Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily report Jun 5 2017

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

In the 1990s, a very strange idea of how the Universe works was proposed by Gerard 't

Hooft and Leonard Susskind.

And that is that our Universe may be like a very complex hologram.

Yep, I'm serious.

And if this is true, we have to seriously change the way we think about the Universe.

And brace yourselves, because very recent research provides some evidence that this

might be the case.

But before we get into that, let's talk about what a holographic Universe actually


A big problem that physicists are trying to solve is how to unify quantum mechanics, which

deals with the very small, and gravity, which deals with the very large.

And some think that the holographic principle may be what helps solve that problem.

Basically, this principle states that all of the information about a volume of space

can be thought of as encoded on a two-dimensional boundary to that region.

So, for a black hole, the description of all the stuff that falls inside it is contained

in its boundary -- the event horizon.

And if we extend this idea out further, you basically exist on a two-dimensional boundary

and the three-dimensional Universe you're used to is how that information gets expressed,

like a 3D hologram.

If this doesn't completely blow your mind, I don't know what will.

So, is there any evidence of this even being true?

Well, new research published in early 2017 provides some data that supports the theory.

See, in their research, they used something called the Cosmic Microwave Background, which

is the emitted radiation dating back to 400,000 years after the Big Bang.

And it's also basically the Universe's baby picture, isn't it so cute?

Interestingly, the Cosmic Microwave Background is not completely uniform it has these small


And these deviations can tell scientists a lot about the early Universe.

In their work, the researchers used the holographic theory of the Universe to predict what those

deviations would look like.

And amazingly, their predictions were very accurate.

Now, this is not enough to definitively say that the holographic principle is true, but

it is certainly an important step forward.

But if one thing's for sure, we definitely need some more research.

But what do you guys think?

Are you buying this idea?

Let me know in the comments below.

Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.

As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

Don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> What Are The Chances Our Universe Is A Hologram? - Duration: 2:54.


The Good, The Bad, The Unlucky Genji Vol. 2 - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> The Good, The Bad, The Unlucky Genji Vol. 2 - Duration: 6:44.



For more infomation >> ПОЧЕМУ ХОРОНЯТ НА ГЛУБИНУ 2 МЕТРОВ - Duration: 4:32.


The Importance of Flattery - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> The Importance of Flattery - Duration: 4:47.


A cartoon about a little girl Sophia. We look after children. An interesting children's cartoon. - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> A cartoon about a little girl Sophia. We look after children. An interesting children's cartoon. - Duration: 8:32.


MAN CITY FACE APP CHALLENGE! Gabriel Jesus As An Old Man! - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> MAN CITY FACE APP CHALLENGE! Gabriel Jesus As An Old Man! - Duration: 5:25.


Top Secret Tarts: Guarding Portugal's Culinary National Treasure - Duration: 2:40.

- [Narrator] These little custard tarts,

these eggy, sugary treats are everywhere in Portugal.

Here, here, and here.

Some say the Pastéis de Belém is the original

pasteis de nata, or custard tart.

In this little factory, through this kitchen,

there's a recipe that has been kept top secret

for almost 200 years.

- Not this one, guys.

You can't get in here.

I'm sorry.

Okay, I'm Miguel Clarinha, and I'm part of

the management of Pastéis de Belém.

This special recipe you will only find here, at this shop.

We sell an average of about 20,000 tarts a day.

In the summer, maybe around 40,000 cakes.

A lot of cakes.

- [Narrator] Pastéis de Belém, as they call them here,

are simple tarts, really: egg yolk, milk, some flour, sugar,

but it's how they make them in complete secrecy

that makes these tarts a national treasure.

- We have six people knowing the recipe.

In the family, my father, my cousin, and myself.

We all trained the three chefs,

which is Vito Artur Domingos, Yodizel Janeiro,

and Carlos Martins.

- [Narrator] The recipe is so secret,

all the bakers sign nondisclosure agreements

to keep the timeless tarts a true mystery.

- Pastéis de Belém is one of the earliest recipes

at least here in Lisbon.

We know that the recipe was invented

in the Monastery of Jeronimos in the early 19th century.

This one.

- [Narrator] Once they have the recipe, the chefs,

now sworn to secrecy, are given keys to this door.

- They work inside the factory in a separate room

that we call the oficina do segredo in Portuguese.

It's like the secret shop or secret room.

They have to work in a separate room,

because the process can only be seen by them.

'Til today we haven't found anyone that explained the recipe

as it is.

If it happens, well, we probably would have to lock him up

in the basement and throw away the key.

(laughs) No, just kidding.

- [Narrator] Okay, secret-keeper.

What's the best way to eat one of these custard tarts?

- Usually I like it simple, but that's just me.

Most people like with a little bit of cinnamon on top.

This is the hard part of the job.

- [Narrator] Yeah, this is super hard.

I don't know how you do it.

For more infomation >> Top Secret Tarts: Guarding Portugal's Culinary National Treasure - Duration: 2:40.


Worst Things People Say To Vegans | Chris Stokes' Life Lessons - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Worst Things People Say To Vegans | Chris Stokes' Life Lessons - Duration: 2:56.


Meet My YouTube NextUp 2017 Team! - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 4:46.

Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and I'm here in New York City just chilling out

at YouTube's creator space. There's a whole bunch of other awesome creators

here with NextUp, so let's go see what they're up to.

Hey Chazz. Hey everybody, this is Chazzisawesome, that's her channel, make sure and subscribe.

Oh hey TJ. Her channel is CupofTJ, don't forget to subscribe.

Hey Leteitia. Her channel is lookunderhere, make sure you subscribe. What's

wrong? Just everything hurts, my neck, my back, my

neck and my back. oh my goodness. My shoulder. And your shoulders? Well come on over

here, and I'll show you some exercises. Okay yeah let's go.

Oh my gosh. tI'm out of breath. That's like way over in that other studio. That just

really far. So while we're taking a little rest, tell me a little bit about

what's wrong with you. Okay so I have self induced scoliosis.

It's not actual scoliosis, it's because of really really bad posture.

That I've kind of tilted myself, so I'm always tilted a little this way. A little

That way. This way. So I think this side ends up being really tight, you can feel

it, I actually have a hump. Yeah, yeah, there's a bit of a hump there. Oh my

goodness, you do. Yeah. And then and you've got a little bit of a rotation right

here, so you can definitely do some stretches for that, so this one is pretty

curable. Oh okay. That's good. Hopefully. Yeah. If you do the

stretches. I will. Okay so let's start off just going top to bottom to get

everything nice and stretched out. Okay, yeah. So the first one is gonna be a chin

tuck. Okay. Do you know what chin tuck is? Yeah yeah. Okay all right, exactly. What I

like to have people do is put their finger on their chin. Okay. But leave your

finger, don't don't take it with the chin, so you know how much of a stretch you're

getting. So good, just go ahead and and stretch in. Huh yeah! And hold it for

about three to five seconds. Correct my posture. Correct posture, yeah, and

then just relax. See how much more space you have? Yeah yeah. So another simple one

is just we call them shoulder squeezes or scapular squeezes, those the scapular

scapula back there, and so all you're gonna do, I'm gonna have you turn

sideways. Okay. And you're gonna squeeze your shoulders back. Imagine that my hand

is always here, and I want you to try and squeeze my hand with those shoulder

blades. So I put my arms up? You can if you want to. Yep good, and so bring them a

little bit lower, they're almost like you're rowing a boat, okay to come back

like, Oh yeah! Good and so just again hold that for about three to five seconds,

get that yeah you feel that stretch up in there too? Little stretch

back here yep good, and then relax. so we're gonna do a grand finale stretch

so it's going to stretch your shoulder some is going to stretch all the way down the

side into your back where that little rotation is. Okay all right so we're

gonna do a little ballerina move. Oh okay Alright so what I'm gonna have

you do is this side is the side that's tight right? Yes. So we're going to

stretch this side. So I'm gonna have you take your right foot. Okay. Put it back

behind the other one. Okay. Now bring it out, and then bring it back. Okay. And then

shake it all about. Hahahah. Okay all right so hold it there. Okay. Alright

take your left hand. Yeah. Put under here. Okay. Yep take your right hand, and

come up and over kind of stretching all. Yeah. So this stretch, if you can, you want

to actually hold it for 30 seconds. Okay. So a little bit longer stretch, nice deep

breath, take a deep breath and you feel it stretch even more through there. Yeah.

And then after the 30 seconds, come back down. Okay and then you'll do that three

times. Oh. All right come on creators, come on in

come on in. So those were some stretches for

scoliosis if it's a muscular issue. So remember, be safe, have fun, and I hope you

feel better soon!


For more infomation >> Meet My YouTube NextUp 2017 Team! - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 4:46.


GSLV MK3 -(Fat boy / Bahubali)- successful launch from Sriharikota on 5th June 2017 - Duration: 2:57.

GSLV MK3- G-sat 19 Mission

For more infomation >> GSLV MK3 -(Fat boy / Bahubali)- successful launch from Sriharikota on 5th June 2017 - Duration: 2:57.


702 Sq. Ft. Humble Home in Olympia, WA | Amazing Small House Design - Duration: 2:53.

702 Sq. Ft. Humble Home in Olympia, WA | Amazing Small House Design

For more infomation >> 702 Sq. Ft. Humble Home in Olympia, WA | Amazing Small House Design - Duration: 2:53.


NAP A LEAN - หยุดเลยอย่าร้อง (Don't Cry) | (OFFICIAL MV) - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> NAP A LEAN - หยุดเลยอย่าร้อง (Don't Cry) | (OFFICIAL MV) - Duration: 5:43.


阿滴英文|髒話很多慎入! Shit 居然有這種用法? feat. 英文易開罐 - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> 阿滴英文|髒話很多慎入! Shit 居然有這種用法? feat. 英文易開罐 - Duration: 7:02.


How Eating More Protein Helps You Lose Weight - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> How Eating More Protein Helps You Lose Weight - Duration: 4:43.


Q&A - NICE ELLER LOL? - Duration: 3:17.

Hi and welcome to CokeTV Sweden. We're here by the poolside in Ibiza. Just enjoying life.

-Yes, and I suggest we say "Hola" instead of "Hi". -Yes.

-Hola! -Hola! Qué tal?

-This is a Q&A-video, right? -Yes.

And here we answer your questions from the comment section... and it can be anything.

-Should we start right away? -Yes, let's start.

"Basketball or American football?"

-Basketball! -You're going with "basketball" directly?

If I would choose to go and watch live, I would also choose basketball.

Because it looks so nice... well maybe you don't get those seats, but it looks so nice when you're sitting...

-Right next to the court. And it's just a good vibe. -Exactly, the vibe seems to be so good.

-Exactly. More music, and... well, I don't know. -Yeah, more like a party.

American footboll seems to be so much...

-You get me? -I understand exactly what you mean. Really.

-Next one! -Such a shame that E-Sports wasn't one of them.

"How can someone impress you?"

-I've got a great answer. -Yes?

-I think that the coolest thing you can do is... -What?

-To be good at... getting people to stay focuset and interested. -Wow.

I've realized that the people that I watch that...

-Like the "Coolest people"... -Mhm.

They are great at getting me interested in what they are saying, even though I'm not interested in that subject.

I agree. People that has the ability to get others to feel comfortable and listen.

This humility and authentic feeling.

People that don't whine about everything, that tries to find solutions rather than problems.

"What side of the bed are you sleeping on?"

Ehm, what is it?

Left side. You?

I switch. Almost always the left side, but sometimes the right side when I want to be a little "YOLO".

