Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 21 2017

this giveaways for all sports beat Watchers every month we give away a $200

Amazon gift card very easy to enter all you have to do is like this video be

subscribed to the channel and turn on your notifications so you don't miss a

daily upload leave us a comment why you want to win this gift card and include

your Twitter handle so we can get hold of you and that enters you there is also

a bonus entry in the description top of the description is a link click on that

and you can get a bonus entry into the giveaway

welcome to sports these guys I'm your host Jeffrey alongside my partner in

crime Jim Ann and today what we're going to

talk about is we're not going to talk about anything well we are but we've got

something unique for you guys if you like this type of content we can bring

you a top 10 what we're going to do today we're going to be talking about

Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor for months I mean leading up we are we are

it's just it's a topic we're going to discuss it but we thought we would show

you why Mayweather is 49 and oh right a list of spanked yeah a list of stanky

knockouts so we are going to present to you guys and let you watch and I want to

know what you guys think after you watch this we're giving you our pick for Floyd

Mayweather's 10 best knockout of all time and this is a little bit of a taste

of what one said Conor McGregor is going to see he also gave it to the Irishman

Ricky Hatton which were probably somewhere in the top three knockouts

Floyd Mayweather's career cuz hatman was a beast at the time of that fight as

well I bet he's in this list yeah yeah I'm player whoever edited it put him in

number 2 or 3 absolutely so what this is this is stuff that you can't really find

all in one spot I'm sure there's other videos but this is our pick in our order

and it's not the best footage a lot of this was old footage like classic

footage or whatever but we did the best we could so you knew who it was and even

will trash-talking between between mr. Mayweather and that old announcer that

one ami he's like I was fifty years younger I'd kick you around I was young

and I think that was what he was fighting Victor Ortiz but anyway doesn't

matter these are the top 10 best ployed Mayweather knockouts of all time Sports

beat edition

Lucas you never give me a face shape you know that someone let you talk to

through our teeth all right I'm through they both why else up and give me a

interview what is it talking about what do you learn you never give me a fair

shake HBO needs a fire you'll know syllable

fuck wait sit here you not sit I wish I was 50 years younger and I check your


For more infomation >> Floyd Mayweather Top 10 GREATEST KNOCKOUTS - Duration: 10:38.


손예진 '아름다움 받쳐주는 화이트 패션' - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> 손예진 '아름다움 받쳐주는 화이트 패션' - Duration: 1:40.


유희열의 '못들은 척'이 키운 뮤지션 이진아 - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> 유희열의 '못들은 척'이 키운 뮤지션 이진아 - Duration: 5:12.


이민정 '그녀만이 소화 가능한 의상' - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> 이민정 '그녀만이 소화 가능한 의상' - Duration: 1:05.


유승호, 쉴 때 비름나물 농사일 돕는 이유 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 유승호, 쉴 때 비름나물 농사일 돕는 이유 - Duration: 5:03.


♫ Outdoor Playground Family Fun Play Area for kids Baby Nursery Rhymes Song - Duration: 2:55.

♫ Outdoor Playground Family Fun Play Area for kids Baby Nursery Rhymes Song

For more infomation >> ♫ Outdoor Playground Family Fun Play Area for kids Baby Nursery Rhymes Song - Duration: 2:55.


송중기 '수많은 사람을 보고 깜짝' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> 송중기 '수많은 사람을 보고 깜짝' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:08.


Slender Man's Revenge Reborn | Roblox | Online Gameplay - Duration: 8:16.

come in here crap hold that I for you you scared the crap

out of me oh my goodness

hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene in today we're checking out slender man's

revenge reborn we're just continuing this scary trainer we've also just a

serene above my name ah ah okay let's do let's do random random spawn do just

like now what do we do here got my friend here and it says it what's

the same Slenderman is revenge but I don't know what the point is if it or

what we're doing its asked every night what do you say we should to you my

friend none is Lunas then I'll put gamer mr.

