Ok so my original intent was to use annotations
But those died off already and I can't use them :,D
And I can only use 5 cards
So the rest of the links will be in the description!!
Please check it out!! :D
Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V 220 CDI Dubbel Cabine L | Regensensor | Parkeerassist - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V250 CDI Avantgarde L | USED 1 - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
WEIRD THINGS WE DO WHEN WE'RE NERVOUS #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:16.• From speaking faux Japanese to chewing on sock threads, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact
some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the weirdest things we do when nervous.
I'm Melissa and today I'll be your narrator.
Number 10 was submitted by MysticTulip Pandora
Whenever she's a nervous wreck, Pandora will normally do simple things like chew her
fingernails until they bleed, stutter as though she did something bad, or refuse to eat.
One thing that everyone notices except for Pandora is that she will scratch her head
and, when she has something under her fingernail like dandruff, will eat it.
She didn't realize she did that until one of the kids that would usually come over began
to copy her.
The kid would do it just to tease her, so now she tries not to do it as often.
Sometimes when she does it, Pandora makes sure that nobody sees her.
Number 9 was submitted by TrueChikara Mimi
When Mimi gets nervous, she will usually say random words in Japanese and eat her hair.
Unfortunately, it happened one time when she was in Japan.
She was waiting in a crowded store to buy some things when a man approached her.
He asked her where the closest train station was, and Mimi began freaking out because she
didn't know Japanese that well.
So, she said some random words and took a piece of her hair and began to munch on it.
The man looked at her with a confused and disgusted expression.
He thanked her for her 'help,' making Mimi's nervousness worse.
Number 8 was submitted by pitbull987 Danger Dolan
Dolan scratches himself whenever he gets nervous.
If he gets very nervous, he'll go down on the floor and start scratching and screaming
his butt off.
One time, during a spelling bee, Dolan was so nervous that he got down on the floor and
scratched himself while screaming very loudly.
He screamed so much that they had to stop the spelling bee and tell him to go to the
bathroom to calm down.
The bathroom floor had mold growing on it, so it didn't help.
Instead, they told him to leave.
Dolan never went to a spelling bee again.
Number 7 was submitted by AbigailDolls333 Doopie
The weirdest thing Doopie does when she's nervous is play with her belly button.
She pulls at it until it's almost out of its socket.
She usually does it when she's studying for a test that scares her, or if she feels
Doopie tries not to do it in public, though sometimes she's caught herself doing it
at school.
Her mom has yelled at her for doing it, and even tried to scare her by saying that she
might get cancer in her belly button.
The warning never worked, and Doopie continues to do it because it feels very fucking satisfying.
Number 6 was submitted by ClaytonDeFox Derek
Back when Derek was in fourth grade, he had a weird thing he did whenever he was nervous
or just really focused on something.
He would pull off threads from his wool socks, put them in his mouth, and chew them until
the end of class when he would spit them out in the waste basket.
The problem began to escalate halfway through the fourth grade when he began to swallow
the threads.
It gave him constipation issues and left huge holes in most of his socks.
His mom and dad didn't notice the problem until about nine months later.
They asked him why he was getting so many pairs of socks ripped.
He told them about it, and they made him buy two dozen pairs of socks to replace the ones
he ate.
That ended Derek's sock chewing, and his chewed-up socks were passed down to his little
Number 5 was submitted by Mozococo Andiemations
When Andie gets nervous, she bites off the skin around her nails.
Not just her fingernails, but also her toenails.
One day, she had to give an oral report in front of her class which she was very freaked
out about.
Andie asked to go to the bathroom before giving her report, and the teacher said she could.
So, Andie walked down the hall in her new flowery sandals and ran into the bathroom.
She ignored the fact that there were two other girls in there and quickly started to bite
off the skin around her fingernails.
Then, Andie took off her sandals and started biting off the skin around her toenails.
She looked up and saw the two girls giving her horrified looks.
That was when Andie bit down on her toe a little too hard, making it bleed.
Mortified, she walked back to class and asked for a Band-Aid.
The two girls from the bathroom knew Andie and told everyone what they saw her doing.
Number 4 was submitted by MyEmptyBagOfChips Nixxiom
The weirdest thing Nixxiom does when he's nervous is say, "Screw human emotions!"
One time, he was giving a presentation that was very important, and the auditorium he
was in was great at amplifying sound from the front to the back.
He was very nervous because it was the second-biggest crowd he had ever presented to… about 150
people that ranged from babies to grandparents.
When it came to be his turn at the microphone, the auditorium began to quiet down.
He suddenly said, "Screw human emotions!
They suck anyway!"
Then he awkwardly walked to the center of the stage and tried to open with something
So he said, "Greetings, mortals, I shall bestow knowledge upon your brains.
So be amazed at what I have to tell you."
Everyone was still stunned by what Nixxiom had said before, which had basically ruined
his presentation.
Number 3 was submitted by UnlawfulSpoon65 MKyleM
When MKyleM gets nervous, he always makes raccoon noises.
