Hi, it's me Poppy.
Oh, no
Hi, I'm Poppy!
Oh, no
I'm Poppy
I am
FBI Foils Two Unrelated Terror Plots | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Baylor Fraternity President, Accused Of Rape, Takes Plea Deal With No Prison Time | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Several Southern States Reeling After Receiving Record Snow | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Democratic Rep: Mueller Has 'Law And Order' GOP 'Getting Squishy' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 8:01.-------------------------------------------
Why Cohen's hush money places the president at legal risk - Duration: 7:16.JUDY WOODRUFF: But first: The legal jeopardy for President Trump deepened last week with
the many filings from federal prosecutors and from special counsel Robert Mueller's
Of particular concern are the payments made to two women during the 2016 campaign to stop
them from coming forward with allegations that they had sexual relations with Mr. Trump.
William Brangham explains how prosecutors have now implicated the president in a possible
felony crime.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: That's right, Judy.
On Friday, prosecutors added more detail to their case against Michael Cohen, who, as
you know, was President Trump's longtime lawyer and fixer.
They detailed what they say was Cohen's violation of federal election law.
Prosecutors accused Cohen of intentionally trying to subvert the 2016 presidential election,
writing -- quote -- "Cohen sought to influence the election from the shadows.
He did so by orchestrating secret and illegal payments to silence two women who otherwise
would have made public their alleged extramarital affairs with Individual 1."
Individual 1, of course, is President Trump, who prosecutors allege directed Cohen and
knew all about these payments.
Joining me now is Rick Hasen.
He teaches at U.C.
Irvine Law School.
He's a scholar of election law and campaign finance, and he writes the Election Law Blog.
Rick, thanks for being here again on the "NewsHour."
Could you just start off by helping us understand, what is the crime that is being alleged here?
How do two possible hush money payments constitute a possible campaign law violation?
RICK HASEN, University of California, Irvine: Sure.
So an individual is allowed to give up to $2,700 to a candidate running for federal
office, like president.
And you can either give that money by writing a check to the campaign, or you might do it
by giving something, goods or services, that are worth that much.
And you can't give more than that.
And if you are a corporation, you can't give anything directly to a campaign.
And so the allegations here are that Cohen took out a loan against his House for over
$130,000, used that to fund one payment, got The National Enquirer, which is a corporation,
to fund the other payment, with a promise of repayment.
And so you have both an individual making an excessive in-kind contribution to the president,
a corporation making an illegal contribution, a personal loan that is not reported, and
contributions and expenditures that are not reported.
So all of these can potentially be criminal campaign finance violations if they are done
willfully by the people who are involved.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Now, the president has had multiple different defenses for this.
Originally, months ago, he said he didn't know about the payments, he didn't know why
Michael Cohen had made them, he didn't know where the money has come from.
He has since changed that story somewhat.
Today, he reiterated a defense he has made many times, which, this was a simple personal
transaction, is how he put it.
What is he defending there?
What do you make of the argument that he is putting forward?
RICK HASEN: Well, he made two arguments today.
That was one of them.
So, one argument is, this was personal, it wasn't campaign-related.
And, really, the test is, is this a payment that would have been made irrespective of
the campaign?
Would he have been paying off these women anyway?
And there is good circumstantial evidence that he wouldn't have been.
And so one thing we know, with the Stormy Daniels payment is that Stormy Daniels' lawyer
was looking for payment for a long time, and that payment didn't come until October 25,
2016 just before the election, when the lawyer says that Daniels was about to go to a media
outlet and tell her story.
So it doesn't look like it's really personal.
It looks like it's campaign-related.
And then the other argument was about, this is no different than what President Obama
has done.
And, there, he was comparing kind of technical minor errors in paperwork that are quickly
corrected with what looks like a scheme of over a year of trying to cover up and hide
and structure payments to avoid disclosing that these payments were made in connection
to the campaign.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Just touching on the prior point that you made, if the president had
made then -- if then candidate Trump had made these payments in order to shield, as some
have argued, his wife from these embarrassing revelations, that would be considered legal,
Or is that only if they are there to shield voters from hearing about these allegations,
that is when it becomes illegal?
RICK HASEN: Well, I think, if it is wholly personal, it's an easy case to say it is not
If it is completely campaign-related, then, of course, it has to be filed.
This might be one of these mixed-motive cases.
And so there are different tests out there to figure it out.
We saw this with the John Edwards case, you may remember, a senator running for president
having his mistress getting paid by donors.
And, there, they couldn't prove that it was -- the intent was campaign-related.
But here there might be documentary evidence.
You certainly have the potential testimony of Cohen that could prove that this was, in
fact, intended to help the campaign, rather than just to help Trump personally.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: In their filing on Friday, prosecutors seemed to acknowledge this point.
I would like to read you something from the filing.
They described how Cohen worked with Trump campaign officials, saying: "With respect
to both payments, Cohen acted with the intent to influence the 2016 presidential election.
Cohen coordinated his actions with one or more members of the campaign, including through
meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature and timing of those payments."
Doesn't that, it seems to me, build the case that this was campaign- and election-related?
RICK HASEN: It absolutely does.
The thing is, though, that in order to prove a criminal violation, you have to prove that
each person involved in a conspiracy willfully violated the law.
So that goes very much to Trump's state of mind.
So if we ever got to a point where there would be a trial or some kind of investigation into
this, the question would be, what do we know about what President Trump was thinking?
We have a pretty good idea of what Michael Cohen was thinking.
It is pretty good circumstantial evidence of what Trump was thinking.
But just the fact that Cohen has agreed to plead guilty to this alone doesn't prove that
Trump is necessarily guilty of this crime.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: You wrote in a column today in "Slate" that if the president were just
an ordinary citizen, he would be in a lot more trouble than he is because he sits in
the Oval Office.
Why is that?
RICK HASEN: Well, you know, there are both legal and political issues here.
One is, there is the question of whether a sitting president can be indicted.
And I understand longstanding Department of Justice policy is that a sitting president
cannot be indicted.
So that raises a legal question of whether he could be indicted.
And, politically, we know that it would be politically explosive to come after the president
for committing a felony, whether it is campaign finance or something else.
Similarly, it would be explosive for Democrats to raise the possibility of impeachment based
on this.
This would really be a ratcheting up of the political warfare that we have seen.
And it is not clear that, even if there is a strong legal case, that there what be a
strong enough political will, either in the Department of Justice, which is ultimately
under the control of an attorney general who answers to the president, or to the Democrats
in Congress, who might be worried about what the political ramifications would be going
forward with an impeachment based on these kinds of charges.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: All right, Rick Hasen, thank you so much for your time.
RICK HASEN: Thank you.
