Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 6 2017

Original production

What a smog!

Try not to breathe too much today, sir

I've read that the highest pollution is in India

in New Delhi

Karma, that's all

What's that on your back?


A bird pooped on me?

No way! It's even worse!

They must have stuck it while I was queuing at the newsstand

and I've been walking around like that with that Orchestra

Did it even take place this year?

I was watching 'The News' and they didn't mention it

There was something, but...

Do you know, that our president

supports the Orchestra of Christmas Charity?

He's ours, supposedly, but helps the children

Not nice! Not nice...

By the way

the children are the least important...

It's not about them

What is it about?

There exist many

deals, shadowy schemes

strange foundations

In such rhetoric, you're the best, sir!

Anything specific?

Specifically I can't say, because

there are certain groups

which are

too powerful to say anything right now, but we'll work them out, in time

Well said!

I just love these insinuations of yours

Look, what I've got

What is that?

That's a buckle or a clip

They showed me how it works. It pins

Look: a tie, you see, with a shirt

Just like that

Oh, so it won't...


So now, while you're leaning over the fate of the poorest

you won't soil your tie

won't smear it


I'm closer to it

Let me pick it up

The Chairman's Ear

Now, with this buckle you will be a first-class smart dresser

Have you got it?

I got it

Here you are

You found it. Great

Have you bumped your head?

Yes. Luckily, with the hard side

OK then

Why don't we discuss

the opposition now

Virtually, there's nothing to talk about. No one to lose to

Spit it out

But seriously! They're making fools of themselves!

That ponytail from KOD

cheating about the invoices

Rysiek - the defender of democracy

first he gathered people for the revolt

and then went away with his girlfriend to Portugal

Just imagine

how in Portugal

the democracy must have been in danger

if such a knight went there to help

What are you doing?

I'm touching something cold to prevent the bump

But Pilsudski, come on?

I was not aware

Show a little more respect to Mr Marshal

Not a pope, it's even worse

It's really difficult to cut meringue without making a mess all around

One bad move and you've got a pigsty

One lady once showed

on TV

how to do it, but I...

don't remember

Can I see with Mr Chairman?

Certainly, Mr Marshal

Ms Basia do you have anything I can apply on my head to prevent the bump?

Just a moment! Not all at once!

Perhaps Mr Marshal...

No...I've already tried and Mr Chairman scolded me saying that Mr Marshal is no good

That's what he said?

Yes - that Mr Marshal definitely not

I'm a goner then...

...why don't you hang your coat over there, Mr Marshal

and in the meantime

I'll say that you're here

to Mr Chairman, OK?



I've got something for you...


I've brought you a meringue, Mr Chairman. I made it myself

But please be careful while you're eating it not to colly yourself with the cream

Do you know, Mr Chairman, how to properly eat a meringue?

Of course

You put it in your mouth and chew with your teeth

Very well

Enjoy it!


Where are you Mr Marshal?

Mr Marshal?

This is it!

Very tasty

Go ahead

And a small piece for you



It's absolutely true - I am not fit

I felt it from the very beginning

Mr Chairman wanted me to stay so I stayed, but dismiss me, reassign

to put up posters

An ordinary member... a worm... tread on me...

Take it away

Tell me, Marek

what's up with that mess at the parliament

that common people took to the streets?

It all started when... one... a flat feet...

turned to me, saying: 'Dear Mr Marshal' so...

from the formal, constitutional and regular point of view, not to enumerate further

...I ruled him out of order

'Dear Mr Marshal' - that's...

very nice to say

In a way

But I used to be a hippie

And the other group was called git-people

So back then to call somebody 'dear' was like, to propose...


Well... sex...

And not in a normal way

but abnormal

Will you please dismiss me, sir?

No, Marek

I can't do that

Even if I wanted to

I can't because

we can't withdraw, as

this would be

a sign of witness

and whatever stupidity we do

whatever nonsense we say

we need to be in denial

Order 2.2.7

Do you have it in your regulations?

You don't

Not even one step back!

But I will be tormented to death...

It can't be helped

We can't allow

minority to rule majority

When the majority rules the rest:

shut up and don't breathe

At least I

I see democracy that way. So chap

take a grip on yourself

get your act together

eat something fat

cabbage stew, dumplings...

After all, you're the second most important person in the country

you've got the staff

speaking of which

why did you drag it in here?

I don't know

It's slippery, so I took it

I think they like me

They say fish shouldn't be kept in a glass bowl

Why not?

They can get schizophrenia

Even without the bowl we all get split personality in here

Hey, hey, hey, boys and girls!

Some blossoms for my goddess

Honey bunny, wait here for me uno momento

You can't go in there!

I love you

my queen!

Howdy, cousin!

It's good to see you, listen, I want...

What's that on your nose?

Please excuse me, but I have a guest

Sure, sure, I'll make it quick

Listen, I'm going skiing. Was just driving by and so I decided to see you

What the hell! Maybe you're in?

I'm making a film - here's the script

"The Silence Screams" - about war

You all like it - when we win, am I right?

Oh, yes you like it!

You just have to give me some pocket money. The National TV is broke


as it happens, I have no say in it...

Come on, make some phone calls

say a word, they'll go crazy about it

And start thrashing about in all directions!

Janek! Ready to go?


the cousin's girlfriend

Watch that... stick

She must be an actress, right?

What? Umm, yes! And a moral issues consultant

Please meet Jarek


May I take a selfie?

Sure, you can

So? Will you help me?

Make a duck face

I'll see

I'll see if there are any Apache!

Fine, I'll call you. Just make sure to pick it up, not like the last time, OK?

Let's run, hon

Did you give him the traffic tickets?

Ahh, you're right! I almost forgot!


I've collected some parking tickets - please take care of it, will you? Thanks in advance

Misiek! Will you arrange a meeting with Martyniuk?


Oh, wait


could you lend me 5 quid for some smokes?

I wanted to buy some at the newsstand but they don't accept cards

Fine and dandy

We'll send you a postcard - here or to Zoliborz?

