Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 21 2018

Hi, I'm Laurie Hernandez

and welcome back to Cirque It Out,

direct from Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas

Stick with me as we go through the paces

with one of Cirque du Soleil's elite performers

and their coach.

Today you'll be sweating it out

with Cirque artist Pierre and his coach Artemis.

Hi, my name is Artemis Scantalides,

I'm a performance conditioning specialist

at Cirque du Soleil.

If you've ever wondered how our artists

can do the extraordinary things they do,

the answer is easy:

they train a lot

and they do it the CirqueWay.

Today we'll be sweating it out

with Cirque artist Pierre Cottin.

Pierre performs the aerial hoops number in O,

one of our most popular and long running shows here in Las Vegas.

Thanks to his fitness regimen,

Pierre performs 10 shows a week,

week-in and week-out.

Are you guys ready to workout?

Before you start any workout or engage in any physical activity,

you want to make sure that you go through

proper warm up and movement prep

in order to prepare both your central nervous system and your body

for the exercise that you're about to do.

The first thing we're gonna start with today is just some breathing.

Most of us in today's fast-paced world,

we forget how to breathe properly,

we're breathing in our chests like this

so this is all about the belly breath,

diaphragmatic breathing.

It helps to reset your system.

So you want to do about 5 breaths here nice and relaxed

to start your workout.

I'm just gonna have you take it into some head nods.

I'm just gonna have you first roll your head right to left

keeping your head on the floor,

good, just warming up your neck

and I'm just gonna have you lift your head off the ground

and then lower it.

And as you do this, it's about 5 breaths

and then about 10 head nods right to left

and then up and down.

So let's have you turn over,

this time I'm gonna have you take head nods up and down

and go ahead and bring your head center, Pierre,

and then I'm gonna have you just turn your head right to left

nice and easy, just as far as it will turn,

don't force it.

The breath should be about 3 to 5 belly breaths in this position,

head nod should be about 10 total

up and down, right to left.

We're gonna go into some rolling.

What I want you to do is look

and then rollback

and then rollback up,

look and roll and then come back up to seated,

good, there you go.

Let's get 2 more here,

we're gonna do about 5 of these,

let's get one more.


Now I'm gonna have you take the eggroll side to side,

head and neck should be relaxed through this whole thing

to help to prepare your body

for the workout that you're about to do,

let's get one more right to left

and these you want to do about 10 total

so 5 to each side.

We're gonna go through some cat cow tilts,

what I'm gonna have Pierre do is just inhale

and as he inhales,

I'm gonna have him extend his back and look up,

yes, exactly,

and then exhale

and I want you to actively push the floor away

with your hands and round your back,

good, using your breath

to go through warming up your spine.

Inhale and on exhale push the floor away,

round your back,

good, and relax.

Nice. We're gonna do one more warm up for the thoracic.

Place your left arm on the floor, palm faces down

and bring your right arm behind your back.

So what I'm gonna have Pierre do is use his breath and inhale

and open up his right shoulder and look up to the ceiling

really using that breath to help you to warm up.

You want to do about 5 to each side.

So go ahead and inhale, lead with that shoulder, open up.

Exhale, relax down,

really relax into it, good, inhale, open up

and exhale, relax down.

More here.


We worked on a upper body a little bit

so now we're gonna work on our hips.

So I'm gonna have you take it to half-kneeling,

just go ahead and place your right leg in front and left leg in back

and I'm gonna have you take it into some hip rocks,

so just rocking forward nice and relaxed,

good, for 5 so you want to get about 5 forward here.


Now from here I'm gonna have Pierre take that front leg

and bring it out to the side

and he's gonna keep his chest and hips square

but he's gonna rock to the side.

So in this position, you should feel this

in your inner thighs, your adductors

and wherever you might be tight actually

but primarily here in your inner thighs.

Good, you'll get about 5 in this direction here.

Then after Pierre gets 5,

I'm gonna have him use that same leg

and stay on that same knee

and he's gonna extend that leg out straight,

hold foot on the floor,

toe points forward

and then I'm gonna have you hinge over

and place your hands on the ground

and then you're just gonna take those hip rocks

back into your heel and then forward.

After he gets 5 here,

I'm gonna have him move to the second side

and go through those hip rocks forward

on the second side for about 5,

to the side for about 5.

I'll just have you switch legs

and we'll just demo the other side

so just coming forward and then back

and forward and back

opening up those hips

about 5 each direction,

go ahead and bring that leg to the side,


and keeping your hips and chest square,

good, yeah.

And now go ahead and extend this leg out

into that kickstand stretch, hands down,

you're gonna come forward and back.


Today's workout is focused on the aerial hoop

and we want to make sure

that Pierre's shoulders and his upper body

are prepared for the workout we're about to do.

So what I'm gonna have Pierre do

is grab hold of this dowel here

so as he goes through these arm circles,

what he's gonna do is take the dowel

and he's gonna bring,

there we go, the dowel up and back

while trying to maintain neutral spine here

and then up and forward.

What you might find is if you have really tight shoulders,

what you may find

is that you need to have a wider grip on that dowel

and as you go through these circles

up and over and up and back,

you can move those hands closer and closer together.

But does it

Go with the range of motion

that feels comfortable to you at first

and go through about 10 of these

back and forward,

back and forward.

The next thing I'm gonna have Pierre do with the dowels,

I'm gonna have him bring the dowel down in front of him.

I'm gonna have him bring his hands closer together

and then from here, I'm gonna have him keep his arm straight

and circle his shoulders backwards for about 10,

good, just warming those shoulders

making sure that he has the mobility

to go through everything overhead

that we're gonna do today.

And that's good right there.

So this warm up should prepare you

for the workout that we're about to do today.

How do you feel Pierre?

- I feel great!

Awesome, ready to work out?

- Yes. - Excellent.

What we're gonna do is a Pilates glute bridge

which helps you to focus on working your glutes,

your pelvic floor and your core

and bringing everything together,

that whole trunk from your shoulders to your hips.

So from here Pierre I'm just gonna have you

rest your head on the floor

and then I'm gonna have you squeeze your glutes

and I want you to lift your hips up,

see how his upper back is on the floor

and just go ahead and lower your hips.

So he's gonna do these glute bridges for about 30 seconds.

So you can go ahead and relax Pierre,

I'm gonna have you transition into a floor hollow.

You want to make sure that you learn the hollow position.

The hollow position is key

because it helps you to learn how to engage your abdominals

for your hangs and your pull ups.

Pierre go ahead and bring the dowel above your head

and you see he came right away into this hollow position.

So Pierre I'd like you to pull that dowel down

like you're a pulling a pullup,

right, a pullup bar,

there you go.

So for this you want to do these floor pull ups,

this floor hollow pull

for about 30 seconds.

And you can go ahead and relax Pierre, great.

And then I'm gonna have him move into side planks.

Now you'll notice that here in this side plank position,

Pierre's shoulder is lined up with his elbow

and he's actively pushing the floor away with his arm

and he's activating everything on this side.

So we do that for 30 seconds on each side

3 rounds,

and relax.

How do you feel Pierre?

- I feel pretty good. - Awesome, nice job.

So this part 1

and we're gonna move on to part 2 next.

Since the aerial hoop is a dynamic hang,

we want to make sure that you become comfortable with hanging

and you build that hanging strength from the bar.

So step 1 would be to get comfortable

just with hanging

so Pierre I'm gonna have you just do a relaxed hang.

And this is something that you can do

for about 15 to 30 seconds,

just relaxed hang just starting out.

Then you would make it an active hang

so what I'm gonna have Pierre do

is pull his shoulders into his sockets

and then I'm gonna have him get into that hollow position

so go ahead and tuck your hips under

and he's gonna hollow his mid-section out here

so his shoulders are packed, his lats are engaged

and he's holding this hollow position

so he's holding this with some tension.

Go ahead and relax Pierre

and again, you want to start with like 15 seconds,

add on 5-second increments up to 30 seconds.

The next thing would be to actually work on pull ups

so a good way to start is with a band.

Minimal equipment here with a band,

it's really easy to purchase.

Attach this to the bar.

He's going to place one foot in the band.

Now why have his feet in the band

so that he can maintain his hollow position.

So go ahead and get into your hollow position for me Pierre

and now from here he's gonna pull up

into a pullup and the band is providing him

with a little bit of assistance.

You can put the pull ups aside

and we can work on some hanging leg raises.

For the hanging leg raises,

you want to start them on the floor.

You can use a piece of furniture

that you have at home to hold on to

or if you have a training partner and you have a dowel,

then you can use the dowel.

So from here he's gonna,

just like we did in part one the hollow position,

he's gonna bring the dowel above his head

and then he's gonna bring his legs up straight

and then I'm gonna go ahead and grab a hold of this dowel.

I'm gonna apply a little bit of tension and pull back,

so go ahead and bring your toes to the dowel,

good, and then come all the way back

and I want you to return to the hollow position.

Notice how his feet do not touch the ground,

they just come back to the hollow position.

So this is a way to train floor leg raises

before you take them to the bar.

Start with 3 sets of 5

and then build up to sets of 10.

