Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2017

So here we are trying to negotiate what might seem nonnegotiable.

Why do these things feel so nonnegotiable?

One reason is that we hold certain values and beliefs as sacred.

The other side holds alternative values and beliefs as sacred.

And if my beliefs don't match up with yours we have an impasse, we have gridlock.

The question is, can you get out of gridlock, and how do you get out of gridlock?

Is it true that you cannot negotiate the nonnegotiable?

You can.

The most powerful tool I know on how to negotiate the nonnegotiable is the power of appreciation.

What I mean by that, it is the ability to deeply listen to the other side's perspective

not just so that you can argue back but so that they feel heard.

Now this is the hardest thing to do in the world.

If you're a strong Clintonite or Trumpite, to say,

"you know, start by understanding that other side's perspective"—You're going to

look at me like, "you're crazy."

And even if you don't think I'm crazy, you're going to try and do it, and let me

tell you what I see happen a lot.

People try to understand the other side and two minutes later they say, "Oh no, I understand

your perspective, but you're just wrong!"

It's not a two minute conversation.

It's at least a half hour to an hour.

It's not, "Yeah, I get it."

It's, "No, I don't get it.

Help me understand it.

Tell me more.

Talk to me."

That's the kind of conversation we want, whether it's in the political sphere or

whether it is, you know, an individual negotiating with their spouse.

The moment anybody—with even the most sacred beliefs—starts to feel heard and valued,

their arms are going to uncross, they're going to lean forward and they're going

to say "you get it."

Now the danger is they might then say "so why don't you come to my side?" you know.

But that's okay.

You've moved forward.

They feel heard.

The next most important piece then is to say, "And just as you have your perspective,

I have mine.

I have my own sacred values.

Would you be open to listening to me and to my perspective?

I understand we are coming from"—notice the next word.

It's not, "But you're wrong!", you know.

And that's how most of our conversations take place.

You look at the political sphere today: "I understand, but…"

I was recently talking with a congressperson.

He said, "Look, I went and I talked to a whole group of constituents about this one

particular issue, and then I said 'I understand your perspective,'" which was different

than his.

And after he explained why he understood, all of a sudden two minutes later he said,


And I said to him, "Boy, you lost that whole set of constituents right now.

They don't feel appreciated."

You want to say, "And."

"I hear where you're coming from, and I see the value in your perspective.

And I'm letting you know."

That can start to break through the walls of the sacred.

Once the other side feels truly heard and understood, now they're much more likely

to listen to you.

And you might start sharing a little bit about your own perspective.

And instead of saying, "Do you get where I'm coming from," you can say, "What

do you hear me saying?"

And simply by asking that question, what do you hear me saying?", it forces

the other almost to empathize with your perspective, at least to try and take that stance of understanding.

Now success for the other side is accurately reflecting back what you said.

Failure is the failure to actually have listened, which allows you to then correct.

"So what do you hear me saying?

I'm not sure I'm being clear about why I believe in this candidate and what they

stand for.

What do you hear me saying?"

So I think step one is for each side to truly understand in a really real way that other

side's perspective.

And it's true, it's not just one side understanding the other.

Each side has to work to understand the other's perspective.

Now this can easily turn into a fire when one side says, "You know, you're crazy.

I can't believe you are my relative—you're my son, my daughter…

Boy, you know, I didn't raise you the way I wanted to raise you.

Your value systems are different than the way I thought they should be.

You are wrong for believing what you believe."

Now that moment in time, that's the critical moment.

Are you going to respond at that point in time, when the other side is attacking your

belief systems, by saying, "F you, no, it's your fault!

You're wrong!"

Or at that point in time are you going to say, "You know what?

Help me understand more."

And that might seem soft and weak.

It is the toughest and hardest thing to do.

I've worked with hostage negotiators, with crisis negotiators in situations of war.

This is what moves things forward.

That ability to deeply listen to the other side even when they're throwing that toxic

energy at you.

You don't need to absorb it all.

You don't need to sort of swallow all that negative energy.

My advice is just let that negative energy fly right by you, hit the wall behind you.

You're listening for the message.

You are holding onto the meaning that they're sharing, but you're not going to let their

approach, their adversarial approach to this conversation dominate the framing of how you're

going to have a conversation.

So people say "listen," and listening is the hardest thing in the world to do, you


When it comes to emotionally charged conflicts, why is it so hard to listen?

Because my identity is feeling threatened.

You're not just attacking some cerebral ideas I have.

You are attacking my value system, what I believe represents the core safety of my family,

of myself.

The meaning I bring to life.

And once you attack that, oh, it's really hard not to have that snake's head, you

know, go and bite off your head.

Another tool that you can use in a conflict situation is to ask advice.

The moment you find yourself in conflict with the other side don't entrench yourself in

your position: "This is my position.

What's your position on healthcare?"

Boy that's going to get you nowhere except toward impasse and gridlock.

Instead ask, "What's your advice?

Look, you know more about the other side's perspective than I do.

I know more about mine.

What's your advice on how we might work most effectively together?

What's your advice on some policies that might address your interests and maybe some

of my constituents interest as well?"

The moment you ask advice it almost automatically invites the other person from that role of

adversary into the role of colleague.

For more infomation >> Guns, God, & Drugs: How to Negotiate America's Political Arguments | Dan Shapiro - Duration: 7:33.


Famous Movie Roles Actors Were Too Afraid To Take - Duration: 10:55.

Things normal people are afraid of: zombies, the dark, spiders, and whether or not the

waiter spit in our food.

"Take it back!

If I wanted something your thumb touched I'd eat the inside of your ear!"

Things celebrities are afraid of?

Sketchy acting jobs.

Sometimes actors pass up blockbusters because of the overall creepiness of the movie, a

fear of awful writing, or just because they're afraid of disappointing their fans.

Here are a few famous actors who have turned down incredible roles for totally legitimate

reasons — and some who lived to totally regret it.

Michelle Pfeiffer: Silence of the Lambs

Even a legend like Michelle Pfeiffer isn't afraid to admit she was too afraid to take

on the subject matter of Silence of the Lambs.

As Empire revealed in its look at the making of the movie, she was turned off by overwhelming

darkness and violence in the script — a letdown for director Jonathan Demme, who'd

worked with her previously and made Pfeiffer his first choice for the role of Clarice Starling.

He went through a number of other actresses before hiring Jodie Foster.

Honestly, we wouldn't want to be face-to-face with Hannibal Lecter even if we were just

on a movie set, so it's easy to sympathize with Pfeiffer.

Meanwhile, another big star passed on a role in Silence of the Lambs: Jeremy Irons.

Apparently, playing a cannibal serial killer is just a little worse than the creepy dude

he played in Lolita.

Josh Hartnett: Superman Returns

At the ripe age of 22, Josh Hartnett was afraid of being pigeonholed when he was asked to

wear the red cape in the 2006 film Superman Returns.

So he turned down the role, partially because he valued his free time, but also for fear

of damaging his career.

Also in Hartnett's "thanks, but no thanks" pile: opportunities to play both Batman and


As he later admitted to Playboy, choosing not to put on the tights is what ultimately

hurt his career after all, saying,

"I've definitely said no to some of the wrong people.

I said no because I was tired and wanted to spend more time with my friends and family.

That's frowned upon in this industry.

People don't like being told no."

Jude Law: Superman Returns

English actor Jude Law grappled with the same offer as Hartnett.

Director Bryan Singer considered going with the British star, but Law wasn't sure pinning

on the cape was a good idea.

