right into this

0:00:52.110,0:00:56.250 I rue $3.99 and Red Dead 2 videos cover

0:00:54.809,0:00:58.260 this before but I just didn't have a

0:00:56.250,0:00:59.609 chance to make a video on this before I

0:00:58.260,0:01:01.620 had to pack all my stuff up to move

0:00:59.609,0:01:03.090 places but if you take a look at the

0:01:01.620,0:01:04.439 collector's edition for Red Dead

0:01:03.090,0:01:05.909 Redemption 2 you could see on the screen

0:01:04.439,0:01:07.680 here you can see all the little treats

0:01:05.909,0:01:09.119 and features that come with the metal

0:01:07.680,0:01:10.799 tipping box which is the collectors

0:01:09.119,0:01:12.659 edition remember Red Dead Redemption 2

0:01:10.799,0:01:14.610 like the physical copy of the game or

0:01:12.659,0:01:15.689 even a digital code isn't included in

0:01:14.610,0:01:17.430 the collector it's a box or the

0:01:15.689,0:01:19.380 collector's edition it's all just little

0:01:17.430,0:01:20.820 treats and little goodies about Red Dead

0:01:19.380,0:01:22.110 Redemption 2 if you're a huge fan but

0:01:20.820,0:01:23.729 you won't get a copy of the game so just

0:01:22.110,0:01:25.320 let's be clear on that but if you take a

0:01:23.729,0:01:26.729 look on screen right here you could see

0:01:25.320,0:01:28.380 the collector's edition and we can also

0:01:26.729,0:01:29.640 see some playing cards in the bottom

0:01:28.380,0:01:31.320 hand corner of the screen we're gonna be

0:01:29.640,0:01:33.060 taking a closer look at those on those

0:01:31.320,0:01:35.310 cards right here you can see Arthur and

0:01:33.060,0:01:36.930 Dutch art king cards while sadie is a

0:01:35.310,0:01:38.100 queen card and I have a theory about

0:01:36.930,0:01:39.720 this and let me know down in the

0:01:38.100,0:01:41.700 comments what you guys think about this

0:01:39.720,0:01:43.770 but it's pretty cool so I think this is

0:01:41.700,0:01:45.659 a seeker leaked by Rockstar that could

0:01:43.770,0:01:47.430 be hinting at the possible plotline of

0:01:45.659,0:01:49.200 Red Dead Redemption - I've said before

0:01:47.430,0:01:51.240 in other videos about the story that I

0:01:49.200,0:01:53.250 think Arthur tries to either go against

0:01:51.240,0:01:55.439 a dutch in some way or take over the

0:01:53.250,0:01:56.850 gang because dutch is reckless and it's

0:01:55.439,0:01:58.409 gonna get Arthur killed or it's just

0:01:56.850,0:02:00.329 gonna get Arthur expelled from the game

0:01:58.409,0:02:01.469 and it's a good excuse for why when

0:02:00.329,0:02:02.909 Rockstar made Red Dead Redemption

0:02:01.469,0:02:04.500 obviously they didn't think they were

0:02:02.909,0:02:06.119 gonna make Red Dead Redemption - or they

0:02:04.500,0:02:08.250 didn't have the character of Arthur in

0:02:06.119,0:02:10.170 mind yet until the end and so they

0:02:08.250,0:02:11.580 basically didn't need to mention him in

0:02:10.170,0:02:12.700 the first game there was no reason to

0:02:11.580,0:02:14.950 because he actually

0:02:12.700,0:02:16.569 even concept it yet by the team so this

0:02:14.950,0:02:18.310 would be a good excuse of why he's not

0:02:16.569,0:02:19.900 mentioned because the gang is ashamed of

0:02:18.310,0:02:21.790 Arthur because he tried to go against

0:02:19.900,0:02:23.739 Dutch and that's why Arthur and Dutch

0:02:21.790,0:02:25.180 are both seen on these cards as king

0:02:23.739,0:02:26.950 cards now I love to know what you guys

0:02:25.180,0:02:28.629 think about this again maybe it's a long

0:02:26.950,0:02:29.800 shot maybe I'm just looking too far into