France And Britain Leaders Both Facing Crisis Points | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Storm slams Southeast shutting down airports, businesses, schools - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Google will be asked why it doesn't support the US military: Rep. Goodlatte - Duration: 9:18.-------------------------------------------
5 NES Games for Little Kids - Duration: 9:14.My five year old recently told me the most beautiful sentence in the English language:
"Mommy, I want to play Kirby Adventure" his friend has an NES classic, and the boys
instantly fell in love with that adorable pink eldritch blob.
Which is great, but my family doesn't own an NES classic, so I decided it was time to
set him up with the next best thing: an original Nintendo Entertainment System.
Only ours is prone to blinking and glitches and – ok!
The original NES is a painfully archaic piece of hardware, especially for modern kids.
So we quickly abandoned that bad idea and loaded a bunch of ROMs onto an old laptop
I even whipped out an NES to USB controller adapter for that added flair of authenticity.
And my son loves it, his own computer.
It doesn't go online and he doesn't know the login password but that's ok.
It's his own dedicated NES machine and he and his friends think it's just about the
greatest toy ever.
The only problem is there just aren't that many NES games suitable for a short tempered
five year old.
He still loves Kirby but around the third level or so he's in tears, accusing the
game of cheating him and I have to intervene before he breaks a thirty year old controller.
But this is a solvable problem, so I went on a hunt for small child friendlier NES and
Famicom titles and I think together my son and I have compiled a pretty solid starter
collection of games.
NUMBER 1: My son loves Bomberman, but he can't help
but blow himself up, especially as he unlocks the bigger bombs with the longer explosion
He gets the concept of the game, but his cognitive abilities just aren't up to snuff yet.
But that's what makes Keroppi and Keroleen's Splash Bomb! for the Famicom a perfect substitution.
The game plays a lot like Bomberman meets Zelda: Keroppi the frog rushes around a dungeon
maze, placing bombs and blowing up enemies and obstacles on his path to the dungeon boss.
Except instead of bombs he places water balloons and the blasts can't kill him; they just
shove him back a bit.
With one less hazard to think about, a small child can focus on wetting up the bad guys
Plus it allows for simultaneous co-operative multiplayer, which is a huge plus for young
children who hate taking turns or losing.
And the on-brand Sanrio style graphics are freaking adorable.
Number 2: My son refers to Spy vs Spy as 'the pranking
game' and when he plays against a friend the two of them just run around the map hiding
booby traps and beating one another senseless.
They make zero progress towards the end goal, which is to collect a bag of spy paraphernalia
and escape to the airfield, but they're too busy murdering each other and giggling
about it to care.
As a single player game, Spy vs Spy is one of the few sandbox experiences on the system.
I mean it's a tiny sandbox admittedly, but my son loves that he can safely roam around
the house playing scavenger hunt.
Of course he doesn't play against the computer – yet.
Instead I set the game to two player and just leave the second controller unattended.
Without a live opponent to stand in his way, my son has been able to learn the rules of
the game at his pace and experience the pride of "beating a level" on his own.
Sometimes it's just more fun to play with a game, than to play a game.
Number 3: In trying to find the perfect kid's game,
I tried out a lot of duds.
The NES is ripe with adorable but deceptively difficult licensed games – or insulting
easy baby toys.
There's very little that challenges a young child without severely punishing them for
But I found a perfect balance in Pyokotan no Dai Meiro for the famicom.
Pyokotan is like a trainer for young gamers.
Players control a bunny boy who wanders around a map opening chests.
Each chest contains either points, a 1up, a key needed to pass to the next stage, or
a mini-game.
There's five different mini-games in all and each stage gradually increases their complexity.
Between each stage is a no-fail Galaga style bonus round, and after four stages: a final
boss battle.
My son was able to complete challenges at stage one with a perfect score, but by the
end of the game was rapidly losing his accumulated 1ups.
Despite these late game hurdles he defeated the boss and beat the game in his first sitting.
And because the mini-games themselves are so varied and entertaining it's a title
that he will continue to go back to- heck even I enjoyed playing it.
Number 4: Wisdom Tree games have earned a reputation
for being kind of terrible.
They are generally regarded as hastily made garbage
neither educational nor entertaining enough to qualify as true edutainment software.
So including Bible Buffet on this list is sure to raise a few eyebrows, but trust me.
This one is actually kind of good.
Bible Buffet is a party game.
Each turn the players roll the spinner and move to a space on the board where they're
then thrown into a short action challenge.
These adventure stages are really short, like two screens tops, and easy enough for a child
to complete with some practice.
They mostly involve running through the map, dodging projectiles, collecting snacks, and
shooting anthropomorphic food items.
My kid loves the goofy looking food based enemies and insists on gobbling up all the
And because this game was developed by Wisdom Tree they had to include God somewhere.
Now I don't know how many killer pizza slices feature prominently in the bible, but I do
know that if the player rolls a book icon on the spinner they are presented with a religious
Well sort of.
Actually all they're really given is a number and a multiple choice selection.
Originally the game was packaged with a printed book of trivia and instead of hardcoding either
the questions or answers into the software the developers expected players to just consult
the book.
Consequently the game is simple to hack: I've been substituting questions about popular
video game characters instead.
NUMBER 5 The original Legend of Zelda has a reputation
now as being "the hard one" – certainly not as hard as Zelda 2 but cryptic and lacking
the quality of life improvements later implemented by Link to the Past and onward.
But a child doesn't know about all that and can experience the magic of the first
Zelda in a way that's been lost to us grown-up fans.
We may find burning down ALL the trees and blowing up ALL the rocks monotonous drudge
work but kids live for doing the same silly repetitive thing over and over again.
And when that silly repetitive thing suddenly uncovers a secret cave?
Holy poop batman!
That's videogame magic!
The NES Zelda holds up today as a relatively forgiving sandbox experience.
Death teleports the player back to the center of the overworld, or the start of a dungeon,
but there's no scary GAME OVER screen or tangible penalty.
In fact, beginning players are rewarded in death by regaining all three of their hearts
and thereby their magical shooty sword.
My son was getting frustrated with the resident river jerk that kept sniping him until I pointed
this out and he was totally cool with dying afterwards.
Of course that benefit goes away once the player discovers their first heart container
– usually after defeating the dragon in dungeon one – but by then the young player
will have developed enough skill in the game to play without training wheels.
The Legend of Zelda is a low stakes casual adventure that rewards curiosity and experimentation
– perfect for new players that just want to wander around, kill the bad guys, and collect
all the monies (seriously my son doesn't want to buy any of the extra equipment because
it makes him sad to see his wallet empty and he gets super excited whenever he finds a
Now that's not to say that these are the only NES videogames my son enjoys.
He gets a lot of play out of the Marios, Kirby, and even Zelda 2.
