Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 1 2018

[ ♪ Intro ]

If you're a cat person, like me, you've probably seen your furry friend looking...

disgusted with you..?

There's this face they make, like with the wrinkled up nose, curled back lip, and the open mouth,

that looks like they're just absolutely revolted.

Good news, your cat doesn't actually think you're gross.

Or, if they do, that face isn't how they show it.

That sneer is actually what's known as the Flehmen response,

and it gives cats and other animals, like horses, llamas, dogs, and giraffes

a supercharged way to smell the environment around them.

While it might look like cat are expressing their distaste,

what they're actually doing with that face is "sniffing" using a specialized organ called the vomeronasal organ.

It sits kind of underneath the nose in the roof of the mouth.

And it's actually connected to the mouth by small, fluid-filled ducts called nasopalatine canals.

If you look in your cat's mouth, you can even see the ends of these,

they're behind the sharp incisors.

Though, good luck getting them to sit still while you like, take a look at the inside of its mouth.

Anyway, because of the fluid in these ducts, scents don't passively drift up there.

So to "sniff", airborne scents have to be taken in through the mouth, dissolved in fluid,

and then pumped up until they come into contact with the organ's sensory cells.

And that is where that funny face comes in.

When a cat, or giraffe, or horse pulls back their lips into the grimace of the Flehmen response,

they're opening up those canals and starting the pumping action to take a deeper whiff.

They could just rely on their nose, but the vomeronasal organ has its own set of chemical receptors,

so it can smell different smells.

This system is primarily used to detect scent signals from members of their own species,

though different animals, and even different sexes of the same animal,

can use this secondary smelling system in different ways.

And that might explain why people tend to associate the flehmen face with cats and horses more than with dogs,

even though all of them can sniff this way.

In case you're wondering though, you cannot.

Humans lost all of those nasopalatine ducts a long time ago.

And while there are some remnant cavities where your vomeronasal organs once were,

it's been awhile since they could detect anything.

Which is all to say: don't worry if your cats are making weird faces at you.

They don't hate you.

But… they might think you smell.

Thanks for asking, Paul G.!

And thanks to all of our patrons on Patreon who voted in our poll.

If you want the chance to vote on which questions we answer, or get some really awesome rewards,

you can learn all about the perks of being one of our patrons at

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> Why Is Your Cat So Disgusted With You? - Duration: 2:49.


Battlefield V Band Of Brothers Teaser II Trailer - Duration: 2:26.

Let's move!!! General Dietl has requested the entire troops move in on Fjord at once!!!

Sir! The Wilhelm Heidkamp has been destroyed!

Status of Kommodore Bonte?!

He is dead Sir!.

Yes Sir! Lieutenant.

What do you see up there Fernau!?

I don't see anything up ahead!!!

Yell when you see something!.

Yes Sir!




For more infomation >> Battlefield V Band Of Brothers Teaser II Trailer - Duration: 2:26.


Leicester vs Liverpool : Five talking points from the Reds' 2-1 win at the King Power | LFC News - Duration: 3:35.

LIVERPOOL picked up a 2-1 win away at Leicester this afternoon.

The Reds took the lead when Sadio Mané tucked the ball home in the ninth minute, before

Roberto Firmino headed in from James Milner's corner in the 44th.

That was before the Foxes found a lifeline in the second half.

Liverpool keeper Alisson's huge blunder allowed Rachid Ghezzal to tap into an empty

net, yet Leicester could not spark a late comeback and Jurgen Klopp's men held on

for the three points.

So what were five big talking points at the King Power this afternoon?


Vardy watches on

The Leicester striker, who announced his retirement from England duty this week, was sitting out

the final game of his three-match ban after being sent off in their 2-0 win over Wolves.

And he was clearly missed by his side today.

Foxes boss Claude Puel decided to play without the presence of an out-and-out striker at

the King Power and it seemingly cost them, with Kelechi Iheanacho's eventual introduction

leading to their only goal on the day.


James Maddison impressive

One huge positive for Leicester was the performance of Maddison, 21.

He has played well for the Foxes so far and did so again today, posing a threat for Claude

Puel's side and coming very close to getting on the scoresheet if not for a fine block

by Liverpool defender Joe Gomez.

The youngster did lose Roberto Firmino at a corner for the Brazilian's goal on the

day, nevertheless, and is not the finished article.

But going forward he was a joy to behold at times and Leicester look to have a decent

player on their hands.


Alisson's howler

Formerly the world's most expensive goalkeeper until Kepa Arrizabalaga joined Chelsea, Alisson

suffered his first real stinker in a Liverpool shirt this afternoon.

In the midst of a fairly solid display, instead of clearing the ball after a hospital-pass

from Virgil Van Dijk, the Brazil international hesitated for too long and was robbed of possession

by substitute Kelechi Iheanacho.

The former Manchester City man squared the ball to Rachid Ghezzal, who turned the ball

home and made it a nervy final half-an-hour for Klopp's side.

Alisson was lucky in the end the error didn't lead to a late Foxes revival.


Joe Gomez solid

He played at right-back regularly last term but Klopp has began deploying the 21-year-old

at centre-half, which looks to be paying off.

In an excellent display at the back, Gomez made some crucial blocks and interceptions

- most notably denying Maddison from close range in the second half.

The young defender clearly has a bright future ahead of him at Anfield.


James Milner assist

Premier League veteran Milner bagged his 80th assist in the competition when his corner

was turned in by Roberto Firmino.

It brought the 32-year-old level with David Beckham; and only Frank Lampard, Steven Gerrard

and Wayne Rooney top the pair in assists by English players.

For more infomation >> Leicester vs Liverpool : Five talking points from the Reds' 2-1 win at the King Power | LFC News - Duration: 3:35.


Unlock The Abundance Laying Dormant Inside Of You | Law Of Attraction - Duration: 10:37.

