yeah Sigyn it's funny it's painful there's nothing to do with FIGS so stick
around today we're talking all about sticking
hey guys it's Morgan with BDSM relationships and education thank you
very much for checking out this video today we are doing I realized I hadn't
done an unusual ploys video for quite a while so today we are doing an unusual
toys video that I'm really excited about we're going to be talking about digging
and if you don't know what that is stick around we will I really explain it
all don't worry so before we get started please make
sure that you are subscribed so click the subscribe button below and don't
forget to turn on the notifications that way you will be up to date with all the
videos that I post right now I'm doing Monday Wednesday and Friday so three
videos per week but I sometimes like to boast of all this video or sometimes
like last week I just make a little mistake and I forget for just on one of
the days so we get an extra video later in the week
anyways I do that make sure you're subscribed on all the notifications and
if you would like to support this channel through patreon you can do that
and I'm going to have a link up here for you guys but let's talk about digging it
because like I said it's funny is painful awesome I enjoy it
not something I do often but it can be a lot of fun so let's get into it
singing in a long and interesting history and I'm going to talk about that
before we get into what singing actually is because I'm curious to see how many
of you can guess what it is you know if you don't already know just by the name
so singing was used in ancient Greek and Roman times to punish female slaves now
I mean we don't know exactly how accurate some of this history is but
that is something that is commonly talked about and I believe it has been
written about we're not a hundred percent but it's just one of those nice
little ideas sometimes that we like to assign to our clay it has this deep
historical you know history and meaning and everything so that is one of the
things that has been said picking it was also used to punish
prisoners in Victorian times and it was used often in conjunction with paintings
and and other spankings and corporal punishments and we'll explore why in a
little bit and that is also and it don't encourage this use at all used on horses
to make some appeal up here more lively and to have them hold their tail up a
bit higher and so this would be advantageous when you're trying to sell
a horse and if it's like an old horse or a sick horse and you're like no no it's
a great horse loaded how high holding is tail looking at prancing around there so
it was kind of an underhanded you folks in that respect so what is fitting well
it has a little something to do with this and this is a rather large chunk of
ginger root and we are going to be using this today for our example on how to do
some digging so basically it is the insertion of a skinned piece of ginger
into the anus or the vagina and if you are a fan of ginger you know that it
does pass a little bit of heat and I really do want to stress at this point
that doing this with ginger is one thing we don't want to get into using hot
peppers or anything like that because the heat generated by gender is going to
be significantly less and the heat generated by some hot peppers can cause
burns especially when we're talking about mucous membranes and the sensitive
skin around the genitals and the anus so please you know do I really don't
suggest and I know some people use pepper oils or peppers themselves or hot
sauces and stuff like that on their genitals or anus but I am NOT a fan of
it I don't encourage it because there is that risk factor of causing burns so you
guys make your own decisions play at you know whatever level of risk profile you
feel comfortable at for me it's just not something that I do but I
do feel comfortable doing some picking because I know that this is not going to
be powerful enough to cause burns now of course we have to make sure that our
partners are not allergic to gender first because sticking a large chunk of
it inside their bodies would be a bad idea if they are actually allergic to it
so just make sure you check there now sticking does take a couple of minutes
to reach its full effect so you're not going to feel it immediately when it is
inserted that is going to take a little bit and the feeling itself will last
anywhere up to about thirty minutes or so for a single piece of ginger now if
you take it out obviously that sensation is going to fade quickly which is one of
the nice things about the ginger as well if it gets too hot or too intense then
you remove it and it will fairly quickly you know get back to normal and you
don't have to worry about you know this lingering burning that's happening and
then having to grab oils or whatever to try to get rid of it that you have to do
with some other chemicals we will do a video on different chemical play things
but that will probably be a little ways in the future because I've got such a
busy roster of videos coming up for you guys now one of the interesting things
and this is why it's used in spanking and paintings and things like that is
