>>What is it like to be a Jewish believer in Israel? Is
there constant harassment? Is there freedom to evangelize?
And how open are the Jews of Israel to the Gospel? For a
fascinating interview with a Messianic Jewish leader from
Israel, stay tuned.
>>[music] >>Lamb and Lion Ministries
presents Christ in Prophecy, a program that focuses on the
fundamentals of Bible prophecy, showing how current
events in the news relate to Biblical predictions of end
time events and the soon return of Jesus. Now, here's
your host, Dr. David Reagan.
>>Greetings in the name of Jesus, our
Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy!
My colleague, Nathan Jones, and I have a very special
guest with us from Israel. His name is Dr. Baruch Korman. He
is a very anointed Bible teacher, and he is the host of
a TV program called "Love Israel." Dr. Korman, welcome
to Christ in Prophecy. >>Thank you Dr. Reagan, it's a
pleasure. >>So good to have you on sir. >>Nathan, thank
you. >>Well, let's begin, let's get a little background
if we could. Your TV show? Your family? And your study
institute in Israel? >>Well, I've been married 30 years. I
have three adult children. They all served in the Israeli
armed forces. My oldest daughter in the Air Force, and
my two other children in the Israeli Army. >>Wow,
fantastic. >>And we moved to Israel a little over 15 years
ago. >>So, you were an American who then made Aliyah?
>>That's right. That's right. >>Chicago boy right? >>Grew up
in Chicago. And after getting married we moved to Miami
Beach, much better than Chicago. >>I would imagine.
>>And in 2002 January we made Aliyah to Israel. >>Praise the
Lord. >>Let me ask you about that: Did you have any
difficulty making Aliyah since you were Believers? >>Well we
were very active in the Jewish community. And we did
everything that they asked us. Answered all of their
questions honestly. Never hit our faith. Never was asked
about our faith. And it is very different today in regard
to that. But, no we have had no problems. The Israeli
government, the Israeli people have welcomed us. >>And when
you make Aliyah you're living really as a ward of the
government for almost a year, aren't you? >>Well, we did not
receive, we rejected any type of financial assistance from
the government. >>OK. >>We didn't need it, thank God. I
would say that its different, American's by in large if you
go back many years ago they received different financial
benefits than people from other countries did. >>OK.
>>So, at that time there was some benefits like language
school was free. Sometimes mortgages you could get at a
lower interest rate, or less of a down payment and the
government would qualify you. >>Now people come from all
over the world speaking many different languages. So one of
the requirements is they have to get into Ulpan School as
soon as possible. And that's what 10-12 hours a day total
immersion for a year? >>Wow. >>That is what my wife did. My
Hebrew was a little bit better than that so I began studying
in a Yeshiva learning rabbinical as I did when I was
in the States rabbinical literature. And so I picked up
Hebrew as far as understanding it and being very able to
communicate pretty quickly. >>I know sometimes Americans
who have studied Hebrew have studied it with vowel pointing
and all, they go to Israel and there is no vowel points they
can find, they don't know what to do. >>That's right. But
once you know the vocabulary the vowel points become very--
>>Now tell us about your institute. What is it all
about? >>Yeah. >>Well it's an institute for Scripture. Our
purpose over there is to introduce people to the Word
of God. We believe the greatest change that can come
upon a person is when they encounter the truth of God.
>>Amen. >>And there is only one place to receive that
truth and that in the Scriptures. We teach both the
Tanakh the Old Testament, and the Habrit Hakhadasha the New
Testament. Right now we are going through the book of
Luke. >>OK. >>And everything we do primarily is going
through chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse. >>And what is
the name of the institute? >>Zera Avraham which is seed
of Abraham. >>Seed of Abraham. >>And is this in Jerusalem?
