Sharon Danley here with another Two Minute Tip. This week it's about
holiday red lipstick just in time for the holidays and it's all about using
what's probably already in your bag if you're a Superstay fan like I am.
I'm going to show you how to combine colors together to get some wonderful looks for
the holidays that should cover every kind of red that you may need so first
out of the chute on our holiday Reds is a kind of a pink or a blue undertone
tulips they have intensity strength but not
over-the-top the first color or the first layer I put
on a thin layer was number zero 15 which is the red cherry and here it is here
and then the second one that I put on was the number 55 perpetual plum and
again just a just one layer and you let these dry in between and then the third
one of course for highlight is the number 110 that I use for longevity and
eating turkey and drinking your wine and all those sorts of things that you'll be
doing over the holidays this is this is really a great lipstick for correcting
your nips for the older face and for not allowing the lip color to bleed feather
transfer anything with any oily foods that you might be eating so this is
number one our blue based red for the holidays
and number two on the hit parade is number 25 again the maybelline superstay
notice how i wipe the wand off so i don't have too much excess before I
apply and I don't need a lip liner notice how thin my lips are too and how
I'm going to augment them so I start in the corner and I just go across gingerly
to do the correction that I know I need to do for my lips and then on the other
side and I find that there's enough with one dip into the tube to do the top and
sometimes I have to go in a second time for the bottom but I think this is going
to do it just fine and see the difference in augmenting the lip what a
difference that can make and this is such a great read - it's that classic
Christmas red that's very slightly on the warm side and now I'm just
correcting now I'm going in to fill in the corners which are often overlooked
often and then I just because I'm only using one color with this demonstration
I'm just going to fill in as usual everywhere that I need to and correct
any little fixes that I may need to do so that's it for that wait a few seconds
till it dries and then the balm that's at the other end I just apply that
simply and that's all you really need to take with you when you're going out to
it and you don't even need a mirror don't to look into just to buy it and
that's it number 25
and for red lip number three we have our classic number 25 goes with anything any
time of the year anywhere and on top of it I have 150 which gives it that little
bit of a highlight of Pearlie look right in the center of the lip this is a warm
red that goes with anything and of course with the traditional Christmases
where the Reds are usually just a little bit warmer than they are cool so those
are three choices for you from a berry look to it
classic true red to a warm red. Hope you enjoy your holidays which ever lipstick you choose.
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