Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 12 2017

~BAP 'Talk with your body' Game


correct ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Didn't even see gorilla action but got correct..!


Currently Daehyunie isn't making any voice but he's talking?!


some monster? firstly..throw

don't you get sulky too cutelyㅠㅠ

again..didnt saw the action but got correct


majority correct..!

talk with your body game pro...youngjae & zelo

Jongup Yongguk Himchan team's turn

Got correct at once

on the leaves of lettuce

Whats that action ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Jongupie strugglingㅠㅠㅠ

its not angry though...this is complete cute!?

Youngjae Hints and Tipsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 170307 V LIVE B.A.P "Talk with your body" Game - Duration: 3:12.


Stronger Than You cover - Steven Universe | Jordan Sweeto ✩ - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Stronger Than You cover - Steven Universe | Jordan Sweeto ✩ - Duration: 3:02.


How do Androids Function in the Alien Universe? Why is Their "Blood" White? - Explained - Duration: 8:15.

Androids, or Synthetics, have continually played integral parts in stories within the

Alien Universe, whether imposing a threat, such as Ash, or operating with good intentions,

such as Bishop, or, somewhere in between, as we've seen with David 8.

The androids depicted in the franchise are similar to the depictions of articifically

intelligent machines made to look like humans, much like from what we've seen before, and

after, they're high on logic, and limited in emotion.

One of the key aesthetic traits that sets them apart, however, would be their inner

workings and biology.

Unlike a series of metallic gears and bone structure, looking very much robotic underneath

the human-looking exterior, these androids are instead made up a biology that appears

softer, and more human-like, even with white blood apparently pumping through their system.

Other than what lies beneath, an android, upon first glance, is nearly indistinguishable

from a human.

The Weyland Yutani Report credits Peter Weyland as the creator and innovator behind androids

as we know them within them, stating that "in 2025, Weyland's lifelong interest in cybernetics

led to the introduction of David, the first Artificial Person.

Combining the most advanced sensory hardware, hydraulic biomechanical methods and apparatus,

poly-nylon tissue compounds, and recognition/information amalgamation software, David was a marvel

of focus and innovation.

Initial iterations were clearly artificial, but subsequent Davids continued to raise te

bar for human-likeness, incorporating emotive capability, artificial cell regeneration,

and nearly exponential increases in processing speed.

Weyland left behind a wealth of notes and designs on his synthetics work, giving Weyland

Corporation an edge in the field for the next several decades/ The first Hyperdyne Systems

series, released in 2107, were integrated into the company workforce as task workers

and reasearch assistants.

"Personality" subprograms could be downloaded depending of the Artificial Person application,

and all models ran a laboratory installed subprogram that ensured complete loyalty to

Company interests."

This would certainly explain Ash's actions, who, in addition to ensuring the details of

Special Order 937 went smoothly, also took his own measures going so far as to attempt

to kill Ripley when she finds out about the truth behind their mission to LV-426.

The Bishop Android himself even admits that the previous models, The Hyperdyne 120-A2s,

were a bit twitchy.

As the Weyland Yutani Report explains, these particular models "were not designed with

human life protection protocols- that industry standard was not established until 2124- and

Ash's attack on the Nostromo's crew was not out of keeping with the specificity of Company


The company was able to bame Ash's behavior on a design flaw- there was no secondary backu

for the magnetic synapse chamber in the "brain" - but obviously, the 120-A2 attacked Ripley

before it sustained inury.

Ash was ordered to obtain a specimen of the alien at any cost and did its best to fufill

that purpose.

Improvements in synethetic quality continued.

Throughout the early to mid 2100s, new models came out in rapid succession, seeking to improve

on what had already been accomplished.

Synthetic placement on company -financed missions became a standard practice- for crew safety

and for documentation purposes."

Artificial Persons, as shown in the Alien Universe, also proved to be integral members

within USCM missions as part of these standard practices.

The Colonial Marines Tech Manual describes that "The Colonial Marine Corps regards them

as an invaluable resource, supporting front line units as multi-role team-members and

mobile databases.

Marine androids are always employed in a non-combatant role, usually as drivers, pilots, medics,

and scientific advisers to combat units at platoon level and above.

Though they are artificial intelligences in the broad sense, legally, androids are classified

as Corps property and can be ordered to perform hazardous tasks in place of human.

The modern synthetic is a highly complex machine: stronger, faster, and better co-ordinated

than an average human.

The basic chassis is a carbon fiber skeleton with latchment points for the artificial musculature.

The muscles are Vat-Grown silicone colloids powered either by pumped microhydraulics or

electrical stimulation."

So, based on this information, it would seem that the "white blood" we see when an android

is damaged is a means to ensure their inner workings are flowing properly.

The circulatory fluid is a form of white liquid latex used to lubricate their interior systems.

The fluid's color, it would seem, just happens to be naturally white, although it is a useful

physical trait to determine that the articificial person, is, in fact, artificial.

Though interestingly, debate still continues as to whether or not Bishop II, from Alien

3, is actually a robot, being able to withstand a heavy blow to the head with a wrench which

practically leaves his ear hanging from his head, but the red blood leads many to believe

he is still a human regardless of that.

It's also noted that "Power for the android is supplied by a 25 KW hydrogen fuel cell

with a life of approximately 400 days between refueling.

As in a human, the skeletal structure is inherently unstable and is effectively suspended by the


No limb locking, joint motorization, or gyrostabilization is present as in other anthropomorphic frames;

instead, the muscles must work actively to keep the chassis standing upright while active

feedback systems control its stability.

Though the muscles can withstand considerable wear and tear, the lack of self-repair facility

means that they eventually lose their strenghth, and become incresingly elastic over time.

It is recommended that the muscle system be over-hauled on a regular basis and individual

elements replaced fully every two years.

Muscle layout and operation, as with certain other internal functions, are homologous with

those of the human body; indeed, military synthetics are designed to be virtually indistingushable

in appearance from a human.

The synthetic's mind is an integrated Carbon 60 processor and memory capacity includes

1 terabyte of fast cash buffer RAM and 1.2 Petabyte of non volatile memory.

The system is architectured around a very powerful heuristic logic driver, making decisions

based upon imported sensory data, information drawn from experiences and the androids vast

inbuilt databases.

Intuitive functions are derived from a suite of nested contextual and semantic programs

linked by self-mapping loops of tangled hierarchies.

However, an adroid's ability to understand an process abstract concepts and symbolics,

though powerful, is limited.

Androids display synthesized emotion, superficially register self-awareness, and most importantly

of all, have the ability to reason, conceptualize, and offer opinion.

However, these capabilities do not infer humanlike conscousness, even though for all other intents

and purposes, synthetics are artificial intelligences.


Amidst its depictions of advanced space shuttles, futuristic weaponry, and a complex alien species,

I think the Alien series deserves a large about of kudos for its interpretation of synthetic


Not only with a great amount of detail put into their biological makeup, but resulting

in interesting characters that each in their own ways contributed heavily to the stories

being told.

So I'd like to ask, who is your favourite Artificial Person from the Alien movies?

Each have their own unique traits that I think make them compelling characters, so comment

below and let me know your thoughts, I'd love to hear them.

And as always, thanks for watching, I really appreciate it, and if you liked this video

please be sure to give it a like, and you can also hit the subscribe button to stay

up-to-date with all the latest from the channel.

If there's a topic you'd like covered, I'd love to hear your suggestion below.

You can also follow Alien Underscore Theory on Twitter, and Alien Theory YT on Facebook

for more, and until next time, this is Alien Theory, signing off.

For more infomation >> How do Androids Function in the Alien Universe? Why is Their "Blood" White? - Explained - Duration: 8:15.


Hearthstone - What Patches The Pirate Could Have Been - Duration: 6:29.

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan is a really awesome set, but the card probably the most people

are annoyed with is Patches the Pirate.

It's just too good and too annoying.

But did you guys know that Patches went through a lot of iterations in development over the


Turns out he's a card Blizzard has been trying to make in some way shape or form in just

about every set since Blackrock Mountain!

Let's take a look back through the development cycle of this guy to find out what patches

could have been!

So originally Patches was actually a dragon!

In 2014 the devs designed a card called "Dragon Whelp" that was going to be included in

Blackrock Mountain!

Interestingly enough Dragon Whelp was actually not a legendary, so you could include two

in your deck.

It also didn't have charge, but other than that it was pretty much the same as patches:

a one mana one/one dragon that got pulled from your deck when you cast a dragon.

The whole idea behind the card according to the devs was that they wanted a big powerful

dragon to draw out some whelps when you cast it.

Unfortunately Faerie Dragon exists, and so people could just play faerie dragon and whelps

in aggro and get pretty crazy starts, and this didn't really fit the idea of what

Blizzard wanted with the card, so the idea of it being a dragon was pretty much scrapped.

The developers then thought about making Patches a murloc, since he sort of fit the murloc

game plan of flooding the board, but they ended up deciding that Patches would have

been the most fun as a pirate.

First they made it a legendary, likely because getting to pull two things out of your deck

was way too good and would have made the game far too cancerous.

They then tried making it a vanilla 2/1 but after some

testing thought that it would be better as a one/one with charge, and settled on that

design, which is pretty much what the card is today.

At the time though, One-Eyed Cheat and Ship's Cannon would be super broken with patches,

since One Eyed Cheat auto stealthed itself with patches, and Ship's Cannon did tons

of damage, so Blizzard put the card on hold.

