Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 1 2018

Oh, I got a bite.


I'm on!

We're cutting up the Super Salty Squid

to put on the sabiki rig

and basically, I'm cutting it into strips so that it'll fit

nicely on this-on this hook

and this is the nice part about the

the salty strips

is that you can cut it to whatever shape you want

I'm going to cut longer strips like this

thin strips

so now each one of these flies has a strip of squid that will be

fluttering in the surf

now I've got one, two, three, four, five,

five hooks baited up

see if I can catch bait.


Ohh! What the heck? My reel came off again

[Erin] Again?

[Brendon] Ohh!


Actually, I don't know.

Oh man.

I don't want to touch that thing.


Alright, guys.

Jeremy, MastCasters,

what kind of fish is this?

Specifically, what kind of

blow fish is this?

Or if it's a puffer?

Let me know. [Erin] Do you see it's gill?

That's crazy.

Okay, okay, let's go back in the water, boy.

Look at that.

[Erin] What?

[Brendon] That's a crazy looking fish!

[Erin] Big? [Brendon] It's a nice one.


It's a skate! No--what is that?

Oh, it's another white grunt.

It's a white grunt...

No, it's not, what the heck is this?

[Rodell] That's not a grunt. [Brendon] That's bait.

[Erin laughing] [Brendon] That's bait! Yes!!

That's why I got the sabiki rig out, to catch bait!

[Erin] Watch your other line.

[Brendon] It's got stripes.


You ever seen this before?

I have no idea, man. [Rodel] The mouth?

[Brendon] What kind of diet do you think it has?

[burps] Excuse me. [Rodell] I have no idea.

[Rodell] I've seen it before but I don't even know what that is.

[Brendon] Oh!


[Brendon] Pompano! [Erin] Nice!

[Brendon] This is good.

This is good...

It felt much bigger than it actually was...

[Erin] Haha, really?

[Brendon] Yeah, I think pompanos are just very strong fighters,

or maybe it's this rod...

Man, this was really pulling me.

Imma keep him for bait, too.

[Erin] Let's see a close up.

[Brendon] Look at that hookset, too.

See, many ways to use a sabiki rig

you can move it, bring it back slow,

you can leave it in one spot and wait,

and we chose to leave it in one spot and wait

look at that pompano.

The classic bait rig right here.

It's a hi-low rig with five to six hooks

tied on


That's the problem though, it gets tangled a lot...

anyways, look at the problem right there...

as long as you can keep it untangled, you're good...

Not all fish hit and run with it,

some fish will peck, peck, peck, peck

and they're not big enough to move the sinker

so if you see your line moving

pick up your rod and feel for it.

I don't feel anything currently.

I'm on!

[Erin] Oh wow, you hooked it three times...

[Brendon] I don't want to lose it.

It's good bait.

Oh, I think it's gone--no, or maybe it's swimming towards me,

it's swimming towards me.

What is it? What is it? What is it?



[Erin] Sorry. [Brendon] I'm on.

[Erin] I'm going to get behind you.

It's swimming towards me.

Another pompano, huh?


It's going to be good bait!

We don't need to buy bait anymore.

This is a specific kind of pompano,

Can anybody name it for us?

Oh, I got a bite...


I'm on!

What the heck?

Oh, nice, this is a--

I bet you another pompano.

and like I said, just leaving it there

it works pretty well.

Another big puffer.

Took my cutbait.

[Erin] They're so kawaii...

[Brendon] Huh? [Erin They're so kawaii...

[Brendon] They're so kawaii?

[Erin] Yeah...

[Brendon] I think I'm just going to cut the line and let it go

if I tried to get it out,

I would have gutted it.

But leaving the hook in,

it might rust out.

[Erin] Alright, let's go to bed,

you look very tired, my love. [Brendon] I'm so tired...

I've been up all day long

[Erin] Look at him, he's like--

[giggling] you're on the beach, sleeping,

with a rod. [Brendon] I pretty much could fall asleep just like this.

[Erin] Alright.

[Brendon] I'm going to fall asleep now.

[Erin] Goodnight, everyone.

[Brendon] Hey, guys!

Thanks for watching,

that was a crazy day of fishing,

I'd been fishing all day long

this was actually filmed about a month and a half ago in Cabo San Lucas,

um, but some updates for today, what's going on right now,

uh, we still have that giveaway, it's still going on, live, right now,

and if you've already entered,

you can enter every single day, don't forget,

you can get yourself a lot of extra entries by entering

every day.

Anyways, we have been posting every single...

Anyways, you might have noticed,

that we have been posting a lot more often now,

sometimes 3-4 times a week,

uh, that's because we're trying to post a lot of different kind of content

to see what you guys are interested in,

uh, but I need your help,

you guys need to comment below, what kind of episodes

do you like best?

If you see something you don't like,

let us know that you don't like this kind of episode.

We need to know.

Alright, anyways, see ya, guys!

For more infomation >> Beach Fishing for Mysterious Creatures in the Night. - Duration: 9:13.


The Rachel Maddow 9 01 2018 Msnbc News DOJ Offıcial Trump News - Duration: 47:10.

For more infomation >> The Rachel Maddow 9 01 2018 Msnbc News DOJ Offıcial Trump News - Duration: 47:10.


my first week of college 📚 uc berkeley senior - Duration: 14:50.

so i'm still on the waitlist for a class

i don't know how that's gonna go.

i find out

tonight or tomorrow morning.

so i'm kind of in a weird position.

i just wanna get in the class.

i even did the readings

i took notes on the readings

i'm that kind of person

i really want this class.

but also if i don't get it

i have backup options

it's honestly fine if i don't get it

there's interesting classes also to replace it.

but i really just-

let's see what happens i guess

this is technically the real first week of classes

last week i had

two days worth of classes because

it was only on wednesday and thursday

so this is my first full week and

i'm breaking out man i'm

look at that i never really had

something so big like right here it's always here

i know i have a lot of stuff here

which i'm used to because this is where

like all the gluten (that i consume) shows

i just washed my skin and all that

i did my night time routine and all that

when i study i need these glasses

i wear contact lenses just

so i look put together

but otherwise

studying's really hard with contact lenses

so i try to take off all my makeup as soon as possible

also if i don't take it off as soon as possible

i'll procrastinate taking my makeup off

then it'll be like 2 am

because i'm too tired.