>>No, it's south of Tel Aviv. >>OK. >>And it's in a larger
city. And very few Americans are there, what I like. >>And
you talk about going verse-by-verse this is one of
the things that I love about your teaching, you're strictly
an expository teacher. You just read the verse, comment,
and move on. Now this is what you do on your television
program. Tell us about your TV program, the name of it, how
it got started and so forth. >>Well, it began with a Hebrew
version of the program which began four years ago, it is
called "Pdut L'Amo" which is taken from the Psalms and it
means redemption for His people. >>Great name. >>And
after doing about a year and a half of that some people asked
could we do an English version of it. >>Oh, ok. >>And so we
began that three years ago. And it's the same format. In
the Hebrew version we use as a basis the weekly Torah portion
Parashat Hashavua. In the English version we go through
different books of the Bible. >>What network can they find
this on? >>In Israel it's on Middle East Television, which
we are the only show from a believing perspective in the
Hebrew language. >>Well how did you get on television in
Israel in the first place in that first year? >>Yeah. >>An
individual that's related to Middle East Television
approached us. We heard that there was an interest in
biblical teaching. And so we approached them and they
wanted an English show. And we said, "Well what if we did it
in Hebrew?" And they graciously agreed. We had to
get permission from the Misrad HaShidur the Broadcast
Authority in Israel, and they agreed. And we've been on four
years. >>So what was it broadcast on? >>It's broadcast
on cable, which Israel only has one Cable and you're on
there as well. >>Yes. >>On HOT and they have an Israeli
satellite which is called Yes. So, those two networks
basically cover all of Israel, about 95%. >>I've been frankly
surprised that the Orthodox would allow this kind of
program on television in Israel. >>We have not had any
problems. >>Is that right? >>In fact it's very, very,
encouraging that occasionally I'm recognized. Someone has
found the show from a religious background and they
find it interesting. >>Well I want to ask you what is it
like to be a Jewish believer in Israel: Are you constantly
harassed? >>Not at all. I do know that some ministries over
there had problems. >>A lot of them. >>We have our study
center it is in a large high-rise on the third floor.
When someone comes in there is a security guard so they have
to say why they're going. We don't have any signage up. We
don't broadcast it. Most of people that come they come by
invitation, someone that we know. So, we have not had any
harassment or problems. >>We've got a picture here of
Avi Mizrachi. Avi Mizrachi is in Tel Aviv. He is a very
aggressive evangelist there. And they come down from
Jerusalem, the Orthodox do and put up wanted signs all over
the area for him. He also has experiences that I think are
very humorous where he goes down to the port of Tel Aviv
where they have the big fountain and he starts handing
out brochures. Now, he actually has this on video
where he tries to hand it and people won't accept them,
until an Orthodox Jew comes and starts harassing them. And
then everybody wants the brochure because they don't
like the Orthodox Jews because the Orthodox Jews are trying
to enforce their lifestyle on the average Israeli. >>There
is great tension between the Haredi community. In fact as I
was driving to your studios in Israel right now they are
working to have the giyus, giyus is the Hebrew word for
when you go into the army. What is that called, giyus?
>>Like being drafted, or enlisted? >>Being drafted into
army, enlisted in army. And the religious community has
had an exemption. And right now all over Israel there are
haf'ganat, demonstrations. Highway 1 is closed down.
Highway 4 is closed down. Many other intersections. So
because of that, I mean I think it is very important for
people to serve in the military. >>Oh, yeah. >>I know
of no biblical, and when we talk about Jewish law,
halakhah, there is no Jewish law reason that a person
cannot serve. And the Israeli Army does everything,
everything so that people whether they're Drews, whether
they're Arabs, whether they're secular, or whether they are
the most Messianic, whatever can serve in the army. So, I
take a very strong stance. Now, we love the Haredim the
ultra-Orthodox. We want to share the truth with them. I
believe they are in darkness so I don't expect much from
them. But I am very grieved over the fact. And I don't
expect much from the secular population not to like the
Haredim. But I am grieved over the fact that many in the
Messianic community, who we're in light, we should understand
their point of view, not necessarily agree with it, but
love them and be an instrument of influence to bring them to
the truth. And this animosity that I see between the
Messianic community and the Haredim it grieves me. >>Well
speaking of that, Haredim you always see them praying at the
Western Wall. And I think many Christians they look at they
and they say, well Israel is a Christian nation or at least a
believing nation in God. Do you believe that Israel is a
religious nation, or do you believe it is more of a
secular nation? >>Well, 60% of the Israeli population, Jewish
population would fall under the category of Orthodox.
>>60%, ok, wow. >>Whether that is Dati Leumi which is the
National Religious Modern Orthodoxy. Or Haredim which is
20%. So you have the national religion followers 40%,
Haredim 20%. You have 40% secular. So it is a very
divided, very divided group. So is it secular? Is it
religious? Yes. >>And you have Islam, and Bahai. >>The
problem with the Orthodox is they are very much like
American cultural Christians. They may claim to be Orthodox
Jews, doesn't mean they are practicing Orthodox Jews.
>>You are right. Among the Dati Leumi many of them may
not be in the synagogue every day, three times a day. But
there is within the Orthodox world in Israel there is a
strong commitment, a strong commitment that you don't see.