He was worried about his nationality, thinking an Englishman shouldn't play the guy who stands

for the American way — and he also wasn't crazy about putting on the tights.

Hoping to sway the actor, Singer had the costume sent over, and Law tried it on for size.

"I take the suit into the bathroom and I'm putting it on…and I look around… and I

look in the mirror, and suddenly I'm Superman."

Law even started hearing the original film's John Williams theme — but the fantasy didn't

last long.

"And then I had this picture of that..of me in that you know on posters all around the

world and I thought… 'no way' and I unzipped it."

Suddenly, there was "no way" he could play the part, although he did have the satisfaction

of pretending to be Superman for a few moments.

And as Law put it, "That was enough."

Bette Midler: Sister Act

It's hard to picture anyone but Whoopi Goldberg as Sister Mary Clarence in Sister Act, but

the role was first offered to Bette Midler.

As she later told Metro, she turned down the opportunity because she was afraid of how

her fans would react to her portrayal of a nun, saying,

"My fans don't want to see me in a wimple."

Who wants to break the news to Midler that the character wasn't actually a nun?

That's kinda what the "Act" part in the title meant.

Jennifer Hudson: Precious

Dreamgirls star Jennifer Hudson was offered the title role in Precious, but turned it

down — a decision she initially attributed to a reluctance to gain the weight necessary

for the character.

She later insisted the decision actually had more to do with what was on the page than

what would've shown up on the scale, telling The Huffington Post,

"I'm a firm believer that what is meant for you is meant for you.

I did not turn the role down because of the weight situation.

I just felt the character was doing things, at least in my script that I got, that were

places I did not want to go and not where I needed to go."

Mark Wahlberg: Brokeback Mountain

Originally offered the role of Jack Twist in Brokeback Mountain, Mark Wahlberg declined

the part after feeling, quote, "creeped out" by the script, and letting his fear of the

movie's homosexual themes outweigh the potential of the role.

The National Enquirer doubled down on the rumors and stated that Wahlberg was simply

told 'no' by his priest.

It's acting, Mark!



Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger signed on, and Gyllenhaal's Oscar nomination for the

film must have been fun for Wahlberg to read about.

Brad Pitt: 12 Years a Slave

As one of the most acclaimed dramas to come out of the major-studio system in recent years,

12 Years a Slave almost starred Brad Pitt in the villainous role of Edwin Epps.

Pitt told The Mirror that he refused the role because he was afraid of what his children

would think if they saw him as a slavemaster in the film.

He opted for a cameo role — because, as one of the producers on the movie, you get

to do things like that.

John Lithgow: The Fly

David Cronenberg's The Fly is pretty much a perfect horror movie.

It's disgustingly awesome, and Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis totally kill it as the two


It's hard to imagine anyone else playing their parts, but shockingly, Goldblum wasn't the

only actor in consideration for this grotesque manimal.

As it turns out, John Lithgow was also up for a trip through the teleportation pods.

Lithgow is no stranger to playing monsters.

But despite his penchant for playing scary characters, Lithgow didn't have the stomach

to morph into a man-sized fly.

In an interview with In Magazine, the actor admitted his agent wanted him to play the

doomed scientist Seth Brundle, but Lithgow thought The Fly was an "icky story," and he

"didn't want to play something so grotesque."

" Oh.

That's disgusting."

And if the guy who played the Trinity Killer thought a movie was too gross, then you should

probably be afraid of watching that film.

Be very afraid.

Will Ferrell: Reagan

Even before the film Reagan began filming, the project was dead in the water due to public


In this alternate history take on Ronald Reagan's last four years in office, the 40th commander-in-chief

is suffering from Alzheimer's during his second term, and one intern's given the job of tricking

Reagan into thinking he's still an actor, and is actually playing the president in a


When word leaked out that Will Ferrell, no stranger to playing presidents, was considering

playing the dementia-stricken Reagan, the internet went absolutely insane.

Most notably, the movie also drew criticism from the Reagan family, who claimed the film

was offensive to people suffering from Alzheimer's.

Things got so intense that director Adam McKay claimed people were calling the production

offices and leaving threatening voicemails.

Soon, anger at the project reached such a fever pitch that Ferrell essentially killed

the film by announcing he was no longer interested in the part.

Probably for the best.

Toshiro Mifune: Star Wars

By now, everybody knows the original Star Wars was a brilliant mash-up of George Lucas's

favorite stuff.

Throw in some Flash Gordon, mix in a bit of World War II footage, add a dash of The Searchers,

and presto, you've got A New Hope.

But perhaps the biggest influences on the Star Wars saga were the films of Akira Kurosawa.

Of course, you can't have a Kurosawa film without Toshiro Mifune, a superstar who appeared

in 16 Kurosawa films.

He made such an impression on Lucas that the director wanted him to play Obi-Wan Kenobi.

There's no denying Mifune would've made an excellent Jedi knight, but according to his

daughter, Mifune was worried that the film, quote, "...would cheapen the image of the


At the time, sci-fi movies still looked quite cheap as the effects were not advanced, and

he had a lot of samurai pride."

Mifune waved his hand and told Lucas to move along, to both the roles of Kenobi and Darth

Vader, according to his daughter.

If that's true, his samurai pride cost him a pretty hefty paycheck.

Chris Evans: Captain America

It's pretty hard to imagine anyone other than Chris Evans playing Captain America.

Evans seems to embody Cap's innate goodness, nobility, and heroism.

It's really a case of having just the right actor in just the right role, and that makes

it all the more surprising when you realize Evans initially turned down the Marvel super


On Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Evans admitted that he was afraid of the whole thing.

"I was scared because you know at first it was some nine-picture contract, and there

are parts of me that have a little bit of social anxiety with this industry."

He turned Marvel down…twice.

As he explained to The Scotsman, he just enjoyed doing smaller films and staying under the


But eventually, the star-spangled actor realized he was "saying no out of fear," and he finally

picked up the vibranium shield after realizing he was turning it down for the wrong reasons.

"...whatever you're scared of, push yourself into it."

Which sounds just like something Captain America might say.

Chris Pratt: Guardians of the Galaxy

We know Chris Pratt eventually took the starring role of Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy,

but before he helped save the universe, he originally passed on the part.

As he told Entertainment Weekly, he thought he was too fat to play a superhero, and he

was ultimately afraid of the same feelings of rejection he dealt with when he was passed

over for Star Trek and Avatar.

A huge fan of the action movie genre, Pratt later faced his fears and won the hearts of

Guardians fans everywhere.

That right there is a real-life superhero story.

Denzel Washington: Se7en

Speaking with GQ, Denzel Washington admitted he regretted turning down the chance to star

in Se7en, the David Fincher classic about a serial killer who uses the seven deadly

sins as a template for his murders.

As he explained, he found the script "too dark and evil" — although now that we've

all had a couple of decades to love Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman in the movie, he feels

a little better about the film.

If you ever see Washington, don't forget to ask him "what's in the box."

"What's in the boooox?"What's in the boooox?"

"Because I envy your normal life, David."

"Put the gun down put the gun down, David"

"Seems that envy is my sin."

Ah what's in the booooox?"

"It's a box of balloons."

"It's balloons!"

"It's just balloons."

"It's balloons."

"It's a box of balloons."

"There must be a hundred balloons in here!"

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Famous Movie Roles Actors Were Too Afraid To Take - Duration: 10:55.


How to Seduce a Woman to Make Love - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> How to Seduce a Woman to Make Love - Duration: 2:24.


