Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 11 2018

This game's hard 難しいわ…

Whyyy... ? な~~~んで…?

Why do you hurt my feelings so much? どうしてそこまで私の心を傷つけるの?

lol www

What's up, guys? ハロー、みんな♪

Welcome back to M... 萌恵メトロ線に…

What the frick なんてこと…

Minecraft マインクラフトだわ

with Minecrafter Moe クラフターの萌恵…

Yo! Yo!

I-I gathered some resources 素材を集めておいたわ

I'm somewhat more well prepared かなり準備してきたの

Ooh! Meat! Yes, please あら!肉があったわ

Creeper! クリーパーじゃない!

Back off! あっち行って!

I don't have ti... 相手をしているヒマは…

Ooh! Meat! Yes, please 肉じゃない!もらうわね

Oh, what the heck, Enderman! もうっ!エンダーマンがいるわ!

What the heck are you doing? あなた一体何やってるの?

... the frick? …え?

Stop! 待って!

You're scaring me! 怖いじゃないの!

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Well, this is where we saved ここでセーブしたのよね

Umm うーん…

I guess we should just make another もう一つセーブポイントが必要だわ

I don't want to kill you guys though あなたたちをキルしたくないのよ

I think I've killed enough of you もう十分仕留めてきたと思うし…

Well, let's just go to じゃあ、向こうの方まで

over there 行ってみましょう

I wonder... そうね…

are cheats allowed here? チートしてもいいかしら?

Oh, don't look at that! 見ないでよ!

lol www

I cheated! チートしたわ!

I cheated to make it morning, OK? コマンドで時間を朝にしたのよ!

Don't look at that, OK? 見ないでちょうだい、OK?

It's fine 大丈夫よ

Don't talk about it, OK? 今のことは黙っててね?

It's fine 大丈夫よ

It-look! …見て!

All I did was change 時間を朝に…

lol www

change it to day! 変えただけよ!

It's fine 大丈夫!

Let's not die to a stupid spider again またクモにやられないようにするわよ

You can't trust that place! That place sucks! あんなサイテーな場所を信じちゃダメ!

But I really like the woods, so I do want to go back there でも森は好きだし…あっちまで戻りたいわ

But the place sucks! あの森はサイテーだけどね!

Screw it, we're going in there もうっ、行くわよ

I'm sorry, you guys, but I have to kill you ごめんなさいね、キルしないといけないの

All right, let's go in there いいわ、行きましょう…

What happened here? 何が起きたわけ?

Oh! I hear them! クモの音が聞こえたわ!

Frick this! 最悪!

No! もうっ!

Leave me a-ugh ちょっと待って…あれ

What's in there, though? …何かここにあるの?

This place looks like hell 今にも崩れそうだわ

Ahh! ああっ!

Oh, shoot, yeah もう…最悪…

Ah! アアッ!

Ah!! アッ!

Ah!!! アッ!

Ah!!!! アッ…!

OK, bye OK、バーイ…

I'm gone 私はもう行くわ

Nope, screw that もうっ、最悪ね…

I wanna find a place to call home 拠点になるような所を見つけたいわね

I wanna find, uh... それと…あっ…

what the world has to offer このMODって何があるのかしら

Let's get a pet doggie or something ワンちゃんとかペットが欲しいわ

OK, this place looks like heck OK、この場所もサイテーみたいね

What? え?

* gasp * ハッ…

Can I be friends with you? フレンズになれるかしら?

Please? ねえ?

I'm lonely! 私は独りなの!

An ocelot オセロットだわ

Aww, I don't have fish 魚は持ってないのよね…

I think that's what you feed it 魚を食べると思うんだけど

OK, well OK…

I guess, uh そうね…

we'll have to part ways, ocelot ここでお別れだわ、オセロットちゃん

Whoa! あら!

What is this? なんなのよ!?

Look at this place! あれを見てよ!

Oh... aw, dang it! あっ…もうっ!

It's loading! データをロードしてるわ!

Stop loading! ロードはやめて!

Hi, doggie! ハーイ、ワンちゃん!

Oh, Jesus Christ! なんてことなの!

What's going on? 何が起きてるのよ?w

Maybe the adventure was too much for me 私のPCには重すぎるのかしら

I don't have any bones, so I can't befriend anyone 骨は持ってないし、友達にはなれないわね

Where's the trees? あの木はどこなの?

It's over there? 向こうかしら?

What's up, yo! ハロー!

* gasp * ハッ…

Oh, shoot! 最悪…!

Ah! キャッ!

Ah!! アアッ!

Ah!!! アッ!

Shit! もう!

Shit!! もう!

Shit!!! もうっ!

Shi-shit! もうっ!

Shi-shi-shit! もうっ!!

No! (x1) ダメ…

No! (x2) ダメ

No! (x3) ダメ

No! (x4) ダメ

No! (x5) ダメ!

No! (x6) ダメ!

No! (x7) ダメッ!

I'll get one-shot... きっと一撃で…

No, stop! 待ってよ!

Leave me alone! 一人にさせて!

Ah! アアッ!

Shoot! もう…!

We'll go here こっちに行きましょう

It's fine きっと大丈夫よ

Oww もう…

My legs! 脚が!

Ah! あっ…!

Whoa! うわっ…!

Ah! ああーーーっ!

Ahh!! アーッ!


Well そうね…

Am I just gonna die here? もうここで死んじゃっていい?

Eh, you know what? いいでしょ?

Screw it 最悪…

We're gonna go cheating, guys チートしちゃうわよ…

It's fine 大丈夫…

It's fine 大丈夫よ

I'm just going to get the necessities like a 必需品を入手するわ

water-freaking-bucket 水をブチ込むバケツとか

lol w

I'll get the, uh それと…

the stone stuff 石系のアイテムね

'cause I don't like cheating in, uh, too expensive stuff チートで高ランクのアイテムを取るのは嫌だもの

lol www

It's fine 大丈夫よ

You know what? いい?

Maybe we should cut out the cheating チートしてるところは編集でカットできるわ

Come on, guys ほら、みんな…

Cut me some slack 見逃してちょうだいね

I die, like, so many times 本当に何回も死んじゃったわw

Let's not kill anymore sheepies これ以上羊ちゃんを始末しないようにしましょう

Let's just get the fricking bed, yeah よし、ベッドを作るわよ

Ah, we'll like put in a bunch of beds 大量のベッドを置いておきましょうw

Look ねえ…

Moe tried, OK? 萌恵ちゃんは頑張ったのよ、いい?

I tried 挑みはしたわ

That's what matters それが大事なの

Look, we're back to normal mode さて、通常のモードに戻りましょう

with a bunch of beds this time 大量のベッドと一緒にねw

Ugh あっ…

That place sucks サイテーの場所だわ

Can't I just cheat my way there? チートで一気に行けないの?

Come on, guys みんな…

Cut me some slack! 大目に見てちょうだい!

I died so many times 本当に何回も死んだのよ

I can't be bothered to mine stuff もう採掘するのは嫌なの

That's so much work 大変すぎるわ

It's fine 大丈夫よ…

It's fine 大丈夫…

Oh, this is new! 新しい場所だわ!

You know what? ねえ?

Maybe I should, like きっと…

set home before going in there 向こうに行く前に拠点を作るべきよね

That's what I do いつもみたいに

It's fine 大丈夫ね…

Just さて…

It's okay いいんじゃない?

just じゃあ…

set it to midnight 夜にしましょう

Go sleep 眠るわよ

Don't die 死なずにね

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It's fine これでいいの…

All right よし

Now we have our set point, here ここにセットポイントを作ったわ

Er, save point …セーブポイント

Did we go in that tower? あのタワーには行ったかしら?

We'll just explore 探索しましょう

er, you know what? ねえ…

Maybe we should just, like, avoid this spot ここは避けた方がいいのかも

Oh, yeah そうね!

Let's じゃあ…

let's avoid this spot さっさと行きましょう

We're not going there あそこには行かないわ

Like, screw that やってらんない…

From now on, we're avoiding all towers これからタワーは全部避けていくわよ

Ah! アアーッ!

lol w

No. ダメ…

No.. ダメ…

No... ダメ…

Stop 待って…

Leave me alone 待ってちょうだい

You guys あなたたち…

e-everyone is so みんな…

e-ah! アアッ!

Ow! あっ!

That hurts! 痛いじゃない!

That really hurts! ホントに痛いわ!

Let's go in this giant triangle tree, or whatever 大きな三角形の木か何かの所に行きましょう

Ah あっ…

shoot! もうっ!

Stop it! ちょっと!

Leave me alone! 来ないでよ!

I just wanna live! 生き残りたいだけなの!

I just wanna 私はただ…

I just wanna set up a home 拠点を作りたいだけなのよ!

Start a さて…

Oh, what the heck! なんだってのよ!

Those are those jungle spiders! あのクモがいるじゃない!

Craap! もうっ!

I'll take my chances over here! あっちに行ってみるわ!

Ugh ああっ…


Please don't tell me there's sharks in this game このゲームにサメがいるなんて言わないでね

No ちょっと…

No! えっ!

You can swim!? 泳げるの!?

No, spider いえ、クモは…

* gasp * ハッ…

* Moe noises * ふぅーい…

No (x1) ダメ!

No (x2) ダメ!

No (x3) ダメ!

No (x4) ダメ!

Ugh あっ…

You know what? あれ?

You're normal, it's fine 普通のクモなら大丈夫よ

Stop ちょっと…!

Ah! アアッ!

Stop! 待ってよ!

I ねえ…

Let me ちょっと

Stop it (x1) 待って

Stop it (x2) 待って…

Stop it (x3) 待って…!

Stop it (x4) 待って

Stop it (x5) 待って…

No, no! ダメ!

No, stop! やめてよ!

Stop! もうっ!

What? え?

What level of difficulty is 難易度はどうなってるのよ…

I set it on hard!? ハードモードなの!?

What the heck would I do that? 私…一体何やってるのよ?

You know what? じゃあ

We're これから…

we're going easy, guys イージーモードでいくわよ

This is dumb バカだったわ

lol www

This is これって…

this is dumb 本当にマヌケだわ

Maybe that's why I've been dying だからあんなに死んでたのね

What the heck なんなのよ…

When the hell did I put it on hard mode? 一体いつハードモードに設定しちゃったのよ?

From now on, we're going easy これからはイージーで行くわ

Give me my dirt 土をちょうだい

Give me それと…

give me my crafting table 作業台もちょうだいね

Look まあ…

It's fine いいのよ

I don't want to keep getting my dirt 土を掘るのはもう嫌なのよw

lol www

It's so much work ホントに大変だから!


Maybe I won't die anymore もう死にたくないわね

I-I've died so many times before ホントに何回も死んじゃったもの

It's fine まあいいわ

I'm used to dying 死ぬのにも慣れてきたし

It's kind of like Steins;Gate シュタインズ・ゲートみたいな感じよ

except Minecraft マインクラフトだけど

Do you know how many times-- 俺が何回!

how many <i>dozens</i> of times--I failed!? 何十回失敗したと思ってる!

Just, no, screw off ちょっと…邪魔よ

Just-oh, wrong thing! …ああっ、ダメ!

No ダメ!

Ow あぅ…

No もう…

It's fine 大丈夫よ

No ほら…

It's fine 大丈夫だってば

Stop it! やめて!

