Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 4 2017

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity � Chapter 51.

By Kelly Lapseritis

Kelly and Kewaunee Lapseritis are speakers as In5d�s Lifting the Veil Conference in

Seattle, WA March 18, 2017.

Find out more at

They published the book The Sasquatch Message to Humanity as transcribed by SunB�w on


This is Chapter 51 of that book.

Kamooh (an elder Sasquatch) said: �Less than a year ago, you were transcribing our

message, which directed Kelly and Kewaunee to connect with you, and through them and

the circle then created, many others who talk with us have been connecting and sharing their


You have witnessed in the last year all along your journeys many of your people who have

come in contact with us and have developed spiritual connections with us.

We have been gathering you all worldwide through the contacts and messages of our clans ambassadors,

towards a great spiritual convergence to bring out the truth and disclosure about who we


We the Sasquatch People now rejoice, for this time has come of our great cosmic reunification.�

�This is now of primordial importance for the collective evolution of your Human People,

because remembering your Elder Brother leads you to remember your Star Elders and your

own long term spiritual evolution and forgotten psychic potential as multidimensional beings.

There will always be those opposed to the truth our very existence carries for you,

the deniers, skeptics and speculators, preferring to remain in their ignorance and taking pride

in exposing it, the fearful and ghost hunters, seeing as evil realities they don�t understand,

the hoaxers playing games, the myth busters and expert debunkers pretending they have

a clue with fake arguments for self-attention, and the dark ones who serve the plans of the

lower lords, keeping your people in ignorance and fear through lies, threat and manipulation.

But all those forces combined can�t change the truth that your Soul knows in its deepest


Truth remains and eventually sets your consciousness free from the bondage of materialism and the

illusion of temporality in which your people has been enslaved by the lower lords.�

�The lower lords are losing their powers, as your Human People is experiencing a spiritual

revolution through an awakening of the collective consciousness and as more and more of yours

will now stand for the truth, as the caretakers of all life they were meant to be on this

home-planet Mother Earth.

The escalation will cause everyone to have to choose which side they stand on, either

as unconscious materialistic destroyers or as conscious spiritual protectors and loving

caretakers, as the threat of insanity will become more obvious to many.

The great final battle has begun, because it is the last possible recourse and we have

reached the extreme limits and ultimate deadline to turn the tide with a healing wave of recovery.

Times ahead won�t be easy, but it will take all the efforts combined of all spiritual


�The materialistic mind frame which persists obsessively in making profit at all costs

its main goal is not only the product of gross ignorance, it is also dangerous for any planet

infected with that selfish greed.

In seeing as the only reality the thin layer of the energy spectrum that is matter manifested

in final linear time, consciousness becomes trapped in a temporal holographic illusion.

This limited thinking is obsolete, as it ends your evolutionary purpose.�

�Only with Soul in mind and mind in Soul can consciousness continue to evolve and expand.

Spiritually evolved beings don�t mind-speak words, they Soul-feel thoughts.

So shall you hear us with your Soul in telepathy, as we converse among ourselves and with the

Star Elders.

Words are meant for you, to assimilate knowledge your mind translates thoughts in your Human


Why would the Star Elders and my people use Human speech if not for you?�

�We are the Lemur-People, Mammal-People like you, but much more ancient than your

first ancestors.

Two hundred million years ago we first walked here and fifty million years ago we had lived

on many planets and became the main caretakers of this home-planet, after the Bird-People

started living in artificial space stations.

We are not the Ape-People nor related to the great apes as much as you are.

In fact, you are the Ape-People, because you share ninety-five percent of their genes.

But of all species we are your closest relatives, with ninety-nine percent of the same genes

you have, because we share the same DNA star seeds from our Star Elders.

This ageless DNA star seed carrying intelligent consciousness is what makes you different

from the great apes, your earthly distant cousins, and what make us Sasquatch your closest

relative of all species in the universe, being of the same star lineage.�

�Your DNA star seed was sown on Mother Earth by the Star Elders, conceived by Elementals,

hatched by Ant-People, grown by Lizard-People, raised by Bird-People and nurtured by Sasquatch-People.

Your Human-People is not the first intelligent species on this home-planet: you are the product

of aeons of care and evolution of consciousness and genetics.�

�When highly spiritually evolved beings choose to bring their consciousness on a planet

for its evolution, if there is some intelligent life there, they can come directly and communicate

openly, unless consciousness is at a level too depleted like in the case of your Earth

now, where they rather transmit their consciousness through individuals acting as open channels.

But when coming to a young planet where no spiritually intelligent species has developed,

they create an avatar combining their own DNA to that of an evolved indigenous species

adapted to the environment, as receptacles in which they incarnate their consciousness.�

�This is to help you understand who are the Elder species that have preceded your


Having forgotten about the dharmic purpose of long term Soul evolution and the spiritual

transmission of DNA through transmigration alchemy, as in the Cosmic Laws the Star Elders

have taught on all planets, Humanity has difficulty in seizing the vastness of the big picture.

This is because your Human genetic memories did not exist prior to six million years,

when your first ancestors were conceived and created in Lemuria, and your DNA has been

modified several times since, making you forget even more of the greater Soul plan you are

part of.�

�The next quantum leap of your collective consciousness is to perceive with new perspective

the vastness of infinity, beyond the limited perceptions and illusion of 4D linear space-time.

When you realize that Earth is small in the cosmos and your incarnation is short, you

start to see beyond the apparent space-time limitations through the expansion of consciousness.

You understand the futility of possessions and ego in a short lived temporal material


Your next step is to bring a new world, by raising your consciousness to the fifth dimension.�

�If you would only care for the next few generations of your descent, you would treat

this home-planet with Love and care and maintain Peace on it.

It would be the start of a planetary civilization based on Peace, with the end of the uncivilization

of destruction and wars, prime requirement for any planet to join sister planets in the

Cosmic Order of Star Elders Council.�

�If you would honor the millions of years of evolution of your ancestors and souls,

you would remember the purpose of your spiritual mission for being caretakers on this home-planet.

You would know your connection to the Earth and the stars, and live in Peace with all


When your collective consciousness reaches this simple level of cosmic understanding,

you will become mature enough as a species to be readmitted within the Council of Star


�Those who seek the truth end up finding it, because it is inscribed in your genetic

star seed and in your Soul memories, so it resonates within the fibers of your higher


As the truth emerges in this age of communication and cosmic disclosure, so does collective


It takes a few light carriers to open the path for many, as light is transmitted.�

�Here is a myth to debunk: Humanity is not at the top of the evolutionary chain; it is

not the only intelligent species on this planet or elsewhere, nor the most ancient nor the

most highly evolved.