But they're still a bit too difficult and whereas those games cause him much frustration
the alternatives presented on this list allow him to calm down while restoring lost confidence.
So if you're a parent like myself looking to build a retro library for a young consider
this a starting point and build from there.
Not every kid is going to be drawn to the same games, but don't be afraid to search
beyond the super popular stuff.
You'd be surprised what kids will fall in love with.
Law Enforcement Warning Drivers About DUIs During Holidays - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
Bill O'Reilly Breaks Down the Cohen Court Filings - Duration: 6:53.-------------------------------------------
Burglar Surrenders In SWAT Standoff At Temple City In-N-Out - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
Liverpool fans are very much enjoying Barcelona's latest tweet about Lionel Messi - Duration: 2:51.It's set to be a tense night for English clubs in the Champions League on Tuesday
Spurs travel to Barcelona needing to better Inter's result, who host PSV, in order to process from Group B
But will they be able to stop Lionel Messi and co. to reach the last-16 of the competition? At the same time, Liverpool know they need to beat Napoli either 1-0 or by two clear goals to guarantee qualification from their group also consisting of Paris Saint-Germain
Both sides face tough tasks, that's for sure. Spurs' task is probably more difficult considering they have to face Messi
The Argentine has a brilliant record against English clubs and Barca decided to let everyone know just how good his record is against Premier League's finest
Their post shows how Messi has scored nine goals against Arsenal, six goals against Manchester City, three goals against Chelsea, two goals against Manchester United and two goals against Spurs
However, there's no ball emoji next to Liverpool's name - just an unamused face
That's because Messi has faced Liverpool twice in the Champions League - and once in a friendly - without scoring
Liverpool and Barca met at the last-16 stage back in 2007, with Rafa Benitez's side progressing on away goals after winning 2-1 at the Camp Nou
LIVERPOOL FANS ENJOYED BARCA'S TWEET And it's a fact that Liverpool fans enjoyed being reminded by Barcelona's official Twitter account
But Liverpool will need to ensure that there's an opportunity of facing Messi and Barca in the knockout rounds of the Champions League this season
Jurgen Klopp's side are currently third in their group and must beat Napoli to stand any chance of progressing
Despite beating PSG and Red Star Belgrade at Anfield, the Premier League leaders have lost all three of their away games to leave their Champions League future in jeopardy
Engineering Services will host open house - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
Healthy Hair, Skin Nails 50 Capsules - Duration: 7:52.-------------------------------------------
Seat Altea 1.2 TSI 105 PK Style | Climatronic | NAP | Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Seat Ateca 1.0 EcoTSI 115pk Style - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! Airco | Tel. Bluetooth - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Matt Hardy Lobbying for Match Against Roman Reigns Before He Retires - Duration: 1:31.Hi Friends Wellcome To C 4 E Wrestling News Matt Hardy recently visited India to help
promote WWE as well as crash an episode of Indian Idol While in India he spoke with MyKhel.com
about many things including having a match with the Big Dog Roman Reigns before he retires
he said I would say that one person that I would be dreaming before retirement because
I haven't got a chance to work with him Now he's gonna be gone for a little bit
in future it will be Roman Reigns He is kind of a guy that WWE built around I do I like
him a lot as a person consider my friend So I would love to have a Matt Hardy vs. Roman
Reigns match before retirement Both wrestlers are out of action for different reasons but
a showdown between the two could certainly happen once both men are cleared for action
Good luck to both men in their efforts and hopefully they will be able to fight down
the road Friends what are your thought about Matt Hardy vs. Roman Reigns in future Have
your say in the comments section below
陈道明对靳东的评价真是有一些过分 - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
Seat Leon 1.5 TSI 150PK Xcellence Business Intense | Active infodisplay | - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Burglar Surrenders In SWAT Standoff At Temple City In-N-Out - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Burglar Surrenders In SWAT Standoff At Temple City In-N-Out - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
Trump UNHINGED In Latest Twitter Tirade - Duration: 6:48.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Trump UNHINGED In Latest Twitter Tirade - Duration: 6:48.-------------------------------------------
TRANSCRIPT: Jamal Khashoggi's Disturbing Final Moments - Duration: 9:19.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> TRANSCRIPT: Jamal Khashoggi's Disturbing Final Moments - Duration: 9:19.-------------------------------------------
New Meghan Markle : cette nouvelle démission qui risque de nuire à sa réputation - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> New Meghan Markle : cette nouvelle démission qui risque de nuire à sa réputation - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
New Laëtitia Milot : comment elle a géré le tournage d'Un bébé pour Noël pendant sa grossesse - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> New Laëtitia Milot : comment elle a géré le tournage d'Un bébé pour Noël pendant sa grossesse - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Dry-in faster & easier-------------------------------------------
Hi I'm Poppy Oh - Duration: 0:38.Hi, it's me Poppy.
Oh, no
Hi, I'm Poppy!
Oh, no
I'm Poppy
I am
Hit or Miss but it's 5 different songs - Duration: 2:27.🤕Hit 👊 or miss😳
I guess 🤔they 👉never ❌ miss
You 🙌got 🤪a boyfriend😍
I bet 🎰😶he 😨doesn't 👎kiss 😘😘 ya🤭
He 🧐gon' find 🔍🔍 another girl 👶
and he 😮won't😤 miss👌 ya😂😂😂😂
He 🤤gon' 😲skrrt and hit 👊👊 the dab😎 like 😄😄 Wiz 🤠Khalif
Hit or Miss
I guess 🤔they 👉never ❌ miss, huh 😕😕?
Got a Boyfriend?
I bEt hE dOeSn'T KiSs yA😂😂😂😂😂😂
He's gonna find another girl
All rush 🅱 for the motherland xaxaxaaxa)))
хит ор мисс
аи гесс зеи невер мисс
ю гот а бойфренд
аи бет хи дусент кисс я
хи ис гонна фаинд анозер гиорл
энд хи вонт мисс я
хи ис гонна
енд хит зе дaб
лаик Уис Калиф
no it didn't.
Hit or miss I guess they never miss
u got a bf i bet he wont miss ya
👀 👄
Maybe I'll be Tracer
I'm already a good girl
Why do good girls like nerf bastion
babab bla bla baba bla bla
why do good girls 👩 like bad guys👎👱?
