Please go to this link:
Pigs V. Chickens Addon for MCPE - Duration: 5:00.This video has it's own CC which will start shortly. You can turn off youtube's CC.
Modern Handwriting Calligraphy with Glass Pen - Duration: 9:01.Modern Handwriting Calligraphy With Glass Pen x Slo Lee
Keep it up Jujadong cycle team
Find yourself and be that
Make your miracles
Hello August, please be good
Focus on the good
Believe in yourself
How was Sunday?
Weekend have a blast
Have a great weekend
Good vibes only
You only live once, so do what you want!
Don't stop dreaming!
Stay Positive!
Keep smile
What's your favourite one???
How Yo-Kai Watch Blasters Is Changed In English - Duration: 2:02.Yo-kai Watch Blasters has now finally been released in Western territories for Nintendo
3DS, with it first being released in Japan way back in 2015.
It's speculated that the reason it took so long to localize this particular entry in
the Yo-kai Watch series is due to the game heavily parodying the Ghostbusters movies
and Nintendo being worried about this leading to copyright issues overseas.
In fact, over in Japan, the game is even called Yo-kai Watch Busters and this was changed
in the West to Blasters to try and distance it from the Ghostbusters similarity.
Nintendo did more than alter the game's title though, with there also being various graphics
changed in-game too.
One of these is the game's main enemy, Whismallowman, being completely redesigned and renamed for
Western countries.
Over in Japan, Whismallowman could be seen as resembling Ghostbusters' Stay-Puft Marshmallow
Due to this, the English versions have renamed him Whisped Cream and completely changed his
The new version is now thinner, has a longue tongue, no longer has a bowtie and there are
now and spikes alongside the back.
Two other big changes to the game are, one - the design of Yokai who were perceived as
resembling the Ghostbusters' team too much.
The English versions on the right changed the guns and outfits to try and remove any
The other is to the car used in game, which was seen as looking too much like Ghostbusters'
car the Ecto-1.
The English versions have stripped the car of its roof equipment, the painting is a little
different, the front has being changed and the wheels have been replaced.
What do you think of these changes made to the game and have you spotted any other ways
the game has removed Ghostbusters elements from the game?
Please let us know in the comments below and, until next time, thank you for watching!
Learn Colors with Baby Shark Dance Finger Family Songs | ABCkidTV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
CBS2 News at 5:00 p.m. (Sept. 8) - Duration: 10:43.-------------------------------------------
皇室生气脸,凯特王妃罕见,菲利普亲王真性情,女王最霸气|卡米拉 - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
Rain Cancels Practice & Qualifying at IMS - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
This Ain't No Family, It's Business | Black Ink Crew: Chicago - Duration: 3:55.Look, real quick.
I invited Lily and Reese on this camping trip
to figure this out.
- But I'm not gonna sit here and fall into people's egos,
especially you, who you don't know [bleep] about tattooing.
And you sit here and you try-- - It's not about falling--
- It is. It is.
- I don't act like I have not been trying to be your friend
this whole time.
Just because I'm not a tattoo artist,
that don't mean I didn't work my ass off
to make Loyal Ink successful.
And this bitch got some gall to come at me after everything
she'd done put me through.
Unfortunately, we're just not hearing each other.
Lily-- - No, hear me out.
- [indistinct yelling]
- [bleep] you just call me phony.
How could you be this girl's friend
that put her [bleep] hands on me?
Lily, let me tell you something.
For you to talk to me how you just talked to me--
- How are you speaking? - I don't give a [bleep] how
I'm talking to you, because you have already crossed the line.
- --proves that everyone else is already right.
- ♪
- CHARMAINE: I'm just so mad right now, Danielle.
- ♪
- For her to do that at the dinner table just now,
I feel some type of way. You feel me?
- She can feel how she feels. It is what it is, man.
But at the same time, it's a bunch of [bleep] egos.
I'm tired of this [bleep]. - I personally feel like...
the headache right now is you.
- I wanna understand, because y'all drove here
to our camping trip to tell us y'all not [bleep] with us.
- REESE: You don't need to figure it out,
because it's none of your [bleep] business.
- My only question is, Jenn, what the [bleep] does
this [bleep] got anything to do with you?
How does this affect you and your life at all?
You're just a [bleep] girlfriend.
So at this point, Jenn can [bleep] my [bleep].
- What you gonna always understand about me,
I'm gonna say how I feel!
I'm tired of hearing about this.
I'm the one that's been hearing all this grief from Van
when he comes home at night.
And he's currently laid up in bed right now.
So, yes, I am gonna be his voice.
- REESE: You can have your camping trip, homie.
- [bleep] about it. Talk about it. [bleep] say?
- Y'all are making fun
of her blond wig with the purple hair.
- [indistinct yelling]
- I wanna know what the [bleep] was wrong with my stormy,
silver and purple wig that was slayed to the gods.
- ♪
- Whoever says some [bleep] about my [bleep] wig,
ain't nothing but [bleep] hater.
- LILY: You and Charmaine started talking [bleep]
about that wig.
- ASHLEY: Let's see what Charmaine said.
- CHARMAINE: Ah, [bleep]. What the hell going on now?
I know I was the voice of
"we need to keep Lily in the family."
But [bleep] that.
I know I sound like Ryan Henry when I say it,
but this ain't no [bleep] family.
It's [bleep] business.
- [bleep] talking about me. That [bleep] is not cool.
- CHARMAINE: Wait, what what's going on?
Let me speak for myself. - --talking about my wig.
- Wait, what?
- I'm hearing that you were talking about my wig.
- Lily, let me know when I've talked about Ashley's wig.
Ashley, guess what?
I've never talked [bleep] about you.
Bravo, Lily.
Once again, bitch, you are Grade A, 100% [bleep] starter,
And you need to get your ratchet ass back to Chicago.
- [bleep] talk about each other behind y'all's back.
- Y'all like I'm trying to figure out like what was said.
- You low snaking bitches!
Snake me!
- If you wanna fight me-- you wanna fight me, come on.
- Nah, baby, I don't wanna fight you.
- CHARMAINE: Girl, you ain't coming back.
That's it. Bye.
- I'm tired of all these mother [bleep] phony kicking it.
Yet they all talk [bleep] about each other
and chill with each other.
Now I came here to show everybody how "Loyal Ink"
is really loyal.
- I'm [bleep] done with this bull [bleep].
Alright, baby girl.
