Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2017


good job

Hey you guys

Good evening

Oh, wait not afternoon. Good evening

E: hello

It is dark outside because it is around 10 o'clock right now

We're starting the vlog super late

We just weren't doing anything interesting today

We were just editing and

oo thank you

now our day starts I guess and we're

gonna go to Dave and Busters

Like remember before I told you that she promised she would take me

now I got a good grade on my midterm so she's suppose to take me


but first we're at a grocery store

because my final cut pro trial

ended and now I'm going to have to buy it

but buying the gift cards at a grocery store gives me a discount

so let's go!

Why you so close to my face

E: it must be over there

E: 200 dolla

E: 192

E: Sorry?

E: okay

Employee: go to the vons on..

Hey you guys

I just wanted to let you know that your help and your support has

has paid for our final cut pro software


editing software

so thank you so much

appreciate for you support

it makes our editing, filming so much better

and easier so thank you so much. It's all thanks to you guys

Now we're gonna go to Dave & Busters!


I got a good grade on my midterm

so I really deserve it!

Yes you did

E: you did

I know I said that already but I do deserve it!

Yes, you deserve it. We're going now

Wow it's really not that crowded

Well it's 10 right now

so of course it's not crowded

look how empty it is

Does it suck dating a car guy?

Yes, it does

E: Because a normal person would park over there

E: but he has to park alllll the way over here

E: Why?

E: why

He has to make sure nobody parks next to him

E: so I have to walk

Come on! Keep up

Hurry up!

Ready for me to beat you

ohhh beat me by one point

I won!

We both sucked so neither of us won

We both sucked

Don't worry you're with me

oh okay. I feel better now

You're shooting our people

He was going down anyways


Good job

I just let you have it

I'm still alive. You died

I didn't die

didn't die

you win

I died!

Babe, you got it?

Should I play?

I'll handle myself

oh, you're almost dead

Ryan's on his own

Almost got it

Ryan's favorite game!

What happened?

This game. Mine kept on swerving to the left

Want to go to this one?

Have fun?


It didn't last as long as last time

Because we came really late

But yeah, that was fuuunnn

Are you happy you got your midterm gift?


I'm happy


We're gonna go

yep, we're gonna go home

go home


Shout Out to Mackenzie!

Sign Duo


For more infomation >> HE DESERVES IT! - Duration: 6:34.


3 Awesome Life Hacks - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> 3 Awesome Life Hacks - Duration: 6:50.


I MET LOGAN PAUL, AMANDA CERNY AND MORE | Martin Tena - Duration: 17:10.

For more infomation >> I MET LOGAN PAUL, AMANDA CERNY AND MORE | Martin Tena - Duration: 17:10.


Errores Mas Graciosos En La Televisión !! - Duration: 14:54.

ridicule ridicule the point where you have to land you

scam never to return to Everyone surface has passed, sometime

as we made a mistake we made something so ridiculous that believes that for

he had never seen most we make mistakes while

we are with one or two friends one more friends laugh at you and make you

bullyng has been that idiot and never just nobody else in life will know

luckily that person thank you very much lama who has the misfortune bad

lucky to make these mistakes are It is seen by millions and

million people that is the case people working in

television and make television live or if you are in broadcasts

I live whatever the idea is to have many people watching you is horrible

then we will see the worst mistakes bloopers or embarrassing situation

shameful that happened to people they are on television

obviously can not because other than that The villa is finished errors

They are to be viral everyone has He made fun of them ended there is nothing to

they can do so let's see reuters ugliest television

as spell rackets to put good good good we are now talking about

there are the four cooperatives is watching football and do not realize that

He will touch it seemed like they did not It is napping as that

we're a little something but I He loves how to stimulate hand

It is as AA or is scratching his forehead and today I continue

with news for education and that can and should be done within the

economic and political unity or decade with the type as it stimulates

also good player steps It has to see how it ends

power What was that Chile has become so

like my dad have a girl It apparently dancing is a newsreel

news is reporting a girl who wanted to hope as

reporting or no no no which is not bad showing the girl

dancing sensually and I or because You have mom and walking well as

effective hand on the face which it is looking at how to hold

hand or because although probably He is scratching leg or something but

would be horrible to just lift the hand if lame because nothing happens here

Mr. Rible cope now that realize that people who are

news are normal people when you spend this kind of errors

as people are then Back to the person who gave the

Welcome to justice in Chile and that they are normal people

Also until they are not people who They talk all day and hello my

germán name is welcome to play your brother had those linked to tax

Street to end bad vibe I is reporting snow is very

has strong know what just happened and why we have another snow was

said yesterday left side of desire to flee day but beware the guy continues

reporting the news to end spinning a man or not

tomorrow the kind existed on the floor and probably with broken leg

good and that was the report later studied cause

This is a professional are not so cleas good balls reporting types is

a professional is a professional gentlemen do not do that is done

one goal that has rained fuck gleams

we have a pretty girl and now we know where this is going

here when we started our Predictions a girl who is very

well dressed with just such a type next to a boat on a boat

It is next to the port d we know that everything will go wrong

We know what will happen because there said many horrible things

In this video the first self Pedro Rivero Torre this video is that the

girl was obviously nervous because Chiquita as what option

hello welcome it if I take a break and to start talking

and then it starts giving a natural and hello as I'm totally normal

walking down the capital already know that which was nervous because everything

such a giant medal in the neck does not understand why and

why the girl decided to make notice this string internally with the

flimsiest rope in the world offered signed this rope do not understand why

the girl did just as the earth falls such

It said I do not know what's going on the streets for girls who investigated

I pay my career first got in hand then I tell you that helps us

give that guy wanted to use the chain to sign the girl or something but

She type first puts his head to hell then see if the girl has helped us

take very good but I hear it but good credit as well says

we specifically golden valley in the municipality of

Tlalnepantla Mexico state and watching the rain was so strong

At this point of the city waiting this afternoon will meet this post

light two young men did not want to see drunk

or evil evil evil evil evil ever water

the notero and I am the news something If I reached into the water please

closer because I'm laughing These people who fall into the water if

ever he came to work in the fall television news to me

Water and tell me hermann escarrá

Page finalized and the dynamics on that Today we can see the ball and I noticed

At this point there who is chosen first ball was every footballer

is so bad play there throwing the ball so far for dropping the

girl or did it intentionally or footballer is very very very bad bad bad

bad that it did not want them Obviously we do win, citing well

which it is a little more by girl but miners spend their days not only

They relent in their protests if not reaches a dangerous funny

The team of 40 kilometers per village Hence explaining all purple and

atmosphere in the stands of the arena out I ask you to leave the car and now

it is impossible

rafa has fallen into water I love that the person who is the

study question obviously what happens heard the sound of the UAP type

swimming and life and questions or step or do not follow the news more than the

girl disappeared the girl disappeared although authors and while a new

serotype was there're reporting in the news official reports

webber such as LED say the same see on the street is different kind of

apps although good and talking

Nothing happens when a goal from

og bad walking or as the guy something happened to him

I think that was not put as sensitive It is telling the story I think

sad or something the girl said, and nothing happens I think is

I understood what then voice nothing gives him a kiss

the girl and nothing happens yet It is bad from the goals and

then out of nowhere gum gives carla Kiss and obviously the girl refuses and

in the most uncomfortable I've seen in my life me the girl and

courtship receive sticks a palm He also cited hands be like

that optimal why so many questions so many questions or god

Asian nation we have a girl to be first or not


the girls took hours and coffee he took the sleigh thinking the

Microphone guarantee if you leave who made all well but it got caught in the foot

we can see how stuck his foot in the Cable urges the horse and the girl

He thought the microphone was staying But already there and brown the foot

He went to hell but in the end all that bad Too bad you're fired

probably clear that no work

plus 16 days to build and I know what happened up here I do not say

I know what will not vote no child pac and for days or weeks without

be 16 days working in a castle sand me 16 and a half days a

sandcastle and a typical over to Too bad bad bad bad bad

probably native to feel Lousy but the discomfort that

try to increase this video the first funny videos now

discomfort felt by the person so we must a person capable

this always end badly secured interviewer who is with cable

baddest microphone world is there

interviewed this person who is making an ice sculpture

He is apparently saying he took many days and ice sculpture

we know what's going to happen anyway but just because you have to see

You are talking ice sculpture all right because she was difficult to

some marked please when you see a person is working on something

long and delicate noticed that do not look at not what they have around

that thing that can happen this kind of things or point type but not see

How criticized this point type in your route over the bolt type eurostat

gentlemen to the other person as they They react and that of eta

television are good things happen this guy said problem and culture and

it is a year I think he has seen this guy with a

Tower condominium owners believe to be in a interview and the guy got him a

call and have to answer when apple before you begin to see the

catastrophe will happen really already you know that happened this tower is

made with a lot of pieces if not me Domino'm wrong I think some

very small but active material credit expansion and type I

I think doing this week is mexiquense the detallito to build

all these things that are there the interviewer was in a

interview received a call and said, oh sorry I have to take the call as

which obviously it is a lack of respect

as forgiveness does not know what to say ah pardon if she What I

I feel bad I think I wrote has both happiness down to three is

quite bad for this person because Finally we are on the water they have taken

it's funny that people want to be making mistakes like that back

welcome to my penis digital eye on the but television and other 35 government

rectifies action in his view of labor law

having already proven say in ten regions and implemented in terms

demand and go go-go that's not a knock the girl is to be well

as little as a rare but not I thought it was going to develop all the

Demand was lord and tamashi the Saturday I hope you are well

this time because that's the girl passed out but ten years ago when

the time it was closed because nobody He said the guy did or did not say gayla

This has to be a joke nothing to be real it has to be a

joke or type this island that has as head of the storm one time

joke but I believe it to be chance but a program

false news joke something we want a presenter see something or not

why not

It makes me sad as the knight help of some kind of track and coming

rita mediately functions laughing now one thing that the guy falls and the

Costa is not know his name and active necks already knew the other

type being studied is for nothing is one thing I would me the

people in the house laugh watching TV but another thing is that the

guy is there to support rail type is taken by a video

the most horrible errors TV gave me some laughing

some do but as eva perón more that is sad as I was given

sadness when journalists They destroy the work of others

as this person who did it is that tower was not called tower made

condóminos as that months of work workweeks probably not

It does evil to this medium with some inconvenience to him but the rest or not

but we here like the video please the I like is that I got to 150

like being amazing and its customers especially narrating a hug day

I love you giant radio city or see another video clip here you have

wanting to hear my band ancud type and download to your phone my game

German because in this link and of course do not forget to subscribe

so you do not miss any videos good here and thanks for being my

video I send you a hug psychological

GOODBYE giant 346 00: 14: 52.890 -> 00: 14: 55.699 [Music]

For more infomation >> Errores Mas Graciosos En La Televisión !! - Duration: 14:54.