I had this question❓ for a real long🍆 time
i hate my life
I've been a bad boy👎👱 and it's plain to see👀
So why do good girls👱♀️ fall in love💑😍 with me?
oh no despacito
I cant do this anymore
this is too much, im done writing the subtitles
バナナマン設楽、M-1暴言騒動に「相方の2人がいい迷惑」早期沈静化求める - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Princeton vs Bosse - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Cassian Andor - Comic Basics Origins Star Wars - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
AirBNB Fail & Uber Fail: Storytime & Demo [Part 1 of 2] #wheelchairtravel #lifeonwheels - Duration: 13:47.hey, I'm Luda! I have muscular dystrophy and I'm here and share with you my life
experiences as I roll through life. enjoy! so if you're wondering why my face looks
like crap it's because makeup is not supposed to be on my facebook more than
24 hours. but it all began like two weeks ago
when I was starting to plan for a trip. so I was planning this trip to LA and I
thought it would be the perfect time to try out, and testing out an airbnb
rental. so I'm gonna walk you through the process of what I did. and basically I
just couldn't even booked a room it was that terrible. if you have never heard of
Airbnb, they are a rental property, I mean, they're like a rental business where if
you have a house you can rent it out. and finding a wheelchair-accessible one is
really like a scavenger hunt. so let's get started. and add the top left I'm
just going to put Los Angeles. I'm gonna click on home. and at the very top you
have a popular filter, home type, price. I'm gonna click on more filters and as you
can see there are so many different options. amenities, property type, and then
there's this little thing called "accessibility, choose home features." I'm
gonna click on that. and "entering the home," so step free access, wide doorway
flat path to front door. "getting around," I'm gonna pick, wide hallway clearance.
"bedroom" should be step free, accessible height. but actually no, I'm gonna take
that off. I'm gonna do sort of, wide doorway clearance, pretty much basic
stuff that I think anyone in a wheelchair would need. "bathroom," step free access,
wide clearance to shower and door, wide doorway.
so there's also "common areas," we'll just leave that blank.
"parking," "equipment" and then click Save at the bottom and then show 234 homes. oh my
gosh. let's do price maybe like $35 to 200. apply. January tenth to the 11th.
apply. now you'll have a map that pulls up right here on the right side with
different prices. so let's just randomly pick out of, 52 homes? that's weird.
wait. let me narrow it down. okay, now we're at 74 homes. let's pick one for
$129 and I want to see if those filters actually work. you can see this is
the ready a problem. there are stairs to do the door. but maybe they have
an entrance. so this is pretty great clearance, floors flat in the bedroom.
right I usually look for the bathroom, oh that's cool. okay so this sort of shows
me a roll in shower and a bath chair and whatever that's called, which is great.
wow this is huge bathroom and they have a... so I have never seen anything like
this. I'm gonna assume that even though those stairs.
oh, there's a ramp on the side. so this is a great example of wide doorways, ramp. it's
like a perfect example of a wheelchair accessible place, which I'm really shocked. That's
awesome! let's go back and pick something else because I know there's.
let's do the $51. okay so the cheaper it is, the less accessible it is, I've
learned. so let's look through the pictures and see. okay, so this is a
problem as you can see there is literally not a wide clearance in the
bed as I selected. this is not enough room for me so this is like barely, not
enough room for my chair. it's literally next to the wall so this would be a no.
now bathroom and the door, um so this doesn't really show me how much
space this is. there's a wall right here then there's no way for me to even
close the door once I open it. this looks really small. I'm not sure how this set up.
all right, where is that front door? okay so here, as you can see, I don't have a clear picture
of front door entrance. so now these aren't actually the prices, you have to add in
like all these other fees. So I'm not I'm going to go through a lot of these but
when I tried this out, these are some of the pictures that I ran across that
clearly were not wheelchair accessible.
I decided to message some of these hosts. the first one, I was like, okay I didn't
see any pictures of your threshold can you send me some or let me know if you
have one into the front entrance in the house. and she says, "yes, there are no
steps." and then I say that I'm in a wheelchair and her next reply is
basically, "oh but I have a six to seven inch and heights like a bump into the
porch." I just tell her you know what that would be considered as a step, so please
filter your accessibility filters correctly. and on to the next message for
a different host. I saw a picture what I asked to filter that you have a step for
your entrance into the house but I see a threshold, do you have a portable ramp
or a different entrance. the person said well there is a four-inch threshold
into the house. And my last message went like this. I saw that they also had a
threshold into the house, basically they told me that all of their rooms are
upstairs. now if you are filtering, or if you are picking a filter that says that
you have an accessible house, rooms that are upstairs, do not qualify as a
wheelchair accessible house! so then I decided to just message Airbnb saying I
was having trouble trying to find a room and basically they said, "we know we have a
problem but we don't really have a solution for it."
they could have said, oh let us help you book a room, instead of saying,
well, that's just how it is. I decided to not do an Airbnb. So as you can see it's a
pretty hefty process. it's really not worth it you can just get a really
awesome hotel for even $150 a night that is accessible. there's also a lot of
solutions I feel like there's so many ways to make sure that a house is
wheelchair accessible. there should be a requirement to attach
a photo to whatever filter option a host picks, that way everyone can see exactly
what the images, what the item is. and anyone who doesn't do that correctly
should definitely get their account suspended for like two weeks because
it's so unfortunate to show up to a location just to find out there's gravel
leading up to the house. and I feel like host won't take that extra step and
sending me pictures of their front yard or their bathroom clearance or even
measure out how high their...it's because they don't have to, they no need to. they
can have someone who can walk, rent out their facility. so why give the offer to
someone in a wheelchair? so... but if you've had success with Airbnb or how to find
or even know how to find a wheelchair accessible house, please let me know. I
gave up an airbnb, but if you want to try it out I will link my promo code
below and if you are a host, I mean, and if you want to host, I will link that
promo code down below also. I don't really know how these promo codes work,
so anyone can give them to you also. this is like anyone who has an airbnb account,
whether, it could be your friend or your family member. so they can also give you
a code and you can sign up for whatever you want. onto my next, so, a couple days
later, I was like okay, I'll just get a hotel. and so I found one that was around a
hundred dollars, uh, wheelchair accessible. It was a Hilton in Norwalk. and I had to
really think about it for a few days because location wise, I'm like, I think
this could work. the next day I'm about to book it. my hotel in Norwalk. I fill in
the information, and I can't see any wheelchair accessible rooms that were there
yesterday. and it's very hard sometimes with hotels to find
wheelchair accessible rooms, and with Hilton, you have to like
actually select that filter to have wheelchair-accessible rooms.
so I guess even some hotels they don't even give you the option to find a
wheelchair-accessible hotels. so maybe hotels don't even work. it just
seemed that they didn't have this room that I wanted yesterday. so I try to pick
another like date to reserve that hotel. and just to double-check, and it
worked. it showed like, okay, there's wheelchair accessible rooms for the next night and
I go back to book it for December 7th to the 8th. and I'm like, oh there it is
again. so I guess it is working and I had to do it twice. I'm all set
I'm about to make this reservation and I click on it and it says, okay you're
reserved, you have wheelchair accessible room. and I go to check the details of this
reservation. I see Norwalk. okay great. you know, wheelchair accessible room.