Department Of Defense Holds Event For Families Of Missing In Action Military Members In Southwest Ph - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Fountain Square decorated with flower to honor victims - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Datto's First Impressions on the Destiny 2 Forsaken Expansion - Duration: 17:14.Forsaken has been out for a few days and for Destiny 2's launch, I did a first impressions
video after 25 hours in the game.
I have way more hours this time around, so, let's do a quick first impressions.
There will be spoilers all over this, be warned, buckle up because we're gonna be here a while.
The story.
Improved over Destiny 2's story in my opinion.
We do have another situation where the main villain is basically nowhere to be found during
the actual campaign, but at least it makes sense as he's chasing after the Dreaming City.
And I actually had some form of an emotional response to the ending, where I actually felt
a little bad for Uldren since he was basically delusional.
If this were a regular RPG, I totally see the option of killing vs. not killing him
and having the story continue from there.
The final boss was out of left field, at least as someone who isn't a lore junkie, again,
an actual emotional response, although it didn't have the spectacle that Ghaul had.
The Baron fights were all pretty cool and had their own flair to them.
Some of them, dare I say, actually a little difficult, especially if you were underleveled.
The Barons kinda reminded me of the Bandits from Borderlands 2 a little bit, which I enjoyed.
Unique encounters for each Baron, they weren't too short of an experience if you were solo,
I think my favorites were the Rider, Trickster and Mindbender.
If the Rider encounter had more of a racing element, I think that woulda been cool instead
of just going back and forth.
I originally thought it was gonna be a pick your own adventure sort of thing, but due
to the level scaling, you basically had to do them in a specific order, which I understand,
tough to make it so you can pick which ever you want while also having them all be at
the proper difficulty level unless Bungie can do some on the fly scaling of encounters.
I do want to see how Bungie handles their storytelling via gameplay going into the future
though, the cutscenes were all great in this and if they are cutting back as much as they
seem to be, I'll miss them.
The Spider is one of the cooler NPCs we've gotten in the game thus far, I think he's
a pretty great character, it's nice to see Petra back, I wasn't cringing at half of the
dialog in the game, although speaking of dialog, do you know how many words our Guardian spoke
in the campaign?
It was 9.
Although to be fair, that is still an infinite gain over the 0 that we spoke previously.
Most of all though, the story is actually continuing into the end game in the Dreaming
We know what was up with Uldren, he was delusional and corrupted, we got a little message from
the Queen, but now we get the entire Dreaming City to go figure out and explore and learn
about what the hell is actually going on and I look forward to uncovering all of that instead
of having the game come to a screeching halt like Ghaul.
I really wanted Ghaul to be the final raid boss of the first year of D2 or at least the
first final raid boss, they made that story experience so short and while this campaign
experience was about as long as I was anticipating, at least there's still more to uncover.
I polled my Twitch chat and I'd say about 80%, if not more, liked Forsaken's story experience
over D2 launch, at least so far.
Next up, let's talk new subclass blocks.
For the most part, great experience.
I like that Bungie took a spin on the regular supers that we had, enough to make them feel
different, but not too much that they're completely off the charts.
All of the subclass blocks have crazy synergy with each other, which is fantastic, not that
the other blocks don't, but these especially really work together.
My favorite so far is Blade Barrage.
If you don't feel something in your no no zone every time you just burst an enemy from
100 to 0 or just lay a huge chunk of damage into something, I dunno what's wrong with
Very satisfying super to use, very strong, rest of the block has great synergy with exotics
too, well done.
The others will have to wait until I unlock them.
By the way, you can get another Seed of Light from doing tier 2 Blind Well, random drop.
Moving on, we finally have back our kiosks from Destiny 1 in the form of Collections
and we also have an achievement system in Triumphs, something the game has desperately
I have nothign to say about these except that they're amazing and I love them and they're
a HUGE quality of life upgrade to the game as a whole.
I like being a completionist, I like achievements, I like stat tracking, this is great.
If we could only get kill tracking on exotics by default, that would be great because I'm
racking up a ton of kills on my Ace of Spades and I wanna know the kill count.
The leveling experience.
This one is pretty interesting.
The game pushes you to 500 as fast as humanly possible, you will get it very fast just doing
public events even with you only getting 1 drop.
It feels like the amount of levels you gain ramps up around 450, the game just goes "eh
screw it, you're close enough," and throws power at you.
And then at 500, you face plant into a wall and you need to go do your powerful reward
bounties and activities, of which is are a LOT.
You have your dailies which are the 4 pronged star icons which reset every 4 days, the weeklies
are the 6 pronged ones, then there's bounties on top of that, on top of Valor/Glory/Infamy
level rank ups.
there's a LOT of stuff that will slowly level you.
We don't want a situation where people are over leveled for the raid on the first day,
although at the rate some people are going, that might happen, raid is estimated to be
550 probably scaling up from there.
But this creates a problem where high level activities, like 500 power strikes and Dreaming
City events, are not even worth running.\par Heroic strikes are pointless to run unless
you're going for soft cap blues, most of the non-powerful reward things in the Dreaming
City reward soft cap items and Dreaming City is basically a 530+ level zone.
It's a difficult problem to solve because of how quickly the game moves unless you want
to only be giving 1 light upgrades on armor per strike or something like that.
If you give people unrestricted access to leveling up, then they'll hit max level quickly
and when you're chasing world first raid completion, you want as much as you can get.
It feels bad knowing that heroic strikes are back to being irrelevant and that most of
the things that I do on the Dreaming City aren't going to upgrade my light level.
I understand WHY, but it doesn't make it feel any better.
I wouldn't mind seeing heroic strikes be on the daily lockout cycle, where you could run
all of the Forsaken strikes can maybe get a tiny upgrade, and then they go back to how
they are, something like that.
Again, I understand, give people an inch and they'll take a mile.
I do want to come back to this topic in another video after I've hit 600 if I think it's necessary
to re-evaluate the process.
In terms of infusion and exotics, I like it.
If you're a 1 hour a week player, you probably don't like it.
Infusion costs are MUCH higher unless you're infusing the same items together.
They now include Masterwork cores.
I know a lot of people are panicking about not having a lot of Cores, but right now,
we don't have access to a lot of Masterwork level items.
They will come, cores will come.
I like that infusion is a high cost because you actually need to think about what to infuse
Granted, ultra hardcore players will continue to not have that problem since you can just
buy tons of materials, but if Bungie balanced the game around those people, it would cost
300 planetary materials for 1 upgrade.
You need to make a decision about what to level, no more just spam infusing everything.
