Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily report Jun 5 2017

Hello dear friends!

In this video, I'll I tell you about the most interesting

bugs, and fichah Prank that you can do on the iPhone under

running iOS 10, including the most current at the time of

video recording firmware iOS 10.3.3.

So it will be interesting - Sit on more comfortable.

On iOS, you can hide the name applications.

For this purpose, springborde Open Item Management

and simultaneously press home button with opening

Point control again.

You will see a graphical artifact and all the icons in the Dock will lose


Then drag all Dock icons on the desktop

and overtighten the new party.

Repeat the procedure and so until all the icons

on the desktop will not be impersonal.

To lock after screen keep making progress,

Go to Settings - General - Universal access

and activate the switch against the item Decrease


Strip with the name of the operator, clock modes and wireless

interfaces can be hidden.

For example, it may be necessary for beautiful


For this.

Double-click on the button Home, open the multitasking mode

- hold down the power button until the slider - twice

press the home button.

The status bar is hidden, however, after lock screen

All information will be displayed again.

Did you know that classic open folders animation

and notices can be changed.

For this purpose, springborde swipe to the right to make

opening the Spotlight search.

Hold your finger on the free space left near

Edit button.

Then, press the home button.

Do the same finger swipe to the right to open another

Search and click on the free place on springborde.

Now when you open the app or folders, you will see a new

animation similar to the opening Spotlight search.

Through this Prank we can open a million

Safari tabs.

To do this, go to special link in the description

on the victim's device, click on the button Please Do not

Click me.

The browser goes crazy and starts generate hundreds of tabs,

until you do not upload browser from multitasking.

Opening Safari again nothing will not disappear.

You can of course upload one tab, but those

who watched my videos iOS secrets know that

If you hold the button Close, you can do this procedure

much faster.

Another hilarious bug that It can be turned into a lottery.

Open the Spotlight search svayp down.

Type something into a string Search and shake the device

to cancel the entry.

Press the Home button and just click on the desktop

Do not use the button.

Now when you move between desktops

will always be displayed keyboard.

Treated Spotlight discovery or reboot.

On opening the lock screen Camera, then you must

simultaneously press the button to open images

Now it's empty, and any of the volume buttons.

Start continuous shooting and even after the

display, even though the the sound disappeared, shooting

will continue.

To stop the chaos unlock device, launch the camera

and press the shutter button.

On the lock screen, slide Notification Center.

Hold your finger on an empty place.

Then click on the line Search and squeezed his finger

make a right swipe.

Respring will happen.

Attached photo to zoom screenshot can be only up to

certain limit.

But in fact it is possible and more.

To do this, go to the Mode image editing

and rotate it three times.

Then click Finish again go to the regime

edit and finish turning circle image



Now you can zoom in almost indefinitely.

In standard cell iPhone 7 Plus there is a six-time

digital zoom.

Did you know that you can and more?

To do this, open the camera Photo tab, zoom

image up to 9 times more and Hold your finger.

Second hand make hand focus on any place,

and then quickly make swipe to the right to open

video mode. 9 fold zoom and displayed in a mode


Old but proven feature.

If less than two gigabytes of free space

you can clean the cache device.

To do this, you need to download increasing the size of the application.

To this end, suitable free and a very cool card

Hearthstone game that weighs 2.3 GB.

Even if the download process start, and you may receive

and the context menu, operational the memory is cleared, and some

icons will appear "Cleaning".

As you can see we cleared a little more than 1.2 GB, for

16 GB devices over.

I would hope that you I liked this video.

Put Like if you want to see a new selection

Only already useful and non-obvious features in iOS.

Well, that's all.

With you was Vadim Ishchenko on ProTech channel.

See you soon.

See you in the next video, if you subscribe to a channel.

Also, do not pass by our profile in Instagram.

Bye Bye.

For more infomation >> The hardest bugs, failures, secret chips and fancy in iOS 10 (including iOS 10.3.3 / 10.3.2) - Duration: 5:25.


Putin We Should Be Grateful To President Trump In Moscow It's Cold And Snowing - Duration: 4:01.

Putin We Should Be Grateful To President Trump In Moscow It's Cold And Snowing

by Tyler Durden

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday during a panel at the St. Petersburg Economic

Forum that the US investigations into whether the Kremlin meddled in the US election are

nothing more than "hysteria," and that the anti-Russia sentiment in the US was about

as virulent as anti-semitism.

�It�s like saying everything is the Jews� fault,� said Putin, who said the blame for

Hillary Clinton�s November loss lies squarely at the feet of the Democratic presidential

candidate and members of her party, according to a report.

�This reminds me of anti-Semitism,� Putin said.

�The Jews are to blame for everything.

An idiot cannot do anything himself, so the Jews are to blame.

But we know what such attitudes lead to.

They end with nothing good.� Putin, who was being interviewed by NBC's

Megyn Kelly, brushed off questions about meetings that members of the Trump campaign - including

then-Sen. Jeff Sessions - had with Russian officials such as ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

�So our ambassador met someone.

That's his job.

