Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 13 2018

Hello everyone

this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one

Bitcoin show this is wearing a Hollywood in Los Angeles today is December the

12th 2018 strong hand value your wealth in Bitcoin those two sayings of mine are

going to be the sayings of the day check out the links below of course get your

t-shirts all that good stuff anyway I'm near Santa Monica Boulevard and Western

right now you can see the Hollywood Hills in the background

quite a contrast to the stuff I usually talk about

I'm usually inside of room giving you real-life stuff that's fantasy up there

others the real-life representation of fantasy and everybody wants a perfect

fantasy Hollywood ending type of movie they want their Bitcoin to go up in

terms of Fiat forever and ever they value their wealth in dollars not in big

valuing your wealth and dollars that's the mainstream way that's the Hollywood

way all right so I'm gonna talk about today what it really means to value your

wealth and big coin and in practice and what it means to have that strong hand

give examples that when I was in college at Washington University in st. Louis I

was a business major I was a marketing major but I knew people who want to be

doctors and they had to take the organic chemistry class and they all said or go

or go is the weed out class that's when you get weeded out if you're not meant

to be a doctor that's what you get weeded out

so this 2018 that we're living in right now this is a weed out year for a

Bitcoin for crypto currency there's all these people dropping like flies it used

to be big talkers they'd gotten weeded out

they took or go they couldn't cut it they're gone they're probably back in

some form or fashion they'll try to come back again one day but for now they are

gone they got weeded out so what you have left are these strong hands people

who don't care about the beyond value they know they have Bitcoin and they

value their out there the same amount of Bitcoin as they did before

first of all panel that like button if you like the real East Hollywood type of

books of Los Angeles here this is this is the real stuff going on I'm standing

right by is that the 101 they're the highways right next ok and half that you

only like to see the pictures anyway you only like the scenery now though if half

of you 20 person I know wait up all right so let's get back here

this video is for all the 20 percenters out there they don't get distracted but

background the Hollywood signed by all that nonsense so there there used to be

a lot of people back in 2017 maybe even back in 2017 mostly

would ask me they're like hey did you hear what web bot had to say did you

hear what cliff I had to say about this crypto he says to buy this altcoin and

he's is a-- his winbot says that bitcoins gonna be three three three

three three or four four four four four eight eight eight people be contacting

me about this stuff all the time not so much anymore no one has contacted

me about cliff hi web bot magical mystery numbers the

magical altcoin that some magical wet bob is saying is gonna be the next thing

you know no one's contacted me about that they got weed it out now I went

over to that dude I looked him up that guy's I can't talking about Bitcoin and

crypto and yet people are ripping on him jus some people have gone after that wet

bot dude click hi they've gonna and they're but whenever it's not worth my

time to go cuz I'm a positive guy I'm just puttin out dad this dude is talking

about conspiracy theories that also he eats he's moved on he's gone on to

something more popular that's these are their tread they're people who get into

trends and then they're people with strong hands who stick with this thing

through sick and it no matter where they are if they're in Hollywood if they're

in Baltimore if they're in Tel Aviv and if you're watching this I'm on my way to

Tel Aviv this is taped obviously

so weight on one side we got the clip highs of the world and all those

followers who just just disappear when they go and get tough and they go they

go talk about conspiracies or whatever he's talk I don't know what that I don't

know what the thing what the new trendy thing is marijuana stocks

I don't even know I don't even know what the trick I'm not into Trent's I'm into

the rock I mean it's a big one but then we have

these the opposite of people like that or those whose all my show the other day

is the living embodiment of strong hand of valium you're welcome a coin and it

is someone like Francis Puleo who is starting a business

Volpe coke he's starting his business during this so-called down mark it's on

a down market this is the time of opportunity 20 percenters like Francis

who don't get distracted by trends and pretty faces this is when they start

their businesses this is when they really lay the groundwork for huge

things and on my show on Monday night despite the technical difficulties that

I know some people they don't have the patience to sit through technical

difficulties even though on YouTube simply just fast forward and I'd says in

the notes before and notes below that video fast forward that's boring you'll

get to where Francis talks about how he is working on a project that is making

setting up full nose easy for like moms and dads easy as

setting up your internet connection as easy as setting up your uh your IP or

whatever your gear Africa not what is Jerry with that your internet connection

I don't know what's what's unplug Abul we need when you have a non

plugged in the internet what is that anyway it doesn't matter what that's

it's as easiest can't think of the Dave right now anyway so yeah

d so we got the people who built value they were often big and then we got

people like Francis or talking about magical buddy

he used to talk about any all see bristle not not yet you could be as

Bitcoin maximalist if you want to be that's cool

Bitcoin first er that's me you don't you don't have to be Orthodox about the

Bitcoin maximalism in order to understand this is a time of opportunity

and should be able to value your wealth and fix okay and did not get caught up

and these magical computer machines that predict numbers and I current believe

the emails I used to get for people it's gonna hit 6666

it's got a hit he's and no emails like that anymore those predictions are

involved but they knew God they have you gone but we haven't you thought so for

the people who have a new go for the people who value their wealth and big

one and again I have been through this before I've been through this 2014 and

2015 also those are weed out years also but for the people that are here let's

you know we people talk about Bitcoin millionaires big food billionaires let's

move on from that cuz you're let's fill the Fiat paper now

we got a better review here this is that truck move wait maybe I should uh should

I alter that there so you can see the Hollywood sign even more yeah

that truck move I can see some more stuff there for you people who want to

see the look you got to travel guys see Los Angeles pound that like button just

don't get stuck on the East Coast where it's cold I know so many people you're

like plants you stick yourselves in a in New York you never leave you got to come

out here trust me will never want to leave but I'm a traveler man I always

all I always want to see new things I'm always expanding my mind eating new bit

fooling people out there all right so that instead of saying a big 20

millionaire I got you know we got this metric system in America we use veteran

system I link to it below okay the prefixes so you can be a 1-bit pointer

okay you could be a Jessa big corner that would be a person with more than

point one big okay you can be a deca Bitcoin er that's somebody with at least

ten you could be a heck the big pointer a

man that use a heck the big pointer that conveys he's a heck I don't know I'm

just turn that out then you can be a killer Bigfoot yeah that Trace bear dude

he's probably a kill of it this is what you aim to be you aim to be a

millionaire you aim to be a killer big pointer or a hit the big anyway so pound

that like button let's make a and again maybe that's not

the terms we want to do to set up to rank wealth okay but we want to rank it

more a big coin scale now we don't want to get caught up in this millionaire

well he's a millionaire she's a billionaire he's a million trillionaire

no no no no we're gonna get into this heck the big corner thing get your get

your 100 big pointer you got a hundred big blink you are a head to big coin and

it's easy to be a deck of Bitcoin her but aim aim to be a kilo Bitcoin er like

Trace bear by me or like king of the trolls might have been once all right

that is it that is I haven't do an outside show everybody always wants to

see some outside stuff when I'm on the road like this I'll be in Tel Aviv real

soon maybe I'll do some outside in Israel I think you got the point of this

video have a strong hand value relative Bitcoin there there are

definitely this year has weeded out all the fakes all the 80 percenters and now

you see now you see who truly values that are welcome people who truly has a

strong hand i'm adam meister meister disrupt meister besides John likes

fishes which I got look found that freaking light button

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- 2018 is a crypto weed out year! Web bot noise is silenced! Strong hands remain - Duration: 10:04.


Bush Lawyer: Michael Cohen Jailed Means Trump's 'Goose Is Cooked' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> Bush Lawyer: Michael Cohen Jailed Means Trump's 'Goose Is Cooked' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 8:44.


La llamativa exigencia de la Caravana Migrante a Donald Trump - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> La llamativa exigencia de la Caravana Migrante a Donald Trump - Duration: 2:14.


かぎ針編みの基本・長編み模様の糸の足し方と糸始末の方法 Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> かぎ針編みの基本・長編み模様の糸の足し方と糸始末の方法 Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 11:22.


Chrisley Knows Best | Season 6, Episode 21: Todd Chrisley Runs Out On The Bill - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Chrisley Knows Best | Season 6, Episode 21: Todd Chrisley Runs Out On The Bill - Duration: 1:36.