That makes your choices much more valuable, that means organizing and planning a gear
set, at least when first starting out.
With the return of random rolls and armor getting perks again on top of infusion costs,
that's a LOT to monitor and for some less active players, I could see being overwhelming
or even tedious.
As for not being able to reroll masterworks to the stat you want, I'd be ok with having
the option back I guess.
People were just used to having it and on top of having to get a god roll AND getting
the right masterwork, I can see why people are annoyed, although having to get the right
masterwork adds to the "getting a god roll" experience.
As for mods, Bungie did say they were going to be rare, although they are rarer than I
thought they were going to be.
Again, when the raid is out, perhaps there will be more drops.
I'm ok with mods being rare at the start, they can always buff drop rates.\par
Exotics being rare I think is good for the game.
I've always been on the team of exotics should be rare to get because they're supposed to
be these ultra powerful weapons and it seems like Bungie has finally gone in that direction
a little bit.
Exotics are now actually rare, they can always buff drop rates later.
They can still drop from mundane activities, but the chance of that happening is significantly
Getting a new Forsaken exotic should be a special moment, it should make you feel excited
to get one.
There should never be an expectation of being showered in exotics because then they just
become like every other item in the game.
You should have some form of an emotional response to getting one because that's what
makes it worth it.
We're playing a loot game, let me be excited to get loot.
Xur on the other hand is still the same old Xur and from what I remember, will not be
selling Forsaken exotics for at least a while.
The Fated Engram not showing up in week 1 is a bug though.
Xur... something's gotta be done with Xur for active players.
I dunno what, but it's gotta be something.
As for strikes, there's 2 new ones available now, Warden of Nothing and Hollowed Lair,
with Hollowed being story mission-esque, the PS4 exclusives Lake of Shadows and Insight
Terminus, and then 1 more will be coming eventually, seems like a Dreaming City strike.
Warden of Nothing has been getting rave reviews as one of the best strike experiences across
all Destiny strikes ever made and I don't have a lot of reason to refute that claim
by the masses.
It is a great strike experience and if you haven't experienced it yet, I would absolutely
go run it.
Finally got to play Lake of Shadows as well... yeah not impressed with that one.
Destiny is at its best when it gets to show off how big it is, when it gets to show off
its scale.
That's part of why Warden of Nothing was good, why the Whisper mission was good, why a good
chunk of the campaign elements were good, even some Dreaming City Lost Sectors FEEL
crazier than they actually are: the scale.
You are tiny.
This place is huge.
Makes a huge difference to the feel of the experience.
As for the Dreaming City, seems like the place is still being figured out right now, there
are some secrets like the cats that are hidden around, some treasure chests, ascendent challenges,
all of which I'd like to cover in a video very soon, but I have a feeling that things
will be more secrety in the coming weeks, especially after the raid launches.
I look forward to tearing the place apart, but it's tough to have an opinion on it when
I believe we've only scratched the surface and I've barely touched it.
I've done a couple of Blind Wells so far and it seems like it has a rewards issue as well,
like I mentioned earlier.
Blind Well is pretty fun, but I have a strong feeling it will fall to similar fates that
Escalation Protocol did in terms of matchmaking.
I can't imagine there were a lot of completely randomly matchmade people who completed a
level 7 event in EP.
In terms of PvP, with skill based matchmaking toned down or turned off or whatever they
did, on top of the weapon changes, I'm having fun with it again.
The weapon changes didn't all of a sudden make me into a god of PvP or anything like
that, I'm still basically the same calibur player, it's just nice not having to play
against people who play on competitive Destiny 2 PvP teams every single game.
I'm pretty indifferent to the weapon changes for PvP actually as a result, my problem was
much more matchmaking than it was the sandbox.
Shotguns are a little rampant right now, wouldn't mind seeing that go down a little bit, but
otherwise, PvP is at the very least, bearable to play, and I like going into Quickplay and
messing around.
Gambit is the new mode, the PvEvP mode and it's fantastic and I love it and it's great,
we've talked about it a bunch already, but it is a fantastic game mode that I hope to
lose many hours to.
I do have one note though.
A good amount of the time, it feels like the team that's ahead is actually at a disadvantage
because the team that's behind can just spam invasions on you while they get almost free
reign of their Primeval.
You'll get hit with their final mote deposits AND an invasion AND another invasion all back
to back to back.
While, yes, it is on you to, you know, kill the invader, it can feel overwhelming at times
to have to deal with all of that when you were initially winning the match.
Being a little ahead just sometimes feels like a detriment.
All in all, I am having a good initial experience with Forsaken.
Destiny 2 did not evolve the game at all and was actually more of a regression.
With Forsaken, the game has gotten a lot better as a whole.
The tone changes are very noticeable, we have a lot of quality of life improvements, and
overall, I think Bungie and their partners have really stepped up with Forsaken.
How we'll feel about it a few weeks from now remains a mystery, but for now, I think we're
well within so far so good territory.
Lemme know your thoughts as well, if you enjoyed the video, a positive rating is great, thanks
for watching and I'll see you next time.
Franklin's Revenge | GTA V - Duration: 10:29.Hai! This is DJnyancatz Here
and today we're going to be playing some more
It's gonna be story mode for a little bit
Not because I have xbox live because i do
It's just because well...
I figured
Why not play some more story mode because none of my friends
wanna play apparently so that kind of sucks
This video is voice over unfortunatley
so if you're wondering why i'm walking
I was expecting I was going to be saying something else
We are going to be going kind of
James Bond kind of thing
Over to the police station
actually, with chop because I figured chop would help us out a lot
from dying because
as you may know from my last episode I suck at this game
If you wanna see content review that's one of my popular
videos i've noticed
people really enjoy that so I may make another episode of that
pretty soon
we're gonna go pretty James bond into this
I expect to kill lots
murder lots of cops
so yeah
what's funny is that cop literally just
drove out of that
parking space right there, I did some retakes
and everytime there were 3 cop cars
so than I just kind of
picked a spot there
and another thing I noticed was I would
Immigrant Actress Says She'll Leave The U.S. And Not Just Because She Hates Trump - Duration: 3:44.Immigrant Actress Says She'll Leave The U.S.
And Not Just Because She Hates Trump
Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron has been a citizen of our great nation for more
than a decade, after leaving South Africa for a better life in America.
Now, she's wanting out and nobody is stopping her, but she wants everyone to know why she's
leaving and others should high tail it out of here too.
Theron has identified what she feels is an imminent threat to humanity in this country
and is more than just President Donald Trump, who she's definitely not a fan of.
