Palutena: "You shall be purified"
Meta Knight: "Fight me"
Palutena: "Jump glide!"
Palutena: "Watch this"
Black hole!
And mega laser!
Cortana: "This is the way the world ends"
Charmed 1x10 Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:21.- [Narrator] Sunday January 20th.
- Harry is worth saving.
- [Mel] You're okay with giving up and letting Harry rot?
- I am not giving up.
I just don't know what to do.
- [Narrator] Charmed returns with all new episodes.
- [Maggie] These stupid powers couldn't figure out my boyfriend was a demon.
How am I supposed to trust my powers again?
- [Narrator] Charmed all-new episodes returns Sunday January 20th.
Ayers not taking job as White House chief of staff - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
WATCH LIVE: The National for Sunday December 9, 2018 - Duration: 1:07:00.-------------------------------------------
Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - December 9, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:20.-------------------------------------------
Rep. Steve Scalise relives the day that changed his life - Duration: 14:38.-------------------------------------------
Swamp Watch: Alexander Acosta - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [5th match] - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [3rd match] - Duration: 3:46.Dumbasses. Don't get carried away just because Ishii won.
We only fought in the beginning of the tour, so we're a little rusty.
The timing was off for us today, that's all.
You think you got this win by your real ability?
3K, will you take credit for this win over Nobu?
Who holds the belts? We do.
The Dome is going to be a lot of fun, but before that we have 2 days in Korakuen.
Watch your backs. I'm coming for you.
I have a strong calling,
I want to get you back 10000 times for the crap you guys gave me.
俺がどれだけ努力して手に入れたベルトだと 思ってるんだ。もう十分楽しんだだろ。俺に返せ。
だけど俺はどんな相手だろうと タップアウトさせてやる。
石で出来てるんだとな。でもピットブルは 間違いだろ。人間だ。
首がないからチョークをかけにくい。 でも俺に不可能はない。
会社にいつも以上のアイスパックを 用意しておけって頼んでおいた。
俺との試合の後はいつもアイスパックを 当てながら戻って行くのを知ってる。
だから三澤トレーナーに50個 頼んでおけって言っといた。
東京ドームでハゲ頭を必ず タップアウトさせてやる。
Where's Rocky?
I'll say this...
Next year's Tokyo Dome...
At the last TOKYO DOME show of the Heisei Era, Roppongi 3K will be champions.
I guarantee it. That's it.
Well, this year, 2018, we couldn't keep it going.
Although we won the JUNIOR TAG LEAGUE,
That's not enough for us.
So, we will go full throttle from the beginning.
Zack, you want me to put this on line, huh?
Actually, I want to face you too. You did beat us in the league.
Come at me. I'm up for it. Anytime!
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [6th match] - Duration: 6:56.-------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [9th match] - Duration: 11:27.-------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [8th match] - Duration: 1:29.飯伏...
I have been waiting for this moment.
オスプレイ vs 飯伏… ドリームマッチをしようじゃないか…
Ospreay vs Ibushi will truly be a dream match.
飯伏、東京ドームでNEVER王座に 挑戦させてくれ。
WRESTLE KINGDOM 13, in the Tokyo Dome, for the title.
What's Ibushi up to?
He extended his hand to Ospreay!
It's done.
The champion and the challenger agreed. Ibushi even said so.
Presenting the new NEVER OPENWEIGHT champion, Kota Ibushi.
And already there's a title match set for January 4th, Tokyo Dome.
The champion and the challenger have an agreement.
As I promised... I did it.
I promised, right?
I didn't? Yes, I did.
I really did.
Since the title match was set, I said I'd absolutely take this title.
I kept saying it. And I did, certainly.
It's not just about this belt...
I'm grateful to face Goto.
I'm very grateful that Goto reconsidered and took my challenge.
But I'm not sure what'll happen next.
After the match, Ospreay came to the ring...
I guess there won't be a rematch for the NEVER title?
I'm looking forward to it.
And Kenny will be main-eventing...
Kenny, what are you doing over there?
I'm happy that we both will have big singles matches.
This is the second best outcome, since we can't fight as the GOLDEN⭐︎LOVERS.
We are both happy even though we aren't fully satisfied. But it's good.
Both of us will have title matches.
We both will defend titles.
Let's do it.
Is that good?
You look like you want to say something.
Ospreay said that this will be a dream match for him, how about you? Do you feel the same?
Well, it's not what I think about the match, it's what the fans think, right?
If they call this a Dream Match, then it is for me, too.
But, if they don't see this as a dream match, then it's not.
But our physique is very similar.
Looking at Ospreay reminds me of myself from ten years ago.
