Please go to this link:
How to drill through the centre of a bolt | drill bolt guide - Duration: a previous video I used some cap head
or socket head bolts like that with a hole
drilled down the center to remove some
broken bolts obviously if you've got access
to a lathe with a three jaw Chuck
drilling something like that is
incredibly easy I can simply put it in
the lathe and drill straight through it
with minimal setup however most people
do not have access to a lathe so in this
video we're going to drill directly down
the center of a bolt like that using a
pillar drill. To set up the pillar
drill you will need either a piece of
threaded bar or a bolt the same diameter as
the bolt that you want to drill through. Here I am cutting the head off this M12 bolt
before we drill this in the pillar drill I'll just show you the easy
way on the lathe simply put the bolt in
the chuck ensuring that you grip it
with the head insert an m6 drill bit
into the chuck normally would use the
coolant feed but in this example I'm
going to use metal
working spray
if you're not familiar with drilling on
the lathe you need to peck at the bolt so
you go forwards then back it off then go
forwards again and repeat this until you
are through the other side
if you try and go through in one movement there is a
chance that the hole will not be dead
central as the drill bit can wonder, or so
I have been told
this is the bolt with the hole drilled
dead down the center now it's time for
the pillar drill. start off by putting a
piece of threaded bar in the chuck with
the nut screwed on to the end adjust
the table so that the nut can be
gripped in the drill vise
now lower the drill so that the nut
sits in the jaws of the Vice
position the nut so that the vice will not
move the nut when the jaws are fully
you need to get the vice in a position
where you can bolt it down to the
table of the pillar drill you can now
carefully rotate the vice until the bolt
holes line up in the table and bolt it
down ensure the bolt or bolts are
really tight
you don't want the vice to move
now undo the chuck and unscrew the
threaded bar
get the bolt that you want to drill
through in this case a M12
socket or cap head bolt and the thread
a nut onto it. then thread the bolt
into the nut in the vice screw the bolt
all the way down then tighten the top
nut using a spanner. this will ensure that
the bolt is held tightly
you can now get the drill bit in this
case a six millimeter diameter one and
fit that into the chuck by doing it this
way you can be certain that the drill is
in the dead center of the bolt you can
now proceed to drill the hole
ensure a cutting compound or coolant is used
to prevent the drill bit from over heating
in less than two minutes you should be
through the bolt and now have a useful
drill guide for broken bolts
I hope you found this video useful if
you have and you haven't done so
already please subscribe to the channel
Mashup Cưới Nhau Đi Anh BiBao Nhạc V Nightcore Cưới nhau nha anh - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
DIY BUNK BED – With play area/desk area underneath (part 3/3) - Duration: 16:55.-------------------------------------------
FAQ53 - BUGERA AMPS, RIFF OF THE DAY, BBW, RANDOM GUY HATING ME - Duration: 17:08.Hello everyone and welcome to my 53rd...
...FAQ video and do not worry, I have not been in an accident, I'm just showing off the new awesome merch
That is available from the merch website, look
Huh? You can get your own.
Vests like this, very important, in some countries it's a law to have one of these vests in your car
Why not get a Feared one?
Check it out, order one, and you know, if you have one of these guitars, it will go very well...
You know, when playing live, so it's...
There it is, it's just a little tip for you, you don't have to...
I think it's kinda cool, I'm goona wear this when I pick up my kids maybe.
Alright first question, shit.
"Hi Ola, what is your relation with Meshuggah?
"You seem to be very close to the different members of the band, how so?"
I do know the guys in Meshuggah a little bit, because we shared rehearsal space...
...back when I was in Scarpoint
and I also toured with them, with The Haunted and Scarpoint, so I do know them.
I've dealt with Fredrik a little bit more than the other guys and we've nerded out and stuff like that
and so yeah, I'm not really super close with them, but...
It's a good hang, can't really say anything more
They suck by the way.
Awful, awful band.
"What about Ola merch? So, not band merch, but some kind of burp shirts"
It's not an entirely bad idea to be honest, I am actually making Ola merch, so...
Stay tuned.
What the f*** was that kind of thumb? That's a... yeah.
Hopefully that will not offend anyone that I'm giving this little **** kind of thumb...
That was not on purpose, I promise.
"I disliked cuz there was no burp in the video"
"Liked for burp free"
Well, what the **** am I supposed to do? Should I burp, should I not burp?
You're not making it easy for me here, okay?
I don't know what's up with my arms, but they're kind of living their own life right now, let's have a coffee.
You know, burps are not funny they're natural.
It's just like... it's bowel movements and throat happening...
Shit... that...
Get a job
You guys are really hard on me on this one, I do have a job, this is my job.
Delivering burp videos for you, so I can earn all the money in the world.
F*** you.
"Greetings Ola, why do you think more amp manufacturers did not bother
"with fully programmable tube amps preamps like the Mesa Triaxis? (Before modellers matured)
"Very curious as to your reply, since you have gone through the process of designing your own amp
"and dealing with both the engineering and company/ financial side"
The reason why some amp companies choose not to have and why some choose to have
is because not everyone uses MIDI equipment, or you know, fully programmable equipment.
A lot of people use pedals with their amplifiers
And putting in, you know, MIDI functionality and fully programmable parameters into an amplifier
It costs a lot of money.
If your target audience is not MIDI people, why would you put that into the amplifier?
If the end result will be that it will cost a lot more money
I'd rather have a product that's available at as a low of a cost as I can
So people can add stuff on to that if they wish
Like the Triaxis as an example, is made to be a rack unit, together with other rack units
which was kind of like the thing back in the 90s
When you know, John Petrucci had like 2 refrigerators basically with equipment that was MIDI controllable
So, I mean that product... an analog amplifier controlled digitally
so people could have perfect control over their sound, that's just a totally different product I think.
Like, in my case, I have a Randall Satan which basically just has footswitch controls and that's it.
it's because I don't really need more
And I think a lot of people don't really need more than that in some extent, so there you go.
Did I answer the question? Probably not, but **** you.
"Is the JP wah pedal still holding up your monitor?"
It is.
Let me film that real quick.
So, some of you might know that I have a really big ultra wide super awesome monitor from Asus.
Not sponsored by the way, I paid it with my own money.
Don't give me that bullshit.
Anyway, it's so big my desk is too small.
And my desk can't support the back foot of the screen
So I have this awesome John Petrucci Wah and it's an excellent pedal for holding up my monitor.
So there you go, that's a...
...Pretty expensive monitor stand, but that's just how it is
It was probably the first thing I saw when I kind of like wanted to fix this problem that I had
So there you go, it's...
"Ola can you play a Dream Theater riff? Thanks"
Okay, riff of the day, shit, awesome.
That was the guitar stand.
Riff of the day, it's a new segment of mine...
where I show a super awesome riff.
It's a Dream Theater riff, it's from the song Erotomania.
It's the intro which is a little fun to play
It's almost like a practice of the chromatic scale, check this out.
It's a really ugly riff, but I kinda like it. So, slow...
There you go, riff of the day.
And I played a Dream Theater riff, great for you, my little friend.
"As a musician, how do you make your days different by any others?
"To have changes in your life and fill the moist meter with creativity...
"Also, with your 5 bucks community pass, will you release any demo songs?
"Because there's still one very special song showed in the Hughes and Kettner review
"that I wanna hear in full length, because it's so damn good."
You know, I just take the day as they come and go, you know? It's like...
I start the day exactly the same...
You know, having breakfast with my kids, taking them to daycare in school, having coffee...
So, the days start exactly the same and then it's just like...
I just go about my business, it's not like I'm trying to make it different from any other day or anything like that.
I just, you know, try out new gear, let myself be inspired by new stuff...
Maybe I check on a YouTube video that I really liked and maybe I get inspired
So I try to like just take it as it comes, you know?
And just go with the flow, if it becomes a bad video, huh.
F*** it, it's a bad video, that's just how it is
Next day it might be super awesome.
Regarding the 5 bucks community membership thing that you will get exclusive videos
and extra production tutorials and stuff like that...
I have planned a video where I go through the full process of me writing a shorter song
for an upcoming Solar Guitars reveal video.
So, that's something I'm gonna do. If I'm gonna release demos there...
I'll have to see, I haven't really decided how to 'fix' that, in a sense, but...
There's a lot of content already there.
Go be a member... and I also had a live stream yesterday for members only, very beautiful.
I drank beer and I became not so drunk...
I have no idea because this FAQ is recorded before I had that live stream, so I'm just talking shit.
I mean, I'm probably super sober and super boring.
We'll just have to see... if you're a member and you attended my livestream
let me know how it went down in the comment section.
"Hey Ola, if you liked the LFL footage, well, you better do a search of BBW, cheers from Down Under."
Okay, let's do this then
Alright, gotcha. B... BBW...
Bee suits, beekeeping. Okay, let's just search for BBWs and see what's up.
Milf, porn, chubby women, fat mom tube...
No, I'm not gonna watch this. You're just trying to make me watch porn, that's not funny at all.
Okay, let's go in and watch a porn, because I mean, this is my channel.
What the **** is this?
Oh my god, okay, good for you, buddy. I still don't know what it stands for, can I...?
BBW meaning...
Big beautiful woman
Good, I can definitely support that, okay, good.
Thank you so much for demonetizing this video for me
Thank you so much CTP Mark, I enjoy it.
"I saw 'demonetised' and my initial reaction was
"screw YouTube for once again creating hell for another one of my favorite content producers
"I wanted to say thank you, whenever I feel like I'm not playing well or need a laugh
"I can always come to your channel for some inspiration
"it's awesome to see how real you are on camera and how much you care about your family
"coming from a place where metal of all types is looked down upon
"Your content was always fresh air."
Thank you so much, f***, I have the most awesome followers. They're f***ing great, you know?
This, messages like this make me really happy.
It might be weird for you to hear, but I'm getting inspired by comments like that
I mean, you're boasting my ego
but hopefully in a good way, so I can create better and more 'fun' content.
So thank you so much Shattered Matrix Incorporated for your lovely comment, I love that.
"I fucking hate you."
Whoa, okay.
WaRLoKWYATT, okay.
Shit, that's kind of like hard words right there.
Okay, let me see if I can go and find this guy, seems like he needs some help.
Maybe he's... Oh, BBW, still on there, good that I have that.
BBW is now my homepage when I open up Safari, okay.
Let's see, I need to... Oh, he has 1300 subscribers, that's great.
Okay, let me see. Okay, I'm trying to find out why he's hating me.
But he seems like a cool dude, he likes Korn... Oh, there's a chick in there.
It seems like this guy is a little troubled, his phone broke, so...
You know, do yourself a favor, go in to WaRLoKWYATT...
He needs more subscribers, and he needs a little bit of love and maybe he can stop hating me.
Is that how you solve things? I don't know
Alright, Swedish word of the day, it's a short one
and it's the word 'puss'.
Which is when you kiss someone, so like my wife, I go 'puss' her...
I know it resembles the word p**** in English
but for me it means that you kiss someone in the nicest way you can.
And a funny thing is that the word 'kiss'...