"MONEY" Dope Trap Beat Instrumental 2017 | Lit Smooth Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL - Duration: 4:17.

"MONEY" Dope Trap Beat Instrumental 2017 | Lit Smooth Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL | The Beat Channel

For more infomation >> "MONEY" Dope Trap Beat Instrumental 2017 | Lit Smooth Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL - Duration: 4:17.


Enlightenment 1 - "Relax for 2 to 5 seconds" - Duration: 2:09.

So right now take a deep breath.

And Relax.

Like completely.

Relax your mind.

You don't have to stop thinking...but just relax your focus off of your mind for a moment.

Just come into the here and now.

Come into the space that is here and now so effortlessly.

Can you already notice the ease? Can you already notice the natural sense of peacefulness?.

The natural sense of coming home, of being spacious. Of being free.

So for 2-5 seconds, at least 12 times a day, make it a habit, especially in this first course...

Make it a habit to relax your mind. To give away your thoughts. Give it back to life. For just 2-5 seconds.

Take a deep breath...and as you exhale be decisive, be committed to give away your thoughts

Like disown them in a sense. Surrender them. Don't hold on to them.

And as you do that, your attention, your consciousness will start to naturally shift its attention to the presence of this moment.

lt will happen naturally, and you'll see that as soon as your relax your thinking mind, for even as much as a 2-5 second window.

In that 2-5 second window, consciousness becomes aware of, in a sense, the essence that remains.

When we're not overlaying it with thought.

So for 2-5 seconds, at least 12 times a day, make it a habit to take a deep breath.

And relax you're thoughts for 2-5 seconds.

And then to notice the spaciousness, the presence, the consciousness, that remains.

For more infomation >> Enlightenment 1 - "Relax for 2 to 5 seconds" - Duration: 2:09.


Mother Earth | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 6:33.







I live in Pentz, Nova Scotia.

 On the old Pentz road,

just down from Pentz School.

 And my name is

Louise...Pentz.   We had a

small barn which I could use as a shop.

 A potter's wheel, loaned from a friend,

and we used an electric kiln.

 Pentz Pottery was born.

For thirty years,

I created production work.  

"And I, for some reason,

looked up the word vessel,

a clay vessel,

that's what I create.

 And I was surprised to find out that the word

vessel had four different meanings."

So how to express that?

The first definition of

vessel is, it's a container.  

A bowl, a jar, a jug, a pitcher.

 I have five different patterns collected:

fruits and flowers, grapes and roses,

and you know-

stuff that sells.  

And year after year, people came.  

I loved it up until the last year.

 And in the last year,

my heart went out of it.

 Perhaps that led to the shutting down

internally of I don't want to make pots anymore.  

At the same time,

there seemed to be so many stories in

the media daily about the

atrocities and injustices being

put upon women around the world.  

And I thought, am I contributing

to the problem by my silence?  

And I came to the

conclusion that I was.

The material is capable of

saying more than a functional pot.

 So, use the material to say

something you care about.

  The second meaning of the

word vessel is, it's a boat.

 A vessel is a boat.

You're in a ship,

 It represents our journey of life.

 And so all these boat forms took

shape and I went from creating these

vessels to, ok,

now I want to focus on the figures.

 Female figures that told

these stories

was what I needed to do.

  The third meaning of vessel

is a vein or an artery.  

The red line between the figures

pierced through their heart,

it represents our lifeblood,

it's our connectivity to each other,

it represents all our stories

from previous generations.

This process of smoke-firing is so

-it's so primitive, it's so simple

to touch a material that

came out of the earth and to

shape it and to fire it so that

it's hardened and useful and beautiful.  

Once you've had the joy of

creating something with

your mind and your hands,

it's a bit of an addiction.

These sculptures just like us,

they are strong and powerful

and enduring, like the women

I'm trying to represent,

but just like us, also, they're

very fragile and vulnerable.

 So this piece of work, if

all goes well, it's going to

be around in 2000 years time.  

It will still have my

fingerprints in it, then.

And the fourth definition

of vessel, it's actually in Scripture.

 We are containers for the spirit.

So when I read the definitions,

I had all these pictures in my

head of what that looks like.

  I have found my voice of

protest for the way women are

treated in the world.  

You know, it was thirty years,

but it's faded pretty quickly.  

What I'm doing now is much more

engaging and satisfying.

And hopefully someone is

listening, and hopefully

someone else will say, I think

the same way, I feel strongly too.

 The artists have an important

role in bringing about social change,

so find out what you can do.  

I can do clay, that's all I know.  

If everybody did what they could,

gosh, it'd be pretty interesting.

I think those that perpetrate

hateful things on others,

they're banking on our silence.  

Recognize it, we all have power.  

Now what?  

What are you going to do with it?

For more infomation >> Mother Earth | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 6:33.



Welcome to WARN, Todays we discuss LOCKHEED MARTIN�S �MAKE IN INDIA� PLAN:


On 20th June 2017, the Maryland-based defence manufacturer Lockheed Martin announced its

plans of producing the F-16 fighter jets in India.

The proposal stands with a condition that India should buy 100 F-16 fighter jets from

the company in order to increase its military requirements.

The contract, if granted, will pave the path for private companies around the globe for

defence manufacturing in India.

Currently, Lockheed Martin has struck a temporary deal with its long-time Indian partner Tata

Advanced Systems Limited which builds airframe components for the C-130 Hercules jets.

If successful, the manufacturing deal will let Tata control the service and upgradations

of the fighter jets

�Make in India� or �America First�?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi�s �Make In India� policy has been one of the biggest

success stories of his tenure.

Since taking office in 2014, PM Modi has been travelling across the globe to sell India

as a business-friendly nation while securing huge amounts of investments in infrastructure,

healthcare and technology sector.

But with the arrival of new US administration, things may not remain the same.

Ever since taking office early this year, US President Donald Trump has time and again

reiterated his �America First� policy which focuses on decreasing the outsourcing

of jobs from multi-national companies while creating opportunities for the American people.

On the other hand, India has been one of the fastest growing major economies in the last

few years majorly due to the huge amount of Foreign Direct Investment coming into India

from countries like the United States.

Currently, numerous Multi-National Companies have their offices in India which have created

millions of jobs for the Indian people.

With Trump�s negative views about the outsourcing of jobs, setting up new offices in countries

like India could turn out to have serious implications for American companies.

Falling into the same category, serious doubts were raised about Lockheed Martin�s proposal

of manufacturing in India.

Clearing the air, Marillyn Hewson, Head of Lockheed Martin Corporation, explained in

a brief statement after meeting PM Modi: �The partnership with Lockheed Martin and TATA

Advanced Systems to build the F-16 in India will support the advancement of Indian manufacturing

expertise while also generating new manufacturing and engineering jobs in the US�.

A Golden Opportunity

Though most of the major economies around the world spend less money on defence imports

by using indigenous products, India has to rely on countries like Russia, US, France

and Israel to satisfy its military requirements due to inadequate infrastructure and technology

in the defence sector.

As per the status quo, India is the biggest arms importer in the world and it desperately

needs to initiate defence manufacturing on its soil to reduce its expenditure.

The South Asian region has been one of the most backwards regions in terms of defence


Unlike major economies, India and its surrounding countries focus more on fulfilling basic day

to day needs of its citizens.

Considering the size of the market, having a defence manufacturer like Lockheed Martin

in the South Asian region would be of great market value to the company while creating

numerous jobs for the Indian people.

According to Lockheed Martin, the manufacturing deal will have an export potential of $15

billion in the surrounding region which will benefit both India and the United States.

Currently, the Indian Air Force is in talks with both Lockheed Martin and Sweden�s Gripen


Though both the Jets will be equally relevant from India�s standpoint, Lockheed Martin�s

deal would boost India�s defence manufacturing sector.

If the deal is accepted, it would be a win-win situation for both India and Lockheed.

But if India rejects the F-16 deal, it might lose out on a golden opportunity in its quest

to become a manufacturing hub.

Artical is writen by Koustubh India Defence News




Welcome to WARN, Todays News headlines are -----------------------------------------------------------

India as Ally : Ties with Modi make a good balance with China

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Washington and met with President Donald Trump

on Monday. It is easy to see why the president is paying attention to this Indian leader.

He is clearly in the same league of world leaders as China�s Xi Jinping, Turkey�s

Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Germany�s Angela Merkel.

Indian-American economic and commercial involvement is plain to see, although Trump�s emphasis

on trying to sell India military equipment seems to be something of a mis-emphasis. The

United States is India�s best customer for its exports. America is the fourth-largest

supplier of India�s imports; China is first.

Given America�s continuing involvement in its now 16-year-old war in Afghanistan, it

is necessary for Trump to be aware of the geopolitics of South Asia in his interactions

with Modi. India continues to see Pakistan as its primary enemy in the region. In general,

the United States continues to see some of Pakistan�s government and military tie-in

to the Taliban, the nominal opponent of the Ashraf Ghani government that we support, as

unhelpful. Some would even say Pakistan is indispensable to the Taliban. But America

is obliged to watch Pakistan closely for a variety of reasons.

There is also to keep in mind the simmering rivalry between two of the behemoths of Asia,

China and India, both with populations more than 1 billion. There was war in the past,

and continuing sometime incidents between them, most recently Tuesday in Sikkim. Xi

and Modi also have big ambitions, for themselves and for their countries.

In seeking to sell India more weapons, Trump is not splashing around in the baby pool and

should take great care to weigh whatever he promises to Modi in the context of South Asian

and overall Asian politics. That said, his developing a relationship with Modi is very

much worth the trouble. ---------------------------------------------------------------

Citizens of Hong Kong demand independence from China - Xi Jinping talks tough

Chinese President Xi Jinping swore in Hong Kong�s new leader on Saturday with a stark

warning that Beijing won�t tolerate any challenge to its authority in the divided

city as it marked the 20th anniversary of its return from Britain to China.

Police blocked roads, preventing pro-democracy protesters from getting to the harbour-front

venue close to where the last colonial governor, Chris Patten, tearfully handed back Hong Kong

to China in the pouring rain in 1997. Xi said Hong Kong should crack down on moves

towards �Hong Kong independence�. �Any attempt to endanger China�s sovereignty

and security, challenge the power of the central government ... or use Hong Kong to carry out

infiltration and sabotage activities against the mainland is an act that crosses the red

line and is absolutely impermissible,� Xi said.