Dota 2 Tricks: TOP SECRET Ancient pulling! - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Dota 2 Tricks: TOP SECRET Ancient pulling! - Duration: 2:40.


A Sunday in BUENOS AIRES! | Vlog in Argentina 🇦🇷 - Duration: 3:03.

A Sunday in Buenos Aires has to begin where, Johanna?

At the San Telmo Fair!

I came to Buenos Aires for the first time in, 2007 and since 2007 I want to

come to the San Telmo Fair and this is the first time I do.

What do you say?

I'm really happy.

This fair is way bigger than I thought.

It starts at the Dorrego square and continues throughout the surrounding

streets, it's really, really big.

I've heard that there are

couples dancing tango here at the San Telmo Fair, but I haven't seen any so far.

Maybe earlier?

Let's see!

I want to see tango!

But first, ska!

Then, folk!

And finally, tango!

Time to eat and...

more tango!

A few hours later...

I wanted tango, I got tango!

For more infomation >> A Sunday in BUENOS AIRES! | Vlog in Argentina 🇦🇷 - Duration: 3:03.


Night stalk and new sticks - Polowanie na dziki - Chasse Sanglier - Saujagd - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> Night stalk and new sticks - Polowanie na dziki - Chasse Sanglier - Saujagd - Duration: 8:37.


Commuters Weigh Emergency Ferry Service From Glen Cove - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> Commuters Weigh Emergency Ferry Service From Glen Cove - Duration: 7:08.


Shell Supports the plastic Bank: Haiti - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Shell Supports the plastic Bank: Haiti - Duration: 0:43.


Cantina 【Adidas® Originals Star Wars™】 - Duration: 2:32.

Hey We don't serve their kind here

Your droids They'll have to wait outside

I heartily agree with you, sir

Who is this guy?

Han Solo I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon


What's your problem?

He doesn't like you

I don't like him

This little one's not worth the effort

I don't like you either

Well, I don't like you either, fool

Oh you want some?

Step up

You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?

OK, you guys got yourselves a ship

All right, we'll check it out

Wasn't me

For more infomation >> Cantina 【Adidas® Originals Star Wars™】 - Duration: 2:32.


Craig Herrera's Weather Forecast (July 2) - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Craig Herrera's Weather Forecast (July 2) - Duration: 2:42.


Varg Vikernes - Tato Dlouhá Noc (CZ Titulky) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Varg Vikernes - Tato Dlouhá Noc (CZ Titulky) - Duration: 2:36.


আন্তর্জাতিক খবর- সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে ট্রাম্প- সিরিয়ায় গাড়িবোমা হামলা//INSAN KHAN - Duration: 12:41.

International news- Trump in social media- A car bomb attack in Syria

For more infomation >> আন্তর্জাতিক খবর- সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে ট্রাম্প- সিরিয়ায় গাড়িবোমা হামলা//INSAN KHAN - Duration: 12:41.


The Money Pros: Ins and Outs of Flipping Houses - Duration: 22:41.

For more infomation >> The Money Pros: Ins and Outs of Flipping Houses - Duration: 22:41.


Dirt: How I Learned to Love the Rally - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Dirt: How I Learned to Love the Rally - Duration: 5:57.


Biking in Washington D.C. USA | Ako sme prebajkovali celý Washington D.C. USA 2017 4K - Duration: 5:57.

We just arrive in Frankfurt

drinking some coffee

and we'll waiting 7 hours in airport

and then we finally go to Baltimore

we're going to entertain ourselves somehow

thank you very much

hello from Washington

we're in front of White house

waiting for Trump to showed up

we're want to wave on him

on the roof you can see snipers

I imagine it much bigger

I was like this is The White House?

it has similar style like our manor-house

do you want to have wedding here?

yes that would be lovely :)

ok let hit the road again

so we're here next to Washington monument

it was built for the honor first USA president

George Washington

back there you can see Capitol

American flags everywhere

we rent two bikes and circling around

now we're in the centre of Washington D.C.

where all of the sightseeings are close by

Lincoln memorial, Washington monument

Vietnam and Korean war veterans memorial

the best you can do is rent a bike

it cost 8$ for 24 hours and ride whole D.C

share poins are practicly everywhere

you can ride up to 30min

after that you must return bike in share point

wait 5 minutes to take it again

near by is Arlington cemetery with 300.000 graves

and also Jefferson memorial

everything very close in city centre

and everything is for free

we just arrive to dear friend Lincoln

he looks like this

you must know this place from Forrest Gump movie

Jenny was running throught the lake...

so Washington D.C. 10 out of 10 points

we enjoy our bikeride

and now let's grab something to eat

we're foodies

bon appetite my friends

true one and only made in USA hotdog

we're in Arlington cemetery

300.000 soldiers from WW2 is resting in peace

also John Fitzgerald Kennedy with family is burried here

this is Martin Luther King memorial

activist and great fighter for human rights

like a boss

woow really nice memorial

I'm standing next to Jefferson memorial

he defines Declaration of Independence

and also he was president I don't know excat number

they had it so many :D

today the sun showed up just for few moments

and i got sun burn

and the neck OMG

you'll cry in evening :D

last sightseeing for today is

Secon World War memorial

nice fountains ;)

we're ending this Washington biking patch in front of Washington monument

it was such a lovely day

I've have muscle fever everywhere :D

I don't want to see bike tomorrow

even in finger I destroyed my skin :(

For more infomation >> Biking in Washington D.C. USA | Ako sme prebajkovali celý Washington D.C. USA 2017 4K - Duration: 5:57.


Seriously: The Tragedy of Ramlet, Coal Train's Greatest Hits, Handle With Care: Fragile Comments - Duration: 4:02.

This week: the Tragedy of Ramlet, Coal Train's Greatest Hits and Handle with

Care: Fragile Comments. This is Seriously Seven Days.

Hello I'm your host Bryan Parmelee I'm here to give you my take on just a few of the excellent stories

happening in this week's issue. Let's start things off over at Dartmouth

College where they just held the world premiere of a brand-new modern dance

piece called "Doggy Hamlet." As the name suggests the piece is mostly performed

by sheep. An entire flock of sheep. And modern dance is a pretty rare career

choice for a sheep, so it has not come without its controversy. After a preview

video emerged of the performance, conservative websites were quick to call

it a complete waste of federal taxpayer dollars, which is a weird thing to say

about something that received no direct funding from the National Endowment for

the Arts. But I will admit, you know, some of that preview footage does look like

the neighbors got a little loose with the booze, and are riling up the flocks

again. But it's absolutely insane to try and criticize federal funding for the

arts based on a tiny clip of one piece. I mean, that'd be like criticizing every US

president based on a single tweet by President Trump. It's just a tiny clip of performance art.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Now, if you thought your little nephew was obsessed with trains way, to get a load of this guy in

Huntington, who spent more than 40 years building a miniature railroad mostly

from scratch. His name is Mark Smith and he builds miniature, but historically

precise and fully functional steam locomotives with his bare hands. It's

pretty impressive, and he'll also let schoolchildren come in so the kids can

drive the train and learn about how we used to build stuff ourselves before the

robots took over. I look at this and I think this is the future of coal right

here, right? Like small-scale projects we can share with the future generations

and tell them, "Now that's how we used to do it back before we realized we were roasting the planet."

See? Not all coal jobs are disappearing.

