Propaganda Media is Source of Trump/Russian False Flag
By the Anonymous Patriots
The Millennium Report Exclusive
If you have been trying to sort out the avalanche of propaganda media (MSM) disinformation and
spin concerning Trump and his alleged ties to Russia, then you are probably confused
and overwhelmed by the roar coming from the echo-chamber of lies and cyber-news terrorism
surrounding these CIA false flag attacks.
The FBI has released the reports (see link below) of their investigations into any Trump
connection to Russia. Both Donald Trump and his father were completely cleared of any
connections to Russia.
You can search the FBI site and find that both Donald J. Trump and his father have been
vetted and cleared of any Russian connections. See:
Even CBS released a report stating that there were no Trump/Russian connections: Report:
FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump�s campaign
If you take the time to investigate the real sources of the disinformation around any Trump/Russia
connections, you will come up empty-handed. So far, all we have witnessed is the confusion
from the propaganda media hall of mirrors that reflects lie upon lie and presents no
evidence at all. Innuendoes and rumors are made into headlines, and endless news editorializing
fuels the false flag narrative like so many others we have witnessed recently, from Sandy
Hook, San Bernardino to Orlando.
With each false article or news cast released, the propaganda media is working its same old
playbook�terrorize and brainwash American citizens into believing the latest narrative
of the CIA. This time the false flag is not carried out in a night club, office building,
or dilapidated school building. It is being carried out through the broadcasts of the
CIA-controlled propaganda news outlets.
Let�s review: So far, not a single charge, accusation, or claim has been proven true.
Trump did not rape women � Bill Clinton did;
Trump is not in bed with Putin � Hillary is; (See uranium deal expos�s)
Trump did not receive money from Russia or foreign enemies � Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton did;
Trump is not a corrupt businessman � the Clinton Foundation is corrupt; Trump�s server
was not linked to Russia � Hillary Clinton�s personal server was open to all foreign enemies.
The amount of doublespeak is profound in the propaganda media�s age of �post-truth�
and �false-politics.� Carl Rove�s use of political spin may have worked on a brainwashed
citizenry in the past, but now the alternative media and the writers and news aggregators
for the American Intelligence Media are aware of perception management propaganda and the
old false flag tricks of the CIA. False flags are now quickly exposed by citizen journalists
and investigators so that even the CIA and propaganda media�s subliminal brain-washing
and entrainment doesn�t affect those who see past the government narrative into the
real truth.
Once again, we ask you to clear your vision and open your mind to see that you are being
played by another one of their false flag operations.
There Was No Hacking of the DNC Server
There was no Russian hacking of the DNC server. CrowdStrike, directed by Dmitri Alperovitch,
a noted Russia cyber hacker arrested by the FBI, stated on CNN and CBS that he did not
find any evidence of hacking, though he did find the footprints of Russian malware, one
of the most common tools for hacking. Dmitri stated boldly that it was his own idea that
Putin had something to do with the alleged hacking. Dmitri did not point out that Guccifer
2.0 had already hacked the server and was trying to sell the information to the highest
bidder. Later, Guccifer released the hacked information for free in retaliation of Alperovitch�s
claim that there had not been any hacking.
See the CNN interview with Dmitri Alperovitch, in his own words, here:
The Anonymous Patriots reported in January that Dimitri and Michael Alperovitch were
critical players in the alleged hacking of the DNC server, but not for a direct involvement.
Dimitri�s father, Michael, a former Russia nuclear scientist (supposedly) created and
controls most of the encryption codes used by the U.S. military and many corporate intelligence
agencies. He uses Russian encryption codes that he took from Russia when he defected
and came to America, whereupon he was placed in one high level position after the other
by the CIA. See our article written several months ago Russian Hackers Found.
Wikileaks stated that the information they released from the DNC server came from someone
working inside of the DNC. Assange strongly implied that Seth Rich, a DNC staff member
who was murdered, was the staffer who leaked the data.
To read about the death of Seth Rich, the DNC worker that Wikileaks said was the source
of the leaks, see:
Trump Did Not Have Contact with Russian Banks
Another blatant CIA false flag is the narrative that the Trump server was in contact with
two Russian banks. The server was registered by a Trump vendor named Cendyn that did email
campaigns for Trump�s hotels. Trump had no control over the server and it had not
been in use since 2009. This server had no security or encryption in use, but we are
being informed by Franklin Foer, the original fake news journalist from the extreme left-wing
publication Slate who broke the story, that analysis of the server�s log use indicates
that Trump was in contact with Alfa Bank in Russia and one of their subsidiaries as well
as a drug rehab center in Michigan named Spectrum Health.