He also referred to the �humiliation and sorrow� China suffered during the first

Opium War in the early 1840s that led to ceding Hong Kong to the British.

Hong Kong has been racked by demands for full democracy and, more recently, by calls by

some pockets of protesters for independence, a subject that is anathema to Beijing.

Xi�s speech was his strongest yet to the city amid concerns over what some perceive

as increased meddling by Beijing, illustrated in recent years by the abduction by mainland

agents of some Hong Kong booksellers and Beijing�s efforts in disqualifying two pro-independence

lawmakers elected to the city legislature. �It�s a more frank and pointed way of

dealing with the problems,� said former senior Hong Kong government adviser Lau Siu-kai

on Hong Kong�s Cable Television. �The central government�s power hasn�t been

sufficiently respected ... they�re concerned about this.�


China's Space Ambitions take a hit - Heaviest Rocket Launch fails after Lift-Off

The second launch of China's new-generation Long March-5 carrier rocket failed Sunday

-- dealing a blow to the country's ambitious space aspirations.

Carrying an experimental communication satellite, China's largest rocket lifted off at 7:23

p.m. local time (7:23 a.m. ET) toward clear skies from the seaside Wenchang space launch

center on the southern Chinese island of Hainan. But 40 minutes later, the state-run Xinhua

news agency flashed a headline declaring the launch a failure -- without providing any

details. Dubbed "Chubby 5" for its huge size -- 5 meters

in diameter and 57 meters tall -- the LM-5 rocket is designed to carry up to 25 tons

of payload into low orbit, more than doubling the country's previous lift capability.

Xinhua initially tweeted: "#BREAKING: China's launch of Long March-5 Y2 carrier rocket fails."

It then tweeted: "Anomaly was detected during its flight and further investigation will

be carried out." Before the launch attempt, Joan Johnson-Freese,

a professor at the US Naval War College and an expert on China's space program, said the

rocket would give China "heavy lift capabilities" needed to develop a large space station.

"More generally, the LM-5 provides China with capabilities to reach destinations previously

out of reach, including interplanetary," she said.


China's actions on border risky, could lead to War: Bhutan public

Criticising China for constructing a road inside Bhutanese territory, residents here

have stated that this action by Beijing could lead to war and cautioned the latter not to

transgress Bhutan's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

"What China is doing on the border lines is very risky and it encourages war. India is

just trying to warn them that China should respect Bhutan?s sovereignty. India is fully

supported by Bhutan," Bhutanese local Chundu Singye told ANI.

Singye further stated, "Bhutan is a small country, but no one can invade our territory

because the topography and geography is such, that invasion is nearly next to impossible."

Another Thimphu resident Tsheltrim Dorji said, ?I think China, India and Bhutan should come

together and find a solution to the issue.? ?Indo-Bhutan share a really good relationship.

Bhutan is small country, not proper way to acquire forcefully,? Choki Wangmo, another

Bhutanese local said. Echoing similar sentiments, one more Bhutanese

local Namgay Dorji said, ?India and Bhutan are having good relationship since 1961. India

is supporting our government in every aspect.? Locals in Bhutan are severely critical about

China proposing to construct the road inside Bhutanese territory, which they say is a direct

violation of the agreements and affect the process of demarcating the boundary between

the two countries. Bhutan had last month issued a demarche to

the Chinese envoy in India, asking Beijing to restore the status quo in the Doklam area

where Chinese soldiers tried to unilaterally build a road towards their army camp in the

Zomplri area. China who refer to Doklam as Donglang was

part of Chinese territory ?since ancient times and it doesn?t belong to Bhutan?.


Stop sending terrorists to our peaceful land: PoK leaders to Pakistan PM, Army

Locals in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) have launched a massive agitation against

political and military leadership of Pakistan, for trying to convert PoK into a terror factory

by creating terror camps. Residents of Hajira in PoK are demanding freedom

from Pakistan and have accused the civilian leadership of Pakistan and Army of nurturing

terrorism in their territory by giving safe havens to them.

Pressure on Pakistan has been building up but civilian leadership in Islamabad is indifferent

and continues to support and oil terror machinery in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

The protests are likely to intensify in the coming days as according to reports there

are estimated 50 terrorist training camps still operating in the region, most of these

camps belong to banned outfits like Lashkar -e -Toiba , Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and even ISIS.

These camps are backed and aided by Pakistan military and Inter Service intelligence. Militants

trained here are sent to Kashmir, Afghanistan and even Europe.

Meanwhile, the international community has accused Pakistan of providing safe havens

to terrorists and most of the terror groups are located in the Federally Administered

Tribal Areas (FATA) along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"We urge Pakistan Army and Prime Minister with folded hands to not to send terrorists

here. People of all religions co-exist here in this land of peace. Bomb blasts are taking

place inside religious places, mosques, places where Hindus and Shias worship," said Liaqat

Hayat Khan, senior leader JKNAP.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- �Nirbhay failed due to use of recycled material�

The fourth test of Nirbhay, the long rage sub-sonic cruise missile that is designed

and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), failed on

December 21 last year because of use of faulty material, said Chairman of the DRDO and Secretary

of Department of Defence R&D S. Chirstopher here on Saturday.

Speaking to The Hindu after inaugurating a workshop on indigenous lithium-ion batteries

for special applications, hosted by the Naval Science and Technological Laboratories (NSTL),

the DRDO chief said, �The fourth test of the missile took place from the Launch Complex-III

of Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Balasore in Odisha and after lift-off the missile developed

snags over one of its wings, started to bank on one side and veered dangerously. We had

to activate the �self-destruct� mechanism to kill it mid-air. On investigation, it was

found out that the vendor who manufactured it used recycled material for one of the key

components that operates the wings of the missile and that was the reason why it failed.

The strength of the recycled material was not sufficient to operate the parameters.

Though the vendor followed all specifications, the use of re-cycle material was not disclosed.�

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erdogan talks about Aircraft carriers at launch

ceremony of latest Turkish corvette

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated Turkey�s goal of self-sufficiency in defense

as he launched a new warship on Saturday.Speaking at the launch of the TCG Burgazada, an indigenously

produced corvette, at the Istanbul naval shipyard, Erdogan said Turkey would soon �be in a

position to make our own aircraft carriers. Turkey, especially, cannot stall on defense

industry and military issues because of our strategic geographical location.� The president

has previously said Turkey�s defense industry will be self-sufficient by 2023, the centenary

of the declaration of the republic. The Burgazada is the third Ada-class corvette produced under

the MILGEM project. The first was the Heybeliada, launched in 2008. The ships, which are named

after the Princes� Islands off Istanbul, are designed for search and rescue, patrol

and anti-submarine warfare duties and are armed with a 76 millimeter gun, missiles and

torpedoes and carry a Seahawk helicopter. The ships have a displacement of 2,400 tons,

a maximum speed of more than 29 knots (33 miles an hour) and a range of 3,500 nautical

miles. Erdogan also performed a �welding ceremony� on the TCG Kinaliada, another

MILGEM corvette that is due to be completed in May next year. Defense Minister Fikri Isik

said Turkey was among the top 10 nations in military ship production. �Turkey�s domestic

production rate in the defense industry increased to 60 percent from 24 percent,� he said.

Reducing dependence on foreign arms imports is a key goal of the Turkish defense industry.

Also present at the ceremony, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said the government had invested

$30 billion in the defense industry over the last 14 years. �Turkey is in a fire circle

and many oppressed nations wait for our support,� he said. �Thus, we have to improve our defense

and deterrence capability. When we do that, we need to use local and national resources.�

--------------------------------------------------------------------- New Reaper drone variant performs first combat

mission The U.S. Air Force reported Thursday that

its new Block 5 variant of the MQ-9 Reaper drone has performed its first combat mission

against Islamist terrorists. The recent 16-hour sortie, flown June 23 in support of Operation

Inherent Resolve, involved the unmanned aerial vehicle dropping a GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack

Munitions bomb and firing two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles in support of ground forces in the

Middle East. Operation Inherent Resolve is the U.S. military name given to operations

against ISIS fighters. �Working in conjunction with coalition joint terminal attack controllers,

other MQ-9 aircraft and crews, our aircrews employed two Hellfires and one GBU-38,�

Maj. Dan, the 432nd Wing director of operations, said in a press release. �All three strikes

met the ground force commander�s intent and destroyed two defensive fighting positions,

two vehicles and one mortar tube.� The Block 5 MQ-9 has an enhanced electrical and communications

systems that allows the use of better software and hardware upgrades for future. The variant

also features the new Block 30 cockpit that required different training for aircrews on

the ground. The new MQ-9 aircraft arrived at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada late February

and quickly received modifications, such as changes to the battery cables and enhanced

generator control units. In May, these MQ-9s were flown locally at Creech AFB to test airworthiness

and then shipped to the area of responsibility for Operation Inherent Resolve.

For more infomation >> WARN#29: INDIA-US, HONG KONG, LM-5 ROCKET, BHUTAN PUBLIC, NIRBHAY, REAPER DRONE - Duration: 14:50.


DSS Detention Of Ex-Militants Breach Of Niger Delta Peace Process, Says Ijaw Youth Council - Duration: 4:01.

DSS Detention Of Ex-Militants Breach Of Niger Delta Peace Process, Says Ijaw Youth Council

A pan-Ijaw organization, the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC), has flayed the continued detention, without trial, of Niger Deltans by the Department of State Security (DSS), describing it as a breach of the Niger Delta peace process.        .

The IYC made its position know in a statement signed by its President, Mr Eric Omare.

The group pointed out that during the fact-finding and confidence-building tour of the Niger Delta region by the Acting President, Mr Yemi Osinbajo, the people of the region demanded the release of those in detention in connection with the resurgent militancy in the region.

The Federal Government, noted IYC, promised to look into the case and actually freed some former Niger Delta militants from detention.

Despite this gesture, IYC said the DSS has continued to detain some other Niger Delta agitators, including those whose release had been ordered by courts.

The case of ex-militant leader, Mr Sely Kile Torugbedi (alias Young Shall Grow), is most pathetic and unjust.

The Federal High Court, Abuja, presided over by Justice Nnamdi Dimgba, on the 5 August, 2016, made an order for the immediate release of Mr Torugbedi from DSS custody.                  .

However, almost a year after the order was made, the DSS is still holding Mr Torugbedi in custody, said IYC.