I've never understood that. Why you even care, it's the exact same thing.

It depends. There are these bed with different kind of softness.

Yeah, I know. But if you don't have that, then it's like...

-It doesn't matter at all. -Doesn't that have to do with how safe you feel?

-Like "This is my spot and I feel good here" -Could be, could be.

-No, but I'm almost always on the left side. -Yes.

-Last question. -Yes!

For today.

"What word do you use the most?"


That's actually a great word.

-"That's nice. That's nice". -I often say "The best".

"The best" and "Nice" are the two words I use the most. You?

-Maybe "LOL". I say "LOL" a lot. -Oh god, you're such a nerd".

But I... I didn't say that at all like three months ago, but now I've started.

I think that's a really fun word to use.

Because you don't say it like "Laughing out loud", you say it more ironically.

-Do you know what I have to say about that? -"LOL"?


Thanks for wathcing this week's Q&A-episode where we answer you questions.

Write your comments down below if there is anything you wish to ask. It can be anything.

-It could be something we have to think a little about... -Yes, absolutely.

-And speculate about. -Yes.

You can ask whatever you want.

And don't forget to watch our Bucketlist-challenges that airs every Thursday at 3pm.

-And subscribe to the channel. -Yes, so you won't miss anything.

We're going to relax here by the poolside while we wait, you can do whatever you want.

Ah, that's nice!

No, that's unnecessary.

-You did that to me, so now I'm giving it back. -That's true, 1-1.

That's good.

For more infomation >> Q&A - NICE ELLER LOL? - Duration: 3:17.


bloom [clara/sebastian] - Duration: 1:15.

It's gonna be alright.

I'm so sorry.

What do we do now, you and me? What happens now?

Now, listen to me. Go home and wait for me there.

I love you.

Why are you so sad?

Guess we're both just going to have to be brave.

Wherever you are,

whatever it takes,

I will be with you again, I swear.

For more infomation >> bloom [clara/sebastian] - Duration: 1:15.




When I first got my period, I was thrilled! I viewed it as a right of passage, marking

my transition into womanhood, and I welcomed the opportunity to embrace my newfound femininity.

However, like many women, over the years I eventually started to resent my time of the

month, dreading my painful cramps and counting all of the things I felt I missed out on because

of it. Society treats periods as though they�re dirty and shouldn�t be spoken of, and even

women look down upon them as well; but, it wasn�t always like this.

Menstruation used to be celebrated and seen as a gift, an element of the Divine feminine

that deserved appreciation and recognition. It�s a beautiful form of detoxification

only women get to enjoy and this process allows us to birth life, a miracle that can only

be made possible through menstruation.

Society used to refer to this sacred period as women�s �moon time,� as their cycle

was actually synced with the moon. The word menstruation itself is derived from Greek

and Latin words meaning month and moon. Menstruation not only ties us to nature, but it can also

give women a better picture of their health and their chakra systems. So, how did we,

as women, become so disconnected from the sacredness of our moon times, and how can

we change the dialogue and the way we experience our periods?

The Divinity Behind Women�s Moon Cycles

Those few days when women shed their menstrual blood used to be celebrated, as women were

not permitted to be on their feet working; instead, they were encouraged to rest and

nurture their bodies. Our cycles were naturally aligned with the rhythm of the moon as it

waxed and waned. Menstruation would begin around the New Moon and ovulation would occur

around the Full Moon.

The feminine energy in the villages was incredibly powerful, as women were experiencing their

moon times together. Women were usually able to bond and relax during this time, so they

could receive healing energy and appreciate this period of purification and rejuvenation.

To be clear, the fact that menstruation is a detoxification process does not imply women

are dirty. In fact, it implies quite the opposite, as menstruation is a gift that only women

were blessed with, which can help to detoxify them both physically and emotionally. Menstrual

periods should be empowering for women, not embarrassing.

The image of periods appearing to be �dirty� only gained popularity when we shifted towards

patriarchy; but, now that the Divine feminine is coming into light, we�re starting to

honour our moon cycles once again.

Toxins stored in the blood and liver have a chance to be flushed out as we menstruate.

The liver is the primary detoxification organ of the body, as it�s the organ that�s

responsible for filtering out toxins. Our cycles can also cleanse our reproductive systems,

releasing bacteria from inside of it and helping the body to discharge excess iron.

This process is both natural and beautiful and it shouldn�t be shunned. There�s so

much beauty within the dualistic nature of our moon cycles: The shedding of blood allows

us to give life and benefit from the detoxification. However, our periods have shifted over the

years, becoming far more painful and in many cases heavier. Many women are no longer connected

to the moon, and they view their periods as something to dread rather than an event to

get excited over. How did we, as women, arrive at this point?

Why Our Periods Have Drastically Shifted and Changed

If your cycle isn�t synced with the Full Moon or New Moon, don�t stress! Just because

your cycle isn�t in sync with the moon cycles doesn�t mean it�s not doing its job. There

are many ways for you to sync it with the moon naturally, but the best part about menstruation

is that it�s meant to flow, so it�s best not to try to control it.

This is one of the reasons why birth control is such a huge issue. Birth control literally

controls when your period starts and finishes, and so it very rarely moves or experiences

irregularities. There are a number of health issues with birth control, including a greater

risk of certain types of cancer, depression, blood clots, heart disease, and more

Since your cycle cannot freely flow, you can�t learn from it in the same way you could if

you weren�t on birth control.

Your period is such a gift; it communicates with your body and can tell you when something

is wrong or when something needs to be looked at. When you experience PMS, irregular periods,

a shift in start time, or any other symptom regarding your menstruation, that�s your

body telling you that your health requires attention.

My period has always been synced with the New Moon, and the only time it changed since

getting off birth control was after my grandmother passed away, when it synced with my cousins�

cycles on the Full Moon and didn�t shift back for months. I was experiencing other

irregular symptoms during my period, forcing me to look inwards. I realized I not only

had a health issue affecting my menstruation, but I also had a severe block on my sacral

chakra, which was in turn affecting my period. Immediately after I dealt with these issues,

my period returned to its regular cycle and started on the New Moon once again.

Everything happens for a reason, especially in our bodies! If you�re experiencing painful

menstrual cramps, that�s not just a �regular� symptom of having your period. Whenever we

have pain in our bodies, it�s always telling us that we need to look deeper and search

for the root cause of the issue.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver is said to govern emotion and anger.

Since the liver holds a strong relationship to menstruation, as it�s detoxified during

this process, our periods can also reveal the health of our livers. Many women have

an emotional reaction to their menstruation, often referred to as PMS, and they express

anger or other extreme emotions. Since anger and emotions are connected to the liver, PMS

could either mean that we�re experiencing changes within our livers, which is natural

during our periods, or that we need to focus more on the health of our livers.

In addition, according to TCM, painful period cramps could actually be a symptom of a hormonal

imbalance and a Qi deficiency. In TCM, Qi is believed to be everywhere on Earth, including

our bodies. When you�re healthy, Qi is flowing freely through you, whereas when you�re

unhealthy, you either have a blockage from Qi or your �Qi tank� is low. If there�s

no Qi to move the blood out of your body during your moon time, the body is forced to cramp

up and try to expel the blood out itself.

If you do experience PMS and other symptoms society deems �regular� during menstruation,

don�t stress too much. Yes, we need to learn to listen to our bodies more and look inwards

more frequently, but to a certain degree, these phases of our cycle are normal.

Our cycles not only relate to the moon, but they also correlate to the seasons experienced

in nature. For example, the week we have our period is related to winter, when we experience

a little more darkness and feel the need to retreat. The following week, when our period

is over, relates to spring, and then we experience summer when we�re ovulating, which is typically

the time we feel best during the month. Lastly, the week before our menstruation, we enter

into fall, a time when we experience heightened emotions as we start to let things go and

fall away, otherwise when some women experience PMS symptoms.

I believe that, to a certain degree, many of these symptoms are meant to be felt, listened

to, and learned from, but not to the extremes many women go through now. Many women are

severely disconnected from their bodies, which is largely due to societal norms and beliefs

and modern medicine.

Birth control is taken by many women, which not only hurts the body but prevents us from

connecting with our periods. What�s more, women use toxic tampons and other feminine

products that contain pesticides, we�re exposed to excessive amounts of toxins through

our environment and our diets, and we suppress our emotional trauma, creating blockages on

our chakras.

How Can We Rediscover and Reclaim Our Periods?

So, if you recognize that your period needs some extra attention, how can you give it

the love it deserves? First of all, it�s about being gentle and compassionate towards

your cycles. If you�re on birth control, experiencing extreme menstrual symptoms, have

an irregular period, or whatever else, you must first be gentle with yourself. Recognize

how this has served you in the past, and then figure out how you can positively change this.

Perhaps these extremities (severe PMS and cramps, disconnection from nature, etc.) were

necessary in order for us to wake up and reclaim the sacredness surrounding women�s menstruation

and the Divine feminine once again. Sometimes things need to get so bad that it�s almost

a slap in the face, because it can trigger us and essentially force us to change.

There�s nothing wrong with having a period, but that doesn�t mean we need to suffer

through it. As Dr. John A. McDougall says, �You should not look for defects in the

�female design� to explain the reasons for these epidemics of female troubles, but

look rather to your own behavior.� How can you make changes in your own life in order

to improve your menstruation cycle?

He explains:

Exercise and reduction in weight in obese women can also lower their levels of estrogens.

The net result from reducing the exaggerated amounts of hormones found in too many American

women down to healthier levels will be better general well-being all the time and relief

from troublesome signs and symptoms during menstruation. For example, painful periods

and copious bleeding become lighter and less painful.

There is a clear relationship between diet and menstruation; this can be seen when an

anorexic woman�s periods stop, or when vegans report experiencing less period pain or lighter

bleeding. Dr. McDougall further elaborates on this, saying �Vegetarian women, compared

with those who eat meats, excrete 2 to 3 times more estrogen in their feces. Furthermore,

the blood levels of certain powerful estrogens are 50% lower than are those in meat-eaters.�

Since periods are a way to detoxify the body, it would make sense that the symptoms associated

with menstruation could improve if we�re intaking less toxins. When it all comes down

to it, rediscovering our periods means rediscovering ourselves. It means improving the health of

your body, reconnecting with nature, and looking inward.

Odds are that through this process, you�ll find that your period does sync with the Full

Moon or the New Moon, as many women have reported this for centuries, including myself. So,

what�s the difference between having your period sync with the Full Moon versus the

New Moon?

Author Miranda Gray says:

A woman with the White Moon cycle, bleeding with the dark (new) Moon, becomes linked to

the deepest levels of her awareness, reminding her that there exists more than just the world

she sees, because she is the carrier of the seed of life. A woman with a Red Moon cycle,

bleeding with the full moon, brings the energies and mysteries of her inner darkness out into

the world around her as a gift and an offering of the depths of her learning.

I personally resonate with this answer, as I can see when these trends emerged in my

own life. But, then again, every woman�s period is different, so if this article doesn�t

resonate with you, then trust your own intuition. That�s the beauty of menstruation: It�s

free flowing and changing, and has something different to teach each and every woman.

Additionally, if you�re interested in learning more about the Divine feminine and the sacredness

of menstruation, I�d recommend the books Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell and The

Red Tent by Anita Diamant. Much love!



Bill Cosby Sex Assault Trial Begins - Duration: 1:22.



































Reporter: THE JURY OF 7 MEN





For more infomation >> Bill Cosby Sex Assault Trial Begins - Duration: 1:22.


