Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 26 2018

It's been kind of a rollercoaster.

I guess I would say,

a lot of grief, a lot of sadness.

And then a lot of sublimating that

into something productive

Young feel from all over the world

are marching today

There are students from all over the country

are demanding action for their schools,

and people are listening

for the first time in a long time.

All this came together to show that,

you know, we know what

we're talking about, and we're aware

of what's going on in the world

And we know that we can make a change.

This is a show of community and unity

that we're together under a single cause,

and that this many people are unhappy.

And if this many people aren't happy

then something's wrong.

We're here at the March For Our Lives

In the aftermath of the Parkland School shooting,

we wanted to come here

and see what protesters had to say.

What do we want?

Gun control

When do we want it?


What do we want?

Gun control...

I'm here to perform my song,

"Peace Love & Unity", and really speak to

the people, and support a great cause,

you know, be a part of the voice.

We're here today just because

this really could have happened

to any one of us,

and it's kind of a really scary reality.

And I think we're all tired

of just seeing politicians not

making real change.

I think today is a really important

moment for students to know

that they're not alone.

That all over this country

there's people standing beside them.

They have adult allies, they have student allies.

Gemma, why are you marching today?

They're asking the question,

"how many more innocent lives

need to be lost before

people will realize that weapons of war

have no place in our society?"

I think that coming here and supporting

this is really important

because us kids need to show that

we're the ones who are affected by this

and we're the ones who need to take charge.

It's so cool that everyone's here,

especially young people our age,

who maybe couldn't

have had a voice before,

but now, are showing

that they do have a voice

and we can use it.

My dream for this,

in the next upcoming year,

is that it sticks and that people

continue to talk about it every day

until meaningful change happens.

This is just the beginning, you know,

this people are saying

that March is the peak

and then it's all downhill from here.

Oh no! This is,

this is like a foot up a giant mountain,

so, it's gonna be a very long process,

and there's time to jump in

if people want to make a change.

For more infomation >> Come Behind The Scenes At The March For Our Lives - Duration: 2:24.


The Most Useful Fossils in the World - Duration: 7:00.

Thanks to CuriosityStream for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

It may not surprise you to learn that some kinds of fossils are more common than others.

Most dinosaurs, for instance, are known from only one or two specimens.

Meanwhile, some trilobite species are known from hundreds or thousands of specimens.

But one of the most abundant kinds of fossils on Earth, numbering in the millions of specimens,

came from something most people have never heard of.

And for decades, their identity was a mystery to paleontologists.

But geologists figured out that these mysterious fossils could basically be used to tell time

in the deep past!

Please allow me to introduce you to the conodonts.

From the time they were first discovered in the 19th century, and right up until the 1980s,

conodonts were only known from isolated hard parts, called conodont elements.

Some of them looked like little fans, or saw blades, or even barbed wire, but most of them

looked like cone-shaped teeth.

So they were given the name conodont, which means "cone tooth."

These elements are all verrry tiny.

Most are under one millimeter, and none greater than five millimeters long.

And for a long time, paleontologists were totally stumped about what animals these things

belonged to, and where on the Tree of Life they belonged.

Some experts thought that, although they look kind of like teeth, their similarities to

teeth are pretty superficial.

But others pointed out that the fossils were made from a mineral called hydroxylapatite.

This is the same mineral that bones and teeth are made from in vertebrates.

So, this led many scientists to think that they were teeth, maybe from some kind of weird,

extinct fish.

But while paleontologists were spending a hundred years or so debating what conodonts

were, geologists were discovering what conodonts could do.

When a species is really abundant, widespread, distinctive, and found in a restricted span

of time, their remains can be used as Index Fossils.

These are fossils that help geologists correlate and date rock layers all over the world.

And conodonts were all of those things -- abundant, widespread, and composed of lots of distinctive


So they turned out to be some of the most important index fossils from the whole Paleozoic


In fact, many subdivisions of the Paleozoic are actually defined by when certain conodont

species first or last appear.

For instance, you know when the Devonian Period ends and the Carboniferous Period begins,

because that's when you start finding fossils that belong to a species of conodont known

as Siphonodella sulcata.

Likewise, in the Triassic Period, nearly every age is defined by the first appearance of

various conodonts.

The extinction of Metapolygnathus parvus marks the end of the Carnian, for example, while

the start of the Rhaetian is defined by the first appearance of the genus Misikella.

So, geologists are able to use these fossils to basically tell time!

But conodont elements can do more than just that!

They're also, essentially, geological thermometers!

It turns out that conodont elements actually change color when they're heated up.

And no matter what species they belong to, they go through the same range of color changes

at the same temperatures.

Geologists have used these fossils to devise a six-point scale of how they change from

their natural tan color, to brown, then gray, then black, and finally white, as they get

hotter and hotter.

With this scale, called the Conodont Alteration Index, geologists can use the color of a conodont

that they find, to figure out how hot the surrounding rock once was.

And this can be really important in fields like petroleum geology, because it can reveal

whether sediments ever got hot enough for organic hydrocarbons to be converted into

oil and gas.

So conodont elements quickly became one of the handiest tools in the geologist toolkit.

But meanwhile, paleontologists still had no idea what kind of animals conodonts were.

In the 1970s, fossils of some vaguely fish-like creatures were found in Montana that were

thought to be conodont animals.

But further study revealed that the conodont elements found in those fossils were actually

in the animals' guts.

So it turned out that they weren't conodont animals; they were fossils of creatures that

ate conodont animals!

The mystery lingered until 1983, when fossils were discovered in 350 million year old sediments

from Scotland that brilliantly preserved the soft-bodied animals.

And … they were kinda weird, with long eel-like bodies, tail fins, a stiff rod of tissue down

their backs, and giant bulging eyes.

Thanks to these beautiful specimens, we were able to learn that conodont animals were a

kind of fish after all!

The fossils revealed distinctive, zig-zag-shaped muscles, known as myomeres, which are still

present in fish today.

And the rod down its back was a notochord, an early precursor of the vertebral column

seen in vertebrates.

Both those features--myomeres and notochords--are found only in chordates.

And the fossils also revealed that the tiny, tooth-like conodont elements were concentrated

in the animal's mouth -- but also in its throat!

The elements were arranged in a complicated array of blades and points, like some kind

of horror movie monster.

Some experts think these spines and barbs may have been helpful in gripping and slicing

tiny prey.

But others suggest that they were used to filter plankton from the water.

Either way, the picture of these creatures was finally coming into focus!

Like modern lampreys and hagfish, conodonts were jawless fish, and they were one of the

earliest and most successful groups of vertebrates.

And they thrived all over the world throughout the Paleozoic Era, with many species schooling

in the open ocean like modern sardines, while others stayed closer to shore.

Throughout their history, conodonts were affected by several mass extinctions, including the

Great Dying at the end of the Permian Period 252 million years ago.

But it wasn't until the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction about 200 million years ago that

they were finally wiped out.

A quick rise in carbon dioxide caused the climate to warm up, while the acidity, salinity,

and oxygen levels in the oceans all began to change.

Their final extinction brought an end to 300 million years of conodonts' role as a cornerstone

of the world's ocean communities.

Sad, I know.

But their remains ended up being some of the most important fossils of the entire Paleozoic


They've helped geologists find oil and tell deep time, while allowing paleontologists

to understand a whole new type of animal life.

Thanks to their success and incredible abundance, they're among the most useful fossils in

the world.

Thanks to CuriosityStream for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

With CuriosityStream you can stream documentary films, and programs about science, nature,

and history, including exclusive originals!

For example, you could check out Planet Dinosaur, a three-part BBC series about the latest discoveries

from the days of the non-avian dinos.

CuriosityStream offers unlimited streaming, and for you Eons viewers -- because I like

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and use the promo code EONS.

Thanks for joining me!

I'm always interested in what you want to learn about!

So leave me a comment below with your questions about ancient life!

And be sure to go to and subscribe.

Now I'm sure finding out how precise these tiny teeth fossils are was a bit shocking,

but what shouldn't be surprising is the preciseness of math.

Go learn the language of the universe with our sister channel Infinite Series and find

out what numbers are made of and if there's a way to divide by zero.

For more infomation >> The Most Useful Fossils in the World - Duration: 7:00.


The Potato Paradox - Duration: 9:39.


Kevin here.

The Colorado potato beetle, first observed innocently eating native plants in the Rocky

Mountains in 1811, went crazy when potatoes, native to South America, were introduced to

the U.S.

These beetles were like, "Wow potatoes are delicious" The beetles were right.

But their potato-hunger is so devastating to crops, entire propaganda campaigns were

launched in World War II and again during The Cold War claiming that the CIA was dropping

the "American Bug" in places like Germany and Eastern Europe as a form of insect warfare.

The Colorado potato beetle has been a major potato problem.

But potatoes have never been paradoxical, right?



It goes like this: say you've got 100 pounds of potatoes and 99% of their weight is water.

The other 1% of their weight is solid potato stuff -- starches, proteins, pectins, minerals,

that kind of stuff.

You leave them out overnight and they dry out a little bit.

When you wake up, they're only 98% water, that would make 2% of it solid.

So, how much does your sack of spuds weigh now?

While you think about it, let's get real for a second with real potatoes, not paradoxical


So, real potatoes are 79% water by weight.

So I cut this to exactly 100 grams, which means this 79 grams of water.

Looks thirst quenching.

79% is a lot, but we can go higher.

Per 100 grams, Watermelon is 91% water.

But what's more water than watermelon?


Lettuce is almost 95% water.

Meaning, salad is 5% away from being soup.

Back to our paradox… probably a good idea to get back to that.

Probably broke the scale.

Anyway, we have 100 pounds of paradox potatoes, and the percentage of water weight goes down

by 1% overnight so their weight today would be 99 pounds.

A common answer.

And a good one.

If by "good" you mean…

After this tiny change, your sack of spuds would actually weigh 50 pounds.

The 1% shift in composition cuts its weight in HALF.


Well, the easiest way to visualize the solution is with potatoes.

100 of them.


So here are 100 potatoes.

You must hug your potatoes so that they know that you care.

This one painted potato, a lovely space age silver, is the 1% of solid potato matter that

we start with.

The other 99 represent the water.

When the potatoes dry out, the amount of solid matter doesn't change.

Only the water goes away.

So, if we remove ONE unit of water we now have 99 pounds of stuff, 1 of which is dry,

98 of which are water.

So, let's just do a little calculation here.

98 out of 99 is 98%... but .989899.

We don't want all those point 9 things, we just want 98 percent.

Okay, so that's too much water.

Let's just remove another water, alright, so now we have 97 out of the 98 pounds here

are water.

So, we'll do 97 out of 98 and...


That's too much.

It's just too much water.

There's got to be a better way.

Here's the problem: This is lowering really slowly because for every unit of water that

dries away, the total amount that's left ALSO goes down.

To see how many we need to take away, let's look at the final result.

Excuse me, potatoes.

Okay, here's what we've got going on here.

Okay, so.

We need to reduce how much water we have not to 98 or 97… but to 49.

And here's why:

So we have 98%, 2% solid, but we only have 1 solid unit.

So let's turn that 2 into a 1.

So, we'll divide 2 by 2 and we get 1.

So we've got to do the same thing now to our 98, so we'll divide 98 by 2 and that

equals 49.

So 49 plus 1 equals 50, and 50 pounds is the answer.

So, we've got to get rid of SO MANY water potatoes.

I don't know how many are left, but it should be 49 waters and 1 solid.

And 49 divided by 50 is exactly 98%.

We did it!

That's the answer.

The potato paradox comes into play every time there are two items and the concentration

of one doubles.

That requires the other one's size to be reduced by half of the whole, whether it's

doubling from 1% or .00001%.

Or 10%.

Ask your friends to solve this problem and see what they say.

Most of the time, our first response is to assume that not much has changed since 1%

is so small.