- Wherewer you want - Here and there, then

See ya!




I'd trade my stick for that chick any day...

My queen

do you happen to have 5 quid for the smokes?

I tried to pay, but you can't use cards at the newsstand

Now what? Should we close the session?




Pardon me?




See ya!


Smoking - a terrible addiction

I'm sure I paid by card at the newsstand for my papers in the morning

Everyone has a cousin like this in the family

Not every cousin has a chairman like this in the family

You have a headache from it all, sir, right?

Put some ice on it, sir - it helps

No, you'd better give me Mr Marshal

And I couldn't do it

Do as I say, not as I do...


You look beautiful together

Quiet, quiet...

Watch the next episode on Monday on YouTube

Watch on Thursday on

For more infomation >> The Chairman's Ear - Episode 7 - Howdy! - Duration: 12:22.


E4 Hollyoaks Exclusive Clip: Monday 6th March - Duration: 0:56.

How soon are you going?

Will you have a swimming pool?

One at a time!

Where are you going to live?

We still need to find permanent accomodation but-

Jacqui will put us up. You now at first, until Diego gets a job and we find our feet.

Is it really that bad living with all of us?

So you're moving to Spain and he hasn't even got a job?

Sorry I'm late! Had a staff meeting.

What have I missed?

Mum's only moving to Spain...

With him?

Oh don't you start 'n all...

What are you going to live on?

My mother, she sent some money to help with Carmina...

She hates his guts!

You know what? If you can't be supportive, then we might as well get on with it!

You book them flights as soon as love.

I checked. We can leave on Friday...

For more infomation >> E4 Hollyoaks Exclusive Clip: Monday 6th March - Duration: 0:56.


7 Words That Will Change Your Business - 2017 - Episode 48 - Duration: 5:08.

These are 7 words that will change your business.

When you sit down with a new person, or you are the new person being set down with, you

have to understand the relationship and then you have to understand the roles of the relationship.

Yeah, oh oh, well it's ok.

I wouldn't be me if I didn't screw up something.

I, is this right?

Will help you build your business.


This is the relationship between the mentor, the upline, the superstar, and the person

who earns their attention.

I will help you build your business.

Now the roles.

The most important thing in your business is the word that sits in the middle of these

seven, and what's that word.


It is your business.

You know what your job is?

Everything that follows you.

You build your business.

You build it.

You know what the mentors job is, in this case I will take that role.

You know what my job is?

I will help you.

You build your business, I will help you.

If your not doing your job, I don't have one.

When Eric goes through the 7 skills, every company has a system, every good leader has

a system, he works with.

It usually starts with making a list.

You know why it starts with making a list?

When you are brand new, you know what you know about network marketing?

Absolutely nothing.

I don't care where you come from.

I don't care how much knowledge you have.

I don't care how good you were at what you did before.

This is new.

And the only thing that you bring to the party is a group of people who trust you enough

to listen to you and to be connected to a product or service an opportunity, a business

that they know nothing about.

So your list of contacts is your biggest asset.

That and your ability to shut your mouth, open your ears, and immerse yourself in listening,

watching other people do their job which is to present for you until you can.

How does a baby learn to talk, they don't go to language school.

They are around people that talk, and they listen and they listen and one day you can't

shut them up.

That's how you learn to do the business.


So if I say, "Brian, make your list." and he says, "OK."

I say, "When are you going to do that?"

And he says, "I'll do it by Tuesday."

So I put him in the book.

"Great I will call you on Tuesday.

We will go to the next step."

I call him on Tuesday and I say, "Did you make your list?"

He says, "No."

And I say, "Ok, did something happen?"

Because you know life gets in the way.

Somebody could have gotten in a car accident.

He says, "No I just didn't get it done."

" No problem.

When are you going to get it done?"


Put him in the book again.

I call him on Friday.

"Did you get it done."

"No well this happened."

"Brian, this is your business.

I don't want to put pressure on you.

The last thing I want to do, is to tell you what to do with your business.

Here are the conference calls, this is when we have the team meeting.

This is when the convention is, this is all the group stuff.

When you are ready, and you get it done, call me back."

I didn't kick him out of my book.

He took himself out.

And if he calls me back, he will get back in.

But in the meantime I am looking and looking and looking for those that stay in the book.

And every step along the way is people that are staying in the book.

They are moving to the next step, and the next step, and if they don't, they move to

the group.

This is like the NFL, or Major League Baseball guys, and girls.

You are building a championship team.

Everybody can try out and there is a place for everybody.

But you want in the starting lineup, you listen to the coach.

John Wooden had the best player in the world on his team at the time.

He said , "Get a haircut, you don't play."

He showed up without a haircut.

He said, "You're not playing."

He went and got a haircut because that was the coach.

That's what you do.

So, you build your business.

We help you.

Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved in the network marketing profession, I want

to invite you to come to the Network Marketing Pro YouTube Channel.

Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.

We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,

interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.

Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.

Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends

to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.

For more infomation >> 7 Words That Will Change Your Business - 2017 - Episode 48 - Duration: 5:08.


Das erste Gold - Ada Tepe: Das ästeste Goldbergwerk Europas - Duration: 2:29.

The Kunsthistorisches Museum is once again presenting an archaeological

and cultural historical exhibition for the first time in many years.

It is based on a very current topic, namely the ongoing research project

jointly conducted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Orea,

the Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The topic of the research is gold, more specifically, it is about the oldest gold mine in Europe.

The beginning of the project was located at Ada Tepe

Ada Tepe is the first, and so far only, excavated prehistoric goldmine in Europe.

This mine was discovered at the end of the 20th century.

The question which this project wishes to answer is

if this gold mine was perhaps the source of all the famous gold treasures which we know of at present.

For example the Gold Treasure of Troy, the famous Gold Masks of Athens, the Mask of Mycenae.

This question is the core of this project.

Why was this gold mined; for whom was it mined; who were the recipients of these treasures?

Of course also how was the gold mined?

And what did this mean in a greater cultural context?

When you enter the exhibit the first thing you see is the predominantly positioned Treasure of Vulcitran.