The successful actress has enjoyed all the perks of being an American citizen including
an incredible career.
More important than her acting chops are her two black children she's adopted.
She doesn't feel that they are safe here in the U.S. and is at least talking about
leaving, but like all other anti-Trump celebs, she probably won't make good on her announcement
and actually leave.
She just likes the attention of complaining about this country, this time citing a new
American News Central reports:
Charlize Theron was born in South Africa during the time of apartheid.
She knows what racism is like.
Theron gained American citizenship just over a decade ago, however, she's not that proud
of her country or her president.
According to Charlize, she's considering leaving the United States because it's just
too dang racist.
Her two adopted black kids shouldn't have to live in such an evil country!
She said this during an interview with far-left nutball Chelsea Handler.
From Downtrend:
When Charlize Theron isn't making really dumb statement about gun control she apparently
passes the time by making really dumb statements about race.
The whitest person you've ever seen says there are parts of America that are so racist
that she won't go there and worries that this racism may drive her from the country
It should be noted that she is from South Africa where white people are killed for the
color of their skin and white farmers are driven from their land by angry blacks.
Theron sat down with her drunken leftist friend and equal foe of Trump's as she is, to commiserate
over how awful they feel that America has become.
This "safe space" interview is rich with leftist insanity.
Chelsea Handler: You're raising two children of color.
Obviously, coming from South Africa, you know a lot about racial inequality, but what are
your thoughts on Black Lives Matter and our current climate?
Charlize Theron: Being raised during the apartheid era in South Africa made me so hyperaware
of equality and human rights.
Of course, I have two black kids, but that was always something I was passionate about.
I don't even know how to talk about the last year under our new administration.
But racism is much more alive and well than people thought.
We can't deny it anymore.
We have to be vocal.
There are places in this country where, if I got a job, I wouldn't take it.
I wouldn't travel with my kids to some parts of America, and that's really problematic.
There are a lot of times when I look at my kids and I'm like, If this continues, I
might have to [leave America].
Because the last thing I want is for my children to feel unsafe.
Theron's children are among the most privileged kids in America guarded by people protecting
them and likely a security wall or fence around their home.
Her children are not in any danger with Trump as the president who has done nothing to make
the country more racist with him in office.
The only people perpetuating racism in America are liberals like her who are lying to their
children and telling them that America is a racist place.
Instilling fear in little ones like this is what's really unsafe.
If Theron wants to fix a racism issue, she should look at her home country and start
That's where it really is dangerous, but she will just stay right here in America where
it's safe and complain about Trump for attention.
Live Doppler 13 Forecast: Saturday 6pm - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
CollegeFest Welcomes Students To Philadelphia - Duration: 0:26.-------------------------------------------
The Rich Life Of Mac Miller 2018 - Duration: 4:31.-------------------------------------------
La Jefa del Campeón | Nelson amenazó a Rey con destruir su carrera como futbolista - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Park Circle North Circle, Passage Fort, Portmore, St Catherine, Jamaica - Duration: 1:20.Travelling north on Park Circle East Circle
Left turn onto Park Circle North Circle
Park Circle North Circle ends here
Left turn onto Park Circle West Circle
এটি Breakup কে ভুলিয়ে দেবে || how to overcome Breakup || Breakup Motivational Video in Bangla - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
22º Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario – 8 de septiembre de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 2:06:30.-------------------------------------------
Cardi B & Nicki Minaj Melee Memes | - Duration: 4:28.Cardi B & Nicki Minaj Melee Memes |
Because within seconds of the story of the scandalous scuffle between nemesis female New York City rappers Nicki Minaj and Cardi B, all dressed up and at an A-list hip New York Fashion Week party at the Plaza Hotel, that the two would mix it up is bizarre and disquieting but low-hanging fruit ripe for memes.
It's reported both female MCs were at the Harper's Bazaar Icons party when, TMZ reported, "Nicki was with her crew at a table, when Cardi 'aggressively approached the table,'" according to eyewitnesses.
Cardi allegedly lunged toward Minaj and was stopped by security and then pulled off a red platform shoe and threw it at Minaj, missing her.
Page Six meanwhile who was there said it was a lot more than a shoe toss.
"There was a major scuffle between rival rappers Cardi B and Nicki Minaj at the swanky Harper's Bazaar Icons fashion week bash at the Plaza Friday night.
The wild skirmish included hair-pulling and shoe throwing" with fistfuls of hair on the floor.
Security jumped right in to prevent the thing from escalating.
Here's what you want to know:.
Minaj & Cardi B 'Crossed Paths' on the Red Carpet.
"It was bad," a source told Page Six: "They were separated by security, but Cardi was still trying to get at her.
She took of a giant red shoe and threw it at Nicki — who was being blocked up against a wall by huge security guard.".
Cardi was then led into another room while Nicki was held back with security in front of her and it's reported "she has a knot on her forehead from getting hit.
And just seconds after the melee was reported, the memes popped up as if birthed by rabbits and well, because memes are fun, and when done well are even more fun, here's a few to enjoy.
Here's what you might want to know:.
It's New York Fashion Week.
The Harper's Bazaar Icons Party is an It Event & Both Rappers Were in Attendance & Bronx Meets Queens & The Shoe & Wigs Fly.
By the way, the current tea is that Nicki Minaj allegedly said something about Cardi B and Offset's daughter Kulture.
Completely unconfined.
Until Cardi B posted otherwise to Instagram where she alleges Minaj has said things about her daughter and questioned her parenting skills.
In This Corner Cardi Fans & in This Corner, Nicki Fans.
Meanwhile, it was a big day for Cardi's husband and father of their daughter Kulture, Migos' Offset, walked the Jeremey Scott show.
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中国新说唱四强产生,艾热淘汰,四进三帮唱嘉宾,期待尤长靖吗? - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
张翰上快本名字被写错 百万人狂搜官方微博被灌爆 - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
《我不是药神》中的黄毛,演活了忠诚善良,是非分明的农村青年 - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
Virginie Despentes : Booba n'est pas assez pris au sérieux comme auteur - Duration: 9:58.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Virginie Despentes : Booba n'est pas assez pris au sérieux comme auteur - Duration: 9:58.-------------------------------------------
Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #46: Hands and Knees on an Incline - Duration: 1:26.Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I am a
pediatric physical therapist. I am here
with Myla, who is almost 18 months old.
She has low tone and Down syndrome.