Let's talk about abundance


is a topic

in which I have had a great deal of

interest through the years

and so have many people

and the first thing I came

to understand about abundance

was that I

want to begin to look at it deeply and

when I began to receive my information

from up higher authority is that I have

been miss defining what abundance really is

that I thought that abundance was stuff

they had to do with how much stuff I had

and I hate to be simplistic here

and I really hate to be really obvious

here with what I'm going to tell you

because I know you already know this

but for those of you who have

forgotten that you know I'd like to remind you

of what I was reminded of in my dialogue

that true abundance has

nothing to do with anything that I am having

and everything to do with what I am being

let me tell you how I wound up in this chair

just to give you a little bit of background

on how all this began

in 1992

I had reached the end of the line for me

in 1992 I had reached a point where I

was losing again another committed

relationship with a significant other

my career had reached a dead end

my health was falling apart

I mean nothing was working in my life

and this relationship that I had with my

significant other was the one that I

knew would last forever

and there it was

in front of my face just disintegrating

right in my hands it wasn't the first

time that such a relationship had

disintegrated right in front of me

nor was it the second

nor was it the third or the fourth,

so I knew that there was something I don't know here

the knowing of which would

change all of this for me I couldn't

seem to find the formula

I was either doing something that I did love but I

but I was dead broke or I was making enough

money to skim by and you know making it through

but my soul was dying a thousand deaths

I didn't seem to know how to put

the two together you know not for very

long and if I did get him together - I

swear like about six or eight months

it would all fall apart, all of this was

happening at the same time, now see

usually God had been better than that it

was usally one thing or the other

before in my life but at this particular

period for reasons that still aren't

clear to me it was all at once at the

same time

Oh God said let's give him a triple

whammy let's do the old career

relationship body number the same week

and one night I threw back the covers of

the bed because I had awakened in the

middle of the night still with rage and

upset over how my life was I stormed out

into the larger part of the house

looking for answers in the middle of the night

I went to where I always went for

answers in the middle of the night but

there was nothing decent in the

refrigerator that night so I went to do

couch instead and there I sat on the

couch you know 4 o'clock in the morning

on the couch stewing in my own juice as it were

and then I called out to God

I thought well I can run around and break

up the house you know tear apart the

dishes or whatever but I sat there and I

called out

what it take to make this game work

somebody tell me the rules

I promise I'll play just give me the rules, you know

and after you give them to me, don't change them

and I asked a

ton of other questions as well and then

I saw on the coffee table in front of me

there happened to be a yellow legal pad

lying there there's a pen next to it so

I picked it up flicked out on lamp and I

began to write to my anger out, you know

seem to be a safe quiet way to deal with

it at 4:15 in the morning

I don't know

how it is with you and you are angry and

when you're writing but I write being a

really big when I'm getting angry and there I was

what does it take

to make life work

and what have I done to deserve a life of such

continuing struggle

and on and on I went like that for about 20 minutes

just writing out my anger you

know defying the universe to give me a

response, and then I finally calmed

myself down just a bit I felt just a

little bit better and I thought okay

that worked I have to share this process

with some friends that works

took the pen to put it down and the pen would not

leave my hand I looked at that and I

thought isn't that interesting my hand

is cramped up from all that writing so

you know I find a reason

I brought the pen back to the paper for

reasons that aren't clear to me now and

a thought came to me a little voice

right over here just over my right shoulder

and I call it now my voice this

voice and the voice this voice said

Neil do you really want answers to all of

these questions or are you just venting

I said well you know I, I am venting but

if you have answers I sure as heck like

to know what they are

and with that the answers came

in a flood

the answer to

every question I ever asked came to me

and so fast I felt I had to write them down

or I would forget them I see I

never intended to write a book

I was simply writing this stuff down

because I didn't want to forget this

stop that was coming to me

so I wrote it

down in a flood as fast as my hand could fly

and as I read what I was writing

it brought up naturally other questions for me

because it was astonishing stuff that

was coming off the pen so

I started

writing the questions that the answers

brought up for me and that brought more

answers and I wrote more questions and

that brought more answers and before I

knew it I was involved in an on paper

dialogue with what I later came to know

must be God

and that's the short story

of how I happened to be here


I wound up sending that on paper dialogue

to a publisher

and it was published, and

2 million people have purchased it

it's been translated into 24 languages around

the world it's really astonishing to see

something you've written come out in Japanese,

or Greek

and to realize that somehow or another

in fact

you've touched the entire world

so that's how I got to be sitting here

in the front of the room

I'm very clear now

that I was called on to be a messenger

I've very clear now that in

fact that's what I've always been is a messenger

and that there's no place I

can allow myself to be except in the

front of the room because I have a very

important message to share with everyone

whose life I touch

and here is the

important message I've come to share

all of you are a messenger

and there's no place else that you could allow yourself

to be except in the front of the room

and all of you have come to share a very

important message with everyone whose

life you touch and here's the important

message that you have come to share

all of them, each of them is a messenger

and here's the message all of us have come

to share with each other

hello, wake up, do you know who you really are

hello, wake up, do you understand

here's the message we've come to share

you and I are one

there's only one of us in the room

if you think that we're separate, cut it out

we're not separate, there's only one of us in the room

and there's no difference between us

and if you think there's a

difference between us, cut it out

because there is no difference between us

and stop trying to

create an artificial difference where there is none

and when you get that you

and I are one and there's only one of us

in the room and only one of us on the

planet and only one of us in all of

creation everything that causes you pain

and misery, travail and struggle, heartache

and difficulty will disappear

it will simply go away

so stop thinking that you're over there

and I'm over here

and yet there's no place where you end and I begin

such a simple elegant message

that changes everything

when will we get it

when will we get it

we'll get it

when we send it

For more infomation >> Unlock The Abundance Laying Dormant Inside Of You | Law Of Attraction - Duration: 10:37.


FIFA 19 - VAZOU!!! NOVO TRAILER REVELADO!!! - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> FIFA 19 - VAZOU!!! NOVO TRAILER REVELADO!!! - Duration: 5:41.


[ENG][PT-BR] All the Mamamoo gay moments I found - Part 4 - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> [ENG][PT-BR] All the Mamamoo gay moments I found - Part 4 - Duration: 6:42.


Tin Nóng BBC 02/09/2018 - HÔM NAY BẤT NGỜ với 7 TỈNH VIỆT NAM CSVN HIỆN THỰC MẬT ƯỚC THÀNH ĐÔ - Duration: 31:48.

For more infomation >> Tin Nóng BBC 02/09/2018 - HÔM NAY BẤT NGỜ với 7 TỈNH VIỆT NAM CSVN HIỆN THỰC MẬT ƯỚC THÀNH ĐÔ - Duration: 31:48.


The Untold Truth Of McDonald's Fries - Duration: 3:43.

McDonald's french fries are arguably the best fast food item ever invented.

With their perfectly crisp exterior and distinct addictive flavor, it's hard to come up with

a superior menu choice.

But even lifelong admirers of McDonald's fries might not know everything there is to know

about the iconic fast food side.

Here are a few little-known facts about McDonald's fries.

Here's the beef

Vegans and vegetarians might assume that deep fried potatoes are a safe pick, but if you're

noshing at a McDonald's in the states, that's not the case.

According to the McDonald's website, stateside, their famous fries contain "natural beef flavor"

as well as "hydrolyzed milk."

In India and other countries where abstaining from animal products for religious reasons

is a widespread practice, McDonald's keeps them out of the fries, according to ABC News.

Not counting the obvious potatoes, a whopping 11 additional ingredients go into making the

U.S. incarnation of the most addictive side of all time.

In 2015, McDonald's hired electrical engineer and former Mythbuster Grant Imahara to break

them all down.

It's hardly an unbiased examination, but Imahara insists you haven't been enjoying a, quote,

"Franken-fry composed of chemicals."

For what it's worth, Imahara says the "scariest" sounding ingredient of the bunch, dimethylpolysiloxane,

is actually just an FDA-approved anti-foaming agent which keeps frying oil from splattering

and frothing.

Where's the beef fat?

It's not your imagination, while McDonald's fries are still downright delicious, they

do taste different than they did years ago.

So what changed, exactly?

"...crispy french fries, as only McDonald's makes them …"

Prior to the early 1990s, they were actually cooked in beef tallow, AKA beef fat.

The move to vegetable oil was made when consumers began to express concerns over the amount

of saturated fat in the fries.

National Heart Savers Association founder and construction industry millionaire Phil

Sokolof spent millions of dollars in the '80s campaigning against the saturated fat content

found in fast food from McDonald's and other chains.

Eventually, McDonald's caved to the pressure and stopped cooking their fries in beef fat,

but at the cost of some serious flavor.

French fried baloney

As with most world-famous foodstuff, there are a number of totally bogus claims circulating

online about McDonald's french fries.

The Bump reports that an alarming number of people on the world wide web think that eating

salty Mickey D's fries, quote, "helps with fertilization because it prompts your body

to soak up extra fluids."

Needless to say, there is no actual scientific evidence out there to back this claim up.

In February 2018, a study on hair follicle growth touted dimethylpolysiloxane as a potential

cure for baldness, so a number of imaginative folks online decided that McDonald's fries

must be a cure for baldness.

"This has got to be fake news.

If that's true, then the president would look like this."