We are not the Ape-People, you are the ones who could be called by this name.

Communication with higher intelligence would be in your greatest interest and benefit.�

�Here is a lie to expose: this home-planet doesn�t belong to the lower lords who claim

it, nor does it belong to Humanity alone.

It is the sacred home and Mother of all life forms it feeds.

Biodiversity is the result of aeons of mutual care and evolution of interspecies relations.

The miracle of Life as Creator intended is an ever changing perfection of order in apparent


Intelligent beings interact with the natural laws and they can intervene either in beneficial

or detrimental ways, depending on their level of consciousness.

Only an ignorant and arrogant species can cause the mass destruction of others and still

claim with pretense its superiority.�

�Here is a truth to tell: we Sasquatch are your Elder Brother and closest relative, who

have watched over you from near and far since your origins, trying now more than ever to

reach out to you to join our hearts and spirits in care taking this home-planet and bringing

a new world through the shift of consciousness into the fifth dimension, beyond temporality

and materialism.

This is the only way and next necessary step for your Soul evolutionary process.�

�Now this is why we are gathering some of you who are preparing for the new consciousness.

There will be some who hold the light, some who blaze the trails, some who clear the paths.

Your Indigenous Peoples are on the front line, showing the path to freedom and sovereignty.

Humanity is making its choice between two opposed ways leading in opposite directions.

Choose wisely which path you follow, which thoughts you feed, where you focus attention.

You are co-creator through the infinite consciousness you carry and your dreams manifest.�

�This is what, in this available space and time, I, Kamooh am asking you to transmit

in words, on behalf of the Council of Elders of our clans who have arranged this cosmic


Let it be known that it is out of Love, care and compassion that we reach out to offer

our help.

It is with great joy that we celebrate our reunification and coming together as ancient


�May our reconnection bring forth many fruits of wisdom that will benefit all living beings.�

For more infomation >> The Sasquatch Message to Humanity – Chapter 51 - Duration: 11:42.


Mexican Congressman Climbs US Mexico Border Fence To Illustrate Its Absurdity Confirms Need For Wall - Duration: 2:25.

Mexican Congressman Climbs US-Mexico Border Fence To Illustrate Its "Absurdity", Confirms

Need For Wall.

by Tyler Durden.

Yesterday it was the US new interior secretary arriving to work on a horse, today it is a

Mexican congressman, who stole the spotlight in this morning's bizarro news, after he went

to great lengths, and well, heights, to illustrate why in his opinion that President Trump's

controversial U.S.-Mexico border wall is "unnecessary" and "totally absurd."

First reported by ABC, Braulio Guerra, a congressman from the state of Queretaro, tweeted photos

and a video of himself perched atop a 30-foot tall fence that separates the Mexican border

city of Tijuana from the U.S.

"I was able to scale it, climb it, and sit myself right here," Guerra said in the video.

"It would be simple for me to jump into the United States, which shows that it is unnecessary

and totally absurd to build a wall."

he adds, "It's easy, and it shows how unnecessary this project, this political rhetoric from

Donald Trump, is."

"You can climb it with great ease, one climbs in an instant," Guerra says in the video.

"I climbed it in Tijuana, one of the highest parts, even from a distance this looks very

complex, but there are young people that go up and down, at all times."

In one photo, Guerra tweeted, two other people atop the wall are visible.

Guerra said they were climbing the wall while he was there.

As ABC adds, Guerra did not post any photos or video footage of himself climbing the wall,

so some in the Twittersphere questioned how he reached the top and how easy such a feat

really is.

More to the point, however, Trump has spoken at great length about building a "wall" - not

a "fence" - which others, well before Guerra, have cautioned is not sufficient to keep out

illegal immigrants.

So in an amusing roundabout way, the Mexican Congressman actually helped make Trump's point

for him.

For more infomation >> Mexican Congressman Climbs US Mexico Border Fence To Illustrate Its Absurdity Confirms Need For Wall - Duration: 2:25.


Binary Interceptor Review | SCAM ALERT! - Duration: 1:37.

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For more infomation >> Binary Interceptor Review | SCAM ALERT! - Duration: 1:37.


Spiderman & Ryder race "Fishing Game" Challenge picnic Beautiful Girl Elsa Anna Finger Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 10:20.

[[Bird singing!]]

Elsa: Smile funny!

Anna: Chuckle Smile!

Anna: Let's eat some candy Elsa!

Elsa: Yeah! OK!

Anna and Elsa: Smile Funny!

Ryder: Smile enjoying!

Spiderman: Smile with the bad thinking!

Ryder: Wow!

Ryder: Yeah!

Ryder: Uhm uh uh uhm!

Ryder: Wowwwww , smile like a child!

Ryder: Whisle mouth!

Spiderman: Long breath! Sigh!

Spiderman: angry Scream !

Spiderman: Smile with the bad thinking!

Spiderman: Ahhhhhh Scared Scream !


Spiderman: Sigh!

Spiderman: Sigh!

Spiderman: Yeah!

Spiderman: Ahhhhhh Scared Scream!


Spiderman: Crying long long long!

Spiderman: Growl Angry!

Spiderman: Smile funny with new idea !

Spiderman: Smile !

Spiderman: Scream long with BIG Angry!

Spiderman: Oh no!

[[[[[[Boat Air Deflating]]]]]

Spiderman: HELP ! HELP ME !

Ryder and Spiderman: Smile each other!

For more infomation >> Spiderman & Ryder race "Fishing Game" Challenge picnic Beautiful Girl Elsa Anna Finger Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 10:20.


Velvet Shell *Ranked* Highlights #5 - Rainbow Six Siege (English Subtitle / Cantonese & Mandarin) - Duration: 9:23.

Blackman: Bandit ran back into the objective

Blackman: Bandit is not roaming now

poman: Shit, he is behind me

poman: In the objective room

Blackman: Nice

luchenwei: qq is a mouse & keyboard player

luchenwei: He is a good player from Hong Kong

luchenwei: I am droning

poman: They didn't reinforce the trapdoor

luchenwei: Garage...

Desmond: Can anyone help me? Someone is near me

Desmond: Yellow spot

Desmond: Someone here

luchenwei: He is running away

luchenwei: Be careful

Desmond: Enemy detected outside? I know where he is

luchenwei: Your stairs

luchenwei: Nice

Blackman: Jager is defending the trophy room

Desmond: Watch out for Caveira

luchenwei: I saw one in the lobby before

luchenwei: Caveira is flanking behind you, Desmond!