We need to work on her arm strength a
little bit more for crawling. She is not
crawling yet, So I can use my knees as a
dynamic surface, and let her push up on
my legs. I can do one and then the other (knee).
I can do both at the same time. The lower
my knees are, the harder it is. The higher,
the easier. It is just a way to work on
arm strength. There you go! Oh! Oh! I hope
that is an easy idea.. Alright! Alright! .Okay! I hope that is an easy that idea you
can do at home. We'll talk to you later! Bye-bye! Goodness gracious! What
was all that?
For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #46: Hands and Knees on an Incline - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
Tropas russas testam sistema de mísseis Iskander-M - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Datto's First Impressions on the Destiny 2 Forsaken Expansion - Duration: 17:14.Forsaken has been out for a few days and for Destiny 2's launch, I did a first impressions
video after 25 hours in the game.
I have way more hours this time around, so, let's do a quick first impressions.
There will be spoilers all over this, be warned, buckle up because we're gonna be here a while.
The story.
Improved over Destiny 2's story in my opinion.
We do have another situation where the main villain is basically nowhere to be found during
the actual campaign, but at least it makes sense as he's chasing after the Dreaming City.
And I actually had some form of an emotional response to the ending, where I actually felt
a little bad for Uldren since he was basically delusional.
If this were a regular RPG, I totally see the option of killing vs. not killing him
and having the story continue from there.
The final boss was out of left field, at least as someone who isn't a lore junkie, again,
an actual emotional response, although it didn't have the spectacle that Ghaul had.
The Baron fights were all pretty cool and had their own flair to them.
Some of them, dare I say, actually a little difficult, especially if you were underleveled.
The Barons kinda reminded me of the Bandits from Borderlands 2 a little bit, which I enjoyed.
Unique encounters for each Baron, they weren't too short of an experience if you were solo,
I think my favorites were the Rider, Trickster and Mindbender.
If the Rider encounter had more of a racing element, I think that woulda been cool instead
of just going back and forth.
I originally thought it was gonna be a pick your own adventure sort of thing, but due
to the level scaling, you basically had to do them in a specific order, which I understand,
tough to make it so you can pick which ever you want while also having them all be at
the proper difficulty level unless Bungie can do some on the fly scaling of encounters.
I do want to see how Bungie handles their storytelling via gameplay going into the future
though, the cutscenes were all great in this and if they are cutting back as much as they
seem to be, I'll miss them.
The Spider is one of the cooler NPCs we've gotten in the game thus far, I think he's
a pretty great character, it's nice to see Petra back, I wasn't cringing at half of the
dialog in the game, although speaking of dialog, do you know how many words our Guardian spoke
in the campaign?
It was 9.
Although to be fair, that is still an infinite gain over the 0 that we spoke previously.
Most of all though, the story is actually continuing into the end game in the Dreaming
We know what was up with Uldren, he was delusional and corrupted, we got a little message from
the Queen, but now we get the entire Dreaming City to go figure out and explore and learn
about what the hell is actually going on and I look forward to uncovering all of that instead
of having the game come to a screeching halt like Ghaul.
I really wanted Ghaul to be the final raid boss of the first year of D2 or at least the
first final raid boss, they made that story experience so short and while this campaign
experience was about as long as I was anticipating, at least there's still more to uncover.
I polled my Twitch chat and I'd say about 80%, if not more, liked Forsaken's story experience
over D2 launch, at least so far.
Next up, let's talk new subclass blocks.
For the most part, great experience.
I like that Bungie took a spin on the regular supers that we had, enough to make them feel
different, but not too much that they're completely off the charts.
All of the subclass blocks have crazy synergy with each other, which is fantastic, not that
the other blocks don't, but these especially really work together.
My favorite so far is Blade Barrage.
If you don't feel something in your no no zone every time you just burst an enemy from
100 to 0 or just lay a huge chunk of damage into something, I dunno what's wrong with
Very satisfying super to use, very strong, rest of the block has great synergy with exotics
too, well done.
The others will have to wait until I unlock them.
By the way, you can get another Seed of Light from doing tier 2 Blind Well, random drop.
Moving on, we finally have back our kiosks from Destiny 1 in the form of Collections
and we also have an achievement system in Triumphs, something the game has desperately
I have nothign to say about these except that they're amazing and I love them and they're
a HUGE quality of life upgrade to the game as a whole.
I like being a completionist, I like achievements, I like stat tracking, this is great.
If we could only get kill tracking on exotics by default, that would be great because I'm
racking up a ton of kills on my Ace of Spades and I wanna know the kill count.
The leveling experience.
This one is pretty interesting.
The game pushes you to 500 as fast as humanly possible, you will get it very fast just doing
public events even with you only getting 1 drop.
It feels like the amount of levels you gain ramps up around 450, the game just goes "eh
screw it, you're close enough," and throws power at you.
And then at 500, you face plant into a wall and you need to go do your powerful reward
bounties and activities, of which is are a LOT.
You have your dailies which are the 4 pronged star icons which reset every 4 days, the weeklies
are the 6 pronged ones, then there's bounties on top of that, on top of Valor/Glory/Infamy
level rank ups.
there's a LOT of stuff that will slowly level you.
We don't want a situation where people are over leveled for the raid on the first day,
although at the rate some people are going, that might happen, raid is estimated to be
550 probably scaling up from there.
But this creates a problem where high level activities, like 500 power strikes and Dreaming
City events, are not even worth running.\par Heroic strikes are pointless to run unless
you're going for soft cap blues, most of the non-powerful reward things in the Dreaming
City reward soft cap items and Dreaming City is basically a 530+ level zone.
It's a difficult problem to solve because of how quickly the game moves unless you want
to only be giving 1 light upgrades on armor per strike or something like that.
If you give people unrestricted access to leveling up, then they'll hit max level quickly
and when you're chasing world first raid completion, you want as much as you can get.
It feels bad knowing that heroic strikes are back to being irrelevant and that most of
the things that I do on the Dreaming City aren't going to upgrade my light level.
I understand WHY, but it doesn't make it feel any better.
I wouldn't mind seeing heroic strikes be on the daily lockout cycle, where you could run
all of the Forsaken strikes can maybe get a tiny upgrade, and then they go back to how
they are, something like that.
Again, I understand, give people an inch and they'll take a mile.
I do want to come back to this topic in another video after I've hit 600 if I think it's necessary
to re-evaluate the process.
In terms of infusion and exotics, I like it.
If you're a 1 hour a week player, you probably don't like it.
Infusion costs are MUCH higher unless you're infusing the same items together.