This isn't something to be ashamed of -- our brains evolved to compare quantities like

this: there's one wooly mammoth and there's five of us.

Or, how much food do we need to keep the family surviving through the winter?

Evaluating concentrations is more abstract and not usually a life-or-death issue that

natural selection would play a role in shaping.

Unlike other famous paradoxes, time travel ones for example, the POTATO paradox is a

VERIDICAL paradox, which means it has a TRUE solution we can all agree on and prove, but

is nonetheless surprising.

So, the potato paradox is a kind of paradox not built on misunderstandings or impossibilities

or speculation but instead, is one that really teases out how the mind works.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a vintage potato toy to turn into a potato man before

he loses 1% of his water composition and half his weight.

And as always - thanks for watching.

The awesome potato paradox animation at the beginning of this video was created by VFX

wizard Eric Langlay using After Effects.

If you want to learn how to do cool visual effects, there are dozens of courses just

on After Effects over at Skillshare.

And they're taught by experts who really know what they're doing, so you'll really

learn what you're doing, whether you need to know the basics -- OH, LOOK OUT -- or you

just want to learn some new techniques.

Which, I think we all can always use some new techniques.

An annual Skillshare subscription is less than ten bucks a month and the first one thousand

people to use the promo link at the top of this video's description will get their

first two months for just 99 cents, which is less than this potato cost me.

And I would give this guy an arm… or a hand…

I guess he has an arm, but the hand, it's broken.

Listen, this thing is 60 years old.

It's amazing that it… ok, let's see if it... doesn't.

What if it stood… will this hold it?



The Potato Man lives and breathes in a potato stand.

I didn't mean for that to rhyme, but it did.

Let's look at this thing for a second.

Mr. Potato Head Funny Face kit, this was the original thing.

And it really wasn't just for potatoes, you can see you can make peppers, beets, oranges,



Really, it was all about turning vegetables into people, which I think is something we

can all get behind.

*sigh* I have so much to clean up.

For more infomation >> The Potato Paradox - Duration: 9:39.


4 Nuevas Armas Que Epic Games Está Añadiendo a Fortnite: Battle Royale (FN P90, Rifle de Asalto....) - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 4 Nuevas Armas Que Epic Games Está Añadiendo a Fortnite: Battle Royale (FN P90, Rifle de Asalto....) - Duration: 4:18.


Porn Stars, Video Games, & Weed - Songify the News #16 ft. Jon Cozart - Duration: 3:39.

Hey guys, sorry I'm late.

What'd I miss?

The president buying the silence of a porn star.

Woah are you serious?

I mean sorry I wasn't listening I was just noticing the sheer size of this panel.

We the best panel.

This panel is so large it has more people than have ever loved me.

I don't even know why I'm here SOMEONE HELP ME.

All right let's do this AC360 style old school.

Coop, hit em!

The president and the porn star

sounds like a failed pitch at Pixar

Just a little bit dirtier than Cars

But it's relatable no matter who you are!

He said, "Wow, you remind me of my daughter"

He touched my leg, I was like ugh here we go.

Then he was on the bed.

And you had sex?


He said it was great.

I'll never forget the look on his face.

A lot of America is saying okay (okay)

where are all these republicans today.

The same people who tout family and faith.

You don't take a stand it's crickets now.

Nobody, nobody, nobody speaks.

No, nobody, nobody, nobody blinks.

(nobody blinks)

This is a pattern, A+B MNOP

The porn star

This is a pattern, A+BMNOP

John Dowd, Mr Trump's lawyer, John Dowd,

this is a guy who writes his emails in purple comic sans

oh no

purple Comic Sans

Say it ain't so

even in watergate they wouldn't stoop that low.

Helvetica's the way you've got to go.

Purple Comic Sans

Lord save us

Purple Comic Sans

So shameless

Even Genghis Khan wasn't that cruel a man

He never woulda used purple Comic Sans.

This new stimulus of deficit spending will be as big as Obama's.

Isn't that hypocrisy.

Isn't that dishonesty.

Don't you remember then,

now republicans they do the same thing.

Isn't that hypocrisy.

Isn't that dishonesty.

And they'll tell you that the deficit is bad

when they come home new year's day.

We have to look at what has changed.

it's not the guns, it's video games.

Everything you've said makes sense.

It seems kind of obvious.

So true, yeah just played Mario and started killing all the Koopa Troopas

beat GTA suddenly became a prostitute.

30 minutes of Madden now I'm a tight end for the Raiders.

An hour of The Sims now I'm a courteous neighbor.

Breath of the Wild, attacked some chickens with a bomb.

Pokemon, used bubble beam on your mom.

Quick somebody come stop me

before I play Wolfenstein,

go back in time and fight some Nazis.

State's rights, Marijuana rights.

Don't shut down marijuana rights (please)

State's rights, marijuana rights (spare my weed)

states rights in Colorado.

Trump said marijuana would be up to the states.

State's rights, state's rights in Colorado.

That was the policy until 8:58.

State's rights, state's rights in Colorado.

Marijuana, marijuana policy

is now under a cloud of uncertainty

We were told that state's rights would be protected

Colorado vote would be respected.

Isn't that hypocrisy?

The porn star.

Isn't that dishonesty.

(marijuana rights)

this is a pattern, A+BMNOP.

Purple Comic Sans

Isn't that hypocrisy?

purple Comic Sans

isn't that dishonesty?

It's not the guns, it's video games marijuana rights


This panel is so huge Marvel wants to license the rights for a crossover.

Yeah we got so many stars it's like Ocean's11 crossed with Golden Girls.

Mkay you guys, seems like you guys got it covered I'm gonna leave

This panel looks like the features on a DJ Khaled album

Ooooh Check out Jon's channel here

it'll bring you happiness and cheer

And you can get the track too if you want to

Songify the news

Everything sounds better in perfect tune.

For more infomation >> Porn Stars, Video Games, & Weed - Songify the News #16 ft. Jon Cozart - Duration: 3:39.


'My Dad Has Been Faking Illnesses For 18 Years' - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 'My Dad Has Been Faking Illnesses For 18 Years' - Duration: 4:24.


'Why Are You Saying All Of These Things About Your Health When They're Not True?' Dr. Phil Asks G… - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> 'Why Are You Saying All Of These Things About Your Health When They're Not True?' Dr. Phil Asks G… - Duration: 3:17.


Could A Tragic Event From 20 Years Ago Be Causing Man's Erratic Behavior? - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Could A Tragic Event From 20 Years Ago Be Causing Man's Erratic Behavior? - Duration: 3:06.


What May Be Causing Father To Say He Has Many Unfounded Medical Issues - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> What May Be Causing Father To Say He Has Many Unfounded Medical Issues - Duration: 3:07.


Man Claims He Had Four Heart Attacks In One Week, 'Liver Is Shot;' Daughters Claim He's A Con Man - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Man Claims He Had Four Heart Attacks In One Week, 'Liver Is Shot;' Daughters Claim He's A Con Man - Duration: 2:46.


Trump Just Surprised Every Lib In America With What He's Doing Today – Can't Stop Him! - Duration: 5:52.

Trump Just Surprised Every Angry Lib In America With What He's Doing Today – Can't Stop


During President Trump's campaign, he promised Americans that he would begin construction

on a "big beautiful wall" to keep a flood of illegals out of our country.

Of course, the left started to throw one heck of a temper tantrum over the last year, doing

their best to stop the construction of the wall claiming that it was racist and bigoted.

So, for the last several months these liberal politicians have stood in the way of Trump

securing our borders by blocking any potential budgets, that would be used to build a southern

wall, but that has not stopped our president.

Now, today despite the left's objections and constant annoying protests, Trump announced

that construction would begin on the wall which has angered liberals across the nation.

Over this past weekend, there was a lot of commotion between the gun-grabbers protesting

for stricter gun laws, and liberal politicians pushing back against President Trump, and

his plans to secure our nation's borders.

Despite all the chaos and negative publicity, Trump kept his eye on the prize announcing

that this week would be the week that construction on the wall would finally begin, and it is

about time.

Now, last week it seemed that the dream for our southern border to be secured was not

about to happen, but Trump is a man of his word.

On Friday, President Trump tweeted that construction of his promised southern border wall would

start "immediately" after signing the omnibus spending bill, which included $1.6

billion in funding for the wall.

"We're going to be starting work literally on Monday," President Trump said during

a weekend event at the White House.

"We have a lot of money coming to the border."

Now what really shocked libs is when Trump tweeted that he will use funds just allocated

for the military to build the wall.

Trump said that since the wall is part of national defense, that part of the over $700

billion in funding for the military that was in the omnibus bill will be used for the wall.

Trump will pull the $18-25 billion for the wall from military funds!

Fox News reported:

'President Trump hinted over the weekend that newly-approved funding for the military

could be used for building the wall along the Mexican border.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley said Monday he did not want to comment, citing

a possible future announcement by the president on allocating the money.


Libs will Freak when they realize Trump pulled the rug out from under them & got ALL the

money for the wall despite their best efforts to thwart him!!!

Here is more from The Western Journal:

"Despite receiving only a small fraction of the $25 billion he wanted for construction

of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, President Donald Trump recently announced

the project will begin within days.

During a hastily coordinated news conference Friday, he confirmed his intention to support

a $1.3 trillion omnibus bill funding the nation's government until September — despite the

fact that it included just $1.6 billion for border fencing and repair.

As the Washington Examiner reported, Trump said work on the wall would begin "literally

on Monday," adding that there will be "a lot of money coming to the border."

The decision to support the spending legislation followed a period of vacillation on the issue.

After the White House expressed Trump's intention to sign the bill earlier in the

week, he tweeted Friday morning — just hours before a federal government shutdown was set

to go into effect — that he was considering a presidential veto.

"I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill based on the fact that the 800,000

plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned by the Democrats (not even mentioned in Bill)

and the BORDER WALL, which is desperately needed for our National Defense, is not fully

funded," he wrote.

Days earlier, he tweeted a more supportive take on the funding, citing "$1.6 Billion

to start Wall on Southern Border" and indicating that the "rest will be forthcoming."

Trump heralded increased military spending in the bill as the main reason to support

the measure.

In his comments Friday, however, he made it clear he was "not happy with the $1.6 billion

for the wall."

Trump went on to suggest that the earmarked spending will be used for the construction

of "some new wall" in addition to "fixing existing walls and existing fences," though

the bill he signed into law reportedly precludes such construction.

According to NBC News, wall construction received no funding in the omnibus bill.

As written, the money can be used to build and repair fencing that has already been approved

and $38 million is set aside for preliminary work including wall design.

Trump called the funding an "initial down payment" on his campaign promise of building

a wall along America's southern border.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, he frequently assured supporters that Mexico

would foot the bill for its construction.

Earlier this year, he indicated that he still believes Mexico will "indirectly" pay

for the wall through renegotiated trade agreements, as reported by CNBC.

"We make a good deal on NAFTA, and, say, I'm going to take a small percentage of

that money and it's going toward the wall," he said.

"Guess what?

Mexico's paying."

If one thing is for sure, President Trump is a man of his word, and if he says that

a wall will begin to be built, it will be created.

The left, of course, will continue to stand in the way and do what they can to stop it

since they know that once the construction of this wall begins they will lose voters

for the next election which is why the left is throwing such a temper tantrum.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Surprised Every Lib In America With What He's Doing Today – Can't Stop Him! - Duration: 5:52.


The Hunt for 'The Hobbit' Game's Missing Hero - Duration: 6:37.

- [Mysterious Woman] You are in a gloomy empty land

with dreary hills ahead.

- [Narrator] The creator of the best text adventure

game ever,

has disappeared.

- [Mysterious Woman] And now I'm on a hot,

dangerous path in the Misty Mountains.

- [Narrator] This is the story of the quest to find her.

- [Mysterious Woman] Go West.