2017 Pro V1 and Pro V1x Tour Validation - Duration: 1:31.

The process never begins or ends when it comes to developing new and better performing golf balls.

The day after we launched the new product in 2015, we're already working on 2017.

We're always trying different things.

We'll bring things to players, to get their reaction for potential use.

We've been talking to guys for the last couple months

that Vegas is going to be the launch of the 2017 products.

The white box...

... this is like Christmas for a PGA TOUR golfer.

When you see a white box, you know there's something special here.

The purpose of this week is to get guys to consider the new product.

Making sure every player that plays the Titleist golf ball

is aware that there are two new models available this week to play.

We describe the product,

They hit the product, and they're like...


"It's exciting... awesome... I appreciate it."

"I can tell that's flying nice."

Positive feedback from the best players in the world

is tremendously satisfying.

But the work doesn't stop.

We've got more players to see.

Looking forward to a very exciting 2017 season.

For more infomation >> 2017 Pro V1 and Pro V1x Tour Validation - Duration: 1:31.


São João Skol - Preparação - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> São João Skol - Preparação - Duration: 0:31.



Hello everyone and welcome to a new Ebm computer tutorial I'm going

to explain is how to back security of both our license

Windows and our license office and an easy way to

then reinstalled when formateemos well then what we will

do is we're going to download this program we have here is called

tokens advance we will give manager download now

then again download well at a time and we will

we will we will learn to use I'll tell opened and is a

teeny program here and it would I'll say that I pull in

the desktop for example

and now I'm going to go to the desktop and We begin to see how well it is used

CLICO it twice to open it

He is now looking for now

license teaches us and tells us that

I have covered is on leave so you do not see and here you could

give activation backup

the it will do is keep it to myself in the

I tell you site by a zip well then there as we already made

you saved in the folder itself one file where it is compressed say

the zip right and then here would office activation backup and would be

it would give if he would keep inside the folder then all that

we would have to do is when we want reactivate it again

Run this program and once here in activation


well as far video today if they liked they can give me a

like you can subscribe to my channel and They know below where it says subscribe and

so they will be informed of the video or videos we got daily can

follow me on social networks and the web pages and computer Ebm

EBM garret any comments or suggestions or requests me

I put it under answer all very well thank you very much and even video

in the morning

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR LICENSE FOR WINDOWS AND OFFICE - Duration: 2:59.



Hello everyone and beinvenidos a new tutorial Ebm Computers today's lesson 37

2016 excel course from zero well then what will explain to them

today is how to link Excel files with Word well we will see is quite

simple and we have three choices as well Let's assume that I have this

Exercise is a table with no more and Now I want to move to Word while we can

make a normal copy paste option and now I select here I'll

I say that I want to copy, I took her to Word that I have it open and stuck

he creates me a normal table and this If not even have a

link to Excel

well then we will see the second option

- I'll just select For example a few I tell you

copy and go to Word and paste here And I'll give this arrow here

below and I'll tell you stuck especiale and I'll tell you where

It puts glue that is already marked sheet Microsoft Excel object give you

accept and appears a table but the good thing

this table is that if the clicos twice I get up here options

excel then I can modify them as if

It was an Excel can add can subtract formulas etc.

but still this is not linked to other document is an Excel document

gotten a Word that leaves us well edit and we will see the third option is

which interested us we will remove this we will return again to Excel

We copy and return to Word and here strike again Paste Special, Paste

link and tell spreadsheet Microsoft Excel object me

leaves a table as before but the difference is that when I

CLICO twice seen as I automatically open the document

Word that I was using and I get Like where I changed for example, a

number here I've been here automatically

it will change if I put 80 here it automatically in the document

word like seeing me put me 80 no it is necessary that the two

document are open to us to change in as one of the two work very

well as far featured video Excel course cortito but as

see a very useful link Word excel files if they have been

like I can give is like They can subscribe to my channel already know

well below where it says will subscribe be informed of the video or videos

We climbed every day I can follow in social networks and websites

EBM computing and attic EBM any comments or suggestions or

request put me under them He answered all well many

and thanks to the video tomorrow

For more infomation >> COURSE OF EXCEL 2016 FROM ZERO, LESSON 37 , LINK EXCEL FILES WITH WORD - Duration: 3:27.



Hello everyone and welcome to the new Ebm computer tutorial on

photoshop art section is the we will do is create a cover

elegant book and look like those leather-bound books and

gold letters that are so cool well because what we do is

enter photoshop and we go from of this I left them in the image

Description of video that looks like what I have told you is the bound book

leather good start then first we will do will be desaturated

we will go for image adjustments and we will find the option desaturate or

and now and then I go go to levels well levels image adjustments

and that what I do is what next I'm just going to change this value

255 I'll put 129 there and we would give ok well now

I'm going to do is make a filter then Gaussian blur filter

Gaussian blur and blur we will put 1.5 pixels

there you would have and give ok well So now we have this

that we will keep to use more Later then I go for file

Save As and right here on the cover because I'm going to put on the map

displacement map or give you Save and would then

Now this I can then Close and open up the sample I

jpg had begun simply that I have ahiy with it could start making

the effects will be good then what skewer make a new layer here

there we have new layer and we will do is have the black and white colors

in the second color we will put the Next she dialed

and we'll put the next color 876 81E and we

ok well and now what we will do is I'm going by filter will interpret and

I will say that clouds do so It makes us a few clouds with two colors

we had well and now we put us imaging contrast and brightness settings

let's put glitter 40 and in contrast we'll put 30 well

and we give ok well we go now filters we will go gallery

filters and there we will go to a filter which it is in distorting and then

glass and let's put the following values ​​and will crystal distortion

we put 18 in smoothing we put 4 frosted texture and scale 200

as they can always play with values ​​they want if they like

Other values ​​and other effects we ok

well then the next step would be Take the text tool

Horizontal and I'll punch more or least where I want to write there and now

I will choose a font that is the times New Roman that I have there times

New Roman size 144 mode will be strong and I'll catch a white

there is good then there will then write whatever I want in this

If it'll put something with case will put photoshop and

the second line is going to put art well then I'll move the text

with the move tool because it

I'm going to put it on the move I want to point to what I'm going to

do here is to change something for what

left us a little effect slightly best

then I put 144 pixels in this letter, I will change the first letters

and let's put on

Example 160 there is and here too we will put 160

It is also going to put 160 well There we would have already and that part and

and we want to climb a bit to up because we use the tool

move to our taste good and Now let's write again we will

make another layer and in this case what we will do is this

we will use the same r Times New Roman but let's take a size

34 Well I'll click over there and I will change from 160 to 34 and what

let's put here we will put in Tiny write by

because below we will write to Ebm and would do the same for what we

to do is adjust it to where we We wanted either more or less as already

would there we can climb more less like each

what I'm going to do I'm going to join the two layers

Text selection button oy give turn right to object

intelligent well and now what will do is I'll go I'll filter

go to distort and let's see here what would I write shift values

2 and 2 I give ok and grab the map done before and

then how to see what it does is that the edges is done as a roughening

I had not before we continue to Then what we do is

changing the blending mode put it in superimpose and see how we go

out those letters and now what I to do is the

I'll select the two layers and also I'll select the

text then here now control + click and

how we select the text, well let's turn to Smart Object

because as we have done before button right turn to Smart Object

and then we will make a mask have here button

Create Clipping Mask and there we see how we go running, well then what

we will do is a perspective as we do good the first thing

we will do is with scrutiny - for make it smaller so that it can

make it easy and go for editing transform and perspective

there and let's take a corner pulling more or less as we will go

adapting and the next step would be put it all together in a layer and convert

Smart Object then I say turn the object

intelligent well and the last option would be and

will interpret and filter effects lighting effects

lighting us now when we load we will come here in settings

Preset and let's put on default

well and then here and let's make one thing we're going

to give less control to play with it easier we will come here

where it says focus and we will be putting different values ​​well in intensity

we will we put 75 in beam can we 77 put the next one would be

coloring we will put least 54 and Let's put him glow least eight

then the last two metal 100 and 44 atmosphere there we have it we can

put our taste and play with it then we would open all this part

until leaving as we it look like a

site look less of a site we could go then moving up

find the point where we want, well in my case as well I

like I'll give ok and there you have We will not put full screen

so you can see and we would have the effect It has done very well as far video

Today liked me can give one like can subscribe to my channel

you know where you put subscribe below so they will be informed of the video or

videos we got every day I can follow on social networks and the

computer web pages and Garret Ebm Ebm

any comments or suggestions or request put me under I

I answer all very well thank you very much and even video tomorrow

For more infomation >> HOW TO CREATE AN ELEGANT BOOK COVER - Duration: 9:46.


Hoekse Lijn Bus met Metro/Trein stikkers! - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Hoekse Lijn Bus met Metro/Trein stikkers! - Duration: 1:24.


05- Step 3 Creating Master Pages | Jennifer Amriss - Duration: 4:00.

Hello, dear authors and aspiring formatters.

I'm Jennifer Amriss and welcome to the InDesign Master Class.

In this video, I will show you how to set up your Master Pages.

These are templates that will span across all of your documents so that your page numbers

and footers are consistent.

It will also allow you to have running page numbers with almost no effort.

Let's get started!

Now before we get into the good stuff, we need to make sure we are on our A-Master

Pages, so I'm going to go up to my Pages pane, and the A-Master page is here, so I'm going

to double click on these pages.

With the pages up, I am going to zoom in a little bit and we're going to draw some boxes.

We're going to grab our Text Tool, and there's a little line at the bottom of the cursor

here, that goes along the edge so that you know where to line it up with the margin.

And we'll drag that straight up to the top.

Inside this, we will put the title.

Be Careful, It's My Heart.

And I'm going to go ahead and format this.

That is going to be Adobe Garamond Pro, with the "C" as Aphrodite Pro,

and the "M" as Aphrodite Pro.

Center Align that.

And then I'm going to go up to Object > Text Frame Options, and then Align: Center.

And, it's a little too close for my liking to the margins, so I'm going to come up to

this Big A, Little A with the arrow going up toward the Little A,

and raise that about 4 points.

That looks good.

Now, we're going to do the same thing to our other page.

Drag from one corner to the other.

And this is going to have Kait Nolan's author name.

She wants that as AvantGarde.

And center that.

Object > Text Frame Options.

Align: Center.


And because we upped the other one, we will also up this by 4 points.

And now, it's time to go to the bottom.

Drag- Make a square here.

There we go.

And, we're going to go to Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number.

And I'm going to go ahead and format that as well.

I want that to be bold, and I want it to be Adobe Garamond Pro.

And we will center that.

And as with the others, Text Frame Options.

Align: Center.

And that's gorgeous.

Now, so we don't have to recreate that, hold down the control key and click in the center,

and that will select that text box.

Go to Edit > Duplicate, and it made a second one.

So hold down the control key and click in that box, and drag.

And, drag that in there.

And let's see...

And our Master Pages are complete!

Now, this will transfer over to the entire book.

When you click on the page where your actual text will be, you'll see Kait Nolan's name

here, and if you insert a page, after page,

Kait Nolan's on the first page,

Be Careful, It's My Heart is on Page 2.

In the next video, I will show you how to create your cover page.

This is going to be the first page in the book when you open the cover.

It's also going to be the one of the most beautiful.

If you're ready to get started, click on over to the next video and I will see you there!

For more infomation >> 05- Step 3 Creating Master Pages | Jennifer Amriss - Duration: 4:00.


☔ 4 ORE ☔ Rumore Della Pioggia Rilassante ☔ Bellissimo E Rilassante Suono Della Pioggia Che Cade ☔ - Duration: 4:01:31.