So, I feel like I'm fighting against my old self. I'll study.
And please help with the training.
This is all for me.
Well, I won't drink it. Unless they're Diet Cokes?
This is ginger ale.
Ginger ale?
That's not butter beer, is it?
Oh! This is beer?
Right, it's beer.
Yeah, let's go.
Thank you.
Thank you.
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 2:09.What I'm saying is that you guys play favorites.
Unlike you, I fought in all the matches in the tag league… 13 matches.
Crap. You guys made this singles match last minute.
You guys always favor CHAOS,
This damn company...
Are you guys trying to get rid of me again? You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
I won't let it go, bastards.
Ospreay, I want a rematch, you punk.
復帰まで2ヶ月かかった。 その間何も出来なった。
長期欠場したほうが良いって声もあったけど、 俺はそんなに長い間休みたくないんだ。
助骨を折った。今もまだ80%しか 回復してない。
でもこの試合に勝ったってことは、 東京ドームで闘えるんだろう?
じゃあ、試合をしっかり観たいから これで失礼させてもらうよ。
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [4th match] - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [2nd match] - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
Eagles Fans Get Emotional Over Eagles Crushing Loss To Cowboys - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Sprinkle Dinkle Music Video | Season 1 Ep. 10 | REL - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 09) - Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 3:10.タッグリーグ最終戦にも関わらずにも負け。 俺は何でいつもこうなんだ。
それが無理なら、また下から やり直すしかないだろう。
Although I was in the tag league, I finished with nothing to show for it.
But I haven't given up yet.
There are two more matches left this year.
Even though I tried to keep up with the veterans today, it didn't work out. However…
No matter how many times I fall, I'll keep getting back up.
I'll make it to the top next year. That's what I said last year, but I'm more motivated than ever.
Not a good way to finish.
I know the young ones' determination, their fighting spirit, their frustration...
That's why they let it all out.
I want to give them passing scores. But next time they have to settle things, once and for all.
That's the third generation. Not bad, not bad at all.
But if you can't take them down, then it's no use. You have to go at them.
Umino and Yoshida, get passing scores, today.
But they have to show something.
Now that the final match of this league is over, I'm filled with both, frustration and sadness.
That means I'm still qualified to live as a pro-wrestler.
The reality bites, but I accept all of it.
I'll face it myself and move forward.
I don't give a damn about being called a veteran or old-timer.
I'll let them say whatever they want. We all age because we are human.
But it's up to me to show everyone how I'm living right now.
Thank you.
[3분 법문] 10지보살들은 같은 사람 _홍익선원.윤홍식 - Duration: 5:38.-------------------------------------------
Mourn EJ Bradford Half As Hard As You Mourn George Bush Sr. - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
Cardi B muestra el rostro de su hija en redes sociales por primera vez - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
SLOW B / HOLOGRAMA** (PROD.R.MUÑOZ) - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
John Cena Unveil Why He Really Need to Grew His Hair Out - Duration: 2:15.Hi Friends Wellcome To C 4 E Wrestling News John Cena Unveil Why He Really Need to Grew
His Hair Out John Cena brought a lot of attention to himself when pictures of him popped up
showing him with a full head of hair After all people we were very used to the buzzcut
Either way he showed up at the WWE Super Show-Down in Australia with much longer hair than we
were used to seeing and it threw people for a loop John Cena recently sat down with Chris
Van Vliet where he was immediately asked about his hair and what he thought about it being
such a hot topic of conversation Cena was understanding that people would care so much
about his hair because of the image he portrays as the character John Cena on WWE television
In the end he grew it out in order to attract more movie roles He said I think there is
a lot of dedicated WWE fans out there and people are used to John Cena the character
looking a certain way I hate third personing myself but me the character is very close
to me the person I really enjoy the move making process I enjoy telling stories like we do
in WWE through movies Cena also chimed in that it's gonna look weird when he returns
to WWE while adding Yeah I don't know if I can wear a cap He must have been joking
because those baseball caps mean a lot of merch money You never know what John Cena
is planning but it seems like his next house show run might not be too physically demanding
He needs to be in great shape for any future projects coming his way Hopefully with a full
head of hair he shall be able to snag even more movie roles so we shall be seeing a lot
more of him on the silver screen Friends what are your thought about this Have your say
in the comments section below
Rangoli Design: 15 to 8 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam for Bhogi [Sankranthi Muggulu] - Duration: 5:14.Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Rangoli Design: 15 to 8 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam for Bhogi [Sankranthi Muggulu]
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
关晓彤一袭孔雀蓝纱裙出席华表奖 今天的仙女造型真是太美了 - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
KGF Kannada Movie | Yash | Prashanth Neel | Hombale Films Kanada Rap Song - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
华表奖女明星现场未精修图曝光,关晓彤五大三粗,白百何一脸丧气 - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Sprinkle Dinkle Music Video | Season 1 Ep. 10 | REL - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Sprinkle Dinkle Music Video | Season 1 Ep. 10 | REL - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
솔직담백(?) 살짝 맛보는 〈퀴어영화 뷰티풀〉 스페셜 인터뷰 〈QUEER MOVIE Beautiful〉 Special Interview [Short Version] - Duration: 2:35.Chanho : I am..
