You did this, for me..?
I want to be with you.
You will be the death of me. And I of you.
How To Make A Custom Avatar In Illustrator | Graphic Design Tutorials | Satori Graphics - Duration: I will show you how to make a custom a avatar in Illustrator perfect
for social media profile pics
what is up people welcome back to satori graphics home of graphic design
content is ended in two days but it feels like I haven't uploaded in a long
long time thanks for the feedback on my last upload where I use an on camera
style video I've been looking to do more of these videos in the future only when
I have my new camera because I want to keep the quality in this channel at a
high level anyway thanks to a subscriber suggestion today we'll look at how to
make a custom avatar illustrator before we start remember to subscribe if you
enjoy my content and once you do to turn on these little occasions so you never
miss an a plate for your custom avatar design in Illustrator you want to choose
an image of yourself I can fit it perfectly into a square with your entire
face and maybe even your shoulders in pure this image here that I'm using is
not very good example but I simply love this image of Johnny Depp it is on my
favorite movies 2 points if you can tell me this movie is from anyway I just want
to show you the tiny care so just keep in mind that you will need to choose an
image as good for yourself first we need to lock the image in Illustrator so
that's not going to move around Rita good of Avatar design with layers
firstly we want to make whole shapes so for example all the skin in one layer
and then then lenses on the glass in a different layer so zoom in by pressing
command and then you plus on your keyboard grab the pen tool and start
outline the head of your avatar for our skin layer
you can leave these searches outlines for now and fill them later at this
point I'd like to draw in the black areas to example the details such as the
nostrils or the gap between the lips use the pen tool to draw the outline and
then flick it over to a fill
so I may want to go into the nostrils here next and also the details around
the eyes so some details you may want to use the eyedropper for example here we
can sample a skin tone instead of using black for the contour the nose black may
be too striking for some details after making the line with the pen tool or the
stroke weight up and then add this stroke style could make a line have a
thicker thickness in the middle if you want you can even change the color to
black and changes either along with your avatar design for other details we can
use a width tool on our pencil lines so let's go into my details we can use the
eyedropper to copy the thickness and the color of a different line but we have to
have the stroke style again manually
now if you grab the waste tool and place it at a point on your line you can click
and drag to change the thickness like so
this would let you have much more control of the details on your custom
avatar design here I'm going to have a different stroke style the end is like a
rectangle which we do not want for our design but we can change that in the
stroke window you can round off the end of the line like so you will see here
that I have flicked the glasses from outline to a fill and then simply
lowered the opacity so I can still see a details of the original image below you
can also do the same in the skin layer add a color fill and then once you're
happy lower the opacity something very low or even zero until we're finished
with the design so this is where I am at the moment with the other car design the
skin tone is built in and so my details are as well as the nose the glasses are
set 80% of beta T and the frames I've been drawing as well
remember to use block colors the shading simply had a darker version of the same
color so on the arms of the glasses here I use a darker tone of bold for shadow I
also have the lips completed before I draw in the cigarette I want to add the
arch on the nose use the pen to us before and select a color that is a
little darker than the skin tone and follow the contour shape of the nose
I'm going to add the strokes out here
you can change the weight of your lines any stage here also you can use the rec
selection tool to edit your stroke lines as well part of the line can be hidden
if we hold down shift and select the objects we want to cover it and then
bring them to the front like so
remember if you want to have more control of the thickness of your lines
when your custom avatar you can use the whisk tool like I'm doing here
another tip is to select the line and now learn the stroke here this will then
allow you to edit the path with a direct selection tool in a different way even
though this starts - that was a flat avatar design I've added some blur
techniques so on the edge of the end of the cigarette here in the original image
it is out of focus so adding a Gaussian blur will add to the effect select the
preview box see how the blow will look when it's generated I've also added the
Gaussian blur on the lenses on the glasses to create a light effect and you
can even add it to the final details
here you can see where I'm utilizing the Gaussian blur to represent light you can
use block color to represent light if you want here you don't have to use a
blur as the background image is logged we can move our design anytime to see
how the progress is going and then hit command Z or control Z in a PC to go
back one step if you want to add a new length on a design that's going to be
behind the others crater as I'm doing here
on his shirt and then send it to the fire back and then bring it forward just
one layer
so here's my final design remember for your design make sure your photo will
work for a square design fit for social media pictures in Photoshop make a
square document you can then select the entire customer avatar desire in
Illustrator and then copy it by hitting command C or control C on a PC and then
hit command V or ctrl V on a PC to paste into place my original image was not a
good choice for profile picture I just love this image because it's one of my
favorite movies I just wanted to show you guys two techniques build up your
design in layers starting with hole shapes such as the head glasses lenses
etc you can also add a background image in Photoshop fairly easily too so did
you enjoy this Illustrator tutorial on how to make a custom avatar let me know
in the comment section below and drop a like on your way out share this video to
your friends if their design is too I have some cool stuff coming next week
such as hand lettering videos and also an illustrator technique so subscribe to
stay updated all of my graphic design uploads
until next time design your future today peace
Learn Street Vehicles for Children | Cars and Trucks | Construction | Dump Truck Mixer | BinBin Tv - Duration: 16:46.Learn Street Vehicles for Children | Cars and Trucks | Construction | Dump Truck Mixer | BinBin Tv
Щенячий патруль новые серии Приключения АМ НЯМА Мультик для детей АМ НЯМ Игрушки Видео для детей - Duration: 8:20.-------------------------------------------
Get Motivated Home Sellers Calling You Today! Automation Finds The House And Makes The Offer - Duration: 6:50.Hey, this is Joe Crump.
This video is going to show you how to use the Automarketer to help you find the houses
for sale, contact the seller, make an offer on their property, use the clone sites to
educate the seller and to close the deal.
And I'm going to walk you through the process of how that works.