Reader note: pay attention to people who are making videos on the internet referencing
the chart below; they haven�t asked the most important question�Where did this chart
come from? If they did, they would find that it was planted within the original false flag
article by Slate:
Alfa bank is owned by the notorious CIA created kingpin of Russian banking, Mikhail Fridman,
an Israeli operative who is the second richest man in Russia. Spectrum Health, the Michigan
drug rehabilitation corporation, is owned by a well-known Turkish Muslim who works with
the CIA to bring drugs out of Pakistan through Turkey and into America. Some sources suggest
that Spectrum Health is a CIA front for drug smuggling and money-laundering.
The Trump server CIA false flag was the lynchpin needed for rollout of the October Surprise.
The server, with its CIA-planted Russian evidence, would tie together the false flags of the
DNC hacking, Russian sex allegations against Trump, John McCain�s false flag dossier
of Russian black-mail evidence, and the wiretaps of Trump and his staff since before the election
and after.
Yet, the FBI stated in a New York Times article of October 31, 2016, that the Trump server
did not present any credible evidence of ties between Trump and Russia. The article states:
�For much of the summer, the FBI pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role
in the American Presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump,
looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved
in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead � which they ultimately
came to doubt � about a possible secret channel of email communications from the Trump
Organization to a Russian bank. Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations
so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government.�
James Comey has found no evidence against Trump or any wrong doings in all that he has
investigated and he has made public statements to that effect. The alleged FISA requests
for wiretapping Trump were turned down by the court, per inside anonymous sources quoting
Comey. If this is true, Comey would not have been involved in the wiretapping, just as
he claims.
James Clapper also stated in a recent interview, just like Comey, that there were no wiretaps
of Trump. Clapper, who previously falsely testified to Congress in 2013 that there was
absolutely no NSA surveillance of Americans, recently claimed the National Intelligence
Agency did not wiretap Trump. In the language of doublespeak, Clapper�s denial should
be translated as: �Of course we wiretapped Trump and everyone around him throughout the
entire election and right up to the moment of the Inauguration and afterwards.�
John Brennan, a radicalized American Muslim who threatened Trump during the election,
used his office as the Director of the CIA to conduct cyber-attacks against Trump and
�planted� the supposed Trump/Russia evidence on a server used by a vendor of Trump�s
hotel business. This �evidence� was planned to be used to falsely tie together the Russian
hacking of the DNC, the alleged election hacking, the fake McCain false flag dossier, General
Flynn�s alleged Russia conversations, and the false flag allegations against Jeff Sessions
being connected to Russians.
Comey Investigates Trump but Not Hillary
The holes in this false flag operation begin to show when the FBI flagrantly turns its
back to possible criminal activities of Clinton and gang. Why aren�t the Department of Justice,
the media, and Congress asking the questions that We the People see as obvious obfuscations
in bringing law and order back to our government?
Where is the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton selling U.S. uranium to Russia through
Canadian companies?
Where is the FBI investigation into McCain�s demand from the Russian ambassador to donate
to the McCain presidential election?
Where is the FBI investigation into the subsequent death of the Russian ambassador just days
after WikiLeaks released letters from McCain where he wrote to the Kremlin for monetary
support of his campaign?
Why didn�t the FBI open an investigation of the DNC claims of being hacked?
Why did all 17 US Intelligence Agencies agree with CrowdStrike�s (Dmitri Alperovitch�s)
opinion that Putin was personally involved in the hacking, when by Alperovitch�s own
admission, there was no evidence of hacking, just Russian malware footprints? Let�s not
forget that both James Clapper and Hillary Clinton claimed that Russian hacking had occurred,
even after receiving a report from Alperovitch that indicated otherwise.
Why is Comey distancing himself from the Department of Justice on the issue of wiretapping Trump?
Why is there no investigation into who leaked Trump telephone calls from the Oval Office
to world leaders to the propaganda media?
