hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)
so today! tadaa check out my Lotteria Haul
and the featured item today is crazy spicy tandoori chicken
check it out will 'ya it comes with this "death sauce" as well
and on top of that.....
I should just stop with this lol
when ordering the tadoori chicken along with the death sauce you must first sing a waiver
the sauce we have supplied in this promo utilizes products featured in the guiness book of records
as the worlds hottest chili pepper the Bhut Jolokia pepper
we have produced a sauce using this ingredient for the enjoyment of our customers
there may be some side effects experienced from consuming this sauce including: watery eyes
nasal drip, hellish burning of your throat
increased risk of chest palpitations severe breathing troubles and other serious or
life threatening problems that may persist for a substantial period of time
and as such Lotteria Co Ltd and all its subsidiaries absolve ourselves of any responsibilities to the customer as a result of this product
you are responsible for your actions upon taking this challenge
..... is what it says.... so ummm..... its just a bit on the intimidating side isn't it
and so on top of that we have 2 super spicy chicken sandwiches
2 spicy and delicious tandoori chicken 2 spicy tandoori chickens
2 lotteria veggie burgers
and 2 of these super spicy shrimp burgers and 3 shaker fries with cheese flavoring
they also had a bunch of new drinks that I just had to try...
all sorts of these tapioca drinks tapioca milk tea, tapioca matcha,
and this tapioca amazake milk this just might be my first time trying some
amazake milk with tapioca pearls (sweet fermented rice drink)
Lotteria seems to know all my weak points
and the thing I liked so much the last time these... ghana choco pies
sadly the thing I was super stoked at having again the sakura mochi pies were no longer available
life's not fair
and looking at their website it seems as though its still available at certain locations
I'm so ~jelly~ I should have went back sooner
alrighty lets get eatin'
lets start off by making these shaker fries
alright at long last lets try these super spicy tandoori chicken sandwiches
it looks like this when removed from the packaging
and if you open up the sandwich....
gah~ it just looks crazy spicy already
and its got this .... dangerous aroma as well
hot but its....
nope its hot it that spice that hits you after a bit
its hot but the yoghurt sauce is sweet and tangy that really helps out a lot
but it the spice does start to burn after a while
its so nice and chewy and so delish the chicken has such a nice mouthfeel and is so delish
oh it is really delish afterall
but its a level of spice that I can totally deal with
so normally I'd like to try the death sauce with it right about now but
since these tandoori sandwiches aren't overly spicy I just want to get used to this and prepare myself
for what is to come .... so let me get settled a bit
this milk tea is delish
the tapioca pearls are nice and chewy
which is which? one of these is spicy and delicious chicken sandwich
and the other is spicy chicken sandwich I just can't tell which is which
is this plain one the spicy and delish one?
the spicy and delish looks like this inside the sauce has such a different color to it
I'm not sure which sandwich this is exactly but its not any.....
any spicier than the super spicy tandoori sandwich there
I love that tandoori flavor that these have
and next is this one perhaps this one is the spicy and delish one?
K, this is what it looks like inside
oh this is the spicy and delish one that yoghurt sauce is so sweet and tangy
and so now I'll give this super spicy tandoori chicken a try along with this death sauce
~so scared right now~
K they even supplied a spoon as well
and this is what it looks like its got this crazy smell to it already
many Youtubers have covered this death sauce already but
to keep it 100 I haven't tasted it before lets add it shall we
omg this looks so dangerous ~my eyes are kinda hurtin' right now~
~omg I think my eyes are hurting right now~
so what will this be like
its got this dangerous aroma to it already
yep it does indeed... its got this crazy spicy....
I haven't breathed in too much but I can already tell from just one sniff that this is gonna be very spicy
right away my tongue is already buring
its hot..
this is a painful kind of heat
I can feel all my pores just pop open at once
so hot
super hot
omg its so hot
it was very hot
it was very hot but since I didn't have too much spice on it ... I was able to get through it
but its that sort of spice that just keeps on burning for a while
my mouth is....
on fire
this tapioca drink is yummy
these cold drinks feel good but the burning in my throat just comes back right away
maybe a few fries will help
these are the cheezy shaker fries
matcha tapioca pearl drink
the matcha has that slight bitterness to it but yet its so sweet and delish
next up lotterias burger with veggies
this is what it looks like lettuce tomato and burger patty
the veggies are so fresh and delish
the burger patty is very light tasting
and as for sauce its ketchup
so umm.... its pretty normal....
its yummy but there's nothing really that special about this burger at all I feel
next up is this super spicy shrimp burger
they've just had to go and super spiced their shrimp burgers too
insdie it looks like...
looks as though they took their shrimp burger and gave it a red sauce
come to think of it I'm starting to think that I've developed a real tolerance to spicy foods
so perhaps those things that I think are very spicy are actually unbelievably spicy afterall
its been a while since I last had lotteria's shrimp burgers but the shrimp are so plump and delish
and they've got this spicy heat as well
next I'll try this amazake tapioca drink
the amasake is so rich tasting I gotta say I'm enjoying this combination of
amasake with tapioca pearls
mmm I do like amasake afterall
next up is this icy peach ?raschi? shake
there is peach jelly in this that is so yummy
nestled within this crisp pie crust is this warm and gooey chocolatey sauce... its so delish
last mouthful itadakimasu
tandoori chicken sandwiches were amazingly delish
the tandoori chicken had this yummy flavor and the chicken had a great mouthfeel that was
just perfect and delish
and as for the super spicy chicken sandwiches... I was able to handle them alright
for those who are used to eating spicy things you'd probably be able to enjoy their flavor
when adding the death sauce it did make them very spicy
but it didn't render them inedible at all
they came out with so many tapioca drinks but I really enjoyed the amasake tapioca drink the most
I was already a huge fan of amasake so I instantly loved the amasake drink right away
lotteria always delivers top notch delish food
tandoori chicken sandwiches are only here for a limited time so if you are at all curious please give them a try
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
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