i don't know i don't really mind her though

she's kinda cute she's like a little mole

right there

she's just there

nothing much i can do about it

i highly recommend not popping your pimples

no matter how much you want to do it

just let it go on its own, let it heal

i don't know the science behind it but

i just know that if i pop it on my own

there's just a huge scar and

it's just not worth it so i just let it stay there

and just let it do its thing, let it take its time.

also when i smile it's gone so

just gotta smile all the time i guess

even though i'm miserable

honestly i'll be better

once i find out what my waitlist situation is

i just don't

i don't like not knowing what's gonna happen.

i don't care if i'm off the waitlist

i don't care if i'm dropped from the class

i just want to know what happens

i'm tired of being at this in-between stage

i've never been waitlisted to this extent

it's always been like a waitlist,

and then eventually i get put into the class just because

it was like a hold, right? (right)

but this is the first time where i'm dealing with a waitlist

where there's literally only 5 seats left

and i have to beat out 25 other people

i've never dealt with anything like this

so i'm just trying to get through it

so i didn't film anything from this first day,

which is monday

but you know what i'm studying

it's a chill time

it's fine right now

this has been the longest week of my life

all my makeup is probably gone now

i've been up since 6 am

and it's 7 (pm) right now.

so i'm just-

thursday is the last day of school for the week

for me

so once my last class finishes

i just wanna go home

overall a lot of stuff happens

on your first week of college

whether it's your first year

or it's your fourth year

it's always going to be crazy

on monday i was still waitlisted for a class

so i was still showing up to a class

that i was waitlisted for

and now it's thursday

and i'm enrolled in a class

that i didn't think i was gonna take until next semester

so a lot happened this week

and i'm just like

emotionally, physically, mentally drained

i'm really really glad that i got into this class


don't know what to expect from it

but other than that i am finally enrolled in 4 classes

and now i just have to take 4 classes next semester

and hopefully that's it


i just hope it doesn't

go badly

in the beginning of the week i was kind of upset

and shook

and just confused about what i was going to do

i just wanted to be added from the waitlist

so i was scrambling to find another class

everything works out in the end

i even complained about it on instagram

and you guys were like

no you can do it!

find another class!

good luck!

that kind of stuff

and y'all are right

there's always just that moment where i'm freaking out

where i think nothing's going well

but then i remember

somehow in some way i always get through it

i'm 20, and i've gotten through

every single thing i've been anxious about

every single thing i've complained about

all those things, i got through it, so

it's just

there's always that period of time

where i need to freak out

i don't know why

because i know something's going to come after this


i always just need to let out my fears and all that

the first day

and then over time

everything gets resolved

this week was honestly too much

i don't know if i'm ever going to deal with a waitlist

ever again

if i get waitlisted for a class i'm dropping it


i was literally competing with 25 people

for 5 spots. i don't-

i was really counting on it.

but it didn't work out

hopefully next semester it all goes more smoothly

because i need to get out of here

on time

but yea that was my week of college

i am honestly

so tired, i am going to rest

this weekend, actually nO

i can't even rest

because i have to read like

200 pages worth of stuff

in its entirety

for my classes

i'll be okay, i'll be okay

this week went by

another week's going to go by

i'm going to be okay

i'm going to freak out obviously but i'm going to be okay

i'm going to

probably want to scream

and i'm probably going to want to punch something

but i'll be okay in the end

it's not the end of the world if something bad happens

i always find another way.

anyway that is it for this video

i'm gonna go

i'm gonna go rest

i hope you enjoyed this week with me

and i will see you in my next video

bring it in for a hug

i'm a little sweaty but it's fine

bYE BYE! :')

For more infomation >> my first week of college 📚 uc berkeley senior - Duration: 14:50.


Dangerous Flooding In Mid-Atlantic States Forces Rescues | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Dangerous Flooding In Mid-Atlantic States Forces Rescues | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:29.


One Dead, 18 Injured After Fiery Russian Plane Crash | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> One Dead, 18 Injured After Fiery Russian Plane Crash | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:21.


John McCain Honored By Former Presidents, Friends And Family At Cathedral | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> John McCain Honored By Former Presidents, Friends And Family At Cathedral | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 3:25.


URI welcomes students during move-in days - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> URI welcomes students during move-in days - Duration: 0:47.


Bulletproof: Bailley - Duration: 25:38.


When I had my accident, I was like, 'I wish I did this. I wish I did that.'

And I had so many regrets.

My life now — it is very different to what it used to be like.

It's a lot better in some ways.

If I wanna do something now, I'm gonna do it, cos I'm like,

'You don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.'


Captions by June Yeow.

Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air.

Copyright Able 2018


Well, the night of the accident was a Friday, and we had a class that morning,

and then that afternoon, we had a flat crawl with a varsity rugby team.

So we got dressed up for that and then decided to just stop at Six60 just for a little bit.

We weren't going to, but then we were like, 'Oh, why not?'



We'd just arrived, and Six60 must have just come on stage, so everyone looked at Six60.

You know, just starting.

And then there was just a loud noise from above.



I was just crushed by the weight of the balcony and everyone on it.

I just remember how painful it was.

I was just like, 'I can't feel my legs.'

It just felt like they were floating, kind of, in the air,

and I was thinking, 'Why has no one told me to put my legs down?'

Everything just happened real quickly, and it was just quite overwhelming.

And it was just, like, instantly you know that something has happened, like, quite bad.

I didn't really know what to do myself.

I kind of just panicked a wee bit and just got real upset cos I knew— I saw Bailley was injured.

And I just felt real helpless, not knowing what to do.


I couldn't move, and I was just so sore.

I was, like, struggling to breathe

cos I had, like, a broken rib and collapsed lung.


And I was just so uncomfortable lying there.

And I wasn't really crying or anything — I didn't have blood or anything,

so I was, like, 'Oh, it's fine. There's nothing too serious.'

I wasn't, you know, like, making a big deal out of everything.

But then they were trying to get around everyone else that was injured in it as well,

cos quite a few people were bleeding and had burns and things like that.

And so I think they were trying to assess the situation and then get through the crowd as well,

cos there were so many people.

It was, like, about an hour by the time she got out to the ambulance.

