So far, I have always been interested in health and how to be healthy.
I did not deal with diseases, drugs and medicine
it's not my job, I'm not competent nor interested in it.
For me, it's health first ...
And then, I became a dad a year ago.
It is the most beautiful experience of my life.
like all fathers, I was
confronted with the question of vaccination at one point or another
And frankly, I hear everything and its opposite.
This goes from the classical speech about the obvious
and the absolutely essential and harmless nature of vaccines
up to the most disturbing testimonials,
especially in my environment. I have examples around me.
I realize that in the end,
I do not have the elements to make a choice on vaccination, the famous informed choice.
And for my son, I want the best, the full health.
I do not want to make random choices, and especially not play the Russian roulette ...
We talk about free and informed consent,
so, since nobody seemed to be able to inform me without taking sides,
I started an investigation, I did my own investigation,
with all the energy that is given by the love for my son.
Music: "Shine" by Hicham Chahidi
I wanted finally to know what was the "truth about vaccination".
My opinion does not matter at the end, and neither my choices.
What I want is to give everyone clear, rational information
and based on scientific facts in order to make an informed choice.
I am not "anti-vaccine", I am pro-science, pro-public health,
pro-happy and healthy child,
so I will ask questions and try to answer them!
VACCINATION INVESTIGATION Episode 3: Other "surprises" in vaccine composition, and how are they tested + "Polio"
We all want our children to be healthy, right?
I called my friend Alex to film my testimonial about my investigation
and that he can account for the path I had taken
to untie the truth from the false.
This film is the testimonial of this investigation,
it's my way to the truth about vaccination!
Alex: And now, after a nap, I'm here.
Thierry: Available? Motivated?
Yes indeed ! Very!
T: You followed, you did read everything, do you like it?
A: I have read everything
T: Did you read everything? Well, look, your next homework!
Because today we will continue to talk about what's inside the vaccines,
because before thinking if there are dangers or not when it comes to vaccines,
and discuss all of that,
we will take a look at some vaccines in particular
not to review all vaccines,
but rather to see what is common
and the positive and negative things that we will be able to find in each one of them.
But before that, I wanted to finish anyway, the list of components that are in vaccines,
and because there is something, for me,
that is scary, when we make the list of these components ...
A: Yes, what we saw, till now ...
T: Till now what we have seen is disturbing but not scary.
What we are going to see now is scary.
A: Oh! Even heavy metals ...
T: Yes! I expected mercury and things like that,
I mean, when I started my research
I had already heard about mercury in vaccines,
I had heard about aluminum in vaccines,
I did not know that we knew they were neurotoxic to this point
and that we knew that we were beyond normal doses of neurotoxicity.
I thought we did not know,
that it was something said in other places
but that there was no evidence.
I was surprised, I have to tell you
sometimes I am extremely surprised when I come across some fact
and I say to myself "but in fact we know it! "
A: Yes
T: But how is this possible, how can we know it?
we will talk about other components that may be in vaccines.
And among these other elements there is one which I wanted to talk to you about, the retroviruses.
A: Okay
T: what are retroviruses ?
These are families of viruses that mainly infect vertebrates
and these are viruses that are often inactive in the host
and that become active once passed on to another category.
A: Okay
T: They are asymptomatic in their initial host.
I'll give an example: in the polio vaccine,
in the 50s and the 60s, we realized at some point,
that the polio vaccine was infected with a virus called SV40.
SV40 is a virus that is endemic amoung african green monkeys.
and to make these vaccines, we used kidneys of green monkeys.
Yes you'll see, we'll go for a little walk in Frankenstein world ... OK!
We used kidneys of green monkeys,
So there are lots of people who have been infected with this SV40 virus,
This virus was linked to a lot of diseases, cancers,
bone cancers, bone marrow cancers, endocrine system cancers and so on,
So, there were millions of people who have been infected with this SV40 virus
who was asymptomatic and became symptomatic in humans.
This raises the question of culture medium.
That is, often in culture medium
we will grow a virus because we want to create a vaccine against this virus,
but in fact we can't really handle all the other "wild" viruses we'll find
and uncontrollable viruses from the use of animal tissues
which may themselves be infected with viruses that are asymptomatic.