(video game music)

- [Narrator] In 1982, Time Magazine's Man of the Year

was the Machine of the Year.

The personal computing revolution was in full swing.

What was once a massive machine,

exclusively for scientists,

was now small enough to invade people's homes,

and lives.

The Commodore 64 lead the charge.

Its advanced computer power and wild popularity,

challenged developers across the world,

to make bigger and better video games.

One small team in Australia

set an ambitious goal:

to create the best text-adventure game ever made.

Remember, back then, there were no computer mouses,

just keyboards and words.

So, what could set them up for success?

Adapting one of the biggest fantasy stories of all time.

"The Hobbit."

Our story, starts in Melbourne, Australia.

With this man, Alfred Milgrom.

A video game pioneer.

- In those days,

we were still trying to define what a computer game was.

There weren't any guidelines.

There wasn't a pool of people who knew about games.

I went and hired people from Melbourne University.

- [Narrator] Two students joined the team.

- Phil was the programmer for the gang.

Veronika was the one that created the puzzles.

She's the one who took the text of "The Hobbit,"

and turned it into an adventure game.

And she did a brilliant job.

- [Narrator] The game begins with a simple sentence.

- [Mysterious Voice] You're in a comfortable,

tunnel like hole.

- [Narrator] Then, the player types in commands

to move about an open world.

In 1982, simple games like Pac-Man were coming out.

But, Veronika and Phil were creating a complex

digital universe.

- Almost immediately, it was a huge hit.

People were having parties to play "The Hobbit."

Overall, we ended up selling something like, a-

quarter-of-a-million copies.

- [Narrator] But one thing was missing, Veronika.

- Veronika, we lost touch not long after "The Hobbit"

was published.

- [Narrator] Do you know what happened to her?

- No idea.

- [Narrator] Did Veronika know her game was a

worldwide phenomenon?

That she had super fans in Russia, in England, in Spain?

That people were learning English just to play the game?

- My name is Jesus Martinez Del Vas,

and I love video games.

For me, "The Hobbit" was the beginning of a new world.

The world for micro computer, and the world of Tolkien,

it was a turning point for me.

I always wanted to contact the people that was behind

the game.

- [Narrator] And Jesus, he wasn't the only one.

Fans from all over the world were searching for Veronika.

She wasn't really missing, but, it was the 1980s,

they had no way to get in touch with her.


the birth of the internet.

With a quick search, fans now had Veronika's email address,

and Jesus was one of the first to write to her.

(dial up noise)

- [Jesus] Dear Veronika, your game has changed my life.

I learned English because of your game.

- [Man] Thank you for making "The Hobbit" all those years ago

with Phillip Mitchell.

- [Woman] Hello Veronika. - [Another Man] Dear Veronika,

the woman that shaped my life.

- [Third Man] "The Hobbit" game did, and still does

mean a great deal to me.

- [Woman] Many thanks

for the countless hours of entertainment.

- [Man] I hope karma has rewarded you in your life

for writing that game.

- [Another Man] Because for all the price I've paid,

and I'm still paying,

for all the rejections and isolation.

- [Forth Man] Being a geek is indeed what I am,

what I love to be, and what I'll always be proud to be.

Thank you.

(electronic music)

- "P.S. escaping the Goblin dungeon was a nightmare."

And that's--

Isn't that amazing?

I'm Dr. Veronika Megler.

- [Narrator] The quest ends in Portland, Oregon,

a Tolkien-esque landscape,

where Veronika leads a normal life.

- I really had no idea of how popular the game was.

Up until about 10 years ago,

it was a part-time job I did at university,

and I moved on.

- [Narrator] To bigger and better things.

- My PhD is in computer science,

I built a big data search engine that combines

ideas from cognitive science and internet search.

To a work of archives of scientific data.

That's a joystick.

I am not a gamer.

After I wrote "The Hobbit,"

I didn't play any games at all,

for probably a decade.

- [Narrator] It wasn't just the fan mail

that drew Veronika out of the shadows.

- Oh, there they go.

There's a lot of women who

don't realize that they can also be computer programmers.


This is my legacy.

And that was part of the push to me to start stepping

forward and making myself easier to find.

Just to help correct that gender bias.

- [Mysterious Woman] You are in Rivendell.

- It's pretty amazing how far that game reached.

And it just blows me away,

and it was a part-time job in university.


I wasn't expecting to change an industry. (laughs)

My task was:

write the best text adventure computer game ever.

And I did.

(electronic music)

For more infomation >> The Hunt for 'The Hobbit' Game's Missing Hero - Duration: 6:37.


How Powerful Are Rogues? - World of Warcraft Lore - Duration: 10:03.

Hello guys this is Doronsmovies and today I will be talking about the Rogues and how

powerful they are in the lore.

Going through their history, abilities and comparing them to other classes.

So without further ado, let's get into the lore!

Much like the warriors, the rogues are one of the most vague classes in the game.

They can be anything from cutthroats to secret service agents, however typically they're

made up from the dregs of society, robbers, murderers, pirates and other types of criminals.

Rogues have existed since society existed and generally those that shunned honor and

fair combat turned to this business.

They are the ones that would ambush travelers, kill someone from behind in a dark alley or

organize some type of robbery.

Even though skilled in combat, they aren't on a level of a warrior in a duel, but that

isn't what makes them powerful.

Rogues become truly deadly when they focus on their strengths and that is stealth, ambush

and working from the shadows.

Of course not all rogues are criminals and in fact some of them are the complete opposite.

For example the SI:7 is one of the most elite organizations, consisting primarily of rogues.

They work for Stormwind and the Wrynn dynasty and are involved in many missions of serious

risk and danger.

In fact almost every race has their own rogue organization meant for high level threats

and preserving security.

The Shattered Hand is the Horde equivalent, the orc equivalent of the SI:7, mainly built

up from the orcs of the former Shattered Hand Clan.

Deathstalkers are the elite assassins working for Sylvanas, Farstriders also have rogues

in their service in order to protect the blood elven kingdom.

Night elves have some variation of the rogues known as the wardens, used as a special police


So overall rogues definitely are much more than just petty criminals.

Almost every race aside from a few can become a rogue and many of them have unique abilities

that greatly enhance their capacity.

For example the forsaken deathstalkers are one of the best assassins mostly due to their


They don't require food, water or air, they can be submerged underwater forever and even

pose as corpses and remain inside of a casket indefinitely in order to do some inside job.

The night elves are naturally able to blend into darkness and have great knowledge of

their forests and the environment, being able to blend in and ambush their targets.

On the other hand races like the gnomes or the goblins utilize their small stature as

well as many gadgets, bombs and traps.

When it comes to their abilities they can range from a significant variety depending

on many factors such as races, specializations and experience.

In general however there are some standards for the class.

Most rogues are only lightly armored, either wearing cloth or leather, in order to maintain

speed and agility, they also utilize small weapons such as daggers, maces and one handed


For rogues it is not the size of the weapon or the strength of the individual that makes

them deadly but the way they employ it.

They are famous for their poisons which can kill an enemy with a papercut wound.

The main feature of the rogues is obviously stealth which in itself is a very, very unclear

concept within the lore.

Some do manage some form of shadow magic, but in general it is usually superior knowledge

of the environment as well as incredible agility and speed.

Through stealth they ambush, strangle and backstab their foes.

So, with all of these various abilities, how would rogues fare against other classes?

When it comes to warriors this entirely depends on the scenario.

In a straight-out duel an average rogue would definitely lose to an average warrior, however

in the case of an ambush rogues doubtlessly have the upper hand.

With their poison they only need to create a small wound and if a warrior is claded in

very heavy armor, they merely have to find an opening.

In the case of monks, this is definitely a very evenly matched engagement.

Monks, just like the rogues, are extremely fast and agile and this would depend entirely

on the individuals.

Rogues would definitely have the upper hand if fighting with a dagger against fists but

would be at a disadvantage if the monks use a staff or some sort of a longer-range weapon.

Against a hunter, a rogue is definitely at a disadvantage but if he plays to his strengths

he would have an upper hand.

A dagger against a rifle is useless and a pet is a very powerful enemy.

However a hunter can be ambushed and bullets and arrows dodged with great speed and agility.

Versus death knights there would be a significant disadvantage as they are a superior class.

Death knights are undead which means no poison or small stab wounds are going to do any damage.

Generally they're heavily armored, making the small weapons of a rogue very much useless.

Death knights can also swarm their targets with undead minions as well as employ powerful

death magic and shields that would stop anything in its tracks.

So in this scenario a rogue would most likely lose.

Another powerful melee class are the demon hunters.

Rogues would definitely stand a better chance against them than the death knights but the

demon hunters are definitely more agile.

Demon hunters are essentially rogues themselves that have gone through super human rituals

and that use fel magic.

A demon hunter is superior to a rogue in almost every sense, they are faster, stronger and

able to use magic.

Their tracking abilities and inhuman senses also make an ambush extremely unlikely.

When it comes to Druids and shamans it is as is with almost all spellcasters.

Of course the rogues have an advantage in an ambush but any magic is more powerful than

their regular abilities.

Generally the spells of a shaman are slow which means that a rogue might be able to

interrupt them and break the distance however in the case of a druid there is shapeshifting


This means that a druid could just turn into a bird and fly away or into a bear that would

not be so easily stopped by a dagger.

Still these two classes possess significant advantages in battle.

In regards to the paladins and holy priests the scenario is a bit different.

Against the priests rogues possess serious advantages as the priests are very fragile

and are generally focused on support and healing.

Priests also wear cloth which is extremely susceptible to the small but deadly weapons

wielded by the rogues.

However in the case of the paladins this is a completely different scenario.

Not only do paladins wear heavy armor but they are also able to cast shields of Light,

blocking incoming attacks.

This scenario would be more similar to a warrior versus rogue although the Light does give

a significant advantage against poisons, bombs and throwable weapons.

And lastly against warlocks, mages and shadowpriests the rogues would not fare too well.

These classes wield very powerful magic that completely outclasses the rogues or any melee

class in that regard.

Again these casters do wear very light armor and a rogue could ambush them, playing to

his strengths, interrupt their spells and even kill them before they cast a spell, but

strictly power-wise these classes are miles ahead but the entire point of a rogue was

never to be powerful in a conventional sense.

So with all of these abilities and the comparison with other classes how would rogues rank on

the power level scale?

In my opinion they're somewhere in the range of lower to middle.

The problem with ranking them as a class is as I mentioned at the start of the video they're

just kinda too vague.

All of the classes have a million factors when you compare them, but with rogues it's

even extra.

An undead rogue plays a much different role than a gnome one for example.

Also a pirate is technically a rogue or any murderer, but so is a special forces operative

that is trained in an elite way and is skilled even in straight-out combat.

So it is definitely difficult to bundle them into a single class but as I mentioned, the

entire point of a rogue is to not get matched in a duel but instead to use the environment

and his wits to his advantage.

Technically they would be one of the weakest classes in regular combat but taking their

point into consideration they can defeat almost any class.

All in all even though vague and not the most powerful, the rogues are still extremely interesting

as well as one of the most important classes in World of Warcraft.

Alright and that is all I have for this video.

Do leave your thoughts and don't forget to like and subscribe as it really helps out

and keeps all the content going.

Thanks a lot for taking the time out of your day to watch this video and see you next time!

For more infomation >> How Powerful Are Rogues? - World of Warcraft Lore - Duration: 10:03.


WATCH OUT For These 6 Dating Red Flags! (Know When To Avoid These Women) - Duration: 14:56.

Duke: Have you ever started dating a girl and you were so enraptured by her

gorgeousness that you were not aware that she was absolutely f*****g crazy?