It felt, at the time— I thought it felt quite quickly,

but then I found out later it was a while.

Then my friend said she'd go and get my phone, cos it was at my flat, and ring my parents.

7.30, 8 o'clock, was it?

And I heard my phone go, and Jonty got it,

and it was a girl — Kelly, I remember her name — Kelly —

and she just said— she went off Bailley's phone, though, and she said,

'Oh, it's Kelly. Bailley's had an accident.'

And she said, 'She can't feel her legs. They're loading her into the ambulance as we speak.'

And I said, 'OK. Tell her I'm coming.'

I just felt real guilty. Like, I just felt like I'd done something wrong.

You know, 'I shouldn't have went there. It shouldn't have happened.'




I think I must... Oh, well, I must have been one of the first ones on the stretcher to be taken out.

But by the time we got to... We were taken out, and my friends were with me,

and there's heaps— Like, the media recording us.



They didn't let my friends come into the ambulance with me.

The ambulance was full of people.

It was at least probably two hours until I was in the hospital,

getting any pain relief or anything like that.

By the time we got up to the hospital,

the doctor came over and said they needed to speak to me,

and so I went in, and my niece was with me,

and he reached out and touched my hand, like I said,

and he said, 'I'm so sorry.' And I remember looking down at my hand, thinking,

'Oh my God, is she going to die?' Like, 'What is he sorry about?'

Like, I didn't get it, cos she looked OK.

And I was like, 'I'm confused.'

And then they did a CT scan,

and then they realised, 'Oh, shit.' You know.

He took me over and showed me her X-rays,

and at that stage, they told me her spinal cord was severed

and, um, it was huge and she would...

the chance of her walking ever again was not a possibility, really.

And the tears came.

I was crying, but I was definitely in that zone where you're like, 'What?' Like, 'Is this happening?'

Next day — surgery.

Like, they were going to fix it. I was, like, 'Oh, yep, the doctors are going to fix it.'

I was quite naive. I was just thinking, 'Oh yeah. The doctors can fix anything.'

And they were like, 'Yeah, when you get the surgery, you're going to be fixed.'

So we had the surgery, and then I came out of it, and then they said to me,

'Oh, you're going to be in hospital for a while.'

But they said, 'Oh, the surgery went well.' So I was, like, 'Oh, it's fine.

Then they said, 'You'll be in hospital for a while.' I said, 'Oh, yeah? Like, a week?'

They were like, 'No. Like, three months.'

I still didn't understand — why would I need to be in hospital for three months?

Like, I was fine.

And then later that day, I went on Facebook,

and there was heaps of articles about the accident.

And I clicked on one, and then they said, 'The student, Bailley, she'll never walk again.'

And I didn't really realise how serious it was. I just thought,

'It's temporary. I'm gonna heal, then I'll walk again.'

And then I was, like, 'Is this true?' To Mum.

And she's got tears rolling down her face, and I said, 'Is what true, hon?'

And she said, 'Am I never going to walk ever again?'

And I looked at her and I said, 'Oh, hon, don't believe what those people are saying.

'They know nothing. They've got no facts. They're just making their crap up. Just breathe.'

Cos Bailley had a collapsed lung.

And I said, 'We're just worrying about today, honey.

'You've had the surgery, and it was good.'

But to sit there and basically see her crumple...

That's the first time I actually realised, so it wasn't an ideal way to find out.

It turned out, well, they were true.

But at that stage we didn't know any of that, and for her to find out that way — gutting.

Like, I know it's news and there was a concert and there was a big balcony collapse,

but it was my baby girl, and, OK, it's their news story for 6 o'clock news,

but this is our life that they're tampering with.

And it's my child's feelings, and it's our family having to deal with that outcome

from your crap, basically.


I didn't realise how easy I had it for those 19 years.

You know, like, I took everything for granted.

I didn't have to plan anything. I didn't have to think about, 'Will I get into that building?

'Will I be able to get out of my car?

'Is the bathroom accessible?'

A spinal cord injury affects every aspect of your life.

It affects your relationships with your boyfriend, your friends, your family.

It affects every part of your life.

You just don't realise how much your legs help you with everything.

Sitting up in bed, getting up from the bed to the chair or the chair to a car —

had to learn how to sit up, how to get dressed, how to put your shoes on.

You obviously always had that hope that you would be that one person that would walk out of there,

but you've gotta be realistic and, you know, realise that this is all you've got.



I've lived in Winton my whole life. I was born here, went to primary school, high school.

All my friends and family are here.

It's just a small town. Everyone knows everyone.

Everyone will say hi to you when you're heading up the street, and it's just home.


I'm living in Dunedin throughout the majority of the year while I'm studying,

and then I come home in the holidays for my breaks.

Hi, hon!

My baby's home.

So, how are you?

What's been happening?

Not much.

Just got home. (CHUCKLES)

How's it going? Good.

It's always lovely to have the kids home.

Me and Bailley and all my kids — we're all very close.

We are a close family.

So generally, when she went to uni, oh, we cried all the way to Dunedin, both of us.

She cried, I cried. We cried all the way taking her up.

And then we rang, you know, daily.

She rings me every bloody day. And if I don't ring her back, she goes psycho.

I do not go psycho.

Bailley is really capable, and I do trust her with things.

But there's been a few incidences that's freaked me out.

Like, when we went to the beach (CHUCKLES) Oh!

and Bailley was out in the kayak — way out that I couldn't get to — by herself,

And that freaked me out, because I thought, 'If she falls out...' (BOTH TALK TOGETHER, LAUGH)

I ended up going out in my dress, thinking— I was fine.

Bailley is still at that age where she thinks she can do everything and she's invincible.

You're overprotective. (LAUGHS)

She didn't really do much at the start,

but now she's done all this stuff.

Like, she used to only be able to do little things,

but now she can do a little bit more.

I wasn't angry. It was just more upset, kind of.

Like, I'm not one that shows emotion.

But something like that— He didn't cry. ...just hits ya.


It's just... what you gotta do now.

It's just, yeah. It'll all hit you at once and you're a mess for a while,

but it'll all kinda come together in the end.

It's a family effort.

MUM: So, you took him for a walk...