The group added that the DSS has also treated Mr Daniel Ezekiel, an Ijaw activist, in a similar fashion by serially  refusing to appear at the Federal High Court, Warri, despite several hearing notices served on the Service at its headquarters in Abuja.

The IYC equally pointed out that Mr Alex Odogu, spokesman of its Abuja chapter, Mr Jones Abiri, a Yenagoa-based journalist, and many others have been detained for over a year without trial.

These persons were all arrested in connection with the Niger Delta agitation and since government has decided to adopt a negotiated settlement of the Niger Delta agitation, these persons ought to be released as part of the peace process.

It even amounts to a breach of trust for the government to promise peaceful dialogue while at the same time unnecessarily keeping people in detention, fumed IYC.                  .

It added that the leaders of the Niger Delta region have fulfilled their own end of the bargain by restoring relative peace in the region, saying it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to sustain it.

The group called on the acting President to order the release of Messrs. Torugbedi, Ezekiel, Odogu, Abiri and all other Niger Deltans by the DSS in connection with the Niger Delta hostilities.

Acting President Yemi Osinbanjo should note that his reputation is on trial in the face of these violations of human rights as a law professor and Senior Advocate of Nigeria. Nigerians and the international community are watching, IYC stated.

IYC members demonstrating IYC Worldwide.

For more infomation >> DSS Detention Of Ex-Militants Breach Of Niger Delta Peace Process, Says Ijaw Youth Council - Duration: 4:01.


Kate Middleton, Prince William Divorcing? Split Rumors Heat Up As Duchess Ends Maternity Leave. - Duration: 2:28.

Kate Middleton, Prince William Divorcing?

Split Rumors Heat Up As Duchess Ends Maternity Leave.

Are Kate Middleton and Prince William having marriage troubles?

A shocking new report has claimed that Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge have

been bickering nonstop behind closed doors and are on the verge of splitting up.

Middleton has reportedly been "in hiding" since giving birth to her daughter, Princess

Charlotte, in May, snubbing many public events.

This has fueled rumors that she and her husband have not been getting along.

"Kate has been slowly becoming reclusive after giving birth to Princess Charlotte, and signs

that her marriage to Prince William is crumbling continue to grow with every event the Duchess

snubs," Celebrity Dirty Laundry noted.

The report also claimed that things have gotten so bad that Queen Elizabeth has summoned both

the prince and Middleton to her home in Balmoral to help repair their marriage.

"This is not the first time Queen Elizabeth had to intervene in Kate Middleton and Prince

William's marriage.

The Queen demanded a previous meeting at Balmoral, Scotland in 2014 when the Duke and Duchess

of Cambridge separated during Kate's pregnancy with Princess Charlotte," the royal watcher


Though Kensington Palace has not commented on the split rumors, Middleton will indeed

visit the queen at her Scottish home soon, Daily Mail confirmed.

Middleton and Prince William will be joining Queen Elizabeth for a formal dinner in Balmoral

to celebrate the landmark of the latter becoming the longest reigning monarch.

Whether or not rumors of the royal couple fighting are true, one thing's for sure: Middleton

is ready to get back to fulfilling her royal duties.

The duchess is reportedly ending her four-month maternity leave this week and will be attending

the Rugby World Cup and a children�s charity event, Yahoo! reported.

A royal insider also explained the reason behind Middleton's extended maternity leave.

�She felt she came back too soon last time.

She wants to have that [family] and enjoy it with George and the new baby," the source

told People magazine.

Do you think there's any truth behind the split rumors plaguing Kate Middleton and Prince


Share your opinions below.

thanks for watching.

please subscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton, Prince William Divorcing? Split Rumors Heat Up As Duchess Ends Maternity Leave. - Duration: 2:28.


July 2 Rescues in Action: Dice and Godiva needs forever homes - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> July 2 Rescues in Action: Dice and Godiva needs forever homes - Duration: 1:34.


Here's My Canada: Cold, Free, Home - Duration: 0:09.

Canada is cold.

Canada is weather.

Canada is freedom.

But most of all, Canada is home.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Cold, Free, Home - Duration: 0:09.


Here's My Canada: Family! - Duration: 0:09.

Alright, hello. My name is Brandon

and what Canada means to me is family.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Family! - Duration: 0:09.


Teaser of Gene Single's album "Tornado Dreams" (to be released on July 30, 2017) - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Teaser of Gene Single's album "Tornado Dreams" (to be released on July 30, 2017) - Duration: 4:02.


I KILLED A DOG WITH MY PINKY (WEIRD STORIES #2) (infamous second son gameplay) - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> I KILLED A DOG WITH MY PINKY (WEIRD STORIES #2) (infamous second son gameplay) - Duration: 8:33.


An Introduction to Writer Wednesdays - Duration: 2:22.

Hello Patron, and welcome to the new and improved Writer Wednesday series!

You're seeing this because you have generously chosen to support my Patreon for

five dollars or more per month—which, thank you, by the way.

In these Writer Wednesday videos, I want to give you my best advice and tips as a writer

AND an indie author—which sounds like the same thing, but really it's not.

I do definitely want to talk about craft here, meaning the skills and techniques of

building a story.

I'm hardly the greatest at that, but I am happy to share what I do know.

But probably more importantly, I want to advise you on the business side of being an indie author.

And that is where I really want to provide the most value for you that I can.

Being frank here—I'm pretty good at what I do.

I sell a lot of books.

I'm able to do it full time.

I support my family with my writing—and my wife even works for me, she doesn't have to have

a "real" job.

So that's what I really want to share with you.

Not only do I want to give you general tips and advice on how to get started, and all that,

but I want to address the specific problems YOU are facing as an indie author.

So now there's two things I need to tell you in order for this to be as awesome for

you as it can possibly be.

First of all, in the message where I shared this video with you, there is a list of existing

Writer Wednesday videos.

Now, you should know that the first eight videos in that list are my OLD Writer Wednesday videos.

They were publicly posted before Writer Wednesdays was what it is right now.

So they're probably not going to be as useful to you as the rest of the series, but I didn't

want to leave them out, because they ARE Writer Wednesday videos and you ARE paying for the

whole package.

Future new videos will be sent to you in special Patreon posts that only you get to see.

And they will keep coming as long as you are a Patron.

Obviously, this probably doesn't need to be said, but please do not share those videos with other people.

They are only for patrons.

Now, the second thing, and this is much more important.

Writer Wednesday is not a course.

I don't like the amount of courses in the indie author space.

Most of them are bullshit anyway, and I don't want to add to that pile.

This is a mentorship.

I want to address what YOU are struggling with as an indie author.

So please, in the comments of this video or any other Writer Wednesday video,

or a private message, email, whatever you want, I want you to tell me what YOUR problems are

in your writing career.

THAT is what the Writer Wednesday videos are going to be—me answering YOUR questions

and giving you MY advice on YOUR situation.

I am really excited to be doing this with you.

I hope that you are going to enjoy it and find it valuable.

And I am going to work very, very hard to make sure that you do.

Thank you so much for your support that makes the Writer Wednesday series possible, and

I will see you next Wednesday.


For more infomation >> An Introduction to Writer Wednesdays - Duration: 2:22.


Отава Ё - приглашение на концерт 08.07.17 (invitation to the concert in Moscow) - Duration: 1:16.

Guys, this is Otava Yo.

I do have new flute!

That is why we need to play a gig in Moscow!!!

8th of July, club Yotaspace

Gosh! Dima, I told you five times - Glavclub!

Glavclub became again Glavclub. Not Yotaspace, but Glavclub!

It is the same, but little bit different

8th of July - in Moscow's Glavclub.

For more infomation >> Отава Ё - приглашение на концерт 08.07.17 (invitation to the concert in Moscow) - Duration: 1:16.



For more infomation >> BTS FIRE BRAZIL TOUR 2017 REACTION! [B-ARMYS ARE CRAZY] - Duration: 4:48.


HE DESERVES IT! - Duration: 6:34.


good job

Hey you guys

Good evening

Oh, wait not afternoon. Good evening

E: hello

It is dark outside because it is around 10 o'clock right now

We're starting the vlog super late

We just weren't doing anything interesting today

We were just editing and

oo thank you

now our day starts I guess and we're

gonna go to Dave and Busters

Like remember before I told you that she promised she would take me

now I got a good grade on my midterm so she's suppose to take me


but first we're at a grocery store

because my final cut pro trial

ended and now I'm going to have to buy it

but buying the gift cards at a grocery store gives me a discount

so let's go!

Why you so close to my face

E: it must be over there

E: 200 dolla

E: 192

E: Sorry?

E: okay

Employee: go to the vons on..

Hey you guys

I just wanted to let you know that your help and your support has

has paid for our final cut pro software


editing software

so thank you so much

appreciate for you support

it makes our editing, filming so much better

and easier so thank you so much. It's all thanks to you guys

Now we're gonna go to Dave & Busters!


I got a good grade on my midterm

so I really deserve it!

Yes you did

E: you did

I know I said that already but I do deserve it!

Yes, you deserve it. We're going now

Wow it's really not that crowded

Well it's 10 right now

so of course it's not crowded

look how empty it is

Does it suck dating a car guy?

Yes, it does

E: Because a normal person would park over there

E: but he has to park alllll the way over here

E: Why?

E: why

He has to make sure nobody parks next to him

E: so I have to walk

Come on! Keep up

Hurry up!

Ready for me to beat you

ohhh beat me by one point

I won!

We both sucked so neither of us won

We both sucked

Don't worry you're with me

oh okay. I feel better now

You're shooting our people

He was going down anyways


Good job

I just let you have it

I'm still alive. You died

I didn't die

didn't die

you win

I died!

Babe, you got it?

Should I play?

I'll handle myself

oh, you're almost dead

Ryan's on his own

Almost got it

Ryan's favorite game!

What happened?

This game. Mine kept on swerving to the left

Want to go to this one?

Have fun?


It didn't last as long as last time

Because we came really late

But yeah, that was fuuunnn

Are you happy you got your midterm gift?


I'm happy


We're gonna go

yep, we're gonna go home

go home


Shout Out to Mackenzie!

Sign Duo


For more infomation >> HE DESERVES IT! - Duration: 6:34.


Our Implicit Bias Holds the Remote - Duration: 16:48.

"Implicit bias" is something that comes up here every once in a while;

it's pretty foundational to important things like sexism and racism,

and if we say that the first step to defeating your intolerance is understanding it's there,

understanding the possibility that unknown biases could exist is that process revealed.