First of all, you want to find the property, find the house and that's what you're
going to use the Automarketer itself for.
The Automarketer will go into craigslist and I'm going to just show you the default system
here, that only sends out one message, but and you can send out a series of these, but
if you send out one message you're going to get responses and you can pick the categories
that you want to scrape in craigslist, we're picking apartments, and we're picking For
Sale By Owner, and I'm picking the city and then you can pick any of the other categories
on craigslist if you want to scrape them for some other reason.
You can also add as many of these cities as you want.
I would suggest that you pick one city at a time and you set up one campaign per city.
But you can put as many of them as you like here.
We used to have limits on the scraper where we could only pick five, you know, craigslist
areas but now you can do as many as you want.
Just make sure you don't pick too many so that you have so many leads it's going to
be hard to chill with them all.
So that's what you're going to do.
You're going to start the Automarketer, it's going to start sending out a text message
and let me just take you to this step here, and this is the message that it's going
to send out by text.
"I say the home you advertised and I was wondering if you'd consider selling it rent
to buy?
If so, I'd be interested.
Let me know.
Thank you."
And that's the one without a URL, without a domain name for them to go to.
But, we also have campaigns that allow, that put a domain name in here.
They lead to the, that lead to the rent to own seller clone site.
So, this is going to go out to them, or one with a URL in it and they're going to either
respond to you directly and then you can call them or, you're going to send them the one
with the URL in it and they're going to go to the website.
When they go to the website they're going to go to the clone sites.
So let me show you where that's at.
It's going to send them to this rent to own seller site and everybody has their own
rent to own seller site.
And it explains how the rent to own, the For Rent Method, works.
And it asks them to fill out this information.
And there's an audio there they can listen to or they can read about it in this section
And the whole concept is to get them to sign up for this program without even talking to
You're going to have more luck with people that you're talking to, but, you're going
to get a certain percentage of people that are going to fill out this form and then all
you have to do is call them and close the deal.
Or, if they fill out this form, it also sends them an email that sends them another link
to lease option memo that they can sign online and when that happens it'll be sent to you.
Then you'll have a deal that you can sell.
Some of the leads are going to send a response back to you by text message and those leads
will come in to your lead dashboard.
So you'll have all these leads that you'll be dealing with.
But when these leads come in they get filtered.
This all happens behind the scenes, but let me show you what, how they're being filtered.
Going back to the Automarketer page, we can go into the blast and we could go into the
auto classification.
So we put them into classifications based on what they say in their text or voice message
and it could be any one of these phrases, we separate them by commas, but it could be
any one of these phrases.
So if they say, yes, or they're serious, or where are you located, or, would you carry
a note?
Then we put them into the "yes" campaign.
And those are the people we want to talk to first.
If they say not interested, I doubt it, selling only, these types of phrases, then we put
them into the "no" campaign.
And the system automatically follows up with these people in three weeks by sending them
another text at that time.
But the ones that say yes, they're going to go into a follow up system as well, but
it's going to give you time to give them a call.
And that's the first thing you want to do.
I'm going to go back to lead management and if you look at this drop down, it'll
show you which campaign they were put into.
This was put into a three-month campaign.
This one was put into the yes/maybe campaign.
So you want to call them immediately.
You want to read the message that they give you.
They said, well, they'd consider it, and they're telling you they need a credit report,
and deposits and stuff that you're probably not going to give them, but, you have to look
at what's possible for them.
And you're going to talk to them and you're going to help them see that it might make
sense to work with you despite what they want.
People don't always get what they want and a lot of times when you're, well, eighty-five
to ninety-five percent of For Sale By Owner's will never sell their property For Sale By
They're going to have to either list it with a realtor, take it off the market or
find a different way.
We're going to offer them a different way of selling.
Once you get them on the phone, then you're going to start talking to them about their
property and you can open this up and you can add a property and start talking to them
about their property.
Just create a test property for it real quick.
And down the line here you can start asking them questions on this questionnaire.
There's a lot that this does and I'm going to explain this in some other videos that
we get into as we go.
But you can also use this as a guide to ask them questions.
The goal here is that you pick the low hanging fruit and you get the best leads and you deal
with them first and the other leads go into a follow up system, they get dripped on over
time until they're ready to do something or until they want to be taken off your list.
And then they can just type in STOP into a text and it'll keep them from getting any
more messages from you.
This system does so much more than this, but this gives you an overview of what it's
all about and how it works and I hope you're as excited about it as I am.
【風吹草動】PG-13 保羅·喬治正式宣布不會與溜馬續約【中文字幕】 - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Stitchers 3x03 Sneak Peek "Perfect" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
Misook Wang - Duration: 43:34.-------------------------------------------
Haunting Memories - Duration: 42:34.-------------------------------------------
"Small Channel Update" - GTA 5 Online PC Survival Mode - Duration: 5:22.Hello and uh, well - welcome to the first official video of my channel!
I thought it'd be a good idea to actually put something on my channel, as sort of an
introduction as to what my channel is about and - I guess an insight as to what you
can expect from me in the future.
To be honest, this is the first sort of gameplay commentary video I'll be doing and
I most likely won't do much of it, unless by some strange reason people love listening to the
blocked up, nasaly sound of my voice, which you know - is one main attribute to finding
a potential partner.
*whispered* [To be fair, I - uh, actually have a cold, but let's be real here
no-one gives a stuff]
As you probably noticed, I've got some GTA V Survival Mode footage in the background,
I spared you the horror of listening and looking at my ugly mug
for the next few minutes while I talk.
So anyway, for my eight subscribers who have seen some of the videos on my channel before -
I've actually unlisted them, so if you had actually liked that video before, you'll probably
find it in your liked playlist somewhere. But yeah - I wanted to give my channel a new
look and a clean slate for my future content - maybe one day i'll re-upload them so I can
cringe over them and get destroyed in the comments but, we'll see how it goes.