Lastly this week, when I'm not hosting this show I do have other jobs here at Seven

Days, such as helping to moderate comments. Because you don't want to have

too much faith in humanity and, you never know, that angry internet troll could be

your president someday. Now that job was particularly stressful

this week because we did a story about Isaiah Hines, who is the recent South

Burlington High School graduate who successfully campaigned to have the

school drop the name, the rebels. Now the story talks about some of the

harassment he's received this past year, mostly from adults, and how he somehow

remained cool and collected, finished the school year and is headed to an Ivy

League school in the fall. Now despite that, people still felt the need to leave

comments questioning his racial identity or saying things that could best be

summarized as "Not all white people!" And it's kind of remarkable. Like you could

not ask for more cut-and-dry examples of white fragility. Now in case you don't

know, white fragility is a phrase that was coined by a white professor and all

it refers to is a mental state where the tiniest bit of racial stress triggers a

range of defensive actions. It doesn't mean that you're a bad person. It doesn't

mean that you're racist. And it certainly doesn't mean that all white people are

fragile. It's mostly just the ones who can't read a story about an

eighteen-year-old kid without feeling the need to lash out or defend

themselves. Anyway, Isaiah is clearly moving on to bigger and better things

maybe it's time to consider doing the same?

That's going to do it for us this week. Thank you so much for watching. Be sure to like, share, subscribe,

read, all that good stuff and tune in next week because I have something very

special in store for our annual cartoon issue. Thanks again and I hope you all

have a very happy fun and safe 4th of July. Peace.

For more infomation >> Seriously: The Tragedy of Ramlet, Coal Train's Greatest Hits, Handle With Care: Fragile Comments - Duration: 4:02.


Mia Martina - Miles Away (English Lyrics with Persian subtitle) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Mia Martina - Miles Away (English Lyrics with Persian subtitle) - Duration: 3:49.


5 Strange places to meet someone - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> 5 Strange places to meet someone - Duration: 1:29.


Premier League Transfers: This summer set to smash money records as title race warms up - Duration: 6:31.

Premier League Transfers: This summer set to smash money records as title race warms up

Alvaro Morata is Man Utds top target following Antoine Griezmann snubbing the club.

Never before in the 25 year history of the toughest league in the world will we witness a top half dozen of such magnificent power on the pitch and purpose in the transfer market.

The most frighteningly expensive title race in the history of our beautiful, sometimes brutal, national game.

Champions Chelsea, runners-up Tottenham, title favourites Manchester City, Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool can between them potentially splash an astonishing ONE BILLION POUNDS PLUS to be crowned the 2018 Kings of England.

City, United and Liverpool have already flexed their financial muscles and brought in the first of their new signings.

The London moneybags clubs are biding their time, making final plans and will this week start dipping into their own pots of gold before the title chase begins in earnest in 41 days time.

Jamie Carragher And by next May, this six-sational fight will be over when we'll know if bookies' favourites City will chuck boss Pep Guardiola in the air for the trademark celebration he enjoyed at serial title winners Barcelona and Bayern Munich.

Guardiola will be only too aware that expectations will be sky high for him to follow the lead of his glory times in Spain and Germany after a first season of pot-less misery.

Despite a flying start, City never came close to challenging champions Chelsea. Now, Guardiola has splashed almost £80 million on Bernardo Silva and Ederson and won't be afraid to snap-up his other multi-million pound targets to live up to his bookies' billing.

Chelsea were deserved winners in a fantastic first season in English football for Antonio Conte although it has to be stressed that the champs had no European commitments to distract them.

The five most expensive Prem signings ever - with transfer inflation taken into account   WHAT are the five most expensive Premier League signings of all time when transfer inflation is taken into account?       5.

Michael Essien - Worth today: £93.8m (Was £24.4m in 2005)  . The return of Champions League football has to have some impact on their domestic form but Conte can blow a possible £125 million transfer budget to make sure it doesn't.

Tottenham boss Mauricio Pochettino will seriously have to improve on his buys – and will have to work his socks off hanging onto his club's assets with his major rivals sniffing around his superstars.

The big question mark for Pochettino is having left White Hart Lane, Wembley will be their domestic venue and so far it's not been a happy home.

The Emirates wasn't the happiest of places to be, either, for boss Arsene Wenger in a season of turmoil when the Frenchman again found himself at the centre of controversy.

The groundswell of opinion was that he should have quit with planes flying over stadia up and down the country telling him where to go.

Naby Keita has been linked to a £70m move to Liverpool. And he can plunder up to £174 million building a new team to have the last laugh on the Gunners who thought he was a Goner.

Over at Old Trafford, Jose Mourinho celebrated his first season in charge with a three fingered salute to signify success in the Europa League, the EFL Cup and Community Shield.

Sixth place, though, fell below some more high Manchester expectations but signing a £30.7 million cheque for Victor Lindelof is just the start for Mourinho to break into the top four and beyond.

And that leaves Liverpool as the last but not least of the super six. Like Chelsea last season they had no European fixture pile-up and at New Year looked a good bet to win their first title since 1990.

Alexandre Lacazette is close to a record-breaking transfer to Arsenal. They stumbled but boss Jurgen Klopp has already dipped into the market to make sure they are proven title contenders next time around.

So which one of the six will win the 2018 Premier League trophy? That's anyone's guess before a ball is kicked. But Kop hero Jamie Carragher knows one thing – City won't have it all their own way.

Carragher questions Guardiola on whether his style of smaller, quicker players will survive a long, hard season and lift the trophy as Chelsea's successors.

He said: "We keep talking about those front three of Raheem Sterling, Leroy Sane and Gabriel Jesus – but does it look the future? They are what Pep is about with pace and small players in there.

"It's just whether these players have the power to go ahead and win the Premier League title. And whether they have the strength to last a full season.".

For more infomation >> Premier League Transfers: This summer set to smash money records as title race warms up - Duration: 6:31.


8 Alimentos para adelgazar la cintura - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 8 Alimentos para adelgazar la cintura - Duration: 3:53.


Russian Overkill 2.5 - Serious Bombers meet their (B)Doom. - Duration: 1:02:43.

Russian Overkill for the Ultimate Doom and Doom II Hell On Earth, is one of the most crazy and wicked mods you will ever play. Skip to 56:31 to see trollolo weapon.

You character(s) are heavily overpowered with having access to the most sophisticated arsenal you can ever imagine.

There are also some elements you can recognize from the Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 and Command & Conquer Renegade.

The next levels the Ultimate Doom II mappack are really hard when you decide to play with other mods.

There are hundreds of monsters around, and they are packed usually in big groups.

Just think of Revenants, Mancubi and Barons of Hell grouped together in one small room.

As for the Russian Overkill new weaponry found, well... the Redeemer known from Unreal series is here, just press the button and go away from the blast asap.

Mighty Pitchfork powerup is a so trolly weapon, you can fly around and throw these pitchfork at enemies, usually instagibbing them.

Double barrel fully automatic shotgun, this thing eats ammo Matt Stonie eats food, but don't use it against tougher targets, groups of weak enemies are better choice.

If you really like the Fire&Forget method, think about Petrovec's Plasma Rifle - Serbian Wisdom at it's finest, homing plasma balls!

Stachanov's Rifle is by far a reincarnation of Obelisk, it's alternate fire leaves a sphere of energy that shoots enemies around, GLORIOUS!

And at last... the Serious Sam Kamikaze's launcher... who in the world thought headless bombers might be a great weapon against Cyberdemons :3?