And so, in fact we end up with something that we do not really control.
So retrovirus was the first thing that I wanted to talk about.
The second is what is called polysorbate 80.
Polysorbate 80 is used especially in chemotherapy,
because it has the property of opening what is called the blood-brain barrier.
The blood-brain barrier is what protects our brain.
You see…. I told you about mucosal immunity,
I told you about our intestines and their role as an immune organ,
that is the outer fortifications,
and you have a dungeon that protects the most holy: our central nervous system.
This is called the blood-brain barrier.
Polysorbate 80 has the property of opening the blood-brain barrier
because it will allow chemotherapy products to be effective much more faster in the brain,
when we do chemotherapy for brain cancers for example.
This is a problem because, as it has the property of opening the blood-brain barrier,
that means that all ingredients that are found in vaccines ...
A: They have the door open for them
T: ... and will get in even more.
Not only does it do that, but
for example about its danger, I have a study,
I put several studies, on polysorbate P80, for example:
«The food additive P80 acts on the intestinal flora of mice
by promoting intestinal inflammations, obesity and liver dysfunction. "
You're going to tell me that it's not very bad, it's not death
but obesity and liver dysfunction can be handicaps
which will stay with you all your life.
I have lots of other studies;
it's also called the Tween 80,
it participates in what is called biofilm formation.
The biofilm are bacterial colonies
which will form layers on the surface of the intestines
and that will cause malabsorption, immune defects and so on,
so, lots of problems of malabsorption,
it is not something that we would like to see in vaccines!
Then there is another, the name amused me,
especially when I was told it was in vaccines,
it's a detergent called TritonX-100.
Yes, a surface detergent!
you can even find it in DIY stores,
you go to Leroy, Casto,
and you'll find TritonX-100 to clean surfaces.
In fact, it's a detergent, and it has the property to solubilize,
I think that's why it's used in vaccines.
Well, it's pretty interesting, I found some studies that tested the TritonX-100,
because when I'm told "a detergent, but what does it do there? "
it would never come to mind to drink detergent
but, to inject me with detergent!
Finally, you see, when you talk about injecting that to your kid, you say ...ah ...?!
And in fact, I came across the toxicity study
which allowed tritonX-100 products to be in the market, and they say:
"The TritonX-100-split virion vaccine",
already the name is serious!, you feel that you are dealing with something serious,
"Was well tolerated, no serious adverse events were recorded
during the 21 days following vaccination".
Well, they know it's not dangerous
because the follow-up was done over 21 days.
It seems like a big joke.
I mean ... We know that a toxicity like that spreads in the body
in 21 days, it's just ridiculous!
For me this is not an epidemiological test at all.
And then, I got the data sheet of TritonX-100,
we will perhaps put it in the screen, because it is worth it!
So already the first 3 signs are marked danger, it is red!
Already, you can say, it's not healthy! It's not a healthy thing.
«Risk phrases: H302: Harmful if swallowed»
So it's dangerous if you ingest it.
So if you inject it, no it's not dangerous!
"Causes skin irritation.
Causes serious eye damage.
Very toxic to aquatic organisms.
Causes long-term adverse effects."
A: So, maybe what they inject in the vaccine is another thing, another kind ...?
T: No, no! It's not another kind at all, it's TritonX-100, and they tell you:
"Wear protective gloves, protective clothing,
eye and face protection equipment.
If in eyes, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.
Remove contact lenses if the victim ... "
They say the victim! If you touch this thing, you're a victim!
"... wears them and if they can be easily removed.
Call a poison control center or a doctor immediately. "
So if you get vaccinated with this thing,
you can call a poison control center or a doctor.
A: And that one, is it present in all vaccines or in some of them?
T: In a lot of vaccines.
"If swallowed, call a poison control center or a doctor if you feel unwell. Rinse your mouth. "
Overall, it is still very surprising to find this in vaccines!
I think you'll agree with me.
And then the biggest thing is an American association
called Moms Across America.
In the United States they have extremely powerful associations,
it's a big country, and the associative spirit is very present in the United States
and the associative spirit that can do lobbying.
That is, when they have an association
they really play a big role in politics,
and for example, they paid for an independent study
by a laboratory called Microbe Inotech Laboratories, you hear my accent!