Like, the equivalent of 'puss' in English means 'to pee' in Swedish, 'kiss', like 'pee'
'Pee in my face, kiss in my face'. There you go, Swedish word of the day, great, f*** I love myself.
"Hey Ola, I feel bad for not buying a Solar guitar
"To be honest, It's taking you way too long to make a 7 string V Solar guitar
"So I'm gonna buy Svart and the t-shirt and watch your ads, sorry"
You don't have to feel obligated to buy a guitar.
If you feel like you want to buy a guitar, then you buy a guitar
You don't have to do buy a guitar just to make me happy, okay?
It's a free world out there
Now that we have that part out of the way, it's taking too long for me to make a 7 string V Solar guitar?
Chill down.
I'm working my hardest to make all the models available, you know...
Like an 8-string Explorer with a dildo on its headstock
I'm trying to make like the shit-brown type A with a tampon looking pickup
and it's like I'm trying to do all those requests that you want...
You just have to give me a little bit of time, okay?
So... Tampon-featured Solar guitar, coming in near you...
But yes, buying merch definitely helps, thank you so much for the contribution.
"Hey, I love your vids
"Question: I hear a lot of people say I should listen to other types of music to be a better music player
"So, to what extent should one listen to other types of music in order to be better in its own genre?
"When do you open your mind too wide that you no longer play metal as we know it"
I mean, first of all you do whatever you want
If you want to open your mind, if you feel like metal is kind of like boring...
You know, or writing, you're in a rut or whatever...
I think it's helpful to listen to other genres of music just to relax from the metal side of things
And just you listening to something other than metal doesn't mean you have to write that type of music
But it can spark some ideas in your head to think differently regarding the metal that you write
So that's what I think is good about listening to other types of music
It's not to write in that style of that other genre
It's to just find new ideas for metal
Shit that's... wow.
That was so deep that it probably earned me some videos, in some sense...
where people can go and dislike and like and... look at that thumb again
"Hey Ola, would putting a set of 7 string, strings on a Solar guitar be a good idea?"
...Putting a set of 7 string, strings on a Solar guitar be good idea?
This question is hurting my brain.
I- I-
I do not understand this question, I think this is probably the hardest question I've ever received
I guess the answer would be that if you have a 7 string, it would probably be a good idea to put 7 string strings...
on the 7 string gui- guitar.
That's a tough answer, shit, okay.
"Hola Ola, still using the adblock, cheers."
God dammit
"Howdy from Colorado in the good ol USA. In an old demo you did with a Bugera Tri-Rec head...
"What's your honest opinion on this product? Great content Ola, thank you so much"
My honest opinion about the Bugera amplifiers that I tried, I tried a couple, is that they sound great.
No question, they sound great, they're great amplifiers.
But with that said, and I think this is what people are kind of like concerned about
is that I have no experience whatsoever with touring with one or...
You know, having one for a long period of time, I only borrowed Bugera amplifiers, so...
I have no idea if they hold, if you tour with them, or not...
I have not heard anything about this, but I heard back in the day they had a 3-year warranty of their amplifiers
which is really good, I'm not sure that's the case nowadays, but...
My conclusion is: they sound good, I'm not sure how they hold
"Hello Ola, I really enjoy your videos
"But I was wondering, at which age did you realize that music means something more for you?
"And you had to do more than just playing as a hobby?"
I think that... understanding that music was a thing for me, that came by really early when I was like probably...
16 or 17 years old
But at that time, basically everything I did that was not working, in my spare time, was music.
So, you know, I was sitting there during the evenings and during the weekends...
You know, practicing with my band, playing live, that's what I liked. And you know, it was pure passion.
It is still kind of like pure passion, it's only that I'm doing this for a living now, so I got the dream job.
Not that I'm really playing guitar anymore, I'm just talking in front of a camera, burping.
Dream job.
That was the last question. Thank you so much for watching this video.
If you enjoyed this video, please put a like.
And next week I'm in Japan.
when I'm posting my FAQ, so what you'll see, I probably have to just record another FAQ after this one
and just prepare myself...
So you'll get your weekly dose of FAQ videos.
Thank you so much for watching guys, see you next time.
Kind of cool, now I have those rings in my face, that's pretty cool, huh?
Sexy. Sexy rings in my eyes. It's really sexy. Okay, stop, Ola.
Dangerous Foods For Diabetes - Duration: 4:42.ten worst foods for diabetics 18 with
diabetes does not have to mean
deprivation starvation or bland and
boring force however some foods really
are best but it is important to find the
best eating the wrong foods can raise
your blood sugar and insulin levels and
promote inflammation which may increase
your risk of disease these top foods
offenders contain high amounts of fat
sodium carbs and calories that may
increase your risk of high cholesterol
high blood pressure heart disease
uncontrolled blood sugar and weight gain
one rice white bread rice and pasta are
high carb processed foods eating bread
bagels and other refined floor foods has
been shown to significantly increase
blood sugar levels in people with type 1
and type 2 diabetes under study found
that a meal containing a high carb a
girl not only raised blood sugar but
also decreased brain function in people
with type 2 diabetes and mental deficits
- sugar sweetened beverages sugary
beverages or the worst drink choice for
someone with diabetes sodas and sweet
dreams are high in carbs which increased
blood sugar also their high-fructose
content has been linked to insulin
resistance and an increased risk of
obesity fatty liver and other diseases
to help control blood sugar levels and
prevent disease risk consume water club
soda or unsweetened iced tea instead of
sugary beverages 3 sweetened breakfast
cereals eating cereal is one of the
worst ways to start your day if you have
diabetes even healthy breakfast cereals
are not good choices for those with
diabetes breakfast cereals or high in
carbs but low in protein a high-protein
low-carb breakfast is the best opinion
for diabetes and appetite control for
full fat diary these saturated fats and
dairy products can raise your LDL
cholesterol levels and increase your
risk of heart disease but saturated fats
may cause add another serious problem
for people with diabetes research has
found that eating a diet high in
saturated fat may worsen in
Slean resistance 5 fatty cuts of meat
they are high in saturated fats
saturated fats in meat raise cholesterol
and promote inflammation throughout the
body and can also put people with
diabetes at even greater risk for heart
disease than the average person 6 fried
foods fried foods typically soak up tons
of oil which adequate and lots of extra
calories and many are coated in breading
first jacking up their numbers even more
what we're doing the greasy stuff can
pack on the pounds and cause blood sugar
caused 7 alcohol before you go for a
pre-dinner cocktail or wine first check
with your doctor to make sure that it's
safe for your condition to drink alcohol
since it can interfere with blood sugar
levels if you do drink keep it in
moderation 8 dried fruit fruit is a
great source of several important
vitamins and minerals including vitamin
C and potassium
when fruit is dried the process results
in a loss of water that leads to even
higher concentrations of these nutrients
dried fruits become more concentrated in
sugar and may contain more than three
times as many carbs as fresh fruits do
avoid dried fruit and choose fruits low
in sugar for optimal blood sugar control
9 fruit juice all the fruit juice is
often considered a healthy beverage its
effects on blood sugar are actually
similar to those of sodas and other
sugary drinks unsweetened fruit juice
contains at least as much as surahs do
it's high fructose content converse and
insulin resistance promote weight gain
and increase the risk of heart disease
chan flavored coffee drinks flavored
coffee drinks should be viewed as a
liquid dessert rather than a healthy
beverage flavored coffee drinks are very
high in liquid carbs which can raise
blood sugar levels and failed to satisfy
your hunger to keep your blood sugar
under control and prevent weight gain
choose plain coffee thank you for
watching this video like and subscribe
for more videos
MUST-WATCH: Hillary Supporting Liberal Attorney Lisa Blatt Endorses Kavanaugh For SCOTUS(VIDEO)! - Duration: 6:23.MUST-WATCH: Hillary Supporting Liberal Attorney Lisa Blatt Endorses Kavanaugh For SCOTUS
um miss Lisa Blatt Thank You mr.
chairman and committee members it is a
privilege to appear before you today my
name is Lisa Blatt and I know Judge
Cavanaugh in my capacity as an appellate
lawyer here in Washington I have argued
35 cases before the Supreme Court of the
United States more than any other woman
in history I am also a Liberal Democrat
and an unapologetic defender of a
woman's right to choose my hero is
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for whom I
had the great fortune of serving as a
law clerk I proudly voted for Hillary
Clinton I voted for President Obama
twice and with my apologies mr. chairman
for this one I wish senator Feinstein
were chairing this committee and yet I
am here today to introduce Judge
Cavanaugh and urged the Senate to
confirm him as the next Associate
Justice of the Supreme Court I've
received many angry calls from friends
and even strangers for supporting Judge
Cavanaugh but I was raised to call it
like I see it and I don't see the choice
before you as difficult by any objective
measure judge Kavanaugh is clearly
qualified to serve on the Supreme Court
after law school he clerked for Justice
Anthony Kennedy the justice he would
succeed he spent 12 years on the
nation's most prestigious Court of
Appeals the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit his opinions are invariably
thoughtful and fair and many are known
as instant classics not just because
they are important but because they are
written so clearly and well the Supreme
Court has adopted the reasoning in his
opinions more than a dozen times Judge
Cavanaugh's judicial temperament and
integrity are also flawless he has
meticulously prepared and he treats
litigants with respect asking probing
questions of both sides he approaches
judging by determining what the law
requires no matter his personal
preference judge Cavanaugh has taught at
the nation's top
school's published thoughtful Law Review
articles and co-authored a leading
treatise on judicial precedent and has
just mentioned the ABA strongly endorsed
him because quote he meets the very
highest standards of integrity
professional competence and judicial
temperament on a personal level I just
can't say enough nice things about the
judge I first met him almost 10 years
ago when he made me completely out of
the blue to say that he liked an article
I had written about arguing before the
Supreme Court since then we've become
friends and he has become a mentor to me
in my career judge Cavanaugh has spent
countless hours listening to me talk
about the challenges I have faced as a
working mother in a profession dominated
by men he has been a great source of
advice on these and many other issues
about work-life balance he understands
that life is not always perfect and he
responds to life's challenges with a
self-deprecating sense of humor more
generally Judge Cavanaugh has been
remarkably committed to promoting women
in the legal profession more than half
of his law clerks have been women
something that is sadly by no means
common and almost all of his clerks
women and men have gone on to clerk at
the Supreme Court including for justices
Kagan and Sotomayor as his former women
law clerks told this committee the legal
profession is quote fairer and more
equal because of Judge Cavanaugh he's
mentored countless other women through
the classes he teaches at Yale and
Harvard Law School's obviously I know
that Judge Cavanaugh has a conservative
judicial outlook and if he is confirmed
he will have one of nine votes to
definitively decide the meaning of the
Constitution including just how far to
read it to protect the reproductive
white rights of women now if it were up
to me Justice Ginsburg would have all
nine votes but that's not our system and
the reality is that the presidency and
the Senate are in Republican hands judge
Kavanagh is the best choice that
liberals could reasonably hope for in
these circumstances I am sure that some
members of the Senate knew that they
would disagree with Justice Ginsburg
when she was a nominee but Justice
Ginsburg was confirmed 96 to 3 this body
has obviously treated some nominees
differently since then to the detriment
of our courts I strongly disagree with
the Senate's treatment of Judge garland
judge Kavanagh himself spoke glowingly
of Judge garland during his pending
nomination stating that quote Chief
Judge garland is a brilliant jurist he's
thoughtful he's considerate he's
collegial he works well with others he's
a good man
great integrity and he is supremely
qualified by the objective
characteristics of experience
temperament writing abilities scholarly
ability for the Supreme Court all of
this is equally true of Judge Kavanagh I
do not think it is fair to hold judge
Kavanagh responsible for the fact that
Judge garland is not a justice today
instead I would urge this committee to
treat him as we expect him to treat
litigants that appear before him on his
own merits and with an open mind toward
someone whose views may differ from our
own our judicial system is not well
served by tit-for-tat politics at the
end of the day I enthusiastically
support judge Kavanaugh and I am proud
to introduce him because he is
unquestionably qualified by his
extraordinary intellect experience and
temperament and he does easily fit
within the mainstream of legal thought I
look forward to the committee over the
next few days getting to know the judge
Cavanaugh that I know and at the end of
that process I hope you will agree that
he should be confirmed to succeed his
former boss on the Supreme Court thank
you Miss Platt
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087 - Narrowboating in London. Paddington Basin to Kings Cross and how it all began. - Duration: 16:18.So we've just had a week... we didn't mean to have a week.
we've just had a week in Paddington Basin
We got comfortable. We got comfortable.
