hey guys what's up it's Pacey so today I have another video for you this one's
gonna be a little bit of a rant so if you don't really enjoy rants and don't
go ahead and watch it go ahead and click on another channel click on another
video okay so guys look I would out to the store today and stuff you know I
went out to go to errands go take care of things you know you gotta go into
stuff and I went out with my friend we went out me and my friend we went to go
buy some stuff or whatever you know do some errands together and so when we're
out in the streets let me tell you and let me tell you something first of all
before I even get into it none of this none of this let me tell you none of
this ever happens to me when I'm out and about alone and by myself okay tell me
why tell me why when I'm with people people want to try and do stuff so let
me get into what exactly I'm talking about me and my friend went out to go do
our errands we went to go and buy some stuff okay
I went to go and buy some stuff and then after that there was some us to us to
incidents okay there was two incidents okay where people were just being done
okay let me tell you about it let me get into it right now all right let me get
into it right so we were crossing the street
okay we're crossing the street and this big-ass truck okay let me tell you like
a big-ass monster truck okay it's making a right this fool is making a right and
me and my friend we're trying to cross the street okay we're trying to cross
the street and I see the spool in the truck
this is big-ass mega truck trying to make a right as soon as I'm trying to
cross the street with my friend okay my friend cross then I go I go after
because I'm behind and I see that the school is trying to get into us he's
trying to you know like hit us and stuff like you know all those people make like
they're trying to make a right and they're impatient and you know it is
what it is like for me I'm like okay whatever you know you let it be but this
fool is a monster s truck like ass like dig fool away chill big bag be back for
a second big bag for a second what's the rush like are you trying to kill
somebody or would so me you know trying to like cross and stuff and he's still
like trying to make a right into me okay I'm like oh okay so I don't say anything
I just stop I just stop I just stopped in front of the truck
I didn't mean not in front of truck I stopped like in the street right when
I'm like getting close to crossing to finishing to crossing to the other side
I stop I stop because I'm just like okay let's see what's what what he's trying
to do like is he trying to run me over or what like we'll find out right now
um so I stopped and then um this fool stops for one pause not even a second
just one pulse and when he pause for a sec like I said not even a sec maybe
like a milliseconds me off this cool flips me off and then screams screamed
something out of out of his truck okay so this is first shot okay from his mega
as big truck being all dramatic he flips me off and he screams something outside
of his truck because I seen him cuz I seen what that fool was doing I said we
was doing you know I said I was trying to like be all impatient and stuff and
like try run me over and it's cool for like regular course it's cool it is what
it is for really crisis like oh I know like that's how you guys do you know
like if I had a car then maybe I would be doing the same thing maybe but not
really I'm just trying to put myself in their
shoes I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt or whatever you
know what I mean but like I was saying so you know this
is a big-ass check you know like fool big bad big bad for a second like stop
so that's why I stopped that's why I stopped and and that's why I'm like for
a millisecond mo he's thought he decides to to flip me off to give me the finger
and not only that ball so give me his voice give me his energy
give me his time so he gives me his finger you know he's being a really
really bratty disrespectful well old person old driver person you
know I don't make these videos to talk trash about anybody but I make these
videos to point out the truth to point out the stuff that happens to me so that
you guys can know what's up so you guys can always good and Stacy's life so you
guys could see that if you guys are going through stuff - yeah I got the
only ones going through stuff we are we going through stuff I go through some
tofu alright you're not the only one that's what I'm telling you this one I
make videos to bring awareness to people all right
so okay after this fool flips me off okay after this this baby flips me off
you know he's not a baby he's an old man but he acting like a baby like a
dramatic baby okay he flips me off and he says something outside of his mouth
he says something outside of the side ways of his mouth I don't do anything
all I do is throw up the deuces I throw up a peace sign like mm-hmm and I'm
crossing the street baby I'm already I'm already on the other side and I throw up
the deuces like this like ain't nobody got time for that that's what that means
when I do this this means ain't nobody got time for that
I don't even gotta say anything I don't gotta say anything and um that's all I
did I went like this throw two deuces when I throw up the deuces this fool
okay where his big-ass mega-truck like I'm saying he was already being dramatic
by throwing up the flip sign to me and then like same stuff outside the
sideways on his mouth who wants to be extra dramatic he wants to be extra more
extra than what he already was all right yeah trying to be more extra than he
already was he decides to pause again to pose on the side of the road okay so I
like I'm saying he makes his right what's he mixes
he makes this right and then he stops right there he stops right there he
stops he stops and traffic okay this bull stops and traffic tell me why is he
paying attention to me like that why are you stopping a traffic did my juices
really like really value of like that like did who what like what the hell
like that just oh oh that's just that's just just I just don't understand that
like I I'm really like I'm really like different from before guys you know from
the outside I to someone that don't know me that didn't know me how was before
they're looking at me like how I am I know like even just throwing up the