Why are Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan not being investigated for stealing classified information
from congressional intelligence committees and rerouting that information to a proxy
The Trump Server False Flag
The New York Times, Buzzfeed, CNN, and the Washington Post, all of which are filled with
CIA indoctrinated �newscasters,� took their false flag news from a left-wing Trump
hater, Franklin Foer, who is obviously working directly with the entity or person who planted
the false data on the Trump vendor�s server. The server was not in Trump�s control. Franklin
Foer�s article, as slanted as it is, admits that it is sheer speculation and that the
server was not under Trump�s control. Therefore, the entire �Trump Server� narrative began
with fake news and is fueled continuously by other fake news channels to propagandize
and confuse Americans.
Franklin Foer of Slate published this CIA false flag on October 31, 2016. It was planted
as a news source that would drive the Democratic �October Surprise� narrative that would
terminate Trump�s bid for the White House. If you read the article below, instead of
the regurgitated garbage of the other propaganda news agencies, you will see that the writer
is not convincing in his premise or conclusions.
Was a Trump Server Communicating with Russia? by Franklin Foer,, October 31,
2016, 5:36 pm
Foer�s follow-up article was published in Slate in Nov 2, 2016, under the title Trump�s
Server, Revisited.
In the last article, Foer�s final analysis comes down to the official FBI statement:
�As the New York Times reported on Tuesday, after my story published, the FBI looked into
the server activity but �ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation,
like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts.�
It is quite evident from reading the articles that Foer is, at best, slanted or bias in
his reporting. Even after he tries desperately to convince the reader that his accusations
are correct, he summarizes that the evidence was created for his article, but doesn�t
tell how the IT expert happened unto this site to begin with. If we look at Franklin
Foer�s other articles about Trump we can see that he detests Trump and his articles
are the epitome of fake news propaganda.
Here are some other articles by Foer found on Slate that demonstrate his extreme prejudice.
And this, dear readers, is the media source from which the Russian hacking narrative begins.
Donald Trump Hates Women, March 24 ,2016
It�s the one position he�s never changed.
Putin�s Puppet, July 4, 2016
If the Russian president could design a candidate to undermine American interests�and advance
his own�he�d look a lot like Donald Trump.
The Real Winner of the RNC: Vladimir Putin, July 21, 2016
The Trump campaign continues its terrifying effort to cozy up to the Kremlin.
The DNC Hack Is Watergate, but Worse, July 26, 2016
The email dump isn�t a high-minded act of transparency. It�s a foreign power attempting
to swing an election for its favored candidate.
It is evident by his articles that Franklin Foer is a biased journalist who does not favor
Trump and deals in slander, conspiracy theories, and out-right CIA-style disinformation, lies,
and propaganda.
It shouldn�t surprise us then that The New York Times has repeatedly used Foer�s information
from the article and has not shared the source. The New York Times simply lies and says they
have anonymous sources. The same was true for Buzzfeed, CNN and The Washington Post.
They are all showing us who they are (propaganda outlets) and who they work for and protect
(rogue U.S. intelligence agencies).
Trump Called It Right: MSM is Fake News
Trump has called out the main stream media for being the fake news that they are. But
they are more than fake, they are dangerous. Yellow Journalism has played a major role
in CIA false flags throughout U.S. war history. As we re-examine the history with discernment,
we see that most conflicts start with a false flag that benefits the CIA and the military
industrial complex. Once this anti-American faction realized that their globalist gal
Hillary was not polling well and could lose the election, plans had to be made to overthrow
the election results. The bogey man that we were all supposed to fear was Putin the Russian.
But who would Putin most likely support? Just look at who benefits Russia the most.
Putin most likely aligns with Clinton for the uranium she sold Russia, the CIA/Soros
Orange Revolution insurrection she supported in Ukraine, and the many promises Hillary
made Putin concerning her �no-fly zone� in Syria which would have led to a nuclear
bomb being dropped in Syria.
See the U.S. Intelligence Communities report entitled: Global Trends Paradox of Progress
2017 within our article entitled Overthrowing America in Twelve Steps if you find it incredulous
that plans had been made to drop a nuclear bomb once Clinton was in office.
Putin and Hillary are better bedfellows than Trump and Putin. Let�s all be vigilant when
it concerns the relationship of Putin and Trump, Russia with the U.S. We can hope for
peace and cooperation between these two nations, but we cannot rely on the reports of propaganda
news to help us discern truth.
Propaganda news has distracted us from the horrible, glaring truth of Clinton�s alignment
with our enemies. Don�t forget that Bill and Hill welcomed China into the World Trade
Organization with China receiving Most Favored Nation Trading status during Clinton�s administration
which effectively sold-out America manufacturing to China. Hillary joined the board of the
Walton Family (Walmart) who were the beneficiaries of Clinton�s sell out to China.