In this video, I'd like to talk about implicit bias, appropriately the B story,

while the A story is making a case for Affirmative Action in Hollywood.

Whoa! Affirmative Action, oh, my God, right?

At least, that was one side of the discourse back in early 2015--

remember that time? #OscarsSoWhite?

That was a hashtag, and a social activist movement created by the blogger April Reign.

For anybody in the room who still bristles at the equation of activism and social media,

sometimes it's just about an idea, and Ilearned something eye-opening through all this kerfuffle.

Now, the situation with the 2015 Oscars, looking back at the year that was, 2014,

precipitated because of the nominations,

where along with Ava DuVernay not being recognized for directing,

the acting categories were entirely monochrome.

This was around the time when movies and TV shows started to become more diverse,

which we're still struggling with now, of course, but this led to a lot of frustration

when the Academy continued to overlook the accomplishments of women and people of color.

A number of prominent black celebrities even skipped out on the show in protest.

And the argument from the other side was: this isn't about inclusion for the sake of inclusion--

it's not Affirmative Action, this is art.

You are nominated when your work is the best, and obviously, yours was not.

Maybe that sounds reasonable, but I read a series of tweets by the writer Imran Siddiquee,

and I wish I could find those tweets, but I believe the essence was:

We say "merit," but our valuation of merit

is influenced by 100 years of a relatively unchanging Hollywood.

It's a cycle that perfectly sustains itself.

We've had Image A telling us what the Image should look like,

and so we steer ourselves toward future Image A's,

even at the expense of investigating Image B.

The idea is that there are great things out there,

being produced and potentially produced by women and people of color,

but we don't recognize them as great.

And that really blew my mind, because it lends itself to this troubling question:

how do we know when we're biased,

what of our values have been truthfully calibrated, to whatever extent they can be?

And then everything's thrown into question.

And we look back at the sad state of Hollywood

and suddenly things start to make a lot of sense.

Recently, we saw the record-breaking debut of the Wonder Woman movie,

directed by a woman, Patty Jenkins, and it's been cause for celebration.

But the story behind it is that adversity that creates heroes.

And while heroes are great, that adversity doesn't need to be there.

We look at the statistics and it's objectively unfair or uneven, as a start.

And I think the solution is obvious: hire more women.

"They're not coming up, we don't think they're interested."

But what if we can't see that they're interested, or qualified,

because we see the world in a way that is biased?

This does raise some immediate concerns though, for example,

the problem of who gets to tell whose story.

Which we're now introducing to the table because a "who" has been reified,

where before it didn't exist.

If we go far enough down the skill tree and unlock the power of listening,

I do believe anybody can tell anybody's story,

it's just that, to this past 100 years of Hollywood,

there's been a regular California drought of listening.

This is a tale of Writer X making presumptions and the Internet reacting, eternally retold.

We're simply not there yet, and we can't keep waiting,

hoping one of these guys gets it right -- they occasionally do--

but it's not a viable solution when there's a better one that's been hot to trot for,

well, probably 100 years.

And again, the prospect of hiring women to tell women's stories

doesn't worry the cruft among us for itself, hopefully,

but for the principle it represents, that we shouldn't confine people to only telling their stories,

especially for what it closes off for other people, so eager, so fragile.

To be a semantic dick for a hot second,

isn't that kind of storytelling anyway, that it's always "your story,"

even if you're writing about, like, space pirates fighting the gleegalords from Neptune?

Your take on an Asian-American person will be your take,

it's not supposed to speak for the whole of Asian American people.

Theoretically, yes.

That's why we're interested in artists,

and their approaches and interpretations on various subject matter.

But in practice, just as there's a gulf between intent and interpretation,

when the non-Asian filmmakers behind "Breakfast at Tiffany's" erect this image,

the Asian Jason Scott Lees in the audience are affected in a way

to where it doesn't matter whose take it is, whose interpretation.

All that exists is the image, and it doesn't just exist, it burrows.

Take it from me, but do so lightly.

So we say, again, hire women as often and aggressively as you can.

Who am I talking to?

I don't know.

Until that day that the non-Asian filmmaker's image no longer stands alone,

but is flanked by the Asian filmmaker's image,

maybe a moratorium on attempting to tell other people's stories.

And when it comes to women's stories?


We could talk about the "Breakfast at Tiffany's" equivalent for women characters in media,

because that list goes on, but other people address that quite well

and I'd rather focus on a different phenomenon.

I have four examples for you,

four works of media which feature women characters who eventually undergo a specific change.

That is, toward character.

The first is "Raising Hope."

Now, you might know Shannon Woodward from "Westworld,"

or for her battles on Twitter for which she has remarkable stamina,

but one of her previous major roles was on "Raising Hope."

There was a big part of me that was, like, after, you know, halfway through the second year,

I was, like, "Man, I really want to be crazy, too.

Everybody else gets to be crazy, and it's so much fun and I'm jealous.

I'm jealous because I want to yell and scream funny stuff

And, like, wear funny, stupid things, and, like…"

And he was like, "I know, but"-- Greg Garcia was like "I know, but…

I just don't know, you know…


Well, actually, I have a good idea."

And then I read the script a couple weeks later, and it was, like,

Sabrina goes off her medication, and he was like, "How about that?"

And I was like, "Perfect," and he was like, "I just think that we realized

that we should start writing you a little bit more like you,

insane, you're insane.

You're a crazy person."

And then we have "Community," and I've seen the first season of "Community."

I understand it develops a personality after that,

so maybe the character Britta shouldn't qualify here

because everyone becomes more interesting.

But at the outset, I remember they set up the will-they/won't they

between her and the lead character, Joel McHale,

and I was surprised to check in later to find that romance was a far distant memory.

She existed for a purpose beyond being the love interest after that point.

Cancel the show and you cancel people.

Might as well bring dinosaur back.

What? Let her finish.

By the later seasons of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,"

Sweet Dee is just as narcissistic and sociopathic as her brother Dennis,

but is more willing to get her hands dirty doing whatever it is they do.

Contrast this with the first season, the show before Danny DeVito,

when she was -- I'll give you three guesses -- the voice of reason.


-You're ugly. -You're ugly!

-You're ugly! -You are the one that's ugly!

Charlie! Jesus Christ, are you almost 30?

-Are you almost years old? -Yes.

In "The Last of Us," actress Ashley Johnson had a strong sense of the character Ellie,

and felt like she'd be more active in various scenes.

And the director Neil Druckmann actually listened.

And he's somebody who continues to listen, courting controversy as he does.

NEIL: I think the most important thing that Ashley brought

is a sense of capability to the character Ellie that wasn't there in the beginning.

The very first thing we shot involved her being pulled out of a car and attacked,

and Joel is supposed to go save her.

It was written that Ellie's sort of just kind of watching on the side, just waiting

till he was done,

and I was a little frustrated, because I was like,

"Well, if this were real life, I would do something."

We did a couple takes and at some point, she walked up to me and she said,

"I feel like I'd hit him."

So we added in a part, you know, right there off the bat.

She's not just this damsel in distress, right?

There, she wanted to fight back from her very first day of shooting.

We didn't have it right initially,

she needs to be more capable than initially we thought she would be,

and actually, that made us go back

and rethink combat and rethink a lot of the areas in the game.

HARRISON: So what we find is that men don't always know how to write women.

And yet, they were hired to do the job.

So if you want to be an unimaginable sociopath and look at statistics for women in the industry

and be like "Yeah, that's about right,"

you see this was never really about fairness, just inconvenience.

The inconvenience of phantom anxiety that you may one day be supplanted or preempted,

taken out of consideration.

"Merit" my fucking asshole.

We're talking about creative work--

we don't measure that with a ruler.

Best for the job?

We've plenty evidence now we don't know what the job is.

Why, for all this time,

has the hiring Eye of Sauron been so pointed down at its own Dick of Sauron?

Why was Patty Jenkins, an industry veteran, a revelation?

Why will nobody entrust Lexi Alexander with a big budget ever again?

Why did we murder Diablo Cody and Karyn Kusama?

What the fuck did they do that was so bad?


A-ha, ha, ha.

Look, I haven't seen this movie in its totality,

but you will not tell me it performed worse than the box office flops that didn't derail careers.

You'll notice that most of the biggest box office bombs were directed by men.

Women have a one strike policy in Hollywood for which we have to stay vigilant.

And what about the current trend of plucking some indie jerkoff out of the festivals

and giving him a slice of some greater Cinematic Universe?

That is classic studio executive strategy.

A promising talent which can be controlled.

That's fine, that's another discussion,

because my concern is when it's Edwards and Trevorrow and Roberts and arguably Johnson,

we get this deadly sense that there are no women indie jerkoffs who can direct Star Wars--

and like, any given "Star Wars," not only "Princess Leia: A Star Wars Story."

You know? Any given superhero movie, not only "Batgirl."


Maybe that sounds like a reach, I don't know.

But the anxiety that there are no talents of a specific group is not a hypothetical.

In 2014, Aaron Sorkin expressed something in a private email,

that "There aren't any Asian movie stars."

As true as that is, it's such an ironic thing for a mover-shaker like Aaron Sorkin to be saying.

There aren't any Asian movie stars?

Our response was "Oh, yes, there are," like we're fucking bobbleheads in the window.

No, the answer is "then fucking make one"--

even "Better Luck Tomorrow" had to be greenlit by a gatekeeper like yourself, Mr. Sorkin.

It's like, we celebrate the people who rise up and come to represent their group--

those are the stories we like.

But at some point, they heard a yes.

It's not just about the rise, or the drive, or even the work.

There are thousands of brilliant artists out there right now who will never be discovered,

for one reason or another, and one of those reasons

is because the gatekeepers don't know how to say yes to them.

They're not used to it, it's not instinct, it's not in their cultural DNA.

It's like how every discovery we've ever made in neuroscience

came from some horrific brain accident,

we only think an Asian can be a star when there's already a star in place making money,

when there's already a Patty Jenkins breaking box office records--

so Jesus, I mean, how, how the hell does she ever get there in the first place?

That road to the green light is what might chiefly demand our attention.

In the city of handshakes, how are you gonna shake her hand if she's got cooties?

Seriously, the thing they always tell you -- it's not about what you know, but who you know.

Even if you're a writer, an insular, Vitamin-C-depleted writer, you are expected to network.

And once it becomes about networking, Hollywood becomes a microcosm for society itself--

the sign goes up in front of the boy's club.

We start with the culture, and as the culture of moviemaking outwardly faces young girls,

let's not call it encouraging, and that creates disproportion.

