Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 16 2018

What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and in today's video I want to talk about some of the upcoming

changes to Rainbow Six Siege with patch Y3S4.1.

These changes were very briefly up on the test servers and I captured some comparison

footage to demonstrate exactly how these changes will affect gameplay once they go into the

live build of the game.

The most important gameplay changes I will be showing off are the .44 Mag Semi-Auto pistol

nerfs and the adjustment to Valkyries cam throwing ability, plus there were also notes

on recoil changes for a whole selection of guns.

Let's go take a closer look!

Ok, let's get the simple topic out of the way first.

In the original TS patch notes, the developers told us that there would be recoil changes

to Ela's Scorpion, Mira's Vector, Alibi's Mx4 Storm, Valkyrie's MPX and Thatcher's AR33.

After Wind Bastion went live quite a number of fans (including me) wrote to Ubisoft to

provide feedback and ask questions about thenew recoil for these weapons.

In fact, here I am in one of my Twitch streams, using the Scorpion for the first time after the patch.

I was completely floored by how controllable the gun was all of a sudden and so I fed this

back to Ubisoft and asked if there had been any other changes to gun recoil because I

really wanted to cover these changes in a video.

And as the patch notes tell us, I was not the only one who noticed these changes but

apparently there was some confusion here.

Ubisoft followed up these fan reports with an internal investigation which actually found

that there was no change in the recoils but this was then miscommunicated and we somehow

ended up with patch notes that falsely DID list changes for these guns on the TS but

this was then later updated with the final statement we have now…

Confusion all around it seems but long story short, there was never intended to be any

change to the recoil of these guns for Operation Wind Bastion and there was certainly no difference

between the current live build and the Test Server build, I made sure to double check.

If any changes did sneak in at the beginning of Wind Bastion, they were bugs rather than

intentional updates and they have already been ironed out at this stage.

So that's that and more importantly let's now look into the proposed changes to Nomad

and Kaid's .44 Mag Semi-Auto pistol.

If you're enjoying this mini DMR right now, use it while you can because very soon, it

will be nothing but a long lost memory of the past.

Just like the SMG-11 pocket sniper build and Jäger's 416 with ACOG… gone but never forgotten.

As I have demonstrated in several of my last few videos, the .44 Mag is currently an insanely

powerful, high fire rate, relatively controllable gun with a sight that shares the same magnification

as the ACOG but with less obstruction to the player's view.

In short, it is probably the outright best semi-auto gun in the game and in all fairness,

as fun as it can be to have a stupid gun like this in the game, it is simply OP and needs this nerf.

Two things are planned as of now: firstly, damage will go from 74/62 to 54/48.

So those are the maximum and minimum damage numbers up until 12m and from 22m and onwards

with a linear drop-off in between.

In practice, this changes the .44 Mag from a 2 body shot gun against all three types

of armour at pretty much all ranges into mostly a 3 body shot weapon.

With the upcoming patch, only level 1 armour operators can be taken down in 2 shots at

distances up to around 18m and once Rook plates come into play, you might even need 4 or even

5 hits, depending on the opponent's armour level.

So number one, much less power and in addition to that, the gun is also getting another recoil nerf.

Here is a side by side comparison of the current live build and the test server and you can

see that controlling the .44 Mag is about to get just that extra bit harder in the near future.

My personal opinion on these changes is that they are probably for the best.

The .44 Mag launched as an unbelievably powerful weapon and these changes will hopefully bring

it down to a level where players can still get some good use out of the unique optic

of the gun, without this SIDEARM actually being the better choice compared to most primary weapons.

And finally, let's compare Valkyrie's camera throwing abilities.

The mechanics for almost all throwables were changed at the beginning of Operation Wind

Bastion and for most operators, the minor buff to throwing distance didn't really

make a huge difference.

Valkyrie though is a different story and it didn't take long before some outrageous

screenshots started to circulate on Twitter showing valk cam images that basically looked

as if they were taken from a geostationary satellite.

This was an unintentional over-buff which is now being rolled back to a certain degree.

As you can see in the background footage, the current live build will allow Valkyrie

to throw her cameras up to 27m away on a horizontal surface.

This also goes for any other throwable except for C4, so Gu mines, hand grenades, impact

grenades, smoke canisters, drones… you name it; all of them have the same throwing arc.

And while all of the other gadgets will keep this new arc, Valk cameras will be harder

to throw after the patch, resulting in a max distance of around 17m on even ground.

What do I think of this?

Well first up, I feel that buffing Valkyrie like this was an oversight.

The decision was made to make throwing easier and the consequences for Valk cams were simply

not taken into account.

So first of all, I fully believe that this nerf is justified and needed.

It would be absolutely insane to allow Valkyrie to stay this powerful.

On the other hand though, I also have a bit of a concern.

Changing Valk to have her very own throwing mechanics is going to make things more complicated again.

The fact that all light throwables will behave in the same way but Valk cams won't will

make it more difficult for occasional Valk players to judge her throws.

Sure if you main Valk, you will simply get used to the arc and you will know what you're

doing but anyone else will probably find it confusing.

Maybe a better option would be to nerf the throwing arc for all objects and to thereby keep it consistent.

Sure it would be a shame to nerf all operators because one is OP but I almost think that

the benefit of having a unified, consistent throwing arc outweighs the downside of reduced

throwing distance for all operators.

My vote would be to keep things consistent but that's just my opinion.

What would you prefer: consistent arc for all operators or just a nerf for Valk?

Leave your comments below; I would be really interested to see what the community thinks!

And those are pretty much all of the important proposed changes that are due to be released

with the first update patch of Operation Wind Bastion.

The notes also mention a change to IQ's gadget and how it interacts with the recoil

of her pistol but if we look at a side by side comparison of how the screen behaves,

we can see that there isn't really a difference at all.

My guess would be that the change already went in with the initial Wind Bastion launch

but was missed off the patch notes and so added here for completeness sake.

The main thing I guess is that the recoil bug that affected IQ's screen during Operation

Grim Sky has been fixed.


But that really is it for that changes planned for the next patch!

As always, I trust that this info is useful for you; I hope you enjoyed that video and

I will see you in the next episode!

For more infomation >> Major Nerf to .44 Mag & Valkyrie - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 8:25.


10 Intersting unknown facts about Jason Momoa - Duration: 4:01.

10 Intersting unknown facts about Jason Momoa

Subscribe to our channel by clicking the subscribe button click the bell button and enjoy the latest uploads from our Channel. Oh, my baby

So, I'm crazy what you've been that bad for me we post on catch people fly

Get to flap with me. I

Can take you down for

Take you

Cross walking dead lucky

Oh, baby

So I am crazy

So I'm crazy but you've been that bad we musta got feet

you get to flap with

We can take you down for take you over

Crosswalk each block

You can buzz my reflection thinking about what information it was supposed to be the ones who take

But then I'm not loving maybe time so does that we did


Are you see

For more infomation >> 10 Intersting unknown facts about Jason Momoa - Duration: 4:01.


4 Tipps: Flirten lernen als Mann in unter 20 Minuten - [4K] - Duration: 18:37.

For more infomation >> 4 Tipps: Flirten lernen als Mann in unter 20 Minuten - [4K] - Duration: 18:37.


Sonner blues sur Dm A7 Dm - Duration: 7:48.

