- [Mark] That's an amazing shot.
- You got it? - Yeah.
- [Mark] The entire rib-eye.
The best of the best Kobe beef.
- Hey, everyone.
It's Mark Wiens.
Good morning from Phuket.
We are staying at a place called Sri Panwa
and this is day number two.
We are gonna, basically, just hang out and relax all day.
And do some eating.
But, tonight is the main event.
It's the Wagyumafia Beef event
which I am really looking forward to.
But, for now, we're gonna go have breakfast real fast.
It's about 7:00 a.m.
We're gonna have breakfast, right here, at the hotel.
They have a full selection of different curries,
Southern Thai curries, and a full buffet up at the front.
Basically, all kinds of breakfast delicacies
you could possibly want but then, they also,
have a menu where you order eggs.
Decided to start off with their signature
Baba Eggs Benedict.
I'm gonna have this first before I eat some curries.
And also, coffee, gotta have coffee.
Oh yeah.
That's a really good Americano.
Let me break into this yolk.
Oh, yes.
This one is proper, proper yolk.
The other one is a little bit overcooked,
but this yolk is beautiful.
Oh, and there's a piece of, maybe, bacon down there.
Oh yeah, that is a very soothing, soothing egg dish.
Any chance that I have to eat crab,
Southern Thai crab curry for breakfast, I am very happy.
And it looks wonderful.
Just loaded with crab meat.
I, also, got some beef and some cabbage
and just a little bit of rice.
Oh, wow.
Oh, it's really good.
Oh, just boneless nuggets of crab.
What a way to start the day.
Next course, I went with a lot of fruits and vegetables.
The salad course and then,
just a few pieces of cheese and chorizo, for good measure.
(upbeat music)
I really love bell peppers.
Dragon fruit.
We've been having a very leisurely morning
and now I'm walking over to David's room because David
has this unbelievable view and a swimming pool at his room.
Oh, wow.
This room is spectacular and this pool with a view,
it's gorgeous.
Okay, just to tell you the rough plan of the day.
We're gonna hang out and then, for lunch,
we're going into Phuket town to eat at a restaurant.
Which is a very well known Southern Thai restaurant
and I think we're just gonna come back to the hotel,
hang out, have a nice leisurely afternoon,
and then tonight is another main food event.
Which I am ecstatic about and we'll be having
some of the ultimate, best Wagyu beef from Wagyumafia.
(upbeat music)
We just took the drive into Phuket town
and we're eating lunch at a restaurant called Raya.
This is a legendary, Southern Thai food restaurant.
And Ying and I have been here a couple times before
when we've been in Phuket town,
but we're here with a whole crew.
We're here with Wagyumafia and Chef Sato.
We got Gkoong Pad Sadtaw which is shrimp stir-fried
with shrimp paste and lots of stink beans.
And then one of the signature dishes here is called
Mu Hong which is a braised pork dish.
And then we, also, got Gang Bu.
I think, with Pai Chapu which is a crab nugget curry
with Mai Chupu which is wild betle leaves.
Let me start with the stink beans.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, it's so good.
Let me try the Mu Hong pork.
It's so tender and then you can taste all the
Chinese five-spice flavors in there.
You can taste garlic, you can taste black pepper.
It's delicious.
I didn't get to show you that much of it
because we were hanging out and conversing
but it was a great lunch.
And great to hang out with everybody that we ate with.
(upbeat music)
Made it back to the hotel after lunch.
Baby is just taking a nap so I'm gonna head down to beach.
Oh, really cool.
You have to walk on, there's a jungle canopy.
And check out the size of these taro leaves.
These are giants.
There, also, sometimes called elephant ears
because they're so big and look like elephant ears.
Oh, look at that view of the beach down there.
(upbeat music)
A nice little private beach.
And it's just a little cove of a beach, too
because Sri Panwa it takes up their whole ridge area
and then it's, mostly, rocky.
That's why you have such spectacular views,
but then there's just this little patch of sand right here.
Gotta have good balance on this thing, though.
(water splashing)
Oh, that's amazing.
- [Together] Wagyu! (clapping)
- And, actually, Wagyumafia they are
expert dealers in Wagyu, but then as their popularity rose
they decided to open their own pop-up restaurant.
And now, they have a full restaurant in Japan.
But, they're real purveyors of the
best of the best quality of beef.
So, they're gonna serve us a full menu of different courses.
And the first course that they're serving us
is homemade beef jerky with Ozaki beef A5 BMS8.
It's just a thin strip but you can see that marbling
just on that thin piece of beef jerky.
It's very light in spice but really, really fragrant.
It's salty, you can taste the pepper in there.
And then, there's a little bit of an oil sauce.
Oh, wow.
That is a stunning first bite.
Thank you.
For the next course, it is a type of satay,
two types of satay.
Which are, kind of, a combination of Japanese Wagyu
with Thai-flavor style satay.
So, I'll start with this skewer.
Oh, it's so beefy tasting and so juicy.
I think that just is pure fat, I think,
and it just melts in your mouth.
Oh, and it's so flavorful.
It's so fragrant.
That is amazing.
- I want you to squeeze with your chopsticks
and eat it with a (mumbling) stock.
- It's a Thai-Japanese invention, or fusion,
with Wagyu beef but a type of krapao
which is stir-fried with holy basil.
And then, they poached an egg yolk
and stuck the egg yolk on top.
And chef has instructed us to pinch the egg yolk
with our chopsticks and break that egg yolk
all over the meat below.
That yolk!
That yolk is just perfect.
You just stick your chopsticks onto it and it just,
you can feel it wiggling around.
Oh, that's gorgeous.
Oh, that's just perfect yolk.
Perfect yolk.
Oh, it oozing all over.
That yolk is, actually, perfect.
It's just like a runny thick, rich sauce.
Next course, we are onto an Ozaki beef tendon.
It's like a reinvention of a Tom Yum Goong.
It's, kind of, cold and looks jelly-ish.
You, kind of, wanna scoop it up almost like a pudding
because you can see there's chunks of tendon in it.
Oh, yeah.
There's little tender nuggets of meat and tendon in there.
It's just really good.
That's like a beef pudding.
(upbeat music)
- Okay. - Thank you.
- So, that's prepared by Satoshi.
So, it's a total collaboration.
This is Misugi, shoulder clod.
An oyster blade.
From Ozaki beef.
A piece of sushi, a beef sushi.
And it is one of the most beautiful things
that I have ever seen in my life.
It almost looks like pure fat
with just a little bit of meat in it.
And, actually, as it sits on my plate,
it, actually looks like it's starting to just melt.
Melt in the natural air.
It's starting to melt.
This thing is a beauty.
Oh, you do not want to swallow that bite.
It just keeps on releasing beef juices.
Next course is tako yaki, but this is
Wagyu rib-eye ball.
There's a batter and then it's all encrusting
a little piece of rib-eye and there are some,
I think they're bonito flakes,
and then some other light seasonings on it.
It's like a batter ball.
It's like a comforting ball and then,
and that beef in there is so soft
that it blends in with the batter.
Oh, it's ridiculously soft.
So soft that I barely even tasted the beef, at first.
The next course, I think, is gonna be grilled beef
on a mookata and it is a hot griddle.
The actual broth is made from Kobe beef bones
and then they sprinkled some vegetables in it.
They put a giant chunk of Wagyu fat on top
and then we're gonna be grilling up splices of Wagyu beef.
So, this is one of the most luxurious, gourmet,
and just outrageously, insanely awesome mookata
that has ever been prepared, ever.
We all got bowls of the mookata
with a slice of beef and then vegetables.
And, actually, I wanna just taste that broth first.
That's so meaty, perfect.
They added in some nice chilis in there, too.
Flaming Ozaki beef.
Steaming Ozaki beef.
Oh, yeah.
You could just eat bowls of it.
A whole plate.
- [Man] Thank you, sir.
I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
- This is for you, man.
- Thank you.
This is the first piece.
How is it?
How is it?
- You have to try it, you have to try it.
- You just wanna keep it in your mouth.
- [Man] It's the best of the best of the Kobe beef.
- [Mark] The best of the best of Kobe beef.
- [Man] It's the eye of the rib-eye.
Oh my god.
Turn the cut around.
- This is the main course of the night
and it is the best of the best of Kobe beef, a rib-eye.
And it's a whole hunk.
Oh, yeah.
Look at that, look at that.
Light on there.
Oh, it's dripping with juices.
- You have to try.
I can't tell but it's really good.
- Alright, I'm gonna take a piece.
I'm gonna dip a little bit in salt.
It is ridiculous.
It's something that you never want to leave your mouth ever.
You wanna keep it in your mouth forever.
- [Together] Cheers. - Cheers.
- Next course is a Wagyu ramen.
What they did, I think, is they boiled it in Wagyu broth.
Has an amazing beefy smell to it.
Oh, it's beefy and garlic-y.
This is an extra dish that they made
and it is a tom yum with Wagyu.
Which I can, definitely, say I've never had before.
Oh, that beef just melts in your mouth.
Oh, wow.
Oh, that is amazing.
And this is the final course which is dessert.