that when somebody punches on the ginger when it is inserted into their body it
intensifies the effect it squeezes out more of those hot oils that are causing
the burning sensation and it makes it worse so often when people are being
caned they're going to clench their butt cheeks together in order to sort of
mitigate the cane strikes however if you've got ginger in there well they're
going to get more of a burning sensations from the ginger so then it
becomes a game of what's worse the burning from the ginger when you clench
on it or the cage strike without clenching on it so that to me
part of why it is so funny to watch because you can watch literally on their
face the internal struggle of oh oh I'll bet hurt okay I'm going to relapse out
now the canyon hurts and I just I love it
i'ma sadist I have never hidden that from you guys it makes me happy so to
watch oh I love it uh uh so let's get into how to go about
figuring forward but there's a couple of things that you need to know so the
first thing is that you need to buy the biggest hand of ginger you can find now
that is how ginger is classified right there are called hands because they
usually have like one bulb and then they'll have like other chunks throwing
off it you can see here where something has broken off and they'll have like
Lydon here or something else is growing off and I'll have all these little
branches and it ends up looking kind of like a hand so it is called a hand of
ginger and then each individual sort of branch or whatever would be called a
finger now this is the biggest piece that I could find in my local
supermarket and visited two different supermarkets trying to find something
bigger issues divisional and find Asian markets are usually ideal to get really
big pieces of ginger because you so often in Asian cuisine
unfortunately ever since I moved out of the big city I don't live in Toronto
anymore I live just outside of the city um all of my international markets don't
exist out here anymore and I said well I don't have ever existed out here and I
kind of sucks I recently it's the one thing I miss about being in the city is
that I'm like but how can I buy all of this like you know exotic food that I'm
so used to eating like it's hard to find any or where I am which is a an Indian
College cheese it's hard to find me though fermented beans a bean paste for
suit there is usually founding in Japanese
cuisine so I mean it's just like ah so this is the biggest piece of ginger I
find and that's my little rant on how I can't find all the cool cooking the
things that I want well where I'm living right now
so that's Toronto and buy it all there so thankfully I'm close enough through
the city I can do that and I'm in Toronto all the time anyways teaching
and going to parties and stuff anyways so the next thing we're going to do is
we're going to peel and carve this chunk of ginger so I just have a little paring
a knife here you can see now here's the end of it you can see that it is a
paring knife and I'm not sure that's going to show up so no matter paring
knife I'm sure you guys are all familiar with the concept of a paring knife now I
have because I like to cook I have nice knives they are like good quality and
they hold an edge really well and I would really highly suggest that you
find the sharpest paring knife or smallish knife that you can the
sharpness is going to help you with carving it and it's also going to help
make sure that we don't have any rough edges or anything so if we are going to
use them anally we want to carve it into a bit of a bug shape now with this one
the reason I thought this is that I don't think I can quite make it into a
butt plug shape so I could have this as a handle and then carve this as the air
straight have this part of the handle and then have this as the part that is
going to be inserted so I want to make sure when I'm peeling that that and
ginger is really really fibrous so be careful this is not the best way to peel
ginger I'm drawing the knife towards you like this not the best idea so you can
see when I cut into it the color is nice and bright yellow which isn't picking up
so much on a camera here but in person it is very very fragrant and it is
bright bright yellow so what I'm going to want to do is I'm going to want to
cut off all these now believe it's right because those which is caused problems
so here goes one it goes to and like I gotta call you my boy was like I'm going
to make sure that I'm artwork when you film this because you are not using me
in the demo bottom for this one so sadly for me most of this ginger is going to
end you know being you is either in cooking
or curve 40 or that kind of stuff makes me sad guys like really much rather
stick it up someone's butt that's just me though so we're going to peel all the
skin off the ginger you can see it comes off pretty easily just be aware that
when you're like like I said cutting pieces off the ginger that it is quite
fibrous so that can make it a little difficult to cut now when we are doing a
butt plug shape I'm just going to keep curving while I talk so if we are doing
a butt plug shape we need to keep in mind that if we make the ginger too thin