Before this decision, the Grand Tournament was actually originally supposed to have two

legendary pirates in it, with the names Skycap'n Kragg and Captain Scaleblade.

Patches was actually supposed to be the original Skycap'n Kragg, with Captain Scaleblade

having the effect and stats that Kragg has now, but then Blizzard decided not to release

Patches in the set.

However, the problem then became that the art for Skycap'n Kragg was already shown

in the expansion's trailer, so they ended up giving it Captain Scaleblade's effect

and stats and printing it.

Now Ben Brode really liked the design for Patches, and so he kept pushing for it to

be added into each set.

The release of the standard and wild formats actually somewhat solved the problem of patches

synergy with things like one eyed cheat and ships cannon so the devs actually tried putting

Patches into Whispers of the Old Gods.

It was supposed to be a warrior only legendary under the name Nzoth's First Mate, but it

got cut during testing, and Nzoth's First Mate ended up being made a different, although

still quite strong pirate card.

Finally Patches the Pirate was released in Mean streets of gadgetzan, because according

to the devs since MSOG was the final set of the year, the card pool was big enough where

Patches would have less of a chance of having a "disproportionate impact" on the meta.

So Patches actually went through a lot of different phases since at some point it was

Dragon Whelp, and then Skycap'n Kragg, and then nzoth's first mate, before he finally

became Patches the Pirate.

According to Matt Place, one of the devs, the fact that Patches was in development for

so long actually might be a record for the longest development cycle of any card.

It's actually really interesting that the developers were so careful with Patches for

so long, finally ended up printing it anyway, and it immediately became the dominating force

in standard, likely undoubtedly being the best card in the set, and maybe even in all

of standard currently.

Still though Patches the Pirate is an awesome card and it definitely shows that the devs

are super careful with OP cards, even if they do end up releasing them, so it's pretty cool

to take a look at the card's development cycle.

Those are some of the things that Patches the Pirate could have been, what is your ideal

version of Patches?

Let us know in the comments!

And it looks like that's gonna be it from me, if you enjoyed the video drop a like,

subscribe if you want, thanks for watching, and I'll see you guys next time!

For more infomation >> Hearthstone - What Patches The Pirate Could Have Been - Duration: 6:29.


9 Things That Women Hate About Their Boyfriends - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 9 Things That Women Hate About Their Boyfriends - Duration: 3:10.


Using Mental Concentration to Attract What You Want - Law of Attraction - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> Using Mental Concentration to Attract What You Want - Law of Attraction - Duration: 12:52.


[CC ENG] 170312 NCT 127 The Show Backstage - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> [CC ENG] 170312 NCT 127 The Show Backstage - Duration: 6:23.




How are you doing?

I'm doing fine.

You are very beautiful.

Oh, thank you very much!

What's your name?

My name is

Nguyen Thi Thuy Lang

Do you like pho?

Do you want to go eat sometime?

Can I get your phone number?

We'll meet again to go eat!

For more infomation >> HOW TO SPEAK VIETNAMESE FOR BEGINNERS? (VIETNAMESE 101) (PART 4) - Duration: 5:27.


Mashrou Leila - Tayf (Ghost) | مشروع ليلى - طيف - Duration: 4:28.

showered with this city's bullets, I chorused with ghosts

bathed by traffic lights, I danced our dabkeh

till i was high on the the marrow of the electric pole

and i poured tears ­- neon -­ on swollen pupils

till the fezzes came to take us, to prisons, to castrate us, to make medallions

but we sewed flags from funeral shrouds (from friends on death row)

the mushrooms have started to grow tomorrow we inherit the earth

My life spent; with rights mortgaged off to your sentiments

My history erased from our books like they were yours to claim

Our hips translated Sappho and Abu Nuwas in the tongue of oohs and aahs

on bed sheets embroidered with the same oohs and aahs we chanted at the picket line

the mushrooms have started to grow tomorrow we inherit the earth

the mushrooms have started to grow tomorrow we inherit the earth

for now we still have songs; sing with your highest heels on

For more infomation >> Mashrou Leila - Tayf (Ghost) | مشروع ليلى - طيف - Duration: 4:28.


Мультики про Машинки -Танки для детей все серии подряд - Сборник любимых серий для мальчиков 2 часа - Duration: 2:04:53.

For more infomation >> Мультики про Машинки -Танки для детей все серии подряд - Сборник любимых серий для мальчиков 2 часа - Duration: 2:04:53.


Booker on SecState: 'This isn't America, Inc.... - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Booker on SecState: 'This isn't America, Inc.... - Duration: 1:13.


Booker, Ivanka Trump talked at Alfalfa Dinner - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Booker, Ivanka Trump talked at Alfalfa Dinner - Duration: 1:24.


Booker on Sanders Drug Industry Criticism - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Booker on Sanders Drug Industry Criticism - Duration: 2:47.


Currently Reading | March 2017 - Duration: 7:24.

hi everyone it' Lauren, now I was going

to talk to you today about the books I

read in the first half of March but I've

actually only finished one book and I'm

in the middle of reading several others

so I thought what I would do instead is

do a kind of chatty discussion

about what I'm currently reading and you

know, my thoughts on these books so far

The first book that I have finished in the

month of March is The Argonauts by Maggie

Nelson, now this is a memoir,

autobiography of Maggie Nelson's life with

her partner who is fluifly gendered, but it's

about so much it's like nothing

I've ever read before; it's about gender


it's about your sexuality and changing

sexualities, kind of what it means to be

in a self-identified queer relationship

when that your partner then goes on

testosterone and their body starts to

change and then it's also about

motherhood about her body changing when

she is pregnant with her firstchild

and it's just, it's about so much it's

very very interesting. It's written in a

much more academic style than I perhaps

thought it was going to be, she uses a

lot of quotes from philosophy and

sometimes I did feel like she was just on

this level which I I couldn't quite get

to and

yes, some of it was a little bit above my

head I think, but once I got into her

style and kind of got what she was about

I found it very interesting

it's very, like I say, philosophical

and it's a very interesting look into

what we see as a normal family life and

what the new normal might be in the


she's obviously very intellectual and I

enjoyed seeing the world through her eyes

through her perspective. So onto the

books that I am midway through, the first

of these is Leftover Women by Leta Hong-Fincher,

and this is about gender

inequality in modern China the reason

I'm reading this is that is the pick of

the month for the Feminist Orchestra

book club which is a book club that Jean runs

on Goodreads, I will leave a link in the

description box below if you'd like to

check it out. They are having a two-month

hiatus at the moment as it has been going

nonstop for a year but I believe she

will be back in June. I don't read very

much non fiction as a rule but it is

something I would really like to get

into in the coming months so I was

really looking forward to picking this

one up and I especially find China quite

interesting as a country

and this is about a new phrase called

'leftover women' which is used in China to

describe women who are kind of over the

age of 25, 26, 27, 28 who are unmarried and

it's a very interesting phenomenon

because there's a lot of pressure on

young women to get married as soon as


there's also a lot of pressure on young

men to own a home and so even though a woman

might be very financially independent

and put a lot of money into a house

with her husband, in the majority of

cases the deed of the house is in the

husband's name alone and this is where I

am at the moment in the book. There's a

lot of other things I'm sure she's going

to explore, but it's a very interesting

look at all the different contributing

factors as to why women are in a more

financially precarious position in China

than they have been in the past, it

almost feels like they're going

backwards a little bit. It studies a lot of

the different societal norms and

expectations that there are in China

which are very different to where I live

in the west and it uses a lot of

anecdotal evidence for women that

Hong-Fincher has surveyed and she kind of uses

a variety of sources

it does feel like an extended essay or

extended article on the subject I'm not

sure I'm really getting the writer's own

voice through but like I said, because I don't

read a lot of nonfiction I don't reall know

how to compare this to in terms of writing

but the subjects and what I'm learning

I'm finding really interesting and it's

very very readable. I'm also reading some

fiction, I am in the middle of Home by

Marilynne Robinson which is on my kindle

I always like to have a kindle book

going as well as some physical books

because I have this like weird fear that

if I'm on a train and I finish my

physical book...well what if I finish it?