This find includes various vessels made of gold which weigh altogether approximately 13 kilogrammes.

The Treasure of Vulcitran was discovered in 1924.

For a long time now archaeologists have been discussing its importance

and also if all of the objects were produced at the same time.

There are in fact objects in this treasure find which even until now cannot be explained.

The unusual object with three dishes and hinges

is unlike any other Bronze Age objects found until today.

In fact here we archaeologists are faced with a mystery.

Alongside the gold pieces there are also many very simple objects, clay vessels, bronze works, weapons;

which are meant to simply show what daily life was like in the Bronze Age.

Also more importantly, one can also see what effects the gold had,

for example, that it meant that everyone came to Bulgaria.

The objects in this exhibit also show particularly well

how extensive the contact between the various different cultures was already at that time;

the contact was intense enough for the European, the Southern European

and the Anatolian cultures to be amalgamated into one greater area.

For more infomation >> Das erste Gold - Ada Tepe: Das ästeste Goldbergwerk Europas - Duration: 2:29.


Oggy And The Cockroaches New Episode Best Collection Part 35 - Duration: 26:35.

For more infomation >> Oggy And The Cockroaches New Episode Best Collection Part 35 - Duration: 26:35.


Dopamine Media | The Good Girl Show | EP 01 | SAALI KUTTI KAMEENI - Duration: 16:50.

For more infomation >> Dopamine Media | The Good Girl Show | EP 01 | SAALI KUTTI KAMEENI - Duration: 16:50.


[ENG] Full ver. School Rapper 170303 EP.4 Team Gyeongin East 1 (BULLY DA BASTARD) - Duration: 3:41.

That's it

Your beat is too strong. Tbh

I'm a bully

These day keep maintain Positive vibe, I will not do self-criticism anymore

A group of peer friends are here We'll show you, reporter take a picture

The antis too step in, a bouquet Or I'll call a fire truck

Cut down the sculpture Keep your fingers on

Listen carefully, there's only one reason I came here, it's my dream of success

In order to achieve it, I'll never ever get loose, Don't count on my support, If I cry, I'll get in trouble

Everyone back off, even if you bother me, I'll never move at all

Whoever blocks me, I'll survive even a little breaks down

Now, why I can't hear the sound of the girls playing I'm the only girl,

I told you in advance 'This is not the way', why is that bad?

If you knew then it's done, go away A kid like you, get out

I can't even eat it, it's very frustrated, I've no sad feelings at all

Look at that gossip, now that you have a lot to say about our skills

Keep an eye on me, even if you look at me it will hurting your eyes

I'll keep going up, baby

Facebook timeline on top, I got many women's interests

Looks like the 'likes' are running. your jealousy and fake chance

It doesn't matter, they spit inferiority.

Rookie rappers in nineteen, all the wannabe rappers Be alert, me and my all friends are going to be on fire.

Hit the keyboard, I'll snort, I feel good at the base, turn on, there is so much work already

I'll make money, my music and the cast of performances

Misfortune of the nerds are always a moment of success

I feel, pretty sisters like us, your fantasies are easily broken, like glass

You're annoying me with DM, to pretty women, I'm worried about my girlfriend, I'm not lying, absolutely why

Things you can't do, I don't think I can do it too, we'll do it again, put everything in this game

This is my memory in the corner, boy You have to remember.

When I live my life that is enough to die, it was you who just laughed.

I can't forgive you, I can't forget it, fool me

I wonder if your brothers are doing well, you better watch it.

I promised to cry a dozens of times if I'm gonna be succeed, pecking basil

It feels itchy walking in a thorny field, please do not contact me now

You asking me, but now where the hell are you

Why should I pay your settlement? OG in the lyrics

Kill me if you want, organization life's rapper, you look proud with a tattoo on your body.

Now stop playing the music and joy's come, SMTM Hongwon, I saw it well you dude

Young B isn't your friend.

Why did you talk informal to me like that? Am I still look like an easy target to you

I'm rapping every day like a beggar, I'm doing a rap that you used to ignore

If you ask why, I'm still in my position You're looking at it really dirtily

I pray every night, I hope I won't have nightmares

Don't let my dream falls down

For more infomation >> [ENG] Full ver. School Rapper 170303 EP.4 Team Gyeongin East 1 (BULLY DA BASTARD) - Duration: 3:41.


Terraria : Rainny Night #16 - อย่าลืมของไว้บ้านเพื่อน ไม่นั่นเดี๋ยวเพื่อนเอาไปใช้ [ FINALE ] - Duration: 16:58.

For more infomation >> Terraria : Rainny Night #16 - อย่าลืมของไว้บ้านเพื่อน ไม่นั่นเดี๋ยวเพื่อนเอาไปใช้ [ FINALE ] - Duration: 16:58.


日本語字幕 170224 BTS 木洞サイン会 ( Mokdong fansign ) [CC for JPN/ENG subs] - Duration: 4:30.

JN: I get ready to do that

SG: Yeah?

JN: Recently a bit...

JM: You get ready?? LOL

JN: It becomes a show...

SG: No...

SG: First of all, your hand...

V: Everyone, There is an episode for this

SG: Your hands, long time ago...(???)

V: When our junior idols came to us for greeting

V: They blew a kiss like this

V: I was so surpised

SG: It already has become our trademark V: It has

SG: If male junior come to us and they blow a kiss

SG: oh... V: That's weird

V: I feel sorry a bit

SG: Recently it become our trademark

V: Shall we do that? SG: Shall we do that?

RM: Let's do it from this...

V: Yes, one two three!

V: You have to do that SG: You have to do that

V: oh, you have to do that!

SG: Move your hand like this

JN: Perfectly, perfectly this...

SG: Yes, your hand...

SG: This is the timing... V: You have to do that

SG: Left hand move to your back...

SG: Shall we do that? Okay, one two, tree!

SG: ah, this is not easy

JK: ah, This is Jin...

RM: ??? SG: ah, this...