They now include Masterwork cores.
I know a lot of people are panicking about not having a lot of Cores, but right now,
we don't have access to a lot of Masterwork level items.
They will come, cores will come.
I like that infusion is a high cost because you actually need to think about what to infuse
Granted, ultra hardcore players will continue to not have that problem since you can just
buy tons of materials, but if Bungie balanced the game around those people, it would cost
300 planetary materials for 1 upgrade.
You need to make a decision about what to level, no more just spam infusing everything.
That makes your choices much more valuable, that means organizing and planning a gear
set, at least when first starting out.
With the return of random rolls and armor getting perks again on top of infusion costs,
that's a LOT to monitor and for some less active players, I could see being overwhelming
or even tedious.
As for not being able to reroll masterworks to the stat you want, I'd be ok with having
the option back I guess.
People were just used to having it and on top of having to get a god roll AND getting
the right masterwork, I can see why people are annoyed, although having to get the right
masterwork adds to the "getting a god roll" experience.
As for mods, Bungie did say they were going to be rare, although they are rarer than I
thought they were going to be.
Again, when the raid is out, perhaps there will be more drops.
I'm ok with mods being rare at the start, they can always buff drop rates.\par
Exotics being rare I think is good for the game.
I've always been on the team of exotics should be rare to get because they're supposed to
be these ultra powerful weapons and it seems like Bungie has finally gone in that direction
a little bit.
Exotics are now actually rare, they can always buff drop rates later.
They can still drop from mundane activities, but the chance of that happening is significantly
Getting a new Forsaken exotic should be a special moment, it should make you feel excited
to get one.
There should never be an expectation of being showered in exotics because then they just
become like every other item in the game.
You should have some form of an emotional response to getting one because that's what
makes it worth it.
We're playing a loot game, let me be excited to get loot.
Xur on the other hand is still the same old Xur and from what I remember, will not be
selling Forsaken exotics for at least a while.
The Fated Engram not showing up in week 1 is a bug though.
Xur... something's gotta be done with Xur for active players.
I dunno what, but it's gotta be something.
As for strikes, there's 2 new ones available now, Warden of Nothing and Hollowed Lair,
with Hollowed being story mission-esque, the PS4 exclusives Lake of Shadows and Insight
Terminus, and then 1 more will be coming eventually, seems like a Dreaming City strike.
Warden of Nothing has been getting rave reviews as one of the best strike experiences across
all Destiny strikes ever made and I don't have a lot of reason to refute that claim
by the masses.
It is a great strike experience and if you haven't experienced it yet, I would absolutely
go run it.
Finally got to play Lake of Shadows as well... yeah not impressed with that one.
Destiny is at its best when it gets to show off how big it is, when it gets to show off
its scale.
That's part of why Warden of Nothing was good, why the Whisper mission was good, why a good
chunk of the campaign elements were good, even some Dreaming City Lost Sectors FEEL
crazier than they actually are: the scale.
You are tiny.
This place is huge.
Makes a huge difference to the feel of the experience.
As for the Dreaming City, seems like the place is still being figured out right now, there
are some secrets like the cats that are hidden around, some treasure chests, ascendent challenges,
all of which I'd like to cover in a video very soon, but I have a feeling that things
will be more secrety in the coming weeks, especially after the raid launches.
I look forward to tearing the place apart, but it's tough to have an opinion on it when
I believe we've only scratched the surface and I've barely touched it.
I've done a couple of Blind Wells so far and it seems like it has a rewards issue as well,
like I mentioned earlier.
Blind Well is pretty fun, but I have a strong feeling it will fall to similar fates that
Escalation Protocol did in terms of matchmaking.
I can't imagine there were a lot of completely randomly matchmade people who completed a
level 7 event in EP.
In terms of PvP, with skill based matchmaking toned down or turned off or whatever they
did, on top of the weapon changes, I'm having fun with it again.
The weapon changes didn't all of a sudden make me into a god of PvP or anything like
that, I'm still basically the same calibur player, it's just nice not having to play
against people who play on competitive Destiny 2 PvP teams every single game.
I'm pretty indifferent to the weapon changes for PvP actually as a result, my problem was
much more matchmaking than it was the sandbox.
Shotguns are a little rampant right now, wouldn't mind seeing that go down a little bit, but
otherwise, PvP is at the very least, bearable to play, and I like going into Quickplay and
messing around.
Gambit is the new mode, the PvEvP mode and it's fantastic and I love it and it's great,
we've talked about it a bunch already, but it is a fantastic game mode that I hope to
lose many hours to.
I do have one note though.
A good amount of the time, it feels like the team that's ahead is actually at a disadvantage
because the team that's behind can just spam invasions on you while they get almost free
reign of their Primeval.
You'll get hit with their final mote deposits AND an invasion AND another invasion all back
to back to back.
While, yes, it is on you to, you know, kill the invader, it can feel overwhelming at times
to have to deal with all of that when you were initially winning the match.
Being a little ahead just sometimes feels like a detriment.
All in all, I am having a good initial experience with Forsaken.
Destiny 2 did not evolve the game at all and was actually more of a regression.
With Forsaken, the game has gotten a lot better as a whole.
The tone changes are very noticeable, we have a lot of quality of life improvements, and
overall, I think Bungie and their partners have really stepped up with Forsaken.
How we'll feel about it a few weeks from now remains a mystery, but for now, I think we're
well within so far so good territory.
Lemme know your thoughts as well, if you enjoyed the video, a positive rating is great, thanks
for watching and I'll see you next time.