0:02:28.629,0:02:31.660 this but I feel like there's a reason

0:02:29.800,0:02:33.430 for it I mean Rockstar made the

0:02:31.660,0:02:35.230 conscious decision to say hey we'll put

0:02:33.430,0:02:37.060 the Queen on say D and it seems like

0:02:35.230,0:02:39.010 Arthur and Sadie from these trailers are

0:02:37.060,0:02:40.660 getting pretty close maybe they're maybe

0:02:39.010,0:02:42.280 they'll be partners in crime against

0:02:40.660,0:02:43.959 Dutch I don't know it's something to say

0:02:42.280,0:02:45.700 the other interesting thing here is just

0:02:43.959,0:02:47.650 the position of these cards now of

0:02:45.700,0:02:49.720 course Dutch is the leader of the gang

0:02:47.650,0:02:52.030 but he is in the middle and you could

0:02:49.720,0:02:54.610 see Arthur is also behind him but look

0:02:52.030,0:02:56.709 at this Arthur is behind Dutch and Dutch

0:02:54.610,0:02:58.510 has his back turned to him you guys know

0:02:56.709,0:03:00.250 when you watch movies or anything like

0:02:58.510,0:03:02.049 that if the leader where the main

0:03:00.250,0:03:03.849 character has his back turned to the

0:03:02.049,0:03:05.739 threat the threat is most likely gonna

0:03:03.849,0:03:07.840 be the demise of that main character

0:03:05.739,0:03:09.640 your hero your protagonist whatever so

0:03:07.840,0:03:11.650 we could see here that Arthur has his

0:03:09.640,0:03:13.269 back turned against Dutch now obviously

0:03:11.650,0:03:15.610 we know that Arthur can't kill Dutch

0:03:13.269,0:03:17.680 because he's in Red Dead Redemption 1

0:03:15.610,0:03:19.959 but maybe this could be that he's coming

0:03:17.680,0:03:21.489 for Dutch he's trying to usurp him from

0:03:19.959,0:03:22.989 the top of the gang from the throne at

0:03:21.489,0:03:24.880 the top of the gang something like that

0:03:22.989,0:03:26.319 and that could lead to Arthur's demise

0:03:24.880,0:03:27.970 again I'd love to know your guys

0:03:26.319,0:03:29.620 thoughts on this maybe it's a long shot

0:03:27.970,0:03:30.910 it could be in my opinion but just let

0:03:29.620,0:03:32.889 me know what you guys think just the

0:03:30.910,0:03:34.420 fact that this little playing card

0:03:32.889,0:03:36.040 leaked could be hinting at possible

0:03:34.420,0:03:37.389 power struggle between Arthur and Dutch

0:03:36.040,0:03:38.859 at some point through the Red Dead

0:03:37.389,0:03:40.180 Redemption story I'd love to know what

0:03:38.859,0:03:41.590 you guys think thank you so much for

0:03:40.180,0:03:43.780 watching drop a like on this video if

0:03:41.590,0:03:45.519 you guys enjoyed let's see if we can hit

0:03:43.780,0:03:46.780 100 likes on this video as well as if

0:03:45.519,0:03:48.250 you guys are new to the channel I want

0:03:46.780,0:03:49.959 to see daily Red Dead Redemption 2

0:03:48.250,0:03:51.549 content just like this feel free to

0:03:49.959,0:03:52.930 subscribe also let me know down the

0:03:51.549,0:03:54.549 comments as well if you want to see a

0:03:52.930,0:03:55.900 house tour and gaming set up tour in the

0:03:54.549,0:03:57.190 next couple of days I will definitely

0:03:55.900,0:03:58.690 get working on that for you guys because

0:03:57.190,0:04:00.459 my apartment looks great now before it

0:03:58.690,0:04:01.989 gets all messy I'd love to start just

0:04:00.459,0:04:02.980 recording this video for you guys but if

0:04:01.989,0:04:04.480 you guys don't want to see the video

0:04:02.980,0:04:05.739 then just let me know I think it would

0:04:04.480,0:04:07.180 be pretty cool though I could also post