I mean Judaism three times a day, every day, there are
prayer times. And a high percentage of that 60% are
there at that time. >>Israel to me though comes across as a
very, very secular nation, and Tel Aviv in particular. I mean
that is one of the world center of homosexuality. >>It
is. And Tel Aviv is highly secular. But when you go a
little bit north, northeast you come to Bnei Baruch which
is one of the largest concentration of Haredim in
the world. So, lots of times when people are in Israel
because they don't go into the religious communities they
don't see the dense population and the numbers that are
quite, quite large. >>Do you have the freedom to proclaim,
share the Gospel in Israel? >>We have that television
show. We use the internet. We have no problem with our study
center. Now there is a law, it is a very good law. Adults
anyone who is over 18 cannot evangelize someone under 18. I
think that is good. >>Yeah. >>I wouldn't want, you know
when my children were under 18, they're not now, I
wouldn't want someone talking to them without my permission.
So, I think that is a very good law. But if someone is
over 18 and the person they are talking to is over 18 you
have total freedom to share. Now that doesn't mean-- >>One
thing, there is another law, another law that states that
you cannot offer an incentive. >>That's true, because they
are concerned with ministries giving rental help, or doing
something. You're absolutely right. >>Almost like buying
their faith. >>Right. So, but it is very easy. There's forms
a lot of ministries have. I have a good friend Moran
Rosenblit that runs an excellent humanitarian
organization. And they abide by that. If they give help
they have a form to make sure the person knows that this
gift, this help comes from love with absolutely no
strings attached. >>Good idea. >>Well, let's take a break
here and when we come back I want you to share with us
something that I find absolutely fascinating and
that is what Orthodox Jews believe about the end times.
>>Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our
interview with Dr. Baruch Korman a messianic teacher,
and television host from Israel. >>Dr. Korman I want to
pick up with a very fascinating question to me
anyway and that is: What are the difference between what
Orthodox Jews believe about the end times, and what many
Christians teach about the end times? >>I think the thing
that would probably surprise most Christians is that
Orthodox Judaism does not believe that all prophecies
are going to be fulfilled. >>All? >>Is that right? >>They
have a scenario. If this is the scenario that happens,
then it's these prophecies. If it is this scenario over here
then these prophecies are relevant. >>Oh, that's
interesting. >>And many of the scenarios depend upon the
spiritual condition of Israel. For example we know that
Messiah when He came the first time He came riding on a
chamor, a donkey. When He comes again He is coming in
the clouds of heaven. Correct we know that. Now they will
say and this is found also in the Gemara, part of the
Talmud, that if Israel needs to repent then Mashiach He'll
come riding on a donkey. If Israel is zkhy if we merit it,
then He won't come riding on a donkey He'll come in the
clouds of heaven. And today the greatest authorities in
Judaism believe that Israel is meriting Messiah's return.
That all of the prophecy having to do with judgment
upon this world, and hard times, "eis tzarah hi
leYaakov" time of Jacob's Trouble, all of that has been
cancelled out. >>Cancelled? >>Cancelled out. And they
believe that any moment Mashiach will come and the
whole creation will be transformed. >>Is that why you
hear sometimes that the Jewish people believe in two
messiahs? >>Well there is a concept of two messiahs. Today
the vast majority of authoritative Rabbis believe
the first one the Mashiach Ben Yosef that He's the one that
would come riding on the donkey. That that need has
been done away with. >>They are good enough? >>So there
not expecting-- >>They've merited? >>That's right
they're not expecting Mashiach Ben Yosef, some deny that all
together. And but all of them are believing that Mashiach
ben David will come and set up a kingdom an utopia and
there's not going to be that time of hardships in the end.
>>I know over the years there's been many different
Orthodox interpretations of Isaiah 53. What would you say
is the Orthodox interpretation of that? >>One of the problems
is honesty. Now, as a believer you're bound to this book,
correct? >>Yes, right. >>Ok. People don't want to know our
opinions they want to know the truth of the Scripture, right?
And in that same way an Orthodox Rabbi is bound to the
Talmud, as well as the Hebrew Bible, but the Talmud is seen
as scripture. Not a commentary on the scripture but it has
the same authority of a scripture. So in the section
of the Talmud called Sanhedrin on page 98, Isaiah 53 is
mentioned. And there it says without any doubt that that
passage deals with the Messiah. So that means every
Orthodox Rabbi they don't have the freedom to say what they
think, what they want, they have to repeat what the text
says. So Orthodox Judaism must affirm that Isaiah 53 is about
the Messiah. Now that doesn't mean who the Messiah is. It
doesn't say it's Jesus of Nazareth. It just says it's
about Messiah. Rashi in his commentary on that section
says clearly Isaiah 53 is about Messiah. However in
Rashi's commentary on Isaiah which many people believe have
been edited there he states, oh no it has nothing to do
with Messiah. It's all about Israel the Jewish people
suffering in the past. >>Ok. >>So today in order to take
away any possibility that a Jewish person might think
Isaiah 53 is about Messiah there is agreement it's about
Israel, but that is disingenuous. >>So Israel is
the suffering one? >>Israel is the suffering one. But I was
going to say but if you go into a Yeshiva, a Kollel for
married men when they study, when you come to this passage
everyone knows it's about Mashiach no one says it's
about Israel. >>Now you mentioned something that is
very interesting. There is a parallel between Orthodox
Judaism and Catholicism. In Catholicism they take the
position that the interpretations of the Pope
and the interpretations of church council have the
authority of Scripture. They're equal with Scripture.