For those of you who don't know me, and if you can tell my by accent, yes I am a born
and bred Australian of a Chinglish heritage, and I'm the lucky one to not get eaten by
a dingo, or sold into a child labour factory.
I recently graduated from University with an Audio Production degree, but most of my
work lately has been in a Live Sound environment, or as a gigging musician around the city.
I'm the Bassist for a Post-punk band and I'm also a solo Singer/Songwriter
whose hoping to pick up a few gigs soon.
*whispered* [I bet the moment I said I was a bass player
half of you just shut down the video and... I dunno -
threw your computer into the fire.]
[sad laugh track because I'm not really funny]
I may upload some of my original tunes to this channel when I
grow some balls to upload it so,
you might be waiting a while.
That's a good segway as to what I want to do with this channel;
*panics* Oh - not the growing balls bit I mean the actual content on my channel.
Primarily, this will be a gaming channel of various games that I love playing - things
like GTA V and a few other games. I love making small movies or machinima based things, and
I'm actually working on a machinima for GTA V at the moment, that project will take a
lot of time, because I'm trying to learn more about cinematography and - composing my shots
better and I - I guess knowing how to smoothly animate the characters with the modding tools
that I've got.
I think my greatest flaw though with this project is being a perfectionist.
Hopefully I can produce something decent without scrapping it every two weeks because I find something
new to do.
Not only do I want to do that, but I also want to upload some of the more obscure titles
that has a pretty small niche of fans like games from the Mechwarrior Series, or some
old PS1 games o-or just something different in general. Really, this channel is more of
a creative platform where I can play some games and edit some videos and just have fun
which is probably a hell of a lot more productive than posting memes on facebook.
Not only that, as I said before - I'll look at doing some of my music stuff and maybe
some vlog style videos if my life gets interesting enough to film.
I definitely want that diversity on my channel, so that it keeps me motivated, but it also
keeps it fresh for you guys as well!
I'll try my best to upload on a regular basis, so that I can get into some kind of a routine
I'm not going to promise a weekly upload or something like that, but - there is stuff
coming soon - one being a let's play of the Bioshock Remastered series, which I'm really
super excited for.
Anyway, thanks for listening to me waffle on. I'm - I'm excited to be finally doing
this and I hope that I can start interacting with you guys and just having fun.
I suppose this is the part where I've seen on other channels where I encourage you to
'like my video'
and if you're curious to see how my channel develops, then -
don't forget to subscribe to see future updates!
Thanks again, and hopefully - I'll see you all on the next video!
This is Crisp Owl, signing off~
*Jazz music*
Come in, good prices!
*le sick outro music*
*groans after coughing fit and gets itchy eye*
Hey, I should make a song :|
Parallelism in C++ :: Part 3/3: Offloading (OpenMP, OpenACC, CUDA) - Duration: 20:28.Shalom!
It is time for the final episode in this three-part series
about learning to utilize parallel resources
in C++ programming.
In the first episode we explored how to extract the best performance
from a single CPU core.
In the second episode, we learned to utilize
all cores within the CPU.
But what would be even more efficient,
than utilizing a processor to the maximum?
Well, of course, utilizing more than one processor!
So, how exactly could we go about doing that?
How about using multiple identical processors?
This is no different than using multiple CPU cores,
and we already covered that in episode two.
So, scratch that off the list.
How about using multiple computers?
This is called cluster computation, or clustering.
Clustering is usually, but not always,
done on operating system level with tools such as MPICH.
The same program is started on multiple computers,
with data collected in one place.
It usually does not require any changes
into the program's source code,
and that kind of thing is not what I had in my mind.
That leaves option three: Using multiple different
Within modern PC hardware, there is often found
a very powerful coprocessor.
This coprocessor is the graphics processing unit,
or GPU for short.
The GPU is capable of general purpose computation,
much like the CPU,
but with advantages and disadvantages:
Unlike the CPU, which can run maybe four or sixteen threads,
the GPUs have hundreds or even thousands.
According to the Steam Hardware & Software survey of May 2017,
the most popular gaming graphics gard –
is currently the NVidia GTX 750 Ti.
It has 640 CUDA cores.
The GTX 1080 Ti, released just couple of months ago,
has 3584 CUDA cores.
And guess what?
The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) supports it.
Computing on a device is called "offloading".
Right now, GCC supports offloading to three different platforms:
NVidia PTX-enabled graphics cards;
Heterogenous System Architecture, or HSA for short,
which is only still used for –
offloading code to AMD graphics cards;
and Intel Many Integrated Core architecture, or MIC for short,
which is mainly used for running code on –
Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors, which are based on the x86 architecture,
but are capable of running 256 concurrent threads or more.
Sadly I don't have one.
They are quite expensive.
Offloading works like this:
You write a single program.
Within that program,
some parts will be compiled to be run on the host computer,
and some parts will be compiled to be run on the device.
Some parts may be compiled for both.
The same goes for constant data, and also for variables.
The device and the host computer might not share RAM,
which means that all arrays and other data –
must be passed back and forth between these units.
Offloading in GCC is done with –
one of the following two standard extensions:
OpenMP and OpenACC.
These features are not usually enabled –
in your Linux distribution.
You can enable them by building GCC from source code.
Instructions can be found on the GCC website.
Let's study OpenMP first.
Our baseline program is the vanilla single-threaded –
non-SIMD Mandelbrot fractal renderer –
that I introduced in episode 1.
The plan is to have the heavy stuff —
the fractal calculation —
all happen on the external device.
So, Iterate is declared as target code.
Anything declared between these two pragmas –
will be compiled for the target device,
not for the host.
Then, some reorganization,
to put all the target device code in one place,
and the host device code in another place.
Separate those two parts.