SG: This is not easy

SG: oh, I understand

SG: You can do that very well

V: Can you do that anything, Jimin?

V: Jimin, you should do something at last

JM: Yes???

V: Jimin, when you laugh, there is something like that

SG: Recently is there anything which you recommend to do?

JM: Recently anything I recommend?

SG: Capzzang and blowing kiss have already come out V: Capzzang and blowing kiss have already come out, Jimin

JK: Jimin's pinky!


JM: I am... No no!

JM: argh! NO NO NO!!!

JM: Noooo... Don't do that...

JK: show us, show us! seriously

JM: Everyone, but I am...

JM: ah... this...

JM: I just pretend my pinky is short and it is longer than you think

JK: But why do you pretend it is short?

JH: One, two, three!

SG: BTS's... BTS's...

SG: Pinky JIMIN!

SG: Cute...

JM: Usually I show you it

JM: it looks short because the pressure on my hands

JM: It's not like this

SG: Still it is short...

SG: Hey Pink senior...(?)

JM: Wow! Seriously "Metapot" has come out!

SG: About it...

JM: It looks like it right? Pokemon's...

JM: Metapot right?

JK: Rap Monster, Pokemon...

JM: oh, I didn't raise up, I raise up my pokemon

SG: Yes, everyone

SG: You can do it

JK: Oh, why did you ask that it is cold or notsuddenly?

SG: If I asked it is cold or not suddenly,

SG: I shouldn't have asked?

SG:I can't ask?

V: Okay you can

JK: Okay

SG: It is cold right? like that

SG: It is cold weather right?

SG: Yes, Okay

SG: Everyone please take care of yourself and do not catcha a cold

SG: Do you have anything to say?

JM: I do

JM: Eveyone asked me and worry about me

JM: My back of neck is not hurt at all

JM: neither my low back

V: My low back is good, eveyone

SG: Yes, this time the coreography of "Spring day" is really...

SG: Difficult right?

SG: It is not easy

V: Yes, that's right

SG: Especially Jimin's part is not easy

JK: Argh, Rap Monster... SG: It is difficult

JM: Actually I think about that

JM: we would have created the coreography which we never done in live concerts

SG: But we can dance it

JM: We can do it

SG: Everytime people just need to a practie which allow you be able to

JK: Rap Monster also does his best effort

SG: Everyone, Please watch out Rap Monster anytime!

SG: Anytime, anywhere

V: Everyone, because we will do our best at "music core" ..

SG: Please work hard from tomorrow morning, our ARMY

V: Even though you can't come, please pray for us

SG: Please pray for us from beyond the TV

SG: Thank you very much! Please go back safely!

SG: untill now V: This is BTS!

V: Two, three! BTS: Thank you!

SG: Please go back safely!

V: Everyone, Please go back safely, really! 108 00:04:18,180 --> 00:04:20,180 JK: Member be careful!

V: Yoongi be careful! Rap Monster be careful!

SG: Capzzang!!!

For more infomation >> 日本語字幕 170224 BTS 木洞サイン会 ( Mokdong fansign ) [CC for JPN/ENG subs] - Duration: 4:30.


Oggy and the Cockroaches ★ NEW series 2017 cartoon for kids ► Special Collection 2016 Part 151 - Duration: 33:24.

For more infomation >> Oggy and the Cockroaches ★ NEW series 2017 cartoon for kids ► Special Collection 2016 Part 151 - Duration: 33:24.


Dainese Nighthawk D1 Gore-Tex: análisis de las botas en - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Dainese Nighthawk D1 Gore-Tex: análisis de las botas en - Duration: 3:09.


Thanks | How to change your life and become a better - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Thanks | How to change your life and become a better - Duration: 5:05.


Storm Makes For Difficult Travel In Sierra - Duration: 1:22.





Nats - Kid on sled. 23.46


Not everyone was expecting this


For more infomation >> Storm Makes For Difficult Travel In Sierra - Duration: 1:22.


Shades of Blue - Who's the Real Threat? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 5:32.

- Trying to get out of setting the table?


come inside.

- Where were you?

- I was stuck in traffic on Bushwick.

There was, uh, construction on Myrtle.

- On Myrtle. Yeah, I heard.

Traffic-- too obvious a lie to be a lie.

At least that's what I assume.

- It's the truth.

- People who have affairs get stuck in traffic.

Late for school, late for work-- there's always traffic.

- It's New York.

I'm not lying.

- Well, here's a chance to keep your streak alive.

- Why aren't you looking at me?

- Did you know?

- Know what?

- Less convincing. I'll ask again.

Did you know?

- You can ask as many times as you want.

If I don't know what the question is,

I can't answer it.

- Stahl's real target.

It's Julia.

- Julia who? - Our Julia.

Julia Ayres.

I swear to God, Harlee,

if you know and you're not-- - I-I didn't know.

It-- [sighs]

Are you sure? Julia?

[tense music]

[thunder booming]

- I thought you were holding the NYPD's leash.

- Wozniak isn't the taking-orders type.

- So this is what, a shakedown?

Are these two cops of yours entrepreneurs?

- I'd call it a mistake.

- This deal you made,

does it include the crew's immunity?

Are they on the hook for this?

- Do you two think you can play me?

- I didn't know anything about Julia.

- Do you think I could ever be a rat like you?

- I am not in league with Stahl.

He--he ruined my life. I hate him.

- You hate him like you love me--

when it's convenient.

- Woz...please.

You have to believe me.

- That night at the pier,

where did you hide it?

The wire, where did you hide it?

- My daughter's inside.

- Harlee, where was it?

- This is not the time or the place.


- God! Tell me.

Where was it?

- On my back.

- You're a smart girl.

You undress. You shame me.

You make me doubt what I knew I knew.

- They said they would take Cristina away from me.

They said they would put me in jail.

- You let me push Saperstein off a building.

- No, I tried to stop you!

- I killed him!

I killed him to protect you!

- Stop twisting things around.

You killed Saperstein

because you were out of control and paranoid.

I did what I did to protect my daughter.

- Harlee... we could've found a way.