We came in, we moored up beside a boat that was already here.
And they, it turned out, were selling their boat. So all they were doing was just
taking stuff on and off.
Which meant that we could just basically stay beside them for several days.
And then when then moved off, we got the spot that they were at.
And we've been there for the last two nights, and now
its time to move on. We've done lots of socialising, we've had
friends over, we've had family over, we've had... dogs over.
We haven't had.... Also we've looked at a small dog that might need, you know, a prosthetic.
Oh yeah, we're moored next to.... Oh, we need to say goodbye, we're moored next to Ben and Emilee. Yep.
Who we need to say goodbye to if they are there but they might not be there
Umm, Yeah, So... its been...
Interesting. Good time, social time. lots of stuff to see, I went to the Imperial War Museum.
and saw the Nazi symbol, it was bizaar.
The um, the pros of being in Paddington Basin is; its really central, theres lots to see and do, lots of facilities.
But the cons... is the noise. You can probably hear the noise, that buzz has been there constantly.
Yeah. You're moored up against other boats who like to run their engines at seven in the morning, and then again at nine at night.
Yeah. There is also these little tourist... their called Go Boats. And they're quite expensive but people rent them out for an hour or two hours or three hours.
Didn't you say they are sixty pounds a night, sixty pounds an... An hour.... An hour. Yeah.
And actually they got better, but to start with they'ed like... they'd launch from the wharf. And bash into us. And just drive straight into us.
And then that were paddle boarders that... Would also bash into us. And they would push off, from our boat, with their hand on our window
And there were canoeists and there were those big inflatable... things that people would climb inside.
They would climb inside and roll around inside of them.
So its all go here
So yeah, I got to go to the Imperial War Museum which is pretty cool
Its down at Lambeth North. And there was...
Well its an old hospital which is kind of weird, but there was these huge cannons,
And you go inside and theres V2 rocket, V1 Rocket. Its a little bit weird because there's like
Some stuff that seems to be kind of jingoistic and other parts that are more like anti-war
I've done some talking while you were there just incase you want to cut away to something about the Imperial War Museum.
And so yeah, now we are pushing on up the Regents Canal. Through Camden, through the Islington tunnel
We don't want to go too far because we want to be back in Little Venice tomorrow.
Yeah. Um, but, yeah.
Don't really want to go through when there is lots of gongoozlers. We'll see if we even make it through today
It's possible there is a mooring on the other side of the zoo but I kind of doubt it.
So we'll see what happens. So first thing, is up against the wind. Turn Right, up through the bubble tunnel, find ourselves in the little basin of Little Venice.
where we need to stop and possibly take on water, but definitely get rid of garbage and recycling
But before that we need to... this boat is tied onto us, and that boat is also tied onto us. We need to untie everybody.
And probably pull backwards out. I think pull forwards because he's tied on... It's the wind. Oh Okay. Im not going to be able to go into the wind.
Alright well that is that decided. It's going to be fun.
Wish us luck
Do you ever get the feeling some people have too much money.
Like way, way too much money
So for me at least, this is kind of where it all began. That bridge there, is where I was standing
when I was watching somebody come through these locks here.
And it was that boat that inspired me to mention the idea to Jo, that inspired her to get on the idea,
Of convincing me to buy a boat.
So that bridge is responsible.
That's the bridge I was standing on, right there.
Watching somebody going through this lock
Basically where that tall guy is, I was standing there, watching this.
And I was like, that's pretty cool.
Then a few years later I'm living on a boat.
So here we are. We are double moored in Kings Cross
Like directly across from platform nine and three quarters.
Apparently, its like that way... ish.
It's really nice here. It's gentrified industrial.
Reclaimed industrial land. I wouldn't really call it gentrified as such. I would. I mean maybe.
I don't know. It depends on the sort of history.
There is some amazing apartment blocks up there that have been made inside, built inside these old... what are they called?
Gas... Gas tanks? Yeah. Big, big, big, big, big tanks of fuel.
Kind of a cool idea. Interesting sort of reclamation of old industrial history
It was an interesting cruise down here. It's quite funny cruising that bit that we have walked quite a few times before between
Little Venice and Camden. Because so many times we walked... well not so many. A couple of times we walked
down there thinking, one day we might come down there in our boat. And then to cruise it in your boat is really weird.
I had sort of forgotten some bits, like, the African Wild Dogs at the side of the canal.
Until the last second. I was like, Oh Yeah, the Zoo does encroach right down here.
and then, I only got a very quick shot of them, but they came running down. Did they? To look and George and everything.
and so it was kind of neat. And you can actually moor outside of the zoo if you want to visit the Zoo.
Apparently yeah. Can you hold this.
The signage there did say that there was like a trip boat or something
And it also said that um... A water taxi. It said um
If the lights are... Oh yeah. If the lights are flashing do not... Yeah, do not more here if the
the yellow lights are flashing. Animal escape protocol in progress
There is hardly any moorings between Little Venice and Kings Cross
There is a couple but they were full. But there is a lot of places where there is obviously no mooring allowed.
and I just wondered what the reason for that was.
And you seemed to think it was probably just like historical president. Yeah.
Yeah, it was probably all just private property.
at various points. Like, especially on the Regents section, there is a bunch of kind off.. my guess is there were some
rich people there who were like; yes okay, the canal is being allowed through and i'm going to make a lot of money on it
but I don't want them stopping in front of me. Those two really big houses in Regents Park were unreal.
Yeah. That is what got me thinking about the ruling class.
But we don't know why there... So really they need to be overthrown.
We don't know why, really, there is not more moorings.
No, but it's probably got something to do with the Regents, and their canal.
So yeah, there is not a lot of moorings but its a nice area
And then you turn down past the really big, kind of, Chinese inspired restaurant type thing.
Like a floating restaurant. Urm, hard 90 degree turn and then up into Camden proper.
Where a couple of extremely drunk people sitting at the side of the canal were wishing us love and happiness
So then we got to Camden Lock, which isn't called Camden Lock. It's called something else lock.
But everyone calls it Camden Lock. And there was three lovely. It's Camden Locks
There were three lovely lock keepers.
And it's all fenced off and I didn't have my British Waterways key so I couldn't get in.
And they were off getting coffee and then I was just chatting to some other people that were watching
and I was floating back and forth and trying not to run into anything
and make a fool of myself in front of hundreds of tourists. It wasn't that bad,
It's a Tuesday morning, like if we had gone through on like a Sunday afternoon.
It would have been worse. Yeah
And then the next two locks, the towpath is closed. So luckily the Lock Keeper told be to get on the boat
otherwise there is no way I could have got to the locks to help you through. So George wasn't happy because he had to stay on the boat.
It was really nice going into Camden, sitting in Camden waiting for the water to rise. I was like
Oh, this is going to be great. Yes there is a lot of people. Oh I'll smile and wave at some kids and stuff.
And there is all these food stalls, you wanted me to go and get some haloumi fries. I totally did.
We didn't have any cash. I want my fiver back.
The whole thing just seemed really pleasant and nice and then all of a sudden it was just into the construction zone.
So when that is all finished it will probably be really nice too. Oh it will be really nice, yeah.
Anyway, we got through it and we came down and we made it to Kings Cross
Oh there is St. Pancras Lock we went to. Oh yes. That had lock keepers as well, and that the first time I think, we have both just sat on the boat.
And let lock keepers do it. Usually if there is lock keepers, we'll be out helping as well but,
Yeah, but we just ended up. And they were really nice.
And then we just found this mooring right here.
Where these nice people on the boat beside us, they've got a little, well i'd call it a little wide beam
A medium beam. Yeah, its a medium beam.
It's one of the not so hugely wide wide beams so
And they, and there was room for us to come up beside them.
They're here of a couple of days so we can stay for a couple of days.
It's funny being, because we're so close to St Pancras now. And the number of times in the last year,
that we've got a train into St.Pancras.
Yeah, its weird because, St. Pancras, Euston is just over there.
All these places we've been struggling to take the dog through and having him poo on the ground.
and now its like, we are right here. And like obviously we knew the canal existed.
But we've never been down to see it, Its just that same old thing of.
when you arrive by water you see a completely different side of it.
So we're not planning to stay here long. At least one night, maybe two.
I don't want to get stuck for a week like we did in...
Right, so, um... Thanks for watching
Like, click, comment, urr, you know. Bell thing. Dooblydoo.
All that sort of stuff. Words. Yeah.
Yeah. Words, words, words, and err, scene.
sixty pounds an... An hour... An hour... George is doing a poo. That's crazy. Umm.
Alone once more in the dark
zee adventurer
zee explorer
zee caver
zee man with beard.
[Singing Bohemian Rhapsody]
The trip boat pursues me.
It's err, Jason Boats.
And he's right behind me
He is hungry to get to Camden and take on another load of passengers.
must keep moving
We are going for a walkies
stop saying that word
We are not going for a... Stop
So here we are. He is looking so sad that dog. Is that recording? Yes
Well think so. yes
Well you might get to Hogwards so its worth the...
Yeah, I ain't going to Hogwarts.
Do you have any idea of what the sorting hat would do to me?
It's really nice here. Its kind of... regenerated. Not regenerated.
Whats the.. gentrified.
Wasn't the last time we walked it the whole thing was...
Camera go down
I cant even
Minor technical difficulty. Camera has decided to discombobulate itself.
And... there it goes.
well, we got a blooper.
Uh, Oh, Oh my god.
what? see how it has gone all fuzzy? Yeah.
