Ladies and gentlemen,
now the time has come for the first speaker of today
who is not in the programme because it is never quite certain
in which phase of research our colleagues will be
That´s why I am very glad to welcome here at our conference
Dipl. Ing. Vojtech Filippess, Ph.D.
who will introduce you to the results of
a research grant project focused on the topic
"Work Songs and their Role in the Library Workflow"
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, thanks to Mr. Karen for introducing me
I´ve been just recalled back from my terrain work so I am happy that I can speak about my topic now
You have become accustomed to learn something interesting or unique from our research laboratories at this time of the conference.
Today, I dare to anticipate, you will be really surprised, the weaker natures even shocked
With a kind support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs No. ZP23467 / 2016
we now want to cearly and openly deny the myth that libraries have always been a quiet place
On the contrary - in the past, they shuddered with singing
But it was not an amusement, as it might seem
Working songs contributed to a more efficient workflow, they were motivational,
and last but not least, they served to stiffen librarian´s physical fitness
Let me quote a forgotten statement of the legendary librarian J.V. Tobolka
"Without singing, the Czech librarians turned vulgar and deserted.
With singing they were strengthened in both spirit and body."
Based on documentary sources and archaeological finds, yes, even those were needed,
we have been able to restore a large number - wait a second, I´ve got it here somewhere
a large number of - in total - five domestic library work songs, and one from abroad
Quite understandingly, their lyrics and tempos differ - naturally, according to the related library activity
I admit that your lukewarm reaction has surprised me
I expected at least some admiration
Come on. Let's continue. It was a bit of a technical hack, but in the end it kicked
and I would like to welcome here out three demonstrators
who will take care of the several demos to follow
Here they are, applause please!
I repeat there will be six demos, five domestic and one from abroad
Cataloging - this is, of course, deliberation and order. Demo please so that we see it in practice, thank you
Grandma catalogued four volumes Grandpa did only two
Granny, give one volume to granpa Both of you´d make the standard!
Next is the acquisition. It´s ruled by a business spirit, that´s clear, outlook, and self-confidence.
I'm the acquisitor, acquisitor Acquisition is the hobby of mine!
I´ve got three titles on my mind When I buy they they´ll be mine
I'm the acquisitor, acquisitor I´ve got the acquisition plan!
The next demo relates to restoration
As you should know it is a delicate and demanding work
and also belief is neede that everything will work out well against anticipated and unexpected problems
Demo please
One book fell down, one book fell down It´s spine has broken loose
I´ll soak it right into the glue And the spine will look as new!
I´d also fortify the binding While I´ve got it on my desk
I'll wait a second before it stiffens And put it right back on the shelf!
Now a controversial example
What to say about it
In any case: strictness, determination, sometimes also resignation
neverheless no room for scruples!
Demo please
Annie Bailliff, Your absent loans were not returned.
The books are **...
No no, this was a strictly internal working song, so we skip it ...
Thank you
Now, the lending services
this is where willingness fights regret
No wonder. Demo please
|: Unfortunate lending counter, Unlucky lending desk :|
When I walked around, my heart ached Someone has been angry there!
When I walked around, my heart ached Someone was taking over the others!
And the last demo originates from Slovakia
Special services - sorry! Special services (in Slovak)
You´ll hear that it is not just about the office but also sometimes motorization
Coming closer to the readers. Demo please
Coming coming library omnibus Coming coming bibliobus.
Catalogue´s on the front Clean notepad on the desk
You´ll be served your book like something really rare!
Thanks to our demonstrators for all the demos
Now the last Slovak demo helped me to one more note in the end
After the opening of the second front in France in June 1944
the highly reputable American Library Association
at the instigation of the commander of a military field library
Jane Havlicekova, by the way of a Czech origin, here she is on a picture from ProQuest Newspapers
she sent a request to the U.S.Army General Staff
now listen very carefully
to issue a ban to use of automatic weapons
within one hundred meters from mobile military libraries
I repeat: within one hundred meters of mobile military libraries
The noise, as you will surely agree, was disturbing, among other things, the working songs
The request was, not surprisingly, not approved because of the situation on the battlefields
and Havlicek herself, as you can witness yourselves, she is, for a better overview, highlighted in a red circle
had to seize an automatic weapon borrowed from her colleagues
to defend her military library during a shoot-out in Pilsen
so you can applaud the brave librarian, thank you!
This is almost all from my side
Thank you for your applause that happenned in the end
But if you knew what we have in stake you´d have not applauded that cheerfully
I will not strain you for too long
Those of you who are regular participants at INFORUM know
that we amuse you every year.
It looks like you enjoy it and we enjoy that you are enjoyed.
But it will be different this year.
This year you will enjoy us!
So let me pass over to Dr. Kadlecek
to continue in the lesson that you should follow carefully now, please. Thank you!
Dear friends
Let us now start with a historical reconstruction of a typical library work song
From the point of view of a musicologist these were very simple tunes
The beat was very easy, four-quarters
The key way cheerful, major
Well, there were situations, regularly in some days, the key was dull, sad
That was usually on pay-day
But the situation is different these days
so our work song will be in a triumphant key of F-major
The whole workflow will be demonstrated on a simple, binary advancement of books in rows
Hostesses, please, hand out the book units into individual rows
The books will be advanced in the beat of a simple tune
I will explain about the lyrics shortly, it is very easy
Please watch the beat
Throw a book, pass another one on me
This queue should never come to a stop!
Next one! Three, four.
So I finished the beat
We will hear it once again, we will rehearse with an orchestra as soon as musicians will be ready
The books should be passed on along the rows to your neighbour
When the books reaches an end of the row it can be returned back in the same direction
You can also pass it on to the upper or lower rows
And I am sure that handy Czech and Slovak librarians will even be able to manage the gaps
The beat is the main thing here, and your triumphant singing, you should sing along
Now let´s try it with the orchestra, please watch the beat of the stumblebum
The books should move in this rhytm
Sir Ladislav, are you ready?
Sirs musicians?
Three, four
Throw a book, pass another one on me
This queue should never come to a stop!
Next one!
And now let this triumphant library work song sound in it´s full grandeur!
A truck full of books has arrived today
The librarian's heart starts pounding , hooray!
Let´s put all of them onto bookshelves nicely
But they must be catalogued first!
Throw a book, pass another one on me This queue should never come to a stop! Next one!
All of us could have yawned for a long time
Noone wants to stare at the full shelf
We could have had them electronic
MARC records like elsewhere globally
Next one!
People keep on coming in here themselves
Noone´s shy to take books from bookshelves
Oh, we´d rather have acquired e-books
They wouldn´t dare touching my precious!
Next one!
And now let´s tighten the standard a bit!
And now a new technology!
Throw a book, an electronic one
Thus we can make it without a queue!
Next one!
So, dear friends
The books - wherever they´ve ended - please consider a donation
from the First Underground Used Book Shop based in Hybernska street
Catalogue them, include them into your collection
Lend them and finally discard them
Thank you!
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