- I can make your troubles go away,

just like I did last time.

- Last time, I was guilty.

- Should be easier, then, shouldn't it?

- I prefer it never happened.

- Wozniak and I go way back.

He stepped over a line,

and I can make him step in the other direction.

- Every smile,

every conversation,

you looked me in the eyes

while you were twisting the knife in my back.

You're a liar, you're a coward,

and you're a rat.

[thunder booming]

- You shook my hand,

and you promised me you would handle the department

if I supported your ambitions.

In my world, that kind of negligence

is just not tolerated.


- [gasps]

- Now, him, he allowed two corrupt cops

to walk right up to me and plant a weapon.

- Is that meant to impress me?

- I just need to know...

that I have your attention.

- This is exactly why Stahl gave you the recording--

to divide us.

Don't let him.

If we just stick together in this--

- I will never trust you again--ever.

I'll do anything for Julia.

I will not let her go down.

- Wozniak didn't do this alone.

Something or someone gave him good reason.

That's the threat you need to eliminate.

[thunder booming]

For more infomation >> Shades of Blue - Who's the Real Threat? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 5:32.


Colors With Animals Names | Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Cute Hunting Cat Vs Dog Videos For Kids - Duration: 1:30:47.

Colors With Animals Names Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Cute Hunting Cat Vs Dog Videos For Kids nursery rhymes

For more infomation >> Colors With Animals Names | Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Cute Hunting Cat Vs Dog Videos For Kids - Duration: 1:30:47.


Silicon Valley Braces For More Restrictions For Expedited HB1 Visas - Duration: 1:57.











For more infomation >> Silicon Valley Braces For More Restrictions For Expedited HB1 Visas - Duration: 1:57.


México y Canadá abren sus puertas a refugiados sirios - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> México y Canadá abren sus puertas a refugiados sirios - Duration: 1:45.


La policía de California no perseguirá a los inmigrantes, dice Xavier Becerra - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> La policía de California no perseguirá a los inmigrantes, dice Xavier Becerra - Duration: 1:49.


Acuerdate - Danny Ztar

For more infomation >> Acuerdate - Danny Ztar


FinTech Monthly: Investments topping £33m, a blockchain update involving JP Morgan Chase and more - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> FinTech Monthly: Investments topping £33m, a blockchain update involving JP Morgan Chase and more - Duration: 4:07.


5 Facts, Gionee A1 VS Gionee A1 Plus - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> 5 Facts, Gionee A1 VS Gionee A1 Plus - Duration: 6:48.


1925 Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life (Hierba) - English - Castellano - Merian C. Cooper - Duration: 1:11:02.

For more infomation >> 1925 Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life (Hierba) - English - Castellano - Merian C. Cooper - Duration: 1:11:02.


Speed Up Windows Computer

For more infomation >> Speed Up Windows Computer


For more infomation >> Speed Up Windows Computer


Citroën C1 1.0 Collection - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 Collection - Duration: 1:07.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 Collection - Duration: 1:07.


Citroën C1 1.0 Collection - Airco - Bluetooth - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 Collection - Airco - Bluetooth - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 Collection - Airco - Bluetooth - Duration: 0:42.


Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas - Luxury Hotel Tour - Duration: 13:06.

Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas was built in 1995 and expanded in 2010.

Pull into the porte cochere, a couple of blocks off-Strip on Paradise Road.

Guitar door handles are just the beginning of the music-themed property.

The entrance to the Hard Rock Hotel is flanked with musician memorabilia and a chandelier of saxophones.

Check in to one of 1,503 rooms and suites at the main registration desk.

The master bedroom in a Harmon Tower penthouse features a canopy bed,

bench, floor-to-ceiling windows and lounge chair.

A bathroom in a Harmon Tower penthouse offers a double vanity with a white marble countertop.

The master bathroom in a Harmon Tower penthouse hosts a white marble bathtub with a sliding privacy door.

A Harmon Tower penthouse boasts a white marble shower room with multiple shower heads.

Essential toiletries are on-hand in a Harmon Tower penthouse.

Find a scrub brush among the amenities in the bath in a Harmon Tower penthouse.

A living room in a Harmon Tower penthouse offers extensive sofa seating and floor-to-ceiling windows.

The living room in a Harmon Tower penthouse offers a large flatscreen TV.

A Harmon Tower penthouse features a sleek, black dining room table that seats five.

A Harmon Tower penthouse includes a whirlpool tub lined in iridescent tiles.

A bar area in a Harmon Tower penthouse includes a mini fridge, ample counter space and a sink.

The bar in a Harmon Tower penthouse offers a coffee and tea maker.

A bathroom in a Harmon Tower penthouse is surrounded in white marble tile and offers a double vanity and large mirror.

A guest room in a Harmon Tower penthouse offers two queen beds, a dresser and closets.

A Harmon Tower penthouse boasts a private outdoor pool with Strip views.

Guests a Harmon Tower penthouse can view the pools and Paradise Tower.

In the Harmon Tower, a standard suite with a king bed offers simplistic decor, and a TV and dresser.

A standard suite in the Harmon Tower includes a work space.

A standard suite in the Harmon Tower offers an L-Shaped sofa with floor-to-ceiling window views.

The bathroom of a standard suite in the Harmon Tower features a standing double vanity with a marble countertop.

The bathroom of a standard suite in the Harmon Tower includes a walk-in shower with black tile and two shower heads.

The bathroom of a standard suite in the Harmon Tower offers a sliding window into the bedroom. The other side is a mirror.

Complimentary toiletries include a dental kit, facial bar, lotion, shower cap and more.

Shampoo, conditioner and body was are on-hand in the shower of a standard suite with king bed in the Harmon Tower.

A standard suite with king bed in the Harmon Tower offers a bar area with a sink and counter space.

Snacks, aloe, a hangover cure and intimacy kit are available in a standard suite with king bed in the Harmon Tower.

A Crestron controller operates a variety of functions in a Harmon Tower penthouse.

The Harmon Tower offers views over the Nirvana Pool.