Desmond: Okok

Desmond: Thank you

luchenwei: Only 2 in the objective, one is roaming now

luchenwei: Nice

luchenwei: Good teamwork!

Blackman: Hold on, I'm not sure

poman: I go first

luchenwei: Someone is roaming on the 2nd floor

luchenwei: Caveira and Bandit are roaming

luchenwei: Watch out

luchenwei: Caveira is coming

luchenwei: Caveira is coming on your left

luchenwei: Nice!

Blackman: Let's jump down to help him!

Blackman: Nice

Blackman: I am ready to jump down into the objective

Blackman: Let's jump, fjysoup

luchenwei: Waaaaaaa

Desmond: Spawn kill?

Blackman: Yes, someone here

Desmond: Waaa

luchenwei: Waaa

Blackman: F**k Yeah lol

luchenwei: Watch out! They can jump over the window

luchenwei: Nice

poman: Interrogation!!!

poman: On the 1st floor

Blackman: Interrogation!!!

Desmond: Thank you for reminding me, I am hiding on the rooftop now

Blackman: Be careful, don't be killed

Desmond: One shield = One headshot :)

luchenwei: Look at the red spot

luchenwei: There are 2 enemies near you

Desmond: At least one is pushing me on the 2nd floor

luchenwei: There are 2 enemies next to you, fjysoup

Blackman: IQ and Montagne

Blackman: Sledge...

Blackman: Or Thatcher

luchenwei: He rushed and died

Desmond: They are coming

Desmond: Maybe one or two

Blackman: Waaa...

luchenwei: Where are they? Blackman

Blackman: The door, near to Desmond

Desmond: I injured one

Blackman: Nice

Desmond: They are here, Blackman

Desmond: All of them are on the balcony now!

Desmond: All of them are on the same balcony

luchenwei: Montagne

luchenwei: IQ is pushing, Blackman

luchenwei: She ran away

poman: One entered into your office

luchenwei: Nice

luchenwei: Play safely

luchenwei: IQ is rushing!!! Blackman

Blackman: Waaa...

For more infomation >> Velvet Shell *Ranked* Highlights #5 - Rainbow Six Siege (English Subtitle / Cantonese & Mandarin) - Duration: 9:23.


Жена Самого Крутого Джедая (НЕ Вейдера) Бастила Шан, напарник Дарта Ревана. ПроЗВ#164 - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> Жена Самого Крутого Джедая (НЕ Вейдера) Бастила Шан, напарник Дарта Ревана. ПроЗВ#164 - Duration: 7:38.


Fear • Sven — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 49:54.

fear sven pro mmr gameplay dota 2

For more infomation >> Fear • Sven — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 49:54.


Rusty Dives In Watch Rusty Rivets on Nick Jr. Full Episodes HD Gameplay Kids Children - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> Rusty Dives In Watch Rusty Rivets on Nick Jr. Full Episodes HD Gameplay Kids Children - Duration: 11:30.


Love Story In A Shoebox Finds Its Way Back To Family - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Love Story In A Shoebox Finds Its Way Back To Family - Duration: 3:24.


When Is The Best Time To Get Started? - Duration: 0:44.
























For more infomation >> When Is The Best Time To Get Started? - Duration: 0:44.


CAR ACCIDENT?! Stuttgart vLog - Jacob Macron - Duration: 7:30.

Hey guys whats up?

Welcome to a new vlog

with Lukas!

We're in Stuttgart right now

and we'll pick up a bro.

I thought I can vlog a little bit while doing that.

Yea I know my hair is a bit..


"Bad hair day - you know me"

We're just going to wait a little bit

till we can meet him.

Let's go!

We arrived at the subway station

but we still have to wait till he picks us up.

But it shouldn't take long

Lukas: He's on his way see.

We'll have to discuss what we're going to do later.

What's up?


How are you?

David: Pascal and Max are there too.

Pascal: Show the Lacoste sign!

Mo has to say something:

Follow me on Instagram: @moritz_prz

and I have to add something:

Sabine is a nice girl.

So check out my Instagram!


Penalty for Madrid aka Pascal

GOAL.. What a sh***

worst penalty ever

Max: Cheer for me!

You've never had a chance!

Shut up!

It's not supposed to be like that, is it?

Mo: Why isn't it working?

I hate it

David: We'll cut that out!

Mo: Do you wanna see a goal?

Jacob: They just wanna see my goals!

Mo: Foul!

Penalty! Film it!

Jacob: I'll get a yellow card

Mo: Got got a red one!

David: You look so stupid.

Mo: I told you!

look at that! I'm the best!

Jacob: That was never a red card.

Jo guys

I just stole the camera!

We have him:

Pascal aka "long nose"!

What's your Instagram?

Awesome neckless man!

And that's David!

aka "Davian"

Thumbnail man!

Mo: Max say something!

Max: I'm Marcel from 1&1 (CellphoneProvider in Germany)

Mo: Who are you?

Max: Marcel from 1&1!

Mo: What's your Instagram?

Max: I don't remember!

We have to say something to the community:

Look at that:

What can you see there?

Add me on snapchat: m0_free

Mo: what was the result of the game?

Jacob: 4:0 I won!

Mo: I think I won 4:0!

Can anyone testify? What was the result?

David, Pascal, Max: 4:0 Jacob!

Mo: They just want fame!

I'm out!


We're heading downtown rn

and we're gonna buy some cloths!

Shoutout to Pascal and Max: Awesome dudes!

Comment how you like the caps and the sweaters!

I'm just gonna try it on!

It's like a Jacob Sartorious cap!

We're gonna grab some food and then head back to the train station!

We found a Tesla-Cab!

This car just crashed against that thing!

It was really loud!

And when we went there,

we saw that there is nobody in the car!

It's creepy!

We're heading home!

Was a great day in Stuttgart!

Give it a big thumbs up and subscribe bc we're that close to 1k!


For more infomation >> CAR ACCIDENT?! Stuttgart vLog - Jacob Macron - Duration: 7:30.


Homemade Recipe, Disappears Spots and Dark Skin PROVEN !! - Duration: 1:56.

Homemade Recipe, Disappears Spots and Dark Skin PROVEN !!

Dark spots and stains on our skin appear due to overexposure to the sun.

There are many ways in which they can be removed, but these products are not cheap or widely


Luckily, there is a solution.

We have a natural remedy for you which will forever get rid of your dark spots and blemishes!

Homemade recipe!

The main ingredient in the remedy is hydrogen peroxide which is used to fade stains on clothing,

and it can do the same on our skin.

