Stick with me as we discuss a theory
about the relationship with Mandela
Effect and Planet X. First off let me
start off by saying I'm not a planet x
expert. I really don't know much about
Nibiru. I only really found out about it
recently when people kept commenting all
over about, "hey what about Planet X?" "What
about Planet X?" They just wouldn't
leave it alone in the comments section.
So during one of my live shows,
we talked about anything on
this show, and if you see my live shows
you know we we're not afraid to tackle
some pretty out-there subjects. I was
like all right we'll talk about it
because why not talk about it?
I'm open-minded and the Mandela
Effect has shaken my
reality. These things that I would have
thought were ridiculous a few years ago
now it's like you know what's real
anymore? yeah maybe there is, who knows? So
let's talk about it. What happened is
if you guys don't know what I'm talking
about there is he planet called planet x.
This is not some sort of mystery but
it has been kind of swept under the
rug over the last hundred years there is
something that is pulling on the orbit
of Neptune and Uranus. It's been
known about for almost two or three
hundred years now and at first they
thought it was Pluto. So they do these
mathematical calculations and located
Pluto and then later on after they
started getting better information about
Pluto they realized it's way too small
to pull these giant planets out of their
orbits. Something they had to be out
there. So they've been searching for
Planet X for many many years and a lot
of people think that the government
found it a long time ago and is very
hush-hush about it.
A lot of conspiracy about it. Zecharia
Sitchin wrote all these books and
papers and stuff about this planet being
the home of aliens that come around
every 3,600 years. It's on like
the super big orbit. This planet will
come by and really disrupt earth and
pole shifts and there's just so much
information. I'm not an expert. You
guys watching probably know way more
about this than I do and feel free to
comment if you want to share what you
know about it. I'm only going to
explain that basic part because there's
videos entire channels that are way
better at it than me. What's interesting
though is I kept asking people okay what
does this planet have to do with the
Mandela effect? Nobody could really
give me a straight answer a lot of
people just wanted me to know about this
planet. They were like, well you know I
just want to make sure you heard about it
doc. In the comment section
they couldn't connect the two, Then I
got a really interesting email from one
of my viewers called Sky Blu and she
had a theory. I didn't come up
with this I gotta give credit where
credit's due that and I'm going to share
the details of that theory but first
I have to explain a big piece to
understand that theory. There's been
lots of tests in in skeptic arguments
about the afterlife and people trying to
do scientific test approved there's an
afterlife and most of them fail
miserably. You can't really prove
there's an afterlife but there was one
group of researchers in the 1990's out of a Scole, England and they they called it
the Scole experiments. Basically they're
they're a paranormal group that got
together and started trying to
communicate with other dimensions.
What made them very different is they
invited all these skeptics to prove them
wrong and these skeptics would come in
and watch their whole thing and they
could never prove these people wrong and
what's even crazier is they had some
pretty wild evidence that nobody else
has seen to produce anything else like it.
One of the things that they would do
and this is a time before like digital
cameras and stuff they would put rolls
of film out and the skeptic guys that
didn't believe them would bring the film
in a lock box stick it on the table let
them do their ceremony or whatever and
then they would immediately open the
film and process it right there and
there would be like images on it. So a
film out of a package, that is blank film somehow
this communication from beyond is
imprinting on this film. They found like
pictures and then they started finding
messages on these films and
very old english and german
sanscript and all these different languages
were appearing on these films. It was
quite remarkable because at first
everybody would have been like I well
that's all fake but it was done under
scientific condition. They're like how
is this happening this doesn't make any
sense and the they gained a lot of
credibility that way. Everything they did
was supervised. During one of these
sessions they get this instruction. They
basically put out a canister of film and
from one of their sessions instructions
comes across on how to build this
machine so you can talk to spirits
better or talk to other realities.
They put together this machine and
I'm going to link this because there's a
page that explains you can actually
build your own if you want. There's a
page that explained just a lot better in
the history behind it.
I'll leave a link to a documentary.
It's about an hour-and-a-half
documentary on the whole thing it's on
YouTube right here, somebody put it up.
