Palakura Pappu
Palakura Pappu
Palakura Pappu
Genessy & Lex Perform to "Be Brave" by My Brightest Diamond | Season 15 Ep. 14 | SYTYCD - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
Taylor & Darius Perform to "It Takes A Lot To Know A Man" by Damien Rice | Season 15 Ep. 14 | SYTYCD - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Man Behind Pair Of Violent Robberies Arrested, Cops Say - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
'Larry & Ernie's Pit Stop' Talked About Scene Ep. 106 | Lodge 49 - Duration: 3:36.Bob: Ernie, where the hell did you send Beautiful Jeff?
What are you talking about?
He left for the desert yesterday,
and I haven't heard from him!
He's not answering his phone!
Will you calm down? Everything is fine.
Get to the office now!
I can't. I got more important stuff going on.
I'll check in later.
Are you okay?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Y-You mind if we stop by the Lodge?
I-I want to get a few things from the Sanctum.
And, oh, man, I could sure use a beer
before we hit the road.
[Chuckles] Yeah.
Anyway, I'm -- I'm on my way down the hill and, uh...
I run into a medic named Cardona.
I mean, I-I think he's from, like, Modesto or Merced.
Anyway, he's also carrying a roll of toilet paper, man. [Laughs]
So, like, we team up looking for a peaceful setting
where we can take a dump and discuss the meaning of life.
[Laughs] And, hey, down below,
there's a couple of infantry guys
setting up a gun position at the edge of a cornfield.
So we walk down there and ask them, you know,
not to shoot us while we're in the corn
taking care of business. [Both laugh]
So -- So after a few of minutes, like, we're, you know,
smoking and joking without a care in the world.
And then, you know, like, little pieces of corn
start falling down all around us,
and we hear this muffled automatic weapon's fire...
[Laughs] ...and somebody up the hill yells, "Incoming!"
[Laughter echoing]
[Engine sputters]
Son of a bitch. [Sighs]
Hey, don't worry.
I'll jump ya. [Chuckles]
All right.
[Engine idles]
[Engine sputters]
[Engine starts, revs]
[Birds chirping]
♪ There was a boy ♪
♪ A very strange enchanted boy ♪
♪ They say he wandered very far ♪
♪ Very far ♪ Good to go!
♪ Over land and sea ♪
♪ A little shy and sad of eye ♪
♪ But very wise was he ♪
♪ And then one day, one magic day ♪
♪ He passed my way ♪
♪ And though we spoke of many things ♪
♪ Fools and kings ♪
♪ This he said to me ♪
♪ "The greatest thing ♪
♪ You'll ever learn ♪
♪ Is just to love ♪
♪ And be loved in return" ♪
[Birds chirping]
SweetPea still sweet son of Popeye | Poor Polly go far not bother mom groom SP | Monkey Daily 1659 - Duration: 10:26.
NCT DREAM - We Go Up [MAFIA DANCE] [마피아 댄스] 엔시티 드림 - Duration: 10:55.Why is NCT DREAM freaking out?
The way the game will proceed 1. There will be 2 Mafia!
2. Mafia will dance along to a different song!
3. Citizens can arrest the mafia when the song ended!
4. A heavy penalty will be given to the losing team!
Referee: Mafia Dance will start now! Everyone please lower your head down.
JENO was chosen!
??:Who is it? MARK:CHENLE, Do not run. CHENLE: Don't do it!
HAECHAN was chosen!
Referee: Mafia, please raise your head and check the identity of each other.
Today's Mafias: JENO and HAECHAN
Round 1 [2 Mafias : 5 Citizens]
The song that Citizens are listening to is: We Go Up
From the start of was so surprised that...
The song that Mafias are listening to is: Cardcaptor Sakura OST
※This is not a stop screen.
Mùa Mưa Bay - Mỹ Anh ft. Tạ Anh 「Lyrics Video」 #Chang - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
2 Different Accounts Emerge About What Happened When Botham Jean Was Killed - Duration: 4:54.-------------------------------------------
HURRICANE FLORENCE: Monday 11 p.m. update - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
Question 8 - Angie Warren-Clark to the Minister of Energy and Resources - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
Olivia preparations in Kona - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Tropical Storm Olivia: The Latest Forecast at 5pm - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
5 books to improve your English - Duration: 16:15.Hey, everyone.
I'm Alex.
Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on: "5 Books to Improve Your English".
So, one of the most common questions I get from students is: "Which books should I read
to improve my English?"
This video is for you.
So, today, I'm going to look at five books that I have chosen to help you build your
vocabulary, increase your comprehension, and develop your speaking and reading confidence.
Now, if you are interested in any of the five books that I mention in the video, we have
a link to Amazon where you can get the e-book version or the print version of the book;
or if you want the audiobook version, you can click the link below to Audible, and there,
you can sign up for a 30-day trial and get your first book for free.
Now, this video is specifically for intermediate and advanced level students.
If you are a beginner student, I probably wouldn't recommend jumping into, you know,
this level of literature right now.
So, this is specifically for intermediate and advanced level students.
Let's not waste any more time, and let's look at the first book.
Charlotte's Web by E.B.
So, this is a childhood classic.
It is a young adult fiction book; it is only 184 pages; and it's basically a farm story
about a girl, a pig, and a spider.
There's also a movie out, you know, about the book, so you can check out the book, watch
the movie, and you can understand more.
So, what's cool about this book: It is written in the simple past, so you get a lot of past
tense practice, and the vocabulary is not that difficult.
So let me read the opening paragraph of chapter two.
So, before I start: Fern is the name of the girl, and Wilbur is the name of her pig.
Chapter 2: Wilbur.
Fern loved Wilbur more than anything.
She loved to stroke him, to feed him, to put him to bed.
Every morning as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle
for him.
Every afternoon when the school bus stopped in front of her house, she jumped out and
ran to the kitchen to fix another bottle for him.
She fed him again at suppertime, and again just before going to bed.
Mrs. Arable gave him a feeding around noontime each day when Fern was away in school.
Wilbur loved his milk, and he was never happier than when Fern was warming up a bottle for
He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring eyes.
So, as you can see, it's a cute, sweet story with a very tragic part that I will not spoil
here in this video, if you have never read the book.
This is a book that makes children cry.
Maybe it can make you cry.
So, let's go on to the second book.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, a classic children's book that was also made
into a classic children's movie.
So, this book is around 250 pages; it depends on which version you get.
I have this beautiful edition that was given to me as a birthday gift a couple of years
ago, and it has, like, nice pictures and everything.
It's kind of pretty.
And, yeah, it looks really nice.
So, depending on the version you get, you can get...
It can be shorter or it can be longer.