Here's how to prepare the remedy:


4 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

3 drops of glycerin.

2 tablespoons of powdered milk.

Juice from one lemon.


Pour all ingredients in a glass bowl, then mix them with a wooden spoon until you get

a creamy texture.

Leave the paste to infuse for 5 minutes before using it.


Wash your face with a mild soap first, then apply the mask before going to bed and leave

it to work overnight.

Wash it off with cold water in the morning.

Repeat the process every day for a week for best results.

How to prevent blemishes:

There are some precautionary steps which can help you prevent blemishes and dark spots

on your skin.

In general, you should avoid sun exposure between 11 AM and 3 PM, as the sun's rays

are strongest at this time.

Avoid using skin cosmetics as they can damage your skin and cause further problems.

When applying a sun blocking lotion, apply it at least 20 minutes before exposing going

out in the sun.

Follow these tips and try the aforementioned remedy to treat and prevent the condition.

For more infomation >> Homemade Recipe, Disappears Spots and Dark Skin PROVEN !! - Duration: 1:56.


Fish Coloring Pages - Learn Colors - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Fish Coloring Pages - Learn Colors - Duration: 10:01.


C32 Amg vs S4 B7 Friendly Drag Racing - Duration: 0:44.

S4 Stopped Accelerating

For more infomation >> C32 Amg vs S4 B7 Friendly Drag Racing - Duration: 0:44.


Meryem benallal Haoufi ya lala setti - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Meryem benallal Haoufi ya lala setti - Duration: 3:24.


Picasso Short Film Trailer - 2017 - Duration: 1:11.

The prime reasons for violence against women are...

the people who lackself confidence...

and the men who are intimidate by women empowerment.

So to live in such a male dominated society...

is a shame for me.!

Sukhi! Tell me what happened?

There also exists men who protect women.

Just like me.

For more infomation >> Picasso Short Film Trailer - 2017 - Duration: 1:11.


Chevrolet Aveo 1.2 16V LS B-CLEVER - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Aveo 1.2 16V LS B-CLEVER - Duration: 1:11.


남자가 여자보다 더 많이 버는 이유 - (전)하버드 대 교수가 말하다 - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> 남자가 여자보다 더 많이 버는 이유 - (전)하버드 대 교수가 말하다 - Duration: 11:14.


health tips in urdu || danton ki har qisam k dard sy fori nijat hasil krain|| fori aram ka nuskka - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> health tips in urdu || danton ki har qisam k dard sy fori nijat hasil krain|| fori aram ka nuskka - Duration: 1:20.


health tips in urdu || kamar dard ka fori ilaj krain || Nuskha aesa k dard hamesha k liye khatam - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> health tips in urdu || kamar dard ka fori ilaj krain || Nuskha aesa k dard hamesha k liye khatam - Duration: 1:29.


health tips in urdu || har tarah k yarqan kan ilaj || 20 din mai yarqan khatam - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> health tips in urdu || har tarah k yarqan kan ilaj || 20 din mai yarqan khatam - Duration: 1:32.


islami wazaif || ghar k larae jhagde khatam krain || گھریلو لڑائی جھگڑے سے نجات ہیمشہ کے لیے - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> islami wazaif || ghar k larae jhagde khatam krain || گھریلو لڑائی جھگڑے سے نجات ہیمشہ کے لیے - Duration: 1:41.


health tips in urdu || bar bar pishab ka ana bohat nuqsan dah ilaj khud sy krain - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> health tips in urdu || bar bar pishab ka ana bohat nuqsan dah ilaj khud sy krain - Duration: 1:29.


How to Delete Facebook Account on Android (2017) - Duration: 2:45.

Welcome to Gizprime

How to Delete Facebook Account (Delete facebook Account Permanently)

Now click on this Drop Down menu & select Settings

Now click on download a Copy of Your facebook data

Start Archive

Enter Your Password

Start My Archive

Now Come back After few Hours and download a Copy of your facebook data

Now It's Time to Delete Your Facebook Account

Open your facebook App

Hit on this 3 dot Icon

Now find out Help Center Option in this List and open it

Now Search Delete in the Search bar

Now Select the Last option (How do permanently Delete Facebook Account?)

Now here Select Let Us Know!

Now Again Enter Your Facebook Password and Delete your FB Account

For more infomation >> How to Delete Facebook Account on Android (2017) - Duration: 2:45.


Kızların Bakmama Şansı Yok Manyak Yabancı Müzikler FULL Bass Dolu - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Kızların Bakmama Şansı Yok Manyak Yabancı Müzikler FULL Bass Dolu - Duration: 3:13.


Çek Tulumbayı Çek Çeek Seksi Versiyon Çingene Müzikleri 2017 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Çek Tulumbayı Çek Çeek Seksi Versiyon Çingene Müzikleri 2017 - Duration: 3:30.


"Power Rangers" Movie

For more infomation >> "Power Rangers" Movie


For more infomation >> "Power Rangers" Movie


Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 VTi Tendance Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 VTi Tendance Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:30.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 VTi Tendance Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:30.


Citroën C3 1.4i Exclusive - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4i Exclusive - Duration: 0:44.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4i Exclusive - Duration: 0:44.


Citroën C4 Cactus PURETECH 82 SHINE - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus PURETECH 82 SHINE - Duration: 1:46.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus PURETECH 82 SHINE - Duration: 1:46.



For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 S&S ETG SELECTION *NIEUW* NAVI/PARK. (RIJKLAAR) - Duration: 1:37.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 S&S ETG SELECTION *NIEUW* NAVI/PARK. (RIJKLAAR) - Duration: 1:37.



For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 S&S ETG SELECTION *NIEUW* ZENITH/PARK. (RIJKLAAR) - Duration: 1:54.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 S&S ETG SELECTION *NIEUW* ZENITH/PARK. (RIJKLAAR) - Duration: 1:54.


Citroën C1 1.0 VTi Shine ( Automaat - Airco - Achteruitrijcamera) - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 VTi Shine ( Automaat - Airco - Achteruitrijcamera) - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 VTi Shine ( Automaat - Airco - Achteruitrijcamera) - Duration: 0:42.


Citroën C3 1.2 PURETECH FEEL EDITION ( Climate Controle - Parkeersensoren - Bluetooth) - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.2 PURETECH FEEL EDITION ( Climate Controle - Parkeersensoren - Bluetooth) - Duration: 1:33.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.2 PURETECH FEEL EDITION ( Climate Controle - Parkeersensoren - Bluetooth) - Duration: 1:33.