Disinformation is part of the �post-truth� era and we must learn to find the truth inside
and around the lies. As we have reminded you since the San Bernardino false flag incident,
citizens must learn to recognize when their governments are propagandizing and terrorizing
them with false narratives and B-grade movie productions. We must always research the underlying
foundations of reports from propaganda news. Their reporters, editors, and publishers are
in place to shield their owners from the crimes and harm they are committing against humanity.
If you are new to our articles, make sure to read False Flags are Legal Propaganda so
that you can be an informed, engaged citizen.
War Between the Intelligence Agencies Exposed
Trump�s move to link the Russian hacking accusations with the issue of Obama wiretapping
his private lines is brilliant and will eventually �bring down� the CIA false flag operations
that have been used against his campaign and presidency. The Obama administration�s attempts
to use these false flags looks like it will back-fire upon Obama, John Brennon, James
Comey, Loretta Lynch, and James Clapper. The revelations of an investigation of the House
Committee on Intelligence will reveal the other CIA operatives who have been involved
in these leaks. Trey Gowdy being appointed to the very committee, where the Pakistani
Awan brothers stole House Democrats� intelligence reports and rerouted them to a proxy server,
is the best news yet for the possibility of the U.S. intelligence communities� internal
wars coming to light.
The NSA, CIA and FBI are in a major war with each other and that is why the Snowden NSA
leaks were released by the CIA. The new WikiLeaks about the CIA are the NSA�s retaliation
for the Snowden leaks. The leaks show that the NSA and CIA are both equally involved
in illegal surveillance on Americans. Another war exists between international corporate
intelligence agencies (those factions that have taken over the U.S. intelligence community)
and U.S. national intelligence agencies.
Globalist are fighting the nationalist�again� and agents on both side are leaking information
in this �intelligence war� that has now been focused on Donald Trump because he is
decidedly against the international corporate take-over of America. The propaganda media,
Facebook, Google, and the internet are all weaponized tools of cyber- warfare that are
driving the Obama�s shadow government regime change of a duly elected president. This is,
of course, sedition, insurrection, and conspiracy to overthrow the government.
This should be no surprise to us as we have seen this standard operating procedure for
Soros/CIA supported �color revolutions� throughout the world. Hillary is leading the
Purple Revolution in America while Obama is leading his own Shadow Revolution. The rest
of the Never Trumpsters are fighting for their lives or jumping ship like rats during a fire.
The Insurrection Factions Will Lose the Second American Revolution
The Obama led insurrection and regime change is no different from what Bush Sr. did to
the former USSR or later when he fleeced Russia and stripped its assets. The Bush shadow government
carried out the assassination of JFK, the BCCI Scandal, the October Surprise, the Iran-Contra
Scandal, and the attacks of 911, among many other criminal activities and false flags.
The Anonymous Patriots can make this bold statement because we have done the deep research
on the deep truth about 911. See Treason: Who Terrorized Americans and the World on
The CIA White House has not lost a battle in decades and it did not anticipate losing
an election and inauguration with Trump. Therefore, they never presented any real evidence against
Trump. They used the old Karl Rove tactic of spinning lies and later covering them up
once you are safely in office. None of them imagined that they would get caught, and even
if they did, James Comey, Brennan, and Clapper were there to keep the truth hidden. But this
time these criminals may finally come to justice due to their bold and unrelenting criminal
plans to overthrow the United States of America and its duly elected president.
Trump is a nationalist who boldly spoke, like John F. Kennedy, about the very powers that
seek to undermine democracy. We can have faith that the Trump Team is aware of who they are
battling against and what the stakes are � American liberties and constitutional rights versus
an America yoked by international interests.
We aren�t prophesizing a Second American Revolution. It is raging all around us. There
are anti-American forces deeply embedded in the federal bureaucracies that are filled
with treasonous loyalists to Obama and Clinton, the puppets of George Soros and Vladimir Putin.
Patriots, we call upon you. The time is at hand to decide: America first, or America
We continue to ask Patriots everywhere to join us in a new kind of intelligence platform�one
that is a citizen to citizen network of intelligence dissemination. Please take a moment and see
who we are at Join our email list and you will be notified of TRUTH
NEWS headlines each day, or save our site as a favorite so that you can get daily updates
on what the CIA-controlled media doesn�t want you to know.
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