Hello and welcome to my workspace! Today, I thought that I would give you a
long-overdue tour of my craft room and my studio and basically the place where
I get all of my work done. When we moved into this house last year, I was so
excited to have my own space where I could keep all of my craft supplies, work
on all of my projects, and just leave things out on my table and come back to
them exactly the way that I had found them. It's not something that I've always
had, but it's definitely something that helps me to be more productive. Having
this space has been amazing and I really love it. Ever since we moved into this
house, I've been really super busy, so I just finally got it to look the way I
want it to. There are definitely a few more things that I still want to do in
here and I guess I'll update you about those in the future. But I'm excited to
give you a tour of what it looks like now! First, before I get started, it does
not always look this clean. I tend to work best in a mess because I can see
everything that I have and yeah. That's just me. But honestly, one of the reasons
why I haven't shown you this whole space yet is because it was really messy and I
wanted to wait to clean it before I put it on the Internet. So you might
recognize this space as where I shoot most of my videos. I decided to decorate it
a lot and put lots of things up on the walls and I like having it be just a
crafty, creative space that reflects my personality. As you can see, I have one of my
big lights right here. I have two more of these but I moved them out of here just
for filming this video 'cause they take up a lot of space. So this is my main desk
area. I try to keep at least half of it open at all times so I have space to
spread out a new project if I want to start something new. But, let's be serious,
most of the time it's just covered in craft supplies and things I'm working on.
Over here, I have this three-tiered organizer that I use to put all of the
things I use most often like my sewing supplies. I'm also still using all of the
pincushions that I made on this channel. They have definitely come in handy. Under
this table, I store a giant box of polyfill for stuffing my plushies and
this is where I keep my main fabrics that I use most often. And then I have a
second one of these green tables which I use as my sewing table and also just
kind of a place to store the materials I use most often so I can grab them
quickly. In this vintage suitcase, I've been keeping kind of things that don't
have another place to go, but I don't want them out in the open so I
put them in here. This is a spinning caddy that I got from Michael's and I
have basically my main tools that I use most often so they're right here and I
can grab them when I need them. This is where I keep all of my small
plushie patterns! I put them into these envelopes, label the front, and put them
in this little letter organizer. They're not in any particular order, but it makes
it easier to find them. In here is where I keep all of my little Fairweather
Friends logo fabric tags that I sew into my plushies. This machine I just recently
got. I haven't tried it out yet but I'm going to try and figure out how to get
it to cut fabric for me cause that would save me a lot of time! Over there I have,
very exciting, my garbage can, my backup sewing machine. In these bins, I keep all of
the plushies that are in stock in my Etsy shop. In here I keep backup fabrics,
I've got a bunch here that I haven't put away yet. In this bin, I have
stuff that I use for my youtube videos and photography, so just camera things
and microphones and all of that stuff. In here, I have a bunch of external hard
drives, extra cables, more cameras, and then I just kind of shove random other
things in here. A curtain that I haven't put up yet, this is kind of my travel
craft box at the moment, I have my journaling supplies in here, and then I
kind of built this little printer stand using another vintage suitcase and I
just put some other stuff in there, paper for the printer. There are my pygmy puffs
and then I have this one window. This rug is actually a watercolor print by
society6 and I love it. I've had these cube shelves for quite a
while now. I got them at Michael's Arts and Crafts and I really love them. One of
my favorite things about them is that they are all separate pieces of
furniture so I can stack them higher if I don't have as much space this way.
Right now I have them in kind of a 3x3 configuration and then there is an extra
cart that matches that's over on that end. I got that one a little bit later
but I needed more space, so I just added on to it. So as long as they keep these
in stock and don't change the general size of them, I can keept adding on to
them, I can make them taller or make them go farther than that direction and I
love that about them! You might remember this Hogwarts desk organizer from a past
video. I really love this project, so I'm still using it. That's a little sign that
I hand lettered. I actually grabbed that for my craft fairs and I thought that it
was pretty so I just display it all the time. That Hufflepuff H was given
to me by a fan, this is a drawing done by my friend
Riley. In here I have some note paper and in here I have washi tape and then I have
Ginny Weasley's wand which I think is super pretty.
This has guitar picks in it and then I made this jar organizer on the HGTV
Handmade Channel and I just kind of keep small things in that. I made these little
Pokemon perler beads with my nephew. He's really into making things with perler
beads and I thought it would be really fun to look up some designs online and
he was really excited to actually have a grown-up who wanted to make art with him
so that was pretty fun! So then in case you're curious, I wanted to quickly go
through all of my different cube shelves and show you how I have them organized.
So these shelves are where I keep my cardstock and my paper and that makes it
easy for me to see them. They're not super organized, at least down here, but I
don't really have that much paper compared to some people I've seen, so I
can pretty much find things pretty quickly even though they aren't like
color-coded or anything like that. In two of these little cube shelves, I have
all of my crafty books and these are filled with projects and business tips
and all sorts of things like that. Fun story about this book, Crafty Superstar,
I was at an after party for Creativation in Phoenix earlier this year and
I was talking to the girl next to me and she turned out to be the author of this
book, Grace, and she was really nice and I had a fun time talking to her. But what
are the odds that I'd be sitting next to the author of something that's been on
my shelf for years at an event where I didn't really know anybody so that was
pretty cool! In this shelf, I have a bunch of these little locking canisters with a
bunch of little things in them. There are like rubber bands back there and buttons
and all sorts of little things that I use for craft projects. And then over
here, I have my felt and this was organized but then I got lazy, so it's
kind of messy. In here I have some specialty things that I print on like
custom address labels and the fabric that I use to print all of my fabric
Etsy tags. In here I have some foam and a cutting mat and this is just kind of a
random stuff shelf that didn't have another place. Over here I have all sorts
of note cards and things like that if I need to write out a thank-you card for
somebody, that's where I keep those. I probably should move this down to my
kitchen, but they're lightning bolt shaped sprinkles by the geeky hostess. These were a
gift. And then in here, I have a box with all of my extra sewing machine tools, my
Instax printer, and some extra film are in here. I like
having these open shelves for kind of random things because I can see them
pretty easily and remember that that's where they are. But for all of these
other shelves, I actually made these really cute little hand lettered tags to
say what's in them. For quite a few years I hadn't labeled anything on this because
I didn't really organize it very well and when I moved into this house, I
basically spread out all of my craft supplies on the floor and sorted
everything and then I decided which drawers each of those piles would go
into and I made up a tag for them and it turned out pretty well. I really like
being able to see what's in them before I even open the drawer. This one is wood
and cork supplies. This is where I keep all my adhesives. I have glue and tape and hot
glue sticks and all sorts of fun stuff in there. This is where I keep my paint
and my brushes. This one has velcro and magnets; I don't have a lot of those but
I figured I should put them somewhere. These are all metal findings, things for
making jewelry and hair clips and stuff like that.