So many of us when we're looking for new partners we just go around finding new

people it's all very exciting but we don't notice all the little red flags

that are popping up that should alert us to the fact that we're gonna spend the

next six months in misery. I'm Duke Deleat from The Attractive Man team and

today on this video we're gonna give you six dating red flags that you can look

out for so you don't spend all this time doing stupid crap that was not useful

for you, your heart, or your relationship. Make sure to stay till the end of the

video because at the end I'm gonna give you two ways to make sure these flags are real when you see them.

Narrator: Many Boot Camps encourage men to be assertive.

Josiah is a master of Day Game.

Matt: We've done all the testing we know what works Duke: Few years ago I had a friend. He was

a tall good-looking Croatian guy and he hit me up for help. He's like "Let's go

get girls" so we jumped in the car, went to the nightclub, I taught him a few

things, and lo and behold he's starting in dates left and right. But he kept

getting in relationships with girls that would do crazy s**t. They call him up

every couple of hours trying to figure out where he's at. Always keeping tabs on

him like throwing tantrums in front of everybody trying to make him look bad in

front of people and just doing over all nonsensical stuff that doesn't really

belong in a mature relationship. One girl in particular would just nag him over

and over and over about spending time with her and then when he wanted to

spend time with her then she would always be busy or marginalize him off to

the side and he got so frustrated he was like what is the point of dating all

these girls when I can't find one that fits? Just because she's hot doesn't mean

she's compatible with you. That's an important word: compatible. If you could

spend a whole bunch of time with somebody you got to make sure that she's

qualified to be in your life so what's the purpose of dating? So we go out we

talk to new people we get caught up and we do this all to start dating. What's

the purpose of dating? Well, we here at the attractive man team think that dating is

for qualification. It's to qualify whether or not she's compatible with you

enough to keep in your life. She's got to be compatible with your status like

she's gonna kind of fit in your world she got to be compatible with your

values and standards and belief systems so that she's not thinking something

totally different over here than you are over here and then she screws with your

mission and you've also got to be sexually compatible. Now relationship

goals can vary, I mean you could want a wife you could want a girlfriend, you can

want multiple girlfriends, you could just want a whole string of one-night

encounters, whatever kind of relationship you're looking for if it's gonna carry

on more than once you can future-proof that relationship by looking for one of

these or all of these six dating red flags. First red flag: She has an external

locus of control. An external locus, in psychological terms means that she puts

her control in the hands of something else. Another situation, another

person, another inanimate object, sometimes she'll blame her parents,

she'll blame her work, she'll blame all the people around her, she'll blame

anything but herself, and she won't take responsibility for building and creating

her own life. I get it, we're living in the world all the stuffs

going on around us, people say things, cars are moving by, temperature changes,

bills are coming up, all of these other external things are happening around us

and we have to deal with it. That's life. But when we place the control of our

emotions in some other place and we give that responsibility to control us, then

we don't have responsibility for how we feel and act in the world and when you

meet a girl who does that stuff she is very quickly likely to blame you for the

problems in her life. That's gonna come up after a couple of weeks, it might come

up right in the beginning, you don't even see it but if she starts to blame other

things for her issues, like if she's late she blames traffic, she blames the alarm

clock, she blamed the dog, she blames her roommate, she blames or whatever. She's

also gonna blame you the next time, and then the next time, and

the next time, if that becomes consistent behavior, she is going to create so much

drama because she refuses to take responsibility for her part in the

relationship and then the relationship is neither mature nor balanced. Also if

you're not subscribed to us hit the subscribe button, and click the little

bell so you get a notification every time we release something new. We're

doing it like twice three times a week now. Dating red flag number two:

Her social groups values don't match your own. Now when you get caught up in a

new relationship and everything's great, your eyes are all wide and and the

oxytocin's running and the dopamine's running and everything's like oh she's

so great future projecting off, holding hands in the park when you're old. That's

gonna burn off eventually and when you're in that state you're more likely

to act in ways that she expects and conversely

she's more likely to act in ways that she thinks that you're gonna like and

that's just kind of how we build rapport as humans. If you go on hang out with her

friends and you realize they have completely different value systems than

you, chances are she has completely different

value systems than you. She's just not showing it or you're not seeing it

because of all the my god she's amazing things that are

going on in your brain. Every social group has different values than you, the

people who've known her for years and years, and years, and years, chances are

she's that kind of person. Not the standout in her crowd. Conversely, if you

went out with her friends and all of her friends talk smack, and they're like... "So

you're you're dating Katie? So what do you see in her?" And they kind of clown on

her in the public spaces and they're, they're, she's kind of the low status of

their group, then she's gonna see you, know chances are she's not gonna bring

you around those people, but if she unabashedly brings you around those

people and those people are like "Um, yeah you're out of her League." that's a big

red flag. You should listen to that, and you should explore more why her friends

think she's a tool. Dating red flag number three: She acts entitled to all of

her requests. Now I understand confidence, I understand

pride even, it's okay to live in a space where you expect things from people.

However, those things should be earned. You can tell in the way she treats

people of lower status, you know the classic example is like how she treats

the waiter. "You are a moron" If she expects things from him and and she

talks down to him as it comes back, there if she talks about her friends in the

same way, like and while they should just do this, and they should just do that, man

then people always need to call me first and all that stuff. She's gonna end up

doing that to you once the initial attraction burns off. And if she started

acting entitled around you she's more likely to put you in a zone where you're

starting to provide, provide, provide, and then start chasing after her which will

kill the attraction even if that's something that you wanted to do. Dating

red flag number four: You two are actually incompatible. So many people

they'll roll up, they'll talk to each other, then have a nice beautiful evening

wherever they met at the nightclub, or whatever, and then they'll they'll go off

and they'll consummate everything. They'll get all connected and intimate,

and then they won't realize that they were actually incompatible on a

fundamental basis. Signs for this, are you arguing all

time? She's always criticizing everything that you're doing she doesn't agree with

your mission and your purpose and the core things that you're doing with your

life and she doesn't listen to you when you talk about your passions. These are

things that you guys can't fix. She can't just be like: "Oh I'm gonna be a little

bit more attentive to his passions.. mmm yeah..." No. If she's into you, she's

into you, if she's not into you, she's not into you. And many times people are into

each other for the feelings that create for each other, and a lot of times for

their own personal validation, it's like "Oh look! I have a hot girl next to me

look how important I am!" And it may seem kind of sad from an external judgmental

perspective, but most of us do it all the time. You know we have good days and got

bad days, and our bad days we tend to like hey maybe I could have a little

validation. That's kind of normal as a human self-worth thing, so a lot of times

we'll date our partners for the feelings or the status or the validation that

they give us and we won't pay attention to the fact that they are actually

themselves and we don't actually get along with them so watch out for signs

that you're not actually compatible and you'll go a long way into not dating

somebody who's bad for you in the long term. Dating red flag number five: She

sucks at relationships in general. You can see this in a relationship with her

friends, relationships with her family, how she talks about her ex-boyfriend how

she talks about her friends ex-boyfriends. You can see her views on

how relationships work, how communication works. Now there's not necessarily right

or wrong to this, but how she communicates should either be as good as

or more effective than how you communicate. That way the communication

stays balanced and you guys can actually get to know each other without all of

these weird dramatic significant things happening. So you can tell that she sucks

at relationships in general by hearing about how she talks to her family, how

she talks to her friends, and how she talks to her exes, if she has commitment

issues you'll be able to see that if you just pay attention to it.

If she has a string of bad relationships and she keeps doing the same thing over

and over and over again, you can pick up on that if you aren't just blinded by

her beauty and her awesome girlishness and,

and, just pay attention, and when you pay attention to that stuff you can pick up.

Oh she tends to do things like this, and I'm kind of the next one in the line of

these things she's probably gonna act very similarly. And the sixth dating red

flag is: She plays power games. People look at life in the number of different

ways they look at it as a game, they look at his competition, they look at it as a

collaboration, they look at it as an experience, a journey, there's all these

metaphors to use for life, but if she looks at life as a competition where she

must win and everybody else must lose, she will do things that will hold her

power over you on a constant basis. Relationships should be a back and forth,

whether or not you look at it as a competition or not, it should be fairly

balanced as it continues to move along and no one person should be dragging the

other person along, you know the initial attraction phase we say make her chase,

you and all that stuff, but in any sort of relationship where you're becoming

intimate, that intimacy will die if there's too much of an imbalance in the

power dynamic. So if she starts to play games, especially like if she like

withholds sex, or she's super violent, or she flips out and starts screaming at

you to get you to shut up, any of those types of like just over-the-top

responses. Those are not real, like those that's not her natural way of doing

things. She does them because it gets her in the winner position, it gets her in

the higher power seat in the relationship, so if she exhibits all that

stuff super early it says a lot about how she's gonna treat you later on in

the relationship when the relationship gets deeper and more invested and more

settled in. She's gonna continue to do those types of power games later on and

they're just gonna be more and more intense as you begin to challenge her

for her role of power in the relationship. A lot of girls because

they've been hurt so many times they don't trust themselves to make good

decisions with mature relationships and so they go into relationships trying to

maintain a one-upmanship over their partner just so that when they cut bait

and leave they don't have to feel responsible for giving up too much

investment or too much of their heart into the relationship. Now spotting these

red flags can be pretty tricky because people are pretty dynamic, but if you can

know what to look for you can get pretty good

filtering people out who aren't compatible with you. So if you're taking

notes, write this thing down because I'll help you be sure these red flags and

you're seeing them is super simple. Tip number one: Look for consistency. If she

does these things over and over and over and over again, then obviously that thing

is a pattern. So look for consistency, however if she doesn't one time, or two

times, or very infrequently, then you can't really count on the fact that

that's her normal behavior. Sometimes specific situations or certain stressors

will bring up a type of behavior because she's handled it in normal life but then

she gets something that she's not expecting and she'll flip out in a

little way, I mean I still do this and sometimes when I get super panicked. I have

a mentor, his name is Johnny Sapporo, and he says that "A sample of one only

determines that the behavior exists but it's not sufficient data to determine

frequency." And that's it, right, if she flips out over something or in a

particular situation, or she's super tired, she acts a certain way that she

doesn't normally act like... you know just pin her down: "Oh no red flag get

out of my life!" That's bad news. We don't wanna do that,

but if it happens over and over again pretty consistently you could be pretty

sure that it's gonna continue to happen over and over again on through the rest

of eternity, and if you're okay with that, then you're okay with that. But if you're

not, then get out. Verifying red flags number two: Communicate early when you

see things happen. Just call it out. Like, "Hey um I noticed you did this and I

don't understand why anybody would do that, what's what's going on? What's going

on in your head while you're thinking that?" And she'll either respond, she'll

not respond, and blow it off, or she'll cut you off and punish you for calling

up something that's been a problem her entire life, and be gauging by her

response you'll get a feeling of how she's gonna continue to handle these

types of situations as you bring them up. Like if she has something that you and

she are not compatible with and then you kind of bring that up, and she flips out

like crazy and and abuses you, then obviously you're gonna want to know that

as you carry on a future relationship with her because any little thing that

you guys disagree on she's going to become abusive, and that's

not acceptable to me, and I sure as hell hope it's not acceptable to you. So

you've been going out, getting dates, and now you know what to look for so you

don't get stuck in a crazy time wasting long relationship that isn't good for

you. If you're not getting dates, check out Matt's video where he shows

you how to go from the approach all the way to the date, and shows you exactly

what to say to keep a sexual vibe going, so that you can get the date super super

quickly. Check out the link in the bottom of the video to access it, go check it

out now if that's your problem. And if you want to train live with us, click the

link below, because we're going all over the world doing live workshops probably

in your city. Until next time, Cheers!

For more infomation >> WATCH OUT For These 6 Dating Red Flags! (Know When To Avoid These Women) - Duration: 14:56.


The Bold and the Beautiful - Proposed To Your Wife - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> The Bold and the Beautiful - Proposed To Your Wife - Duration: 0:59.


Leopold Fitz | IT WAS ME - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Leopold Fitz | IT WAS ME - Duration: 3:27.