Yeah, that was Georges nose.
So your looking at the world and I'm all fuzzy right. Aw look at that, I'm clean.
Yes, I've just wiped dog slobber off the lens.
Much better
She's like, is that your wife, and I'm like yes.
And she's like, well she's gorgeous, and I'm like, well thank you. I guess.
I, I, I, not I guess. It's very true. [Gasp]
No, I mean, I guess for the thank you.
portion, you know what I mean.
MEYXANAÇILAR TOY'lara Ortalama HANSI QİYMƏTƏ GEDİR - Duration: 6:44.-------------------------------------------
Fate/Grand Order - Saber Diarmuid Voice Lines (English Subs) - Duration: 6:06.Servant, Saber. Diarmuid Ua Duibhne of the Knights of Fianna.
Allow me to let you serve as a knight.
Conversation 1: In accordance with chivalry, now we'll depart.
Conversation 2: Lord and retainer?
Of course, for Masters sake I'll serve you with my whole heart.
Conversation 3: Please use me as a knight to your heart's content on missions Master.
Conversation 4 (If you have Artoria Pendragon): Oh, King of Knights! Umu
Someday let's cross swords a second time. This time I'm also a Saber.
Conversation 5 (If you have Cú Chulainn): Who would have thought I would be able to fight alongside the Child of Light.
That is the greatest honor.
Conversation 6 (If you have Miyamoto Musashi): Including me, there are several warriors holding swords in both hands, but for a woman to manage it is highly unlikely. [1]
Miyamoto Musashi, Tengen's investigator.
Her firm heart, it's surely the idea swordsman.
... Mu?
Before we wage war, giving green tea and dango?
... Is that perhaps the thing called ... women picking up men ... ?
Conversation 7 (If you have Fionn mac Cumhaill): You are ....
.... no, as if a thing like that is possible.
Heroic Spirits are ... Servants are ... how do I say it ...
No, the me right now is only serving Master.
Oh, my former king, excuse me.
Something you Like: Talking with my comrades ...
... it's truly nice, it's doable here.
Something you Hate: Jealousy from my lord ...
... that's ... bitter.[2]
About the Holy Grail: If possible, I would like a fight against the King of Knights.
My spears are no match for her, but how about my swords?
During an Event: Master, it seems there is something going on.
Bond Level 1: Ah, King of Knights.
I wish of being matched against you once more.
Bond Level 2: Master, what's up?
Unless there's an errand, I'd like to return to forging swords.
Bond Level 3: It seems like I'm like a disloyal human.
While I work for you, I'm thinking of someone else other than you.
What a shameless person.
Bond Level 4: What a wonderful master you - my Lord - are.
I can freely swing my sword.
Now I'm happy.
Bond Level 5: Somewhen, there will come a day I can fight against the King of Knights once more.
But, right now my assigned role is to be your sword.
Forever together, Master.
Power is getting drawn out ...
I'm trembling.
Ah, I'm grateful.
It's the best.
The me right now can maybe....
Master, this Diarmuid is seriously grateful.
With this I can fight the King of Knights.
The possibility of growth is remaining.
I'm not yet something to throw away.
Battle Start 1: Master, I'll devote this battle to you.
Battle Start 2: Well then, let me show you.
My death bringing lance...
er, sword!
Skill 1: Here!
Skill 2: How is that!
Skill 3: Oooooh!
Skill 4: Diarmuids sparkling figure ... is here!
Command Card 1: Ah.
Command Card 2: Excellent.
Command Card 3: All right.
Noble Phantasm Card 1: Fine.
Noble Phantasm Card 2: Time to cut down.
Attack 1: Seii!
Attack 2: Touu!
Attack 3: Hah!
Extra Attack: Not yet! ... Sever!
Noble Phantasm: I will find... the line dividing life and death!
....Identifying it!
『Surge of Fury』!
Damage 1: Muuu!
Damage 2: Kuh!
Defeat 1: Until we cross swords once more, defeat is....
Defeat 2: Master ... somehow or other the fortunes of war ...
Victory 1: It's disappointing but, no matter if sword or lance, I'm surely a useful hero.
The likes of not being useful in the field don't exist.
Victory 2: I give this victory to master.
"My Dream Team" | Tinga's BVB Legends Line-Up - Duration: 5:39.Me? Good coach!
For me he's a good man.
I choose Weidenfeller because he's a player whose connection with the club is very strong.
He played here for many years and won many trophies.
He also helped me a lot here.
He was always close to me and a good leader.
There are other great goalkeepers who've played for Borussia,
but Weidenfeller was a player that I saw play myself.
I saw the passion that he displayed as a Borussia fan,
so that's what made the difference and why I chose him.
Evanílson is in because he's Brazilian,
and he left Brazil when he was young,
like many others, and we know how tough it is to do that.
He managed to achieve success and win trophies at the club.
That's why I chose him.
Júlio César was always a player who I really admired.
I used to watch him play for Brazil when I was young.
When he later came to Borussia,
he was one of the players who paved the way for other Brazilians
to come to Germany and to Borussia, in particular.
Borussia were very well known in Brazil,
first of all because of Júlio César.
That's why I chose him, as well as the fact that he was an excellent player.
Mats Hummels is another player that I saw arrive at Borussia.
We played together and I saw him progress.
When I see him play today,
I think he's one of the best defenders in the world.
I think he and Júlio César would create the best possible pairing.
I think Dedé is synonymous with the Borussia shirt.
Dedé represents Borussia and when I got here,
he spoke to me about how big the club was
with so much passion that made me take a liking to it.
Watching Dedé play really influenced me,
as did the way he fought for the club.
It made me develop my passion for Borussia when I was in Brazil.
I'm passionate about the club. I watch the games
and talk about Borussia because of Dedé.
Michael Zorc was a player that I saw play for Borussia alongside Júlio César.
He was a great leader.
He had leadership qualities, which is something I really like.
That's why I think he was a great player.
He lifted major honours here, such as the Champions League,
which is a huge competition, so that's what made the difference.
I think because of his technique.
I also liked watching him play.
He made history with Borussia,
so that's why I chose him, because of his technique and style of play.
He played like a Brazilian in terms of his technique and leadership.
He was a great player.
I really like Mario Götze,
and his style of play.
My final season at Borussia was when he first trained with the first team.
I could see in his first training session that he was a great player.
I really like him and think he's very down-to-earth.
Sometimes people don't understand his style of play,
but he's so forward thinking and thinks about the game in such detail.
I think he's an excellent player.
He also scored the winning goal in a World Cup final,
so there's a space for him in any team in the world.
I heard a lot about Chapuisat from when I joined Borussia.
I heard so much talk about Chapuisat and all his goals.
I saw some videos of him and saw that he was a player who
took the name of Borussia all around the world.
Many people spoke about Borussia because of his goals,
so he deserves his place in history.
Amoroso was a typical Brazilian player
who loved playing the game and had that goalscoring touch.
That's why I've chosen him.
He was also the top goalscorer in the Bundesliga.
He scored a lot of goals and was an excellent player.
Nobby has his place in history and I've heard all about it.
I loved hearing about how he played and then he had his final game,
after which he was unable to keep playing due to injury.
The story gave me belief in human values.
He even lost movement in some parts of his body
because of his dedication to Borussia,
so that certainly deserves some recognition.
Briga na NYFW? Nicki Minaj e Cardi B protagonizam discussão em festa. Entenda! - Duration: 4:25.-------------------------------------------
August 2018 Wrap Up || NEWTs, POC-A-Thon, Fairytaleathon, Rereadathon || 21 BOOKS! [CC] - Duration: 29:56.Hello everybody, my name is Cara, and today I'm here with my August Wrap Up. I have a
lot of books to talk about, so grab a snack you guys *laughs*. I will link my TBR for
all of the readathons I was participating in so you can get more info on the challenges
and the hosts and all of that. So going in the order of the NEWTs Readathon challenges
[b/c all of the books I read count for those, whether or not I doubled them up w/other readathons.]
An A in Arithmancy was to read a book of at least 300 pages and I read The Truth Commission
by Susan Juby. This is actually a recommendation from Kathleen at worthathousandwords and I
loved this book so much. Our main character has an older sister who does this kind of
series of graphic novels that are based around her family. And they're incredibly unflattering,
even cruel, but she's made a lot of money, she's become famous. And the plot of the book
starts when Normandy, our main character, so NOT the sister who does the graphic novels,
decides with her friends to kind of take on this truth-telling project. And that leads
to a lot of secrets that they don't know what to do with and then her sisters' graphic novel
kind of business or inspiration gets tangled up in that. And again it is so hard to describe
this plot, but there's a lot of discussion of truth and how that informs art and how
the two overlap and this was just such a brilliant book. I absolutely loved Normandy's voice,
like it was just so much fun being in her head 'cause she was so clever and funny and
I loved the setting of this weird arts-focused high school in Canada. And I actually feel
like the author did an amazing job of like balancing the believability with the cleverness
of it. So many great things about friendship and family and art, again, and just--I--please
go and read this book, it was so good and it kind of blew my mind a little bit and I
gave it 5 stars. For an A in Astronomy you were supposed to read a book with stars on
the cover and I actually did a reread of A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. This
is the first book in the Wrinkle in Time Quartet or Quintet, depending on how you count it,
and I think a lot of people know the story for this one but it's about Meg Murray and
she goes on a journey with her brother Charles Wallace and sort of a friend of theirs named
Calvin, to try and get her father back and they kind of end up on this big adventure
along the way to kind of fight the forces of darkness in the universe. I really liked
this book, I liked it when I was younger and I like it a--I still like it now, I feel like
there are certain aspects of it I can actually appreciate even better now; I know some people
feel like the themes of this book are too obvious but personally I don't mind that?
I don't mind in books if there's a very clear theme or like throughline or message as long
as you actually show it to me in the plot and in the characters rather than just telling
it to me in the narration over and over. This book is definitely not perfect, you can tell
that it was written many years ago because some of the language used is definitely not
something we would use today, like I believe there are some derogatory words about mentally
challenged people if I'm correct but in almost all cases I think those were challenged or
it was clear that we were not supposed to go along with that description but that's
just something to keep in mind. And finally I would have liked for Meg to be a little
more active for more of the story. Like she definitely was active at the end and I really
like that, but I just wish that she had done a little bit more earlier on, I think, but
other than that I really enjoyed this one and I gave it 4 stars. For an Acceptable in
Care of Magical Creatures you had to read a book with an animal on the cover. And I
read The Stone Girl's Story by Sarah Beth Durst. This book is about a girl who's--who's
carved out of stone. She was created by a human man as kind of like his child and he
created a bunch of other animals made out of stone as well but at this point this human
man has died many years ago and she and these animals just kind of live in harmony by themselves.
But now their markings that kind of keep them alive and that have enchanted them in order
to walk around and talk and do all these other things, are starting to fade, and the--some
of the animals are starting to basically die and she decides that she has to go to a city
and find a magical stone carver in order to rescue her family and to save everyone she
cares about. This was a really lovely story, I really liked the world, I really liked the
way that storytelling and the power of stories and of how we can make them our own, I really
like how that was a part of the plot and the magic but also kind of the bigger message.