Steve Harvey is right: The stuff is only used as a base to cultivate hair follicles, and

it is definitely not an ingredient in a "recipe" for a cure.

According to a report by the Japan Times, the scientist who led the study addressed

and debunked the myth, saying,

"I have seen online comments asking, 'How many fries would I have to eat to grow my


I'd feel bad if people think eating something would do that!"


If you're looking for health food, you're probably not hitting the drive-thru.

But if you are hitting the drive-thru, you might want to know which fast food joint offers

the "healthiest" french fries.

Turns out, the Golden Arches are near the top of the list when it comes to having the

lowest calories and the least amount of bad fats.

In 2009, WebMD ranked french fries from 14 popular fast food chains, including McDonald's,

to see how they rated nutritionally.

McDonald's came in second for lowest calories, just below Sonic Drive-In.

Similarly, Mickey D's placed second for lowest fat, saturated fat, and trans fat.

More good news for McDonald's fans: According to their website, Sonic's french fries now

contain more calories and fat than they did back in '09, meaning the Golden Arches are

likely the "healthiest" fast food fries in the game, relatively speaking.

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of McDonald's Fries - Duration: 3:43.


Andrea Mıtchel 9 1 2018 Msnbc News Today Breakıng News - Duration: 28:02.

For more infomation >> Andrea Mıtchel 9 1 2018 Msnbc News Today Breakıng News - Duration: 28:02.


Trump's Trade War Will Cost Consumers $6 Billion - Duration: 3:48.

The National Retail Federation, one of the largest retail organizations in the United

States, released a report last week showing that Donald Trump's trade wars, the tariffs

that he has put on goods coming from China, specifically furniture and luggage, just those

two things, are going to cost American consumers an additional six billion dollars.

Six billion dollars in additional cost that fall on you and me and everybody else in this


Just because Donald Trump is having a fit about trade imbalances between the U.S. and

other countries.

Six billion dollars that we will waste because Donald Trump decided to start a trade war

because of his massive ego.

And, according to Trump himself, he only plans on putting more tariffs in place against countries

like China.

He has proposed an additional 16 billion dollars last week, as well, the same week that this

particular report came out.

Here's the caveat though.

That additional six billion dollars in cost that consumers are going to have to pya, is

only based on current spending levels.

So, that assumes that everyone one of us is willing to go out there and pay the higher

price for these things, the furniture and the luggage.

That's not going to happen.

When prices go up, especially when they go up super high super fast, consumers stop spending.

What happens when consumers stop spending?

It creates a surplus of goods and less need for workers because you're not selling anything.

You don't need to manufacture new things, because you're already sitting on a surplus.

That leads to layoffs.

Layoffs lead to less spending.

And so on, and so forth, and the cycle repeats itself.

So this six billion dollars that the National Retail Federation is trying to say we're going

to incur, is hypothetical.

It will be there, and if we all decide, "Screw it."

We don't like holding on to our money anyway and we like getting ripped off, then yeah,

we'll go and we'll end up spending that extra six billon.

But history tells us, and human nature tells us, that that's not going to happen.

What's going to happen is that spending is going to shrink, jobs are then going to retract

and so on and so forth, and it's all because of Donald Trump's trade wars.

Now I guarantee you that the republicans are still freaking out about this right now, because

they understand that any contraction within the U.S. economy right now, is going to cost

them dearly in the mid terms.

They also understand that standing up to Donald Trump could make him a little angry and maybe

he'll tweet out something mean about them, so they don't know what to do.

Would they rather face 30,000 angry voters in their district or one angry idiot with

a twitter app?

They would rather face the 30,000 angry constituents back home, because that's how spineless they


They are too terrified to stand up to Donald Trump and tell him that his trade wars are

stupid and that it's going to end up wrecking the U.S. economy and they would rather go

back and tell their constituents, "Whoa, whoa, everything's going to be fine.

Don't worry, he knows what he's doing.

He's a very stable genius, remember?"

It's not going to work out well for them, however you slice it.

There are no winners in trade wars.

And Donald Trump is making sure that out of all the losers who are going to be in this

situation, the U.S. becomes the biggest one.

For more infomation >> Trump's Trade War Will Cost Consumers $6 Billion - Duration: 3:48.


Calling Out Jake Paul... - Duration: 17:58.

For more infomation >> Calling Out Jake Paul... - Duration: 17:58.


What's the Next Step? - Duration: 5:45.

- So, it's a big week here at the Walker World Headquarters.

August 30th was 22 years, my 22nd anniversary of

when I first started my online business,

back August 30, 1996.

So I always take a moment to celebrate that,

that's really cool.

But the thing that's, you know, who cares, really?

It's 22 years, whatever.

But the thing that's really on my mind right now

is we're two weeks out,

or actually a week and a half out,

from my big launch. Every year I do a big launch.

We do a big launch, you know, prelaunch.

I've had over a million people go through my prelaunch

over the years, it's sort of crazy,

and then that leads up into me opening up my

Product Launch Formula coaching program.

We do it once a year.

It's a huge thing in the business,

so we're focused on that.

As I look back over these 22 years,

and even this launch,

one huge constant theme is innovation and change.

I'm not like one of those guys that just,

I actually like my routines.

We put out a video every week, right?

I have my routines and I'm not someone who just

goes looking for the new, new thing all the time.

But, if I look back at all the innovations, it's been crazy.

I started off with an email newsletter,

a free email newsletter, then a paid newsletter,

then another paid newsletter.

Then, a paid newsletter was probably one of the first,

I don't know, 10 or 20 or 30 paid subscription products

on the entire internet, period.

So that was an innovation,

but it just seemed like a natural next step,

and then it just kept on going forward.

By the way, everything back then that I was teaching

was about the stock market.

It wasn't about online marketing or business building

or entrepreneurship, or anything like that.

I just kept on innovating,

a few big shifts along the way,

certainly changing from the stock market

to teaching marketing was a huge one.

And then going to audio and then to video.

Video's a huge shift.

We made that shift around 2010.

I saw that one coming, but I was sort of dragged into it.

I could just see we had to innovate.

It's been crazy.

And where we've got another big,

I'm about to jump off a diving board

into a huge, new innovation coming up in this launch.

As I look back, there's no way I could have

foreseen any of this. So this is a thing

I want to stress to you,

because a lot of people they want to have

that big, huge, grand plan and

know exactly where they're going, every step of the way,

and you never will.

You just, you won't.

You just can't.

There's no way even, I don't know,

10, let's say 15 years ago, I could have even imagined

being on video, ever doing video.

It just wasn't in the cards.

But you just have to keep on innovating.

And that's the way when you're starting

or growing your business,

if you want to grow into a different business,

or a different product line,

or a different type of business,

or if you're just starting out,

you're not going to know the end goal.

I'm just reading this book, a great book right now,

called Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, the founder of Nike.

When he started out that company,

you know it's a huge company, incredible company,

and when he started out, all he wanted to do was

import some Japanese running shoes into the United States

and sell them in the United States.

Not under his own brand.

Nothing innovative about the shoes.

He just saw that he might be able to,

he had some shoes he was enthusiastic about,

and he thought he could import them

and sell them in the states.

And then that led to them

creating innovations within the shoes,

and still making,

working with this Japanese manufacturer,

eventually splitting from them,

creating their own brand, going into not just running shoes,

but all different types of athletic shoes,

then athletic wear, then all kinds.

I mean it's just been,

there's just no way he could have seen that entire path

when he just wanted to import a few hundred running shoes.

It's been that way for me in my business,

and it'll be that way for you.

So you just have to focus on what's the next step.