You're hurting my feelings! 私の心を傷つけないで!

Stop it! やめて!

You're hurting me! 痛いじゃないの!

Oh, look あら…!

Oh, Jesus Christ! なんてこと!

That's not very family friendly! 全年齢向けじゃないわ!

Look at this! 見てよ!

Can I pick up your body? 死体は拾えるかしら?

No 無理?


You guys don't have anything good here あなたたちってホントにいいとこなしね!

We'll go with the それじゃあ…

easy イージーに…

Oh, crap! ああっ!もう!

Don't ちょっと…!

Oh, no! もうっ!

Yeah ええ…

I have skillz, too 私だって戦えるのよ

Oh, sh-crap! ちょっと…もうっ!

Stop it! やめてよ!

Oh, I have an idea! 今いい案を思いついたわ!

Besides cheating チート以外で

Besides cheat... チートは…

Oh あっ…

Look! ねえ!

Back off! 引っ込んでて!

Almost there もう少しだわ

Good よし…!

Back off! 邪魔よ!

I don't have time for the likes of you! あなたたちに割くヒマはないの!

Easy mode イージーモード…

I like easy mode イージーモードが好きだわ

You've hurt my feelings enough もう十分私の心を傷つけたでしょ?

OK, yay OK、イェイ!

We're getting somewhere, guys さて、どこかに行きましょうか?

We're not getting one-shot again もう一撃で倒されることもないわ

Uh, I need my water back, please 水を戻さないといけないわね…

Ah あっ!

Oww あーぅ…

What do you なんなのよ

Whoa, you're invisible! もうっ!透明じゃない!

What? なんなの!?

That's called cheating! それってチートって言うのよ!

And don't spray your web stuff at me クモの巣を撒くのもやめて

Ah! あっ!

Stop it! やめてよ!

Look さて…

Leave me alone, guys みんな消えてちょうだい

I've had enough of your crap もうあなたたちはこりごりだわ

Oh, crap もうっ…

No ダメっ

No, what's go... 一体何が…

Ahh あぁっ…

This game's hard 難しいわ…

And I put it on easy mode イージーモードにしたのに…

Whyyy... ? な~~~んで…?

Why do you hurt my feelings so much? どうしてそこまで私の心を傷つけるの?

lol www

We're gonna explore 探索を続けるわ

We're gonna stay away from the towers タワーは避けていくわよ

I promise 約束するわ

we're gonna stay away from them もうタワーには近づかないわよ

until we have some armor that we actually got 防具を手に入れるまではね


You know what? ねえ…

Maybe we should go out to sea 海に出るべきだと思うわ

Let's go explore 探索しましょう

the, uh えっと…

the world, guys この世界をね

It'll be like One Piece, except I'm alone ワンピースみたいにね…私は一人だけど

and this place kinda sucks あとこの場所は最低だしw

Here さて…

lol ww

Here's my little crappy boat しょぼいボートだわ

Oh おっと…

Let's go ahead and look at the world この世界を見に行きましょう

Let's find そして何かを…

Oh, crap もうっ!

There's ice here 氷が張ってるわ

lol www

Oh, crap ああっ!

I broke my boat ボートが壊れたわ!

No! もうっ!

Whyyy...? な~~んで…?

lol www

That never happened, OK? 今のはなかった、いい?

So much for my One Piece journey ワンピースみたいな冒険はここまでね

Another tower? またタワー?

No イヤ

We're staying away from towers タワーには近づかないわよ

It feels like the world wants me to go in a tower, for some fricking reason この世界、どうやら私をタワーに行かせたいみたいね

Why is there so many towers? なんでこんなにタワーがあるのよ?

Is this like, um, Magi? マギみたいだわ

No, we're not going there いえ、私は行かないわよ

We're not ready 準備できてないもの

We're not meant to be a Chosen One 選ばれし者でもないし

Oop あっ…

Ah! アアッ!

Ah!! アアーッ!

There's sharks in this game? このゲーム…サメがいるの?

Why is this game どうして…

You know what? いいでしょ?

No もう…

Screw it やってらんないわ!

We're going peaceful 「ピースフル」モードにするわよ

You know what? Let's just make this a いい?これから…

creative クリエイティブな

Minecraft experience マインクラフトを始めるわw

* Moe noises * あーぅ…

Everything tries to kill me みんなが私を消そうとしてくるわ

You can't, like, give me some slack? 手加減とかできないわけ?

Can I just have one day without dying? 一日だってまともに生き残れないの?

You guys are あなたたちは…

You're breaking me 私を壊してるのよ

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You're mentally breaking me 私のメンタルを壊してるのよw

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Let's find a biome, OK? バイオームを探すわよ

We'll find a biome バイオームを見つけて…

set up a home 拠点を作るわ

hopefully live there そこに住んで…

maybe get married 結婚もしたりして…

do a YouTube career YouTuberのキャリアを築きたいわ

Whatever people do in this game 遊び方なんて私の自由でしょw

Is this where we were going? ここって私が向かってた場所?

There's no more sharks もうサメはいないわね

It should be safe 安全なはずだけど…

Come on, let me explore the world この世界を探索させてちょうだい

Is there, like, another village here? ここにも村はあるかしら?

You know what? ねえ?

Maybe we should go in there こっちに向かうべきね

Let's just go see 見に行ってみましょう

* gasp * ハッ…

Oh, there is a villa... あら、ここに村が…

Ow あぅ…

lol wwwww

I'll leave you guys alone あなたたちはこのままにしておくわ

I'm not gonna mess with you 倒すつもりはないわよ

What? ん?

I've never been here, right? ここに来たことはないわよね?

Why is this place all destroyed? どうしてあちこち壊されてるの?

Ow! あぅ!

What is this place? この場所って何なの?

Oh, Jesus Christ! なんてこと!

How big is どれだけ広いのよ…

Yo-ugh あっ…

OK, well まあいいわ…

I can fly 飛べるからw

No, look まあ…

It's fine いいのよ

After all the abuse I've taken ここまでひどい目に遭わされて

I've suddenly become, like, a 私は覚醒したのよ…

a superhero スーパーヒーローにね

Come on, let me go through さて、探索してみましょう

Thanks ありがと

It's dark and spooky! 暗くて不気味だわ!

Screw it! We're cheating! もうっ!チートするわよ!

I don't care anymore! もうどうでもいいわ!w

Make it dawn 夕方にしたわ

Look, it's fine ほら…大丈夫よ

It's fine 大丈夫

Maybe きっと…

lol www

It's fine 大丈夫w

Stop judging me! 私を責めないでよ!

This place sucks, OK? ここってサイテーでしょ?


Just give me a water bucket and the アイテムをちょうだい、バケツと…

the necess ひつじゅ…

necessities 必需品ね

There ya go これでよし

Crafting table... 作業台に…

Gimme that あとは…

Gimme wood 木材もちょうだい

My wood 木材に

My dirt 土に

My dignity... 私の尊厳…

We're still in peaceful mode, but we'll change that up soon まだピースフルモードなのよ、でもすぐに変えるわよ

I promise 約束するわ

I just 私はただ…

I just wanted to stop dying for once, you know? 今回は死にたくないだけなのよ

lol www

I'm getting PTSD from it now このゲームのせいでPTSDになったわ

We're not going near towers anymore もうタワーには近づかないわよ…

What the frick? あれ?

Actually, that's an easy tower 簡単な塔だわ

It's, like, right there すぐそこに家があるじゃない

That's perfect! 完璧ね!

Right next to a house 家のすぐ隣だもの

Ah! アッ!

Oh! あっ…!

Ohh, it was just a shadow ああ…ただの影だったわ

It's fine 大丈夫

It's fine 大丈夫よ

I'm not gonna fall, right? 落ちないわよね?


Hi, friends! ハーイ!

You guys are, like, the only nice people to me 私に優しいのはあなたたちだけだわ

besides the NPCs それとNPCね

I hate deserts, to be honest 正直砂漠は嫌いだわ

I don't want to go there あっちにも行きたくないわね

* exasperated Moe noises * ハーッ…!

There's towers everywhere! そこら中にタワーがあるわ!

They just want me to go in there 私に行かせたいわけね…

Is this a challenge for Moe? 萌恵ちゃんへの試練ってこと?

Come on! よし!

Let's just go! 行くわよ!

Come on, let me live! 私を生き残らせてね!

Oh, shoot! あら!

This is pretty cool! クールだわ!

Look! 見て!

My kind is here! 私のタイプがいるわ!

My Squidward! イカルドよ!

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Hi, people! ハーイ、みんな!

What's up, yo! 調子はどうYo!

You mind if I, ah もし良かったら…

Ugh あっ…

You know what? I'm gonna live here ここに住みたいんだけど


We've made it far, guys やっとここまで来たわ

We actually got somewhere ようやく進歩できたわね

We die, like, so many times 本当に何度も死んじゃったわ

that I'm getting PTSD from all the times I'm dying 死ぬ度にPTSDになってるわよ

But, anyway, I'll leave it off at here とにかく…今回はここまでね

Hopefully not die next time 次回は死にたくないわ

Thanks for watching the video ここまで見てくれてありがとう!

Leave a like 高評価や

subscribe チャンネル登録

and maybe look at the Patreon Patreonも見てくれると嬉しいわ

Anyway, I'll see you guys later さて、また次回会いましょう!

Buh-bye! バイバーイ!

For more infomation >> The secret to win at minecraft! [Minecraft voidswrath #2] - Duration: 12:47.


야망있는 삶 vs. 만족하는 삶 [일방적소개팅2] EP.2 - Duration: 11:41.

I'm curious about if you think that an individual's voice can make a big impact on the society?

20 people were recruited to be blind date participants

One-sided Blind Date

I chose female participant 7

because I found her radiant smile to be beautiful

What am I going to do? This is so embarrassing

- Hello - Hello

I saw your clip and chose you because your radiant smile was pretty

Thank you

Male Answers the given question

Female Chooses the option they want



"Break" Mountain vs Ocean

I'm done

For me, the ocean


- You must like the ocean? - Yeah, I do like the ocean

and don't particularly like the mountain

- Ah, really? - Yes

I really like playing in the water Me too

What type of water activities do you like?

Although I can't swim,

, I like floating in water. It feels really nice.

I usually take my vacations at the beach too

-...Okay - Okay

"If your partner goes to the club"

"If your partner goes to the club" You are bothered vs You don't care

I think it's okay to go,

but I'm sure it will bother me

Ah, you absolutely don't care?

Normally when people say they are bothered,

they call often, are very concerned,

- and how do I say it, [the person clubbing] becomes a subject of suspicion - Yes

- I would like if both parties trusted each other - Being careless?

and were not caught up on little things

What I mean when I say, "it's okay to go but I will be bothered," is that if I can get my lover to fall for me,

then even if they get approached by others at the club, it should be okay.

- You are confident - Yes, I'm confident

Because they've fallen for my charms. Your confidence is very…

Your confidence is very…

No, just saying that it would be good to go with firm trust in each other

Yeah, that's nicely said

"Spending money and time, just to see a pretty sight"

"Spending money and time, just to see a pretty sight" Spend vs Not spend

I tend to spend

You tend to spend, too?