The offloading itself happens with a single pragma,
just like was the case for parallelization in episode 2.
Finally we take the resulting iteration counts –
for each pixel using a STL library call,
and convert the iteration counts into colors locally,
which is a quick operation.
Let's review the components of the OpenMP pragma.
The word "target" means that the next statement –
will be run on the device rather than on the host.
The word "teams" means, that on the device,
a league of teams will be created.
This means that instead of a single team of threads,
there will be multiple groups,
or gangs or blocks or teams, whatever you want to call them,
and each of them contain multiple threads.
"Distribute parallel for" means –
that the following for-loop will be divided –
among those threads,
so that each iteration will be run exactly once –
in unspecified order,
but multiple iterations may run concurrently.
"Collapse(2)" tells OpenMP that –
the following two for-loops should be treated as one unit;
all combinations of the iterations of the two loops –
should be distributed across threads.
Without the collapse keyword,
only the outer for-loop would be distributed,
and the inner for-loop would be run consecutively –
by each thread.
The "map" keyword controls the relationship –
between host memory and device memory.
Specifically, we send these variables "to" the device,
and once the device has done calculating,
we receive the "results" array "from" the device.
When you run the program that uses OpenMP offloading,
you use the OMP_DEFAULT_DEVICE environment variable –
to choose which device to run on.
In my case, I want to run it on the NVidia GTX 970,
And the results are!
… Wha?
… I don't understand.
Why is it slow?
It is definitely running on the GTX 970,
according to nvidia-settings .
Now it crashed.
L-let's move ahead;
maybe there will be an explanation later.
OpenACC is a different standard by different people,
that does pretty much the same as OpenMP,
except its focus is totally on offloading,
where as OpenMP began –
from making native parallelism easy.
Translating OpenMP pragmas into OpenACC pragmas –
can be easy or it can be difficult.
At easiest, it is just a change of terminology.
What OpenMP calls a team, OpenACC calls a gang,
and so on.
OpenACC defines a very elaborate memory model –
involving allocations.
It would take me at least half an hour –
to describe how it all works,
but in this example –
I just copy data in and out.
Let's check out the performance.
It is… eh, well,
it's faster than the OpenMP offloading version,
but still much slower than the vanilla offloading version.
And it crashed too.
Apparently it hit a watchdog timeout.
It turns out –
that the NVidia driver kills the task –
if the function runs for more than seven seconds.
Now, it is quite surprising –
that the GPU-accelerated program is slower than a native program,
but there may be an explanation.
Graphics cards may have hundreds or thousands of threads,
but what they have is actually –
functionally closer to SIMD than to threads.
The GPU acceleration works best –
with programs where the exact same calculation –
is performed on a large set of data.
Unlike CPU SIMD,
GPU acceleration can cope with situations –
where the calculations diverge into different branches –
using if-elses,
but the performance will suffer greatly –
whenever that happens.
To give GPU acceleration the final benefit of doubt,
I went ahead and translated the program into CUDA.
This means that instead of GCC,
we will use NVidia's NVCC –
to compile the program.
CUDA is actually –
just a fancy name for plain old C++,
with some extensions.
You heard it: CUDA is C++.
If you can write C++, you can write CUDA.
Now, the extensions that make CUDA useful are:
Each variable declaration can be prefixed –
with an optional attribute: Constant, device, or shared.
These attributes deal with read/write access and lifetime.
Each function declaration can be prefixed –
with an optional attribute:
Device, host, device host, and global.
The entry-point between host-code and GPU code –
is called a kernel, and it is indicated –
by the __global__ keyword.
Kernels are invoked using a special syntax –
that resembles the C++ template parameters.
The two parameters within these special brackets –
are the number of blocks,
and the number of threads per block.
These parameters are actually three-dimensional entities,
but I usually treat them as scalars.
Within the kernel, the compiler defines –
a set of variables, that can be read:
blockDim, which is same as the block dimension –
that was passed in the special bracket parameters.
blockIdx is the currently being executed block index.
It runs from zero to the block dimension.
threadIdx is the currently being executed thread index.
It runs from zero to the thread limit –
that was passed in the special bracket parameters.
warpSize is –
architecture-dependent number of threads per warp.
The warp is equivalent to a SIMD unit size.
Imagine each of these Chinese letters is a single thread.
A single block can include a number of threads,
but all threads belonging to a single warp –
always execute exactly same code, for different data.
If your SIMD code contains branches,
the GPU will temporarily stop all the other threads –
in the same warp,
because threads belonging to one warp –
can only execute one sequence of code.
Essentially the performance would diminish –
by a factor equivalent to the warp size.
The good news is that unlike in CPU SIMD,
the GPU driver can actually migrate threads between warps –
to utilize them more efficiently,
but this is only a best-effort process –
and how exactly it works –
is neither disclosed nor set in stone.
CUDA also defines some vector datatypes.
These are vector datatypes in name only;
CUDA hardware contains no SIMD instructions,
because the hardware itself is a SIMD machine.
According to my tests,
there is no performance benefit to using these.
And, CUDA contains a huge library –
of functions both for the host and the device.
And by huge, I mean it is massive.
There are like 150000 lines of physical code –
in the header files alone.
That number is within the same ballpark –
as the amount of code in a recent Linux kernel,
and that was just header files.
You could spend a year –
just learning how to use all those libraries.
When converting the fractal renderer –
into a CUDA program,
the first order business is –
to convert the Iterate function into a kernel.
This is done by adding the __global__ attribute.
Now because this function will be called thousands of times –
with identical parameters,
with only the block and thread indexes –
differentiating the different calls,
we will need a couple of more data items –
to make the parameters useful.
Namely, the center coordinate in the fractal, the zoom scales,
and a pointer to where all the results will be stored.
Of course, to invoke the kernel, we will use the bracket syntax –
introduced at 9:46 in this video.