Playing blues lines over A7 Dm

Hi ! In this video I'll explain how to improvise blues lines over A7 Dm, a perfect cadence in D minor

If you are a rock or a blues guitar player, you may master the pentatonic (or blues) scale

sometimes in sounds really cool, but sometimes not so cool depending on the chords we play over

in this video we'll see how to change that

we'll use Dm A7 Dm as an exercise : the main scale will then be... D minor pentatonic !

let's start to play the chords. Here is a Dm

and here is A7

and back on Dm

here is the D minor pentatonic

the title of this video is about "blues" : here is the blues scale of D

Let's go step by step. I'll start with the blues scale over Dm A7 Dm (this backing track comes from a video about "Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out")

it's a 90 minutes lesson on my website (in french)

and this "Dm A7 Dm" is in the chords of this song

let's start with the blues scale of D, without caring about what chord is played

ok ! Most of the time it sounds nice, but some notes don't fit well with the harmony

and it's when the A7 is played that some notes don't fit so well

this Dm chord fits perfectly with the notes of the D blues scale

but when A7 is played, it gets tricky : let's see why some notes don't fit, and what other note could be played instead

let's have a look at the notes in A7, starting from the top one

the top one (A) is in the D minor pentatonic scale. The next one (E) is not ! There is a F in D min. penta.

so when A7 is played, we'll play E instead of F

this is a called a "chord tone", a note to play when the A7 is played

now, the C# : it's not in the D min. penta. in which there's a C and a D

so if I play C or D over A7 it won't work, if I play C# it will (I can play it with a 1/2 step bend on C)

then the G, the E (that we already analysed) and the A that are in the D min. penta

so the C# and the E (3rd and 5th of A7) are the typical notes because they are not in D min. penta : we'll aim these notes when A7 is played

by the way, we often say "the 3rd and 7th are the important notes" as a rule, but it depends : it's not the case here

so let's aim the E and the C# (others can sound well, such as G and A, A C# E G beeing A7 arpeggio)

let's do that : the D blues scale, and E and C# when A7 is played

you can hear it sounds much better ! I play C# or E on every A7, but I could be more subtle of course

so, the conclusion of this video is : if you play blues over a song, try to understand what chords are played

maybe there's a specific chord over which you can play one of its notes that will sound great : try to locate it on the neck

locate the key notes on the position you play your main scale, and play them at the right moment

I really hope you liked this video ! I also hope it will help you getting better at improvising over songs

I have other videos on similar topics, such as "what scale should I play on backing tracks"

there's also a 101 minutes video lesson (in french) about the song Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out

which is a bluesy song with original changes : I explain how to sound blues over these chords

please check it out !

For more infomation >> Sonner blues sur Dm A7 Dm - Duration: 7:48.


13 ПАСХАЛОК и СЕКРЕТОВ в JUST CAUSE 4 [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> 13 ПАСХАЛОК и СЕКРЕТОВ в JUST CAUSE 4 [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 12:41.


WoT - T71 CMCD (Ace Tanker) - Duration: 14:38.

For more infomation >> WoT - T71 CMCD (Ace Tanker) - Duration: 14:38.


Pre-orders & collection photoshoot ! ǀ #ProjectRacine episode 4 ǀ Justine Leconte - Duration: 8:24.

This was the first time I was seeing the physical complete collection in front of

me and we were shooting it on Sunday of that same week he was super tight but we

made it just before a collection gets released everything is happening at the

same time transportation logistics fulfillment execution on one side and

back to creative work on the other side the day of the photo shoot is a huge

deal because it's one day one shot make it work make it work

big day today super excited I will take care of the styling today and I will move

around between all these other questions you guys start together we need to talk

new tools a little bit every afternoon but she has good skin told me to say


and want to travel around the map

mr. Sanderson yeah

first things first it is not a winter collection it does

not have a season I don't believe in the concept of seasons because I think it's

out of date in which part of the world you live where do you want holiday do

you maybe layer your clothes anyways you know seasons were thing of the 20th

century I think so for this collection I used different fibers and different

fabric weights every wardrobe in every season needs a mix of everything the

collection consists of 11 pieces

the colors are custom-made

the patterns are complete new developments

if you've seen episode three of this series the previous one then you know

how this root pattern was born literally manually on my desk you won't see

designs like that anywhere else I guess you can't imagine how good it feels to

finally see these pieces on a real person

for instance the belt of the skirt started with a piece of muslin with me

trying to figure out how to sew it without creating 20 more sewing steps

then I discussed it with the pattern makers at this point the closure was

supposed to be a hook-and-eye system I was skeptical about its durability when

you machine wash it I sampled more closures like the kind of hook that you

have on a bra but that was too small and too fragile for a skirt and in the end I

went for a velcro closure it's super steady you won't come off you can even

hide it behind the skirt itself and the soft part of the velcro is longer so

that the belt length can be adjusted

in a nutshell so much work once Kurt

kidding we I don't know let's ask something but

they are horrible they are very very bad news

mainly because I'm standing in this is very

now let's talk about pre-orders we are doing pre-orders in fact when you see

this video all the new designs will already be online on my website

Christine look on that come this is how to spin it I know it's a French name we

don't pronounce all the letters it is honestly confusing so here it goes this

is how the pre-order system is going to work orders are open as of now shipping

will start in the second half of January that leaves us enough time in between to

plan the final quantities so the pieces have them shipped to me to Berlin check

the quality everything that's the advantage of working in Europe I'm very

close to the people who cut and sew the garments one note though and that's

important to understand the fabric is already ordered yeah

to save time so that you guys don't have to wait too much for your orders so the

quantity that we can produce overall is what it is but we can vary with great

flexibility between all the sizes that's the point of making this pre-order

period for each design you will also get information about where it was sewn and

where the fabric and the yarn came from before that you know I'm in favor of

more transparency in the fashion industry we also have gift cards now

from now on for all the husband's the dad's the best friends who don't know

your exact size and don't want to make a mistake

if you have any question I'm here and I'm reading your comments I can't wait

to hear what you guys think about this collection I feel like you've been

through the process as well episode after episode video after video

bye now we're in this together really I hope that this time the website

won't collapse it did collapse last year when I launched my first year were

aligned this year we're two hundred thousand more alone on YouTube but we

also up the server space so we'll see how it comes out if it does collapse

know that we're working on it full speed please don't be mad get a coffee and try

again later... take care, bye!

For more infomation >> Pre-orders & collection photoshoot ! ǀ #ProjectRacine episode 4 ǀ Justine Leconte - Duration: 8:24.


Menstrual cycle | How do organisms reproduce| 10th |biology | ncert class 10 |science |cbse syllabus - Duration: 2:09.

Menstrual cycle

Do you know the functions of female reproductive system?

For more infomation >> Menstrual cycle | How do organisms reproduce| 10th |biology | ncert class 10 |science |cbse syllabus - Duration: 2:09.


This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Duration: 1:24.


how to get free vbucks fortnite - fortnite free v bucks - free vbucks fortnite **Season-7 Proof** - Duration: 3:23.

how to get free vbucks fortnite - fortnite free v bucks.

For more infomation >> how to get free vbucks fortnite - fortnite free v bucks - free vbucks fortnite **Season-7 Proof** - Duration: 3:23.


【被助理踢爆】新加坡藝人混亂私生活大公開!想不到他竟與公司女高層上床換角色,就連粉絲也不放過!? - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> 【被助理踢爆】新加坡藝人混亂私生活大公開!想不到他竟與公司女高層上床換角色,就連粉絲也不放過!? - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 11:41.


洋洋居然把存了好幾年的錢拿去買iMac!剪片軟體和快速上字幕方法 [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> 洋洋居然把存了好幾年的錢拿去買iMac!剪片軟體和快速上字幕方法 [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:11.


내가 이사를 가는 이유 - Duration: 7:30.

This rooftop place had been so symbolic.

Independence, dream, bravery, etc.

This situation where I had to earn 350,000 won every month out of this coldness...

was a motivation itself.

I mean, of course, it's not that I don't wanna live in a big warm studio.

This is what my mom always told me.

"It's sad to see you living in such hardship."

"I hope you would move out as soon as possible."

But mom,

when I get old, and if I didn't have any experience of coming through this kinda thing,

I'd be so shameful.

Honestly, it wasn't just bravery that made me survive here.