0:04:05.739,0:04:08.410 photos on Twitter definitely if you

0:04:07.180,0:04:09.940 aren't following me on Twitter follow me

0:04:08.410,0:04:11.349 on there because you know I talked to

0:04:09.940,0:04:12.730 all you guys on there YouTube comments

0:04:11.349,0:04:14.109 are a great way to talk to you guys but

0:04:12.730,0:04:15.790 Twitter is even better so if you guys

0:04:14.109,0:04:17.200 have a Twitter I highly encourage you

0:04:15.790,0:04:18.700 guys follow me on there because we can

0:04:17.200,0:04:20.019 all have a conversation about Red Dead

0:04:18.700,0:04:21.579 Redemption 2 on there thank you so much

0:04:20.019,0:04:23.890 for tuning in to the today's video again

0:04:21.579,0:04:25.430 thank you so much for 8600 subscribers

0:04:23.890,0:04:28.140 and I will see you all in the next

0:04:25.430,0:04:49.350 redemption to video adios amigos

0:04:28.140,0:04:49.350 [Music]



(RDR2) Red Dead Redemption 2 - ROCKSTAR SECRETLY




For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2 - ROCKSTAR SECRETLY LEAKS RDR2 STORY INFO! RDR2 PLOTLINE & STORY LEAK!? (RDR2) - Duration: 4:48.


For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2 - ROCKSTAR SECRETLY LEAKS RDR2 STORY INFO! RDR2 PLOTLINE & STORY LEAK!? (RDR2) - Duration: 4:48.


Audition secrète : Le Talent Show sur M6 qui va faire de l'ombre à The Voice ? - Duration: 2:29.

 M6 et la société de productions Studio 89 s'apprêtent à dévoiler un nouveau Talent Show, Audition secrète

   Le concept est simple et novateur. Ce ne sont pas les candidats qui se présentent à une audition mais l'émission, et surtout la nouvelle maison de disques de Pascal Nègre et Julien Creuzard, qui vient à la rencontre de ceux qui n'ont jamais osé franchir le pas afin de leur proposer de chanter devant des millions de Français

   Pour ce faire, la production a trouvé un système innovant. En effet, après que les proches du "Talent" ont dénoncé la star en herbe, un stratagème sous forme de caméra cachée est élaboré pour que celle-ci vienne jusqu'au plateau de l'émission (un cours de yoga, un cours de pâtisserie

). Sur place, un décor permet au talent piégé d'accéder au centre du plateau via un long couloir, jusqu'à une "boîte" dont les murs tombent au bout de quelques secondes

Le candidat qui pensait être dans un sas en attendant son activité du jour se retrouve aussitôt sur un plateau de télévision, les caméras braquées sur lui, acclamé par un public en délire !  À la présentation, on retrouve un duo bien connu des téléspectateurs de M6 : le magicien Éric Antoine et David Ginola, dont la mission est de mettre les chanteurs très vite à l'aise afin qu'ils acceptent de se produire sur scène après un bref relooking et quelques répétitions

Si la prestation plaît, les professionnels cachés derrière une vitre sans teint apparaissent, si ce n'est pas le cas, ils restent cachés dans le public

   S'il n'y a pas de vainqueur désigné à la fin de la compétition qui comprend d'autres étapes plus traditionnelles (dont une prestation avec titre imposé devant la maison de disques), Pascal Nègre et Julien Creuzard se réservent le droit de signer les talents en qui ils croient le plus

C'est lors d'un concert organisé ensuite à l'Élysée Montmartre que le programme a consacré son ou ses "gagnants"

For more infomation >> Audition secrète : Le Talent Show sur M6 qui va faire de l'ombre à The Voice ? - Duration: 2:29.


For more infomation >> Audition secrète : Le Talent Show sur M6 qui va faire de l'ombre à The Voice ? - Duration: 2:29.


Meghan Markle a-t-elle compris la vie qui l'attendait ? - Gala - Duration: 2:29.