If you don't have a training partner,

what you can do is substitute this dowel

for a secure piece of furniture at home.

Make sure it's secure and it doesn't move around

and you just grab hold of it with your hands behind your head.

So moving on to the next exercise,

we're gonna work on some pushing strength

and trunk stability strength.

So step one would be to work on some hand walk-outs

so I'm gonna have Pierre just go ahead and face this way

and I'm gonna have you hinge over,

place your hands down and then walk it out

to a straight arm plank for me,

so hinge over, hands walk it out,

you can just give me one shoulder tap right,

one shoulder tap left

and then go ahead and walk it back

then softening your knees, yes

coming back up to standing, good.

So for this you want to start with 5

and work up to sets of 10, again 3 sets.

Now if that's super easy, the next progression would be

to take it to some wall assisted hand stands.

You can kick up to a wall at home,

so Pierre I'm gonna have you kick up to that wall assisted,

you should be wall assisted single arm shifts.

So always using that wall for support

remember safety first

so here we are wall assisted,

he's leaning his legs against the wall here

and he's just shifting his weight side to side

practicing how to balance on one arm without wall assistance.

Again start with 10 seconds 3 rounds,

5-second increments up to 30 seconds per set.

Now we're going into part 3 of today's workout.

Part 3 we're gonna work through some kettle bell carries.

What he's going to do is

he's gonna grab it with both hands

and he's gonna bring it into what's called the rack position.

From here, Pierre is just gonna two-hand press

that kettle bell overhead

so go ahead and get those knuckles to the ceiling,

go ahead and pack your shoulder as much as you can

having your arm overhead.

Now from here what I'm gonna have Pierre do

is just take it for a walk,

so he's just gonna stabilize that kettle bell overhead

and go for a walk.

He's going to do 30 seconds on the right side

and then he's gonna switch

and do 30 seconds on the left side

and he's gonna do this for 5 rounds.

Great. How do you feel?

You're glad this workout is over?

That was quite a workout.

We hope you try it again and that it helps you

to be the best that you can be.

Remember, you don't have to be a part of Cirque

for this workout to benefit you.

Stick with it, you won't be sorry.

Don't forget to get active with <i>Cirque du Soleil</i>

on our next episode.

We hope you enjoyed this video.

Like it, leave a comment and share it with your friends.

Have a look over here to see what video you want to workout to next

and as always, make sure you subscribe to our channel

so you don't miss out

on all the great content we publish week after week.

We at Cirque du Soleil

are here to flip your everyday reality

the CirqueWay

where everyone, everyday, is extraordinary.

For more infomation >> HOW TO Work Out & Train Like a Cirque du Soleil Performer | "O" Aerial Artist | Cirque It Out #12 - Duration: 14:12.


選一組數字,測看你近期有中彩票的運氣嗎? - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> 選一組數字,測看你近期有中彩票的運氣嗎? - Duration: 3:49.


[CFS_Creators] TOP 5 CFEL Highlights - Duration: 3:49.

Hello everyone this is Paldino,

and today I'd like to invite you all to watch the TOP 5 plays from CFEL

which we've selected during the months of April and May.

Here's the bomb site A and Dunhill is holding the spot…

he spotted the first enemy, he knows that he went back down

he is searching for the enemy… Wow he killed 'Kross7'

now a double kill after defeating 'Green'

Wow! He kills Hugo97 and it's a Triple Kill!!

That's it guys, the enemy team was very focused but Dunhill crushed them.

Here goes STK, walking stealthily the bomb has been planted

Two players are still alive.

He starts to search for them trying to find where they are

He tries to shot them, but miss all his tries…

he doesn't give up and keeps searching for the enemies

He knows that there are 2 players hiding nearby

Wait… he got shot! He has spotted the first enemy

He tries to defuse… and wooow he did it!

Green is holding his position at bomb site A

2 of his teammates got eliminated

He decides to strike in! Wow double kill… triple kill

He starts to save ammo… Wow his 4th kill!

Now he's searching for the last one… WOW a perfect shot!

'Nenem' is holding his position and waiting for the flashbang to strike in

He goes in and… WOW TRIPLE KILL!!

They start to gain territory

RUDEGAME will now try to plant the bomb,

they're in numerical advantage and 'Nenem' has scored a Triple Kill in the round

he passes through the smoke and start to plant the bomb.

Go 'Nenem', go! Go! Go!

The bomb has been planted and he tries to spot the enemies on the window.

He holds his position for a while and then decide to strike over,

he wants to score 5 Kills... and with a perfect aim he wipes the enemy team

MXM is on the run trying to shot his enemies…

WOW he shot them through the smoke bomb!! He toasted his enemies!

Thanks for watching. I hope you had enjoyed the plays we've picked for you in this first episode.

Don't forget to post your feedback and to leave a comment saying which was your favorite play on CFEL.

See you in the next video Bye ~

For more infomation >> [CFS_Creators] TOP 5 CFEL Highlights - Duration: 3:49.


সকালে তাড়াতাড়ি কি ভাবে উঠবো || How to Wake up early in the Morning || Motivational Video in Bangla - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> সকালে তাড়াতাড়ি কি ভাবে উঠবো || How to Wake up early in the Morning || Motivational Video in Bangla - Duration: 4:27.


Michael Cohen's Friend Hints At 'Missing Links' In Russia Probe | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Michael Cohen's Friend Hints At 'Missing Links' In Russia Probe | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 6:55.


Why Tom Hiddleston's Career Might Be In Serious Trouble - Duration: 5:58.

Tom Hiddleston leapt to superstardom as Loki, the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most suave

and charming villain.

But while Hiddleston seemed poised to become a breakout star, it hasn't panned out just


So what happened?

Here's a look at why Tom Hiddleston's career might be in serious trouble.

Always second best

Tom Hiddleston has the look and the skill to be a leading man.

At least, fans and critics think so.

Hollywood executives, on the other hand, don't seem to be so sure, as Hiddleston has frequently

come in second even for roles he later ended up landing.

For instance, Hiddleston was only brought on to Guillermo del Toro's Crimson Peak after

Benedict Cumberbatch dropped out.

He was also the second choice for Only Lovers Left Alive, which originally was supposed

to star Michael Fassbender.

And Hiddleston apparently wasn't even the first actor in line for Loki, with Jim Carrey

reportedly the early favorite for the part.

"Wow, okay."

Hiddleston's reputation as almost, but not quite right, again came to the forefront when

he was rumored to be in the running to replace Daniel Craig as James Bond.

A source told Page Six:

"[Producer] Barbara Broccoli doesn't like Tom Hiddleston, he's a bit too smug and not

tough enough to play James Bond."


Fool me once

When Loki first appeared in 2011's Thor, the character was a breath of fresh air, but it

was 2012's The Avengers that really made Hiddleston a household name.

Still, even the most fun characters are subject to the law of diminishing returns, and by

the time Loki showed up in Infinity War - the character's fifth appearance - at least some

of the magic was gone.

"Puny god."

That's due in part to being eclipsed by bigger, badder, and fresher villains.

While Loki helped create the cool villain template for the MCU, scarier threats like

Cate Blanchett's Hela in Thor: Ragnarok or Josh Brolin's Thanos in Avengers: Infinity

War have raised the bar - and made Loki look kind of tame by comparison.

Whether Loki returns for another Marvel movie or not, Hiddleston's days as the ultimate

big bad guy of the MCU are long over.

Which is a problem because…

He's a one trick pony

Loki may have been a fan favorite, but so far Hiddleston's other attempts to become

a box office star have fallen flat.

In 2015, Crimson Peak flopped at the box office, earning just $31 million domestically off

a $55 million budget.

The following year, Hiddleston failed to capitalize on advance Oscar buzz when I Saw the Light,

in which he played country legend Hank Williams, bombed with both audiences and especially


In 2017, Hiddleston continued the streak with the weak performance of Kong: Skull Island,

which earned $168 million domestically against a $185 million budget.

To be fair, the film did significantly better overseas, and there has been talk of a possible


But even when he takes one step forward, he seems to take two steps back, which brings

us to…

That speech

2017 should have been the turning point for Hiddleston.

Not only was Kong a minor success internationally, he also got some love from the Hollywood Foreign

Press, winning a Golden Globe for his performance in the mini-series The Night Manager.

However, that went off the rails thanks to a speech that had critics trashing Hiddleston

for being out of touch when he talked about relief workers in war torn South Sudan being

excited to meet him.

"They wanted to say hello, because during the shelling of the previous month, they have

binge-watched the Night Manager."

Some found the speech bizarrely self satisfied, prompting an apology from Hiddleston, who

wrote on Facebook

"I completely agree that my speech at the Golden Globes last night was inelegantly expressed.

In truth, I was very nervous, and my words just came out wrong.

[...] My only intention was to salute the incredible bravery and courage of the men

and women who work so tirelessly [...] and the children of South Sudan, who continue

to find hope and joy in the most difficult conditions."

But by that point, Hiddleston had already lost the benefit of the doubt with fans and

the media, thanks in large part to - of all things - a silly t-shirt.

The Taylor Swift effect

In 2016, Tom Hiddleston embarked on a three month relationship with Taylor Swift, and

his career - and reputation - have never fully recovered.