So, this is basically, if you don't know The Wizard of Oz, it's about a girl who goes on
an adventure in a fantasy land where she meets, you know, a lion, a tinman, a scarecrow, and
she goes with her dog, Toto; and there's an evil witch.
And it's a really cool adventure story.
I actually read it for the first time when I was in my late 20s, and I read it super-fast
because it's written in such a fun way; there's always something happening, and you're going
from one adventure to the next adventure to the next; it doesn't let you breathe.
So it's a really fun adventure story.
Let me read a little bit of it for you, here.
Let's just choose a random chapter.
Okay, so here's Chapter 10: The Guardian of the Gate.
It was sometime before the cowardly lion awakened, for he had lain among the poppies a long while,
breathing in their deadly fragrance.
But when he did open his eyes and roll off the truck, he was very glad to find himself
still alive.
"I ran as fast as I could", he said, sitting down and yawning.
"But the flowers were too strong for me.
How did you get me out?"
So it has a lot of these kind of escape - run, escape - run sections and adventures; one
by one by one.
It's really a ton of fun; I really recommend it.
Check out The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, either the print version or the audiobook version;
they're both really good.
Let's look at the next book.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon.
It's a long title, but it's a very interesting adult fiction book.
Now, it's only 221 pages; nice and thin.
You can probably finish it in a couple of days.
And it's a murder mystery and family drama that's told in the first-person perspective.
Now, what's really fascinating about this book is that first-person perspective is told
by an autistic boy; a boy with autism.
So, you see the world through this boy's eyes in a very interesting, fascinating way.
What makes this book excellent for English speakers/English learners is that a lot of
the sentences are very short, and the boy's mind is very logical.
So he doesn't jump around a lot; he says: "I like this because this", and then: "This
is because this", so it's very logical and well-paced.
So, let me read a little bit of this.
So, again, it's told from the perspective of a boy with autism.
He says: This is a murder mystery novel.
Siobhan said that I should write something I would want to read myself.
Mostly, I read books about science and maths.
I do not like proper novels.
In proper novels, people say things like: "I am veined with iron, with silver, and with
streaks of common mud.
I cannot contract into the firm fist which those clench who do not depend on stimulus."
What does this mean?
I do not know; nor does Father, nor does Siobhan, or Mr. Jeavons.
I have asked them.
Siobhan has long, blonde hair and wears glasses which are made of green plastic; and Mr. Jeavons
smells of soap and wears brown shoes that have approximately 60 tiny, circular holes
in each of them.
So, he is very detailed and...
Don't worry, if you didn't understand the part where the boy says: "I don't know what
this means", I don't know what it means, so he's making a point-right?-that some old novels,
old fiction is super difficult to understand.
And, as you can see, his voice, though, is very clear.
Now, this is the only book of the five where I will specifically recommend that you get
the physical version, because the boy...
He draws a lot of diagrams in the book and pictures that really, you know...
Like, here he talks about the constellation Orion, and he's like: "Well, that could be
anything; it could be a dinosaur if you put it, you know, in any way you want."
So, I really recommend for this one that you get the physical copy because you really get
into the boy's mind and you see how he thinks, and the types of puzzles that he works out
in his head.
So, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon - highly recommended.
Let's go to the next book.
Fallen by David Maine.
This is the most difficult of the five books I'm recommending to you today.
This is definitely adult fiction.
It's 244 pages, and it is a retelling of the story of Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel in
the Bible.
So, if you like different versions of Bible stories; if you want to, you know, read someone's
interpretation of Cain's personality and Abel's personality, God's personality, and Adam and
Eve's personality - this is a really fascinating book.
What's really cool about it is that it goes backwards in time.
When it starts, Able has been dead for 50 years and Cain is a very broken, old man.
And then the book goes back in time, back in time, back in time, step by step until
the last chapter where we have Adam and Eve getting kicked out of Paradise; out of Eden
for the first time.
So, it gives a lot of cool, you know, texture and context to this classic Bible story.
Let me read you just a brief section from the second chapter, which is actually chapter
So you start with chapter 40, and you go: 40, 39, 38, until you get back to 1.
So, Chapter 39: The Brother.
Lately something strange has been happening to Cain.
He has been having conversations with his dead brother.
In the early morning during the rift between sleep and consciousness, Able appears in the
hut, squatting at the foot of Cain's sleeping mat, cracking his knuckles or picking his
"And how is it with you lately?" he likes to ask.
His voice is colourless, like the air.
Able has been gone 50 years now and Cain is a jumpy, scared, old man.
So the language is a little more poetic in this book, so I really recommend this for
you if you are a more advanced student.
And the experiment I would recommend for this is getting the physical book and the audiobook,
so you can hear the beautiful spoken poetry of some of the language in this book, and
read it and take your time to underline any vocabulary that might be new for you.
All right, let's look at one more book.
Wonder by R.J.
Now, I only have listened to the audiobook version of this book, so I don't have the
physical copy.
However, I have learned, through the magic of the internet, that it is 311 pages, and
the audiobook version that I have on my phone is about eight hours.
I love this book.
It's one of the few books where I was finishing it at about 11:30 at night, listening to it
on the couch in the living room, and a single tear...
A single tear came down my face as I was listening to the end of this book.
I was just, like: "You go, kid.
You did it."
No spoilers, though.
So, what this book is about and what is so interesting about it: It's about a boy named
August who goes to middle school.
Now, what is special about August is that he was born with a very rare condition, and
he had to have a lot of surgeries on his face.
So most of his life he has received schooling at home, from his parents, and this is the
first time - in grade 5, where his parents say: "You know, Auggie"-that's what they call
him; Auggie or August-"maybe it's time for you to go to a school where you can interact
with other kids".
Now, of course, because August's face looks different than other kids, he is anxious,
he is nervous, but he is also, you know, really cool.
He has a sense of humour, and I really like his perspective on life.
What is interesting about the book is that it goes into many different points of view.
So, you start with August's point of view, but then you get a chapter where it's his
sister's point of view; it's one of his friend's from school point of view.
And this is why I loved the audiobook version because you get a different voice with every
single point of view in the audiobook, so you're never confused about who is talking.
So, August takes up many chapters, and then suddenly it switches to somebody else, and
you're like: "This is a different voice.
Oh, okay, it's this person talking now."
It's a beautiful book.
Like, I really, really would love for you guys to listen to it or read it, and let me
know if you loved it as much as I did, because it's wonderful.
So, that's it guys.
So, to review, the five books that I recommended in this video were: Charlotte's Web, The Wonderful
Wizard of Oz, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Fallen, and Wonder.