 Au cours des derniers mois, l'Archevêque de Canterbury a eu l'occasion de passer énormément de temps avec Meghan Markle

C'est lui qui a baptisé la jeune femme avant son mariage : un geste loin d'être obligatoire mais que la fiancée du prince Harry a tenu à faire par respect pour sa grand-mère, la reine Elizabeth II

Il baptisera d'ailleurs très bientôt le jeune prince Louis, fils de Kate Middleton et du prince Harry

Et c'est également lui a célébré le royal wedding du duc et de la duchesse de Sussex

 Forcément, pendant la préparation, il a appris à connaître les jeunes mariés. C'est donc avec beaucoup d'émotion qu'il a célébré leur union, ainsi qu'il l'a confié à Point de vue : «  Harry et Meghan sont un couple plein d'amour, avec, je crois, une vision du service et du devoir intrinsèque à la famille royale

Celle-ci va les mener dans leur travail. Je suis plein d'espérance pour eux.  »  Car si Meghan Markle a épousé un prince, elle n'en devient pas pour autant une princesse de contes de fées

La vie de conjointe d'un descendant de la couronne est faite de devoirs, de protocoles et de conventions à respecter au quotidien, et sa vie va désormais être quotidiennement scrutée par des observateurs qui n'hésiteront pas à pointer du doigt le moindre faux-pas

Mais d'après l'Archevêque de Canterbury, la jeune mariée est prête. S'il ne peut pas dire si elle a « tout compris » à la vie qui l'attendait, il l'affirme : « Meghan a beaucoup réfléchi, elle est très intelligente

 » Et prête à relever les défis qui l'attendent au côté du prince Harry.  Crédits photos : Backgrid UK/ Bestimage

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle a-t-elle compris la vie qui l'attendait ? - Gala - Duration: 2:29.


For more infomation >> Meghan Markle a-t-elle compris la vie qui l'attendait ? - Gala - Duration: 2:29.


LEGO INCREDIBLES - Part 12 - Syndrome! (HD Gameplay Walkthrough) - Duration: 11:32.

LEGO INCREDIBLES - Part 12 - Syndrome! (HD Gameplay Walkthrough)

Very sturdy of torn right through it what have you been doing robert he i just need a patch job

Darling, oh you, can't be seen in this i won't allow it you

Need, a nice hood that's not expect, wait you want to make me a suit


Yeah, something classic blanket dinah guy, oh he had a great look

Oh, the cape and the boots no capes

Isn't that my decision

Now go on your, new, suit will be finished before your next assignment

You know i'm retired from hero work as am i robert yet here, we are?

It is too early, bob i can't keep doing this, oh no are you a little frosty

This, morning nice bob never heard that one before come on let's go put the train into weight training

What uh?

Can we actually go bowling one time, oh?

Yeah, time to train with, some trains, don't worry lucious i got these

You're, right to have and would you stop with the train funds

you, going nice

Thanks for the motivation sure you, don't, want to give it a try

No i do not i'm throw. Though not strong so this is your pen

So you, don't care about staying fit hey i know, when hit jim and winter chill thank you very much


Now how am i gonna get this up into place looks like, i didn't just come to watch after all i mean it

Typical bug making a, mess you see in the paper a sabine, still missing hope he's, okay

Great guy, help without supers is a lawyer he was saving lives in and out of a super suit

The years to be mine he was solid?

alright here we go, wanna see me live both of these ii

I only need a patch job for sentimental reasons edna

How, do you trash the last one i had to make, some, major modifications

Sure it was difficult but. You are worth it after all i am your biggest fan

Buddy, my name is not

It's not incredibly thurr i'm syndrom your nemesis brilliant

Try, this one on for size big boy



Who are you, what are you doing here gazer b you're, alive man i was worried about you wait

Why do i know. You of course you, do it's, me, ah, mr. Incredible mr. Incredible


yes i

remember you

bob yes bob

You, don't sound so sure are you, okay simon, huh

Well i took a knock to the cocoanut amnesia

Maybe it must have been during one of my many fierce battles with, those relentless robots that's it we gotta stop, the guy

Who built those things, well pal yep for a bit of super work

Yeah, okay a bit of fresh, air would be good that's the spirit yeah i feel better already, bob that's great come on let's go

That's it this way there we go?