I went to film school in New England, so maybe it's just different on the "wrong coast,"

but I knew every female student in the film program by name.

There were not many.

At least, that's what I would say if I knew anybody by name,

I like to keep a clinical distance to most people, but for real, there were like four.

It takes a Rube Goldberg device of a socializing narrative--

a series of statistically unlikely events in a child's life to align perfectly

to interest an impressionable mind toward directing movies

instead of teaching, or modeling, or acting in movies,

the things that are okay for women to do,

that we're comfortable with and not threatened by when they do them.

Then, being a minority in the industry,

women are subject to the same indignities of being a minority generally.

If they're the only woman in the writer's room,

they can only speak through their male colleagues,

because again, their voices don't register, it's like a dog whistle.

So it's possible that women carry the stories of women in their minds,

better-researched and more intimately felt than when men carry those stories to the green light.

But only a select few make it that far.

So how do we fix that system toward 'hire more women'?

Well, Affirmative Action would balance out the Affirmative Action we're already indulging in

with the invisible hand of bias that rests on our brains.

It's that limited vision of greatness principle.

Some people think the playing field started out even, that it's always been even,

and these PC liberals are trying come in and tear up the astroturf.

And that's the beauty of implicit bias, it's like the perfect organism, or the perfect crime,

it erases its trail as it's being committed, so we truly never know how deep it's rooted.

But regardless, I think the process, the system, should adapt

to where these biases don't lead decisions that have these effects,

these effects which make such an impact on people's lives

but have this complete plausible deniability.

"Women-led genre films don't make money" was somehow a reasonable excuse

for, like, a decade.

But asking the system to change probably isn't gonna work when it's so risk-averse

and very profitable at the moment and I don't have a line into the system.

I don't think a lot of people do.

And, anyway, I think this is a problem that begins from the ground up.

We identified it already -- it begins with the culture.

When I think about those film students in my graduating class who went on to be successful,

I think about people who were very confident from basically orientation onward.

They never second-guessed themselves.

And when you hear people in movies say

"Now there's someone who never second-guessed himself," it's this virtue.

But where does that confidence come from?

It's not a quality you just have.

I mean, maybe it's there from the beginning,

but it can be chipped away at, gradually, over the course of one's life.

When you feel like an outsider, and then soon, the rest of it comes.

Maybe we don't know the scope of our influence on other people,

but we make it very hard for women to be first interested

and then stay interested in this currently male-dominated space.

Part of fixing that comes back to our old friend: representation.

When filmmakers talk about being inspired to make movies by watching "Star Wars,"

part of that has to be the escapism -- transportation to a new world,

and so the creation of new worlds becomes the trade you pursue.

But imagine how much more compelling it is, how much more transported you are,

when you can see yourself in Luke Skywalker.

When you're affirmed that the world you want to create is worth seeing.

The diversity of "Star Wars" and Marvel,

and all these big movies that kids also see is paramount,

and even if the discussions surrounding them can be uncomfortable or even rabid,

they're very important, too.

But if we're expecting Hollywood to do the job, perhaps we should lead the way--

it's grassroots, again.

The culture.

And by that I mean to issue a challenge to myself and all men in the audience.

Because it seems like every day we peel back more and more layers

on the implicit part of our implicit bias.

How much longer before something gives,

before we preempt the pattern of history and assert our place in it?

Which sounds like a lot but, again, it wouldn't start with much,

especially since we know what's expected of us--

to be sexist for another how many generations.

So this is the challenge: another moratorium, and this time, on our fucking judgment.

If we accept implicit bias, I think reasonably,

we should accept that we cannot judge women in any way that's fair or probably appropriate.

You don't know her story, and you know why you don't know her story:

where the fuck do you learn it?

School? Hollywood? Billboards?

For a time, when your finger's hovering over that @-reply button, just don't do it.

Stop judging and criticizing -- maybe for a year.

And after a year, you're welcome to return, but see if you miss it.

See if the world's been colored in with pink and baby blue,

because your comment was the only thing

standing between your backyard and a feminized dystopia.

Or was it just contributing to someone's capacity for second guessing themselves,

which people certainly don't need assistance with.

Tone policing doesn't carry the weight of law enforcement but if that's true,

a tone in need of policing won't kill you if left unchecked,

and not all tones stand on equal footing.

Are there bad women out there?

Without question.

Are trans-exclusionary feminists or Megyn Kelly or Michelle Malkin terrible people?


Do you have to be the guy to say it?

No, you don't.

Somebody else has that covered,

and you don't want to be exercising a muscle that you're, again, not fully aware of.

In strengthening our own language, maybe we have to let those pipes rest for a beat.

I hate how dystopic this is gonna sound, but silence is the first part of listening.

I mean, you can practically see that hanging in the background of some dumbass scifi movie

funded by the Christian Council for Freedom of Speech or something.

But maybe it's more like, if we believe we can be better,

speaking less, and especially to women,

is like gathering your forces, building yourself up in private for a later reveal.

I know some of you are like me: you're comfortable with silence, you live in it, like Bane,

and maybe you talk more to your microphone than any actual person.

Then take advantage of that, for a time.

I'd like to see what people could be like, what I could be like.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, even though I wasn't counting,

I think I was technically being a dick for longer than a hot second?

That's usually the way of things, when it concerns being a dick.

For more infomation >> Our Implicit Bias Holds the Remote - Duration: 16:48.


Crash Bandicoot PS4 VS PS1 - (Graphic Comparison) Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy PS4 - Duration: 7:10.

Hey Pals! And Welcome to this video

We are going to make the graphic comparison:

Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy (PS4) vs Crash Bandicoot 1,2,3 (PSx)

So now we are going to start, obviusly first with Crash Bandicoot 1

So here we go!

For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot PS4 VS PS1 - (Graphic Comparison) Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy PS4 - Duration: 7:10.


For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot PS4 VS PS1 - (Graphic Comparison) Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy PS4 - Duration: 7:10.


LEO MESSI marries childhood sweetheart ANTONELLA ( wedding of the century) True love exists - Duration: 4:36.

Dedicated to you my love #MESSI

I need to let you know

I wanna say I love you,

I wanna hold you tight

My hands are shaking, my heart is racing

Cause It's something I can't hide, It's something I can't deny

So here I go.... Baby I Lo-o-o-o-o-ve you

Cause I love you, More than you think I do And I love you, 'Cause I love you Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh And I love you

It's a smile when I get mad! Everyday I love you

Everyday I love you more

I need you baby to warm the lonely nights

I love you baby trust in me when I say

Oh pretty baby

love you baby,

let me love you

You're just too good to be true

can't take my eyes off of you

oh ! I keep dancing on my own

I just wanna dance all night

I'm all messed up, I'm so out of line

I'm spinning around in circles

Oh I keep dancing on my own

Baby, I like your style

That's why I need a one dance

I need to know, where do you wanna go?

'Cause if you're down, I'll take it slow

Make you lose control

Where, where, where

Where, where, where

Where, where, where

'Cause if you're down

I need a one dance

I live my day as if it was the last Live my day as if there was no past

Comin' over in my direction So thankful for that, it's such a blessin', yeah

yeah ! Turn every situation into heaven, yeah

Oh-oh, you are

(oh yeah) Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal

Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más

Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro


Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito


This is how we do it down in Puerto Rico

I just wanna hear you screaming, "¡Ay, Bendito!"

I can move forever se quede contigo


Come on, come on, turn the radio on

Hit the dance floor, Hit the dance floor ! I got all I need

"Ooh, love, no one's ever gonna hurt you, love.

I'm gonna give you all of my love. Nobody matters like you.

So, rockabye baby, rockabye

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeaaaaaahhhh

uh ! I'm onto you, yeah you I'm not your number one

I'm onto you, yeah you I'm not your number one

yeah, you Ciao adios, I'm done

I really thought you were on my side, but now there nobody by my side

I need you , I need you , I need you right now !

I ....... I will always love you

I .. I will always love you

I .. I will always love you #MESSI




For more infomation >> LEO MESSI marries childhood sweetheart ANTONELLA ( wedding of the century) True love exists - Duration: 4:36.


For more infomation >> LEO MESSI marries childhood sweetheart ANTONELLA ( wedding of the century) True love exists - Duration: 4:36.


Abandoned 'Church of Decay' will soon be demolished !! - Duration: 9:25.

Hello viewers, we're here today at the abandoned 'Church of Decay',

Everything here is professionally closed,

but let's check out if the preacher is still there.

The church is not being used since 1990,

after it sufferd major structural damage due to an earthquake in november 1983.

In the spring of 2017 they are going to demolish this church,

so now is the moment for a visit.

-Hello mr. pastor

-Tell me my son, what have you done?

-We broke in to a church where we were not allowed to

-I don't know what to say.

-You must say: give me prays.

I wounder why they call it 'Church of Decay'??

I don't know if it's such a good idea to take the stairs in a church of decay,

it's a stairs made of stone,

but I've seen more stones on the floor here, then were they are supposed to be.

Watch out, it's a wooden floor.

We've only just talked about this.

Only just, I weigh like 3 kilo's more than Tommy.

So viewers, this was 'Church of Decay', next time we go to an abandoned theatre complex,

If you wanne see more of our movies? Click the logo, then click subscribe.

For the movie of an abandoned architect bureau, you can click here.

and for 'Chateau Miranda', one of our best movies, you can click here.

See you next time, keep watching!

For more infomation >> Abandoned 'Church of Decay' will soon be demolished !! - Duration: 9:25.


For more infomation >> Abandoned 'Church of Decay' will soon be demolished !! - Duration: 9:25.


WE BOUGHT A NEW CLASS C RV!! - Duration: 5:59.

Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away.

Come sail away with me.

Ha ha ha.

Good morning afternoon and life guys.

It's about that time.

And then you say time for what.

Time for what?

Time, to reveal.

What the surprise is.

But before we do that.

Oh good just like we practice.

Fireworks store.

Oh my god what if I brought you guys this far just to get fireworks.

What if the whole time that we are saying the surprise is going to be.

Worlds largest fireworks store.

That's neat isn't it.

That's really cool.





Maybe what?

I don't know if you guys can see this I'm gonna try to zoom in.

But Tom, at least Tom, maybe Brian is.

They are walking around in there.

Tom is vlogging.

Yes guys.

We bought an RV.

Is that crazy.

Oh my God.

Sorry this blog is kind of all over the place.

Signing papers.

We had a walk-through.

The guy showed us everything and how to use this.

I recorded that that was an hour in 1015 minutes.

Brian is officially our first person to break in the toilet.

Turn that water pump on.


So how did it work?