I mean, it's great to have a big vision,

to have a strategic vision, to have this idea

of where you're going, where you want to go.

But, you have to understand that

no matter how much you plan, that plan is going to change.

An old saying, I think it was by Eisenhower, that said,

"Planning is essential, but the plan is useless."

Because as soon as you get out into the market,

your plan is going to change.

After 22 years, I couldn't possibly recognize myself.

If myself 22 years ago saw myself now, it's unrecognizable.

And so, just understand you need that next step,

and you need to move into action.

Wish me luck this next,

it's gonna be a big innovation we've got.

This launch is going to be something.

It's never been seen before in this market.

We got a huge innovation coming.

It's gonna be super cool.

What we're gonna do is...

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


- Okay, tune in next week and

I'm going to give you some details

about what we're going to be doing.

It's going to be really cool.

It's going to be huge.

We're going to deliver more value

than what's ever been delivered before during a launch.

Scroll down, leave a comment for me,

and let's go get 'em next week.

Uh, get 'em next week? Well, that's cool,

but, let's go get 'em this week too.

For more infomation >> What's the Next Step? - Duration: 5:45.


Were These Historic Moments Actually Secret Alien Invasions? (Greatest Mysteries: UFO) - Duration: 9:06.

On June 24th, 1947, pilot Kenneth Arnold was flying in the vicinity of Mount Rainier in

Washington when he suddenly spotted something shiny in the sky with him.

Turning his aircraft to get a better look, Arnold claims to have seen a string of eight

bright, saucer-shaped objects being led by a larger crescent-shaped object.

After about two minutes, all of the objects accelerated and disappeared, leaving Arnold's

small plane behind.

Today we'll take a look at one the world's greatest mysteries, in this special episode

of The Infographics Show's Greatest Mysteries: UFOs.

Kenneth Arnold's Mount Rainier sighting kicked off the modern UFO craze, and established

the term flying saucer in all our minds.

Since then, humanity has been obsessed with the question: Are we alone, or are we being

visited by beings from another world?

We'll explore these questions with the top 4 most mysterious UFO events ever reported.

Number 4 is an American classic: the UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico.

Just a few weeks after the Kenneth Arnold sighting, the Air Force recovered debris from

an allegedly crashed flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico.

Roswell Army Air Field public information officer Walter Haut initially released a press

release stating that military personnel had recovered a flying disc.

However, this was quickly retracted by the Air Force, which then claimed that the object

was just a weather balloon.

Fifty years later, in 1997, the U.S. government declassified documents showing that it had

indeed been operating a secret high-altitude program in the New Mexico skies, sending up

balloons made of high-tech lightweight and flame retardant materials that carried sensitive

microphones into the Earth's troposphere where they could eavesdrop on Soviet nuclear tests.

With no satellites in orbit, and given the secrecy of the Soviet nuclear program, it

would have been important to keep any such attempts to eavesdrop on the Soviets out of

public knowledge - and a captured flying saucer made for a great cover until nationwide UFO

hysteria threatened to create a panic.

While many still refuse to accept the official explanation, the evidence is staggering.

The 297-page declassified report has been substantiated by many members of the then-secret

program, but perhaps more telling is the mundane nature of the objects recovered in the crash,

as described by those on the scene: objects such as rubber, tinfoil, paper, and tape.

With any possible visiting aliens being greatly technologically superior to us, we'd like

to think they'd make their spaceships out of things more advanced than tin foil and


At number three is the first possible conflict between man and alien - the Battle of Los


After the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, many Americans expected Japanese raids against

the West Coast to be imminent.

The U.S. Army dispatched batteries of anti-aircraft guns to major coastal cities in response,

including Los Angeles.

On the evening of February 23rd, 1942, military spotters reported blinking lights in the sky

above LA, sending the anti-aircraft crews into high alert.

A few hours later, however, the lights were gone.

The next night, a radar contact was reported 180 miles west of Los Angeles over the Pacific


What happened next is a bit murky.

Some military personnel and civilians claim to have heard and even seen up to a dozen

aircraft in the sky, while others claim that a large, glowing shape hovered above the city,

partially obscured by the cloud cover.

Immediately, the alarm was raised, and a citywide blackout was ordered as dozens of anti-aircraft

batteries and .50 caliber machine guns began to fire into the pitch-black sky.

Powerful spotlights scanned the sky looking for targets, and an hour later, over 1400

rounds of anti-aircraft shells had been fired into the night sky.

The people in the city believed they were under all-out enemy attack, but dawn broke

shortly after only to reveal a bunch of confused air defense crews and no enemies in sight.

With no official explanation, Japan was asked about the incident at the end of the war.

They confirmed that they had never launched aircraft over Los Angeles.

Yet shortly after the end of the war, the United States War Department revealed that

1 to 5 radar contacts had definitely been recorded that night, and no U.S. planes were

in the area.

Did the United States fire the first shot in a war against an alien species?

Or were wartime jittery nerves and primitive radar technology to blame?

Sadly, we may never know.

They say everything is bigger in Texas - including their UFO encounters.

At number two is a famous and unsettling account of motorist harassment by something possibly


On the night of November 2nd, 1957, immigrant farmers Pedro Saucedo and Joe Salaz were driving

down a lonely Texas road near the small town of Levelland when they suddenly spotted a

flash of blue light ahead of them.

Their truck immediately died as it lost all electric power, and as it rolled to a stop,

they witnessed a strange object rising up off the road ahead of them and move in their


Pedro jumped out of the truck and hid in a nearby bush, while Joe, paralyzed with fear,

remained in the truck.

An object later described as "rocket-shaped" flew directly over the vehicle, rocking it

violently and giving off intense heat and powerful wind gusts.

Terrified, the two men immediately found a pay phone and called the local police department.

Officer A.J.

Fowler answered their call, and, initially believing the call to be a joke, immediately

dismissed it.

However, an hour later his phone rang again.

Another motorist driving down the same road reported coming across a brilliantly lit egg-shaped

object that also shut down the power to his car before flying over it and disappearing.

Still skeptical, Officer Fowler made a note of the report, but didn't pay it much mind,

until another call came in at 10:55 PM.

This time the call was made by a married couple driving northeast of Levelland.

This couple also reported a bright flash moving across the sky, which killed their car's headlights

and radio for a few seconds, as it passed overhead.

Just five minutes after taking the couple's statement, his phone rang once more with yet

another motorist claiming that a strange object sitting on the road had caused his vehicle

to lose power as well, only turning back on when the object rose up from the road and

flew away.

In total, 15 calls came in to Officer Fowler, who dispatched three police officers to look

for the object.

Of the three, Sheriff Weir Clem also encountered the object at around 1:30 AM with the same

results: his car experienced electrical malfunctions and died, only to restart once the object


An official investigation by the U.S. Air Force claimed that the objects spotted by

Sheriff Clem and 15 other motorists were nothing more than ball lightning and that the electrical

failures were due to faulty wiring.

Yet those present on that November night have never bought the official explanation, and

with so many eyewitnesses having such close encounters, it's a little hard to believe

they would all confuse lightning for an alien spacecraft.

At number one is something much more recent, and substantiated with modern military technology.

In 2004, Commander David Fravor and another pilot were flying a training mission with

their F/A-18F Super Hornets about 100 miles off the coast of San Diego.

Midway through their training mission, the Navy cruiser USS Princeton contacted them

and requested they investigate several mysterious objects the ship was tracking on radar.