I'm coming home this weekend because the annual Southland Bride of the Year is on,

and Sandy, who organised it in 2016 for the first time,

to fundraise for me and my family,

and thought it would be a good idea to go and say thank you to the community

for supporting me and talk to them about what I've been up to for the last two years.

What about your speech?

JONTY: She hasn't done it, eh? What?

Mum said, 'Oh, yeah, you'll do it on Saturday night, eh?' No, I've done most of it.

Yeah, I had to print it all — all bloody 20 pages of it.

I don't know, but Jonty keeps kicking me.

Just stop—! You're kicking me.

See, he has to touch you, eh? Hey? He has to touch you.



Oh yeah!


Argh! Yuck!

No! Don't push me!

Today's club day.

Jonty's A-grade, and he is on the field, and he's number 22.

Go, Jonty!

Go, Angus! Mum!

It was crucial to have the support of family, especially at a time like that, when, you know,

you have so many thoughts going through your head,

and so much change has happened to your life.

You know, family's always been big for us.

Like, we've always been such a close family.

Just hanging out with them and not talk. Yeah.

That was awesome! You played well.

I was with Bailley the whole 19 weeks in Burwood, and I've seen lots of ups and downs.

Cos she didn't really have that big meltdown day.

She didn't have the 'poor me'.

I think her strength has been amazing.

If it was going to happen to anybody in our family,

Bailley was probably the one that would rise to the occasion.


People think, 'Oh no. Poor you.' But I'm lucky.

It could have been worse. I could have had a brain injury.

I could have had a higher break and had less muscles that worked,

and I'm pretty lucky compared to a lot of people. So I'm grateful for that.

Up, up, up, up, up. Good stuff. Just hold on. Hold on.

There's people who are struggling to put up a peg or can't even talk to their children.

I don't have it that bad. Like 'get over it' kinda thing.

Push, push, push, push, push.

Up, up, up, up, up.

Good stuff. Hold it.

Hold it there. One, two, three, four, five.


Ultimate goal is probably to be able to stand — like, pull myself up to be able to stand

and help myself balance and stuff. But it's a lot harder than it looks.

So I don't know when or if I'll get there,

but hopefully.


Being able to stand up is one thing. But then being able to stand up and balance in that position

to reach to butter a piece of toast or whatever it is that Bailley might wanna do

is another— a huge step forward.

It's good.

So Bailley has to be a lot more coordinated to keep herself there using good, equal pressure

between her arms.

She doesn't have the ability to use her tummy muscles as she used to be able to,

so it's just pure upper limb strength

as opposed to if you or I were doing it,

then we might be able to use some of our other muscles to kind of help out a wee bit.

In terms of how far she's got to go, it's really hard to know.

There will be a level somewhere that those gains will stop because of the neurology behind it.

So Bailley's worked really hard to get as strong as she is at the moment,

and she has got some movement in her legs,

but it's not just a matter of just strengthening those muscles

and then suddenly it'll be fully functional,

because there is a neurological condition behind that

that will reach a plateau at some point.

But the job of myself working with Bailley is to find out where that is

and push it as far as we can possibly get it to to maximise the neurological recovery.


Trying to find a flat in Dunedin, and it's not as easy as it was before.

Like, I had to look everywhere.

And, like, no way— it was so hard.

Like, I could get into the course, but I couldn't find accommodation.

He said, 'Oh, we're going fishing at 6am. There's huge fish.'

Jonty goes, 'Damn.'

'The entire flat is people I know.'

They're very low-maintenance, children. Like, we haven't killed them yet.



'I used to get quite nervous meeting new people because I'm like—

'They don't realise I'm normal, you know, what I used to be like.

'My friends from before the accident — they know who I used to be.'

Oh, she's just so funny. Like, always having a good time;

just laughs about everything. Just so chirpy and positive.

She's like, yeah, just really inspiring and stuff.

Nine times out of 10, I'm independent.

Like, I can go and drive anywhere I want. I'm confident to do anything.

I do my washing and cooking and all that kind of stuff.

I'm still the same person. I just can't stand. You know, I'm exactly the same.

People look at you and either pity you or they just treat you like you can't understand them

or you're just inferior to them.

Anywhere you go, people are either staring, going, 'Oh, that's amazing.

'You're an inspiration for doing that,' or they're going,

'Oh my God, look at that girl in the wheelchair.'

They'll look at you and stare, or they'll look away.

It's opened my eyes up to how people are treated

because they're just not used to being around people like that. They don't know how to act.

I think they just think you live a terrible life.

In fact, it's not terrible. It's not that bad, really. It's pretty good.

Pretty open-minded. Like, when she first got her driving lessons for her car.

Cos when she was up there, she thought she wouldn't be able to drive again,

and then this car turns up. And, yeah, she can drive it with hand controls.

It's quite cool, actually, to see her out there, and then it kind of gave her her independence back.

Before my accident, I was doing a Bachelor of Science.

And then when you had your accident, it made you look at life differently —

you wanted to do something you actually really want to do, something you cared about.

Like, I didn't want to just sit around in an office all day.

I wanted to get out and do things and help.

And I'd always wanted to work in the health industry,

and then I looked a little bit more into occupational therapy,

cos I knew what the job could be.

So I looked into it, and it was something I could do.

It was achievable.

And also because I've got the insight from a patient's perspective as well — it's quite helpful.

When I'm learning things here, I can relate to it, and, like, there's just so many opportunities with it.

We're at the Ascot Park Hotel for Southland Bride of the Year.

Two years ago, they held the same thing,

and all the money that they raised from tickets and raffles, they donated to my Givealittle page.


Yeah, so I'm back here just to talk to them about how it's helped me

and how the community's support has helped my recovery and just let them know what I'm up to.


So I've just had to write a speech. People are interested to hear what I've gotta say

and what I'm up to. I don't know why they find it interesting, but they do.

Yeah, I've probably been asked, like, three or four times to speak.

I think it's good to talk and get out your view of the story.

Hi, everyone, I'm Sandy.

Today I feel very proud that we have got Bailley, who is going to talk just about five minutes.

Welcome to Bailley.


Now, I'm not techno. My family are probably Amish.

Can everyone hear me?

Yeah, I'm here today because of the generosity of a very kind stranger

who decided to help out my family and I in a time that Sandy knows only too well

was a very difficult situation to be in.