Right from the start, the pair were dogged with accusations that it was all a PR stunt.


But if it was, Hiddleston learned all too quickly that not all publicity is good publicity

when paparazzi infamously photographed him wearing a t-shirt that said "I [Heart] T.S."

Hiddleston told GQ,

"It was a joke among friends.

[…] I was just surprised that it got so much attention.

The tank top became an emblem of this thing."

Fan reaction and tabloid coverage was so intensely negative that, according to GQ, his family

began to worry about him.

What now?

Given the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general, and his Golden Globe

win for The Night Manager, you'd think that Hiddleston would be in high demand.

You'd apparently be wrong, though, because he doesn't seem to have much lined up at all

- especially compared to contemporaries like Benedict Cumberbatch, who has a similar resume

but far more work lined up.

So where does Hiddleston go from here?

Hopefully, like Loki, he has a few tricks up his sleeve - because otherwise, his career

as a leading man might turn out to be just an illusion.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why Tom Hiddleston's Career Might Be In Serious Trouble - Duration: 5:58.


Reporter Reveals Astonishing Video Of Migrant Kids Brought To NY | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> Reporter Reveals Astonishing Video Of Migrant Kids Brought To NY | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 9:47.


Obama Just Got BAD News About His Nobel Peace Prize After Committee Denies Trump The Honor - Duration: 6:05.

Obama Just Got BAD News About His Nobel Peace Prize After Committee Denies Trump The Honor.

In 2009 Barak Obama was given one of the most coveted and prestigious awards a person can


The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to people who stand out for acts of courage and kindness

for humanity.

An example of a worthy recipient would be Mother Teresa, who given the award for her

selflessness and kindness work with people of Calcutta India.

She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, she spent over 50 years serving people in

the slums of Calcutta.

Barak Obama, however, did nothing like that.

In fact, the 2009 Nobel Peace prize has been the most controversial so far.

Obama beat out many people who were clearly worthy recipients of the award.

President Trump has recently been brought up as the next rightful recipient of the peace

prize, for his historical agreement with North Korea that was decades overdue.

However, the prospect of Trump being the next recipient was squelched today after a committee

member said that Trump is no longer "moral leader of his country or the world."

This was based on the recent immigration controversy.

A member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee is condemning President Trump for the "zero

tolerance" immigration policy that has resulted in separated families, saying that the president

is "no longer the moral leader of his country or the world."

"What is happening at the border where he is separating children from their parents

is a sign that he is no longer the moral leader of his country or the world," Thorbjorn

Jagland, who is also the secretary general of a human rights watchdog, Council of Europe,

said, according to Agence France-Press.

It's ridiculous for Trump to be denied a prize he rightfully earned on a peace agreement

Barack Obama wasn't capable of accomplishing in 8 years.

However, that doesn't mean he still deserves the award he was seemingly given as a favor.

Writer Johnathan Turley wrote a scathing article about Obama winning the award and what the

ex-Secretary of the Nobel recently admitted.

In Jonathan Turley's blog post yesterday he wrote, Like many people, I was highly critical

of the awarding of the Nobel Award to President Barack Obama in 2009 before he had done anything

as president.

Now the ex-Secretary for the Nobel Prize Geir Lundestad has admitted that Obama did not

deserve the prize but rather they thought the award would strengthen Obama.

It is a maddening admission that the committee bypassed a list of worthy candidates with

proven contributions to humanity to give a boost to someone that the Committee simply


That would seem grossly unethical but Lundestad merely acknowledged that it did not seem to


As I discussed at the time, Obama beat out various more worthy candidates including Dr.

Sima Samar who is an amazingly brave Afghan woman who has risked her life to fight for

the rights of women and girls in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The chairwomen of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, Samar was the first Hazara

woman to obtain a medical degree from Kabul University.

She has had to repeatedly flee for her life but has insisted on returning time and time

again to treat the poor and fight for women's rights — in an area where feminists are

routinely kil**d or sprayed with acid by extremists.

Samar also opposed the rise of Sharia law and religious radicals.

Extremists forced her out as Deputy President and later Minister of Women's Affairs.

For civil libertarians, the comparison of Samar and Obama could not be more striking.

Where Obama has repeatedly refused to fight for principle and yielded to politics (in

areas like torture, privacy, and detainee rights), Samar has refused to yield on principle

— even at the risk of her own life.

While Obama was in office less than two weeks before his nomination, Samar has spent a lifetime

fighting for oppressed women in Afghanistan.

Geir Lundestad and his colleagues rejected Samar and others because they wanted to boost


In his memoir entitled "Secretary of Peace," Lundestad admits "No Nobel Peace Prize ever

elicited more attention than the 2009 prize to Barack Obama . . . Even many of Obama's

supporters believed that the prize was a mistake.

In that sense, the committee didn't achieve what it had hoped for."

That is Lundestad's way of explaining a decision that openly ignored the premise of

the prize, ignored humanitarians with inspiring records, and gave the leading humanitarian

award to someone without single credible claim to that prize.

Lundestad's book is lacking any evidence of an ethical commitment to the history of

the Nobel or its underlying principles.

Barak Obama should have turned down the award, allowing a worthy recipient to receive it.

But of course, arrogant Obama would do no such thing.

His presidency is filled with these types of occasions.

In 2013 Obama won the NME Hero of the Year Award, again beating out people who actually

did something heroic.

Barak would be better suited to win an award for his scandals while being the Commander-in-Chief.

He should be recognized for giving the ter**rist nation of Iran over a billion dollars or providing

guns to Mexican cartels.

He could win an award for doing nothing in eight years to remove ISIS or stopping North

Korea from ter***izing the world.

The list goes on and on.

Barak Obama should have never received the Nobel Peace Prize, the world became a much

scarier place under his administration.

In fact, the current Nobel committee should remove the award from Obama if they have any

hope of preserving the honor it carries, which was cheapened by this single, undeserved recipient.

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Obama Just Got BAD News About His Nobel Peace Prize After Committee Denies Trump The Honor - Duration: 6:05.


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-This church

is family.

Low these many beautiful years,

let no man pull us under.


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For more infomation >> 你第一眼最先看到哪種動物?一秒測出你的天賦與脾氣! - Duration: 8:52.


6月21號發財日,財神撐腰,橫財追著跑,求財得財,求子得子4生肖 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> 6月21號發財日,財神撐腰,橫財追著跑,求財得財,求子得子4生肖 - Duration: 4:26.


WHY THERE ARE USED PANTIES and DOLLS at a SHRINE in JAPAN|Truth about Awashima Shrine, Wakayama - Duration: 10:50.

Okay, you can see a lot of dolls all around. It's fascinating what people have donated

and brought here for the shrine to look after

Why underwear?

Say I'm gonna make my offering now.

One of their talismans here is so beautiful. It's actually cherry blossoms.

Right next to Hina no Yuu is a little market and you can see a Torii.

Which means an entrance to a shrine and there's a very interesting shrine

right next to it ...

You're gonna love what you find inside.

I already brought something specific to donate to that shrine.

The name of this shrine is Awashima Jinjya, so Awashima Shima shrine.

And you can see again another big red Torii and in here you can bring

old dolls for example, many Japanese people believe there is a spirit in every item

and especially in things that look like people like dolls and similar.

So you can actually...

Donate them here. So people look after them in case you can't keep them anymore

Okay, first of all

We're gonna go and do "aisatsu" the greeting and great the spirit that resides

in this place.

So I got my five yen and I'm gonna do my prayer.

Okay can see a lot of dolls all around and a lot of statues and sculptures.

It's fascinating what people have donated and brought here for the shrine to look after.

Some things actually look similar so I can see some returning patterns

apart from the Hina dolls as well...

Also spirits that you can find on rooftops have been displayed here.

So if you for example change your house or demolish your house

you take those those sculptures of animals of the rooftops and donate them.

So much to see.

Also, there is another God here that specifically is set to look after women.

And I heard that here people donate something very specific...

There is another custom practiced here at this shrine

since there is a deity or God or spirit, however you prefer to call it

that takes care of women. Here women come and donate their panties to the

god of the shrine to the deity of this shrine and this actually this place where

they used to actually display it, but right now people don't just play it anymore

because they have been some some thieves actually stealing panties.

What you but most people do now is they pack it up and then they throw it into

one every one of those ribs.

So women here donate their underwear so that could be their panties that could

be maybe their bras and they donate it here. They have to be used.

Probably washed afterwards, but you kind of donate them to say "Thank you"

Or do you donate him for the deity of this place to take care of you.

So for example women who have had breast cancer or have breast cancer

might donate their bras here and such.

I know it sounds like a the first place it sounds funny about the same time...

it's actually very connected to this God who's supposed to take care of women

and keep them healthy and happy.

So I brought two of my knickers and I wrapped that up nicely in my little

Fishy pouch here to donate them to keep me healthy.

To keep my female areas healthy... and I asked why underwear?

I heard one saying is that this is the closest to the "female"

the expression of the female, to your sex or your gender or to the breasts as such.

So that's why it's underwear that is getting donated here in the shrine

and other people donate other similar things also phallic objects

and that's all just hidden behind the glass there.