The pilots were briefed that the Princeton had established radar tracks on a number of

whitish, 40-foot long, Tic Tac-shaped objects that would suddenly

appear at an altitude of 80,000 feet, descend towards the ocean, and hover at 20,000 feet

before dropping out of radar range or blasting back up into the night sky.

Working together, the Super Hornets and the Princeton tracked one object via radar, and

Commander Fravor managed to get close enough to make visual contact with the object.

For a few seconds, Commander Fravor said that he could clearly see a whitish, pulsating

object that seemed to rotate as it flew.

However, as if sensing the Super Hornets had drawn near, the object immediately accelerated

and blasted out of sight.

Perhaps the best part about this encounter is the fact that the close contact by Commander

Fravor was all recorded via his gun camera.

In the video, you can clearly see the object being pursued by the fighter jets, and you

can hear Commander Fravor and his wingman excitedly describe the object rotating, and

at one point exclaim in surprise that "there's a whole fleet of them."

The incident was classified for many years until the gun camera footage showed up online

in 2017.

Despite numerous requests for comment, the Department of Defense has maintained its silence

on the matter.

So, do aliens exist?

Probability alone tells us the universe is too big for them not to, but the real question

is are they visiting Earth?

What do you think?

Have you ever seen a UFO?

Let us know in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Worst Punishments In The History of


Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Were These Historic Moments Actually Secret Alien Invasions? (Greatest Mysteries: UFO) - Duration: 9:06.


The Stunning Transformation Of Millie Bobby Brown - Duration: 5:48.

Most teenagers go through a painfully awkward phase filled with neon-colored braces and

unfortunate eyeliner, but Millie Bobby Brown isn't your average teen.

The star rose to fame with her captivating portrayal of Eleven in Netflix's hit Stranger

Things, and she wasn't even 11 years old when she auditioned for the part.

Brown has since swapped the Eggo waffles for the hottest luxury designers in Hollywood.

She's been hailed as an "icon for her generation" by W magazine, brushed elbows with Vogue mastermind

Anna Wintour, and landed a modelling campaign with Calvin Klein.

The actress celebrated her 14th birthday in February 2018, and is ever-evolving her look.

But is it about time for that awkward teenager phase?

Let's take a closer look at her stunning transformation.

Becoming Eleven

Most of us know Eleven by her buzz cut and affinity for Eggo waffles, but before her

breakout role, Brown appeared in TV's Intruders, Modern Family and Grey's Anatomy, with hair

past her shoulders.

Shaving her head was a bold move for the young star, but with a little bit of courage from

action hero Charlize Theron, she put her locks on the chopping block.

Brown posted: "The day I shaved my head was the most empowering moment of my whole life.

[…] The only image I had in my head about what I could possibly look like is Charlize

Theron in Mad Max."

"I think that I can show them that it's cool to have short hair and embrace that you can

just be who you are"

A tomboy at heart

After shaving her head, Brown adopted a pixie cut for her first Stranger Things press tour.

And she offset the androgynous hairstyle with a Burberry dress and kitten heels, at the

BAFTA L.A .Emmy Awards Tea Party in 2016.

"It's incredible, it's such an amazing experience and…I'm very grateful"

But apparently, these types of dresses weren't a first choice for Brown, who considered herself

somewhat of a tomboy.

She told Vogue,

"I'm not a girly girl.

I love wearing this stuff, but if it was my choice, I'd come in in my tracksuit.

But my mum's like, 'No, you put this on, you put that on […]'"

Keeping it casual

When Brown's not walking the red carpet, her style is pretty laid-back, and she flaunted

her casual side in a 2016 appearance for AOL's Build Series.

"That's our one problem!"

"Millie lemme talk!

Millie lemme talk!"

"No, no hold on"

"Now I'm gonna start talking."

"Shut up, Nolan."

"I'm gonna start talking."

The star's affinity for low-key looks was also highlighted in a 2017 Teen Vogue interview,

when she said,

"I wear tons of shorts and sneakers.

[…] I'm like, 'Uh, no' if something is itchy or not comfortable."

Model behavior

If Millie Bobby Brown wasn't already a fashion icon, landing a Calvin Klein ad in January

2017 pretty much sealed the deal.

"I've had the time of my life and I'm still having the time of my life and I think that

this will be one of...the most memorable things that I've ever done"

About a month later, Teen Vogue reported that the Stranger Things star had signed to IMG

Models, which represents Karlie Kloss and the Hadid sisters.

She later appeared alongside Paris Jackson and Lulu Tenney in the brand's ongoing MyCalvins


By early 2017, Brown's look was notably chic to match her new career as a model.

But what do you expect from a teen who regularly sits front row at Calvin Klein and rubs elbows

with Anna Wintour?

Princess of the Emmys

In 2017, Brown was nominated for an Emmy and stepped onto the red carpet in Calvin Klein.

"The vacation for me is going to my work, and going to set, and meeting my cast members

and being with the directors and working and going to school"

She wore a similar silhouette for her Stranger Things red carpet debut, and again at 2018's

"Time 100" gala, in Dolce and Gabbana.

According to Teen Vogue, Brown took a hands-on approach to designing her Emmy dress and worked

with Calvin Klein to craft a look that was feminine, edgy and dramatic.

She told the mag,

"I like to dress my age, so I always gravitate to things that are sophisticated but not stuffy

or too serious."

Eleven's dark side

We're not sure what's more shocking: the fact that Barb was finally vaguely vindicated in

Stranger Things 2, or the fact that Brown was rocking long hair and leather, at the


"The thing that's so great about Eleven is that she can be this...Superwoman kind of

vibe, and then she can also be this vulnerable, very innocent, little girl"

According to People, Brown used extensions to lengthen her lob, for a look that mimicked

Eleven's on-screen bad gal transformation.

"I become the character, I live and breathe the character and when I'm on set, I'm Eleven"

The star even admits she got swept away in her character's rebellious attitude, telling

Vogue Australia,

"I went through a stage […] where I would just wear black sweaters with beanies, black

nail polish.

I was going through goth and it was bad."

Making a statement

In March of 2018, Brown went political.

USA Today reported that the Kids' Choice Awards occurred on the same day as the March for

Our Lives demonstrations.

Brown honored the victims of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, in custom Calvin Klein,

with a top that listed the names of the 17 students and faculty who lost their lives.

The star took home the award for favorite TV actress and said,

"I'm privileged to have a voice that can be heard, one that I can use to hopefully make

a positive difference and help influence change."

Boss lady

In 2018, Brown's style went from t-shirts and frilly dresses to blazers and sleek trousers,

leaving her looking like a total boss.

And it sounds like her new look fits her new role!

According to the Evening Standard, little Eleven busted out of the Upside Down and became

Hollywood's youngest producer at the age of 13.

The star signed onto a new film franchise based on Nancy Springer's young adult novels,

The Enola Holmes Mysteries.

Brown will star as Sherlock Holmes' younger sister and produce under her own company,

PCMA Productions.

Not too bad for a girl who once wore a Pikachu onesie out to dinner back in 2016.

"Eleven's never tired of eating Eggos"

For more infomation >> The Stunning Transformation Of Millie Bobby Brown - Duration: 5:48.



What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video

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so let's go ahead and jump into the overview of the build.

Now once you install it the first section you're gonna run into is the movies section

so you have the widget here at the top

you can scroll through find a movie and tv shows you like.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to stay informed.

For more infomation >> FASTEST & BEST KODI BUILD 🔥 KODI 17.6 SEPTEMBER 2018 🔥 MAGICK TV MYTH BUILD KODI 🔥 MAGICK TV WIZARD - Duration: 14:44.


Family, friends and former presidents remember McCain - Duration: 3:05.