Dealing with this unstable hot water was fine, 'cuz I did it in the army, too.

But this heating symtem was broken 3 times during the last winter.

And some crickets were jumping out from nowhere.

I did fix that problem now tho,

but at first, it was just...

During the 1st year's winter, I needed two blankets to cover my body.

In that way only, I could resist to the coldness.

What about now?

I put one on the floor, and use another to cover myself.

It's so warm in that way, 'cuz the floor is heated.

It's almost like Jjimjil-bang (찜질방).

There're such physical hardships, of course,

but the real one was the psychological isolation.

I know I put strong sides of me only in my videos,

but the reality wasn't always.

2017 was so solitary.

It's Feb 5th, 2017, Sunday, today.

I just do not wanna do anything.

I have 547 subscribers.

At this moment, it all just feels...

I think it's a bit scary.

If I cannot show something now,

would I have any excuse to follow my dream again?

I'm not the poorest person in the world.

I'm not trying to complain about the hardship I had here.

but it's just that I'm moving out on 24th, Dec.

This is a place with the 2-year-long memories of mine,

and that makes me sad,

but now, I don't have much time and I'm busy,

so I don't really have any space to feel like that.

Tonight, I'm meeting up with one of my mentors for dinner with Kenny.

But before that, let me tell you why I'm moving out of this place.

Oh, hello.

I just called to ask how I should deal with the last mostly rent.

Oh yeah, I got it.

So I can simply do it at the end.

Hi, am I talking to 'Real Estate Town'?

I don't know that well about the last monthly rent and the maintenance cost?

Hi, I'm trying to call a truck to move from Seoul to Incheon.

100,000 won?

Yeah, I got it.

So, it's a truck, right?

Thank you.

Cute boxes are 17,500 won,

and plain boxes are 14,500 won.

In fact, I don't have friends, or I don't wanna make friends.

I want to make families.

Even if not relatives, I consider anyone I believe in and rely on as my family.

And this is one of those reasons why I love my job.

I don't stop being just a friend with a new person,

but I could become family who achieve our dreams together.

It was families that I could reply on to keep myself going for my dream so far,

and one of them is my girl-friend, who I've been dating for 3 years.

I didn't mention much, but apparently, it was a big help 'cuz we could rely on each other.

On the day I came back from Shanghai, you know,

even until then, I didn't have this plan at all.

I didn't think of moving out.

But as I arrived in the Incheon airport, I started thinking.

My girl-friend is from Incheon, and I live in Seoul.

We couldn't really meet up that often,

but I was procrastinating everything.

"Because I need to work on videos, maybe I should procrastinate my time with her."

That was my attitude.

But on the day I was arriving in the airport, this thought came up in my head,

'I want to take care those who are families of mine.'

And I know you don't simply consider me as a Youtuber,

but it's a relationship where we truly care about each other as well,

so I'd like to show you what Seo Jae Yeong values the most in life,

and how I'm gunna deal with my work and my life as well.

I need to tell those to you.

If I and you guys can get more connected in anyways,

I don't really feel it's a private issue.

For more infomation >> 내가 이사를 가는 이유 - Duration: 7:30.


Avios Spitfire MkVb Super Scale 1450mm (PNF) Maiden flight and crash landing - Duration: 15:59.

Well, I cant say that Iam proud of this landing, still the plane is perfect flyer and so easy to handle in the air. New props are on the way and I will do redemption flight no matter what. But since we dont ever edit our videos dis is it and still the fun is perfect and that is the point of this channel and this amazing hobby. Big salute to all RC lovers all over the world from Captain Blaž & Pilot Robert Slovenia. See you soon. Oh yeah...

For more infomation >> Avios Spitfire MkVb Super Scale 1450mm (PNF) Maiden flight and crash landing - Duration: 15:59.


[18+] michael + mallory || VOODOO - Duration: 2:06.

I can see into the dark places that people desperately try to keep hidden.

I don't have any dark places.


For more infomation >> [18+] michael + mallory || VOODOO - Duration: 2:06.


MERCEDES AMG GT 4 DOOR COUPE | GT63S FULL REVIEW Exhaust Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 17:55.

For more infomation >> MERCEDES AMG GT 4 DOOR COUPE | GT63S FULL REVIEW Exhaust Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 17:55.


赵丽颖过安检机器一直响,伸手掏瞬间脸红,解释:金瀚硬塞进来的 - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> 赵丽颖过安检机器一直响,伸手掏瞬间脸红,解释:金瀚硬塞进来的 - Duration: 11:12.


Let's Play NFS Most Wanted 2012 Reacting to old games (Part 1) - Duration: 16:35.

oh hey guys welcome back to my channel and so today we are going to trying and

reacting to the old NFS games and first one which we're starting with is a

most wanted 2012 so this game I used to love this game actually when I was kid

is you play yeah now I'm 13 so I have school and all you know so yeah and by

the way I'm actually one month exactly one month away from a birthday so yeah I

am going to turn 14 well I'm quite sad but you know on the other hand let's

let's just go okay and as you can see I am actually in a different room look at this

it's it's a different room yeah so actually I used to record in my balcony before my

computer was over there but then I shifted over here which is much better let's

start with the video and I'm actually standing because if I sit I don't know what will happen

today we are going we have a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport yeah that's a super sports

and what we are going to do is we are going to be driving around and whoa wait wait a minute

did you hear that? It

It sounds so good!

guys wow oh my I must say this game I used to love it

okay when this first came out i used to play it a lot

And I haven't played since 10 months or so so yeah let's just see how it goes I'm going to give my honest

opinions on this game so obviously I feel like you know the new games like

NFS Payback I don't know if there is any new game come out recently like in 2018

but yeah suppose for NFS Payback if you look

at it it used to have kind of a menu where you could like you know kind of

adjust your nitrous power and duration and all well I use ah I miss that in

this game but it's an old game so yeah and look at the graphics

it's actually quite good you know in Payback on the other hand from 2015 to payback

they reduced the graphics quality a little bit ok let's continue okay

and yeah Oh guys I actually forgot but I remember that you have this

customized car and you can customize your car on the go you know

no need to go to the upgrade shop and you know doing all that stuff and oh my days

it's such a good game okay let's go to the highway and test its real speed let's go

okay so our starting point is going to be over here somewhere yea ok

Ok guys let's begin now we are going to try launch control


It's actually so fast oh my oh no I am no way but this is

supposed to be a highway oh no what dude watch out

oh my okay okay I messed up I messed up over there okay and I actually forgot

payback what you had to do is you had to follow checkpoints in a certain time

limit and yea with that you escape the cops

And I actually forgot that you can meet them anywhere!

Are there any oh bumper camera okay oh my so as you notice I couldn't actually reach

the top speed but the next test that we are going to do is see you know

the next challenge is to try and break no laws no matter what in this game so

obviously this is a fast car so you see my controller okay and there can you see


that will move the car slowly so yea we have to try and break no laws whatsoever

okay and well I'm actually not 18+ I don't exactly know the rules

I don't know if that's I don't know okay if that's actually if you if you're

actually allowed to do that okay and yes so we have to go really slowly and not go on the peds

these people you know they are taking a lot of time

Oh man

ok green light green light okay okay we're doing good we're doing good till now

and yea put it but I know one thing if you are in like in multiple lanes, you need to use the indicator for you know

changing lanes and all but because this game doesn't have that just I'm just assuming

okay I'm just assuming ok so yeah stop honking man so I am just pretending that I am using an indicator ok and yea slow and steady and the first task is

we have to go and find a car a different one ok so what I have decided is actually you go over here oh ok yeah so we are taking the tesla roadster sport

