Hello guys and welcome to Python Programming tutorials by Amuls Academy.
And i am back with another turtle tutorial, today we are drawing the Indian National Flag
using turtle module ok, so this pattern may vary little from the original flag ok because
here the first color is saffron so instead of that in the program i will take Orange
because Orange is the basic color and Saffron can range from yellow to Deep Orange right
so and also here Ashok Chakra I'll take as blue ok so it is actually navy blue and also
i will give the color code for the saffron color and the navy blue ok so we'll see that
also end of this tutorial and also this Ashok Chakra the size of Ashok Chakra, in the original
flag the size of Ashok Chakra is smaller and it won't touch the border of the rectangle.
But in my program it will touch because i took the radius like that so if you want you
can change that also ok you can change the radius and you can do that.
So to draw this pattern first we need to import turtle module.
Ok So first in the Python file import the turtle module, next create a turtle object
from the Turtle class, so you can give any name to this turtle object but here I'll give
"t" ok. so Done, so next ok so here in this pattern
this is the home position ok initially turtle will present here, so now i need to draw this
line first ok so for that what i will do is, first I'll move this turtle from here to home
position to here, this position ok while moving here i don't draw this line ok so what I'll
do is, I'll do t dot up, that is i will use the up method because i don't want to draw
the line and I'll move The turtle to here using go to method OK.
so the first thing is, here i will use "t.up" and here I'll use goto ok so now i need to
mention the position where i want to move The turtle ok here we can see the position
0 and minus 300, here i took the distance randomly, if you want you can change ok we
are printing this pattern for this distance ok
So here we can see X coordinate and Y coordinate so this is minus y coordinate, so this distance
is 0, - 300.
so here i will write 0 and minus 300 alright so now if i save this and run this program
here we can see turtle will move here ok so now to draw this line what I'll do is, directly
I'll go to this position OK, i will move the turtle here so now presently turtle is present
here, i want to go to here ok and i want this line also that's why i will use t.down first,
next i will use t.goto and i will mention this position that is zero and 400 ok this
is the positive Y coordinate.
So here what i will do t.down because we want to draw the line while moving the turtle,
and next here goto and the distance is zero and 400, if you want you can vary the distance
ok. ok now we got the first thing that is we got
this line ok so now we are done with this line now turtle is present here ok so now
we need to draw three rectangles right?, and we need to fill the colors first Orange, white
and green ok here all the rectangles of same size ok that is this width is 400 and and
this height is 100, ok so what I'll do is, I'll define a function ok to draw the rectangle
after that i will call that function to draw this three rectangles ok so here after importing
the turtle, i will define the function ok so you can give any name also so I'll go for
the rectangle and here I'll take color as the parameter because in each rectangle we
can see only the difference is that is color, here we can see this is orange, white and
green size is same height width all are same right?, so here i will take this color ok
so i want to draw that, so i will use forward of 400 distance,
why i used forward means here we can see now turtle is pointing towards this side ok this
side, so i want this distance this is 400 i know that so i moved here now, now turtle
is here after using "t dot forward" ok next i want to draw this line so to draw this line
first i need to set the heading ok, i need to set the angle of the turtle, so for this
what i will use is, i will use right method OK, i will give right 90°.
if you are confused with right and left method you can use set heading also ok so in this
set heading to adjust the heading of the turtle this side you need to write 0 or 360 degree
ok , for this 90 degree, this is 180 degree and 270 degree now if i want to set this side
ok so now i need to mention 270 degree, if you are using set heading.
Ok here i will use right, so t.right 90 degree alright?, so next this distance is 100 now
turtle is pointing here like this ok,so now i need to move 100 distance forward ok, so
here again i will use t.forward of distance 100,right?, again here we can see now turtle
is here,ok it is pointing towards this side, now i need to change the angle of the turtle
because i want to draw this line,ok so for this again i will use t.right 90 degree, now
after using t.right now it is pointing towards this side.
Ok like this this side,so i will use "t dot forward" 400 distance, again here it will
point here, again i will, i will change the angle of the turtle to 90 degree and i will
draw this line, so we are repeating this line ok.