tooth please tell me what we're supposed to do in here I'm okay what does that

mean okay I should have chose this please what do we do what do I do I'm

running I'm running thunders faster run for your life oh my gosh oh my gosh

where is he where is he where is he where auntie what's with the scary music

oh my goodness she'll run through this door I don't know I feel like oh my gosh

is a dead body there I feel like going inside is not the answer all my

assistants run for my life but I think I'm running out of stamina oh my

goodness oh my goodness okay I know I gotta calm down calm down

calm down where is he I don't see him anywhere I'm

gonna look around really quick friend friend

my I I don't five five something moving was its with a party oh yeah hi

oh my goodness this is how people die in movies we have them in Plymouth come

down by the ash is that a veil why would you be like oh they're making those dude

you know Zuzu frickin game alright so let's go inside

I think the crap I don't remember where the um what's this is this his finger is

that all that yeah that's his I think okay let me just run straight this way

see if I can find that building visibility to the pier system teleport

I'm like scared wait all these lights aren't heads looks like titties

there's no way these can be hey alright let's go let's ride one

what's he just wrapping it all around I'm like oh my gosh I'm running this way

I'm running this way alright with with Nara my booty is hurting now uh-huh I'm

not doing a glitchy stuff oh goodness not gonna lie guys kind of Gert kind of

hashtag skirt here I don't like that glitchy glitchy ish that was happening

that you know what we're going to be brave we're going to run this way we're

going to keep on running until we're forced stop serious no need to keep

running that way I'd be in there I see you I'm over there so I'm gonna run over

here I saw something there don't wanna see you no more so I'm gonna run over

this place I see dark mighty dark guys why is he dark guys I helped see him

anymore and I'm walking now I'm so afraid I'm scared to lay on them Nana's

okay but um I think that guy's gonna get it oh crap then run this way I'm like

scared of tech crap do it for the one that's building turn it oh gosh I didn't

want to come in here can we go I'm gonna go in this room here

or no I'm gonna go upstairs after after that is a great idea upstairs okay

come in here crap hold on I for you

you scared the crap out of me oh my goodness why would you just pop up oh my

goodness oh I'm itching oh my goodness

oh my gosh okay crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap okay um let's see what

this guy you're tough Rosie right oh gosh okay oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh

oh it's a little bit worse you've been blind it beware of slender I've been

blinded what does that mean what does that mean

Alma stay close to this guy this guy dies first and I'm crashed you have a

weapon oh sorry sorry sir wait I don't think coming down that's a really good

idea actually I know it's going to stick with you until you possibly die then I

know two kind of running the other way uh no I'm going back inside I'm gonna

say it oh gosh do you hear that

I'm going up there I'm going upstairs I hear they sound I don't like dumb oh

my goodness we need to go through a room ah where's the door here's room school

district I'm gonna stay in this corner if we see something coming in then we

know ma'am oh my goodness

why did her hacked out that bell sound

crap crap crap she must be near he must frickin be

there can we rent a safety is there out in this game can I can we go through

this way probably not friend it is darkest hex in here friend

I'm done I'm in the gameplay here um

alright I'm going to game player and you like the gameplay time to like have a

like button let me know you're that double in the comment section if you'd

like to suggest the different levels use the hashtag hashtag roblox level and

put your suggestions check me on my second channel my social media there be

sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram

I've been giving away game codes so follow me on Twitter at Twitter

I think I can always

For more infomation >> Slender Man's Revenge Reborn | Roblox | Online Gameplay - Duration: 8:16.


Simple Ways to Lower Your Triglycerides ❤ Lower Triglycerides Fast - Duration: 3:26.

Simple Ways to Lower Your Triglycerides ❤ Lower Triglycerides Fast

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood.

After you eat, your body converts the calories that you don�t need into triglycerides and

stores them in your fat cells to be used for energy later.

While you do need triglycerides to supply your body with energy, having too many triglycerides

in your blood can increase your risk of heart disease

This article explores 6 ways to naturally reduce your blood triglycerides.


Lose Some Weight

Whenever you eat more calories than you need, your body turns those calories into triglycerides

and stores them in fat cells.

That�s why losing weight is an effective way to lower your blood triglyceride levels.

While the goal is to sustain weight loss in the long term, studies have found that weight

loss can have a lasting effect on blood triglyceride levels, even if you regain some of the weight.


Limit Your Sugar Intake

Added sugar is a big part of many people�s diets.

While the American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 6�9 teaspoons of

added sugar per day, in 2008 the average American was eating about 19 teaspoons daily (4).

Hidden sugar commonly lurks in sweets, soft drinks and fruit juice.

Extra sugar in your diet is turned into triglycerides, which can lead to an increase in blood triglyceride

levels, along with other heart disease risk factors.


Follow a Low-Carb Diet

Much like added sugar, extra carbs in your diet are converted into triglycerides and

stored in fat cells.

Not surprisingly, low-carb diets have been linked to lower blood triglyceride levels.


Eat More Fiber

iber is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Other good sources of fiber include nuts, cereals and legumes.