For more infomation >> ☔ 4 ORE ☔ Rumore Della Pioggia Rilassante ☔ Bellissimo E Rilassante Suono Della Pioggia Che Cade ☔ - Duration: 4:01:31.


04- Step 2 Creating Templates | Jennifer Amriss - Duration: 5:27.

Hello, dear authors and aspiring formatters.

I'm Jennifer Amriss and welcome to the InDesign Master Class.

In this video, I'll show you how to set up your template that contains your margins,

book size, and gutter.

And then save it as a template so you can use it over and over again.

This is especially helpful for series where each book is the same size, or across your

brand if your brand uses all the same sized books.

Let's get started!

Before we get started though, a note on Picas.

You will see numbers such as 3p2.

That equals 3 pica 2 points.

You may be more familiar with points and pixels.

Some of you may know that one pixel equals one point.

However, if you're like me, picas were totally alien.

One pica is equal to 12 points, or 12 pixels.

So, 1 pica 2 points is equal to 14 pixels, or 14 points.

And 3 pica 2 points is equal to 38 points, or pixels.

But, if you don't want to remember that, remember that any time you change something in InDesign

that is already populated with picas, you can add the tag "in" to the number to turn

it into inches.

So if your book is 6 x 9 inches, instead of, uh, inputting 36 pica wide and 54 pica tall,

you would just put in 6in for the width, and 9in for the height.


First, we are going to go to our web browser

and go to

and don't worry, I will put that link in the description.

And that will give you your Inside Margins based on your page count, your Outside Margins,

which are all, zero, uh, 0.25in.

And then you'll come down and I'm going to use 6 x 9 inches as my size for this video,

and we'll download the blank word template.

Open With, OK.

And there we go.

What we're going to do, is we're going to Enable Editing, and then we are going to go

to Layout > Margins > Custom Margins, and write down all of this.

So, 0.75 for Top, Bottom, and Inside. Outside is 0.5, and Gutter is 0.13 inches.

So, instead of doing all that, I am just going to come over here,

and we'll go to File > New > Document.

And, we're going to create a new document since I have all those up there.


Number of Pages and Start Page is number 1.

You'll want to have "Facing Pages" checked.

Custom Page size is going to be 6in, tab, by 9in, tab.

Orientation is going to be Portrait, not, uh, Landscape.

Columns, we'll have 1 column.

Gutter is 0.13 inches, tab, Top is 0.75 inches, tab, Bottom 0.75 inches.

*Clears throat*

Okay, and the Outside is 0.5 inches.

And click OK.

Now, if you notice we didn't save that.

So we'll go up to document, and we'll recreate that because I was silly.

Make sure everything is the same.

6in, 9in, 0.13in.

And that is 0.75in.

And those are all the same.

And this is 0.5in.

And we will Save Preset.

And this is

InDesign Master Template.

And saving it as a document preset ensures that you'll be able to find it over and over

again, no matter what you do, so that in case of, uh, series or branding, you can always

just go back to the same sizes and it'll be just faster.

So we will click OK, and that will bring up another page which we don't need.

And now, to test it, we'll go up to Pages, and go to the Master Pages, and make sure

that the outsides are thinner, and the insides are thicker.

That way we know that we didn't get our inside and outside margins swapped.

And that's really it for setting up your templates.

If you'll go to the next video, I will show you how to set up your Master Pages.

I'll see you then!

For more infomation >> 04- Step 2 Creating Templates | Jennifer Amriss - Duration: 5:27.


For more infomation >> 04- Step 2 Creating Templates | Jennifer Amriss - Duration: 5:27.


DUTCH VS FRENCH | Language Challenge PART 1 - Duration: 11:07.

Hi !

Welcome to a new video

Today I'm with


Hello !

My name is Eva

Eva is Dutch

and we decided

to film a video where

she's gonna make me guess

some Dutch words and expressions


I'm gonna make her guess some French expressions

Thing to know

Eva lives in France since she's 5


So she speaks very well French

She has 5 words

and 5 expressions

and I have 10 expressions



Let's do this

First word

Don't use Google Translate

I'm not using it !

I'm getting ready for your expressions

Is this food ?


With "cook" (koek)

It could be French toast

It's a sort of biscuits, isn't it ?


No ? Vegetable ?

You can eat it at least !

Yes !

Meat ?


Cake ?


It's a special meal

It's a "Pannenkoek-meal"

I don't know what kind of meal it is

We can find it in France ?


Yes !

Croissant, pain au chocolat ?

Chocolate eclairs ?


Flan ?


You got me there

Right at the beginning !

BAM Take that !

Spice ?


I don't know


What ?

Crepe ? Pannenkoek ?


Then I have 0


My turn


Having a green hand

When you like gardening !


Is that an adjective or a noun ?

A noun

Like a drop ?

Is it more English or German ?


Do we eat it ?


Salted or sweet ?

You choose only salted AND sweet

Is it a vegetable ?


Fruit ?


I tell you?


I still got 0


Why did you hesitate ? It's sweet !

Well... Umm... Then...

It has a taste a bit...

Yeah but...

Caroline 0

Okay, then

Having your heart in your hand

It's well-known

Like being kind ?

Right ?

Being nice yeah

You give your heart to others

Having a big heart

In my mind I think about toast

But with an "i" it could an adjective, right ?

Not at all ? It's a noun


It's food


You chose only food

It's toasted bread

Not exactly



I want that point !

Bun ?

French toast ?


Tosti I think it's something a bit crunchy

Or not at all

Maybe it's something totally...

It depends on how you cook it

Can we find it in France ?

Yes !

You want some help ?


Most of the countries use

a French idiom to say it

Croissant ?


Baguette ?


There are to versions

Chocolatine and Pain au Chocolat

And other countries say it in French

Wel, most of people know

it with a French word

Waffle ?


What do you cook with bread ?

I'm hopeless

Is it feminine or masculine ?

in French ?




Not exactly

a-n ?


just a

A ?


piece of bread


Sandwich ?






I'm quoting the whole bakery

What's the first letter ?


A Croissant !







A croissant !!

No !

It has to be a croissant !!

It's a composed word

Croque Monsieur !!

Yes !!

Hell yeah

It's not too late

Croque monsieur !

Why is Dutch so weird ?

Getting a hair in the hand

You want some help ?


Often we say

You got a long hair

or a tuft of hair

in your hand

that can be a cane


you have a cane which can help you

It's cause your hands

Why would you have hair in your hand ?

Why would hair grow in your hand ?

'Cause it's soft

(You said we'll cook Knacki)

Question is "Why would you have a hair in your hand ?"

Someone says"You got a hair in your hand"

regarding something

you did

or not

Should I tell you ?


It's when you're lazy

When you do nothing, hair grows

When people say you got a hair in your hand, it's cause you're lazy

If you got a long hair, it's cause you're very lazy

If you got a tuft of hair that helps you as a cane

you're dead

It sounds like "verstanden"

which means understand



Is it food again ?



It's not food at all

Something about


world ?

Something about the world

Is it a place ?


History ?


Maths ?


Something natural ?

Natural yes

A plant no

Material ?

A stone ?


It's in your body

A part of your body

Okay a part of the body


Head ?


Is it up or down ?


It's near the head


Brain ?


Is it in the face ?



A certain tooth ?


I know about incisors

I help you too much

Molar ?

Two here

and wisdom teeth ?

Yes !

Yeah, okay

A sword in water


It sounds like Dutch


A sword in water is like


an attack in the back

no ?

When you don't see

when someone like...


No this is when

someone stabs you in the back

No !!

I thought I was right

When someone

It's an attack but

you don't see it

it's a raid


A sword in water is

when you

a sword in water is like when you attack

but it reaches nothing

it's like a sword in water litterally

You want to hit someone but it falls into the water

Food ?



Does it sound like English or German ?


German ?

And I know it ?

Animal ?



Something you can't touch

The air ?

Technically you touch the air

Yeah but

something you can't touch

Fire ?

Electricity ?

I can't touch it cause

it's dangerous

or I can't touch it ?

Cause you can't touch it



The ozone layer


It's only physical things !

It's not physical

Oh ! then it's like friendship


Yeah something like this

Anger ?


"Oh sure

We'll eat our dinner

right after you

eat there !!"

Pride ?


It's a feeling ?

No ?



Is it a relationship ?

Stop mocking me !

It's an expression

The word "expression"


It's the word "expression"

Then it makes a transition

Exactly !


Until now we are equally

To be continued

For more infomation >> DUTCH VS FRENCH | Language Challenge PART 1 - Duration: 11:07.


For more infomation >> DUTCH VS FRENCH | Language Challenge PART 1 - Duration: 11:07.


Musica Da Intro da Cachildis!! - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Musica Da Intro da Cachildis!! - Duration: 3:28.


For more infomation >> Musica Da Intro da Cachildis!! - Duration: 3:28.


VLOG - En route pour Une aventure extraordinaire ! - MELBOURNE - SYDNEY A PIED - Duration: 14:17.

I have tiptoe pain, I have aches on all my legs.

I have my trapeze who are dead.

All my body said to me "What are you doing?" ". The only thing that keeps me going

is my moron whore!

Hi the dreamer! Let's go to Sydney! It will be 1000 km on foot. will not just walking, I will also hitchhike,

but the biggest thing is going to be walking so it's going to be a good little trip!

And there, for the departure, it is nice weather, it is nice. So I already prepared my suitcase,

I have already eaten. There is only to clean the small room and we go!

A day's walk ended, it smashed me, I walked all day,

I was blown up.

I found a little stick, call me "Mr. the shepherd". I also met

a wombat and a kangaroo but unfortunately they were dead. They were down

the road ah ... dead.

So here I have seen animals that I have never seen before, but dead.

Next time we'll try to see them alive ...

At this moment of the walk I am 160 km after 2 days. 80 km per day.

I'm ... shattered! So there I rest a little in this small park,

this place a little abandoned, and after I will hitchhike, at least

for today.

Morning! Good there it is time to leave after the little Couchsurfing


I'm blown up everywhere, I hurt everywhere, but we take the road again.

Okay, I just found a "hitchhiking" so it's good

With the gentleman who's right next door, he's there, and we're gonna make the road together.

People do not stop especially when hitchhiking, but in the end,

when you find one, bin you find a good! They're goddamn, god!

You chat with them, you laugh with them, I burst out with the one who took me there!

And frankly, we rolled 30 minutes, but 30 minutes for me

you know how many hours on foot? It's 8 hours, so 30 minutes by car

it suits me well! Hey! There I arrived at the destination, so normally, at the person who lodges me

I could only go there at 6 pm, so there it is

2 o'clock

So we go to visit, we go for a walk, and for once today

is a quiet day. I did not walk like a tart.

I walked 4 hours anyway, but I did not walk 12 hours!

So, I just found a place ... What is it relaxing!

It's beautiful, it's relaxing, I'll take a round ... you've seen it!

I found a new spot, better still, so with that view that is there, and that view that's there,

and that view that's there, and that view that's there ... Wow! What a beautiful guy!

I take advantage of being there, to announce you

something I have wanted to do for a little while.

But I postpone it each time to later

And I decided to write a book! Yes, I'm writing a book!

Basically, this book is going to be a motivational book, actually.

I will not have a guideline on my book, but several small stories,

to motivate

I'll start writing there now.

Here in fact, I will write really here.

When it comes out, I do not know when it will come out.

It will come out to be in a month, it will come out to be in 8 years.

I do not know. And I'll make you a sign! Me tony galiano will write a book!

