Build Heated House For The Winter
Cottonking Presents Struggler Saala Season 2 | Episode 7 - Duration: 10:00.Video is loading....
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I 'm fed up of both of them .
Obviously , this will happen
This wouldn't have worked for long...
: I ' m telling you let's F#$% them over..
Forget them... Forget them,,,
You already know Viju that I don't abuse...
Yes, that's true...
I know you never abuse, that's why I shall cast you in this film..
You'll cast me right ?
Yes..have a seat... and have some coffee
I have a feeling they might feel bad if I don't cast them?
So what If they feel bad???
F@#$ them...
Forget them...
You know Viju…. I don't abuse... don't make me say it again and again
Yes Of course
But you are going to cast me right??
Great decision.... don't cast them
You know this Kushya...
He cant even join two sentences without abusing...
Couldn't agree more....
What to tell them now???
I don't even breathe as fast as he abuses in a single sentence....
Such a weirdo he is....
And that Baba....
Kushya abuses between sentences, that 'Baba ' uses bad words after every alphabet .
Such weirdos man.... F@#$ them...
Forget them... Forget them.. lets move on...
Is a new project I am doing...
I don't abuse....
You ask him....
Ask Vavi...
Haha... Oh Ravi...
Don't laugh .Seriously. Do ask Ravi , about my face value.
If you take these two, you'll froth all over your face...
They don't deserve to be cast...
100% true... they don't deserve to be cast...
truly they don't deserve...
Yes... Lets meet...
Yes.. I'll meet you in a week...
Let's have a drink that day and lock our dates...
Haha... yes okay...
Viju , do you have a 50, 60, 100 bucks?
Actually I have a note of 2000 bucks .
It becomes difficult to get some change from the auto driver.
You have them??? Yes... this is enough...
Even I don't have change...
You don't???
You them right??
Okay... Keep this...
Will meet you soon...
Chal...See you...
That belongs to the studio...
Ya.. I know it belongs to the studio...
Don't cast them okay???
Absolutely not...
Otherwise you'll get completely F@$$
You will find it difficult to complete projects
Come... lets leave...
No... Baba No....
I'll shove something up his ass..
I'll shove it up his ass...
Baba.. please don't abuse...
What do you mean don't abuse... asshole...
Now they will determine an actor's worth by how much he abuses???
Baba please don't hurt yourself so much for me...
I am not doing this for you....asshole
But based on this point..are they going to f@# us over now???
Baba.. you please just don't abuse.. I'll sort the rest...
Kushya… not every bad word is meant to insult...
It is also a way to express our feelings Motherf@#
BABA....Please don't abuse!!!!
I will Abuse... DAMN IT... I WILL ABUSE...
Now you guys will fu@# me over based on how much I abuse... MotherF!#@#....
Fu@# You....
Look at this...
Why is he avoiding us???
Cottonking… he bought new clothes..
Come... He will definitely meet us..if we take this...
Yes..let's take this...
I'll give you this...
A man's..
..success depends on the company he keeps...
You should...
Look here... Look at me...
Change your company and you will become....
What word did I use right now???
not success. But successful
You will become successful...
And these Kushya… Baba...
They will Fu@#$ the entire industry up..
they will what???
Yaar.. Viju...I don't abuse,... you know me...
Sorry.. Sorry....
I know you don't abuse...
And these Kushya and Baba have already worked with me in theatre plays...
Yes I know...
In 2006...
They were working in plays with me...
Fu@# Off....
You told them right???
No, they told me... now you have locked the play... now F@#$# Off...
Now let us do our work...
Then they changed my dialogues and started making up their own stuff...
And started taking their own additions...
Their additions must be horrible...
And Kushya...
he is a mimicry artist... not an actor at all...
You can't copy Siddharth Jadhav by just doing this...
To copy Siddhu you have to...
do this much...
yes you have to..
then you become Siddhu...
And Viju….
Cinema is all about... Brandy...
Brand.. Brand.. its all about the brand...
Working in Cinema is a different ball game altogether...
And Baba....
He is good at heart...
Yes he is...
But he Fu@#$ up a lot...
He what???
Forgetss him....
He what????
Fu@@$#% up... asshole...
What are you saying...
Areeh.. Viju what's your problem...
What has happened to you....
His mother has a mansion in his village...
there he completely forgets what he has to do...
Your ears don't function properly anymore...
This is not about my ears...
Let me throw a few drops in their name...
Viju… you have brought your credit card right???
Yes I have....
Waiter... two Black Label...
send it quickly....
And Viju...
You have lowered your standards in what you drink... because of your old company...
Drink some branded stuff...
Bring me 'Officer's Choice.'
You just know the names... or you know anything about the alcohol that you drink??
It's offer's choice...
Forget it...
That Fatso and that ugly asshole have ruined my life...
Mother F@@#$@
Kushya, Baba... where were you all this while...
We were in Donkey's ass you asshole...
Baba you are so funny....
They seem to like your jokes now Baba...
Now you drunkards will determine my comic sense...
No No.. Baba... they have their own intellectual comedy....
Should I remind you of your intellect assholes...
Noo Noo Baba... don't you know they have their brand....
I'll shove their brand up their ass...Mother F@$@
Look at his T shirt...
Its good right????
"Don't teacher your father how to fuck..." mother fu@@$ who is the father here???
Who is the father????
Will you please remove your leg from my feet...
I have kept in on purpose.. so that you don't leave...
Kushya what are you doing....
What are you up to asshole???
Baba... this one doesn't abuse....
Kushya.. please don't...
Oh her doesn't abuse.. does he....
Say.... I don't give a damn... say it...
Say it...
I don't care...
Say 'damn it..'
Even he is bullying me now...
I don't give a damn...
Now say you are an asshole...
Baba you are an asshole...
Is this a skit asshole???
Is this a skit asshole???
Is this a skit asshole???
Asshole.... ASSHOLE!!!!!
Now dance for me....
dance for him...
Dance for me.....
Come on dance...
I need someone to dance for me...
Kushya… Sing a song...
you dance now...
Big Fat ass Baba.... Big Fat ass Baba...
Asshole 'big fat ass baba' is the song????
No no no no.,..
Baba.. Baba...
Sir one selfie....
Sir the light is better here...
Let me join you too... Kushya.. Baba...
You guys go home safely... okay bye....
Drink and Drive.. is...(Mumbling)
Where did he go???
Look at his he is leaving....
Forget him... catch hold of this guy...
We have to Fu@#$@ this guy up...
Noo Noo… Salutations to you...
Shove you salutations in your ass..
Baba....please don't baba....
Hi this is Priyadarshan Jadhav.. Please Like, Share and Subscribe to our channel.. 'Chavat'
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And to conclude this episode let us present a small song for you all....
Baba has a big fat ass... Baba has a big fat ass...
Lukáš Rosol v slzách: Svého syna viděl tento rok prý jen třikrát! Je to manipulace? - Duration: 7:01.-------------------------------------------
Cheers - Friends. Reunion. Goa | Web Series | Episode 4 Teaser | Releasing on 17th Dec | Cheers! - Duration: 0:49.I'm so happy to meet you guys!
And then see the promise box and be the part of the beer promises!
"Welcome to 4 best years of your life", do you know from where I picked this line?
From that f*cker's suicide note!
Suicide note?
Dude, Ciggy is missing from his room from past 2 days...
And just a few days back he was at my room, talking about all weird things!
Nobody is responsible for this...
I'm doing it on my own free will!
What's all this?!
I'm feeling very scared!
What's the fear now?
Our plan has been successful!
See you!
Up To Speed, December 13 - Duration: 1:58.J: Hey what's up everybody, here we are at 100 Wall Street in the heart of the financial
district in New York City. Never know who you'll run into when you're in one of our stores.
None other than Hans Vestberg, Hans good to see you.
H: Good seeing you guys. Great to be here
K: Yes, thanks for being with us. So January 7th, coming up we've got our
Live From...Irving employee webcast, what do you want the team to know?
H: It's going to be an exciting time & of course we're kicking off the year. We're going
to talk about Verizon 2.0, what that means. We will talk about the priorities for
the year which is very important so everyone knows where is the north star, what
we're going to do & how do I contribute to that. More important, we need questions.
Questions for all of you out there, you send them in. And I think that you need to
help me to get them in as well. So I think that you go away, start kicking in some
questions that it will be a great event & beginning of next year.
K: We're on the case.
J: Yes, & get your questions in on VZWeb. The most liked will get answered.
Hans, I think you've got some shopping to do, right?
H: I'm going to do some shopping now.
J: Alright, thanks. Get those questions in for the Live From...Irving event on
Monday, January 7th. Ask on VZWeb & the most liked will be answered.
J: Now, are you looking for a holiday music playlist? Well, for those of you on
Pandora, just search Fios Holiday Hits and get to listening. It's got the classics
as well as contemporary sounds. So whatever your taste in music, there's plenty
to choose from to help you jingle your bells.
K: And, just in time for the holidays, Verizon is making shopping for the perfect gift
as easy as sending five emojis on Facebook.
With the Verizon Emoji Shopping Assistant.
We caught up with Kevin Solomon from the social media team to learn more.
What we wanted to do is just alleviate the stresses of holiday shopping. So we
built this bot, you take 5 emojis & the person you're shopping for & the bot will
respond & suggest with 1 phone & 2 accessories. And it's as simple as that. We took
emojis & the stress of holiday shopping & made it simple. Happy shopping.
J: Thanks so much Kevin, cool stuff there. Now, that will do it for us today.