>> Sreenivasan: GOOD EVENING,






































>> Sreenivasan: ...PRAYERS...



>> Sreenivasan: ...AND





>> Sreenivasan: HIS DAUGHTER,
















>> Sreenivasan: BEFORE HIS DEATH





























>> Sreenivasan: SENATOR McCAIN




For more infomation >> Family, friends and former presidents remember McCain - Duration: 3:05.


Dibujar y Colorear Escalera de Arco Iris - Draw Rainbow Stairs - Learn Colors / Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 3:00.

hello kids welcome to fun factory studio

today we will learn how to draw Stairs

first we draw outline of stairs

it is time for coloring

red color

orange color

yellow color

light green

blue color

pink color

purple color

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Dibujar y Colorear Escalera de Arco Iris - Draw Rainbow Stairs - Learn Colors / Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 3:00.


Church Service (GONE WRONG) Ft. Nutshell Studios - Duration: 0:31.

(Church Music plays)

Can the church say... Amen!?

AHHHHH! (This video will make much more sense in the sequel, I promise


Indestructo baby laughs!

For more infomation >> Church Service (GONE WRONG) Ft. Nutshell Studios - Duration: 0:31.


Starbucks Quietly Testing Healthier Frappuccino Options - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> Starbucks Quietly Testing Healthier Frappuccino Options - Duration: 0:17.


Tin Tức 24h 02/09/2018 | TIN MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY HÔM NAY - Thời sự vtv1 - Thời sự Việt Nam E4U - Duration: 36:19.

For more infomation >> Tin Tức 24h 02/09/2018 | TIN MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY HÔM NAY - Thời sự vtv1 - Thời sự Việt Nam E4U - Duration: 36:19.


[ENG][PT-BR] All the Mamamoo gay moments I found - Part 4 - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> [ENG][PT-BR] All the Mamamoo gay moments I found - Part 4 - Duration: 6:42.


MegaFood, Kids B Complex, 30 Tablets - Duration: 1:11.

MegaFood, Kids B Complex, 30 Tablets

Product Overview Description

Quality Tested and Trust Us, We're Tough Graders Fresh From Farm To Tablet

Promotes Cognitive Focus & A Sense of Calm 30 Servings

Multivitamin & Herbal Dietary Supplement Certified B Corporation

Glyphosate Residue Free Tested Free of 125+ Pesticides & Herbicides

NSF - Certified Gluten-Free Vegetarian

Kosher Dairy Free

Soy Free

Suggested Use

1 tablet daily.

May be taken anytime throughout the day, even on an empty stomach.

Other Ingredients

Silica, stearic acid, cellulose, choline bitartrate.

Disclaimer While iHerb strives to ensure the accuracy

of its product images and information, some manufacturing changes to packaging and/or

ingredients may be pending update on our site.

Although items may occasionally ship with alternate packaging, freshness is always guaranteed.

We recommend that you read labels, warnings and directions of all products before use

and not rely solely on the information provided by iHerb.

For more infomation >> MegaFood, Kids B Complex, 30 Tablets - Duration: 1:11.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:43.


Audi A6 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 - Duration: 1:09.


謝霆鋒在《中國新歌聲》首次提到王菲,是不是真愛,一看便知 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 謝霆鋒在《中國新歌聲》首次提到王菲,是不是真愛,一看便知 - Duration: 3:16.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive Plus DSG | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive Plus DSG | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:13.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive | 16inch | - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive | 16inch | - Duration: 1:06.


Opel Corsa 1.4 16V 5D AIRCO| LM VELGEN | CRUISECONTR | - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4 16V 5D AIRCO| LM VELGEN | CRUISECONTR | - Duration: 1:11.


舒淇《中餐廳》瘦到牛仔褲都撐不住卻還是不吃,原因令人心疼 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 舒淇《中餐廳》瘦到牛仔褲都撐不住卻還是不吃,原因令人心疼 - Duration: 2:28.


《新舞林大会》现任遇前任,杨颖秦岚互相夸奖,网友:都是高情商 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 《新舞林大会》现任遇前任,杨颖秦岚互相夸奖,网友:都是高情商 - Duration: 2:49.


中餐厅2:中餐厅状况百出,苏有朋上错菜,舒淇服务被食客翻白眼 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> 中餐厅2:中餐厅状况百出,苏有朋上错菜,舒淇服务被食客翻白眼 - Duration: 4:00.


Poweradspy Erfahrung - Werbeanzeigen deiner Konkurrenz ausspionieren - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Poweradspy Erfahrung - Werbeanzeigen deiner Konkurrenz ausspionieren - Duration: 7:54.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BlueMotion Comfortline - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BlueMotion Comfortline - Duration: 1:11.


The Pure Soul [SSO Short Film] - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> The Pure Soul [SSO Short Film] - Duration: 3:17.


For more infomation >> The Pure Soul [SSO Short Film] - Duration: 3:17.


3 ways of crawling or creeping - Duration: 3:22.

Stand on the hands and knees on the floor.

Crawl on the floor on the hands and knees.

And now, creep on the floor while lying on the stomach.

And now, for one moment, lie on the stomach.

Take both elbows together, forward.

Both elbows together forward and pull the body forward.

Both elbows together and pull the body forward.

Come up to standing and walk a bit.

For more infomation >> 3 ways of crawling or creeping - Duration: 3:22.


For more infomation >> 3 ways of crawling or creeping - Duration: 3:22.


Massive weight-loss, transgender, gadgets and makeup.

For more infomation >> Massive weight-loss, transgender, gadgets and makeup.


Case RivaCase 7117-M for Sony a6000 - Duration: 5:19.

Greetings on my channel

In this video, I will tell you that after purchasing a camera

mirrorless, which has small dimensions

There is a need to purchase a small case

or a cover

And for a long time choosing, I chose here such a cover

It is called rivacase

dark blue, although there is a coloring black and dark blue

It is made of a durable material and covered with a synthetic cloth

Has eyelets for the strap

There is label, I'll show you

The model is called 7117-M

Also there is S - smaller in size

L, XL is just like clothes, almost :)

The information is written on the tag, size 120x120x100 mm

And the external size is 160x133x130 mm

If you look at what's inside

let's see, the lock easily opens

there is a wrist strap

I will even wear it now

small carabiners

What is inside:

so I will show, it will be better

the fabric is soft, it is inside with foam rubber

all 4 sides are very soft


put something between the camera

from the bottom, back side

and from the front

A camera with a standard lens

and I put it

It comes in very easily and simply

it has a standard lens, perhaps

if you install it even

lens is slightly larger, for example

Sigma 19 mm

This compartment should be enough

In order to fold the strap, I do so

add up to 4 times

8 times

and this piece I put in front of

and so I have a camera in the kit

the case must be easily closed

It turned out this is the case.

Concerning this case as a whole

I would have made it a little lower

that it was not 120 mm but at least 100 mm

so that for any mirrorless cameras it was convenient

but it turns out he is too big for height

Since there was not another smaller one on the market, I bought this one

And I also store the camera at home in this case

It will no longer be dusted

and in principle a convenient and fun bag :)

Successful shopping for you!

subscribe to my channel

ask questions in the comments

For more infomation >> Case RivaCase 7117-M for Sony a6000 - Duration: 5:19.


Fortnite live with Swordstep_YT & Retro_Reptar (I'm back bois!) - Duration: 19:02.

For more infomation >> Fortnite live with Swordstep_YT & Retro_Reptar (I'm back bois!) - Duration: 19:02.