A: Laboratories
T: Microbe Inotech Laboratories. And what did they find?
They found a product called glyphosate.
Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide found in Roundup,
This is Roundup, and the results indicated by this lab are:
"Disturbing Levels of Glyphosate in the Trivalent Combination Vaccine Against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella",
so the MMR,
"It includes live attenuated viruses for measles, rubella and mumps,
it is usually administered during childhood,
this vaccine is sold by Mercks & Company under the name of MMR II,
it is the one that is currently being injected to all children,
"By GlaxoSmithKline under the name of Priorix,
by Serum Institute of India, under the name Tresivac
and by Sanofi Pasteur under the name of MMR Vax Pro in Belgium (and under the name of Trimovax in other countries) "
And most importantly, how can we find glyphosate in vaccines?
This is simply because animal tissues have been used in culture mediums.
And Gilles-Eric Seralini, whom I already told you about, a researcher who worked a lot on Roundup,
showed that every time we had glyphosate,
every time an animal ingested it, it's because
when the animals eat grass on which there have been herbicides,
the herbicide gets to their tissues
and since these tissues are used for vaccines,
it is found in the vaccine.
And what Gilles-Eric Seralini showed
is that glyphosate never came alone,
that is, glyphosate was detected
but there are more than a hundred adjuvants that go with glyphosate,
if we looked for them, chances are we will find them.
A: A hundred ...
T: Yes more or less, he showed that glyphosate never came alone.
"Numerous adjuvant products",
It was the conclusions of his studies.
Then a product that is easily found ...
T: You are doing something...
A: Yes I changed because you were a little ...
T: I am moving ?
A: But it's OK...
T: Cameraman!
So a product that we also find ...
Shall we continue, is it okay with you?
A: Yes
T: The product called monosodium glutamate, you may have heard of it.
The deceased Corinne Gouget who is a person that did work a lot on monosodium glutamate,
it's called an excitotoxic,
it is capable of exciting the central nervous system.
"Cognitive and biochemical effects of monosodium glutamate and aspartame
individually administered to a set of mice,
separated and together, glutamate and aspartame have very disruptive effects
on cognitive reactions, memory and learning of mice."
And we know that it is the case for children too.
I put some studies on glutamate,
there is a lot of studies on monosodium glutamate on the internet,
We find in in vaccines.
An exciting effect on the nervous system,
I guess that it's to facilitate the immune system's reaction.
So I wanted to talk about culture mediums,
since we talked about it, we talked about these animal tissues ...
A: So, just to clarify, what are culture mediums?
T: the virus or the bacteria must multiply
And for that, you have to put them in an environment in which they can find food.
So in a culture medium, it's the environments in which
bacteria or viruses will multiply
so that
starting from a virus strain
we can produce millions of doses of vaccines.
Moreover, we could talk about the economy of vaccines, we will talk about it,
there will be an episode about the vaccine economy
because there are people who still dare to say that the labs do not make profit from vaccines,
I did my calculations and it's just unbelievable,
this is THE boom area and it does not cost much to produce a vaccine
because virus strains that you multiply with animal by-products that are the waste coming from the industry,
I mean, that's all profit.
So what do we find?
There are kidneys of African green monkeys,
we find cultures of diphtheria,
we find infected human tissues,
we find animal cells.
My source for saying all this is the CDC,
I put the link there, you can go take a look
CDC: Center for Disease Control,
it is the center for disease control in the United States,
it's a bit like the Ministry of Health and Solidarity in France.
It is the one that supports all vaccine and public health policies in the United States.
"Cultures of diphtheria, infected human tissues, infected animal cells (monkeys, pigs, canaries, chickens)".
And we also find what we call: aborted calf blood.
When you take a look at this CDC statement,
you have to do some research to understand the used terms :
animal by-products, you have to look at what that means for the industry.
In the document you will find: "calf serum"
So, when you dig a little to find what does it mean "calf serum"?
it's fetal bovine serum, it's blood plasma,
it is blood of aborted calves,
in the industry, in slaughterhouses, finally in the monstrosity that was created ...
There is another thing that creates a lot of controversy in the United States,
it's the presence of what's called the MRC5.