Things that are not practical at all,

things that have no use but are beautiful.. I'm curious if you are the type to spend money on them

There are a lot of those. I like seeing the sunset.

Things like these are useless in some sense.

They might be considered useless, but I spend time to see these things.

but I spend time to see these things.

- I also like going to boutiques and looking at cute things - Uhm

Even when eating dinner,

- turning on pretty lights, - Ah right

- Lighting up candles, - You are right

- I think are nice - Right

That's why I bought an LED candle.

I like stuff like that.

Aren't most people like this?

- No, - No?

- There are many people who aren't like that - Oh, really?

- There are many people who are more practical - Really?

- Yeah - ...



- It's already the time for mid-inspection? - Really?

First, she is more beautiful in person than from the video clip.

She is also better at speaking her mind than I thought.

Also I got a glimpse of her positivity,

which makes our tendencies seem similar, too.

Things seem to be better than I was worrying about

He really seems to be a very decent person.

And when he speaks, he has a little bit of a dialect accent,

which I found to be really cute.

And how do I say it, he seems to be really healthy.

His mind seems to be healthy



"When an uncomfortable topic arises in a public place,"

"When an uncomfortable topic arises in a public place," You move on for now vs You talk about it

I choose to move on for now

You would want me to talk about it, right?

- I'd appreciate it if you would - Ah

Is there a level of sensitivity to the topic?

Doesn't everyone have the same level which they feel uncomfortable at?

Actually, no, is it different?

If it's at the level everyone feels uncomfortable in, I would discuss it too

Have you experienced anything like it?

That kind of experience?

I can't think of anything specific right now,

but when something uncomfortable comes up,

I try to at least address it jokingly by saying things like, "These days you can get arrested for saying that."

If it's not that kind of situation

and me saying something would actually bring an awkward atmosphere,

- I'd be more careful to speak up. - Ah..

And I'd consider each relationships too.

- I'd consider everything - Ah..

- I am the queen of causing awkward atmospheres. - Oh really?

Are you upfront about it?

- Yeah, I tend to say things right away. - You do?

When too many things are passed by and ignored like that,

- You are right, they might never know their faults. - Yes

Do you have such experiences?

- There are a lot - Oh really?

Stuff like that happen a lot in small situations

But when you act that way, your image is also impacted.

You might be viewed as someone who is always pointing things out.

You don't care about that?

People probably avoid speaking up because that's a something they care about?

- You right. They usually talk around... - Yes, but....

- But a problem is a problem - You usually point things out right away

And it can also come back to me as well. Those kind of words?

I see...

- You should point things out too - Me?

In a public setting?

I may or may not, depending on the circumstances

"More important to me"

"More important to me" Self-development vs Societal change


I have to think about it for a bit

I feel like you would've chosen societal change.

For me, it's self-development

- Oh, self-development? - It's really nice to know your answer.

- I think it's best for both of us to go at the same time - Me too

So I chose self-development.

I say individuals come first, but we should also care for the society as well.

That's why we should vote.

- Yes - This question we agreed on;

because of the previous questions, I thought you would've chosen societal change

I'm the queen of causing uncomfortable situations

and a "professional discomfort-er" (a slang for people who are easily offended) in that sense,

but I still think that I need to choose good things to fight for

So are you saying that you are selective about things you fight for?

It came out weird. That's not really what I meant.

For example,

if uncomfortable topics came up at company or family get-togethers,

I would point them out,

but I'm not the type to be fighting about them online in the comments section

because that's too consuming for me

Then do you speak up because you want to influence those around you?

Because you think they can change?

Not so much that I want to change them my own way,

- but more so because their words are hurtful towards me? - Ah right

I'm curious about if you think that an individual's voice can make a big impact on the society?

Umm, I wish we could use new methods

because I wonder if there are more effective ways to handle things.

I think that those are issues within the structure of the society

and can be viewed as mistakes caused by ignorance.

If those people were the type to be changed after being taught,

they would've already learned from the news.

So there needs other institutional method

or company training;

I think it's good for the higher powers to approach them.

- Because if individuals dealt with them, it would cause so many fights. - Uhm..

That's that

"Current attitude towards my life"

Content and happy vs Ambitious

- Did you choose? - Yes

- For me, it's content and happy. - Ah

- I love that phrase - Ah, really?

Do you make efforts to be content?

I think I've always lived busily

so I think I want my partner needs to be more relaxed

- Oh so you want your partner to be this way - Yes

- Is that me? Someone who is content and happy? - ...

I'm sorry

- You are full of confidence - No, not really.

Anyway, I try my best to be content.

But also not to fall behind by being too content either,

since we live in a competitive society

- It's okay to fall behind - Oh really?

When I say that I like someone who is happy and content,

I mean someone who goes, "I don't really know (care)!" in a competitive situation

- Oh really? - I think I like that type of person.

. Ones who make you wonder, "is it okay to live like that?"

Really.. I do think it's important to have the attitude to make best efforts.

I don't think it's good to give up so easily.

Live by working hard, while being content

Because we are always told to achieve things.

- Especially Korea. - Right

I feel like when one chooses to escape that route, they are considered losers.

But when I see people courageously choosing that, I find it to be respectable

Though it's not easy, that is a more respectable decision

Final decision

- It's already time for the final decision? - It's already?

- But we did talk a lot - Yeah we did

Interested in dating Send an O X accordingly

Ah, the fact that we have make a decision so quickly

- Did you send it? - Yes

I sent mine too

This is so odd.

- Because it's with someone I don't know anything about... - Right

- I don't even know your name yet. - ... It's weird

How was it today?

I really came not even knowing your face and spoke to you.

It was nice

because there were variety of questions asked without any stereotypes

and we were able to get to know each other through them.

If I were to be given more information ahead,

a different image would've been formed

Because we talked right away without even knowing each other's names.

It was a fun experience

The light will turn off on the side that sent an X

For more infomation >> 야망있는 삶 vs. 만족하는 삶 [일방적소개팅2] EP.2 - Duration: 11:41.


Bollywood Celebrities Who Come to Bollywood From Royal Families - Duration: 4:17.

Bollywood Celebrities Who Come to Bollywood From Royal Families

For more infomation >> Bollywood Celebrities Who Come to Bollywood From Royal Families - Duration: 4:17.


Režisér na ni ušil boudu. Sharon Stone v Základním instinktu původně rozkrok ukazovat neměla - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Režisér na ni ušil boudu. Sharon Stone v Základním instinktu původně rozkrok ukazovat neměla - Duration: 7:01.


Is Ice Cube Responsible for LeBron in LA?? - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Is Ice Cube Responsible for LeBron in LA?? - Duration: 3:57.


Moving Day! by Robert Munsch Read Aloud by Books Read Aloud For Children - Duration: 6:19.

Moving Day!

By Robert Munsch.

Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.

On moving day, Danielle's mother and father were running around and putting everything into boxes.

Her dad was yelling, "The moving truck is coming, the moving truck is coming!"

Her mom was yelling, "In boxes, in boxes! Everything in boxes!"

Danielle was standing in the middle of the living rom, wondering what to do.

Her mother said, "Danielle, don't just stand there. Do something. Pack something. Take care of the little kids. Take care of your little sister."

"Okay," said Danielle.

Julianne was playing in her bedroom.

Danielle picked her up, put her in a box with some pillows, and taped it all around.

Her mother came by and said, "Danielle, did you take care of your little sister?"

"Definitely taken care of," said Danielle.

"Good. Well, do something else. Take care of your little brother."

"Right," said Danielle.

She went and found her brother and said, "How are you doing, Christopher?"

"I'm doing fine," said Christopher.

"Good," said Danielle.

She picked him up and put him in another box with some blankets.

She packed towels all around and taped it up.

Her mother came by and said, "Oh, Danielle, you are being so quiet and so nice.

Have you taken care of Julianne and Christopher?"

"Oh yes," said Danielle, "I've taken care of them just fine."

"Good," said her mother. "Well, pack something else up. Go help Laurin."

So Danielle went up to Laurin's room.

She pushed Laurin into a box of stuffed animals, covered her up with the toys, and taped it all over.

Then Danielle went to her mom and said, "I'm done with Laurin. What should I do now?"

"Go help Rylan," said her mom.

Danielle went into Rylan's room.

Rylan was standing in the middle, singing.

"Now that's useful," said Danielle, and she pushed Rylan into a box of sweaters.

Rylan said all kids of horrible things and Danielle didn't say anything.

Finally the truck came and movers were taking out the boxes.

Danielle's mother said, "Danielle, you are being so quiet and all the other kids are being so quiet. You did a wonderful job with them. Where are they?"

"In the boxes," said Danielle.

"I packed them in boxes and taped them all up."

"OH NO!" said her mother.

"We have to stop and get them out!"

But her dad said, "Wait a minute. The moving truck is here and we can't stop. We'll get them out at the other end."

So they jumped into the car and followed the truck down the road to the new house.

They got all the boxes out and piled them up.

Danielle's mom and dad looked at the boxes and said, "So, where are they?"

"Well," said Danielle, "you've just got to listen."

She put her ear to one box and heard "La la, la-la, la-la," and she said, "That's Julianne. She's in there. She's singing."

Her mom opened the box, and Julianne was fine.

Danielle listened to another box and heard "Thumpy-thump, thumpy-thump, thumpy-thump."

She said, "Ohhh, that must be Christopher, he's kicking."

Her dad opened the box, and Christopher was fine.

Danielle listened to another box and heard "Zzzz, zzzz, zzzz, zzzz."

She said, "That's Laurin, she's sleeping."

Her mother opened the box, and Laurin was fine.

Danielle listened to another box and heard someone yelling,


and she said, "That's Rylan. He's mad about something."

Her father opened the box, and Rylan was fine.

And her parents had lots of time to unpack because the little kids spent the next three days chasing Danielle,

trying to put HER into a box.

For more infomation >> Moving Day! by Robert Munsch Read Aloud by Books Read Aloud For Children - Duration: 6:19.


Cat Videos Can Help Us Talk About the Tough Stuff - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Cat Videos Can Help Us Talk About the Tough Stuff - Duration: 4:55.


Ice Cube Couldn't Get In to N.W.A.'s First Listening Party - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Ice Cube Couldn't Get In to N.W.A.'s First Listening Party - Duration: 2:39.


Ice Cube: The New Funkadelic - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Ice Cube: The New Funkadelic - Duration: 4:07.


12 Days of Christmas Sweaters 2018: Day 4 - Duration: 3:34.

-Hey, guys, we have exactly nine shows left

before we go on Christmas break, which means it's time for

that beloved "Tonight Show" tradition.

It's time for "12 Days of Christmas Sweaters.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-♪ 12 days of Christmas Sweaters, nine days left ♪

-That's right, every show between now and Christmas,

We will be giving one lucky audience member

a breathtaking Christmas sweater

from the "Countdown to Christmas" cabinet.

Now, since there are nine shows left,

let's open door number nine.

[ Drum roll ]



[ Cheers and applause ]

Wow. Wow.

Not bad.

Not too shabby there.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Snowman head.

Little snowman head. There you go.

Guys, let's see who is going home with tonight's sweater.

Everyone, look at your seat number.

If I call your number, I need to you jump up,

let me know where you are.

Quest, can I get a drum roll, please?

[ Drum roll ]


Who wants me to pick their number?