The number of blocks times the number of threads –
must be at least as big as the results array.
I set the number of threads arbitrarily as 128,
and the number of blocks is calculated from the need.
Now the GPU code cannot write directly –
into the host computer's memory,
so we need to allocate memory directly from the graphics card.
The cudaMalloc function allocates GPU memory.
This memory pointer will be passed to the kernel,
and the cudaMemcpy function, invoked here,
will copy the data from the GPU memory –
into the host memory,
once the GPU code has done executing.
Here we go!
Finally, it's faster than anything else so far.
It dances a little with the OpenMP thread version,
but then shakes it off with a huge margin.
In the end, this is 17 times faster –
than the vanilla version,
and 2.5 times faster than the thread loop.
Can I make it faster?
Well first of all –
I think the transfer between GPU and host memory –
may be a bottleneck.
I should at least try to see what happens –
if I reduce the array of 32-bit floats –
into an array of 16-bit ints.
I should also try multiple streams.
CUDA operates using a stream of operations.
A stream is like a pipe –
from which the graphics card driver pulls tasks,
that it processes in a sequence.
Right now my stream looks like this.
Calculation, transfer, calculation, transfer.
Each period of calculation –
is followed by a period of memory transfer.
During the memory transfer,
the CUDA cores are actually idle,
waiting for work.
But it is actually possible –
to have more than one stream in CUDA.
If I start another task in the second stream –
when the first stream begins transferring data,
and vice versa,
the calculation tasks on GPU would be performed back to back,
with absolutely no idle time.
It would mean perfect 100% GPU utilization.
Let's try that.
So, two streams.
To support the two streams –
we need all kinds of book-keeping.
There is a counter for the next stream to be occupied,
the number of streams currently processing data,
and flags indicating the same.
They are created with the cudaStreamCreate function.
The memory buffers must also be duplicated.
The memory copying will now happen –
with cudaMemcpyAsync, meaning it will proceed asynchronously.
All of the remaining changes to the main program –
are just gymnastics around the asynchronous relationship –
between the calculations and the processing of the results.
The main loop now begins with interpreting the results;
that is,
converting the array of iteration counts into pixels,
rendering the pixels,
and updating the inaptly named boolean variable "NeedMoment" –
that controls whether –
periodicity checking will be enabled for the next frame.
Before we can assume the results are available,
the cudaStreamSynchronize function must be called.
It waits until all commands in the specified stream –
are completed.
The result is a very slight performance improvement.
And by very slight, I mean –
it's almost no improvement at all.
In the end it's like a single percent faster –
than the first CUDA version.
Totally negligible.
As expected, the margin to the CPU versions –
is greatest when the majority of the iterators –
run for a long time.
Any time that different iteration loops branch –
at significantly different moments,
such as in the very beginning, at the outermost zoom level,
the CUDA engine performance suffers –
for reasons that were explained at 10:57 in this video.
Finally, I made a version that combines best techniques –
from all three episodes.
First, there are two CUDA streams.
In addition, there are eight native C++ threads,
each of them calculating the image –
using SIMD acceleration.
In total, there are ten processing units,
each of them responsible for a single picture.
Because of this,
different frames take wildly different times to calculate.
The following chart actually is actually smoothed data –
where the elephant-size variations –
between the render times of different frames –
are somewhat evened out.
In the end it is about forty times faster –
than the vanilla version.
Now I know what some of you are thinking.
I know, because I thought the same.
Isn't there overhead –
in calculating multiple frames in parallel?
Would it not be better for cache efficiency –
to work on a single frame using multiple threads?
Cache efficiency notwithstanding,
it is actually faster –
to calculate multiple frames in parallel –
as you can see from this chart.
The reason is that –
when you process a single frame using threads, say,
by assigning each scanline to the next available thread,
there is a situation when the frame is almost complete,
where some threads are idle, but some are still working.
The next frame cannot be started before all threads are finished.
And this moment, where some threads are idle,
just does not exist –
when you process multiple frames in parallel.
Now you might think:
How about if we start assigning threads –
to the next frame when they become free,
while some threads are still calculating –
the previous frame,
instead of waiting until the previous frame is complete?
I thought that too.
In fact, the chart you see on the screen –
is the result of that thought process –
carried to its end.
The one I described earlier was even slower.
This screen again.
Does this mean I should say some words, –
like "conclusion" or something?
I know I pulled some lines straight –
and made some inaccurate generalizations here.
For instance, CUDA is not actually C++.
NVidia's NVCC is based on LLVM,
and can add the tiny CUDA extensions –
to many different languages, like Fortran for instance.
Essentially the same principle as with OpenMP,
but still different some way.
The purpose of this video series –
was to give you some ideas and inspiration,
to help you look –
where you didn't know to look before.
There are other people –
who make comprehensive references and tutorials.
In any case,
please do check the video description –
and the links therein for all the information –
that I could not pack into the video itself,
and check out the comments on the video as well.
I will also gladly reply to all polite comments,
although I do hope you do your research first –
in case it's a frequently asked question.
Thank you for all your support.
Thanks to people who translate captions to different languages!
Huge thanks to all 35000 and more –
people who have hit the subscribe button.
You are awesome!
I wish everyone was like you.
Thanks to people who give me awesome ideas –
for future videos and livestreams,
by asking fascinating questions in the comments.
I hope you all have a fantastic day.
See you again.
Звезды бросили Диану Шурыгину на день рождения (19.06.2017) - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Travel Professor - Albania - Duration: 3:41.The Travel Professor is here on location
in Albania. I was in Corfu and I've just
got a ferry: 19 euros, about 40 minutes to
get here.