There is mochi rice surrounding by some kind of a,
I think it's mango.
I think it's mango.
It's a little rice ball.
Oh, it's very sticky and there's some coconut
on the outside, as well.
Oh yeah, the rice is really sticky and gummy.
And then inside is like a pudding, a mango pudding,
with coconut shreds on top.
- [Man] Thank you. (clapping)
- [Together] Wagyu.
- [Chef] Thank you everybody!
- Just made it back to the hotel
after one of the most stunning meals
I've ever had in my life.
That beef.
And in particular, the rib-eye, the Kobe beef rib-eye.
I can not even explain the sensation of that meat
dissolving on your tongue.
It's, like, you're in a different world.
So, I want to say a big thank you to Wagyumafia.
I wanna say a big thank you to David Califa.
He's the one that organized this whole pop-up
and he is the.hungry.tourist on Instagram.
I'll leave his link in the description box below.
And I wanna say a big thank you to Kun Blau Wan
and Sri Panwa Hotel and the entire team for hosting us.
And, also, I wanna say thank you to you
for watching this video.
Please, remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it.
I'd love to hear from you
in the comment section below, as well.
And if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now.
I'll be sharing with you lots more food and travel videos.
Goodbye from Phuket and I'll see you on the next video.
For more infomation >> Kobe Beef A5 - $3000 Best Quality WAGYU KOBE BEEF RIBEYE from Japan with Wagyu Mafia! - Duration: 17:28.-------------------------------------------
My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.28 [ENG/IND/2017.06.11] - Duration: 1:06:21.
(Episode 28)
(3 hours earlier)
I need to make that woman feel really small.
Even if I wore a luxury brand suit,
she wouldn't be able to recognize it.
Let me see...
This one?
This is too plain.
Fur would be best for an occasion like this.
Why do we have to meet on such a warm day?
Geez. There's nothing to wear.
Mom, do you have long to go?
We're going to be late. Hurry up.
Let's go.
What are you wearing around your shoulders?
You're seriously wearing that?
Mom, you're going to be really hot.
True fashionistas boil to death in summer
and freeze to death in winter.
You said we're late. Let's go.
Are you out of your mind?
It's really hot outside.
Hurry up and get changed.
You don't know what you're saying.
Fur trumps all clothing, no matter how expensive.
Oh, boy...
Geez, mom...
There's nothing to wear in here.
I should've bought some clothes.
I have nothing to wear.
That woman's going to inspect me from head to toe.
Mom, have you decided on what to wear?
No. I have nothing to wear.
Number 3 brush.
No, number 3.
- This one? / - Yes.
Think, "I am the best,"
and show up in full makeup.
Even if she shows up in luxury brand clothing,
there's no need to feel small.
Why would I feel small? I never feel small.
You're a luxury brand all of its own.
You're overflowing with class.
All done. Ta-da.
I look like I'm going out to get a refund.
Why? You look pretty.
Hey, I don't think this is suitable.
Look at me.
Is it a bit too much?
My gosh! What's that?
See? It's too much.
Let me see.
Let me try it again.
Mom, you don't have to try so hard.
What are you talking about?
When Jeonghwan's mom is the building owner?
Hyeyeong, lend her one of your bags.
Mom's bag is too old.
There's no need for that.
She has the most expensive accessory with her.
We have something like that in our house?
Right here.
My intelligence,
my character
and sexy body.
The complete luxury package, Byeon Hyeyeong!
I agree.
From a great woman comes a great daughter.
- Mother? / - Yes?
Don't you need some clothes and accessories?
May I co-ordinate your outfit today?
You're the head of the art team.
What you need on a day like today are
a stylish suit and posh accessories.
Mother, what do you think about this suit?
Yuju, do you have shoes? Mom has no shoes.
I do!
This is gorgeous, mom.
You'll need something like that.
This is amazing.
What did his father do?
He was a reporter for Daehan Daily's culture section.
I think he was the general manager.
But he retired a year ago.
He did?
He had an impressive career.
Could it be?
Do you feel intimidated?
No way. Why would I feel intimidated?
All finished.
Mom, you're not finished yet?
Whoa! Mom!
You look amazing!
You have a gangsta aura about you.
Wait a minute. I think I've seen her before.
In that movie with those thieves!
Do I look okay?
Do I look okay, honey?
Yes, I think so.
You don't look like yourself, but you look cool.
You look amazing, mom.
It's okay to get dressed up on a day like this.
I think you're dressed to kill.
I am?
Let's go, honey.
What's up with that fur coat?
When it's almost the middle of summer?
She wore that to show off.
Talk about plastering your face with makeup.
Her face is completely plastered.
I can't look at her because it hurts my eyes.
Hello. I am Cha Gyutaek.
I am Jeonghwan's father.
It's nice to meet you. I am Byeon Hansu.
I am Hyeyeong's father.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I've been dying to call you and meet you,
but I thought that might be impolite.
I never had the chance to call you either.
You've met my wife, haven't you?
It's been a while.
This is my wife.
It's nice to meet you. I am Cha Gyutaek.
We've met once.
At the cafe's grand opening.
Oh! Yes, I remember.
It's been so long.
I guess our families were meant to meet each other.
The trouble is how we met.
Hello, father and mother.
Hello, father and mother.
Hyeyeong, you look even more beautiful today.
Thank you.
Have a seat, mom and dad.
Have a seat, mother and father.
- Father, mom, sit down. / - Yes.
Let's sit down.
Please have a seat.
- Yes, have a seat. / - Have a seat, please.
Let's try to survive this.
I love you.
- Are you mad? / - Yes.
I'm not saying this for the sake of compliment,
but we are so grateful for you giving us
your amazing daughter.
I haven't met her many times,
but she's strong-minded, has her own beliefs,
very beautiful and extremely talented.
It really feels like
we've been blessed with the best daughter-in-law.
You're too kind.
Thank you for noticing that.
She lacks nothing,
and we hate to give her to anyone.
She's always been so smart that she got into
Seoul National University without any tutoring,
and although she began late,
it took her only two and a half years
to pass the BAR exam, which made the news.
I see.
She passed the BAR in just two and a half years?
She is amazing.
She sure is.
I might sound like a fool, praising my own child,
but she's not just smart.
She was born honest and upright, so...
Excuse me. Why don't we order first?
If we don't order soon,
we might end up eating too late.
Okay. Let's do that.
Jeonghwan, press the bell so we can order.
The menu's over there, father and mother.
And you're making it sound like
Jeonghwan lacks something.
But we don't want to give him to anyone either.
I don't want people to call me a fool,
so I don't brag about my son...
I didn't mean it that way.
We should've thanked you sooner.
We are both happy and grateful that you are
giving us such a wonderful son-in-law.
When he came to visit us the other night,
we found out he is serious, upright and warm
and we couldn't find any fault with him.
And he has such a wonderful job.
Take a look. We should order.
Order whatever you like.
It is our treat today.
No, no. We couldn't let you do that.
You're giving us your precious daughter,
so it will be our treat.
From our point of view,
you're giving us your wonderful son.
Right. Let us pay.
I said we're paying.
That was why we chose this restaurant.
And this place is extremely expensive.
We can afford this much.
Why don't we each pay half, then?
There's no need for that.
The groom's family is supposed to pay for this.
Don't you know?
Why must we stick to conventions and customs?
We will pay.
Me and Hyeyeong.
You are here to discuss our wedding,
so it's only right for us to pay. We will pay.
And we will order for everyone.
- We'll have the B Course. / - Yes, ma'am.
Don't slurp. Mind your manners.
You look like you've been starving.
But the food...
It's delicious.
They used fresh ingredients
and different a broth for every dish,
adding more flavor.
And the grilled short rib patties
are very juicy and delicious.
Must you keep doing that?
Are we here as food critics?
We'd like to get married as soon as possible.
Yes, we wouldn't mind doing it as soon as possible.
We'd like to do it within this month.
You can't do that.
We'll need at least a few months to
fine the venue and plan everything.
We can't agree to that either.
Our eldest son just got married,
so hurrying along your wedding
might be a bit too much.
We're not going to have a formal wedding.
You're not having a wedding? What do you mean?
Instead of a formal wedding,
we want to have dinner
with our families.
Small weddings are popular these days,
and neither Jeonghwan nor I
like putting on a show.
We're going to save the money for the wedding
and spend it on something more practical.
Like buying furniture
or taking a trip abroad with Jeonghwan...
Why aren't you having a wedding?
I've spent so much money on wedding gift money.
We're not saying we won't have a wedding, mom.
We're going to have a small ceremony.
We're going to have dinner with our families
and have a simple ceremony to remind us of what...
Be quiet.
No small wedding. Have a big wedding!
You're going to have a grand hotel wedding!
I don't think they're being unreasonable.
And don't you think a hotel is too much?
It might be too much for you but not for us.
And now that we're on the subject,
Jeonghwan is our only child.
So we have high expectations for this wedding.
We want the full package of wedding gifts,
according to customs, including a cash gift.
When you say the full package,
I'm not sure how much you're expecting...
I'm saying try to meet our standards.
Not yours.
Hey, honey!