Everything is perfect

Hey, gays are being

We want to take a look at this bow i could look at it but it'll be ronnie right-handed lieutenant left hand

we'll be operating the control

And stranded on this pilot has really done a number on you gazer beam

Yeah, tides have all their, own colors looks like, we have to juggle them around, yes this is coming back to me now

Thank you for your hard work in making syndromes plan reality

Hmm, we're not on the right track

That thing, jack jack has a toy, like this

There we go now, we're getting somewhere

Great job laser beam

as we are unable to move through metal i must obey

Stand back i am operating, my powerful and incredibly hot laser do your thing gazer beam just do it quietly

Success doors and uncooperative coconuts are no match for the heat of my laser whoo keep it down, we don't, want to get spotted

For more infomation >> LEGO INCREDIBLES - Part 12 - Syndrome! (HD Gameplay Walkthrough) - Duration: 11:32.


For more infomation >> LEGO INCREDIBLES - Part 12 - Syndrome! (HD Gameplay Walkthrough) - Duration: 11:32.


LOL Surprise Eye Spy Pets

For more infomation >> LOL Surprise Eye Spy Pets


Doctor awarded nearly $2M after discrimination suit against Baystate Health - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Doctor awarded nearly $2M after discrimination suit against Baystate Health - Duration: 0:52.


BMW 7 Serie 730d High Executive | M-Sport uitvoering | Fiscale waarde ca € 92.125,= | Harman Kardo - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> BMW 7 Serie 730d High Executive | M-Sport uitvoering | Fiscale waarde ca € 92.125,= | Harman Kardo - Duration: 1:10.


How to Deal with the Pressure to Perform - Duration: 2:11.

Hi I'm Andrea Beaulieu. So let's say you've been speaking for a while, or doing

meetings in front of groups and you've gotten pretty good, and people are

expecting you to be really good and that's wonderful!

Because if you've been delivering great content in an entertaining way, an

authentic way, an inspiring way, that gives you so much more influence. And

with that comes responsibility of course, remember that. But it does, it gives us so

much more influence. But there's also another side to that. Sometimes when

people put you on a pedestal and think you can do no wrong, that puts a lot of

pressure on us too, you know, so perhaps you feel like 'I can't make a mistake' or

'I-I can't show that I'm a human being' and that's tough, because it can be

really lonely at the top where you don't have anybody to relate to. So what do you

do? Well, the answer is really kind of counterintuitive, but it is to, first of

all, feel your own vulnerability your own humanness, and then to share that with

others. Right? Say 'hey, I'm a little bit nervous in

sharing this with you' or 'you might not expect this, but this is how I'm feeling'

you know, because that makes us all more relatable when we show our humanity.

It's the truth, it has the impact of having people even trust you more than

they already did. The thing is you got to make sure that you start small and-and

-and that you are careful with who you do that with, all right? So, so it's not just

to go out to the world and share your deepest darkest secrets, okay, but to

start to practice that, and just know that you too are allowed to be human, and

vulnerable, and we're always learning - all of us - and to accept that for ourselves,

and to really be willing to share that with others. So try that on a little bit,

if you're feeling that you've been put on a pedestal and feeling the pressure,

you're a human being too. So remember, all the world's a stage, and

all the men and women merely players, so make sure your play

is authentically yours. See you next time.

For more infomation >> How to Deal with the Pressure to Perform - Duration: 2:11.


张本智和15岁拿公开赛冠军很厉害?他23岁拿大满贯,26岁做教练 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 张本智和15岁拿公开赛冠军很厉害?他23岁拿大满贯,26岁做教练 - Duration: 3:34.


Khoonkhar (Jaya Janaki Nayaka) Hindi Dubbed Full Movie 100% Confirm Release Date | Rakul Preet - Duration: 3:41.