For more infomation >> Citroën C1 SEDUCTION - RUIME INSTAP - TOPAANBIEDING - Duration: 1:09.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 SEDUCTION - RUIME INSTAP - TOPAANBIEDING - Duration: 1:09.



For more infomation >> Citroën C1 5D AIRSCAPE FEEL EDITION CABRIO AIRCO! - Duration: 0:47.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 5D AIRSCAPE FEEL EDITION CABRIO AIRCO! - Duration: 0:47.


Citroën C3 1.6 HDI CLIMA CRUISE PANORUIT NAVI NETJES - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 HDI CLIMA CRUISE PANORUIT NAVI NETJES - Duration: 1:50.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 HDI CLIMA CRUISE PANORUIT NAVI NETJES - Duration: 1:50.


The appetizer on the festive table – roll with red fish "Tiger" - Duration: 4:37.

Snack on the festive table - roll with red fish "Tiger"

If you get in the way of subtitles - turn them off!

Hello my dear. My name is Dina.

And I greet you on the channel "Collection of Recipes"

Today I want to cook another snack on the festive table

It will be a delicious, colorful and spectacular snack roll with red fish

This recipe shared with me my friend Laura Khmeleva and gladly prepare it for you

For this we need:

For the test: • 7 eggs

• 150 gr. Mayonnaise • 3 tbsp. L. Flour

• 3 tbsp. L. Starch • 150 gr. Olives without pits

• greens of dill • salt and pepper

For filling:

• 150 gr. curd cream cheese • 300 gr. salted salmon

Prepare all the products:

For the test, we need black olives, pitted, cut them into rings,

finely ground dill and is set aside to the side

prepare the dough

In a bowl pour the eggs,

add mayonnaise,

salt and a little white pepper

All thoroughly mixed with a mixer

Pour into this mass of starch and flour, to be sure to sift

Continue stirring until a homogeneous dough

We save some dough in a separate bowl, add chopped herbs and mix well

The dough is ready, pour it into the pan, the laid parchment paper,

spread evenly over the entire surface of my pan 30x40 cm size.

On top of the dough with a spoon spread the mixture with the chopped herbs

And on top of the entire surface of the pan decompose in a chaotic manner chopped olives

Send the prepared baking sheet in preheated 180 ° C oven and bake for no more than 6-7 minutes

In the meantime, the dough sits in the oven, let us fish

I have 2 kinds of salmon, trout and lightly salted chum podkopchёnnaya

Cut the fish flat thin slices and set aside until the side

It took 6 minutes we put the dough in the oven, it is completely ready

Egg fried dough should not,

this dough in essence - a thin omelette, which is cooked very quickly, it does not desiccate

Remove the dough from the pan, cover with another sheet of parchment,

And now quickly and confidently turn it over

The lower part of the test will be at the top, and the side with the olives will be at the bottom

Fold the dough into a roll, to ask him a form and in a position giving it to cool completely

After cooling down, turn around and across the surface of the dough evenly distribute the cheese or cream cheese

On top of the cheese spread chopped red fish and turn into a tight roll

Zamatyvayut roll on the same sheet of parchment and put them in the refrigerator at least 2 hours

After 2 hours, let's see what a roll turned out in section

Before serving, cut into portions roll crosswise into slices and spread on a serving dish

Our "Tiger" snack roll with red fish ready!

It turned out really delicious, beautiful, unusual appearance

This snack will look great on your holiday table

I am pleased to invite everyone to the table and traditional wish bon appetit!

In my book of recipes for many more spectacular festive snacks,

If you are interested in this topic - put a finger up!

Share this recipe with your friends and leave your comments!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel - "Collection of Recipes"

and do not forget to click on the bell to get alerts about new videos

Reference to the screen and in the description

I'm on the channel, there are other interesting recipes festive appetizers and salads,

see them if you have not seen

Since you were Dean Until we meet again, to new recipes!


For more infomation >> The appetizer on the festive table – roll with red fish "Tiger" - Duration: 4:37.


For more infomation >> The appetizer on the festive table – roll with red fish "Tiger" - Duration: 4:37.


Ranieri Shadow 26 Barca Usata Lago [ Prova in acqua ] - Duration: 6:39.

Ranieri Shadow 26, an almost

8 mt long boat, that can host up

to 8 people. I'm going to

describe it to you now.

It follow's shadow line, this means

it has a cabin,

but also a big sunbed.

It's the battle horse of Ranieri.

In fact, Ranieri is the top leader

of these kind of line, for both design and boats.

In italy but also internationally.

It has got a 300 hp Suzuki.

You need a driving licence for this. I remind you

that over 40 hp licence is required.

It's almost obvious that it's required on a boat like this one.

Thanks to it's huge sunbed

and to it's big cockpit,

it's the perfect boat to enjoy

on seaside holidays.

Thanks to this safe passage, I'm going to show you

the big sunbed.

As you see, there's a lot of space.

You can lay down like this but

also in the other way. It's almost a 3x3 camp.

I think bet you may play volleyball in here.

Something particular is the anchorlifter.

It helps you to throu in or out of water the anchor, without having backache.

You can drive this from this botton or from the dashboard one.

The dashboard of this shadow 26

has got Suzuki's instruments,

a compass,

a great fusion stereo.

You can listen very good to music with this one.

Motor instruments,

electric diving: it's quite interesting because it's becoming very common

among a certain kind of motors.

So, you can probabily drive with a finger.

Idroguide and buttons to controll boat's instruments.

At the centre of the cockpit, as a substain to the pilot seat,

there's this also this cabinet, with a sink on it

in order to wash hands after fishing or something.

There's also the opportunity to instert an optional fire to cook.

Here's a room where to lay all your stuff

and accessorizes.

I'mnext to the motor, a 300 hp Suzuki.

As you can see, it's real,

it's here,

we left it turned on in order to make you "not" hear it's noise.

This passage is alway free to step in or out of the boat.

Here's a little shower where to wash you before to enter into the boat.

A huge queen-sized bed! Despite it's a sundeck,

this means with an outside sunbed,

there's a lot of space.

You can lay here like this but also in the other way.

The lenght of the bed on the highest point of the boat is about 1.85 mt.

Children, but even me, can lay in this way.

It's 1.75 large.

As you step into the cabin, you find

a cabinet on the left side, where there's a room to lay your stuff but

also a 42 lt fridge.

There are other cabinets.

To the right, there's the door that separates us from the wc.

There are a toilet and a sink.

Stop chitchatting! Electronic gear,

remember to have this cable around your wrist.

It won't make you fall into water when the Motor's turned on.