It's so cute this car oh my I love this car you know I love electric cars but the thing that I don't like about it is

about it is you know the engine it's so silent I mean obviously when you are if you are kind

of a spy or something this would be perfect for you but suppose like

you know you are kind of a guy who races and all and the exhaust and all

it doesn't make that much sound ok

we're good o well we are not allowed to park over here. This is a speed camera ok

ok we're good

I believe we can speed a little bit oh ok

I am going to try and not speed that much by the way I didn't know that guys about it it's it's kind of weird about it

look at that who has a nitrous in an electric car

like seriously dude I mean that's look I noted one thing that is like

obviously like ah but you know look at that who has a nitrous does it work

actually IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!! oh my if you look on

the internet and check you can't actually find any car electric car

which are meant to do oh sorry which meant to do that

and so that's you know that's one thing I actually did not expect

okay this is the Maserati love this whoa I love its sound you know but then in reality

I love Lamborghinis

Ok slow and steady

I am not actually caring about speed you know ok red light red light back off back off mate yea we're good

Stop Honking Man! This is a red light can't you see?

okay we're good to go

now the one thing that is left to do is we are going to try and race okay and so and

yeah if you if you are looking forward to you know look at my opinions

compared to nowadays games and all so yeah you can skip to the end of the

video and you'll see that and so it's let's start this race it's a hard one ok

I haven't played this game since a long time okay I don't know what to expect

there we go by the way guys any of you wondered I got spects but I should tell you

this but these are not normal specs I'm actually dust and heat allergic so and

plus this is Antiglare can you see that it has some green film over there okay okay okay we

are to say are these actually meant for computers

it reduces your eye strain actually I am not even kidding


I guess that should help but that decreases our toughness

I've actually started to love this game again I mean payback it's just quite

good you can do some CRAZY customisations and all but this game for

you know for its time it doesn't disappoint it's actually not bad

it's quite good ok there you go oh my how on earth this logic I don't understand okay like if

you hit a ped you actually crash and if you hit a racer you take them down I don't


plus if you look at the ped cars they are a lot smaller compared to racers

these racing cars I don't know why is it like

dude that that's actually risky you know our trunk's open

okay aston martin there you go we are sixth I have to get first

go oh I don't need ye I didn't know I would actually fare so well in this game you know

oh my God! dude that is such a terrible crash I hope he's alright

and all that matters to me right now is the race cuz this is a game ok don't break laws in real life


I mean I'm not angry or anything but it's just that this is just a game okay

don't think that I'll do this in real life I will not I will be a good person and follow

the rules


This is kind of a little bit hard

I love the drifts you know this stuff there you go



Whoa! I didn't expect that guys! Oh Well

I mean it's quite good for a start cuz I haven't played game since 6 months or so no 9 months yea 9

And so yeah our car is terrible! You know. It has crashed so much

Just look at that okay

Now what we are going to do is we are going to

the repair shop and so let's see if there is any repair shop nearby wait I just realized that you

have to go and locate it yourself so it's going to be a hard task

not that hard I mean we'll find it you know

I know I am breaking the rules right now don't do that in real life

okay guys so now that we are done with that I think it has been a pretty long video you know so yeah

I think I should end here so thank you guys for watching and please go down

there and subscribe and yeah like this video and turn on the notification

bell you know just turn it on so that you get to know when I upload and

all and yea I'll see you guys later okay

*THANKS FOR WATCHING!!! Social Media Link in the Description*

For more infomation >> Let's Play NFS Most Wanted 2012 Reacting to old games (Part 1) - Duration: 16:35.


戴安娜逝世前最后一个假期,与儿子哈里在海滩上嬉戏,母子开心 , 父母婚姻的第三者,两位王子是尊重还是排斥?看乔治小王子就知道 , 凯特衣品远远不如梅根?不存在的,先看看她穿礼服的样子再说 - Duration: 22:17.

For more infomation >> 戴安娜逝世前最后一个假期,与儿子哈里在海滩上嬉戏,母子开心 , 父母婚姻的第三者,两位王子是尊重还是排斥?看乔治小王子就知道 , 凯特衣品远远不如梅根?不存在的,先看看她穿礼服的样子再说 - Duration: 22:17.


DIY Lace Up Top / DIY šnurovací top (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 6:11.


In this video I'll show you how I made this lace up top.

I had this piece of pink fabric at home that I wanted to use up for something

so I decided to try to make a lace up top.

I used a pattern that I made when I refashioned this dress.

I pinned the pattern to one piece of the fabric and cut it out.

Since I couldn't fit the whole pattern onto the fabric, I'll just make the top shorter.

I pinned the pattern to the other piece of the fabric

and I made sure to cut mirrored pieces.

To make it more stiff I cut all pieces also from interfacing.

I ironed the interfacing on and cut all pieces also from lining.

I sewed all the pieces right sides together

but I left the front central seam open.

I sewed close the back central seam.

I sewed the lining the same way.

I straightened the bottom edge.

Also the bottom edge of the lining.

I serged the edges of the seam so that boning would fit in the tubes.

I cut off 4cm from the front central pieces of the lining.

I cut the cut off pieces from denim and I added seam allowance.

Right sides together I sewed them back to the lining.

Right sides together I sewed the lining to the main fabric along the top edge.

I clipped the curve.

I pushed the seam allowance under the lining and under-stitched it.

I inserted the boning.

I cut them to be 1 cm above the bottom edge.

I joined the top right sides together and sewed it leaving a gap.

I turned the top to the right side through the gap.

I folded the edges 1 cm inside and sewed the gap close.

I made the string from this ribbon.

I narrowed it

folded the edges inside, folded the string in half and sewed along both edges.

I made markings where I wanted to put eyelets.

First I made holes

I placed this wider piece under the hole.

I placed it onto this metal circle.

I placed this narrower piece on top.

I hammered the two pieces together.

Same way I hammered the rest of the holes.

So this is the finished top.

I hope you liked the video and see you next time.

Bye :)

For more infomation >> DIY Lace Up Top / DIY šnurovací top (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 6:11.


10 Intersting unknown facts about Jason Momoa - Duration: 4:01.

10 Intersting unknown facts about Jason Momoa

Subscribe to our channel by clicking the subscribe button click the bell button and enjoy the latest uploads from our Channel. Oh, my baby

So, I'm crazy what you've been that bad for me we post on catch people fly

Get to flap with me. I

Can take you down for

Take you

Cross walking dead lucky

Oh, baby

So I am crazy

So I'm crazy but you've been that bad we musta got feet

you get to flap with

We can take you down for take you over

Crosswalk each block

You can buzz my reflection thinking about what information it was supposed to be the ones who take

But then I'm not loving maybe time so does that we did


Are you see

For more infomation >> 10 Intersting unknown facts about Jason Momoa - Duration: 4:01.


10 DIY Bedroom Storage Ideas - Duration: 8:24.

Your bedroom is a place where you can do various kinds of things

such as pulling an all nighter, lying on the bed while reading a romance,

and – finally – call it a night.

No wonder it becomes a veritable disaster area

which hinders you from getting a nice sleep.

You surely need to incorporate additional storage solutions to get rid of clutter.

And this is your lucky day as I've listed 10 DIY bedroom storage ideas

that can help you to eradicate clutter without costing you a fortune.

As always, this lists is brought to you by

10. Upcycle A Magazine Holder

Emptying your pocket might be the first thing you usually do before jumping onto the bed.

Oftentimes you simply throw your phone and wallet to your side table,

which overtakes the surface space.

You need something that has an open space

so you can hide them and keep the clutter at bay.

All you need to do is getting a wooden magazine holder

and using a little elbow grease.

First, paint the magazine holder the color of your choice.

You can actually stain it if you wanna have a more natural look, instead.

Then, attach it to the wall using a few screws.

You can literally hang it anywhere you want –

even on the corner – due to its design.

Tip: place it next to an outlet so you can recharge your phone easily.

9. Turn an IKEA Stool into A Brilliant Side Table

The best way to tackle an in-space challenged bedroom

is by investing in multi-purpose furniture,

just like this bed side table which is actually made out of an IKEA stool.