Jaya Janaki Nayaka ( Khoonkhar ) 2018 New Hindi Dubbed Full Movie Confirm Release Date | Boyapati Srinu, Bellamkonda Sreenivas, Rakul Preet Singh, Pragya Jaiswal, Jagapathi Babu and Sarath Kumar

For more infomation >> Khoonkhar (Jaya Janaki Nayaka) Hindi Dubbed Full Movie 100% Confirm Release Date | Rakul Preet - Duration: 3:41.


JUDY AND MARY「DAYDREAM/キケンな2人」(Cover) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> JUDY AND MARY「DAYDREAM/キケンな2人」(Cover) - Duration: 3:38.


The Weingarten Real Estate Team - Duration: 1:08.

- [Stacy] We really just want people to understand

how we truly are different, and that's why

we're selling so many more homes.

Experience is one of the most important

factors in a smooth transaction.

With 25 combined years in the mortgage business and over

a decade in real estate, we've seen it all.

But when you hire the Weingarten Team to handle your

real estate transaction, you're getting more than just us.

We hire professional production and marketing companies

to package your listing, and deliver it to the marketplace

in a way no one else is capable of.

The numbers speak for themselves.

- [Kirk] When it comes to real estate, being born

and raised in Southern California gives us the advantage.

That's why we're so comfortable

selling in a highly competitive market.

With my family ties to Massachusetts, we knew it was only

a matter of time before we headed east.

Now we know the Pioneer Valley better than anyone.

If you're considering buying or selling a home,

- [Stacy] Give us the opportunity to earn your business.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> The Weingarten Real Estate Team - Duration: 1:08.


La fonctionnalité d'Instagram pour marcher sur les plates-bandes de YouTube a été officialisée - Duration: 2:13.

RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX - Instagram a indiqué mercredi avoir dépassé la barre du milliard d'utilisateurs actifs, confirmant ainsi l'engouement d'un public, notamment jeune, pour ce réseau social centré sur le partage de photos et de vidéos

L'annonce a été faite par Kevin Systrom, le patron du réseau détenu par Facebook, qui présentait aux professionnels une nouvelle fonctionnalité du réseau: des publications vidéo pouvant atteindre une heure, confirmant ainsi une information révélée par le Wall Street Journal le 6 juin dernier

"Nous avons désormais une communauté de 1 milliard d'utilisateurs", a lancé M. Systrom

En septembre le réseau ne revendiquait encore que 800 millions d'usagers. Instagram rejoint donc le club des plateformes milliardaires de la galaxie Facebook, après Facebook lui-même et ses deux milliards d'abonnés mais aussi WhatsApp et Messenger

Instagram --devenu un phénomène culturel à part entière-- dépasse ses rivaux Twitter et Snapchat et attire les jeunes quand Facebook s'essoufle dans cette catégorie

Lancé en 2010, Instagram a été acheté en 2012 par Facebook pour environ 1 milliard de dollars

Selon la société eMarketer, Instagram va générer des revenus publicitaires de près de 5,5 milliards de dollars cette année soit un bond de 70% par rapport à l'année dernière

À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> La fonctionnalité d'Instagram pour marcher sur les plates-bandes de YouTube a été officialisée - Duration: 2:13.


I'm Seto Kaiba and Things Get HEATED - VRChat #5 - Duration: 13:54.

DISCLAIMER - There might be some heated discussion involving a tiny bit of language, and this is from a past recording and is too funny to not post. If any of you are disturbed, then it's out of my reach.

Hey and welcome back to another round of VRChat, where I look around as Seto Kaiba and hopefully THIS TIME I'll get some character reactions.

The accents used here were funny. Ahh how the Ugandan accent is still relevant.

Now here's where It got heated, involving this person named "Sunset Lover :)". Yeah, I got caught in the crossfire as Seto Kaiba, but looking back on this, it was funny as heck.

"Hehe Yeah that's right! Bow down your head in shame! :D"

|It's Kaiba!! OoO It's Kaiba, back away guys!"

"NoO! Yu-Gi-Oh! sucks [butt]!"