This is definitely not a book for you if you don't like strong messages in your books,
kind of like what I was saying for the--A Wrinkle in Time, because this one is definitely--like
it's very clear that it's saying things about art and storytelling, but I actually enjoyed
that. I really liked Mayka our main character, I really loved some of the side characters.
One of my only critiques is--and I don't know exactly how to say this but there were some
places in the book where I felt like we were just kind of marking time almost? Like it
felt like something should have already happened and it hadn't yet. It wasn't boring exactly,
and it wasn't like the pacing was off, but there were just some gaps I think where I
felt like we should have been doing something, if that makes any sense. But I did really
enjoy it and the ending of this book got really emotional for me in a way that I was not expecting
so I definitely highly recommend this one. For an E you were supposed to read a book
under 160 pages, and I read the play Red by John Logan. This is about the life of the
artist Rothko and he gets this assistant and it's kind of about their two lives sort of
and how they, I don't know, how they interconnect and of course along the way there is a lot
of discussion about the importance of art and about what kinds of art are worthwhile
and which kinds aren't, and things like that. Um. This was an okay play. I felt like a big
chunk of it was extremely pretentious, and to an extent I think it was supposed to be,
and that did get better near the end of the play because the characters themselves started
to recognize *laughs* how pretentious they were being. I don't know, I didn't love it,
there were some great passages. This one felt like a like talk-piece on art itself, with
some character stuff thrown in. And there was also some things about the um, the assistant
character, I can't even remember his name now, there were some things about his life
that I thought were kind of weird [and unnecessary.] Some of the symbolism I thought was done really
well, some of it just got was fine, I gave it 3 stars. For an A in Charms
you had to read a book with magic in it. And for that one I reread a short story collection
that I haven't read in many years and that was Book of Enchantments: Ten Tales of Wonder
by Patricia C. Wrede. I have a full non-spoiler review where I kind of go [briefly] in-depth
on these stories, so I will link that down below. And I just really loved this, I loved
it so much more than I thought and this is coming from someone who's not a fan of short
story collections in general. For an E you were supposed to read a book with a cover
that charmed you, in other words you would read but without knowing more about it, so
kind of a cover buy. And I don't do this very often but one of the only ones that applied
was A Nearer Moon by Melanie Crowder. This was really disappointing for me. It's about
a young girl whose sister gets very sick from this infected kind of magical swamp that her
and her village live on and this--this sickness is always fatal so she decides to try and
do everything she can to find some way to save her sister's life. And we kinda get like
dual stories because there's also this story of a fairy character and kind of what happens
with her and her sister and I just like--this book just didn't work for me. The writing
style I found really just kind of annoying. I think it was trying to be very lyrical and
beautiful but it just got--everything just got bogged down in so much detail. I found
the characters just hard to connect with, I didn't really like the plot of the story,
and I found some of the character motivations really frustrating and unbelievable. I did
end up giving it a 3 stars, it was going to be a 2.5, but there were some things about
the ending that I did like and that I think helped make the story a little better, but
honestly it probably is more of a 2.5, I haven't decided. For O you had to read a book that
you think will leave a mark and I read The Abolition of Man by C. S. Lewis. We actually
read an excerpt from this in one of my high school classes and I was really really interested
and impressed by it. So this is kind of nonfiction or essays, basically I feel like this is arguing
against moral relativism, like "oh we can never judge that something is wrong because
what's right for one group of people may be wrong for another and vice versa, like we
shouldn't judge." I feel like this collection among a lot of other things, it really refutes
that in I think a very convincing way. I think C.S. Lewis writes brilliantly, actually my
favorite part of this, 'cause it's sort of like 3 mini-essays that are definitely connected,
my favorite was the first kind of section that was called "Men Without Chests." And
it's--it's so powerful and interesting because it talks about things having intrinsic value
outside of just how people view them. I'm not sure I'm describing this well at all;
I will link a review from Goodreads down below that I think did such an amazing job of describing
this collection and was really what made me want to pick up this very short very important
book. So please check that out, I will say he does talk about a dissection in that review
so be aware of that, but I just felt like this was brilliant, I think he did so much
in such a short amount of pages. He talks about how despicable eugenics is and he talks
about some really just important things about the way that we live in the world and what--what
good means. Anyway, as you can see I think it definitely is going to leave a mark. And
I gave The Abolition of Man 5 stars. For A in Divination you were supposed to read a
book set in the future and this was for the BookTube Rereadathon project and I reread
Fairest by Marissa Meyer. This is a novella between the 3rd and 4th Lunar Chronicles books
that is a prequel and it talks about the backstory and the life of Levana before she became the
villain that we know her as in the Lunar Chronicles series. And this was okay. I appreciate what
it was doing but I just don't enjoy it very much. I really like Marissa Meyer's writing
style, I really like the setting of Luna and getting to see more of Artemisia, the capital
city. But I just don't--I just don't enjoy this as much as the Lunar Chronicles books.
I do think that it's worth reading because it really does help you understand some things
about Levana. And I actually think that's very impressive when a villain origin story
doesn't like sway you to one side or the other you're kind of in the middle, like "yeah,
I get you, Levana, but you're still crazy." Also there is a trigger warning for rape in
this book. And I ended up giving Fairest 3 stars. For an E you had to read a book under
200 pages and I read The Legend of the Poinsettia, retold and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. In
a recent tag video which I will link down below I got super emotional about Tomie dePaola's
books and about how much they influenced me growing up and how much I loved them. And
I had never read this one and I really enjoyed it, it's kind of a--a Christmas legend about
the poinsettia in Mexico and kind of how that came to be associated with a Christmas flower.
And I really liked this, of course the illustrations are always beautiful and colorful and just,
just so lovely. I ended up giving this 4 stars just because I think in comparison to some
of his other books, I think there wasn't quite as much actual text or like story, I would've
liked that to be a little more fleshed out. But I don't know what original sources he
was working with so maybe there wasn't a lot of room to do that. But I gave The Legend
of the Poinsettia 4 out of 5 stars. For an O you had to read a mythology book and for
that one I read Legendary Ladies: 50 Goddesses to Empower and Inspire You by Ann Shen. And
she is the author and the illustrator of this book. And I really really enjoyed this. First
off, the illustrations are just gorgeous. And I really like--I really like the variety
of goddesses and countries this covers, like they're not all you know classical mythology
that we're all very familiar with, I think there were a lot of popular goddesses but
there were also a lot of ones that are not as well-known. A few that I had never even
heard of, and I'm a big fan of books like this so that was really exciting. Another
thing I liked about it was that it actually includes at the end of each entry like suggestions
or recommendations for if you want to call on a particular goddess for help with something,
which I thought that was a really cool addition 'cause I haven't seen many--many books like
this that do that. And the only thing--the only thing I wasn't as pleased with and the
reason I gave it 4.5 stars instead of 5 stars is that I would have liked there to be more
description of the goddesses themselves and like some of their--some of the myths and
stories surround them because they're pretty short entries, some of them, like there's
not a lot of information. And like I said I read other books like this and I think that
there are some other ones that had a much more detailed entry on each goddess where
you really felt like you got to know their place in the religion or mythology that they're
from. So that was the only thing but again gorgeous illustrations and like I said I gave
Legendary Ladies 4.5 stars. For an A in Herbology you had to read a book with a green cover,
and for that one I read Warcross by Marie Lu, it does have some green on the cover *laughs*
and this was actually a buddy read with my lovely friend Olivia from ReadbyLiv, I will
link her channel down below. And this is a sci-fi story set in a world where this kind
of virtual reality game has become really popular and everybody's involved with it.
And our main character Emika Chen is a hacker who kind of accidentally hacks her way into
a big tournament of this game, of this game called Warcross, and then she kind of gets
recruited by the creator of the game to help him figure out something that is going wrong
with the game. I enjoyed this book, I thought that the plot was really well-done, I really
liked the writing style and the worldbuilding. I think Marie Lu did a fantastic job of really
getting the reader to see clearly these things that we don't have that many comparisons for
in our regular lives, I thought that was done so well. I did have a few complaints though,
one of them--one of the big ones was the characters. I feel like the relationship between Emika
and her love interest I feel like that went a little too quickly for me. It was like "okay,
I understand he's hot, but've got bigger problems? You've got bigger things
going on now, like this is not the time!" And I just felt like they didn't know each
other that well. That being said, a lot of people have talked about what an amazing bunch
of plot twists this book is, and I would have to agree. Even though there was some of this
I had figured out, I did not see all of it coming, there were some big things that happened
that I was completely blindsided by, which was really actually kind of exciting for me,
so I ended up giving Warcross 3.5 stars. For an E you had to read a book with illustrations,
and for that I read Cinnamon written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Divya Srinivasan.
First off, the illustrations are just breathtaking, *sigh* I just--I'd give it 5 stars for the
illustrations alone. The only thing I didn't like quite as much about this book, and I
understand it's a picture book, it's an illustrated story, but I still felt like there wasn't
quite enough story, or at least I felt like we got to the end of the book and I thought
we would have gone on a little further: I felt like there was something missing at the
very end of the story. But again the illustrations are gorgeous, the writing was beautiful as
well and I did really really like the story and the folklore elements that we got so I
gave Cinnamon 4 stars. For an A in History of Magic you had to read a book that you think
would fit right in at the Hogwarts Library. And I read The Apprentice Witch by James Niccol.