Be sure to get those questions in for Hans. Have a great Thursday
& until next time, you're up to speed.
K: What would my emojis be?
Hit on Me - Duration: 3:21.The patient is crashing!
Get the cart!
Stay with us now.
Come on!
It had been just another Saturday night on the town with the girls.
He'd hit on me at the bar when I'd gone to get my round in.
Gavin was the classic tall, dark and handsome, but with brains thrown in.
He was studying for a doctorate at university at the time.
He asked me for a date.
It was like all my birthdays had come at once.
That was six years ago.
Now look at me, married with the two kids, Connie and Peter, him a successful consultant
on big money, nice house, big car, posh holidays, the lot.
And everyone says he's the perfect dad.
All my old mates are as jealous as hell.
Gavin's parents are a bit hard to take sometimes.
They dote on him, almost obsessively.
In their eyes he can do no wrong.
Only child syndrome, I suppose.
Mine were never like that, even though I was an only child as well.
They knew I could be a right little madam sometimes, and wouldn't let me get away
with anything.
I loved them to bits despite the occasional slap across the legs.
I miss them so much.
Gavin and me?
Chalk and cheese.
It's like the kids, so alike to look at but so different.
Connie, the older one, is easy going.
She shares her toys, sweets, anything with the other kids.
She's always nursing them if they bump themselves or fall over, a proper little mum.
Peter's a different kettle of fish.
He's okay till something goes wrong.
Then he'll fly into a fury, lashing out, practically foaming at the mouth.
I tell him, 'Calm down.
You'll do yourself an injury, or someone else more like.'
It takes him ages to settle but when he does he always says sorry if he's punched any
of the other kids, or broken anything.
You can see in his eyes he really means it as well.
He's just like his dad.
Gavin might have gone a bit too far this time, though.
Look at them down there, all those doctors and nurses working their socks off, fighting
for my life.
All I'd done was singe his suit trousers when I'd pressed them.
Connie was screaming and tugging at his leg, Peter hiding behind the sofa terrified.
It was Connie that rang for the ambulance when Gavin stormed out, amazing presence of
mind for a five year old.
I know I should go back but not just yet.
It's so peaceful, and I'm not frightened any more here.
If I am going back I need to do it soon.
I can see how frantic they are now.
If they turn off the machine that'll be it.
Stuck here.
I think I'd prefer that.
But then what'll happen to the kids?
I can't leave them alone with Gavin, and his tempers.
The doctors are looking at each other.
A nurse is crying.
I have to make my mind up now… heaven or hell?
No one should EVER feel unsafe in their own home.
Contact family, friends or your local authorities for help.
Don't let it get this far.
GTA 5|Thử Cho Tất Tần Tật Siêu Xe Chạy Qua Đoạn Đường Dễ GÃY|Khôi Michael - Duration: 20:30.-------------------------------------------
Fire Rips Through Sunnyside Businesses - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Love To The End | 끝까지 사랑 EP.87 [SUB: ENG, CHN/2018.12.13] - Duration: 33:42.I knew you had requested a compassionate release,
but never expected you to get out so suddenly.
That's right. Chairman Kang,
fill me in and tell me how well you've been working...
in my absence.
The numbers for the fourth quarter aren't out yet, so...
James, you know, right?
The construction, hotels, home shopping,
department stores, duty free shops, insurance,
electronics and apparel
are all doing well.
As always, YB Cosmetics must be the problem.
So? How big of a loss did we take on the scalp mask?
I heard you were in charge, Sena.
About 200 million dollars.
Good going.
What did you tell me?
You said you waited 40 years ever since you joined the company,
but this is all you can do?
Once the acquisition of Cells Beauty is approved,
the stock price and sales will go up.
Actually, the FSS just called.
I don't think the acquisition will be approved.
Why not?
They can't believe the accounting documents from YB.
That's right.
I heard Cells Beauty reinstated Mr. Han as president.
Have you heard?
Why didn't you go to the board meeting?
Something urgent came up.
Detectives showed up right at that time.
So? How was the police interrogation?
There's one good thing about being in jail.
I reflected upon myself and promised
not to get angry nor annoyed
at the people below me once I get out
about 10 hours every day,
but you killed that instantly.
Kang Jehyeok. Kang Sena!
You know how much I care for Hyeongi.
I raised him to be the next chairman, but you two
made him out to be a moron who was manipulated
by a seductress just to cover up your crimes?
And his own father
didn't stop the articles from being published.
What's your problem?
You knew she was a fake,
but you put on that act in front of the entire nation!
I can't stand the sight of you, so get out.
You. Stay.
Bring in two cups of tea.
What... What's going on?
Go clean up my office.
You lost your office too?
What's going on?
- Why is the chairman keeping him... / - Can't you tell?
They're working together.
Are you saying Jeonghan...
Got Chairman Jeong out? How?
Thanks to you, I can spend the winter at ease.
What do you think your sentence will be?
If things go well, I'll just get probation.
Chief Baek's card must have been extremely strong.
That prosecutor was very ambitious.
I gave him a slew of assemblymen in exchange for me.
Where is...
Chief Baek now?
That punk has been so thorough.
They can't find anything on him.
All they got was a violation of a communications law,
so he was released.
You mean...
He's walking around freely right now?
I'm keeping him closely monitored,
so don't worry about him.
Here are the 3 million shares of YB Development.
The taxes have already been paid.
You can remove Sena from her position at YB City
with that, right?
Thank you.
Stop there.
I have no intention
of selling YB City.
You said you had another gift.
Not for free.
Choi Deokbae.
How did you...
I met the person
you hired.
Chief Baek killed Choi Deokbae, didn't he?
- It wasn't a suicide, was it? / - That's right.
Although I don't know whether he's dead or alive.
What do you mean, dead or alive?
- Keep talking. / - I can't.
I'm loyal to the person who paid me.
Did you save Choi Deokbae?
We barely saved him.
He hasn't fully recovered yet.
Do you know how much money I spent?
Where is he?
Hand him over now.
Not until the trial is over.
Obviously, you'll present him as a witness
and catch Chief Baek.
That will put me in danger, so no.
The decision will be rendered 3 weeks from now.
3 weeks?
Let me live first.
And then I'll give you Choi Deokbae.
Catch Sena then.
Give me the personal information of Chief Baek first.
Sure. That, I should.
I'll send it to you.
What happened?
Did you really team up with Chairman Jeong?
I got a rich friend thanks to you.
How could you?
He's the one who took your land
and had your factory close down.
All I did was run his errands.
You were just his lackey, but you bit your master.
Didn't you expect this day to come?
How did you do it?
I did exactly what you did.
I had someone give the prosecutor something huge.
Don't tell me you caught Chief Baek...
That day or something.
How did I catch someone that strong?
Stop taunting me and answer my question.
Do you think I'd answer all of your questions?
Yes. I caught Chief Baek with my bare hands.
Now what?
Why are you here?
I need to discuss something with Jeonghan.
Aren't you seeing your ex-husband
way too openly when you're engaged?
I thought the father of my child should know
what happened to our child's kidnapper.
Kidnapping? Who's the culprit?
What's wrong with you?
The file that Sena stole
is currently in YB Cosmetics' research lab.
Thank you.
What did that researcher do wrong,
to have to create fake research notes?
That's right. Congratulations on reclaiming
your father's company.
His inauguration is tomorrow.
What did Chairman Jeong say?
Choi Deokbae is alive.
He bribed someone to move him elsewhere.
I was supposed to get him once I caught Chief Baek,
but he says not before his trial is over.
How long will it take?
3 weeks.
We can't just trust him and wait.
Let's do everything we can.
It's a copy of the dash cam video.
It can't be submitted as evidence in court,
but it's enough to report to the police.
The victim has to do it herself.
I'll send Emily to the police tomorrow.
You report Chief Baek after that.
That you were abducted because of that video...
For what happened to Duyeong.
Can we also prove that Chief Baek was the one
who broke Choi Deokbae out of police custody?
There's a video of him in my brother's phone,
and Mr. Choi ran an errand for him as well.
That should be sufficient to reopen the case.
I hope Emily will give her statement.
What did she say?
You didn't talk to her yet, did you?
I'm too angry to even look at her.
You told me not to be swept away by my emotions.
What's wrong with you?
You're so good at keeping it in.
I told you.
I've shut down all feelings.
I need to get to the home shopping studio.
I see. Your show is today.
I'm sure it'll go well.
Here, Yunsu. Have a snack first.
After I finish this.
Are you drawing me again?
It's my other grandma this time.
Ha Yeongok.
I'm truly sorry about what happened yesterday.
How could she do that?
There's no end to Sena's evil doings.
But Emily...
Probably wanted to impress her mother-in-law.
How much did you whine about Yunsu,
for her to do such a thing?
Do you think I would've done that in front of her?
I can't believe that, either.
I wish I could prove it somehow.
Gayeong already humiliated me yesterday
more than you can imagine.
don't even mention taking him from us
ever again.
That's what I came to say.
And here.
I thought you should see it.
(Grandma Ha Yeongok)
It's surprising...
How nice it feels to be called "Grandma."
I'll go now.
You should at least have some tea.
That's right. Did you hear?
Jeonghan caught Chief Baek.
No. When?
Two nights ago.
I heard Gayeong was with him.
That's why she came home so late. My gosh.
- He wasn't hurt? / - No.
He swore to me that he wouldn't go after him,
that he wouldn't meet him and he wouldn't fight.
But the two of them
had been chasing him this entire time.
It's useless for moms to nag.
That's right.
It looks like...
They'll complete their revenge after all.