That's why we pay him,� Putin said.

�So what?

What's he supposed to do, hit up the bars?� Putin was amused when Kelly touched on the

subject of Russian foreign news coverage spreading �disinformation.� Putin accused her �colleagues�

of dragging Russia into their coverage unfavourably.

�Let�s end this,� Putin told her.

�You will feel better and we will feel better.�

Donald Trump won because he had run a more effective presidential campaign than Hillary

Clinton, Putin said, adding the US intelligence agencies may have faked evidence of Russian

hacking, according to Reuters.

Allegations of Russian involvement were nothing more than "harmful gossip," Putin insisted,

there were no "Russian fingerprints" on the alleged hacks, Reuters reported.

Earlier this week, Putin denied the Russian state had directed any hacking operations

designed to influence the U.S. election � though he did say Russian �patriots� could have

been behind the plot on their own, Fox reported.

Following President Donald Trump's decision Thursday to take the US out of the Paris Climate

Accord talks, Putin said that there's still time to reach a deal on the 2015 pact even

without the US's involvement, before adding, in English, "don't worry, be happy," according

to Reuters.

Despite the critism that has been heapened upon Trump by other world leaders since he

announced his decision to leave the accord last night, Putin said that he "wouldn't blame

Trump" for leaving the accord, though he hoped the White House would set its own climate


�By the way, we should be grateful to President Trump.

In Moscow it�s raining and cold and even, they say, some snow.

Now we could blame this all on American imperialism, that it�s all their fault.

But we won�t.� And though he said he hopes that US sanctions

against Russia would soon be lifted, he noted that they did have some positive effects.

"We had to use our brains," Putin said.

"Not rely on oil and gas dollars."

Allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin have dogged the new

administration since before the inauguration.

In recent weeks, US media have taken aim at Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, whom NBC

and WaPo reported was a �person of interest� in the FBI� campaign.

As a reminder, Kelly is set to interview Putin in St. Petersburg Friday for a Sunday night

special that will air on NBC.

For more infomation >> Putin We Should Be Grateful To President Trump In Moscow It's Cold And Snowing - Duration: 4:01.


[Preview(Ep.7&8)] VICTON(빅톤)'s Born 아이덴티티_맛있는 일곱 녀석들 - Duration: 0:31.

(Today's challenge of VICTON is)

(Imitating a food show)

(How much does the fat 4 eat? We can't lose!)


(Eat again)

(Continue to eat)

(VICTON tries to make the best food show)

(This is what healing is)

(But they start to feel their limits)

Save us, please

(Will VICTON members successfully complete all the missions?)

(VICTON's Born Identity) (Every Tues, Thur 8 p.m.)

(Watch at Melon, 1theK YouTube and KakaoTV)

For more infomation >> [Preview(Ep.7&8)] VICTON(빅톤)'s Born 아이덴티티_맛있는 일곱 녀석들 - Duration: 0:31.


Claim Freedom Episode 3 | Vadim Timonov #baikalbouldering | adidas TERREX - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> Claim Freedom Episode 3 | Vadim Timonov #baikalbouldering | adidas TERREX - Duration: 12:46.


Fun Baby Care Doctor - Kids Makeup Learn Colors Kids Games Gameplay Kids - Play Cutest Dog Game - Duration: 11:05.

i love my pet

For more infomation >> Fun Baby Care Doctor - Kids Makeup Learn Colors Kids Games Gameplay Kids - Play Cutest Dog Game - Duration: 11:05.


Breaking News Today , President Trump Latest News Today 6/5/17 ,White House news - Duration: 28:28.

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today , President Trump Latest News Today 6/5/17 ,White House news - Duration: 28:28.


Bad Baby Cry Kangaroo and Learn Colors Daddy Finger Song for kidsNursery Rhyme - Duration: 11:45.

Bad Baby Cry Kangaroo and Learn Colors Daddy Finger Song for kidsNursery Rhyme

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Cry Kangaroo and Learn Colors Daddy Finger Song for kidsNursery Rhyme - Duration: 11:45.


Wow Left Alone House Escape walkthrough.. - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Wow Left Alone House Escape walkthrough.. - Duration: 5:19.


Some Most Funny Indian TV Ads of This Decade - Part 3 | TVC Ep 60 - Duration: 6:05.

Some Most Funny Indian TV Ads of This Decade #60

Some Most Funny Indian TV Ads of This Decade #60

Some Most Funny Indian TV Ads of This Decade #60

For more infomation >> Some Most Funny Indian TV Ads of This Decade - Part 3 | TVC Ep 60 - Duration: 6:05.


Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 90.Bölüm - Duration: 1:00:41.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 90.Bölüm - Duration: 1:00:41.


Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 87.Bölüm - Duration: 53:06.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 87.Bölüm - Duration: 53:06.


Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 88.Bölüm - Duration: 52:56.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 88.Bölüm - Duration: 52:56.


Too Much Information in the workplace: Our advice for employers - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Too Much Information in the workplace: Our advice for employers - Duration: 1:02.