This is a recommendation from Lorra at BookyLorra. So in this book our main character Arianwyn
is in training to become a witch, unfortunately she fails her witch test, becomes kind of
demoted to an assistant or apprentice witch, and gets sent to this little town, kind of
just pushed out of the way, and then she discovers that there are all these strange and creepy
things happening in the town and she has to actually use her magic and fight these bad
things. I really liked some of the side characters and I really like the descriptions of the
animals. I've talked about in a previous video how I'm super bad at picturing animals, like
magical animals that are described but these were done so well that I could picture exactly
what all of these creatures were supposed to look like. There's one little creature
called a moon hare that I absolutely adored and I kind of want one *laughs* they just
sound so cute and wonderful. However I found Arianwyn to be kind of a frustrating character
at times. I got really irritated because a huge chunk of the plot would have been solved
or would not have even happened if she had just told somebody what was going wrong before
it blew up in everyone's face. But other than that I did like this book and I ended up giving
The Apprentice Witch 3.5 stars. E was to read a book published at least 5 years ago and
I read Poems from the Book of Hours by Rainer Maria Rilke, which was translated from the
German by Babette Deutsch. And I'm so sorry, I'm going to look up how to pronounce all
of those names. So this is a very short collection of poems and I'm actually going to hold off
on reviewing this one until I do my wrap up for Women in Translation, even though this
was not written by a woman, it was translated by a woman so it still counts kind of. For
an O you had to read a book that was at least 400 pages long and for that one I finally
read Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. This is a fantasy that is inspired by West
African mythology and folklore and it is set in a world where magic was banished from the
land, the evil king of this area actually hunted down and killed all the practitioners
of magic and now our main character Zelie has the opportunity to go on a kind of quest
and bring magic back. I really loved the worldbuilding and the setting of this book, and I also just
loved the descriptions of magic and the magic system and everything. There were multiple
passages that covered kind of the magical events that actually gave me goosebumps because
of how beautifully and evocatively they were described. And I really love the incorporation
of the gods and goddesses and how that worked into the world and into the magic system itself,
I really liked that aspect and I really liked some of the side characters. Like I was surprised
at how much I really liked Zelie's brother Tzain, I think that's how you say it, I really
enjoyed him, and I also ended up really liking Amari, who's kind of this spoiled princess
character who is also along for the ride. I did actually end up really enjoying her
and really enjoying her growth. I do think there were some things that got kind of repetitive
about her character because she was sort of motivated by this one thing or this one character
for like a huge chunk of the book, but once she started actually developing and kind of
learning more about the world she lives in and how it's not the same as what she was
taught growing up, I really really liked her. I was not a fan of Inan, her brother, as much
as I liked Amari. And he's kind of the character everyone says is a lot like Zuko from Avatar:
The Last Airbender, and in some ways I can see that but as the book went on I felt like
he got less similar to Zuko, 'cause Zuko has like such an amazing character arc, no one
ever shuts up about it 'cause it's that good *laughs* but Inan, it just--he felt so inconsistent
sometimes. Like some of his changes of heart just felt incredibly quick and unmotivated
or kind of unconvincingly motivated. And another thing is this book is really long, it's like's more than 500 pages. I don't have a problem with long books, but this book felt
really long. It's not like there's not a lot happening, because there is, there's a lot
of plot and a lot of intrigue and adventure and fighting and dying, there's a lot of that
happening at any given moment, but so much time was spent on every part of that, that
it felt slow even when it wasn't. Like we spend so long describing this one battle scene
that it felt like this battle had been taking place over like a day and a half, and it was
really just like 10 minutes? But I did think the social commentary of this book was handled
just phenomenally. Like I think it had such important things to say about oppression and
privilege and there was so much interesting discussion about like if they succeeded in
bringing magic back, like would that fix everything or would it just kind of fuel further violence,
like there were some characters who felt very strongly in opposite directions, and so that
was really interesting to see and I think that was just really well done as a part of
this book. So I ended up giving Children of Blood and Bone 3.75 to 4 stars. Also as you
can probably tell by the premise, this is an incredibly dark book, so definitely go
in knowing that, there is sexual assault, there are lots and lots of deaths and horrible
abuse and torture so there is quite a bit of heavy material in this book. For Muggle
Studies to get an A you had to read a book written by one of your favorite authors, and
for that one I read Spindle by E.K. Johnston. This is a companion sequel to A Thousand Nights,
which I absolutely adored. This is a retelling or reimagining of Sleeping Beauty and I really
enjoyed this one, I didn't like it quite as much as A Thousand Nights but I still think
it was a fantastically creative version of the Sleeping Beauty story which is not one
of my favorites to read retellings of. I'm not going to really try to attempt to summarize
this one because it sounds more confusing than it is and also I'm not sure how much
to give away, especially because of how that affects what you know about the first book
if you haven't read that one yet. There were just so many things I loved about this book:
I really really connected to our main character Yashaa, and that was really interesting because
it was first person and I'm not usually a huge fan of first person narration. But I
thought his voice was done so well, like I just really liked him and I liked how complicated
he was and how his feelings about his kingdom [he was from] and like spinning and everything
were all just kind of mixed up together and how sometimes it made him angry and sometimes
he missed it. There was also more romance in this one than there was in A Thousand Nights
and I--for the most part I liked it, I think there was a certain part of it that happened
a little too quickly, but other than that I actually really liked the development. And
one of my absolute favorite things about this book were the friendships and the intense
and beautiful bond between Yashaa and his 3 friends, Tariq, Saoud, and Arwa. I just
loved all of their interactions, I loved how passionately devoted they were to protecting
each other and just their deep friendship was just so meaningful and it was just so
well done. There were some things about the ending that I didn't quite like, or I wasn't
completely happy with, but I understand why they happened the way they did. And I do think
it was a good ending for the story like it makes sense. And I ended up giving Spindle
4 out 5 stars. For and E we had to read a biography, and I read kind of a collection
of mini-biographies and that is Bad Girls: Sirens, Jezebels, Murderesses, Thieves, and
Other Female Villains which was written by Jane Yolen and Heidi E.Y. Stemple, illustrated
by Rebecca Guay. And this was super disappointing for me. I really love other books that are
in this vein that kind of tell the stories of a lot of underrepresented or misunderstood
women, this one was just not good. The one thing I will say that I consistently loved
was the actual illustrations of the women themselves were absolutely beautiful, and
I already knew that I liked Rebecca Guay's art so that was not a surprise. But I did
really enjoy that, I didn't like the comic strip style of like the two authors talking
to each other about these women. Other reviewers have pointed that out, it was really weird.
I feel like [the authors] were just incredibly flippant about some of the things they were
discussing, and it was really weird because there were some women where they seemed to--I
feel like they handled it better and like they weren't...I don't know they didn't make
it like such an awkward comedy, but there were some people, there were some of these
women where they were talking about them and like they made it sound super like corny and
they were making all these stupid jokes and like just--they were trying to be conversational
I think in the writing style, and it just irritated me like it just really rubbed me
the wrong way and I don't think it was an effective way to tell the story of these women.
I will say there were a few of these that I hadn't heard of or I wasn't super familiar
with them, like for example I had heard Typhoid Mary referred to before but I didn't know
her story and like...what the heck, Mary?! So I did learn about some women that I didn't
know of before, but I just really didn't like this, I think there are similar books that
do a much better job. Actually I have one behind me and that is Rejected Princesses
by Jason Porath. I don't recommend this one. I gave it 2.5 stars. For an A in Potions we
had to read a book that had the name of a color in the title and I read Six-Gun Snow
White by Catherynne M. Valente. This is a Western-inspired retelling of the Snow White
story. Our main character is actually biracial, her father was white and her mother was one
of the Crow Nation. So that is also handled in this book and I just thought this was such
a beautifully written and intense story. It's very strange *laughs* like I'm not gonna--I'm
not gonna lie to you, it's incredibly bizarre and there are some parts of it that just read
like a very disjointed kind of classic fairytale where things don't really make sense all the
time but I think that worked. And I just loved the mix of Native American kind of folklore-style
of storytelling with the original fairytale and with this like Western-style of speaking.
And there are also several illustrations by Charlie Bowater at certain--certain chapter
breaks, like that one, they're just incredibly detailed and beautiful and the reason I didn't
give this a full 5 stars is there were some things about the ending that I think went
in too strange of a direction, so even though I liked some of--some of the way it was done,
I just wasn't quite on board for the way it ended or kind of how we got to the ending.
So that's why I gave this 4 out of 5 stars, but I definitely recommend this one if you
like super weird fairytale retellings. And if you like absolutely gorgeous wonderful
beautiful prose, it's just...oh my gosh. Catherynne M. Valente is obscenely talented and I love
it. Also there is a trigger warning for abuse and attempted sexual assault in this book.
For an E we had to read a book with a male lead character, and for that one I read The
Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. This was a buddy read with my fabulous friend Amy from Blonde
and Bookish, again I will link the channel down below. This is actually a reread for
me. It was 8 years *laughs* 8 years since I read this, so it kind of felt like I was
reading a book I hadn't read before. And I really liked it. I really liked some of the
new characters we got, I especially really loved Jason as a main character, I know a
lot of people hate him because he's not like Percy. I personally really enjoyed him and
I actually would have been more irritated if we had gotten just like a carbon copy of
Percy. So this book without giving too much away, it follows a new quest about this like
dark kind of creature or this dark presence that is rising and it is causing all these
other monsters to--to form, and the *teenagers in this book have to of course get together
and save the world. There were a couple of characters who like I didn't connect with
quite as much as I wanted to, like Piper...I always feel like I wanted to like her more
than I did. But on this reread I do think I appreciate her more. So much of this book
would have been shortened or avoided or just like done in a less frustrating way if a certain
character just like told her friends what was going on and like I understand there were
some reasons why she didn't that kinda make sense, but it just took too long *laughs*
so that was one thing that really frustrated me. But I really like that we get more detail
on the Olympians in this book, like on the gods, they feel more like fully developed
characters. I love the scenes with Aphrodite, there are a couple with her in this book and
I just really enjoyed those because it made her seem like a much more complex character
than I think some of the Percy Jackson books kinda did. But I ended up really enjoying
this, I was kind of thinking like around a 3.5 because of some of the character stuff
and like the frustrating--a couple of the frustrating aspects with the plot, but I ended
up giving it 4 stars because man, can Rick Riordan write an ending! I had forgotten how
amazing this ending was, so 4 stars. For an A in Transfiguration we had to read a book
with a grey cover and I read The Crying Rocks by Janet Taylor Lisle. So this is about a
girl named Noelle and she has grown up with her aunt, I believe, and she was adopted.
And her parents may have actually been Narragansett Native Americans so she kind of goes on this
quest to learn more about her family and about her past and this is another one where it's
hard to explain. It's a very short book, but there's a lot of kind of interconnecting story
threads. There's a lot about like discovery, like finding who you are, and like family
and found family versus kind of your birth family. I ended up with really mixed feelings
about this book. So for one thing, Noelle is a really really unlikeable character for
the majority of the book. And I do understand why, because she has gone through some really
awful things even if she doesn't remember all of it, like she's had a past that would
definitely cause somebody to be kind of abrasive to the outside world and to other people.