Now, if you want to check out these books, you can check out the links that are attached
to this video; if you want to get the e-book version or the print version of any of these
And, again, for the print version, I strongly recommend The Curious Incident of the Dog
in the Night-Time; or if you want the audiobook version, pretty much the other four are really
strong audiobooks.
Wonder, in particular, is a great audiobook.
You can check out the link attached to this video for Audible, and there, you can sign
up for a 30-day trial where you get your first audiobook for free.
And I can say that I've been with Audible for three years now, and I love them, so check
them out.
And maybe we can talk about the audiobooks that you're listening to.
All right, guys, that's it for this lesson.
There is no quiz for this one; it's more of a book recommendation lesson.
The only thing I'll say is: Check out the books; tell me what you think of them; let
me know if you have any vocabulary questions.
Until next time, thanks for clicking.
Đồng hồ chính hãng Olympia Star OPA5595DMK-V mỏng gọn, mạ vàng sang trọng - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
Oahu added to Tropical Storm Warning - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
La-La (Means I Love You) - The Jackson 5 - Subtitulado en Español - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
South Korean sex ed teachers out to change the world - Duration: 3:29.Hello, we are world-changing sex education institute Lala School's
Lee Su-ji and Roh Ha-yeon.
When biovular twins are born, if you cover their genitals,
it's impossible to tell apart their gender.
Their only difference is their genitals.
But as these two pass puberty, their bodies change,
making their sex more apparent to the eye.
General school sex ed teaches children about the male genitalia,
but not so much about female external genitals.
So we made a detailed felt reproduction of the female organ as an educational material.
Children can touch -- after they seek permission.
There are many ways to seek permission for "skinship," or expression of affection.
But often when we meet a group of students for the first time for lectures and ask for their opinion,
they say "hit the wall."
We would ask, "how do you hold hands with someone you like?" and they say "sneakily."
Does it feel good to "hit the wall" we'd ask,
and then the kids are not sure anymore.
They've seen wall-hitting in media, and so that's all they can think of.
They don't know how to seek permission,
so they mimic what they've been exposed to through media.
The second most common answer they give is to give a "ramen invitation."
It came up so many times. (laughs)
The problem with this approach is that the only thing explicitly proposed here is having ramen.
If the listener took the offer at face value not assuming anything else would happen,
this misunderstanding could lead to unintended sexual violence.
Here's a thing I always think about.
Kids are taught about birth control, but they don't know about sex in the first place.
I'm not talking about the physical contact of sexual organs,
but how to hold hands, how to meet another person's gaze,
how to show a person you care for them,
what other ways of expressing love there are, other than the three words "I love you."
Rather, kids are told they should avoid pregnancy and that they should learn about contraception.
What meaning does this have?
Without them understanding what sex is, teaching them about contraception would only confuse them.
Not to play down the importance of birth control,
but just that why we would hold back information on A when we teach them about B.
Because children have never received proper education on expression of affection,
later when they meet someone they love,
they have difficulty expressing their affection the right way.
I suspect this leads to crimes, and a wider social issue.
We hope more people will know that sex education is not just about sex, and sexual intercourse,
but also about people relationship and a story about oneself.
非凡12亞洲籃球聯賽 下週二澳門開戰 - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
A.J. Epenesa earns Big Ten Co-Defensive Player of the Week honors - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> A.J. Epenesa earns Big Ten Co-Defensive Player of the Week honors - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Chấm điểm khả năng trở thành người nổi tiếng của 12 cung hoàng đạo - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Chấm điểm khả năng trở thành người nổi tiếng của 12 cung hoàng đạo - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
「コメント返し」するよ! - Duration: 3:39.Hello!
This is Kitty!
Today ,I'm going to reply to your comments
Many people have watched videos of
self introduction that
I had previously posted, and
thank you very much for comments as well
Comment field, I'm glad I could leave it open
Well, not all of the things like replying to
that cement are really all, but it will only be a bit
but I think that I would like to do it today!---
"I like the way you talk because you are trying hard to choose words!"
You are so sweet.
Thank you (I appreciate your comment.).
It encourages me to know that many of
you watch me warmly giving me words like
"I love you" and "I will support you".
I makes me feel like I want to try harder.
So thank you!
I love you all very much, too!
"You ramble on too long. I pretty much skipped halfway."
I know what you want to say.
I'm still not used to talking on YouTube and
I myself think that there is room for improvement in the way I talk and in video editing.
However, I'm so happy that you watched the first part and the last part
and even gave me your comments!
Love you!
"I do not like it because your voice is different."
Yes, you're right. My voice isn't back to normal yet.
But I'm so happy that you remember
my voice in its best condition. I imagine that
I might have met you before in Sanrio Puroland.
So thank you always!
I'll try even harder! Keep watching! Love you!
"I want to work at Sanrio"
I think that's a wonderful dream to have!
Go for your goals!
I'm looking forward to the day we can work together!
Love you!
"No entiendo lo que dice :("
Lo siento…
!Los quiero mucho!
"I noticed that there is a picture of three apples (on the wall)!"
I am happy that you noticed it! Love you!
"Wow ! I get to watch Kitty's channel! I'm gonna order pizza right now!!"
I love popcorn, too!
Do you like people with gaps?
"I am afraid of your eyes."
My eyes! (Deadpan face close up.)
"You are such a tactician (clever) that you do not mention characters that compete with you in the popularity vote."
Okay!! So, at times, when you're really, really happy
you can be at a loss for words.....
I am so sorry that I cannot reply to
all your comments because there are so many…
Let me say it once more.
Thanks for your continued support from here on!
Well, that's it for today, why?
Because I have to go to Puroland now!
Last, I'll say what YouTubers always say
— Please add me to your Favorites!
BMW, X3·X4 M 공개 계획..AMG GLC 63과 경쟁 전망 - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
5 books to improve your English - Duration: 16:15.Hey, everyone.
I'm Alex.
Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on: "5 Books to Improve Your English".
So, one of the most common questions I get from students is: "Which books should I read
to improve my English?"
This video is for you.
So, today, I'm going to look at five books that I have chosen to help you build your
vocabulary, increase your comprehension, and develop your speaking and reading confidence.
Now, if you are interested in any of the five books that I mention in the video, we have
a link to Amazon where you can get the e-book version or the print version of the book;
or if you want the audiobook version, you can click the link below to Audible, and there,
you can sign up for a 30-day trial and get your first book for free.
Now, this video is specifically for intermediate and advanced level students.
If you are a beginner student, I probably wouldn't recommend jumping into, you know,
this level of literature right now.
So, this is specifically for intermediate and advanced level students.
Let's not waste any more time, and let's look at the first book.
Charlotte's Web by E.B.
So, this is a childhood classic.
It is a young adult fiction book; it is only 184 pages; and it's basically a farm story
about a girl, a pig, and a spider.