That's crossing the line, don't you think?
You've been bragging about money all dinner.
Bragging about money?
Yes, bragging about having money.
Are you trying to auction off your son?
Demanding for wedding gifts and a cash gift,
demanding us to meet your standards.
I can't ask for that much for my son's wedding?
Were you planning on
sending your daughter to us empty-handed?
Mom, please stop.
We're not having a wedding,
and we're not doing wedding gifts or the cash gift.
Why not?
You're having a wedding,
and you're getting wedding gifts and the cash gift!
Your wedding isn't just your wedding.
It's our chance to introduce our grown up son
to our friends and acquaintances.
If you were planning on doing everything your way,
why did you bother asking me and your dad here?
You're treating us like we're dummies.
You think you raised yourself, don't you?
Honey, what are you doing?
Don't have a wedding or register your marriage then!
Just keep living together!
They're going to delay their marriage registration.
They're going to have a trial period.
I think they're being very smart.
With a mother-in-law like you,
who'd be crazy enough to register her marriage?
I thought that was a very wise decision.
Fine. That's great.
So even if they end up breaking up,
we won't have to pay any alimony!
That's great news for us!
Thank you very much! Thank you.
What was that?
Look here!
You think you can just blurt out anything you want?
Look who's talking!
I had to force myself to come here,
and what was it? A mother-in-law like me?
Same here! You think I want to be here?
Stop it, honey.
In-law, please calm down.
She doesn't mean it.
They are moving in with us,
so we don't need any wedding gifts.
Wait, come again?
They are moving in with you?
Didn't you know? When they get married,
they are moving in with us.
They're taking the second floor of our house.
What is she talking about?
You're moving into their house?
Yes. It just worked out that way.
Who says you're moving into there?
You cannot get married like this!
Look who's talking!
I won't allow this marriage either!
What? Why did you call me? Why?
If you were planning on doing everything your way,
why did you set that dinner up and invite me?
And what's this about delaying your registration?
You're saying if anything goes wrong,
you're just going to get a divorce? Is that it?
Be quiet! You're not in the right.
I was so embarrassed
that I couldn't stay there.
Why bring up the wedding gifts you gave out?
You can't show your bottom like that.
"I am materialistic!"
Did you have to advertise that to the world?
What's wrong with that? People don't say that,
but they think it when they send wedding invitations.
People go to other people's weddings
to help each other out.
Please stop it!
Are you trying to stop your son from getting married?
Getting married?
Didn't you hear what that woman said?
You won't be able to get married.
So you should give up!
I tried to force myself to accept them for you,
but I just can't become in-laws with the likes of them.
Fine. I'll do what you say.
Don't become in-laws with them.
I won't beg or plead anymore.
There's no need for you to become in-laws
or expect to be respected as a mother-in-law.
I'm going to leave home
and marry Hyeyeong and live with her.
What did you say?
How dare you say that to your parents?
What about all the things you said?
You are impossible. Impossible.
- Mom, you're home. / - You're back.
Mom, how did it go?
Mother, did you enjoy yourself?
Father, how did it go?
What's going on?
I think something went wrong.
Are you out of your mind?
How can you even consider moving in with them?
And why didn't you tell us about it?
Don't you think
you should've discussed it with us first?
I was going to tell you after tonight.
It was decided two days ago, so...
No matter when it was decided,
you should've talked to us before saying yes.
Don't you know what kind of woman she is?
It just happened.
Junyeong's wife is living with you, too.
Be quiet!
At least Junyeong and Yuju asked to live with us.
It's not the same with you.
We gave you permission to marry since you begged,
but you betray our trust the moment we do?
And when that happened, you should've talked to us.
Regardless, you're not getting married.
And I can't believe him either.
When he came to see us here,
he said he was getting an apartment near work,
and he changed his mind in just a few days.
Does he ever keep his word?
He isn't trustworthy at all.
Why is it so easy for him to change his mind?
No. I can't trust him enough to give you to him.
You're not marrying him.
Okay what?
I won't marry him.
I won't get married.
After all that screaming
and name calling between you and his mother,
I doubt you can become in-laws.
And since you hate it so much,
I'm not going to insist on getting married.
What's so special about marriage?
I can't believe how it brought out a new side of you.
I was stunned today.
I had no idea you could be
so outspoken, unrefined,
petty and rash.
So okay. I won't get married.
But you can never bring up marriage again.
I'm never ever getting married.
But I will continue to date.
I'm too young to give up dating.
When I meet someone nice, I could live with him.
But if he brings up marriage,
I will break up with him.
I'll keep doing that for the rest of my life,
so don't touch me.
Okay? So that's that.
What happened? They're not getting married?
Maybe she said that out of anger.
It sounded to me like she said that out of anger.
Hyeyeong was going to move in with his parents?
So is the wedding off or not?
Cheolsu, are you coming to the get-together?
Huh? Yes.
Are you enjoying your class?
Call me when it's over.
I'm sorry, but I don't think I can come.
Have fun.
You're not going to wash up?
Let's watch something else.
But you don't even like soccer.
I've decided to love it from now on.
I can't go into our room,
so let's watch something else.
Coach Park, you're finished?
Hey, you have a boyfriend?
Did you play soccer? Why are you out of breath?
In front of where?
My house?
Just a second. I mean...
Give me 10 minutes.
Coach Park?
What are you doing here?
Didn't you say you had plans after class?
Yes, I did have plans.
But I wanted to see you.
Are you sure this is your first relationship?
How do you know how to make a girl's heart flutter?
What kind of class did you have tonight?
We gave presentations
on soccer strategies in different teams.
Do your classes always finish this late?
It must be hard to handle while working.
What could you do after getting a master's degree?
I want to become a professional soccer coach,
so I'm taking classes.
Didn't you say you used to play soccer?
When did you stop playing?
I was in a pro team,
but I quit around 2 years ago.
I bet you were amazing.
Why did you quit?
To become a coach?
I suffered a serious injury.
I couldn't play anymore, so I had to quit.
Sorry. I shouldn't have asked.
I feel like I opened old wounds.
I love every question you ask me.
I was able to meet you because I quit soccer
and got a job at the center.
So I really am okay with it now.
You should answer that.
Hi, Miyeong.
Me? I came out to get some air.
Okay. I'm coming home.
It's late. Why don't you go home?
I'll walk you home.
But I'm okay.
Oh. You'll miss the last bus.
I'm okay, too.
I was planning on walking to the center.
I should go home, though, right?
Let's go.
I think my house is too close.
Let's go. I'll walk you to the main street.
But we've done this three times already.
I mean it this time.
After I walk you to the street,
I will walk home by myself.
But I want to be with you a bit longer.
Don't you?
I do.
But it's too dangerous for you to walk back alone.
But I'm fine with it.
I'm not. Go home.
But you're not doing what you're saying.
I can't go unless you let go of my hand.
Oh. You're right.
Go home now.
I'll come back tomorrow morning and get you.
Okay. I'm going up.
Mr. An Junghui, happy birthday.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, sir.
It's my birthday today.
(An Junghui time, do not knock)
What's this? What's going on?
- You'll find out soon enough. / - What...
Wait, wait...
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday, dear An Junghui ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
Blow out the candles, Mr. An.
Happy birthday.
You didn't have to do this.
How did you know?
Because I'm your manager.
Thank you. Thanks, guys.
- Sit down. / - Okay.
By the way...
Is it okay to do this right now?
Why? Did something happen?
It's okay.
Father, I'm hungry.
Let's eat.
Thank you!
Junghui, why aren't you eating?
I don't like seaweed soup because it's slimy.
Eat up.
You can't leave unless you eat your birthday soup.
She's not joking. It's true.
If you don't finish it, we can't leave either.
Hurry up! Hurry, hurry!
I don't like multigrain rice because it's coarse...
Don't be picky.
I've seen stars eating insects in the jungle on TV.
You should eat everything you can chew.
So hurry up and eat up.
That's our family tradition.
And that's how I raised my children.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
So here, you must do as we do.
And you are our son, too.
I'm sorry.
No one has ever done this for me before.
We have a present for you too.
Happy birthday, big brother.
Happy birthday... Big brother.
Hold on. That doesn't sound right, Hyeyeong.
Why not?
Why is that, big brother?
I just can't handle it.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry today's my birthday.
I'm sorry, Hyeyeong.
I feel awkward, too.
Guys, wait!
I will drive you to work today,
since you wished me a happy birthday.
Get in the van.
You mean it? You're really giving us a ride?
Hurry up.
Get in!
Ms. Kim, where are you going?
Get in. It's okay. Hurry.
Let's go.
Get in, Mr. An.
You get in. I'll drive today.
Wow, I'm in a celebrity van.
Let's go!
Mr. An, drive.
Big brother, drive.
Big brother, drive!
Hyeyeong, you stop that.
Big brother, drive!
Stop it!
Come on in.
What's that?
Red bean rice cake.
- Weren't you bored? / - Yes.
Now that Bomi works all day, too.
I feel bored out of my wits.
You made red bean rice cake? Someone's birthday?
Huh? Yeah...
Why won't you answer?