Eh yes ! You of course! I'll write a book. A book, a book, a book

... aie! You think he's big that tree?

Look at this ! ... It is immense! Look at this thing! It's only in Australia

that you can find things like that! My ... God!

Do you want to see a pond moving? I do not know if you see. It moves, it moves,

it moves! That makes noise.

Hi the sun! How are you going to sunshine? Soon you're going to lie down in the sun!

I am tired ! I begin to break a cable! Hey!

Here I am, finally, in a corner of the beach.

A corner of the beach

It's really a corner.

I'm shattered.

Then there I am in Lakes Entrance, child it is a mix between the sea and the lake,

quit simply

So, in fact, all that has there, all that is the lake

And in fact, on the other side of that, I do not know if you see,

there's a direct sea.

And suddenly, at one point, I do not know, I'll look for it actually.

There is a point where the sea and the lake converge and it makes a rather atypical place.

So we'll see that right now.

Hey! Good evening the little ducks! It's not ducks, it's swans I think,

black swans ... THIS IS A SIGN! You noticed that I just use

converge and atypical in the same sentence? Honestly, I am amazed myself!

So there I got to a point on the bridge

I'll go to the other side, down there.

And it is down there, at the bottom, where the lake and the sea converge.

But as I have laughed, and I am tired, and my legs hurt,

I will not go.

Because it's the opposite way from where I go.

So I went there! Right here ! I do not know what I did there.

You see my finger, ouhouuuu, down there! And then we move again! Because we are determined!

And never stop! My god, I have to tell you something!

Yesterday I was supposed to sleep at a host with Couchsurfing, in one place,

it was Lakes Entrance, and in the end, he cancel my stay

So I had no place to sleep.

I was a little in the shit, I tell you right away.

I was angry, so I said "fuck off" I'll walk, keep walking

to the next town! What I had not paid attention to was

that it was 5 pm, and that the next town was 53 km away,

you must know that 53 km I do it in 10 hours! So I start walking, it starts to get dark,

so suddenly I start hitchhiking, because I will not walk 53 km at night,

it's not worth it.

So, in the end, I walk for 2 hours, no one stops.

After 2 hours, there is a mini van that stops.

So, it's a van with a girl group, with a girl driving.

So the girl tells me "I have to take the children to several places and then

I take you where you want". I do "ok bin no worry". She takes half of the girls

to different places, in different houses, and then

she asks me "there I go home, bring my sisters back", so it must be known that half

were her sisters, so 5 sisters

"So, I take you to the city that I am, spot you can sleep with me" "Direct,

I sleep at home, there is no worry." And in the end, I arrived home,

so at their parents place.

His parents have 11 kids, 11 kids! Mainly girls and 3 or 4 boys.

11 !!! So there is the countryside, it's

the farm.

So I treated goat milk, I do not know how we call it, last night.

I spent the whole evening with them and, in the end, today I will stay

the day, rest a little because I need it with my legs.

And I will leave tomorrow morning.

So, there, I sleep in the caravan that is next to the house.

A little caravan like that, just for me, I'm in it.

When I go out, there again they have returned, but in the night, in fact, I sleep with

the horses

Finally, ponies.

I sleep with the ponies, and they're just there.

so, there they are not there.

I'll make you a little visit.

Hello ! Small animals!

So here I go again after a day of rest in this family.

But now it's time to start again! It is time to suffer! And then I attack

the mountain so it's going to be the most complicated I've ever done.

So we go with a smile and good humor, and of course, with all the motivation

I can have!

For more infomation >> VLOG - En route pour Une aventure extraordinaire ! - MELBOURNE - SYDNEY A PIED - Duration: 14:17.


For more infomation >> VLOG - En route pour Une aventure extraordinaire ! - MELBOURNE - SYDNEY A PIED - Duration: 14:17.


battements binauraux relaxation intense - Duration: 1:00:58.

binaural beats deep relaxation

Binaural music to promote entry into many states of consciousness,

from meditation to concentration, with minimal effort from the participant.

Through meditation, relaxation or concentration, a person is able to change his or her cerebral rhythm.

Listen to this music to switch from an active state (Beta) to a relaxed state (Alpha).

Tips for meditation: just sit with your legs crossed on a cushion, put on a helmet and listen carefully to the relaxing binaural music.

For relaxation, self-hypnosis or creativity, a relaxed or extended position is sufficient to listen to music while relaxing and falling asleep is not contraindicated.

for hypnosis, relaxing music, nature sounds, binaural beats, meditation music, please subscribe. Thanks

For more infomation >> battements binauraux relaxation intense - Duration: 1:00:58.


For more infomation >> battements binauraux relaxation intense - Duration: 1:00:58.


Hoekse Lijn Bus met Metro/Trein stikkers! - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Hoekse Lijn Bus met Metro/Trein stikkers! - Duration: 1:24.


For more infomation >> Hoekse Lijn Bus met Metro/Trein stikkers! - Duration: 1:24.


Jungle Warfare School - Duration: 2:01.

(crickets softly chirping)

(increasing intensity music tone)

^(dramatic drumming instrumental music)

For more infomation >> Jungle Warfare School - Duration: 2:01.


How Eating More Protein Helps You Lose Weight - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> How Eating More Protein Helps You Lose Weight - Duration: 4:43.


bloom [clara/sebastian] - Duration: 1:15.

It's gonna be alright.

I'm so sorry.

What do we do now, you and me? What happens now?

Now, listen to me. Go home and wait for me there.

I love you.

Why are you so sad?

Guess we're both just going to have to be brave.

Wherever you are,

whatever it takes,

I will be with you again, I swear.

For more infomation >> bloom [clara/sebastian] - Duration: 1:15.


Bill Cosby Sex Assault Trial Begins - Duration: 1:22.



































Reporter: THE JURY OF 7 MEN





For more infomation >> Bill Cosby Sex Assault Trial Begins - Duration: 1:22.


What Does a Bipolar Depressive Episode Feel Like? - Duration: 2:53.

Sorry if it's noisy.

A construction truck just went by.

When I am going through a depressive episode,

I love to come out on this porch

and just be in nature

and smell the fresh air.

And, oh! I'm Hannah.

Usually, I start out with that.

But you should know that

because you have subscribed

to my YouTube channel.

If you haven't, go back and subscribe.

I decided to finally be vulnerable

and talk about depression

because I just got out

of a horrible depressive episode.

And it sucked.

And maybe one day in the future,

you'll see me actually in this moment.

But I'm telling you, the person you see

right now, physically, my face,

you wouldn't even recognize me

in the first couple of days

of this deep dark depression.

It's scary to see yourself, right?

You go from just like a sunny day

and all of a sudden

a freakin tornado, a hurricane.

And you're waiting for it to end.

And it just won't end.

Depression and going in and out of these spurts.

I mean that's bipolar disorder.

So the reason I don't bash on it

and always say:

"Oh, my life sucks with bipolar disorder,

the depression."

I mean what the hell is the point?

It's not going to go away,

so I manage it.

I have a 5-day rule.

And I let myself be completely depressed;

not feeling guilty.

Straight up bipolar depression Hannah

for three days.

On the fourth day,

I start to make little plans

and force myself.

And then I take little steps.

Walking more.

Reaching out to a friend.

Setting up friend dates and stuff.

And saying, "Hannah

no matter how insecure you're feeling right now,

you're going to get your butt to it

and force yourself."

And look, I'm feeling pretty good.

Better now.

But whew! I was in a rough spot.

So I want to hear what you have to say.

Do a response video.

I'll leave the information below on where to send it.

And, of course, as always

leave you comments below.

And I hope you have a beautiful day.

Spread love.

That always helps me.

And I will see you next time.

Thanks for listening. Bye.

For more infomation >> What Does a Bipolar Depressive Episode Feel Like? - Duration: 2:53.


WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FACE?!(Eng sub)ㅣWooLara - Duration: 4:47.

Hello everyone~ This is WooLara from Korea

Recently I have chosen as one of the Seoul partner creators!

I removed my moles on my face, so I look terrible T-T sorry

So the first mission of the Seoul partner creator was to film a self introductino video at Seoullo7017

My friend will ask me bunch of questions, and I'm going to answer for those!

Right now I'm at "Seoullo 7017" which means Seoul road in Korean

It was originally a high-level road for cars but it is now reopened as a high-level garden for people

So it's lying between high buildings in Seoul

As it's a high-level garden in Seoul, it's full of flowers and plants so it makes you can rest well

But there are these in everywhere so it was a bit noisy. I think this one is for watering plants automatically

Also there were some things that children can have fun

Personally I liked that there were many CCTVs every corner because I felt it was safe :)

There were things to enjoy too. If you peep inside, you can see Seoullo with holograms

Also there were some transparent holes that you can see through! You can see the road full of cars beneath

I was surprised to see this one! There was a foot bath place

But the water was too cold yet to enjoy the foot bath XD

So I'll start asking questions!

01. Who are you?

I'm Woo Lara :P

02. Can you tell us where you are now?

Right now I'm at Seoullo 7017 and I'm filming a self introduction video :)

We're at the Seoullo 7017~

03. By the way, what are those on your face?

Recently I removed moles on my face so I attached some stickers

04. Why did you start the YouTube channel?

To show foreign people about Korea?

I wanted to have a hobby because I didn't have one, and YouTube seemed pretty fun so I started it

05. what kind of contents do you usually make?

Anything that has to do with Korea

Contents about Korea and my daily life?

06. What's the most important thing when you make a video

I try not to make any contents that can cause any problems

I don't want to be in a trouble

07. It seems like you are using three languages in a video. How do you do that?

I'm speaking Korean in a video and I translate it into English.

Then my boyfriend translate English into Portuguese

08. Do you make a video by yourself?

I do the video shooting and editing by myself

But my boyfriend is helping me with the Portuguese translation

09. What Korean food do you like the best?

Right now I can only think of Budae jjigae!!

I really like that

10. Which place in Seoul do you recommend to visit for foreigners?

Hmm I'll say, Hongdae!

I graduated from Hongik university (Hongdae in Korean)

Everything is happening in Hongdae, so it's a very popular place

I personally don't recommend Gangnam because there are not many things to see

Ahh it's too windy

11. What do you think of Seoullo 7017?

I think it's much better than I thought

When I saw this at distance, I thought it was just a road

But if you come up here, there are many plants and things to enjoy such as foot bath!

It's really good

12. What's your daily schedule?

In a week day, I go to work because I'm a company employee...

After work, I just go home

That's pretty much everything. At home I film or edit videos

13. What's your goal of YouTube?

When I started YouTube at first, I took it easy thinking that it's good to film myself when I'm young

So my goal is to upload videos only that are NOT embarrassing or shameful :D

14. What's your next plan?

Well... I think doing YouTube is really fun

But I don't have many friends who do YouTube

So my next plan is to attract them to do YouTube with me :D

15. Anything to say for last?

Say anything?

I'm not skillful but I'm learning how to film and edit videos

So hope you can enjoy my videos!

Bye bye~ Tchau~

Zoom in!!!

It was me~

She helped me~

We'll work hard~

For more infomation >> WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FACE?!(Eng sub)ㅣWooLara - Duration: 4:47.