So rather than it being a donation, it's more like ...

you ask the God to look after you with this.

Not sure if you'd say it's a giving but it's like a certain item, a personal item

that you give the God to take care of your health.

Say yeah, I'm gonna make my offering now.

We actually got the chief priest of this shrine to talk with us,

but she is not dressed right now in her priest gear...

So we only got her voice but we're gonna ask a little bit about the hina tradition.

Thank you for your time today.

Could you briefly explain what type of shrine this is?

At Awashima shrine is for the deity Sukuna Hikona.

Sukuna Hikona is a god of medicine and protector of women.

He is supposed to help with fertility, an easy childbirth or finding the right partner

and so a lot of women come here to pray.

Why are there so many dolls here?

In the old days dolls were also used as substitutes in case of misfortunes...

The princess of Tokugawa


In recent days this tradition has changed. Dolls that are too old and are not displayed...

will be taken into our care here.

People will pray for the wellbeing of the women who owned them.

Many people come here for this purpose.

There aren't only dolls of girls, but also hedgehogs and such.

I could see sheep and such. What is the meaning of them?

Those are the 12 animals of the animal horoscope.

We will also take care of these as well.

I heard about a ceremony called "Hina Nagashi". What is that?

On March 3rd is the Girls Festival in Japan.

We will take the Hina dolls onto a boat,

Cleaning the dolls, shall protect their former owners from calamities.

People send the dolls off to the realm of the gods, together with their wishes and gratitude...

Thank you so much.

There are lots of omamori, talismans that you can get here at shrines,

one of their talismans here is so beautiful!

It's actually cherry blossoms.

So I got the cherry blossoms one

As you can see the cherry blossoms are just blooming above me as well

And this one is supposed to protect me now so I'm gonna carry that with me as well.

That was actually... it was fun was inspiring and it was really nice to see that a shrine with the gods...

that looks after women, is also run by women. All the girls who were selling

talismans were female. And also the head priestess is also a woman

First time I've seen a shrine functioning like that in Japan.

Seems to be really all about women and girls and protecting them

keeping them healthy and keeping them safe.

So that was a great experience.

Okay, if you come to Wakayama, I think this is definitely a spot

you should not miss on the map. Even if you're not female

I think this is really interesting just to look at all the dolls

and what things people have displayed here because they believe...

They can't throw it away and they would like to have the shrine to look after...

Certain items that have a meaning and that feel special to us

or things that we can't just simply throw away.

Especially if it's items that have protected us or

looked after as when we were little or little girls...

Those are items that are still getting valued here and looked after.

Those were our action-packed days in Wakayama,

and there was so much to do so much to see I! loved the tour!

Love meeting all the people

Enjoying the food. Enjoying the place where we stayed.

Obviously we got like a luxurious room but the other rooms were really nice as well

We had a little bit of a peep.

The food was so good. I wish I could taste this all over again

So I must say I definitely would like to come back here and me the director

We've been saying like "Oh man, we really want to come here again in our free time"

The director loved it as well.

He was allowed to actually taste some of the food because sometimes

he's so busy that he never gets to actually taste all the stuff that I'm allowed to taste. Muhaha

So this was Wakayama. It was a great stay. I'm definitely gonna come back.

So be sure to check the links down below if you're curious finding your way to Wakayama.

It's a great place. The people here are very nice

and they have the certain KANSAI charm that you don't get in Tokyo.

It's not so far away from Osaka and it's not so far away from the Kansai Airport

definitely worth a visit.

So guys come and check it out. We had fun.

I'm glad we had the chance to actually make a video like this.

Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to leave a like on the way out

We're looking forward to reading your comments as well on our travel videos.

Let us know what you enjoyed specifically in our travel videos.

So maybe we can take you to a different place sometime soon as well.

Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any future videos.

And again, thank you very much for watching and I catch you soon

for another video on Ask Japanese.

For more infomation >> WHY THERE ARE USED PANTIES and DOLLS at a SHRINE in JAPAN|Truth about Awashima Shrine, Wakayama - Duration: 10:50.


Hayes And GOP Rep. Spar Over Child Separation | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Hayes And GOP Rep. Spar Over Child Separation | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 9:23.


John McCain Instantly Regretted This Attack On Trump's Immigration Policy - Duration: 11:48.

John McCain Instantly Regretted This Attack On Trump's Immigration Policy

John McCain is nipping at President Trump's ankles over his zero tolerance immigration


The Arizona RINO Senator is known to repeatedly stab President Trump in the back.

But McCain fired off one attack on Trump that instantly caught him red-handed telling this

massive lie.

Of all the Never Trump RINOs in the Senate, McCain is the most vocal champion of open

borders and amnesty.

That put him in direct confrontation with Trump beginning in the GOP Presidential primary.

McCain – who lost in a humiliating blowout to Barack Obama because of his liberal views

on guns, immigration and foreign policy – eventually withdrew his support for Trump after the Access

Hollywood tape.

Trump won the GOP nomination – and the Presidency – because voters were fed up with politicians

like John McCain who said one thing on the campaign trail and then voted another way

in Congress.

A perfect example of McCain's dishonor was his 2010 primary against a Tea Party challenger.

When McCain was facing a challenge from his right by J.D. Hayworth, McCain poured resources

into a TV ad proclaiming his support for a border fence.

Of course once in office, McCain immediately signed on to Chuck Schumer's doomed "Gang

of Eight" amnesty legislation.

McCain's habit of lying reared its ugly head again over the Trump administration's

zero tolerance immigration policy.

Liberal journalists and pro-amnesty politicians in both parties are falsely accusing the Trump

administration of separating families at the border.

The truth is illegal alien families who show up at proper points of entry and request asylum

remain together while they complete the process.

The Trump administration is holding fewer than 2,000 children in a converted Walmart

where they have access to education and video games as well as three meals a day while their

parents are being processed for entering the country illegally.

McCain – who is a key part of the Washington establishment that prioritizes illegal aliens

over actual American citizens – lashed out at the President by echoing liberal, pro-amnesty

talking points.

But McCain's tweet once again revealed the fraudulent nature of his political career.

The candidate who once dubbed his campaign bus "The Straight Talk Express" is nothing

more than a two-faced huckster.

In 2015, McCain sponsored a resolution calling for the exact same zero tolerance immigration

policy put into place by the Trump administration.

McCain wrote:









Operation Streamline was a policy implemented by the Bush administration at certain parts

of the border where illegal entries were prosecuted and children were separated from their parents.

But the truth of the matter is this is another example of the dishonesty that defines McCain's

career which primed the GOP electorate to support an outsider like Trump taking over

the party.

McCain was flat out lying in 2015.

He only supported a zero tolerance policy because he was set to face a conservative

primary challenger in 2016 and he knew there was no chance Obama would actually enforce

immigration law.

McCain's continued dishonesty on the topic of immigration is why the GOP base is so loyal

to Trump.

The President has implemented his Make America Great Again agenda since taking office and

its why he maintains such deep and strong support



Republican base.

For more infomation >> John McCain Instantly Regretted This Attack On Trump's Immigration Policy - Duration: 11:48.


IT'S OVER Congress Just Rained Down HELL on Barack Obama - Duration: 10:41.

IT'S OVER Congress Just Rained Down HELL on Barack Obama

Barack Obama just got some bad news when a former American Civil Liberties Union preѕident

slammed him as a "terrible president" when it comes to freedom of speech.

Western Journal reported that former ACLU president and author Nadine Strossen made

this comment during an interview about the ACLU's efforts with regard to free ѕpeech

on college campuses gоing back to the 1990s.

"I still think a lot of liberals aren't aware [of] what a terrible president [Obama]

was," Strossen said, referring to the fact that the former president used the Espionage

Act to pursue whistleblowers more times than all previous presidents had combined.

"I would say many people are more deeply engaged about politics and more concerned

about their civil liberties," Stolen said when asked to compare the state of free speech

on campus under Obama to that under President Donald Trump.

Strossen, who wrote the book "HATE: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not

Censorship," also talked about the concept of hate speech.

"There has been so much push-back by liberals against free speech," Strossen said, adding

that this might be because liberals often argue that "high-profile beneficiaries [of

free speech] are conservatives [but] that's certainly no reason to not defend free speech

at all."

She included that free discourse laws are not "self-executing … you've got to

fair keep utilizing or arranging … [with] every single campus individually."

"I see a part of understudies who are truly craving for straight to the point and unbiased

wrangle about and discourse on the touchy issues that have driven to charges of prejudice

and so shut down," Strossen said.

"They say they're strolling on eggshells — workforce individuals feel the same way."

She could not be more right here.

Obama led the charge against free speech for eight years as president, and millions of



had enough.

For more infomation >> IT'S OVER Congress Just Rained Down HELL on Barack Obama - Duration: 10:41.


Manchester United target Aleksandr Golovin's father has claimed his son is learning English #mufc - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Manchester United target Aleksandr Golovin's father has claimed his son is learning English #mufc - Duration: 1:22.


Will the Bishop and Lady Mae's Marriage Survive? | Greenleaf | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 0:31.