[ Cheers and applause ]


This is fantastic. Oh, my gosh.

-I'm so honored! -Oh, my gosh.

-I'm so honored! -This is unbelievable.

I didn't have to walk up the steps or anything.

[Light laughter]

It's, like, so convenient.

-I feel just as lazy. -No, we have time.

This is great. We do. We have, like, a similar body.


[ Light laughter ]

-Like Babies'R'Us had a sale. -No, no. It looks great.

Thank you--can you hold this? -Yeah, sure.

-What is your name? -Mike.

-Mike, where you from? -I'm from Long Island.

-Hey! -Smithtown--

-Where you from? -Smithtown, Long Island.

-Smithtown, Long Island. Welcome. Well, thank you.

[ Applause ]

I know how cold it gets there, Long Island.

-Yes. -Do you have anything

like this guy?

Let me see if I can get that snow globe --

you might have to do, like, a handstand.

[ Light laughter ]

You might have to do a handstand. And then--

-I can do a handstand. -Yeah, every time--you can?

-I think I can, yeah. -Really?

-Yeah. -Want to try--

Well, put this on first. -Okay.

[ Light laughter ]

-We're getting more

than we bargained for. This is fantastic.

Thanks again for being here. Oh, I can already tell--

it feels nice and cozy? -Oh, my gosh.

Where's it from? -One of a kind.

-Oh, yeah. -Ooh. Wow.

[ Cheers and applause ]

This guy's got something.

Do you want to try doing a handstand?

-I could try doing a handstand. -Do you want to do it here or--

or where do you want to do it?

On the steps? -Wherever--

-Probably right here would be best.

Do you want to help me, make sure he doesn't get hurt?

Do you want to hold this? -You want to be facing--

-I guess we'll be facing that way. If that's-- yeah.

All right. Stop moving back. [ Light laughter ]

I don't know where you're going to end up.

-I don't know-- -If you lay on the ground,

we can lift you legs up.

Or do you want to try to go for it?

-Okay, I'm going to wing it. -Okay, he's going to wing it.

Get ready to get his back. What's your name again?

-Dalton. -What?

-Dalton. -I just need to know

for the lawsuit. Okay, perfect.

[ Laughter ] [ Drum roll ]

Yep. -Go.

-Oh, my gosh.

[ Cheers and applause ]


Oh, my gosh. Fantastic!

Hey, thank you, brother.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Thank you so much. -Thank you, Dalton.

I appreciate it. Thank you, buddy.

Thanks again to our lucky audience member.

For more infomation >> 12 Days of Christmas Sweaters 2018: Day 4 - Duration: 3:34.


얼라이언스를 위하다가 그만.. - 히오스 "꿀잼"의 순간들 (HGC #39) - Duration: 8:00.

The Hundred Crack Fist of the North star!

You're already dead.


Oh, no

and his name is john cena

get out

get out

get out

get out

Why do you keep pushing me?



ZERO : I think I've got a bug.

Are you sure about that?

Tell me what you want me to do I can be

You tensho cry

I am Justice


The opponent


What the hell is he doing?

What what

Submit your video ->

Plz Subscriptions, good, Alarm Settings

For more infomation >> 얼라이언스를 위하다가 그만.. - 히오스 "꿀잼"의 순간들 (HGC #39) - Duration: 8:00.


ELO (엘로) - '나 홀로 집에 (Home Alone)' Lyric Video (ENG/CHN/JPN) - Duration: 2:54.

Small room filled with the sound of clock hands ticking

A winter day that's chilly and blue

Leaning on the edge of this year

I gaze at the vacancy

The passionate heart

That moment we shined

The times we wanted to lock up the time

So we could last forever

The change of heart

The days that came to a halt

With the emotionless words

All the days all the nights

Same amount of time has passed,

emotion is near equilibrium

Now I see outside the window,

the snow blankets the night

All the days all the nights

Same amount of time has passed,

emotion is near equilibrium

Now I see outside the window,

the snow blankets the night

All the days all the nights

Same amount of time has passed,

emotion is near equilibrium

Now I see outside the window,

the snow blankets the night

For more infomation >> ELO (엘로) - '나 홀로 집에 (Home Alone)' Lyric Video (ENG/CHN/JPN) - Duration: 2:54.


Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 VTi XS KLIMA_NAVI_PANO_PDC V+A_LMV. - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 VTi XS KLIMA_NAVI_PANO_PDC V+A_LMV. - Duration: 1:09.


Trump's White House Chief of Staff John Kelly Steps Down - Duration: 3:08.

-I have good news.

If anyone here wants to be

President Trump's chief of staff,

just raise your hand and the job is yours.

[ Laughter and applause ] Huh, maybe? No?

That's right.

President Trump's chief of staff John Kelly

is leaving the White House.

It won't take long to pack up his office,

because the only things in his desk are some Tylenol

and a bottle of vodka.

[ Laughter ]

[ Applause ]

You can tell Kelly is happy about it.

I mean, look at -- just look at John Kelly last week, right?

Now here he is right after he quit.

Not bad. You know what I'm saying?

[ Cheers and applause ] Not bad.

-Not bad at all. -Good looking dude.

Pretty good looking guy. -Wow!

-Well, now the administration is looking for a new chief of staff

to bring order to the White House

and improve Trump's behavior.

which explains their first choice -- Mary Poppins.

[ Laughter, applause ]

Actually, one of Mike Pence's aides

was expected to replace Kelly, but he turned Trump down.

You know you're a tough guy to work for when someone says,

"Thanks, but I'd rather be stuck in a room all day

with Mike Pence.

[ Laughter, applause ] That's more fun for me."

I heard that several of Trump's top choices

don't want the position.

At this point, the only job tougher to fill

than chief of staff is host of The Oscars.

[ Light laughter ]

Some more news.

Trump has nominated a former "Fox & Friends" host

to be his ambassador to the U.N.

Then he nominated Peppa Pig to be his ambassador to the U.K.

"Could you bring George?

I like dinosaurs."

[ Light laughter ] I saw that this weekend,

Trump attended the Army versus Navy football game,

where he went on the field

and shook hands with the players.

Then he whispered to each one of them,

"Will be my chief of staff?

Will be my chief of staff? Will you be my chief?"

Listen to this -- the Secret Service is testing

new facial recognition technology

to enhance security at the White House.

But it's having a little trouble

correctly identifying people's faces.

I'll show you what I mean.

For example, it thought Rudy Giuliani was...

a pair of chattering teeth, and that's not --

That's not the case. -That's not?

-Next up, it thought Vice President Mike Pence

was a Kohl's mannequin, and that's --

[ Laughter ]

Next, it thought Senator Lindsey Graham was

Kenneth the Page --

oh, from "30 Rock." -Really?

-I love Kenneth the Page. -I love Kenneth!

-He's great.

Next up, it thought Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was...

a smiley old baseball mitt.

[ Laughter ]

And last, it thought Treasury Secretary

Steven Mnuchin was...

McLovin -- There he is.

[ Laughter and applause ] That's not McLovin.

-It's not. -"You were so funny, dude."

"No, I'm not McLovin."

And finally, this is going viral.

A family in Texas went all out

with their Christmas lights this year

and even set them to music.

Watch this.

-♪ Baby shark, doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo ♪

♪ Baby shark, doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo ♪

♪ Baby shark, doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo ♪

♪ Baby shark ♪

[ Laughter ]

-If you want to know what their neighbors think about it,

watch "Dateline" this Friday night on NBC.

Guys, we have a great show tonight.

Give it up for The Roots! [ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> Trump's White House Chief of Staff John Kelly Steps Down - Duration: 3:08.



I wish I have some Hubba Bubba

What? Who did this?


Leo chubby boy!

Wait for it

Hubba Bubba!

Hubba Bubba!

Hubba Bubba!

Hubba Bubba!

What the...

What happened to me?

Leo chubby boy!

Hubba Bubba!

Hubba Bubba...

A Giant Hubba Bubba Max!

Where is my Hubba Bubba?

Oh no!

Now, it's a super tiny Hubba Bubba max

Hubba Bub...!

There is only one Hubba Bubba, huh?

You think you can do better?

Hubba Bubba Buffet T-Shirt!

Wow, so cool!

Guys, leave us your comment below, which is your favorite T-Shirt?

My Hubba Bubba Buffet T-Shirt or Leo's Candy Buffet T-Shirt?

Team BB

Team Leo

One more thing guys, always share with everyone...Sharing is caring

Leo chubby boy!

Give it back...

Banh Bao's gonna have a big surprise

Time to wake up

I'm all set

It's time to dress up


Good morning, Banh Bao!

Game on, Leo!

Hi Banh Bao!

Leo chubby boy



Guys, stay tuned you're gonna have a best laugh ever

Leo won't know the different

Butter? It's must be Banh Bao did this

Banh Bao!

Do you want some toast with it?

Smells so good!

For more infomation >> CÁC TRÒ TROLL HUBBA BUBBA ĐỘC LẠ!! BÁNH BAO vs LEO! - Duration: 10:49.


GOT MY OLD 400HP S15 BACK! - Duration: 12:58.

Strut brace ffs

For more infomation >> GOT MY OLD 400HP S15 BACK! - Duration: 12:58.


Miniature cake cooking☺︎Merry Christmas! ~クリスマスケーキ&苺サンタクロース~ - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Miniature cake cooking☺︎Merry Christmas! ~クリスマスケーキ&苺サンタクロース~ - Duration: 6:44.


Sean Hayes Thinks 'Will & Grace' Guest Stars Are Great - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Sean Hayes Thinks 'Will & Grace' Guest Stars Are Great - Duration: 1:44.


Live Doppler 13 Sunrise forecast - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Live Doppler 13 Sunrise forecast - Duration: 2:11.


【ENG SUB】 [리치/영웅리그][Genji] 또 너프된 겐지, 리치식 운용법 / Heroes Of The Storm_Rich - Duration: 20:28.


(Twitch Donation) ₩ 2.5k per Dragon Claw kill. Deal?

I have to kill Falstad with Shuriken

Only Genji can do that

World class long jumper

That's good Mirror Images stacks

Scared? Judy you scared of me?

Gotta poke him

Judy needs to be damn poked with Shuriken

Push slowly to prevent our Gnolls get hit from the tower

(Twitch Donation) I will accept kills within 2 secs after using Dragon Claw

Too late! Already chose Shuriken Mastery

I don't care about ₩ 2.5k

HL points are important

Of course I would go for Dragon Claw if it was ₩ 5k

Even if I had to kill with Dragon Claw

It's good place for Mephisto!!

Enemies are strong in late game, so we have to gain some advantages now

Wasting time in objective is bad for us

Help me...!!

No benefits at top lane

Other lanes as well

(In Game Chat) Rich : Check the Boss camp

Arghh too late

Ana, you should channel it while Diablo is dealing with the Guards

(In Game Chat) Diablo : Disgusting character, Samuro

(In Game Chat) Rich : That character can hardly show its strength if HotS users' overall quality improves

(In Game Chat) Ana : Will that day come?

(In Game Chat) Diablo : I think that hero is still useful against me

That hurts!

(Twitch Chat) Samuro's burst damage is insane

Yeah, I think Samuro's burst damage needs nerf

I know it cuz I use it

After lv 16 talent,

Stealth, AA, W.. Two Critical Strikes

will just take 50% of your health

Problem with that hero is, it's less risk and high return

Especially when you choose Illusion Master

Of course there's one risk : player's own ability

They are playing macro...