Mod - Russian Overkill 2.5 by Pillowblaster

WAD - The Ultimate Doom II 2.7

Music - Doom Metal WAD

Source Port - GZDoom 2.4 64bit

Links are in the description

For more infomation >> Russian Overkill 2.5 - Serious Bombers meet their (B)Doom. - Duration: 1:02:43.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Navigatie Leer/Stof Trekhaak Clima 17"LM 136Pk! ZONDAG A.S. OPEN! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Navigatie Leer/Stof Trekhaak Clima 17"LM 136Pk! ZONDAG A.S. OPEN! - Duration: 0:59.


Cartagena de Indias(Parte2): Isla Barú, Playa Blanca. - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Cartagena de Indias(Parte2): Isla Barú, Playa Blanca. - Duration: 6:34.


Народное гуляние на Ивана Купала. Видео поздравление с праздником.Радуга слайд шоу - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Народное гуляние на Ивана Купала. Видео поздравление с праздником.Радуга слайд шоу - Duration: 2:38.


ASUS UX490UA-XS74-BL 14-Inch Zenbook 3 Deluxe Notebook Review - Duration: 4:29.

we're big fans of ultra portables and a Seuss's new KB Lake laptop is trying to

redefine the market with a seventh gen CPU and a luxury look so does the Zen

book 3 have beauty and brains let's find out

first the Zen book line is for a Seuss's premium consumer devices while Republic

of gamers takes over gaming duty the Zen book 3 is a super slim competitor to the

MacBook not the pro not the heir but the regular MacBook see that single USBC

port yeah Asus is going right up against Apple now let's talk looks this model is

called the royal blue with gold accents and it's clearly styled for yachting

with Ralph Lauren Lauren Lauren let's put it this way if you know how to

pronounce it this could be the laptop for you we're not exactly the yachting

type but we'll you to appreciate how Asus really brought a new touch to the

traditional silver or black laptops and even though we're not cable knit sweater

types we actually liked how this look you can also get it in quartz gray or

rose but we'd love to see even more color options that aren't made for the

Nordstrom crowd

the Zenbook 3 is light weighing in at a way fish 2 pounds

we like the Zenbook threes keyboard it's not the best reviews but the key wit

makes it easy to type and it feels pretty good there's an optional

backlight and though it was probably meant to be gold it's really a darkest

yellow still though it looks unique and their fingers definitely felt the blade

even at night the model we've got here is a fingerprint scanner to quickly

unlock the laptop the placement on the trackpad is a little odd but some of us

like the added security the full HD display

aka 1920 by 1080 has a layer of Gorilla Glass on the top which makes it look

like a touchscreen but it isn't just about everyone who used as in book 3

tried scrolling with the screen only to find out it's a non touch with this

price and form factor it seems like Asus could have just added flip hinges and a

touchscreen to make this a 2 + 1 but enough about looks let's talk about the

brains of the operation the Zenbook 3 has the new i7 7500 u CPU

this is 7th gen KB Lake not the 6th gen skylake heavy Lake isn't a huge upgrade

over skylake netting about 10 percent faster performance however 7th gen HD

620 graphics feature better power management and video encoding so the new

HEV see video format which is like Pied Piper for Silicon Valley fans

it's about 2.6 times improvement on battery life KB Lake is also designed

for Thunderbolt 3 optimization but no Thunderbolt 3 here just USB see we would

love for Asus to get on the Thunderbolt bandwagon I mean how cool would it be to

use a graphics dock to hook up a 1080 Strix the i7 7500 you and then 1080

might not be an ideal match but it's fun to think about the possibilities of

these tiny laptops and not so tiny graphics cards our royal blue came with

a 512 gigabyte nvme SSD and that means lightning fast load times we're all

about that Asus claims the speakers are exceptional

but we're pretty skeptical when it comes to music from a tiny laptop Lew

surprised to find the audio really was stellar

and then we aren't going to replace our external speakers it's an added bonus

the battery is a 40 watt hour model which Asus claims is good for around

nine hours with normal use in our brief tests that seemed on target

asus is clearly going after apple with their Zenbook line the MacBook Air with

the Zen book flip and the MacBook with the Zen book 3 the MacBook starts at

1300 and the Zen book 3 at 1004 the 256 gigabyte eye 5 model you can get premium

versions of both for 1600 but the MacBook only has 8 gigs of ram and the

processor definitely is in Gen 7 the form factor is remarkably similar but

the Zen book 3 is a head of the MacBook in every category except for the display

the MacBook has a 2304 by 1440 pixels screen as opposed to the 1920 by 1080

display on the Zen book 3 similarly the Zen book flip has significantly better

specs and it's cheaper than the MacBook Air with the added benefit of being a

fun to use 2 in line we mentioned the lack of ports but unlike the MacBook the

Zen book 3 ships with a USB hub that supports HDMI USB 3 and another USB see

the lack of ports isn't a huge deal but could be annoying for those of you who

love your USB keyboard and mouse better make sure your USB hubs are handy

overall the new Zenbook three should be popular with the ultraportable crowd

especially for those who Rock Navy Blazers with gold buns thanks for

watching and let us know what you think in the comments subscribe for more

reviews and we'll see you next time

For more infomation >> ASUS UX490UA-XS74-BL 14-Inch Zenbook 3 Deluxe Notebook Review - Duration: 4:29.


For more infomation >> ASUS UX490UA-XS74-BL 14-Inch Zenbook 3 Deluxe Notebook Review - Duration: 4:29.







Est-ce Que Les Hindous Sont Ahl-e-Kitab (Les Gens De Livres)-Zakir Naik - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Est-ce Que Les Hindous Sont Ahl-e-Kitab (Les Gens De Livres)-Zakir Naik - Duration: 2:25.


For more infomation >> Est-ce Que Les Hindous Sont Ahl-e-Kitab (Les Gens De Livres)-Zakir Naik - Duration: 2:25.


When I'm Not Disciplined Enough... - Duration: 6:06.

hey guys, first I just wanted to say a little piece about this painting

As I'm recording this, I'm only actually halfway through this painting, so I don't

actually know how it turned out. but I'm trying to get through with the "places"

series where I go to different places and then illustrate aspects of it that

stuck with me. this is another one from Edmonton. I just wanted to do the

pirate ship that we saw a whole lot in the mall. the one thing that really

struck me about the pirate ship in the mall is just the bright aqua color of

their water, it just looks so unreal. so I wanted to paint the ship kind of coming

over a whole wave and I did struggle a little bit with that

because the colors I want to use is so opaque and this particular paper does

some interesting textural stuff. a lot of granulation is happening. because Canada

is currently patting its own back about its 150th birthday, I'm super

extra driven to add little tidbits about where Canada comes from. so I ended

up sticking this Saskatoon berry bush in the painting to be crushed by the waves

and the ship because that's that's how Canada was created... we came in

and plowed everything to the ground and destroyed it so... I just wanted to explain why

that little bush was there otherwise I guess it just doesn't make

any sense. and since I don't have a whole lot else to say about this

painting I guess I will share my number one quick trick to improve your

productivity. and everyone does (suggests) you know, planners! planners are okay if you

actually look at them! a lot of people don't. and discipline? timing? I don't know.

there are a lot of thorough tricks that involve you, uh, developing habits for life

you start doing things at a specific time. that's a good idea of

scheduling things. but my super quick best tip

for improving your productivity is to go to the place where you're working.

it seems kind of stupid but that is actually my number one failing, is that I

am exhausted when I come home from work. I'm running

around on my feet on concrete all day and I come home and there's always more

stuff to do, I have to clean this I have to clean that I have to take out the

trash, you know household stuff. basic stuff. and so when I finished that

all I want to do is just sit on the couch and I just want to, you know, pet my

cats? I just wanna check my email to see if anything's happening. I want to check