To draw next line we are repeating this, that's why what I'll do is I'll cut this and i will
place this in a for loop, because i want to execute this code twice ok so that's why i
will use loop, so if i show here ok after drawing this after coming here ok after setting
after setting this to right 90 degree, now i want to draw this right?, what is this i
need to use "t dot forward" 400.
ok so to draw this line so after this, turtle will be here and it will be pointing towards
this side so to change the angle of this turtle i need to use right and 90 degree ok so it
will point Like this now, ok so again i need to use "t dot forward" hundred ok so it will
draw this line, again i will set that to 90 degree, so turtle will come to its initial
position that is will point Like this here ok so here we can see we are repeating this
line that's why i wrote this in the loop ok so now here after this if i call rectangle
now, function so here first color is orange right?, ok so now if i save this and run this,
OK Here we didn't use the end fill and fill color right?,
so that's why it's not filling any color, so here you need to use begin fill because
we want to fill color right?, fill color is, color, t.end_fill done, so now if i save this
and run this, Done ok so first rectangle is done, now i
want to draw the second rectangle, ok now turtle is here ok now if i call the rectangle
function it will draw again rectangle here itself,
but i don't want that.
First i need to move this turtle to here, ok then i need to draw this rectangle like
this, ok so for this i will use goto method ok, so here i need to use goto and i need
to mention x and y coordinate, x is 0 i know that, what is this position y, what is the
value of y?,
it is 300 right?, because if it is zero and 400 ok this distance is hundred here we can
see the height of this rectangle is 100 that means, this is 300 ok so I'll mention 0 and
I will use "t dot goto", here after this i will mention 0 and 300 and I'll call this
function again and the color is white, ok now turtle is here so to draw the next
rectangle i will use goto, why goto?, because now our turtle is here ok, i want to move
it to here ok so what is this distance?, this is 0 200 right that's why i will use goto
and 0, 200.
So again i will call rectangle color is green.
Ok so done, done with the 3 rectangle also, so now the main point is this, Ashok Chakra
so we want to draw Ashok Chakra with 24 spoke wheel right?, so we need to draw this in this
second rectangle, ok so what i will do is, i don't touch the first rectangle, i don't
touch the second rectangle but here instead of calling this function ok to draw this rectangle
with Ashok Chakra what I'll do is, ok i won't call this function ok but i will write the
code separately for this, what I'll do is first is "t dot forward" ok and i will use
distance as 200 so that's nothing but, so at that time turtle will be here OK it is
pointing towards this direction, so now what I'll do is, I'll move 200 pixel distance that
is nothing but this distance half of this entire distance ok so we want this Ashok Chakra
at the center of the rectangle right?,
that's why i will move 200 pixel distance ok next i will draw this circle ok, so to
draw the circle i will use circle method ok after moving here I'll draw, i will change
the color of The Turtle ok to blue, the color of Ashok Chakra is blue right?, so next what
I'll do i will use circle method and I'll create a circle of 50 radius.
if you ask why 50?, so here we can see the total distance of this is hundred ok so if
i take radius as 50 then it will be the center of the rectangle ok so it will draw this distance
is hundred, so it will draw a complete circle ok and here i will draw in the clockwise direction
OK - 50 if i take anticlockwise direction that's nothing but if i take + 50 here, it
won't draw properly you can check that ok and again i will change the color of turtle
to black ok, so here that's nothing but i will draw a circle of 50 radius ok next i
will change the color of the turtle to black again and i will move forward 200 pixel ok
why?, because here we can see initially , we moved here ok turtle was here,
it will draw the circle in the clockwise direction ok, so we will get this circle,again turtle
will be here, Now we want this right?, what is this distance 200 right?,again.
So i will move forward the turtle to 200 ok , so now we are here ok, so turtle is pointing
towards this side, so now again to draw this line ok i need to write the code ok, here
we are here ok, and turtle is pointing towards this side, ok now i want to change that to
this side ok so that's nothing but, change the turtle angle so I'll take right as 90
degree ok so here i will write "t dot right 90 degree" that is the same code ok.