Huh? What are you doing?

(In Game Chat) Rich : I'll take care of him. Help others

I just gotta cast Hearthstone

(In Game Chat talking about LOL)

(In Game Chat) Rich : We need to take one Keep down to prevent them playing macro

I will be so upset if I die

(Heart Attack....)

(In Game Chat) Rich : That really stresses me out...

(In Game Chat) Rich : Try Boss

Judy just trolled kkkkkk

What a troll

He delivered chicken to us lol

(In Game Chat) Li-Ming : Can we?

(In Game Chat) Rich : Yes, kill Samuro if you can

Whoa, Nano boosted Li-Ming!

Ana's so pity

Ignore Samuro

Only Core

X-Strike ending!!!

For more infomation >> 【ENG SUB】 [리치/영웅리그][Genji] 또 너프된 겐지, 리치식 운용법 / Heroes Of The Storm_Rich - Duration: 20:28.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban | Leder | LED - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban | Leder | LED - Duration: 1:12.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Activity Edition - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Activity Edition - Duration: 1:12.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Sports Tourer AMG Line - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Sports Tourer AMG Line - Duration: 0:53.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | STYLE | AMBITION | LICHT&ZICHT PAKKET - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | STYLE | AMBITION | LICHT&ZICHT PAKKET - Duration: 0:58.


고기듬뿍! 김치찌개 비석밥? ASMR 소리 먹방~MUKBANG~Kimchi Stew Eating Sounds キムチチゲ - Duration: 17:35.

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b^^d = Prumir


Today's menu is kimchi stew, egg roll, rice.

Thanks for the food.

Let's eat!

Meat juicy and kimchi taste is very good. It is really delicious.

For more infomation >> 고기듬뿍! 김치찌개 비석밥? ASMR 소리 먹방~MUKBANG~Kimchi Stew Eating Sounds キムチチゲ - Duration: 17:35.



I wish I have some Hubba Bubba

What? Who did this?


Leo chubby boy!

Wait for it

Hubba Bubba!

Hubba Bubba!

Hubba Bubba!

Hubba Bubba!

What the...

What happened to me?

Leo chubby boy!

Hubba Bubba!

Hubba Bubba...

A Giant Hubba Bubba Max!

Where is my Hubba Bubba?

Oh no!

Now, it's a super tiny Hubba Bubba max

Hubba Bub...!

There is only one Hubba Bubba, huh?

You think you can do better?

Hubba Bubba Buffet T-Shirt!

Wow, so cool!

Guys, leave us your comment below, which is your favorite T-Shirt?

My Hubba Bubba Buffet T-Shirt or Leo's Candy Buffet T-Shirt?

Team BB

Team Leo

One more thing guys, always share with everyone...Sharing is caring

Leo chubby boy!

Give it back...

Banh Bao's gonna have a big surprise

Time to wake up

I'm all set

It's time to dress up


Good morning, Banh Bao!

Game on, Leo!

Hi Banh Bao!

Leo chubby boy



Guys, stay tuned you're gonna have a best laugh ever

Leo won't know the different

Butter? It's must be Banh Bao did this

Banh Bao!

Do you want some toast with it?

Smells so good!

For more infomation >> CÁC TRÒ TROLL HUBBA BUBBA ĐỘC LẠ!! BÁNH BAO vs LEO! - Duration: 10:49.



Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir

Arthur Conan Doyle referring to himself as a consulting detective in the stories

Homs is known for his proficiency with observation forensic science and logical

reasoning that borders on the fantastic which he employs when investigating

cases for a wide variety of clients including Scotland Yard first appearing

in print in 1887 sa study in scarlet the characters popularity became widespread

with the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine beginning with a

scandal in Bohemia in 1891 additional tales appeared from then until 1927

eventually totaling four novels and 56 short stories all but one now set in the

Victorian or Edwardian eras between about 1880 and 1914 most are narrated by

the character of Holmes's friend and biographer dr. Watson who usually

accompanies Holmes during his investigations and often shares quarters

with him at the address of 221 B Baker Street London where many of the stories

begin though not the first fictional detective Sherlock Holmes is arguably

the best-known with Guinness World Records listing him as the most

portrayed movie character in history Holmes's popularity and fame are such

that many have believed him to be not a fictional character but a real

individual numerous literary and fan societies have been founded that pretend

to operate on this principle widely considered a British cultural

icon the character and stories have had a profound and lasting effect on mystery

writing in popular culture as a whole with the original tales as well as

thousands written by authors other than Conan Doyle being adapted into stage in

radio plays television films video games and other media for over 100 years

Edgar Allen Poe's single coupon is generally acknowledged as the first

detective in fiction and sir as the prototype for many that were

created later including Holmes Conan Doyle once wrote each of Poe's detective

stories is a route from which a whole literature has developed where was the

detective story until Poe breathed the breath of life into it

similarly the stories of Emile Gabor iou's Monsieur Le Coq were extremely

popular at the time Conan Doyle began writing homes and home speech and

behavior sometimes follow that of la cop both do pond and Lacock are referenced

at the beginning of a Study in Scarlet Conan Doyle repeatedly said that Holmes

was inspired by the real-life figure of Joseph Bell a surgeon at the Royal

Infirmary of Edinburgh whom Conan Doyle met in 1877 and had worked for as a

clock like Holmes Bell was noted for drawing broad conclusions from minute

observations however he later wrote to Conan Doyle you are yourself Sherlock

Holmes and well you know it 10 certainly Little John share of medical

jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh medical school is also cited

as an inspiration for Holmes little John who was also police surgeon

and medical officer of health in Edinburgh provided Conan Doyle with a

link between medical investigation and the detection of crime other

inspirations have been considered one is thought to be francis tankey Smith a

policeman and master of disguise who went on to become Lester's first private

detective citation needed another might be Maximilian Heller by French author

Henrico vane it is not known if Conan Doyle read Maximilian Heller but he was

fluent in French and in this 1871 novel sixteen years before the first adventure

of sherlock holmes Henrico vane imagined a depressed antisocial polymath

cat-loving and opium smoking Paris based detective details about Sherlock Holmes

life are scarce in Conan Doyle's stories nevertheless mentions of his early life

and extended family paint a loose biographical picture of the detective an

estimate of Holmes's age in his last boat places his year of birth at 1850

for the story set in August 1914 describes him as sixty years of age his

parents are not mentioned in the stories although Holmes mentions that his

ancestors were country Squires in the adventure of the Greek

interpreter he claims that his grandmother was sister to the French

artist Vernay without clarifying whether this was Claude Joseph Karl or Horace

Verney Holmes's brother Mycroft seven years his senior is a government

official Mycroft has a unique civil service position as a kind of human

database for all aspects of government policy he lacks Sherlock's interest in

physical investigation however preferring to spend his time at the

Diogenes Club Holmes says that he first developed his methods of deduction as an

undergraduate his earliest cases which he pursued as an amateur came from

fellow university students a meeting with the classmates father led him to

adopt detection as a profession and he spent several years after university as

a consultant before financial difficulties led him to accept John H

Watson as a fellow lodger the to take lodgings of 221 B Baker Street London

and apartment at the upper north end of the street up seventeen steps life with

Watson Holmes worked as a detective for 23 years with physician John Watson

assisting him for 17 they were roommates before Watson's 1888 marriage and again

after his wife's death their residence is maintained by their landlady mrs.

Hudson most of the stories are framed narratives written from Watson's point

of view as summaries of the detectives most interest in cases Holmes frequently

calls Watson's writing sensational and populist suggesting that it fails to

accurately and objectively report the science of his craft detection is or

ought to be an exact science and should be treated in the same cold and

unemotional manner you have attempted to tinge it a study in scarlet with

romanticism which produces much the same effect as if you work to love story some

facts should be suppressed or at least a just sense of proportion

should be observed in treating them the only point in the case which deserved

mention was the curious analytical reasoning from effects to causes by

which I succeeded in unraveling it Sherlock Holmes on John Watson's

pamphlet the sign of the four nevertheless Holmes his friendship with

Watson is his most significant relationship when Watson is injured by a

bullet although the wound turns out to be quite superficial Watson is moved by

Holmes's reaction it was worth a wound it was worth many wounds to know the

depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask the clear hard

eyes were dimmed for a moment and the firm lips were shaking for the one and

only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain all my

years of humble but single-minded service culminated in that moment of

revelation 20:2 practice Holmes clients vary from the most powerful monarchs and

governments of Europe to wealthy aristocrats and industrialists to

impoverished porn brokers and governesses he is known only in select

profession circles at the beginning of the first story but is already

collaborating with Scotland Yard however his continued work in the publication of

Watson's stories raises Holmes profile and he rapidly becomes well-known as a

detective so many clients ask for his help instead of or in addition to that

of the police that Watson writes by 1895 Holmes has an immense practice police

outside London asked Holmes for assistance if he is nearby even during a

vacation a prime minister and the king of bohemia visit 221 B Baker Street in

person to request Holmes's assistance the government of France Awards him its

Legion of Honour for solving a case the king of Scandinavia is a client and he

aids the Vatican at least twice the detective acts on behalf of the British

government in matters of national security several times and declines a

knighthood for services which may perhaps someday be described

the great hiatus the first set of Holmes stories was published between 1987 and

1893 wishing to devote more time to his historical novels turmoil killed off

Holmes in a final battle with the criminal mastermind professor James

Moriarty in the final problem published 1893 but set in 1891 legend has it that

Londoners were so distraught upon hearing the news of Holmes death that

they wore black armbands in mourning however there is no known contemporary

source for this the earliest known reference to such events comes from 1949

after resisting public pressure for eight years Conan Doyle wrote the Hound

of the Baskervilles serialized in 1901 no 2 with an implicit setting before

Holmes's death in 1903 Conan Doyle wrote the adventure of the empty house set in

1894 Holmes reappears explaining to a stunned Watson that he had faked his

death to fool his enemies the adventure of the empty house marks the beginning

of the second set of stories which Conan Doyle wrote until 1927 Holmes

aficionados refer to the period from 1891 to 1894 between his disappearance

and presumed death in the final problem and his reappearance in the adventure of

the empty house as the great hiatus the earliest known use of this expression is

in the article Sherlock Holmes and the great hiatus by Edgar W Smith published

in the July 1946 issue of the Baker Street Journal retirement in his last

boat Holmes has retired to a small farm on the Sussex Downs and taken up

beekeeping as his primary occupation the move is not dated precisely but can be

presumed to predate 1904 since it is referred to retrospectively in the

second stain first published that year the story features Holmes and Watson

coming out of retirement to aid the war effort only one other adventure the

adventure of the lion's mane takes place during the detectives retirement Watson

describes homes as bohemian in his habits and life

dile described by Watson in the Hound of the Baskervilles as having a cat-like

love of personal cleanliness combs is an eccentric with no regard for

contemporary standards of tidiness or good order in many of the stories Holmes

dives into an apparent mess to find a relevant item in the adventure of the

musgrave ritual Watson says although in his methods of thought he was the

neatest and most methodical of mankind he keeps his cigars in the coal-scuttle

his tobacco in the two end of a Persian slipper and his unanswered

correspondence transfixed by a jackknife into the very center of his wooden

mantelpiece he had a horror of destroying documents

thus month after month his papers accumulated until every corner of the

room was stacked with bundles of manuscript which were on no account to

be burned and which could not be put away saved by their own the detective

starves himself at times of intense intellectual activity such as during the

adventure of the Norwood builder wherein according to Watson Holmes had no

breakfast for himself for it was one of his peculiarities that in his more

intense moments he would permit himself no food and I have known him to presume

upon his eye and strength until he has fainted from pure in addition while the

detective is usually dispassionate and cold during an investigation he is

animated and excitable he has a flair for showmanship preparing elaborate

traps to capture and expose a culprit often to impress observers his companion

condones the detectives willingness to bend the truth or break the law on

behalf of a client lying to the police concealing evidence or breaking into

houses when he feels it morally justifiable but condemns Holmes

manipulation of innocent people in the adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton

Holmes derives pleasure from baffling police inspectors with his deductions

and has supreme confidence bordering on arrogance in his intellectual abilities

while the detective does not actively seek Fame and his usually content to let

the police take public credit for his work he is pleased when his skills are

recognized and responds to except for that of Watson Hamzah voice

casual company in the adventure of the Gloria Scott he tells the doctor that

during two years at college he made only one friend I was never a very sociable

fellow Watson I never mixed much with the men of my year

the detective is similarly described in a study in scarlet as shooting practice

during a period of boredom Holmes decorates the wall of his Baker Street

lodgings with a patriotic VR Victoria Regina in bullet pox from his revolver

Holmes relaxes with music in the red-headed league taking the evening off

from a case to listen to pablo de sara sato play violin his enjoyment of vocal

music particularly vogner is evident in the adventure of the red circle drug use

Holmes in a blue bathrobe reclining against her pillow and smoking his pipe

1891 Sidney Paget strand portrait of Holmes for the man with the twisted lip

Holmes occasionally uses addictive drugs especially in the absence of stimulating

cases he uses cocaine which he injects in a 7% solution with a syringe kept in

a Morocco leather case although Holmes also dabbles in morphine he expresses

strong disapproval when he visits an opium den both drugs were legal in 19th

century England as a physician what some strongly disapproves of his friend's

cocaine habit describing it as the detectives only vice and concerned about

its effect on Holmes his mental health and intellect dot in the adventure of

the missing three quarter Watson says that although he has weaned Holmes from

drugs the detective remains an addict whose

habit is not dead but merely sleeping Watson and Holmes both used tobacco

smoking cigarettes cigars and pipes although his chronicler does not

consider Holmes is smoking advice per se Watson a physician occasionally

criticizes the detective for creating a poisonous atmosphere in their confined

quarters finances the detective is known to charge clients for his expenses and

claim any reward offered for a problem so

such as in the adventure of the speckled band' the red-headed league and the

adventure of the Beryl coronet in the problem of thor bridge the detective

says my professional charges are upon a fixed scale I do not vary them save when

I remit them altogether in this context a client is offering to double his feet

and it is implied that wealthy clients habitually pay homes more than his

standard fee in the adventure of the Priory school Holmes earns a 6 Camus

low fee an amount that surprises even Watson at a time where annual expenses

for a rising young professional were in the area of five hundred however in the

adventure of black Peter Watson notes that Holmes would refuse to help even

the wealthy and powerful if their cases did not interest him although when the

stories begin Holmes needed Watson to share the rent for their residence by

the time of the final problem he says that his services to the government of

France and the royal family of Scandinavia had left him with enough

money to retire comfortably attitudes towards women as Conan Doyle wrote to

Joseph bell Homme Caesars in human heirs of Babbage's calculating machine and

just about as likely to fall in love Holmes said in the valley of fear I am

NOT a hole sold admirer of womankind and in the adventure of the second stain

finds the motives of women inscrutable how can you build on such quicksand

their most trivial actions may mean volumes their most extraordinary

conducts may depend upon a hairpin or a curling tongs in the sign of the four he

says I would not tell them too much women are never to be entirely trusted

not the best of them Watson says in the adventure of the copper beeches that the

detective inevitably manifested no further interest in the client when once

she had ceased to be the center of one of his problems in the lion's mane Tom's

rights women have seldom been an attraction to me for my brain has always

governed my heart indicating that he has been attracted to women in some way on

occasion but has not been interested in pursuing relationships with them

ultimately however in the adventure of the

Devils foot he claims outright that I have never loved at the end of the sign

of four homes states that love is an emotional thing and whatever is

emotional is opposed to the true cold reason which I place above all things I

should never marry myself lest i bias my judgment

despite his overall attitude Holmes is adept at effortlessly putting his

clients at ease and what some says that although the detective has an aversion

to women he has a peculiarly ingratiating way with them Watson notes

in the adventure of the dying detective that mrs. Hudson is fond of Holmes

because of his remarkable gentleness and courtesy in his dealings with women he

disliked and distrusted the sexes but he was always a chivalrous opponent in the

adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton the detective easily manages to become

engaged under false pretenses in order to obtain information about a case but

also abandons the woman once he has the information he requires Irene Adler

Irene Adler is a retired American opera singer and actress who appears in a

scandal in Bohemia although this is her only appearance she is one of only a

handful of people who best Holmes in a battle of wits and the only woman for

this reason Adler is the frequent subject of pastiche writing the

beginning of the story describes the high regard in which Holmes holds her to

Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman I have seldom heard him mention her

under any other name in his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of

her sex it was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler yet

there was but one woman to him and that woman was the late Irene Adler of

dubious and questionable memory five years before the story's events Adler

had a brief liaison with Crown Prince of Bohemia Wilhelm von ormstein as the

story opens the prince is engaged to another fearful that the marriage would

be called off if his fiance's family learns of this past impropriety ormstein

hires holmes to regain a photograph of Adler and himself Adler slips away

before Holmes can succeed her memory is kept alive

by the photograph of Atlin at homes received for his part in the case and he

refers to her from time to time in subsequent stories shortly after meeting

Holmes in the first story a Study in Scarlet generally assumed to be 1881

though the exact date is not given watson assesses the detectives abilities

knowledge of literature nil knowledge of philosophy nil knowledge of astronomy

nil knowledge of politics feeble knowledge of botany variable welled up

in belladonna opium and poisons generally knows nothing of practical

gardening knowledge of geology practical but limited tells at a glance different

soils from each other after walks has shown me splashes upon his trousers and

told me by their color and consistency in what part of London he have received

them knowledge of chemistry profound knowledge of anatomy accurate but

unsystematic knowledge of sensational literature immense he appears to know

every detail of every horror perpetrated in the century plays the violin well is

an expert single stick player boxer and swordsman has a good practical knowledge

of British law Arthur Conan Doyle a study in scarlet subsequent stories

reveal that Watson's early assessment was incomplete in places and inaccurate

in others due to the passage of time if nothing else at the end of a Study in

Scarlet Holmes demonstrates a knowledge of Latin despite Holmes's supposed

ignorance of politics in a scandal in Bohemia he immediately recognizes the

true identity of Count von kramm his speech is peppered with references to

the Bible Shakespeare and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and the detective

quotes a letter from Gustav flow bare to George sand in the original French at

the end of a case of identity poems courts Hathor's in the Hound of the

Baskervilles the detective recognizes works by Martin NOLA and Joshua Reynolds

Watson won't allow that I know anything but but that is my jealousies since our

views upon the subject differ in the adventure of the bruce-partington plans

Watson says that Holmes lost himself in a monograph which he had undertaken upon

the polyphonic motets of Lassus considered the last word on the subject

Holmes is also a Crypt analyst telling Watson in the adventure of the dancing

men I am fairly familiar with all forms of secret writing and am myself the

author of a trifling monograph upon the subject in which I analyze 160 separate

ciphers in a Study in Scarlet Holmes claims to be unaware that the Earth

revolves around the Sun since such information is irrelevant to his work

after hearing that fact from Watson he says he will immediately try to forget

it the detective believes that the mind has

a finite capacity for information storage and learning useless things

reduces one's ability to learn useful things the latest stories move away from

this notion in the valley of fear he says all knowledge comes useful to the

detective and in the adventure of the lion's mane the detective calls himself

an omnivorous reader with a strangely retentive memory for trifles Holmes

demonstrates a knowledge of psychology in a scandal in Bohemia luring Irene

Adler into betraying where she hid a photograph based on the premise that an

unmarried woman will save her most valued possession from a fire another

example is in the adventure of the blue carbuncle where Holmes obtains

information from a salesman with a wager when you see a man with whiskers of that

cut and the pink on protruding out of his pocket you can always draw him by a

bet I dare say that if I had put 100 pounds down in front of him that man

would not have given me such complete information as was drawn from him by the

idea that he was doing me on a wager Maria konnikova points out in an

interview with DJ Grove that Holmes practices what is now called mindfulness

concentrating on one thing at a time and almost never multitasks she adds that in

this he predates the science showing how helpful this is to the brain 49

homes the in deduction though the stories always refer to homes

intellectual detection methodology as deduction he primarily relies on

abduction inferring an explanation for observed details from the drop of water

he writes a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara

without having seen or heard of one or the other in a scandal in bohemia' homes

in first that Watson had got wet lately and had a most clumsy and careless

servant girl when Watson asks how Holmes knows this the detective answers it is

simplicity itself my eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe just

where the firelight strikes it the leather is scored by six almost parallel

cuts obviously they have been caused by someone who is very carelessly scraped

around the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it hence you see

my double deduction that you had been out in vile weather and that you had a

particularly malignant boot slitting specimen of the London slavey in the

first Holmes story a study in scarlet dr. Watson compares Holmes to see a

goose do bomb Edgar Allan Poe's fictional detective who employed a

similar methodology alluding to an episode in the murders in the Rue Morgue

where do pond determines what his friend is thinking despite their having walked

together in silence for a quarter of an hour Holmes remarks the trick of his

breaking in on his friends thoughts with an apropos remark is really very showy

and superficial nevertheless Holmes later performs the same trick on Watson

in the adventure of the art world this methodology allows homes to learn a

strangers occupation and other details he observes the dress and attitude of

his clients and suspects noting skin marks such as tattoos contamination such

as ink stains of clay on boots emotional state and physical condition in order to

deduce their origins in recent history thus Thailand state of wear of a

person's clothes and personal items are also commonly relied on in the stories

Holmes is seen applying his method to walking-sticks

pipes hats and other objects Holmes does employ deductive reasoning as well the

detectives guiding principle as he says in the sign of the four and other

stories it's when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however

improbable must be the truth despite Holmes remarkable reasoning

abilities Conan Doyle still paints him as fallible in this regard this being a

central theme of the adventure of the yellow face forensic science though

Holmes is famed for his reasoning capabilities his investigative technique

relies heavily on the acquisition of hard evidence many of the techniques he

employs in the stories were at the time in their infancy

for example Scotland Yard's fingerprint bureau opened in 1901 the detective is

particularly skilled in the analysis of trace evidence and other physical

evidence including latent prints such as footprints hoof prints and shoe and tire