I Just Want A Friend. I Have Nobody. - Duration: 6:56.

this topic is on I just want a friend i

but I have nobody hello my name is

Augustus and I learn about social barriers

and norms to help people become their

true self in life if you liked my video

please hit subscribe and we are going to

talk about I just want a friend but I

have nobody this is one of the

situations that is pretty tough you we

all start with not having a friend and

wanting to go out there and actually

have some kind of relationship with

people but where do we start especially

if we have been avoiding this whole

situation for a long time perhaps we have been

afraid of the social settings for so

long we are afraid of criticisms or

maybe we have tried a lot and it just

hasn't worked out for us either way we

are in we ended up with not having a

close friend and we want some kind of

relationship and that is perfectly okay

because us as human beings we need

relationships to survive so do not feel

bad or hate yourself if you feel like

you had that desire to want community

it's perfectly fine here I want to talk

about point two this topic which is if

you want to attract friends you have to

give like some of you might be thinking

Augustus this dude man I just want a

friend and right now I don't even feel

like I have anything to give

and it's tough enough as it is just

being by myself how can I think about

giving anything and I understand that

point but it's the aspect of human

relationships if you want to be able to

maintain a human relationship

person-to-person interaction you have to

learn how to give and not just receive

because that is how relationships are

built relationships are mutual and

they're both ways and you have to be in

a position where you have to learn how

to give and if you don't know how to give

you can learn right now and I'll teach

you some points down below different

ways of giving but you have to be

supplying to this relationship think of

your relationships is kind of like a

bank every time that you give you

deposit it into the bank every time that

you receive you take away from that bank

you don't want that thing to go to

nothing right when it goes to nothing

there cease to be a relationship so how

do I give so learn to be coming from a

position where you can give something

that's valuable to other person and here

inside relationships normally you can

just give what you so call support and

emotions and these are the most basic

kind of gifts and it's free but a lot of

us messes up so here some like

so you can give to other people can be

you being a listening ear to help

support them emotionally or you can be

someone that can bring good emotions

good vibes to the group which can be you

telling exciting story this can be you

going and sharing about the fun parts of

your life or a nice place how you

visited or tell a simple joke

if you're talking about physically giving gifts I

don't recommend it because sometimes it

can feel like you're trying to buy

relationships so give things that are

free and good emotions yeah especially

emotions I mean why not take advantage

and this is also the very foundations of

how a relationship is built just purely

good emotions and conversation so if you

want a friend then you have to crack

down and practice how to give and once

you know how to give then you'll

actually attract people that want to be

friends with you so the question of

today is what is frustrating you the

most about not having a close friend

that means now no down below in the

comment section and thank you guys for


so social journey I know it's tough it's

not easy it's a grind most of the time

but if we want to improve we have to

take that small step you don't build a

house in one day so you can't expect you

to go to your social life in one day so

we have to be patient with ourselves so

stay strong stay healthy and I will see

you guys next time whose self and life

if you like my videos please hit

subscribe we are going to talk about I

want a friend but I had nobody say

that's kind of like the catch-22 here


For more infomation >> I Just Want A Friend. I Have Nobody. - Duration: 6:56.


What is Micronized Creatine? - Duration: 2:42.

Hey guys, Paul from Ultimate Fat here and today I'm going answer another creatine

related question and that is, "what is micronized creatine?

I'll have the answer for you in just a moment, stick around, don't go anywhere.

OK, welcome back.

So, what is miconized creatine?

Well, essentially it's creatine monohydrate that's been further processed into very small

particles, with the intention of increasing absorption and reducing stomach


Theoretically, if micronized creatine is better absorbed than plain creatine that would also

reduce the size of the dose one would need to take to

maintain peak muscle saturation as well.

Unfortunately, while it does seem obvious that micronized creatine would outperform

the "regular" stuff, I've never actually seen a clinical study that

confirms that it does, or by how much it actually outperforms it.

At the same time, this is still the highly effective and clinically proven creatine monohydrate

we're talking about here, so there's really no downside to

taking a micronized version.

And that's good news, because today, a growing number of commercial creatine products now

contain the "micromized" version of the supplement by default.

Better yet, even as micronized creatine becomes the industry standard, the affordability of

creatine hasn't been affected.

It's still a very affordable - even cheap -


In my other videos on different creatine variations - like creatine HCL or creatine nitrate or

buffered creatine - I discuss how the creation of these products seems to be more about the

supplement industry trying to wean people off a product that is dirt cheap - i.e. creatine

monohydrate and get them using one that is a lot more expensive,

rather than creating more effective creatine supplements.

The good news is this doesn't seem to be the issue with micronized creatine.

To put it this way...

You're not paying anything more - at least not very much - and we know that creatine monohydrate works, so bottom

line is simple; whether it's more effective or just the same, there's no real

downside to taking micronized creatine.

Alright guys, that's a wrap.

I really hope you enjoyed this video, if you did it would be great it you could give it a thumbs up, and

if you think your friends would like it, a share would be cool too.

I'll also be posting links to some of my channel's other most popular videos, so be sure to check

them out as well.

And of course, if you're not subscribed to this channel yet it would be great if you

would join us.

There's an icon here to my right that you can click,

or use the red subscribe button just below this video.

Be great to have on board.

Thanks again for watching and I'll see you again really soon.

For more infomation >> What is Micronized Creatine? - Duration: 2:42.


How To OVERCOME FEAR & STAY FOCUSED (ENFP and INFP related) - Duration: 12:19.

hey Dan here and if you've ever felt like your emotions get out of control

that may be your lead first by emotions and then later wonder what the heck has

happened that you find yourself changing direction perhaps a little bit more than

you'd like then please stay tuned you're going to get a lot out of this video I

actually was inspired to make this video after just filming the last video I

assume I'm going to post these back-to-back about making decisions and

thinking about your life when you're in a poor mental state and I really just

wanted to expand on that but really touch on a lot of the decision-making

process and how we think and I first came across this when I was studying

sales back in the day young money driven you know guy I was I was studying in

both sales and one of the the things you come across is that for the majority of

people they experience an emotion first and then they justify it later with

logic so in the sales process right if you want to learn a little bit about

being a sales man what that means is you give people like a feeling they want and

then they will want your product and then you just need to give them enough

logic to justify it. A great example of this is German car companies in

particular but things like BMWs or mercedes where if you look at how they

do their advertising and set everything up they do it really well so primarily

why does someone usually want to buy like a BMW it's status it's ideally

because it's a fast car and they like to drive but unfortunately I'm like the

only one like that but it's primarily around status it's maybe impressing

people it could be that it's fast and sporty and fun but it's really hard in a

lot of societies and in a lot of families to justify a big financial

purchase based on it'll make me feel good and it'll be fun right so what do

they do they have 27 airbags right all these safety features and that way you

can you can justify it to yourself and also maybe your husband or your wife and

say listen like I don't want it because it's cool I want it because it will keep

our kids safe or this sort of thing right it also gives the salesperson that

that angle to basically start with you know hey

let's take it for a drive and make the guy feel really cool but then can say no

no but the real reason to buy it is it holds its resale value or have all these

safety features of that sort of thing so if you found in the past that you feel

something in you're drawn somewhere and then you kind of emotionally justify it

you're not alone this is how we are wired and this is why as a salesperson I

well I wasn't a salesperson but someone who was in sales that I that I studied

it and learned about it now here's how it can come up in our own lives and can

really mess with us especially if you're a personality type geek like me if

you're an ENFP or an INFP someone who tends to change directions perhaps quite

a bit then often what will happen is you're going to have an emotion come up

first right so let's say there was actually a comment just left today on

the channel about what someone who wanted to start start doing something

their own business and they were three days in and they kept talking themselves

out of it they were already basically coming up with all these reasons why

they shouldn't start their own business and here's what's happening there and if

you've experienced this yourself right you started something then quit or

haven't even really started you get started and you have all these positive

ceilings right I don't like oh I'm going to have all this freedom or I'm going to

get to quit my job or it will be so cool because I'll you know get to make videos