Did you hear...
That we reclaimed our company?
That's so great.
Gayeong says
she'll get back everything we lost.
So, please...
I know. Please just
let me see Yunsu.
Let's not fight anymore. Okay?
There's one more thing.
It's about Hyeongi.
I know the three of them made that decision together
in order to stop what Sena did to them.
But imagine how my daughter must feel.
Jeongbin has been in love with Hyeongi
and only him for 20 years. Did you know that?
My gosh.
She thought her insides were
churning out of jealousy because of the ring,
but said she was glad it was appendicitis.
That idiot.
You knew, didn't you?
What do you think will happen from now on?
- What? / - Chairman Jeong.
First, he'll call a board meeting.
He'll be appointed as the honorary chairman.
What about the chairman's seat?
Don't tell me you want father to step down.
I can't watch you do despicable things to him
just to save yourself anymore.
So? Are you saying you'll push father out
and become the chairman yourself?
At least I don't have a recording
that you can threaten me with.
So you insist on pushing me out.
Father too?
I've already told him that's what I'll do.
So, Chairman Jeong came out
to make you the chairman.
That's why you should clean up your mess
and stop committing crimes.
Aren't you leaving?
Hey. Are you at work?
Do you feel better?
Do you like the flowers?
I'm glad.
(I wish you would be happy all the time)
Don't forget to go to the hospital tomorrow.
Why did you have to say 15,000 times?
I have to go to the hospital again because of you.
What's with 15,000?
I'm saying I want to live with you for about 40 years.
That was my way of proposing.
Says who?
Even if you get on your knees 15,000 times,
I will not forgive you.
Who could that be?
Flowers, work...
That ring... I'm so jealous.
How did Han Gayeong become Cinderella?
Even we're this upset.
Imagine how upset that 20-year girlfriend is.
She probably did that to squash their scandal,
but she was dumped.
Do you think that woman is that woman?
He was dating someone a few years ago.
She came to the office several times too.
Then maybe they really did date for 20 years.
Oh, my gosh.
Hi, Jeongbin.
What brings you here?
You kidnapped a child yesterday.
What nasty thing do you plan to do today?
Well, I was worried about
how you must feel.
You were hung up on one man for 20 years
and lost him to Gayeong overnight.
Who was hung up on who?
Didn't you know I lied that I was married
just so I could avoid seeing him?
Why are you looking at me like that?
Hyeongi and I have been over years ago.
There's nothing going on between us.
Were you sick?
You look pale.
It's nothing. I had an appendectomy.
- When? / - Why do you ask?
My brother didn't come home two nights ago.
Why are you telling me that?
Do you think he was with me?
He was not!
You two are still seeing each other, right?
We are not. What's your problem?
Didn't you see the photo of me slapping his face?
Right, there was a photo too.
I'll go now.
Don't you dare come back.
Sena went there?
I thought my heart was going to explode.
She acted like she knew something.
You should've told her you were my real girlfriend.
This isn't the time for jokes.
Do something.
I got rid of the reporters.
It'll be okay.
(Bulletin Board)
I see that everyone, including the directors,
employees and even the shop owners,
love Hyeongi, right?
Let's do this.
Reporter Kim?
Can send me the photo of my brother being slapped
by some woman?
Consider the money I gave you
as a payment for that photo.
Finally, what you all have been anxiously waiting for.
It's time for Cells Bee's Alpha Cap.
This technology is something no one was
able to replicate.
We received over 1,000 pre-orders already.
What's a pre-order?
Ordering in advance.
Word got out already?
Is it because of the photo I posted on social media?
This is awesome.
I said to clean up. What are you doing?
Hey. That photo we posted online actually helped.
The sales are through the roof.
- For real? / - Yes. Look.
I plan to bring some pork stew to the office tomorrow.
You two will be fine without me, right?
Of course.
No, not me.
- Why not? / - I quit after today.
Why all of a sudden?
I told your son...
That I'd be quitting in advance.
You were kidding.
I was not.
I said I'd quit with you.
You can't find a better job than this.
- You stay. / - So why are you quitting?
I plan to travel.
What's wrong?
Are you mad at me about something?
It's not like that.
I'm just traveling, that's all.
Why are you traveling out of the blue?
You're just saying that, right?
It's hard to get tickets nowadays.
I'm already prepared.
I saved up for several years.
Where are you going? You never told me anything.
I'm going into the wild, so you can't go.
When will you be back?
- I won't know until I get there. / - Jihun.
Aren't we dating?
We are dating. But...
This trip is my dream.
Your dream?
Choose one.
Me or the trip.
Don't be stupid.
Stupid? You punk.
Is that all you can say?
Stop it.
Fine. Enjoy your trip...
And never come back.
Don't just go in.
You should finish him off.
Aren't you going after her?
Comfort her for me.
Hey. Hey!
Are you really leaving?
Why are you crying?
Don't cry over that punk.
You little... It's all your fault!
What is this?
A copy of Choi Deokbae's dash cam video.
You had the original taken away.
You said a copy is useless.
It can't be submitted as evidence in court,
but it'll explain what happened to the detectives.
I made an appointment for 11 a.m. tomorrow.
Go and submit it.
You want me to go back there?
Yesterday was about Yunsu.
Tomorrow, you're the star.
Tell them about the accident.
We don't have Choi Deokbae nor Chief Baek.
How can we catch Sena?
No, that's not true.
What are you...
Is Choi Deokbae alive or something?
- Did you catch Chief Baek? / - Yes.
We can finish your revenge now. So...
Do as I'm told,
sign the contract and leave?
I don't plan to leave.
You know
I can't live without you.
Don't act dumb.
You know how I feel about you.
I can't live without you.
I'm doing this...
Because I want to live too.
You want to be happy too.
That's why...
You want me to go there with this?
Snap out of it.
Did you forget how you survived?
This is your revenge. Am I wrong?
Fine. I'll go tomorrow.
It's time to take my meds.
Grandma said she took my drawing
and gave it to my other grandma.
Yes, I heard.
She said your drawing was so good
and your other grandma was touched.
I had so much fun yesterday.
Let's go again.
You did?
I'm glad.
Let's go to Songi's house again too.
Did you see the post on the company bulletin board?
The anonymous post.
I don't know who posted it,
but the comments are insane.
I don't want to read it, so just tell me.
You're engaged but
you stayed out all night with your 20-year girlfriend.
It's like they've been waiting.
They even posted the photo of you
being slapped.
The comments are just...
"I know this woman."
"She said herself that it's been 20 years."
"She showed up in the lobby often 6 years ago."
And so on...
What do we do?
The higher-ups see the bulletin board too.
You did this too, didn't you?
He'll think one of the employees did it.
I said not to touch Hyeongi again.
Even Chairman Jeong is out. Why are you doing this?
Once he calls a board meeting,
he'll have you removed
and make Hyeongi the chairman.
Hyeongi agreed.
He agreed?
Yes. He said
he'd expose all your corruptions.
Don't worry.
You just have to hang in until Chairman Jeong
is given a jail sentence and is locked up.
The world will be ours then.
I don't know if Chairman Jeong will remain quiet.
Go upstairs now.
I need to go to the police station.
What is it this time?
Why did an engaged man
spend the night with his ex-girlfriend?
I've been getting calls left and right.
I didn't spend the night with her.
She was in the hospital.
Then is it true that you two
have been secretly seeing each other all this time?
Yes. We didn't break up.
No, we won't.
Why you...
How will you lead the group if you're so soft?
I'll run it differently unlike you and my father.
That's only if you actually make it.
How can I call a board meeting now?
Get rid of her.
No, forget that.
Call Gayeong here.
- She's busy. / - What?
I'm doing this because I want to live too.
You think I don't know what you're up to?
You probably wanted to show off to your mother-in-law
that you are able to bring her grandson to her.
- Am I wrong? / - Once you're done...
Playing your part, he'll go to
Gayeong without looking back.
What will you do now?
Emily isn't here.
I can't reach her, either.
The number you have dialed is unavailable. Please...
How long must I wait?
Let's wait 10 more minutes.
I'll submit this first.
What's that?
It's the dash cam video of the car that hit Emily Jang
and ran off six years ago.
That's gone.
How do you know that?
She knows well because she threw it away herself.
Yes, it's a copy,
but it'll inform you of the events.
Emily's running away. What should I do?
Kill her.
I never made such a call.
These people fabricated it.
Fine. You may go for today.
I'll set another date.
Check this, okay?
Excuse me. Where's Emily Jang?
We pumped her stomach,
but she hasn't regained consciousness yet.
Excuse me.
These are the medications she's on.
I think she took more than the dosage.
I see.
There's acetaminophen.
Too much of this can cause liver failure.
We'll move her into the ICU. Let's go.
(Love to the End)
We got our company back.
Whatever it takes,
I'll avenge your death.
Did you hear about Emily?
Didn't Jeonghan say anything?
She must like you much more
than I thought.
I think we should just hold the wedding.
Does Jeonghan know? He doesn't care?
There's a reason why I must go into that house.
This is my fight.
16 Year Old Boy Slips and Dies from the Train - Duration: 1:59.A boy aged 16 years old,
Hritek Shukla
fell from a crowded local train.
He was from Madhya Pradesh
and had come to Mumbai for a holiday.
On December 6th,
15 year old girl, Chetna More
also died after a train ran over her.
This is the second death of a teenager in Mumbai's local train in less than a week.
Hritek was travelling with his friend in the local train.
They both tried to board the train at Vasai station.
The train was very crowded.