Including more fiber in your diet can decrease the absorption of fat and sugar in your small

intestine, helping to lower the amount of triglycerides in your blood


Exercise Regularly

�Good� HDL cholesterol has an inverse relationship with blood triglycerides, meaning

that high levels of HDL cholesterol can help lower triglycerides.

Aerobic exercise can increase levels of HDL cholesterol in your blood, which can then

lower blood triglycerides.

When paired with weight loss, studies show that aerobic exercise is especially effective

at decreasing triglycerides

Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, jogging, bicycling and swimming.


Avoid Trans Fats

Artificial trans fats are a type of fat added to processed foods to increase their shelf


Trans fats are commonly found in commercially fried foods and baked goods made with partially

hydrogenated oils.

Due to their inflammatory properties, trans fats have been attributed to many health problems,

including increased �bad� LDL cholesterol levels and heart disease

Eating trans fats can also increase your blood triglyceride levels.

For more infomation >> Simple Ways to Lower Your Triglycerides ❤ Lower Triglycerides Fast - Duration: 3:26.


"'군함도' 대박 기원"..한상진, 고창석·박보검과 송중기 응원 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> "'군함도' 대박 기원"..한상진, 고창석·박보검과 송중기 응원 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:14.


college and the future || Christi Kerr & Abbie Bosworth - Duration: 5:32.

[claps] Oh! - Hello, friends, today I'm here with the wonderful Abbie Bosworth, and we are

going to be talking about college / university because I just graduated and

Abbie just finished her first year of college. - I did. I did do that. I'm so dreading graduating

because like the years are going by so fast, it's crazy that I've already done a

whole year. If you could start college over with all your knowledge that you

know now, what would you do different. - I would not have gone to the school that I went to.

- Oh boy. Really, why? - Um, because it didn't have a film program. Going to a

school where I could have studied like video production or like film in some

capacity would have been a better fit instead of me having to like piece

together a video major. - That's like what I'm afraid of,

I'm afraid that like I'm gonna like once I finish my degrees, I'm gonna like hate

the things I chose to study and like not want to go into a job that has anything to do

with them. It's like you have a psychology degree, but you're... You know.

Something unrelated, I couldn't think of something unrelated. - I don't know, it turned out okay for me.

- That's good. Yeah, you're alright! You're doing alright! - I'm okay, everything's fine! I don't have a

job but it's fine! It's good. While I'm not employed yet I'm

kind of doing some certifications and picking up some new skills and stuff and

so it's always possible to get more like beyond college. So even if you completely mess up,

- Just completely. - And do just don't to any of the right classes in college, it's fine.

- There's still the rest of your life. - Yeah. So do you know what you want

to do with your major? The worst question in the world. - AH. There's the question. Well I'm

double majoring in communications and psychology, because communications is

just so broad like it could mean anything,

it can mean anything, which is like one of the reasons why I like it so much

because it's like-- There's just so much about communications,

there's so many different ways you can go.

But I'm also majoring in psychology, which is so hard. At least like

the neuroscience part of it is hard. - Ooh, I bet. - Yeah I have no idea what I want to do

with them. Like, therapist or videographer, which I'm not studying at all.

- A lot of like the creative stuff there's only so much that classes can teach you, though. - Yeah.

- You don't really need to major in that kind of stuff necessarily.

- Like a lot of like famous you know movie makers and stuff didn't like go to film school and

like didn't Steve Jobs say like the most valuable course that he took was

calligraphy or something? Like I don't know I feel like what you study it's

like it could really help you but it could also be totally irrelevant.

Oh my god. - Is this stressing you out?

- Yeah, I'm just thinking about my future now!

- So let's change paths a little bit. - Yeah.

- How was your first year of college? - Oh, it was great! It was like it was so much better

than I ever could have imagined. I was nervous going to college, but I was

ready, if that makes sense. Like a lot of like I know people who

like we had to-- they had to be torn away from like their hometown to go

to college. Which like I didn't understand I was like "I'm ready, let's go"

And even though like I didn't know anyone going to my school, I like did not

know if I was going to make friends or not because I haven't been the best at

making friends in life so... But for some reason, I was just like "yep let's

leave." And so I did. And it was great it was like-- I love my school and I love

the people there, so that's good. - That's great. - Do you remember like how you felt

like going to college and like after your first year? My camera died!

- But we're back. -We're back. - I guess I had a harder time with just

transitioning than I thought I would because I didn't--like I've had the same

friends for a long time in high school, like I met most of my best

friends in elementary school and middle school.