These are all pins and clips so mostly like, office supply type stuff. Here I have a
bunch of Project Life scrapbooking kits which I have not started yet but I
bought them so that I could scrapbook for my son and eventually, I'll get to it
I love all of these kits, I just haven't had a chance to use them yet. In here I
have more jewelry making supplies. This is mostly the stuff that I use for my
jewelry line on Etsy, that way I have it separated out and I know exactly where
to go to find all of those pieces. These don't have labels but this one has a bunch of
ribbons and twine and other kinds of string. This one has random jewelry
packaging that I've collected or received as gifts and I just keep them
in here because you never know when you'll need extra jewelery packaging. This is
my embroidery and sewing drawer and in here, I have most of my embroidery floss.
I was very happy once I finally had a chance to wind up all my embroidery (floss) and
color code it because now it's so much easier to find everything. I still have a
few in here that I haven't organized or that are out of the packaging, but I'll
get them eventually and then I have some extra little bits of fabric that I could
fit in here. This little bag have some tapestry needles in it. This is kind of a
mess but at least I know where I can go to find stuff to do with embroidery and
sewing! These two are some of my favorite knitting, crochet,
and yarn products. I actually have a lot more in my basement downstairs so I
don't do that as often as I used to, so I just keep my favorites in here. In the
cart, I keep random pencils, colored pencils, things I haven't opened yet,
whatever I want to throw in there. In here, I put kind of some bigger stuff like my iron,
my hot glue gun, some really big paper punches, and there are some other things
back there as well but that makes it easy to grab them because they're a little
too big to be in a drawer. So in this drawer is where I keep all of my paper
punches. These are really fun! I have a bunch of different shapes, I have some
regular hole punches in here too, but mostly it's just fun ones that I thought
would work well for different paper projects like making cards and things
like that. And then in here, I have a bunch of my polymer clay stuff and I
haven't done a whole lot of work in polymer clay yet. Eventually I hope that
I have a chance to make some polymer clay stuff because it looks like a lot of fun.
On the side, there is a ribbon dispenser which isn't totally full; I keep pulling
things out of it and not putting them back. I keep putting random things in
those boxes. This is a folding table that I sometimes use for craft fairs. Over
here I have some of my favorite artwork which I put in a little gallery wall.
There are actually a few that are missing that I haven't gotten frames for
yet but eventually, that will be filled in. I love surrounding myself with
artwork that inspires me, so that's kind of something that I'd like to continue
doing in the other spaces are a little bit more bare. Right now, this is the less
exciting section of the room. It is what I see when I sit down at my desk and
work so I definitely would like to decorate it at some point, but it isn't
really a priority of mine. I'm eventually thinking that whenever I find a really
cute chair I like, I want to put it on the wall over there between those two
doors so that I can sit and film Wake Up Date videos in a more comfortable
location. Right now I tend to sit on the floor right over there and that's where I
film those videos because I want them to have a different background than my
normal ones. So eventually I think it would be really cool to have this half
of the room also be a different kind of video set that I can use when
I want to switch it up. And then over here is my little shipping station. This is
where I pack up all of my Etsy orders and get them ready to be sent out. I have
my twine and my labels and business cards and scale and everything that I
need to get those all wrapped up and looking nice for everybody who buys them! This is my
new business card! I just had these printed. I really should have done it a
lot sooner because all of my old ones became outdated when I changed all my
social media usernames but I'm so glad that I have these now. This is where I
keep my tags. I actually have to make some more - I've been making them as I go!
This is kind of an organizational nightmare people I keep pulling things out of
it but that bin is usually where all of my Etsy necklaces go. In here I have a
bunch of physical copies of my CDs that I've released. I don't really sell very
many of them online anymore but I do bring them to shows and that's what I
sell at my merch table. More business cards, some envelopes, I have a lot more
of these in my basement but I just grab a few and then refill them when I run
out and this is a funny little corner where I've been just throwing things. I've
got my ukulele and my guitar and some extra artwork I haven't hung up yet. And
then this is where I keep my button machine and I've got some extra button
making supplies down here as well. And lastly, there is a closet right there but
it's basically just full of stuff that didn't have another place.
I do think the ceiling in here is pretty cool. It's all swirly and it has this
angled part where the roof is and I think it makes this corner pretty cozy.
That's why I chose to make this my primary filming location. So that is my
in-home office! I hope that you enjoyed this tour. I know that I definitely get
excited to see other people's workspaces especially when I'm looking to decorate
more of it to get ideas! I love looking for inspiration online for things like
this. I've had a lovely time showing you around today and I hope you're doing
well! Thanks for watching and I'll see you soon.
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