and I don't have another book to hand

to pick up straight away?! Because I always like

to be reading something so I always have

my kindle on me, because it's very easy

to pick a new book on your kindle

Home is part of a trilogy of

companion novels the first of these is Gilead,

add the third one is Lila and I read

those a couple of years ago when we

did the videos for the Man Booker Prize

and Lila was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize so I

thought, well I'd better read some of the

preceding novels to this story before I

read it

However the books themselves don't

actually follow a specific

order and the plots kind of

overlap so you don't need to read them

from Gilead - Home - Lila, you can kind of

read them in any order you want and you can

probably read them stand alone although you'd

get a very different experience I think

doing it that way. I really enjoyed

Gilead when I read it, it's about a vicar

in this small Midwestern American town

who knows that he's terminally ill, he's

writing a series of letters his young

son talking about his life, he's kind of

musing on life, death and faith and I

really very much enjoyed it. Home is told

from the perspective of this vicar's

best friend's family so it's about his

best friend's daughter and it's about

the return home of this guy's wayward son

who's not been in Gilead for about 20

years and it's about how they're

all reacting to that

Marilynne Robinson's writing is very slow

and it kind of unfolds, it'a very much about that

kind of American family life and I think

this is set in the sixties and seventies

so I'm enjoying it because I like

her tone and I liked Gilead when I read

it. To be honest I loved Gilead, I

thought Lila was ok and at the

moment I'm getting vibes that Home is ok

I think I liked Gilead because it was

told from the perspective of this vicar

and I likes his kind of ponderings and

musings on life and Home and Lila are just

about other characters in that world

which just kind of didn't speak to

me as much. And the last book that I'm currently

reading is a collection of short stories

by Lucia Berlin called A Manual for

Cleaning Women and these stories are set in

the 60s, 70s, 80s I think, in various

points in the US, they're set in New York

New Mexico, in Chile and I didn't really know

what to think about this going in, it's quite

a long collection of short stories and I

wasn't sure how I was going to feel, but

actually reading them, most of them are

based on Lucia Berlin's own life and

there's lots of characters that come

back and it feels like it's

fictionalized, but some of it I'm not

sure it's fiction or if some of it really

happened, so it actually becomes this

cohort of stories which all make sense

together and it feels like these are

different chapters of one big story and

I'm really loving that she looks

at some quite intense and sad subjects

but she puts a little bit of humor in

there and she's got some quite dry and

witty observations about American

life, so I am really enjoying it so far

I'm about halfway through

it's not the kind of book that you can race

through because it's just lots and lots

of little stories but yeah I'm actually

very impressed. I'm enjoying it more than

I expected to be going in. I will be

really interested to see if my opinions

on any of these change like once I

finish them compared to where I'm

feeling now at the midway point for

most of them. I would love to hear from

you as always if you've read any of these books and

I guess I'll see you in my next video


For more infomation >> Currently Reading | March 2017 - Duration: 7:24.


Impact: "I was excited to lane against Flame in NA, but we just play tanks and push in... feels bad" - Duration: 4:21.

I think I'm number one. No, I'm not lying.

I think I'm number one best Korean in NA now, because I've stayed in NA so much time now--maybe

two years--and I can speak so much English, easy... er, not easy, but I can speak.

I can answer questions, I can just ask, easy.

But other Korean players...

I think their English is not bad, but need time because English in listening is so hard,

I think.

Well, not so hard, but need time, just need time.

And maybe number two...

I don't know.

I want to say Piglet, but Piglet, he changed position mid and he yesterday win, but...

maybe, okay. (NA LCS Week 6)

Uh, TSM don't have Korean, FlyQuest don't have Korean... only Cloud9 have Korean.

You know, only top team that have Korean.

Because--top teams, only Cloud9 have Korean, and TSM and FlyQuest don't have Koreans.

I think maybe because communication is so hard.

So I don't know number two, number three, number four now.

I don't know, because NA is good life and you don't have pressure so many, but I'm last

year so sad because I'm best Korean on team and I played bad too, but we team lose too.

But this time...

I'm just thinking maybe, if I go to Korea and I'm practicing more, maybe play better,

I think.

But I don't know...

NA's good because I'm turn exciting, I'm first time go NA, and I'm so exciting and I'm so


Wow, I can see sun and I can see clouds, oh shit, so easy.

Because Koreans, so many have apartments, you see so hard the sky.

But NA, you see easy and just makes you relaxed and makes the place good.

So I don't know... it's maybe 50/50.

Oh I'm just, little bit, thinking it's turning exciting.

I'm matching Flame, and people tell me I'm so funny--I'm so fun--because matching is--he

has good lane phase and my picture is good too so it's 50/50, so fun.

But... so he came first time in NA, right?

So I'm matching him so I'm excited, all of the matches--"ohh, may be fun!"

But just tank and just push in... nothing... feels bad, but we teammates better so we win.

Basically, even though I knew a little bit of this, he helped me try to get

my basic manners, like when talking to other people and interacting with other people,

what you can say and what you can't.

And mentality-wise, he helped me a lot because when I lost lane back then, I used to tilt

a lot, but he reinstated to me that even if I'm losing the lane, or if I'm the person

that's falling behind, the team itself can win still.

So there are still other win conditions, so that helped me a lot, personally.

Because if--I think you need trust because if you want to win--and everyone wants to win, right?

Teammates want to win, I want to win too.

So we need trust, always.

I just want to say thank you fans... how to say, wait... thank you for cheering for Cloud9,

and I'm just so sad because one week my play so bad.

So I'm just thank you so many times and I'm now better, so just yeah, I'm good.

For more infomation >> Impact: "I was excited to lane against Flame in NA, but we just play tanks and push in... feels bad" - Duration: 4:21.


Booker: I have not changed on school choice - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Booker: I have not changed on school choice - Duration: 1:56.


The Walking Dead || Just Say Yes - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead || Just Say Yes - Duration: 3:38.


The Velvet Underground, Nico - Sunday Morning - Duration: 2:56.

♪ ♪

























♪ ♪









For more infomation >> The Velvet Underground, Nico - Sunday Morning - Duration: 2:56.


Top RPG News of The Week on Dark Souls 3 DLC, Nier Launch, Mass Effect, Shadow of War & More! - Duration: 10:25.

Happy weekend from Fextralife!

If you've been too busy to keep up on the latest in the games we cover or are looking

for a refresher we've got your back.

Let's take a look at the comings and goings across the Fextralife Wiki Network.

Check out the video above and read on for the text!

New screenshots for the Dark Souls 3 DLC: The Ringed City, which arrives on March 28th,

have been released.

The screenshots show more of the locations and NPCs we'll be encountering in the final

expansion to the celebrated game.

We also got a look at some fearsome enemies including a particularly menacing looking

black dragon.

Check out the blog article for a complete rundown of every screen and their official


Next Wednesday, Bandai Namco is hosting a livestream that will show more of The Ringed

City and will also feature some giveaways.

Be sure to check back with us for a live recap of everything revealed!

If you've been experiencing some crashing and progression issues while playing Horizon

Zero Dawn, they may be solved as a patch was deployed today that fixes just that.

It sounds minor, but those crashes were about the only pesky issue that marred the game's

release last week.

Thoughts on the game so far?

If you want to hear what we think, check out our extensive review!

If you're in the thick of playing be sure to check out where to find all of the game's

special items and how to bring down the variety of machines.

And if you're finishing up the game and want to don your completionist hat, we've got a

fully trophy guide all ready to go for you on the blog.

The guide gives you great step by steps for each trophy and comes chock full of videos

to help you on your way.

EA and BioWare have released the last Mass Effect Andromeda video for the Andromeda Initiative,

which are a series of briefing that shed light on the game's backstory and setting in the

Andromeda Galaxy as the races of the Milky Way Galaxy are seeking a new home 600 years

beyond the events of the first trilogy.

The narration begins with a scientist from on board the Nexus station and explains the

search for suitable habitats known as Golden Worlds.

The search will focus on a pocket of stars in Andromeda called the Heleus Cluster in

which 7 Golden Worlds have been identified, named Habitat 1- 7.

The Nexus itself requires resources to be gathered from worlds which can be used to

complete upgrades to it and awaken more colonists to help with the mission.

The video gives a brief look at each of the habitats and what they can provide, with Quarians

mentioned as part of the resettlement effort.

Establishing colonies on these worlds involves making contact, helping with disputes and

problems or even using violence.

The game and the activities we are going to participate is starting to take shape.

We'll be exploring new habitats, establishing colonies, harvesting resources for upgrades

and subsequently reinforcing our hold on these new places.

Later in the week, we also got a look at the Mass Effect Andromeda Launch trailer which

sets the stage for the game's release on March 21st for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Our Mass Effect Andromeda giveaway is in full swing!

Be sure to swing by the Mass Effect Andromeda wiki and fill out the giveaway form to earn

multiple entries for a chance to win a PS4, Xbox One or copies of the game!

Nier: Automata released this week in NA and EU for the PS4 and we were right there on

launch day with a beginner's guide.

If you're just digging in this weekend, be sure to give the guide a look and make sure

you bookmark the wiki to help navigate all of the game's secrets and endings.

We reviewed the game this week, after playing through it a full 3 times!

We found Nier to be an engaging, action-packed and even relaxing exploration of existentialism.

Nier: Automata merges action and RPG as seamlessly as it switches cameras angles from player-controlled

to fixed scroller.

Have your pick of reading a visual novel and threading the plot together, or hack and slash

through waves of enemies in a gorgeous dance - we did them all, and we loved every minute.

Very much worth full price.

Because we're good like that, we also have a full trophy guide for the game to help you

earn that coveted platinum.

Make sure you bookmark that one too for when you're ready.

Stick with us and you'll have the most trophies on your block.

Zenimax Online has detailed how the new PvP battlegrounds will function in the Elder Scrolls

Online's upcoming expansion Morrowind.

Battlegrounds are short matches of 3 teams of 4 players (4v4v4).

Teams are not bound by Alliance and instead are all in with their team.

You join a battleground similar to the way you queue for a dungeon from the the Group

& Activity Finder.

You must be level 10 at the minimum and can queue solo or in a party and can specify a

level range of 10-49 or 10-50 with the game type randomized.

When the fight starts you're leveled the way you are when entering Cyrodiil.

Matches last at most 15 minutes and provide quicker alternatives to the longer current

setup of PvP.

There are three unique Battleground game types at the launch of Morrowind: Team Deathmatch,

Capture the Flag and Domination You earn points as you capture, defend, and

kill, depending on the game mode.