>>You're saying in Orthodox Judaism that the commentaries
of the sages are equal to Scripture. >>The statements of
the sages. >>Yes. >>That is often times commentary to the
Scripture. Yes. >>So there is continuing revelation by God.
>>No longer but up until this time of the Gemara. Which many
people don't know that the Talmud, the Mishna was edited
in the Third Century AD after the New Covenant. And the
Gemara is 100 to 200 years later than that. So, the New
Covenant is an earlier Jewish book than the Talmud. >>Well
now let me ask you if you're talking to an Orthodox Jew and
you're trying to bring him to Yeshua. How does he handle
Daniel 9 where it is very clearly prophesied that the
Messiah is going to come before the destruction of
Jerusalem? >>Well it says at the end of the book of Daniel,
"Daniel seal up this book for a later time." So by in large
what happens is that the book of Daniel is not going to be
discussed. >>Oh >>At all. >>Ok, that's convenient.
>>Well that's an convenient out. >>So, Israel has replaced
the Messiah. And then you have Christians who believe that
the Church has replaced Israel. Do you buy into the
idea that the Church has taken all the blessings and promises
from the Israeli people? >>I'll give you two pieces of
Scripture in regard to that answer. Paul says in Romans
9:6, "Not all of Israel is of Israel." And what he means
there, I mean obviously he is using that term Israel in two
different ways. The first I think most commentaries agree
when he says not all of Israel he is talking about the Jewish
people. Not every Jewish person is going to be part of
Israel. And the second he is speaking about Israel as the
kingdom people. So what does that mean? It means that
Israel, that kingdom people there is going to be Jewish,
there is going to be a Jewish component but there's also,
and the reason why Israel was created was to be a blessing
to the Gentiles. So in that kingdom people there are going
to be Jews and Gentiles. So that is a very important
understanding of Israel. The Jewish people and the Gentiles
can find those blessings. But in Daniel chapter 9 I won't
mention the theologian-- >>I was going to say if you
believe the church has replaced Israel you've got to
take Romans 9-11 and throw them out the window. >>That's
right. That's right. There is a very well-known biblical
teacher in the mid-west and he uses Daniel chapter 9, you
know a great passages. We think about the last few
verses, but in the beginning there is that great prayer
that Daniel makes. >>Very powerful. >>And he begins and
in Daniel 9:4 he speaks about the fact that we disobeyed you
God and because of that we were scattered, we went out
from the land. And this person says there you have it. Ok.
Israel disobeyed God they were a covenant breaking people and
they lose the right to the land. >>Or they'll use that
verse where God breaks the rod and he considers divorce,
therefore Israel is. >>Exactly. >>They'll use that
all the time. >>But what they do is they rip that out of
context because Daniel's whole prayer is "But now the time of
exile has ended. The 70 years have come to an end and He's
bringing the people back." >>Well if you use that
argument none of us have any hope because all of us have
been disobedient, does that mean the promises of God are
revoked? >>Absolutely not. >>God says He's faithful even
when we're unfaithful. >>So, prophetically we see that in
the last days there is going to be a remnant. Israel is
going to go through a time of trouble. That trouble has one
purpose to cause Israel to look up to seek that Messiah.
And to their surprise that Messiah is going to be Jesus
of Nazareth. They are going to look upon those marks where He
was crucified and they're going to mourn Him and receive
Him. So those promises of the land are still in effect.
>>Oh, yes. >>I mean I'm a fulfillment of that. God took
me from Chicago. I'm living now in Israel. And you know if
you go back to 1948 there was about 600,000 maybe 700,000
Jewish people. >>Wow is that all? >>In Israel. And now it
is ten times that. Ten times that. >>Plus if you go back to
1967 there were no Messianic congregations in America. But
about 1970 suddenly there was just a tremendous move of the
Spirit, and young people coming to Jesus, it was just
unbelievable what happened among the Jewish people. >>God
is faithful. >>The first fruits of the remnant. >>God's
faithful and He's going to restore through that same
truth that the Church had to believe. >>We have about 2 ½
minutes left in this segment and I just have to get in this
question because we ask every guest this question. Do you
believe we're living in the season of the Lord's return
and if so why? >>Israel's enemies are on her border.