Was the Austin Bomber a Terrorist? - Duration: 9:33.

For 19 days in the month of March, the city of Austin, TX was on high alert because of

a series of bombings that killed two people and injured several others.

The suspected bomber, Mark Anthony Conditt, killed himself during a standoff with police,

hopefully indicating that this wave of violence has ended.

Although police are remaining vigilant and encouraging Austin residents to do the same,

in case there are more package bombs to be found.

Now most press on this situation that I've seen has not referred to Conditt as a domestic


And the police seem to be hesitant to do so as well.

And many folks on social media are a little perturbed by that.

A common criticism of news media is how white suspects in these kinds of crimes are rarely

referred to as terrorists, while non-white suspects often are.

With white guys, the media often handles them with kid gloves, and sometimes even wants

you sympathize with the killer.

He was a troubled soul, a victim of depression.

He killed two innocent people!

A misunderstood loner.

He literally referred to himself as a psychopath!

No one could have guessed he was capable of.

Are you sure about tha— NO ONE could have guessed!

And they use a nice picture of the suspect all happy and smiling.

With non-white suspects, it's usually a different story.

Sometimes you don't even get backstory.

It's just like, see brown man, brown man bad.

But is Mark Anthony Conditt, in fact a terrorist?

What even is a terrorist?

It's not useful, in my opinion, to define terrorism as any attempt to harm or kill a

lot of people, Because there are often very different motives

and strategies behind these attacks, and it's important to acknowledge those differences

so that we can understand these unique situations and how to deal with them.

Hi, I'm T1J!

(WEIRD VOICE) Follow me!

So this is borderline a semantic debate, and if you know anything about me, you'll know

that that is my least favorite kind of debate.

Because if two people are using the same word, but have different ideas about what that word

means, the discussion is never going to get anywhere.

So we need to decide what the word terrorist actually means, and what separates terrorism

from other kinds of mass violence.

In spite of how simply phrased that was, this is no easy task.

There is no commonly accepted definition of terrorism, and that's definitely not going

to be settled in this video.

It's kind of a bad term to be honest, it's too broad and too emotionally charged.

It has an inherently immoral connotation, unlike a term like 'mass killer' which

is still obviously negative but much more descriptive than judgmental.

Because of the charged nature of the word, people use the word "terrorist" to denounce

any group they oppose.

Everything from the NRA, to vegans.

So for this video we'll discuss what I think about when I hear the word terrorist, and

you can tell me if you agree or disagree.

Because in America, opinions are like guns.

Everyone's entitled to have one, even though most people shouldn't.

The United States Department of Defense describes terrorism as follows:

"the unlawful use of violence or threat of violence to instill fear and coerce governments

or societies.

Terrorism is often motivated by religious, political, or other ideological beliefs and

committed in the pursuit of goals that are usually political."

And I feel like that's a good definition to start with.

But we can look at the characteristics of different terror attacks throughout history

to expand that definition.

As implied by the name, terrorism is usually designed to cause terror and fear in the eyes

of the masses.

Terrorists seem to target individuals or groups that they perceive be guilty of something,

whether it be actions of a government, or simply an individual or society living a lifestyle

they don't approve of.

Terrorism is usually premeditated and involves an organized and detailed plan of attack.

Because of this, terrorists tend to work in secret and avoid detection.

They also usually attempt to avoid being captured or subdued because they usually have political

goals that they are still working towards.

Now of course there are also suicide attacks that have become strongly associated with

terrorism, but I'd argue that these are used because they are particularly terrifying.

So it sort of still fits the goal of causing terror and fear.

Now contrast these characteristics with those of other kinds of mass violence.

Of course I can't read people minds, but I suspect that some kinds of mass killers

are out to make a point or to lash out and are usually driven by personal or psychological

motives rather than political ones.

They often attack people they know or random innocent people, rather than specific targets

they think are guilty.

They generally make no attempt to avoid detection, they do it in public in front of everybody.

And they often commit suicide as soon as or before they are cornered or captured, implying

that the attack was meant as a one off event, rather than an ongoing plan.

So with these definitions in mind, we can categorize different people as terrorists

or non terrorists.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was definitely a terrorist.

He had a political goal and he intended to punish people he felt were guilty of something.

Dylan Roof, who killed 9 people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, also a terrorist.

A clear political motive, designed to strike fear in a community, and targeting people

described as enemies to himself.

Also note that both of these people attempted to evade capture, and neither committed suicide.

On the other hand you have people like Adam Lanza, the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook Elementary

school shooting.

While his motive is still unclear, most of his victims were young children, making it

unlikely he thought they were specifically guilty of anything.

Also, Lanza committed suicide before he was even found by police.

James Holmes, who killed 12 and injured many others at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado,

sent a notebook to his psychiatrist hours before the shooting began.

One of the things he wrote was "Terrorism isn't the message.

The message is, there is no message."

And while Holmes didn't commit suicide, he also made no attempt to evade capture.

He was arrested right outside of the movie theater without any resistance.

A special type of mass killer is a serial killer, who usually kills one person at a

time over a long period.

As far as I can tell, many of these people are sociopaths who just get off on violence

and murder, and they usually go to great lengths to avoid being caught.

Think of people like Ted Bundy or the Zodiac Killer.

And of course it's not all this simple, sometimes there's overlap.

For example Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, is a serial killer but also undeniably a terrorist.

So given all of that, how should we describe Mark Anthony Conditt?

It has been speculated that the bombings were racially motivated because 3 of the people

targeted were non-white, which would make this a pretty clear cut terrorist situation.

However unlike most terrorists, Conditt never made it clear to the public what his motive


It seems to me that this was a violent lashing out because of his own personal problems.

And in fact a person claiming to be the Austin bomber posted several comments on Reddit,

the day before he was cornered by police.

In those posts he denies a racial motivation and says, "I honestly just want to see the

world burn."

And according to the Austin police, a recording was found on Conditt's phone where he confesses

to the bombings but doesn't mention any political or racial motivations.

Which just doesn't fit the profile of a domestic terrorist.

So here's my thing.

At the end of the day, Mark Anthony Conditt was a murderer.

A deranged, cowardly human being who killed innocent people.

And the way the media tries to paint suspects like this in a sympathetic light is not only

offensive, but deeply disrespectful to the victims and their families.

It's also very clear that this delicate treatment is disproportionately afforded to

white criminals.

People have actually done studies on this, but you've probably noticed it yourself

if you're paying attention.

So I don't back the narrative of this poor misunderstood character who just needed a

little attention.

He was a killer.

He was a bad person who deserves no sympathy.

At the same time, I think it's important to understand the different motivations people

can have for committing terrible crimes like this.

Dealing with domestic terrorists who have political motives is an entirely different

ball park than dealing with violent individuals who want to hurt people because they could

never get a date.

So I do think it's important who we call a terrorist, and I'm not sure that the Austin

bomber fits that profile.


What do you think?

For more infomation >> Was the Austin Bomber a Terrorist? - Duration: 9:33.


Kids explain the #marchforourlives in their own words - Duration: 2:57.

Yeah so I'm really excited about tomorrow because what it means

is the American public and the American youths are stepping up as a

democracy and we're all becoming politically active.

Well yeah I don't want to be shot up at school. That's basically the reason.

I don't want to dive from guns. That's really what it comes down to.

I don't want to feel unsafe at school.

If we have to put our trust in the government

and the government's already shown their incompetence

Why would you support the central government?

Why would you support guns that have been killing people?

Guns don't kill people.

If it prevents one person from getting a gun and it saves one life then it counts.

Chicago has extreme gun laws. It's really hard to get a gun in Chicago.

And yet they have one of the highest homicide rates in the United States.

There was a shooting that went on in my high school last year

and my friend's mom actually died from that and

with change, with gun control a lot of this could be prevented, a lot of lives can be saved.

and so, I really hope that this helps.

I'm Serena and I come from California.

You came all the way from California for this? Why did you want to do that?

Because I believe that we can do better and if no one else is gonna do

anything about it then we can.

I don't even think people my age should know about this. It's too much.

Yes because it shouldn't even be happening.

The amount of people that have to die for us to realize that

that enough is enough. It is just unfair. It's crazy.

The thing that got me was when I saw videos

and I was really kind of taken aback by how

similar like those classrooms looked. They had the same wood

like I remember there was a science classroom and I could tell because

it had the same black top that we used.

It's sitting in class and wondering: If a shooter came in right now where would I go?

And who which one of my friends would die?

And how would I remember them? And what would I say? And it never stops.

This issue has been a part of our lives and our thoughts since we can remember

and now there's an opportunity to make a change.

We are the ones who are voting for the Senators.

So next election we can vote for whoever we want and change. And make change.

If not us than who else is going to do it?

Nobody really has the motivation to because nobody else is as scared as we are.

For more infomation >> Kids explain the #marchforourlives in their own words - Duration: 2:57.


Dow surges 669 points as trade war fears cool - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Dow surges 669 points as trade war fears cool - Duration: 6:06.


Psaume 117 B - Rendez grâce au Seigneur - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Psaume 117 B - Rendez grâce au Seigneur - Duration: 2:02.


The Most Useful Fossils in the World - Duration: 7:00.

Thanks to CuriosityStream for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

It may not surprise you to learn that some kinds of fossils are more common than others.

Most dinosaurs, for instance, are known from only one or two specimens.

Meanwhile, some trilobite species are known from hundreds or thousands of specimens.

But one of the most abundant kinds of fossils on Earth, numbering in the millions of specimens,

came from something most people have never heard of.

And for decades, their identity was a mystery to paleontologists.

But geologists figured out that these mysterious fossils could basically be used to tell time

in the deep past!

Please allow me to introduce you to the conodonts.

From the time they were first discovered in the 19th century, and right up until the 1980s,

conodonts were only known from isolated hard parts, called conodont elements.

Some of them looked like little fans, or saw blades, or even barbed wire, but most of them

looked like cone-shaped teeth.

So they were given the name conodont, which means "cone tooth."

These elements are all verrry tiny.

Most are under one millimeter, and none greater than five millimeters long.

And for a long time, paleontologists were totally stumped about what animals these things

belonged to, and where on the Tree of Life they belonged.

Some experts thought that, although they look kind of like teeth, their similarities to

teeth are pretty superficial.

But others pointed out that the fossils were made from a mineral called hydroxylapatite.

This is the same mineral that bones and teeth are made from in vertebrates.

So, this led many scientists to think that they were teeth, maybe from some kind of weird,

extinct fish.

But while paleontologists were spending a hundred years or so debating what conodonts

were, geologists were discovering what conodonts could do.

When a species is really abundant, widespread, distinctive, and found in a restricted span

of time, their remains can be used as Index Fossils.

These are fossils that help geologists correlate and date rock layers all over the world.

And conodonts were all of those things -- abundant, widespread, and composed of lots of distinctive


So they turned out to be some of the most important index fossils from the whole Paleozoic


In fact, many subdivisions of the Paleozoic are actually defined by when certain conodont

species first or last appear.

For instance, you know when the Devonian Period ends and the Carboniferous Period begins,

because that's when you start finding fossils that belong to a species of conodont known

as Siphonodella sulcata.

Likewise, in the Triassic Period, nearly every age is defined by the first appearance of

various conodonts.

The extinction of Metapolygnathus parvus marks the end of the Carnian, for example, while

the start of the Rhaetian is defined by the first appearance of the genus Misikella.

So, geologists are able to use these fossils to basically tell time!

But conodont elements can do more than just that!

They're also, essentially, geological thermometers!

It turns out that conodont elements actually change color when they're heated up.

And no matter what species they belong to, they go through the same range of color changes

at the same temperatures.

Geologists have used these fossils to devise a six-point scale of how they change from

their natural tan color, to brown, then gray, then black, and finally white, as they get

hotter and hotter.