December 7th in the state of Connecticut.
so I booked my room somehow in Connecticut because California CA and
Connecticut CT, I guess I wasn't paying attention. so then I was like okay
I just give up. I'm I'm not gonna find a place and I do have a few people that
are in LA but because I'm getting in so late after the show, it would be around
like midnight. I don't want to make anyone wait that long or be an
inconvenience in any way. so I was on a mission to figure this out on my own. and
I decided I was just going to ride the train for that night. maybe
I'd go to Vegas or Santa Barbara. leave at like 1:00 in the morning and then
come back at like 6:00 in the morning. so I thought about that
and that didn't really align with the scheduling. so I also researched like
places that are open 24/7 and I know that the Pacific dining car and Wi spa
in Los Angeles is open 24/7, like oh I can do that for the night.
then I discovered uberWAV. so I heard about this and I actually tried this
about two years ago when they had their little presentation in Los Angeles just
talking about starting uberWAV and all this stuff. it didn't really work out
for me because they were just starting and it just kind of fell flat. so I'm like
it's been two years. Uber, I'm sure has it together.
and that was the plan I was gonna go with. okay I'm gonna over back home.
in WAV. and I researched it and I figured out that there are five cars
that are wheelchair accessible that are in uber. and then Friday comes around.
Singer's hospital performance leaves patients feeling 'less alone' - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
Budget Basher Build - PART 2 - Frame, Stack, & Motors [COMPLETE BEGINNER BUILD GUIDE 5" FPV DRONE] - Duration: 21:51.Hey everybody, welcome back to RC with Adam
My name is Adam and I am excited because we are gonna start building this quadcopter the budget basher 5 inch
Fpv drone racing freestyle quadcopter and as you can see, we have all of the parts here
Well, not all of the parts, but the major components here. So make sure you get all your parts together
We've got our camera our flight controller esc pdb stack our VTX antenna our receiver our VTX
one two three, four motors and our frame which is
Gonna be the Hecate 230 for this build. So get all your components together
Let's head on over to our workspace and get started
And also I want to note that to build this you will need to know how to solder. So if you
Don't have no clue
What soldering is go check out my video on how to solder and there are tons of other great soldering tutorial videos out there
So go learn how to solder and then come back. It's really not that hard and then we are gonna get started on this build
Alright, so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna get our frame together because our frame is like our skeleton for our quadcopter
So first of all, this is the bottom plate. This is the top plate
this is like a little bracing plate and these are the
forearms and then what you're gonna need for this first step is the four of the longest screws and that come in this kit and
then for slightly shorter screws
so the shorter one is in my left hand and you're gonna need four of those and you're gonna for these little shiny things and
and we're not actually going to build this frame the way that it was technically designed because
That's just kind of how I roll so we can take our top plate and we can just set that aside for now
We don't need that for quite a while. So we're gonna take our bottom plate here and
This gonna see this is forward. This is forward
This is where our camera is gonna go and this side is backwards
This is like where our antennas are going to be and we have this bracing plate and we want to line up the bracing plate
So that the curves follow each other they match up right here
You see that right there, they match and then what we're gonna do and we'll do is one arm at a time
We are going to match up an arm here now notice on these arms, see how they they have
These little is little these little nubs these little points. These are gonna point forwards and backwards
So instead of they're not going to point like to the side, they're gonna point forwards and backwards
So here for example, let's put the front. I guess this will be well, we're kind of building this upside down
So this will sort of be like the front left actually in any case we want this nub
To point this way kind of in a forward sort of direction
They're going to match it up kind of like that. So that is kind of how it's gonna be and
Then what we'll do is we'll take our shorter screw here and we're going to put it through this far
the outside hole here so you can see you're sticking through there and then it's going to go into this large hole and
Then what we're gonna do is take one of these little shiny things
This little guy right here, and we're gonna thread it on
to this
Gonna be a little tricky but maybe you can get it started with with your fingers. There we go
So it's connected and you'll kind of see that they'll sort of sit down
it'll sort of sit down in that hole and
It has a little teeth and so it'll bite
So this is actually like a self not self locking but it's a it's a self gripping nut
I guess so then you get your driver here. I really love this one. This is from Harbor Freight
Super cheap, but it is actually really fantastic. It comes with a bunch of different tips. But anyway,
Let's so let's tighten this down just a little bit not just you know just snug and we want to try and you know
Just make sure that this this little shiny piece here this little nut piece gets centered in the hole nice and flat just like that
Okay. So now let's put the rest of these arms in we're not actually going to need to put this
Inside screw in that's where these longer screws are going to go but we'll do that once we're ready to attach the flight controller
so first, let's put the rest of these arms in and
We're going to do it pretty much the same kind of way. These are going to be a lot easier
So we're gonna have the pointy part
point backwards and
Kind of line up the holes. It's a little tricky. Sometimes we're gonna take our short screw and put it through there
Okay, just like that. I'm gonna hold it in place. We're gonna get a little shiny shiny nut thing
We're going to tighten that on just with my fingers. I'm gonna train get it started. It's very small
There we go
So you can see that when I tighten this it will
It sits flat like that and when I tighten it down it will kind of grip in there
You know, let's see. So it's not quite sitting all the way flat
So it's kind of loosen it up and wiggle it around a little bit. Maybe kind of press it in
if we need to to get it to kind of
Want to sit as flat as possible
But do what you can the main thing is you want to be attached
Of course, and so here we go. So our arms. I've got two arms already
We're going to put these other arms on and that's exactly the same way and when you're done
It should look something like this at well should look pretty much exactly like this
So I've just tighten these down a little bit so that they are still movable
but they're there snug now we are ready to use our long screws here and we are going to
go from the bottom of our frame here, and we're going to
Put the screws through these inner
These inner these four inner holes here, so they will stick up and into or upward from the bottom
into the the
Bottom plate here this bottom plate and that my friends is where our flight controller is going to go
So let's put the rest of them in here and then we'll be ready to attach our flight controller ESC
stack and you
Might need to kind of move stuff around might need to loosen some stuff and you
do a little bit jiggling a little bit dancing and
Maybe if it's a little too tight
You might need to kind of maybe just thread the screws a little bit have a thread thread the screws
Just to get them to go through. So there we go. We have these
Protruding right here. Now. Let's get our flight controller stack our Mamba and put it on here
By the way, you might look at this and say Adam you just took it out of the case
But there's solder on it. How does that work?