But it wasn't only the money that was raised here at the 2016 Bride of the Year

that helped me through a very challenging time,

but just knowing how much support I was receiving from the kind-hearted people here

in the small community of Southland.

The experience has forced me to grow up and face the daily challenges that I once took for granted.

Sometimes I think people believe that if I work hard enough and go to physio,

I'll miraculously be able to walk again.

If that was the case, I think I'd be standing here talking to you guys.

I'm able to understand now what truly matters in our lives,

and that is your family, friends and experiences.

To Sandy and all the organisers, sponsors and to everyone who has come along to support,

I want them to know that I'll always be truly grateful.

Thank you.


'I don't think I'm an inspiration. People are like, "Oh, you're so inspirational."

'And I'm just having lunch or going out with my friends, just doing normal things.

'And I'm like, "It's not that inspirational. It's just getting on with life."'

I don't think the accident was anyone's fault, at the start.

I just thought, 'I shouldn't have been there,' or, 'It shouldn't have been me.'

I was thinking like, 'Why out of everyone and, like, 1500 people that were there, why me?'

It made me angry that I was the only one that had a lifelong injury.

Even if you hold someone responsible, what's that gonna do?

Not much, really.

I've still got the same injuries and the same... everything that's happened's happened.

Some days where I just think, 'Why?' But then other days I'm, like, so thankful.

Like, it made me think about what's important, what I value and what I actually want to do with my life.

My life now, it is very different to what it used to be like.

It's a lot better in some ways.

If I wanna do something now, I'm gonna do it,

cos I'm like, 'You don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.'


I would love for her to be able to do whatever she wants — to travel, to go overseas with friends,

to be able to do these things that all kids in their 20s do.

Do the OE experience, work, like, to get her degree and to be acknowledged

and just do what she wants without...

being the girl in the chair.


Just think of everything that you're not gonna do again,

but in reality, you can actually do all of those things

if you have, like, the right equipment, the right support.

Just treat me like a normal human. I'm just like everyone else.

They see the wheelchair, and they think you're automatically different.

They don't know what to do.

I'm just like you, except I'm sitting.

I'm exactly the same, so treat me how you would anyone else.

I have lost a lot, but I still have a lot left.


I think the accident could've been prevented, like, if the balconies were most stable,

I dunno, maybe there were more rules in place.

But I don't think it's the fact that there was rules in place,

if that many people can fit on a balcony,

people are gonna stand on that balcony, aren't they?

I think it was just crazy the fact that how... serious the injuries were.

Like I... Yeah, I just didn't think... something like that would ever happen.

Captions by June Yeow.

Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air.

Copyright Able 2018

Attitude was made with funding from NZ On Air.

Tickets are now on sale for the 2018 Attitude Awards.


This premiere event shines a spotlight on the achievements of people who live with disability.

Go to for information about the event.

For more infomation >> Bulletproof: Bailley - Duration: 25:38.


Tiverton Casino Hotel opens to public - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Tiverton Casino Hotel opens to public - Duration: 1:55.


Locally-Owned Pop Up Shops To Open At Downtown Commons - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Locally-Owned Pop Up Shops To Open At Downtown Commons - Duration: 2:10.


MIKY - SUPERTRAP (VIDEOCLIP) - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> MIKY - SUPERTRAP (VIDEOCLIP) - Duration: 2:29.


Barbecue party board game play | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:58.

Barbecue party board game play | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Barbecue party board game play | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:58.


New NAFTA Deal Stalled As Trump Suggests Canada Could Be Left Out | NBC Nightly Ness - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> New NAFTA Deal Stalled As Trump Suggests Canada Could Be Left Out | NBC Nightly Ness - Duration: 1:54.


Ideal Turns & Filming On A Snowboard - Duration: 1:46.

The improve your riding tutorials are

all related to body position. If you can

get your body position correct, you'll

snowboard way better! You're gonna feel

more comfortable riding at speed, jumping

and hitting all types of features. Ideal

intermediate turns on a snowboard

should look like this. Each turn has a

smooth, consistent radius with your speed

being controlled throughout the turn. Your

knees should be be bent with your hips pushed

forward and a straight upright back. Your

whole body should be making each turn

together in unison with your upper body

and lower body aligned through your

turns and your hips located centrally

between your feet. It should look and

feel effortless. The reality is, many bad

habits can creep into your riding.

Nearly all rider encounter the same

problems with snowboard technique.

However, most people do not know they

have any issues going on until you've

seen it on video. I'd highly recommend

for you to get out there and film your

riding. Everyone has access to a video

camera on their phone. Go up with a buddy,

take a lap out of each day and film each

other so you can see how your riding

looks. This is going to do wonders for

your progression! You'll pick up so much

stuff that you did not realize was


Compare your riding to mine or other

pros who you want to ride like to see

what changes you need to make.

The next few tutorials focus on some

common problems with body position and

what you can do to kick the bad habits.

This is Nev Lapwood from Snowboard

Addiction, our goal is to improve your


For more infomation >> Ideal Turns & Filming On A Snowboard - Duration: 1:46.


BTS - 'VT Cosmetics' (Time To Shine) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BTS - 'VT Cosmetics' (Time To Shine) - Duration: 1:01.


Details the full terms of Khalil Mack deal, trade - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Details the full terms of Khalil Mack deal, trade - Duration: 1:54.


49ers running back Jerick McKinnon's 2018 season ends with torn ACL - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> 49ers running back Jerick McKinnon's 2018 season ends with torn ACL - Duration: 0:47.


How will San Francisco 49ers adjust without Jerick McKinnon? - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> How will San Francisco 49ers adjust without Jerick McKinnon? - Duration: 2:05.


One-on-one interview with Auburn Tigers head coach Gus Malzahn - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> One-on-one interview with Auburn Tigers head coach Gus Malzahn - Duration: 3:52.


GITANA - Wyd XL (Shot B-Bardi) - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> GITANA - Wyd XL (Shot B-Bardi) - Duration: 3:05.


Últimas notícia de hoje : PCDOB: TSE DECIDIU AFRONTAR A DEMOCRACIA - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : PCDOB: TSE DECIDIU AFRONTAR A DEMOCRACIA - Duration: 5:40.