His friend managed to get in the train
but Hritek was not used to Mumbai's crowded trains.
He was hanging near the door of the train.
When the train crossed Andheri,
Hritek lost his grip and he fell on the tracks.
The Motorman of the train felt that something was stuck in the wheel of the train.
He immediately alerted the Government Railway Police (GRP).
When the GRP reached the spot they found Hriteks body stuck in the wheels.
His father said that Hritek had come to Mumbai to look for a job.
The family is extremely heart-broken.
The Western Railway and the Central Railway have sent a proposal
to the Railway Board asking to run extra 15 coach local trains.
They said that many commuters have fallen from the trains because of overcrowding.
The current 12-coach train is always crowded,
causing several deaths.
The 15 coach train will help to keep passengers safe.
Holiday Movie Listicle! 🎅 | #TBT - Duration: 4:37.We're alive!
We're on a Santa hunt.
- I'm not sure what's happening. - She's your cousin.
I'm new to the whole Christmas Eve sleepover thing.
Should we be doing something?
- Oh, a burping contest. - Oh, no, no, that's not necess--
Not Christmas-y enough? I mean, I can do Jingle Bells--
Oh, no, no, no!
My stocking will not be hung from a plasma screen.
I have standards.
It's an... elf.
Wait... what just happened?
We have to get back to the house, now!
We have a problem, a big furry problem.
Barkley, talk to me.
Oh no, oh no.
- Incoming! - Barkley!
- Oh... - Watch your feet!
- OK, just move, I'm just gonna try-- - It should not be this difficult!
Total butt dial.
Don't eat my cousin!
What happens on Christmas, stays on Christmas.
This Christmas, all I want is one thing.
To know there's something worth believing in.
That Santa Claus does exist.
That's when I decided to put together the Santa Hunters.
Our mission: obtain irrefutable video evidence of Santa.
Whoa, whoa!
Lock it down now! Stay on target.
Richard, recon. Zoe, you're my eyes.
Please don't bust us, Uncle Charlie. I can explain.
- We're on a Santa hunt. - Ah!
Slayer in pursuit, be advised, Santa's got some wheels.
Whoa, go through the dining room.
This is real world, people, not a drill.
Creature is stirring. Repeat, creature is stirring.
He's fast for a fat man.
Like some Christmas super ninja.
I'm pretty sure I tagged him with the glow ball right in the jingle bells.
Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas!
That's not what Santa does.
And that's for being such a good girl this year.
I want some of what that last girl was getting.
Oh... don't--
Help, I'm stuck. Ah!
You're Santa, right?
What do you want for Christmas? Doll house? Crock-Pot? Pants? What?
I want my family to have the best Christmas ever.
OK sure, you got it.
How are we supposed to give a little girl and her family
the best Christmas ever?
[electrical zapping]
That's pathetic.
If you squint, it looks kind of nice.
In San Diego?
Is that your Christmas tree, Grandma?
Albert! Albert!
- Albert! Albert! - Come on, Albert.
This pip squeak?
He's not ready yet.
One more stop at Baker's Hill and then...
Empire City! And then...
The greatest Christmas tree in the world!
Daddy, that's him, Grandma's tree.
I told you I saw him.
Jiminy Christmas.
Go, little tree!
Isn't this beautiful? I just love this time of the year, don't you Timmy?
Oh sure, it's great.
Who's messing with my Christmas list?
Best day ever!
Wishful thinking is on a roll.
3,000 wishes granted today.
Timmy Turner!
I need a word with you.
You are the new Santa Claus.
- Ah! - Me?
Merry Christmas!
Fire Breaks Out At Queens School - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
귀신을 본 적 있나요? - [시크릿 에이전트] EP. 식스센스 - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
Braison Cyrus: I'll Never Leave You - Duration: 4:25.-Performing his debut single "I'll Never Leave You,"
please welcome Braison Cyrus!
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ "I'll Never Leave You" plays ]
-♪ Out in the country, the road meets the sky ♪
♪ I see the driveway on the left-hand side ♪
♪ You always told me that you wanted me to go far ♪
♪ Watching me leave, I know that it breaks your heart ♪
♪ I'm getting older, but we will stay young in my mind ♪
♪ I'm going places, but I'll never leave you behind ♪
♪ Out on the courthouse, I'm holding your hand ♪
♪ I'll always be your young country man ♪
♪ I may make promises, but I will never make plans ♪
♪ And if I hurt you, I hope that you will understand ♪
♪ Speak of the devil, and then you walk into my life ♪
♪ I'm going places, but I'll never leave you behind ♪
♪ Now that I'm older and seen what you saw ♪
♪ A thousand excuses, and I've heard them all ♪
♪ And if I leave you, I know that you'll always be mine ♪
♪ Wish I could be there ♪
♪ But there's always mountains to climb ♪
♪ Go see the ocean, and I will return here in time ♪
♪ I'm going places, but I'll never leave you behind ♪
♪ I'm going places, but I'll never leave you behind ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪
[ Cheers and applause ]
Fantastic! -Thank you.
-Thank you so much! Fantastic!
Braison Cyrus!
"I'll Never Leave You" is out now.
梅根惊现英国时尚奖,颁奖时笑到弯腰被批失礼,老公前女友台下坐 , 凯特戴的戒指原本属于哈里,为啥梅根没缘分得到?只因戴安娜特殊 , "仍忘不了母亲戴安娜王妃!"哈里王子搬离肯辛顿宫内幕令人鼻酸 - Duration: 15:56.-------------------------------------------
TIP Reflects on 'Dime Trap' & His Career Journey | T.I. & Tiny: Friends & Family Hustle - Duration: 3:21.- If I could please have everybody's attention.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We are going to get into the album, The Dime Trap.
This supposed to represent evolution, growth,
all the lessons that I've learned.
And I feel like it was very important that at the very top
of this album, that I show these [bleep]
I'm the best on the mic.
With all of my ventures, music is still my first love.
But when I first started rapping,
it was only like this many people
who was actually doing it on a level
that could be considered professional.
And now, these little kids, man,
who be clout chasing on the Internet,
man, they ain't really got no real true skill.
That to me just-- I don't appreciate that.
Hey, listen.
Where's Messiah?
- [crowd cheering]
- When I found out I was having my first child,
I was selling crack on South Grand, man,
and I didn't know what I was gonna do to support him.
And by the time he was born, I wasn't selling crack no more.
I had a record deal.
I was recording my first album.
And now ten albums later,
he's producing a song for me on my album.
To me, this moment right here, I already won.
So, let's get to the next record "Light Day."
Love you, too, bro.
- I'm extremely proud of Pops.
You know, what "Light Day" means to me and how much it means
that I produced it.
It was an evolutionary experience.
It was a good feeling.
- This next song is extremely important.
Now, the fam's life, that lifestyle
makes it very difficult for us
to slow down when we're supposed to.
And, well, I happen to be one of the most amazing [bleep] ups
you will ever meet.
And this next song is for all of the amazing Mr. [bleep] ups.
- ♪
- The song "Mr. [bleep] Up" is basically just saying he has
a pretty great thing going, and he pretty much [bleep] it up.
And, you know, just letting it be known that he knows
that this where he needs to be, where he's supposed to be.
He just can't get right.
Sort of an apology, I guess.
It's an indirect apology.
- [indistinct chatter]
- At "The Amazing Mr. [bleep] Up," I feel like it's honest.
My whole album is about me telling my truth.
Every time I do music, it's about me telling my truth.
This is a part of my truth.
But for her to be there, it was therapeutic for me.
- [crowd cheering]
- Thank you to all of the fans for suppporting us.
- I love it. - Thank you, thank you.
What's up, what's up, what's up?
The turnout was great at the Trap Music Museum
for the release party.
Everybody seem to love what they heard.
I truly appreciate you guys for supporting me
and coming along on this journey, this ride
no matter where the art goes next,
I definitely will be sure to take you with me.
The Dime Trap in stores right here, right now.
Trap music for life.
- [crowd cheering]
Houston Forecast: Line of storms bring heavy rain, make for messy commute - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
Weather At 11 PM: December 12, 2018 - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
2019年提前開運必知!這四大生肖男女如何財源滾滾? - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
Vlogmas #1 German Christmas Market in Birmingham | Haley Kim - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
SLEEPWALKING - DANNYXXV feat.DRAFT - B【Unofficial】Prod.DJNC - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Business Solution AMG | Trekhaak | Parkpilot | Camera | LED - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Cottonking Presents Struggler Saala Season 2 | Episode 7 - Duration: 10:00.Video is loading....
So why don't you subscribe to the channel till then???
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I 'm fed up of both of them .
Obviously , this will happen
This wouldn't have worked for long...
: I ' m telling you let's F#$% them over..
Forget them... Forget them,,,
You already know Viju that I don't abuse...
Yes, that's true...
I know you never abuse, that's why I shall cast you in this film..
You'll cast me right ?
Yes..have a seat... and have some coffee
I have a feeling they might feel bad if I don't cast them?
So what If they feel bad???
F@#$ them...
Forget them...
You know Viju…. I don't abuse... don't make me say it again and again
Yes Of course
But you are going to cast me right??
Great decision.... don't cast them
You know this Kushya...
He cant even join two sentences without abusing...
Couldn't agree more....
What to tell them now???
I don't even breathe as fast as he abuses in a single sentence....
Such a weirdo he is....
And that Baba....
Kushya abuses between sentences, that 'Baba ' uses bad words after every alphabet .
Such weirdos man.... F@#$ them...
Forget them... Forget them.. lets move on...
Is a new project I am doing...