Well, that's because I had this thing, you know put together as you have seen in the previous videos
And so there's there's solder on there because I had attached everything, but don't worry
We're gonna cover how to attach everything and how to solder it and all that good stuff now, okay
Here's an important thing. First of all, make sure your standoffs are tight. Now. These are plastic standoffs
So don't go cranking down the screws on these guys
Because they will strip out and then and then you'll be sad and then you'll need to find some new standoffs. So
Pay attention to this little arrow right here in the middle of the board. That is forward
that is forward my friends and this guy right here is actually this is where we're going to salt our our
xt60 connector
to go to our battery and what we're gonna do is we're just going to
Tighten these down just a little by little actually, you know what? Let me do this
I know I had these sticking through in the first place, but now I'm kind of second. I'm like that's probably doesn't make sense
so let me back these all off a little bit and
And and that will be make it easier to get
To get our flight controller on there
Because then we can just tighten them one at a time. There we go. Okay. So so this is the forward direction of our
Quadcopter that's where our cameras gonna go. We're going to take this guy and just line up the threads and just thread them in there
Nice and easy it doesn't have to be tight. We just want a little bit. So now we have room to move around just
tighten down this one
It's nice and easy
You don't want to you don't want to cross thread these
So if it feels like it's kind of hard to turn and you're not all the way in
to the screw then then back it out and try it again and
And don't don't tighten them down too much
So here we go. So first we're just gonna get them all in there
and and and kind of kind of snug and then
You know because we want to make sure that they're all even you know
And we're just gonna snug it down just so I'm just using my fingers just using my to my two fingers here
well my thumb and my pointer finger I guess and
To tighten these down cuz I really don't want I don't want to over tighten them
Okay, and you can periodically at you know
When you're flying you can period when you're flying but after you've flown in for a while
You can periodically come through and check all these screws and make sure everything's tight
Or you could put maybe
Maybe like some sort of lock tight or just just a dab of I don't know hot glue or something if you want
so we're just gonna tighten them just a little bit at a time and
You know snug but not we're not cranking down on them. Okay, because they are plastic
So we want snug but we're not cranking down. Boom. There we go
And once we have our flight controller on and it's nice and tight
then we can go back and just
tighten down these other screws and these ones you can you can do much tighter because the threading into this
It's aluminum. I assume it's aluminum
Nut there, so we'll go ahead and tighten the arm screws
Again, you don't want to strip anything out, but these can be these can be much tighter
you can be nice and nice and snug now, we're ready to
Move on to the motors. We're not going to build anything else onto the frame right now
We're just gonna move on to the motors and get those soldered up now. We're going to attach the motors the motors
Let motors as they say in nowhere. So these these motors come with
Screws and these screws are actually a little bit the the size for the driver is a little bit larger. It's actually 2.5 millimeter
so we're gonna switch drivers here and
unfortunately my
My motors only came with these short screws which which makes me a little sad. So these are the ones that I have
So I'm not able to do
full soft matter soft motor mounting which is if you're wondering what soft motor mounting is go look it up and
Also check out this video
That where I show you how I soft mount the motors and I got rid of
Jello in my flight footage anyway, so we're just gonna hard mount the motors in this particular case
But if you have longer screws as there should be longer screws, but mine did not come with them
Definitely use longer screws and you can soft mount your motors
In any case we're gonna use hard mounting and look if if you're just getting started you
will not notice the difference I absolutely guarantee you you will not notice the difference between a soft mounted motor and
And just hard mounting and hard mounting just means we're gonna we're just gonna mount the motor directly to our frame
So let's actually do that. We're gonna mount the motor directly to the frame here
Using these screws and so we'll just put a screw
right through here and
let me
get my driver here and
With this naked bottom motor and these that just just means there's there's it's it's it's like exposed on the bottom naked
It's really easy to see how to get the the screw in there
So that's really nice and to make sure that it won't cross thread
what you can do is actually
Rotate it in the opposite direction till you feel the thread click in place and then we can rotate it in our normal direction
just like that beautiful and all of these motors are
essentially identical
So it does not matter which which one goes where?
Some motors but I think I think we're kind of moving away from that with newer motors
But some some motors are the threads are actually threaded clockwise or counter clockwise
Depending on the direction for it to spin but that's that's not that's not really it
That's not a big deal. And the that's not what these motors are. These are all threaded the same way
So we'll put the screw in to that one. We don't want it too tight. We just want it nice and snug
It's kind of snug right now
We want to get all of them in first before we really start tightening
Anything down?
Get our last one in there and
Really once I show you how to do this one
We'll just jump to after all of them are done because they are all the same. They're all done in the same way
So so we're going to tighten them kind of a crisscross sort of pattern
tighten them down
Get them nice and snugly bug ly and you can see we're kind of we are
centered up right down there want to make sure you can see that we're centered up there and
This well this motor actually there's enough room
So that little clip in there is free too is free to spin anyway
But we want to make sure that it's spinning and there's there's no it's not rubbing any of the frame or anything like that
So we're gonna tighten these down pretty good or you don't need to go gorilla cranking on them
But but we do want them nice and tight
Once they are snug
Just like that
Okay, we're good to go
so I am going to attach the rest of the motors and
Then I'll meet you back here. And then we will solder the motor wires to our esc
Shazam and now we have our motors connected on all all four of them
and now what we're gonna do is we're going to trim the motor wires and
We're going to attach them to the motor pads. Now. You say Adam. What's the motor pad? I don't know
What a motor pad is. Well, let me show you what a motor pad is. It is nothing like a motor home
I will tell you that much. So these little guys right here right there and there and there
those are where these three wires for this motor are gonna are going to attach to so they're going to attach to those pads and
Notice there's a for designation next to it
That means this is motor for that doesn't really matter
But it will later once we're doing stuff in beta flight or it might matter good to note
These three pads right here
Are going to be for this motor and so on so you can you can see that has the same situation
Over here on the on the opposite side of the board
So one two, three, one two, three, and that is where these wires go
now you say Adam does it matter which order they are which you know, which order they go which wire connects to which
well what that's gonna do is
Basically no, it doesn't matter
So just solder them on and then if later when we test the motors and if it's spinning the wrong direction
like if we want to change the direction we can just re solder and swap two of the wires and
Then it will spin the other direction for now. Don't about it
and just solder them on and then we will take care of that later and
We'll probably do it by means of soldering although there are other methods, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me zoom in here
So you can see what I'm doing
now the these are nice long wires, which is really great, but we don't really want the wires to be extra long because
well, you know electrical efficiency things and then also just adds weight and it's just like why you know
Why bother plus it doesn't look as good?
so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just kind of lay these flat along the arm here and
Kind of get an idea of how long they should be now
Of course, I would rather have more you know
I'd rather have extra motor wire than less but so I'm kind of looking at this and like I
Kind of gotta go about probably something like that. Actually probably less even less for this one
Let me see here. Cuz this one's gonna have to reach farther so really
But again, I'd rather I just rather, you know, I'd rather play it on the safe side
I'd reach out to right about there about that far
I think in fact, let's trim it and just see if we need to trim it more. So we'll get our snips here
I'm gonna trim this and then we're going to strip the wires and
Then we are going to tin them with our soldering iron. This one is almost too short or just long enough
I'm looking at this and I think I actually cut them
Maybe just a tad too short to reach this far this one out here. But you know, that's that's the way it goes
Sometimes don't do that cut them a little bit longer and just for reference for your other motors
you might want to trim the wires probably something more like this so that this is the
This is the length of the wires
So this would go to the closest pad the next farthest pad and then the farthest pad
Over here from the from the motor. So I think something something like that my work at work out better
But again, it's better to have more wire than not enough wire now
You might be looking at and might be looking at this and going. Hey Adam
Why are there are those shiny?