One time, he was using a public restroom when a man asked him for some toilet paper.
Nervous, MKyleM immediately made a huge raccoon noise.
The man yelled for someone to get rid of the raccoon in the stall next to him.
When they broke the door down to look for a raccoon, they instead saw MKyleM, sitting
on the toilet.
He made more raccoon noises, which made them leave.
Number 2 was submitted by crystalklear3 Grgak
Grgak pulls at his eyebrows whenever he gets nervous.
He has an unbelievably thick unibrow that is at least an inch and a half thick.
Waxing, threading, and tweezing are only painful temporary fixes that are also expensive, so
they are overgrown most of the time.
Whenever someone makes him feel uneasy, Grgak's first instinct is to pull out his eyebrow
hair and try to thin them out.
For some reason, his subconscious mind thinks that if he can tame his eyebrows, then he
can get out of any situation.
Number 1 – What's the weirdest thing that I do when I'm nervous?
I Dug In The Mud And Found An Amazing Indian Artifact! - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
Top 5 Wheels UNDER $1000 - Duration: 5:12.- Hey guys, what's going on? (mellow hip hop music)
It's Alex from Fitment Industries,
and today, we're going to be talking to you about
one of the most hotly related comments
that we've had in the sections below,
which is budget wheels.
So, I know you guys are probably already wondering
what wheels we're going to talk about,
and we tried to go from Euro to domestic,
to everything in between, so we can try and keep it fair.
Now, we want you guys to remember
that this is a video talking about budget wheels,
so we're keeping this at $1,000 or below.
So starting off with number five is the 3SDM 0.04.
Now, this is a European-style wheel.
You're going to see this very common
on Volkswagen and Audi, specifically,
and it comes in five by 100, and five by 120 bolt pattern.
You can pick up an 18 by eight and a half
for a little under a $1,000, right now,
which is an awesome price point,
considering the fact that this is a very nice,
simple, clean, directional cast wheel.
Plus, in the fact that it's from 3SDM,
so the finish is very nice; it's very clean,
and it has hidden lugs,
so you're going to get a nice, flushed, clean look,
coming from a price point of 1,000 bucks,
definitely can't complain.
Next up is the ESR RF1.
Now, I know when you hear ESR, you're like,
"Oh my gosh, fake wheels. We just don't do fake wheels."
I get it, but the RF1 is a new wheel that ESR came out with.
In fact, ESR is coming out with a whole new line
of original wheels, just from ESR,
so they're trying to break off from that past,
and go into the future, starting off with the RF1.
RF stands for rotary forged,
meaning it's a lightweight wheel.
It's going to work great with
a lot of sport-oriented vehicles.
Comes in a ton of custom bolt patterns and offsets.
Plus, it looks pretty good.
RF1, you can pick up for a little under $900.
It is a double spoke-style wheel.
It has big brake clearance, which is very nice,
and on top of the whole thing, it's ESR,
so you're going to get a structural life-time warranty,
and I believe it's one-year paint protection warranty,
if you buy the wheels from ESR from Fitment Industries,
you're going to have that warranty
in case anything were to happen to your wheels.
I know what happens when I end up accidentally mounting
or dismounting wheels sometimes, things happen,
and sometimes the road just takes a chunk of my wheel off.
Can't call it.
But ESR actually does have a structural life-time warranty,
which is great if you're just using the wheels
and something manages to happen to them,
you can actually send in a claim,
and they'll take care of it for you, same thing with paint,
so can't go wrong, under $900,
for a really nice-looking, sport-oriented wheel.
Number three is the Rotiform LAS-R or laser.
Now, this is an extremely popular wheel
that came out, I want to say a year or two ago,
but definitely in 2017, it got extremely popular;
I think it's not slowing down in 2018,
but you can get an LAS-R for a really good price.
18 by eight and a half,
I think is going to run you a little under $800.
So, definitely can't complain with that.
Rotiform is an extremely popular brand right now.
On top of the fact, they come in a 1,000,000 bolt patterns.
So, if you have a car that's got five logs,
more than likely a Rotiform is going to fit your car.
On top of that is a retro design.
Retro designs are coming back,
and it's multi-spoke,
so it's going to fill up your wheel well very nice
if you don't have big sporty brakes to fill the wheel wells,
which is very common on a lot of entry-level vehicles.
If you're looking for something
that's going to give a nice, retro, Euro-styling,
Rotiform LAS-R, definitely the way to go.
And number two is the Konig Dekagram.
Now, Konig is coming back with a bunch of new designs.
If you guys haven't seen yet,
Konig actually has some pretty cool stuff out there.
The Dekagram is definitely one that I think
is a really good-looking wheel.
A lot of people like the Ultraforms or the Hypergram.
I'm a fan of the Dekagram.
The reason I say that is just because
it is a less common design.