Albania: What do you know about it? Not
very much is my guess. I don't know very
much about it either. What springs to
mind in terms of destination image? I
knew it was a communist country closed
off for quite a long time and then in a
post-Communist era, I understood that the
whole, well a lot of the country, went
into some Ponzi Scheme. Ponzi
schemes a great if you're at the top of
the pyramid not so good if you're at the
bottom and so the country went
essentially bankrupt and have just
started to come out of that. I'm in the
south, I'm in Sarande.
The capital is Tirana. I don't think I'll
get up there but I'm going to take a
look and have a look around and see what
I think. What other images do you have
of Albania, in general? Again, I got to
say for me I knew somewhere that they
had a King in the past by the name of
King Zog. I thought that was a brilliant
name for a King. I also am aware that their
mafia and been appearing more and more in
many movies so it was a mafia of
Albania that had taken Liam Neeson's
daughter in, those, in the movie "Taken" and
there was also the other movie, recent
movie with Jonah Hill starring. He was
also involved in arms trading in Albania.
Who is probably the most well-known
Albanian? Is it a) Mother Hubbard, who went
to the cupboard to fetch her poor dog a
bone? Is it b) Mother Teresa, the charity
worker that worked in India? or is it c)
Mamma Mia, the Abba song?
Who answered b) Mother Teresa: you'd be
right. There are lots of souvenirs,
plaques and with plates and things like
this with a face on, that tourists can
pick up and keep in their home I guess.
One interesting and unusual thing about
Albania and the countryside is
throughout the land there's these
bunkers like the one you can see behind
me. Obviously built in less friendly times.
But they are quite incredible. There's
loads of them. The bunkers were built
during the Communist government of Enver
Hoxha from the 1960s to the 1980s.
By 1983 a total of 173,371 concrete
bunkers had been constructed around
the country. They were never used for
their intended purpose during the years
that Hoxha governed. The cost of
constructing them was a drain on the
Albanian resources, diverting them from
more pressing needs such as dealing with
the country's housing shortage and poor
Here's another bunker in the town of
Spiderman Dinosaurs Cartoons Singing Finger Family Funny Animals Cartoons Videos For Children Kids - Duration: 1:07:12.Spiderman Dinosaurs Cartoons Singing Finger Family Funny Animals Cartoons Videos For Children Kids
Community capacity and peer support - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Proactive coordination of care - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
Personalised care and support planning - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Ford Ka 1.2 Comfort start/stop - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Choice and control - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
B is for Belief - you will never outdo your beliefs - Duration: 1:42.Hi it's Mandy from Mindset for Success. Now today's word begins with B and the
one I've chosen is belief, because it's such a huge huge area that I work with
with many of my clients. We will never achieve and do more than what we really
believe. And the scary thing is most of the beliefs that we're running today we
actually picked up before we were about age nine. So a lot of them we're not
even aware of. So one way to become aware of how our beliefs may be hindering our
success is to look at what you haven't achieved. Think of a goal that you want
or something that you'd love to do that you somehow held yourself back and ask
yourself 'what are you currently believing that's limiting you from
achieving this.' And then write those down and then ask yourself 'what would I have
to be thinking and believing differently to be able to believe that it was
possible?' If you can open up to the awareness of possibility you shift the
energy and you'll open up more possibility for this happening. So have a
look at something you haven't achieved. Spend a few moments asking yourself 'what
would I be believing to not achieve this?' and then write down what would you have
to be thinking and believing differently to be able to achieve it. And tomorrow
I'll add in a document for you that has a set of questions that will help you to
break up some of your beliefs so that you can step through your current hurdle
or step over your hurdle and hop in to the next level and play a bigger game in
life. So that's your tip for today. Thank you I'm Mandy from Mindset for Success
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Urban Automaat - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BLUE EFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS Airco Navigatie Audio 95Pk! ZONDAG A.S. OP - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
DANGOTE RESTORED AS NSE PRESIDENT - Duration: 1:12.Today in Nigeria's History June 19 June 19, 1985 Nigerian Boxer, Bashiru Ali
more known as Bash Ali wins the North American Boxing Federation Cruiser weight title.
The cruiser weight limit is 200 pounds or 90.7kg
2012 Aliko Dangote resumes office as President of the Nigerian Stock Exchange after a court
of appeal ruling upholding his election.
He was elected President in 2009 but it was nullified following an application by some
shareholders of AP, now Forte Oil, for alleged manipulation of AP shares.
2006 Hoodlums, armed with guns and machetes, invaded a prison in Onitsha, Anambra state
setting 204 inmates free and also setting the prison ablaze.
Today in Nigeria's History brought to you by Ojora, Olabisi.
Cattywampus in Ann Arbor - Duration: 40:04.-------------------------------------------
Tough times in CLT... you are truly missed. - Duration: 0:53.I can't believe it.
Why are you guys so sad?
Why are you guys so sad!
Bojangles is closed!
What! I want my chicken!
Yeah, let's go ahead and thow some wigs at them!
Hey guys! Don't worry, chick-fil-a is open!
Рецепты из тыквы вкусные и простые - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Вкусно и просто домашние рецепты с фото - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta 115pk Automaat*Navi*Panoramadak* - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta 115pk Automaat*Navi*Panoramadak* - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Learn Street Vehicles for Children | Cars and Trucks | Construction | Dump Truck Mixer | BinBin Tv - Duration: 16:46.Learn Street Vehicles for Children | Cars and Trucks | Construction | Dump Truck Mixer | BinBin Tv
For more infomation >> Learn Street Vehicles for Children | Cars and Trucks | Construction | Dump Truck Mixer | BinBin Tv - Duration: 16:46.-------------------------------------------
Scooter Smiff - Showtime [Official Video] - Duration: 3:04.This dont need no motherfuckin' Hook (nah) I can tell by they stance I got em' shook
goin' in the books a dub Imma win it nigga
Beginning niggas feeling the wrath cause I pinned it nigga (Ugh)
Why I grind work the mighty I'm young n' fly, Smiff the God, that's why
she like me I'm way too arrogant
never worried bout marriages I want a slim thick that wants shrimp and
asparagus Damn, I'm that nigga dawg
I been that nigga fuck award shows I've been to all
If XXL refuse to put a nigga on I'm droppin out fuck a freshman
I'll kill em all (true) I'm sittin watching videos of columbine
I'm doin that to you rap niggas bottom line You outta time and my patience run thin nigga
Im vertically challenged but Imma do it big nigga
No Doubt, Gwen Stefani in the Booth It's no wonder ya white flag raised you want
a truce but I'm through
A nigga on a whole new level now I don't really need the ice in the bezel now
I don't need a buncha hoes I wanna settle down
Wit a queen that I'll know that won't forget her crown.