When mine are not if you are if your this is your first time using this flight controller
Well, that's because I have already soldered them. So
So what you're gonna do is you're going to actually tin the solder pads as well
Watch out for that stand off because it is plastic and it will melt now listen if you're not super comfortable soldering
kind of from this like sideways angle and trying trying to get the soldering iron in there you can
just loosen these or you know
Take off these little nuts that hold the the flight controller in place
Take off the nuts and the washers and stuff and then you can just get to this entire
Board with all the es CS
And solder that way if you if you want to so you can totally do that, but I'm not gonna do that
All right. Let's start of these wires. Now. I'm looking at this and I think I actually cut them
Maybe just a tad too short to reach this farthest one out here. But you know, that's that's the way it goes
Sometimes don't do that cut them a little bit longer
Guess that there's a good example of a simple mistake you can make there. So yeah, that was totally intentional of me
Okay, I'm gonna solve that one right there
Okay, you know let's get this next one and I'm soldering left to right because I'm right-handed
So that I don't have to go back over
Something that I soldered because you know and and touch it with my soldering iron. All right, so I'm gonna heat up this pad
heat up the wire just kind of press them together and
Let him get there we go. Nice and melted nice and held together
And let's get this one this one's gonna have to be
This one's gonna be a little bit tight
It's gonna have to be a little bit more of an angle a little bit more of a bend
But that's that's the way it goes, you know
You make decisions. Yeah, I got I live with them. I
Got a heat, um, irony and hang on we're gonna roll with it. I think it's gonna work
It's still gonna work pretty that's pretty decent. I think I think that'll do. I think that'll do ladies and gentlemen
There you go. That is not the prettiest job for sure
In fact, I think what I might do is is cut this one the closest one a little bit shorter
Because there is quite a bit of slack, but that is how we're going to attach these wires
how we're going to attach the white the motor wires and
Just kind of route it that little thing right there. That's pretty good. But again you it's better to have more than less
Okay, so that's how you do that one motor all the rest of the motors are exactly the same solder them to their respective motor
Pads right there and pause the video and then I will meet you back here and we'll have all four motors
soldered up
All right, and after you've soldered all the motor wires, it should look something like this
Hopefully a little bit prettier than than mine
and then what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna take a little piece of electrical tape and just tape down the wires on the
Arms, just to kind of keep things tidy. We don't need a whole lot of tape
it's just to kind of help hold things in place and then we're gonna move on to the next step and
That's gonna do it for this segment of the build
wanted to just break these videos up make it a little bit more manageable for you and me and
So if you want to keep building, which I sure do go hop over to the next build video
I'll put a link to it, right
Here somewhere or somewhere on the screen or this page or the description or something. You can go hop over there
We're gonna continue right where we left off in this build video
But before you do, I'd really appreciate it
If you hit the thumbs up button or the thumbs down button if you were like NIN's Goods do them
but I don't know why you'd say that and
Leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of this build video again. This is my first build video
So I would appreciate your feedback and let me know how it's going for you
And yeah, so I will see you on the next video consider subscribing to this channel if you don't already. Thanks. See you bye
上沼だけじゃない!?とろサー久保田らが敵に回した"もう1人の超大物-PN - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Book Of Ken and His 24 Hour Challenge - Duration: 13:26.huh see that guy right there looks like he's hit rock bottom well that guy right
there is me you want to know how I got in this mess huh well be sure to LIKE
and subscribe and watch the end of the video to find out how no please
look man I said what you wanted no no have Merc
shit richer sap you guys have been sleeping over at a friend's house and in
life having a great time have the time of your life and suddenly that time
comes where you have to leave on your head and you think you know maybe I
should break into their house without them knowing and so I could be with them
forever well that was kind of a trend I was on
YouTube a few months ago I would say it was called a 24 hour challenge and the
first person I am the first person I ever saw did a 24-hour challenge well
it's works and that's not a good thing today which is essentially of him
breaking through his parents house without them knowing and his girlfriend
just happens to sleep over while he's not there which actually makes perfectly
totally logical since in cinematic history but sadly Borges isn't really
who were talking about today today everyone be talking about woke up Ken
and boy is he cool if you everyone see someone that's generic and unfunny just
go to my channel there's actually a lot of stuff there soak into the 24-hour Tom
was hiding from his dog and a girl but not just any girl his girlfriend but you
know I thought we can just watch the video have a good time and have a good
laugh but before we do that maybe I'll tell your mom that you love her
she's a batter of life eats away what is she doing oh my god
let me just say this is not gonna ruin your relationship your person videos of
you guys breaking up about like 20 times don't play that bullshit Ken I know your
games two months ago a ton of youtubers did this video I was like yeah that's
kind of weird I don't know if I want to sneak into my own girlfriend's house boy
Carly told me this ideal anything I see you're weird you're telling me to do
this fine yeah can I dare you to do this thing where you break into my house
without me knowing and just stalk me with the video camera like I'm not gonna
do anything crazy or weird like I'm not gonna do a drug that Ron feels propane
that's just crazy talk in but you're never gonna do it because you're a pussy
are you all caught up I had my suitcase behind that pie when the coast is clear
I'm gonna sneak into the apartment and the challenge is gonna start he's making
such over-exaggerated hand gestures so guys I'm gonna sneak into the house and
she's going like no idea where I am make sure to smash the like button see
if we can hit 50,000 lights but guys if we smash that like button I will
literally call my dad and tell him that I'm sorry and that I love you so much
and if we do maybe I'll do a part two in Carly's parents house yes at her parents
house where I can sit under the bed with a video camera and watch her parents
have sex oh shit can you fuck anytime now dude you're
talking at a normal voice just because you do this
okay you can definitely see someone walk towards you from the side when you're
playing a video game you see someone you see like their shadow you don't really
see them necessarily but you see their shadow you know I think I'm
overanalyzing this too much over I can make you wonder like where hey guys
inspiration from him stuff like that like where'd he get his ideas from you
oh definitely makes sense now sorry how to make sure my hair looked good on
camera so I don't look like a pussy yeah like back to what I was saying like your
apartments just too small like you can't do it 24 hour challenge and that smile
of an apartment I'm sorry but like your girlfriend also might be pretty stupid
so I won't be that hard to hide anyways
whoa whoa whoa did you just drop an fu bomb on me Ken
damn that was that was crazy raise what