impressions to identify actions at a crime scene a Study in Scarlet the

adventure of silver blaze the adventure of the Priory school the Hound of the

Baskervilles the Boscombe Valley mystery using

tobacco ashes and cigarette butts to identify criminals the adventure of the

resident patient the Hound of the Baskervilles handwriting analysis and

graphology the adventure of the Reigate Squire the man with the twisted lip

comparing typewritten letters to expose a fraud a case of identity using

gunpowder residue to expose to murderers the adventure of the Reigate Squire

comparing bullets from two crime scenes the adventure of the

house analyzing small pieces of human remains to expose to murders the

adventure of the cardboard box and an early use of fingerprints the Norwood

builder because of the small scale of much of his evidence

the detective often uses a magnifying glass at the scene and an optical

microscope at his Baker Street lodgings he uses analytical chemistry for blood

residue analysis and toxicology to detect poisons Combs's home chemistry

laboratory is mentioned in the adventure of the Naval Treaty ballistics feature

in the adventure of the empty house when spent bullets are recovered and matched

with a suspected murder weapon disguises poems displays a strong aptitude for

acting and disguise in several stories the adventure of Charles Augustus

building the man with the twisted lip the adventure of the empty house and a

scandal in Bohemia to gather evidence undercover he uses disguises so

convincing that Watson fails to recognize him in others the adventure of

the dying detective and again a scandal in Bohemia Homs feigns injury or illness

to incriminate the guilty in the latter story Watson says the stage lost a fine

actor when Holmes became a specialist in crime fifty-eight agents until Watson's

arrival at Baker Street Holmes largely worked alone only occasionally employing

agents from the city's underclass these agents included a variety of informants

such as Langdale pike the human book of reference upon all matters of social

scandal 59 and shin hwal johnson who acted as Holmes agent in the huge

criminal underworld of London the most well-known of Holmes agents are a group

of street children he called the Baker Street Irregulars

combat pistols Holmes and Watson carry often pistols with them in Watson's case

his old service weapon probably a mark 3 Adams revolver issued to British troops

during the 1870s Holmes and Watson shoot the eponymous hound in the Hound of the

Baskervilles and in the adventure of the empty

house homes pistol-whips Colonel Sebastian Moran in the adventure of the

solitary cyclist the adventure of black Peter and the adventure of the dancing

men Hamzah Watson use a pistol to capture the criminals other weapons as a

gentleman Homs often carries a stick or cane he is described by Watson as an

expert at single stick and uses his cane twice as a weapon in a study in scarlet

Watson describes Holmes as an expert swordsman and in the adventure of the

Gloria Scott the detective practices fencing in several stories a case of

identity the red-headed league the six Napoleon's Pomp's wields a riding crop

described in the latter story as his favorite weapon personal combat the

detective is described or demonstrated as possessing above-average physical

strength in the yellow face hamza chronicler says few men were capable of

greater muscular efforts in the adventure of the speckled band dr. Roya

demonstrates his strength by bending a fire poker in half watson describes

Holmes as laughing if he had remained I might have shown him that my grip was

not much more feeble than his own as he spoke he picked up the steel poker and

with a sudden effort straightened it out again Holmes is an adept bare-knuckle

fighter the adventure of the Gloria Scott mentions that Holmes trained as a

boxer in the sign of the for he introduces himself to McMurdo a

prizefighter as the amateur who fought three rounds with you at Allison's rooms

on the night of your benefit four years back

McMurdo remembers are you're one that has wasted your gifts you have you might

have aimed high if you had joined the fancy in the yellow face Watson says he

was undoubtedly one of the finest boxers of his wake that I have ever seen the

detective occasionally engages in hand-to-hand combat with his adversaries

in the adventure of the solitary cyclist and the adventure of the Naval Treaty in

the adventure of the empty house combs tells Watson that he used a

Japanese martial art known as Barrett su to fling Moriarty to his death in the

Reichenbach Falls Barrett suis Conan Doyle's version of Bartitsu which

combines jiu-jitsu with boxing and cane fencing the detective story although

Holmes is not the original fictional detective his name has become synonymous

with the role the investigating detective such as Agatha Christie's

Hercule Poirot and Dorothy L sayers Lord Peter Wimsey became a successful

character for a number of authors elementary my dear Watson

the phrase elementary my dear Watson is never uttered by Holmes in the sixty

stories written by Conan Doyle he often observes that his conclusions

are elementary however and occasionally calls Watson my dear Watson one of the

nearest approximations of the phrase appears in the adventure of The Crooked

Man when Holmes explains the deduction excellent

I cried elementary said he William Gillette is widely considered to have

originated the phrase with the formulation oh this is elementary my

dear fellow allegedly in his 1899 play Sherlock Holmes however the script was

revised numerous times over the course of some three decades of revivals and

publications and the phrase is present in some versions of the script but not

others the exact phrase as well as closed variants can be seen in newspaper

and journal articles as early as 1909 there is some indication that it was

cliched even then the phrase elementary my dear fellow quite elementary appears

in PG Wodehouse's novel Smith in the City 1909-10

and elementary my dear Watson elementary in his 1915 novel Smith journalist

neither spoken by Holmes the exact phrase elementary my dear Watson is used

by protagonist Tom Beresford in Agatha Christie's 1922 novel the secret

adversary it also appears at the end of the 1929 film The Return of Sherlock

Holmes the first Holmes sound

the phrase became familiar with the American public in part due to its use

in the Rathburn Bruce series of films from 1939 to 1946 the great game Conan

Doyle's 56 short stories and four novels are known as the canon by holmes

aficionados early canonical scholars included ronald knox in britain 70 and

Christopher Morley in New York Morley founded the Baker Street Irregulars the

first society devoted to the Holmes Canon in 1934 the Sherlockian game also

known as the Holmes in game the great game or simply the game attempts to

resolve anomalies and clarify details about Holmes and Watson from the Canon

the game which treats Holmes and Watson as real people and Conan Doyle as

Watson's literary agent combines history with aspects of the stories to construct

biographies and other scholarly analyses of these aspects ronald knox is credited

with inventing the game one detail analyzed in the game is

Holmes's birthdate the chronology of the stories is

notoriously difficult with many stories lacking dates and many others containing

contradictory ones Morley and William baring-gould author of Sherlock Holmes

of Baker Street a life of the world's first consulting detective contend that

the detective was born on the 6th of January 1854 the year being derived from

the statement in his last bow that he was 60 years of age in 1914 while the

precise day is derived from broader non-canonical speculation this is the

date the Baker Street Irregulars work from with their annual dinner team held

in January Laurie R King also speculated about Holmes's birth date she instead

argues that details in the adventure of the Gloria Scott a story with no precise

internal date indicate that Holmes finished his second and final year of

university in 1880 or 1885 if he began University at age 17 his birth year

could be as late as 1868 Combs's emotional and mental health have

long been subjects of analysis in the game at their first meeting in a study

in scarlet the detective warns Watson that he gets in the dumps at times and

doesn't open his mouth for days on end Lesley s clinger has suggested that

Holmes exhibits signs of bipolar disorder with intense enthusiasm

followed by indolent self-absorption John Radford 1999 speculated on Holmes's

intelligence stuff using Conan Doyle's stories as data he applied three methods

to estimate the detectives intelligence quotient and concluded that his IQ was

about 190 Schneider 2004 examined Holmes's methods in the context of mid

to late 19th century criminology societies in 1934 the Sherlock Holmes

Society in London and the Baker Street Irregulars

in New York were founded both are still active although the Sherlock Holmes

Society was dissolved in 1937 and revived in 1951 the London society is

one of many worldwide who arranged visits to the scenes of Holmes

adventures such as the Reichenbach falls in the Swiss Alps the two societies

founded in 1934 were followed by many more first in the u.s. where they are

known as science society's offshoots of the Baker Street Irregulars and then in

England and Denmark there are at least 250 societies worldwide including

Australia Canada the bootmakers of Toronto India and Japan whose society

has 80,000 members fans tend to be called Holmes Ian's in Britain and

Sherlock Ian's in the United States though recently Sherlockian has also

come to refer to fans of the benedict cumberbatch led BBC series regardless of

location museums for the 1951 Festival of Britain

Holmes's living room was reconstructed as part of a Sherlock Holmes exhibition

with a collection of original material after the festival items were

transferred to the Sherlock Holmes a London pub and the Conan Doyle

collection housed in song Switzerland by the office son Adrian both exhibitions

each were the Baker Street sitting-room reconstruction are open to the public in

1990 the Sherlock Holmes Museum opened on Baker Street in London followed the

next year by a museum in marring him near the Reichenbach Falls dedicated to

the detective a private Conan Doyle collection is a permanent exhibit at the

Portsmouth City Museum where the author lived and worked as a physician other

honours the London Metropolitan Railway named one of its 20 electric locomotives

deployed in the 1920s for Sherlock Holmes he was the only fictional

character so honored along with eminent Britons such as Lord Byron Benjamin

Disraeli and Florence Nightingale a number of London streets are associated

with Holmes York Mews south of Crawford Street was renamed Sherlock muse and

Watson's muses near Crawford place in 2002 the Royal Society of Chemistry

bestowed an honorary fellowship on Holmes for his use of forensic science

and analytical chemistry in popular literature making him as of 2017 the

only fictional character thus honoured the popularity of Sherlock Holmes has

meant that many writers other than Arthur Conan Doyle have created tales of

the detective in a wide variety of different media with varying degrees of

fidelity to the original characters stories and setting according to the

alternative Sherlock Holmes pastiches parodies and copies by Peter Ridgeway

wattens Joseph Greene the first known period pastiche dates from 1893 titled

the late Sherlock Holmes it came from the pen of Conan Doyle's close friend J

M Barrie a common past each approaches to create a new story fully detailing an

otherwise passing canonical reference such as an aside by Conan Doyle

mentioning the giant rat of Sumatra a story for which the world is not yet

prepared in the adventure of the Sussex vampire other adaptations have seen the

character taken in radically different directions

or placed in different times or even universes

for example Holmes falls in love and Mary's in Laurie are Kings Mary Russell

series is reanimated after his death to fight future crime in the animated

series Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd century and is meshed with the setting

of HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos in Neil Gaiman's a study in Emerald which won

the 2004 Hugo Award for Best Short story an especially influential pastiche was

Nicolas Myers the 7% solution a 1974 New York Times best-selling novel in which

Holmes's cocaine addiction has progressed to the point of endangering

his career it was made into a film of the same name in 1976 and popularized

the pastiche writing trend of incorporating clearly identified and

contemporaneous historical figures such as Oscar Wilde Aleister Crowley or Jack

the Ripper into tales featuring Holmes something Conan Doyle himself never did

related and derivative writings in addition to the Holmes canon Conan

Doyle's 1898 The Lost special features an unnamed amateur reasoner intended to

be identified as Holmes by his readers the author's explanation of a baffling

disappearance argued in Holmes II and style poked fun at his own creation

similar Conan Doyle short stories are the early the field bizarre the man with

the watches and 1924 how what's and learned the trick a parody of the Watson

Holmes breakfast-table scenes the author wrote other material

especially plays featuring Holmes much of it appears in Sherlock Holmes the

published Apocrypha edited by Jack Tracy the final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