You have to act safely, because it's a more than 40 knotes boat!

Let's go!

What else should I add?

If you're searching for a boat big like this, but ones in commerce do not

satisfact you because of space, then this Ranier is perfect for you.

You can host famil, friends, do sports. Everything on a comfortable space.

There are even all comforts already installed on board: starding from the toilet, to the fridge and the cabin.

What else? It's the perfect boat for your next vacation!

For commercial anc technical information

look here below, in the description.

You'll find commercial but also technical information and how to get in touch with us.

Emails, facebook, phone numbers.

You'll always find us.

We're on the Garda Lake, near Desenzano, at the Lonato lido.

So, come to visit us, we're Barche Bellandi. I wish you a good wind

and to always have an eye for weather!

For more infomation >> Ranieri Shadow 26 Barca Usata Lago [ Prova in acqua ] - Duration: 6:39.


For more infomation >> Ranieri Shadow 26 Barca Usata Lago [ Prova in acqua ] - Duration: 6:39.


Cds msp N°3 !! - Duration: 14:05.

For more infomation >> Cds msp N°3 !! - Duration: 14:05.


For more infomation >> Cds msp N°3 !! - Duration: 14:05.


Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDI So Chic, NAVI, PDC - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDI So Chic, NAVI, PDC - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDI So Chic, NAVI, PDC - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V 5drs Ambiance Airco,Elec Pakket,Toerenteller,5drs!!! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V 5drs Ambiance Airco,Elec Pakket,Toerenteller,5drs!!! - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V 5drs Ambiance Airco,Elec Pakket,Toerenteller,5drs!!! - Duration: 1:05.


What is GOOD Wellbeing - Duration: 3:00.

Fatigue, loneliness, depression the highlights

of poor mental health. Psychology tells

us that we get stressed and distracted

and we're reminded of our weaknesses and

what's wrong with us, but what's good

about us and can we strive for more than

just being less miserable?

Positive Psychology looks at good side that we

seem to forget about and parts of human

nature which are good like skills

virtues, strengths and aims to

understand how we can thrive, flourish and

overall have a more fulfilling experience.

One major construct in Positive Psychology

is that of well-being

well-being contains mental and physical

health and is defined as the balance

between an individual's resource pool

and challenges faced. so it's not just

about how emotional we are, it's also

about adversity and the decision-making

process we passively or actively take part

in which determine how well we are. The

term mental health is commonly associated

with negative emotions such as; anger

fear and sadness, but we know that there

is more to being well than just how we're feeling

positive emotions; joy pleasure comfort

happiness and warmth, of course make us

feel better, but so too, does engagement

positive relationships, meaning and

accomplishment. At least these are the

five sources of well-being in Martin Seligman's

PERMA theory. Within each

pillar of well-being, there are a number of

individual research project and theories

created from evidence, unlike untested

anecdotally driven self-help.

One major part of positive emotions is to do with

recognizing the difference between

pleasure and enjoyment. Pleasure is all

about satisfying our needs by; eating

drinking, relaxing and getting rest.

Enjoyment on the other hand is all about

challenge and intellectual stimulation

Proffessor Seligman says that pleasure

makes us feel full, whereas meeting

enjoyable challenges makes us learn and grow.

Without the pursuit of challenges,

strength wither and the person becomes

at risk of depression. So when we do not

actively choose to match the resource we

to suitable challenges, an imbalance occurs.

SO, we have a role to play in our wellbeing

we are personally responsible for our well-being

AND we can influence others

so we have a responsibility for theirs too.

It's important to note here that this

area of psychology does not aim to and will

not solve everything

Learning to rebalance your life is a far

more complicated process than simply being

more active. So if you or somebody you

know is coping with mental health. Know

that it can be incredibly enduring and

we must honor and respect struggle.

For more information about the research that

has gone into positive psychology as

well as a more practical elements on

introducing positive psychology into

your own life

please see the links in the description

For more infomation >> What is GOOD Wellbeing - Duration: 3:00.


For more infomation >> What is GOOD Wellbeing - Duration: 3:00.


Ghost in the Shell

For more infomation >> Ghost in the Shell


I'm Dying... - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> I'm Dying... - Duration: 1:14.


高田みづえ 硝子坂 co v(●^o^●)🎶M - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 高田みづえ 硝子坂 co v(●^o^●)🎶M - Duration: 3:37.


RACHE - Full Movie - Duration: 47:15.

For more infomation >> RACHE - Full Movie - Duration: 47:15.


OUTRO - Duration: 0:41.

Check out my Last video

For more infomation >> OUTRO - Duration: 0:41.


5 Quotes From Amy Krouse Rosenthals Heartbreaking Essay That Perfectly Capture Partnership - Duration: 9:13.

5 Quotes From Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Heartbreaking Essay That Perfectly Capture Partnership - Today's News

5 Quotes From Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Heartbreaking Essay That Perfectly Capture Partnership - Today's News I'm in pain as I write this. I'm in pain every day. It's right there, at the front of my pelvis. A dull pressure. Bloating. I've had this pain for 15 years, but it's become worse over the last nine months. I thought it was my polycystic ovary syndrome. My doctor thinks it may be endometriosis. I'm scheduled for surgery in less than three weeks. Instead of relief, I feel fear. Fear of what I could lose. It's hard to explain, so I'll leave it to these five quotes from Amy Krouse Rosenthal's heartbreaking essay that perfectly capture partnership and parenting in the face of fear and loss.

Im in pain as I write this. Im in pain every day. Its right there, at the front of my pelvis. A dull pressure.

Ive had this pain for 15 years, but its become worse over the last nine months. I thought it was my polycystic ovary syndrome.

My doctor thinks it may be endometriosis. Im scheduled for surgery in less than three weeks. Instead of relief, I feel fear. Fear of what I could lose.

Its hard to explain, so Ill leave it to these five quotes from Amy Krouse Rosenthals heartbreaking essay that perfectly capture partnership and parenting in the face of fear and loss.

Its no surprise that Krouse Rosenthal could evoke such emotion with her New York Times essay.

The Chicago-born author and filmmaker has written more than 30 childrens books in the last 12 years, many of which landed on the New York Times bestseller list (I Wish You More, Cookies: Bite-Size Life Lessons, and Uni the Unicorn, to name a few).

Shes also published two endearing memoirs — Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life and Textbook Amy Krouse Rosenthal — as well as worked on several films.

Krouse Rosenthal is a prolific and captivating writer, and her words in this essay have resonated deeply. Ive thought about death a lot over the last year. After my father passed away last February, its all I could think about.