And so I like didn't know how to like start fresh and make friends and I... it

was like I lived in the same house my whole life up until leaving for college

and so there were just like lots of things like that where I wasn't like

prepared for how much it was going to actually affect me and then it just kind

of spiraled for a while and then I was just kind of fine. Like, it just took time. - Yeah.

- We're doing a video over on Abbie's channel about like--what was it that you

said we're going to talk about? - About like the pressure to continue to create

things like you know if you take like a long break it's like constant anxiety

like I haven't posted a video in a month. - So I'll put a link to that and Abbie's

channel in the description. Cause she's wonderful. - Oh, well, thanks.

- Thank you so much for watching I love you very much and I'll see you next week. - Bye!

For more infomation >> college and the future || Christi Kerr & Abbie Bosworth - Duration: 5:32.


"Attaching the KD-A22 (Later Version)" Roland KD-A22 #2 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> "Attaching the KD-A22 (Later Version)" Roland KD-A22 #2 - Duration: 4:50.


McCoy Road Watch Review - Duration: 6:50.

what's up YouTube thank you guys to check it back in I'm

normally a favorite men's subscription box guy but I'll probably also become a

one of your favorite watch guys I've been doing a lot of watch reviews and I

have a nice nice product here well made good quality at a good price nothing

cheap nothing crazy expensive just perfectly right in the middle that looks

good now I don't have it all what I have on

is my shy jewelry can you see that oh man focus on this if you haven't already

seen that video check it out man this is like some moon rocks actually it's it's

lava rocks on top of some 18 karat rose gold which inspired what color I wanted

to get this watch so let's get right into this package right here

you know this company is fairly new I think they just opened in January

um they're offering a good quality high quality watch made with stainless steel

and genuine leather and Japanese movement watch so we have McCoy Rhodes

can you see that McCoy Road we got the McCoy Road alright

now let's little package right here slide it open man this is exciting when

I can't wait to wear this watch so what comes in here is I'm not going to show

you to watch and make you guys wait hold on one second McCoy Road we're excited

to present McCoy Road a modern meets classic watch the watch I decided going

is called the 930 is a 40 mm size so we believe in doing good and what we do for

others so they have a hole we don't theme to their watches it is called time

well-spent so it's dedicated to like you know the

entrepreneur flash you know businessman you know creator business owner type of

style you know which is the key time well spent firmly firmly believe it I

hate wasting time I hate sleeping in anymore because I feel like I'm wasting

time I feel like when I'm sleeping I'm wasting time so I can sleep when I die

my right but let's let me show you this

nice watch right here there it is check that out McCoy Road I want you

guys to get a good look at that

boom well you guys think McCoy Road look dad that's nice

alright I want to zoom in over here they also have an M on the you know the end

piece right here right there they have an M on it really really nice these

straps are thick some good leather let's focus in on that some good leather and

look at the thickness it's not some cheap little thing like this is nice and

it also has a cool little slot right here I'm gonna get to that but we got

the genuine leather nice bands really nice bands we it's rose gold alright

it's rose gold it says McCoy Road in there you know nice it's nice you know

it has the date as well it's a good size let me just try oh I didn't even notice

that it's also like a faded M type of look in the band how am I going to get

you guys to be able to see that can you see that you see that there this there's

an M right here alright just something subtle but really really cool alright

something subtle but it looks nice I like the little details and then you

have the key now the key is a pretty cool thing I mean it's going to save us

some money we got the M on the key cool McCoy Road and the key is for I want to

make sure I get this right the key is for a symbolic as a little

symbolic reading it's like an invitation into their home

McCoy Road in Dallas Texas okay and then it's also to make it easier for you to

get the battery out I mean why not this makes it easy to get the battery you

have to go to the to the watch store and spend what it's 20 30 bucks for them to

change your battery I mean I need to get myself a watch kit anyway because I'm

getting watches and I can't even you know adjust I'm going to have to take it

to the stores like 15 20 bucks every single time

so the key is a cool way to be able to adjust your watch I'm not even done this

before there it is oh that's cool that's cool

that's how you take a battery out all right that's really cool make it

easy for you save you a couple of dollars a cool little touch you know of

a key adding to the value of this watch like I said all the watches they have

they start at around 95 and then they go up I'm guessing but here we go

I like this watch guys what do you think

the rows go I want the Rose go so that it can match man I'm matching