Serena Williams suffers meltdown as she loses US Open final - Daily News - Duration: 5:50.Serena Williams went into meltdown during the US Open final. She branded umpire Carlos Ramos a THIEF and demanded tournament referee Brian Earley to come out as she lost in straight sets to 20-year-old Japanese starlet Naomi Osaka
The 23-time Grand Slam winner was stunned by the No.20 seed in the first set, falling to a 6-2 defeat in just 34 minutes
Osaka was causing the 36-year-old veteran untold problems with her powerful groundstrokes on Arthur Ashe and Williams
Osaka would wrap up her first ever Grand Slam success with a 6-4 second set victory to become the first Japanese woman to win a major
But the story of the match was Williams on-court meltdown as she raged against officials after initailly being given a code violation for 'coaching' from the box
Williams raged at umpire Ramos: "It was not coaching. I do not cheat to win. I would rather lose
I just want you to know that." She would continue: "I understand why you might have thought that, but I do want you to know I don't cheat
Thank you very much." However, as she struggled to keep pace with Osaka - who came into the match with a stunning 31-0 winning record this season when taking the first set - Williams was handed a point penalty for breaking her racquet
After learning of the point penalty, Williams would blast the umpire again, declaring: "I have never cheated in my life
"You own me an apology! I have a daughter and I have not cheated in my life." Those in attendance began to boo, at which point Williams lifted a hand towards the crowd to quieten them before unleashing another furious volley in Ramos 'direction
"You will never be on another court of mine as long as you live. "You are attacking my character and you owe me an apology
You are a liar. You will never umpire on a court of mine as long as you live. Give me my apology
You stole a point from me and you're thief too." That abuse saw her handed a code violation, and thus saw Williams docked a game
Osaka, playing against her hero, managed to keep her calm to see out the victory
The presentation ceremony began with more booing from the crowd before a tearful Williams said, to wild cheers: "I don't want to be rude
I don't want to do questions. ""She played well and this is her first Grand Slam
I know you were rooting for me but let's make this the best moment we can and we'll get through it and give credit where it's due and have no more booing
"I hope to continue to go and play here again. It's been tough here for me." Osaka, also in tears, said: "I know everyone was cheering for her and I'm sorry it had to end like this
I just want to say thank you for watching the match. "It was always my dream to play Serena in the US Open finals
I'm really glad I was able to do that." After accepting her loss, Williams walked off the court, shook Osaka's hand and said to the umpire: "I want an apology"
Williams coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, would later state: "If I'm honest I was coaching, [but] I don't think she looked at me
" Liam Broady, the current British No.4, praised the umpire for his handling of the situation
He said: "I think incredibly strong from the umpire to not be intimidated by a GOAT of the game and hand out the game penalty even so? You shouldn't talk to anybody in this way whether they're an umpire or person on the street
" It is not the first time that Serena has run into trouble with officials at Flushing Meadows
In a semi-final against Kim Clijsters in 2009, she was penalised for threatening a line judge and subsequently fined
Two years later, during a final loss to Sam Stosur, Williams called umpire Eva Asderaki "a hater" and "unattractive inside" for calling a hindrance penalty against her
Kamen Rider Zi-O- Episode 3 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:16.Kamen Rider Zi-O!
A game that no one can clear...?
I am Time Jacker Aura!
What do you want from me, pediatrician?
He is...
The Genius Gamer...
Dai Henshin!
Sunday @9AM!
سریال غنچه های زخمی قسمت 262 دوبله فارسی کامل - Serial Ghonchehaye Zakhmi part 262 - Duration: 1:23.Serial Ghonchehaye Zakhmi part 262
"Zork: Grand Inquisitor" Non-Gamer/First-Time Gamer review - Duration: 6:57.The Zork games, a series of adventure games that primarily feature text instead of graphics, were notable for their extensive use of text commands as
well as its storytelling and world-building. As a result,
it developed a following to the point of it transitioning to a fully graphical game in 'Return to Zork'. In retrospect,
it seems like the transition wasn't an easy one. While critical and commercial reception to 'Return to Zork' and
'Zork Nemesis' weren't exactly bad,
one was considered unfairly and stupidly
illogical, the other depressingly bleak and lacking in comical light-heartiness [guess which one is which]. Step in the release of the
1997 game 'Zork: Grand Inquisitor" which essentially remains to this day the final game in the Zork series.
Anyone who's played a Zork game will recognize the tone and settings,
but the story is thankfully stand-alone [taking place between 'Zork Nemesis' and 'Return to Zork' on the timeline]. The Grand Inquisitor,
Yannick has an evil intent and it's simple: to get rid of magic.
You, the player arrive in the recently 'liberated'
Port Foozle to find a lantern that contains the trapped soul of the former Dungeon Master Dalboz. With his help and a spell book,
it is up to you to restore magic to the Great Underground Empire – just be careful of dangers and especially the
Inquisition lest you want your soul to be sealed for eternity in a totem [similar to Dalboz being in a lantern]. Ouch!
Totemization! Not a pleasant way to go. The aforementioned tone and setting from previous Zork games are more prevalent in this game than
in Zork Nemesis. The jokes, whether they are dialogue or visual gags are goofy,
ridiculous, and absurd, plus the staples and clichés of adventure games are referenced and parodied.
It is a matter of taste, which makes the series stands out, but this game is undeniably funny.
Things that existed in past Zork games make their return. The White House!
Grues [don't forget to light up dark areas]! Frobozz! Flood Control Dam #3! Even 'Zork Nemesis' gets referenced!
As with all graphical Zork games,
purists may take issue with the text descriptions being depicted the way they are, as if it's a book-to-film adaptation.
But this is a good-looking game.
The live-action sections are good too [and are of course funny], and not as blurry as before but the
pixilation [almost regardless of which computer you're running the game on] does show the constraints of the software rather than
unfortunately work with them. You may recognize the talents featured in the live-action segments and voiceovers – and very likely find them over-the-top.
Overall, the presentation is good, complete with a musical score that, while not necessarily as atmospheric as Zork Nemesis, is well composed and
complementary [with the tune for the Crossroads deserving special mention].
Also, there is closed captioning, thank goodness. But can one say 'thank goodness' for the gameplay?
Well, first of all,
the controls are almost exactly the same as seen previously. You move the on-screen cursor to the left or right to 'pan' and
Interact with whatever is in your vicinity -
provided you can. Yes,
it can be a bit hard to tell what you can interact with or where you can move, and it can be a bit hard
to get used to [hopefully you won't get dizzy
even when you adjust the panning in the game preferences],
but it worked in Zork Nemesis and it works here.
So pretty much anyone can understand it. But several of the puzzles may not be understandable, and it's not necessarily just because of the fantastical setting.
Puzzles towards the game's beginning are fairly simple, and contain little to no frustration regardless of trial and error.
But they could potentially make you pull your hair out in the later sections. Even with clues,
you may still have trouble using logic and connecting the dots – and when you complete a puzzle,
you may exclaim 'That's what I had to do?' [places such as the spell lab come to mind]. Plus, there's backtracking involved, where
it turns out you couldn't do something unless you had a certain item or spell. Well, speaking of spells,
the puzzle-solving isn't all bad. The spells you utilize after finding scrolls of them to put in your spell book are so…
whimsical, right down to the chanting of the spell, [Rezrov]
or the effects they have…such as making purple things invisible.
[Purple?! But that's the same colour of my hearing aid moulds at the time of this review…Ahem].