There's also a movie out, you know, about the book, so you can check out the book, watch
the movie, and you can understand more.
So, what's cool about this book: It is written in the simple past, so you get a lot of past
tense practice, and the vocabulary is not that difficult.
So let me read the opening paragraph of chapter two.
So, before I start: Fern is the name of the girl, and Wilbur is the name of her pig.
Chapter 2: Wilbur.
Fern loved Wilbur more than anything.
She loved to stroke him, to feed him, to put him to bed.
Every morning as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle
for him.
Every afternoon when the school bus stopped in front of her house, she jumped out and
ran to the kitchen to fix another bottle for him.
She fed him again at suppertime, and again just before going to bed.
Mrs. Arable gave him a feeding around noontime each day when Fern was away in school.
Wilbur loved his milk, and he was never happier than when Fern was warming up a bottle for
He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring eyes.
So, as you can see, it's a cute, sweet story with a very tragic part that I will not spoil
here in this video, if you have never read the book.
This is a book that makes children cry.
Maybe it can make you cry.
So, let's go on to the second book.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, a classic children's book that was also made
into a classic children's movie.
So, this book is around 250 pages; it depends on which version you get.
I have this beautiful edition that was given to me as a birthday gift a couple of years
ago, and it has, like, nice pictures and everything.
It's kind of pretty.
And, yeah, it looks really nice.
So, depending on the version you get, you can get...
It can be shorter or it can be longer.
So, this is basically, if you don't know The Wizard of Oz, it's about a girl who goes on
an adventure in a fantasy land where she meets, you know, a lion, a tinman, a scarecrow, and
she goes with her dog, Toto; and there's an evil witch.
And it's a really cool adventure story.
I actually read it for the first time when I was in my late 20s, and I read it super-fast
because it's written in such a fun way; there's always something happening, and you're going
from one adventure to the next adventure to the next; it doesn't let you breathe.
So it's a really fun adventure story.
Let me read a little bit of it for you, here.
Let's just choose a random chapter.
Okay, so here's Chapter 10: The Guardian of the Gate.
It was sometime before the cowardly lion awakened, for he had lain among the poppies a long while,
breathing in their deadly fragrance.
But when he did open his eyes and roll off the truck, he was very glad to find himself
still alive.
"I ran as fast as I could", he said, sitting down and yawning.
"But the flowers were too strong for me.
How did you get me out?"
So it has a lot of these kind of escape - run, escape - run sections and adventures; one
by one by one.
It's really a ton of fun; I really recommend it.
Check out The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, either the print version or the audiobook version;
they're both really good.
Let's look at the next book.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon.
It's a long title, but it's a very interesting adult fiction book.
Now, it's only 221 pages; nice and thin.
You can probably finish it in a couple of days.
And it's a murder mystery and family drama that's told in the first-person perspective.
Now, what's really fascinating about this book is that first-person perspective is told
by an autistic boy; a boy with autism.
So, you see the world through this boy's eyes in a very interesting, fascinating way.
What makes this book excellent for English speakers/English learners is that a lot of
the sentences are very short, and the boy's mind is very logical.
So he doesn't jump around a lot; he says: "I like this because this", and then: "This
is because this", so it's very logical and well-paced.
So, let me read a little bit of this.
So, again, it's told from the perspective of a boy with autism.
He says: This is a murder mystery novel.
Siobhan said that I should write something I would want to read myself.
Mostly, I read books about science and maths.
I do not like proper novels.
In proper novels, people say things like: "I am veined with iron, with silver, and with
streaks of common mud.
I cannot contract into the firm fist which those clench who do not depend on stimulus."
What does this mean?
I do not know; nor does Father, nor does Siobhan, or Mr. Jeavons.
I have asked them.
Siobhan has long, blonde hair and wears glasses which are made of green plastic; and Mr. Jeavons
smells of soap and wears brown shoes that have approximately 60 tiny, circular holes
in each of them.
So, he is very detailed and...
Don't worry, if you didn't understand the part where the boy says: "I don't know what
this means", I don't know what it means, so he's making a point-right?-that some old novels,
old fiction is super difficult to understand.
And, as you can see, his voice, though, is very clear.
Now, this is the only book of the five where I will specifically recommend that you get
the physical version, because the boy...
He draws a lot of diagrams in the book and pictures that really, you know...
Like, here he talks about the constellation Orion, and he's like: "Well, that could be
anything; it could be a dinosaur if you put it, you know, in any way you want."
So, I really recommend for this one that you get the physical copy because you really get
into the boy's mind and you see how he thinks, and the types of puzzles that he works out
in his head.
So, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon - highly recommended.
Let's go to the next book.
Fallen by David Maine.
This is the most difficult of the five books I'm recommending to you today.
This is definitely adult fiction.
It's 244 pages, and it is a retelling of the story of Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel in
the Bible.
So, if you like different versions of Bible stories; if you want to, you know, read someone's
interpretation of Cain's personality and Abel's personality, God's personality, and Adam and
Eve's personality - this is a really fascinating book.
What's really cool about it is that it goes backwards in time.
When it starts, Able has been dead for 50 years and Cain is a very broken, old man.
And then the book goes back in time, back in time, back in time, step by step until
the last chapter where we have Adam and Eve getting kicked out of Paradise; out of Eden
for the first time.
So, it gives a lot of cool, you know, texture and context to this classic Bible story.
Let me read you just a brief section from the second chapter, which is actually chapter
So you start with chapter 40, and you go: 40, 39, 38, until you get back to 1.
So, Chapter 39: The Brother.
Lately something strange has been happening to Cain.
He has been having conversations with his dead brother.
In the early morning during the rift between sleep and consciousness, Able appears in the
hut, squatting at the foot of Cain's sleeping mat, cracking his knuckles or picking his
"And how is it with you lately?" he likes to ask.
His voice is colourless, like the air.
Able has been gone 50 years now and Cain is a jumpy, scared, old man.
So the language is a little more poetic in this book, so I really recommend this for
you if you are a more advanced student.
And the experiment I would recommend for this is getting the physical book and the audiobook,
so you can hear the beautiful spoken poetry of some of the language in this book, and
read it and take your time to underline any vocabulary that might be new for you.
All right, let's look at one more book.
Wonder by R.J.
Now, I only have listened to the audiobook version of this book, so I don't have the
physical copy.
However, I have learned, through the magic of the internet, that it is 311 pages, and
the audiobook version that I have on my phone is about eight hours.
I love this book.
It's one of the few books where I was finishing it at about 11:30 at night, listening to it
on the couch in the living room, and a single tear...
A single tear came down my face as I was listening to the end of this book.
I was just, like: "You go, kid.
You did it."