Ok so next t.forward 100, so it will draw this line now this line ok now turtle is pointing
towards this side, so again i need to change the angle so i will use t.right.
so "t dot right 90 degree", t.forward 400 .
what is 400?, we are drawing this line ok, i change the angle of this turtle so now it
is pointing towards this side, so i will draw this line of distance 400, now turtle is pointing
towards this side, so i need to change the angle so again i will use right 90 degree
and i will move forward to 100 distance, so t.right 90, t.forward 100, again i will use
t.right 90 ok. so here it was here, i changed the angle of
this to 90 degree right 90°, so now it will point towards here, i moved hundred distance
now turtle is pointing towards this side i need to change this angle to this side ok
so that's why i used right 90° so now it is pointing towards this side Ok it became
like this.
Alright so now if i save this and run this we can see,
right?, so now we need wheel right?,
so for that what i will use is, so here after drawing the circle here i need to include
few more condition ok so here we can see we created the circle of 50 radius ok now turtle
will be present here ok it will be like this, i want to draw this line now 24 lines right?,
from the center of the circle.
so for that what i need to do is, i need to move this turtle to center of the circle,
ok so for this what I'll do is, i will change the angle of this turtle ok, that's nothing
but, now it is like this ok if it is the circle, now it is present here and in this direction
so i want to change that to this direction, next i can forward this to here right?, like
so for this you can use right left or setheading, so while coming here you may get confused
with the right and left ok instead of that you can use set heading ok so, i told you
right?, now it is present like this and i want to change that to this side Ok so this
is 270 i want it to i want to set the heading to 270 degree, using set heading is easier
in this case ok. what 270 degree right?, next forward to 50
distance, now again setheading to 0, ok so now if you ask what is this?,
so I'll tell you ok, this is the situation i want to move this turtle to here, center
of the circle ok, so for this what I'll do is, first I'll change this angle of the turtle,
so for that what i will use is, i will use setheading 270 degree, ok so it will change
this to this.
ok now i will use forward and i will move 50 pixel distance, so it will come here ok,
so now , so now the turtle will come here, it is pointing towards this direction, ok
so now again i will change this to original position, ok like this, so for that i will
use setheading 0, ok for this side 0 or 360 right?, so that's why ok?, and here i will
use for i in range, i want 24 lines right?, 24, here t.forward 45, t.bk 45, t.left to
draw that lines ok, this code is to draw that lines 15 degree, ok so now if i save this
and run this.
ok so now we are here right?, i don't, i need to again move to this position here right?,
so i need to move turtle to here, so for that i will use same code this, but here set heading
is 90 degree, forward is 50 right?, and it is zero.
so here what i did is actually, so initially ok after drawing the circle turtle was here
ok so i moved that to center and i started drawing this lines ok like this, 24 lines
ok after drawing that ok, so The Turtle position was this ok after drawing 24 lines from the
center of the circle, The Turtle is pointing towards this side ok so now what i need to
do is here we are drawing the circle in the center of the rectangle ok so here initially
we draw half the rectangle so we need to complete the rectangle so to draw this line i need
to move this turtle to here ok like this so for that what i did is, in my program first
i set the heading to 90°,
what i did here sorry, so sorry here this is 180 degree right?, ok so this is 90 degree
ok, so i set the heading to 90 degree, so it will point like this ok so now i will move
this distance radius 50,and now turtle is pointing like this, ok,
I need to change the heading so for that again i will use set heading and i wrote the angle
as 0, ok so it will point like this now, so it will continue drawing the rectangle.
Ok that's why i wrote like this and rest everything is same ok so we got the Indian flag.
So now what i will do is i will do few changes ok, nothing more i will just increase the
pensize that's it, i will give 4.
Ok so done.
So you can write this program in different ways ok.
you can take different distance also, if you know any other way to write this program then
don't forget to comment below.
And as i said in the beginning here in my program i didn't take the original color of
the flag right?, because the first color is saffron but here i took Orange ok so i will
give you the color code of that now, so for the saffron it is ff, so i will change this,
instead of orange hash FF 99 it is 33, ok so here for ashoka chakra it is navy blue
so the color is 0000 and 88 ok so next here instead of green here is the color code 12
88 0 7 ok.
So now if i save this and run this,
if you want you can change this radius also ok, radius of the circle ok.
so done ok so that's it for now guys thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe
to my channel i will meet you in next class till then take care.
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