Israel as I said earlier are returning back to the land.
The Har HaBáyit the Temple Mount is in the hands of the
Jewish people. I do believe that we are very near to our
blessed hope. I like how you use that term so frequently. I
believe in the blessed hope. And I believe that we are very
near that time. >>Well you know Orthodox Jews tend to
believe that we are living in the end times also. I mean
when I go to Israel I see signs you know "Look up the
Messiah's coming," and things like this. >>A term Nathan and
I were talking about this off camera but the term g'ulah
meaning redemption. And that term just wasn't very popular.
It was not used in Judaism. Today g'ulah there are studies
about g'ulah and the Messiah in Orthodox Judaism. So, there
is a greater awareness of these promises. People are
interested. And the greatest change that I've seen is in
talking with Israeli's and openness to discuss these
things. I've not been harassed in fact in the last 15 years I
see a greater increase of people wanting to know.
>>Praise the Lord! >>I've seen films of the recapture of
Jerusalem in 1967 which we are coming up on the 50th
anniversary of in June of this year. And Rabbi Shlomo Goren
comes up to the Western Wall and he's got a Torah scroll,
he's got a shofar, he blows the shofar, and one of many
things he said was, "I proclaim to you the beginning
of the Messianic age." He was aware that we are moving into
the end times. >>There are many signs that confirm that.
And Anti-Semitism rising. I mean you can't have a time of
Jacob's trouble without Anti-Semitism. >>And the whole
world coming against Israel. The whole. You know people for
years said, "Well, I know it says that but it will never be
America." Well? >>Well? Yeah. >>We have joined the world. We
have come together against Israel. We lifted our vote in
the United Nations, our veto to let Israel to be condemned.
>>In the very place Isaiah 54 that says, "Jewish people must
go and rebuild these cities." It is those places that the UN
says it's forbidden, it's illegal for Jewish people to
live there. >>Here is the whole world falling apart,
ISIS cutting off heads, Syrian Civil War and the United
Nations Security Council is voting on whether or not
Israel should be building apartments. It's crazy. >>Even
Ben Ki Moon came out and said that the UN spends an
exuberant amount of time focused on Israel. Which is
just a great fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
>>Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our interview
with Dr. Baruch Korman from Israel. Dr. Korman great to
have you on. >>Thank you so much. >>Can you tell folks how
they can get in touch with you? >>The best way is to
visit our website loveisrael just like the nation of Israel
loveisrael.org. >>And can they get your TV program there?
>>We have over 450 videos from our television program there.
>>Great. I want to thank you again for being with us. It's
been a real joy. You have a safe trip back to Israel.
>>Thank you for your hospitality. Thank you sir.
>>Folks that is our program for this week. I hope it's
been a blessing to you and I hope the Lord willing that
you'll be back with us next week. Until then this is Dave
Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries saying, "Look
up, be watchful for your redemption is drawing near."
>>[music] >>The Bible is literally filled with
prophecies about the Jewish people, past, present, and
future. And in fact the Jewish people are the focus of end
time Bible prophecy. Folks, I've spent the past 40 years
studying these remarkable prophecies and their
fulfillments, and I have put together a summary of them in
a new book of mine that is titled, "Israel in Bible
Prophecy: Past, Present & Future." The incredible story
of Israel in Bible prophecy is proof positive of the
existence of God, and that the Bible is the Word of God. The
first section of the book takes a look at four
prophecies that were fulfilled before the beginning of the
20th Century. The second section features seven
prophecies that were fulfilled in whole, or in part during
the 20th Century. The final section of the book takes a
look at the prophecies concerning the future of
Israel showing how the suffering of the Jewish people
in the Great Tribulation will lead to their national
repentance and salvation. Finally there is an epilogue
in which I explain how all this is relevant to Christians
in the 21st Century. The book runs 256 pages in length, and
it can be yours for a donation of $20 or more, including the
cost of shipping. To order a copy either call our office at
the number you see on the screen, or place your order
thru our website at lamblion.com. If you call
please call Monday thru Friday between 8 AM and 5 PM Central
Time. I believe this book will be a great blessing to you.
>>Thank you for joining us on today's Christ
in Prophecy, a presentation of Lamb and Lion Ministries, a
non-denominational ministry dedicated to teaching the
fundamentals of biblical prophecy and proclaiming the
soon return of Jesus.
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