Hey, you didn't cook a birthday feast
for your husband's illegitimate son, did you?
No, I didn't.
I just made it because I wanted to.
You like this rice cake, and so does Hyeyeong.
So, how did the dinner with the future in-laws go?
Don't even ask.
I'm sorry I asked you see you so suddenly.
It's okay. I've been wanting to speak to you, too.
Ms. Lee, do you know about science high schools?
Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.
I saw the flyer on Minha's desk.
I wanted to find out more about it.
I'm glad to hear that.
I sent letters through Minha, but you didn't reply,
so I thought you didn't care for Minha's education.
I'm sorry for being a bit distant.
It's okay.
Minha has never been 2nd place in this school,
and he did amazingly at various competitions.
He is a very exceptional child.
You read the flyer, so you must know,
but the teachers here think maybe Minha should
attend a science high school.
- Our Minha? / - Yes.
This says Minha wished to apply to a science high
during the first two years here.
But for some reason, he changed his mind this year.
Why is that?
I asked Minha, but he wouldn't say why.
He just said he doesn't want to go.
But if you can afford it,
I'd encourage you to send him to a science high.
If a prodigy like Minha goes to a science high
and studies hard, he could flourish.
I'd like you to talk to Minha about it.
(7th grade, 8th grade: Science high school)
(9th grade: None)
Thank you!
So, did you see Minha's homeroom teacher?
What did she say?
She says Minha is a prodigy.
If we can afford it,
she'd like us to send him to a science high school.
She did?
So what did you tell her?
I couldn't say anything.
Minha is incredible.
I know.
We have too great a son.
I can do this.
Don't be so nervous.
There must be a seat for me there.
57, 58, 59.
Let's go!
(I'm not a robot, click photos with people)
What's this?
Please, please...
(This seat is not available, try again from the start)
What's this?
It's over for you.
Did you get it?
When will I ever get to see Jeongyeon in person?
Maybe in your next life?
Now that we're here, why don't we play a game?
You go ahead.
I need to relieve my stress.
What are you doing?
Did you lose it because you couldn't get a ticket?
I feel better when I work on math problems.
Huh? You're a nutcase.
I just don't get you.
We're working on Jin Seongjun's outfit sponsors.
But the season's changing,
so we'll need a whole new set.
I will share the list the minute it's done.
We've finished An Junghui's drama wardrobe.
And we've been checking the progress on
Hero's debut stage wardrobe production.
The concept hasn't been fixed yet,
so we'll decide after we talk to the members more.
We've been keeping Ms. Im in the loop, but...
Okay. Work with Ms. Im.
If anything goes wrong, let me know.
Of course. But it'll be fine.
I should take charge.
I'm sure you'll do great. Next?
We got a request for a magazine spread
with all of our actors.
And it's a pretty big project.
I brought some snacks!
You missed lunch so take a break and have some.
Yes! Let's open these.
Let's eat first.
I'm fine. Eat.
This is crazy.
Why did I have to get morning sickness now?
I guess I can sit here now, right?
It'll be your seat soon enough.
Ms. Kim might take her maternity leave
and never come back.
Is it okay to put her name on the overtime schedule?
Isn't that a bit too much?
If she works too hard and something goes wrong,
we'd feel rather guilty.
How can we ask a pregnant woman to work late?
Don't schedule her for overtime or business trips.
Let's share the burden until we get someone new.
Geez. We already have so much to do.
What's going on here?
Were you badmouthing me?
- We weren't. / - No way.
In case you're concerned about my pregnancy,
I can take care of myself.
So I can work overtime and go on business trips.
Ms. Kim, why don't you
put in a request for more staff?
That would put our minds at ease.
I'm telling you we won't need anyone else.
But you've requested a half day for the ob-gyn.
That? I've cancelled it.
I'm not going. Don't worry.
Ms. Kim, what if you get sick?
I'll take care of my own health,
so you worry about your performance.
You have time to worry about me?
Seoul ob-gyn, please cancel my appointment.
It was for 3 p.m. for Kim Yuju.
Where did she go?
What? She won't even answer her phone?
Oh, my God!
Happy birthday!
You almost gave me a heart attack.
Junghui, happy birthday. This is my gift.
What's this?
You're enunciation still needs work.
Use them to practice your enunciation.
- Thanks. / - You can do it.
- Junghui, I got you a gift, too. / - What is it?
You love showing you're a star.
- Am I that bad? / - How did you know?
Mr. An, this is from me.
What's that? Why is that so big?
Open it.
What's this?
You don't like it?
Happy birthday.
(An Junghui)
I almost fell over.
Was that a birthday gift from your fans?
It was.
They didn't forget it's my birthday.
Let's work hard for our fans.
- An Junghui, go for it! / - Go for it!
Let's start!
Let's go!
Roll 8, scene 5, take 4.
Ready, action.
How could you?
When father searched so hard for you?
He waited all this time for you.
It made him very happy
when you came to find him.
He shouldn't have abandoned me in the first place.
What do you know?
That man has never been a father to me.
Let's try that again.
What's wrong with him today?
Roll 8, scene 5, take 5.
Ready, action.
How could you?
When father searched so hard for you?
He waited all this time for you.
It made him very happy
when you came to find him.
He shouldn't have abandoned me in the first place.
What do you know?
That man has never been a father to me.
Cut, cut!
What is this?
Why can't you show any emotions?
You didn't understand the script?
I'm sorry. Let me try...
Mr. Jin Seongjun, what's going on?
You're unable to get into character!
Junghui, you did a great job.
Let me work with Mr. Jin for a while,
so why don't you go and take a break?
Okay. Excuse me...
Did you see that? Did you?
Whoa! When the director said, "Cut! Cut!"
my heart was pounding.
But it was because of Mr. Jin Seongjun!
It was totally unexpected!
I know! I thought I made a huge mistake,
so I was about to fall into the self-loathing mode.
"Mr. Jin Seongjun!"
This is why I can't give up acting.
This is why I can't give up being a manager.
Hello, Mr. An Junghui's manager speaking.
Excuse me?
Of course he can.
I'll check his schedule and call you right back.
Thank you.
Thank you!
Mr. An.
Yes? What is it?
That was "2 Days and 1 Night Together."
"2 Days and 1 Night Together?"
Hey, that's the main variety show for KBC!
So you're doing it?
Of course!
I'll set it up.
You do that. Wait, Judo!
It's a great day, and we must do something.
Tell me what you want to eat. My treat.
- I want meat! / - Meat? Meat!
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
This wasn't what I meant when I said meat.
It's too expensive here.
This is the meat I feel like.
So eat up when since I'm treating you.
I've never been to a place like this before,
so I don't know what to order.
In that case, come closer.
You must pretend you've been here often.
Haven't you seen it on dramas? Just do that.
- Dramas? / - Yes.
Are you ready to order?
I'll have the usual.
Excuse me? The usual? I'm not sure...
Oh, that? The one you usually get?
I guess you haven't been here that long.
There's something we always get here, right?
Which one was it? The B course?
B course it is.
That wasn't it, right?
That was it. That was.
You did a great job. You sure did.
You think this is to cover something? No.
An Junghui, does he want rumors to go around?
Honey, wait for me at the table.
- Okay. / - Please show her to our table.
You're supposed to wear it around your neck.
- You're teasing me, aren't you? / - I'm not.
Junghui, what are you doing here?
Who did you bring...
Hello, Mr. Kang.
Hi. It's been a while.
You came with your manager? Okay...
We had some good news today,
so we came to celebrate.
You did?
Enjoy your dinner.
- Enjoy your dinner. / - Thank you. Good-bye.
Sit down.
Oh, boy.
Mr. Kang?
I wonder why you brought your manager
to such an expensive restaurant.
We came because I wanted to eat here.
I can't eat alone at a restaurant like this.
And something great happened today,
so I thought we should celebrate.
Be honest with me. It's obvious.
You have feelings for the intern, don't you?
Not that again.
I said no! She's my little sister.
Do you know what all Korean men say?
"She's my little sister."
That won't work on me. I won't be fooled.
You were gazing at the intern with love in your eyes.
Love. Romance.
This is crazy.
She really is my little sister.
My blood. My sister.
Mr. Kang, I found my biological father.
And the intern is his daughter.
So she really is my little sister. Happy now?
Why didn't you tell me that sooner?
You should've at least told me.
Who else knows about that?
No one outside my father's family.
Mr. Kang,
this is my private life. Please look the other way.
Hey, Junghui...
So, don't waste your time jumping to conclusions.
I'm going back to my table.
She really is his family?
But... His eyes...
Love in my eyes? No way.
You came home late.
Yes, I went to exercise.
I didn't get to give you your birthday gift.
No, it's okay.
It's pocket money.
It's not much.
I thought about what to get you
and remembered how my children loved it
when I gave them pocket money.
It's so little that I'm embarrassed about it,
but I'd like you to get something delicious.
Thank you.
Happy birthday...
Get some rest.
Thank you for this.
But it really is little.
I don't think this is enough for me.
Same here.
Shall we?
Must we go this far to get married?
Let's call it quits.
Shall we?