-You two are so blessed

and we never forget it, do we dear?



For more infomation >> Will the Bishop and Lady Mae's Marriage Survive? | Greenleaf | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 0:31.


寒武纪获"国家队"资本加码 B轮后估值达25亿美元 !!Kiwi New - Duration: 13:11.

For more infomation >> 寒武纪获"国家队"资本加码 B轮后估值达25亿美元 !!Kiwi New - Duration: 13:11.


Cardi B Reveals Plans For 'Lit Baby Shower' & Admits She May Drink Wine At 9 Mos. Pregnant - Duration: 4:46.

With her due date just weeks away, Cardi B has yet to plan a baby shower. But despite her lack of preparation, she DOES know she wants her bash to be "lit

" In fact, she wants it to be a late-night party!  Cardi B, 25, has had a lot on her plate recently

From promotion for her album Invasion of Privacy, to performances and magazine shoots, the rapper has barely had one day off in the last six months

So while it makes sense that a baby shower hasn't been at the forefront of her mind, now Cardi is ready to turn up and celebrate her and Offset's, 26, bundle of joy before she arrives next month

Unfortunately though, the star hasn't made ANY baby shower plans. But the one thing she has thought about? Getting "lit!"    "I want a lit baby shower," she told Rolling Stone magazine for their July cover story

 "My baby shower's not starting at no 5:00. My shit is going to start at 9 p.m. because that's how I celebrate, that's how Caribbean people celebrate

" After reportedly letting out her signature laugh, Cardi added, "I don't like baby showers that be at 5 p

m. in the backyard, eating, cooking hors d'oeuvres. Nah." The star wants to nix the fancy treats and stock up on alcohol instead — even for herself! "Shit, I might even drink some red wine," she told the mag with a "mischievous" look on her face

"Red wine's healthy, right?"  At the time of the interview, Offset's family was with Cardi, and they laughed along with the expectant mom — up until she mentioned drinking wine while pregnant

 "Don't let Mama see you drinking that red wine," one of Offset's family members warned, referring to Offset's mom

"She's going to have a fit." So while wine may be a no-go for Cardi, there's no question she wants her friends at this still-unplanned baby shower

 "I've got to buy mad flights for my friends from New York," she revealed. "I haven't even sent the invitations…I forget everything

" I was planning to have 2 babyshowers …One in NY and one in Atl but my doctor told me i can't fly nomore ☹️☹️now i have to fly 60 people to Atlanta😩I always bragged about having 2 big families until now 😩😩😩😩  — iamcardib (@iamcardib) June 20, 2018    Cardi first found out she was expecting after taking a home pregnancy test

She and Offset were not planning on getting pregnant, but her fiance was apparently very happy when she told him the news over FaceTime

"He was like, 'What? Are you sure?' " Cardi said. "I said, 'Yeah.' And then he just started smiling really hard

" Pregnancy didn't slow Cardi down one bit, and you can bet motherhood won't either

In fact, she's planning on bringing her infant daughter on her upcoming tour.  Starting in September, Cardi will be opening for Bruno Mars, which will last seven weeks

 "What I envision is my tour bus has my own personal room, and I just want to be with my baby," she said

"Only time I don't have my baby with me is when I'm getting my hair done, makeup done, performing

" The artist continued: "I don't want to miss one second. I don't want to miss no smiles, I don't want to miss no new movement, I don't want the baby to confuse me and the babysitter


For more infomation >> Cardi B Reveals Plans For 'Lit Baby Shower' & Admits She May Drink Wine At 9 Mos. Pregnant - Duration: 4:46.


ये करने से आपके पौधे फल और फूल से भर जायेंगे II This will Fill your Plant with flowers and Fruits - Duration: 9:42.

pH of Soil

For more infomation >> ये करने से आपके पौधे फल और फूल से भर जायेंगे II This will Fill your Plant with flowers and Fruits - Duration: 9:42.


微博电影之夜,李易峰、赵丽颖被周冬雨、彭于晏反超,彭于晏要糊 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> 微博电影之夜,李易峰、赵丽颖被周冬雨、彭于晏反超,彭于晏要糊 - Duration: 1:47.


特朗普重启冷战? "星球大战"不远了? - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> 特朗普重启冷战? "星球大战"不远了? - Duration: 5:18.


日本人刁难崔永元:中国哪儿女人最丑?他的高情商回怼让人钦佩 - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> 日本人刁难崔永元:中国哪儿女人最丑?他的高情商回怼让人钦佩 - Duration: 1:03.


快讯!俄罗斯申请加入联合国人权理事会 - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> 快讯!俄罗斯申请加入联合国人权理事会 - Duration: 1:24.


世界杯-西班牙1-0获出线主动权 科斯塔破门 伊朗进球被判无效 - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> 世界杯-西班牙1-0获出线主动权 科斯塔破门 伊朗进球被判无效 - Duration: 7:49.


Sicario: Day of the Soldado

For more infomation >> Sicario: Day of the Soldado


For more infomation >> Sicario: Day of the Soldado


6/19/18 7:30 PM (6821 N Country Homes Blvd, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 6/19/18 7:30 PM (6821 N Country Homes Blvd, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:58.


For more infomation >> 6/19/18 7:30 PM (6821 N Country Homes Blvd, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:58.


李晨妹妹近照曝光,長相惹爭議 網友:難怪連范冰冰都甘拜下風! - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> 李晨妹妹近照曝光,長相惹爭議 網友:難怪連范冰冰都甘拜下風! - Duration: 4:30.


For more infomation >> 李晨妹妹近照曝光,長相惹爭議 網友:難怪連范冰冰都甘拜下風! - Duration: 4:30.


崔永元范冰冰事件持续发酵, 再爆7.5亿演员夫妇, 娱乐圈到底能不能实话实说? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 崔永元范冰冰事件持续发酵, 再爆7.5亿演员夫妇, 娱乐圈到底能不能实话实说? - Duration: 3:38.


For more infomation >> 崔永元范冰冰事件持续发酵, 再爆7.5亿演员夫妇, 娱乐圈到底能不能实话实说? - Duration: 3:38.


范冰冰工作室深夜發文:堅決維權,不接受和解! - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 范冰冰工作室深夜發文:堅決維權,不接受和解! - Duration: 3:29.


For more infomation >> 范冰冰工作室深夜發文:堅決維權,不接受和解! - Duration: 3:29.


IHOb℠ | Classic Ultimate Steakburger Review! 🥞🍔💯 - Duration: 4:36.

hey everyone it's Ian K back again with another one for ya here at IHOb

aka IHOP to take a look at one of their all-new ultimate steak burgers and I

thought for today's review I keep it classic by going in on just that the

classic have a look at it guys it's just as you'd expect it to be once we pop the

top of this toasted brioche style bun guys it's looking nice and fluffy there

and as you can see there is the main star of the show 100% USDA choice Black

Angus beef fresh never frozen looking pretty nice thing with a nice slice of

American cheese already melted into it and underneath it there's normally

tomato which I left off we've got red onions some pretty thick cut pickles and

large leaf lettuce and overall a very nice fresh group of veggies there guys

and to finish it off underneath we've got their signature IHOP sauce which

with these types of burgers pretty much looks like Thousand Island dressing so

that's what I'm expecting this to taste like here but overall a very nice

combination of goodies here and I do have to say this classic burger is

looking very appetizing can't wait to get into this one now IHOP is no

stranger to the burger game but what is new is the upgraded quality of what

these burgers are supposed to offer guys I mean 100% Black Angus beef always

fresh never frozen and definitely smelling and looking

pretty fantastic let's get into it

mmm-hmm insanely juicy and insanely flavorful instantly guys you can taste

the quality of that meat right away and the funny thing is I've never had a

burger here at IHOP ever I've just never ordered them before so if I'm starting

off with the creme de la creme in terms of the beef I mean its Black Angus let's

just say I'm glad I'm here because the hype is real on this guys the quality is

pretty insane so if you've never had a burger over here at IHOP before or IHOb

as they're calling themselves this is a nice way to start guys very very good

mmm I'm gonna try and show you this as best as I can because this is seriously

dripping out the back over here very very nice quality fresh never frozen

never tasted so good and I got to say the quality of the beef is insane this

really tastes like a hardcore diner burger and it's got some great flavor

it's got just the right amount of saltiness you'd expect from a burger

like this and when you combine that with the flavors of the pickles themselves

and the onions I gotta say guys this is really delicious and let's not forget

about that IHOP sauce which really does taste like Thousand Island just like I

was expecting and hey did I mention it was juicy I mean guys this thing is

dripping all over the place probably more so than the new quarter pounder

over at McDonald's guys really really awesome quality I am diving into this

again it's too good not to hmm it's just cooked so well like you'd expect from a

flat iron grill at a regular diner guys just nice quality and it really soaks in

all the juices nicely on this one with a slight char on the top and bottom and

not really too much pink in the middle but I got to say guys just overall

really really good it's just a really really good burger let me just give you

one more quick shot from the back cuz this is not gonna last at all the juice

is real on this one the flavor is real on this one and even though I can't

really taste the cheese too much because of the amazing quality of the beef I'm

absolutely okay with that highly worth it just for the classic and starting at

$6.99 it's not a bad price for this at all I will be back to get this again

yesir the hype is real and obviously the juice is real and not just because I'm

kind of sweating from the heat here in Southern Cali and is strictly because

the quality of that burger speaks for itself the presentation is killer the

flavor is killer and it delivers a very hearty and flavorful bite right from the

get-go so guys it's very hard for me not to give this one a 9 out of 10 because

that's exactly what it deserves the only knock against it is it can use an extra

slice of cheese there I think that would have been really nice to add just a

little bit more to it but everything else completely

works I love the butteriness of that bun that it comes with it's got some

nice height to it and I got to say everything else just works it just works

so do me a quick favor drop some comments down below let me know if you

tried any of the burgers over here at IHOb and let me know which one was your

favorite because I got to tell you guys starting off with the classic at $6.99

I'm gonna definitely have to swing on back and give another one of these

ultimate steak burgers a shot and with that said this is Ian K closing

out another episode of peep this out and like I always say I've got brand new

content every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the

next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty and don't

forget the wet naps if you plan on hitting up IHOP to check any of these

burgers out trust me the juice game is real alright guys

until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> IHOb℠ | Classic Ultimate Steakburger Review! 🥞🍔💯 - Duration: 4:36.