In addition to this, you can earn medals for unique actions depending on the game type

At the end the matches your points and medals contribute to end-game rewards, including

Alliance Points, Experience Points, and items.

There will also be new Achievements to earn based on how you play.

Weekly leaderboards will let you earn further rewards.

Thoughts on the new game type?

With MMOs, it's good to give players options for short bursts of activity to balance the

more heavy time investment activities.

Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind releases June 6th for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

In an hour long livestream Bungie laid out the plans for this Spring's free update

to Destiny titled Age of Triumph which is launching March 28th for PS4 and Xbox One.

The update is geared towards being a nostalgic recap of everything players have experienced

through their time with the game in anticipation of this fall's Destiny 2.

The new record book will focus on activities players have engaged in over the life of the


Completing nodes in the book will unlock rewards and the rewards will be account wide.

All 4 raids will be at light parity and can be tackled at 390 light, making them all meaningful

for loot again.

Old rewards will now be coming back with a chance to drop at 400 light.

There will be a featured weekly raid with new challenges an exclusive loot.

By making the old new again, Bungie hopes to bring things full circle for the game while

keep meaningful activities going.

Thoughts on how Destiny is finishing off the twilight of the game?

We know now that characters will be carrying over to Destiny 2 albeit it in a limited capacity.

Check out our video and article review of Torment Tides of Numenera.

We had a blast playing through the game and experience its riveting story.

The CRPG from inXile Entertainment tapped into our nostalgia for old school gaming and

brought to mind experiences like the original Fallout, Baldur's Gate and Knight's of the

Old Republic.

Torment is a worthy game in the revival of the classic role playing game and stands along

Pillars of Eternity, Divinity Original Sin and others as modern torch bearers.

We highly recommend you check it out.

Warner Bros. and Monolith have revealed the first gameplay look at Middle Earth: Shadow

of War, the sequel to the hit Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.

The Action RPG takes place in the Lord of the Rings universe and features a heavy focus

on combat and a unique Nemesis system that catalogued your actions and tailored the game's

future interactions to them.

Beyond the return of defeated foes with a grudge, the Nemesis system will be expanded

to bind characters and environments allowing it to cover themes of betrayal, loyalty and


This should make the game's play out in a way unique to every player.

In the gameplay example, you work to capture an orc fortress.

Once you capture it, whether you name a loyal follower the overseer, or give the title to

a veteran war chief will have consequences going forward.

Beyond the added depth of the Nemesis system, the game will feature more customization and

more loot bringing it more in line with an RPG, as well as further refinement to the

first game's addicting and brutal combat.

The game is looking intense already in its alpha stages.

We love the first and are very excited to see the new changes coming.

Middle Earth: Shadow of War releases August 22nd, 2017 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Funcom has released a preview of what content fans playing the Conan Exiles early access

can expect the game to roll out over the next few months.

The Survival mashup game went into early access in January and lets players engage in all

of their best sandbox wish fulfillment desires, including building, crafting, killing, smashing,

killing, torturing, killing and more.

Trebuchet, build-able siege towers, avatar defense and corpse lockers to house your slain


All said, these will be tools employed within your sieges of enemy strongholds.

Dye system for customizing armor and clothing New dungeons to explore

Invading enemies from adjacent lands that players will have to band together to fend

off Taming of wild animals to turn them into mounts

A sorcery system that will tie into the game's corruption mechanic

A town system that increases the activity and behaviors of your captures slaves

A new biome location with greenery that will add a temperature mechanic to the game's

weather system Expansion of the religion system & more

It seems as if Funcom has big plans indeed for the game.

Conan Exiles is in early access on PC right now and is set to release in full on PC and

PS4 and Xbox One sometime in 2018.


That's a wrap for the Week in Wikis, we're looking forward to another great week of gaming


Don't forget to check out our VIP program for some exclusive supporter benefits, and

budding writers should take advantage of our Become an Author initiative!

Thanks for a great week and as always, keep checking in with us for news, reviews, YouTube

streams and vids, and general wiki goodness!

Follow us on social media for all the latest and greatest.

The more followers we get, the larger the army of the Fexus grows:

For more infomation >> Top RPG News of The Week on Dark Souls 3 DLC, Nier Launch, Mass Effect, Shadow of War & More! - Duration: 10:25.


PESTILENZ Teaser Trailer (2018) HD Found Footage Horror - Duration: 1:59.

When death comes knocking on your door...

The pestilence crawls through your veins.

You can cry as long as you want.

There is no help.

You fear his black eyes.

Run, run as fast as you can!

1468, Italy, 478,000 plague victims

Your eyes hurts, everything get´s brighter.

1601, England, 1.250,000 plague victims

You can taste the blood in your mouth.

1725, Spain, 1.500,000 plague victims

2017, Germany, ? plague victims

Your faith was strong, but he was stronger.

Close your eyes.

Go to hell. You´ll never find peace.

For more infomation >> PESTILENZ Teaser Trailer (2018) HD Found Footage Horror - Duration: 1:59.


Ghost in the Shell

For more infomation >> Ghost in the Shell


Baby Driver Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:36.

So, you're just starting your day, or did you just get off?

They call, I go, you know?

So, what is it you do?

I'm a driver.

Like a chauffeur.

Anyone I'd know?

- I hope not. - What is your name?


Your name's baby? B, A, B, Y, baby?

It's the one who listen to the music all the time? Is he mental?

Mental meaning slow, was he slow?


He had an accident when he was a kid.

Still has a hum in the drum, plays music to drown it out

and that's what makes him the best.

One more job and I'm done.

One more job and we're straight.

I don't need to give you the speech about what'll happen when you say no,

how I could break your legs and kill everyone you love, 'cause you know that.

The moment you catch feelings

is the moment you catch a bullet.

And your waitress girlfriend, she's cute.

Let's keep it that way.

I want us to head west and never stop.

You in?

I'm in, Baby.

These days, Baby,

- you've got to get blood on your hands. - Time to face the music.

- Baby, we need to get out of here. - I have to end this.

We're in bed together now.

- Baby. - Baby.

Doc said Micheal Myers!

- This is Mike Myers. - It should be the Halloween mask!

- This is a Halloween mask! - No, the killer dude from Halloween!

Oh, you mean Jason.


Baby, you tell me who dies.

She a good girl? You love her?

- Yes, I do. - Well, that's too bad.

For more infomation >> Baby Driver Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:36.


Top 10 hottest celebrity moms in the world! - Duration: 2:40.

Usually, marriage and children change a woman's life.

But these celebrity moms on our list have changed the way a society deals with a mother.

They are super woman in every possible sense.

Please Do subscribe for get in touch if you new in our channel.

Here is a list of top ten hottest celebrity moms in the world:


As the mom to six kids, Angelina Jolie,age 37, is the female face of your modern (and

hotter) version of the Brady Bunch.


At age of 39, Heidi Klum's Victoria's Secret days are over, but the Project Runway and

Germany's Next Top Model host is still the mother of all models.


She might have a new baby on Modern Family, but Sofia Vergara,age 40, has already been

a hot mom for two decades.


From her rise to fame with the Spice Girls to becoming a mother of four, Victoria Beckham,age

39, is the ultimate soccer mom.


At age 46, Halle Berry is pregnant with her second child—the soon-to-be brother to her

five-year-old daughter, Nahla.


Hot mom Alessandra Ambrosio,age 32, can clearly rock lingerie and swimsuits year-round—even



Jessica Alba,age 31, represents beauty and brains.

This Sin City siren is a model and hot author, too.

Her book, The Honest Life, was released in March.


After the birth of her first child, the mother of four and Dancing

With the Stars host,age 41, still managed to grace the cover of Playboy.


It's safe to say 2011 was a memorable year for this Black Swan beauty.

Shortly after collecting Oscar gold, Portman, age 31, gave birth to her son.


Mom or not, Beyonce, age 31, is still just as sultry on stage.

Thank you for watching this video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 hottest celebrity moms in the world! - Duration: 2:40.


Rhetorik perfektionieren: Endlich schlagfertig sein! - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Rhetorik perfektionieren: Endlich schlagfertig sein! - Duration: 8:45.


Salade Saine 🍃 & Ultra Rapide ⏰ à emporter zéro déchet🗑: Endives, chèvre 🐐et noix | Milena & Co - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Salade Saine 🍃 & Ultra Rapide ⏰ à emporter zéro déchet🗑: Endives, chèvre 🐐et noix | Milena & Co - Duration: 2:26.


Bitcoin Nedir, Ne İşe Yarar? - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Nedir, Ne İşe Yarar? - Duration: 1:31.


New "Power Rangers" Movie

For more infomation >> New "Power Rangers" Movie


For more infomation >> New "Power Rangers" Movie


Thousands run Shamrock'n to help beat cancer - Duration: 2:07.



















































For more infomation >> Thousands run Shamrock'n to help beat cancer - Duration: 2:07.


For more infomation >> Thousands run Shamrock'n to help beat cancer - Duration: 2:07.


Ethan N: 4. Пасс/пассинг для транс*людей || Passing (eng sub) || FtM - Duration: 8:31.

Hi! Today I want to tell you about the passing.

What thing is it? In trans-community "passing" is the possibility to be taken by the others according to your prefered gender.

Strictly speaking, "passing" is the external correspondence of your appearance, voice, walk, to the expectations of the society.