I don't abuse....
You ask him....
Ask Vavi...
Haha... Oh Ravi...
Don't laugh .Seriously. Do ask Ravi , about my face value.
If you take these two, you'll froth all over your face...
They don't deserve to be cast...
100% true... they don't deserve to be cast...
truly they don't deserve...
Yes... Lets meet...
Yes.. I'll meet you in a week...
Let's have a drink that day and lock our dates...
Haha... yes okay...
Viju , do you have a 50, 60, 100 bucks?
Actually I have a note of 2000 bucks .
It becomes difficult to get some change from the auto driver.
You have them??? Yes... this is enough...
Even I don't have change...
You don't???
You them right??
Okay... Keep this...
Will meet you soon...
Chal...See you...
That belongs to the studio...
Ya.. I know it belongs to the studio...
Don't cast them okay???
Absolutely not...
Otherwise you'll get completely F@$$
You will find it difficult to complete projects
Come... lets leave...
No... Baba No....
I'll shove something up his ass..
I'll shove it up his ass...
Baba.. please don't abuse...
What do you mean don't abuse... asshole...
Now they will determine an actor's worth by how much he abuses???
Baba please don't hurt yourself so much for me...
I am not doing this for you....asshole
But based on this point..are they going to f@# us over now???
Baba.. you please just don't abuse.. I'll sort the rest...
Kushya… not every bad word is meant to insult...
It is also a way to express our feelings Motherf@#
BABA....Please don't abuse!!!!
I will Abuse... DAMN IT... I WILL ABUSE...
Now you guys will fu@# me over based on how much I abuse... MotherF!#@#....
Fu@# You....
Look at this...
Why is he avoiding us???
Cottonking… he bought new clothes..
Come... He will definitely meet us..if we take this...
Yes..let's take this...
I'll give you this...
A man's..
..success depends on the company he keeps...
You should...
Look here... Look at me...
Change your company and you will become....
What word did I use right now???
not success. But successful
You will become successful...
And these Kushya… Baba...
They will Fu@#$ the entire industry up..
they will what???
Yaar.. Viju...I don't abuse,... you know me...
Sorry.. Sorry....
I know you don't abuse...
And these Kushya and Baba have already worked with me in theatre plays...
Yes I know...
In 2006...
They were working in plays with me...
Fu@# Off....
You told them right???
No, they told me... now you have locked the play... now F@#$# Off...
Now let us do our work...
Then they changed my dialogues and started making up their own stuff...
And started taking their own additions...
Their additions must be horrible...
And Kushya...
he is a mimicry artist... not an actor at all...
You can't copy Siddharth Jadhav by just doing this...
To copy Siddhu you have to...
do this much...
yes you have to..
then you become Siddhu...
And Viju….
Cinema is all about... Brandy...
Brand.. Brand.. its all about the brand...
Working in Cinema is a different ball game altogether...
And Baba....
He is good at heart...
Yes he is...
But he Fu@#$ up a lot...
He what???
Forgetss him....
He what????
Fu@@$#% up... asshole...
What are you saying...
Areeh.. Viju what's your problem...
What has happened to you....
His mother has a mansion in his village...
there he completely forgets what he has to do...
Your ears don't function properly anymore...
This is not about my ears...
Let me throw a few drops in their name...
Viju… you have brought your credit card right???
Yes I have....
Waiter... two Black Label...
send it quickly....
And Viju...
You have lowered your standards in what you drink... because of your old company...
Drink some branded stuff...
Bring me 'Officer's Choice.'
You just know the names... or you know anything about the alcohol that you drink??
It's offer's choice...
Forget it...
That Fatso and that ugly asshole have ruined my life...
Mother F@@#$@
Kushya, Baba... where were you all this while...
We were in Donkey's ass you asshole...
Baba you are so funny....
They seem to like your jokes now Baba...
Now you drunkards will determine my comic sense...
No No.. Baba... they have their own intellectual comedy....
Should I remind you of your intellect assholes...
Noo Noo Baba... don't you know they have their brand....
I'll shove their brand up their ass...Mother F@$@
Look at his T shirt...
Its good right????
"Don't teacher your father how to fuck..." mother fu@@$ who is the father here???
Who is the father????
Will you please remove your leg from my feet...
I have kept in on purpose.. so that you don't leave...
Kushya what are you doing....
What are you up to asshole???
Baba... this one doesn't abuse....
Kushya.. please don't...
Oh her doesn't abuse.. does he....
Say.... I don't give a damn... say it...
Say it...
I don't care...
Say 'damn it..'
Even he is bullying me now...
I don't give a damn...
Now say you are an asshole...
Baba you are an asshole...
Is this a skit asshole???
Is this a skit asshole???
Is this a skit asshole???
Asshole.... ASSHOLE!!!!!
Now dance for me....
dance for him...
Dance for me.....
Come on dance...
I need someone to dance for me...
Kushya… Sing a song...
you dance now...
Big Fat ass Baba.... Big Fat ass Baba...
Asshole 'big fat ass baba' is the song????
No no no no.,..
Baba.. Baba...
Sir one selfie....
Sir the light is better here...
Let me join you too... Kushya.. Baba...
You guys go home safely... okay bye....
Drink and Drive.. is...(Mumbling)
Where did he go???
Look at his he is leaving....
Forget him... catch hold of this guy...
We have to Fu@#$@ this guy up...
Noo Noo… Salutations to you...
Shove you salutations in your ass..
Baba....please don't baba....
Hi this is Priyadarshan Jadhav.. Please Like, Share and Subscribe to our channel.. 'Chavat'
And don't forget to press the bell icon
And to conclude this episode let us present a small song for you all....
Baba has a big fat ass... Baba has a big fat ass...
Video: Manchester City somehow miss glorious 3 vs 2 chance to take lead vs Hoffenheim just minutes b - Duration: 1:54.Man City somehow missed a superb chance to take the lead in their Champions League clash vs Hoffenheim this evening just minutes before Leroy Sane scored his second goal of the night
The German gave the home side a 2-1 advantage in the 57th minute following a swift counter attack, however it was a moment just before that that would've left City fans bemused
Pep Guardiola's side had a 3 vs 2 counter attack on, with Raheem Sterling, Sane and Bernardo Silva all charging towards goal, however they somehow managed to fluff their lines as Hoffenheim kept the scores the level
Here's a clip of the incident. It seemed easier to score, lads! https://icdn.Goal91
com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/man-city-3-vs-2-miss.mp4 More Stories about bernado silva Video: Leroy Sane scores stunning free-kick to equalise for Manchester City vs Hoffenheim December 12, 2018 21:06 Chelsea fan at centre of Raheem Sterling storm breaks silence, insists he didn't use racial slur December 11, 2018 11:05 Video: Gary Neville reveals what Man City star Raheem Sterling told him about England abuse in private chat in 2016 December 10, 2018 21:21
中四Form 4分班制度 - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
Christmas 123 Song | Xmas Music & Kids Song | Learning Numbers For Kids - Farmees - Duration: 1:02:34.I can count my numbers....
Will you count them with me!
I can count my numbers....
Will you count them with me!
肝臟不好的人,多吃這7種蔬菜,有效養肝護肝,肝病不來找! - Duration: 10:30.-------------------------------------------
Gangnam Gummy Style Dance Gummibär Psy | Long English Version Gummy Bear | Gummibär | Songs for Kids - Duration: 1:36.Gangnam Gummy Style Dance Gummibär Psy | Long English Version Gummy Bear | Gummibär | Songs for Kids
Cô Gái Nhảy Cực Xung Tại Đám Cưới Xem Muốn Tẹt Ga Không Chịu Nổi | Quốc Toản Vlogs - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Here Comes Santa Claus | Little Red Car Cartoons | Videos For Children by Super Kids Network - Duration: 15:12.Look out! In the sky!
Here comes Mr Santa Flying with his reindeer Sitting on his sleigh and laughing
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!
Hopping on the trim trees Up and down the chimneys Wishing all a Merry Christmas
Ho Ho Ho!
He comes once every year to spread out gifts and Christmas cheer his jolly laugh will make you laugh
Then poof he disappears!
Here comes Mr Santa Flying with his reindeer Sitting on his sleigh and laughing
Ho Ho Ho !
Coming from the North pole Where it's really very cold With elves that make the bestest toys indeed
Ho Ho !
He makes the reindeer skip and hop Slides across the rooftops to make sure your gifts are guaranteed
Ho Ho !
He comes once every year to spread out gifts and Christmas cheer
This jolly laugh will make you laugh then poof he disappears!
Here comes Mr Santa Flying with his reindeer Sitting on his sleigh and laughing
Ho Ho Ho!
Sitting on his sleigh and laughing Ho Ho Hooo
「よりも」「の方が」 表現仕方 - Duration: 8:37.-------------------------------------------
Dr Sai Krishna Testimonial for PRP Injection - Duration: 0:50.Hi Good Afternoon
Tell me your Experience
with regards to
PRP injection into your Knees
Everything is good.
I am feeling good Now,
I am Better, Ok
Thanks to ALLAH
Before the Treatment
I was Very Ill
I was not Able to walk, very tired on my knees
After I got the injection,
Alhamdulillah, By His Grace
I feel better and I am able to walk now
Alhamdulillah I can walk outside now.
Now I feel much better Alhamdulillah.