(nah) I'm on that grown type shit,
I'm into gettin your girl in my home type shit
I got my camera out, she on the pole type shit
I seem to let em' go then they come back quick It's so sick and you sad
and I'm glad bruh I'm good call the cab she'll be back
drop her off in your hood and I don't (what?) wanna see her ever again (OK)
not even if she tell him that they're better as friends, (OK)
not even if she say I get it wetter than him she wanna bring a friend
and we at it again (haha) I'm a petty nigga, money motivated youngin'
up in London wit my nigga Chip showin' me the dungeon.
Are you niggas even from the In bro?
I'm beef jerky wit rappin a nigga been tough Why you sportin' them J's?
them shits been scuffed (pow) I drop songs like this some niggas flinch
up (pow) Me & Mity got the heavy hitters
from now on call me & him the heavy hitters And I mean that shit
my flow'll leave you niggas purple like Ali'd your shit
And I'm gone
For more infomation >> Scooter Smiff - Showtime [Official Video] - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
[M/V] Produce101 - Always (이 자리에) - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
BMW 3 Serie 330I M SPORT Schuifdak Navigatie Alcantara Harman Kardon Xenon 17"LM 272Pk! ZONDAG A.S. - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
BMW X3 3.0d High Executive M. Sportpakket Panoramadak Afn. Trekhaak 19"LM 218Pk! ZONDAG A.S. OPEN! - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Scooter Smiff - Showtime [Official Video] - Duration: 3:04.This dont need no motherfuckin' Hook (nah) I can tell by they stance I got em' shook
goin' in the books a dub Imma win it nigga
Beginning niggas feeling the wrath cause I pinned it nigga (Ugh)
Why I grind work the mighty I'm young n' fly, Smiff the God, that's why
she like me I'm way too arrogant
never worried bout marriages I want a slim thick that wants shrimp and
asparagus Damn, I'm that nigga dawg
I been that nigga fuck award shows I've been to all
If XXL refuse to put a nigga on I'm droppin out fuck a freshman
I'll kill em all (true) I'm sittin watching videos of columbine
I'm doin that to you rap niggas bottom line You outta time and my patience run thin nigga
Im vertically challenged but Imma do it big nigga
No Doubt, Gwen Stefani in the Booth It's no wonder ya white flag raised you want
a truce but I'm through
A nigga on a whole new level now I don't really need the ice in the bezel now
I don't need a buncha hoes I wanna settle down
Wit a queen that I'll know that won't forget her crown.
(nah) I'm on that grown type shit,
I'm into gettin your girl in my home type shit
I got my camera out, she on the pole type shit
I seem to let em' go then they come back quick It's so sick and you sad
and I'm glad bruh I'm good call the cab she'll be back
drop her off in your hood and I don't (what?) wanna see her ever again (OK)
not even if she tell him that they're better as friends, (OK)
not even if she say I get it wetter than him she wanna bring a friend
and we at it again (haha) I'm a petty nigga, money motivated youngin'
up in London wit my nigga Chip showin' me the dungeon.
Are you niggas even from the In bro?
I'm beef jerky wit rappin a nigga been tough Why you sportin' them J's?
them shits been scuffed (pow) I drop songs like this some niggas flinch
up (pow) Me & Mity got the heavy hitters
from now on call me & him the heavy hitters And I mean that shit
my flow'll leave you niggas purple like Ali'd your shit
And I'm gone
Get Motivated Home Sellers Calling You Today! Automation Finds The House And Makes The Offer - Duration: 6:50.Hey, this is Joe Crump.
This video is going to show you how to use the Automarketer to help you find the houses
for sale, contact the seller, make an offer on their property, use the clone sites to
educate the seller and to close the deal.
And I'm going to walk you through the process of how that works.
First of all, you want to find the property, find the house and that's what you're
going to use the Automarketer itself for.
The Automarketer will go into craigslist and I'm going to just show you the default system
here, that only sends out one message, but and you can send out a series of these, but
if you send out one message you're going to get responses and you can pick the categories
that you want to scrape in craigslist, we're picking apartments, and we're picking For
Sale By Owner, and I'm picking the city and then you can pick any of the other categories
on craigslist if you want to scrape them for some other reason.
You can also add as many of these cities as you want.
I would suggest that you pick one city at a time and you set up one campaign per city.
But you can put as many of them as you like here.
We used to have limits on the scraper where we could only pick five, you know, craigslist
areas but now you can do as many as you want.
Just make sure you don't pick too many so that you have so many leads it's going to
be hard to chill with them all.
So that's what you're going to do.
You're going to start the Automarketer, it's going to start sending out a text message
and let me just take you to this step here, and this is the message that it's going
to send out by text.
"I say the home you advertised and I was wondering if you'd consider selling it rent
to buy?
If so, I'd be interested.
Let me know.
Thank you."
And that's the one without a URL, without a domain name for them to go to.
But, we also have campaigns that allow, that put a domain name in here.
They lead to the, that lead to the rent to own seller clone site.