Building a Mancave 6: Installing metal siding - Duration: 22:23.

what is up everybody we woke up to nice look at this look at this you see this

that's right it might be cold but that means that it firmed up the ground no

longer gonna have to work in mud but it is a little bit chilly this morning I

think it's gonna be a high of 20 22 degrees Fahrenheit as long as the wind

doesn't kick up and I think we're fairly protected here by these trees we should

be good but I'll show you what we got going today so first and foremost what

we've got to do is starting at this corner that way this whole front is

gonna have brick on it and it's gonna have real brick on it so we're gonna be

out like four and a half inches which means we've got a little bit of detail

work to figure out where it connects into this wainscot but we're gonna go

ahead we're gonna get our bottom house wrap on we got the laser set up for

shooting our perfect base trim the goal today and this could be lofty but you

guys stick around and let's see if we do it is to get the roof on this side to

get this steel done and to get the back steel done that is a huge goal but I

think we can do it if the weather treats us right

if this ground stays firm we don't have to work in the mud looks like our

neighbors here our framing brethren are going to town on this house for our

customer you can see here what I'm talking about is getting our steel up

and around this area will take a little bit of work a little bit of detail not

just slap it up a lot of times we used to go ahead and just measure and mark

snap lines for base trim and you can do that that is perfectly acceptable I

believe but to be honest I think it's almost quicker truly do it's not only

quicker but more precise to get your grade stick set up your laser and just

from that point you've got everything set and you just tack your base trim up

with the laser and it's perfect there's no guesswork

there's no back-and-forth snapping lines there's no bending over reading the snap

line you literally just set the laser and bang on the trim one thing that I

have adapted and I agree with and I why we didn't just do it all the time

but got our house ramp ran over our base trim we're getting this going

always love these corner details greg is using the laser as long as I'm not in

the way we've got these truss head screws sometimes we use our PA's load

stapler the problem is it's cold out and that thing cuz it's gas

does not like the cold weather and I think the screws give us a lot more

flexibility on getting the trim exactly where we want now because this is a 12

foot wall we can't run ten foot house wrap we gotta do it twice so I always

like to run our wainscot house wrap up that way we can run our wainscot run our

trim up here that goes over the wainscot and then we can run our top over that

and get it sealed up also it allows me to get this job going while we're

wrapping up the roof right now which is what me and Zack are working on and then

I can frame in Windows without actually having to worry about waiting on house

wrap we can get like multiple projects going at one time and that's obviously

always the goal so up here on the lift and we're getting ready to put up our

soffit we just installed what we call an F and a J and that's because the profile

of it is in the shape of an F and a J channel they're combined into one trim

so they can accept the soffit panels and the wall panels now when we frame this

thing this two by six you can see it right here we frame it so that when this

is installed the top of this two by six is measured and designed so that it is

the top of our trim and the bottom by our sub fascia this way we don't have to

come up here we don't just snap any lines across our soffit this board up

here is telling us exactly where we have to put it without ever having to pull

out our tape measures so I think that's pretty cool we

are movin here we are got this end wall we got our windows installed I'm gonna

go cut my g channel right now but I still think we have an opportunity to

get this steel up because we're doing all the prep work now

and once that done this feels gonna go up pretty quick

we got the house wrap around we got our soffit Jay up here

Greg's wrapping up the double angle trim that goes with the wainscot that's gonna

allow us to start putting steel up here there's no windows so this is gonna be

easy eight quick sheets here and thirteen sheets down this wall they're

gonna have a brick a real brick across these two sections and then up here and

underneath this porch that wraps around its what I've got to do is I forgot once

again I forgot to router out a rabbit I think it's a rabbit I don't know a

little dado or something so that our 3/4 plywood can sit in flush with the face

of these wall Gertz and then the brick guy can put his cable tires brick ties

or whatever to that so I'll show that as it develops one thing that always annoys

me is when I'm doing the J channels around the windows is this right here

always got to just cut that off

that way you got a nice tight corner when you put your trim on another thing

I did here that I'm glad you know this is like part of the YouTube community

people giving me feedback on my videos I went ahead and you know what you guys

are probably right I should be doing that here on our buildings as well so

from here on out you should see us putting our windows in and flapping our

house wrap over top and we'll tape that off just just in case any water gets

there it won't work its way behind the header

we're going hard I'm running this over here by myself

Greg granny wall here and I was getting going on that back wall so I think I'll

make it down this wall they'll finish that up and I think we're gonna make our

goal but the Sun is setting fast I just put a new set of nibbler punches in the

hitachi nibbler cordless and oh my god what a difference I forgot or I guess I

didn't realize how bad it was man we were just busting tail today I didn't

pull out the camera and do too much because I think what's gonna be the

biggest point of this build is gonna be the hit porch and then also I think

dealing with a lot of the details right here we've got some sidewall flashings

we've got this detail way up here where the soffit dies into the roofline we've

got ridge cap coming in too - fascia and two gable trims and so I think I'm gonna

spend more time kind of showcasing some of that details how I handle this to

make sure water does not go back there we're gonna throw up these last couple

sheets here got it Greg good thing you're skinny you can fit down there now

man you got it you got it good right on our mark right on the mark always lay

out your sheets nice work Greg got plenty of room down

there no no you're all right so we've got another cold frosty morning but the

sun is shining the wind is non-existent so it doesn't feel

too bad especially if you just got some good work gear that is comfortable the

job today is these overhead doors I'm gonna work on framing them out and

getting them trimmed out so that this front can be house wrapped and as well

as the guy that is gonna do the stonework can get the stone done but

we're doing something a little different now if you look across the road there

that's a competitor's building nothing wrong with it I guess those doors are

pretty much standard square doors what we're gonna do here is we're gonna be

putting the clipped angles on the corner the first thing I got to do is I got to

rip down some angles now what we always do is sixteen and a half inches this way

16 and a half inches that way that's just what I always learned that's what

seems to look dimensionally correct feel free to let me know what you guys do but

45 degree I think it's about 21 and 3/4 or something I need to do the math to

remember because it's been a it's been a little while

but that's the first thing I got to do and I'll go ahead and I'll rip down the

boards remembering that our columns are five and three-eighths not five and a

half and that is because they've been milled at the manufacturer or the Ohio

timberlands so standard two by sixes are five and a half inches so I got a mill

that down so I get the right depth so I went ahead and I got my boards they're

actually 23 and 5/16 long point to long point and that will get me down at my

angle 16 and a half inches square both ways

there we go I'll take a step back here now you can kind of get an idea and now

we're able to house wrap through this area and then I'll do my inch and a half

by inch and a half blocking that you always see us put on our door jams for

our post trim and then install that which once again we got a little bit of

a unique details here to make sure that the water is running out over and not

behind the trims so behind me here is where this porch is going to go and it's

going to be a hipped porch the difference is I like to have perfect

dimensional porches and in other words if it's an eight-foot deep porch I want

to be I want it to be some sort of a factor of eight so 16 24 32 I just think

dimensionally having all of those dimensions work out for the hips to be

forty fives all that good stuff this one however is going to be 8 foot deep but

it's only going to be 14 foot long which means we're gonna have a little bit of a

unique hip set and I'm gonna hand frame all that stuff I haven't done all that

math yet in my head but I'm going to do it soon first what we're gonna do is

we're gonna work up here in the wall framing so that we can run our house

wrap now what we got to do is this header here is going to be the bottom of

our porch not entirely it actually is only three and a half inches below the

top that's where our porch line is so what I like to do is I want this down

low enough so that I can run my six by sixes in and have something to fasten to

as well as trim around so basically I've got to run my hip framing that's going

to come up and down that way I've got all that blocking inside the wall that I

can fasten to after we house wrap so I've already done the math basically

what we're gonna do is cut a 2 by 12 and half for each way and this is going to

give me the blocking that I need on the back side of the porch so let's go ahead

and cut that I figured the drawing would be easier is I've got this 2 by 12 up on

the wall there that I just showed you and what I'm gonna do is be framing

basically some two by twelves like this great drawing I keep hitting these

anyway I'm gonna be doing this and then our goal is to run a basically a ledger

on the bottom edge of these two by twelves that our purlins will sit on so

you've seen us do that we're looking at it from a you know straight on view and

then I'll have another rafter here and that's what's gonna create our hip lava

block so what I need to do is find the dimensions of all of this

the builders helper app on the iPhone it is no longer usable with the new updates