To make this awesome table,

you need to get Oddvar at IKEA.

It's a wooden stool with four legs.

Then, assemble the parts of this stool except the top part.

Before assembling them,

you can paint the pieces or just leave them that way.

Once they are assembled,

get a cloth and cut it into 4 pieces to cover the sides and 2 pieces for the bottom.

Attach them using a staple gun.

Then, install drawer slides and mount the top part of the stool.

Now you can store your knick-knacks easily.

Just slide the top part without taking everything on it.

8. Display Your Jewelry

Storing jewelry in a drawer isn't a great idea.

It may help you to hide the clutter out of sight,

but little do you know that you've turned your drawer into a safe haven for the clutter,

which makes it look so messy that you can't find the earrings

that you are going to wear for your OOTD.

Instead of hiding them,

why don't you just display them on the wall?

These DIY-friendly storage racks will make you smile exuberantly and say "good bye!" to the mess.

You only need to get one or two planks, stain or paint them,

screw some clothespins,

hang them on the wall and you're good to go.

For your earrings, you can use a cork board accentuated with an old photo frame.

Now you can store and find your jewelry easily

as well as enhancing your bedroom's look.

7. Additional Storage Racks at The Corner

When it comes to a small bedroom,

it is essential to embrace every inch of the available space.

Even the most awkward spot like the corner next to the door

can make perfect additional storage racks.

All you need to do is just getting some boards and cut them to form several triangles

that fit snugly between two walls.

Then screw them on the walls

so they are sturdy enough to hold your books or knick-knacks.

6. Bench with Hidden Storage

having a bench in your bedroom can be a good idea

especially if you place it by the window.

You can sit back and relax while reading your favorite romance

and enjoying the scenery of the surrounding.

Instead of placing a single bench,

why don't you just invest in a bench with a hidden storage?

All you need to do is just making the usual bench

and add a small box on the platform and add a lid using hinges

so you can keep small items in it as well as hiding them out of sight.

5. DIY Desk Organizer

Are you cheesed off with the clutter that has taken over your desk's surface?

Try to make this DIY desk organizer that will help you hold the clutter at bay.

You only need to get a piece of plywood board or you can tweak a clipboard.

Draw the plan of the compartments you want to have on the board.

Attach the boxes that hold your pens and pencils, and memos.

Paint a certain area with chalkboard paint so you can write down a memo.

You can also add two or three wooden dowels to hold tapes and scissors in place

so you can grab them in a jiffy when needing them.

4. Bed with Built-In Drawers

The space under your bed is ideal for storing things.

Therefore, you need to invest in a bed with built-in drawers.

If you can't find the best one that suit your style well,

you can always make it yourself.

You just need to make a bed along with its headboard and foot board.

Then, you need to install slide under your bed

so you can pull and push the drawers easily.

3. Floating Drawer

Keeping the floor space clean is crucial especially is you live in a small bedroom.

The clean floor makes a tiny room appear to be larger.

And to do this, you're gonna need to make everything float.

It's not like they're really floating with a certain magical spell you lend from JK Rowling's book.


you only need to mount furniture on the wall,

just like this floating drawer.

This drawer is a great storage solution for small spaces.

It can be a nice side table and cool drawer.

You can store your phone or anything there

as well as keeping the floor space clean.

2.Folding Bed

If you need an extra bed for your guests who are gonna sleep over,

you can try this foldable bed.

This bed can be folded so the mattress can be out of sight

as well as providing a nice coffee table where you put magazine and tea.

But when it's time to hit the sack, just open up the coffee table

and you'll get a bed in which you can fit well – all snug and warm.

Before we get to number 1,

I suggest to press subscribe button if this channel is new to you

and bell icon beside it.

That way, you'll recieve notification directly in your mail box.

Everytime I publish new video.

1. Multilevel Racks

These racks will be able to beat those mundane and ubiquitous bedside table.

Three racks are stacked up from the smallest to the biggest.

Each rack enables you to store books and clock.

The racks also feature LED light that make a pretty good bedroom reading corner.

Those are 10 DIY bedroom storage ideas that help you keep the clutter at bay.

If your small bedroom is clutter free,

it would have more space and look more spacious.

And – of course – the ultimate comfort would be all yours.

That's it.

Before you leave, like this video, comment it, or share with anyone inside your close friend.

Or family list.

Come again next with more home and decorating ideas,

and until that time,

thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 10 DIY Bedroom Storage Ideas - Duration: 8:24.



Hello my loves, Welcome to my youtube channel, again

me pink moony, today we are going talk about using this hyperprotein mixture

for growth. dazzling your body

before going into the thick of it, think to subscribe. , like and comment, but

also think about the notification bell and my new pink chain moony naturopath

For this preparation of growth and increase extreme, you will need these ingredients

A n avocado cores that you will miss as you see it

After getting a fine powder, you go mix it with two spoons a


olive oil , Then add two spoons of this preparation

based on egg white lemon and honey that I advise you to prepare in advance

It is very important for the recipe. , the goal is to get a very active mix

and hyperprotein So

An egg white, half a lemon and a spoon honey

Once it's good, take two spoons and add in the preparation do not be

not shocked if it's foamy or swells normal

Then add your petrolatum preparation to fix it all

Massage the body well with this, do it every night before going to bed

Before starting treatment. Measure the dimensions and so you can see

the improvement, and the time it took Thank you for watching this video

until the end, as you know my videos are simple fast easy,

very accessible, for everyone, c is why I invite you to share this

so that it affects a maximum of people it will help save many lives and

make the world better. Also think about my new pink moony chain

naturopath kisses kisses





Nathalie Baye angoissée, comment Laura Smet lui a donné des sueurs froides ? - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Nathalie Baye angoissée, comment Laura Smet lui a donné des sueurs froides ? - Duration: 1:31.


For more infomation >> Nathalie Baye angoissée, comment Laura Smet lui a donné des sueurs froides ? - Duration: 1:31.


Raphaël Mezrahi « investisseur rusé », un surprenant projet 100% vegan - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Raphaël Mezrahi « investisseur rusé », un surprenant projet 100% vegan - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Raphaël Mezrahi « investisseur rusé », un surprenant projet 100% vegan - Duration: 1:01.


Tradition Noël en France vs Noël au Royaume-Uni / Christmas in France vs UK - Duration: 11:48.

He speaks English

Exactly !

So, as he lost during our last video

and that I imposed on him this small challenge

this small punishment, I would say

to speaking English during the video

while I can keep speaking in French

So, as it is the good season to talk about it

will be about the Christmas traditions

I will talk about the English Christmas traditions

and Alexandre will talk about the French traditions

The first english tradition,

they write greeting card for Christmas

to their relatives, their colleagues, their friends

to their family

A thing that I think we did in France before

but not anymore, we do not do it often

well, maybe to colleagues, as a courtesy

but no one really do it nowadays

but English people kept this tradition


It depends on the family

but it is true that Christmas Eve is really celebrated in France

but in my family, we celebrate it on Christmas Day

and we open the gifts on 25th

Next, the second english tradition

I discovered this year

during Christmas time

I will show you a picture

is about Crackers

We can think that it looks like Crisps

but not at all

here it is considered as a kind of Papillot

in there, you will find a small gift

of low value, by the way

every time

The main idea is to offer it

but it is mostly put on the table

for Christmas Eve

for Christmas Day

during the whole duration of Christmas time

the goal is to grab a side and another person will grab the other side

and it is true it is a cool thing with the small gift inside


another tradition that is really extremely important


at 3 pm, on Christmas Day, there is the Queen's Christmas message on the tv

at precisely 3 pm

you have to be ready to watch it

no other choice

this is a tradition

and you MUST do it

Well, because it is Christmas

Next english tradition

on the 26th of December

is it a Bank Holiday

in England

it is Boxing day

We did not really know it

but we quickly understood that

the 26th was a bank holiday

and that we would not working, for example

we were wondering why ?