So, this is going to go out to them, or one with a URL in it and they're going to either
respond to you directly and then you can call them or, you're going to send them the one
with the URL in it and they're going to go to the website.
When they go to the website they're going to go to the clone sites.
So let me show you where that's at.
It's going to send them to this rent to own seller site and everybody has their own
rent to own seller site.
And it explains how the rent to own, the For Rent Method, works.
And it asks them to fill out this information.
And there's an audio there they can listen to or they can read about it in this section
And the whole concept is to get them to sign up for this program without even talking to
You're going to have more luck with people that you're talking to, but, you're going
to get a certain percentage of people that are going to fill out this form and then all
you have to do is call them and close the deal.
Or, if they fill out this form, it also sends them an email that sends them another link
to lease option memo that they can sign online and when that happens it'll be sent to you.
Then you'll have a deal that you can sell.
Some of the leads are going to send a response back to you by text message and those leads
will come in to your lead dashboard.
So you'll have all these leads that you'll be dealing with.
But when these leads come in they get filtered.
This all happens behind the scenes, but let me show you what, how they're being filtered.
Going back to the Automarketer page, we can go into the blast and we could go into the
auto classification.
So we put them into classifications based on what they say in their text or voice message
and it could be any one of these phrases, we separate them by commas, but it could be
any one of these phrases.
So if they say, yes, or they're serious, or where are you located, or, would you carry
a note?
Then we put them into the "yes" campaign.
And those are the people we want to talk to first.
If they say not interested, I doubt it, selling only, these types of phrases, then we put
them into the "no" campaign.
And the system automatically follows up with these people in three weeks by sending them
another text at that time.
But the ones that say yes, they're going to go into a follow up system as well, but
it's going to give you time to give them a call.
And that's the first thing you want to do.
I'm going to go back to lead management and if you look at this drop down, it'll
show you which campaign they were put into.
This was put into a three-month campaign.
This one was put into the yes/maybe campaign.
So you want to call them immediately.
You want to read the message that they give you.
They said, well, they'd consider it, and they're telling you they need a credit report,
and deposits and stuff that you're probably not going to give them, but, you have to look
at what's possible for them.
And you're going to talk to them and you're going to help them see that it might make
sense to work with you despite what they want.
People don't always get what they want and a lot of times when you're, well, eighty-five
to ninety-five percent of For Sale By Owner's will never sell their property For Sale By
They're going to have to either list it with a realtor, take it off the market or
find a different way.
We're going to offer them a different way of selling.
Once you get them on the phone, then you're going to start talking to them about their
property and you can open this up and you can add a property and start talking to them
about their property.
Just create a test property for it real quick.
And down the line here you can start asking them questions on this questionnaire.
There's a lot that this does and I'm going to explain this in some other videos that
we get into as we go.
But you can also use this as a guide to ask them questions.
The goal here is that you pick the low hanging fruit and you get the best leads and you deal
with them first and the other leads go into a follow up system, they get dripped on over
time until they're ready to do something or until they want to be taken off your list.
And then they can just type in STOP into a text and it'll keep them from getting any
more messages from you.
This system does so much more than this, but this gives you an overview of what it's
all about and how it works and I hope you're as excited about it as I am.
Gyoza Ohsho [Amazing Shibuya by Walk #11] - Duration: 6:34.Welcome back for Amazing Shibuya by walk
Today we're going to Osaka Ohsho Gyoza
It's a shop from Osaka but now they have everywhere in Japan
and it's a fast-food chain store where you can eat "Chinese food"
knowing that it's not really Chinese food I mean if you go to China it is going to be very different
It's more Japanese version of Chinese food so they have
Gyoza, the very good deep fried Japanese dumplings
or Cha-han, it's like fried rice
or ramen. So it's very cheap it's very good
The gyoza are just amazing so if you're looking for cheap place to eat gyoza
you can find them everywhere in Tokyo and it's always the same price
and also here
they did renovation so it's brand new
and they have a touchscreen so you have the menu in English
It's very easy even though you don't speak Japanese
Really, I recommend to you guys to try it out
I mean gyoza is always amazing right?
Here is the menu, "teishoku" which is the set menu
You have gyoza, fried rice and ramen
My favorite one is this one
If you like gyoza like me, it's really nice
You have like...12 pieces of gyoza
+ karaage, Japanese style deep fried chicken, and rice and soup
So it's really nice (and filling!)
This shop has a lot of seats so I never had to wait
So they have an English menu here
so dumpling is basically the gyoza, so you can choose
how many gyoza you want or other dumplings
Recommend oh it's like the most famous set menu they have
The ones I showed you outside
Noodles also
This is usually only in summer
It's cold noodles with some ham, egg, cucumber
You have also other special menu
If you're looking for chopsticks or anything like plates
it's actually just here
Here is shôyu ramen, soy sauce based ramen
With cha-han, fried rice
And they always bring a sort of soup, starchy soup
This is Japanese style deep fried chicken, Karaage
Jambo Gyoza
Looks yummy
And the gyoza are here!
So yummy
It's very crunchy
and inside it's like chives, pork meat, cabbage
So you have to put soy sauce
su, vinegar
and if you like spicy râyu, spicy oil
The best
Amazing guys
How is it Shinji?
J has already finished
So fast!
Looks hot
Too hot
Some water?
Good but hot
I'm so full
You're full?
It was good right
Yes, so yummy
Really, the gyoza are amazing
The fried rice is really good too
How was the ramen?
It was good
It was very [toro toro] creamy
So they added potato starch inside
How much is it?
When does it stop?!
3060 yens
So less than 1000 yen each
So, around 900 yens
so really really cheap like 8-9 dollars each
We're done! It was so good
It's really cheap so really if you're looking just for cheap gyoza
and really good gyoza, you should come here
Thank you for watching and see you in a next video!
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