The MRC5 is a code, you see it in the CDC document.
MRC5 is a diploid human cell culture line that was derived from an aborted fetus.
So, it's been a long time,
But we took an aborted fetus in the 60s, and we took some of his cells
and since then they are multiplied in the laboratory.
There are people who will say that part of the fetus memories and other things are in there.
It's just to say that the culture medium,
said like that,
it's a little like Frankenstein world.
A: Yes, completely
T: Another thing that's in there ...
that could seem innocuous considering all that I described to you previously
they are Food Proteins.
I will give you several studies, there is one for example called:
"Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines
Cause the Development of Food Allergies
and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy".
We have been observing for 20 or 25 years
a massive increase in food allergies.
By the way, an increase that regularly,
in some newspapers, is treated with much condescension
saying that "it's fashionable."
"Ah it's fashionable to be allergic to gluten" and so on,
These are the journalists who do not push their research to the limit, we will forgive them ...
I quote from some studies, for example this one which tells you:
"Many vaccines and injections contain food proteins"
The problem is that, if you have albumin for example,
the egg albumin protein,
when you eat an egg, it will go through the digestive process
which will result in it to be broken down into small parts
which will go from your digestive tract right into the blood,
they are called decomposed amino acids,
that is to say, the basic building blocks of proteins.
If you inject albumin, you inject a complex protein in your blood,
your body recognizes it as a foreign element
and therefore will generate an allergic reaction.
It's a bit like you have a digestive defect
and that the food passed undecomposed inside.
You have all the studies that show it!
"Many vaccines and injections contain food proteins.
Since 1940, many studies have shown that
Vaccine proteins cause allergies in humans.
Vaccine allergens are not fully disclosed.
No dosage level for injected allergens has been established.
Thus quantities of allergens present in vaccines and injections are not regulated,
the quantities of allergens present in the excipients of the vaccines are not regulated either. "
So, it's ...
It is something we can't control at all,
and when we look at the composition of the vaccines on the CDC website that I gave you previously
we find egg protein, milk protein, yeast protein, wheat protein,
therefore, it should not be too surprising that we have a lot of allergies to wheat, milk, eggs,
especially because of vaccination,
not only, but in particular because of vaccination.
Do you see?
A: Yes! And there is not this story of doses?
That .. Yes ... Certainly, there are all these products and we know it, but as we inject them ...
T: In a micro dose?
A: Yes
T: This notion of dose is important
and it comes back all the time!
Because no one disputes that there are chemicals in vaccines
and I found them all on the CDC website, the Center for Diesease Control
so that's not a secret, it's not taboo,
just type on the internet and to know English and you will find them.
The debate is about the quantity,
are the quantities sufficient to result in side effects?
I'll give you some things to try to answer that,
and you will see that the next episodes will also answer this question.
There is a classification called ICD, which is International Classification of Disease.
This is the international classification of diseases
and in this ICD I found 3 codes,
it's 978, 979 and ... there are 18 codes that describe the disorders related to vaccination.
what I mean by that,
we have created specific codes to designate disorders resulting from vaccination.
nomenclatures have been created to designate a disease linked to vaccination,
an adverse effect related to vaccination.
Therefore, there are many adverse effects related to vaccination.
This concept of dose, we can discuss it as much as we want,
but there are indeed measured effects, there are measured consequences.
And besides, I've already told you, in the United States,
a compensation fund has been set up for victims of vaccine injuries
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System)
a system for reporting the adverse effects of vaccines,
and following the creation of this VAERS
a compensation fund has been created called NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program),
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
In 20 years, victims of vaccine injuries have been compensated: 3 billion $ in total.
So, I remind you that we said
less than 1% of the vaccine injuries were actually reported.
So already, despite that, there were 3 billion $ in compensations.
3 billion $ in compensations is still huge,
it means that there are victims,
and I'll tell you, it's only 1 in every 100 people.
In fact, after digging deeper
we realize that only 1% of cases are reported to VAERS
and that in these 1% of cases, only 1/3 is entitled to compensation,
2/3 are not compensated by the VAERS.
So that means that if we made an estimate,
that would be 300 billion or 900 billion $ in compensation
which could be predictable for the victims, according to my calculations.