I think, one might say that passing is the conformity of the appearance to the binary system.

Clothes and make up have no gender and we will certainly talk about it, but just another time.

Now I just want to give some pieces of advice about passing and about fighting with dysphoria for transpeople, who are more comfortable with living in binary system.

The first and the most important piece of advice: if you feel bad mentally, take a shower.

It is so simple, that it may seem offensive, but it works.

Just take a shower. You have to get a wisp and literally polish the whole body.

You can imagine how you are washing off all the negative stuff. Just let yourself a moment to hide in water.

Change after the shower. Completely. T-shirt, socks, underwear – change for the new fresh ones.

I promise it will be easier to breath. If you climb into the fresh bed afterwards, that would be amazing as well.

Second piece of advice: the perfume and shower gel.

Transguys, go to the shop and buy THE MOST VIGOROUS shower gel with the smell of WELDING, engine oil, sweat of the lumberjack.

Transgirls, for you – the sweetest smell of the flowers possible, with the fairy essence and a ton of glitter.

In other words, just mind something very BINARY.

And then go home and remember what I first advised. Take a shower as never before.

So that the smell of the shower gel literally gets into your skin. Same with the perfume.

Of course, the senses that you have chosen should please you. Get used to them. They will be associated with the final image of yourself that you strive for.

People never consciously pay attention to the senses and smells, but subconsciously we do appreciate them,

we sense how others skin, hair or clothes smell, but we don`t actually think about it (if, of course, the person does not stink).

And if you smell typically feminine or typically masculine, at first glance it would not have any effect

but actually this association will stay in the minds of other people and most importantly in your own head.

This smell might become your cure that will allow you to feel more comfortable.

And that is what we strive for, isn`t it?

Not the passing, but something a bit more important than that: don`t torture your body.

Boys, please, don`t tie the binder that hard like you want to break your own ribs.

Half of the centimeter that you will achieve by doing it is not worth all those problems with breathing and skin that a too tight binder will bring.

No need to hate your body. It is not guilty.

The presence of the breast does not make you less masculine. It is just a part of the body.

The most important thing is your comfort and health. Please take care of yourselves.

Same for the transgirls, that force themselves to wear high heels. If it hurts or it is just inconvenient, don`t torture your feet.

Your legs are beautiful, and you are beautiful, with or without heels. Believe me.

And the fourth piece of advice: attention to the details. Our whole life consists of the small details.

I am sure everyone can find something that will help to stay in harmony with yourself and to feel comfortable. The easiest variant is clothes and accessories.

If you want to feel more masculine, start wearing the ankle boots or other types of heavy boots. Once I have bought those for one of the photoshoots but when I tried the on…

Well, I nearly slept in those. It was just that period of my transition when I was not feeling kind of stable.

And every time when I could put on those magical boots, I physically and mentally felt like a panzer. It seemed that with one footkick I could destroy anything.

Well, it is bad to hurt people, it was a bad example, but the fact is still the same: just a pair of boots made me much more confident.

Maybe, for you, this item would be a hat, a belt, a pair of glasses, or a piercing. It doesn't matter. But it needs to make you feel better.

I was watching a video by one incredible transwoman and she recommended her followers the underwear.

I feel that in a way it is even better than the pair of boots because you don` t usually come across the unisex models in underwear, it is quite strictly divided into "men`s" and "women`s".

And the choice of the women's underwear is very impressive, so, transgirls, go and buy yourself the most beautiful set of the underwear, that you will find.

Just because you deserve it.

And a bit more about the binary little things. My transition lasts for nearly two years already (yet, by the way, soon two: on the 26 of march I might be congratulated with my second birthday).

So, it is a relatively small amount of time, my adaptation is still going.

I am feeling more confident every new day, every day my understanding of things gets more vivid, but sometimes I feel a lack of self-confidence.

I never doubt my gender for even a second but there are moments when it seems that I am not something enough.

The hair is not short enough, the voice is not low enough, and something else is not enough...

It is all very subjective and has nothing to do with the gender, and I understand it quite well, but this feeling of mini- anxiety still hits me sometimes.

The last time it was about three months ago. I was standing in the bathroom after the shower; I was brushing my teeth and looking at myself the mirror.

And suddenly I felt very small, awkward, insignificant.

The feeling was not strong but it still did disappoint me quite a lot.

I started to apply the shaving foam and accidently too more than I needed. I do have facial hair but not a lot so I only shave the chin.

So, I didn`t know where to put the rest that I didn't need and I just applied it completely like they do in the commercial. Just for the fun of it.

And I looked at the mirror and.., no I didn't start laughing. I just thought that everything is in the right places.

My calmness was back.

It might seem silly and funny but I was happy and that is what matters.

And if something, it was not an advice to cover yourself in shaving foam. I have just shared a small story.

Fifthly. Guys, please don`t smoke to lower your voice. It doesn`t always work, and even if it does, believe me it is not worth it.

I now know that most of the people use "upper" breathing in daily life. For the better voice condition you have to know how to use "lower, stomach" breathing.

While practicing, I have acknowledged that my actual voice is actually way lower than I thought.

You can also read about it and to train your voice. This will not only help with the voice, but it is also quite healthy for the organism.

And also absolutely free unlike smoking.

So here are maybe obvious but still useful pieces of advice about physically fighting the gender dysphoria.

The more important one is the inner mental fight, but this is another question that I hope I will raise at some point.

And secondly, human is a social creature, and that is why the inner fight is very much connected to the outer one.

And one more time: remember you are great!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Ethan N: 4. Пасс/пассинг для транс*людей || Passing (eng sub) || FtM - Duration: 8:31.


For more infomation >> Ethan N: 4. Пасс/пассинг для транс*людей || Passing (eng sub) || FtM - Duration: 8:31.


Citroën DS3 1.2 PureTech So Chic Airco/Getint glas/Regensensor - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.2 PureTech So Chic Airco/Getint glas/Regensensor - Duration: 1:08.


For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.2 PureTech So Chic Airco/Getint glas/Regensensor - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C4 Coupe 1.4 16V Anniversaire - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Coupe 1.4 16V Anniversaire - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Coupe 1.4 16V Anniversaire - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureT. Business - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureT. Business - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureT. Business - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C5 Tourer 2.0 16V L. Business - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C5 Tourer 2.0 16V L. Business - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Citroën C5 Tourer 2.0 16V L. Business - Duration: 1:01.


【UNDERTALE FR】Stronger Than You - Frisk/Chara Reponse (Undertale Animation Parody) - Duration: 2:58.

So, Comedian, I suppose you're going to beat me again, huh ?


Your lucky time'll end soon.

Prepare yourself now, Cuz this is time

for you to understand why everybody fear my temperament.

Always a knife in hand.

Just one hit and it'll be the end for you.

I already know the guys your type.

Melancholic ones, good, they are the best targets.

Come on, try kill me once again.

In this cold room, let's play hide-and-seek.

Go ahead, hit me agin,

i know you're able. :)

I still have a bunch of savepoints usables.

Aren't you tired of fighting again and again ?

I'll be back even after dying. <3

So come on let me win, stop dodging.

You can't flee your destiny forever.

You know i'll be here even after killing me.

And i won't be the one who'll give up.

I am made of LOVE






"This is where it stops"

"This is where it ends"

You keep telling me those words, hoping i'll understand your wounds.

Even if i can hear them, i'll never give up !

Do you want to escape that much the truth,

And the memories of the past ?

Go ahead, hit me again, i know you're able.

I still have a bunch of savepoints usables.

Do you really think i'll give up if you stay patient ?

You'll be defeated by my DETERMINATION.

I made your friends all disappear.

Ruin all your game, this is why i'm here.

And i'll CONTINUE. You, you'll just DIE.

This is just your destiny.

I'm entirely made of LOVE



And I'm stronger than you.




Much stronger than you.




Much stronger than you.




For more infomation >> 【UNDERTALE FR】Stronger Than You - Frisk/Chara Reponse (Undertale Animation Parody) - Duration: 2:58.


For more infomation >> 【UNDERTALE FR】Stronger Than You - Frisk/Chara Reponse (Undertale Animation Parody) - Duration: 2:58.


A Brief History of the Budgies | Budgerigars - Parakeets - Duration: 1:34.

Budgerigars have ancestors that stretch back for millennia.

In fact, these birds first appeared on earth long before humans.

They are native to Australia, and the first humans who came into contact with them were

most likely the aborigines of that land.

The first recorded description of the budgerigar was made in 1805 by an English zoologist and

botanist named George Shaw.

The first budgerigar was brought to Europe by an English ornithologist named John Gould

in 1840, and the first captive breeding began just a decade later during the 1850s.

Although the first recorded color variation wasn't made until 1870, a wide variety of

variations followed shortly thereafter.

The budgerigar's popularity as a household pet rose dramatically during the 20th century,

and the bird continues to be a very popular pet to this day.

For more infomation >> A Brief History of the Budgies | Budgerigars - Parakeets - Duration: 1:34.


For more infomation >> A Brief History of the Budgies | Budgerigars - Parakeets - Duration: 1:34.


Salade Saine 🍃 & Ultra Rapide ⏰ à emporter zéro déchet🗑: Endives, chèvre 🐐et noix | Milena & Co - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Salade Saine 🍃 & Ultra Rapide ⏰ à emporter zéro déchet🗑: Endives, chèvre 🐐et noix | Milena & Co - Duration: 2:26.