A standard room in the Paradise Tower features a king bed, floor-to-ceiling windows, work space and two benches.

A standard room in the Paradise Tower offers a 40-inch LCD TV and dresser.

The bathroom of a standard room in the Paradise Tower features a double vanity with a black countertop and red wallpaper.

The bathroom of a standard room in the Paradise Tower includes a walk-in shower.

Guests in the Paradise Tower can view the Dish Pool from above.

The Nirvana Pool is open to all ages, seven days a week.

Cabanas with private seating and shade are available for rent around the Nirvana Pool.

The Breathe Pool Ultra Lounge overlooks the Nirvana Pool.

The Breathe Pool is accessible to ages 21 and up on Friday and Saturday nights.

Paradise Pool hosts Rehab Beach Club for ages 21 and up, Wednesday to Sunday.

A cabana by the Paradise Pool offers a TV, mini fridge, U-shaped sofa and bottle service.

Paradise Pool hosts parties with live DJs among day beds and palm trees.

South Beach is a 21 years and older area that opens on days when there is no Rehab pool party.

The Dish Pool is an infinity wading pool lined with cabanas on one end.

Day beds with combination lockers are available at the Dish Pool.

A cabana by the Dish Pool offers private sofa seating or lounging, a TV, a safe and a mini fridge.

Vanity is a 14,000 square-foot nightclub that opens up to Nirvana Pool.

Center Bar offers TVs, happy hour specials and live DJ events.

Hard Rock hosts an outpost of Los Angeles' Pink Taco Mexican restaurant.

A Pink Taco wall is covered with Spanish language movie posters.

A discounted table sits near the kitchen entrance of Pink Taco.

Pink Taco offers poolside patio dining with Day of the Dead-style art.

Find finer dining at 35 Steaks + Martinis.

The bar at 35 Steaks + Martinis offers four martinis,

three signature cocktails and a wine list.

A wine cooler displays an array of bottles at 35 Steaks + Martinis.

Fu Asian Kitchen serves authentic Chinese and Asian fusion.

Fu Asian Kitchen features a flashy dining room, serving lunch and dinner.

Mr. Lucky's serves indulgent diner food 24 hours a day.

Mr. Lucky's has an open kitchen and diners can sit at the counter.

The Reliquary Spa & Salon offers a wide array of treatments and services.

Women can relax in a warm, plush lounge while waiting.

Men have a similar lounge in the spa.

A treatment room hosts massages, facial treatments and body therapies.

A wet treatment room is available for body therapies.

A dry sauna is available on the men's side of the Reliquary Spa.

The men's side also includes a whirlpool.

The spa hosts a co-ed Roman bathhouse.

Beauty products are displayed at the salon reception desk.

The salon offers hair, hand and feet treatments.

The salon offers hair coloring, conditioning, cutting and styling treatments.

Comfortable pedicure chairs line a wall of the salon.

The salon offers makeup and eyelash application.

Salon chairs face a mirror with colorful art lining walls.

Star James poses at the Juice Bar, which serves coffee, smoothies and more.

Inside the front doors of the Hard Rock Hotel displays, like this Imagine Dragons exhibit, are constantly rotated and changed.

Davie Bowie memorabilia is displayed in an exhibit.

An exhibit of Elton John memorabilia lines a hallway.

Prince memorabilia is on display.

In June, guests could see an exhibit featuring The Killers.

Diners sit next to a Lady Gaga exhibit.

A Lady Gaga costume is on display.

Hard Rock-themed merchandise is available in the gift shop.

Rony Zagursky poses with a T-shirt in the gift shop.

Rodrigo Goes of Brazil checks out at the Harmon Tower.

The Hard Rock offers valet and self parking.

For more infomation >> Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas - Luxury Hotel Tour - Duration: 13:06.


For more infomation >> Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas - Luxury Hotel Tour - Duration: 13:06.


Funny Cartoons for Kids

For more infomation >> Funny Cartoons for Kids


Yinzhi "Pilot Diary" Drone view "2016 yearly video" - Duration: 5:04.

Shanghai China

California US

Changbai Mountain China

Qindao China

Shanghai China

Wuzhen China

Nike 2016 special Event @Shanghai

took in 2016

By Yinzhi

Music By Wei Xu

2017 More exciting

I'm Peter Pan


For more infomation >> Yinzhi "Pilot Diary" Drone view "2016 yearly video" - Duration: 5:04.


FinTech Monthly: Investments topping £33m, a blockchain update involving JP Morgan Chase and more - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> FinTech Monthly: Investments topping £33m, a blockchain update involving JP Morgan Chase and more - Duration: 4:07.


[ENG] Full ver. School Rapper 170303 EP.4 Team Gyeongin East 1 (BULLY DA BASTARD) - Duration: 3:41.

That's it

Your beat is too strong. Tbh

I'm a bully

These day keep maintain Positive vibe, I will not do self-criticism anymore

A group of peer friends are here We'll show you, reporter take a picture

The antis too step in, a bouquet Or I'll call a fire truck

Cut down the sculpture Keep your fingers on

Listen carefully, there's only one reason I came here, it's my dream of success

In order to achieve it, I'll never ever get loose, Don't count on my support, If I cry, I'll get in trouble

Everyone back off, even if you bother me, I'll never move at all

Whoever blocks me, I'll survive even a little breaks down

Now, why I can't hear the sound of the girls playing I'm the only girl,

I told you in advance 'This is not the way', why is that bad?

If you knew then it's done, go away A kid like you, get out

I can't even eat it, it's very frustrated, I've no sad feelings at all

Look at that gossip, now that you have a lot to say about our skills

Keep an eye on me, even if you look at me it will hurting your eyes

I'll keep going up, baby

Facebook timeline on top, I got many women's interests

Looks like the 'likes' are running. your jealousy and fake chance

It doesn't matter, they spit inferiority.

Rookie rappers in nineteen, all the wannabe rappers Be alert, me and my all friends are going to be on fire.