so I went and I got the construction Master Pro I think I give like $30 for

this calculator app which is crazy but it does a lot of the features that I

wanted actually it's done everything so far

in total I've got 16 foot which means half of it will be 8 foot 8 foot run 4

inch pitch gives me a rise of 2 foot 8 so this dimension here is a total of 2

foot 8 but I also have to add the height of my heel on my trust that I'm gonna

make which I already know is going to be five and a half inches but we don't have

to worry about that now it does not affect figuring out what this board is

because the way I like to do it okay so let's just kind of draw another get

another drawing here this is a two by six and this is what's going to create

my fascia so we're looking at it once again straight on this is my fascia

board that's gonna come straight out so I've got this rough plane here let's

just say it's like this and this is my steel here my rib steel

and underneath of that what I'm gonna have is I'm gonna have purlins every two

foot and roof sheeting there's also going to be plywood OSB underneath of

this and underneath that I'm gonna have that ledger board that we talked about

it's going to be an inch and a half ledger board it's going to be fastened

to the side of my 2 by 12 that's underneath and so this 2 by 12 is going

to be running up something like this and we're going to fasten this ledger board

onto that 2 by 12 and then we're gonna set our 2x4 purlins onto that ledger

screw them into this 2 by 12 that's on the wall and so what I'm trying to

figure out is exactly where this 2 by 12 goes I already know that the height of a

2 by 4 on edge is three and eleven sixteenths tall and that is on a

dimension this way straight like a plain plumb line I know from this point right

here to this point is 8-foot I know from this point all the way up to this point

it's 2 foot 8 inches that's mathematical you can't change it math never lies what

I need to do is I need to find the dimension at this point so what I'm

gonna do I've got a total of 2x4 and inch-and-a-half which is a total of five

inches five inch and a four inch pitch that's gonna give me five and a quarter

inches so what that means on a drawing we've got a 2 by 4 and a 4 12 pitch

sitting on an inch and a half ledger now what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to

find the plumb line dimension what I can use is I can use this five inches as my

run and I can use the four inch pitch to give me the diagonal a five and a

quarter so by using that five and a quarter I can come back over to this guy

I can take the two foot eight inch minus five and a quarter to get to foot two

and 3/4 so now knowing that my rise on this triangle that I just found it's 2

foot 2 and 3/4 2 foot 2 3/4 is my new rise my run or sorry my pitch is still 4

inches that's gonna give me a run of six foot eight and a quarter what that's

telling me is it's giving me this dimension here and my diagonal is seven

foot nine sixteenths that is this guy right here so what we'll do is I will

now take that dimension multiple ways you can use a framing square this is

probably the most accurate first is using a smaller square the bigger the

square the more accurate it's gonna be because obviously you know this is great

for quick cuts I like to go to a bigger rafter square and use these marks to

tell me what I need to do and I'm gonna take this thing I'm gonna go to four

inches right here this is four inches and then I'm gonna come over here and

I'm gonna find 12 inches this is gonna get me

my 4:12 pick

now this is where we take the dimension that we figured is a seven foot and 9/16

we're gonna go seven foot 9/16 now this is the start of a reverse for 12 pitch

definitely handy to have this because now what we're gonna do and this is the

important cut I feel because when you get a really nice tight cut here it it

just looks really nice also another tip here whenever you can maximize your

count this is a 24 inch square and it goes 18 inches I think 16 inches so I'm

gonna go all the way to my 24 which is 2 foot which on a 4 for 12 I'm gonna go 8

inches so we're gonna go 8 inches on the outside dimension and we're gonna go 24

inches that's gonna give me my 4 12 pitch

so I went through all my drawings here but this is gonna be the bottom now the

next thing we got to do is as you can see we're gonna have because it's the

end wall we're gonna have a little bit of a cut off here so what I've got to do

two things I can mathematically figure all of this

out and I could do that for you guys or what I really could do is go set this up

on top of my board mark the edge and cut it which one do I want to do easy one or

the one that will explain more math do you think Greg are you already confused

anyway no I'm good okay okay I've decided to go ahead and

figure it out because I feel like math never lies I've already got 7-foot 0

9/16 which is this dimension on the triangle we know it's a 4 12 pitch so

what we should be able to do subtract well let's just do this 7-foot 0 inch

9/16 that's my diagonal my pitch is 4 which means my run is 6 8 and 1/4 so

from this point to here 6 8 and 1/4 so I can take 7-foot minus 6 foot 8 inch 1/4

that's 3 and 3/4 of an inch so what that means it's from this point right here

I'm gonna go 3 and 3/4 that is my cut line so now I will take my square I'll

come back in here and go to my 4 well I'll line up my 4 and 12 and I'll slide

that down get it to my mark here get as close as I

can kind of if I had those nice sliders on here that would be a lot easier but I

don't have them sorry they're in my trailer somewhere there so now we've got

it this guy here this is the edge of our building if everything is correct and

the math never lies Kyle only makes mistakes

so let's cut it and let's see how we did all right we've got both of our framing

that goes on the wall done this guy here see how long this point is the goal for

that is it's gonna go from the the ridge way up here all the way down and I'm

just gonna keep running that way I've got some some

extra meat up there in case I want to tie in my fascia to it and whatever but

this guy here stops prematurely right here on the corner and that's why it's a

4-12 and then on the other end it's another 4:12 pitch because it's gonna

die right there but let's go ahead and let's get them up so we've come out

we've got our center point we plumbed up to a height rise point right here with a

plumb line so this is where the bottom of this guy should go and we've cut this

out by marking where this board was so that will run our framing member here

for the hip and then we'll fasten this on top of that Gert it was all the way

through as you can see we just cut it out I guess if we did our job correctly

it will all work the only thing I'm wondering I hope I hope that this is not

in the way well there we go worked out exactly as the plan

everything is a nice tight joint now for the day we can finish our house wrap get

this all covered up so now we were able to go ahead run our house wrap we can

see our framing is behind it so now when we mark everything out on the sidewall

here we can fasten into stuff so that's as far as we'll take it here now we'll

go ahead next step will be to get these brackets anchored in put up our frame

and then we'll be able to attach everything and run our steel up and over

so make sure you guys are hitting that subscribe button and you hang out

because we're gonna go ahead and do these details in the upcoming videos and

also those details up on the roof where we got those different roof lines coming

together and I'll try and take you through that process and show you how I

do it not necessarily the right way but the right way for us and the way we like

to do it

For more infomation >> Building a Mancave 6: Installing metal siding - Duration: 22:23.


Tulsi Gabbard: "I'm Seriously Considering" Running For President | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Tulsi Gabbard: "I'm Seriously Considering" Running For President | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 6:50.


Carnes rojas, más peligrosas de lo que se pensaba - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Carnes rojas, más peligrosas de lo que se pensaba - Duration: 2:01.


El ex abogado de Donald Trump irá a prisión - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> El ex abogado de Donald Trump irá a prisión - Duration: 3:31.


China A Top Suspect After Massive Marriott Hack, Mike Pompeo Suggests | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> China A Top Suspect After Massive Marriott Hack, Mike Pompeo Suggests | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:36.


Trey Gowdy: I regret I wasn't tougher on Strzok - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy: I regret I wasn't tougher on Strzok - Duration: 9:46.


Este es un golpe muy duro para Trump -analista | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Este es un golpe muy duro para Trump -analista | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:15.


Fentanyl Now The Deadliest Drug In America, CDC Says In New Report | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Fentanyl Now The Deadliest Drug In America, CDC Says In New Report | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:49.


Three People Found Alive On Fourth Day Of West Virginia Mine Rescue | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Three People Found Alive On Fourth Day Of West Virginia Mine Rescue | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:10.


Estos son los temas más buscados en Google en 2018 - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Estos son los temas más buscados en Google en 2018 - Duration: 2:22.


California Considering Taxing Your Text Messages - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> California Considering Taxing Your Text Messages - Duration: 2:23.


ICE arresta a activistas y padres sustitutos de niños inmigrantes - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> ICE arresta a activistas y padres sustitutos de niños inmigrantes - Duration: 2:16.