《中國好聲音》大壯淘汰是自找的!他偏偏不聽李健的話 - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 《中國好聲音》大壯淘汰是自找的!他偏偏不聽李健的話 - Duration: 4:18.


Opel Astra 1.6 COSMO LEDER, NAVI, CLIMA, PDC - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6 COSMO LEDER, NAVI, CLIMA, PDC - Duration: 1:12.


《中国新说唱》热狗 你凭什么这么狂? - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 《中国新说唱》热狗 你凭什么这么狂? - Duration: 2:19.


《中国新说唱》抖音神曲又又又安排上了! - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 《中国新说唱》抖音神曲又又又安排上了! - Duration: 2:39.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 CDI ELEGANCE clima cruise lmv nap apk - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 CDI ELEGANCE clima cruise lmv nap apk - Duration: 1:09.


On n'est pas couché. Charles Consigny : Je suis très heureux de rejoindre cette formidable émission - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> On n'est pas couché. Charles Consigny : Je suis très heureux de rejoindre cette formidable émission - Duration: 10:23.


For more infomation >> On n'est pas couché. Charles Consigny : Je suis très heureux de rejoindre cette formidable émission - Duration: 10:23.


Meghan McCain Threatened With Appalling Meme Of Her Being Gunned Down Over Father's Casket - Daily N - Duration: 3:08.

How utterly deplorable. On the day that Meghan McCain wept over the loss of her father, John McCain, a disgusting troll made a hideous image of her being shot at the senator's memorial

   After seeing the atrocious picture @Austindelafrog made of Meghan McCain, 33, depicting her being shot at her father's memorial, it's easy to say that "Twitter was a bad idea

" The deplorable troll took a picture of Meghan sobbing over John McCain's casket at his Aug

30 memorial in Phoenix and photoshopped in pair of hands aiming a semiautomatic handgun at her

"America, this ones(sic) for you," @Austindelafrog said. The threat didn't go unnoticed by Meghan's family, and her husband, Ben Domenech, 36, demanded Twitter do something

   "Hey @Jack [Dorsey, co-founder and CEO of Twitter], this has been up for half a day

It has been reported 100+times. No response. Tell me why this is cool by you," Ben asked

"You should prepare an answer for the people pissed off at you. A hint: the entire committee

" Ben would say that his tweet finally got a reaction – but not from Twitter. "[T]he reaction was from the guy, not Twitter

Looks like he set his account to private." The social media company would act on the threat, almost 24 hours later

 "Twitter finally suspended this account this morning," he wrote on Aug. 31. "No one should have to raise a ruckus or highlight this sort of thing publicly to get their attention

" The last thing a grieving Meghan needs is to worry about her public emotional displays becoming memes for disgusting trolls

Right now, she needs to mourn her father in peace and thankfully, her husband is standing up for her while taking Twitter to task

Though, judging by the side-eye she gave Vice President Mike Pence, she's pretty capable of handling herself

I am going to delete the initial tweet now so no one has to see it. Still want an explanation for why something so obviously in violation took so much attention for Twitter to react

 — Ben Domenech (@bdomenech) August 31, 2018      Sadly, this kind of gross meme seems to be the status quo for the social media platform, though it has supposedly cracked down on hate speech

As for Ben's comment about being "prepared" for "the entire committee," he was talking about what's happening next week

Jack Dorsey will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Sept. 5 about Russian interference in America's elections, per Bloomberg

Then, after that, he'll be battered with questions from the House Energy and Commerce Committee over allegations that Twitter is biased against conservatives

For more infomation >> Meghan McCain Threatened With Appalling Meme Of Her Being Gunned Down Over Father's Casket - Daily N - Duration: 3:08.


For more infomation >> Meghan McCain Threatened With Appalling Meme Of Her Being Gunned Down Over Father's Casket - Daily N - Duration: 3:08.


Giovanni Bomoll Music

For more infomation >> Giovanni Bomoll Music


I'm Single and Here's Why - Duration: 0:56.

Here are a bunch of reasons why I'm single

And why I like it.

I have MORE space on my bed~

I get to wear an oversized t-shirt and I don't care

I get to stay at home and watch Netflix

and eat whatever I want

like pringles :)

and ice cream~

and brownies~

I don't have to be criticized about brushing my teeth while filming

I don't have to call anyone dumb pet names

like boo and honey and sweetie


like this is WHY being single is an option

and on top of that,

you don't have to go through heartbreak (true, true)

if it ever happens (if it never did, lucky you)

so those are the reasons why being a single

pringle is amazing.

So thank you for watching and...

don't do anything dumb

like not subscribing to my channel ;)

For more infomation >> I'm Single and Here's Why - Duration: 0:56.


my first week of college 📚 uc berkeley senior - Duration: 14:50.

so i'm still on the waitlist for a class

i don't know how that's gonna go.

i find out

tonight or tomorrow morning.

so i'm kind of in a weird position.

i just wanna get in the class.

i even did the readings

i took notes on the readings

i'm that kind of person

i really want this class.

but also if i don't get it

i have backup options

it's honestly fine if i don't get it

there's interesting classes also to replace it.

but i really just-

let's see what happens i guess

this is technically the real first week of classes

last week i had

two days worth of classes because

it was only on wednesday and thursday

so this is my first full week and

i'm breaking out man i'm

look at that i never really had

something so big like right here it's always here

i know i have a lot of stuff here

which i'm used to because this is where

like all the gluten (that i consume) shows

i just washed my skin and all that

i did my night time routine and all that

when i study i need these glasses

i wear contact lenses just

so i look put together

but otherwise

studying's really hard with contact lenses

so i try to take off all my makeup as soon as possible

also if i don't take it off as soon as possible

i'll procrastinate taking my makeup off

then it'll be like 2 am

because i'm too tired.

i don't know i don't really mind her though

she's kinda cute she's like a little mole

right there

she's just there

nothing much i can do about it

i highly recommend not popping your pimples

no matter how much you want to do it

just let it go on its own, let it heal

i don't know the science behind it but

i just know that if i pop it on my own

there's just a huge scar and

it's just not worth it so i just let it stay there

and just let it do its thing, let it take its time.

also when i smile it's gone so

just gotta smile all the time i guess

even though i'm miserable

honestly i'll be better

once i find out what my waitlist situation is

i just don't

i don't like not knowing what's gonna happen.