It is a multi-spoke, thin-spoked wheel that is flow-formed,
which is very similar to rotary forged,
where they take the barrel and they smooth it out
using rollers at a high rate of speed,
makes it less heavy and much easier to use
if using it for sport-oriented purposes.
Konig has a bunch of cool designs,
Dekagram probably my favorite,
and on top of the whole thing,
it definitely has a wedge-sport-style look,
so it has thin spokes,
which is really a nice difference,
because there's a lot of retro designs coming out recently.
Konig coming out with something that's a bit more Japanese,
but in their own way,
definitely cool-looking wheel, I appreciate a lot.
I think it's around $850
that you can pick up an 18 by eight and a half,
so definitely good price for a great-looking wheel.
You guys have made it this far to number one.
I applause ...
Wait what?
I applaud you.
Number one is going to be one you either love or hate,
depending, but the number one wheel that we would
probably see under $1,000, if you're on a budget,
XXR 559.
So why the 559?
Well, it's very simple.
It's a double five-spoke.
It has an extremely clean, overall aesthetic.
It is an extremely affordable wheel.
You can pick one up for I believe around $600.
On top of the fact, they do have some nice color options.
XXR has expanded into more colors.
They also have expanded into single-drill options
versus the double-drilled options that they usually have.
On top of that, it has a bunch of different bolt patterns,
which is pretty common for XXR,
good looks, great colors, and it's affordable.
If you're looking and you're watching this video,
and you're getting mad that these wheels
may be not what you expected
or you're expecting some multi-piece work used wheels, no!
This is budget wheels brand new for under $1,000.
So that is everything you need to know
about the five budget wheels that we have for under $1,000.
Now remember, those are new wheels,
so it's not used wheels;
we're not taking a look into multi-piece wheels,
but if you guys would like us to cover something
like that drop a comment.
We read every single comment on our videos,
so we want to know what you would like to see from us next.
If you're interested in those wheels,
we will actually drop a link below
to every single one of them we have available.
On top of that, just check out our store.
Over 30,000 wheels, fitmentindustries.com/store
I'm Alex for Fitment Industries,
and we'll see you later, peace!
'Special Report' All-Stars on politics of McCabe's dismissal - Duration: 7:50.-------------------------------------------
How a Community Was Sacrificed to Save Houston | Times Documentaries - Duration: 11:28."We never anticipated having that sense of community
on our doorstep."
"It was a hell of a good home, and we could afford it."
"Hopefully, our authorities can win our trust back again."
"Harvey took away from us our normal everyday life
that you go through."
"Nobody anticipated it, so very few people really
were prepared for it."
"Our community is right next to the reservoir.
And they knew that, because they designed it."
"The nation's fourth largest city, Houston,
bracing for catastrophic flooding."
"The Army Corps of Engineers say in order
to save homes downstream, it has to flood others upstream.
That includes homes in Cinco Ranch and Bear Creek."
"3,000 homes got water behind the Barker Reservoir.
Harvey didn't flood them — the federal government flooded
"A lot of people think that they did that to save downtown,
and I understand.
But now we need help.
We need help, too."
"What do we do next?
How do we solve this thing without going dead broke?"
"Much of our developed area on the east side of the county
is protected by levees.
The reservoir was backing up like a bathtub filling.
We didn't know exactly how high it would rise."
"This storm, 38 inches of rain in about a three day period,
is probably almost total for the year what we normally get.
Had those flows gone around the ends of the dam,
they would have caused a great deal of flooding.
So we had to make a tough decision."
"We have opened the gates, and we are actually
flooding homes downstream now."
"This area is designed to hold that water if necessary.
It's unfortunate for you all, but that's how it's designed."
"Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Already has — already has mold growing.
Almost no one around here has flood insurance.
It's not supposed to be an area that floods."
"Everything I own was in that house.
I lost my wife about a year ago.
And so there was a lot of emotion, and a lot of memories
that I have to not think about."
"As we were driving into the neighborhood, Lily kept saying,
it feels so weird to be here.
We were trying to kind of prepare her
that it's going to look a lot different."
"And it's like it's a huge stupid beach.
It's usually like there's so much grass.
All the kids running around.
It just feels weird seeing it like this,
because all this trash is never here.
It was like so high and scary.
Like, first the water was up to here.
Then it started getting into the houses.
See this like Post-it note thing?
My mom told me it was like, make sure there's no dead bodies."
"He has been so obsessed with looking
through flooding pictures.
At least five times a day, he wants to look and see
the house when it first flooded and the picture
of Lily's school."
"So the grant is a max of $33,300,
and you can only get that once you've been inspected.
We have almost 800,000 registrations
in the state of Texas alone.
Right now it's just a waiting process,
because it does take while for them to get to you."
"So what's going to happen is, don't freak out,
you're going to get a denial letter from FEMA,
because you have a homeowners.
But when you get your reward letter from your homeowners,
telling how much they're paying you,
you're going bring a copy of that letter to me.
And I'm going to fax it to Washington,
and then FEMA picks back up what the homeowners didn't pay."