Hit the keyboard, I'll snort, I feel good at the base, turn on, there is so much work already

I'll make money, my music and the cast of performances

Misfortune of the nerds are always a moment of success

I feel, pretty sisters like us, your fantasies are easily broken, like glass

You're annoying me with DM, to pretty women, I'm worried about my girlfriend, I'm not lying, absolutely why

Things you can't do, I don't think I can do it too, we'll do it again, put everything in this game

This is my memory in the corner, boy You have to remember.

When I live my life that is enough to die, it was you who just laughed.

I can't forgive you, I can't forget it, fool me

I wonder if your brothers are doing well, you better watch it.

I promised to cry a dozens of times if I'm gonna be succeed, pecking basil

It feels itchy walking in a thorny field, please do not contact me now

You asking me, but now where the hell are you

Why should I pay your settlement? OG in the lyrics

Kill me if you want, organization life's rapper, you look proud with a tattoo on your body.

Now stop playing the music and joy's come, SMTM Hongwon, I saw it well you dude

Young B isn't your friend.

Why did you talk informal to me like that? Am I still look like an easy target to you

I'm rapping every day like a beggar, I'm doing a rap that you used to ignore

If you ask why, I'm still in my position You're looking at it really dirtily

I pray every night, I hope I won't have nightmares

Don't let my dream falls down

For more infomation >> [ENG] Full ver. School Rapper 170303 EP.4 Team Gyeongin East 1 (BULLY DA BASTARD) - Duration: 3:41.


7 Words That Will Change Your Business - 2017 - Episode 48 - Duration: 5:08.

These are 7 words that will change your business.

When you sit down with a new person, or you are the new person being set down with, you

have to understand the relationship and then you have to understand the roles of the relationship.

Yeah, oh oh, well it's ok.

I wouldn't be me if I didn't screw up something.

I, is this right?

Will help you build your business.


This is the relationship between the mentor, the upline, the superstar, and the person

who earns their attention.

I will help you build your business.

Now the roles.

The most important thing in your business is the word that sits in the middle of these

seven, and what's that word.


It is your business.

You know what your job is?

Everything that follows you.

You build your business.

You build it.

You know what the mentors job is, in this case I will take that role.

You know what my job is?

I will help you.

You build your business, I will help you.

If your not doing your job, I don't have one.

When Eric goes through the 7 skills, every company has a system, every good leader has

a system, he works with.

It usually starts with making a list.

You know why it starts with making a list?

When you are brand new, you know what you know about network marketing?

Absolutely nothing.

I don't care where you come from.

I don't care how much knowledge you have.

I don't care how good you were at what you did before.

This is new.

And the only thing that you bring to the party is a group of people who trust you enough

to listen to you and to be connected to a product or service an opportunity, a business

that they know nothing about.

So your list of contacts is your biggest asset.

That and your ability to shut your mouth, open your ears, and immerse yourself in listening,

watching other people do their job which is to present for you until you can.

How does a baby learn to talk, they don't go to language school.

They are around people that talk, and they listen and they listen and one day you can't

shut them up.

That's how you learn to do the business.


So if I say, "Brian, make your list." and he says, "OK."

I say, "When are you going to do that?"

And he says, "I'll do it by Tuesday."

So I put him in the book.

"Great I will call you on Tuesday.

We will go to the next step."

I call him on Tuesday and I say, "Did you make your list?"

He says, "No."

And I say, "Ok, did something happen?"

Because you know life gets in the way.

Somebody could have gotten in a car accident.

He says, "No I just didn't get it done."

" No problem.

When are you going to get it done?"


Put him in the book again.

I call him on Friday.

"Did you get it done."

"No well this happened."

"Brian, this is your business.

I don't want to put pressure on you.

The last thing I want to do, is to tell you what to do with your business.

Here are the conference calls, this is when we have the team meeting.

This is when the convention is, this is all the group stuff.

When you are ready, and you get it done, call me back."

I didn't kick him out of my book.

He took himself out.

And if he calls me back, he will get back in.

But in the meantime I am looking and looking and looking for those that stay in the book.

And every step along the way is people that are staying in the book.

They are moving to the next step, and the next step, and if they don't, they move to

the group.

This is like the NFL, or Major League Baseball guys, and girls.

You are building a championship team.

Everybody can try out and there is a place for everybody.

But you want in the starting lineup, you listen to the coach.

John Wooden had the best player in the world on his team at the time.

He said , "Get a haircut, you don't play."

He showed up without a haircut.

He said, "You're not playing."

He went and got a haircut because that was the coach.

That's what you do.

So, you build your business.

We help you.

Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved in the network marketing profession, I want

to invite you to come to the Network Marketing Pro YouTube Channel.

Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.

We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,

interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.

Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.

Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends

to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.

For more infomation >> 7 Words That Will Change Your Business - 2017 - Episode 48 - Duration: 5:08.


Bag Raiders is Back... For Memes! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Bag Raiders is Back... For Memes! - Duration: 1:37.


Hai anh chàng Hàn Quốc cover Lạc Trôi của Sơn Tùng M-TP - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Hai anh chàng Hàn Quốc cover Lạc Trôi của Sơn Tùng M-TP - Duration: 4:40.


Las Vegas' Luxury Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa - Las Vegas Hotel Tour - Duration: 13:18.

About 10 miles from the Strip, Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa offers a luxury stay away from the chaos and close to the natural wonder that is Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.

Pull into the porte cochere after a 20-minute drive from the airport.

Red Rock offers a complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport and the Strip.

Get a sneak peek of the hotel tower from the porte cochere upon arrival.

Check in to one of 815 rooms at the marble front desk.

The lobby offers a warm atmosphere with ample seating and art.

Red Rock's lobby welcomes guests with striking color schemes.

The bedroom in a Grand Villasuite features aking bed,

natural light from floor-to-ceiling windows, an arm chair and plush down bedding.

The spacious bathroom in a Grand Villa features a wide vanity,

monstrous mirror and a walk-in shower with rain shower heads and Swiss body spray bars.

The bathroom boasts clean, white design with a standing tub and marble tile.

Grand Villa bathrooms offer designer toiletries by Gilchrist & Soames.