With this scale, called the Conodont Alteration Index, geologists can use the color of a conodont

that they find, to figure out how hot the surrounding rock once was.

And this can be really important in fields like petroleum geology, because it can reveal

whether sediments ever got hot enough for organic hydrocarbons to be converted into

oil and gas.

So conodont elements quickly became one of the handiest tools in the geologist toolkit.

But meanwhile, paleontologists still had no idea what kind of animals conodonts were.

In the 1970s, fossils of some vaguely fish-like creatures were found in Montana that were

thought to be conodont animals.

But further study revealed that the conodont elements found in those fossils were actually

in the animals' guts.

So it turned out that they weren't conodont animals; they were fossils of creatures that

ate conodont animals!

The mystery lingered until 1983, when fossils were discovered in 350 million year old sediments

from Scotland that brilliantly preserved the soft-bodied animals.

And … they were kinda weird, with long eel-like bodies, tail fins, a stiff rod of tissue down

their backs, and giant bulging eyes.

Thanks to these beautiful specimens, we were able to learn that conodont animals were a

kind of fish after all!

The fossils revealed distinctive, zig-zag-shaped muscles, known as myomeres, which are still

present in fish today.

And the rod down its back was a notochord, an early precursor of the vertebral column

seen in vertebrates.

Both those features--myomeres and notochords--are found only in chordates.

And the fossils also revealed that the tiny, tooth-like conodont elements were concentrated

in the animal's mouth -- but also in its throat!

The elements were arranged in a complicated array of blades and points, like some kind

of horror movie monster.

Some experts think these spines and barbs may have been helpful in gripping and slicing

tiny prey.

But others suggest that they were used to filter plankton from the water.

Either way, the picture of these creatures was finally coming into focus!

Like modern lampreys and hagfish, conodonts were jawless fish, and they were one of the

earliest and most successful groups of vertebrates.

And they thrived all over the world throughout the Paleozoic Era, with many species schooling

in the open ocean like modern sardines, while others stayed closer to shore.

Throughout their history, conodonts were affected by several mass extinctions, including the

Great Dying at the end of the Permian Period 252 million years ago.

But it wasn't until the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction about 200 million years ago that

they were finally wiped out.

A quick rise in carbon dioxide caused the climate to warm up, while the acidity, salinity,

and oxygen levels in the oceans all began to change.

Their final extinction brought an end to 300 million years of conodonts' role as a cornerstone

of the world's ocean communities.

Sad, I know.

But their remains ended up being some of the most important fossils of the entire Paleozoic


They've helped geologists find oil and tell deep time, while allowing paleontologists

to understand a whole new type of animal life.

Thanks to their success and incredible abundance, they're among the most useful fossils in

the world.

Thanks to CuriosityStream for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

With CuriosityStream you can stream documentary films, and programs about science, nature,

and history, including exclusive originals!

For example, you could check out Planet Dinosaur, a three-part BBC series about the latest discoveries

from the days of the non-avian dinos.

CuriosityStream offers unlimited streaming, and for you Eons viewers -- because I like

your face! -- the first two months are free if you sign up at

and use the promo code EONS.

Thanks for joining me!

I'm always interested in what you want to learn about!

So leave me a comment below with your questions about ancient life!

And be sure to go to and subscribe.

Now I'm sure finding out how precise these tiny teeth fossils are was a bit shocking,

but what shouldn't be surprising is the preciseness of math.

Go learn the language of the universe with our sister channel Infinite Series and find

out what numbers are made of and if there's a way to divide by zero.

For more infomation >> The Most Useful Fossils in the World - Duration: 7:00.



What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video

so many of you are looking for a build with lot of different add-ons

and lot of different sources for content then you might want to check THE THUNDERCAT BUILD

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For more infomation >> THE BEST FAST & NEW 🔥 BUILD FOR KODI 17.6 APRIL 2018 🔥 THE THUNDERCAT BUILD KODI 🔥 JUGGERNAUT WIZARD - Duration: 14:46.


브로콜리 부작용 조심하세요. | 뉴스공장 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 브로콜리 부작용 조심하세요. | 뉴스공장 - Duration: 4:22.


Danielle Rose Small Things With Great Love Cover Video With Unconditional Love ! - Duration: 3:16.

Not to the learned nor to the kings, But to the little ones you show the mysteries

I rejoice when I am weak, For you will give me all I need

Though l cannot fly, you carry me to heaven.

You have not called me to be successful You have called me to be faithful

I can do small things Small things with great love­

That is enough I can do small things

Small things with great love And make my life something beautiful for God.

One drop in the ocean, One petal in the garden,

One hidden sacrifice, One reason for my life,

One dance before your throne, One child to give a home,

One step towards Calvary, One touch of empathy

You have not called me to be successful You have called me to be faithful

I can do small things Small things with great love­

That is enough I can do small things

Small things with great love And make my life something beautiful for God.

Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow has not yet come.

We have only today­ Let us begin

I can do small things Small things with great love­

I can do small things Small things with great love­

That is enough I can do small things

Small things with great love­ That is enough

I can do small things Small things with great love

And make my life something beautiful for God.

Be faithful in small things, For in them our strength lies.

Be faithful in small things, For in them our strength lies.

Be faithful in small things, For in them our strength lies.

Be faithful in small things, For in them our strength lies.

For more infomation >> Danielle Rose Small Things With Great Love Cover Video With Unconditional Love ! - Duration: 3:16.



For more infomation >> TIN MỚI 27/3/2018 - C.H.Ấ.N Đ.Ộ.N.G với CON GÁI NGUYỄN TÂN DŨNG NGUYỄN THANH PHƯỢNG BỊ BẮT E4U - Duration: 23:04.


For more infomation >> TIN MỚI 27/3/2018 - C.H.Ấ.N Đ.Ộ.N.G với CON GÁI NGUYỄN TÂN DŨNG NGUYỄN THANH PHƯỢNG BỊ BẮT E4U - Duration: 23:04.


Force de la nature, Johnny Hally­day n'a pas perdu ses cheveux malgré la chimio­thé­ra­pie - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Force de la nature, Johnny Hally­day n'a pas perdu ses cheveux malgré la chimio­thé­ra­pie - Duration: 2:47.


For more infomation >> Force de la nature, Johnny Hally­day n'a pas perdu ses cheveux malgré la chimio­thé­ra­pie - Duration: 2:47.


The Most Useful Fossils in the World - Duration: 7:00.

Thanks to CuriosityStream for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

It may not surprise you to learn that some kinds of fossils are more common than others.

Most dinosaurs, for instance, are known from only one or two specimens.

Meanwhile, some trilobite species are known from hundreds or thousands of specimens.

But one of the most abundant kinds of fossils on Earth, numbering in the millions of specimens,

came from something most people have never heard of.

And for decades, their identity was a mystery to paleontologists.

But geologists figured out that these mysterious fossils could basically be used to tell time

in the deep past!

Please allow me to introduce you to the conodonts.

From the time they were first discovered in the 19th century, and right up until the 1980s,

conodonts were only known from isolated hard parts, called conodont elements.

Some of them looked like little fans, or saw blades, or even barbed wire, but most of them

looked like cone-shaped teeth.

So they were given the name conodont, which means "cone tooth."

These elements are all verrry tiny.

Most are under one millimeter, and none greater than five millimeters long.

And for a long time, paleontologists were totally stumped about what animals these things

belonged to, and where on the Tree of Life they belonged.

Some experts thought that, although they look kind of like teeth, their similarities to

teeth are pretty superficial.

But others pointed out that the fossils were made from a mineral called hydroxylapatite.

This is the same mineral that bones and teeth are made from in vertebrates.

So, this led many scientists to think that they were teeth, maybe from some kind of weird,

extinct fish.

But while paleontologists were spending a hundred years or so debating what conodonts

were, geologists were discovering what conodonts could do.

When a species is really abundant, widespread, distinctive, and found in a restricted span

of time, their remains can be used as Index Fossils.

These are fossils that help geologists correlate and date rock layers all over the world.

And conodonts were all of those things -- abundant, widespread, and composed of lots of distinctive


So they turned out to be some of the most important index fossils from the whole Paleozoic


In fact, many subdivisions of the Paleozoic are actually defined by when certain conodont

species first or last appear.

For instance, you know when the Devonian Period ends and the Carboniferous Period begins,

because that's when you start finding fossils that belong to a species of conodont known

as Siphonodella sulcata.

Likewise, in the Triassic Period, nearly every age is defined by the first appearance of

various conodonts.

The extinction of Metapolygnathus parvus marks the end of the Carnian, for example, while

the start of the Rhaetian is defined by the first appearance of the genus Misikella.

So, geologists are able to use these fossils to basically tell time!

But conodont elements can do more than just that!

They're also, essentially, geological thermometers!

It turns out that conodont elements actually change color when they're heated up.

And no matter what species they belong to, they go through the same range of color changes

at the same temperatures.

Geologists have used these fossils to devise a six-point scale of how they change from

their natural tan color, to brown, then gray, then black, and finally white, as they get

hotter and hotter.

With this scale, called the Conodont Alteration Index, geologists can use the color of a conodont

that they find, to figure out how hot the surrounding rock once was.

And this can be really important in fields like petroleum geology, because it can reveal

whether sediments ever got hot enough for organic hydrocarbons to be converted into

oil and gas.

So conodont elements quickly became one of the handiest tools in the geologist toolkit.

But meanwhile, paleontologists still had no idea what kind of animals conodonts were.

In the 1970s, fossils of some vaguely fish-like creatures were found in Montana that were

thought to be conodont animals.

But further study revealed that the conodont elements found in those fossils were actually

in the animals' guts.

So it turned out that they weren't conodont animals; they were fossils of creatures that

ate conodont animals!

The mystery lingered until 1983, when fossils were discovered in 350 million year old sediments

from Scotland that brilliantly preserved the soft-bodied animals.

And … they were kinda weird, with long eel-like bodies, tail fins, a stiff rod of tissue down

their backs, and giant bulging eyes.

Thanks to these beautiful specimens, we were able to learn that conodont animals were a

kind of fish after all!

The fossils revealed distinctive, zig-zag-shaped muscles, known as myomeres, which are still

present in fish today.

And the rod down its back was a notochord, an early precursor of the vertebral column

seen in vertebrates.

Both those features--myomeres and notochords--are found only in chordates.

And the fossils also revealed that the tiny, tooth-like conodont elements were concentrated

in the animal's mouth -- but also in its throat!

The elements were arranged in a complicated array of blades and points, like some kind

of horror movie monster.

Some experts think these spines and barbs may have been helpful in gripping and slicing

tiny prey.

But others suggest that they were used to filter plankton from the water.

Either way, the picture of these creatures was finally coming into focus!

Like modern lampreys and hagfish, conodonts were jawless fish, and they were one of the

earliest and most successful groups of vertebrates.

And they thrived all over the world throughout the Paleozoic Era, with many species schooling

in the open ocean like modern sardines, while others stayed closer to shore.

Throughout their history, conodonts were affected by several mass extinctions, including the

Great Dying at the end of the Permian Period 252 million years ago.

But it wasn't until the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction about 200 million years ago that

they were finally wiped out.

A quick rise in carbon dioxide caused the climate to warm up, while the acidity, salinity,

and oxygen levels in the oceans all began to change.

Their final extinction brought an end to 300 million years of conodonts' role as a cornerstone

of the world's ocean communities.

Sad, I know.

But their remains ended up being some of the most important fossils of the entire Paleozoic


They've helped geologists find oil and tell deep time, while allowing paleontologists

to understand a whole new type of animal life.

Thanks to their success and incredible abundance, they're among the most useful fossils in

the world.

Thanks to CuriosityStream for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

With CuriosityStream you can stream documentary films, and programs about science, nature,

and history, including exclusive originals!

For example, you could check out Planet Dinosaur, a three-part BBC series about the latest discoveries

from the days of the non-avian dinos.