"O.K. But then —
"Now what do I do for wheels?"
"For that?
I don't know."
"I mean, you're it?
I don't qualify?"
"It's left up to your inspector.
It ain't left up to me."
"How about accommodations?
My daughter is selling her house.
I'm out of —
I have no place to go."
"I'll put that in your notes."
"Homes were substantially destroyed,
and I think you really have to make a serious decisions as
to whether you want to rebuild.
If I lived behind that reservoir and my house
had four or four and a half feet of water in it,
I don't think I could rebuild.
I wouldn't want to rebuild."
"We're paying the mortgage and the rent.
We do get a low interest loan from FEMA,
and so that helps a lot.
We live with my daughter and her kids.
We want my grandkids to grow up here."
"There were lots of sleepless nights —
where was the money going to come from in order
to rebuild our house?
But we did receive a small grant from FEMA,
and the church was able to cover three months worth of rent.
I think we both just sat there and cried.
It was so overwhelming.
We were so fortunate.
None of my other neighbors are in a similar situation."
"So the hurricane hit, right?
Now, it's react time.
What are you going to do with your property?
The longer you hesitate, the more
damage that's going to accrue on your house.
As horrible as it's been, everybody
has been pretty upbeat and happy.
Hello, sir.
Not everybody, but most people.
Hey, how are you doing, sir?
I'm James.
I'm James Smith with Keller Williams Energy Corridor
How are you?
I was just wondering how everybody is doing?"
"About in the same shape.
Waiting on FEMA, most of us.
And S.B.A. loans."
"Got you."
"Just in a holding pattern until we can repair our homes."
"If you give me a call, I can give you
some information on the proper people that come in
and get in contact with.
All my advice is going to be at no cost to you.
And if I ever can help you, just give me a call."
"Appreciate it."
"No problem.
I'll let you get back to work, sir.
So there's a lot of properties that
actually went into foreclosure.
A lot of those now the bank owns.
Let's go.
You be careful.
Now, they're going to be totally renovated
with all the new items on it.
Because there's too many people selling —
that's going to create a buyer's market.
They can kind of set the price."
"I'm 87.
I'm not going to spend the last years of my life building back
a house that I ain't going to go and live in.
I'm going to sell it.
We just don't talk about what has gone and will never
be back."
"There's Dad.
Look at my beautiful mother."
"See, all that furniture sitting out on the lawn
was 62 years of accumulation, of memories.
And, that hurts."
"For a while there, it looked like a ghost town in here.
I'd say, like a quarter of the community is back.
All right.
We still have a lot of little things that have to be done,
but we're home."
"It feels exciting to be back in the house,
and a little bit overwhelming."
"Where are all the flooded pictures?"
"You want to see all the flooded pictures?"
Where are they?"
"Remember when our house looked like that?"
I want to see the X on it."
"Oh, I don't think I took a picture of the X.
You know what?
Maybe I did.
Hold on, let me look.
There it is."
"I love to move back in."
"We already moved back in, didn't we?
So did we get to take that down?"
"Yeah, it's not there anymore, is it?
I can't describe how happy I am to be back in my own house.
I do you have a sense of guilt that comes along with it.
There's a lot of people that haven't even
had their FEMA visits."
"For my own sanity, I got to stay positive and moving forward."
"Our community never should have been developed.
It's hundreds and hundreds of houses.
Now we are proof that we need better regulations."
Why Andrew McCabe deserved to be ousted - Duration: 4:47.-------------------------------------------
How to Remove Facial Hair Naturally at Home - Duration: 2:55.According to age is coming, it is inevitable: hair
will appear in places where they did not born.
Although it is common in both sexes, these skin appear to be large intruders in the
female face and can cause a lot of discomfort, directly undermining their self-esteem.
But why do these hairs on the face appear?
If your mother, grandmother or aunts have ever had problems with the excess of hairs on the face, the origin
probably genetic.
If the hairs appeared within one hour for another, the cause may be hormonal.
Disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome or hisurism may be to blame.
The hisurstimo is characterized by the emergence excessive thick and dark hair on the face,
chest, back, abdomen and buttocks, caused by the direct action of male hormones
in the hair follicle.
If you have encountered unwanted hair on the face, we have a great natural recipe
which promises to wipe out these hairs quickly.
Here's how:
- Water - 1 tablespoon tea from
ground turmeric powder 2 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate as
To make In a small bowl, mix the bicarbonate of sodium and the saffron of the earth.
Add a small amount of water, sufficient for the mixture to achieve consistency
of a folder.
Apply the paste on the affected areas.
Wait a few minutes for the mixture to dry on the skin.
When it is dry, rub it on the skin using the fingers.
End the treatment by washing your face with your soap to your favorite face, so
to remove the characteristic staining of the saffron the ground and apply a moisturizer.