Too Much Information in the workplace: Why we're campaigning - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Too Much Information in the workplace: Why we're campaigning - Duration: 1:56.


Na`Vi at EPL Dallas 2017. ЧТО СЛУЧИЛОСЬ НА ТУРНИРЕ?! [RU/EN] - Duration: 7:32.

Hello, everyone. We are in Dallas, unfortunately, we got knocked out of the tournament without reaching playoffs.

I'd like to say that this loss really hurts us, we're devastated about it.

We lost once again, we didn't manage to live up to your expectations, and, frankly, we also expected a better result.

I can say that we try really hard in every game, but we just get unlucky, I don't know...

We can't win even if we try our best, something always goes wrong.

It's no use crying over spilled milk.

We don't want to make excuses, we'll just accept this defeat,

we agree that we don't play our best game that we can.

There are plenty of objective reasons for that, I won't list them, because it will sound like an excuse.

We talked a lot with the team, analyzed our mistakes, rewatched the games.

We threw away the game against Mousesports,

because we made so many ridiculous mistakes as CT on Cobble,

the T side was great, in my opinion.

I hope you've noticed that we improved our play on Cobble, our weakest map.

We also threw away Mirage against North, we made countless mistakess on the CT side.

If it didn't happen... Well, I'm not really used to thinking in the subjunctive mood,

but we got what we got, and I'd say deservedly so.

You all see that we do have the potential,

but for some reasons we are not able to show our full potential, something doesn't work out.

I'm trying to figure out why, the coach and the guys also trying, we all try.

After the defeat we spend time together,

sometimes it's laughter through tears,

sometimes discussions, there are no conflicts at all, everyone is calm,

but unfortunately, there is not result either, it would've been much better, had we not failed.

We'll try to do our utmost best and we'll see how it goes.

We'll have two bootcamps, one before Cologne and another one prior to the Major,

we'll try to play a lot and try to win something.

Ladislav's wedding is on July 1, however, we are planning a bootcamp in Kiev after the Adrenaline Cup, until the 28th.

On the 28th, Ladislav flies back home, we'll attend his wedding and after that we're flying to Cologne.

We've scheduled our preparations for the upcoming tournaments,

the first one is Adrenaline Cup in Moscow.

Then ESL One Cologne and of course the Major, which is our main goal, we'll prepare hard for it and we want to gain our optimal form.

I killed Truck side.

Two more. Killed them.

Last one in Pit.

I'll molly Pit.

He's underneath the window.

Apartments, I headshot him.

We'll do our best to prepare for the Major, I promise.

Thanks everyone who follows us, it's a great boost, thank you.

Also, don't forget to subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to turn on notifications.

For more infomation >> Na`Vi at EPL Dallas 2017. ЧТО СЛУЧИЛОСЬ НА ТУРНИРЕ?! [RU/EN] - Duration: 7:32.


Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 89.Bölüm - Duration: 1:00:04.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 89.Bölüm - Duration: 1:00:04.


Who Should Your First Hire Be? (Sales, Production or Marketing?) - Duration: 3:48.

So I talked a little bit about who my first hire was

when I started Experiment 27,

the first iteration like two and a half years ago.

It was a sales trainer and a salesman

that I hired off of Upwork to sell.

The reason why I did that is because agencies

have three parts.

They've got sales, production and marketing.

Following that framework, today we're gonna talk

about who should your first fire be?

When I was first thinking about hiring my first employee,

I did an analysis based around that framework.

I learned that framework working in the agency world,

I kind of figured out those three parts.

It's sales, production and marketing.

Sales goes out and gets new business.

Production fulfills the orders

and marketing is the soft stuff, blog posts, SEO,

that later will generate inbound leads.

I did an analysis of myself and if I would rank myself

on these three, I would say marketing's number one,

I love doing this kind of stuff, making videos.

Sales is number two, I love being on the phone

and sending cold emails, that sort of stuff

and then production, the day to day task

of fulfilling agency business is number three on the list.

For me I knew I had to, if I was going to outsource

one of those three things, hire for where

I was weakest at.

For you it might be a different one.

You might be weakest in sales, so you hire a sales guy.

You might be weakest in marketing.

For a new agency, the balance that worked for me is

the founder, me doing sales and marketing

and then hiring somebody else to do the initial orders.

For us it was kind of a struggle at first.

I went the first month or two not making any money

from the business and actually losing money

to pay these people's salaries because there just wasn't

enough work coming in, so I knew I had to double down

and hustle harder from a sales point of view.

After that I hired Robert to help on the production side

when we pivoted from selling sales to selling content.

That helped a lot more because he was hourly.

The reason why I tell that story is because

your first hire also doesn't need to be a salaried employee.

As long as you're taking one of those three things,

sales, production and marketing and you're outsourcing

it to somebody else, it can be hourly,

it can be project based.

Actually if you go on any Facebook group,

I found my first few hires

in Noah Kagan's Wantrepreneur Earn 1K course.

He launched a paid product a while ago

and I posted in there to find my first few team members.

Angel List is also a good place or Upwork.