your girlfriend so we're gonna get the Oscar with this performance Ken he's
gonna have the glider is a goal to get them chips right there so this plane is
to go under the table and get chips from the gaming desk but uh you know there's
just one problem there you know there's just one big giant problem
she's my fucking married
I'm like waiting first thing crazy to happen you know like he's just gonna be
filming her in his corner you know awesome and then like she's gonna start
looking scared and stuff like that and then like she's gonna whip out a pack of
cocaine I put it on the table and then like and Kim's gonna make what what just
stop doing cocaine in my house and then I like all the columns they're gonna be
like wait your house isn't your girlfriend's house or both of your guys
houses because like the computer literally says skin on it like it says
her name and she's logged into your for night account apparently so how do you
explain that and then he's just gonna be like shit I told Carly body or so ago
that I had this box that came in just to chill a little something inside don't
worry about it we'll open up later I'm gonna hide inside I made a little hole
for it ever gonna see what happens
hey who are you barking at because it can't be my boyfriend tracking my every
move with the camera that is now hiding behind a box that has a whole missing
unfortunately Hey are you barking at
I've been here this whole time totally not once actually all I could just
imagine is like her waking up and kids like I got you got you and there's like
another guy in bed and then she's like kid what are you
doing back so early like hiding hiding herself you know I didn't like he's like
babe who's this
alright guys you just saw the montage next video you'll see the rest here's
why it's called black sheep there's some people who don't believe in you these
people look at you differently because they think your dream is stupid that
your dream is different that's why you're the black sheep and that's what
we stand for people who are gonna make a difference no matter if no one believes
in you you are the black sheep guys black sheep isn't most original youtuber
brand ever created on this fucking website it's not like any other youtuber
that may come to mind that starts with the L and M P watching this video since
it's so easy to break into someone's house without them knowing I decided to
try it on my friend if I have long hair in that video it's because I have a
superpower where I can grow my hair out any time I want any color I want any way
I want fuck you alright guys alright its deacon to my
friends of Brian's house I've learned to fucking scare the shit out no I'm
actually gonna stay in there for 24 hours my dad but you know he's not gonna
know I'm in there so it's gonna be fucking crazy oh thank you last 24 hours
guys be sure to leave a like down the comments leave a comment down saying umm
ah fuck my friend
I know sir I'm gonna do it
alright that's about it for I have today what um be sure to follow me on it
Instagram snapchat and Twitter if you want to keep in touch with me or
up-to-date with me yeah and tweet me something and you know maybe I'll put in
my next video but yeah that's all I happened
oh it should new video my girlfriend has the same yes do you want me to shave
your head but to everything I say what iswhat internal any night calling in a
fan no mother don't you bet it to cut imagine it drop the roof moist mansion
Java cookie Costanza color in the shade from my ass until you
love of a tsunami for each other not $100 free we have these trees to keep
pull up in a demon on God
Dad Blogs about New Garbage Can? Minimalist approach! - Duration: 5:07.What's up everybody, Kjell here! I want to talk to you a little bit today about garbage!
Oh bruddah!
Alright, so for the longest time I used to have the smallest
garbage can on the block... and I just want to save that little bit of money. But
recently I decided to switch to the largest garbage can on the block. No more
baby garbage can. No more mid sized garbage can. I got the big one! So why am
I talking to you about garbage cans? If you've been on YouTube for a while
you've probably seen Minimalism just about everywhere. It's about clearing out
the things in your life that you don't really care about and getting rid of all
the garbage that doesn't bring value to your life. You see, I come from a family
of Hoarder. My dad would always be going to garage sales.
My mom would keep all her old books. Our entire basement was filled with crap. And
back then I used to live at home, so, being the good son I am, I decided to
throw away most of their crap. And they were very sentimental about some of
these things. You see my mom was a teacher and she grew up with not a lot
of things, so she valued things like books and newspaper articles... Things that
she thought would bring her value. But the problem with it is that she would
just hold on to it! And yeah, some of those things might have been valuable at
one time, but it'd been like 10 years since she even opened some of these
boxes. My dad didn't really care about his stuff as much as my mom, but he would
just stack things on tables, and in crannies, and behind things. My house was
a mess! And yeah, maybe it wasn't as bad as in
that TV show Hoarders, but it was really difficult to live with. Now I've never
been quite as bad as them, but I picked up some of their tendencies. In the last
7 years I've been with my wife, we've moved around a lot of crap. Boxes full of
old clothes. Old Christmas ornaments that are pointless. Books I'll never read
again. And even in our current place, we're starting to run out of room.
Yeah our place looks nice for the most part, but there's a lot of space that we
could be using for more important things that we're not using because it's just
full of crap! Now I'm not some extreme minimalist. My
house isn't gonna be sparse. But my main point is that I want to get rid of all
this crap that I'm probably never gonna use. And yeah, some of the things are
gonna be important to me. Sentimental even. My plan is to take pictures of those
things so that yeah, if I want I can look at them and I can remember them. And there are probably
gonna be things that I'm gonna throw away that I regret throwing away. Like, "oh
crap, I bought this new thing, and I need another USB cord, and I just threw away
20 USB cords." Oh good thing we got Amazon Prime! So yeah, I might be getting rid of
a few things that I might regret, but I guarantee that like 98% of the stuff I'm
gonna be getting rid of I won't care about. And that is why I decided to upgrade
to the new garbage can! Oh my god! It's so large and spacious! Look at all the space!
Look at all the crap I can put in here! Yeah! What What! So probably the most
practical reason we're doing this is because we wanted to have a play place
for our son Ender. You see, we have a third floor loft that is being used
basically as a storage room and kind of a computer room. If you wanted you could
probably have two people sleeping up there just fine. But instead, our cat is
using it basically as a litter box. So yeah, there's a lot of crap in a lot of
our house that we want to get rid of. I've already cleaned out the fridge, some
of the shelving... but there's a lot more to go. I'm gonna show you guys in a
second what we got going on upstairs. Oh, and a little PS: we're gonna be donating
some of our stuff. So don't worry, it's not going all in the garbage.
I am excited to have a larger
garbage can. If you've done something similar and decided that you want to
clean up things in your life, let me know in the comments below! I hope that this
video will inspire some of you guys to get rid of some of the crap in your lives that you don't need
Hey thanks for watching this video! If you liked it, hit
the thumbs up button. If you want to see more videos like it, hit the subscribe
button. And as always: this is Talks from (with) Da.
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