i don't care if i'm off the waitlist

i don't care if i'm dropped from the class

i just want to know what happens

i'm tired of being at this in-between stage

i've never been waitlisted to this extent

it's always been like a waitlist,

and then eventually i get put into the class just because

it was like a hold, right? (right)

but this is the first time where i'm dealing with a waitlist

where there's literally only 5 seats left

and i have to beat out 25 other people

i've never dealt with anything like this

so i'm just trying to get through it

so i didn't film anything from this first day,

which is monday

but you know what i'm studying

it's a chill time

it's fine right now

this has been the longest week of my life

all my makeup is probably gone now

i've been up since 6 am

and it's 7 (pm) right now.

so i'm just-

thursday is the last day of school for the week

for me

so once my last class finishes

i just wanna go home

overall a lot of stuff happens

on your first week of college

whether it's your first year

or it's your fourth year

it's always going to be crazy

on monday i was still waitlisted for a class

so i was still showing up to a class

that i was waitlisted for

and now it's thursday

and i'm enrolled in a class

that i didn't think i was gonna take until next semester

so a lot happened this week

and i'm just like

emotionally, physically, mentally drained

i'm really really glad that i got into this class


don't know what to expect from it

but other than that i am finally enrolled in 4 classes

and now i just have to take 4 classes next semester

and hopefully that's it


i just hope it doesn't

go badly

in the beginning of the week i was kind of upset

and shook

and just confused about what i was going to do

i just wanted to be added from the waitlist

so i was scrambling to find another class

everything works out in the end

i even complained about it on instagram

and you guys were like

no you can do it!

find another class!

good luck!

that kind of stuff

and y'all are right

there's always just that moment where i'm freaking out

where i think nothing's going well

but then i remember

somehow in some way i always get through it

i'm 20, and i've gotten through

every single thing i've been anxious about

every single thing i've complained about

all those things, i got through it, so

it's just

there's always that period of time

where i need to freak out

i don't know why

because i know something's going to come after this


i always just need to let out my fears and all that

the first day

and then over time

everything gets resolved

this week was honestly too much

i don't know if i'm ever going to deal with a waitlist

ever again

if i get waitlisted for a class i'm dropping it


i was literally competing with 25 people

for 5 spots. i don't-

i was really counting on it.

but it didn't work out

hopefully next semester it all goes more smoothly

because i need to get out of here

on time

but yea that was my week of college

i am honestly

so tired, i am going to rest

this weekend, actually nO

i can't even rest

because i have to read like

200 pages worth of stuff

in its entirety

for my classes

i'll be okay, i'll be okay

this week went by

another week's going to go by

i'm going to be okay

i'm going to freak out obviously but i'm going to be okay

i'm going to

probably want to scream

and i'm probably going to want to punch something

but i'll be okay in the end

it's not the end of the world if something bad happens

i always find another way.

anyway that is it for this video

i'm gonna go

i'm gonna go rest

i hope you enjoyed this week with me

and i will see you in my next video

bring it in for a hug

i'm a little sweaty but it's fine

bYE BYE! :')

For more infomation >> my first week of college 📚 uc berkeley senior - Duration: 14:50.


Minecraft - Virtual Reality Gameplay (Vivecraft): Quick Overview - Duration: 5:00.

Okay, so..

I have arms now.

Hey guys, I'm NiceMark and today I want to show you Minecraft on a different platform

- virtual reality.

It's been out for a while now but I'm actually not sure if it's that popular, so I wanted

to give you a quick tour of how it looks and feels like in case you haven't seen it already.

First of all, everything looks a lot bigger.

You know how a block is 1 meter in height?

Well, it really does feel like a meter.

Here's our toolbar.

You can navigate through it by pressing the buttons on the VR controller or by simply

touching the item you want to choose with your other hand.

I'm using the HTC Vive VR headset, by the way.

Gathering resources is simple, just swing your arm at the block you want to break.

There's also a button for that if you're too lazy.

And.. actually here I hit the ceiling and it crumbled a bit.

This is the game where you hit things in real life the most, at least in my experience.

So since it's not safe to swing my arms at the ceiling I'll just press the button to

do it for me.

The VR mod adds an interesting item called climb claws.

You can climb anything with it.

A good usage for it would be to climb trees and chop down from the top of it.

This way you won't destroy your ceiling if you can reach it like me.


Again, you can just press a button to swim.

Just like you can for anything else.

But that's no fun, so I'll swing my arms instead.

It's great exercise.

Of course climbing doesn't start on the climb claws, you might even argue it doesn't fit

the vanilla game and is more like a mod that you would get for fun since you can climb

anything and that might be unfair.

But there are still ladders and vines you can climb and they are lots of fun.

Let's just craft them first.

I'm still not good with the controls, so bear with me.

I'll figure it out eventually.

Great, we got some ladders.

Now let's build a pillar to climb.

I just press a button on my controller since I'm not sure if there's a way to swing my

arm to place the block.

And here it is.

It has to be my favorite feature, it really feels like climbing something.

You can hold on to it and look around too.

Now if only I knew how to get down..

You can feed animals by shoving the food in their mouthes.

You feed yourself the same way.

And of course, drinking potions works too.

Shooting a bow.

I'm making all the movements you see in real life and it's tracking them and putting them

into the game.

And swinging swords.

It's really easy to harm things with it.

In the game and in real life.

And that's that.

This is just a really quick and simple video showing just the basics.

It's also a good video to make for me to get back into making videos for you guys, I'm

working on a few different things for the channel and we'll see how it goes, I guess.

I would also like to thank everyone who is still with me since I've been away for a really

long time.

Anyway, let me know in the comments if you know about Minecraft in Virtual Reality and

if you played it before.

Do you want to see more videos in it and about it?

Thanks for watching and I'll see you all later, bye bye!

For more infomation >> Minecraft - Virtual Reality Gameplay (Vivecraft): Quick Overview - Duration: 5:00.


Sebastian Vettel furious over Ferrari teammate pole position - Duration: 3:49.