If you go out and find some project based people,

you can get a lot of work done

for a relatively low price.

If you were thinking about hiring for your weaknesses,

there's two constraints to look at.

One is how much money/revenue do you have

going in and then also which of these three

are you most passionate about?

The reason why I say those two constraints

is because you can have as much passion for let's say

marketing as you want, but without the sales,

a marketing person's not gonna generate ROI

with videos and blog posts for maybe six

to even 12 months, so somebody needs

to be doing that revenue generation while that's going on.

It's actually the same with production.

You can love doing design but if you don't have the money

to hire a sales guy, you're gonna have to sell

for the first let's say three, four months

before you get enough clients to hire a sales guy.

But as long as you have that passion rank,

you should know which to hire for first.

For me, like I said, it was marketing, sales

and then production.

The first person I should hire is a production person,

then the second person I should hire once production

is done is a sales person to help outsource sales

and then finally a marketing person to remove myself

from the business because the ultimate goal

is to create a business machine and remove yourself from it.

What about you?

How do you think about hiring?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

If you had to rank yourself, sales, production

and marketing, how would you rank yourself

and then what does that mean about who you should hire?

If you liked this video, feel free to give it

a thumbs up to encourage this type of content.

If you need marketing support for your digital agency,

check out, thanks.

For more infomation >> Who Should Your First Hire Be? (Sales, Production or Marketing?) - Duration: 3:48.


Idle Genius Alpha 1.0 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Idle Genius Alpha 1.0 - Duration: 1:07.


Volvo XC60 bjr 2011 3.0 T6 AWD 225kW/306pk Aut6 SUMMUM Driver Support CLIMA + ADAPT.CRUISE + ADAPT.B - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 bjr 2011 3.0 T6 AWD 225kW/306pk Aut6 SUMMUM Driver Support CLIMA + ADAPT.CRUISE + ADAPT.B - Duration: 0:59.


טודו טודו בום! - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> טודו טודו בום! - Duration: 3:56.


Italian butter meringue。義大利奶油蛋白霜 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Italian butter meringue。義大利奶油蛋白霜 - Duration: 2:47.


二つの選択肢で迷っている時_3(偶然アドバイス) - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> 二つの選択肢で迷っている時_3(偶然アドバイス) - Duration: 8:54.


SPINNING EXTREME ON THE LIMBS - Duration: 2:14. you are! Where have you been?!

The last time we saw him in the forest! Haha now we´re in the mittle of the city

Anyway we would like to show you this time, how we can spin this thing on our... limbs.

Ey man, this is perverse

I hope you liked this video

The guy you´ve seen in the video was our management, Mehmet Kekec. Big probs to him.

If you have more themes or ideas of where we should spin a basketball, write it into the comments.

But guys, don´t be perverse okay?

Give us a dislike, man


But give us a like as well man! don´t be unfair, bro!

Doesn´t matter. Even if you won´t subscribe or give us a dislike, you´ll never get rid of us.

You know what I mean.

See ya! Hihi.

For more infomation >> SPINNING EXTREME ON THE LIMBS - Duration: 2:14.


如何提高網站曝光率?通過wix網站的網頁設計讓seo優化|wix website design for seo Tutorial|seo教學+wix教學中文#03|SernHao Tv - Duration: 3:21.

(。・∀・)ノ゙, Hello, everyone! Welcome to SernHao Tv! I am SernHao!

On two episodes I have shared,

To create their own web pages through Wix,

without write any code.

And how to effectively change the website (page).

now, I going to share with you are:

How to make your website easy to been find on google relatively !

Now go setup!


In fact, to make setup a google find your website,

Is actually quite easy.

Click on "Get Found On Google"

"Improve SEO"

Then, "Start Now"

Do a few more general setting.

-Enter keywords-

Here is more important is that

Enter five keywords your pages.

This is five keywords,

are let people to find your site.

Suppose you are selling the phone,

You can enter a keyword on the phone there will be.

Can only enter a maximum of five.

Now we see that these keywords will or not find by anyone.

"Analysis My Keyword" (my keyword analysis)

He will give you suggested keywords.

If you do not want to change anything, click on "Done" (complete)

"Create SEO Plan" (create SEO)

- Strengthen the keyword -

Now wix will teach you step by step to make your keyword more effective!

To complete his "list" to make your keywords an effect.

After done, click Refresh (refresh).

When you follow wix of teaching done seo,

Your site will better to found out by other than who are not setup seo!

After a good setup, just switched off on the line.

You can press the "edit" to turn over your keywords.

Above is to share your seo teaching.

In fact, wix setup seo here is very convenient and simple.

Just follow his teaching, step by step done, your website will be more popular than others to be found.

Set keyword is more complex,

You need to find through some method or information before.

seo can not rely sixth sense, but to the data.

You may need to take some lesson.

My videos on here,

If my video helpful to you, Give me Like!

Share with your friend who in need!

SernHao Tv will occasionally update information on the life and technology.

If you have not subscribed to SernHao Tv yet, then subscribe now!

I am SernHao, see you in my next video! Goodbye!