No spoilers, though.
So, what this book is about and what is so interesting about it: It's about a boy named
August who goes to middle school.
Now, what is special about August is that he was born with a very rare condition, and
he had to have a lot of surgeries on his face.
So most of his life he has received schooling at home, from his parents, and this is the
first time - in grade 5, where his parents say: "You know, Auggie"-that's what they call
him; Auggie or August-"maybe it's time for you to go to a school where you can interact
with other kids".
Now, of course, because August's face looks different than other kids, he is anxious,
he is nervous, but he is also, you know, really cool.
He has a sense of humour, and I really like his perspective on life.
What is interesting about the book is that it goes into many different points of view.
So, you start with August's point of view, but then you get a chapter where it's his
sister's point of view; it's one of his friend's from school point of view.
And this is why I loved the audiobook version because you get a different voice with every
single point of view in the audiobook, so you're never confused about who is talking.
So, August takes up many chapters, and then suddenly it switches to somebody else, and
you're like: "This is a different voice.
Oh, okay, it's this person talking now."
It's a beautiful book.
Like, I really, really would love for you guys to listen to it or read it, and let me
know if you loved it as much as I did, because it's wonderful.
So, that's it guys.
So, to review, the five books that I recommended in this video were: Charlotte's Web, The Wonderful
Wizard of Oz, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Fallen, and Wonder.
Now, if you want to check out these books, you can check out the links that are attached
to this video; if you want to get the e-book version or the print version of any of these
And, again, for the print version, I strongly recommend The Curious Incident of the Dog
in the Night-Time; or if you want the audiobook version, pretty much the other four are really
strong audiobooks.
Wonder, in particular, is a great audiobook.
You can check out the link attached to this video for Audible, and there, you can sign
up for a 30-day trial where you get your first audiobook for free.
And I can say that I've been with Audible for three years now, and I love them, so check
them out.
And maybe we can talk about the audiobooks that you're listening to.
All right, guys, that's it for this lesson.
There is no quiz for this one; it's more of a book recommendation lesson.
The only thing I'll say is: Check out the books; tell me what you think of them; let
me know if you have any vocabulary questions.
Until next time, thanks for clicking.
[STUDIO VLOG] - Capsule Corner // Thymine - Duration: 13:50.Hey
((Bottm of the Ocean by Dyalla Swain))
I spent all day trying to find my craft stuff ((sniffles)) and I did... finally. I have felt
and uh, beads and things to make charms.
I haven't been vlogging, really...
But, I'm doing some needle felting work.
This is my prototype.
This will be for my capsule toy.
Working on my gallery stuff~
I need to go buy
some more pink. Even though this is pretty full the texture of it is really like dry and uh...
kind of gross and lumpy. And I'm running out of white.
So, I don't know I have enough to finish this or my carts. But yeah, that's what I'm doing.
And watching Quinn
play God of War.
I got a package today~
I actually do know what it is.
But, let's open it~
((Music plays))
((Carnival by Dyalla Swain))
So tired (´0`)
I just woke up from a nap. I'm just sorting these, and I still have a few more to go.
it's a lot of...
alotta things.
I had to go...
to Blick's to buy some new paint because
I ran out the paint, but also they're like pretty old. It's such a waste D:
Even though there's like, paint left, it's really bad quality.
It's not smooth, it's just very lumpy.
And that's for all colors too! D: There's like, kind of a sale going on where there's like 25% off or something.
Along with my normal colors, I got this green as well.
And then, I got these gouaches.
Pretty cute. A light pink, and then this really pretty blue.
And then, I got some gesso...
and this iridescent violet.
And everything else is for the carts.
Half of it is traditional,
and then half of it is digital.
And, the thing is, I wish I had a bigger table because I can't work...
one or the other which stresses me out because I need both.
I keep looking at like, L shaped corner desks so I can have one side for my digital and a bit for my traditional stuff.
But, they're so expensive. I don't know furniture's expensive. Sometimes you just gotta work under stress, right?
I'm probably gonna go...
hunt with Quinn a bit, and then when he switches to God of War, I'm just gonna continue
all this and finishing my...
giant piece.
Just taping up the frame for where I paint.
I'm running out of this washi tape.
But, it's my favorite now because it's pretty thick.
It's the final hours of my show
and this is how I've been living.
It's just snacks because I get really hungry.
I've just been working really late.
And it's really hot today.
Just truckin' along~
Here's my collection of carts that I need to clean up and paint.
I'm trying to take everything apart to clean it.
I'm just soaking cotton pads with rubbing alcohol
and then, slapping it on the labels
just to soak them. So they'll come off easier
and I don't have to deal with scratching them off.
This was a great idea to soak it in uhh...
alcohol because it comes off so easily.
So clean, so nice~
Very minimal cleaning afterwards.
We're getting there~!
This was a lot easier to clean than I thought it would be
compared to like, the last time.
This is taking way longer than I thought it was gonna
I thought I was gonna be done by last night, but...
I hope it's just because it was white
because it's hard to make white look nice without
layering it a lot.
So, I'm gonna hope...
everything else goes faster.
((Sweet jams))
I'm trying this... the premium morning tea.
It's just just a series of this brand that is water but, it tastes like...
It's flavored water!
That's what I'm trying to say (lol).
It's flavored water, but this tastes like milk tea.
It- it's strange!
I picked this up for lunch today. It's salmon & negitoro.
I'm so hungry, I was craving sushi or raw fish.
I decided to treat myself because...
I'm almost done working on my gallery.
I wanted takoyaki but, I think the place is closed today.
Doesn't this look delicious?
Kind of.
It's my paint.
Gotta cut my labels.
I'm basically done.
I have to cut out my labels and tape them
to protect them~
I like this one.
It looks like a pattern, but when you zoom in...
It's a cat. It's Nala~
But, yeah, uh...
Anyways, I'm gonna go do that....
while my carts dry.
((Polygone by Ark Patrol))
I'm taking teaser pictures but, here's all my carts together.
I really like the colors. They ended up being cute together.
I'm doing laundry so don't mind that but, everything's packed up.
All the carts are in this box. They're layerd.
I have them separated by some newspaper
just for some protection.
And then, here's my Gameboy piece.
And yeah! We're all ready~
It's over
We just have to set these up I guess?
I think e.D. is going to arrange it for me because I don't have a specific layout.
The only thing I wanted was both of the glitch carts to be together
I had all the carts laid out earlier
and I don't know why...
I haven't really -
I haven't really thought about vlogging
so, I didn't think about recording it but,
Here's a picture~
But, yeah! I'm done~! I'm happy :3
I wish I spent my time a little more wisely I guess.
But, idk a lot of things happened x;
I did my best
and I did reach my goal of doing 20
So, I didn't do less.