A robe flanks the walk-in shower in a Grand Villa bathroom.

Take a sneak peek at the whitewashed water closet.

The Grand Villa bathroom comes complete with controls for a high-tech toilet.

The expansive Grand Villa living room is referred to as a parlor, complete with billiards,

a bar, entertainment and relaxation.

Relax with ample seating and a 65-inch High Definition Plasma TV.

The Grand Villa dining area includes a marble table with seating for eight and artwork.

A billiards table and bar offer recreation and communal space in a Grand Villa.

A Grand Villa bar offers spirits, wine and another big-screen TV.

The bar in a Grand Villa has name brand liquors on-hand.

A sneak peek at the butler kitchen.

A Grand Villa offers a separate work space.

Another bedroom in a Grand Villa shows a chaise lounge and great views.

A chaise lounge in the Grand Villa offers window-side relaxation.

A Grand Villa guest bathroom offers counter space, a large mirror and a walk-in shower.

A Grand Villa patio features plush lounging and a plunge pool.

Take a dip in the private pool with room for the whole group.

The patio includes a dining area with bar seating for five.

Enter "One-Eighty," a 7,500 square-foot two-bedroom suite.

The "One-Eighty" living area boasts ample seating on a long purple sofa and dark interiors.

The living area in "One-Eighty" includes a billiards table and marble floors.

The open space offers bright natural light from a wall of windows.

High-powered binoculars offer enhanced views of Red Rock Canyon and the resort's surroundings.

A huge bedroom in a "One-Eighty" suite includes a Jacuzzi.

A bedroom in a "One-Eighty" suite features a king bed with down bedding and Egyptian cotton sheets.

The glorified tub is set against a fireplace for the ultimate in luxury and romance.

A reading chair in the bedroom offers relaxation with books and magazines on-hand.

The bathroom in a "One-Eighty" suite features a wide double vanity and marble tile throughout.

The fireplace stands between the bathroom and in-room bathtub.

A double vanity in a "One-Eighty" bathroom feature vessel sinks and marble countertops.

The large closet of course includes a safe, iron and robe.

The dining area in a "One-Eighty" suite seats eight surrounded by sharp black decor.

Another living area in a "One-Eighty" suite offers a plush U-shaped sofa.

A peek inside the butler kitchen in a "One-Eighty" suite.

A bar area in "One-Eighty" offers seating for 10 and a marble countertop.

Fresh flowers and vases flank the bar in a "One-Eighty" suite.

A peek at the art and broad windows in "One-Eighty".

The guest bathroom in a "One-Eighty" suite features an artful sink.

A "One-Eighty" suite patio features a giant wraparound couch overlooking the city.

View Downtown Summerlin, a shopping, dining and entertainment area, from a "One-Eighty" suite.

A "One-Eighty" suite boasts an outdoor jacuzzi tub with breathtaking views of Red Rock Canyon.

A standard room offers one king or two queen beds.

This deluxe king features two chairs and more than 500-square-feet of space.

The bathroom in standard rooms features marble tile throughout,

and both a tub and walk-in shower.

The bathroom in a standard bedroom has ample counter space and a small TV over the tub.

"One-Eighty" bathrooms offer luxury Gilchrist & Soames toiletries.

Standard room include work spaces.

Standard rooms offer water,

spirits and snacks such as cookies, candy and nuts.

Red Rock Casino offers blackjack, baccarat, craps and roulette;

3,000 machines, and a race and sports book.

Nick Gomez, left, of Las Vegas, works on bets at the Red Rock sports book.

The Lucky Bar is shown behind a blackjack table at the casino.

Sip on cocktails like the Cucumber Martini (left) or the Red Rock cocktail at Lucky Bar in the resort.

The lobby of the spa displays promotional products for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The Spa at Red Rock was named one of the Top 100 Resort Spas by 'Conde Nast Traveler' magazine,

and offers two dozen treatments.

The resort's three-acre pool area is family-friendly.

Waterfall island is the focal point of the pool area.

Guests can relax and sun bathe comfortably in the many lounge chairs on the deck.

Red Rock hosts 19 private cabanas with a TV,

seating under a fan and a fridge.

The cabanas include a private dipping pool.

The area offers swim-up gaming with poolside blackjack tables,

and light fare and drinks at the poolside cafe, Sandbar.

Guests can dine on rustic American fare at Hearthstone Kitchen & Cellar.

A private dining area in Hearthstone Kitchen & Cellar seats 12.

A shellfish platter is served in Hearthstone Kitchen & Cellar.

Start with a Harvest Quinoa Salad at Hearthstone.

Try stuffed dates wrapped in bacon at Hearthstone.

An Orange Red Rock Sunset (left) and Primm's 50 cocktails are served at Hearthstone.

Dine on steak and seafood at T-Bones Chophouse.

The bar at T-Bones Chophouse offers live music Wednesdays through Saturdays.

A towering Seafood Jackpot is served at T-Bones Chophouse.

Indulge in a T-Bones 48-oz. Steak For Two at the Chophouse.

Or opt for Seared Atlantic Salmon at T-Bones.

A White Cosmo (left) and a Moscow Mule are served at T-Bones' bar.

Dine on Asian fusion at 8 Noodle Bar.

Vermicelli Noodles are served at 8 Noodle Bar.

Try Tonkotsu Ramen at 8 Noodle Bar.

A Lychee Martini (left), Cowboys & Kimonos, and a Cucumber Martini are served at the Noodle Bar.

The family-friendly offerings begin with movies.

The resort hosts a 16-screen Regal Cinemas with IMAX as well.

(Show your movie ticket at the bowling alley and score a free game).

Guests can go bowling at Red Rock VIP Lanes.

The bowling center offers 72 lanes, a lounge, game room and deli snack bar.

Bottle service is set up for a private party in the Red Rock VIP Lanes.

The resort offers hourly child care at Kids Quest, an entertainment facility and play area.

The supervised child care provider hosts arcade games, board games and more recreation in this vibrant atmosphere.

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