British Prime Minister Theresa May Survives Confidence Vote | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> British Prime Minister Theresa May Survives Confidence Vote | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:12.


Can Theresa May push her Brexit plan through Parliament? - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Can Theresa May push her Brexit plan through Parliament? - Duration: 5:38.


Searching $1000 in Half Dollars for MORE Silver Coins! - Duration: 5:17.

I went to my B of A bank to pick up my two boxes of half dollars for my live

stream this week and they said they had two more from a cancelled order so I'm

gonna hunt these today and I'll show you why

hey everybody its Rob with Rob finds treasure and as you know I usually get four boxes

of half dollars every week I recently started getting half dollars from a B of A

branch and I get two a week so I get six boxes every week I usually choose

the two worst boxes to open in my hunt and save them for from a live stream well it

just so happened that when I was at B of A this week I was picking up my two

boxes they said hey do you want four boxes because we had a customer call to

say he couldn't get his two boxes this week I was like sure so now I've got

four here and I'm picking up four more in the next two days all of eight boxes

well I never go through that many half boxes in a live scene the most time

we're going through is four so I figured I would choose the two worst of these

two boxes to hunt just to see if I get anything I definitely chose this boxes

let me show you something here this box was taped up like the side had opened up

and everything in fell out and 15 of the rolls are also taped so these 15 are

taped up these two rows were actually over but I pulled them out slid

everything down and then put them back in to check for Enders there is no

Enders on either of these two boxes and I figured who wants me to open up taped

rolls for my live stream that would be funny so figured out Gordon hunt this in

today's hunt and since this was the second box with this customers cancelled

order why not see if we can find silver free silver if you will from a customer

who cancelled their order all right enough chitchat you guys get

the picture I just want to kind of give you an idea of what we're looking at

here we're gonna go ahead and start this roll hold you want hundred rolls in this

video and see if we can find some inadvertent silver from a fortunate pick

up well

roll number three is gonna have silver I believe yeah

1968 d so the box that has been torn open and damaged 15 rolls we had a

silver in it that is a a good sign but this is not a damaged rule so I wonder

if the rules were searched after seeing a few Enders retake to make it look like

that and the rules that after getting into a cold spell they figured I'd

better stop I don't know I'm just speculating here but that's pretty odd

that this box has a silver and it's got 15 rolls damaged the more I think about

it just kind of ironic not complaining let's see if there's even more roll

number 13 guys and it was a taped roll so that's a good sign that it was a tape

roll and despite it having tape on it I spy a proof coin right here pretty

dinged up but it's a proof coin nonetheless so that's a proof and a

silver in this box through 13 rolls and we found something in a tape roll so I'm

feeling a little better about this box now well box one is hunted and you know

what it gave me a silver early Anna proof mid box and 7n ifcs not exactly

stellar performance but more than I thought and I get out of this box and it

was a freebie especially with all the opened or taped up rolls I should say

that's why hundred because I knew I couldn't hunt it on the stream and since

this box came with it and miles will make it a two box hunt we'll go ahead

and get on this box now and see if it's just like last week last we got a couple

of Silver's in every box and some proofs so I'm hoping that we can keep that pace

up maybe even find a Ben Franklin in there rule number five we're gonna have

a silver

it was good to find more silver 69 Denver so that's two silvers or at least

one in this box and two for the two box hunting so far and we're again early on

hopefully we fare a little better this time well box two is hundred we got a

few more ni FCS I like Burt Cone coins as you guys know

so I kept that one and the finds of the two boxes really are 68 D is 69 D and an

85 s proof so you know what I'll take it you got silver in both boxes we got some

more extra finds was an epic by any means but if you find silver in a box

you're happy and I got one in both looking forward to finding out what the

other two boxes having them as well as what my next four that I'm picking him

over the next two days have that being said if you enjoyed this quick hunt

I'd appreciate it thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks

for watching

For more infomation >> Searching $1000 in Half Dollars for MORE Silver Coins! - Duration: 5:17.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | STYLE | AMBITION | LICHT&ZICHT PAKKET - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | STYLE | AMBITION | LICHT&ZICHT PAKKET - Duration: 1:07.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AMG Line | Navi | LED | Regensensor | Startknop - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AMG Line | Navi | LED | Regensensor | Startknop - Duration: 1:08.


Suvinil versão 7 1080 B - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Suvinil versão 7 1080 B - Duration: 5:06.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 250 Automaat Ambition Line Urban |Climatecontrol | LED - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 250 Automaat Ambition Line Urban |Climatecontrol | LED - Duration: 1:07.


Grocery store chips in to help stock local school's food pantry - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Grocery store chips in to help stock local school's food pantry - Duration: 0:31.


马云:做好思想准备 中美未来20年会死掐 - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> 马云:做好思想准备 中美未来20年会死掐 - Duration: 1:18.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid Bi-Tone N.model Clima.Cruise 2 jr GARANTIE - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid Bi-Tone N.model Clima.Cruise 2 jr GARANTIE - Duration: 1:06.


For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid Bi-Tone N.model Clima.Cruise 2 jr GARANTIE - Duration: 1:06.


Put YOUR Name In The Young Turks Studio! - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Put YOUR Name In The Young Turks Studio! - Duration: 2:57.


For more infomation >> Put YOUR Name In The Young Turks Studio! - Duration: 2:57.


Renault Captur TCe 90 Intens NU MET € 2865,- EINDEJAARS VOORRAAD KORTING!! Bij aanschaf van deze n - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90 Intens NU MET € 2865,- EINDEJAARS VOORRAAD KORTING!! Bij aanschaf van deze n - Duration: 1:13.


For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90 Intens NU MET € 2865,- EINDEJAARS VOORRAAD KORTING!! Bij aanschaf van deze n - Duration: 1:13.


Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield - Storm ninja simulator - Duration: 11:14.

This is Raven Shield

It's a good game !

Raven Shield is the third installment of the Rainbow Six games

and in my opinion the last one in accord with the idea of the franchise.

It was released in 2003 and is among the best tactical shooters even today.

It has two DLC including one completely free

adding missions, weapons and multiplayer content

Rainbow Six is originally a novel by Tom Clancy

about the creation of an international special forces group

Serving NATO.

The game places you as the Rainbows, this unit's operatives.

The plot is a vague story of neo-nazi doing the usual nazi stuff

like spreading VX gas, a neurotoxic.

It could have been a drug baron of a weapon dealer,

it wouldn't have changed anything. The plot is not important

Tom Clancy didn't always have good adaptations

but at Raven Shield's time, it was still the case

and seeing his name on top of a game's title was a seal of quality.

Teh we had some average things

betraying a bit the original material...

Yeah, like this.

Then someone profanated his tomb.


The game is divided in missions

happening in two steps :

planning and action,

during which we shall neutralize terrorist,

save hostaged or defuse bombs.

Well, be warned, screen definition is limited

to 640x480 in the menu,

so it's clearly ugly.

Really ugly.

The planning phase allows you to put your teams together,

choose their equipment and trace their route on the mission's map.

We lead a single operative during the action phase but all teams act at the same time

and the IA controls all other Rainbows.

While planning the route of each team,

you can do intricate stuff

like making a team stop until it receives a certain signal

so that it pursue it's route

which allows you to lay siege to a room

from several directions with several teams.

Even for something as trivial as opening a door,

you can plan the door to be opened normally or gradually,

to be destroyed with a breaching charge,

that the Rainbows throw grenades through a partial opening of use a smoke grenade before opening

or even open the door but don't proceed into the room.

we have an insane amount of choice in the course of events

and when it works, it's classy as hell !

Green team leader : "GREEN : explosives ready"

Green team leader : "GREEN : waiting for BRAVO"

Green team member 1 : "hostile down" Green team member 2 : "threat down" Green team member 3 : "threat down"

Six (John Clark, director of Rainbow Six) : "Nothing moves, you're clear"

Once planning is done, you can launch a simulation

during which you don't play, you only look at the Rainbows

proceeding as planned

and thus, if you want to win the mission, you will need to play it yourself

since this doesn't count : it's only a simulation to check your plan.

Then you proceed to action phase, where you play as one of the Rainbows

and where you can change character at will.

The character you play is alwayys team leader,

thus if you change character, you also change commander.

You can have 8 men in three teams,

with a maximum of four men per team.