If you have dry skin, the use of this recipe it is not recommended because it can dry it
Los Alamitos fights back against California sanctuary law - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
White House, Democrats trade offers to address 'dreamers' - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Van Jones rips Trump's death penalty for drug dealers proposal - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
¡Esposa Adicta! 😤🙏😭 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:14.-------------------------------------------
Kingdoms of the North (1/2) - Danish - Duration: 57:28.-------------------------------------------
ムロツヨシの人間力の源に迫る!「皆さんの知らないムロもいます」【日本語字幕あり】 - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
Fabrican ataúdes al gusto de los clientes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Spiritual Fitness: 5 Ways to SPICE UP Your Prayer Life! - My Catholic Perspective - Duration: 5:49.Hey there ALIgator if you're here to gnaw on information and attack misconceptions, then you've come to the right place
So I'm Ali-Marie, and this is My Catholic Perspective. If you are here and subscribed
You are officially a part of the ALIgator family around here
We play a game where you guess the songs that I make parodies of throughout the video. Connor
McLaughlin from Rise Up Jerusalem was the winner of guessing correctly in the last video
So he got to help pick out the songs for this video. In the next video
it could be you! Our topic for day 29 of Lent comes from Mike Wilson
Asking how to avoid complacency in our prayer lives
The Bible calls us to pray without ceasing and when we look at Old Testament figures we see that they walked with God
When I used to .. a little bit, I felt like I was walking with God
But I think there's a way to do that soberly too. We can hear God saying "I want you to pray..."
So sit back, relax,
And enjoy the show. The first tip I have is to develop a place or area in your home that is your prayer
Corner. This can have a candle that you really like the scent of or perhaps in sense that you would burn, a super comfortable chair
That you like sitting in, a nice cozy spot for your hot drink in the morning. This is my spot right by the fireplace.
If possible set a particular time every day that you can sit in this area and pray. I found for me if I don't
set a time and make it a priority it ends up not happening.
The prayers gonna pray pray pray pray pray, and the chair is gonna stay stay stay stay stay,
And I'm just gonna say say say say say, "Set it up! Set it up!"
Two. Utilizing meditation books and prompts in my prayer life has been absolutely life-changing.
Reading daily devotionals is helpful and everything but for me and my prayer life actually
Integrating in meditations from previous Saints has really helped me in avoiding that complacency
In my life. My two favorite books have to be
Meditations with Saint Teresa of ávila journey into the sacred and the Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis.
The Imitation of Christ is actually more in a dialogue set up where it's Christ speaking to his disciple
So it's a unique perspective if you're trying to hear God talk to you in your prayer life.
I'll put links for both of these books down in the description
Pray along if you feel like mystics are for you.
Three. Okay, okay,
I'll say it. Praying the rosary in its standard form can sometimes get a little tedious for me.
That's why I have three versions of the scriptural rosary available
I used to pray a live daily rosary on my Facebook page and would integrate in one of these books so I suppose if you
Wanted to be wet in a rosary you could go check those out on my Facebook
Or I will put links in the description for these two
Essentially all that it is, is a verse is read before every Hail Mary is prayed or in some these
Versions a story is told before the decade begins for me. It helps me stay focused
On the Rosary because I get to learn more of the depth that's behind each bead and each mystery
Mother Mary, Can you hear me? Please relay my prayers.
Four. If there is a perpetual adoration Chapel in your city take advantage of it! The closest perpetual adoration Chapel
For me is about 20 minutes away. When my husband and I were engaged we had a holy hour that we had signed up for
that we went to every single week.
This is similar to that first suggestion I made about setting a time
But this is actually going and being in the presence of Christ whose grace will surpass anything that you can get in your living room!!
Plus, there's a level of somebody else being dependent on you to be there the held me accountable
in a way that my living room chair couldn't. ;)
Oh, He's always there, Woah oh, Just an hour of prayer. Take a book, and you'll make it I swear. Whoa oh, Just an hour of prayer.
Fifth, and finally, when we are spiritually out of shape it can have an impact on how we are feeling
emotionally and physically. Just like if we eat a ton of cookies and feel sluggish and just kind of "bleh" afterwards, our
Spiritual life can have a similar impact on us. Our body is like an internal ecosystem
where everything is trying to remain balanced.
It's a constant ebb and flow of trying to keep things moving
But in a way that is conducive to life and life abundantly.
Which is what we can get through Christ when we seek Him in prayer!
Spiritual Fitness!
Get your spirit toned with some daily prayer!
So gnaw on that! A Catholic Mom's Life actually is doing a video on this exact same topic, so if you found my
Information helpful, you better go over to her channel and check hers out as well because her information is just as useful!
Also wanna say
Thanks again to Connor McLaughlin for helping me out with these songs! So much fun collaborating with you!!
Now who will be next?
Until next time we'll see you later, ALIgator!