For more infomation >> IHOb℠ | Classic Ultimate Steakburger Review! 🥞🍔💯 - Duration: 4:36.


崔永元多次爆料疑无人理 恐遭官方"舍弃" - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 崔永元多次爆料疑无人理 恐遭官方"舍弃" - Duration: 4:24.


For more infomation >> 崔永元多次爆料疑无人理 恐遭官方"舍弃" - Duration: 4:24.


崔永元任志强等4人红船聚首 更多细节曝光 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> 崔永元任志强等4人红船聚首 更多细节曝光 - Duration: 1:25.


For more infomation >> 崔永元任志强等4人红船聚首 更多细节曝光 - Duration: 1:25.


VELVET REVOLVER - You Got No Right (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> VELVET REVOLVER - You Got No Right (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 5:36.


For more infomation >> VELVET REVOLVER - You Got No Right (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 5:36.


Nikhil Siddarth Powerfull Action Scene | Telugu Movies | Mera Shapath | Cinekorn Music Company - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> Nikhil Siddarth Powerfull Action Scene | Telugu Movies | Mera Shapath | Cinekorn Music Company - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> Nikhil Siddarth Powerfull Action Scene | Telugu Movies | Mera Shapath | Cinekorn Music Company - Duration: 2:28.


LOL Surprise Eye Spy Pets

For more infomation >> LOL Surprise Eye Spy Pets


Arsenal transfer news: Petr Cech makes Napoli decision after Bernd Leno deal - Duration: 2:15.

 The Arsenal goalkeeper has been the number one since his arrival in 2015 from Chelsea

 But his place in the starting XI is now in doubt after Arsenal signed Bernd Leno from Bayer Leverkusen and the Germany international is expected to compete to be first choice under new manager Unai Emery

 And it means that at 36 years of age, Cech could face watching on from the sidelines in the latter stages of his career

 Napoli had offered Cech a chance for regular first-team football but according to Italian outlet Calciomercato, he turned down the approach from the Serie A side

 It is claimed Napoli will now look to sign SPAL goalkeeper Alex Meret or Paris Saint-Germain ace Alphonse Areola, who is said to be the preferred choice of incoming boss Carlo Ancelotti

 Leno became Arsenal's second signing of the transfer window and the 26-year-old quickly set out his aims

 "I'm happy, I'm proud to sign for Arsenal. For me it's a dream to play for Arsenal," he said

 "I think the history of the club, the fans, the quality of the club and of the team is so good

 "I'll try to help the team to come back to the Champions League and to win some trophies

Arsenal belong in the Champions League. "I spoke to Unai Emery and he said that he believes I'm a good goalkeeper, and that he wanted me to join

 "For me it was clear that the club and the coach wanted to sign me, so I'm happy that all the people at the club said that I'm a good goalkeeper


For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Petr Cech makes Napoli decision after Bernd Leno deal - Duration: 2:15.


Calling Quarters #1 - BluMoon Spells, Magick, and Castings - Duration: 7:39.

I call to ye Great Powers of the Northern quadrant.

Open for me the gate of Earth.

I summon the protection of the Northern Lords of Crystal Might through lines of primordial


I call to thee Great Powers of the Eastern quadrant.

Open for me the Eastern gate.

Come forward ye Draconian force of Air, infuse this rite with thy ancient power.

Provide protection for all within, Breath life into this working.

I call to thee Great Powers of the Southern quadrant.

Open for me the gate of the South.

Come forward ye Dragons with breath of fire, igniting the power of Magick,

protecting with purifying flame.

I call to thee Great Powersof the Western quadrant.

Open for me the gate of the West.

I call forth the power of Atlantis, that the circle be washed with the current of ancient Magicks.

I call the Great Powers of the Western quadrant.

Close the Gate of the West.

I thank you for your help. I thank you for your deeds.

Hail and Farewell.

Hail to thee the Southern quadrant.

Close the doors to the gate of the South.

I thank Ye Dragons for blessing me with this rite.

Hail and farewell.

Great Powers of the Eastern quardant.

Close for me the gate.

Thank you for granting me your power and wisdom.

Hail and Farewell.

Hail to thee the Northern quadrant.

Close for me the gate of Earth.

Thank you for blessing me with your presents.

Hail and Farewell.

For more infomation >> Calling Quarters #1 - BluMoon Spells, Magick, and Castings - Duration: 7:39.


Sleep at the 'G 2018 - Full highlights video - Duration: 4:36.

There are three main reasons that Sleep at the 'G is really important. Firstly

it's an opportunity for people to show support to young people who find

themselves experiencing homelessness. Secondly it's a great opportunity to

raise awareness. Sleep at the G is really well promoted and having

all these community groups and all these corporate groups coming together raises

awareness of the issue in the broader community. Thirdly it raises valuable

funds for Melbourne City Mission so we can end youth homelessness.

So once a young person is homeless often it's a vicious cycle and they become

homeless over the long term going in and out of services. It's important to find

ways to divert them from the homelessness system and help them get

ongoing accommodation and reconnect with the community

The money that we will raise tonight is going towards our new CBD youth refuge

which is a state-of-the-art facility - the first of its kind in the world it's an

opportunity to do something very different. We know that what we're doing

at the moment is not quite working - we've still got young people sleeping rough in

a country that is as affluent as Australia is really not acceptable. It's

a very well thought out well-planned model and we're really excited

to give it a go because we know it's going to make a really big difference

This is my first time at Sleep at the 'G but so far I really like the

energy and the excitement and I really like the fact that we were able to get

lots of people behind us supporting us and we can help with a great cause.

What I like about Sleep at the 'G as an event is it's quite earthy. It gives me and all

of the PwC folk who are participating opportunity just to pause

for a moment and reflect and think about the experiences that a lot of the youth

homeless feel and go through every day and every night.

I think we can all bear just a little bit of hardship just to really understand that actually some

people go through this on a daily basis so I would say to anyone yes, donate your

money yes, please support us and support anyone that's raising funds but give it

a go yourself.

I guess what we're really conscious of is tonight it's going to be

fun for us it's going to be a bit hard but this isn't the real experience of

homelessness - this is about raising awareness and money

If you look around Melbourne you see young people sleeping rough on the

street but we also know that the majority of young people who are

classified as homeless are actually not visible

They're people who are sleeping on people's couches and they're couchsurfing.

They're jumping around different friends and different family members.

They might sleep rough for a few nights. They might come in and out of refuges so we know

it's a massive issue and we know that it's quite a hidden issue as well

Every young person doesn't deserve to be homeless.

They deserve to be in education they deserve to have a house, they deserve to have a job that's a

right that we all have to have a safe place to cal home.

If I had access to a 24-hour support facility like the one that we're

building here it would have made a huge difference in my life back when I was

homeless. I would not have struggled

nearly as hard as I have.

This is a group that for reasons outside of their

control find themselves without a stable home without the capacity to go on and

have the same magnificent ordinary life that you and I aspire to. With

the right support we have a real opportunity to make a difference and get

their life back on track

I would like to say my absolute thank you to everyone here tonight for

finally giving those without a voice a chance to speak up. I don't think I can

stress or express enough the level of gratitude I have for everyone here tonight.

For more infomation >> Sleep at the 'G 2018 - Full highlights video - Duration: 4:36.


Is Thailand poor? (Not even slightly. Though wealth inequality is extreme!) - Duration: 8:12.

Welcome to the forty-first video of Bangkok Unmasked!

The YouTube channel that helps you get the most out of your visit to Bangkok city!

If you're new here, please consider subscribing!

In this video I'm going to try and answer the question; Is Thailand poor?

Over the years I have had numerous friends and acquaintances try to tell me that Thailand

is a poor 'third world' country.

Usually I bite my tongue, but not today!

Some interesting stats on Thailand's economy

First off, for context, I'm going to start this video with 11 stats on Thailand's economy

that I find fascinating.

Number 1.