If you make two four men teams, then you won't be able to use a third team.

Ennemies are dangerous, even in the easiest difficulty,

and you can only sustain two hits :

on the first one, you are wounded, on the second one, you are dead

most of the time, you'll be dead on first shot

you can imagine how easy it is to be creeped around corners

So check you angles openings.

To fulfill your missions, you have an important varitety of equipments

that you can pick during planning phase :

Light, medium or heavy outfits which implies a compromise between protection and mobility,

grenades of all kinds (dson't forget your gas masks if you plan on using tear gas),

breaching charges to blow up doors,

heartbeats sensors to see the ennemy through walls,

or toolboxes to defuse devices.

As most of the action phase comes down to shoot things,

and that guns are quite realistically portrayed,

the choice of the weapon is very important.

Thus, you have the choice of over 50 weapons and even several types of ammo for many of them.

Power, recoil and accuracy of weapons

depends on their caliber and the length of their barrel.

Thus, SMGs are limited to close distance engagements,

assault rifles are good at everything and at every distances but hard to control during automatic fire,

precision rifles are good only to shoot from a distance

on an unaware target, etc.

I sometime complete a mission

only using a pistol. It's not easy

but it's the price to pay when you take yourself for John McClane !

The weapons you use directly affect the behaviour of ennemies :

they are more likely to surrender if you greet them with a SPAS 12.

Let's be honest, I understand them...

Damages are realistic : Note in French : ok, this one doesn't count

most of your ennemies will fall with one or two shots

whatever your weapon or it's caliber.

Those that need mor than two round to go to the other side of hell

are fewer than a handful in the whole game's campaign,

unless you use this very gun.

As I told you, firearms are portrayed in a realistic manner and not only on the matter of damages they inflict.

Here, a Steyr AUG, which is magnificent, as in real life :

Here, a Beretta PM12, which is far more efficient than it seems to be, as in real life :

And here, an Ingram MAC11, which is a pitiful piece of junk, as in real life :

Although with due focusing, we may make something useful of it... Or something like that.

Developpers did not completely understand the concept of recoil, though...


Even though it's a very cool game, it shows some marks of its age,

it lack many modern functions

and particularly the iron sights.

In the original game, pressing the "aim" key only did

a slight zoom on the crosshair in the middle of the screen.

Nothing else, and that's why I use mods.

Modding community on this game is quite important,

The most surprising is that it woke up quite late

and important mod weren't out until the 2010's.

the modding community is still active,

and you can find online servers to play with those mods.

I can't tell you how it is, I never played this game online

but apparently, it has some success.

Speaking about online, don't trust Steam, that telle you multiplayer is dead on this game :

the editor closed it but fans reoppened it themselves

thus multiplayer on Raven Shield is still a thing.

As for myself, I use Raven Shield 2.0 and Ordnance Project 1.4 at the same time.

They add quantity of stuff and, among other things, lasers, Note in French : I ceased using Raven Shield 2.0 halfway through the recording of this video.

very useful as you don't have any crosshair anymore with those mods, Note in French : Although it adds interesting things, it also has great flaws

and the ability to use the iron sights. Note in French : notably blood myst gore effects very unrealistic on top of being really bad looking. Base game had a realistic level of gore

On that matter, though, you will notice that certain weapons are more convenient to aime with than others...

Voilà... Note in French : You can see the difference between RS2.0 and Ordnance Project 1.4 on this video. I advise to only use OP1.4

They also change projectiles penetration,

which can now pierce through wall,

wherehas in the original game, they only penetrated through doors.

The mod also adds IA improvements, for the Rainboxws as well as for the ennemies

and minor changed here and there.

There are small problems but not a single one is detrimental to gameplay or stability.

it also adds some graphical improvements, unfortunately of little interest

since the game is obsolete on this matter.

You need to understand that dynamic lightning didn't even exist when the engine was created,

thus we can't do much to improve the aesthetics of the game.

It nevertheless is a good looking game,

clearly not ugly.

Rainbows punctuate their actions with jargon,

which reinforce the impression of realism and profesionnalism :

"Tango" for "target",

"Contact" when they see an ennemy,

"Threat down" when an ennemy is neutralized.

Well, realism is... It's a video game...

When an ennemy surrenders, he simply quit the ranks of the hostiles and stop moving.

No need to worry about him taking his gun back from the ground and shooting at you in the back.

You can secure him. It doesn't serve any purpose, though, since he already surrendered : he won't move anymore,

and you can even slaughter him in total violation of international laws

and nobody will ever complain. No problem !

IA is totally phased out, too.

Although, if you like games like CoD of newer Tom Clancy games

like The Division, you will feel at home, no worries.

If you played F.E.A.R. or Metro 2033, though,

you may feel empty.

The game also has the flaw of being easy to breake.

There is a trick to end missions the easy way

I won't tell you the trick, as it would totally kill the pleasure of gaming,

but if you play, you may eventually get it.

There is also the planning system, with all it's complexity of team communication,

synchronisation and action coordination,

all of this is easy to put aside.

In fact, fulfill missions with brute force,

in a few tries and without planning,

only by advancing with a team of four guys all accros the map

shooting everything that dare moving in front of you

remains, if not the most efficient, at least the simpler and quicker way to do thing.

In the end, Raven Shield is a game with its flaws,

that you can't play in a modern manner,

but it means that it changed from your all around casual FPS copied on every other as they are now made.

Find me someone capable of really find the difference between BF and CoD.

Won't be easy...

Rainbow Six is then really apart from the others FPS on the market.

Well, at least Raven Shield and the previous installments of the series.

The sound ambiance, notably, is totally different than what you encounter nowadays :

the only thing that trouble the relative and general silence of the game, are the sounds of gunfire.

They are sharp, blunt sounds announcing directly what's happening :

you are here to close the debate.

Dislocated, sluggish bodies fall on the ground without Hollywood effects

and you move on to something else.

I won't see another sound ambiance as efficient despite it's simplicity until Metro 2033.

You can have it for 5 euros (5 dollars, give or take) on Steam

and it's so old that you can now make it run on your toaster.

Honnestly, in these conditions, no need to deprive yourself from it,

I encourage you to try it, it's really an excellent game.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield - Storm ninja simulator - Duration: 11:14.


For more infomation >> Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield - Storm ninja simulator - Duration: 11:14.


EXCLU Sylvie Vartan : Avec Johnny, notre amour était rock'n roll | News French - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> EXCLU Sylvie Vartan : Avec Johnny, notre amour était rock'n roll | News French - Duration: 10:12.


For more infomation >> EXCLU Sylvie Vartan : Avec Johnny, notre amour était rock'n roll | News French - Duration: 10:12.


UNLOCK BARELY RARE CHARACTER IN Brawl Stars | Hack , Tricks and Glitches In HINDI - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> UNLOCK BARELY RARE CHARACTER IN Brawl Stars | Hack , Tricks and Glitches In HINDI - Duration: 6:22.


For more infomation >> UNLOCK BARELY RARE CHARACTER IN Brawl Stars | Hack , Tricks and Glitches In HINDI - Duration: 6:22.


Digital Art Journal | Day 1 - Duration: 1:53:08.

For more infomation >> Digital Art Journal | Day 1 - Duration: 1:53:08.


For more infomation >> Digital Art Journal | Day 1 - Duration: 1:53:08.


Challenge Borders

For more infomation >> Challenge Borders


Tulsi Gabbard: "I'm Seriously Considering" Running For President | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Tulsi Gabbard: "I'm Seriously Considering" Running For President | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 6:50.


【文化の違い】アメリカに戻ったけど。。。日本のここが恋しい - Duration: 15:35.

hey!natalia natchan here

a real life person: natchan!

me: what!?

a real life person: your hair is pink!!

have you guys noticed this happens a lot?

somebody will make a statement that's super obvious

but makes the statement like nobody else has any idea

these shoes are so flashy!

it's COLD outside!


natchan! you're not Japanese!

so i lived in Japan for 4 years

and when i lived there

I was like "wow japanese people do this a lot"

but actually... americans do it a lot too// i just forgot that fact

and since coming back

I've noticed a lot of stuff that Japan has that we don't

and I'm pretty bummed

i miss a lot

(loud people outside

.... like how quiet Japanese people are.....

since coming to America, I miss Japan a lot!