I can go up and
I can go down the stairs
Звонок Джетт 233 б/проводной, 38 мелодии, до 120м - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 N-Connecta 163pk Naqvi/Camara/Ecc/Pdc/Led/Keyless/18inch - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 N-Connecta 163pk Naqvi/Camara/Ecc/Pdc/Led/Keyless/18inch - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
HÁ 50 ANOS ERA DECRETADO O AI-5, O MAIS VIOLENTO ATO DO GOLPE MILITAR - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> HÁ 50 ANOS ERA DECRETADO O AI-5, O MAIS VIOLENTO ATO DO GOLPE MILITAR - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Isha Ambani Wedding Special | 13 Dec 2018 | 5:00 PM - Duration: 7:31.Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Isha Ambani Wedding Special | 13 Dec 2018 | 5:00 PM
For more infomation >> Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Isha Ambani Wedding Special | 13 Dec 2018 | 5:00 PM - Duration: 7:31.-------------------------------------------
Opel Ampera -hybridiauton käyttäminen - Duration: 8:59.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Opel Ampera -hybridiauton käyttäminen - Duration: 8:59.-------------------------------------------
Kinga Rusin i Tomasz Lis zaskoczą wszystkich! Tego nikt się nie spodziewał! - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Kinga Rusin i Tomasz Lis zaskoczą wszystkich! Tego nikt się nie spodziewał! - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
Dire straits, Guns N Roses, Bon jovi , Scorpions Acoustic | Best Classic Rock Songs - Duration: 1:38:03.Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
For more infomation >> Dire straits, Guns N Roses, Bon jovi , Scorpions Acoustic | Best Classic Rock Songs - Duration: 1:38:03.-------------------------------------------
Aya Nakoumara N'oubliez pas les paroles : Quand Nagui écorche (à son tour) le nom d'Aya Nakamura... - Duration: 2:04.Aya Nakoumara N'oubliez pas les paroles : Quand Nagui écorche (à son tour) le nom d'Aya Nakamura...
Oups. Après Nikos Aliagas et Lio, c'est au tour de Nagui de s'être pris les pieds dans le tapis sur le nom de la chanteuse Aya Nakamura.
Décidément... Souvenez-vous, le 10 novembre dernier, lors de la cérémonie des NRJ Music Awards, Nikos Aliagas et Lio écorchaient le nom d'Aya Nakamura.
Rebaptisée en direct "Yaka" et "Ava" Nakamura, l'interprète de Djadja s'était fendue d'un tweet vengeur où elle annonçait que c'était sa première et sa "dernière fois" sur le tapis rouge cannois.
Tweet rapidement supprimé. Si les internautes et les humoristes se sont allègrement moqués de la boulette de l'animateur de The Voice, c'était sans compter sur Nagui...
Mercredi soir, dans le deuxième numéro de N'oubliez pas les paroles, l'animateur de France 2 proposait à ses deux candidates une thématique "Les années 2010".
Et parmi les deux titres possibles, Pourvu de Gauvain Sers... et Djadja de Aya Nakamura.
Ou plutôt "Aya Nakoumara" comme l'a écorché Nagui avant de se reprendre, "Na-ka-mu-ra, je vais y arriver".
Hasard du calendrier, la jeune chanteuse était invitée au même moment chez Cauet sur NRJ où, un peu fermée,
elle a déclaré de pas vouloir reparler de son accrochage avec Nikos, alors même qu'elle vient de participer au tournage de la nouvelle émission de l'animateur de TF1.
For more infomation >> Aya Nakoumara N'oubliez pas les paroles : Quand Nagui écorche (à son tour) le nom d'Aya Nakamura... - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Here Comes Santa Claus | Little Red Car Cartoons | Videos For Children by Super Kids Network - Duration: 15:12.Look out! In the sky!
Here comes Mr Santa Flying with his reindeer Sitting on his sleigh and laughing
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!
Hopping on the trim trees Up and down the chimneys Wishing all a Merry Christmas
Ho Ho Ho!
He comes once every year to spread out gifts and Christmas cheer his jolly laugh will make you laugh
Then poof he disappears!
Here comes Mr Santa Flying with his reindeer Sitting on his sleigh and laughing
Ho Ho Ho !
Coming from the North pole Where it's really very cold With elves that make the bestest toys indeed
Ho Ho !
He makes the reindeer skip and hop Slides across the rooftops to make sure your gifts are guaranteed
Ho Ho !
He comes once every year to spread out gifts and Christmas cheer
This jolly laugh will make you laugh then poof he disappears!
Here comes Mr Santa Flying with his reindeer Sitting on his sleigh and laughing
Ho Ho Ho!
Sitting on his sleigh and laughing Ho Ho Hooo
For more infomation >> Here Comes Santa Claus | Little Red Car Cartoons | Videos For Children by Super Kids Network - Duration: 15:12.-------------------------------------------
형무소 안에서 刑務所の中 Doing Time 2002 (자막) - Duration: 1:33:16.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 형무소 안에서 刑務所の中 Doing Time 2002 (자막) - Duration: 1:33:16.-------------------------------------------
韓国文在寅大統領支持率最低更新!不支持とわずか0.6pt差 - Duration: 6:07.Korea Moon Jayn Presidential support rate lowest update! Only 0.6pt difference from unsupported (Translated by
According to the Korea pollsters, the support rate of President Moon Jae once again dropped to 47.9%, the lowest value was renewed.
Although it showed recovery once, Kim Jung-eun, the chairman of Kim Jung-Eun postponing reply to Seoul and Kim Jung-eun praising broadcasting issue at the TV station.
And it seems that the derailment accident of KTX which reminiscent of the catastrophe Sewol accident, etc. was influenced.
On the other hand, 47.3% of respondents said they would not support it, and support and disapproval were the closest one so far and inversion was also in the field of view.
Supporting excluding the largest supporting base area, Hunan, it supports it, but it does not support it, but it does not support it, 49.7%, but the reversal phenomenon has already occurred.
Other survey institutions showed a rebound in the latest survey, but the next survey seems to show a big drop in support.
The active supportive who said it is doing very well has also continued to decline, spreading distrust of the administration.
In April next year, we will withhold supplementary elections, but we are predicting a tough situation as the centripetal forces to the administration are lost.
"It will take time to produce results in the economic sector, so at this point we need to confirm the confidence through full preservation of the presidential office personnel," the director of the investigation institute pointed out.
Article Source:
Korean reaction
If it is 47%, it is the maximum in the current term among the presidents of the past. Everything is malice.
Look at the falling width. And when you look at the economy it is the best in history.
The real enemy is North Korea. Politicians who use it ...
Is the opposition faction wanting the Republic of Korea to perish? What is dissatisfied with the president doing well on diplomatic, economic, all aspects?
Just Kim Jung-eun. Why is such a president the president? The people are pathetic.
Thanks to the Hunan region, I can hold it. With this it is impossible to ignore the local color, inviting the eternal regional feelings.
A foolish people. The masses are dog pigs. This seems to be a statement. It is truly miserable.
What is more serious than anything can not communicate with the public at all.
This person seems to understand only about Kim Jung-eun, but I do not really know about the national economy.
1 year and 7 months inaugural assumption playing. Is the public's patience experiment so far?
Only the difference between the new product and the old product. Both the former government and the current administration are cumulative.
President Moon Jae-in is suffering from night, night still now because of the country where everyone can live well even in 30, 50 or 100 years.
Public opinion research agencies are piled up. We have to lose the garbage public opinion research institute which distorts by manipulating national public opinion as soon as possible.
It is only rare that the economy will be 47% even though this situation. The story of operation is correct.
The byte to which the minimum wage is applied is cut off, and those who can not apply the minimum wage are exactly the same monthly salary. It is said that prices rose again and again. Life will become increasingly difficult.
Kim Jung-eun will come and peace show will bring the support rate 80%!
Comment Quoted from:
The idea of Japanese editors
Korean politics fall from hope to disappointment, and further expectation and disappointment, I think this is repetition.
I chose a new president with great expectation in the presidential election, and obviously got tremendous support at the beginning of the election.
But as time went by, the expectations that we could put in greatly changed to disappointment, and at the time of retirement, it is said that really the core rock supporters are away.
This is repeated every time. What is wrong? It is not bad separately. I think that it is more typical than that.
It should be appreciated that President Moon Jae made a big progress in the inter-Korean relationship with the Olympic Games.
Although Kim · Dejung and No · Muhyon stepped on there, it did not advance further, but President Moon Jaein is still stepping forward.
That's why we maintain a high support rate over the long term over the past president.
But the economy is so bad that its support has begun to see limitations.
Progress in the North-South problem will be a major point of support and recovery, but of course, we must rebuild our lives.
The domestic stimulus policies and employment measures are unfavorable and the improvement of relations with China has almost been forgotten.
Exports are record highs only by numbers alone, but there is only a sense of anxiety about the future. Especially concern of the common people is increasing.
Although the dream of the reunification of the North and South is also good, Ideally you can not eat rice, you have to devote all your efforts to the reality under your feet and give results.
Many citizens lose hope because Korea has not been able to do so, and Korean society itself is stagnating.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.
For more infomation >> 韓国文在寅大統領支持率最低更新!不支持とわずか0.6pt差 - Duration: 6:07.-------------------------------------------
| VLOG NORTHLAND 🇳🇿| Des Toilettes Famous Vers Paihia! (2018) Eng Sub - Duration: 7:30.Well hot water beach doesn't work
so it's cold water beach!
we didn't find any hot waters...
but euuuuh
i'm gonna say we're gonna try again but no we stop!
Heeelloooo my gazelle with frangipane!
Today we go to a little trip!
So yeah i cannot work in nz...
today is my last day!