For more infomation >> Salade Saine 🍃 & Ultra Rapide ⏰ à emporter zéro déchet🗑: Endives, chèvre 🐐et noix | Milena & Co - Duration: 2:26.



For more infomation >> PARIS SPORTIFS : Comment DÉMASQUER les TIPSTERS BIDONS ? - Duration: 6:39.


For more infomation >> PARIS SPORTIFS : Comment DÉMASQUER les TIPSTERS BIDONS ? - Duration: 6:39.


DuckTales Theme Song as S...

For more infomation >> DuckTales Theme Song as S...


Currently Reading | March 2017 - Duration: 7:24.

hi everyone it' Lauren, now I was going

to talk to you today about the books I

read in the first half of March but I've

actually only finished one book and I'm

in the middle of reading several others

so I thought what I would do instead is

do a kind of chatty discussion

about what I'm currently reading and you

know, my thoughts on these books so far

The first book that I have finished in the

month of March is The Argonauts by Maggie

Nelson, now this is a memoir,

autobiography of Maggie Nelson's life with

her partner who is fluifly gendered, but it's

about so much it's like nothing

I've ever read before; it's about gender


it's about your sexuality and changing

sexualities, kind of what it means to be

in a self-identified queer relationship

when that your partner then goes on

testosterone and their body starts to

change and then it's also about

motherhood about her body changing when

she is pregnant with her firstchild

and it's just, it's about so much it's

very very interesting. It's written in a

much more academic style than I perhaps

thought it was going to be, she uses a

lot of quotes from philosophy and

sometimes I did feel like she was just on

this level which I I couldn't quite get

to and

yes, some of it was a little bit above my

head I think, but once I got into her

style and kind of got what she was about

I found it very interesting

it's very, like I say, philosophical

and it's a very interesting look into

what we see as a normal family life and

what the new normal might be in the


she's obviously very intellectual and I

enjoyed seeing the world through her eyes

through her perspective. So onto the

books that I am midway through, the first

of these is Leftover Women by Leta Hong-Fincher,

and this is about gender

inequality in modern China the reason

I'm reading this is that is the pick of

the month for the Feminist Orchestra

book club which is a book club that Jean runs

on Goodreads, I will leave a link in the

description box below if you'd like to

check it out. They are having a two-month

hiatus at the moment as it has been going

nonstop for a year but I believe she

will be back in June. I don't read very

much non fiction as a rule but it is

something I would really like to get

into in the coming months so I was

really looking forward to picking this

one up and I especially find China quite

interesting as a country

and this is about a new phrase called

'leftover women' which is used in China to

describe women who are kind of over the

age of 25, 26, 27, 28 who are unmarried and

it's a very interesting phenomenon

because there's a lot of pressure on

young women to get married as soon as


there's also a lot of pressure on young

men to own a home and so even though a woman

might be very financially independent

and put a lot of money into a house

with her husband, in the majority of

cases the deed of the house is in the

husband's name alone and this is where I

am at the moment in the book. There's a

lot of other things I'm sure she's going

to explore, but it's a very interesting

look at all the different contributing

factors as to why women are in a more

financially precarious position in China

than they have been in the past, it

almost feels like they're going

backwards a little bit. It studies a lot of

the different societal norms and

expectations that there are in China

which are very different to where I live

in the west and it uses a lot of

anecdotal evidence for women that

Hong-Fincher has surveyed and she kind of uses

a variety of sources

it does feel like an extended essay or

extended article on the subject I'm not

sure I'm really getting the writer's own

voice through but like I said, because I don't

read a lot of nonfiction I don't reall know

how to compare this to in terms of writing

but the subjects and what I'm learning

I'm finding really interesting and it's

very very readable. I'm also reading some

fiction, I am in the middle of Home by

Marilynne Robinson which is on my kindle

I always like to have a kindle book

going as well as some physical books

because I have this like weird fear that

if I'm on a train and I finish my

physical book...well what if I finish it?

and I don't have another book to hand

to pick up straight away?! Because I always like

to be reading something so I always have

my kindle on me, because it's very easy

to pick a new book on your kindle

Home is part of a trilogy of

companion novels the first of these is Gilead,

add the third one is Lila and I read

those a couple of years ago when we

did the videos for the Man Booker Prize

and Lila was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize so I

thought, well I'd better read some of the

preceding novels to this story before I

read it

However the books themselves don't

actually follow a specific

order and the plots kind of

overlap so you don't need to read them

from Gilead - Home - Lila, you can kind of

read them in any order you want and you can

probably read them stand alone although you'd

get a very different experience I think

doing it that way. I really enjoyed

Gilead when I read it, it's about a vicar

in this small Midwestern American town

who knows that he's terminally ill, he's

writing a series of letters his young

son talking about his life, he's kind of

musing on life, death and faith and I

really very much enjoyed it. Home is told

from the perspective of this vicar's

best friend's family so it's about his

best friend's daughter and it's about

the return home of this guy's wayward son

who's not been in Gilead for about 20

years and it's about how they're

all reacting to that

Marilynne Robinson's writing is very slow

and it kind of unfolds, it'a very much about that

kind of American family life and I think

this is set in the sixties and seventies

so I'm enjoying it because I like

her tone and I liked Gilead when I read

it. To be honest I loved Gilead, I

thought Lila was ok and at the

moment I'm getting vibes that Home is ok

I think I liked Gilead because it was

told from the perspective of this vicar

and I likes his kind of ponderings and

musings on life and Home and Lila are just

about other characters in that world

which just kind of didn't speak to

me as much. And the last book that I'm currently

reading is a collection of short stories

by Lucia Berlin called A Manual for

Cleaning Women and these stories are set in

the 60s, 70s, 80s I think, in various

points in the US, they're set in New York

New Mexico, in Chile and I didn't really know

what to think about this going in, it's quite

a long collection of short stories and I

wasn't sure how I was going to feel, but

actually reading them, most of them are

based on Lucia Berlin's own life and

there's lots of characters that come

back and it feels like it's

fictionalized, but some of it I'm not

sure it's fiction or if some of it really

happened, so it actually becomes this

cohort of stories which all make sense

together and it feels like these are

different chapters of one big story and

I'm really loving that she looks

at some quite intense and sad subjects

but she puts a little bit of humor in

there and she's got some quite dry and

witty observations about American

life, so I am really enjoying it so far

I'm about halfway through

it's not the kind of book that you can race

through because it's just lots and lots

of little stories but yeah I'm actually

very impressed. I'm enjoying it more than

I expected to be going in. I will be

really interested to see if my opinions

on any of these change like once I

finish them compared to where I'm

feeling now at the midway point for

most of them. I would love to hear from

you as always if you've read any of these books and

I guess I'll see you in my next video


For more infomation >> Currently Reading | March 2017 - Duration: 7:24.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:01.


Baby Driver Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:36.

So, you're just starting your day, or did you just get off?

They call, I go, you know?

So, what is it you do?

I'm a driver.

Like a chauffeur.

Anyone I'd know?

- I hope not. - What is your name?


Your name's baby? B, A, B, Y, baby?

It's the one who listen to the music all the time? Is he mental?

Mental meaning slow, was he slow?


He had an accident when he was a kid.

Still has a hum in the drum, plays music to drown it out

and that's what makes him the best.

One more job and I'm done.

One more job and we're straight.

I don't need to give you the speech about what'll happen when you say no,

how I could break your legs and kill everyone you love, 'cause you know that.

The moment you catch feelings

is the moment you catch a bullet.

And your waitress girlfriend, she's cute.

Let's keep it that way.

I want us to head west and never stop.

You in?

I'm in, Baby.

These days, Baby,

- you've got to get blood on your hands. - Time to face the music.

- Baby, we need to get out of here. - I have to end this.

We're in bed together now.

- Baby. - Baby.

Doc said Micheal Myers!

- This is Mike Myers. - It should be the Halloween mask!

- This is a Halloween mask! - No, the killer dude from Halloween!

Oh, you mean Jason.


Baby, you tell me who dies.

She a good girl? You love her?

- Yes, I do. - Well, that's too bad.

For more infomation >> Baby Driver Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:36.


Voyager of the Seas - Royal Caribbean International Cruise Line - Duration: 17:15.

Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas was the world's largest cruise ship when it debuted in 1999,

and its arrival marked the beginning of a new era of larger,

more amenity-filled vessels at the line.

At 137,276 tons,

Voyager of the Seas initially was considered so large that it would never sail anywhere outside of the Caribbean.

Still, as cruising has grown worldwide in recent years,

Royal Caribbean has redeployed the vessel to Europe,

Asia and Australia.

Here, it's docked in Sydney in November 2012.

Voyager of the Seas was the first of five similar Voyager Class vessels that debuted between 1999 and 2003.

It can carry 3,114 passengers at double occupancy,

with a total capacity of 3,840 passengers.

One of the most notable features of Voyager of the Seas at the time of its debut was its width of 157.5 feet,

which allowed for such groundbreaking new amenities as an interior,

mall-like Royal Promenade.

It was one of the first cruise ships that was too wide to fit through the Panama Canal.

The main pool deck on Voyager of the Seas is home to one of the ship's three pools and four of six hot tubs.

Voyager of the Seas' main pool deck is more than 150 feet wide with lounge seating spread over two decks.

One of two large hot tubs on Voyager of the Seas' main pool deck is reserved for adults.