Today I want to tell you the things I miss about Japan!

So, since coming to america... these are the things

I miss about Japan

lets go

im sad we don't have these in America

So number one is..

something Ithink you guys will already get

something like what i just said... something that is obvious

Japanese food!

it's good anywhere you go

even fast food like hidakaya and yoshinoya

it's so much better than american fast food

it was so good... and so good.. and SO GOOD

i have nothing else to say

and well..


coming to America, I've been happy to eat

things that have a lot of vegetables .. and giant salads and stuff

but the difference

in the quality of taste.. is not even comparable

even though I like vegetables... all Japanese food is so good

so before I went to Japan

I couldn't really eat vegetables

When I was in high school

I was eating things like

cup noodles, mcdonalds, and pizza all the time

isn't that crazy?... i was getting no nutrients..

and when I think about it... at that time

I always got sick the second I went outside

But since being in Japan

all the veggies and everything were prepared so well, I started loving vegetables!

In america, I can still eat veggies

But everything is more tasty in Japan

Japanese fast food and stuff too

and the Japanese homestyle food..

how do you say that again in Japanese...

remind me in the comments... I'm helplesss

In Japan

If you go to a place you don't know

and you're hungry

you can enter a completely random restaurant, and it'll be good

in America... yeah... right

that's hella sketch to do in America

especially if you're in a po-dunk town

if you're like "idk this place but let's try it"

you gonna regret it... not in Japan though!

and even truck stops!!

... how do you say it in Japanese agian...... the place you stop at on road trips

rest stops? rest area?

do you say rest stop?

the food there is good too!

So I can probably talk about this forever... but

i'm still on the first one

so i'll stop

I'm bummed out that I can't

eat Japanese food anymore

number 2

Japan's cleanliness

no matter where you go... it's clean

well.. if you're in the boonies

not super countryside but..

like.. kawasaki and tsurumi

if you go there it's kinda dirty

but.. it's nothing like bad areas in America

you can't compare it

it's clean!! Japan

and in America

I have this image that a big city is dirty

like New York or Los Angeles

like.. there's a lot of trash

But I was really surprised that

Tokyo doesn't really have trash cans

it's crazy to me that even though ya'll got NO trash cans

it's still clean as hell


i want to experience that again..

the cleanliness of Tokyo... I'm bummed that America is so dirty

this one isn't about the whole of Japan

but number three is Shibuya 109

and Harajuku

I'm sure you cud guess that one..

I actually lived pretty close to 109

So I could go anytime I wanted

I didn't have much money at the time though..

But yeah.. on the other hand

you gotta be a strong-ass individual for that one

sometimes in America they have cute shops

especially in LA and stuff

When I lived in LA they had some cute shops

But mostly in America the best thing is to shop online

yep... 109 and harajuku

And in America it's like

if you wear crazy shit, the people around you aren't really wearing it

so people around you are kind of surprised

I'm used to it but

... well i mean.. Japanese people are confused too.. especially after I dyed my hair pink

people were often surprised.. but

somehow it was different..

like when you're walking.. they might think "oh that person is bright"

but... somehow it's ok

well.. my wallet is thankful now

but I'm bummed out that I can't go to 109 or harajuku anymore

number 4 is

something that isn't year round

but the cheery blossoms in spring

they were so nice

and i didn't write this one but

tokyo christmas..

the lights at christmas time in tokyo

and the cherry blossoms in spring... i love them

those surroundings are so pretty...

and they really get to me

and that was important to me

and of course I'd always take pictures

and be late to everything

but it was so pretty.. and i wanna go back

and see the cherry blossoms and lights

My mom actually really likes christmas

so I wanna go with my mom

and go see the lights


so I'm kinda bummed that

I can't see Japanese cherry blossoms or Christmas lights anymore

number 5 would be... and we're already at 5 huh

number 5 would be... the train

the train that will take you anywhere

from the tokyo to the countryside

So like... I haven't really ridden the train in America that much.


when i lived in Japan

I called my friend and he told me

he was riding the train in my hometown

and he told me

"in the 5 minutes I've been riding this train

I've been offered a stolen bike, drugs, and a stolen phone,

but a stranger"

its crazy

I think my hometown is especially sketchy..

But I think New York and Chicago

are better but, I haven't ridden them so I can't really say

but like in Japan you see kids

riding the train alone a lot

i was able to use the train, and it was clean, and kids rode it..

you can get anywhere too.. it was so convenient!

in America you mostly gotta drive

I'm bummed I can't ride the train anymore


this is... number 6?

yeah 6

when i was in Japan I didn't really care

but actually...

I miss the clubs and drinking culture in Japan (kind of)

i liked it..

Last year around Christmas

when i came to visit America, my mom was like

"I want to go to the club with you !

now that you're finally 21!"

and i was like

"uhh.. the clubs here suck tho"

I think so now too

they suck and .. well I guess we have uber now

But there's not train to go home by

and the music SUCKS

When I was in Tokyo, I also DJd

so... of course it was fun for me

but my friends also DJd

and I had a lot of friends in the clubs

And there were clubs that played good music

so that was fun

but the music they play at the clubs here.. is usually shit

and the fashion and everything..

everything is boring

it's boring..

sometimes in Japan I'd go out

wearing flashy outfits and makeup

but it's a bit different in America

and... it seemed safer in Japan?... wait

actually no.. as a woman by yourself

it's not safe anywhere

but for some reason It seems more sketchy here..

Im bummed out that...

I'm not DJing in Tokyo clubs anymore, and I can't go to Japanese drinking events.

at least.. the party animal side of me is bummed..

I kinda said this in number 4 but it's similiar.. number 7

It's Japanese Nature and Scenery

I really loved it!

I've loved it since I was young

and that's another reason I wanted to go.. when I was younger

in the countryside

it's so beautiful!

it's pretty. and it's pretty

I really love it.. and

even in the city... like the neon lights at night

I love it.

I have a neon light fetish ... ok wait no

you might get it from seeing my instagram but

I love neon lights

like in Shinjuku and Shibuya

there's not really anything worth doing at night but..

I love seeing those lights

i get hyped lol

am i the only one!?

it's probably like if you guys go to new york or manhattan

from Japan

I love it

and when I was in Japan I loved taking video of it

like the scenery and aesthetics and stuff

I'm bummed that I can't take those videos anymore

I'd think you all knowwww what number 8 isss!

yeah i know im not funny

8 is..

karaoke.. in Japan

it's so fun! but yall already know that

"we have the BEST karaoke"

"in the WORLD!"

yall don't say it but I know.

it's ok

everybody else is thinking it too

japan's karaoke is awesome

so when i was studying Japanese

when i was in high school

I would search "nishino kana" songs in karaoke

and by that

I learned how to read hiragana and stuff more quickly

it was fun!

and in Japan

It's a room so it's not as embarrassing!

since it's just your friends

but in America, we have mostly karaoke bars.. well i guess they have it in Japan too..

but... singing in front of everybody

in a karaoke bar... is embarrassing..

so the room is more fun

more than singing in front of strangers

yeah.. I wanna do it again

and even the menu

the Japanese karaoke menu... drinks and snacks and stuff

it was so fun

I bet the guy who started karaoke is loaded..

well... I'm kind of bummed

that I can't go to karaoke in Japan anymore..:'(

am i not finished yet?nooo

about 2 more.. please bear with me

number 9

I bet you guys won't see this one coming

you're gonna be so surprised you'll DIE

Japanese health insurance and hospitals

It's so... fucking.. inconvenient here..

so like..

when i was in Japan

I just would go to my city office and get my insurance card

but in America

when I came back

After 2 months...

I still couldn't get my insurance... then 3 months past... and I still couldn't get it

it's so fucking annoying

and the hospitals are so expensive

if you have no insurance it's ridiculously expensive

and in Japan

certain doctos.. like women's doctors or dermatologists

or... eye doctors.. how do you say this one in Japanese?

well anyway those clinics

they had a bunch of them in any town

and in the town I used to live in

for example, if I wanted to go to the dermatologist

I would just go there in the same day, and since there weren't many people, I could just get in easily.