BMW 4 Serie Cabrio 428I HIGH EXECUTIVE M-Sport | Head up display | navi prof | Keyless entry - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> BMW 4 Serie Cabrio 428I HIGH EXECUTIVE M-Sport | Head up display | navi prof | Keyless entry - Duration: 1:11.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 280 CDI 4-Matic automaat Leder/Navi/Elek.stoelen/Trekhaak - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 280 CDI 4-Matic automaat Leder/Navi/Elek.stoelen/Trekhaak - Duration: 1:09.


BMW 5 Serie 520 D Touring Exe M Sport Automaat,Navi - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 520 D Touring Exe M Sport Automaat,Navi - Duration: 1:10.


Renault Twingo SCE 70 EDC Automaat Parisienne Garantie t/m januari 2022 - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo SCE 70 EDC Automaat Parisienne Garantie t/m januari 2022 - Duration: 1:12.


Don`t miss the hamster's cute tail【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:11.

This is a dry carrot.



I want to choose whatever I want

There are infinite carrots


Looking from the top I'm pretty wonder?


I will go.


I came again.

My leg is cute

I will show it with big service today.

Please take a good look


I am doing my best.

I guess so.


See you

I show off my ass in pretense to be back home!Lol

Did you see it?



Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Don`t miss the hamster's cute tail【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:11.


Being an Introvert with Social Anxiety - Duration: 5:05.


I'm Katsy, your little sunshine.

And I am an introvert with social anxiety.

So, my life is not that easy.

But it is also not very hard.


The key is to stay positive.

At least, try your best, if you just can't be positive at the moment.

But little later about it.

First of all.

What social anxiety is? says

Social anxiety is the fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people,

leading to feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, self-consciousness, embarrassment,

humiliation, and depression.

If a person usually becomes (irrationally) anxious in social situations, but seems better

when they are alone, then "social anxiety" may be the problem.

Well, I cannot tell about every person with social anxiety, but I am not scared of being

judged by the public.

It's not about that.

At least, not entirely.

I do not care.

I can wear anything I want.

I can do anything I want, as long as it can count "being a good person",

from my point of view.

Even though I will overthink almost every detail of our conversation or what happened

little later.

Couple months ago I was walking home and I wanted to listen to music but I didn't have

my earphones with me.

It was late and the street was empty so I figured out it would be ok without them.

As I passed one house, a girl told me "Great song!".

It was Gabbie Hanna's Satellite.

By the way, if you still haven't heard her new songs Honestly and Honestly (encore),

I don't even know.

It's a bomb and will blow your mind.

I didn't answer anything because I wasn't sure if she was serious or just sarcastic.

And the next 3 days (or a week, I don't remember) I was thinking what would happen if I answered:

"I know, right.".

Maybe she wanted to know what the name of the song was, maybe she knew Gabbie too,

maybe we would end up good friends, etc.

Gabbie! Gabbie! I love you, Gabbie!

What is it really about?

My body scared of interactions with other people.

Even though I love someone's company.

It's like magnets.

If you try to touch magnets with like poles

they will never touch no matter how hard you try.

But when you turn one of them and now it's opposite poles, they'll immediately touch.

I guess it could be good for survival when you see other living things, you want to hide.

So no one will eat you.

But in our time it is just useless.


Hey! Will you go to the party with us tonight?


I guess it was no.

and that will stop you from getting drunk and calling your Ex.

And other stuff.

So, while you do not care what the crowd thinks, when someone close around, you feel their energy

and you want to act like yourself but their energy is blocking you.

What to do?

Stay positive.

Try as hard as possible.

If you're the person with social anxiety, at first, even simple phone calls can be like

in hell for you.

When I was a teen and needed to make a call, for example, to set a job interview, it could

take me hours or days of mental preparations.

Now I can call right away but my heart may or may not be racing.

It depends on who and why I'm calling.

And if there's even a little possibility of texting instead of calling

I'll definitely text.

Think about your preparation in a good way.

If I'll go to this party I can listen to awesome music,

I can dance my soul out and I can meet new friends.

But not in a bad way.

Ugh, I hate partying.

So much people.

Why can't they just live me alone?

Thinking in a good way is like turning to opposite poles.

Why turning magnet can be so hard?

Because YOU are a very big and powerful magnet.

More positive tries you'll do, faster you'll really feel positive about new interactions.

I promise.

It was proved by scientists that not only happiness causes smile,

but smile causes happiness as well.

The similar scheme is here.

And if you are the person without social anxiety trying to understand your friend,

man, I love you.

No matter how strange and simple can be a favor for you,

do whatever comfortable your friends.

Text them instead of calling, especially if they specifically asked you to not call,

make a phone call instead of them to set a job interview, make an order online instead of

going to a store, do not hug them today or hug all day, but definitely do not try for

an hour to take them to an awesome party.

And that's it for today.

Thanks for watching, guys.

If you like what I create, don't be shy, please subscribe.


Good, good, good.

Act like no one is watching.

But everyone is watching.

The internet is watching.

I was thinking what would happen

For more infomation >> Being an Introvert with Social Anxiety - Duration: 5:05.


Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner Share a Sweet Kiss While Cuddling at the U.S. Open - Duration: 2:43.

 Love is in the air!  Joe Jonas and fiancée Sophie Turner were spotted sharing a sweet kiss on the lips while attending the annual U

S. Open tournament in Queens, New York, together on Friday.  The Game of Thrones star, 22, wore a plunging plaid suit jacket, which she paired with a pair of matching trousers

Keeping things simple, she accessorized her business casual look with two necklaces

 The musician, 29, also opted for a monochromatic ensemble, wearing a black shirt with a pair of matching trousers with a sporty checkered pattern on the side

 Jonas went on to share a short clip of the night's most anticipated match on his Instagram Story, as Serena Williams took on — and eventually defeated — her sister Venus Williams

 Earlier this month, Turner shared a touching Instagram post in honor of her soon-to-be sister-in-law Priyanka Chopra, who is engaged to Joe's younger brother Nick Jonas

 "First I'm blessed with an incredible future brother-in-law, and now such [a] beautiful, inside and out, future sister-in-law," Turner wrote on Instagram alongside a shot of the engaged couple

 Jonas proposed to Turner in October 2017 after the pair had been dating for a year

 Turner opened up in April about how much she's enjoying her time with her husband-to-be

 "It's lovely to be engaged," the young actress told Marie Claire. "Not like I achieved anything, but I found my person like I'd find a house that I love and want to stay in forever

"  "There's a sense of peace that comes with finding your person," Turner added

 She also shared that even though "there's this misconception that being married is the greatest thing that'll ever happen to you," she thinks her career is a bigger deal

"I've always found that my career is something I work for," Turner said. "And when I achieve something, there's a sense that this is the greatest thing I'll do in my life


For more infomation >> Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner Share a Sweet Kiss While Cuddling at the U.S. Open - Duration: 2:43.


Siteground Coupon Code 60% Off | Siteground Promo Discount 2018 - Duration: 3:24.

Siteground Coupon Discount Code Link.

Hey guys, Bryan with WP Cupid Blog and in this video, I'm going to be offering you a

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Enjoy your Siteground Coupon Code Discount.

Alright guys, thanks for watching.

Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more WordPress video tutorials.

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For more infomation >> Siteground Coupon Code 60% Off | Siteground Promo Discount 2018 - Duration: 3:24.


The Pure Soul [SSO Short Film] - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> The Pure Soul [SSO Short Film] - Duration: 3:17.