So, I'm happy about that.
We did it :>
I'm glad I did everything that I wanted to.
The curator just came over and picked up my carts and
in exchange they gave me my capsules~! :D
So, I asked if I could have extras for a give away for my stream
and they were nice enough to give me 2!
So, I'll be keeping one and I'll be giving away 2 for my stream regulars!
So, we're just staring at my computer screen.
But here's a picture of
screenshot I got from
Kulve Taroth
But yeah, this is the only tiny space I can open this because the rest of my room is a mess
from like, working and from beeing the human garbage that I am.
But, anyways,
let's open this capsule~
Ah~ There it is~!
So, if you get my prize you get a gameboy with my character Glitch in it.
I don't have a lot of OCs really but, Glitch is probably one of my more noticeable characters.
She was like, one of my first carts.
So, I have two carts with her in this show.
So, you get the pin -- it's an acrylic pin.
And you can... pin it.. on things.
with very Thymine colors.
We have mint & lavender which are two of my favorite colors.
And then, you also get a sticker~
Who doesn't like stickers, right?
It's a capsule corner sticker.
It's so cute.
I love the logo design. It's very clever~
Oh, and they're numbered apparently.
Soo, it tells you...
my address...
my web address, my Twitter, and the number
So, apparently there's 300 of them.
((Unfolding paper))
But, yeah~
So, this is how it looks -- you have my logo,
and then it tells you the number that you get.
Out of 300 apparently
and then...
Here's the address for the info on capsule corner and the other artists,
and the logo~
And then, on the other side...
you have a...
I love this theme. It's so cute because it's like any gatcha
where it has the paper where it shows you whatcha get!
What you can get.
And here are the other prizes.
Yeah, here's everything you get~
[e.D]: Idk, it kinda sounded like they were gonna post about it anyway?
[Thymine]: Oh
[e.D]: If I didn't give them good photos
Hi / Hello
[Thymine]: This is cute~
((Loud music plays in the background))
[Thymine]: I got my own
[e.D]: You can trade it if you want
[Thymine]: Oh, can I?
((both laugh))
[Thymine]: Can I trade it??
[e.D] Yeah, which one do you want?
[Thymine]: Umm...
[Thymine]: Idk, I wanted it to be a surprise
[e.D]: You can try playing again if you want to
[e.D]: Yeah, here, just try playing it again
[Thymine]: Oh!
[Thymine]: Yay
((Lush by Dyalla Swain))
I'm home~
This is the...
capsule I got.
This one is Marie Lum, or Pucca Noodles.
Uh, you probably know her
for her art.
She's pretty popular, so I feel like you guys should probably know her.
Also, I got to keep one of these coins as a keepsake for the show.
It has C.C. the Owl on it.
Pretty cool~
((Music by Dyalla Swain plays))
Universitario, Estas Compañías Tecnológicas dan oportunidad - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
La-La (Means I Love You) - The Jackson 5 - Subtitulado en Español - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Sơn Sói troll ảo thuật gặp ngay gái xinh không mặc Áo Con | Master Gaming - Duration: 14:38.-------------------------------------------
Marinha do Brasil inicia série de operações conjuntas intercontinentais - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
I used the P.A.M.E.L.A. cheat engine. It corrupted my save. I restored it. Photsynthetic - Duration: 18:32.hello friends I am dragonater and
welcome back to some more Pamela I know
before I said that I'm basically
probably done with this game I said that
out of anger
I was I was pissed off I was mad I'll be
honest here I was very very frustrated
that I had died to do to some garbage
unfinished area and in in trying some
things well you know what it it already
happened so I'm just gonna say it be a
be honest about it I downloaded a cheat
engine for a Fuhrer the game it was
totally fine mmm it worked very well
I had infinite money I had infinite of
all of these things and all of these
things and all of these things here and
I that was basically all I did I went
and I looked around trying to find some
some some junk found a new arc welder
purchase it and all that and yeah so I I
did that but now as to probably be
expected that corrupted my game safe so
yes absolutely wonderful isn't it mmm
because that corrupted my game save that
would have meant that I would have had
to completely start a brand new game and
so what I found out I could do instead
thankfully because this has never ever
worked for me in the past for anything
else but if you just right-click on the
Sun on the well that said the world safe
file was corrupted so I right clicked on
the world safe file and I click restore
well I click properties and then
previous versions and amazingly there
were actually previous versions to the
darn thing
so this one is coming from the one
before last week so nothing I did last
week mattered that none of that happened
none of it matters none of it meant
anything which means I still have
everything that I had previous I haven't
lost anything there's also no unfair
advantage with the cheating or anything
like that so yeah let's get into it
sorry for my rambling for three minutes
now here I had to tell you guys all of
this was huge huge stupid story of mine
but anyway I may end up going back to
the thing again what is it apartment I
may end up going back there again or I
may end up just going through some other
stuff I found last night when I was
playing with the cheatengine bit and see
what new stuff I can find around there
so either way I'll see you again very
soon at some point so what I did last
night while I had the cheat engine on I
was exploring a lot kind of around this
area with this thing here whatever I
don't know what to call that area I'm
just going to call it the the the evil
place because it looks evil and I found
out because with the cheat engine I was
using I could have infinite health sort
of if in a health I would actually
rather call it infinite health
regeneration eight days are remaining
until my scheduled maintenance I'm
losing connection to many systems so
infinite regeneration because I was
still good to die from falling off of to
something too high but I found that with
that thing what the heck I was able to
go in there without any issues oh that's
just a tonal silencer I I was able to go
in there without any issues of course
the the sound of me being damaged was
still there but I was able to go in
there and the thing is I didn't I didn't
go far anyway because I didn't want to
I guess the surprise of whatever's
in there even though I was very very
curious about it nanite concentrations
have become lethal and Western Oasis
garrison have set up a containment
barrier is that what that is that's a
containment barrier is that what that is
ah maybe that's my answer
right off the bat ah yes okay oh wait no
okay well this is where I was before oh
yes so this is an area where we were
last time being in gars okay um
yes I can I can totally see myself now
falling down into there and that is
going to be an abyss I will literally
never get out of there I will never even
be able to see my dead body or find it
or anything
okay well see here's one of those times
where you have to just use those
security bypasses I'm not gonna screw it
those things anymore that just gave me a
simple warden's fist so maybe it wasn't
even worth it this area gives me the
creeps there's two huge huge areas it
seems like anyway I don't know maybe
these areas actually aren't that that
big don't I don't want noises
anxiousness the emotion Jacob
oh look at we're gonna shield doors I
can walk through and be totally safe
going inside it I don't know if that
robot can get mad at me for for hacking
or not I hope not Hey look at there's a
massive reservoir just lying around in
here sweet I prefer to have it don't
scan me I prefer to have the cetacean
ovary processor I'm I decided to forego
the memoriam
no just operate with me she asked me
what you guys do for fun what do eggs do
for fun hmm interesting very interesting
oh well what's this one for grounded