For more infomation >> 如何提高網站曝光率?通過wix網站的網頁設計讓seo優化|wix website design for seo Tutorial|seo教學+wix教學中文#03|SernHao Tv - Duration: 3:21.


Рецепты салатов с фото простые - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Рецепты салатов с фото простые - Duration: 2:45.


Кексы рецепты простые в домашних - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Кексы рецепты простые в домашних - Duration: 3:07.


N veteran raising awareness about service dogs - Duration: 1:52.
















































































For more infomation >> N veteran raising awareness about service dogs - Duration: 1:52.


For more infomation >> N veteran raising awareness about service dogs - Duration: 1:52.


Volvo V70 bjr 2007 2.4i 103kW/140pk SPORT EDITION II FAMILY LINE CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.BI-XENON + N - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 bjr 2007 2.4i 103kW/140pk SPORT EDITION II FAMILY LINE CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.BI-XENON + N - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Volvo V70 bjr 2007 2.4i 103kW/140pk SPORT EDITION II FAMILY LINE CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.BI-XENON + N - Duration: 0:54.


How to increase the wireless WiFi wireless router - Duration: 14:25.

How to increase the wireless WiFi wireless router

For more infomation >> How to increase the wireless WiFi wireless router - Duration: 14:25.


For more infomation >> How to increase the wireless WiFi wireless router - Duration: 14:25.


DIY desk organizer | How To Make desk organizers | DIY room decor ideas | Julia DIY - Duration: 5:26.

DIY desk organizer

How To Make desk organizers

DIY room decor ideas

For more infomation >> DIY desk organizer | How To Make desk organizers | DIY room decor ideas | Julia DIY - Duration: 5:26.


For more infomation >> DIY desk organizer | How To Make desk organizers | DIY room decor ideas | Julia DIY - Duration: 5:26.


Saako seksikokemuksista kertoa kavereille? - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Saako seksikokemuksista kertoa kavereille? - Duration: 2:07.


For more infomation >> Saako seksikokemuksista kertoa kavereille? - Duration: 2:07.


Le Voile du Futur #4 : Astrologie - Duration: 8:37.

Welcome my dear sweet chocolate pupils ! I hope you ´re doing well !

I'm just asking to be polite because obviously I know you ´re not well…

I saw it… I saw it through the stars !!!

Today, we ´ll talk about astrology.

But before, let's talk about vocabulary. Please note that astrology and astronomy

are 2 differents things.

Astronomy is a science of osbervation of stars and planets.

Astrology is an observation of the stars and the planets in order to predict the futur.

This is not a science.

It shows the influence of the stars and the planets on the terrestrial life.

These 2 subjects appeared in Babylonia 7000 years ago.

Babylonians noticed that some stars didn't look like the others

and seemed to move, while the others seemed to stay still.

They called here "moving stars" and in facts, it was the planets

of the Solar System.

They gave to them some attributions and Gods.

Mars is the planet of war and blood beause of her red color.

Venus is the more shining so it's the planet of Love.

Saturne which is far away, seems to move more slowly

so she's the planet of Evil, Old, Melancholia and Death.

We thought that all in the Universe is linked, so the Babylonians thought

that all the extraterrestrial events make the terrestrial events.

For example, a shooting star can announce a King's death or a disaster.

You'll write on your parchement that the word "disaster"

is composed in 2 parts.

"Dis" that means "negative quality" and "aster" from "astron" which mean


So a disaster is a bad star.

Coincidence ? I think not.

In french this is the same "désastre". It can't be a coincidence.

It was a long time ago and all the astrology was made

because they thought that the Earth was in the center of the Universe

and all the things gavitates around her.

This is a geocentric system. The Earth is the center and receive

the rays of the planets.

When Copernic, in 1542, talked about the heliocentric system where the Sun

is in the center and the Earth is just a planet like the others,

the serious minds walked away from the astrology.

What a mistake ! Astrology is real my children. The planets have a power

above us, and our destiny ! And to discover that, we have to make

our horoscope.

This is very simple, you search in calendar the exact position

of the sun, the moon and all the planets, the day and the hour your were born,

and the place of your birth.

It'll give you a map of the sky of the day you were born.

Then you look the position of the planets in the zodiacal signs,

the distance between the stars and the angles.

Thanks to all this, we'll determinate your personality,

your gifts, your weakness.

If you want to predict the futur, you have to use the calendar to calculate

the future position of the planets and compare it with

your birth stars map.

It's as simple as this !

For the next time, you'll do one month

of prediction according to all this.

Stay strong my children !

And to try to cheat ! I'll know !

I mean... I already know of course...

I have to make a punition.

I keep my eye on you ! My third eye !

Oh ! I made a joke ! I'm so funny !

Pisces... Pisces... Someone clost to you will

betray you.... It's not the good day to tell a secret.

Beware, a Niffler will steal your more precious thing.

A niffler ? By Merlin's beard.... Hagrid !

For more infomation >> Le Voile du Futur #4 : Astrologie - Duration: 8:37.