The IMF ranks Thailand 20 out of 195 countries by GDP (Purchasing Power Parity).

Number 19 is Australia!

Number 2.

Exports account for more than two-thirds of Thailand's gross domestic product.

Number 3.

In 2017, according to the IMF, Thailand had a GDP of 15.45 trillion baht (or US$455 billion).

This makes Thailand Asia's 8th largest economy.

Number 4.

The industrial and service sectors are the main drivers of Thai gross domestic product.

In 2012 they accounted for 39.2% and 52.4% of Thailand's GDP respectively.

Number 5.

Thailand's agricultural sector produces 8.4 percent of GDP -- lower than the trade and

logistics and communication sectors, which account for 13.4 percent and 9.8 percent of

GDP respectively.

Number 6.

Thailand is the second-largest economy in Southeast Asia, after Indonesia.

Its per capita GDP however ranks in the middle of Southeast Asian per capita GDP, after Singapore,

Brunei, and Malaysia.

Number 7.

Thai household debt in Q4/2015 amounted to 11 trillion baht.

This is a massive 81.5 percent of GDP. Number 8.

According to Friedrich Schneider, an economist at Johannes Kepler University of Linz in Austria,

Thailand's shadow economy was 40.9 percent of real GDP in 2014.

Number 9.

According to the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) in a recent report

titled "Poverty and Inequality in Thailand", 10 percent of the Thai population earned 35

percent of Thailand's aggregate income and owns 61.5 percent of its land.

Number 10.

Thailand was ranked as the world's third most unequal nation, behind Russia and India, in

the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook 2016.

One percent of the Thai population is estimated to own 58 percent of Thailand's wealth.

Number 11.

According to Trading Economics, Thailand's average monthly wage in Q1/2018 was 13,721


So is Thailand poor?

It's true that many Thai are poor.

Though it has to be noted that very few Thai are starving.

The wealth inequality is simply staggering.

Bangkok's rich will happily spend more on a meal with a couple of friends than a taxi

driver will earn in a month.

And think nothing of it.

With this said, in my opinion, Thailand is not a poor country.

According to the IMF, with a nominal GDP of US$6,591 per capita in 2017, Thailand is typical

of what economists call the 'middle-income trap'.

This is economies that have bootstrapped themselves up to a reasonable level of development and

industry but start to stagnate and fail to develop into full-fledged service-based economies.

Singapore, Japan, and South Korea, on the other hand, are examples of countries who

have managed to overcome the 'middle-income trap' and become fully developed, modern economies.

In 2017 Singapore's nominal GDP stood at $57,713, Japan's nominal GDP stood at $39,440 and South

Korea's nominal GDP stood at $30,091.

There are several reasons why Thailand has failed to overcome the 'middle-income trap'.

Reason #1.


Corruption in Thailand can be felt everywhere.

Politicians, judges, civil servants, policemen, army generals - literally everyone wants a

piece of the action, and are ready to leverage their institutional power for cash and favors.

Some business people claim that cutting through the red tape can be advantageous.

However, what business really needs to thrive is a fair and stable environment i.e. a 'rule

of law'.

If the rules keep changing all the time, and everybody cheats, the vast majority of citizens


Reason #2.

Political Stability

Thailand has had 19 successful military coups since it became a constitutional monarchy

in 1932.

Only one elected prime minister in the country's history has managed to complete their 4-year


Foreign capital is generally not enthusiastic on a long-term investment in countries with

such a volatile political climate.

Reason #3.


The Thai education system is horrific and consistently ranks among the worst in Asia.

This is why the majority of Thailand's elite are educated overseas.

Thailand's schools and universities are underfunded, and teachers work under haphazard and often

contradictory guidelines.

As an outsider, it seems to me that the education system in Thailand is more focused on instilling

patriotism than critical thinking.

Reason #4.

A small middle class

Thailand's middle class is small when compared with most Western countries, and regional

neighbors like Japan and Korea.

There's a huge working class whose income averages about $300 USD per month.

There's also a very significant urban lower middle-class i.e. university graduates and

small business owners whose income averages between $500 and $1000 USD per month.

Then there's the 'hi-so'.

This group is made of large business owners and influential civil servants.

Through their investments and connections, they have reaped most of the benefits from

the last decades' economic growth.

This is the group driving all the luxury cars in Bangkok, even though they're taxed at


While the 'hi-so' has a significant impact on the economy, they're not large enough as

a group to fuel the economy on their own.

Instead, it's the lower middle class that has driven growth.

However, in order to do so, they have taken on a lot of debt.

My guess is that this probably won't end well.

Reason #5.

Lack of competition

Thailand has a very protectionist economy.

There are high taxes on most imported goods and limitations on foreign investment.

The import taxes serve to nurture and develop certain business categories, such as the car

industry for example.

With this said, many industries like the car industry have grown too cozy over the years.

This results in domestic made cars being more expensive in Thailand than anywhere else.

Final thoughts

Ultimately Thailand is a fairly rich country.

The problem is that the riches are very badly distributed.

This could potentially change if steps are taken to overcome the 'middle-income trap'.

However, after living in Thailand for the past 19 years I'm not holding my breath.


that's it for this video.

Expect a new video next week.

For all you techies out there, this video was shot on a Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus and edited

using HitFilm Express.

To check out details on arranging a bespoke Bangkok tour with experienced tour guides,

and luxury private transport, please click on the link in this video's description section.

Finally, please don't forget to subscribe to this channel through the button below!

Also, I'd like to hear from you if you have any thoughts or comments on the question;

is Thailand poor?

Please do reach out to me through the comments section of this video!

Thank you very much for watching.

I'll see you next week.


For more infomation >> Is Thailand poor? (Not even slightly. Though wealth inequality is extreme!) - Duration: 8:12.


S1E05: Defining your goals with Vivien. - Duration: 4:54.

Hi, this is Vivien and welcome to my series coffee with Vivien and on my last episode

I spoke about what are the questions you need to ask when you're selecting a real estate agent. Well today. We're going to talk about

Defining your goals

You sit down with the real estate agent and basically the conversation is going to be

Tell me about your budget. Are we looking for a house. Let's say


Fine so we that we know is the benchmark number from let's say 800 to 850 is your top budget

Then you discuss with the real estate agent. You need to know what are the timelines. When are you planning to move?

Are you in a rental apartment right now, and you know that your lease runs out April 15th?

I'm just throwing out a date and

Therefore you have to be looking several months before to buy a property you're ready to buy

This is a process that takes several months until you see the property you

Negotiate the offer you get the get the new property then there's 60 days or so - 90 days to move in

So you have to work out the timelines and go backwards about 90 days so maybe December

Prior to April you're starting the timeline for purchasing a property

Then you talk to your agent your real estate agent a salesperson or real estate broker

Where do you want to live?

Do you have young children and you want them to be in a particular neighborhood close to a specific school?

Or are you looking for parks? Are you looking for shops and groceries and Walmart's and?

family things to do with your with your kids or

Are you looking for entertainment?

You're a downsize

and you want to be near everything going on in the city downtown you're looking for an urban property a condo property or

Something else, this is something you need to talk about where do you want to live? What is the property?

You're looking for are you looking for a condo?



Townhome is this an investment property is this a vacation property

So you have a conversation with your real-estate agent, and you let them know. What are your needs?

Next point how many bedrooms how many bathrooms? Do you need a garden? Do you need a finished basement?

What are the the muss? What are the things that you absolutely need?

If you're looking for a condo, it's a totally different

way to live and

Lifestyle, so do you need a balcony or can you live without a balcony?

Do you prefer being in a high-rise and if so?

Do you like high floors or are you afraid don't like the heights and you want to be on a lower floor?

That comes up all the time

What are the amenities? What is the parking these are things? You need to know?

The next point real estate lawyer really important that you have a real estate lawyer who?

Understands real estate law they can help you close the deal

The last point in whose name is the property is it in your name your partner's name your spouse's name

need to know that so those are a

Good number of points that you need to know

When you're buying a home?

Before you go out looking for the property. You've got to get the criteria discussed and

The real estate agent that has to go into the MLS system and start searching for the property for you according to your criteria

So I hope this information is important and useful for you because this is the process when you sit down with your agent

And you discuss criteria we do this all the time

I hope you find this information useful

And if you did like it and share it with your friends and on the next episode

We're going to speak about the most exciting part of this whole thing is going out and looking for properties

So if this is something that interest you just stay tuned for my next episode and you're going to find out about

How you can use this little?

special pass for your next home search

Wishing you a great day, and see you again soon bye for now

Hi, this is Vivien, thanks so much for tuning in if you like this channel, please subscribe if you want to watch more episodes

Please click here

For more infomation >> S1E05: Defining your goals with Vivien. - Duration: 4:54.


Mingna Printer Installation Step 2: Install the ink cartridge on the inkjet printer - Duration: 1:35.

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+86 13316094547

For more infomation >> Mingna Printer Installation Step 2: Install the ink cartridge on the inkjet printer - Duration: 1:35.


Richard Dreyfuss slams Lisa Wilkinson and The Project: 'I was mugged' - Duration: 6:29.