And have been researching a bit

and we realized that it was a bank holiday

and that it was a Discount and Sale day apparently

and it is like that because

in the past

all the workers, etc

that did not have a lot of money

could still buy a christmas present to their family

to their friends

The next one is,

So, apparently

English people eat this for Christmas

it is considered a very substantial cake

and a heavy dish

with a lot of things used to cook it

it is eaten with custard

there is fruits inside

I feel like there is really a lot used to cook it

we never tasted it with Alex

but it is apparently prepared a really long time in advance

I don't know, there is no other solution

Then, another English tradition

the Chistmas song

it is true that,

when you are wandering around the city

in december

first of all, you can see the Christmas lights

in London

which are really great

something really beautiful to see

but most importantly,

we are going to hear Christmas songs in the streets

there will be choirs

but also, families, schools and everyone

will be singing Christmas song together

it reminds of what we can see on TV in France

or in movies

but actually we are not doing it

And finally,

the last English Tradition we will talk about

is about Nativity play

it is really something that stays important in English tradition

the fact that there will be plays of the Nativity scene

the birth of Jesus

it is played in schools

but also in Theater

in small theater, etc

it is really something important

and even in a lot of houses

there will be a small crib of Christmas

or something

to represent the Birth of Jesus

I know that in France

it is also something people do

it is something commonly done

but I think that here, it is more important and has more meaning

than in France

We think it is great to talk about English tradition

as we are currently living in London

and that we did notice that there is differences

and also to talk about French tradition

because in the end

it might also be interesting for all the English speaking and expatriates

that are watching our videos

and are not necessarily French

And of course, it was fun

to make a part of it in English with Alex

because it was his challenge anyway

and I am glad he did it

even though it was not "really" a challenge in the end

Let us know what you think about it

and please make sure to SUBSCRIBE

For more infomation >> Tradition Noël en France vs Noël au Royaume-Uni / Christmas in France vs UK - Duration: 11:48.


For more infomation >> Tradition Noël en France vs Noël au Royaume-Uni / Christmas in France vs UK - Duration: 11:48.


Описание картины Карла Брюллова «Портрет Н. В. Кукольника» - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Описание картины Карла Брюллова «Портрет Н. В. Кукольника» - Duration: 2:18.


For more infomation >> Описание картины Карла Брюллова «Портрет Н. В. Кукольника» - Duration: 2:18.


내가 이사를 가는 이유 - Duration: 7:30.

This rooftop place had been so symbolic.

Independence, dream, bravery, etc.

This situation where I had to earn 350,000 won every month out of this coldness...

was a motivation itself.

I mean, of course, it's not that I don't wanna live in a big warm studio.

This is what my mom always told me.

"It's sad to see you living in such hardship."

"I hope you would move out as soon as possible."

But mom,

when I get old, and if I didn't have any experience of coming through this kinda thing,

I'd be so shameful.

Honestly, it wasn't just bravery that made me survive here.

Dealing with this unstable hot water was fine, 'cuz I did it in the army, too.

But this heating symtem was broken 3 times during the last winter.

And some crickets were jumping out from nowhere.

I did fix that problem now tho,

but at first, it was just...

During the 1st year's winter, I needed two blankets to cover my body.

In that way only, I could resist to the coldness.

What about now?

I put one on the floor, and use another to cover myself.

It's so warm in that way, 'cuz the floor is heated.

It's almost like Jjimjil-bang (찜질방).

There're such physical hardships, of course,

but the real one was the psychological isolation.

I know I put strong sides of me only in my videos,

but the reality wasn't always.

2017 was so solitary.

It's Feb 5th, 2017, Sunday, today.

I just do not wanna do anything.

I have 547 subscribers.

At this moment, it all just feels...

I think it's a bit scary.

If I cannot show something now,

would I have any excuse to follow my dream again?

I'm not the poorest person in the world.

I'm not trying to complain about the hardship I had here.

but it's just that I'm moving out on 24th, Dec.

This is a place with the 2-year-long memories of mine,

and that makes me sad,

but now, I don't have much time and I'm busy,

so I don't really have any space to feel like that.

Tonight, I'm meeting up with one of my mentors for dinner with Kenny.

But before that, let me tell you why I'm moving out of this place.

Oh, hello.

I just called to ask how I should deal with the last mostly rent.

Oh yeah, I got it.

So I can simply do it at the end.

Hi, am I talking to 'Real Estate Town'?

I don't know that well about the last monthly rent and the maintenance cost?

Hi, I'm trying to call a truck to move from Seoul to Incheon.

100,000 won?

Yeah, I got it.

So, it's a truck, right?

Thank you.

Cute boxes are 17,500 won,

and plain boxes are 14,500 won.

In fact, I don't have friends, or I don't wanna make friends.

I want to make families.

Even if not relatives, I consider anyone I believe in and rely on as my family.

And this is one of those reasons why I love my job.

I don't stop being just a friend with a new person,

but I could become family who achieve our dreams together.

It was families that I could reply on to keep myself going for my dream so far,

and one of them is my girl-friend, who I've been dating for 3 years.

I didn't mention much, but apparently, it was a big help 'cuz we could rely on each other.

On the day I came back from Shanghai, you know,

even until then, I didn't have this plan at all.

I didn't think of moving out.

But as I arrived in the Incheon airport, I started thinking.

My girl-friend is from Incheon, and I live in Seoul.

We couldn't really meet up that often,

but I was procrastinating everything.

"Because I need to work on videos, maybe I should procrastinate my time with her."

That was my attitude.

But on the day I was arriving in the airport, this thought came up in my head,

'I want to take care those who are families of mine.'

And I know you don't simply consider me as a Youtuber,

but it's a relationship where we truly care about each other as well,

so I'd like to show you what Seo Jae Yeong values the most in life,

and how I'm gunna deal with my work and my life as well.

I need to tell those to you.

If I and you guys can get more connected in anyways,

I don't really feel it's a private issue.

For more infomation >> 내가 이사를 가는 이유 - Duration: 7:30.


L'aventure Robinson : Je sors de l'assistance publique, je m'appelais Franck - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> L'aventure Robinson : Je sors de l'assistance publique, je m'appelais Franck - Duration: 7:07.


THE POINTLESS RULES OF ENGLISH (and how to follow them) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> THE POINTLESS RULES OF ENGLISH (and how to follow them) - Duration: 4:07.


New M jak miłość odc. 1406 - opis, streszczenie: Wojtek niszczy samochód Eryka - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> New M jak miłość odc. 1406 - opis, streszczenie: Wojtek niszczy samochód Eryka - Duration: 2:09.


New M jak miłość odc. 1407 - opis, streszczenie: Niespodziewany powrót Anki Waszkiewicz - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> New M jak miłość odc. 1407 - opis, streszczenie: Niespodziewany powrót Anki Waszkiewicz - Duration: 1:48.


Thánh Vét Máng Còn King Khủng Hơn Quillen bạn có biết ? V Gaming - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> Thánh Vét Máng Còn King Khủng Hơn Quillen bạn có biết ? V Gaming - Duration: 12:05.


INNER PEACE For ENFPs and ENTPs...Fixing Overthinking - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 9:25.