or have fun with people or do whatever it is and then the fear sets in but what

so in this case the comment was about starting a YouTube channel right and

then the fear comes in but what what if nobody watches my videos what if I don't

make any money what if my friends think I look stupid what if my family judges

me for this what if people laugh at me right I have none of these fears I just

assume that all of you love me but these kind of fears do come up right and we

don't live in a society that whatever society you are on earth basically you

don't live in a society that really likes to acknowledge emotions very much

maybe maybe if you're Latin American but if you're from Asia Europe or North

America you don't really believe in feelings very much right and so it's

weird for us to say I'm scare I'm scared I'm going to fail so I don't

know if I should do this what's more common is we feel this fear and then we

rationally justify a way out of it so this is coming up with the reasons why

the business will fail why it's a bad time to start the business why you know

there's all these other factors perhaps against it or it's stupid or whatever it

is right it's fear based and fear can be one of the main emotions that often

drives us if you end up changing directional up it's probably a result of

fear fear being committed your Saleen fear of getting stuck fear of looking

stupid that's probably the core emotion but there could be other emotions but

the main thing here is just that you have the emotion come up and then what

you'll be able to do especially if you're one of the personality types I

mentioned like enfps or infps is you're going to be really smart and smart

enough to talk your way into or out of anything so if you have that emotion

which is your primary driver right which is going to be pushing you you're going

to be able to come up with all kinds of excuses how you could talk a Harvard

scientist into believing that garbage you're spewing but you and me both know

it's probably garbage that's just based on fear right and you're coming up with

all these reasons using your your logical abilities using your intelligent

to talk your way out of something that you didn't want to do but when it got

hard or difficult or scary you basically yeah the emotions came up and then you

found ways to justify it so how do you deal with this right we've established

that the human nature is to have emotions and then talk ourselves into or

out of it right to come up with the rational basis so that we can feel

justified in our interaction but feel like yeah I did the right thing you know

this was the right direction to go or whatever using logic that may or may not

make sense but usually we find a way to even make it make sense so how can you

avoid this what I've found works really well for me and does not always

work.but has worked quite well I would say is setting your plan in motion like

taking taking a day let's say it could be a week and it could be an hour it

doesn't even need to be a full day and spending that time on your plan whatever

that is right but it should be a somewhat specific plan one of mine that

I started a few months ago was published three youtube videos a week this was a

plan I had and it was a commitment to a friend who was holding me to it

I believe I promised him all sorts of inappropriate things if I didn't do it

so I was really stuck to it but even without that external accountability I

had a plan and I did not then allow myself to question right so a month in I

could have got busy and justified not doing YouTube videos as much or I could

have you know got worried or not had the results I wanted in fact the results

have been great the channel has been been growing quite nicely but even if it

hadn't I had this commitment to just execute so the the advantage of setting

aside dedicated planning time is that you do not allow yourself to plan and

change your direction throughout the rest of your days or the rest of your

time so one way I've looked at this or I discussed this with people is think of

your brain as two different roles right you have the like CEO the big picture of

the planner right the president of your brain who comes up with all your plans

then you have your director your operations manager the person is

actually responsible for executing and getting things done I would encourage

you to only employ especially when you're just starting out it's more

important when you're starting out to only employ the CEO for like a couple

hours a month you know limit their time focus on like have your CEO time where

you come up with a plan that makes sense maybe run it by a friend or an expert

coach someone to give you that feedback of this is a good plan and then do not

allow yourself to adjust that plan for a couple months at a time

I'm not saying ride that plan off a cliff right just keep going forever but

the odds are if you struggle with this your problem is not that you don't

change direction or you don't like plan enough

it's that you plan too much and that you change direction way too much and so I

would encourage you to and this is what I do and what's work really well for me

is I will commit to like a three month minimum sometimes longer like with my

free freelancer group coaching program if you are an aspiring freelancer coach

or consultant it's for you with that program I committed to doing it for over

a year it's taught in three-month chunks but when I started I committed that I

would run it for at least a year but I you know going to I'm even going to do

it much longer than that now but the commitment was to do this for a year

regardless of the results right as long as I get enough students in it that that

can can do it that I'm going to keep doing it that I'm not going to kind of

second-guess it or change directions and so I made that commitment before I even

started and that took the option off the table for me

and so yeah plan plan but plan in a limited time period and then stop

planning and just focus on executing that to me is the main way to get away

from this emotional influence on our plans and the constant changes of

direction so come up with a plan and then when you feel that urge to change

direction write the plan down obviously then you can look at your phone and say

no I committed to this two months ago this is my plan I'm going to write it

out I'm going to do it and that's the plan right is just to execute it not to

give yourself the opportunity to second-guess and all that now if you

have trouble with this then we might be talking about an issue of like integrity

or being able to just like hold your word to mean something and all that and

that is a whole nother topic to get into that I think I made videos on but I

can't remember the titles or what videos they are but I have talked about this

before in terms of building up like credibility and integrity with yourself

and staying committed I think it might be in my discipline videos probably in

the discipline videos um so that's it I hope you've enjoyed this video little

less planned in my other ones but as I said I literally just film the other

video and realize that there was a more I wanted to add to it to give you

more takeaways that you could actually like take this and use it and understand

the whole phenomenon more in terms of the physical states and emotions and

then how that influences our logical decision making to bring it all together

in the last video it talked about how when you're in a bad physical state you

tend to end up making these really bad decisions or judging yourself a lot

what's happening there is when you feel really bad that leads to negative

emotions anxiety fear nervousness those negative emotions then influence you and

what your brain will do is rationally justify it and coming up with the

rational sides of thought to basically push you in whatever direction and

that's how it all comes together there so hope you found this helpful if you

have make sure to subscribe to the channel as I said I publish new videos

every Monday Wednesday and Friday at least to the end of my three month

commitment here now I'm going to keep going after that too and that's it

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How To OVERCOME FEAR & STAY FOCUSED (ENFP and INFP related) - Duration: 12:19.


Handbags for Women Designer Collection Handbag amazon shopping online 33126771 - Duration: 0:39.

Handbags for Women Designer Collection Handbag amazon shopping online

For more infomation >> Handbags for Women Designer Collection Handbag amazon shopping online 33126771 - Duration: 0:39.


VLOG - En route pour Une aventure extraordinaire ! - MELBOURNE - SYDNEY A PIED - Duration: 14:17.

I have tiptoe pain, I have aches on all my legs.

I have my trapeze who are dead.

All my body said to me "What are you doing?" ". The only thing that keeps me going

is my moron whore!

Hi the dreamer! Let's go to Sydney! It will be 1000 km on foot. will not just walking, I will also hitchhike,

but the biggest thing is going to be walking so it's going to be a good little trip!

And there, for the departure, it is nice weather, it is nice. So I already prepared my suitcase,

I have already eaten. There is only to clean the small room and we go!

A day's walk ended, it smashed me, I walked all day,

I was blown up.

I found a little stick, call me "Mr. the shepherd". I also met

a wombat and a kangaroo but unfortunately they were dead. They were down

the road ah ... dead.

So here I have seen animals that I have never seen before, but dead.

Next time we'll try to see them alive ...

At this moment of the walk I am 160 km after 2 days. 80 km per day.

I'm ... shattered! So there I rest a little in this small park,

this place a little abandoned, and after I will hitchhike, at least

for today.

Morning! Good there it is time to leave after the little Couchsurfing


I'm blown up everywhere, I hurt everywhere, but we take the road again.

Okay, I just found a "hitchhiking" so it's good

With the gentleman who's right next door, he's there, and we're gonna make the road together.

People do not stop especially when hitchhiking, but in the end,

when you find one, bin you find a good! They're goddamn, god!

You chat with them, you laugh with them, I burst out with the one who took me there!

And frankly, we rolled 30 minutes, but 30 minutes for me

you know how many hours on foot? It's 8 hours, so 30 minutes by car

it suits me well! Hey! There I arrived at the destination, so normally, at the person who lodges me

I could only go there at 6 pm, so there it is

2 o'clock

So we go to visit, we go for a walk, and for once today

is a quiet day. I did not walk like a tart.

I walked 4 hours anyway, but I did not walk 12 hours!

So, I just found a place ... What is it relaxing!

It's beautiful, it's relaxing, I'll take a round ... you've seen it!

I found a new spot, better still, so with that view that is there, and that view that's there,

and that view that's there, and that view that's there ... Wow! What a beautiful guy!

I take advantage of being there, to announce you

something I have wanted to do for a little while.

But I postpone it each time to later

And I decided to write a book! Yes, I'm writing a book!

Basically, this book is going to be a motivational book, actually.

I will not have a guideline on my book, but several small stories,

to motivate

I'll start writing there now.

Here in fact, I will write really here.

When it comes out, I do not know when it will come out.

It will come out to be in a month, it will come out to be in 8 years.

I do not know. And I'll make you a sign! Me tony galiano will write a book!

Eh yes ! You of course! I'll write a book. A book, a book, a book

... aie! You think he's big that tree?

Look at this ! ... It is immense! Look at this thing! It's only in Australia

that you can find things like that! My ... God!

Do you want to see a pond moving? I do not know if you see. It moves, it moves,

it moves! That makes noise.

Hi the sun! How are you going to sunshine? Soon you're going to lie down in the sun!

I am tired ! I begin to break a cable! Hey!

Here I am, finally, in a corner of the beach.

A corner of the beach

It's really a corner.

I'm shattered.

Then there I am in Lakes Entrance, child it is a mix between the sea and the lake,

quit simply

So, in fact, all that has there, all that is the lake

And in fact, on the other side of that, I do not know if you see,

there's a direct sea.

And suddenly, at one point, I do not know, I'll look for it actually.

There is a point where the sea and the lake converge and it makes a rather atypical place.

So we'll see that right now.

Hey! Good evening the little ducks! It's not ducks, it's swans I think,

black swans ... THIS IS A SIGN! You noticed that I just use

converge and atypical in the same sentence? Honestly, I am amazed myself!

So there I got to a point on the bridge

I'll go to the other side, down there.

And it is down there, at the bottom, where the lake and the sea converge.

But as I have laughed, and I am tired, and my legs hurt,

I will not go.

Because it's the opposite way from where I go.

So I went there! Right here ! I do not know what I did there.

You see my finger, ouhouuuu, down there! And then we move again! Because we are determined!

And never stop! My god, I have to tell you something!

Yesterday I was supposed to sleep at a host with Couchsurfing, in one place,

it was Lakes Entrance, and in the end, he cancel my stay

So I had no place to sleep.

I was a little in the shit, I tell you right away.

I was angry, so I said "fuck off" I'll walk, keep walking

to the next town! What I had not paid attention to was

that it was 5 pm, and that the next town was 53 km away,

you must know that 53 km I do it in 10 hours! So I start walking, it starts to get dark,

so suddenly I start hitchhiking, because I will not walk 53 km at night,

it's not worth it.

So, in the end, I walk for 2 hours, no one stops.

After 2 hours, there is a mini van that stops.

So, it's a van with a girl group, with a girl driving.

So the girl tells me "I have to take the children to several places and then

I take you where you want". I do "ok bin no worry". She takes half of the girls

to different places, in different houses, and then

she asks me "there I go home, bring my sisters back", so it must be known that half

were her sisters, so 5 sisters

"So, I take you to the city that I am, spot you can sleep with me" "Direct,

I sleep at home, there is no worry." And in the end, I arrived home,

so at their parents place.

His parents have 11 kids, 11 kids! Mainly girls and 3 or 4 boys.

11 !!! So there is the countryside, it's

the farm.

So I treated goat milk, I do not know how we call it, last night.

I spent the whole evening with them and, in the end, today I will stay

the day, rest a little because I need it with my legs.

And I will leave tomorrow morning.

So, there, I sleep in the caravan that is next to the house.

A little caravan like that, just for me, I'm in it.

When I go out, there again they have returned, but in the night, in fact, I sleep with

the horses

Finally, ponies.

I sleep with the ponies, and they're just there.

so, there they are not there.

I'll make you a little visit.

Hello ! Small animals!

So here I go again after a day of rest in this family.

But now it's time to start again! It is time to suffer! And then I attack

the mountain so it's going to be the most complicated I've ever done.

So we go with a smile and good humor, and of course, with all the motivation

I can have!

For more infomation >> VLOG - En route pour Une aventure extraordinaire ! - MELBOURNE - SYDNEY A PIED - Duration: 14:17.


تفتيح البشرة 4 درجات بطريقة سريعة وامنة ومجربة - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> تفتيح البشرة 4 درجات بطريقة سريعة وامنة ومجربة - Duration: 4:20.


TWICE隨機舞蹈?! 時尚廣場舞鯉魚歌?! 走秀?!!【吉雄】{CC歌詞字幕} - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> TWICE隨機舞蹈?! 時尚廣場舞鯉魚歌?! 走秀?!!【吉雄】{CC歌詞字幕} - Duration: 5:07.


Welcome to Linspirations YouTube channel! - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Linspirations YouTube channel! - Duration: 0:25.


Hole Lotta Shakin' Ch. 4 - Supernatural Mystery Audiobook - by Robert Lee Beers - Duration: 17:38.

Tall Tale TV.

SciFi and Fantasy Short Stories.

Hole Lotta Shakin' A Tony Mandolin Short Story

By Robert Beers Chapter 4

We had a few hours before Bain was supposed to pick us up, so after getting the keys at

the bell desk, we took one of the Palaces elevators up to the 5th floor.

The attendant told us it was all hydraulics, that new water power system which would someday

power cars across the bay and around the world, just like HG Wells writes about.

I must say, it was one of the quietest and smoothest elevator rides I'd ever taken.

After Frankie got over his gushing about how wonderful and luxurious everything was, we

went back down to the ground floor, picked out a couple of outfits more typical for the

period, broke one of Enrico's tens and headed back out onto Market.

The weather was cool enough we both decided to stay with coats and hats.

As for our obvious other differences, those that clothing could not hide, I figured all

I'd have to do was tell a questioning cop where I was staying, show him the key for

proof and that would be it.

We grabbed a passing trolley car and took a ride up Market Street.

It was even more remarkable being in the middle of the moving chaos that was traffic in 1906.

Frankie kept pointing out cars and trucks, models and brands long since extinct in the

twenty-first century.

What I found most intriguing was the difference from what I was seeing and from what I knew

as a bus passenger on this same run.

Aside from the wide open feel due to the far smaller and shorter buildings, there was the

green space scattered along both sides of the street.

It felt, for all the world, like a ride in the country, right in the heart of bustling

San Francisco.

I was even more surprised when I saw Central Park coming into view.

It looked like someone had grabbed a portion of the Marin Headlands and plopped it into

the middle of the city.

Fully grown oaks and madrones lined the park and the ground between and behind the trees

was filled with long grass and smaller bushes.

And then I saw the smoke.

One of the other passengers, an obvious tourist from somewhere in the Midwest said, "I will

bet that's from the headhunter's camp."

A woman added, "Oh dear Lord, I hope they aren't all naked and disgusting."

And then the cross-talk conversation went downhill from there.

I got off the trolley thinking that things hadn't changed all that much in the past


Most people were still idiots.

The one thing that had changed was the habit of charging for everything in present day


We just got off the car and walked into the park.

That was it, no gate, no guard, nothing.

It was easy to see where the tribe had been placed as the crowd headed that way was extensive.

Frankie and I just went with the flow.