So I totally understand that, but I feel like we would--I feel like her development was
choppy. She'd seem to be heading in a direction of like getting to know people better and
like kind of I don't know making friends, and then all of a sudden for no reason she
would suddenly revert back to how she was at like the very beginning of the book. And
I completely understand that when you are recovering from traumatic experiences, it's--it's
not a smooth like linear progression, but I feel like even taking that into consideration,
it just felt like the writer wasn't sure what she wanted to do with Joelle. I really liked
Carlos, her best friend, and I really liked some of the settings and like, I don't want
to say this book is magical realism, 'cause it's really not, but there are some--there
are some things about the world and about certain places they go like the Crying Rocks,
there are some things about it that you're never quite sure exactly how much is really
happening and I actually felt like that was really well done for the most part. I also
want to say that if you are at all sensitive towards children being harmed, this is maybe
a book you want to steer clear of. I don't think we ever see it on page, but there's
like quite a bit of like children getting hurt or being neglected, there's a death of
a child, [2 actually], like there's a lot of really intense stuff. There's a lot of
issues that are handled in this book, like homelessness and of course adoption and mental
illness and--there's a lot. I think for the most part, those things got the right amount
of attention? Considering how short of a book it was. But honestly I don't even remember
some of it, like this book was just a very strange reading experience and I ended up
giving it 3.5 stars. And finally for an E we were supposed to read a book from an author
you hadn't read anything from before. And I read Grounded: The Adventures of Rapunzel
by Megan Morrison. This was a recommendation from Giselle from Giselle Bradley, this is
of course a retelling of Rapunzel and I loved this book. Our main character Rapunzel has
of course never left her tower. So she has to go on this quest to save her--her kind
of adoptive mother who she just calls Witch, because Witch has always taken care of her,
and so she goes on an adventure with Jack 'cause there's also these like Jack and the
Beanstalk elements kind of mixed in, too. She and Jack kind of go on this quest for
a group of fairies and along the way Rapunzel starts learning that some things about her--the
place where she lives and about Witch and all this, may not be what she thinks they
are. The beginning of this book, you're not really sure what's going on or like what the
world is like or how all these pieces kind of interconnect. But I think it never got
to the point where I was frustrated: I was always--like I could always see why the author
was doing it, because Rapunzel is incredibly sheltered, so it totally makes sense that
she wouldn't actually know much about how the world works. So the reader also doesn't
get that understanding until a little bit later on. Rapunzel had so much amazing, amazing
character growth in this book, like I saw reviews from people who like quit at the very
beginning of this book because she was so like frustrating and sheltered and like just
nonsensical, seemingly, at times, but I--I don't know, it makes me kinda sad because
if you push through it's SO worth it. She becomes like so strong and so brave and I'm
just like really proud of her by the end of this book. And I actually really liked the
worldbuilding. It's so like surprisingly complex, like with the way that the fairies interact
with this world and the way that the kingdoms are set up and all of this. And it seems so
cheesy because you hear about the kingdoms and they're all named after colors, and there's
all these things that make it sound like it's gonna be this really kind of corny fairy story,
and it's absolutely not like there was so much like darkness or depth to this book that
you wouldn't necessarily expect from like again the way some of the worldbuilding starts
out. But I loved it. And this is another one where I was like not expecting the end to
be such a kick in the gut, like I actually cried near the end of this book because something
was so like emotional and like it really--it really hit me and connected with me in a way
that I was not anticipating. So I gave this book 4.5 stars, but now I can't
what I docked half a star for? So maybe I'm gonna bump this up to 5, but I really enjoyed
this, I am so excited to read the sequel which has a black Cinderella character who I believe
takes on unsafe workplace practices, which sounds amazing. Okay everybody that is FINALLY
all of the books that I read in August. If you stayed to the end of this video, bless
your heart *laughs*, thank you SO much. I will see you guys soon with another video,
and I hope you love the next book you read. Bye!
How to Watch Virginia Tech vs William & Mary Online | - Duration: 5:54.How to Watch Virginia Tech vs William & Mary Online |
Sophomore quarterback Josh Jackson and a defense featuring nine new starters could've have looked any sharper on the road against Florida State.
12 Virginia Tech (1-0) aims to carry that momentum from last week against an easier opponent, William & Mary (1-0) on Saturday afternoon.
The game is scheduled to start at 2:00 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on ACC Network.
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can still watch a live stream of the game on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Hulu With Live TV.
In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels.
Although ACC Network isn't technically included in that bundle, you will get access to all of the ESPN channels and more importantly, the ESPN digital platforms.
This means that if you sign up for "Hulu with Live TV", you will then be able to watch the game via WatchESPN (more info on that below) by signing in with your Hulu credentials.
Sling TV.
ACC Network is included in the "Sling Orange" channel package.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
ESPN Platforms.
Additionally, you can also watch a live stream of the game on your computer via, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the ESPN app.
You'll need to log in to a cable provider to watch this way, but if you don't have that, you can still sign up for one of the above options and then use your Hulu or Sling TV credentials to sign in and watch on the ESPN digital platforms.
Jackson was stellar, more importantly, steady leading the Hokies' offense.
Jackson finished 16-for-26 with 207 yards and two touchdowns to lead Virginia Tech to a 24-3 victory in a game that was never really close.
The Hokies' defense absolutely shut down Seminoles quarterback Deondre Francois.
Through the air? Francois didn't have much; he finished 22-for-35 for 233 yards and three interceptions.
Francois' legs were also shut down, too, as the Hokies held him to just… -28 yards on the ground on seven attempts – yes, that means Francois consistently ran for negative gains.
The dominant performance vaulted Virginia Tech eight spots in the AP Poll, and they may stay comfortably in that range for a while.
The next few weeks for the Hokies go like this: William & Mary at home, East Carolina at home, Old Dominion on the road; the next time they play an ACC game will be on September 29 at Duke.
In comes William & Mary, led by head coach Jimmie Laycock.
Laylock, who has served as Tribe head coach for 38 years, will retire after this season.
His team will look to play spoiler when they travel to Blacksburg, Virginia.
"The emphasis should be on this year, this year's team, not on me.
I've tried to make it never about me or what I've done, or what I haven't done, which is plenty.
It's about the team and about the program and about the school and that's the way I'm going to continue this year, I can assure you of that.".
William & Mary won its season opener by defeating Bucknell, 14-7.
Cab ride Rotterdam Alexander - Binnenhof Ommoord RET Bus Line 35 #Cabview 2018 - Duration: 10:30.Rotterdam Alexander
Cordell Hullplaats
5720 + 5619
Metro line B to Nesselande
Selma Lagerlöfweg
Halle Berry calls out Prince Harry for having poster of her at school - Duration: 3:42.Halle Berry not only has an Oscar to her name - she can also claim to have won the royal seal of approval, and she wants everyone to know about it
The 52-year-old shared a cheeky tweet on Wednesday in which she called out Prince Harry for having a sexy picture of her pinned to the wall of his school dorm room at Eton College when he was just 18, after images of the space resurfaced this week, prompting another round of scrutiny over the prince's choice of decor
Sharing an image of Prince Harry from the 15-year-old shoot on her Twitter account, along with a zoomed-in crop of her picture up on the wall behind his head, Halle jokingly wrote: 'OK Prince Harry, I see you!' along with a crying laugh face for good measure
She then make a reference to Missy Elliott's hit 2002 song Work It, tagging the rapper in the tweet, and adding the hashtag #HalleBerryPosta, which is a lyric in the popular song
In the photo shared by Halle, a grinning Harry, now 33 and happily married to Meghan Markle, can be seen sitting comfortably in an office chair that is positioned between a desk and a dresser
Behind him, the wall is covered in posters, England flags, and a very large orange, brown and red pattered tapestry that dominates the center of the space
And, at the very heart of its circular design sits a cut-out of Halle, presumably taken from a magazine, that shows her modeling a sexy red dress while squatting provocatively on the ground
To either side of the actress and slightly out of frame are two other images of scantily-clad women, whose heads have been lost thanks to the crop of the photo
Halle's tweet about the photos quickly racked up thousands of likes on the social media site, while hundreds of her fans shared their amusement at Harry's choice of wall decor - as others simply praised him for choosing to feature a picture of the stunning star
They were not the only ones to share their excitement about the resurfaced shoot however, which took place at Harry's exclusive Berkshire private school, where he lived from 1998 to 2003
At the time, photographers were invited into his private dormitory to capture the essence of the then-teen's day-to-day life, from polishing his shoes and making toast to painting a canvas
And in a picture of Harry posing at his desk, two bikini-clad women are seen on his wall, as well as a framed black and white portrait of his late mother Princess Diana
An England flag drapes on his wall, and cups and glasses are scattered around with a stereo, speakers, lynx deodorant and an electric toothbrush all showing
Another image of Harry sitting on his bed polishing his shoes shows a poster of the famous 'Lunch atop a Skyscraper' on his wall, next to an image of a snowboarding resort and a picture of his father, Prince Charles and mother Princess Diana
To his side is a framed photo of what appears to be his grandmother, the Queen.A keen artist, Harry studied the subject, along with Geography to A-level, where he got B and D grades respectively
In two images the young Harry poses in Eton's art room next to a skeleton in one and painting a canvas in another
Before his a-levels, Harry got 11 GCSEs at the now £40,668-a-year school, one less than big brother and fellow alumnus William
But it wasn't all about academia for the young Prince, and while at the school Harry showed off his sporting prowess as House Captain of Games, making him a senior prefect at the school
The future Duke of Sussex also played in the school's cricket, polo and rugby teams
【蜜悅】耍廢繪圖02(σ≧▽≦)σ - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
《我不是藥神》中的兩難困境如何破解 - Duration: 7:17.-------------------------------------------
一部火热的《我不是药神》真实的故事讲述白血病不为人知的故事! - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
楊洋在《快樂大本營》對謝娜說了三個字,惹得謝娜笑容滿面 - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
《快本》节目现失误 将张翰名字错写成"张瀚" - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
周董辛酸吐露當年《快本》內幕,這就是我不參加它的原因! - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Macrame Ganesha 2018 DIY Ganapati Wall Hanging - Duration: 37:59.Hello Friends... Welcome to my channel.. My name is Shital..
Today i will show you how to make Macrame Ganesha Wall Hanging
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For more infomation >> Macrame Ganesha 2018 DIY Ganapati Wall Hanging - Duration: 37:59.-------------------------------------------
ON PARLE LIBANAIS ! #4 : LES VACANCES - Duration: 8:21.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> ON PARLE LIBANAIS ! #4 : LES VACANCES - Duration: 8:21.-------------------------------------------
4N1K İlk Aşk 10.Bölüm 2.Fragmanı - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 4N1K İlk Aşk 10.Bölüm 2.Fragmanı - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Club Mickey Mouse | Back to School-------------------------------------------
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Loose Women's Stacey Solomon makes awkward sex confession: 'I'm lazy' - Duration: 3:50.Loose Women's Stacey Solomon makes awkward sex confession: 'I'm lazy'
The Loose Women panelists – Andrea McLean, 48, Linda Robson, 60, Stacey Solomon, 28, and Nadia Sawalha, 53 – were discussing last night's episode of Wanderlust.
It featured a rather saucy sex scene, but some of the ladies weren't big fans of its graphic nature.
The X-rated BBC show, starring Toni Collette and Steven Mackintosh, featured the first ever female orgasm on the channel.
Linda confessed that seeing some sex scenes made her think her husband Mark Dunford was "lazy".
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"I feel like I've done a work out just watching it" Stacey Solomon But Stacey had a very different idea, joking: "If TV is anything to go by, I'm lazy! "There are certain things, I feel like I've done a work out just watching it.
"There are some things you do and I'm like, 'I don't think I can maintain this position any longer, my thighs are burning." Though Linda confessed it didn't really matter, saying: "I'm making all the right noises.
He doesn't know.".
Stacey is in a relationship with Joe Swash, and they are set to move in with each other.
She lives with her two kids, 10-year-old Zachary and six-year-old Leighton, while Joe is dad to Harry, 11.
Stacey recently revealed: "We have been working really hard to ensure that all of our children feel happy, comfortable and settled and we are finally in a place where we're ready to merge.".
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She added in her Fabulous column: "I cannot wait for our new chapter to begin and to be able to wake up every morning and lay down every night beside him, all of us together under one roof.
"My stomach does somersaults every day that edges closer to our moving date." Loose Women airs weekdays at 12.30pm on ITV.