Voyager of the Seas broke new ground in cruising when it debuted in 1999

with what at the time was an unusual number of deck-top activities such as rock climbing,

now a staple of Royal Caribbean ships.

Voyager of the Seas also offers a full-size basketball court,

part of a deck-top sports complex at the back of the ship.

A nine-course miniature golf course called Voyager Dunes sprawls around the back of the vessel's top deck.

Another view of the Voyager of the Seas' miniature golf course.

Voyager of the Seas' deck-top sports complex also is home to an inline-skating track.

Table tennis is another deck-top activity.

A jogging track encircles the top deck of Voyager of the Seas,

with five laps making a mile.

Passengers staying in top suites on Voyager of the Seas receive special gold cards

that give them access to private lounge areas near the ship's main pool.

A secluded sunning area located above the main pool deck.

More outdoor seating atop Voyager of the Seas.

A quiet seating area is located at the front of the ship,

far from the main pool.

The Viking Crown Lounge,

a hallmark of Royal Caribbean ships,

overlooks the main pool deck.

Royal Caribbean has placed signs around Voyager of the Seas' pool areas

that discourage passengers from saving chairs with personal items.

The adult-only, Roman-themed Solarium is a quiet area near the ship's spa that features a swimming pool,

lounge chairs and two hot tubs.

Another view of the adult-only Solarium pool area.

Voyager of the Seas sailed a series of cruises from China in 2012 for the first time,

prompting Royal Caribbean to add Chinese language signage around the ship's pool areas and elsewhere.

Pool area signs also are available in English.

Voyager of the Seas has a dedicated children's area called Adventure Ocean that includes an outdoor play area called Adventure Beach.

The Adventure Beach play area includes a small water slide for toddlers.

Like a growing number of Royal Caribbean ships,

Voyager of the Seas has an indoor/outdoor Johnny Rockets burger eatery.

Located near the ship's arcade and teen lounge,

it's a popular hangout for the younger set on board.

Located on Deck 4,

an outdoor promenade offers passengers a quiet place to stroll,

gaze out over the ocean and play shuffleboard.

One of the great innovations found on Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas is its four-deck-high interior Royal Promenade.

The ship was the first of 10 at Royal Caribbean to debut with such a feature,

made possible by the vessel's width.

Voyager of the Seas' Royal Promenade is home to bars,

shops and food outlets.

It serves as a central meeting place,

or "town square," for passengers on the ship.

The champagne-serving Champagne Bar is located along the Royal Promenade on Deck 5.

The bar area of the Champagne Bar.

The Royal Promenade's General Store sells everyday items including toiletries,

albeit at a hefty mark-up from prices on land.

The Scoreboard Sports Bar, located along the Royal Promenade,

features televisions programmed to sporting events around the world.

A red Morgans sports car that once belonged to Royal Caribbean chairman Richard Fain sits in front of the bar.

One of the most popular venues along the Royal Promenade is the Pig & Whistle,

a British-style pub with indoor and outdoor seating.

The Pig & Whistle features live music nightly and serves a wide range of beers including Guinness and Bass Ale.

Shops along the Royal Promenade include a Coach store selling handbags.

A glimpse inside the Coach store on Voyager of the Seas.

Cafe Promenade on the Royal Promenade serves small sandwiches,

pizza and pastries at no extra charge.

Ben & Jerry's ice cream also is available for an extra fee,

as are Starbucks coffee drinks.

The sandwich and pastry counter at Cafe Promenade.

Just outside Cafe Promenade is an English phone booth that harbors an ATM machine.

The 410-seat, Egyptian-themed Cleopatra's Needle Lounge is home to live music and dancing nightly.

The dance floor at Cleopatra's Needle Lounge.

Voyager of the Seas' main showroom,

called La Scala, seats 1,347 people and is home to Broadway-style shows,

comedy acts and other entertainment.

Voyager of the Seas' hippest nightspot is the Vault Night Club,

which is accessed through sliding doors one deck below the Royal Promenade.

A seating area in the Vault Night Club.

Passengers must be 18 years old or older to enter.

The Vault Night Club spreads out over two decks of the ship.

The clubby, ship-themed Schooner Bar has seating for 150 people.

Voyager of the Seas boasts a large casino, the Casino Royale.

With a capacity for 500 passengers,

Voyager of the Seas' Casino Royale offers a wide mix of table games and slot machines.

The Casino Royale is located on Deck 4 of the ship.

Just outside the casino on Deck 4 is the Aquarium Bar,

which has an ocean theme.

Skater Katarina Witt christened the Voyager of the Seas on Nov. 21, 1999.

Located on Deck 3,

Studio B is an ice skating rink that also can be transformed into a meeting area that seats 700 people.

Voyager of the Seas' Art & Photo Gallery.

Spread over three floors,

Voyager of the Seas' main dining room has space for 1,999 passengers at a time.

Passengers can sign up for traditional fixed seating at the dining room or more flexible,

come-when-you-want "My Time" seating.

There are two fixed seatings in the dining room: Early and Late.

Voyager of the Seas has its own television studio for in-house productions shown on cabin TVs.

At the very top of the ship, on Deck 15,

is a chapel where vow renewals and other ceremonies are performed.

Voyager of the Seas' Video Arcade is near the children's areas of the ship on Deck 12.

The Video Arcade features air hockey,

skee ball and a wide range of video games.

Located near the Adventure Ocean childrens' area,

the Optix Teen Disco is an alcohol-free nightclub for passengers under the age of 18.

Voyager of the Seas' two-deck-high Library doubles as an Internet cafe.

The Windjammer Cafe is the ship's casual buffet eatery,

with seating for 300 people.

Coffee, hot tea, iced tea,

water and lemonade are available at Windjammer Cafe drink stations for no extra charge.

Casual buffet breakfasts,

lunches and dinners are served daily in the Windjammer Cafe.

The Windjammer Cafe is home to soft-serve ice cream machines.

The Vitality Spa & Fitness Center offers more than 100 treatments,

including massages and acupuncture.

An aerobics workout room and a fitness area also are part of the Vitality Spa & Fitness Center.

Located at the top of the ship near its miniature golf course,

the 19th Hole is a golf-themed bar with seating for 35 people.

The Viking Crown Lounge on Deck 14 overlooks the pool area of the ship.

It has a small dance floor, bar and lounge area and has room for more than 300 people.

Voyager of the Seas has 1,557 cabins,

including 707 ocean-view cabins with balconies such as this one.

Ocean-view cabins feature two twin beds that can be pushed together to form a king bed.

Ocean-view cabins also have a sofa that often can be pulled out to make room for a third or fourth passenger.

Each ocean-view cabin includes a desk area with built-in drawers for storage and a flat-screen television.

Electric kettles for boiling water for tea and instant coffee are located on cabin desks.

Voyager of the Seas cabins have U.S.-style,

double-outlet plugs located at the desk area.

Every cabin on Voyager of the Seas has a mini-bar that is stocked with

(extra-charge) sodas and alcoholic drinks.

A bathroom in a standard ocean-view cabin.

Ocean-view cabin bathrooms have built-in sink areas,

a toilet and a circular shower but no bathtub.

The sink area in an ocean-view cabin.

Showers in ocean-view cabin bathrooms have pump dispensers with shampoo.

Of 939 cabins with an ocean-view,

707 have balconies.

The balconies feature two chairs and a small circular table.

Cabin balconies on Voyager of the Seas are partially enclosed from the elements,

as can be seen here in a picture taken while the ship was sailing in New Zealand's Milford Sound.

Every cabin on Voyager of the Seas has a safe located in a closet area.

The front of Voyager of the Seas,

as seen from the ship's forward Observation Deck.

Located on Deck 5,

the Observation Deck is a good place to watch passing scenery.

It's at the very front tip of Voyagers of the Seas

an area not always open to passengers on cruise ships.

Passengers gaze out over New Zealand's glacier-carved Doubtful Sound from the Promenade Deck of Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas.

Emergency life rafts are located along the Promenade Deck,

in addition to lifeboats.

Receptacles for recyclable trash are a common site around Voyager of the Seas.

The business services lounge includes a staffed desk where passengers can book future cruises.

The Guest Relations desk is staffed around-the-clock with crew members who can answer passenger questions about billing and other issues.

Passengers can book shore excursions at the ship's Explorations Desk,

located on Deck 5 off the Royal Promenade.

Voyager of the Seas also offer a small space for conferences and meetings held on board the vessel.

The Conference Center has room for 400 people.

A stylized Voyager of the Seas sign overhangs the ship's main pool deck.

An orange Voyager of the Seas buoy.

When seas get rough,

seasickness bags appear on stairways throughout the ship.

ATM machines are located in several places around the ship,

including the Royal Promenade.

For more infomation >> Voyager of the Seas - Royal Caribbean International Cruise Line - Duration: 17:15.


DIY Unboring Nude Nails w/ Holo Powder, Multi-Chrome & Unicorn Skin - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> DIY Unboring Nude Nails w/ Holo Powder, Multi-Chrome & Unicorn Skin - Duration: 6:49.


BEST PLAYS - BATTLEFIELD 1 - Episode #2 - Duration: 4:34.

K: Shoot


M: This thing shoots fast!

Cool eh?!

And if you hit something is even cooler!

It's a pity that it doesn't do any area damage.

M: It's a pity that is made of paper!