For more infomation >> Le Voile du Futur #4 : Astrologie - Duration: 8:37.


AutoIT: Mit If Bedingungen schreiben | The Phantom Tutorials - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> AutoIT: Mit If Bedingungen schreiben | The Phantom Tutorials - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> AutoIT: Mit If Bedingungen schreiben | The Phantom Tutorials - Duration: 3:01.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V COMFORT * AIRCO - AUTOMAAT - APK t/m 30-01-2018 * - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V COMFORT * AIRCO - AUTOMAAT - APK t/m 30-01-2018 * - Duration: 0:57.


Renault Clio 1.4-16V DYNAMIQUE * APK t/m 17-02-2018 * - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.4-16V DYNAMIQUE * APK t/m 17-02-2018 * - Duration: 0:59.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-jet Dynamic - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-jet Dynamic - Duration: 0:59.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET EASY 5DRS SPORT-INT NAVI AIRCO LMV TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET EASY 5DRS SPORT-INT NAVI AIRCO LMV TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:00.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET DYNAMIC 5 deurs / C.vergr. afstandbediend / Elek pakket / Clima / Cruise-co - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET DYNAMIC 5 deurs / C.vergr. afstandbediend / Elek pakket / Clima / Cruise-co - Duration: 1:02.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V COMFORT NAVIGATOR * 1 AIRCO - NAVIGATIE - NAP - APK T/M 17-05-2019 * - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V COMFORT NAVIGATOR * 1 AIRCO - NAVIGATIE - NAP - APK T/M 17-05-2019 * - Duration: 0:54.


LOOK AT THIS DUDE :Tord: - Duration: 0:25.

Bruh :V









For more infomation >> LOOK AT THIS DUDE :Tord: - Duration: 0:25.


Italian butter meringue。義大利奶油蛋白霜 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Italian butter meringue。義大利奶油蛋白霜 - Duration: 2:47.


Dragon Ball Z review Dramatic Showcase Goku Angel - Duration: 4:08.

Very good day saiyans the world

Welcome to a new review Monday in which I come to speak

a figure for quite emotional

for me, at least. It would be the ShowCase

I have spoken long ago about

this collection okay? but it would be the

5 Volume 1 season, is the fifth season

1. Well volume, would be

They are Goku with wings

If all remember it when finished Dragon Ball Z

and Goku then goes to the other world

just because

wants to commemorate that time, Goku goeth

saying goodbye and all of us

with wings as rising skyward. Well it is a ...

now, you have seen, if you have seen my videos

about the collection is in contreto,

They are very very good, quality,

is a collection, along with

Master Piece okay? more I liked it all

the figures I have discussed so far

and you know that as each season

includes an emotional time

Series right? or the saga specifically we are talking about.

Well, pricewise,

It is between 15 to 25 euros,

okay? Why do I say this range? Because long ago,

which went on sale, and when it has already gone on sale

and spend some time going up a little more money.

You can find it on Ebay,

I say always, seek Japanese vendors,

and Nippon Yasan.

I think, if I am not misinformed, this

and it would be the last figure would close

the entire collection. So Good

I think the best thing is that veais and let it.

Well guys, here you are seeing the box,

of Dramatic Showcase

Season 5 Volume 1, ie,

the latter already in this collection.

And good it is

Goku with arito, who is already dead, and

angel wings. as

sabeis is a figure Banpresto,

and here the seal as it is original.

Let's what the figure.

It is super super big,

Here we go, we open a little flat for the veais

Qua. Well, here we have Goku,

greeting in plan, as good if I go to another world

the wings,

and as I said, the hoop.

This area here, be very careful because it is very very weak,

very fragile right? when place, be much

watch out. Well, we have what is

the part of the head to the trunk by a piece

this here on the other, each individual wing

iria placed on the back, and then would

ring. And what's the footboard,

You see that is transparent, we have the area

base on one side

this hook on the other, and this support on the other hand.

That is, it's pretty

costly to assemble.

Let's zoom

veais to better face expression and quality.

It is a figure Goku

which reflects very well the moment ending Dragon Ball Z

and it goes to another world

Because he was told that the cause of

to come increasingly stronger enemies he was.

So good, so it would fire

both the manga and anime.

The details of the wings are

super super cool,

the truth is that it lacks any detail.

With this figure, we would end and reviews of

the ShowCase.

Basically, with the same gesture that is making Goku

I say goodbye, I hope you liked it

and see you in the next video, see you soon.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Z review Dramatic Showcase Goku Angel - Duration: 4:08.


Raise the Roof | PPWH - Duration: 0:38.

Somebody says cancer and you think

this is it finished.

The hospice gave me a new lease of life

they taught me how to live, not how to die.

It's not just for me

for us it's everybody in Glasgow.

I couldn't have done without it

and that's just the honest truth.

The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice

is building a new home.

To donate £5

text ROOF to 70660.

This is out hospice Glasgow.

Let's finish it together.

For more infomation >> Raise the Roof | PPWH - Duration: 0:38.