It was actually good.

I thought it was going to be different but it wasn't.

It's a toilet.

I actually prefer the foot flush.

Do you?

Actually you never have to touch it.

It's pretty sanitary.

This is a very sanitary machine here.

So we left to go get McDonald's.

Because everyone was super Duper hungry.

Tom and Brian Tried to go through the drive-through.

It's a clearance of 9 feet, they are 12 feet.

That's one of our many learning curves.

They take up like how many spots.

Four spots.

We wanted to stay around here and just sleep in it tonight.

But, Tom is like determined to get home.

I'm really excited.

This is a funny because when we got the jeep.

Kate was driving and I was in that seat.

Kaitlin and I just realize right now that we are in a vehicle.

That will use a point to and say look at those people having so much fun.

We are those people.

We join the club.

We are having so much fun!

We are those people.

We have an RV.

I feel like jeeps or step one to RVs.

But we didn't go full class a.

We only went class c rv.

Before you know it will be class a dragging the jeep.

Doing it all.

Averie is sleeping she's there somewhere.

Oh there she is.

Gavin is here.

OK, and Tom is like flashing people with flashlights.

Dang it I was about to just go lay in that bed.

I would, I seriously would go lay down right now.

But, that's super rude.

That's super rude.

Tom would be driving the whole time.

Even though nobody, nobodycare to talk to me when we drove all the way here.

I guess Kelly talk to me.

But time definitely did not talk to me.

I was trying to work on the computer.

Which we have a story about that.

So I switch from Mac to PC.

And I think I might be going PC back to Mac.

Bye-bye PC.

This will happen like the last two weeks.

I'm so giddy, I love this thing.

That's awesome, I'm super Duper excited.

Because, he did not seem that excited.

Like, when we were getting it.

He was like yeah, that's pretty cool.

I guess.

But truth is, it's all in Tom's name so….

It's his.

Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away.

Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me.

So we just introduced him to STYX.

And, he loves it.

These trucks are passing us like nobody's business.

If anyone is curious about the handling.

It's handling it really well.

We used to drive around like a 14 seater Ford van.

It has the same set up, feel, handling.

This is quieter.

Brian said the same thing.

Yeah the van was really loud.

I feel like this is loud to.

There's just a lot of insulation around us.

Sorry about the audio, Kates got you on the baby camera.

I do because I can't hold up a 50 pound camera.

So now it is actually the next day.

We actually got home really late last night.

After we picked up the RV. 1 AM, something like that.

We didn't close of vlog off, we were supposed to close it this morning.

And we did a closing at this morning because we started off and got really distracted.

We were excited.

So this is the end of today.

And it starts up tomorrow we're really excited we do a bunch of stuff in the RV and give

you guys a little tour.

To go Watch that one immediately after watching this one.

We just had the day we had.

Now it's time for you to go have the day you have.

Be the better.

Do the heart thing.


For more infomation >> WE BOUGHT A NEW CLASS C RV!! - Duration: 5:59.


For more infomation >> WE BOUGHT A NEW CLASS C RV!! - Duration: 5:59.


#الرقية_الشرعية : صباح الجهاد شياطين كفرة وسحرة - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> #الرقية_الشرعية : صباح الجهاد شياطين كفرة وسحرة - Duration: 9:36.


For more infomation >> #الرقية_الشرعية : صباح الجهاد شياطين كفرة وسحرة - Duration: 9:36.


The Search for Kristopher Zitzewitz (CH 2) Deceptive Geography - Duration: 8:48.

This is my second day up here at the north end of the big lava bed in the

Gifford Pinchot National Forest where Christopher Zitzewitz went missing in

2013. Yesterday I spent a bit of time looking at some of the lower sections of

the big lava bed but this is my first time up here at Goose Lake which is the

approximate area where is its width went missing. Now, I don't know the specific

area where he was last seen yet. I'm meeting with the under sheriff here soon

to find that out but I know it was generally in this area and that the

search and rescue staging area was here at Goose Lake heading out here into the

big lava bed. There's several precautions that I've taken so that I don't make the

same mistakes that others have made. Number one I'm not coming out here on a

really stormy day. Also, I have good visual orientation, I've noted where the Sun

is, where mountains are, although I'm losing sight of those mountains already

as I enter here, it just becomes a tangle of trees. And I've taken compass readings as

well. I can really see how you get lost out here because without those visual

orientations and even with those marks you lose sight of them out of your eye,

out of the corner of your eye, and all together, in some places further out here,

because you're just down in these trees and you really have to keep track of

where you're going because you're just following these lava canyons and

collapsed tubes and formations and it's very random. I suspect that it's a little

bit like the Bermuda Triangle in that it's not actually your instruments that

are off. So far I haven't noticed any problems with my compass, but, I could,

like the Bermuda Triangle, they figure that pilots would

mistake the sea for the sky because they would fade together in certain

weather patterns and it was hard to tell which was which, and so if you were

trying to go, to think that the sea was the sky and you turned your plane over of

course your instruments are going to look like they're going crazy.

And I could see how the same thing might be here if he didn't trust her compass

here in the lava. Still I'm going to rely on the Sun, I keep checking my

compass. And also I have to thank Browndwarf, one of the viewers of my channel for

sending me this rescue beacon, and I've sent a message to my wife on it and

other family members and they have.... so they've know I've started my journey and

every 10 minutes it's dropping a waypoint

so they can track where I am and I could send a message for help if something was

to go wrong. The big lava bed is located about 75 miles northeast of Portland

Oregon. It's approximately five miles wide by about 10 miles long. It's the

youngest feature of countless older lava flows in the Indian Heaven volcanic

field which covers hundreds of square miles. Scientists believe it could be as

young as 3,500 years old but more likely around eight thousand years old. It's

taken me a while to kind of figure out what the actual layout of the lava bed

is compared to what I see on the map. I think for me part of the issue was I see

the name big lava bed which, one might think it would be flat in elevation, or

relatively so, but in reality, the big lava bed's highest point is an unnamed

volcano that's about 4200 feet high at the summit has a 500 foot crater in the

middle, and the lava flow from that volcano spread out across three valleys.

The main flow drops over 2,000 feet in elevation over 13 miles and it covers

previous lot of the flows and created several lakes.

The edge of a lava flow, or, I don't know what it is. It's a flatter... I think it was

where there was a flow of lava that stopped or something, and it it goes

downhill into bigger trees here. Where I've been walking are shorter trees. They

look like a new forest, but it's actually mostly dwarfed or bonsai, naturally

bonsai trees, just because there's not a lot of water her. These tiny trees, this one

as big as my hand, could be 40, 30 or 40 years old.

I got out of that, I don't know, that flat area, top of a lava flow. It was kind of

boring for me, and came across kind of a false entrance to a lava tube but...

there's obviously a lava tube under there, but it's collapsed, however I can

tell that somebody's marked it, and is tracing it down, looking for entrances.

I want to follow their tracks but that's not my purpose today and I have

an appointment with the sheriff's office, the undersheriff, in just an hour, so I

have to get down out of here, and out of town, so now, I'm having a fight with all

terrain that I was trying to find that was more interesting.

Really cool crack.


For more infomation >> The Search for Kristopher Zitzewitz (CH 2) Deceptive Geography - Duration: 8:48.


reddit roasted me.... *felt offended* - Duration: 7:56.

whats going on guys today I'll be doing a video of reading roast comments from the

pitcher post on reddit which is called roast me which you can see right here

basically I am going to read a bunch of roast comments and see if I get any good ones

really excited to see what they are going to say about me and also

very concerned what they were talking about and wants to say about my

picture I posted that I reddit but who knows but shout out to my friend cody

for recommending. alright lets get started. start all the way from the top

when this come it says give up on youtube. the world already has a conan

oh come on give this some how survived abortion of conan's prostitute a chance

on spotting other shemale gingers in the wild

tell the truth how many animals had that smile as the last thing they saw in this world

let me guss, people made Conan O'Brian comparison when you were a kid, and you ended up taking it seriously

its going to be a brutally rough landing

if ron howard screwed a donkey

you about to star in the upcoming film harry potter and the retarded weasly

because im good enough im smarter enough and doggone it people like me

im presumming it's not going to have a facecam

ginger and youtuber have you met satan yet?

oh yeah were best friends oh my day I'm so bad at the game m8

id say redtube would be a more fitting platform but im sure even they have standards

I mean I love those comments theyre talking about comparing between me and conan

it's called how to love yourself when God hates you

wannabe shane dawson next

youre going to be one of those shitty generic minecraft youtubers that touches kids

so youre calling me a molester? wait am i? am i a molester?

omg is that Howdy Doody?

you know when grandma tells you that youre talented and could be a celebrity, she doesnt really mean it right?

well i thought that it was true?

you have all of this skin area and youre face only takes up half of it

are there actually women with puppet sexual fetishes that will fuck you up howdy doody?

who knows maybe conan obrians retarded nephew is funny... thanks man!

simple word, why?

ginger dollar store reynad

let me guess, the youtube channel talks about how a man with no soul never gets laid. riveting

you look like a fall out for custom character

I am the fall out four custom character dont you see that

ginger hand me down clothes you must be a weasley

is your channel about soul stealing? or how to get rid of a gag reflex so you can blow the whole lacrosse team?

look at the grammer, la crosse meaning lacrosse like the actual sports team but in fact I did blow up

the lacrosse team so this way you're right

you get rejected so hard the girl's hand smushed your face but missed your nose?

how's your minecraft video coming along?

let's see y'all I build a house I've got that's pretty much it so it's going on pretty great

thanks for killing stannis, but why did you dye your hair?

um because I think that's why I wanted

to be because I used to have brown hair that's what you're talking about but

but im having red hair because im a ginger

i believe youre completely telling the truth you have 6 feet and four inches yeah im telling the truth

wanna see how tall i am? probably like seven feet and yeah you

can tell yeah you can tell so yeah

look its more retarded ginger mark walhberg

yeah that's that's my brother....

you look like an even more autistic tanner fox

there are already so many shitty videos on youtube, oh well at least theyll seem better by comparison. thats true

but let just say... nah

your face is like the pit boy except less boy

instead of holding up a sign how about you take those painfully awkward booger hookers and cover the lower 3/4 of your head?

like this? youre the weasley even the weasleys didnt want

you look like a beeker and benson honeydew had a lesbian daughter.... i dont think that

turns out youre wrong because my daughter's actually straight and she's already

married when I'm already 20 years old thank you very much

whats up guys and welcome to my two subscriber special and we got my mom, thanks mom

and nope nope that's a bot alright we'll make sure you smash that like button and

then leave a comment below and really helps me out that'll be a perfect comment for an

outro so thank you very much then let me guess

people made conan obrian comparisons when you were a kid and you end up talking it seriously

its going to be a brutally rough landing. well that's true no shit

well I mean that's all the comments on there have actually read from posting that

from reddit and 24 hours I'm not actually touch the website and

wait for 24 hours I have to read the whole bunch of comments i actually can

get and pretty sure a lot of them were funny and some are pretty brutal

comments........ thats pretty much it so I hope you enjoyed this video and

make sure you give me a smash thumbs up wait wait wait. like i said

the outro before from that comment so leave it like that

hey whats up guys! welcome to my two subscriber special we got my mom and thanks mom and oh nope thats a bot...

alright well make sure you smash that like button leave a comment

and thatll really help me out! please....

alright.... got it? good see ya

For more infomation >> reddit roasted me.... *felt offended* - Duration: 7:56.