The city had managed to either move, or recreate the village setting the Pilipino tribe had

back in the islands, huts roofed with rushes, the tripod-supported cook pot, and so on.

I wasn't sure the pointed log wall was authentic, and I was damned sure the crowd of tourists

surrounding them, gawking and pointing wasn't.

"Interesting, isn't it?"

I turned and looked down at a woman.

She had had reddish brown hair under a brimmed hat and was dressed in what could be called

a conservative business style of the day.

What was different is that she spoke with a British accent and she was holding a notebook,

her pencil poised over the page.

"Excuse me?"

I replied.

She put the pencil away and held out her hand, "E.M. Swift-Hook, reporter for the Chronicle.

I wrote the article for today's paper and I'm doing a series of follow-ups.

What do you think of the display?"

From what I remembered, the notion of a woman reporter was about as rare as hens' teeth

in this time.

Of course, she was British…

I said, "I'm wondering more what the display thinks of being put on display," I said,

glancing back at the crowd.

I was finding the whole thing a little disturbing.

Swift-Hook was a real reporter all right, she jumped on my admission like a cat on a

mouse, "Really?"

The pencil scribbled like mad, "What makes you say that?"

Frankie entered the conversation with, "Tony, you should see those villagers.

They look like Hobbits from the Shire!"

As my brain went, "Oh God…"

Swift-Hook found a whole new goldmine of reporting in the big guy.

It didn't matter if she was a real reporter or not.

If what he was bound to tell her got into circulation…

I looked around, desperate to find something to distract.

The last thing I needed was Frankie getting into a storytelling jag and revealing where

and when we were really from, to a reporter of all things… as I said, oh my God.

And then my eye caught just the sight.

"Hey, Frankie," I said, interrupting a distressingly familiar story in the works,

"Isn't that Teddy Roosevelt?"



Frankie didn't need to do anything to see over the crowd.

He just turned in the direction of my point.

"Oh, wow," he said.

"Can we go meet him, Tony?

He's one of my favorites.

Right behind Kennedy."

That did it.

The reporter obviously knew the difference between a fable and a disastrous slip of the


Female or not, she had the instincts.

She moved so she was facing both of us, and that pencil looking more and more like a weapon.

"Who are you really and where are you really from?"

Frankie looked stricken.

I said, "Ma'am, you would not believe me even if I told you under whatever truth

serum exists today."

Swift-Hook looked confused, "Truth serum?

What's that?"

Frankie murmured, "Oops."

I took her by the arm.

"Tell you what, Miss Swift-Hook, we should talk, but not here."


What are you doing!?

Let me go!"

People looked around and a few men started our way.

I held out my ID.

From a distance, it looks more official than it is, and said, "Police, plain clothes.

She's a pickpocket."

The look the reporter gave me should have fried me on the spot, but the crowd melted


I even got a few claps of applause.

Frankie murmured, "Smooth, Tony.

Real smooth."

We rode another trolley all the way back down Market with a very sullen Swift-Hook in tow.

I had Frankie get off first and I handed the reporter to him and then jumped down.

She glared death at me and muttered, "I suppose if I scream you'll flash that badge

again, right?"

I smiled and said, "Probably, but if you cooperate, you just may have the story of

your career.

How would you like to interview Mark Twain?"

She didn't glare, but she didn't smile either.

She looked suspicious.

"What's that mean?"

She asked.

I looked around.

"This is way too public.

Let's go into the bar."

I still had hold of her arm, so I heard the muttered, "A bar is less public than this?"

As we walked into the Palm Court I saw the waiter Bain had called Andrew and called him


He said, "Yes, Mister Mandolin?"

As he came closer.

The reporter was glancing back and forth between us.

I handed him a dollar bill from the ten I broke earlier and said, "We need a quiet

table with no eavesdroppers.

Can 't you arrange that?"

He grinned big.

"Yes, sir!"

Swift-Hook said as we were led to the same corner of the lounge Bain used earlier.

"Who… are… you?"

"I can't tell you," I said.

"One, you'd think I'm crazy, and two, it might have a potentially damaging, even

fatal effect on my family."

"Can't I be the judge of that?"

She replied, with a toss of her head, "I mean, it's not like you're going to say

something like you're travelers from the future or outer space."

Frankie mugged a face, "Oh no, we'd never say that.

It's just that… you know…"

I managed not to groan.

"So what is it?"

Swift-Hook asked, her pencil poised.

I held up a hand and said, "I need a drink.

Would you like a drink?"

She nodded and I signaled for Andrew.

After the drinks were served and sampled, I said, "Mister Jackson and I are detectives

and we are on a case that could have extreme consequences, especially for those on its


The person or persons we are after has shown no qualms about collateral damage.

If you start reporting on this, you may very well include yourself and your paper in that


"Oh come on," She said, almost snorting, "Do you really expect me to swallow a line

like that?

Even with my father being a board member, I may be relegated to writing fluff pieces

just because I have a bosom, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid.

What really is going on, and do you really know Mark Twain?"


She looked at Frankie, "What?"

"His name is Clemons, Sam Clemons.

Mark Twain is a nom de plume."

She put her hand to her forehead, "Oh my dear Lord."

We were still in the bar when Bain came for us.

He said, "I didn't bother checking the rooms.

I figured neither of you would be able to sit and wait quietly.

By the way, you look a lot better.

Who is this charming young lady?"

She rose and held out her hand, just as she did when we met at the park, "E.M. Swift-Hook."

"Ah, the Chronicle's intrepid woman reporter," Bain said, bowing over her hand.

"Landau Bain, at your service.

How is your father?"

The effect of Bain's name on Swift-Hook was not what I expected.

Especially not after she shot down my attempt at a half truth, "Landau Bain?

The adventurer?


Mister Bain, would it be too much trouble to bother you for an interview?

These gentlemen said they were friends with Mark Twain, but you, Landau Bain.


I guess her father went out the window.

Bain then looked at us, "Shall we invite this lady to the poker game?"

I looked at Swift-Hook.

I thought she was going to ask him to marry her right there and then.

♦ ♦ ♦ Getting into the game was easier than I thought

it would be.

At the sight of Bain, the guards, yes there was more than one, about five more, opened

the door and let us stroll right in.

E.M., as she insisted on being called ooing and ahing the entire way.

It wouldn't have been so bad, but Frankie was right there with her.

The first door led to a room with an open bar and another door with just two guards,

but both of these fellows were close to Frankie-size.

I wondered, did Sam Clemons rate this level of protection?

When we went into the game room I got my answer.

Teddy Roosevelt, the President of the United States at this time, and for another three

years, was at the table.

He didn't stand.

He didn't need to.

According to protocol, when the Chief Executive enters a room, everyone stands, regardless

of political association.

What he did do was boom out, "Bain!


There you are, man!

I've been waiting for you.

I've got a whole new game.

Let's see what your tricks can do for you now, son."

Bain said, "Mister President, may I introduce two new players, Anthony Mandolin and Franklin


"Named after old Stonewall himself, eh?"

Roosevelt boomed.

"From the more southern part of the family, eh?


I wondered if the guy could talk at anything less than full volume.

He turned to me, "Mister Mandolin.

A musical name.

How's your game, son?"

Before I could answer, Roosevelt then asked, "And who is this vision of loveliness?"

I knew he wasn't talking about Frankie.

Bain shifted smoothly into, "This is E.M. Swift-Hook, the intrepid female reporter for

the Chronicle.

You know her father, Mister President.

I would go so far as to say she would be a superb addition to the White House Press Corps."

"And give those idiots at the Post a collective stroke to boot, eh Bain?"

Roosevelt laughed.

"Imagine that, a woman on the press corps!"

He looked at Swift-Hook, "Do you play, young lady?"

She gulped, and then said, in a very small voice, "Uh…"

I jumped in, "She sure does, Mister President.

I'm lucky to have a dollar to my name after the last game."

"Bully!" Roosevelt boomed.


Martins, deal her in."

He looked at us and said, "Gentlemen, it's a dollar ante.

I hope you can afford to lose."

Then he barked out a roar of laughter.

As we sat, Bain took over the role of host.

"You all know our esteemed Commander in Chief," Roosevelt bowed his head as he fingered

his chips.

"Next to him is Ducky Smith, one of the few women in the new Secret Service, and next

to her is Mister Eric Craig, the only scientist to beat Russia's Tesla in chess.

Watch out for him, he cheats."

Craig objected, "I do not!"

But his smile said otherwise.

"No," Bain said evenly, "Just not badly enough to get caught."

Roosevelt boomed out another laugh.

"Next to Craig is Lord Brent Harris, over here to check on his shipping concerns.

No matter how much he loses, he never seems to mind."

Harris said, in a Hugh Grant accent, "At fifteen of your dollars to the pound, dear

boy, it's cheap at twice the price."

"Quite," Bain murmured, and then said, "And then we have the lovely Miss Aaron


Mister Jackson, you two should get to know each other, but bear in mind, she's been

widowed seven times."

Frankie muttered, "Toneeee…"

E.M.'s chuckle didn't help the big guy at all.

Miss Michael-Hall was what the papers called an ebon beauty, and the feral glance she gave

Frankie was absolutely predatory.

I wondered how she made it to this table, even in San Francisco.

"Next," Bain went on, "We have Professor Alan VanMeter, another scientist, and the

only man I know who was capable of making Mister Edison so angry he actually sputtered.

I like that in a man."

Professor VanMeter inclined his head, along with a smile to Bain.

"And then we have one Mister Julien Green, a man with no known pastime, but who somehow

manages to always be there after the smoke clears and without a scratch on him."

Green smirked, "Yeah, don't you love it?

C'mon Bain, deal the damn cards."

Green's accent said Australia.

I thought, opals?

Bain shook his head, "Not quite yet Julien.

I have not taken over for Mister Martins, and I have to introduce our guests first."

"But you already did, to Teddy.

We all heard it."

"And what does Mason say?"

Bain murmured.

Green muttered, "Damn protocols.

I want to play poker."

Roosevelt waved a hand, "Go ahead Landau, introduce your guests to the whole gang."

Bain inclined his head, "Thank you, Mister President.

Ladies and gentleman.

Standing to my left is none other than Mister Anthony Mandolin.

The man who, single-handedly mind you, stopped that thief of Caruso's diamond necklace

this morning."

Murmurs went around the table.

Roosevelt said, "I heard that fellow had a knife."

I nodded, "He did."

"And you took him down anyway, unarmed?"

Bain said, "Yes he did, and in quick fashion, I don't think he even broke a sweat."

Roosevelt replied, "Bully, my boy, bully!

And that strapping lad?"

He pointed at Frankie.

"This," Bain said, "Is my new friend, Franklin Amadeus Jackson, and even if he is

blacker than my burnt toast this morning, he is one of the few real men I've ever

known," I was really trying not to choke at that point.

Green growled, "Right.

Now, can we play some goddamned poker?"

Hole Lotta Shakin' is a short story by Robert Lee Beers, author of The Tony Mandolin Mysteries,

the best unknown supernatural mystery series on the planet.

The Tony Mandolin Mysteries take place in and around today's San Francisco, and in style

are a mash-up of Nero Wolf, Harry Dresden and the Vimes novels of the immortal Sir Terry


There are seven finished novels in the series, an 8th in the works and several short stories

offered for free on Kindle Unlimited.

If you go to everything is there and more.


Much appreciated for the gander, dear chaps.

If you enjoyed this piece, be sure to wallop that like button and subscribe for more truly

outstanding sci-fi and fantasy short stories.

I'm Teddy Roosevelt, and that's it for today's Tall Tale TV.


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