There is apparently a two-player mode, where another person via the Net or modem
[how old is this game again?] points out areas and items of interaction.
But how is that different from having someone sit beside you to join you on your adventure [while possibly being stuck in a lantern - perish
that thought]? The gameplay
is easy to get to grips with, but the puzzle solutions may have you reaching for a walkthrough. It has to be said, it
can be quite humourous when you struggle or muck around with the puzzles. That Dalboz will suddenly speak from the lantern when it seems
like something's not working. [Dialogue]
or if you're milliseconds away from dying. [Dialogue]
When and if you die,
you see a text description similar to past Zork games. And the way those descriptions are written
are just so absurd and goofy, you can't help but chuckle. Or be bemused,
perhaps? Is this a fun game? Well it is, though that is probably more so due to the humour and whimsical tone and story, which are
mostly worth getting the game for. You'd think that's a pretty vague reason to purchase a computer game, in regards to several of the
puzzle solutions and even the game's fairly short length. Still, the production values are nice in spite of the game's age,
some of the puzzles are quite fun to figure out [especially those that involve casting spells], and the story is a simple yet
compelling one that can potentially put a smile on the face of anyone familiar with the Zork games. Is this game more so for those into
the Zork series then? Maybe, but the game's light-hearted nature may be just what you're looking for.
The game's controls and premise are good for the non-gamer crowd, except they may want to look up the puzzle solutions.
Anyone who's up for a fun and fantastical
adventure game [or interested in adventure games in general]
should give this a game a go [with the GOG/Good Old Games release being your best bet].
It's sad to think that this is the last Zork game. People who have played the games,
like myself, will never forget the White House and the magic and so on. There may never be another
adventure game where the main character you get to play as is yourself – and by yourself,
I mean "Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person" or AFGNCAAP for short.
Oh, that's what Dalboz calls you. Maybe another time, Dungeon Master…
Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #46: Hands and Knees on an Incline - Duration: 1:26.Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I am a
pediatric physical therapist. I am here
with Myla, who is almost 18 months old.
She has low tone and Down syndrome.
We need to work on her arm strength a
little bit more for crawling. She is not
crawling yet, So I can use my knees as a
dynamic surface, and let her push up on
my legs. I can do one and then the other (knee).
I can do both at the same time. The lower
my knees are, the harder it is. The higher,
the easier. It is just a way to work on
arm strength. There you go! Oh! Oh! I hope
that is an easy idea.. Alright! Alright! .Okay! I hope that is an easy that idea you
can do at home. We'll talk to you later! Bye-bye! Goodness gracious! What
was all that?
[동방 어레인지] 조협종(凋叶棕) - Hello, My friend. 한글 자막 - Duration: 8:35.-------------------------------------------
BMW新型Z4ロードスター日本発売日は来春!ソフトトップ採用で価格や性能は?クーペも登場? - Duration: 22:49.-------------------------------------------
నేల ములక|nela mulaka uses in telugu|బట్టతలపై వెంట్రుకలు మొలిపించే మొక్క|Nela mulaka vakudu - Duration: 6:56.please subscribe
please like and share
[Nhạc Sàn Trung Thu] Đập Bay Loa Thùng Tung Cửa Nát Nhà / Bass Cực Căng ► DJ Lâm Châm Muzik | XTNon - Duration: 49:29.-------------------------------------------
斗破苍穹:电视剧版完败动漫,玄重尺变泡沫塑料,萧薰儿变战渣! - Duration: 9:36.-------------------------------------------
It's shameful what US Open did to Naomi Osaka - 247 news - Duration: 5:01.Naomi Osaka, 20 years old, just became the first player from Japan to win a Grand Slam
Yet rather than cheer Osaka, the crowd, the commentators and US Open officials all expressed shock and grief that Serena Williams lost
Osaka spent what should have been her victory lap in tears. It had been her childhood dream to make it to the US Open and possibly play against Williams, her idol, in the final
It's hard to recall a more unsportsmanlike event. Here was a young girl who pulled off one of the greatest upsets ever, who fought for every point she earned, ashamed
At the awards ceremony, Osaka covered her face with her black visor and cried. The crowd booed her
Katrina Adams, chairman and president of the USTA, opened the awards ceremony by denigrating the winner and lionizing Williams — whose ego, if anything, needs piercing
"Perhaps it's not the finish we were looking for today," Adams said, "but Serena, you are a champion of all champions
" Addressing the crowd, Adams added, "This mama is a role model and respected by all
" That's not likely the case now, not after the world watched as Serena Williams had a series of epic meltdowns on the court, all sparked when the umpire warned her: No coaching from the side
Her coach was making visible hand signals. "I don't cheat to win," Williams told him
"I'd rather lose." She couldn't let it go, going back multiple times to berate the umpire
At one point she called him a thief. "You stole a point from me!" she yelled. After her loss, Williams's coach admitted to ESPN that he had, in fact, been coaching from the stands, a code violation
The warning was fair. Everything that followed is on Williams, who is no stranger to tantrums
Most famously, she was tossed from the US Open in 2009 after telling the line judge, "I swear to God I'll take the f—king ball and shove it down your f—king throat
" John McEnroe was taken aback. Even Williams's mother Oracene Price couldn't defend her daughter's outburst
see also Serena has mother of all meltdowns in US Open final loss Serena Williams came into Saturday's U
S. Open final looking for. "She could have kept her cool," Price said. On Saturday, she also could have tried to be gracious in defeat
No matter what how her fans try to spin this, Williams was anything but. Upon accepting her finalist award, she gave parsimonious praise to her competitor while telling the crowd she felt their pain
"Let's try to make this the best moment we can," she said in part, "and we'll get through it
. . let's not boo anymore. We're gonna get through this and let's be positive, so congratulations, Naomi
" Osaka accepted her trophy while choking back tears. She never smiled. When asked if her childhood dream of playing against Williams matched the reality, she politely sidestepped the question
"I'm sorry," Osaka said. "I know that everyone was cheering for her and I'm sorry it had to end like this
" She turned to Williams. "I'm really grateful I was able to play with you," Osaka said
"Thank you." She bowed her head to Williams, and Williams just took it — no reciprocation, no emotion
Osaka, a young player at the beginning of her career, showed grit, determination and maturity on that court and off
She earned that trophy. Let's recall that this wasn't Osaka's first victory over Williams — she beat Williams back in March, causing a hiccup in that great comeback narrative
Osaka earned her moment as victor at the US Open, one that should have been pure joy
If anything was stolen during this match, it was that.
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