Prince Royce y Maluma calentaron las playas de Miami | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Las cirugías extremas por parecerse a la Barbie | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Joan Boyce Ruth's "Forever Protected" Clear Adjustable B... - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Urban | Ambition | Bagageruimtepakket - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Activity Edition - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Style | Ambition | Nightpakket | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban | Ambition - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Camera | Regensensor | Airco | Led - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 150 | Airco | Sportpakket | Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 170 Automaat | Stoelverwarming | Trekhaak | Chroompakket - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Lease Edition Plus Automaat | Navi | KEYLESS-GO - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Business Solution Plus | Line Style | Camera - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Nightpakket | LED | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 | bi-Xenon | Parkeerassistent | NAVI | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Line Urban | Navi | Regensensor | LED | Airco - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat | Navi | LED | Parktronic | Regensensor - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B200 Turbo Automaat | Airco | Regensensor | Parktronic - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Ambition | Trekhaak | Xenon | Navi | Regensensor - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse S 500 4MATIC L AMG Line | B & O Sound | Memory | COMAND - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Seat Leon 1.4 EcoTSI 150pk FR | LED | Pan-dak | Sound | - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Seat Altea 1.2 TSI 105pk Copa Business - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Audi A6 Avant 1.8 TFSI 140KW Sp. Edition Vollausstattung o.a Panoramadak - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Alice in Tokyo Wonderland UE4 Dev Stream Hack Slash Blueprints Live Tutorial Ask Me Anything - Duration: 2:37:46.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Alice in Tokyo Wonderland UE4 Dev Stream Hack Slash Blueprints Live Tutorial Ask Me Anything - Duration: 2:37:46.-------------------------------------------
The Last O.G. Premiere-------------------------------------------
lel(turn on on captions cuz I'm too lazy to edit) - Duration: 0:14.oh look its my face
i dunno anymore im just tryna be trendy or something
WOWie hAIr fLIP yAaAaAYy
shoutout to my friend dont go outside gaming and 0wlgh0st links are in the description
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 350 4MATIC Automaat | Luchtvering | COMAND | Trekhaak | Leer - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
BMW 5 Serie 520d 184pk Aut. Executive M Sport - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
CPD says body cam roll-out ahead of schedule and under budget - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
My Favourite Experiment - Manuel Zarco, Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas, UCM - Escalera de Jacob - Duration: 2:46.I'm here in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, in the Faculty of Physics with Manuel Zarco.
Thank you for showing me this demonstration.
It's my pleasure.
And can you tell me what this is?
This experiment is called "Jacob's Ladder".
It's made from a transformer that was salvaged from a microwave oven.
Which we"ll use to produce a potential difference of a couple thousand volts between these wires.
Using this tool, made of a piece of metal,
We'll make contact, and it will ionise the air, ripping apart the molecules of air.
When we have a spark here it maintains the potential difference between the wires,
which in turn continues to ionize the air.
This ionised air is hotter than the surrounding air, so will rise up between the two wires.
This experiment can be dangerous, because we're dealing with thousands of volts between the conductors.
So we should be careful.
Plugging in...
Here we see how the voltaic arc...
That's Jacob's Ladder.
Thanks for watching.
Subscribe to my channel to see more videos of other scientists and educators from around the world.
Like the other videos I've made with the studendous scientists at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Andrew Bryant Amazed at Dr. Rick Goodman's Keynote Speech at The Global Speakers Summit - Duration: 1:11.
Is it Possible to Earn More Whilst Freelancing vs. Working a Traditional Job? - Duration: 2:39.The word 'freelance' came from a time when medieval mercenary knights used to have
no particular allegiance to any king, so they would take their lance into battle
to whichever king or state paid them the most money. Essentially offering their
skills to the highest bidder.
"It's called a lance, helloooooo" - A Knight's Tale
Now bloodshed aside the concept is still quite similar these days. In the sense
that freelancers are often striving to work with the clients who are willing to
pay the most for their services. But there are definitely reasons why some
freelancers are able to charge quite high hourly or package rates for their
services when compared to the hourly rate of a full-time employee offering
the exact same skills. So that's exactly what we're going to talk about in this
video, and if you're ready let's do it!
Before we get into it, I feel the need to point out the obvious. There are hundreds
of jobs that you can do remotely and a freelance web developer will always have
the opportunity to charge a lot more than a freelance transcriptionist for
example. But let's cover the overall reasons why some freelancers are able to
charge a lot more for their skills than if they were in a traditional full-time
role. As an employee sometimes you spend your lunch break and the first and last
hour of the day just eating, drinking coffee, checking Facebook, taking
Snapchats, and just waiting to go home. Whereas as a freelancer, especially
charging an hourly rate, you only get paid for the hours that you actually
work, so you definitely hustle! As a freelancer you don't get paid sick leave
or holiday pay, so it's cheaper for an employer to hire you even at higher
hourly rates than an employee who's gonna get these benefits. According to a
report by Global Workplace Analytics, a freelancer or remote worker will cost an
employer an average of eleven thousand dollars less per year. Now at most office
jobs you still get paid at the end of the day regardless of how long a project
will take you to finish or the value that you provide - you're essentially
getting paid for the time that you spend at your desk. Whereas as a freelancer,
especially one charging package rate services, you get paid based on the value
that you provide. So I'm not suggesting that you believe all the people out
there who are saying that they make a six-figure income by only working
part-time hours as a freelancer. And if they do, they're definitely the exception.