edited by Peter Haiming and the uncollected Sherlock Holmes compiled by

Richard lancelyn green in terms of writers other than Conan Doyle offers as

diverse as Antony Burgess Neil Gaiman Dorothy B Hughes Stephen King Tanith Lee

a a Milne and PG Woodhouse have all written Sherlock Holmes pastiches

notably famed American mystery writer John D

ancar collaborated with Arthur Conan Doyle's son Adrian Conan Doyle on the

exploits of Sherlock Holmes a pastiche collection from 1954 in 2011 Anthony

Horowitz published a Sherlock Holmes novel the house of silk presented as a

continuation of Conan Doyle's work and with the approval of the Conan Doyle

estate a sequel Moriarty was published in 2014 some authors have written tales

centered on characters from the Canon other than Holmes M J trow has written a

series of seventeen books using Inspector Lestrade as the central

character beginning with The Adventures of Inspector Lestrade in 1985 Carol

Nelson Douglas Irene Adler series is based on the woman from a scandal in

Bohemia with the first book 1990s goodnight mr. Holmes retelling that

story from masters point of view Martin Davis has written three novels where

Baker Street housekeeper mrs. Hudson is the protagonist Mycroft Holmes has been

the subject of several efforts entered the Lion by Michael P Hodel and Sean M

Wright 1979 before book series by Quinn for set and 2015 s Mycroft by former NBA

star Kareem abdul-jabbar John Gardner Michael Kurland and Kim Newman amongst

many others have all written tales in which Holmes his nemesis Professor

Moriarty is the main character and follow Jesus by Michael Kurland and

George Mann are entirely devoted to stories told from the perspective of

characters other than Holmes and Watson Laurie R King recreated Holmes in her

Mary Russell series beginning with 1994's the beekeepers apprentice set

during the First World War and the 1920s her Holmes semi-retired in Sussex is

stumbled upon by a teenaged American girl recognizing a kindred spirit he

trains her as his apprentice and subsequently marries her as of 2018 the

series includes 15 novels and a novella tied into a book from King's Kate

Martinelli series the art of detection the final solution a 2004 novella by

Michael Schaben concerns an unnamed but long retired detective interested in

beekeeping who tackles the case of a missing parrot belonging to a Jewish

refugee boy Mitch Collins novel a slight trick of the mind 2005 takes place two

years after the end of the Second World War and explores an old and frail

Sherlock Holmes now as he comes to terms with a life spent

in emotionless logic this was also adapted into a film 2015 s mr. Holmes

there have been a host of scholarly work stealing which airlock Holmes some

working within the bounds of the great game and some written with the

understanding that Holmes is a fictional character in particular there have been

three major annotated editions of the complete series the first was William

baring-gould 1967 the annotated Sherlock Holmes this

two volume set was ordered to fit bearing ghouls preferred chronology and

was written from a great game perspective the second was 1993 the

Oxford Sherlock Holmes general editor Oh in Dudley Edwards a nine volume set

written in a straight scholarly manner the most recent is Leslie cling as the

new annotated Sherlock Holmes 2004 oh five a three volume set that returns to

a great game perspective adaptations in other media Guinness World Records has

listed Holmes as the most portrayed movie character with more than 70 actors

playing the part in over 200 films his first screen appearance was in the 1900

mutoscope film Sherlock Holmes battle doctor Detective has appeared in many

foreign language versions including a Russian miniseries broadcast in November

2013 Williams elects a teen 99 play Sherlock Holmes or The Strange Case of

Miss Faulkner was a synthesis of several Conan Doyle stories in addition to its

popularity the play is significant because it rather than the original

stories introduced one of the key visual qualities commonly associated with

Holmes today his calabash pipe that play also formed the basis for the

Gillette's 1916 film Sherlock Holmes in his lifetime

Gillette performed as Holmes some 1300 times in the early 1900s

H they saints Murray took over the role from Gillette for a tour of the play

between this play and Conan Doyle's own stage adaptation of the adventure of the

speckled band Saints the report read Holmes over 1,000 times Basil Rathbone

played Holmes and Nigel Bruce played Watson in 14 us films 2 for 20th Century

Fox and a dozen for Universal Pictures from 1939 to 1946 and in the New

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on the mutual radio network from 1939 to 1946

before the role of Holmes passed to Tom Conway while the Fox films were period

pieces the Universal films abandoned Victorian Britain and moved to a then

contemporary setting in which Holmes occasionally battled Nazis the 1984-85

Italian / Japanese anime series Sherlock hound adapted the Holmes stories for

children with its characters being anthropomorphic dogs the series was

co-directed by Hayao Miyazaki between 1979 and 1986 Soviet television produced

a series of five television films The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and dr.

Watson the series were split into 11 episodes and starred vasily livanov his

homes and vitaly solomin miss Watson Leviathan was appointed an honorary

member of the Order of the British Empire for a performance ambassador

Antony Brenton described as one of the best I've ever seen Jeremy Brett played

the detective in seven series of Sherlock Holmes for Britain's Granada

television from 1984 to 1994 Watson was played by David Burke in the first three

series and Edward Hardwick in the remainder Brett and Hardwick also

appeared on stage in 1988-89 in the secret of Sherlock Holmes directed by

Patrick Garland BIRT cool spend the further adventures

of Sherlock Holmes starring Clive Maris in his Holmes and Michael Williams /

Andrew sexes Watson based on throwaway references in Conan Doyle's short

stories and novels he also produced original scripts for this series which

was also issued on CD cools had previously dramatized the entire Holmes

Canon for BBC Radio 4 the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes earned Robert Downey jr.

a Golden Globe Award for his portrayal of Holmes and go star Jude Law as Watson

Downey and Laura turned for a 2011 sequel Sherlock Holmes a Game of Shadows

in May 2018 the release date of the 25th of December 2020 was set for the third

film in the series Benedict Cumberbatch plays a modern

version of the detective with Martin Freeman as John Watson in the BBC one TV

series Sherlock which premiered on the 25th of July 2010 in the series created

by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat the story's original Victorian setting is

replaced by present-day London Cumberbatch's Holmes uses modern

technology including texting and blogging to help solve crimes

similarly on the 27th of September 2012 Elementary premiered on CBS set in

contemporary New York the series features Jonny Lee Miller as Sherlock

Holmes and Lucy Liu as a female doctor Joan Watson copyright issues the

copyright for Conan Doyle's works expired in the United Kingdom and Canada

at the end of 1980 was revived in 1996 and expired again at the end of 2000 the

author's works are now in the public domain in those territories all works

published in the United States before 1923 are in the public domain this

includes all the Sherlock Holmes stories except for some of the short stories

collected in the casebook of Sherlock Holmes

conan doyle's heirs register the copyright to the casebook in 1981 in

accordance with the Copyright Act of 1976 on the 14th of February 2013

Leslie s clinger lawyer and editor of the new annotated Sherlock Holmes filed

a declaratory judgment suit against the Conan Doyle estate in the Northern

District of Illinois asking the court to acknowledge that the characters of

Holmes and Watson were public domain in the u.s. the court ruled in clingers

favor on the 23rd of December and the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed

its decision on the 16th of June 2014 the case was appealed to the US Supreme

Court which declined to hear the case letting the appeals court's ruling stand

this final step resulted in the characters from the Holmes stories along

with all but 10 of the stories themselves those present in the case

book other than the adventure of the Mazarin stone and the problem of Thorpe

Ridge being in the public domain in the u.s. 117 copyright on the remaining

protected stories expires between 2019 and 2023


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hello it's kinoshita yuka



i made Omelette Egg Noodles using plenty of eggs

this looks so tasty, because i like eggs, i used plenty of it

so, let's see how we make it now

the recipe...

let's start first by preparing the noodles and fry it

and by adding some sesame oil, it will makes it much more tastier


and now let's fry the vegetables

and we add what we prepared from noodles

we add the sauce

let's break the eggs

after that we take the noodles

and let's mix the eggs now

we add some oil

and we cook the eggs


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Wielka Brytania zamarła. Właśnie ujawniono z kim spokrewniona jest Meghan Markle - Duration: 5:50.

 Meghan Markle pozostaje od miesięcy na ustach całego świata. Żona księcia Harry'ego prześwietlana jest pod każdym względem

Dziś w Wyspach gruchnęły kolejne zaskakujące informacje. Wynika z nich, że ród Markle był już wcześniej związany z dworem brytyjskim! Meghan Markle przebojem zdobyła uwagę Brytyjczyków w tym roku

Jej ślub z księciem Harry'm, jednym z kandydatów do tronu Zjednoczonego Królestwa, wywołał na całym świecie ogromną uwagę z wielu względów

Mowa o tym, że Meghan nie jest Brytyjką, nie ma korzeni arystokratycznych, a jej aktorski talent również nie uchodzą w monarchii za „pożądaną profesję"

Nieznana historia z Meghan Markle. Zdziwicie się przeszłością jej prapradziadków! Każde jej wystąpienie publiczne wiąże się z drobiazgową oceną

Kreacja, gesty, uśmiech, wyraz twarzy – na jej temat powstały już tomy materiałów prasowych

Kim jest żona Pawła Domagały? To córka słynnego polskiego aktora!  Nie zmienia to faktu, że co jakiś czas pojawia się szczegół, który zachwyca opinię publiczną

Tak też jest tym razem. Dzisiejsze media brytyjskie, m. in. The Sun oraz Express

co dowodzą, że rodzina Markle… była już wcześniej powiązana z dworem brytyjskim! Światło dzienne ujrzała bowiem zaskakująca informacja

Brytyjscy żurnaliści dowodzą, że praprababcia księżnej Sussex o imieniu Mary pracowała na dworze brytyjskim jako kucharka

 Jak pisze przodek Meghan ponad 160 lat temu posługiwała na dworze w Windsorze

Jej życiorys i losy życiowe są interesujące. Kucharka dworska wraz z mężem zostali po czasie wydziedziczeni przez rodzinę

Wyjechali na Maltę, gdzie spędzili 20 lat. Nie spoczęli tam jednak na dobre. Ciągle szukali swego miejsca w Imperium Brytyjskim, nad którym w XIX wieku mówiło się, że „nie zachodzi Słońce"

 Po śmierci męża praprabacia Meghan Markle wyemigrowała do Kanady. Ostatecznie podróżniczka miała osiąść w New Hampshire (dzisiejsze Stany Zjednoczone)

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄBrytyjskie źródła amerykańskiej krwi Ta zawiła, ale jakże ciekawa historia przodka Meghan Markle dowodzi, że w swojej amerykańskiej krwi ma brytyjski pierwiastek

Jest więc kolejnym dowodem na poplątane, a wręcz łączone losy w wielu brytyjsko-amerykańskich rodach

 Materiał ujrzał światło dzienne dzięki udostępnieniu przez królewski personal domowy specjalnej bazy danych

Badacze dowiedli, że państwo Thomas i Mary Bird (prapradziadkowie Markle) pracowali na dworze ponad 160 lat temu

Pisemnym dowodem w sprawie jest wzmianka w artykule tygodnika Windsor Castle Weekly Disbursement Book z 1856 roku

 Równie ciekawie przedstawiają się losy prapradziadka Meghan. Thomas Bird był – jak podaje The Sun – irlandzkim szewcem i oficerem armii brytyjskiej

Służyć miał m. in. w Irlandii i Indiach. ZOBACZ TAKŻE: źródła: The Sun,

uk   Zobacz również

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