New Masters Of The Universe Vultak,Angella, Peekablue Skeletor, Heman Mattel Unboxing
masters of the universe classics the
adult collector series 5 littell I like
I said on the last episode of this
series has its good has it done as well
as i thought so I'm going to start off
showing three at a time and again
finished ears off
ok so then today we have peak of blue
and jela & voltaxx we're going to start
off with the peekaboo one of these ones
that if you haven't seen me open these
before the adult collector series they
come in a nice Brown block once you take
the figure out of the box the figure has
its own box so that is cool
this Christmas of our people blues
watchful feathered friends and then the
back of these has a good description to
our zoom in on this and if you want to
call it and read about her and then here
is some of the other of female
characters to fly that sweet be and Joe
luck dinner roll off and this people
blue trim it up and double bit
so this is what she looks like before I
removing ok so here is the code blue
she looks cool she's called speak of
blue because she has these peacock
feathers you can see the attached behind
her and they go from 30 these spread out
here so that she has a tail like a
peacock and that does off off right off
then you could see she has like green
hair her head does hurt but i guess not
too much I think your hair is stopping
your head for attorneys all the way
movement wise 360 degrees on the arm she
bends at the elbow and mostly at her
wrists dog does turn 360 degrees she
comes with this soft cool shield here
then here is the other side the movement
on this is some type of it looks like
some type of a slate fan or something so
that looks like a pretty cool weapons
she is a little bit hard to stand off I
mean you could get her to stand but
there it is a little hard because for
our tail part for feather parts so heavy
and she's got like a food
hop on
skirt movement lies on the legs 360
degree movement on the legs and like
also been and her foot move up and down
and then I was in our go ahead and
remove the peacock feathers for you to
see what she looks like
so that is what she looks like yellow
skirt she does have the whole here where
the peacock feathers dip it in and then
here is a good look at the peacock
feathers so i'm going to go ahead and
put that back in there
ok and then we're going to go ahead and
open up and jela mgl off same nice brown
box protect and here is a look at and
show up that princess of power so says
angelic wings speakers so she just have
then here is a look at the back of the
package i'm going to do with degrees do
subscription of offers and then here is
some of the other ones you see it
she robbed most powerful woman in the
universe suppose jela that light whole
symmetrical protector of the crystal
castle matter of Rods magical relations
of history
flutter we have
and remember the guys like the way and
here is what she looks like before i
take them out of the package
ok and here is what she looks like out
of the package she does have school
foldable wings so the wings they're each
side is two parts so it will fold all
the way out like that or you probably
want to keep it over laughing a little
bit like that because it looks cooler
and that let's go ahead and take a look
at her first of all her head it would
spin 360 but the collar here is stopping
it and then off she does spend her way
to so she could spend 360 degrees at our
way that she is like she has a pink and
all this she has some type of our
diamond over there
wait there then I she does come with the
silversword 360 degree movement on the
arm PR move ask the shoulder her arms
bend at the elbow and so he and still 3
360 so great movement there and then I'm
not really sure what he's thinking this
for looks like she hold in your hand
through the reason that you know what
it's for all of y'all had never seen in
the shoulder and then she's got like
site and food we went wide 360 on the
she's been at the knee and foot moves up
and down and then here is it will hit
the back of first her wings do full and
then here is a good look at the backup
for the wings to fold all the way down
to the sensor sometimes they do pop off
like that a lot of pop back on really
easily so she could fold their wings all
the way down or spread them all
I prefer them spread out they look a lot
third one we're gonna have today is bold
let's go ahead and look at this
ok this guy son Gary looking vault a kit
said evil flying key you can see he's
got like themselves across photo hands
of clothes in there and then this one
doesn't actually have a file which is
kind of surprising but there's some
other figures you got both special
friends and help she rocks we have full
sack there have been tena will spiral
pop-out eyes that she wrote most
powerful woman in the universe for
trooper evil mechanical force of for dax
30 she figures with three
so here is ball pack in the package
before I remove anything that you can
see off the head
it's all here in fault that he is one
evil looking guy if you ever seen the
vulture and spider-man he looks very
similar to the vulture and spider-man
so you see that wings that fold and then
you could unfold his wings just like the
last figure so this guy could slide that
he's definitely not angels that got one
mean-looking guys you got like a whip
here has got like some type of a collar
on it i get to capture animals and then
he got it looks like some type of a bird
crossbones got like wings and everything
I don't know that shoots out like an
energy ready or something I've never
seen him on the show either so probably
just missed that one then are going
we're going to take a look at him from
the top down on his head those have
360-degree movement and it moves often
and Don 363 movement on his arms he does
rotate here at his bicep his arm holds
sdl balls and his hand freezer
so just like the other one this guy you
could put him into a lot of completion
and the overemphasis it's of the what
you literally applies to everything that
he's got some type of glue like risk
staying here
so same here all the way out and
wondering if is just eat up here some of
these the chest piece does pop off
okay it looks like it does let's go
ahead and unclasp it there you can see
he does actually have a chest where your
muscular chest gray and black and then
he also does sound the way over there
the law against him into a lot of
different poses and that his wings are
attached to this chest piece here so if
you want to you could unclass the whole
chest piece and takes his wings off so
that would be kind of cool you know like
play why did you pretend like he lost
his wings or something
there's somebody cutting off
coupe and then he does have something
like like up for you Nick I guess
something similar to that then
lengthwise 363 movement on his legs
they're like give it back
he bends at the knee there and his foot
was hurt all the way up and down this
guy who should after flying with its
feet all the way down that would be kind
of freaky looking because he does have
like word feet with like sharp falls
poke your hands and then are they they
do turn off sideways to show you that
sideways movement for loop and then here
is a good look at that he spread all the
way out the movement why is on the wings
again they do fold and that you come to
a sensor there so when you put him like
his wings are almost hidden
so that also let me know which one of
the three and your favorite there's one
more quick look at that
yeah that was a lot of fun and if you
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