Dombay, Russia ★Days5-9★ Домбай, Россия - Duration: 17:04.

The weather is clear today, so we have slightly adjusted our plans

And we will rise to the very top of the cable way today

This place is called Krivoles'e (wave trees)

Because in the spring, when avalanches come off

All coniferous trees .. they just break down

A .. deciduous .. they bend, and then in the summer straightened back

Here, there are, such beautiful names Krivoles'e, FalseInstructors

A- From how hight are we going to?

Dima- From 2877 to 3000

A- Just in one run, right?

D- by eight hundred meters practically

And there, by the way, is a stone. In the summer there is a big-big waterfall

Now it's small, it's water is coming from the glacier.

And the glacier is right here

A-Juguturluch Glacier reaches up to 150 meters of depth

D-thickness A-thickness! =)


We go up to 3,200 from three thousand now

There is an incomplete halo overhead

Mostly the views are closed by clouds

we have risen on 3200 here there is a view of another disintegration

Elbrus (5,642 m) can be seen in clear weather

I have two states now: either I take off my glasses and can not open my eyes, but I can barely see what is happening on the display

Either I put on my glasses and see everything around, but I do not see anything that happens on my camera screen

So the quality of the shooting is likely to be worse than desired

The lakes can be seen

D-Oooh ... A- Cool, right?

D-Aha! Running hedgehogs

Well, I already spoiled the slope before

D-ready? A-I'm ready!

We had a tea party here

We sit waiting "at the sea for the weather" (idiom)

So, we found an avalanche!

Ok, I think I caught it!

Yes Yes Yes! Oh, how far it went, while I was getting the camera out

I did not understand at first that is was coming I thought it was the old tracks

D-Oh, do you hear, somewhere else is coming down? A- There?

It is audible periodically, how avalanches come down with a roar

* Loudspeaker voice *

A- "Everyone, Go down," he says. D- The weather seems to be deteriorating A-Ah ...

Well, the avalanche is coming down like a waterfall!

it is very thin already

Dima ate local delicacy Khychin with cheese and went off to ski

A- We have a new day, May 5. We with Uncle Rakai, the dad of Ramazan, going to the Northern Shelter

This wall was built by German prisoners

Rakai - Look, the beautiful alley A and D - Pretty!

Rakai - Yes, it was made by schoolchildren ...

A-Uncle Rakai is now trying to look out for mountain goats

The air is mobile, the distance is large

along the road all the trees are broken by avalanches

D-Here they are grazing, right? A-I can see three of them ... There they are!

On the right is Mussa Achitara, on the left - Dombai-Ulgen

R- See? I can see even the horns A- It is a big one, yes!

At this glade the Germans had a camp in the war years, the headquarters.

R - I say, you know, what we had in Russia as available, free, free - everything has been closed

We reached the barrier, showed our pass,

It is in order, but now they have an additional order to not let anyone go, because the remaining avalanches did not come off

And the road is not cleared It will be cleaned after 9th, and the remaining avalanches will come down

And somewhere in a month it will be possible to reach the Northern Shelter itself

We're on our way back, Tumannoye lake. Mist of Lykel

We arrived in the reserve, will take a walk a bit

We took some food to feed the animals

We descended, literally, from the mountains, well, kilometers by 10, probably - Here everything is green, everything is blooming

It is wears at us, you look!

At first it swam so sweetly, begged

And then it is started to sizzle at us, when It realized that we do not have anything

Caucasian-Belovezhsky bison

We went into the valery complex

In general, it is a bit strange that this is called a reserve

In my understanding, this is a menagerie

And another strange feature is that, I think we went through several houses here on the territory.

D- Hey. Eat! What?

A- No one wants your carrot! He would like to dig in the garbage instead! =)

Without hind legs! How have you got so tired? lol

A- it itches!

D- "Is he going to play now?"

D- Two meters high probably

It is very unexpected to see this in our country. And very commendable!

Caucasian forest cat

While the donkeys are distracted, we feed the deer, because the donkeys bully the deers

D- Their mouth is pretty decent

A- Ah, the Mafiosi have come!

D- Na! Donkey - Foo, how dare you suggest this to me ?!

D- "Will you eat something?" Donkey - Bue! ...

All trampled malodorous kingdom of wild boars

Hello Bunny!

We deceived them, we take hay from here and give it to them. They are so attacking!

Look! They do not eat it from there with such an excitement

Perhaps they need attention and affection, simply =) It is tastier from the hands

Down below! He can not stand, as he wants his own hay

look, look! Got full mouth!

Here, who does not allow you to take it? Ah, fooly? * He then slept with his mouth full *

Here, right above Teberda, too, the stream falls down. * They are not considered waterfalls here *

* We returned to Dombai *

Indescribable beauty! *sarcasm*

We were told that somewhere behind this "dump" there will be descents to the river

Well, it's probably building debris, something was demolished ..

I do not know ... We've seen this a lot already

We decided that here, simply, most likely there is no centralized government, Which in an administrative way would organize everything

Actually, that's it

* May 6, 2017 * Today the weather is clear, so we are back to the top

Gravitsapa has a system crash *Gravitsapa - watch the movie "Kin-Dza-Dza"

Have opened doors to people: Jump!