deuces and stuff they be like the kid you can probably look at me they be like
ten you know she's just a crazy ratchet bitch or whatever and um they're fine to
judge they can do and say whatever they want they are obligated to their
opinions I think that's how you say it is that I say huh I don't know huh but
anyways so you know they have a right to their opinions and ain't no one gonna
try to change their opinions cuz no one cares you know so um so they could think
whatever they think of me and but I know I know and Jesus knows jesus knows that
I'm different that I'm sure different than before I was before alright so
that's what I'm saying though but like if these people don't know me of course
they're gonna be looking at me like dude like that's like nah I did away have you
been with me before ha ha ha ha obviously that so you know but I don't
tell them anything that's why I just ignore them and I let these people be so
that's what I'm take say to you guys after he flips me off and that says
something outside his mouth I'm sorry I know I'm repeating this all over again I
know I probably have said this already like 10 times prior to right now but I'm
just kind of like I'm just like not only that Bob and I get to this i'ma get to
the second incident right now so let me just wrap it up with this one
all right so then he makes a right and then he decides to stop he decides to
stop and then you know um my friends my friends telling me he's like don't don't
do anything just let him go just let it be and I look at him I look at my friend
like yeah I know no one's doing nothing and um so but I still I still turn
around to look at the truck because I see he stopped so I'm just like okay
okay he's stuck in my head I'm like okay he stopped so why he stopped for so then
I turn around and look at him too and you know he stopped to his biggest truck
and people are trying to make a right and pass behind them and he don't care
he obviously don't care for the all good of humanity because he wants to give me
his time of day because he wants to give me his attention because he wants to get
like a rail rails out of me and it's like now you're not good one though but
ha no so then once he stopped I turn around and look and he's looking outside
he's looking through his own you know the regular the rearview mirror the the
rearview mirror it says something like if you stand in the back it gets closer
or something like that right like side with the river mister where have you
seen have you there look a little bit rare you me mister how you see it haha
okay so yeah so then he was looking at that I'm just gonna call it a RW
something cuz it's too long to say the rare little bit the art Toby is
something he was looking at the eye to be something and he was like it was like
dogging me and stuff and like looking at me like you wanted to kill me and stuff
and then like he was still saying stuff like he was still saying stuff outside
of his mouth to be from like 50 feet away Park on the side of the car on the
driveway of the street where people are trying to pass behind him to go ahead
and live their lives and he stopped his life for a second on the side of the of
the street just to give me his time of day to get a reaction at him out of me
which he did it not the one that he wanted so um so I just like he's like
talking all this mess outside outside of his well inside his truck but to me you
know he put heat up people his window down and he put his window down he's
looking in his rearview mirror and he's like licking a via he's talking all this
mess to me and I just like I throw up the deuces again and then I throw up the
second deuces on the other hand and then I start dancing because it's kind of
like to me it's like what's uh like why are you so mad so I just like I
basically just I just throw up the deuces again I drop the other juices and
then I start again I start dancing I start dancing
again whoa not again but again right now I'm doing it right now
again but yeah I start dancing I threw out the dosages and I start dancing and
you know um obviously people are looking at stuff because obviously there's like
cars around and everything on people around instead and um I don't care I
don't care that's um that's me giving a better response than how I would before
before I would give like a really not so positive reaction so um like I'm saying
God knows everything Jesus knows everything Jesus sees he knows
everyone's hearts and he knows everybody's attention it's okay you
cannot run from him you can try to run from yourself but you cannot run from
him he knows you he knows your heart he knows what you're thinking he knows what
you're feeling he knows what you're up to he knows what you're gonna be up to
you knows what you want to be up to he knows what you're gonna do he knows
every step of the way that you're gonna take so to me that's why I don't worry
about those things that's why I didn't respond to him I didn't say nothing
nothing no word came out of my mouth I just don't produce this once he got
pissed off because I threw up the deuces and he wanted to stop on the side of the
street and you know be all like done and stuff so then I threw up the deuces
again and the deuce accepted under the hand and then I started dancing and then
I'm and then he just drove away then he drove away as he should like why are you
stopping why are you stopping for me Who am I to you am i that important to you
that you're gonna stop in the side of the street and block traffic behind you
and on the side of you and in front of you and on the other side of you and on
the left and on the right just for me like um who are you okay so that was
that incident all right guys and then mmm I'm gonna make the next incident in
the next video because I don't want this video to be too long it's already up to
12 minutes that's so insane and I hope you guys liked it and if you
did go ahead and give it a thumbs up let's put the thumbs up button like
button is somewhere down there so go ahead and give it a thumbs up and go
ahead and subscribe yourselves down on the button down below somewhere if you
haven't done so yet and I'll talk to you guys in the next slide and I'm about to
make a video right now on the next incident that happened right after that
after I went to another store alright guys let me get into it in the next
video alright stay tuned this is
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