augment Kieffer grounded sweet that's
awesome that's definitely very very
useful for me I'm looking at the time
now and I'm like yeah that's a little
bit worrisome but then I remember I have
my arc well there I don't need to worry
too much and again maybe I'm regretting
saying that I don't know we'll find out
oh geez that scared me okay fine
oh really another one I don't need one
of those not near midnight 15 more cases
arise oh good the early autopsy results
for David show cranial deformity of
uncertain nature lovely good to know I
think I'm gonna hide in here and until
the dark seekers come let's see what yes
seekers return the deep frame appears to
be pulsating violently well here we go
right now three two one wow-whee
I'm a curious I'm gonna I'm gonna wonder
if that seeker who was over there will
become a dark seeker hmm I I'm gonna I'm
gonna close this and I'm gonna get ready
oh look at that
well you came really quick you know
Oh God Oh freaking heck and now there's
three of them oh my god
okay well there you go
sweets okay well I got all three of them
down now let's just hope and pray that
no more show up oh look at that there's
another subversive here this guy's just
over here we're still walking into walls
as the one does what's this direct
reactor diet nanite basically common
compound okay so well that's cool we got
another new dye that is so cool I really
really want like a purpley kind of one
but let's take this and let's let's use
it you know ah so now the the reactor
one is just it's green and black rather
than just only green so that's neat
well here's an inferno one which is
probably not a good idea for me to even
try okay
yes oh my gosh I actually got the
infernal one oh and all I got in it was
a maintenance key well that was probably
totally definitely not worth it
safety through community system is
operating at 32% efficiency
unable to connect to most servers Jacob
is standing at the entrance to the
that's a very tiny little little bed
look at that photosynthetic oh I have
that augment or that yeah the augment
key now for photosynthetic oh that's
exciting that one I think if I'm not
mistaken that that one allows you to to
to regenerate health in the Sun I think
oh my god this place has a flippin
upstairs - this is so flippin ridiculous
I need I need to leave I need to go
somewhere else there's two upstairs
you've gotta be kidding me maybe I can
at least actually leave this place oh
did we see this one the empty eyes of
Emma bring forth uncontrollable emotions
I try to focus on other tasks but Eden
has already fallen apart we got more
offices and stuff here like oh my
another flippin shield great
oh no no I just salvaged a storage
container I realized I wasn't recording
for the last 20 minutes here I I load it
back up the game after that and my
storage container was gone it completely
vanished it disappeared or fell through
the floor or something so it's gone so I
had to create a new one I'm now back in
my base as you can see I now only have
18,000 Lux while I spent a little shut
up lady I'm trying to speak I bought a
couple of things so that's why I'm there
but I only made from my loot that I
brought back I only got a total I don't
know why she is freaking out so much I
only got a total of maybe 2 mm and
that's it
so I'm quite a bit frustrated about it I
lost the bed I lost yeah literally
everything all the loot that I had that
I brought back and everything whatever
this all has a lot I can do I also slept
a bunch and farmed
3 more dark seekers and they were able
to walk right through my shield door I
don't know if that's intended or not
last but not least I now have
photosynthetic and yeah so that that is
awesome I'm on my way back here to
garrison because quite frankly I wasn't
really finished there's a lot more I
want to do there's a lot more left
so what is the point of those shield
doors and if they don't do anything
what is it usin having that it oh the
warden's office has a lot of good darn
stuff in it I wonder where you get the
key for that oh my god she's dancing
okay it's it's about to be a dark secret
I'm I I don't think they can get past
that oh there you are
hello buddy I saw yeah here comes number
oh there you are oh geez you almost got
me huh you're dead yet no oh you will be
holy crap there's so many of them
okay goodbye time to get rid of them
you killed the robot for me got some
junk from the robot it was time for him
to die
Wow this this is certainly interesting
please don't notice me oh I just got
another augment key great brute strength
don't always for what the heck happened
over here
like every everything is dead freaking
everything is dead alright and to fully
upgrade my subs sorry my arc welder I
only need one more purple upgrade thingy
and I am good for that alright I just
built a shock trap so well we'll see
we'll see what that does I don't really
know what it will do exactly
quite yet but we'll find out oh I have
another large source container here
oh I heard them I heard the door open
anyway they're there
ah wait okay well I mean it did do
something the shock trap got them oh my
why do you think I can't see you
Oh God okay this is this is not very
good for me at all
he's still stuck inside there hey you
get down I got three of them are there
anymore okay this is this is just a
little bit ridiculous but I have a
storage container inside a storage
container that I'm going to also put
inside a storage container okay well
anyway now that I have done all of that
I think I am going to end this one here
so thank you everyone so much for
watching I hope you enjoyed yeah I I can
make a thing that can disrupt active
camouflage that is really cool I'm gonna
get that and I'm gonna use that from now
on because now when the when the dark
seekers come that will completely negate
their you know stuff right there like
inside this entire area that can't be
invisible at all yeah I really want to
just go and keep exploring more I want
to start unlocking things oh I also
found this one this is one thing last
night when I was playing with the cheats
I found a thing a particular building
that was really interesting it has some
really good stuff in it so maybe I'll go
look at that next time with you guys
that's it for now and I will see you
again person a wonderful day bye bye and
PG 120 Week 4 Update Video - Duration: 6:44.Hi everybody, welcome to week 4! Can you
believe it, we're halfway through our
class. It's unbelievable how fast this
semester has already gone, gone by, so I
wanted to check in with you guys. I know
I haven't sent a video and in a little
while so just check in and kind of give
you some updates for the course, let you
know what I'm expecting for the rest of
the time in this class, for the last four
weeks, and just give you some
encouragement to hang in there and to
stick it out and to keep going because
you're almost done! First of all I want
to talk about the assessments that are
in the mindtap ebook. I just want to
remind you that it's really
important that you complete the pre
assessment before you start any of the
chapters in the e-book. The pre
assessment will measure where you are in
relation to the topics that are
discussed in the e-book and so they
basically want to get an idea of where
you are with as far as how much you know
or what your what areas you're strong in
or not so strong in and then what's
going to happen at the end of the term
or at the end of class when you've read
all the chapters and you've done all the
assignments you're gonna take the post
assessment which is basically the same
assessment but now you're taking it
after the fact, after you've learned all
this material and they want to then see
what your results would be by taking the
assessment again now that you've gone
through this class. So the expectation I
guess is that your scores would go up a
little higher because the anticipate
that you would learn the information and
learn the material. So it's really
important that you do not take the post
assessment, so the second part of the
assessment, don't take it yet take it at
