Fu*k, it's so difficult, isn't it?
I think it would be easier for me to drive to your town
and it'll be faster
- Ok, once again - sure
'text in labels'
'text in labels'
- Hi Tony - Hi
In your last video you were speaking Polish and it was popular
(in comments) we said that we need to make something together, so here we are
- right? - right, right :)
I've prepared for you a list of slang words and phrases
And I'd like to teach you these word. We'll see if you'll find out the meaning
- so are you readyy? - ready
ok, so let's start with "jarać się"
or "mieć na coś zajawkę"
ok, "jarać się"
"jarać się" it's (also) a slang word for "burn" - "palić się"
"burn" ok
- IDK, "jarać się" and the other one "mieć na coś ..." - yeah, "zajawkę"
"zajawka" is really hard to translate because it's a typical slang word
- but I'll explain it to you - ok, so I'll make a complete guess
only by the fact that one word is slang for burning and the other one is to have something
I am gonna say maybe: desire or passion?
- kinda close, very close - ok
so "jarać się czymś" in this case means to have a hobby or a passion
F.e, IDK, what's popular?
- Do you know - fidget spinner :D
You did that just for the keyword I know it
No, but I could say "jaram się fidget spinnerem" which means oh, this is my hobby
Or what else, "jaram się muzyką, jaram się np. hip - hopem"
or "mam zajawkę na śpiewanie, na nagrywanie"
f.e I am a fan of...?
Is it good? But this is slang
Yeah, this is slang, f.e you can say: "jaram się polskim"
which means "it's my new passion", like "Polish is my new passion"
which is ok, everyone will understand
but "zajawka" is something like - something new also, you know, something you found (maybe)
I acan't think of a word similar to that in English. I don't think we have something like that
- I would say just "it's my new" - right, yeah
so remember "jarać się czymś" - "jaram się muzyką", "mam zajawkę na muzykę"
- jaram się Star Wars - yeah
Yeah, very good Star Wars or Star Trek as I know, right?
You're a big fan of Star Trek
- Mostly Star Wars but yeah - I see - Don't start arguments in the comments about that either
So tell me what do you like more, Star Trek or Star Wars?
I am definitely a bigger fan of Star Wars but Iam a fan of both
- I am curious what the viewers will say - yeah
Next one is "bez kitu", I'll send it to you
Ok, so yeah, that one "bez kitu"... so I know "kitu", because...
well I guess I'll speak in English
- no "do kitu" - "do kitu is very (similar)
kit it has the same meaning but "bez kitu" maybe we use it in a different context
Ok, So I'll say this. From what I understand the word "kit" comes some kind of old, like "caulk" for windows
- yeah, red substance - right and it was like a really terrible, cheap quality product
And it became part of "do kitu" means "it sucks"
but delicately you can say it in public
So I am gonna say "bez kitu" is like... IDK if I can say vulgar words on your channel
- yeah, you can - like "without bullshit" maybe?
yeah, it's something like that, imagine a situaton
I tell you a news, like: oh, have you heard that Ariana Grande gave birht bla, bla, bla
and you say "bez kitu", it's something like "you don't say" or..
I think it's also like "shut the fuck up"
right, well I guess that's a lot more vulgar
You could say "get the hell outta here", you could say like
like I don't believe it , get the hell outta here
so "bez kitu" I think it's quite popular
Not only amongst youngsters but also, you know, all kind of people use it
So once again. I'll tell you something like: oh, have you seen that your video got 100 000 hits?
Bez kitu!
Yeah, very good
And next one: "przyciąć komara", or "zabić gwoździa"
- how do you think? - not only are you giving me slang, you're giving me words I am having trouble, even trying to say
- so... - "przyciąć" in this case means, which is really hard to explain but "ciąć" is to cut
"przyciąć" like short cut
- "przyciąć komara" - to be honest the translation has no sense
"zabić gwoździa", and I'll give you a tip. We use it very often at parties
Some of us
Maybe, ok if it's at parties, and, IDK cause
When you say "cut" we have slang like "cut the shit" but, no...
O man, like, I don't have a clue
- all right, "komar" you know what is komar - like "mosquito"
- yes, in your last video you've used this word - right
- that you love these creatures - yeah, there are my favorite
and all right, I'll try to explain, maybe second one
"zabić gwoździa". Zabić means "to kill", but also to stick, like you know
- to punch something, you have a nail "gwóźdź" - we would actually call it to hammer something
maybe, so... yeah, probably you're right
you put it, and pshh, the nail is "zabity", you "zabiłeś" the nail
but when you are at the party , imagine: you're akinda dizzy
And you feel more dizzy, like drunk. And what do you do?
- you know, you see? - you are passed out?
yeah, it means "to have a nap"
ok, so when we talk about getting drunk, and if you are really, REALLY drunk - where you're almost to the point where you are going to pass out, you can say...
you can say like "he", like if you're talking to someone else, you can say "he's hammered"
Which means, he's like complitely drunk, he's hammered. So I guess it's kind of the same
- it's quite similar - quite similar, yeah
but the first one "przyciąć komara" it doesn't have to be only around parties
You can say "sorry, przyciąłem komara" which menas, sorry I had a nap
- can I say that "I had a nap?" - right, yeah
and I didn't notice what you say
- you know, just "przyciąć komara" - ok - that's all
And next one
"kimać" and "iść w kimono", it's also, it's about...