at any given point it's going to break okay like this is this is just a root
it's nothing like super strong or whatever it will break off okay so here
you can see like have fibrous the ginger is so these are the types of things that
we kind of want to avoid and this is where a good sharp knife is going to
help you now I am like handling this I want to make sure that I do want touch
my eyes or you know a mouth or anything like that anything that I don't want to
have that hotness on I could wear gloves while doing this if I wanted it's just
like you know when you cut hot peppers or whatever it is that you are going to
make without peppers then you know and if you touch the hot peppers and you
touch your I like it zippy absolute misery it's going to be the same thing
with the ginger so be aware of that and understand that you do need to be
careful you could wear gloves while doing this or just wash your hands very
thoroughly afterwards and if the oils from the ginger are not coming off your
hands and you're finding that it is bothersome like it's allergy to using
you keep touching your eyes and you're just like killing yourself here
you can use a little bit of oil on your hands I like coconut oil because it's
good for your skin anyway and kind of scrub your hands with that a little
coconut oil and salt we'll get it right out literally just put it all up a
coconut oil and pour a little bit of salt on it rub your hands together use
that as what the soap type thing and then wash your hands with actual soap
and that will go a long ways to getting rid of any unpleasant heat that is left
on your hand with the oil so you can see here I'm just kind of carving the end of
this ginger to make it a little more rounded and more comfortable for
insertion and I just totally squeeze ginger oil in my eye
oh that's not a fun thing now hopefully I won't have some mascara running down
my face I like to point it into my knife don't get down
wouldn't bank handling um do as I say not as I do so here we go we're just
going to again try and we want to try to give it as much as these little fibers
as we can and leave the surface smooth so I'm going to kind of call it quits
there you get the general idea now I'm not carving and peeling this
part because I'm going to use this as a handle actually this is a perfect shape
here we go here's my ginger and that got this to use as a handle and then it goes
in and I may want to get around off that and whoops not in focus I may want to
round off this end a little bit here you can see that it is still on blunt but I
could round it off and just make sure that it is all nice and smooth as
possible and then we want to insert it immediately after it's peeled so the
longer that I sit here talking to you all of the oils in this ginger are being
dried up by the air so I don't want to sit and talk you know too long about it
I don't want to two long curving and making sure it's
absolutely perfect as long as we don't have any sharp edges or anything that's
going to like cause damage so like here I don't know if you guys can see this
but there's like a little blump blump bumpy thing there I would want to get
rid of that because that could be a problem
and I'm leaving you can see the thickness that I'm leaving here as sort
of the handle part or if I was carving it into a buckle of shape I really don't
want to go any thinner than like a half inch across probably an inch and a half
like diameter just because or maybe an inch diameter but I just want to make
sure that it's got like a good thickness thicker than my it's probably like two
meters thick right if I put them together that's probably how thick it is
um anyways I just want to make sure there's not going to break easily inside
of somebody so I want to insert it immediately after I've peeled it and I'm
happy with the smoothness of it um era degrades the oils and will make its left
in tent important here I do not want to use lose of any sort because that will
create a cushion to protect the anus from the oil so it needs to go in fresh
and clean Tony's water or anything like that um you know if you really need to
you could like add a little bit of spit if you needed just that bit of Lube um
but you'll find the vo oils in the ginger as long as you don't make it too
you know huge or anything you'll be able to work it in just go nice and slow like
you would with any kind of anal play but when I send flow and then you will be
able to get that in eventually now you are going to have to wait a couple of
minutes for the heat to build chances are it's going to take about five
minutes for the heat to really build up and we can speed up that process
slightly by doing things to encourage the bottom to clench so we can do
spanking painting crossed paddle whatever sort of like impact play on the
apps and will work nicely a couple of different ideas if you have a male
partner you could you know insert this in Lee and then have the
you know fuck anything whether it's you or you know just like I like to make
guys fuck you know little masturbators that are you know wedged into pillows
and stuff like that just for my amusement
um but when they do that thrusting motion they'll kind of clinch their butt