Facebook and I want to catch up on YouTube videos like I just want to relax.

because you know I have to make dinner in an hour and I think "I can just do it

after supper" but then suddenly it's 7 o'clock it's 8

o'clock and then I'm thinking "well I only have an hour before I go to bed so

I might as well just right here on the couch and continue vegging out because

what could I do in an hour?" a lot of things, it turns out. but the hardest part

is getting off the couch and going to my desk, and it is super important to have a

place. it's really hard to make art consistently if you have to do it at the

kitchen table where you eat every day or in the living room on the coffee table

where you have to put things in other rooms and get up and grab things when

you need them. it's just... it's distracting. it interrupts your working time and I've

done that. I've done that, it's it's possible but yeah. in this case if I

really want to get some stuff done but there's too many distractions I can just

take my computer and I can just take it to my desk

it's literally 4 feet away so if I sit in my uncomfortable art chair and decide

"well ok I can watch a YouTube video as long as I watch it at my desk"

and I do and then suddenly I see something interesting on my desk that I

want to work on or I'm just I'm already uncomfortable so I might as well just

start working, you know? sometimes it doesn't work out. sometimes I will sit

and doodle while I'm watching videos and nothing comes out right, and I give

myself permission to quit if I'm not actually achieving anything but usually

it starts. just you just have to start. and it's easy to just say "oh just sit

down and do it" you know? but um there are some of us who can't even do

that we're just not that disciplined so that's my "trick", is to do whatever you

want to do but do it at your workspace. you know, like, give it a shot

maybe that comfy couch is the reason why you're not getting up? maybe you've

just forgotten what you were working on and you just need a refresher. this may

not be relevant to everyone so I'm sorry if you came here looking for the magical

answer and it didn't work for you. this is my personal magic answer

and it does kind of work for me so give it a shot, tell me how it goes

you can give yourself permission to do something fun, but do something fun

in your workspace. so have a good one and I will see you next time. bye!


For more infomation >> When I'm Not Disciplined Enough... - Duration: 6:06.


Trying On Dresses Under $20! Cheap Clothing Tested! - Duration: 11:00.

Hey everyone it's morgan yates

For more infomation >> Trying On Dresses Under $20! Cheap Clothing Tested! - Duration: 11:00.


Guns, God, & Drugs: How to Negotiate America's Political Arguments | Dan Shapiro - Duration: 7:33.

So here we are trying to negotiate what might seem nonnegotiable.

Why do these things feel so nonnegotiable?

One reason is that we hold certain values and beliefs as sacred.

The other side holds alternative values and beliefs as sacred.

And if my beliefs don't match up with yours we have an impasse, we have gridlock.

The question is, can you get out of gridlock, and how do you get out of gridlock?

Is it true that you cannot negotiate the nonnegotiable?

You can.

The most powerful tool I know on how to negotiate the nonnegotiable is the power of appreciation.

What I mean by that, it is the ability to deeply listen to the other side's perspective

not just so that you can argue back but so that they feel heard.

Now this is the hardest thing to do in the world.

If you're a strong Clintonite or Trumpite, to say,

"you know, start by understanding that other side's perspective"—You're going to

look at me like, "you're crazy."

And even if you don't think I'm crazy, you're going to try and do it, and let me

tell you what I see happen a lot.

People try to understand the other side and two minutes later they say, "Oh no, I understand

your perspective, but you're just wrong!"

It's not a two minute conversation.

It's at least a half hour to an hour.

It's not, "Yeah, I get it."

It's, "No, I don't get it.

Help me understand it.

Tell me more.

Talk to me."

That's the kind of conversation we want, whether it's in the political sphere or

whether it is, you know, an individual negotiating with their spouse.

The moment anybody—with even the most sacred beliefs—starts to feel heard and valued,

their arms are going to uncross, they're going to lean forward and they're going

to say "you get it."

Now the danger is they might then say "so why don't you come to my side?" you know.

But that's okay.

You've moved forward.

They feel heard.

The next most important piece then is to say, "And just as you have your perspective,

I have mine.

I have my own sacred values.

Would you be open to listening to me and to my perspective?

I understand we are coming from"—notice the next word.

It's not, "But you're wrong!", you know.

And that's how most of our conversations take place.

You look at the political sphere today: "I understand, but…"

I was recently talking with a congressperson.

He said, "Look, I went and I talked to a whole group of constituents about this one

particular issue, and then I said 'I understand your perspective,'" which was different

than his.

And after he explained why he understood, all of a sudden two minutes later he said,


And I said to him, "Boy, you lost that whole set of constituents right now.

They don't feel appreciated."

You want to say, "And."

"I hear where you're coming from, and I see the value in your perspective.

And I'm letting you know."

That can start to break through the walls of the sacred.

Once the other side feels truly heard and understood, now they're much more likely

to listen to you.

And you might start sharing a little bit about your own perspective.

And instead of saying, "Do you get where I'm coming from," you can say, "What

do you hear me saying?"

And simply by asking that question, what do you hear me saying?", it forces

the other almost to empathize with your perspective, at least to try and take that stance of understanding.

Now success for the other side is accurately reflecting back what you said.

Failure is the failure to actually have listened, which allows you to then correct.

"So what do you hear me saying?

I'm not sure I'm being clear about why I believe in this candidate and what they

stand for.

What do you hear me saying?"

So I think step one is for each side to truly understand in a really real way that other

side's perspective.

And it's true, it's not just one side understanding the other.

Each side has to work to understand the other's perspective.

Now this can easily turn into a fire when one side says, "You know, you're crazy.

I can't believe you are my relative—you're my son, my daughter…

Boy, you know, I didn't raise you the way I wanted to raise you.

Your value systems are different than the way I thought they should be.

You are wrong for believing what you believe."

Now that moment in time, that's the critical moment.

Are you going to respond at that point in time, when the other side is attacking your

belief systems, by saying, "F you, no, it's your fault!

You're wrong!"

Or at that point in time are you going to say, "You know what?

Help me understand more."

And that might seem soft and weak.

It is the toughest and hardest thing to do.

I've worked with hostage negotiators, with crisis negotiators in situations of war.

This is what moves things forward.

That ability to deeply listen to the other side even when they're throwing that toxic

energy at you.

You don't need to absorb it all.

You don't need to sort of swallow all that negative energy.

My advice is just let that negative energy fly right by you, hit the wall behind you.

You're listening for the message.

You are holding onto the meaning that they're sharing, but you're not going to let their

approach, their adversarial approach to this conversation dominate the framing of how you're

going to have a conversation.

So people say "listen," and listening is the hardest thing in the world to do, you


When it comes to emotionally charged conflicts, why is it so hard to listen?

Because my identity is feeling threatened.

You're not just attacking some cerebral ideas I have.

You are attacking my value system, what I believe represents the core safety of my family,

of myself.

The meaning I bring to life.

And once you attack that, oh, it's really hard not to have that snake's head, you

know, go and bite off your head.

Another tool that you can use in a conflict situation is to ask advice.

The moment you find yourself in conflict with the other side don't entrench yourself in

your position: "This is my position.

What's your position on healthcare?"

Boy that's going to get you nowhere except toward impasse and gridlock.

Instead ask, "What's your advice?

Look, you know more about the other side's perspective than I do.

I know more about mine.

What's your advice on how we might work most effectively together?

What's your advice on some policies that might address your interests and maybe some

of my constituents interest as well?"

The moment you ask advice it almost automatically invites the other person from that role of

adversary into the role of colleague.