the end of class. Those of you that
already took the post assessment, I'm
gonna have to delete it and have you do
it again at the very end because you're
not getting really accurate results by
taking it now. I know some of you
might be a little bit confused about it
because, if you've completed the pre
assessment I have given you half credit
so far so it shows up as 50% so it looks
like for the entire assignment, you only have 50%,
that's not necessarily true. You have 50%
now because you've done the first part
of the assess, of the assignment. At the
end of class you'll do the second part
of the assignment and then that's when
it'll go up to a 100% so
don't feel like you need that 100% now okay
So again please make sure, if you haven't
already completed the pre assessment,
please make sure that you do that and
take care of that before you keep going
with your chapter assignments. Secondly I
want to encourage you, if you haven't
already started with the e book, please
do so as soon as possible. As I've said,
this is already the beginning of the
fourth week so we're pretty much halfway
done and the last four weeks are gonna
go even that much faster so please don't
delay. I wouldn't want you to be all
stressed out and get sick or anything
like that because you're so far behind
Please get on the e book as soon as
possible. I have already posted the
assignments for week four, you'll find
them in blackboard. There is a blog
assignment due this week that you will
have to complete. The assignment itself
you complete on blackboard but first of
all what you're gonna be doing is
reading the case study in chapter 3 of
your ebook it's called Popsom's Dilemma, and then you're going
to be answering some questions also in
your eBook and based on your answers to
those questions you're gonna blog about
it, you're gonna write about it, in the
blog assignment on blackboard and then
your classmates are gonna read your
blogs and comment. So this is an opportunity
for you to have a discussion amongst
each other. We haven't had a discussion
yet even though I've told you that one
was coming and unfortunately what I was
hoping to do hasn't really worked out
yet but I want to at least give you the
opportunity to blog and communicate with
each other somewhat and get to read and
see what what your classmates are
thinking or what their impressions are
of the
case study. I'm going to be offering two
office hours this week, it's gonna be
offered through the confer zoom platform
which is basically a meeting platform
that we can get together and meet with
the computer so we'll be doing as long
as you have a webcam so you can either
do it from your computer or from your
mobile device whatever you want to use. I
just I sent an email out earlier today
with instructions on what you need to do
to log in to the platform. I will be
having like I said I will be having two
meetings one on Wednesday at 7 p.m. from
7:00 to 8:00 and another one on Friday
morning from 9 to 10 so hopefully you
can make one of the two you don't have
to attend both of them or participate
in both of them unless you feel like you
want to or need to.
But I'll be available to answer any
questions to talk about any concerns you
might have or just a chat just to get to
know each other more if you want to give
me any suggestions for the class what
you think is working well what you think
needs to change then I would be I would
love to have some of that feedback. So
make sure that you read your emails and
you check out the links for the confer
zoom meetings this week. I've started
grading the journals for the e-book so I
know I'm a little behind so I apologize
for that but I have started grading the
e-book journals so make sure that you go
back and take a look at the comments
that I write and if you have any
questions about those comments or your
score or your results please don't
hesitate to email me. Okay I think that's
all I have for now so I hope you have a
great week and as always if you do have
any concerns all you have to do is email
me. I will be contacting you if you are a
little behind, I do want you to be
successful in this course so I do want
to work with you to help you get caught
up and help you finish the class with
successful grade. So, um but that's it for
now and I will be talking to you soon
Have a great week, bye!
Salford's Jackson Hastings sent off and suspended for high tackle against Toronto Wolfpack - Duration: 4:03.The former Sea Eagles playmaker is not the most popular player at Salford after being hit with a two-match ban for a high shot that earned a send off in their 28-16 Super 8s qualifier win over Toronto
The ex-Manly playmaker has been the key to Salford's four-match winning run that has them on top of the Super 8s qualifiers table
However, he has left coach Ian Watson frustrated after being sidelined for two of the Red Devils' three remaining clashes as they try to avoid relegation
The Super 8s qualifiers features Super League's bottom four teams and the second tier's top four as they battle it out for 2019 top flight spots
But in contrast to former NRL club the Sea Eagles, Hastings is in demand as he looks to extend his UK stay
Banished from Manly after falling out with captain Daly Cherry-Evans, Hastings has clubs queuing up for him with the half-back's contract set to expire after the qualifiers
After impressing for Salford, Hastings has become the Super League's hottest property with the Red Devils now trying to hold off interest from heavyweights Wigan, Super League side Hull FC and Super 8s qualifiers Leeds
Hastings moved to the UK after being banished to reserve grade by Manly in April for an infamous hotel room clash with teammate Cherry-Evans
Sea Eagles coach Trent Barrett pointed to long-running problems with Hastings at the time
Hastings sounded like he had no intention of returning to the NRL at season's end after being embraced at Salford
"At this stage, it's more than likely I'm going to be here," Hastings told Sky Sports UK
"There's nothing telling me I've got to rush home. "I'm 22. I'm still trying to find myself
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Dylan Alcott won his sixth grand slam while nobody was watching ... literally - Duration: 3:15.The star Paralympian took down World No. 1 and wheelchair tennis veteran David Wagner at his home Open 7-5 6-2 after rallying back from 0-3 in the first set
Unfortunately, the tense struggle between the world's top two players was relegated to the practice courts after rain came through and put a spanner in the works
Alcott said it was "really strange" to see his men's final moved to a tiny venue, claiming organisers of the historic tournament were cutting costs
"They left all of their matches to be finished on the last day, as opposed to the Australian Open when a lot of the matches are done earlier for the men's and women's and doubles and juniors
" Spectators were barred from the match with just the players' coaches viewing the spectacle
"They told me I had to play on an indoor (court) and spectators weren't allowed. It was just my coach, myself, my opposition and his coach, and I said, 'That's ridiculous'," Alcott said
"It was pretty sad because the word got out over here in New York and there was about 100 or 200 Aussies that came that I didn't know that couldn't get into watch which was a real bummer
" The lacklustre crowd didn't appear to affect the Victorian's resolve as he broke Wagner's serve six times on his way to victory
"I'm a big-atmosphere kind of guy. I've got a loud personality and I enjoy firing myself up, and when you're out in the middle of nowhere and you can't even find the court, it's tough," Alcott told the ABC
The 27-year-old now has six grand slam crowns to his name, two of which have come from the US Open
"It was an incredible tournament," he continued. "I was lucky enough to win the US Open in 2015 and to back it up and win a second one, and now six grand slam single titles, it still sounds weird coming out of my mouth
I really can't believe it."
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