CuriosityStream offers unlimited streaming, and for you Eons viewers -- because I like

your face! -- the first two months are free if you sign up at

and use the promo code EONS.

Thanks for joining me!

I'm always interested in what you want to learn about!

So leave me a comment below with your questions about ancient life!

And be sure to go to and subscribe.

Now I'm sure finding out how precise these tiny teeth fossils are was a bit shocking,

but what shouldn't be surprising is the preciseness of math.

Go learn the language of the universe with our sister channel Infinite Series and find

out what numbers are made of and if there's a way to divide by zero.

For more infomation >> The Most Useful Fossils in the World - Duration: 7:00.


For more infomation >> The Most Useful Fossils in the World - Duration: 7:00.


[WYWIAD] Sennek [Belgia / Eurowizja 2018] (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 19:41.

For more infomation >> [WYWIAD] Sennek [Belgia / Eurowizja 2018] (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 19:41.


For more infomation >> [WYWIAD] Sennek [Belgia / Eurowizja 2018] (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 19:41.


BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.


For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.


Réprimer nos émotions bloque notre foie | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> Réprimer nos émotions bloque notre foie | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:24.


For more infomation >> Réprimer nos émotions bloque notre foie | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:24.


7 astuces pour éliminer les mauvaises odeurs des chaussures | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> 7 astuces pour éliminer les mauvaises odeurs des chaussures | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:22.


For more infomation >> 7 astuces pour éliminer les mauvaises odeurs des chaussures | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:22.


3/26/18 1:50 PM (5555-5611 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> 3/26/18 1:50 PM (5555-5611 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 0:25.


For more infomation >> 3/26/18 1:50 PM (5555-5611 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 0:25.


3/26/18 1:21 PM (6500-6506 N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 3/26/18 1:21 PM (6500-6506 N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 3:22.


For more infomation >> 3/26/18 1:21 PM (6500-6506 N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 3:22.


3/26/18 1:16 PM (7593-7699 N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 3/26/18 1:16 PM (7593-7699 N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> 3/26/18 1:16 PM (7593-7699 N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


3/26/18 11:58 AM (5555-5611 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 3/26/18 11:58 AM (5555-5611 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> 3/26/18 11:58 AM (5555-5611 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


3/26/18 12:26 PM (7420-7702 N Country Homes Blvd, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 3/26/18 12:26 PM (7420-7702 N Country Homes Blvd, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> 3/26/18 12:26 PM (7420-7702 N Country Homes Blvd, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


La Marelle de la Justice - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> La Marelle de la Justice - Duration: 1:17.


For more infomation >> La Marelle de la Justice - Duration: 1:17.


Intermediate III Ch15Q7 | On January 1, James Industries leased equipment to a customer - Duration: 5:53.

what's going on everybody John Bradshaw we're here question 7 chapter 15 our

last one thank God well let's just get this over with let's

start it off

On January 1, James Industries leased equipment to a customer for a four-year period, at which time possession of the leased asset will revert back to James. The equipment cost James $700,000 and has an expected useful life of six years. Its normal sales price is $700,000. The residual value after four years is $100,000 Lease payments are due on December 31 of each year, beginning with the first payment at the end of the first year. The interest rate is 5%. Calculate the amount of the annual lease payments.

it's asking me how do we calculate this this is actually going to be present

value right here and it's going to be the interest as 5% and the number of

periods is going to be four year period four year period it's gonna be right

there right now the amount to be recovered fair value it's going to be

the cost of the equipment 700 thousand dollars and the guaranteed residual

value we got to figure that out so it's gonna be the present value of 4 / of 5

percent 6 years and a hundred thousand so it's go to the present value table so

it's going to be calculator five percent for years here right here on the corner

so our number is going to be 0.8 to two seven zero right five percent for years

Oh point eight two two seven zero right so we're gonna take that amount and

because looking for the guarantee residual value we're gonna multiply that

by the residual value so it's gonna be the one hundred thousand so we take this

number multiply it by a hundred thousand leaves us with eighty two thousand two

hundred seventy it's gonna be our guaranteed eighty two thousand two

seventy correct yeah amount to be received through periodic

lease payments so this is gonna be pretty straightforward all we got to do

is take the seven hundred thousand minus eighty to 270 which is the guaranteed

residual value that gives us 617 617 thousand seven hundred and thirty

dollars 617 730 right let me double check this one seven thirty correct okay

now these payment this one's gonna be because it's not due going back to the

question this one is not due on the same day let's see at least payment are due

on December 31st of each year and they don't actually pay this one at the very

beginning like the previous questions we had they actually pay this at a later

date so this is going to be present value of an annuity and again it's going

to be for four periods I have five percent right

so to get the amount of fair value recovered with each of these payment

we're gonna go ahead and take this number right here the amount to be

recovered through periodic of his payments of 617 730 and we're gonna

divide that by the present value of an annuity of five percent at four years

got a calculator five percent right there go down to four

years divide this by three point five four five nine five and that gives us on

just only 4207 174 207 174 207 boom and that's pretty much it that's checked the

work we do make mistakes sometimes as to check it out hi damn baby answers

complete and correct thank you guys for joining me with John Bradshaw homework

with John Bradshaw this is a good little segment I just kind of recorded myself

to my homework I'm I have poquito in a minute edit these videos and I'll put

them up on YouTube and we'll see how that goes Paquito does not seem too

happy with editing these videos but um you know that's what that's what I pay

Paco for it's poquito anyway this helped you out please leave

like subscribe and if you have any questions leave a comment and if I can't

get your comment hopefully on the another youtuber can help you out too

remember this is a community guys this is a community we all got to help each

other out thanks for watching everybody take care

For more infomation >> Intermediate III Ch15Q7 | On January 1, James Industries leased equipment to a customer - Duration: 5:53.


For more infomation >> Intermediate III Ch15Q7 | On January 1, James Industries leased equipment to a customer - Duration: 5:53.


You Have To Use Your Whole Imagination To Explain These Photos - Duration: 3:54.

Use Your Whole Imagination To Explain These Photos

For more infomation >> You Have To Use Your Whole Imagination To Explain These Photos - Duration: 3:54.


For more infomation >> You Have To Use Your Whole Imagination To Explain These Photos - Duration: 3:54.


Tory Lanez Type Beat

For more infomation >> Tory Lanez Type Beat


BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.


Leopold Fitz | IT WAS ME - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Leopold Fitz | IT WAS ME - Duration: 3:27.


J'ai inclus des graines de chia dans mon régime, et voici ce qui m'est arrivé - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> J'ai inclus des graines de chia dans mon régime, et voici ce qui m'est arrivé - Duration: 10:12.



(water splashing)

- I didn't want to get wet man,

I wanted to stay dry.

(upbeat music)

- Bunny ears...

Bunny ears...

Bunny ears...

Wanna know where are my bunny ears?

How do you do that?

Oh this?

(gentle music)

Two $58,000 camera guys.

(camera clicking)

(gentle music)

(water splashing)


Dive two of two.

Dive two of two right now.

About to go under.

Beautiful, sunny day.

32 degrees, 33 degrees



(slow, soft music)

(water rippling)

(soft music)

That's it.

All finished.

No more diving.

Did you try it?

Yeah, you tried it?

- Yeah.

- Woo hoo.

(soft music)

All right that is it, we're heading back to shore now

and we're almost back at shore,

about three hours to get back to shore from

the last dive site.

And I apologise about the noise in the background.

It's the engines whirring away

but real quick, really good dives,

two dives.

Gonna create two separate videos

so if you haven't seen the first one,

watch it and

otherwise you should definitely come to Similan Island,

check it out, I hope you enjoyed the drone footage as well.

The drone footage was shot off this boat

around Number Nine Island, which is where we dived today,

Number Nine Islands, so there's nine islands

that make up the Similan Islands


oh there's a flying fish, that's cool.

So yeah, I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have any questions, let me know.

Yeah so if you want to get a speedboat out here

instead of the slow boat, which is what I'm on,

the speedboat takes about an hour and a half

to get out to the dive sites

whereas this boat takes about three hours each way.

Two dives and then back to shore so

it's almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

Really awesome, had a great time.

Turtles, lots of activity down there

and yeah, I'm glad I got to share it with everybody and ah


Definitely come out here, let me know if you come out here.


(gentle music)

For more infomation >> SIMILAN ISLANDS DIVING THAILAND (DIVE 2 OF 2) - Duration: 7:53.


Malaysia Flight MH370 Voicemail TERRIFIES The Internet - Strayed Away Conspiracy - Duration: 3:22.

A twitter user named TY shared a scary story.

He was listening to his voicemail, when he came across a message that featured military


It turns out, the military codes represented something, and I'm going to tell you exactly

what, here for you on IO.

What is happening people, this is informoverload where we overload you with information.

Every so often, we come across a conspiracy theory that deserves some serious attention.

Like this one, which is being nicknamed 'strayedaway', and its terrifying the internet.

Twitter user strayed away got a strange voicemail message from an unknown number.

It listed off a munch of military words.

You know when you hear a pilot say things like foxtrot tango Charlie etc?

Well The group of words, spoken by a computer generated

voice were part of the nato phonetic alphabet.

Each word corresponds with the first letter, and are essentially a code.

It turns out the decoded message translates to 'danger, sos, it is dire for you to evacuate,

sos, danger, sos.

It then goes on to feature some numbers.

The numbers were too long to be a phone number, so after some more digging, they turned out

to be coordinates.

The coordinates pointed to the place where malaysa flight MH370 went missing.

Social media users were quick to say that the recording is on a loop and could be relaying

messages that were sent out by the black box aboard malaysa flight MH370

This particular flight is always a popular topic of conversation because it has never

been found, and the reason for its disappearance is still a mystery.

There are a lot of theories about what happened to the plane, and the voicemail message ty

received seems to have opened a pandoras box of questions.

Ty continued to receive text messages that were written in a different language, Indonesian.

The message translated to, evacuate, please send help, there are prisoners, this is the

collapse of the nations.

Next, ty received a message in his DMS.

It said, end the post you just shared about the recording on your phone.

Apparently before all of this happened, ty recalls seeing a strange man taking pictures

of his house at 3 am.

He continued to receive messages, one of them translated to, I cant communicate normally.

They are watching.


April 18 2018.

The last message he received before disconnecting his phone was, they are taking over, april

18th 2018.

Well guys, I don't know whats going to happen on april 18th 2018 but im officially scared.

If you're interested in keeping up with the thread on reddit, I'll post the link

down below.

What do you think about it? could it be someone playing a prank?

Or is there another explanation?

Coins and collectibles – talk about the strayedaway april 18th thing.

It seems like some of you guys have already heard about this.

Jhope hobi – charlotte are negative numbers depressed.


Derek ruiz – I wonder how I got my news before IO.

Who cares, what matters is your'e here now.

For more infomation >> Malaysia Flight MH370 Voicemail TERRIFIES The Internet - Strayed Away Conspiracy - Duration: 3:22.