But for the last few months, death has been right there, in the front of my mind. Surgery is the only way to get an accurate endometriosis diagnosis; my dad died due to complications from anesthesia.

I thought the nagging fear of dying while under was because of how my father passed. But after reading Krouse Rosenthals devastating essay, I realized its because of so much more.

Im afraid of what the surgeon may discover. Im afraid they will find more than, using Krouse Rosenthals words, the no biggie endometriosis I may have.

Most of all, Im scared of leaving my partner and son behind. Im afraid of having to let go of a love that has kept me both sane and mad for the last 12 years.

Im scared of the plans that will fall through, of the dreams that will fade. Im scared of what I do know and what I dont, and of the uncertainty of certainty.

Im scared that my partner and son will talk about me in the past tense, sooner than I planned. I know that Im not in Krouse Rosenthals position. I know that I do have more days with my family.

I know that my fears could be unfounded — that Im doing this to myself. But I am still crying as I write this.

Im crying not only because Krouse Rosenthals essay hits a little close to home. Im also crying because this love letter to her husband, Jason, is a love letter no one should have to write.

But she did. She wrote this piece because she knew that, even though she couldnt have more, she wanted more for him. And thats at the core of partnership. Here are five powerful quotes from Rosenthals essay.

When You Have The Future Planned First. It was 1989. We were only 24. I had precisely zero expectations about this going anywhere.

But when he knocked on the door of my little frame house, I thought, Uh-oh, there is something highly likable about this person. By the end of dinner, I knew I wanted to marry him. Jason? He knew a year later.

When Their Presence Is All You Need To Cheer Up. If our home could speak, it would add that Jason is uncannily handy. On the subject of food — man, can he cook.

After a long day, there is no sweeter joy than seeing him walk in the door, plop a grocery bag down on the counter, and woo me with olives and some yummy cheese he has procured before he gets to work on the evening's meal.

When The Little Things Only Matter. If you're looking for a dreamy, let's-go-for-it travel companion, Jason is your man.

He also has an affinity for tiny things: taster spoons, little jars, a mini-sculpture of a couple sitting on a bench, which he presented to me as a reminder of how our family began. When They Want To See You Happy.

This is a man who emerges from the minimart or gas station and says, Give me your palm. And, voilà, a colorful gumball appears. (He knows I love all the flavors but white.).

When True Love Is Not Perfect, But Perfect For You.

If he sounds like a prince and our relationship seems like a fairy tale, it's not too far off, except for all of the regular stuff that comes from two and a half decades of playing house together.

And the part about me getting cancer. Krouse Rosenthals essay showcases a certain strength and devotion that is both humbling and tragic. No one should have their great love slip away as the result of something totally outside of their control.

Krouse Rosenthal deserves the more she wants. I wish she could have it. I wish it with every bone in my body.

Right now, there is no dedicated test for ovarian cancer. Doctors rely on a transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests to detect the presence of the disease, but they are not reliable.

When ovarian cancer is found, its often too late. New, improved ways of testing for ovarian cancer are being studied, but scientists need your help. To donate to ovarian cancer research, visit Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance.

For more infomation >> 5 Quotes From Amy Krouse Rosenthals Heartbreaking Essay That Perfectly Capture Partnership - Duration: 9:13.


CHASING AFTER SOME PUSSY (subtitles provided) - the Witcher 3 part 2 - Duration: 8:46.

Yo, welcome back to episode 2 of the Witcher 3.

Anyhow, I was using my different headphones, uhh

because it has like, a little microphone on it and I thought like

"ah maybe the quality will be good" but the quality really sucked

so I'm sorry about the sound quality in the last episode

I'm just not using my headphones right now.

so i'm using the built in microphone so i hope this is a little bit better.

But, uhh, anyhow, we're stuck in this infinite loop. Welcome back to the Witcher 3.

There's unicorns?!

This dude is kinky.

Oh do we get to ride a horsey?

I wanna ride a horsey!

Well, seems simple enough.

Is he called Roach?

Ooooh he's so cute!

Aw, poor guys!

Definitely trying to think of a joke but nah.

Can't do it.

Not today.

Stars. Can't do it. Not today.

Putting on chappusticku.

There he goes.

*singing the LAs* there she goes

There she goes again~.

Well... eat and be eaten I guess...

Live and let live.

Live and let die.

...Die especially in this case.

Ooh I like your hair, coconuthead.

Is that Ian from Smosh?

Oh no, deer going in the background!

Well it sounds like paradise doesn't it?

What? Uhmm..

I don't think that is supposed to happen.


I like this game so far.

*Chanting* bar fight, bar fight...

Me too boii.

Looking for a woman... Don't be creepy!

Oooh I'm sorry I thought looking for a woman meant something completely different

and I was like

maybe not?

Maybe not?

Ohhh prostitution,

you can tell that I'm Dutch because it just seemed like an option to me.

*In stupid voice* Bread.



Chicken leg.





Homemade pepper vodka.

Need to get myself some of that!

Oooooh look at the kitty cat!


Kitty cat.

Kitty cat.

Kitty cat.

Kitty cat.

I'm gonna chase around the kitty cat.

Hi kitty cat.

How you doin?

How you doin little buddy?

Kind of allergic to you but you're adorable.

Heey kitty cat.

Kiiiity cat, kiiiiity cat.

Kitty kitty kitty cat

Two schnappses!

Yeah, let's get wasted!

Did he break his legs every morning getting up?

Let's just make him really blunt with his feelings, let's make him a drama queen,



He's probably gonna die but we can't save him.

Chase around the kitty cat!

Hello kitty cat, hello kitty cat

Kitty cat! Kitty cat!

Such a little kitty cat,

Such a cute little kitty cat, where is he?

Where'd he go? Where'd the kitty cat go?

There's the kitty cat! Aw, he's licking himself!

Taking care of himself.

Such a good kitty cat.

So, how you doing Elsa?

You letting it go?

*singing* running around at the speed of knuckles

What the fuck is going on?

There's an upstairs up this bitch, oh

I'm gonna try to figure this out

and go upstairs

but first

I am so disoriented because I'm not good at running.

Why can't I climb upstairs?

I just wanna go upstairs

and roll around in the barrels.


Why don't I hear like:

*immitating video game character noises*

Let's-, let's just take all of the quests.

Let's meditate.

*Reading out the text*

Okay, why not?


Ooh the sun is low now.

I love that touch.

Oh wow look at that sky.

Holy shit, I love, like, the detail they put into this.

Skyrim, suck a dick!