It's been one year that i arrived here!
i cannot work because i'm in interim visa
so like visitor visa until an answer
so cross your fingers, comment and like!
it gives me strenght!
because yeah i'm a bit stress now
so yeah we're gonna go to the north i don't know where...
but you're gonna follow me and we're gonna discover everything!
let's go!
so after three hours in the road i stop here!
i'm not very far we go to Paihia
it's in Bay of Islands for those who know nz
so yeah i traveled three hours
it was really long!
i stop here because just there!
it's the most famous toilets in new zealand!
it's an artist who create this thing
so yeah he created public toilets with a fancy touch
and apparently it's really popular in new zealand
so yeah crazy no?!
so yeah i'm really glad to travel alone
it's been a while that i wanted that
travel alone, relax
it can be weird
but i like to be alone!
i really need that
so yeah it's gonna be good for me this 4 littles days alone
oohh stop because now i want to piss
i don't want to show you...
but it's beautiful!
it makes you want to pee
and maybe take a shit...
and for the story the creator
they called that The Hundertwasser Toilets
sorry for my accent
he did a lot of colorful buildings like that it's beautiful
so yeah it's popular
but yeah i just wanted to go to toilets...
but i saw that popular toilets were in this town!
and yeah sometimes it's a pleasure to pee
in good conditions!
ok let's go again!
I'm in Paihia like you can see on the picture
it's really beautiful
there are a lot of islands around
but i'm really dumb
i wanted to order a airbnb now
wait i'm gonna fall down...
i wanted to book an airbnb two seconds ago
i put Paihia and around
this dumb app show me a room in whangarei
i didn't see
so one hour from here
so to go to my airbnb i have one hour
and tomorrow again one hour to come back here!
so yeah it's really dumb!
yeah yeah yeah
so behind me
i think we're gonna go tomorrow
it's the whaitangi
it's there that they signed the treaty
when english people
kind of colonize new zealand
the treaty was signed with Maori people just there
so yeah the museum is really cool
and we learn a lot
so yeah maybe tomorrow
i want to go to a museum
so yeah apparently it's really good
a maori explain to you
how they signed the treaty
so yeah we're gonna go to see that tomorrow
before the end of this vlog
i bring you to haruru falls
it's not big falls
but i like the falls mood!
and it seems cool so let's go!
so after one hour on the road!
i'm in whangarei and i'm gonna go to my airbnb
so yeah i'm really dumb..
to try to find a room in Paihia
and booked in whangarei...
but no problem!
i see you tomorrow for more adventures!
i think we're gonna go to the museum
i don't remember the name...
kind of
i hope you like
it was not a awesome vlog
but yeah i hope you liked it
i need to stop to say that
because after you think it's not a good vlog..
but it can be a good vlog at the end!
so yeah open your eyes, have a free mind!
see you tomorrow! Bye
and the word in the comment!
it's gonna be!!!
public toilets!
i don't know
i was shocked about this arts toilets
so yeah say that!
For more infomation >> | VLOG NORTHLAND 🇳🇿| Des Toilettes Famous Vers Paihia! (2018) Eng Sub - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
Kacper Kuszewski, Dominika Kluźniak, a teraz Artur Barciś znika z serialu "M jak miłość" - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO BE ATTRACTIVE (for smart people) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 8:23.Hey Dan here and in this video we're gonna cover
three things that you can do to make yourself
more attractive and not just to those people.
you wanna get naked with but attractive to
people across the board. But, like, extra for
people you wanna get naked with it. You know what
I'm saying now. If you're new here to the channel
my name is Dan. This is Dreams Around The World and
my mission is to help you become the best version
of yourself all while creating the most awesome
life possible for you and those you love, so do
consider subscribing. Now there are three things I
want to cover in this video that if you do, you
will become much more attractive to other people
one is to be happier and more positive. I know, I
know, right, like kind of a letdown, like I wanted
something cool, like buy a Ferrari. Alas, you just
got to be more positive! And I wanna tell you
about a friend of mine and this is someone that
some of you may know, but we're not gonna get
into who he is and he is always positive. Now, I
know he has stressed in his life, I know sometimes
he's like: Oh my God! Probably overwhelmed with
stuff, but when you meet up with him and say: Hey,
how's,it going? It's always good. So he's great,
he's always in a really positive state and that's
cool because if I'm meeting with someone and
they're feeling really great, I kind of feel like an
a** if I'm just like: Well, let me complain to
you about all my things. So what does do? That
focuses me on the positive things as well, and
then we have a really positive, happy uplifting
conversation which helps us going about our days.
Now., I've made another video about how to be more
positive. I'll make sure that gets linked up here
for you as well, so you can check that out but I
just want to explore this a bit more in terms of
like the pros and cons.If you will be more
positive and why it is attractive to other
people, yes, there are people who want to
commiserate with you if you are always happy and
positive people who are real downers, probably
won't like you, but guess what? That's a good
thing. You probably don't necessarily want to be
spending time with the people who are always
downers and looking to commiserate cause that's
gonna bring you down. I have a friend who is an
awesome guy and generally very positive,
ambitious, forward thinking kind of person. I
love spending time with them, but we went through
a phase where we meet for lunch and he'd be, you
know, kind of complaining and, like getting into
relationship issues that he was having and I have
to say to him at one point, like dude, I can't
meet you for lunch and be your counselor. You
know if you wanna meet the occasional Friday
drink beer and,
like, complain about life, I'm totally cool, for
that we all need to do that from time to time,
but if we're just meeting for lunch, my point of
meeting is to have like an inspiring conversation
to like connect with a friend before I go back to
work and if we're complaining about stuff the
whole time, I leave lunch feeling insanely
drained and that is not something that I really
wanna be doing so in this case being negative
being kind of down is is not very attractive,
right. To be positive, be happy is going to be
more attractive to other people. So number two: be
great at something.
No matter what it is, it can literally be scrap
booking. Can be re-arranging the leaves in your
garden. It helps if it's something you can show
off publicly. You know, like guys know this! How
many guys learn guitar in their teenage years and
they're like. I might not be attractive, I might
not be smart but I'll be damned if I'm not gonna
get a girlfriend. I am learning how to play
guitar. This is the thing ,though. right? We are
attracted to people who are good at something. It
works with both genders, all kinds of
relationships and even work with friends if you
meet someone and they're really good at something,
it's impressive, usually. It is
impressive when it comes to people, you are
romantically attracted to, right, if you see
someone else on stage and they're singing or
speaking or teaching that's something that's very
attractive. It's like: Wow they're great at
something and I don't know, you know ,you get into
why this is not really important when you are
really good at something. It is attractive to
members of the opposite sex. I think it's
probably even more true from the traditional male-
female perspective, so if a man is good at
something, he's successful, he's working hard, that
is very attractive to women. Surprise, surprise,
right? It shouldn't be that big of a mind. blower
there, but I've also found this to be the other
case where, like as a man, if I see a woman who's
singing or performing or something and they're
like passionate and good at it and love it ,that
is very, very attractive as well, so get good at
something, right and hey, surprise, surprise -. It
also won't be that bad for you in your life If
you're good at something. And the third way to
become a more attractive person is to learn how
to apply makeup properly. Now, I wanna talk about it has nothing to do with that. It is
to be more confident. pPeople are attracted to
people who are self assured, not arrogant, not
faking it ,not pretending to be special, but
really you will not...people who are confident and
self assured are very attractive. It's nice to be
around them. It's to the point where there is a
lot of fake it till you make it. I remember. I
had a friend who was a DJ and he was telling me
about the men who would always see in the discos
in the nightclub who would work in and he's like
this guy
like chubby and unattractive and just they
wouldn't even dress well, but they had this air
of confidence and those were always the guys with
the most beautiful woman. That's like that okay,
like I believe it it's kind of messed up, but I
totally believe that they may have also been
Russian mobsters, we're not sure on those details,
but there really is something that we have
confidence is sexy and this is true. If a man is
very confident, he is very attractive to women,
but it's also true that on a friend basis
If you are a man and you're confident other men
want to be around you. They wanna be your friend.
They want to be part of your social circle and
it's also true the opposite way. Women who are
very confident and sure of themselves, that's
really sexy. That's very attractive and it's one
of the, I guess, stereotypes but I would say,
probably in a true way. You've seen a lot of
movies where you see the older woman who
physically is maybe not as beautiful as the
younger woman she's competing with but she has a
confidence and a belief in herself and she
Insecure she's not worried about everything and
that can be very sexy as well. So you might now
be thinking like all right, then you told me to
be positive and happy, to get great at something
and to be more confident. Can you just please
work this together in some easy to follow
formula that I can just follow at the end of this
video? Well, yes, yes, I can. First: be more
positive, practice being happier, link to another
video of mine on this like I said, practice being
more positive and being happier then with all
extra energy and positivity you have, get good at
something maybe get great at something, pursue
one of your passions and it doesn't,even have to be
your career. Start painting on the side, start
singing, learn to play that guitar, do something
and become great at it. I think, guess what, all
of this positivity all this happiness and then
getting really great, it's something, learning a
new skill and being great at it or just a skill.
You already know just be great at it, guess what,
that's gonna do with your confidence -
going to
more confident and now suddenly you're more
positive, you're happier, you're great at something
and you're more confident and all of a sudden
you've got to hire personal security to keep
people away from you because you're just so damn
attractive. That's my little formula for becoming
more attractive, both to the people you wanna
get naked with and people you just want to be
friends with or do business with. Thanks for
watching, if you found this video helpful, do hit
that subscribe button and the bell. I publish
new videos every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at
6 AM Eastern.
Catch you in the next video soon!