Hey Dan here and in this video I want to share one technique that can

dramatically free up space in your brain help you stay focused help you get more

done and this is for anyone who loves the possibilities who loves thinking

about the future specifically enfps this tends to apply a

lot I'm an ENFP myself and I also have experience with INFPs and ENTPs where

this can be really really helpful by the way if you're new here I am Dan this is

Dreams Around The World and my mission here is to help you become the best

version of yourself all while creating the most awesome life

possible for you and those you love and as you might guess today I am getting

sick and I am desperately filming this video so I have a video to put up on

Sunday and stick to my commitment to you guys to get three videos a week if in

the next video after this I sound even more like the Living Dead then I guess

the oranges and vitamin C is not working so if you're a future-oriented person

you're probably always looking ahead right you're looking at what could be

and the infinite possibilities and this is one of our ENFP superpowers and it's

also an intp superpower is figuring out all the possible options is being able

to sort of analyze everything look into the future make really good decisions

and we love that I recently have been booking a trip I'm trying to plan out

events for 2020 during the winter and so I've been booking a trip around Europe

looking at destinations that are sort of warm in February and March and so

there's I think seven or eight places I'm visiting and I had a lot of fun

planning this trip not just because I'm thinking like where do I get to go on

this business trip but also because there are so many possibilities and so

it's like this really fun process of looking at all the different options and

then how do they work together like do you fly here first and then here or go

the other way and how do you link everything up that's really fun to do

for my type for an ENFP it's an extremely fun process I find but here's

the problem is it eats up a ton your mental energy right the last few

days I've been having a little trouble focusing on other things as I have been

getting this done and this happens in all areas of life for us I to people but

not really kidding that planning a lunch can be one of the most draining things

for me because I'll start to think about all the possible restaurants and there's

too many possibilities it eats up mental space that really if you're just having

lunch with a friend it's not worth using that mental space on so what do you do

about this come to conclusive decisions this is one of the best ways to not only

reach your goals and get more done but just free up headspace and feel a lot

more grounded so a really practical easy example to start off with and then we'll

get into some more complex ones is just eating lunch at the same couple places

every day right there's a friend I used to meet for lunch once a week and we

would just always meet at the same place we're both busy entrepreneurs why

overthink it well I try to get the new fancy place with goat cheese balsamic

this this whatever we're just meeting for lunch to see each other so we met at

the same place every week it saved a lot of planning energy you know before we

text each other in the morning hey where do we meet for lunch I don't know what

do you feel like blah blah blah it wastes a lot of head space from

consistently doing the same thing in areas of your life where it doesn't

really matter is one way to free up some of that mental energy for things where

it really does matter you know planning an adventure or growing your business or

putting that energy into your relationship let's say and on the note

of relationships this is actually something that's made marriage make a

lot of sense to me and let me explain that because you know there's a lot of

different views on marriage especially in 2018 like does it really serve a

purpose you know blah blah blah and one of the things that does make a lot of

sense to me about marriage is that you're committing to something and I've

talked about this in other videos when you commit to an outcome

it changes your way of thinking right if you're in a relationship the way most

people can think most of the time of course it's not everyone all the time so

a lot of people if they're in a relationship on some level they're sort

of always analyzing things right they're always thinking like is this a good

relationship can I do better is this the right person for me do we have a future

you know some friends have talked to me about living with your partner and the

way a lot of people look at moving in with someone is like testing it's like

okay we'll move in together and I can test if I'm compatible with them and to

me this is like setting yourself up for disaster because you're going in with a

headspace of testing them where what do you do when you test you look for flaws

you look for what doesn't work you look for kind of bad things that's part of

the whole mindset going in right and so the opposite to that is looking at okay

I'm going to make this relationship work I'm committed to this so I'm never

second-guessing the relationship I'm never doubting if we have a future but

instead I'm just looking for solutions hey we have this problem cool how do I

solve it what can I do differently this is why there's some statistics that say

that living with someone before marriage doesn't actually increase the chance of

a successful marriage in some cases getting married first actually predicts

a successful marriage and relationship and that's including the people who live

together and then they decided it didn't work and then they never got married so

the people who actually live together first and got married they already were

filtered right and they still did not have a better chance of having a

successful marriage than people who just got married first we're committed and

then live together now sometimes this is really counterintuitive to us

freedom-loving types right I don't know an INFP or an ENFP who loves to be put

in a box and forced to do the same thing or to have a lot of structure we love

freedom we love infinite possibilities problem is when we have infinite

possibilities we literally just go insane like there's too much to think

about there's too many options it's really really overwhelming and so

something that I've been doing more and more is limiting my options when it

comes to booking a trip I like I have this trip coming up I mentioned I go out

of my way within a few days of deciding on doing this

to book the main flights because then I'm locked in and I have some structure

otherwise I'll be thinking for months like where could I go what are all the

options and it eats up so much mental space I find this with work as well I

sent out an email the other day about events I'm hosting in 2019 with the date

and locations and one of the reasons I sent out this email aside from giving

people a heads up you know so they can start planning travel and planning the

year is that until I sent that email I kept debating the dates like is this

weekend better than this weekend or like you know I had a plan but until it was

solidified I kept questioning the planet thinking about other options maybe I

could host this event in that city instead or maybe I could do it there and

that is not a good use of my energy and so one of my techniques is sending out

that email once I've emailed thousands of people about when these events will

be I can't really change the dates or change my mind now that that's set then

I can focus on planning the details of the events and doing the really cool

things so I'm not saying to limit yourself in life to just have this

boring routine life where you have no possibilities of change in the future

and all that I know that would never work for you it would never work for me

but what I'm saying has worked well for me is to make some commitments that

provide a structure for me to play with it I found this with creativity too I'll

maybe get into that in another video that when I give myself structure to

work in I'm actually more creative I get more done and I have a lot more fun as

well so don't look at decisions or structure as bad sometimes that's how

we're wired as r-type we don't want to be locked into something in my

experience across the board whether it's in relationships in travel and business

even in health committing to some things and making some decisions has freed up

so much of my mental space it's led to me having more fun having a better life

and ultimately actually feeling a lot more freedom as counterintuitive as that

sounds listen there's no freedom in your head going in circles there's no freedom

in overthinking things one way you stop that overthinking and have more freedom

is actually make decisions commit to things and

yourself some structure hope you found this video helpful hope my sickness has

not impaired my cognitive function too much here and I look forward to seeing

you in another video if you've enjoyed this do hit the subscribe button and the

bell I publish new videos every Sunday Tuesday and Thursday hope to catch you

in another one soon thanks for watching


For more infomation >> INNER PEACE For ENFPs and ENTPs...Fixing Overthinking - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 9:25.


DIY Lace Up Top / DIY šnurovací top (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 6:11.


In this video I'll show you how I made this lace up top.

I had this piece of pink fabric at home that I wanted to use up for something

so I decided to try to make a lace up top.

I used a pattern that I made when I refashioned this dress.

I pinned the pattern to one piece of the fabric and cut it out.

Since I couldn't fit the whole pattern onto the fabric, I'll just make the top shorter.

I pinned the pattern to the other piece of the fabric

and I made sure to cut mirrored pieces.

To make it more stiff I cut all pieces also from interfacing.

I ironed the interfacing on and cut all pieces also from lining.

I sewed all the pieces right sides together

but I left the front central seam open.

I sewed close the back central seam.

I sewed the lining the same way.

I straightened the bottom edge.

Also the bottom edge of the lining.

I serged the edges of the seam so that boning would fit in the tubes.

I cut off 4cm from the front central pieces of the lining.

I cut the cut off pieces from denim and I added seam allowance.

Right sides together I sewed them back to the lining.

Right sides together I sewed the lining to the main fabric along the top edge.

I clipped the curve.

I pushed the seam allowance under the lining and under-stitched it.

I inserted the boning.

I cut them to be 1 cm above the bottom edge.

I joined the top right sides together and sewed it leaving a gap.

I turned the top to the right side through the gap.

I folded the edges 1 cm inside and sewed the gap close.

I made the string from this ribbon.

I narrowed it

folded the edges inside, folded the string in half and sewed along both edges.

I made markings where I wanted to put eyelets.

First I made holes

I placed this wider piece under the hole.

I placed it onto this metal circle.

I placed this narrower piece on top.