But just know that it's definitely possible for you to earn a great income
and charge more for your services as a freelancer, based on all the reasons that
we've just covered. I hope you guys really enjoyed this video and if you did
give it a like, subscribe to our channel, and if you've got any questions about
the mysterious world of freelancing for me, pop them in the comments below.
Thank you so much for watching and until next time, keep creating the life you love!
2k Sub Special Q and A! (Mic On/Voice Reveal) - Duration: 1:25:22.Ok so my original intent was to use annotations
But those died off already and I can't use them :,D
And I can only use 5 cards
So the rest of the links will be in the description!!
Please check it out!! :D
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 Automaat Urban | Parkeerassistentie | Cruise control - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
2018 Australian Bride Dental Veneers Smile Makeover by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 6:10.for years I have struggled with smiling and it was due to the fact that I have a
pretty major crossbite and this has just given me so much confidence and I am so
hey guys this week I wanted to do a different type of vlog it's pretty
important to me I had a young lady from Australia she's an international client
and actually I think she was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia what it
did is it let me tell you a little bit about what we think about our Australian
market and more so about what goes on in our international market guys we think
the world of Australia we've been doing business there for 20 years we've served
as clients in Perth all the way over to Brisbane and we've just been all over we
have a lot of clients in Australia and we have just as much for New Zealand
guys what I want you to know is is that it's really not America vs. Australia
local versus international it's really between me and you our lab direct
system makes it to where I can send anybody our system and do their work on
an international level or we do a lot of work in Malaysia a lot of work with
Philippines it means the world to me these international clients mean it I
take this opportunity let somebody in your neighborhood in your backyard tell
you about what we do and what we did for them and so I've got this young lady who
had a really challenging case that a beautiful beautiful beautiful person but
she had some challenges with her smile and I'm sure that as soon as she could
change that or correct that she would and then we get these pictures from her
I'm proud of the results I think the world of her anytime you get these kind
of results and you're in the business of doing what
we do then you want to stop and pause and be glad that you actually get this
because it helps us do the things that we do we stay late we work around the
clock I'm just very very appreciative of this person and I was really happy to
see this this week but I wonder send the special thanks to Nicole because
Nicole you doing that for me it gives me the energy to make sure that
I can do more for people in the same area I hope the world that your wedding
goes absolutely amazing I hope the pictures are great and the staff tells
me that that's coming up pretty close so thank you the world again for this
testimonial and I'm hoping that your video for your wedding turns out to be
more special than you would have imagined and tell your dad thank you
very much too - for his support I understand he had something to do with you getting
these done guys we've got some other vlogs coming this wasn't what we planned
it I thought enough of this testimony that I wanted to get it out again Nicole
I hope I hear more from you with your wedding pictures thank you the world see you
next week hi everyone so I thought I'd jump on here and let you in on a little
secret I've found three years I have struggled with smiling due to having a
really bad crossbite and I was looking at better options other than getting braces
which I really can't afford because they're like 6 grand here in Australia
and so I went online I typed in I think I typed in press on
veneers and it came out straight away with this company called brighter
image lab I went onto their website I had a look at all the reviews and they were
amazing and which I was pretty pleased with and I thought I'd take a chance and
just at least try another option before I went for braces
I'm getting married in April so it was not really going to be an option for me to get
braces straight away because I would like to look at my photos wearing braces
I ordered my kit which you get a kit with molds which they call them
impressions so getting a kit with mold clay and then you have to mix it
together and put it in a tray and push it into your mouth which I obviously
did good because it was perfect and then you send them back they give you a
little bag to send back to them and you send them back and then they send you
the end result I paid for a 30-day shipping so I send them back and they
came back within 30 days I think they can be earlier which was amazing and I
just got them yesterday which I'm so happy with I am extremely grateful they
were so good with communication and they were always checking up on me I always
would be able to message and them and I asked them how they were going and they
would always give me the answers and I am just overly amazed at how good I look
and I'm going to show you what they look like without my veneers in which I don't
want to so these are my teeth without the veneers and they just snap on literally
they look so amazing and I would like to thank Brighter Image Lab for helping
me to regain my smile and helping me to have a great wedding
cause now I can smile and I just feel like I've got so much more confidence now so thank
you Brighter Image Lab you're amazing
2018 AUDI A4 2.0T QUATTRO REVIEW - Duration: 7:24.We hadn't planned on a bubble.
Our bags were mostly packed, and we were looking forward to our upcoming trip, but then we
noticed a bubble on the sidewall of a tire on our long-term 2017 Audi A4.
So a day before our 400-mile journey north from Los Angeles to San Francisco, we took
the 13,500-mile A4 for a quick visit to a trusted tire service center to replace two
Just over $450 later, the car was ready to go.