It's not a bad idea.
Let's forget about marriage, Jeonghwan!
This is so degrading that I can't take it anymore!
It's not like I'm crazy about getting married.
I can't take this anymore!
Okay. Let's forget about it!
I neither want to persuade or beg them anymore!
Let's forget about it!
You mean it?
You can't take it back later.
Last night I told my mom I'm not getting married!
Okay. Good for you. Let's not do it.
If I don't get married,
it'll only hurt them.
Our parents are mistaken
because we're in charge of our own lives.
A parent cannot interfere with an adult offspring's life.
Why can't they sever the umbilical cords?
Why are they still attached to us?
Please sever your cords and be independent.
Sever the umbilical cords and let us be independent!
Why are they telling us what to do
when we're the ones getting married?
Let's just keep dating.
I'm sorry. It's my bad.
That was very sexy, Cha Jeonghwan.
I will love you forever.
Me too.
Super power!
Super power!
Check point!
Check point!
- Hello. / - Hello.
Hello, director.
Junghui, you're here.
You're finally doing your first romantic scene.
How do you feel?
I feel great. Let's start right away.
Roll 12, scene 43, take 1.
Ready, action.
Go with my brother.
I think those exhibitions are boring.
You won't be bored if you came with me.
That might be true. If it's just with you.
- Junghui? / - Yes?
It's your eyes.
You're not looking at her with love in your eyes.
Try to show love in your eyes.
Yes, okay. Love in my eyes.
Love in my eyes...
Roll 12, scene 43, take 2.
Ready, action.
Go with my brother.
I think those exhibitions are boring.
Why are you trying to pick a fight with her?
You're not looking at her right. Again.
I'm sorry. Let me try that again.
Love in my eyes...
Roll 12, Scene 43, take 3.
Ready, action.
Go with my brother.
I think those exhibitions are boring.
Roll 12, scene 43, take 4.
Ready, action.
Go with my brother.
- Don't cry. No need to cry. / - I'm sorry.
Roll 12, scene 43, take 18.
Roll 12, scene 43, take 19.
Go with my brother.
You look like a zombie!
Roll 12, scene 43, take 20.
I'm sorry.
Roll 12, scene 43, take 21.
Ready, action.
Go with my brother.
I think those exhibitions are boring.
You won't be bored if you came with me.
That might be true.
If it's just with you.
This isn't working.
Junghui, can you come over here?
Play it from the beginning.
Junghui, have a seat here.
You need to see
what you look like.
What's this? When did you film this?
This was the test take before the shoot. One sec...
No, no. It's okay.
Junghui, look.
That's what I want!
You have love in your eyes.
What were you looking at, right at this moment?
What were you thinking about?
At that moment?
Try to remember how you felt at that moment.
That's how you look at the person you love.
Toilet Ek Prem Katha Official Trailer | Akshay Kumar | Bhumi Pednekar | 11 Aug 2017 - Duration: 3:01.
Father, guess who?
You see, father... You see... it's like...
I want to get married.
Father, please get me married.
I can see that.
What, father?
The volcano erupting inside you.
He's a Manglik...
Plus the stars and planets in his birth chart are unfavorable.
Only this buffalo can save his life now.
Listen, brother, talk to me okay.
Call me rude, madam...
But don't call me brother.
Everything's going to be just delightful now.
Not just delightful, father. Brother's gonna wrestle every night now.
Will you come quietly...or jump?
Jump. -Jump!
Sister-in-law, it's 4:15 am.
Everyone's eagerly waiting to welcome you to the LOTA Party.
Don't your in-laws feed you?
Shed all your inhibitions...and get down to business.
Such anger for a toilet.
If I had known, I would've never married you.
I'm sure He wrote my fate in the loo.
And flushed it too.
Then build a bathroom in your home.
How can we build a toilet in the same courtyard...
...where were worship 'Tulsi'.
Is it our moral obligation to make a spectacle out of our wife...
...or does sh*** out in the open give us salvation?
Men can do it right in their backyards. But we are women.
We've to work harder for everything.
Whether my wife comes back or not...
...but, I will definitely build a toilet in this village!
"Radhe-Radhe! Say Radhe-Radhe!"
If you want your wife to stay with you then, you need a toilet at home.
"Radhe-Radhe! "
All that money you which con from the poor where does it all go?
If you change nothing, nothing will change.
Lovers built the Taj Mahal for their love.
But I couldn't build a loo.
How To Trim or Cut Natural Hair| ItsLadiiJay - Duration: 4:17.
So for this tutorial,I'll be using Shea moisture's raw shea butter.And I will be working on freshly
washed hair.So for the first part of this tutorial, I'll be sectioning my hair into
two sections and then you'll see me sectioning those two sections into smaller ones.
This just helps me work and manage my hair when I part it into sections.So i take the
smaller section and seperate that into another smaller section, which helps me,like I said,
manage and work with my hair because I do have really thick hair.
So when I part it into smaller sections, it's easier to manage.
So, I'm going to take my Cantu leave-in conditioner and finger-detangle the back part of my hair.And
I just want to work the product in my hair and detangle at the same time.So this is what
I'm doing.
This will also help my curls become more defined and then I can eventually clip and trim my
So if you're like me and you don't want to go to a hairstylist, you can just easily do
this whole process at home.And this is what my hair looks like when it's defined and I
trim my ends.I do have a lot of shrinkage.
And as you can see,I have to go through each individual curl and cut it because my curls
are smaller.I take it strand by strand and just trim the ends.
So now that I'm almost done, you can see how I rake the product throughout my hair because
I really want those curls defined before I cut them.I have...my hair gets frizzy,so if
my hair is just frizzy, I don't know exactly where to cut the frizzy, split ends off.
Thats why I'm defining my curls.And this is the finished product.You will see in the back,
there are some straight ends.That's only because the product didn't get all the way through
my strands.I will eventually cut the ends off if they need to be cut.
This is the finished product.I hope you enjoyed this video.Please, don't forget to comment,rate,and
subscribe,we are trying to get to 2,000 subscribers.And I'll talk to you loves later.
Episode 38 - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy - Duration: 11:23.
Hi there I'm Mike and this is Our Wyoming Life
When it comes to equipment on the ranch, the tractor is the backbone.
And when it comes to tractors we have many different types and sizes.
From small to medium to large.
From multi use tractors to single use machines.
Every tractor around here pulls its weight and although they can be high maintenance
and sometimes a royal pain they are a huge tool and a huge part of what we do everyday
on the ranch.
Rarely is a day when I'm not in a tractor for one reason or another.
Whether to feed cows, move manure, lift or move material or just moving it out of the
way to do something else.
Today we will be looking at our 3 big tractors.
These are the powerhouses of the ranch, when you think of a tractor you have to think of
it as a power supply, not many people take their tractors out for a cruise, in fact tractors
are a tool to power another tool 95 percent of the time.
Later on we will look at implements and attachments and the difference between the two.
But for right now lets get in and fire one of these beasts up and go through the basics
of each tractor.
This is our main tractor.
It's a John deere 6420, it's a 110 horsepower machine and as you can see its equipped with
a front end loader.
We use this tractor year round, in the winter its our main feeding tractor.
Used with a spear on the front end for picking up bales and a spooler on the back for rolling
out the bales for cows to eat.
It can also be fitted with a bucket for moving material or a set of forks for moving pallets
and stacked items such as lumber or fence posts.
This tractor is the easiest to drive, it's the Cadillac of our tractors and if you can
run a riding lawn mower, you can pretty much jump in and take it for a spin.
The door opens just like any car door and you climb up a small ladder and take a seat.
The seat itself is pretty comfortable, its an air ride seat, meaning that are is pumped
into bladders underneath the seat to give you more suspension and smoother ride.
Tractors don't have much in the way of suspension so when you are in a tractor for hours a day
you really appreciate a little cushion in the ride.
Once you are inside, it's a matter of starting it up.
It's a diesel engine, so you turn the key and let the glow plugs warm up just a little.
Because its almost 80 degrees today, they warm up super quick but in the dead of winter
and if the tractor has been outside it can take up to a minute to warm the plugs.
Once the tractor gives you the ok, you can start it up.
A quick look around might overwhelm you a bit, but john deere makes it pretty simple
with some color coding.
Anything with the color orange on it, has something to do with getting you and the tractor
On the left of the steering wheel is your direction selector, forward or backward and
on the right of your seat is your throttle.
This tractor is as close to an automatic transmission in a tractor you can get, you don't have
to select gears and although you can control the power output for now we will leave it
in automatic mode.
Before we can move the tractor though, we have to make sure our loader is up and we
aren't dragging our front end through the ground.
The joystick on your right armrest controls the front end loader, back is up, forward
is down and left and right controls the tilt of whatever attachment you have on at the
We lift up the front end, choose our direction, give a little throttle and away we go.
Steering is just like a car although it is a little more touchy as its controlled by
hydraulic cylinders and not a direct linkage like a normal car.
The 6420 is our newest tractor and our most heavily used, like I said its used all winter
long feeding and in the summer it will see plenty of hours during haying.
If it does break down we still need to be able to feed cows and that's why we have
an almost identical tractor, the john deere 6410.