I hammered the two pieces together.

Same way I hammered the rest of the holes.

So this is the finished top.

I hope you liked the video and see you next time.

Bye :)

For more infomation >> DIY Lace Up Top / DIY šnurovací top (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 6:11.


MERCEDES AMG GT 4 DOOR COUPE | GT63S FULL REVIEW Exhaust Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 17:55.

For more infomation >> MERCEDES AMG GT 4 DOOR COUPE | GT63S FULL REVIEW Exhaust Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 17:55.


Open days. Stepping Further #39 - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> Open days. Stepping Further #39 - Duration: 8:41.


(FAIL)ASMR MOCHI ICE CREAM CHALLENGE 찹쌀떡 모찌아이스크림 리얼사운드 먹방 CREATED BY MOXIE BEAST 咀嚼音 もちアイスクリーム 音フェチ - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> (FAIL)ASMR MOCHI ICE CREAM CHALLENGE 찹쌀떡 모찌아이스크림 리얼사운드 먹방 CREATED BY MOXIE BEAST 咀嚼音 もちアイスクリーム 音フェチ - Duration: 5:58.


Jose Mourinho explains why Marcus Rashford is now "untouchable" at Man Utd - Duration: 1:48.

 Jose Mourinho believes Marcus Rashford is "untouchable" at Manchester United due to the forward's work ethic

 Rashford has started the Red Devils' last three Premier League games and scored in last weekend's 4-1 win over Fulham

 He looks set to get the nod again as United travel to Anfield to take on Liverpool this afternoon and Mourinho has hailed the England man

 "I'm always pleased because he always plays on his limits," He gives absolutely everything and that's what I demand from players

 "After that, more quality, less quality, better performance, not as good, but I think that's the basic thing of a professional and, at that level, Marcus is untouchable because he's fantastic in terms of his contribution for the team

"  United travel to Anfield in desperate need of three points to stay in touch of the top four

 They are already eight points adrift of the Champions League spots ahead of Sunday's fixtures with Arsenal and Chelsea both also in action

 Liverpool will pull a huge 19 points clear of their arch-rivals and climb back to the top of the Premier League with a win

For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho explains why Marcus Rashford is now "untouchable" at Man Utd - Duration: 1:48.


drippy tone - rags to riches lyrics / lyric video - Duration: 3:01.

[Hook] Walking through the hall diamonds dancing

watch em blinging Louis v my bag, big rack is what I�m bringing

Prada on my face, can�t see me when i�m blinking

I got big racks when i spend em never shrinking As i pop they droptop it�s offtop

Now they stalk, like new hawk, but don�t talk

As i pop the droptop it�s offtop Now they stalk, like new hawk, but don�t


[Verse] Rags to riches i was broke but i�m still

workin Rags to riches i was down and i was hurtin

Rags to riches no one cared and now they swervin Bags and bitches i been ballin kyrie irvin

Rockin off brand now i�m rocking off white Bad bitches only ion really got no type

Took me boutta year had to get my shit right I was grinding hard from the am to the night

They say shit made But i wasn�t getting paid

When i got paid Had to hide it from the shade

But i wasn�t getting paid When i got shade

Starting dropping like a grade I was caught up

All the time that shit weighed

Always had bitches, but i guess i got more They like this money shit, so i wanna get

more Used to hide all my racks inside my top drawer

Now they all open u can see em onna floor

Rags to riches i was broke but i�m still workin

Rags to riches i was down and i was hurtin Rags to riches no one cared and now they swervin

Bags and bitches i been ballin kyrie irvin

Rags to riches i was broke but i�m still workin

Rags to riches i was down and i was hurtin Rags to riches no one cared and now they swervin

Bags and bitches i been ballin kyrie irvin

[Hook] Walking through the hall diamonds dancing

watch em blinging Louis v my bag, big rack is what I�m bringing

Prada on my face, can�t see me when i�m blinking

I got big racks when i spend em never shrinking As i pop the droptop it�s offtop

Now they stalk, like new hawk, but don�t talk

As i pop the droptop it�s offtop Now they stalk, like new hawk, but don�t


Walking through the hall diamonds dancing watch em blinging

Louis v my bag, big rack is what I�m bringing Prada on my face, can�t see me when i�m

blinking I got big racks when i spend em never shrinking

As i pop the droptop it�s offtop Now they stalk, like new hawk, but don�t

talk As i pop the droptop it�s offtop

Now they stalk, like new hawk, but don�t talk

[Outro] Rags to riches i was broke but i�m still

workin Rags to riches i was down and i was hurtin

Rags to riches no one cared and now they swervin Bags and bitches i been ballin kyrie irvin

For more infomation >> drippy tone - rags to riches lyrics / lyric video - Duration: 3:01.


Arsenal news: Unai Emery ready to emulate Pep Guardiola with Mesut Ozil decision - Duration: 2:43.

 Arsenal boss Emery has dropped Ozil in recent times with the Germany international's form prompting concerns over in north London

 The 30-year-old has struggled for consistency ever since Arsene Wenger's departure, and is no longer the swashbuckling, vital player he once was

 Manchester United have been linked with a move for Ozil - as well as Serie A giants Inter Milan - as his struggles at the Emirates continue

 And the Independent say Emery is ready to channel his inner Guardiola by keeping up his Mesut Ozil stance

 It is said the Gunners boss loathes big-name players. While at PSG, he was often forced to tow the line regarding Neymar given how much the Brazil international had cost

 Ultimately, it got too much for him, and a parting of the ways was arranged. The Independent say Emery is a huge fan of the way Guardiola treats those with egos to big

 At Barcelona, he famously ditched Ronaldinho to help aid Lionel Messi's development

 That, despite the fact the Brazil international was the face of the Catalan giants

 He also offloaded Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who Guardiola believed was ill-suited to his system

 And it has been a similar story at Manchester City. Guardiola left Yaya Toure out in the cold upon taking over in order to establish his own regime

 And that may be why Emery is continuing to cast doubt over Ozil's Arsenal future with his decisions

 Meanwhile, Gunners coach Per Mertesacker believes Ozil is still a vital player for the club

 "Mesut is a player with magical abilities," he said. "Last time (for the 1-0 won at home to Huddersfield Town on December 8) he was injured

 "Now I'm curious how he fights back. He can still be very valuable to Arsenal."

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Unai Emery ready to emulate Pep Guardiola with Mesut Ozil decision - Duration: 2:43.


【So Sánh】2 Chiếc Loa Karaoke HOXEN '' Gây Sốt '' Nhất Hiện Nay - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> 【So Sánh】2 Chiếc Loa Karaoke HOXEN '' Gây Sốt '' Nhất Hiện Nay - Duration: 4:53.


【ピアノで聴く】ルネサンス&バロック音楽:小品集2 全18曲 (By piano) Renaissance&Baroque 18 Pieces - Duration: 45:57.

For more infomation >> 【ピアノで聴く】ルネサンス&バロック音楽:小品集2 全18曲 (By piano) Renaissance&Baroque 18 Pieces - Duration: 45:57.


Обзор Google Cromecast 2! Тест и настройка для чайников! - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Обзор Google Cromecast 2! Тест и настройка для чайников! - Duration: 4:58.


Romantic Whatsapp Status Video 2019 Tamil❤️New Love Whatsapp Status Video❤ - Duration: 0:38.

Romantic Whatsapp Status Video 2019 Tamil

New Love Whatsapp Status Video

Romantic Whatsapp Status Video 2019 Tamil,New Love Whatsapp Status Video,SK_EnterTainMenT_StatuS


For more infomation >> Romantic Whatsapp Status Video 2019 Tamil❤️New Love Whatsapp Status Video❤ - Duration: 0:38.


CANON 6D MARK II REVIEW | Digital SLR Camera - Duration: 4:01.

Canon 6D Mark II Review Digital SLR Camera

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