The Worst Restaurant Experience (NOT GOING BACK) - Duration: 4:52.

okay I really I need a haircut I can't I can't keep doing this how's it going

everybody should boy brown status you ever went to a restaurant where you know

you order something everything goes smooth you get the food that you ordered

the whole night is just splendid right that is what you expect when you go out

so it was my friend's birthday you know when she wanted to go to a restaurant so

we're like okay you know what let's do it you know it's her birthday we'll do

what she wants here is the situation you see one brown

guy and two black girls walking in to a restaurant now I don't know if this was

intended but as soon as we walked in I'm guessing it was like Korean music or

something we saw that music change to hip-hop they like anticipated that they

knew we were coming you know they started bumping like Snoop

Dogg and you know all these like like big hip-hop artists it was weird and we

were talking about it we're like yo this can't be like you know a coincidence

like they clearly turned that music on cuz we walked it all right it took us

almost an hour to find a seat we receive a text message on our phone saying that

our seat is available so we go we notice that everybody else who got seated got

chopsticks it was a pretty standard thing like everybody got chopsticks it

doesn't matter what you ordered an anticipation that you ordered something

that required chopsticks but what did we get

we got forks and knives I don't know if these guys were like stereotyping or

something but I mean yo my friends actually know how to use a chopstick I

don't know how to even hold a chopstick Ari I cannot use chopsticks fYI that's

something that I intend to learn maybe in the near future

so anyways alright we're like fine let's go we sit down right we get seated we're

ready we're like you know whatever we're not gonna let the change of music and

them giving us different utensils change our mood and affect us from having fun

not happen the waitress comes to us and she asks us for our order and we're like

okay fine we ordered my friend ordered noodles the other person order rice and

check in and I ordered chicken noodles and rice right you know cuz you're I

like to eat and this is what happens I'm miss like this this is not what I

ordered I mean maybe you mistake my order for somebody

else's I mean she said no no it's yours it's it's for you you ordered this right

no I did it huh this is no I hear you ordered this no no you ordered it no no

it's no no you ordered this seriously as ask your friends did he not order this

you guys were here listening with did he notice on the menu good and so now my

friends are like the you know in an awkward situation and because I did not

order what she gave me I didn't even know that what she gave me existed on

the menu the menu has a lot of items I didn't check all of them oh I just saw

the first thing that intrigued me and I ordered it we got into an argument and

then she had her supervisor come in why did this situation have to lead up to a

supervisor I mean it's just like what the hell right and so supervisor comes

in and she's like hi how are you doing so um you you ordered this this is the

boneless fried chicken right this is the boneless fried chicken this is not a

mistake we you know I mean if it was a mistake we would own up to it but this

is okay what do you mean it's not bonus why is my chicken green seriously what

the hell happened to that chicken did that chicken get fed extra chemicals or

something because I don't know what the hell that is

and you said boneless I see three bones sticking out of chicken wings so you

guys are lying to me and it's not even the right color which leads me to

believe are you guys food coloring your chicken like what's going on here you

know I don't even know I mean things just got heated so fast it was awkward

cuz you know it was my friend's birthday and we just did not expect this to

happen then she hands me back to the menu and she's like look read at the top

okay so this is the actual menu seriously it says this image may differ

from reality what cuff does that even mean it doesn't

matter what you get I understand that everything doesn't look like the image

100% I understand that right why the heck is my chicken green tell me I

ordered something else but I was like sort of scared cuz I'm like okay yo like

you know they're probably giving me like trashy service now

I'm one of those customers that gave them a hard time so yes that was my

story you know in the moment it wasn't it wasn't really that funny but now we

kind of laugh about it and you know so it's a good time that being said if

you're new to this channel hit that subscribe button what are you doing and

you should know I release videos every week and I don't plan on skipping one

it's your boy Brown status I'll catch you on the next one peace

For more infomation >> The Worst Restaurant Experience (NOT GOING BACK) - Duration: 4:52.


Should I come back to YouTube? **Not Clickbait** - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Should I come back to YouTube? **Not Clickbait** - Duration: 3:18.


4 Nuevas Armas Que Epic Games Está Añadiendo a Fortnite: Battle Royale (FN P90, Rifle de Asalto....) - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 4 Nuevas Armas Que Epic Games Está Añadiendo a Fortnite: Battle Royale (FN P90, Rifle de Asalto....) - Duration: 4:18.


Paint the Endangered Species: Nothern White Rhino [Speedpaint] [English] - Duration: 12:24.

For more infomation >> Paint the Endangered Species: Nothern White Rhino [Speedpaint] [English] - Duration: 12:24.


たった3分で癒される動画!おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスターA video eases your mind by Funny hamsters in just 3 minutes! - Duration: 3:08.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> たった3分で癒される動画!おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスターA video eases your mind by Funny hamsters in just 3 minutes! - Duration: 3:08.


[WYWIAD] Sennek [Belgia / Eurowizja 2018] (Część Druga) - Duration: 21:01.

For more infomation >> [WYWIAD] Sennek [Belgia / Eurowizja 2018] (Część Druga) - Duration: 21:01.


[KOR SUB] REACTION! BTS Are Runway Models - Duration: 9:47.

Hello, everybody, my name is Maggie, and I like to react to K-pop videos on the

Internet. Welcome to my channel, welcome back to my channel, whatever the case is,

I'm just really happy to have you here. So today, I know it is You Decide Monday,

I am fully aware, but the Twitter poll was really really close. And because

we're- there were, I think four options? I'm gonna put those two options up next

to each other, and then we can decide what we want to do. I didn't want to

think, I'm not leaving it out, but at the same time I'm like, I will give you a

fair shot. So today we are going to react to something that I want to see. Kind of. I'm

scared. It is a compilation of BTS catwalk moments, so that is going to be a

thing. Um, we're going to try and do this without the first aid kit.

I do have my friend and yours, Scotty the emotional support bear. Trying to do this

without the ice, because I've got to graduate and become a big girl sometime, right?


All right. I do run the Twitter poll every single week. You decide what I

upload on Mondays, my @ReactionaryMag Twitter handle is up here, hang out, go

vote, and like I said I'll put those other two up there not this week, next week.

And I, I'm, I do know that some of this is going to need to be edited out, because the- I

did see the first kind of splash screen, and it's from something that has copyright

in it so if you hear that the music doesn't sync up with the video that is

why. I'm not a horrible editor. But just wanted to let you know. Okay, I upload

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3:00 p.m. Mountain Standard time. I upload a ton of

different types of content. If you want to check it out, I would love to have you.

If you like this, please give it a big thumbs up, so I know what content you

want to see. It also helps out with the YouTube new algorithm thing, that's

really shady, that I don't, I don't like it, and nobody's gonna make me like it.

Okay, so this is put together by Kookies And Cream, another one of my very

favorite content creators. I haven't had anything on my channel by Kookies And

Cream for a little bit, but I will link the, their channel up here, and BTS Are

Runway Models. I cannot argue with this title because it's facts.

Uh, last weekend I saw a snippet of a runway, and I swear to God, I don't know what

happened, but Jin bias wrecked me hard, so I'm- we'll see what happens here. All

right, BTS Are Runway Models, Catwalk Compilation. Let's go.

Yes. Oh no.


No, no! You just did that to me! You killed me! That's not nice!

No, (unintelligible)

What? No! Oh, I don't need you, Jin. I don't need you right now. We just talked, we

talked about it.

Yeah, you're coming for me. All right, you're a little young right here

Kookie, little young. Still. Stop it.

The swag is high, sir.

Nobody can wink like him. He's got the wink down. Oh, stop it, stop it, stop it,

stop it, stop!

No, with that!

I mean, I thought we were going to go to a place, but

I wasn't expecting this place so soon. I don't know if that was stupid of me, but I

should have definitely gotten the ice.


What's up, Park Jimin?

Oh, jeez.


Yeah, yeah.

Stop. Okay. That was rough.

These two. God, I love them.



Body rolls on each other, I'm not mad. I'm not mad.

That's- not mad.

You sexy bitch. How? How, how? How, how, how?

Can you- oh god. Yes!

Oh no, the smile. Oh god, I love his smile.

I, I've seen this, I won't lie, but this is

the most spectacular thing on earth, because

I cannot walk like that in stilettos, so he wins.

Oh, yep.

So, so amazing.


Here's your new models, Versace and Gucci. Jesus Christ, Taehyung.

Little young, little young.

Little young.

Doesn't mean that, oh.

I mean, little young. Can't. I cannot with the young. I-

What is J-Hope doing back there? He's just- He's his own party.

Oh, he really is his own party.

Whoa, I can't, I can't look at you right now, Jungkook.

My contact is now in my skull.

No! No! No! Not this! Not this! Okay.


I've seen that piece of it. Okay.

The fear is high.

Stop it, Park Jimin. Nobody said.


Jungkook, I did not expect that out of you.

But you do expect this out of Hoseok, you just do.

He's perfect.


That'll make you stop the laugh.

I don't know what's happening. I'm not mad. I don't even know what just happened.

It's cool. I'm okay with that.

That would be me on the catwalk right there.


Jin stans, come get your boy.


I am so not okay with what Jin is up to right now.

Everybody's a bias wrecker. Think about it though, think about it. Like

you have one bias, and six bias wreckers. How- yes, that is the fact. That is facts.

Oh, how fun is that video? Oh my god! I loved it, loved it, loved it. That was a

blast. If you like this type of video, let me know, and I will keep on trying to

find these really fun compilations, just give me a like. That also helps in the

YouTube algorithms, which are right now insanely, I don't know what's going on.

They're insane. I would love it if you'd subscribe to my channel if you are new

here, we have a ton of fun, we always talk in the comments section, and there's some

amazing, amazing conversations that we get into. So that is one of my very

favorite things about hanging out here on YouTube with you guys. If you also-

please hit the notification bell. There is something going on with YouTube, I hear

it in every YouTube community that I watch, or I'm listening to, or I'm part of

there is something going on. If you don't hit the notification bell, you are not

notified in any way, shape, or form that any of us have uploaded, so do that with

me, do that with your other YouTubers, do that with your favorite peoples, that way

you can stay informed. And yeah, I hope that you had fun, I hope that you have a

fantastic Monday wherever you are, I will put those other two- it was the Puma

video- was it Puma video? Oh crap, now I can't remember right off the top of my head

because Jin just done messed me up. Oh. Yeah. I'll put, I'll put those other two

Twitter polls up not this week, but next week so you can take a look. All right. I

hope that you have a great day. Take care. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> [KOR SUB] REACTION! BTS Are Runway Models - Duration: 9:47.


Undertale The Musical: (Genocide Version) - Ruins - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Undertale The Musical: (Genocide Version) - Ruins - Duration: 1:55.


how to make animation videos on your computer In Just 3 Cliks - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> how to make animation videos on your computer In Just 3 Cliks - Duration: 1:51.


Kret do Tadli: Oddaj mi pierścionek zaręczynowy! || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 3:30.

Kret do Tadli: Oddaj mi pierścionek zaręczynowy!

Wydawałoby się, że Jarosław Kret (55 l. ) nie może jeszcze bardziej uprzykrzyć życia Beacie Tadli (43 l. A jednak.

Jak udało się nam dowiedzieć, pogodynek w bezpardonowy sposób zażądał od byłej ukochanej, żeby oddała mu pierścionek zaręczynowy.

– Jarek zapowiedział Beacie, że w najbliższym czasie wpadnie do jej domu po swoje rzeczy.

Był na tyle bezczelny, że poinstruował ją, by go wcześniej spakowała.

Dzięki temu ich spotkanie potrwa możliwie najkrócej.

Poza tym dodał, że ma nadzieję, że do jego rzeczy zostanie dołączony pierścionek zaręczynowy,.

który zakupił dla Beaty w Damaszku – twierdzi informator Faktu.

Co na to Tadla? – Ona ani myślała, żeby sobie zatrzymać ten pierścionek.

Ale z drugiej strony tak bezpośredniego żądania od Jarka się nie spodziewała i w pierwszej chwili zdębiała – dodaje nasze źródło.

Według Kreta ten pierścień ma magiczną moc i dlatego taki sam – tylko że w wersji męskiej – pogodynek nosi na dłoni od lat.

Cóż, Beacie Tadli szczęścia ta błyskotka nie przyniosła.

Mimo problemów w życiu prywatnym, na co dzień Beata Tadla skupia się przede wszystkim na „Tańcu z gwiazdami".

I choć w piątek dziennikarka tańcząca w parze z Janem Klimentem (44 l. ) była bliska odpanięcia z show,.

to ostatecznie słabsza okazała się od niej architektka programu „Nasz nowy dom" Martyna Kupczyk i to ona pożegnała się z programem.

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