9月10,11,12號出門撞財神,財運橫生,橫財大發800萬8生肖 - Duration: 5:33.生肖兔
屬兔的人看似很老實 ,其實他們很有想法 ,在賺錢方面點子特 別多,腰纏萬貫不是 夢想。
9月10,11,12 號踩狗屎運,橫財砸 身,大獎中800萬 ,喜添貴子,總之順 利賺大錢,旺氣十足 ,他們不僅正財旺, 偏財也是接二連三到 來,賺錢多多,飛黃騰達。
屬鼠的人年前好運來, 9月10, 生肖鼠
11,12號踩狗屎運 ,橫財砸身,大獎中 800萬,喜添貴子 ,一定能風風光光回 家!生肖鼠的人終於 迎來了好運,而且這 段時間生肖鼠的人財 運也是非常好,一定會讓自己的腰包鼓起來,從此不缺錢花。
回家更是非常有面子, 父母臉上都有光!
贊助商鏈接 生肖牛
屬牛的人為人勤奮上 進,此生好運氣不斷 ,一片欣欣向榮之景 象。
風水旺勢不斷發展,屬 牛的人能得春之生機 ,天生精力充沛,做 事積極認真,能夠不 斷開闢生面,創造職 場上的輝煌。
9月10,11,12 號踩狗屎運,橫財砸 身,大獎中800萬 ,喜添貴子,大吉大 利,事業發達,財富 將會如潮湧,陸續光 臨家宅,喜氣盈門!
屬雞的人因為去年是 本命年,他們日子過 的很狼狽,經常為了 賺錢四處奔波,然而 卻沒有合理的回報, 導致他們窮的叮噹響 ,甚至連房租都交不 起,但是9月10號發橫財中大獎,11號升職加薪,12號真愛找上門,總之越來越有錢,鈔票堆成山,好運一籮筐,財運迅速攀升,他們賺錢的機會不斷增多,輕鬆發大財,買房又買車。
屬狗的人平時說話比較 少,寡言少語。 生 肖狗
但是並非愚笨之徒,有 變通意識,能夠積極 工作。
一旦有發展機會則會緊 抓不放,從中漁利。
9月10號發橫財中大 獎,11號升職加薪 ,12號真愛找上門 ,好運福運財運一起 來,跺跺腳就有橫財 不斷來身邊。
事業上如有破竹之勢, 不斷向前發展! 生 肖羊
屬羊的人平時笑起來 很溫和,你會覺得他 們是一位做事優柔寡 斷的人。
實際上他們骨子裡有很 強的衝勁,9月10 號發橫財中大獎,1 1號升職加薪,12 號真愛找上門。
他們命好有福,能勇敢 開四面之財。
在9月中旬時運氣好, 有四面橫財湧入家中 ,不久財運大發福滿 門!
屬龍的人猶如飛龍在 天,眼光非常高遠, 能夠看到常人所不能 見。
他們在職場上剛開始會 屢次受挫,受到別人 的嘲笑,有人說他們 是瘋子。
可是時間一長,其智慧 會逐漸彰顯,財路逐 漸打開。
9月10號真愛找上門 ,11號發橫財中大 獎,12號喜添貴子 ,總之他們將有橫財 大發,生命出現新喜 !
屬虎的人,為人豁達, 做事有勇有謀,且才 華出眾。 生肖虎
他們很重情義,做事也 會堅持到底,很有恆 心。
屬虎人命中有「柳禧貴 人」相助,9月10 號真愛找上門,11 號發橫財中大獎,1 2號喜添貴子!他們 有很多機會將橫財帶 回家,這樣就能過上 了富貴又多金的日子,每天都是無憂無慮的。
DIY BUNK BED – With play area/desk area underneath (part 3/3) - Duration: 16:55.-------------------------------------------
Mashup Cưới Nhau Đi Anh BiBao Nhạc V Nightcore Cưới nhau nha anh - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
★ON TIME - TENGAH MALAM★ Horror Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 14:22.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 e-THP Feel - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
राजस्थान LDC परीक्षा 9 september(paper-1)//RSMSSB LDC CUT OFF After Exam//by mohithelp - Duration: 1:20.mohit help
Everybody Wants To Rule the World [ Deep Voice Male Version ] - Duration: 3:12.
Why Don't We ‒ 8 Letters (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:11.♪ You know me the best ♪
♪ You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge ♪
♪ That, right there, is the scariest feeling ♪
♪ Opening and closing up again ♪
♪ I've been hurt so I don't trust ♪
♪ Now here we are, staring at the ceiling ♪
♪ I've said those words before but it was a lie ♪
♪ And you deserve to hear them a thousand times ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why is it so hard to say? ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why am I in my own way? ♪
♪ Why do I pull you close ♪
♪ And then ask you for space ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why is it so hard to say? ♪
♪ Isn't it amazing ♪
♪ How almost every line ♪
♪ On our hands align ♪
♪ When your hand's in mine ♪
♪ It's like I'm whole again ♪
♪ Isn't that a sign ♪
♪ I should speak my mind ♪
♪ I've said those words before but it was a lie ♪
♪ And you deserve to hear them a thousand times ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why is it so hard to say? ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why am I in my own way? ♪
♪ Why do I pull you close ♪
♪ And then ask you for space ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why is it so hard to say? (woah, oh yeah) ♪
♪ When I close my eyes ♪
♪ It's you there in my mind ♪
♪ When I close my eyes ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why is it so hard to say? ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why am I in my own way? ♪
♪ Why do I pull you close ♪
♪ And then ask you for space ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ Why is it so hard to say? ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ When I close my eyes ♪
♪ It's you there in my mind (It's only you) ♪
♪ When I close my eyes ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
♪ When I close my eyes ♪
♪ It's you there in my mind (you) ♪
♪ When I close my eyes ♪
♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪
Jewelry store comes under fire for 'racist' billboard of man proposing to woman on football field - Duration: 5:43.Ajewelry store in Massachusetts has come under fire after owners posted a billboard of a white man proposing to a white woman on a football field
Garieri Jewelers in Sturbridge had the billboard set up along Route 20 on Saturday
The ad reads: 'If you're going to take a knee this season, please have a ring in your hand!' Store owner Scott Garieri claimed that the billboard was supposed to be a witty 'play on words
' 'The way that the football season was, everyone had a thing about taking the knee,' he explained to the Washington Post
Garieri and his daughter, store manager Alexander, came up with what they believed was the 'catchy' advertisement
The store owner claims that reactions were positive at first.But a furious driver snapped a photo of the billboard and posted it on Facebook, calling out the ad for 'being racist
' 'We want to sell engagement rings.We're selling love, not hate,' Alexandria explained to the publication
'We were never wanting to be offensive, it was always meant to be satirical.' The owner's tone on social media was different, however, with him calling out 'liberal' 'cry babies' and telling them that they wouldn't have a platform if it wasn't for 'veterans'
'Lol didn't take long for the liberals to put our billboard under we go again,' the conservative Patriots fan said on Facebook
He later stated: 'As many of you may have seen our Billboard is under attack for being racist
Garieri Jewelers will ALWAYS stand on the side of our veterans.Even though this was not meant to offend anyone I feel I'm being pushed and if it weren't for our veterans theses cry babies wouldn't have a forum
God Bless America.' Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality that people of color face
The activist actually met with United States Army veteran and former Seahawks player Nate Boyer, who recommended that the player kneel for his protest
'I wanted him to stand and he had pledged to sit during the anthem, but we found middle ground,' Boyer explained in a piece he wrote for NBC News
'Colin would take a knee, making his statement about police brutality while also respecting the men and women who fought and died for what our flag is supposed to represent
' The issues of racial justice and police brutality did not appear to be concerns of Garieri when making the ad, however
He insists that the billboard was meant as an 'affordable' tactic to bring in business
'We're a country store, we just try to do advertising in a way that's affordable and brings in traffic,' he said
And business may have taken a hit, as many online have rated the business with one star online
Nancy Petriello Barile wrote: 'I am ashamed that a Massachusetts retail establishment would be so hateful and would take a jab at an American's constitutional right to dissent
Shame on you, and may your business lose customers for this embarrassing display.' Irate commenters have threatened to vomit on jewelry showcases and urinate on the nearby sidewalks
Someone allegedly even went as far as to post: 'Alexandria why don't you just kill yourself?' Since then, many have come forward to give their support to the man and his business
Naomi Osaka wins U.S. Open title after Serena Williams is penalized a game for rules violation - Duration: 5:56.Serena Williams' quest for a record-tying 24th Grand Slam singles title ended Saturday in a hail of arguments, tears and a broken racket
Naomi Osaka, a 20-year-old who grew up idolizing Williams, prevailed 6-2, 6-4 in the U
S. Open final after Williams melted down in the second set. Irate that she was assessed a warning because her coach Patrick Mouratoglou appeared to be gesturing to her to move up closer to the net early in the second set, Williams lost her poise
She broke her racket and screamed at chair umpire Carlos Ramos, getting a point violation for the racket abuse and a game for the verbal abuse
Advertisement Osaka's quickness and raw power were too much for Williams, whose temper was aflame
After Ramos announced the warning for the coaching violation, she told him during a changeover, "I don't cheat to win
I'd rather lose. I'm just letting you know." However, she didn't drop the subject and instead told him, "I've never cheated in my life
You owe me an apology. I have a daughter. I stand for what's right." She later added, "You will never, ever be on another court of mine as long as you live
You owe me an apology. Say it. Say you're sorry. How dare you insinuate that I was cheating? "You stole a point from me
You're a thief." Column Serena Williams' quest to make history is put on hold, but Naomi Osaka's historic win still deserves to be celebrated By Helene Elliott Sep 08, 2018 | 9:55 PM She also berated tournament officials and said male players had committed worse offenses and had not been punished as she had been
Osaka, born in Japan but raised in nearby Long Island, remained admirably calm while the chaos was swirling around her
Williams embraced her at the net, though the crowd booed the outcome. Osaka, a first-time Grand Slam finalist who was not quite 2 years old when Williams won the first of her six U
S. Open titles here, clinched the victory on her second championship point and climbed into the stands to hug her mother, Tamaki, and her team
Williams refused to shake Ramos' hand at the end and fans booed the on-court trophy presentations
Osaka cried, and Williams put an arm around the younger player's shoulders to console her
"I don't want to be rude. I don't want to do questions. She played well. This is her first Grand Slam," Williams said during an on-court interview
"Let's make this the best moment we can. We'll get through it. Let's not boo anymore … Congratulations Naomi
No more booing." Osaka, the first Japanese tennis player to win a Grand Slam singles final, cried during the ceremony in which the two finalists got their trophies and Osaka got a $3
8 million winner's check. "I know that everyone was cheering for her and I'm sorry that it had to end like this," she said
"I just want to say thank you for watching the match." She added, "It was my dream to play Serena in the U
S. Open final. I'm glad I was able to do that. I'm really glad I was able to play with you," she said, turning toward Williams
"Thank you," and she bowed.
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