cheeks together so there is an idea so there is that you know as a clinch
I mean you're going to get is kind of a sharper burn going on now this can also
be used imagine aliy and it will not damage you know vaginal tissues so we
can use it as a dildo if we want you can insert it and leave it you could always
carve a different stroke style thing we could just take a chunk of this and
curve like basically a little canoe I would have our ginger and place that on
top of the cliff or we could just take this and rub it over the clip itself and
just keep kind of chopping up a fresh slice and rubbing it on the plate as
needed so there's lots of different ideas lots of reasons you can use this
I'm going to go in put my knife in my ginger down but I'm not leaving it
around and everyone's face um so let's talk quickly about some like
troubleshooting with digging so if the piece of ginger breaks like I said you
need to make sure that it's thick enough just carve a thicker piece
don't you know carve it too thin and always leave yourself a handle for
extraction but if you do end up with a piece of ginger in the anus but you it
has broken off and you can't get out then I would have the person go to the
bathroom and sort of bear down as if they are trying to have a bowel movement
and do that quickly because the way the anus works is that once you stick
something in there it slowly is going to try to work its way up into the body so
the sooner we can get them to the bathroom to you know bear down and try
to get that out the better we do want to make sure that we get it out because
something like this is would be digested much higher up in the system
you know things go into the stomach and that's where they sit
well actually in the mouth they start getting broken down banana some
especially and then they get absorbed in the intestine so by the time you get to
the colon we are not the body is not expecting to have chunks of food so that
can rot inside the body and cause problems so just try to go to the
bathroom and pass it and if it haven't passed within like say a day or two then
I would you know call an emergency doctor and get advice there I'm not
going to give advice on my line but just I would talk to a doctor and make sure
that you have some advice it'll be embarrassing they've seen worse trust me
they have seen worse so if your ginger is not intense enough you will want to
just be sure that you have freshly parts of the service and inserted it
immediately without using water without using glue or anything like that the
fresher the ginger the better it is so if you go to the store and all they have
are like these kind of shrivel up dried up pieces of gender they're no good
they're not going to be as intense so we want to make sure that we have very
fresh ginger and you may want to just try a different piece because each piece
of ginger this is a plant this is you know you there's no control on it so you
know one piece may have more oils that create heat than others so you may just
want to try a different piece so if you want to take your picking it to the next
level then you can do what's known as fermenting your ginger so all you're
going to need is your ginger hand or finger or whatever you have and a zipper
top plastic bag so you place the ginger in the bag you want to squeeze as much
of the air out of there as you can so I'm just going to kind of roll it up and
then we're going to do a zipper across the top and of course which I'm sure the
dollar stores are going to develop very well
high-quality soft bag so we're going to pretend that that is all filled up and
then I'm going to stick this in the fridge for between usually four and six
days we'll do it what we're looking for is just the smallest little bit of
mold growing on the surface now that's not a big deal because we still have to
peel the garlic or keep calling it garlic for some reason don't know why we
have to peel the ginger just like we did in our other uses so a little bit of
service mode isn't a big deal in fact the mold on the surface generally tells
you that it is ready to go so when I check it in the fridge and it's ready to
go it has that little bit more I want pull it out and then peel it and
use it in the same way that we did earlier and this will make it just a
little more pop over there just a little more intense when it is
inserted now I mean of course things are going to change because you know this
piece of ginger may not have as many oils is the last piece of ginger or
whatever but this generally will make the experience a little more intense so
keep that in mind all right guys so I'm going to wave my ginger but blood around
a little bit in the car and I'm also going to say goodbye thank you very much
for checking out this video if you enjoyed it please don't forget to give
me a thumbs up and thumbs up right there ginger up but give me a thumbs up if you
enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe to my channel and check out
the patreon if you are interested in supporting the channel through that
means anyways guys thank you very much for watching and I will see you in the
next video
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