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SkyActiv-G 120 GT-M Line 2WD - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
BMW 5 Serie 520d High Executive (automaat) / M-PAKKET / SCH.DAK / HEAD UP - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto Evo 5Drs 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic Navigatie, Airco, Lichtm.Velg, Keurig! - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
ケンコバ、M―1暴言騒動に「芸人、全員やめたらええのに、SNS」 - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Head Shoulders Knees And Toes | Bob The Train | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes | learning Videos - Duration: 45:48.Hello kids!
Let's learn about our body parts in Head shoulders knees song....
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Elbows ankles feet and hand feet and hand
Elbows ankles feet and hand feet and hand
And hips and hair and figures and chin
Elbows ankles feet and hand feet and hand
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Did you enjoy that...
Come back soon
ให้อาหารปลา ลองกินขนมปังให้ปลา คนกินได้ไหม!! - Duration: 10:16.-------------------------------------------
Life Of A Junior News Journalist | London Evening Standard - Duration: 6:41.
Hey everyone,
I'm a Abbianca Makoni junior news journalist for The Evening Standard in collaboration with Press Association
and The Independent. So with these short videos
I'll be talking more about my own personal journey
Some of my challenges, my triumphs, my failures and even some of the skills that I've learned so far.
The reason why I decided to make these videos it's because I felt as if it would be good if I kind of
show the true picture of what it's like getting into the industry quite young some of the things I've
experienced, both the good and bad
so that those that want to get into the industry kind of have a
Foundation or a little bit of that knowledge of what to expect
I will also be giving out a few contact details and times of the best places to look at in terms of
Internships and work experience and hopefully that does help one of you guys that you know is watching or listening
So if we take it all the way back to when I was about 15 years old
So bear in mind, I had no idea. I wanted to be a journalist
I had no aspirations of getting into news or anything like that
I actually thought I was going to get into the medical industry whether that be radiography dentistry being a doctor
That was where my mind was at
but even though I felt that way at the age of 15
I decided to design and edit my own print magazine and
That was mainly because I felt as if there wasn't a hub or platform which allowed young people to share their emotions
Share their opinions and just you know promote their work
So that's exactly what I wanted my magazine to be about, you know, after many many many rejections
from photographers models
Finally one person Tendai Pottinger, you know and juvenile maze just gonna put their names in there, you know
They did respond to me and we started doing photo shoots. I would organise shoots
I would make the mood boards and thimbles and all of that good stuff and I was 15 at the time. So I
kind of had to grow up quite fast in terms of business mind and
It was a great joy
Like I just love doing it loved having something that I could call my own
But I was managing and that no one could tell me
Oh you have to do this you have to do that and I learned a number of different skills
Managing my magazine, especially at a young age
I definitely did realise that the reason why I was getting a lot of rejections or
Why people weren't were responding to my email is because I used to email them saying oh hi. I'm 15 years old
I'm gonna make a really great magazine one day and you know, I wasn't really allowing my work to speak for me
You know people automatic automatically assume because I'm 15
And I probably don't know better or what I'm going to produce is going to be, you know, not that great
So it quickly learned. Okay when I'm sending emails, there's a way you have to present yourself
There's a way you have to go about it and I started changing the structure of my emails when I was about 16
You know, I was more like hi. My name's Abbianca Makoni. You know, I'm a freelance graphic designer
And writer here is some of my work. Here's my portfolio
I never really told my age and I kind of let my work speak for me and then obviously later when they'll go
Oh my god, you're only 16 your works
You know you go that's quite decent and you know
It's quite annoying because I think that's one thing that frustrates me with schools. You know, they don't emphasize the importance of
written communication
you know that simple way to
Communicate via email via LinkedIn via social media and how to approach a situation in such a professional way
even if you're young like even the way you present your CV for
Example with my magazine I wasn't just designing a magazine that was graphic design. That was business management
I was handling the finance of it. I was bringing in people
Organizing the shoots all of that stuff
Would go in my CV many times. I've seen people just put down. Oh, I have a clothing line
No, you do not just have a clothing line. You are a business owner
You handle finance you handle the graphic design of that of that t-shirt
If you design the logo, you know, there are a number of different things
They time management involved in that the team work that fact you're working with to ensure that
That brand is doing well
You have social media management because you need to be able if you've got like over 1,000 2,000
You have to be consistent in your posts and stuff like that
but when you break things down properly you'll be surprised how many skills you actually have and
You know, these are basic things they do not teach in schools
and I think I can stand here and say if I had not started my magazine at 15 and
If I had just gone through my years with in my institutions
I don't think I would have learned those vital skills those vital skills. If I hadn't kind of made those mistakes had this joy and
Every day, these are mainly because I have my NCJ
Exams, I have my law and government and ethics exams coming up. So it's the last week of training
just want to get that everyone done with and hopefully I can actually continue filming and
talk more about
how to get work experience the best websites
what my training has been like as well learning shorthand learning law government within 17 weeks some of the struggles and
Also, I would really like to bring in some other industry people that can share their own experiences
But in the next episode, I definitely do want to continue
sharing a little bit of my journey and the amount of emails I sent in order to get the work experience and
Even the struggles of having to do work experience that is not paid, you know, especially living here in London, but yep
That's it
【6色レビュー】メイクアップレボリューションチョコレートパレット - Duration: 10:37.Hey guys It's Maiko
Today is this!
NU'EST 노력 (Try) - Duration: 4:15.On a day I could see you
I met my friends instead
Conversations that wouldn't end
are now ended
I looked at you
but now I overlapped you with someone else
Though it's not like someone else came inside of me
I felt more and more sorry when I said I love you
I said it forcefully but that still made you happy
Only to you
I'm a very busy person
You'll probably fall asleep while waiting for my call
I tried too
for our love
Like a person trying to catch an impossible dream
Does it make sense that love takes effort?
Being different
is special
And being the same is destiny
I got sick of those sayings
You say you will love me more tomorrow than you do today
But I can only love you more today than I will tomorrow
I tried too
for our love
Like finishing your work when you're sick
Does it make sense that love takes effort?
Does it make sense?
Love takes effort
But sometimes, it doesn't work with effort
Does it make sense that love takes effort?
You still don't know anything
So I don't know how to tell you
I'm on my way to see you now
[Nonstop] Happy Wedding 2019 / Set Nhạc Full Track Đám Cưới ► DJ I'm Thái 98 Mix | XTNon - Duration: 49:55.-------------------------------------------
Gangnam Gummy Style Dance Gummibär Psy | Long English Version Gummy Bear | Gummibär | Songs for Kids - Duration: 1:36.Gangnam Gummy Style Dance Gummibär Psy | Long English Version Gummy Bear | Gummibär | Songs for Kids
♪ Adventure Time [Island Song] "Come along with me" (Finale) ♪ - Song From Noteblock - Duration: 1:45.Come along with me
And the butterflies and bees
We can wander through the forest
And do so as we please
Come along with me
To a cliff under a tree
Where we can gaze upon the water
As an everlasting dream
All of my collections
I'll share them all with you
Maybe by next summer
We won't have changed our tunes
We'll still want to be
With the butterflies and bees
Making up new numbers
And living so merrily
All of my collections
I'll share them all with you
I'll be here for you always
And always be with you
Come along with me
And the butterflies and bees
We can wander through the forest
And do so as we please
Living so merrily
Christmas 123 Song | Xmas Music & Kids Song | Learning Numbers For Kids - Farmees - Duration: 1:02:34.I can count my numbers....
Will you count them with me!
I can count my numbers....
Will you count them with me!
For Sale ★ OPTIMA @ TANAH MERAH MRT, Penthouse 3 Rms +Roof Terrace @ S$1.7M neg. - Duration: · 9777 2102
'Not sure he's as good as people make out' - Man Utd urged to drop Paul Pogba for clash with Liverpo - Duration: 2:46.After failing to impress against Valencia in the Champions League on Wednesday night, Man Utd superstar Paul Pogba has come under further scrutiny
The Frenchman failed to take his opportunity in Spain, as United slumped to a 2-1 defeat and in turn missed out on a chance to finish top of their group given Juventus fell to a loss too
SEE MORE: 'Absolute clown' – These Man Utd fans were not impressed with Jose Mourinho's post-match interview after Valencia defeat Having been dropped to the bench in recent weeks against Young Boys, Arsenal and Fulham, the midweek game was seen as a chance for Pogba to prove his quality and earn his place in the starting line-up on a regular basis again
Aside from a generally disappointing outing, he was also guilty of a horror miss too, as seen in the video below, which wouldn't have done much for his confidence
Now, Sky Sports pundit Craig Bellamy has insisted that Jose Mourinho will have to drop the struggling World Cup winner for the huge encounter with Liverpool at Anfield on Sunday, and has even gone further by questioning whether or not Pogba is even as good as he's made out to be
"Pogba was poor again tonight," he told Sky Sports. "Mourinho isn't getting the best out of Pogba, that's clear
There is a lack of interest from Pogba. His performance in Valencia was concerning
"I'm not sure if he is as good as a lot of people make out. "If you're Mourinho, after Pogba's performance today, it will be very difficult to say he has to play, he has to leave him out again
" On paper, Pogba remains United's most talented midfielder. However, whether it's down to Mourinho's inability to get the best out of him or Pogba's lack of desire and inconsistency, or perhaps a combination of all the above, something isn't quite right at Old Trafford
As noted by The Mirror, former club Juventus are being linked with a swoop for the 25-year-old, and if his struggles continue at United, an exit arguably makes most sense for all concerned
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