I've written extensively on our long-termer, from how well the active safety tech works
to the car's performance and interior space, but sometimes you need a road trip to reflect
on certain details of a car's overall package.
Here's what I learned.Mile 0: On the third or fourth trip putting stuff in the car, I'm
starting to appreciate the fact that even the rear doors can be opened with the keyless-access
feature as long as the key is in my pocket.
Also, the Audi's system, which is available on the base trim and standard on the two higher
trims, doesn't require pushing a button to open the door—just put your hand on the
door handle for a moment and it unlocks.
Still Mile 0: As I wait for my co-pilot to get in the car (come oooon), I'm appreciating
the fact that the door storage area holds two sets of CDs side by side.
That's helpful.
I'm bringing CDs in case we lose reception somewhere between Los Angeles and San Francisco
because I rely almost exclusively on Apple CarPlay for in-car music.
Mile 0.2: When you're preparing to drive 400 miles, it's cool to see an estimated
range of 440 miles—that's one benefit of going with the 252-hp turbo-four model
instead of the enticing 354-hp turbo-six variant.Mile 9.6: We're resetting the tire pressure monitoring
system in a parking lot, and I'm once again frustrated that this car's TPMS does not
display the psi at each tire, as some other systems do.
I prefer systems with individual tire readouts so I can monitor just how bad a problem may
Or, if I run over road debris on the freeway, having individual readouts allows me to watch
the pressure to see if anything changes.
In this case, I had simply forgotten to reset the system after the new tires were installed—once
you find that setting in the infotainment system, the car asks you to confirm the pressures
are correct and then it stores those values.
Mile 25.3: It's been a while since I used the car's integrated navigation system instead
of Apple CarPlay, and I did not realize the adaptive cruise control can be tied to the
navigation system.
We prefer the slightly more scenic and less smelly route up the 101 instead of the quicker
5, and every time I ignore the car's directions to turn around (to find the 5), the car slows
down, thinking I'm headed down a freeway off-ramp.
This could be useful if I was on an unfamiliar, winding road in the dark somewhere, but I'm
turning this feature off for now.
Mile 157: Even before I got two new tires, I wished this car were a tad quieter.
If Audi has any money left for an upcoming mid-model change, maybe include more sound
It's not terrible, but it could be a little better.
(After I returned from the road trip, I learned the top Prestige trim on 2018 A4s get dual-pane
acoustic glass for the front side windows.)
Mile 171: I wish the lane keeping assist system applied its correction in a subtler way.
I still find it useful, and I'm glad this car has it, but I've found this the case
with the system in its early- and late-intervention settings.
Mile 239: These seats feel OK.
Both in terms of the quality of the leather on this $50,000-plus tester and of how little
they hug you, the seats could be improved.
Maybe the A4's sport seat option would help with this?Mile 243: After pulling the back
of my shirt away from my back, I'm thinking about the blank buttons in our A4 where fully
loaded cars have ventilated seat controls.
This small car is $52,325, and it doesn't have all the features I want, but that's
really what consumers should—and do—expect with compact luxury sport sedans.
If you're considering a car built by a respected luxury automaker for the first time, be prepared
to pay significantly more for the features you want.
This is, of course, a comment on luxury cars as a whole—not just this Audi.
Mile 260: While listening to music on Apple CarPlay, I was notified by a text message
read out loud that someone sent me a video.
Of course, the car couldn't show me the hilarious baby video my sister sent—there
remain sensible limitations of what a phone can and should communicate while a car is
in motion.
Mile 265: R.I.P. to the latest bug that splattered in my line of sight.
Sorry!Mile 284: For a non-audiophile, this Bang & Olufsen surround-sound system is great.
I love the adjustable 3-D effect despite the road noise in the background.
Mile 319: After taking off my sunglasses, I'm remembering how nice it is to see a
head-up display with speed, speed limit, and basic nav directions (from the car, not from
I look forward to more head-up displays showing more brightly with polarized sunglasses.
Mile 394: We have arrived.
Including parking-lot driving, the system indicates 32.9 mpg after around six-and-a-half
hours of driving.
(Our 2017 A4 is EPA-rated at 24/31 mpg city/highway.)
I still really like our A4—it's attractive, quick, and responsive—but there are better
cars for road trips.
Even so, there are advantages.
Other cars are more comfortable on a long road trip, but when you get out at your hotel,
do you look back and think of how cool your car looks?
And are you proud to drive a car with a badge that elevates how you perceive your status?
That emotional attachment works better for some buyers better than others.
If I were buying a compact luxury sport sedan, I would absolutely consider sacrificing a
little comfort on once- or twice-a-year road trips to better accommodate a cooler-looking
and performing daily driver.
Every car has negatives, but after this road trip, I still find the A4 to be a well-rounded
How To Make Cookie Art Decorating icing sugar #8 | Cookies Decorating Tutorial satisfying - Duration: 7:37.
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