._. XD

"Stop talking 'bout yourSEYlf!" (HAHA That voice crack!)

"hue hue! HUE HUE HUUE!!"

Hahahaha! X'D

"Sunset's be like Let's leave this place freakin skrub! Haha! Back away~"

"Dobbie get the *** back here!"

Oh now HERE's where it starts turning into a funny chase. Just watch as the carnage ensues. XD

"You do not knoe da wae!"

"(Aggretsuko Fenneko laugh)"


"I aaaam! I told you I have a sore throat!" Yeah right.

"It's a trap, it's a trap. Don't believe!"

"Say it! Say it! Say it! Say it! You're gonna say something huh?"

"Furo!! Tell this child to leave me alone."

Yeah stop it, Sunset. Leave him alone. Her response?

"Shut up."

Ah now they play the "age card".

Welp, I've just about done with thisa video. Hopefully you all had fun listening to the bantering and raving and hopefully I'll have some lighthearted vids in the future... if there even IS a future. See ya! Be sure to comment and subscribe!

For more infomation >> I'm Seto Kaiba and Things Get HEATED - VRChat #5 - Duration: 13:54.


Marie the Mermaid Reacts to Meeting a Dog - Duration: 0:32.

"Wow, what an amazing day!"

"So sunny!"

"And all the dogs are having such a great time!"

"What the...?!"

Oh, excuse me!

Is this West Kelowna?

"Umm, yeah?"

There's poo everywhere.




"What was that?!"

For more infomation >> Marie the Mermaid Reacts to Meeting a Dog - Duration: 0:32.


The Algae's Always Greener - Title Card - German - Duration: 0:13.

For more infomation >> The Algae's Always Greener - Title Card - German - Duration: 0:13.


Trump signs order to stop splitting kids from parents - Duration: 6:29.

US President Donald Trump has backed down on an immigration policy that sparked outrage at home and abroad, signing an executive order to end the separation of children from their parents when immigrant families are caught crossing the US-Mexico border illegally

The order requires that immigrant families be detained together when they are caught entering the country illegally, although it was not immediately clear for how long

It also moves parents with children to the front of the line for immigration proceedings

The order does not end a "zero tolerance" policy that calls for criminal prosecution of immigrants crossing the border illegally

"It's about keeping families together while at the same time making sure that we have a very powerful, very strong border," Trump said as he signed the order in a hastily arranged Oval Office gathering

Trump, a frequent viewer of cable television newscasts, had recognised the family separation issue was a growing political problem, White House sources said

Earlier, he told reporters at the White House: "We want to solve this immigration problem

I'll be doing something that's somewhat pre-emptive but ultimately will be matched by legislation I'm sure

"We want security for our country. We will have that as the same time we have compassion

I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that."Videos of youngsters in cages and an audiotape of wailing children have sparked anger in the US from groups ranging from clergy to influential business leaders, as well as condemnation from abroad

It includes Pope Francis, who tweeted on Wednesday: "A person's dignity does not depend on them being a citizen, a migrant, or a refugee

Saving the life of someone fleeing war and poverty is an act of humanity."And it has emerged that First Lady Melania Trump "has been making her opinion known" to her husband that he needs to do all he can to keep families of migrants together, according to the White House

British Prime Minister Theresa May declared the US is wrong to separate migrant children from their parents, but rejected calls to cancel Trump's visit to the UK next month

May said Wednesday that images of children in cages were "deeply disturbing. This is wrong

This is not something that we agree with."And Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was verbally attacked by Trump over trade, also said the current US policy of separating child migrants from their parents and detaining them is "unacceptable

"Trump again blamed the opposition Democratic Party for the situation at the US border with Mexico

"It's the Democrats fault, they won't give us the votes needed to pass good immigration legislation

They want open borders, which breeds horrible crime. Republicans want security. But I am working on something - it never ends!", he wrote

Trump's Republican Party has been working on legislation that will allow families detained at the US-Mexico border to stay together, said Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House of Representatives, prior to Trump's remarks

"We don't think families should be separated. Period," said Ryan, a senior Republican

"We can enforce our laws and keep families together.".US Customs and Border Protection have said that 2,342 children had been separated from their parents at the border between May 5 and June 9 this year

Meanwhile, American Airlines has asked the federal government to refrain from using its flights to transport migrant children who have been separated from their families

"The family separation process that has been widely publicised is not at all aligned with the values of American Airlines -- we bring families together, not apart," the carrier said in a statement on Wednesday

For more infomation >> Trump signs order to stop splitting kids from parents - Duration: 6:29.