Its older and the controls are a bit different but still following john deeres orange to
go color scheme.
This tractor however is a manual transmission.
You have 16 gears to choose from the main gears are labeled A, B, C, and D and the secondary
gears are 1-4.
A being the slowest gear and D being the fastest.
Again, you run the front end with the joystick on the right.
This tractor is currently equipped with a bucket and grapples which can be used to move
anything from hay bales to scrap material.
You select your gears, a direction of travel and let out the clutch.
This tractor gets used if our main feeding tractor is down for some reason but gets most
of its use during haying, pulling implements such as a mower, a rake or a baler.
The last tractor that we are going to look at today is our farm tractor.
It's a john Deere 4055 and the first thing you'll see that's different from the other
two is that it doesn't have a front end loader, this tractor is used strictly for
And is used mostly during haying or if we have to till or cultivate a field prior to
This tractor is a completely different animal to drive, no orange to give us a clue.
But its still relatively simple.
The entire drive system is controlled from your right hand side.
One reverse gear and ?? forward gears, selectable by just sliding this lever up.
The other big difference about this older tractor is the way you turn if off.
You can turn off the key and it will just keep on running.
You need to pull this knob out to shut it off, cutting off fuel supply to the engine.
The other big question I get about the tractors and mostly coming from people who are inside
them, is how the hell do I get out.
Door handles on the inside are not like a normal car, on the newer tractors it's a
matter of squeezing a somewhat hidden inside lever to pop the door open and on the 4055
its this somewhat awkward lever, allowing you escape.
Those are basics of getting in and getting a tractor moving but they are a lot more complicated
that just that.
The multiple levers, switches and other doodads are there to control the implements and attachments.
This is where things get interesting and can be very dangerous.
The number of implements and attachments for tractors such as these are countless.
From buckets and loaders to mowers and balers.
First lets take a look at the difference between an implement and an attachment.
Attachments are any additional or supplementary devices that attach to the tractor, like a
front end loader.
Our front end loaders allow us to use a number of attachments like our bucket but they are
easily taken off and replaced with another tool that might work better for the job.
Two pins are all that hold the bucket on the front end loader, after releasing the hydraulic
hoses that control the grapple on the bucket we can slide it off the tractor and attach
either our forks or our spear.
Implements usually attach to the back of the tractor and are tools that are used in some
specific activity such as a plow or a harrow or even a mower.
There are two ways to attach implements, we have a regular hitch or draw bar on the back
of the tractor which you can use a pin to attach an implement or some tools use these
arms, called a three point hitch.
Which are controlled from inside the tractor.
You basically back up to an implement, line up your pins and lift it using this controller
which allows you to select the height at which you want to carry your implement.
It also allows you to control how deep you put your implement, such as this plow, into
the ground and hold it at a steady depth as you move through a field.
Some implements, such as this mower require power from the tractor to run, in this case
to spin the blades.
This is accomplished by using the tractors, PTO or power take off.
A gear that extends from the back of the tractor and by connecting this shaft to that gear
we can move the power to the gearbox that spins the blades and cuts the grass in an
8 foot swath.
There are a ton more implements and tools we will be using through the year and as we
get into haying here in a few weeks and I will try to show them all to you as we go.
I've got my new summer straw hat on and I only point it out because this is as nice
as this hat is ever going to look.
Every spring as the weather heats up I retire my black hat for the summer and switch to
the straw, mostly because its a lot cooler but also because I can guarantee that by the
end of summer and fall this hat will be destroyed.
We will track it and its damage along the way but yes, this is the nicest it will ever
Next weekend, we will be branding and on Saturday, our first live feed as we set up cameras to
bring you right into the action.
I'll post details later this week with times and all that good stuff so you can join us
as we brand and BBQ and drink a little beer, maybe not in that order.
So follow us on facebook for the details on that .
I hope you have enjoyed learning a little bit about the tractors and a few of the tools
we use with them, like I said as we move through the summer we will be getting more in depth
with the many other vehicles and tools we use as well.
Please like subscribe and comment, and have a great week, we will hopefully see you at
Thanks for joining us, in our Wyoming life.
All of Bibury's creepy faces from episode 19 - Duration: 1:04.
Oh come on!
What on earth is going on today?
There are annoying lines wherever I go.
Hey, that is just a long line by any chance?
I'm looking forward to eating sweets the genius patissier makes.
The genius patissier?
I see.
This is the shop where the genius patissier is?
I found it!
That is a sweet she made?
Now then, go!
Get lost!
Beat her up!
Stop it!
You'll be defeated by Ciel's trashy feelings!
Angela Merkel y Peña Nieto se contraponen a Trump - Duration: 2:38.
First News This Morning Weather Update - Duration: 3:17.
Temperatures in the
area are in the lower to middle
60s this morning. If you want to
get outside and
beat the heat... Now is the time
to do it. Temperatures are
quickly going to warm
up today. Yesterday we hit a
high of 84.. Today we will be in
the upper 80s. Skies
will stay clear and sunny to
wrap up the weekend. Tonight
clear skies are
expected and temperatures will
drop back to the middle 60s
again. Monday will be another
nice, but hot day. Temperatures
will again climb to the upper
80s with mostly
sunny skies. Humidity levels
will be on the increase and will
become much higher
through the middle of the week..
By Tuesday it will be HOT and
HUMID with highs nearing 90.
Heat index values will be near
100.. Remember to take a lot of
from the sun and the heat. Rain
and thunderstorm chances return
afternoon. And the unsettled
weather will stick around
through the week. Scattered
showers and thunderstorms are
likely on Wednesday and
Temperatures will still be hot,
but highs will be back to the
middle 80s on Wednesday
and Thursday. Friday will
feature mostly cloudy skies and
the chance for showers
and thunderstorms. High
temperatures will be in the
lower 80s. 80s are looking to
stick around next weekend.
Saturday and Sunday will feature
partly sunny
skies and the chance for showers
and thunderstorms. High
temperatures will be in
the middle 80s. [E3]SUN AM
A missing woman is back home
safe this morning.
Cartoon Talking Hank Funny Dog Talking Hank - Duration: 10:32.
NJ Bound Lanes On New Goethals Bridge Open Sunday - Duration: 0:25.
Knit Class :: 07 Happy Scarf - Duration: 20:58.
Hello guys, how are you doing?
From now on we will intercalate the videos ok?
Let's intercalate techniques
with practice
So the first think I think you should know how to knit
it's the basic (I learned it when I was a child)
when my mom was teaching me how to knit
it's a scarf
it's a classic knit project
that thing that everyone recognizes as a knit piece
Everyone will ask you one..
so I'll give you a bonus
Besides this adult pattern
This is the "Happy Scarf"
I am going to post the pattern to kids and teenagers
That is, for someone younger than you want to offer it ok?
If this is your first pattern
so I'll show you how to read a knit pattern
and we'll knit following it
so the first thing you have to do
is get the written pattern
the link is on this "i" icon here
In this corner
Click and the links will appear
and you can visit my blog
If you're watching me on Youtube, below this video
is the link to the post on my blog
enter and you'll find this pattern
with a print button in the end of the post
click and save if as a pdf file
or print it and save it on your notebook
I'll see you in the end of this video, let's knit now...
Yarn: Charme from Circulo
100% mercerized cotton, 396 meters, 378 tex, 433 yds, 150 g.
Only one yarn ball will be enough to knit this scarf
I'll knit using two strains of yarn together ok?
This is how I put them together
Pull a strain from the more superficial side
And pull the strain from the outside of your yarn
I do this because I am going to knit with size 4 mm needles
I'm using a circular size 4 mm knitting needles as a straight needle
Cast on 24 sts
If you are knitting for a child cast on 20 sts
This is scarf is done, by knitting only one row
Repeat this single row until the end
Row 1 (ond only): sl 1 st, knit all sts
Now repeat the row 1: sl 1 st, knit all sts
This part may look weird but don't worry
As you knit it, it improves...
That's why I slip the first stitch, to improve this edge
Now I'm repeating again that first row...
So just don't forget to slip the first stitch ok?
Well, now that I showed the one and only row
all you have to do is repeat it over and over again....
So just slip the first stitch, and knit the other stitches
When will you stop it?
Well my friend, I am going to knit and count here how many rows you'll have to knit
and this is the result... this is our scarf starting to appear
I am going to the fourth row now
and I'll come back to show you the end of our scarf ok
You will count 169 rows
Bind off
Cut 30 pieces of 15 cm each and put it in groups of 5
and this is it
share with me the result of your scarf posting #blogbyday on Instagram
on my blog there're more scarf patterns
here are more links to you
don't forget to like and subscribe
The bell will tell you about new videos
Big kiss, sorry the blah blah blah but this was a video for beginners
And information is never too much
And nobody is born knowing everything, right?
his is how I join them together
Be with God, see you next week. Bye!
Princess Eugenie's boyfriend flies to Balmoral Castle to ask the Queen Elizabeth for her blessing - Duration: 2:26.
The young lovers are at the Queen�s Highland retreat in Balmoral this weekend where Prince
Harry is hosting a shooting party to celebrate his 32nd birthday.
The daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York and her partner will be joined by other distinguished
guests including PM Theresa May who is visiting the royal residence for the first time.
The 26 year old royal flew out to Aberdeen from London with Brooksbank, 29, on Thursday
where he will be hoping for a warm welcome from Her Maj.
The love struck couple plan to get engaged within months and marry next year before moving
into Ivy Cottage at Kensington Palace.
An insider at the castle in Royal Deeside told the Express: � You could call this
weekend a rite of passage for Jack.
�There is no way he would be invited to stay with the Queen unless he was being welcomed
into the royal fold and the bosom of the family.
�Jack has met the Queen before but these few days will enable her to get to know him
much better and see what he is like as a prospective member of the family.
�Eugenie doesn�t have to ask the Queen for permission to marry but she obviously
wants her to be happy with her choice of husband.
�These relaxed weekends are the ideal way to break the ice. shows
�Prince Harry is very close to Eugenie and of course will be her neighbour at Kensington
�He is hosting the shooting weekend and making sure that everyone is having a great
Princess Eugenie, who is eighth in line to the throne, began dating Jack six years ago
after they met while skiing in the Swiss resort of Verbier and are reported to be �very
serious� about their relationship.
While staying at Balmoral, Jack will be expected to join the royals for pre-dinner drinks,
dress formally for the evening meal and also take part in the daily routine of drinking
tea and eating cucumber sandwiches.
A friend of Jack said: �You could say he was somewhat apprehensive about going to Balmoral.
�He�s the sort of chap who doesn�t have any enemies and I�m sure he will make a
good impression.� tell us your thoughts in comments below.
thanks for watching.
please like,subscribe and share my videos.
Police release pictures of belts from London attack - Duration: 0:18.
used in THE LONDON
Everyone is Leaving Korea 😭 Goodbyes in Itaewon (자막)국제커플 이태원에서의 굿바이 파티 - Duration: 12:02.
Buddy Got A New Bike + I Got A Drone - Duration: 4:16.
Link In Description
Heroes & Generals. "Smart" questions - Duration: 2:22.
But you, A**HOLE!
Hi, many players ask me very "smart" questions, like
"what should I buy: Mosin or... a plane?"
Lets compare and sort out what is better.
Lets start with obvious things: you can modify Mosin with a sniper scope.
And a plane...
its not a good idea.
Definitely 1:0 in favor of Mosin.
Also it is so comfortable to camp in bushes with Mosin.
With plane it is not so...
2:0 for Mosin!
But plane allows you to fly! And Mosin does not...
just in Hogwarts maybe.
Moreover plane speed is MUCH higher than Mosins one.
2:2 - Planes tie the score!
Hmmm... What else "smart" should we compare... Oh! I`ve came up!
Any plane has bombs, but Mosin has no bombs at all!
Well, we figured out in detail and, I think, for everyone is obvious the answer to the question "what to buy" ...
Of course it is...
In any incomprehensible situation buy Kettenkrad!
That' all. Ask "smart" questions, get "smart" answers ;)
Best Apple Pie Recipe From Scratch Made With Apples and Seven Ingredients You Already Have - Duration: 11:07.
hi everyone today I'm going to show you how I make this out-of-this-world apple
pie from scratch
the pie crust recipe I'm using is from all recipes I will leave the link to it
in the description below and as we go along I will tell you any changes that
I've made to the recipes I have doubled the pie crust recipe because you will
this pie has both a bottom and a top pie crust and so the amounts of ingredients
you need are two and a half cups all-purpose flour 1 cup butter chilled
and diced 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and 1/2 cup of ice water I have found the
easiest way to cut in my butter with the flour and salt is using the food
let's take a look and see how that is cut in the butter until the mixture
resembles coarse crumbs looks good to me okay so now it's time to add the water
to the flour mixture and the recipe says a tablespoon at a time I just use a
quarter cup and kind of estimate and you want it to form a ball when it'll form a
ball stick together that's when you know you have enough water in the mix I also
like to wear these glue gloves then my hands don't get all sticky with the
I also started with much more than a half cup in the measuring cup I don't
know if that varies by climate or the type of flour I use but I find that it
usually takes more liquid than recipes call for when I'm making something like
scones or a pie crust or biscuits I'm almost at half a cup here and it's not
really sticking together yet but we're getting there
I think that's gonna do
okay now the recipe calls for this to be wrapped in plastic and children's
refrigerator from anywhere between four hours to overnight however that's
another place where I deviate from the recipe I typically only chill it as long
as it takes for me to prepare the pie filling and then by that time by the
time I slice my apples up I get it out and get it ready to go in the pan for
the pie filling I'm using the recipe grandma opals apple pie from all recipes
I will include the link to this in the description below and as we go along and
tell you about the changes that we've made to the recipe then we really feel
set to this apple pie apart from everybody else's the ingredients you'll
need are your pie crust 1/2 cup the recipe says unsalted butter I use salted
three tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup packed brown
sugar 1/4 cup of water and eight granny smith apples peeled cored and sliced
then the things that you see on here that are not in the recipe but that we
will use today are a salt shaker and cinnamon sugar be sure and save your
veggie and fruit scraps for your chickens it's time to roll out the pie
crust the first thing you'll need to do is to divide this into two pieces
because you're going to make a top and a bottom crust eyeball it if you have a
bigger piece I usually use that for the bottom you need a little more dough to
get all the way across that pipe
now it's time to lay your apples out in your pie pan we like to make sure that
we have evenly spaced apples and we really do take time to do this by hand
so that rather than just like dump them all in there to make sure that we have
nice layers and then here's where one of our variation comes in that I'll show
you after I do the first layer I'm making this pie for a bridal shower that
I'm going to tomorrow we are having a recipe shower and what we're doing is
everybody is bringing their favorite recipe and for the bride written down
and then the staple ingredients that go with that recipe and a kitchen gadget to
help make up so I am getting her a food processor and bringing her this apple
pie recipe and everybody's bringing some kind of snack and so I'm going to bring
the pie that goes with the recipe okay so now I have the first layer of
apples down and I'm just going to take the salt shaker and shake it a little a
little bit the reason I'm doing this is twofold salt is a flavor and cancer but
we learned I don't know when I don't remember how we learned it that salt is
not only a flavor enhancer is also a flavor remover it helps the flavor of
whatever you're eating go to the right taste buds in your mouth it's a flavor
transporter I guess would be a better way of saying it definitely so that's
kind of an interesting quality that salt has and that's why we do this after
every layer of apples and I'm going to put a few more in the center so I get a
nice amount you just bring a little bit of salt to that that's one of our
secrets of this recipe that I'm not sharing with all of you
it's important that your top pie crust is the lattice crust with a high rammed
edge we didn't put any filling in with the apples we're actually going to pour
a caramel sauce over the top and let it soak down through the lattice through
the crust and fill the interior of the pie with yummy goodness magical caramel
melt your butter on the stovetop and add the flour to form a thick paste then
you're going to add the brown sugar white sugar and water bring all
ingredients to a boil then reduce the temperature and simmer 5 minutes now I'm
going to pour the caramel sauce onto the top of the pie crust starting in the
center and just working my way around
you can see where you need the high edges coming back to the center so that
it totally gets soaked and filled all of that goodness was just like soaked down
in there your apples are going to be covered in it it's just an amazing pie
recipe all right and then one more thing now that's different that we do has not
in the original recipe is we add
cinnamon sugar and it just gives the top a nice crunch of sweetness a little bit
of cinnamon flavor it really makes this pie just pop the flavors pop
pretty generous with this hope I didn't miss any it's pretty good
okay now we're going to stick this in the oven on 425 for 15 minutes the pie
has been in the oven for 15 minutes at 425 and the directions say to reduce the
heat to 350 and then cook it another 35 to 45 minutes but one other trick or tip
that I have that is not included in the recipe is to make a little text around
the edge of the pie crust which has your pie crust right now is golden brown and
we don't want it to burn and this is a way to have a nice soft flaky pie crust
as opposed to a really crisp overdone one
the foil will just protect it from burning well in the oven 50 nos - the
way the tops looking so good though isn't it
alright this is gonna be fantastic my family's a little bit upset that I only
made one tie and they didn't make one for them this time when you take the pie
out of the oven of course you'll remove the foil and
then another tip is to let it cool thoroughly I prefer even overnight
because then all of that liquid you can see that's still moving around in there
that will solidify a little bit and it'll slice up really nice and hold
together the long hold together better the longer it cools
thanks for watching me here and make this pie and eat it be sure and check us
out on Instagram at plan B orchard and farm and on Twitter
be sure and save your veggie and fruit scraps for your chickens yacht burger
Yardbird okay
Ashes - Duration: 2:55.
Died young
Young wounded
Died young
Social Guarantees
Losing Soul
Losing Soul
Death was presented with plaque and carnet
Leah Kunkel - Temptation - Duration: 3:46.
intro by DJ Supermarkt
Every time you turn around
To spy another place to go
Constantly reading change
You find it hard to rearange
A life is what it is
And you do what you do
No it`s no easy to know
But surely you can rise above
Every time you turn around
Marvel Legends COLOSSUS X-Men Warlock BAF Wave Toy Action Figure Review - Duration: 8:03.