Oops! Sorry..
Hyeonmok : Hello.
I'm KIM, Hyeon-mok who the played a role 'PYEONG, Beom-hae' at 〈QUEER MOVIE Beautiful〉.
Dohwan : Hello.
I'm NA, Do-hwan who the played a role 'CHOI, Sang-whi' at 〈QUEER MOVIE Beautiful〉.
Chanho : Hello.
I'm CHOI, Chan-ho who the played a role 'Do, do-han' at 〈QUEER MOVIE Beautiful〉.
Jiung : Hello!
I'm CHOI, Ji-ung who the played a role 'Alpha' at 〈QUEER MOVIE Beautiful〉.
Hyeonmok : 'Pyeong, Beom-hae' is a pure and innocent gay boy.
It's so timid and so nice that things happen,
In a way, 'Beom-hae' can show it to others selfishly,
It is also a character that shows that it is solved by oneself in such a difficult situation,
and it is a character that is too naive or timid and does not approach other people comfortably.
Dohwan : Personally, 'Sang-whi''s...
'Sang-whi' is very sociable, I think that I am very eager and personality is good. Good personality.
Chanho : 'Do, do-han' is a splendid person.
He knows how to decorate himself.
But inside, there are some intrinsic things that no one else knows.
he is a mysterious person who also has such a figure that he cares much about the gaze around him.
Jiung : Am I really a 'Golden boy'? Well...
Well, even if i'm not a 'golden boy'.
I think i'm a 'golden'.
Just by myself. Confidently.
I am not strictly admitting others, but I myself am strict.
That's it.
Dohwan : Then, Bye!
Hyeonmok : Please give a lot of love to the 〈QUEER MOVIE Beautiful〉.
GO! 〈QUEER MOVIE Beautiful〉!
For more infomation >> 솔직담백(?) 살짝 맛보는 〈퀴어영화 뷰티풀〉 스페셜 인터뷰 〈QUEER MOVIE Beautiful〉 Special Interview [Short Version] - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
STONE TEMPLE PILOTS - Days of The Week (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> STONE TEMPLE PILOTS - Days of The Week (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Модуль сменный к кувшинам БАРЬЕР стандарт - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Модуль сменный к кувшинам БАРЬЕР стандарт - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Professional Teleprompters Available-------------------------------------------
I'm Garbage! stream 12/9/18 - Duration: 1:19:52.-------------------------------------------
「LIVE」Super Smash Bros Ultimate (#1): Unlocking Characters! - Duration: 2:58:23.-------------------------------------------
💕워너원 강다니엘 생일헌정 녤파운드 만들기 how to make Kang Daniel's Birthday Pound Cake 이제이레시피/EJ recipe [ENG SUB] - Duration: 6:58.First, sift all powders that goes into the cake.
Softly beat the room-temperature butter with a hand mixer.
Add in sugar and keep beating. Beat until you don't feel the sugar texture.
When the butter is creamy, add the eggs one by one.
Beat each before adding the other for it can get separated from the butter.
Add red food coloring to make the color. I made it pink and made the color by adding coloring bit by bit.
Add in the sifted powders onto the beaten butter.
Mix evenly for the powder can sink on the bottom.
Pour the dough into a mold place on parchment paper.
Pour about 80% of the dough and even it out using a spatula.
Draw a line in the center with the spatula so that there's a slit.
Bake for 40 minutes in a oven preheated at 180℃/356℉ The temperature may differ by the product, so please check in between.
Let the baked cake cool down sufficiently.
Cut the cooled cake into the letters you want.
I cut out NIEL and a heart. The size isn't enough to cut out the entire name....
Now make the chocolate-colored dough. Repeat the same steps as the pink dough.
Sift all powders that go into the dough.
Beat the room-temperature butter with a hand mixer and add in sugar as you beat.
Add eggs one by one and beat until it gets creamy.
Mix in the sifted powder.
Put into a piping bag and squeeze on a pan with parchment paper.
Check where the letters will go and squeeze out the dough.
Place the pink dough letters in order over the dough.
Squeeze out the rest of the dough over the initials.