Let's Spiel Dragonball FighterZ (Blind) Ep.16 - Wait! We can explain! - Duration: 29:49.

yo hi and welcome my name is Annie Roy and I welcome you back to its page rank

ball fighters and the last episode we did a whole bunch of things because I'd

cut a lot of things out and yeah we're up against 18 now and krillen and Trunks

for some reason and yeah I want to steam I want to see its girl see what this is

all about why 18 is working alright 216 is working

with anyway 21 so maybe I don't know chapter heart out and it's the same stop

freezes crew but we don't freezes crew

so come on let's go to Austin I knew it was me all along but you are kinda the

leader of an army yourself so whatever

rushing Baca and sound that nice me


freezes just like what excuse me one of those lights and the back you see that

above Guinea Oh what is that what's that supposed to be here we go


- Frieza look so disgusted Denis once eat a crab or something



now sales would be surprised see I know my DVD all righty let's see it's kinda

ironic at yes Krillin and Trunks on our site your husband and the one who killed

her in another future and try to kill her enemies you know stop what's up

Gustav I float thank you

let me just watch that sometimes I looked up some special attacks in the

menu doesn't seem to work most of the time though wanted to do something else

there anymore at all

apparently you can press either r1 or r2 with certain curtains to do some

different things different attacks like this go the new freezable awesome but

text now oh wait wait wait I can get it from those

I want to name it stop it what

but I weakened after this transformation looks like it let's get him

yes I'm not going to this game I know I don't need to to get through a story

event all right that's it gotta blow you up and it's not too far

away after you come hear me up tell me our way out tell me out all right let me

even doing another I don't even need strategy come on what do I make it even

more complicated it already is

let's see

and she defeated was a cute laughs please laughs like that a limb off we

can explain

that face all right Goku and Friends you have to believe us we are not too bad

guys I mean look at freezes face and say that he's okay it's not the exact same

scene that we saw in the super Aria arc right

I can't do that okay okay now the thing is am I the same soul that was inside of

Goku and friends or am I an entirely different person whatever okay okay

all right and we're gonna be put on a map or we gonna straight outside we're

just gonna fight okay yep it should be good

why not full HP and all that stuff that's good

was that a custom I'm guessing I'm gonna fight against Goku and his friends a

little more often and a boy from the future Koko just gonna stand

all right I guess I don't have to cut much out of this part this time that's

kind of good saves me some work and that is always good

all righty let's go and I'm gonna leave this pedal

in of course never boat like yeah I've got to destroy coconut I'm gonna destroy

it okay then give new content just attack them out of the blue

look hidden and then why it's called I want no I want

and every field I don't think he ever used that right oh did he

oh I think he did to yourself I don't remember when but I'm positive used it I

have no idea one okay not sure was it even in his final form I know it's

perfect Tom I mean use me cell okay now what

and we go yeah Chapter six unbelievable Goku and Frieza team-up

what do we get Goku in our team

I love those phases

am i interrupting something oh no don't do it please

that's not the time for that he's done nothing wrong to me that's that's for

all right see if Riza can be nice

so you see this a man inside Frieza


this is a completely different

so now how much you wanna you this

well maybe not the tech of the clones

I thought you weren't limited already map can't seem right Matt and Ellie

Goku's abstain and cooling that's a pretty linear map cool okay Rize and

let's put those guys and not team for now okay they were right that was a

pretty good part I think didn't have to cut anything because they were mostly

cutscenes and fights and yeah I've got a heads part here I hope you enjoyed it

and please consider leaving a like a comment or subscribe that would be

really nice of you and then we see each other in the next

part bye


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