And with only 1% of vaccine injuries.
And I refer to the statement of our Minister of Health
who said that "we know that vaccines are harmless! "
So how can we be sure that the vaccines are harmless
while we paid 3 billion $ in compensation?
That we created a national compensation fund for victims of vaccine injuries?
One thing that is interesting is that in the the United States
they created this compensation fund for victims of vaccine injuries
and this compensation fund remains a double-edge sword
Before the existence of this fund, you could sue a vaccine manufacturer
because there was damage to your child.
From the moment when this compensation fund was created,
you can not sue the vaccine manufacturers,
it's impossible !
There is a law in the United State,
which prohibits to sue the vaccine manufacturers.
If you have a problem, you can go to the NVICP,
they will pay you money to compensate you.
They became untouchable, totally untouchable.
It's still pretty impressive.
So the most Immune are the vaccine manufacturers,
it's a crazy thing.
They are immune by this law!
Total immunity for manufacturers.
Interesting huh?
So many things that we do not have!
And you see all these elements one after the other.
They complain in France that there is a suspicion about vaccines.
Wait, but when you see so many things!!!
There are little signs,
and that's what made me undertake this investigation!
I am not anti-vaccination, I have nothing against vaccination,
I mean, if it's supposed to protect my son ...
A: But when there are so many things...
T: There are little signs...
A: Yes
T: I want to protect my son,
if you show me that there is something that will protect my son, I want to do it.
I do not want him to be sick, I want him to be healthy,
I do not want him to be paralyzed, I do not want him to have a serious injury,
I do not want him to die.
A: it is normal
T: it is normal, you see.
An Italian parliamentary report was published on February 7, 2018,
and I'd really like to read it,
because it's really interesting,
since there is always the question of the dose.
A: Yes
T: For the question of dosage, we can argue about it all day long,
what I see are the effects,
and this Italian parliamentary report, published on February 7, 2018
following 18 years of studies on military personnel.
I will put the link to this report of the Italian Parliament.
The subject of the report:
"Understanding the reasons for thousands of deaths and serious illnesses
among Italian military personnel assigned to missions abroad."
They find themselves facing thousands of deaths
and they wonder what's going on.
"The experts took into account all the risk factors to which they were exposed,
first and foremost depleted uranium in bombs and other weapons-related things.
But they also analyzed other risk factors
especially for soldiers who have never been on a mission
and one in particular did hold our attention : the vaccines."
Which means, in all the studies they have done,
at one point there is something they found, it's vaccines,
among these thousands of deaths.
"After 18 years of investigation to determine the causes of the thousands of deaths,
this parliamentary commission identified a significant risk
to develop cancers and autoimmune diseases
after administration of multi-dose vaccines
as recommended for military preventions.
May we remind that vaccines for the military are identical to vaccines for children."
i.e. they are hexavalent vaccines.
They received hexavalent vaccines before we introduced them in France.
"Conclusion: the commission could not find a single study demonstrating the safety of combined vaccines."
They have reviewed all the scientific studies,
they found nothing to attest to the safety of the combined vaccines. It was never done.
"The Committee considered that the cumulative quantities of different components of vaccines
exceeds the authorized quantities for marketing of monovalent vaccines.
This means that in combined vaccines, the sum of adjuvants,
for example aluminum or mercury, preservatives and biological contaminants,
as well as human DNA or animal DNA from organic tissues to make vaccines,
have never been tested."
That is to say ... It is all random!
You remember what I told you,
*The dose makes the poison*
it's no longer valid,
so, just feeling the way.
"Vaccines that have a large number of components in terms of quantity
but also in terms of varieties of foreign components
determine a greater number of side effects."
This is their conclusion.
"Among other things, the committee is concerned about the use of the safety of aluminum-based adjuvant in vaccines,
like hexavalent polio vaccine also recommended for children,
high amounts of human and animal DNA found in some MMR vaccines,
and the presence of polluting inflammatory nano-particles in all vaccines."
It's in their report, you can read it, it's 180 or 190 pages.
T: I told you I will go strong.
A: Yes
T: It's a technique! It's been 6 months that I'm on this.