Fill with dough so there's no empty spots.
Even it out with a spatula.
Bake for 30 minutes in a oven preheated at 180℃/356℉
Let the cake cool on a rack.
You can decorate it with chocolate but it overflows when I cut it, so I skipped it!
Letter cake made in celebration of Kang Daniel's birthday is complete!
Like last year, I wanted to make a dedicated video and I did!!!!!!!!!!
I gave a twist to the heart-shaped pound cake recipe and it'll be good to give as gifts to friends! :)
Looks good, tastes good, pound cake!!!! Try it yourself.
Then let's meet in a tastier video! Bye~ :)
Kings' leaders struggle to come up with answers for team's hardships - Duration: 9:34.The scene has played out time after time in the Kings' dressing room, a sad tableau of their season
Anze Kopitar sits at his locker, waiting glumly to speak to reporters, as his teammates pack up their equipment around him
As captain, Kopitar is the one player obligated to speak, particularly after losses
And there have been 19 of those through 30 games. Advertisement "It's definitely not easy," Kopitar said
"I think being a captain is a special honor. It's very easy to be captain when things are going right
It's not the greatest job in the world when things are like this. "But you come and show up
I've always been a bit more of a quiet guy. I'm not the loudest guy in the room. I try to lead by example and work hard every day and come with a smile on your face every day, because if you don't do that, you spiral pretty quick
" The Kings have already spiraled enough to get coach John Stevens fired, and have sunk into irrelevance amid a rash of injuries and an irate fan base
Kopitar and alternate captain Drew Doughty acknowledged that this much adversity has challenged their leadership in ways they never anticipated
"Sometimes I feel like I'm just running out of things to say to try to get us going," Doughty said
"But that's how you become a better leader. When you go through times like this you learn how to get the most out of your teammates, the most out of yourself and the most out of your team
It's been a learning process for me my entire career to become a leader, and I think I'm getting better at, but I still think I've got a lot more room to improve
" The ultra-competitive Doughty hasn't hid from his feelings as the losses pile up
Under interim coach Willie Desjardins, the Kings are 7-10 and tied with the Chicago Blackhawks for last with 23 points
Their 2.20 goals per game rank last. Doughty can't tolerate it, nor can he let go of it when he leaves the rink
"[It's] much harder, and the reason for that is you get added pressure," said Doughty, who signed an eight-year, $88-million extension in July
"You get older. You feel more responsibility. I used to be able to go home after games, whether I played well or played bad, or if the team lost or the team won, I kind of had the same mentality
I kind of forgot about it and went on with my next day. "Nowadays, I'm still thinking about the things I could have done it differently in the game last night … you dream about it
You think about it all night. It's hard. It's a whole different life in the NHL as you get older
" Kopitar and Doughty are among the Kings veterans who experienced losing early in their careers, then two Stanley Cup wins, to this steep drop-off
They try to set the example on not getting too down, while knowing when to confront the underachievement
Alex Iafallo, who has already seen more losses than in any of his four seasons at Minnesota-Duluth, said the veterans have been a rock
"It'd be nothing in here without the leaders," Iafallo said. "It starts with them
They've been awesome ever since I've been here. I've learned so much from them. They're always there
I ask questions. Even if it's off-ice stuff, they're always there to help. I look up to those guys
" That would include alternate captain Jeff Carter, former captain Dustin Brown and Jonathan Quick, who has broken a stick or two this season
But Kopitar is aware of maintaining morale. He pointed to Doughty as the vocal yin to his quieter yang
The dynamic played out again Saturday, with Doughty as his candid self, post-game
Kopitar spoke later in the Kings' room. But it was after a win. For one day, his job was easier
"Obviously you have to get [ticked] off," Kopitar said. "That's just the way it is … but at the same time, you have to enjoy it
You can't just be miserable the whole time." Advertisement Clifford, Vilardi hurt Kyle Clifford did not travel because of an upper-body injury suffered Saturday, on a hit to the head from Pierre-Edouard Bellemare of the Vegas Golden Knights
Austin Wagner was recalled. Gabriel Vilardi did not play for the Ontario Reign on Saturday because of an injury and will be evaluated Monday, General Manager Rob Blake said
It is not known if it related to his ongoing back injury. Saturday was supposed to be the final game of Vilardi's conditioning assignment
UP NEXT AT DETROIT When: 4:30 p.m. PST, Monday On the air: TV: FSW; Radio: iHeartRadio (LA Kings Audio Network) Update: Detroit's Dylan Larkin has equaled the franchise single-season record with three overtime goals and is two short of the NHL record
The Red Wings share the league lead with five multi-goal comeback wins this season
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