Since I've been in America

if I want to go to a dermatologist, it takes me a whole damn month

to get a fucking appointment!

why!? WHY!? plus.. if I have no insurance it's crazy expensive!

and even if I have insurance,

there are a bunch of places I can't even use it

I don't know if it's like this in Japan or not.. (I never had it happen)

It's so annoying in America

I'm pissed that

I can't use Japanese insurance or hospitals anymore.. and kinda bummed

but mostly just pissed

and number 10 here we are

Japanese food.yeah.

I love Japanese food and I'm pissed I can't get it here

I'm bummed I can't eat Japanese food anymore and I'm upset that I can't eat Japanese food anymore

I really loved it... oh wait..

I already said this huh

I'm bummed that I can't eat Japanese food anymore.

If you guys live abroad

What do you think you would miss the most? tell me in the comments!

I feel like you'd miss the food..

so tell me something else! what would it be? lemme know!

and I wanna tell you guys fdjasko

ok wait. i can't tell you. becasue I apparently can't speak Japanese anymore..

wait no...

So I have a song for you guys I'm planning on releasing at the end of this month!

It's the last song of the year and I'm releasing it on Christmas! So I want you guys to hear it!

It's called "tamagotchi!"

I'll release it on the 25 of this year!

iplease check it out if you're interested!

if you guys liked this video

make sure to please like and subscribe!

that was natalia natchan!


(Music: DOPAMiNE - Natalia Natchan 'PiNKII')

For more infomation >> 【文化の違い】アメリカに戻ったけど。。。日本のここが恋しい - Duration: 15:35.


British Prime Minister Theresa May Survives Confidence Vote | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> British Prime Minister Theresa May Survives Confidence Vote | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:12.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 63 AMG 4-Matic Automaat Distronic-PLUS, Luchtvering - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 63 AMG 4-Matic Automaat Distronic-PLUS, Luchtvering - Duration: 1:13.


nvrlyalone #2 👁️|| The Archive - Duration: 3:21.

My username is weblurknerd.

I started archiving Nichole's Channelpage when I came across her in 2007, a year after

she started uploading.

I remembered watching her introduction video- something about it didn't sit right with me.

She seemed nice.

A little awkward, but I was willing to chalk that up to the medium she chose to express

herself through.

And she really did express herself- she was always learning something, trying to find

a way to stand out and.. entertain.

She never really knew me beyond a screenname, she called me Blurk.

(laughs) and I didn't..

'truly' know her either, just the persona she displayed in her videos.

But she lived in my state and, well, after a couple of years of watching someone you

start to feel like you DO sorta know them.

And, embarrassing to admit, you feel like old friends..

Like old friends, you miss them when they're gone.

She never did collabs with any other TubeTuber.

All of her vlogs were recorded by herself, and she seemed happy enough that way.

Besides, she was in high school at the time so it was probably better for her to stay

away from weirdos online.

But something was..

Uncomfortable about her videos.

At first I thought it was the jarring transitions and glitches- she said her camera and desktop

setup gave her a lot of trouble and it shows..

But there was something more.

Nichole was right, there was something being kept hidden.

Something that was a big part of her.

But by the time people started realizing it, the follow-up video was deleted.

I don't know if she deleted it or if it was removed from the site by a moderator..

I never even saw it.

But it feels like a crucial puzzle piece was.. destroyed.

And how many others would vanish the same way ?

So I started archiving..

Turns out..

It was the right move if I wanted to solve anything.

She continued to make videos until around 2009..

Many of her videos contained these puzzle pieces, and every time someone pointed them

out, that piece would be lost without warning..

before the Channelpage closed down and Nicole disappeared completely.

She only had a couple hundred subscribbers, there wasn't exactly outcry over her deletion.

I wonder sometimes if I'm the only one who still remembers her and her old videos.

I have them on my external harddrive, they sat there for years, it..

frustrated me. because I knew I was missing so many pieces..

But after going through them again with a fresh mind, I genuinely think I might have

enough to work with.

I've come upon a lot of info about this stranger just from keeping and examining the archive.

Something is … I'm hesitant to use the word, but..


Something is haunting this girl.

The question is, what next?

Like, is she okay?

I only have bits and pieces of information but..

What do you do with information you were never supposed to have?

For more infomation >> nvrlyalone #2 👁️|| The Archive - Duration: 3:21.


Volkswagen Polo Fabr.garantie t/m 5-2019 NAVI/BT/APP.CONNECT - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo Fabr.garantie t/m 5-2019 NAVI/BT/APP.CONNECT - Duration: 1:03.


BMW X5 xDRIVE35d 286pk M-Sport, Automaat, Trekhaak, Navi, Cruise, ECC, PDC, LMV - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 xDRIVE35d 286pk M-Sport, Automaat, Trekhaak, Navi, Cruise, ECC, PDC, LMV - Duration: 1:05.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 FULL OPTIONS / GLAZEN DAK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 FULL OPTIONS / GLAZEN DAK - Duration: 0:54.


Joshua Mohr on Writing and How to Publish a Book - Duration: 7:57.

Hello and welcome to The Book Doctors' YouTube channel with a very special

guest. Joshua Mohr is the author of five novels including Damascus, which the New

York Times called "Beat-poet cool." He's also written Fight Song and Some Things

that Meant the World to Me, one of O Magazine's Top 10 reads of 2009

and a San Francisco Chronicle bestseller, as well as Termite Parade, an Editor's

Choice in The New York Times. His novel All This Life won the Northern

California Book Award. His first book of nonfiction, a memoir

called Sirens, was recently published. We are here in the Garden Island of Kauai. We

have Josh Mohr, who is a fantastic writer and teacher, and we're gonna pick

his brain a little bit about the world of books. So first question: do you think

that your tattoos have proven to be an important part of your literary process?

Absolutely. I get a tattoo for every new book. This is my first protagonist. The

last book that sold, Sirens, I have a Sirens tattoo across my chest. I always

think about tattoos as kind of being scribbles on cave walls; this is my cave,

man. DAVID: Hieroglyphs. And would you advise young, starting writers to get the tattoos?

Yeah, and in fact I just told your

11-year-old daughter that she should start getting tattoos ASAP.

She has a really cool impermanent one right now. So can you just give us

a tiny bit of background on... How you started being a writer?,

How you became a writer? A professional? Yeah, sure. My first job out of college, I was a production

assistant at an ad agency. This was in the late '90s, like under the first dot com

boom in San Francisco. I had about 45 minutes of tasks

a day. I had to write where the producers were on a white board. ARIELLE: That was it?

That's all I had the whole day but I couldn't

get up, man. I couldn't leave.

DAVID: all right. JOSHUA: So I started to

scribble stories. I'd been a musician for years, but I got tired of relying on

other people to express myself. There's always somebody with a cocaine nosebleed who wasn't

showing up to band practice, and I realized I never got... DAVID: I knew that guy. JOSHUA: Yeah, I was the

guy. DAVID: I was the guy for a while, I'll be honest. JOSHUA: So it was just this amazing point to say what if I

can express myself without somebody else? And I just really fell in love with the form.

Yeah, so how did you go about going from there to writing the book and getting

it published? JOSHUA:I went to graduate school. I went to the University San Francisco. Arielle: For writing? JOSHUA: For an MFA.

You can learn anything on your own that you can learn in an MFA program but you're

just gonna kind of compress the timeline. I knew that this was the only

thing I wanted to get good at so I went, took the plunge

My first book was my thesis. It came out in 2009, made

Oprah's ten best of the year. (Cheers.) DAVID: How did you find an agent and a publisher and that kind of stuff?

I got lucky, you know. I mean, that's the thing that writers never want

to talk about a lot. DAVID: I got lucky, too. JOSHUA: Everybody wants to talk about "I pulled myself up by my bootstraps."