My wife could say,
she will not want to say it on camera,
but the number of mornings, I often work very early in the morning,
In the early mornings, she wakes up at 7 o'clock,
and it would be 1 or 2 hours that I have been working on my research,
because I really took it to heart,
and there, I come and say to her:
" Do you realize ! There is this and that... "
In the early morning, sometimes she would say to me: "Oh, take it easy!",
but at the same time she told me that she really appreciated it
because she told me a lot of things, which she presupposed,
that she had heard from here and there,
and that made her look at things a little differently too.
A: Well, I'm asking myself a question with all these products that are in vaccines,
who allows this to be tested on people.
T: That we can even put it on the market.
A: Yes
T: Yes, permissions. It's a good question.
And I asked myself the same question.
I said "But wait, considering all the side effects that we discover,
how are they tested?
who tests them?
How is it done?"
So, normally, for a scientific study to be valid, it must compare a product to a placebo.
That's how it works
that is to say, there is a group that takes a product, a vaccine,
then another that takes a placebo
and we compare the two, and in fact, all the scientific conclusions,
-it is the danger of a product compared to a placebo-
Normally the placebo that should be used is just salty water,
it's water with salt, you see, it's nothing.
But it's always relative to the placebo.
Then I was interested in what type of placebo was used for vaccine tests.
And it surprised me, I must confess.
I quote from studies, there is one that concludes for example:
"Most vaccine studies do not indicate the nature of the used placebos."
Most studies do not indicate the nature of the used placebos!
I came across the studies that have been done on the HPV vaccine Cervarix.
HPV is the Papillomavirus, we'll talk about it,
we're going to talk about papillomavirus,
So, the Cervarix HPV vaccine was evaluated in a series of trials called Patricia trials.
And when you go to the manufacturer's website,
I went to the manufacturer's website
it is GSK that produces it,
You have the link.
well, when you look at how the study was done,
they tell you that half of the candidates took Cervarix
and the other half took a placebo that was the hepatitis B vaccine packed with aluminum and mercury.
A: Ok!
T: And they tell you "Finally, there is not much danger,
there is no difference between the two."
But wait, if you are injected with Rat poison and if I am injected ... I don't know ...
with an extremely toxic product and I am told:
in fact the extremely toxic product is not much more toxic than Rat poison!
But technically it is !
Why didn't we take a placebo that would consist of nothing at all?
In which there is no aluminum and no mercury?
There was a vaccine against hepatitis B,
the fake control group took a vaccine called Havrix,
and the manufacturer, by the way, that financed the study, we'll see,
The Cervarix was only evaluated by the manufacturer itself.
Which means that the studies on which we base our results, are the studies coming from the manufacturer.
In general, there is no point to make a product then to say
"Oh no wait it's super dangerous, it must be removed!"
But in addition to the studies, they came to the conclusion
that only 0.1% of the side effects in both groups,
means only one thousandth of the reported side effects,
were due to one or the other (the two vaccines)
There is so little difference between the two!
Of course, they are both stuffed with aluminum, adjuvants and mercury.
I have another, it's DSK, just now, it was GSK and here it is DSK:
"A quick look at the results of a study
published in the New England Journal of Medicine on 17 November 2011
indicates that the two control groups for the vaccine on malaria (for placebos):
children between 5 and 18 months of age received a rabies vaccine, which is the Sanofi Pasteur strain,
and the youngest 6 to 12-week-olds received a meningococcal conjugate vaccine,
which is produced by Novartis
and these two vaccines are already filled with aluminum.
We find it everywhere, wherever I searched,
whenever placebos have been used in vaccine testing,
the used placebos are in fact vaccines.
So when it is announced that
side effects of a particular vaccine are minor
compared to the placebo group,
what they do not tell you,
is that the placebo group already has a lot of side effects.
the difference is what is measured.
A: Yes, yes
T: So how are they tested? Here you go !
It's not a scientific test, it's malfeasance!
A: That is quite ludicrous!
T: And you see, if I could be more...
they mess up,
because a guy like me who sees this, it's driving him crazy
I mean, but what do they have to hide?
And that pushes me to look further.
A: Yes
T: On my own, I would not have gone farther
but when I see this, I say to myself but it's ...
A: But they may not have much choice,
if they do their experiments with a neutral placebo, that's where really ...