Actually I'm enjoying this more than Skyrim

I couldn't get into Skyrim that much, I don't know why

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry

Oooh, loot.

Hey Roach.

How you doing little buddy?

How you doing little friend?

Oh is he here?

Yep. Can I loot you?

My dude you have seen better days.

GOD you're attractive!

Okay, let's not, okay

Okay, oookay

byeee, bye, bye bye bye

*singing Nsync* bye bye bye

My dudes, I am *so* good at this game.

Like, you guys don't even know.

Uhhh, but anyhow, thank you so much for watching.

I feel like I'm gonna end this one here

because I'm kind of like, becoming

I don't know what I'm becoming

what am I becoming?

uhh, but anyhow thank you so much for watching

I'm sorry that I suck so much but I don't know

and also I don't know how to do this

I feel like my commentary is very bad

so I'm just kind of gonna...

make this into a montage of, like, the funniest parts maybe?

I don't know, I'm gonna cut out a lot of boring stuff.

so it's not going to be as long as it is right now,

I've been recording for 53 minutes


I'm gonna take a little break and maybe continue

so, uhh, awesome

and, uhh, *burps*


For more infomation >> CHASING AFTER SOME PUSSY (subtitles provided) - the Witcher 3 part 2 - Duration: 8:46.


Hickory Dickory and Other Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs by Songs with Simon | Compilation #3 - Duration: 21:37.

For more infomation >> Hickory Dickory and Other Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs by Songs with Simon | Compilation #3 - Duration: 21:37.


Learn Colors and Numbers with Garbage Truck Toy | Colours for Kids to Learn - Duration: 11:34.

Learn Colors and Numbers with Garbage Truck Toy | Colours for Kids to Learn

For more infomation >> Learn Colors and Numbers with Garbage Truck Toy | Colours for Kids to Learn - Duration: 11:34.


How to Delete Facebook Account on Android (2017) - Duration: 2:45.

Welcome to Gizprime

How to Delete Facebook Account (Delete facebook Account Permanently)

Now click on this Drop Down menu & select Settings

Now click on download a Copy of Your facebook data

Start Archive

Enter Your Password

Start My Archive

Now Come back After few Hours and download a Copy of your facebook data

Now It's Time to Delete Your Facebook Account

Open your facebook App

Hit on this 3 dot Icon

Now find out Help Center Option in this List and open it

Now Search Delete in the Search bar

Now Select the Last option (How do permanently Delete Facebook Account?)

Now here Select Let Us Know!

Now Again Enter Your Facebook Password and Delete your FB Account

For more infomation >> How to Delete Facebook Account on Android (2017) - Duration: 2:45.


Scarlett Moffatt reveals how much she's made since being crowned I'm A Celeb queen - and it's a LOT - Duration: 2:01.

Less than three months ago, she was crowned Queen of the Jungle � and Scarlett Moffatt

has already netted �1million, thanks to a string of megabucks deals.

The in-demand TV presenter has already begun a stint on Ant and Dec �s Saturday Night

Takeaway, and co-hosted the National Television Awards in January.

The 26-year-old former Gogglebox star proved such a ratings winner in the jungle that she�s

also already been snapped up to replace Davina McCall on a new series of Streetmate, and

filmed a pilot for a new Channel 4 comedy show which looks set to get the green light.

On top of that, Scarlett�s fitness DVD has flown off the shelves since viewers saw her

on I�m A Celebrity in December, and a string of high-end endorsement deals will take her

tally past the �1million mark come payday.A source said: �Scarlett�s personality really

shone in the jungle, so now she�s one of the most sought-after names in TV at the moment.

�She�s being very selective about the jobs she takes on, but there are some lucrative

deals in the pipeline that are set to net her a tidy sum � her success

has been amazing and the opportunities keep piling up.�

Scarlett has said she�s careful not to take on too many TV roles to avoid reaching saturation

point so early in her career.She revealed: �I turn down so many things because I don�t

want people to get sick of me.

I refuse to promote anything on Instagram for money and I�m aware that I have to be

careful about saying yes to anything.�

Last year, Vicky Pattison revealed she had made a million after she won the 2015 series

of I�m A Celebrity.

The former Geordie Shore star has invested her new-found wealth in property.

thanks for watching.

please subscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> Scarlett Moffatt reveals how much she's made since being crowned I'm A Celeb queen - and it's a LOT - Duration: 2:01.


What is GOOD Wellbeing - Duration: 3:00.

Fatigue, loneliness, depression the highlights

of poor mental health. Psychology tells

us that we get stressed and distracted

and we're reminded of our weaknesses and

what's wrong with us, but what's good

about us and can we strive for more than

just being less miserable?

Positive Psychology looks at good side that we

seem to forget about and parts of human

nature which are good like skills

virtues, strengths and aims to

understand how we can thrive, flourish and

overall have a more fulfilling experience.

One major construct in Positive Psychology

is that of well-being

well-being contains mental and physical

health and is defined as the balance

between an individual's resource pool

and challenges faced. so it's not just

about how emotional we are, it's also

about adversity and the decision-making

process we passively or actively take part

in which determine how well we are. The

term mental health is commonly associated

with negative emotions such as; anger

fear and sadness, but we know that there

is more to being well than just how we're feeling

positive emotions; joy pleasure comfort

happiness and warmth, of course make us

feel better, but so too, does engagement

positive relationships, meaning and

accomplishment. At least these are the

five sources of well-being in Martin Seligman's

PERMA theory. Within each

pillar of well-being, there are a number of

individual research project and theories

created from evidence, unlike untested

anecdotally driven self-help.

One major part of positive emotions is to do with

recognizing the difference between

pleasure and enjoyment. Pleasure is all

about satisfying our needs by; eating

drinking, relaxing and getting rest.

Enjoyment on the other hand is all about

challenge and intellectual stimulation

Proffessor Seligman says that pleasure

makes us feel full, whereas meeting

enjoyable challenges makes us learn and grow.

Without the pursuit of challenges,

strength wither and the person becomes

at risk of depression. So when we do not

actively choose to match the resource we

to suitable challenges, an imbalance occurs.

SO, we have a role to play in our wellbeing

we are personally responsible for our well-being

AND we can influence others

so we have a responsibility for theirs too.

It's important to note here that this

area of psychology does not aim to and will

not solve everything

Learning to rebalance your life is a far

more complicated process than simply being

more active. So if you or somebody you

know is coping with mental health. Know

that it can be incredibly enduring and

we must honor and respect struggle.

For more information about the research that

has gone into positive psychology as

well as a more practical elements on

introducing positive psychology into

your own life

please see the links in the description

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