K: Mmmmmmmmmmm...

Yeah maybe the jeep it is…

I'm taking the turret

It's so cool, the game didn't load the engine's sound

I'm hearing only crunches

M: True!


K: Ok I'll cover you with the turret

M: Battlefield is awesome god dammit!


K: Oh landship!

*Random words

M: No it hit me!

K: Where? I sit coming here?

I sit still alive?

M: Yes!

K: Shit there is a flamer, I'm leaving Mè

I'm sorry...

I won't be your guardian angel this time

I'll hide myself here

M: Can I spawn on you?

K: It's safe enough for now

M: Where are the enemies?

I'm living ammo to support players…

Seems normal to you???

K: Ah the son of a bitch is there…

M: Who?

K. Behind that wall…

There we go...

The bastard...

Oh no...

M: Someone is coming

K: Get up


What are you doing??

M: God dammit...

K: Grenades

Shit watch out...

We are sieged!

Oh well nope...

We have creare the area

M: Yes... A landship is approaching

K: Nooo from where?

M: May be down

K: Watch out the other building!

If you have the crossbow just use…


He's in!

We've took him down.

I'm going!

This one is stilla live…

M: NO!

He's inside this fucking house

9 - 0



OMG what am I doing wait

Who knows what would happen if there was a medic nearby…

For more infomation >> BEST PLAYS - BATTLEFIELD 1 - Episode #2 - Duration: 4:34.


A Really Cool Card Trick - Duration: 0:56.

whats going on everyone and today i'm going to show you a really cool card trick that

I came up with my self so i'm going to riffle down the deck just like this and if you were

here you could tell me when to stop but lets stop just about right there so I want you

look at that card right there mesmerize it got it so i'm going to put it right on top

just like that now watch watch

one card changes one card changes what was your card was your card the ace of diamonds

if your card was the ace of diamonds hit that like button hit that subscribe button tell

me what you think of this trick in the comment sections below how you enjoyed and we'll see

you in the next video

For more infomation >> A Really Cool Card Trick - Duration: 0:56.


How to create a Facebook group 2017 - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> How to create a Facebook group 2017 - Duration: 4:49.


Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Expression - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Expression - Duration: 1:03.


CHINESE military ambitions - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> CHINESE military ambitions - Duration: 5:20.


Best Android Tv Box 2017? The Best Android Box For Kodi - Part 3 - Duration: 4:25.

today I'm gonna show you the top three

best android TV boxes part three number

three Jen box can box is the theme of

highly powered devices without 4k

playback compared with the utilities its

prices significantly lower its Android

configuration is what makes installing

Claudia brief the nexus player doesn't

support 4k playback despite a moderately

powerful 1.5 gigahertz quad-core

processor if you are not the type of

person who gets disturbed by the lack of

pixels of you don't mind full HD

playback then the gym boxes EV Cody

installation and ample gaming options

which cover streaming over both gamefly

and the same link might actually make

this your fabric droid the gym box is

perfect for those who like to play light

android games on the screen pc titles or

TV to the big screen

it is wonderful to have a compact

streaming and low-cost android TV box it

comes to the peptide which is an

alternative to google play and also

hopefully so supported Cody and its many

builds a sense it is easy to install and

accessing the quality content is a

brings the gin boxes only downside is it

slightly fiddly interface of the app

because not all android apps play fair

with the gym box controller but you can

buy an optional remote for more

information and latest price check

description below this video

number two Mattrick Angie box q2

Mattrick mg box you to blurb claims that

is actually a full android computer that

comes with far more flexibility when

compared to its competitors despite

marketing itself an android TV box that

IT doesn't come pre-loaded with cody but

viewing of the gbox you too was built

with cody in mind

Mattrick has mated amazingly simple for

transferring content and to install Cody

bills from the external storage

it is great if you plan to stream

quality content from your pc as the

matter has also equip the g box q2 with

enough power for pushing out 4k video

content and also with 16 gigabytes of

internal storage you will be able to

plug in a microSD card or a USB 3

storage device for expanding your

storage it will do 4k ultra HD

resolutions and full 1080p it is

somewhat larger than a rope Foo in size

but is so much more with a smooth and

vivid playback you can watch live

streams and movies the latest launcher

on the g box is excellent and very easy

to navigate it comes with a quad-core s

812 cpu which is paired using the

powerful Molly 450 octo-core 3d GPU

graphics processors number one

amazon fire TV stiff new

second-generation amazon fire TV stick

to come with cody and other streaming TV

apps pre-installed you will be able to

stream virtually anything you want to

such as live TV sports movies and

television shows that are on hulu and

netflix i will start off by saying the

all-new amazon fire TV stick off where

it's ever so popular predecessor left

off offering the one of the most

inexpensive ways to stream hours of

content to your TV

amazon digital assistant has arrived on

the fire TV stick the assistant itself

comes as part of the new dog voice

control remote and just like the other

version of alexa it lets you navigate

around 7,000 apps including netflix

Alexa doesn't work in exactly the same

way as it's on the firm's echo speakers

it isn't always on listening for that

Alexa keyphrase instead it's activated

through the new voice remote control the

fire stick package will include

the Amazon fire TV stick the remote

control with alexa voice control a power

adapter to triple-a batteries and hdmi

extender if the fire TV stick is not fit

into your TV's HDMI fort for more

information and latest price check

description below this video thank you

for watching this video we share this

video and give me a thumbs up and also

don't forget to subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> Best Android Tv Box 2017? The Best Android Box For Kodi - Part 3 - Duration: 4:25.


Sisters W.I.P Thanks For 600 Subscribers! - Duration: 0:50.

Foot steps on snow

Oh, hi sis.

Oh come on!

Don't tell me you're still upset about it!

I'm... Not upset.


I'm a part of your mind!

I know what you're thinking.

I guess that's true.

Come on, just keep walking.

Your house is close.


For more infomation >> Sisters W.I.P Thanks For 600 Subscribers! - Duration: 0:50.


Lauv - The Story Never Ends (Piano Version) - Duration: 3:48.

Stick, stick to your stones cause that's all you know

I was caught in the middle I swallow my words down to the bone

Cause nothing's that simple

Late at night you pour it out

Know that only brings you down

But go ahead give me all the blame Yeah, twist my words and set them to flame,

woah We all know

That you'll go tell all of your friends That I'm the one you wish you never met

And woah We all know

The story never ends The story never ends

Wound me like a toy spinning too fast In every direction

How, how could I stay when you lit a match to all my intentions?

Late at night you pour it out

Know that only brings you down

But go ahead give me all the blame Yeah, twist my words and set them to flame,

woah We all know

That you'll go tell all of your friends That I'm the one you wish you never met

And woah We all know

The story never ends The story never ends

That's who you are Crash the car

And blame the road

Never your fault After all

I would know

The story never ends

The story

The story never ends

The story

The story

The story

The story...

For more infomation >> Lauv - The Story Never Ends (Piano Version) - Duration: 3:48.


How To Wear a Scarf Like a Necktie - Duration: 4:14.

So when you think about men's neckwear

generally you think ties, bow ties, ascots,

and cravats but there's also a way to

wear what is traditionally considered a

women's scarf in a way that's classy

albeit a little bit unorthodox, and

that's what we're going to learn how to do today.

So for this demonstration we're

going to use the Palm Flower scarf from

the R. Culturi collection.

Generally, you want to use scarves that

are made of a lighter fabric such as modal/silk in this case or silk twill or silk

satin. You want to avoid wools or cashmeres

because the the hand is thicker, it

might create just too big of a knot, and

it'll just make your collar bulge out

too much.

So stick to the lighter fabrics and you

should be fine.

So the first thing you want to do is you want to lay your scarf out

on a flat surface - table, bed, whatever,

it doesn't matter as long as you have enough space. You're going to

begin by taking two adjacent corners and

folding them inwards towards the center.

It doesn't have to be perfect, you're

going to get a little bit of bunching,

whatever, it's not a big deal. You're going to take the other

corner, fold it inwards to here.

Afterwards just starts to roll from here inwards.

What you're doing is you're effectively

creating a lining.

Same thing here, just roll inwards.

And then at the end just fold the two halves

onto one another, pick up by the ends,

twirl it around a little bit, and there you

have your tie.

So the first thing you

want to do is, of course, pop up your collar.

Grab your scarf, put it around your neck,

and adjust it so that the right side is

going to be a little bit longer than the left side. This

is going to be your front blade, this is

going to be your back blade, just like with a

tie. And this totally depends on your

proportions, how tall you are, what you're


how high waisted your trousers are. But, in

general, just you know, kind of play

around with it.

Put your collar back down.

Tuck everything in so it's nice and neat and you don't have any

scarf sticking out anywhere, and begin to

tie it, again, just like a four-in-hand. You're

gonna pass the right side over the left

side then in the back and loop it around

once, put it through the loop at the top,

let it hang down a little bit and just adjust

everything making sure it's nice and neat, and

then you're gonna want to put this through the

loop you've created right here. So, just

push it right through.

So, now you have your knot, it's done, and what

you want to do is just adjust it.

So you're pulling the back to raise it up, tighten it

up, and the front to give the knot the shape that

you want.

So there you have it. Now what I like to

do is I like to wear this with a

waistcoat so I'm gonna put it through

my waistcoat and fan it out a little bit.

There you have it. That's how you wear a women's scarf like a tie.

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