T: Well, yes, there is a problem. There is really a problem.
A: In one of the previous videos, we talked about smallpox and polio
T: Yes
A: You told me about smallpox
T: Yes
A: polio not too much, you had ousted the subject.
T: Would you like us to finish with polio?
A: That would be great!
T: We end with polio.
A: It does not bother you?
T: We are not going to talk about all diseases!
A: No, but the biggest ones.
T: Yes, that's it, the vaccines that saved humanity!
A: Yes
T: I did some research also on poliomyelitis.
A: I am rubbing my hands.
T: You knew it. And it's interesting.
Then you'll see, I'm less certain compared to smallpox,
because you will see I wanted to be honest in my investigation,
I am not defending one side or another.
You understand, it's not my opinion that I want to present.
I have an opinion that takes into account a lot of parameters.
What I wanted to do was an investigation,
so we will see what happened with polio.
And I realized that we often confuse polio and paralysis.
When someone is paralyzed, it is said that he had polio.
Actually, polio is a gastrointestinal virus,
and more than 95% of people who have polio will be completely asymptomatic,
so, they have no symptoms,
they will never have any problem,
they walk around with this strain and it's totally asymptomatic.
It is said that between one in 200 and one in 1000 will actually have paralysis disorders.
It is a damage of the central nervous system at the crest of the spinal cord,
so that's where it's going to be.
The thing is, there are so many other viruses that can cause the same symptoms.
And you'll see when we're going to do our polio research,
there will be a some confusion
because there is a lot of polio that will be due to non-polio viruses.
I will explain.
A: ahha
T: What I mean by that is
we did associate in a way a little too fast polio and paralysis
A: Okay
T: The guys are going to say there's paralysis that's going to be called polio
but the truth is they are not due to the polio virus
because there are lots of other viruses, there are at least 50 virus strains,
that can cause exactly the same symptoms as polio.
That's why when we talk about polio eradication
we're going to be a bit confused because there are so many other viruses ...
A: It's impossible
T: It's almost impossible. For example, I quote from a study:
"This year, at least 50 people have been infected with a serious illness
called acute flaccid myelitis, AFM,
which according to doctors, it closely resembles polio.
It seems that AFM is triggered by different viruses
such as anteroviruses, adenoviruses and West Nile virus."
In fact, polio is a damage on the anterior horn of the spinal cord,
and that can be due to a lot of viruses.
So we already don't know.
And I told you that we make the distinction between poliomyelitis due to the polio virus
and poliomyelitis caused by viruses other than polio.
And that's good to remember.
To give some history, polio appeared in the 20th century
with a peak in the 50s, after the war,
there was a huge increase after the end of the second world war.
There is an approach, which I found while doing my research,
it will always be difficult to certify, so it's a correlation,
but there is an American doctor named Morton Biskind
who published various documents in the late 1950s linking the polio epidemic,
therefore the epidemic of problems in the anterior horn of the spinal cord
with massive use of DDT.
The massive use of DDT, I did put some links, you can watch.
When you click on these links you will see something amazing.
You will see children in a pool
who are being sprayed with DDT by a huge sprayer,
we can even put some pictures, I'll give them to you.
These are advertisements that were at that time: "DDT is good for me",
and you see a farmer dancing with cows
with "DDT is good for me",
because at that time there was fear of mosquito infections
and DDT was presented as the universal solution,
I do not know if you remember, in cartoons,
in old cartoons with BipBip and Coyote and things like that -
often, they have something to spray.
It's DDT, parents sprayed their kids with DDT!
And this researcher showed, I will show you the plots,
that there is an exact correlation between polio peaks in the United States
and peaks of spraying DDT.
This allowed him to say that "DDT and diseases of the central nervous system such as polio
are actually physiological and symptomatic manifestations
of permanent flooding by the state
and sponsored by the industry of a poison for the central nervous system."
These were his conclusions.
This plot will show you,
it's a hypothesis, it's a correlation,
I can't say that there is a causality.
I don't do it like the others,
I tell you that there is a correlation between the two.
What we know is that the pesticide hypothesis is admissible
because we know that pesticides ... I did include a lot of studies ...