This is the card art let's take a look
it's the regular Marvel Legend style Colossus on the side back of the card
going open this up and continue the review this is Marvel Legends review
on Colossus and it's part of the Warlock Build A Figure wave and it comes with
the head piece of Warlock this would be a separate review and like a saw blade
so that's a separate figure and Colossus himself comes with an alternate bearded
head which flip out little bit later in the review and on to the Colossus figure
this is Colossus in his more modern X-men costume that he wears in the comic
books as I'm making this video it's not the classic look what really stands out
on this figure is the size it's bigger than a normal Marvel Legend as it should
be because it fits the character well you could see the sculpting detail the
arms here and the hands I like this open type pose for like a grip this is
painted on the X symbol you would think at first that this looks like his
metal chest armor but it's just a black area that I don't know why purpose wise
it doesn't seem to make any sense design wise the head sculpt is really
detailed classic Colossus look from the comic books serious type of stern look
to him
you would think in a way like maybe he should have a belt or something from to design
like something is missing but nobelt this is kind of like an armored
type look you see the sculpting this is sculpted it's not just painted on so
they spent quite a bit of money here tooling up new parts Hasbro same here
sculpt detailing the back is very plain not too much going on here I'm going to
switch out the head so let's take a look in a second normal Colossus there we
go bearded look and the hair is a little
different let's take a look at this one
it's like a little curl here
got a mustache I actually like the bearded look for this costume better for
this particular look what he's wearing looks more imitating it looks actually
looks just better I think for this figure but you got to wonder from a
technical viewpoint how the heck does his hair transform into like a metal
armor and he does it instantly his whole body kind of makes no sense from that
perspective it is about 7 and a half inches tall check out the articulation
the heads on a ball joint good down range up to the sides ball
jointed shoulder area up or down in or out got a bicep articulation has one
point at the elbows and the wrists you can spin and not really any in or out
here just a little bit the gauntlet section does get in the way a bit I like
the open hand grip here and this is a closed fist upper torso good range
and swivel waist ball jointed at the hip area
up down swivel thighs double knee articulation and right under here under
the boot section has a calf swivel and the ankles up down to the sides
and going to give my final thoughts about this Colossus action figure in a moment
overall Colossus in his more modern costume
I think this action figure is sort of a mixed bag it depends on if you really
like the costume it's a look that I think with fans overall it's not
something that they consider the ideal Colossus instead of his classic costume
this is kind of weird in that Colossus his main feature is that he could turn
his skin into metal and yet most of his body is covered up in clothing and only
the arms and the head are exposed which kind of defeats the purpose of having a
mutant power that looks metallic and metal you know it's like if he has a
special power why the heck is he covered up all the time and the chest plate you
think that's exposed but it's just like a colored black arrow that's it looks
weird you know the costume it's definitely not
my favorite Colossus figure but in its own right
if you get over that fact I think Hasbro did a good job in terms of the
production of it the two different head sculpts the position of the hands the
size where it's like seven inches and bigger than the other X-men I think they
did all that right and it is as I'm making this video the current costume in
the comic books anyway so that's my final interpretation of this Colossus
mixed bag of both good and bad I would say and you do need it you want to Build
the Warlock build a figure because it has the main head piece and so that's the
review thanks for watching and talk to you later
India vs South Africa Champions Trophy 2017: david miller funny runout - Duration: 1:53.
Champions Trophy 2017
Toilet Ek Prem Katha Official Trailer | Akshay Kumar | Bhumi Pednekar | 11 Aug 2017 - Duration: 3:01.
Father, guess who?
You see, father... You see... it's like...
I want to get married.
Father, please get me married.
I can see that.
What, father?
The volcano erupting inside you.
He's a Manglik...
Plus the stars and planets in his birth chart are unfavorable.
Only this buffalo can save his life now.
Listen, brother, talk to me okay.
Call me rude, madam...
But don't call me brother.
Everything's going to be just delightful now.
Not just delightful, father. Brother's gonna wrestle every night now.
Will you come quietly...or jump?
Jump. -Jump!
Sister-in-law, it's 4:15 am.
Everyone's eagerly waiting to welcome you to the LOTA Party.
Don't your in-laws feed you?
Shed all your inhibitions...and get down to business.
Such anger for a toilet.
If I had known, I would've never married you.
I'm sure He wrote my fate in the loo.
And flushed it too.
Then build a bathroom in your home.
How can we build a toilet in the same courtyard...
...where were worship 'Tulsi'.
Is it our moral obligation to make a spectacle out of our wife...
...or does sh*** out in the open give us salvation?
Men can do it right in their backyards. But we are women.
We've to work harder for everything.
Whether my wife comes back or not...
...but, I will definitely build a toilet in this village!
"Radhe-Radhe! Say Radhe-Radhe!"
If you want your wife to stay with you then, you need a toilet at home.
"Radhe-Radhe! "
All that money you which con from the poor where does it all go?
If you change nothing, nothing will change.
Lovers built the Taj Mahal for their love.
But I couldn't build a loo.
For more infomation >> Toilet Ek Prem Katha Official Trailer | Akshay Kumar | Bhumi Pednekar | 11 Aug 2017 - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Aetherworks Marvel BANNED SOON - Duration: 3:06.
On Tuesday June 13, I predict that Aetherworks Marvel will be banned in standard - here are
the top 5 reasons why #1: Temer Marvel decks have taken over standard.
Marvel decks have been on the rise ever since pro tour amonkhet, and as of the posting of
this video, temur marvel makes up a whopping 33% of the metagame, although it was over
36% just a few days ago. And this number does not include variations
of the deck like bant aetherworks and sultai aetherworks, which also center around marvel.
For comparison, the second most played deck in standard, green-black energy, makes up
less than 10% of the metagame. Reason #2: Players don�t like decks that
win from out of nowhere Magic is a game where even the best players
win little more than half the time, so losing a match is no big deal
However, there are decks out there that tend to get under people�s skin.
This includes decks like white red prison..which only an asshole would play�..
But even more frustrating than that are decks that win at any moment
THe most frustrating thing about marvel is that it can appear from out of nowhere and
spawn a bomb as soon as it hits And this quick way of winning feels very similar
to the banning of splinter twin in modern last year
Like, aetherworks, splinter twin decks would win using a card that costs 4 mana, while
the remainder of the deck worked to setup for the card.
And worth mentioning is that splinter twin decks only made up about 5% of the modern
metgame at the time of its banning Compare that to marvels more than 33% prevalence
and you see what i�m getting at. On to reason #3: Nothing in your sideboard
can fully stop aethworks. Sure, there are cards like Dissenter�s Deliverance
and Disposses which can interfere with marvel, but these cards have their limitations
Dissenter�s Deliverance can destroy marvel, but it can still go off before it�s destroyed,
And those who have played against Aetherworks know that it usually only takes one firing
of marvel to lose the game As for disposses, sure it can remove marvel
from the opponent�s hand and deck, but with servent of the conduit, marvel can come out
as early as turn 3. The best way to stop marvel is to board in
negate, but then then the aetherworks player can just board in dispel to stop it.
So unless hour of devastation has some super crazy card to board in against marvel, like
give your opponent poison counters instead of energy counters, marvel would likely continue
unopposed Reason #4: It works with any card
The fact that marvel can send out any card - whether it�s a creature, instant, planewalker,
whatever - � ensures that marvel will be playable even when cards like ulamog and chandra
rotate out. ANd with the new bolas planeswalker coming
out in hour of devastation, I don�t see how marvel can be allowed to be in standard
at the same time as bolas And on to reason #5:.. Everyone seems to have
given up on standard over the past week To me, the most fun part of standard is trying
to brew new decks, hoping that your deck will be the next big hit
But with the way things are right now, it really does feel like no deck can compete
with aetherworks. Leading up to my last video about standard
spirits, I brewed an absurd number of standard decks, but Spirits was the only one that could
compete with aetherworks. Lastly, I want to point out a qoute from an
article from wizards themselves that was posted just last friday. It reads:
�Our goal is to get Standard to a point where we have spent a lot of time trying to
solve the format, and we can't agree on what the best deck in the format is. �
With the way things are in standard, the mystery is solved, and there is no doubt which deck
is better than the rest. That�s why this tuesday...marvel will be
banned But, if by some chance I�m wrong about marvel
being banned, I will appologize by making a video about liliana�s b-o-o-b-s
And if I�m right...I told you so But, i might still make that liliana b-o-o-b-s
video anyway because My Views Are Down, and YouTube stats tell me that my audience is
98% male...so what better way to rally the viewers than boobs!
Anyway, that�s all for now, and feel free to subscribe if you want to see more content.
I hope you enjoyed the video, and I hope you have a great day
Aquatic turtles NOT eating baby collards! - Duration: 4:26.
Bicycle Black Ghost Playing Cards Second Edition | Deck Review -Display - Duration: 2:27.
Bicycle Black Ghost Playing Cards Second Edition
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