For more infomation >> Guns, God, & Drugs: How to Negotiate America's Political Arguments | Dan Shapiro - Duration: 7:33.


What To Text Your Ex-Boyfriend (To Make Him Come Crawling Back!) - Duration: 9:30.

Relationships end for all kinds of reasons.

Sometimes breakups are for the best, and other times… not so much.

That said, if there's one good thing to come out of any breakup it's the opportunity

to not only evaluate your relationship, but also to see how it can be improved.

If you're done some serious thinking and believe that the best thing you can do right

now is to win your ex back, then stay tuned, because I have just the texts messages for


Hey ladies, Amy North here, welcome to my channel.

For those of you who don't know me I'm a relationship coach from the west coast of

Canada, and author of The Devotion System, a program I've designed to help women around

the world find and lock down the love they want and deserve.

And today I want to share with you the types of texts you can send your ex boyfriend to

get him back.

Now, chances are you've heard about The No Contact period by this point, but for those

of you who haven't I'll just quickly explain.

The No Contact period is 30 days during which you cut off all communication with your ex.

That means no texting, no calling, no messaging him online, no showing up at his house, the


It's also important that you don't silently stalk his Facebook or Instagram, and avoid

keeping tabs on his every move.

Of course there will be situations where cutting off communication is impossible, for instance,

if you work together or have children, but in those scenarios you'll want to keep contact

to an absolute minimum and avoid talking about anything other than the responsibilities you


During the No Contact period you're going to want to focus on yourself.

This means taking up new hobbies, spending times with friends and family, and really

just doing what makes you happy.

Doing so is important for a couple reasons.

First, it'll help distract you from wanting to contact your ex, which will do wonders

for winning him back, and second, it will make him miss you.

Here's why.

The thing is, there's a good chance that your ex expects you to go crawling back to

him, begging for another chance to save your relationship.

When you do the opposite, it'll surprise him and make him wonder why you haven't

reached out and what you've been so busy doing.

In other words, he'll be missing you.

This is where the second benefit comes in.

When your ex's curiosity gets the best of him he's going to check in on you.

Maybe this means calling or texting (ignore both of these if he does), or perhaps he'll

check out your Facebook page or ask mutual friends about you.

So, when you keep busy and surround yourself with those you love your ex will see that

you're not sitting around, heartbroken about the breakup.

Instead he'll realize what a fun, full life you have, and believe me, he'll want to

be a part of it.

Of course there are many tricks and tips I could share for winning your ex back through

strategies like the No Contact period and by using social sites like Facebook, but for

this video, let's stick to texting.

Just keep in mind that before you send any of the messages I'm about to share with

you though that you make sure you've let at least a month of no contact pass first.

Got it?


Now before I jump into the heart of this video, I'd like to quickly ask that if you enjoy

it, or find what I share here helpful, then please take a moment to click the subscribe

button below.

Not only will I appreciate your support but it's you ladies who allow me to keep coming

out with new videos for you all!

So please, don't forget to subscribe.

Now, let's talk texting.

To keep things as simple as possible I've come up with three types of text you can send

your ex to make him want you back.

To make it EVEN EASIER, I've decided to call these the triple "R" texts, which

will be reminder, remember and reminisce.

Let's start with the first R, Reminder.

Since it's been some time since you and your ex were in contact, you're going to

want to warm him up to the idea of hearing from you again, and the best way to do so

is by sending short thoughtful messages that don't ask for a response.

For instance, if your ex is really into art and you know there's a new exhibit coming

to town then you could mention that, or if he's really into a particular sports team

or activity then you could use that as your kick starter.

So, to start pinpoint an interest of his, just be sure it's one you have something

relevant to remind him of.

For example, let's say he's a huge Radiohead fan, you could text him something along the

lines of:

"Hey, I saw Radiohead is going on tour this summer!

I thought of you because I know how much you've been wanting to see them live.

Hope all is well."

Or, "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Parks Canada is giving away free Discovery

Passes for the year to celebrate the country's 150th birthday.

I know how much you love camping, so I thought I'd let you know.

Hope all is well."

Again, these messages are thoughtful and don't ask for anything in return.

They're simply reminders to let your ex know that even though you haven't been reaching

out to him, he still crosses your mind from time to time.

Of course it can be tough to get your ex to think about your positively, especially if

your relationship ended on a sour note.

That said, these Reminder text messages can be your best bet for making that switch and

getting on his good side.

If you're interested in learning more ways to make your ex think positively about you

then I highly suggest you visit my site and watch the free video presentation.

The URL is, and I'll be sure to post it in the description


Moving on, the next "R" text to send your ex is a Remember text.

Unlike in the first message, this is the kind of message that is going to ask for a response,

and the goal here is to do one thing: to remind your ex of an experience you shared together.

While it sounds pretty straightforward, there is actually more to it than you may think

and the key here is to be SUBTLE.

So, as much as you may think that texting your ex, completely out of the blue, to remind

them of a great night you spent together could do you good... you don't want to do that,

at least now and not so bluntly.

Again, you're going to want to be subtle here.

To do so, start by thinking of a memory you and your ex experienced.

Maybe it's a road trip you went on together, or perhaps it's a nice anniversary dinner

you shared.

Whatever you choose, just be sure to pick a memory that will stand out and stir up emotion

in your ex.

Next, you're going to want to reference that memory by asking a question about it.

For example, if on your road trip you stumbled across a hidden beach, or while away one weekend

visited a great diner, those are the things you're going to ask him about.

In order for this to work though, your ex needs to genuinely believe that you don't

already have the answers you're looking for.

So, again, you're going to want to ask about a very specific, one-of-a-kind experience.

If you ask him for the name of the restaurant the two of you used to eat at weekly, then

he probably expects you to already know what it's called… or he may think that you're

not very bright if you don't know it.

So, now that you have a memory in mind you're going to want to text him a Remember text.

An example could be something along the lines of:

"Hey Chris, remember that beach we discovered on our road trip to Tofino?

What was it called?

I'm hoping to go back this weekend but don't know the name of it.

Hope all is well."


"Hey, remember that little italian restaurant we went to for our two year anniversary?

What was the name of it?

I'm hoping to go there tonight but can't think of what it's called!

Hope all is well."

As you'll see in both of those examples you're asking your ex to remember something

special you shared together and creating the opportunity for him to text you back.

Better yet, you're also going to get him wondering who you're going out with.

Is it a friend?

Could it be another guy?

Who knows!

Either way, you'll be making him miss you and perhaps even a little bit jealous which

can do wonders for winning him back.

So, to summarize here, a "REMEMBER" text is asking him to recall a memory you shared

together and setting him up for a response.

If he does reply to your message, answer with a simple "Thanks!"

The third "R" text for getting your ex back is the Reminisce text.

Even though this kind of message doesn't necessarily ask for a reply, you may want

to hold off on sending it until you've already reached out to your ex at least a couple times.

Since Reminisce text messages are extremely emotional and powerful, chances are sending

one is going to cause a reaction, which again, is why it's good to wait until you've

already been in touch with your ex at least a couple times before sending one of these.

When it does come time to send a Reminisce text, the secret is to think of a sensual

experience you shared in as much detail as possible.

Maybe it's a passionate makeout session you had in the rain, or perhaps it's a night

you spent in each other's arms in front of the fire.

There's no right or wrong memory here, as long as it's one that's arousing or will

get his mind racing.

When you send the text start it off with "I was just thinking about that time we…."

and go from there.