(Laughter.) DAVID: I scrapped and clawed. ARIELLE: So what happened? Did you query a series of agents or

did someone come after you? JOSHUA: No. I queried five -- my first five -- and I heard on

the same day from two agents, one at ICM and one at William

Morris. So I hopped on the phone with both of them and said, "Tell me what my

book is about." DAVID: Oh that's great. Tell me what my book is about. JOSHUA: And one of them

nailed it, and the other one wanted me to write something that wasn't what I was I intending to put on the page and that

made my decision very easy. DAVID:We went into a lot of clients who want the editor to

change their book around and sometimes it's not what they want to do and they,

you know, go okay I'll do it with their teeth gritted, and it never ends

up well. JOSHUA: I feel at the end of the day it's important that our loyalty is to the

book and not our hubris as long as we're reckless explorers we're gonna get to

where we want to go. ARIELLE: Also I think there's something really important about what you said

which is that you were interviewing the agent and not vice versa because it's

your artistic work and so many people feel they have to kowtow to

whatever the agent wants. JOSHUA: I don't want to besmirch the agents' good name, but like they're just

commissioned sales. DAVID: Absolutely. We keep trying to tell our clients that. JOSHUA: we're

the ones who are setting the trend they're trying to stamp along with the

work that we're doing. ARIELLE: And actually in the class that we're

teaching here this is one of the main things we're trying to teach people is

they're going into these pitch sessions with fear and, you know, thinking

that they have to impress this other person when actually the dynamic is -- it should be

reversed. DAVID: You're auditioning them. Are you the

right person for me? What are you gonna do? What you got? I love what you said,

what's my book about. I want to talk very briefly about this thing with the

senses that you do because I was really interested in that theory. JOSHUA: Yeah we taught

a four-day master's class this week on the five-sense psychology so taking all

the senses that are externalized that we use to render setting and try to use

those same principles to render the protagonist's consciousness as though

it's an inhabitable place for the reader to spend some time in. So I would make the

argument the hardest thing we do as writers is to inhabit a consciousness that's

not our own and bring it to vibrant life for the audience. DAVID: Could you give us an example of

how that might work? JOSHUA: Yeah, the last sense we were talking about today was

danger, this idea that we're not all afraid of the same things, like somebody

might think a pit bull is a predator or a spoonful of peanut butter. It

really depends on their particular life experiences, what they've learned along the way, and how do we

convey that idiosyncratic information to the audience in a readable way?

DAVID: My wife is terrified of moths. ARIELLE: I am. JOSHUA: Where does that come from?

When I was a very small child and, uh, I... I don't know what it's from.

DAVID: The killer Venezuelan moths. ARIELLE: I was once stuck in a room with a bat, and they have a similar

kind of weird flight thing, but... JOSHUA: So a moth is just a

small bat, is that what you're telling me? ARIELLE: To me, yes. DAVID: Yeah there's some psychological insight right there.

JOSHUA: put it right on the couch just like that. ARIELLE: So my final question, which that could have contained but... what if you had to give

one piece of advice to authors out there who have not yet gotten successfully published, what would it be?

JOSHUA: I have a tattoo on my arm from our good friend Pablo Picasso.

It simply says, "The chief enemy of creativity is good taste."

And the reason that really resonates with me is that I feel like writers do themselves

a huge disservice when they chase the nuances of an era. It's up to us to write

the book that only we can write and really celebrate the power of their

particular imagination. DAVID: Booyah baby. There it is. Thank you so much.

That was awesome. ARIELLE: Thank you. JOSHUA: My pleasure.

Aloha. All right everybody. See you at the bookstore.

Hello and welcome to... ARIELLE: Are we doing this? (Laughter)

All right, we have to make this not too long so we

have to get to the heart of it. JOSHUA: The essence. ARIELLE: What advice--

DAVID: Hold on. Before we go there, I

want to talk about this is... JOSHUA: You guys aren't locked up here.

(Ukelele music)

This is symbiosis, baby.

For more infomation >> Joshua Mohr on Writing and How to Publish a Book - Duration: 7:57.


上沼恵美子の"女帝"報道が加熱するなか、スタッフが語る「真逆の素顔」-PN - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 上沼恵美子の"女帝"報道が加熱するなか、スタッフが語る「真逆の素顔」-PN - Duration: 2:46.


サンドウィッチマン、「THE MANZAI」視聴率が証明した"不動の好感度" -PN - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> サンドウィッチマン、「THE MANZAI」視聴率が証明した"不動の好感度" -PN - Duration: 2:40.


Aqualad Kaldur'ahm - Comic Basics Origins - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Aqualad Kaldur'ahm - Comic Basics Origins - Duration: 3:38.


Advent: Prepare for Christ | Love - Duration: 2:50.

Hey Bethany Church family, Pastor Randall here, today's December the 9th, 2018 and we

just got finished with our Sunday morning church service, and I want to take a few moments

to just let you know about what I preached about today so if you missed it this is at

least a little way to catch up and at least know what everybody else (hopefully) is talking

about this week with the message.

So, this is the second week of Advent and the theme for the day was love.

Advent happens to be a teaching tool for us to learn how to patiently wait and so the

message was called "Wait for Love" and I used Mary and Joseph as the examples and so what

I spoke about was if you have a step to take or a decision to make, don't take the step

or make the decision until love is the motivating factor or you're motivated by love and so

I used Mary and Joseph for that.

When God came to Mary and told her what he would ask of her, the scripture says she pondered

those things in her heart.

She told Joseph; Joseph had obviously, understandably, had a tough time with that, but the scripture

says he considered those things and then while he was considering those things that mary

had told him, that the Lord spoke to him as well.

And so then they had each other to lean upon but all of that took place because both of

them were willing to pause long enough and consider things.

And so the scripture would talk about her pondering things or considering these things

or treasuring these thoughts up in her heart and that Joseph considered these things.

So both of them had this character trait of pausing, not being quick to speak but quick

to hear and slow to speak and because of that, God was able to use them for the miracle of

bringing the Christ child into the world.

So when you have I would encourage you when you have a decision to make or a step to take

make sure you're motivated by love.

The apostle Paul said in 1st Corinthians chapter 13: "Whether you have all wisdom, all knowledge,

whether you have the faith that moves mountains, whether you give all of your money away, or

give your body to be burned, without love it's nothing."

So love is the main motivating factor when it comes to the decisions we have and I hope

that this thought can be a help and a blessing to you this week as you have a decision to

make or a new step to take wait for love and if you've got a chance, scroll down and link

to it and hopefully we'll see you next week.

God bless.

For more infomation >> Advent: Prepare for Christ | Love - Duration: 2:50.


Ellen DeGeneres Admits She's Considered Retiring From Talk Show: Search For New Host Might Start Soo - Duration: 4:06.

Will she stay or will she go? That's the question. Ellen DeGeneres says she's not retiring, but admits that she's thought about it

Here's what we know.    Ellen DeGeneres has thought about leaving her hit daytime show

That's what the 60-year-old comedian has told The New York Times in an interview published on Dec

12. But she flat out said she is not retiring during a pre-recorded interview with supermodel Gisele Bundchen who asked her directly on an episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which airs on Dec

12. So, which is it? Is Ellen staying or is she going? Apparently – HollywoodLife has EXCLUSIVELY learned – sources who work on the show say she is considering retiring, but she's not leaving just yet

Here's what we know.    Ellen and Gisele were talking about the supermodel retiring when the Brazilian turned to the talk show host and asked her, "Are you?" Ellen responded, "No, I'm not

" But the same question is addressed in The New York Times piece. "DeGeneres recently took the option to extend her contract – until the summer of 2020 – although she had been close to declining," the article says

"On the question of leaving, she changes her mind all the time. Her brother has been an advocate for staying on, making the case that in the age of Trump, the country needs her positive, unifying voice on television every day

"  Ellen's wife, Portia de Rossi, 45, disagrees though. "She gets mad when my brother tells me I can't stop," Ellen told the Times

Portia then went on to say that there are "other things" her wife "could tackle," adding, "I don't see the end of her show as her career ending

"  Ellen's comments in The New York Times piece match what two sources from her show have told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY

"There have always been rumblings that she wants to do something else besides the show," one person tells us

"It is a daily grind and she would like to do more comedy specials and stuff like her game show [Ellen's Game of Games]

"  A separate insider claims that execs on the daytime hit are even mulling over who will replace Ellen if she does decide to leave

"The show's producers want to keep the show going well after Ellen retires," our source says

"Ellen would like to scale back to shooting a few days a week and offer up her spot to a guest host the other days of the week

While they may tell her audience it is simply a guest host, Ellen's real plan is that she will be secretly auditioning for her replacement

"  HollywoodLife has reached out to Ellen's rep and the show for comment, but have yet to receive a response

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