It's also about sleeping
Oh, I failed...
- so you gave it away I guess - yeah...
- go ahead, continue
"kimać", I don't know the story of this word "kimać" but I think that "iść w kimono" it's based on kimać
Becanuse "kimać" mans also to sleep
And "iść w kimono" literally means "to go into a kimono"
- right I was thinking is that the Japanese, like traditional dress
ok, so it's like, it's basically, I don't know, getting, but it's to sleep?
- so it's not like getting to your pijama, it's actually to go to the bed
yeah, you can say "ok, I am sleepy, I go w kimono, nara"
You could also say, "muszę się przekimać"
which means "I need to get a nap"
- "to get a nap" is it correct? - "take a nap"
All right, so you've learned 4 propositions for sleeping
And now we will be a bit vulgar
"Goń się!" or "gonić się"
- How do you think? - "goń się"?
yeah, goń się, lit. like "chase yourself"
God, if you're saying it's vulgar I don't even wanna make a guess in this one
But it's not super vulgar. It's nothing you couldn't use in public
ah, there are so many words in Poland that I hear in public that you shouldn't use, so...
- but this one is like 50/50 - ok
I think that most people wouldn't be offended
- so would you say this to a stranger or would you say to a... - no, no, if you would say it to a stranger
- this person would probably feel offended - ok, so maybe like, is it sort of more harsher way to say "idź stąd"
- like get out of here or - yeah, very good, yeah something like that
- Not "get the f* of here" - yeah,
So it's like in the middle
But also "goń się" it's also something like , I will show you a situation
like: we talk, we argue about something and I don't agree with you I could say "goń się", "spadaj", or sth like that
ok, I'll remember that one with my wife
- yeah... - maybe not
As I know she's very tolerant
To be married to me you have to be the most tollerant person on the world, so yes
probably, as long as I know you (I meant "as I know you")
Next one. I think it might be interresting
Like "obczaj to", "obczajać"
- I think the main word... - obczaj?
"czaić się" is "to lurk****" , but it's nothing about lurking
it's "to lurk" but it has nothing to do with lurking
All right, so give me a hint
I have a tip but if I use this tip, I am 100% sure you will guess
But we'll try if you remember our last lesson in Polish
- Do you remember when I was teaching you about an eye? Like "throwing an eye"? - right, right
So it's something like that
Ok, so like "check it out"?
yeah, "obczaj to" means "check it out"
It's about everything. I could ask you, like "obczaj tę piosenkę" - check this song
I can do a trick, like salto, I can say "oczaj to"
- so just "check it out", - are we gonna see any tricks? or no?
- wooow, - impressive, - we're all impressed
And the last one for toady
"Zrobić połówkę" which is very, very sociable
"połówkę", I thought yoy said parówkę" (parówka - wiener / sausage)
- Now I am hungry
- I will tell you a joke about parówka - ok
I don't know , like, I guess, ok - complete guess so it's "make something in half"
Maybe "keep it short"?
"cut your story down"? IDK
To be honest, when you make/do a połówka it's not short. You're just starting to get something much longer
- but I'll explain to you why - ok, it doesn't make any sense
- you know what is "połówka" in Polish? - yeah, like a half of something
Yeah, but haven't you heard something like "idziemy na połówkę"? Like, you know...
No, I've never
All right. Połówka is very, very... popular word for vodka
Like "half of a liter", this is połówka
So "zrobić połówkę", if I would ask you"zrobimy jakąś połówkę"?
- it means... - oh, half a liter I guess?
- oooh, ok - let's drink some vodka
- half a liter - idziemy zrobić jakąś połówkę? Are we gonna drink something?
ok, that makes sense, ok I am surprised I've never heard that but then again I don't really talk to a lot of people outside of my house I guess
- but trust me that in 90% if you ask a person "zrobimy jakąś połówkę" I bet that everyone will understand you
- so it's to "get a drink" or - yeah, to get a drink
but a very specific purpose
- which means "half of a liter" - all right, ok
And the joke about "parówka", have you heard this one: do you know how to make new parówkas?
- no - from old parówkas :D (exp. parówka is mixed with everything, you never know what you can find inside)
- I don't know why it's funny - it's not
- But I am laughing anywa
All right, so I think it's all for today
I believe you've learned something new
A couple of them, yeah
And I'll try to examine you, next time when ask you "zrobimy jakąś połówkę"
- I believe you will understand me - yeah I will
ok, so if you like the video, remember about some thumbs
And remember about Tony's channel
You can find it in the edscription and probably some here
And subscrbe the guy who lives in Poland but he's American but now he's Polish
You know what I mean
So Tony, would you like to say something to my viewers?
Thanks for likes and subscriptions
- And see you next time - bye bye
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