 Raikkonen claimed his first pole in over a year by finishing ahead of Vettel at the team's home Monza race, but appeared to benefit from a 'tow' from the German as he completed both his Q3 laps behind his teammate

 Vettel initially celebrated after his final lap of a pulsating session but after being told that he finished second, and not first, he quickly told his team via radio: "We talk after

" And speaking to reporters after qualifying, Vettel stated: "Clearly I wasn't happy but I don't tell you why

" Vettel, who finished just ahead of title rival Lewis Hamilton, refused to shed light on his bemusement but said it was planned for Raikkonen to start his laps behind him

 "We have an order that changes every weekend and this weekend it was Kimi's turn to go second," he added

 "Obviously I'm not entirely happy with the end of my qualifying and that is the emotion that is dominating now

" Hamilton enjoyed the tow from his teammate Valtteri Bottas but also claimed he would have been giving one to Vettel as the Ferrari was just behind him on track

 "Here the effect of the tow is huge for everyone and getting the gap right is important," the championship leader explained

 "At the end of the day Kimi did the job, I don't think I could have gone any quicker

" A self-critical Vettel, who, after finishing ahead of Raikkonen in the weekend's two dry practice sessions as well as Q1 and Q2, was the favourite for qualifying, also claimed his performance was "just not good enough"

 Vettel made an error through the first chicane and was not able to make up the gap despite a strong final sector

 "To be honest it was not a tidy lap and I think the other laps were actually better ones," he said

"I lost time pretty much everywhere. "It was just not a good lap and not good enough

[I'm] lucky to get second and not third, but it's just not good enough."

For more infomation >> Sebastian Vettel furious over Ferrari teammate pole position - Duration: 3:49.


NIFTY Will Extend To 12,000 In The Medium Term | Atul Suri, Marathon Trends PMS - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> NIFTY Will Extend To 12,000 In The Medium Term | Atul Suri, Marathon Trends PMS - Duration: 1:58.


Watch: John Cena finally debuts new finishing move - WWE fans call it 'worst move ever' - Duration: 4:05.

Football News24/7  John Cena has been a staple of the WWE since his debut with the company in 2002, but 2018 has been the first time he has really had an extended break

 Of course, the 16-time world champion is focusing on his burgeoning Hollywood career - something he once ironically called The Rock out for - and has only made sporadic appearances inside the squared circle

 He posted a video last month showing his training to make a return to the WWE and he revealed that while fans have always been annoyed with his 'five moves of doom', he has now added a sixth to his repertoire

 Apart from the fact that he had left it late in the day to expand his moveset, fans have been wondering when he will return to the company and what high profile matches are left for him

 Right now, it seems as though Cena is destined to be working with Elias in the near future, like he did on Saturday in Shanghai

 His next WWE booking takes him to Australia for the Super Showdown event where he will tag with Bobby Lashley against Elias and Kevin Owens - if KO decides he doesn't want to quit the company after all

 The WWE posted Cena winning his match against Elias in Shanghai by using his new move and it's safe to say, the internet is not impressed

 We don't know whether Cena was just trolling everyone all along or he genuinely believes that is a good finish, but Elias laid there for the 1-2-3 regardless

 Speaking earlier this year, 41-year-old Cena admitted he wasn't retiring from the WWE just yet, but his appearances would become more sporadic

 "The WWE will always be my home, but in this current state of affairs right now with all this extra cool stuff that's going on, it's fun to try

 "It's a great time to be able to take a chance and I'm so eternally grateful to the WWE and its audience for bringing me to this point

I realise I'd be nowhere without them and I never forget them.  "I promise as soon as I have any sort of downtime, like I had when I was at the Greatest Royal Rumble and the string of shows I did before WrestleMania, any free time I get will not be free, it will be spent at my home in the WWE


 Do YOU want to write for GiveMeSport? Get started today by signing-up and submitting an article HERE: https://www

For more infomation >> Watch: John Cena finally debuts new finishing move - WWE fans call it 'worst move ever' - Duration: 4:05.


Gcash to How to Send Money from Gcash to (Fast) 2018 - Duration: 5:25.

And then send.

So, once everything is successful, you will receive a text message from 2882 or Gcash

and that the process has been successfully completed and the money has been successfully

transferred to your account.

Hey guys, my name is Dennis and welcome to another video.

Today, I will be teaching you on how to transfer money from Gcash the

So, if you're new here, make sure to subscribe so you're not new and click the bell icon

to receive a notification when I have a new tutorial that might benefit you, okay.

So first, what we are going to do is we are going to transfer this money, the 2,000 pesos

to my account.

So first is you need to click on cash in and then choose Gcash.

Here, globe Gcash via dragonpay.

It is an instant payment so you don't need to wait for any time.

So, just click that and then click on next step.

So, we are going to transfer 2500 pesos.

Just type in the amount on the space provided and then click on next step.

You can see there the fee which is 25 pesos.

So, the total amount that will be deducted is 2525 pesos.

Please remember that there is also a 10 pesos service fee, charged by Dragonpay to your

Gcash account.

So the total amount will be 2,535 pesos.

You need to make sure that you have that amount on your Gcash account so that the process

will be seamless.

Let's go back to and Just click on next step.

So here is the complete details on how you can pay that amount.

It says here waiting for your payment.

It's 2525 but the only amount that will appear on your is 2,500 pesos.

Click on pay with Dragonpay and it will lead us to the Dragonpay website.

Just type your mobile number there, your Gcash mobile number where the money will be coming

from and then click on pay.

You will receive a text message from Dragonpay, requesting or your MPIN and you can also see

the amount there.

That's 2,535 pesos, that's the total amount that will be deducted from your Gcash account.

Just reply with your MPIN and make sure that you are using the SIM card which is registered

to Gcash.

I will be typing in my MPIN and then send.

So, once everything is successful, you will receive a text message from 2882 or Gcash

and that the process has been successfully completed and the money has been successfully

transferred to your account.

Let's check our Gcash account again and let's see the balance.

There, you can see that the balance has been automatically deducted to your Gcash account

and it is automatically Added to your account.

Let's check my wallet again and let's see if it's added.

There, you can see that the money has been successfully added to the account.

That's the process of transferring money from Gcash to

Again, if you enjoyed this video, please like this video, it will help me a lot and share

to those who need this tutorial.

So again, if you have any question, comment it below or you can also message me on messenger,


Again, my name is Dennis.

Thank you for watching and have a great day!

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