:P yo shout~outs - Duration: 4:24.

yo >.< meh friends this is for u and staying by my side

first friend >.< I hope we can talk more is space team >.< go to her and sub she good at drawling amazing at it

:P brother jay lol his youtube is jake sub to him if you want he's going to make a new one soon

next one is drama potato lol she's a graet friend >.< and funny and awesome as well

hmmm :P and darkness hides she's the best friend/sis I could ask for she stood by my side >.<

well bye that was it watch the rest if you dare

For more infomation >> :P yo shout~outs - Duration: 4:24.


Audi A2 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Audi A2 - Duration: 1:06.


Shirdi Sai - Parthi Sai_Vida de Sathya Sai Baba_Cap 53..SU MISIÓN EMPIEZA... - Duration: 13:27.

For more infomation >> Shirdi Sai - Parthi Sai_Vida de Sathya Sai Baba_Cap 53..SU MISIÓN EMPIEZA... - Duration: 13:27.


Smart ForTwo - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Smart ForTwo - Duration: 0:54.


How To Make $100 Per Day With Automated Websites - Duration: 13:47.

yo what's up guys this is Giorgie oh and

in this video I'm going to show you how

you can make $100 per day with automated

websites well if you are excited just

give this video a thumbs up and if you

want to see more just subscribe to my

channel well let's jump into my laptop

so automated websites you don't need

any technical skills like coding or

advanced web design or something like

that because they're fully automated you

don't have to do a lot of work either

you have to do some work but not a lot

so guys what are automated websites well

most of them are news websites because

it's evergreen there will always be news

but also think about movies or health

websites perhaps people have seen a new

movie and they want to drop a review or

something like that and health is always

a really popular topic of course you can

never run out of content automated

websites they publish high quality posts

in your niche without you doing anything

what are the main benefits of automated

websites it's fully automated it brings

in money daily weekly and monthly as

long as you own the website secondly it

saves you a lot of time normally you

have to write blog posts a lot of blog


two or three hundred k plus words but

now because it's automated you don't

have to write these blog posts so it

will save you a lot of time it saves you

money because you do not have to pay a


creator so if you do not write your

blog post yourself then you can hire a

content creator well and he will write

your blog post for you but because it's

automated it saves you a lot of money

there are basically two methods to make

money with an automated website

number one is so let's take a


flippa is the number one market place to

buy yourself online businesses think

about websites domain names Amazon FBA

apps as well so what we're going to do

is we're going to enter automated I

already searched for it and as you can

see over there over 300 results and we

want the monthly profit at least 250 as

you can see over here five results mean

by let's press on mean fat for example

it's a viralcontent websites over

1500 monthly revenue is fully automated

that's it

as you can see some statistics traffic

social 70k over 70 K page views from

social and 70 percent direct 22 percent

so basically they get a lot of traffic

from facebook from Twitter from

Instagram maybe so that's that's that's

good because you can automate it United

States a lot of traffic from the United

States etc etc not everyone on Flippa

comm is legit so we're going to similar

web to see if mean is legit traffic or vo they do

not have that much traffic because

there's no analytic but it's because

you're very 80% its from social 7080

percent so that this kind of congruent

thorough search is yeah well as we

already so one point 13 percent comes

from search which is not a lot which is

not a lot but we already have seen

eighty percent comes from social and you

can automate it so this looks kind of

legit mean fight but on the other hand

travel blog dot com as we can see over here

well the statistics look kind of solid

traffic social organic this is something

go for a website for a blog this is

something which is very nice because it

means it ranks in Google and otherwise

you you need a lot of social because you

can automate it as well but all right it

looks solid but if you scroll down below

that's someone and said zero backlink

profile zero pages ranking Google's

organic traffic is false banner

advertising is even part of an ad

network is just a banner image linking

to a website which means that the owner

of travel ninja might try to

scam you so make sure to always do your

due diligence and your research before

you buy something on this website but

all right flippa is something you can

check out and see if you see something


number two is create an automated

website yourself

WP Robo WP r SS ad drew gator I can't

pronounce it or nu somatic plugin well

it's not hard to

create an automated website yourself I

will drop down link video in the

description to a video which teaches you

how to start a blog and then you

basically need to install these plugins

WP robot or WP RSS aggregator or new

somatic plugin so over here we have the

news o matic plug-in automatic new sport

generator plugin for WordPress it cost

$12 so yeah you just purchased the

plug-in and install it and well that's

it it will automatically publish news

posts so that's basically it the WP RSS

aggregator is free so you can just

install the plug-in right away how do

you monetize that website well there are

multiple options you have google adsense

of course you just apply for the Google

Adsense program and you can place your

ads on your website as simple as that

and Google will show a relevant ads to

your visitors next you have sponsored

posts sometimes brands are going to

approach you to do some sponsored deals

and the only thing you need to do is to

write a blog post write a review about a

certain product whatever and you will

earn money and if brands do not reach

out to you then you will reach out to

them it's simple as that you just mail

them and

well if you don't give it a shot nothing

will happen

email that's and offers what I mean by

that this email marketing is still one

of the best ways to make money online

because email marketing is a great asset

to have you just need to capture to

collect the email addresses of your

visitors maybe you have a lead magnet

and then you give away a free ebook or

something like that and once you have

collected their email addresses you just

send offers to them but don't try to


what I recommend you to do is send out

three or four value emails with tips or

tricks or whatever you want and then

recommend the product recommend the

product or recommend of course that you

have or recommend your own ebook or I

don't know but email marketing is a

great way to monetize your website

affiliate marketing is just recommending

products to others and you can combine

it with email marketing of course you

just need to put links in your content

pop-ups opt-in pages or banners and if

people click on it and they purchase the

product you will earn the commission of

course creation once you have a lot of

knowledge on the topic you can create a

course around the topic and you just

sell your information and in the

money-making online niche is if that is

your niche then it's not uncommon to

sell a course for 200 300 500 and even

$1000 so you can earn a lot of money

with just course creation sell backlinks

and nobody talks about this and it's

very underrated but you can make a lot

of money with selling backlinks we go to or for

example this person over here what it

does is just selling begginings he has a


and it's well it had it has a lot of

authority which means that if he links

out to other websites these websites

will get a boost in google and they will

rank higher so this person over here

just sells his links and as you can see

he asks ninety dollars one hundred

seventy dollars and even three hundred

dollars with just linking out to other

web sites so this is another way to make

money with an automated websites though

if you have a website which has a lot of

authority it perhaps it's it's maybe one

or two or three years old it is it has

aged a little bit then you can just sell

your links for a nice price guys so why

would they sell a site that will make

them passive income and that's a fair

question of course and some owners just

need to cash out to start another

project or they want to go on an

expensive holiday or just buy the

special car there are numerous reasons

why they want to sell the website so

guys what is the right price of a

website this is the formula the monthly

income of a website times 10 to 30

months is in most cases a lot of money

let's say the monthly income is thirty

five hundred thirty five hundred a month

times well thirty for example you can

sell it for $105,000 which is crazy it's

crazy guys but that is times thirty but

let's say x times 12 for example it's 42

K 42 K for just selling your website

which is

a lot of money so guys this is basically

how to earn $100 with an automated

website and it's not hard to do what you

can see you just purchase you just buy

websites there are already life and

there are already making money so you

don't have to do a lot the only thing

you need to do is if there's a website

which is not making a lot of money then

you can try to Google ads on the website

or you can try to reach out to a brand

for sponsored posts or you can try to do

affiliate marketing and that way you can

make a lot of money you can make more

money than the website used to make so

that's it guys that's how you make $100 per day

with an automated website so

guys if you like this video hit the

thumbs up button subscribe if you want

to see more videos and I see you guys in

the next videos

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