🖍 365 days of art! Art Folder tour - April to June 2017 📖 - Duration: 6:57.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel!

In today's video I want to share with you an art folder tour,

with all my drawings from the 1st of April to the last day of June.

If you're not familiar with my 365 days of art project, you can watch my first video that I did about it.

Link is in the cards and in the description box below.

But basically, I'm drawing every day, for an entire year.

April was a bit of a mix and match of a lot of things.

I used various papers and mediums, I tried to experiment a bit...

and some of it is good, and some is, not as good.

For the month of May I tried to stick to a theme that's why I took part in Mermay.

And I drew mermaids for an entire month.

At one point, I got a bit tired of the cute little mermaids

and switched to a different style with graphite sketches of more adult looking ones.

And finally for June, I thought I would combine the Sea Lemon doodle challenge, with her prompts

and a little challenge of my own.

I wanted to draw fanarts this time so I picked three animated series that I love:

Sailor Moon, Adventure Time and Steven Universe

and drew some of my favourite characters from it.

And that's it!

I picked three for each month that I really liked.

Do you have any favourites yourself?

Let me know in the comments which one are they.

Thank you so much for watching!

If you enjoyed the video, leave me a like and subscribe to my channel.

I will see you next week, BYE!

For more infomation >> 🖍 365 days of art! Art Folder tour - April to June 2017 📖 - Duration: 6:57.


I MET LOGAN PAUL, AMANDA CERNY AND MORE | Martin Tena - Duration: 17:10.

For more infomation >> I MET LOGAN PAUL, AMANDA CERNY AND MORE | Martin Tena - Duration: 17:10.


Dillon Cooper - interview - on Denzel Curry, favorite hip-hop spots in NYC, Big L ( - Duration: 25:10.

For more infomation >> Dillon Cooper - interview - on Denzel Curry, favorite hip-hop spots in NYC, Big L ( - Duration: 25:10.


OUKITEL K6000 Plus ☎ - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> OUKITEL K6000 Plus ☎ - Duration: 5:06.


WE BOUGHT A NEW CLASS C RV!! - Duration: 5:59.

Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away.

Come sail away with me.

Ha ha ha.

Good morning afternoon and life guys.

It's about that time.

And then you say time for what.

Time for what?

Time, to reveal.

What the surprise is.

But before we do that.

Oh good just like we practice.

Fireworks store.

Oh my god what if I brought you guys this far just to get fireworks.

What if the whole time that we are saying the surprise is going to be.

Worlds largest fireworks store.

That's neat isn't it.

That's really cool.





Maybe what?

I don't know if you guys can see this I'm gonna try to zoom in.

But Tom, at least Tom, maybe Brian is.

They are walking around in there.

Tom is vlogging.

Yes guys.

We bought an RV.

Is that crazy.

Oh my God.

Sorry this blog is kind of all over the place.

Signing papers.

We had a walk-through.

The guy showed us everything and how to use this.

I recorded that that was an hour in 1015 minutes.

Brian is officially our first person to break in the toilet.

Turn that water pump on.


So how did it work?

It was actually good.

I thought it was going to be different but it wasn't.

It's a toilet.

I actually prefer the foot flush.

Do you?

Actually you never have to touch it.

It's pretty sanitary.

This is a very sanitary machine here.

So we left to go get McDonald's.

Because everyone was super Duper hungry.

Tom and Brian Tried to go through the drive-through.

It's a clearance of 9 feet, they are 12 feet.

That's one of our many learning curves.

They take up like how many spots.

Four spots.

We wanted to stay around here and just sleep in it tonight.

But, Tom is like determined to get home.

I'm really excited.

This is a funny because when we got the jeep.

Kate was driving and I was in that seat.

Kaitlin and I just realize right now that we are in a vehicle.

That will use a point to and say look at those people having so much fun.

We are those people.

We join the club.

We are having so much fun!

We are those people.

We have an RV.

I feel like jeeps or step one to RVs.

But we didn't go full class a.

We only went class c rv.

Before you know it will be class a dragging the jeep.

Doing it all.

Averie is sleeping she's there somewhere.

Oh there she is.

Gavin is here.

OK, and Tom is like flashing people with flashlights.

Dang it I was about to just go lay in that bed.

I would, I seriously would go lay down right now.

But, that's super rude.

That's super rude.

Tom would be driving the whole time.

Even though nobody, nobodycare to talk to me when we drove all the way here.

I guess Kelly talk to me.

But time definitely did not talk to me.

I was trying to work on the computer.

Which we have a story about that.

So I switch from Mac to PC.

And I think I might be going PC back to Mac.

Bye-bye PC.

This will happen like the last two weeks.

I'm so giddy, I love this thing.

That's awesome, I'm super Duper excited.

Because, he did not seem that excited.

Like, when we were getting it.

He was like yeah, that's pretty cool.

I guess.

But truth is, it's all in Tom's name so….

It's his.

Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away.

Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me.

So we just introduced him to STYX.

And, he loves it.

These trucks are passing us like nobody's business.

If anyone is curious about the handling.

It's handling it really well.

We used to drive around like a 14 seater Ford van.

It has the same set up, feel, handling.

This is quieter.

Brian said the same thing.

Yeah the van was really loud.

I feel like this is loud to.

There's just a lot of insulation around us.

Sorry about the audio, Kates got you on the baby camera.

I do because I can't hold up a 50 pound camera.

So now it is actually the next day.

We actually got home really late last night.

After we picked up the RV. 1 AM, something like that.

We didn't close of vlog off, we were supposed to close it this morning.

And we did a closing at this morning because we started off and got really distracted.

We were excited.

So this is the end of today.

And it starts up tomorrow we're really excited we do a bunch of stuff in the RV and give

you guys a little tour.

To go Watch that one immediately after watching this one.

We just had the day we had.

Now it's time for you to go have the day you have.

Be the better.

Do the heart thing.


For more infomation >> WE BOUGHT A NEW CLASS C RV!! - Duration: 5:59.


English for Spanish Speakers 36 - difference between 'folder' and 'carpet' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:19.

Hi again everyone, and welcome back to

'One English Tip in One Minute for

Spanish Speakers' where each week I

talk about, in some detail, one common

English mistake made by those who speak

Spanish as a mother tongue...and this is

the 36th video, so video number 36.

As you may have heard once or twice

before, I totally appreciate the fact

that you are trying to improve your

English. It truly is a cool thing to do, I

think, and a very practical thing to do in

today's world. In these videos I show

you a slide, and on the side there are

two sentences: One is the correct way

that a native English speaker would say it,

the other is the wrong way that a native

Spanish speaker would say it. You

have to decide which one is correct .

Again, read the sentences, listen to me

read the sentences, pause the video, think

about your answer and I will discuss the

answer in the slide that follows this slide.

(If you got his) wrong - or took a wild guess and just happened to get

it right...and what it means is -- it's very

simple: You just need to study to get

past this mistake. The more you study,

the quicker you'll get past this mistake.

To start you off on the process I've

given you three sentences. You should

memorize these sentences in their

entirety, you should hardwire them into

your brain through reviewing them and

you should put into practice what you've

learned through speaking or writing or

both...and you should just continue this

process, using outside resources if you

have to, until you get the good English

in your head and the bad English is out

of your head (hopefully forever).

For more infomation >> English for Spanish Speakers 36 - difference between 'folder' and 'carpet' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:19.


#الرقية_الشرعية : صباح الجهاد شياطين كفرة وسحرة - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> #الرقية_الشرعية : صباح الجهاد شياطين كفرة وسحرة - Duration: 9:36.


LEO MESSI marries childhood sweetheart ANTONELLA ( wedding of the century) True love exists - Duration: 4:36.

Dedicated to you my love #MESSI

I need to let you know

I wanna say I love you,

I wanna hold you tight

My hands are shaking, my heart is racing

Cause It's something I can't hide, It's something I can't deny

So here I go.... Baby I Lo-o-o-o-o-ve you

Cause I love you, More than you think I do And I love you, 'Cause I love you Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh And I love you

It's a smile when I get mad! Everyday I love you

Everyday I love you more

I need you baby to warm the lonely nights

I love you baby trust in me when I say

Oh pretty baby

love you baby,

let me love you

You're just too good to be true

can't take my eyes off of you

oh ! I keep dancing on my own

I just wanna dance all night

I'm all messed up, I'm so out of line

I'm spinning around in circles

Oh I keep dancing on my own

Baby, I like your style

That's why I need a one dance

I need to know, where do you wanna go?

'Cause if you're down, I'll take it slow

Make you lose control

Where, where, where

Where, where, where

Where, where, where

'Cause if you're down

I need a one dance

I live my day as if it was the last Live my day as if there was no past

Comin' over in my direction So thankful for that, it's such a blessin', yeah

yeah ! Turn every situation into heaven, yeah

Oh-oh, you are

(oh yeah) Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal

Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más

Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro


Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito


This is how we do it down in Puerto Rico

I just wanna hear you screaming, "¡Ay, Bendito!"

I can move forever se quede contigo


Come on, come on, turn the radio on

Hit the dance floor, Hit the dance floor ! I got all I need

"Ooh, love, no one's ever gonna hurt you, love.

I'm gonna give you all of my love. Nobody matters like you.

So, rockabye baby, rockabye

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeaaaaaahhhh

uh ! I'm onto you, yeah you I'm not your number one

I'm onto you, yeah you I'm not your number one

yeah, you Ciao adios, I'm done

I really thought you were on my side, but now there nobody by my side

I need you , I need you , I need you right now !

I ....... I will always love you

I .. I will always love you

I .. I will always love you #MESSI




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