I'll say it again, because I know how crucial it is to this kind of message being success,

DO NOT LEAVE OUT ANY DETAILS… that is, unless they're negative.

For instance, if you spent an amazing weekend at a cottage together but got into an argument

about directions, then yes, leave that out and keep the focus on the positive.

When done correctly this kind of message will make your ex not only miss you, but he'll

also start to question if breaking up was such a good idea.

At this time he'll come crawling back to you.

Well, that's about all the time I have for this video, I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have any questions about what I've covered here, or text messages of your own

you'd like to share, then please do so in the comments section below, I would love to

hear from you and always do my best to answer each of you personally.

Again, if you found this video helpful then please take a moment to subscribe to my channel

and share it with your girlfriends.

Not only will I appreciate the ongoing support, but I'm sure your lady friends will love

that you're looking out for their love lives too!

Lastly, if there's a video topic that you'd like me to cover then just let me know, but

before you do so check out my channel because who knows, the video you're hoping for could

already be there, waiting to be watched by you!


So then, until next time ladies, take care and good luck!

For more infomation >> What To Text Your Ex-Boyfriend (To Make Him Come Crawling Back!) - Duration: 9:30.



excuse my acne

For more infomation >> THE TIME I TWEAKED OFF THE LOUDPACK I STORYTIME - Duration: 21:22.


Malaysia - Roadtrip von Penang nach Kuala Lumpur | Reisedoku #29 - Duration: 15:57.

For more infomation >> Malaysia - Roadtrip von Penang nach Kuala Lumpur | Reisedoku #29 - Duration: 15:57.


Dirt: How I Learned to Love the Rally - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Dirt: How I Learned to Love the Rally - Duration: 5:57.


Future Friends Pt. One & Imaginary Parties Video Reaction - Duration: 9:09.


Superfruit just released the first part of their EP

so I thought that since I am I huge fan

I could probably react to it for you while I listen to it for the first time

This! Low!

Is that Mitch?

this is so!

I love this!

This is...

Dance music..

Jesus I love dance music

*c'mon c'mon*

*but i've been thinking it over and i remember the last time*

*why can't I take you off my mind*

*bad for us bad for us bad for us*

* so tell me WHYYYY boy*

*when we get home get down*

*i don't wanna just be bad*

They sound so soft.

so good

oh my god

I'm in love with this one.


I really like that it's in octaves

it's beautiful

It's kinda like this love song

but about like break up



That's great that they have verse and verse

mmm guitars

this reminds me of Daft Punk so much.


I love love Daft Punk, so

the harmony

I love them

oh my god

oh that was one!


I love them

oh my god!

They're so fun

yes scott!

*future friends*

my god

when they riff together

*we could be future friends*

That! ah

I love

I love electronic music, please

This is gorgeous.

And the lyrics.. also

*all ends I promise*

*we could be future friends*

piano... are you kidding me

I love them

I'm gonna react to the video now,

because the moment I turned on youtube, it came out.. so

the video to imaginary parties

I love that they're matching

Mitch's shoes

what.. that was weird

oh my.. also they look so good

and the colours are so pretty


that's very close

they're so married

this is so beautiful

I like the graphic when they had two different.. it's cool

Just love the colours

How did they manage to do that exactly same

That was sex reference 100%

okay, that was hot

hah Mitch

oh that's cool

*feel alive*

*go to imaginary parties in our make believe ferrari*

*baby, let's get fresh it's like we just met*

upside down


Oh my god

The video is soo good

They're amazing

And I love them so so so much

So buy the album and pre-order the Part Two

Thanks for watching! Bye.

For more infomation >> Future Friends Pt. One & Imaginary Parties Video Reaction - Duration: 9:09.


PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUND Goof - Cape fear! I'm doing cape fear! - Duration: 0:55.

coming coming coming...


ah hurry up they're coming to kill us!



have fun my friend

I have a pistol on me, take it

*had trouble getting in driver seat* derp*

(bullets ricocheting)


I'm draggin this guys body aroound...

(more bullets ricocheting)



For more infomation >> PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUND Goof - Cape fear! I'm doing cape fear! - Duration: 0:55.


I Still Feel Like A Di*k For Doing This | Vlog 003 - Duration: 5:49.

So I'm down here today for a networking event just around the corner, I've been

making a big effort in these last few months to get as get out there as much

as possible and really spread the awareness of our company so I've been

going to as many the local networking events as possible getting as much

face-to-face time as well with other business owners not even necessarily

with businesses that will require or services but who are at least big have a

big profile in the local area I had a meeting yesterday with the CEO of a web

development agency in this area and you know he said in the last three months

that we've definitely made a big splash on the industry in terms of getting

awareness out there about who we are and what we do and you know that said I gave

me a lot of encouragement word is spreading and you know at this stage we

couldn't really ask for much more all the great things will come once we've

got our name out there people know who we are what we're about our values what

we stand for and there's just a great value that we offer and the great

results that we bring so before I head over to the event I'm actually going to

take some time to take a look around cuz I feel like every time I come here it's

always on business it's always for some event and I've never got the time to

actually appreciate this place on foot so yeah what better day then to take a

little wander around see what see what the Canterbury has to offer there's

coffee place I've been one to check out for a while so my head on over there and

get a bit hungry now I think coffee and a cake is called for

it's funny because we're all just filming this video down by the river

there I tried to film the video there about six months ago after I finished

another networking event down here and yeah basically just had the chicken out

I shit myself in the middle of it because of people watching me I just

wasn't comfortable bit whatsoever and now now look at me

you know I still feel like a dick for doing it but you know when I look around

and I see that majority of people aren't doing this the majority of people here

aren't trying to build themselves a personal brand I am so the whole time

I'm on this side of the majority I don't mind I think you should always be any

innovator should always be on this side of the majority if that means that a

thousand people down this this High Street here are looking at me can't give

a shit okay I really want that coffee now

so the promise of great coffee didn't disappoint if you're ever in Canterbury

Garage Coffee go check them out really great guys in they're really into

vlogging actually the vlog breaks down some barriers of people it's a talking

point an icebreaker often so yeah for those in the know shut away they see the

setup and go you have lager I'm like I'm trying to be I'm pretending to be yeah I

actually I love Canterbury for this I love it for these little side streets

that I have down here just absolutely beautiful

look at this so yeah great coffee great chat with them I got a whole lesson in

coffee making but now I bet head on over to this networking event but nothing

could have prepared in there yeah having a coffee of those guys having a nice

little chat and yeah I feel like the networking has already begun that I've

got to be one of the best networking events I've ever been to they did very

kindly give me permission to film in there but I literally didn't get a

chance that was just some of the conversations which is so intense and

intimate and they're fantastic it's funny because you see all of the classic

networking types you know the guys that is my business calif is my business card

is my business card and then you get the way that I like to network which I don't

know you see instead of knowing everybody but only on this kind of level

I prefer to get to know one to maybe half a dozen people are most depending

on how long the networking event is and just get to know them a lot more

intimately a more deeper conversations I feel like when I do that I have more

context not a platform from which to contact them after that thereafter so

whilst my priority of course is to spread awareness of the business it's

not to go into spam everyone with business cards that's not the way I want

to do it the way I want to do it get to know the key people get them to

know the business index and just really get the show the true value that we can

bring all in all I'd called a really really positive day great too great to

explore some of these little side roads in Canterbury and kind of see what it

has to offer as almost like a tourist great to me of the guys at garage coffee

and see what they're all about and then everyone that I've met at their

networking event yeah I'd call that a pretty successful day

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