Hello dear friends!
In this video, I'll I tell you about the most interesting
bugs, and fichah Prank that you can do on the iPhone under
running iOS 10, including the most current at the time of
video recording firmware iOS 10.3.3.
So it will be interesting - Sit on more comfortable.
On iOS, you can hide the name applications.
For this purpose, springborde Open Item Management
and simultaneously press home button with opening
Point control again.
You will see a graphical artifact and all the icons in the Dock will lose
Then drag all Dock icons on the desktop
and overtighten the new party.
Repeat the procedure and so until all the icons
on the desktop will not be impersonal.
To lock after screen keep making progress,
Go to Settings - General - Universal access
and activate the switch against the item Decrease
Strip with the name of the operator, clock modes and wireless
interfaces can be hidden.
For example, it may be necessary for beautiful
For this.
Double-click on the button Home, open the multitasking mode
- hold down the power button until the slider - twice
press the home button.
The status bar is hidden, however, after lock screen
All information will be displayed again.
Did you know that classic open folders animation
and notices can be changed.
For this purpose, springborde swipe to the right to make
opening the Spotlight search.
Hold your finger on the free space left near
Edit button.
Then, press the home button.
Do the same finger swipe to the right to open another
Search and click on the free place on springborde.
Now when you open the app or folders, you will see a new
animation similar to the opening Spotlight search.
Through this Prank we can open a million
Safari tabs.
To do this, go to special link in the description
on the victim's device, click on the button Please Do not
Click me.
The browser goes crazy and starts generate hundreds of tabs,
until you do not upload browser from multitasking.
Opening Safari again nothing will not disappear.
You can of course upload one tab, but those
who watched my videos iOS secrets know that
If you hold the button Close, you can do this procedure
much faster.
Another hilarious bug that It can be turned into a lottery.
Open the Spotlight search svayp down.
Type something into a string Search and shake the device
to cancel the entry.
Press the Home button and just click on the desktop
Do not use the button.
Now when you move between desktops
will always be displayed keyboard.
Treated Spotlight discovery or reboot.
On opening the lock screen Camera, then you must
simultaneously press the button to open images
Now it's empty, and any of the volume buttons.
Start continuous shooting and even after the
display, even though the the sound disappeared, shooting
will continue.
To stop the chaos unlock device, launch the camera
and press the shutter button.
On the lock screen, slide Notification Center.
Hold your finger on an empty place.
Then click on the line Search and squeezed his finger
make a right swipe.
Respring will happen.
Attached photo to zoom screenshot can be only up to
certain limit.
But in fact it is possible and more.
To do this, go to the Mode image editing
and rotate it three times.
Then click Finish again go to the regime
edit and finish turning circle image
Now you can zoom in almost indefinitely.
In standard cell iPhone 7 Plus there is a six-time
digital zoom.
Did you know that you can and more?
To do this, open the camera Photo tab, zoom
image up to 9 times more and Hold your finger.
Second hand make hand focus on any place,
and then quickly make swipe to the right to open
video mode. 9 fold zoom and displayed in a mode
Old but proven feature.
If less than two gigabytes of free space
you can clean the cache device.
To do this, you need to download increasing the size of the application.
To this end, suitable free and a very cool card
Hearthstone game that weighs 2.3 GB.
Even if the download process start, and you may receive
and the context menu, operational the memory is cleared, and some
icons will appear "Cleaning".
As you can see we cleared a little more than 1.2 GB, for
16 GB devices over.
I would hope that you I liked this video.
Put Like if you want to see a new selection
Only already useful and non-obvious features in iOS.
Well, that's all.
With you was Vadim Ishchenko on ProTech channel.
See you soon.
See you in the next video, if you subscribe to a channel.
Also, do not pass by our profile in Instagram.
Bye Bye.
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