* Almost clear weather !!! *

May 6, the snow is already wet

We again arranged a picnic for 3,200, and this is gorge Gonachkhir, which we drove through yesterday

From the bottom, the opposite ridge does not look so impressive, because only the first ridge is visible, and it is lower

And from here you can see, of course, how it is all, large! * Because of the slope the ridge appears lower from the bottom *

Are there many arsonists here? Because there are a lot of burned down stuff!

This thing is burnt too

Here, a lot of creeks waterfalls

But no one is paying attention to them here, as I understand, because there are a lot of them

We went for a walk from Dombai to Teberda

We want to reach the descent to the river

We actually planned to go to the mountains every day

But now is the avalanche period, and the most of the trails are closed

Dima and I are already laughing that we decided to continue the "Chinese" tradition of visiting all the slums and garbage dumps

For example - a beautiful place: the mountains are around, the river and on the banks again the mountains of construction debris.

The view here, of course, is beautiful, With the exception of dumps in the foreground

* May 7, 2017 * The last day in Dombai

We are riding on a single-chair cableway in the direction of the Russian glade

Got to the Russian glade

a nearby walk, from the cable car it is about 1.5 kilometers away

A- What is the name of the waterfall? D * tragic voice * - Nobody knows ...

Just behind the Russian glade is the border post

Here behind the clearing, good views open, very pretty.

And this is the view in the opposite direction, to Dombai.

Here is the frontier post, but there is no one now, *there is a Russian-Abkhazian border close to that place

But the pass is still better to have

I'm surprised a bit that in each gorge, on each path, in each direction are checkpoints, and you need to pay.

Usually, you go to the Park, once you pay at the entrance, let's say, for the car, or for the number of people who will be there, that's all.

And here - every time, on every trail

Also, for me, as for a person from Baikal, it is very unusual that you do not need to constantly check yourself from ticks (litle dangerous bugs)

We go back, the rain broke

There are also those who go forward under this rain. Losers =)

we go back under the rain

* Do not swing * * Do not jump from the chair! * XD

The eighth of May, we leave to home

Snow fell in the mountains at night

For more infomation >> Dombay, Russia ★Days5-9★ Домбай, Россия - Duration: 17:04.


Can Vitamin C Help with Lead Poisoning? - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Can Vitamin C Help with Lead Poisoning? - Duration: 6:30.


New Map By HazE{M} .x [cs_Algeria] - Duration: 1:47.

Sorry All The Game Its Dark Download The Map [Link In Descrption] And Look If You Like His Dont Forget To Subrcribe :*

For more infomation >> New Map By HazE{M} .x [cs_Algeria] - Duration: 1:47.


Ask Gail (Part 5/6) - I'm more inclined to vote for Labour... - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Ask Gail (Part 5/6) - I'm more inclined to vote for Labour... - Duration: 0:34.


【イナイレ乙女ゲーム企画】第四話・緑川|[Inazuma Eleven Otome Game Project] Episode 4・Midorikawa - Duration: 1:52.

As he, Midorikawa Ryuuji, was elected as one of the members of Inazuma Japan, his schedule was full with practices and matches. Today is a very rare day off, and he dated you to the shopping street immediately....

When you two arrived at the shopping street, he pulled you into a restaurant without saying anything, and he even finished ordering before you can react.

Wait... Midorikawa...?

Where are we?

Inazuma Ice!

I saw Endou and Fuyuka came last time, and I decided I must come with you when we have time

And I ordered the exact same menu with them! Look at this! Doesn't it look attractive?

Midorikawa's eyes were filled with excitement, like a child who is excited with his treats. You looked at the sundae, which definitely more than a portion for two, laughing with your brows knitted

It does seem attractive... but are you sure we can finish it?

Of course! "All things are easy that are done willingly"!


But I think we are "Having a heart but lacking strength", Midorikawa

It will be fine, just leave it to me!

Suddenly, Midorikawa picked up his spoon, scooping one spoon of maccha ice cream, handed it in front of you

I wanted to try this long time ago

Come, open your mouth, ah---

You laughed while looking at his red cheeks, and you opened your mouth

Thank you

How is it, does it taste nice?


That's great!

You giggled by looking at his pure smile

What's the matter?

Nothing, I just think you look cute while smiling


He was first shocked, then his face turned red immediately

Come on, don't be like that

How can I be cute...I'm a boy!

I will be happier if you say I am cool

You should be the one being cute..

Did you just say something?


Let's start eating! The ice cream are melting!


Midorikawa gulped down the ice cream, which he finished half of it within a blink

Ah-- it tastes really good!

You looked so happy while eating it

Of course, it tastes really good!

it tastes extraordinary good with the one you like



Midorikawa seem to realise what he have just said, quickly covering his mouth with his hand

Ah, no...em...

Looking at his red face, you bursted into laughter

So do I... I must be the same with you, eating happily together with you...


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