I'm on a link to that too and it's
pretty enlightening stuff you should
definitely watch it even if you're a
skeptic because it's really interesting
some of the stuff they saw. I can't even
explain it. The reason I'm telling you
this piece because you need to
understand something about this machine
that was I guess for a better word
"channeled". The instructions came
across on a photo from the other side.
On this machine is basically two
coils of electromagnetic energies that
are lining up kind of like magnets and
they create a field around them. Now
they're very clear to say it's not
really electromagnetic energy because
that's what we understand but they're
talking that spiritual energy also kind
of works the same way, although it's a
little different. If you put these two
fields next to each other what happens
is they interfere with each other and
create this little void. In this
void it allows a
doorway that leads to other areas of
existence. They consider this
void "non spin energy space".
My understanding this has
created any time two magnetic fields
collide in just the right place where
their fields kind of fuse together and
create this little void and when that
happens it makes it much more accessible
to other realities to come across transmitting
information. They put a
a semiconductor crystal in that
little space and then stuck an amplifier
to it and started recording messages
that came out of there. It was pretty
amazing stuff because in this little
void that they created they took some
Germanium and which is like a
semiconductor put it under pressure a
little bit they like screwed screws on
to it and it allowed communication
with these realms a lot better. They were
recording like entire conversations with
beings from other other realms. All
this was was documented under
the eye of skeptics. This is a very
weird case in a sense that it's really
well documented and no one's ever been
able to disprove how these guys did it.
It's one of the most credible
things out there. Maybe we
will have someone from the Scole
experiment on. We'll talk a lot more
about that, but the reason I had to bring
all this up was my
listener Sky Blu had a theory saying.
Well if information can come from this
little void created by magnetic fields
what happens if two planets get near
each other and their electrical
fields create one of those voids?
A giant void in space where basically
another reality or multiple realities or
the information out of them, would be
pouring out and that information
would affect our reality. In this
picture here you can get kind of idea of
the theory. That there's this extra
dimensional space that void that's made
by these magnetic field that if these
planets got close enough perhaps that's
what's happening. Now I have to
say the theories really interesting and
it's the first one I've heard that
actually ties anything to do
with planet X Nibiru to the Mandela effect so
thank you for that. Again this isn't my
wheelhouse I'm just bringing it to you.
If people come to me with good
ideas I will talk about them. I'm gonna be it's not my place to
censor it out i'm going to share them
with you and you guys can figure out and
make your own minds up about it. Your big
boys and girls, if this rings true
to you be like "oh that's the piece I'm
missing" or if you're like "that don't
make any sense" but I do like this theory
about these voids created by magnetic
fields and I think that maybe that
needs a lot more exploration.
I'm going to link
that website again in the description.
There's actually instructions on how to
build your own machine and I don't know
if you could ramp this up or scale it up
so you could actually make a large
portal to get information something big
enough to like stick a camera in or
something, that would be kind of cool, I think
this is something that if I had the time
and money and expertise I would totally
play with this, it seems fascinating to
me. I'd like your opinions all this
and again I know I didn't really touch
on Planet X that well and all the
conspiracies behind it and I'm gonna let
you guys deal with that in the comments
because that's again on my wheelhouse
but this idea that if that planet got
close enough that it could create that
that extra dimensional void space in
there that it's a really interesting
idea I never heard anyone talk about it
so props to use Sky Blu thanks for the
idea. Please leave your comments below
and let me know what you think of this
idea. Thanks Guys.
Oh one other thing is I have a live show
on Thursdays you haven't had a chance if
you like talking about Mandela effects
and we go way past Mandela stuff
sometimes I have to admit we just let it
go. If you like a nice safe place where
you can come talk about these things
without being called crazy and nuts and
the conspiracy tinfoil hat guy, come on
over. The water is good over here. Come on
over hang out the community and I will
do my best to keep it a place where you
can talk about anything. I'll see you at
the Thursday night show or over at the
discord chat. Thanks guys. Oh you know
what I was going to say right. Be
positive, support each other and be nice to
your cat.
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