A: DDT is in fact
T: It's a pesticide.
A: Oh yes, it's a pesticide.
T: We know, and I show you in lots of studies,
so that you can read them tonight,
Well, we know that most pesticides have an extremely disruptive effect on the central nervous system.
So this hypothesis is admissible.
But we will talk about what is certain? Okay ?
What is certain
is that the polio virus is not the only one to cause polio type paralysis.
Clearly, there are dozens of causes for polio.
More than 90% of real polio are completely asymptomatic.
Which means, more than 90 to 95% of polio infections are completely asymptomatic.
So difficult to deal with this.
We may have won the fight against polio,
however, there has been an explosion of polio-like symptoms caused by other viruses,
and I give you all the sources.
A: Yes, only the name was changed in fact?
T: For example, this study,
again, links are available, you'll check it out:
"Evan though polio has disappeared from India for a year,
there has been a huge increase in acute flaccid paralysis excluding polio."
It's the same symptoms,
They have the same thing except they are told
"You do not have polio, you have acute flaccid paralysis,
you are cured of polio but you have acute flaccid paralysis."
"In 2011, there were 47,500 new cases of acute flaccid paralysis,
indistinguishable from paralysis due to polio
but 2 times more deadly.
Therefore acute flaccid paralysis, was in proportion with the doses of administered polio."
Which means, the more we give doses of polio vaccines
the more we have those cases of acute flaccid paralysis which are twice as deadly as polio.
"The Ministry of Health of India, after celebrating a year without wild polio virus,
is now facing a dilemma
that public health experts predicted many years ago.
The vaccine they used to fight polio causes more polio-like paralysis than wild polio virus."
It's interesting huh?
A: It's interesting
T: And then, of course, I told you about the contamination by the SV40 for example,
here, too, there are a lot of studies,
contamination in the 60s, it has already happened,
contamination by this retrovirus which is certainly the origin
of epidemics of cancer in the population in the 70s and 80s.
So ... is polio defeated? I'm not sure.
A: the name of polio, yes.
T: We made a switch! I would say that this will be the subject of our next video.
A: ...?
T: when we attack the living, a virus or bacteria,
because most vaccines are against viruses and bacteria ...?
A: How do they adapt?
T: They adapt! at an incredible speed!
Much faster than us.
There are even researchers who tell you
"When we vaccinate against the flu, we are already 4 months behind the virus strain!
When we vaccinate against the flu we are already behind!"
A: And ... It's the work you do outside of this series of videos, but
are you going to share with us a little bit,
not the solutions but the other ways for the body to be stronger
and that we do not have to take vaccines?
Or, at least, ... ?
T: So for me, to not take a vaccine or to take it, it's not my job,
I will not position myself on the matter.
A: Yes! Me neither!
T: but yes, in the last episode we will talk specifically about immunity.
A: Okay.
T: Immunity in children, we will talk about breastfeeding, I'll talk about it because ...
A: Ah
T: You'll see how immunity works.
But you see, for example, to talk about immunity in children,
we must study the immune system of children.
We'll do it simply, but I can't save you time,
I can't tell you it's like that, no.
I will explain to you how the immune system of children works
and you will understand that there are principles that must be respected,
if we do not respect them, we can not talk about immunity.
talking about vaccinating or not vaccinating ...
First, put in place the natural immunity and after we will take care of vaccination.
We will think about that.
We'll talk about it, it's in the next episodes.
A: Great
T: Are you OK with that?
A: Yes
T: Shall we continue?
A: Yes with great pleasure!
T: We meet again tomorrow morning?
A: Ok great.
T: In the early morning?
T: 06h - 06h30 to see the sunrise? A: Alright, sure!
T: 06h - 06h30 to see the sunrise? A: Alright, sure!
T: 06h - 06h30 to see the sunrise? A: Alright, sure!
T: And then, we will meet in 2 - 3 days
because when we will broadcast the episodes,
we will not broadcast all in one day.
I will leave 2 -3 days between each video.
Thank you.
A: I will try to change the sweater anyway ...
T: To be cool! To say that you were not always dressed ...
A: Thank you very much, for your time that you spend for us!
T: It's nice, huh?
A: That's great! Thank you.
T: We will continue the adventure.
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