 The Jaws star appeared on the show via satellite from Perth, reading a prepared statement to address his appearance on Sunday night's episode of The Project — one in which panellist Lisa Wilkinson grilled him about his experience of the #metoo movement and an allegation of inappropriate sexual behaviour that had been against him

 A visibly emotional Dreyfuss slammed the rival network's show, and former Nine star Wilkinson, for several minutes as Today hosts David Campbell and Sonia Kruger sat in silence

 Here is Dreyfuss' explosive on-air statement, in full: "I was mugged the other night in Sydney, Australia

Not by a petty thief but by the host and hostesses of a talk show called The Project

Kathleen Turner and I had been invited on the show to have a light, friendly chat about the autograph show we were participating in Sydney and then Perth

As that invitation to a specifically light and friendly chat was being repeated to us by two or three of the show's staff, questions were prepared and entered into the teleprompters that could be referred to by Lisa Wilkinson and Hamish McDonald, two of the hosts

 Light and friendly did not survive until the end of the first sentence. It was directed as a question to Kathleen: Something about, 'Has Hollywood changed in the last year in its treatment of men towards women?' The second question was directed at me by Lisa

 And just to put this in context, I had been named, I had been accused of sexual misconduct last November 7th

I was asked to remember something that had happened 30 years previously. It was apparently a flirtation that I was involved in and did not know was not consensual

And her question to me was, "Richard did you express your shame because you had worked at realising you had done something shameful or because you had been accused and caught out?"  So why they had made such a point of repeating we were going to have a light and friendly chat while keeping their real questions so secret, I have no idea

But they never asked me to have the chat they wanted to have. I think I might have said "Yes" had they asked it in the proper tone of voice

Instead they chose to commit a breach of ethical behaviour, meant to be malignant and sly and known as wrong by every journalist in the world, unless you're talking to someone who you're trying to entrap because you think that he's a murderer or a rapist

The behaviour of those through whom you get your news is the reason I'm here this morning

It is not about my alleged behaviour then, now, or ever. You can dismiss what I am saying now as I am being defensive or the television personalities involved will just continue to confuse what is right and what is wrong behaviour

I assure you that in my country, there is an enormous decay going on, an assault and drowning of this kind of trickery is going on every day

I would ask why would you want to emulate America at its worst? You should try to emulate America at its very famous best

I would also say that the reason that television hosts and hostesses don't ask the right question is the same reason ours don't

It's that they have a contempt for their viewers and their guests. You should watch out for that

Because that's where you're getting your information. If America does no longer respect the Bill of rights you should

Don't go down with a sinking ship. That's it." Dreyfuss finished the lengthy monologue uninterrupted, with Campbell and Kruger then asking to clarify several of the statements he had made, including his feelings on the #MeToo movement and his accusations of "trickery" against The Project

 "I have not answered how I feel about the #MeToo movement because there is no shape of a show that allows for a complex question to be asked and answered

Everything has been reduced to eight-second sound bytes. So, therefore, I will not talk about it under those circumstances

It requires an article or a book. And my life is, in fact, a book," he said. In a surreal end to Dreyfuss' appearance, the hosts finished by cheerfully plugging his upcoming appearances at the Supernova pop culture festival and praising his work in Mr Holland's Opus before explaining they had run out of time has approached The Project for comment.

For more infomation >> Richard Dreyfuss slams Lisa Wilkinson and The Project: 'I was mugged' - Duration: 6:29.


Cardi B Reveals Plans For 'Lit Baby Shower' & Admits She May Drink Wine At 9 Mos. Pregnant - Duration: 4:46.

With her due date just weeks away, Cardi B has yet to plan a baby shower. But despite her lack of preparation, she DOES know she wants her bash to be "lit

" In fact, she wants it to be a late-night party!  Cardi B, 25, has had a lot on her plate recently

From promotion for her album Invasion of Privacy, to performances and magazine shoots, the rapper has barely had one day off in the last six months

So while it makes sense that a baby shower hasn't been at the forefront of her mind, now Cardi is ready to turn up and celebrate her and Offset's, 26, bundle of joy before she arrives next month

Unfortunately though, the star hasn't made ANY baby shower plans. But the one thing she has thought about? Getting "lit!"    "I want a lit baby shower," she told Rolling Stone magazine for their July cover story

 "My baby shower's not starting at no 5:00. My shit is going to start at 9 p.m. because that's how I celebrate, that's how Caribbean people celebrate

" After reportedly letting out her signature laugh, Cardi added, "I don't like baby showers that be at 5 p

m. in the backyard, eating, cooking hors d'oeuvres. Nah." The star wants to nix the fancy treats and stock up on alcohol instead — even for herself! "Shit, I might even drink some red wine," she told the mag with a "mischievous" look on her face

"Red wine's healthy, right?"  At the time of the interview, Offset's family was with Cardi, and they laughed along with the expectant mom — up until she mentioned drinking wine while pregnant

 "Don't let Mama see you drinking that red wine," one of Offset's family members warned, referring to Offset's mom

"She's going to have a fit." So while wine may be a no-go for Cardi, there's no question she wants her friends at this still-unplanned baby shower

 "I've got to buy mad flights for my friends from New York," she revealed. "I haven't even sent the invitations…I forget everything

" I was planning to have 2 babyshowers …One in NY and one in Atl but my doctor told me i can't fly nomore ☹️☹️now i have to fly 60 people to Atlanta😩I always bragged about having 2 big families until now 😩😩😩😩  — iamcardib (@iamcardib) June 20, 2018    Cardi first found out she was expecting after taking a home pregnancy test

She and Offset were not planning on getting pregnant, but her fiance was apparently very happy when she told him the news over FaceTime

"He was like, 'What? Are you sure?' " Cardi said. "I said, 'Yeah.' And then he just started smiling really hard

" Pregnancy didn't slow Cardi down one bit, and you can bet motherhood won't either

In fact, she's planning on bringing her infant daughter on her upcoming tour.  Starting in September, Cardi will be opening for Bruno Mars, which will last seven weeks

 "What I envision is my tour bus has my own personal room, and I just want to be with my baby," she said

"Only time I don't have my baby with me is when I'm getting my hair done, makeup done, performing

" The artist continued: "I don't want to miss one second. I don't want to miss no smiles, I don't want to miss no new movement, I don't want the baby to confuse me and the babysitter


For more infomation >> Cardi B Reveals Plans For 'Lit Baby Shower' & Admits She May Drink Wine At 9 Mos. Pregnant - Duration: 4:46.


El conmovedor motivo por el que Daniel Guzmán se tiró al Manzanares - Duration: 5:09.

 Daniel Guzmán y Kira Miró visitaron el plató de «El Hormiguero» para hablar de la obra teatral que juntos protagonizan: Dos + dos

Tras su exitosa gira por toda España, los actores regresan a Madrid, al Teatro La Latina, del 27 de junio al 2 de septiembre

Miró aún no ha debutado en la función, lo hará el próximo miércoles, pero Daniel Guzmán lleva bastante tiempo trabajando en ella

«Llevo tanto que he venido cuatro veces a 'El Hormiguero' a presentarla», dijo el actor a Pablo Motos entre risas

 Pero Daniel Guzmán no solo provocó carcajadas, también emocionó al público con una anécdota

«A veces para memorizar los textos, me bajaba a pasear por el Manzanares. En una de estas, me encontré a una chica mirando raro un coche, como si lo fuera a robar», dijo

Inicialmente, lo dejó pasar y continuó con su caminata. Sin embargo, cuando volvió a pasar por el mismo lugar, la chica seguía ahí

«Había un gato metido en el motor», comentó.  Ni él ni la chica consiguieron que el minino saliera del coche hasta que no apareció el dueño y abrió el capó

«El gato salió corriendo hacia la M-30 y yo salí detrás para que no se metiera. Conseguí que no entrara, pero salió corriendo hacia sentido contrario y yo seguía corriendo detrás de él», añadió

Hasta que ambos llegaron al Manzanares: «El gato saltó y yo salté detrás. Solo quería buscarle un hogar de acogida, pero él no quería»

Por suerte, tanto Daniel Guzmán como el gato salieron sanos y salvos del río y el minino vive hoy «en una casa felizmente»

Salto a las tablas «Mis respetos porque hacer una obra con Dani Guzmán. Lo que vas a aprender de él y de lo que no hay que hacer», le dijo Motos a Kira Miró

La actriz confesó que el resto de compañeros, especialmente Guzmán, se han reído de ella mientras preparaba su primera obra de teatro

«Le estoy pidiendo ensayos todo el tiempo, pero no quiere. Dice que quiere que cada función sea diferente», comentó él con tono irónico entre risas

Lo cierto que él que siempre busca que una función sea diferente es Daniel Guzmán

«Cuando pasa algo diferente es un regalo», confesó.  La obra presenta a dos parejas de amigos, una más tradicional y otra más liberal

Una noche de celebración, esta última pareja le confiesa a sus amigos que practican el intercambio de parejas y que les encantaría compartir esa práctica con ellos

Lo que parece una confesión inocente, acaba desestabilizando por completo al matrimonio, ya que les obliga a hacer frente a la falta de pasión en la que viven sumergidos desde hace años

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