today oh man your boy is looking good today with the black and rose gold I got

the black of rose gold combination going on today guys the black and roll the

black and rose gold combination going on a day McCoy Rose really really nice and

they also have different bands I want to let you know did watch I have right now

the one I chose this one 10 ah this one was one 10 the bezel is polished rose

gold the dial is a matte white and polished gunmetal hands and access so

it's like a grayish color it's a really nice setup I mean they got a bunch of

nice watches and then you know I had to do it I had to go with the brown and

rose gold the brown of rose gold strap so another pair of straps and I'm going

to switch it up you know switch it up so the straps are easy you know you just

saw stress they're pretty easy to change but I also got the brown ones so this

one's going to be a double threat a triple threat I mean I'm gonna be able

to wear this watch with a lot of things the black and gold matches perfectly

with this bracelet I have right here but the McCoy Road really really liked you

guys you know go check them out McCoy Road

surfing is just too small might have in the Brave Brothers lie and


For more infomation >> McCoy Road Watch Review - Duration: 6:50.


예비 신랑' 송중기 '흠잡을 곳 없는 외모' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> 예비 신랑' 송중기 '흠잡을 곳 없는 외모' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:08.


Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.6-16V OCEAN 03 Airco Cruise Inruil Mogelijk - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.6-16V OCEAN 03 Airco Cruise Inruil Mogelijk - Duration: 0:55.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Business | Navi | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Business | Navi | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:01.


「30人訂閱回饋!!! 」訂閱回饋 x agar x ??? By~Yuyeh❤ - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 「30人訂閱回饋!!! 」訂閱回饋 x agar x ??? By~Yuyeh❤ - Duration: 4:47.


Gmod ll nZombies ll Dust 2 ll Livestream - Duration: 2:45:10.

For more infomation >> Gmod ll nZombies ll Dust 2 ll Livestream - Duration: 2:45:10.


How to Install Cisco IOS in GNS3 | GNS3 Cisco Router IOS Installation | GNS3 TUTORIAL - Duration: 3:51.

How to Install Cisco IOS in GNS3 | GNS3 Cisco Router IOS Installation | GNS3 TUTORIAL

For more infomation >> How to Install Cisco IOS in GNS3 | GNS3 Cisco Router IOS Installation | GNS3 TUTORIAL - Duration: 3:51.


EBS 외주 다큐 PD, 남아공 현지 촬영 중 사망 - Korean Stars - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> EBS 외주 다큐 PD, 남아공 현지 촬영 중 사망 - Korean Stars - Duration: 2:11.


Carer's Leave and The Fair Work Act in The Workplace - Duration: 5:56.

Martin, I was wanting to talk about the concept of carer's responsibilities and

carer's leave.

When the Fair Work Act was first introduced there was a lot of rumbling from employers

around what this was going to mean with employees asking for carer's leave, having to take into

consideration the impacts on the business and then either granting it or denying it

and what this was going to mean for the impacts on the business and the ramifications, etc.

Most of the businesses that I've worked with have essentially listened to the employee

in their requests for carer's leave and looked at the carer's responsibilities but very often

it hasn't fitted into the business model and it's been denied.

We've recently seen a case where an employer denied carer's leave to a gentleman whose

wife prematurely gave birth and then both the baby and the mother had to have ongoing

care in hospital and this case went to court.

What errors did the employer make in denying that carer's leave?

Well it comes back to the idea about what actually carer's leave is within the

meaning of Section 97 [of the Act] and the employer misunderstood what it meant, that

the court ultimately held.

The employer said that the employee's request to take the time off to care for his wife

and newborn child was not an unexpected emergency within the meaning of the Act, so therefore

it had no entitlement to the carer's leave.

So the employer dealt with it as if he was absent without authorisation and he was terminated

for abandoning his employment.

In those circumstances the employer had misunderstood and narrowly defined what carer's leave actually

meant and it made the decision itself that the employee wasn't entitled to carer's leave

and so therefore terminated the employee.

The court disagreed and said that carer's leave shouldn't be construed so narrowly and

it should be, in certain circumstances including this one, it was designed entirely for that

so that you could care for your immediate members of your family, including your wife

and your newborn baby.

Carer's leave doesn't have to be for an unexpected emergency, is that what

the employer thought carer's leave was?

There are two limbs to Section 97 and one of them being an unexpected emergency.

The other one is to care for the illness or injury of an immediate family member or an

unexpected emergency.

The employer in this case said that a caesarian section birth wasn't an illness or an injury,

therefore it must have been an unexpected emergency and they said they deemed it wasn't

because the birth was expected.

They took an unusually narrow perspective, which employer's can do from time to time.

Okay, and they relied on the concept of abandonment of employment, what were they

relying on there?

What does that mean?

That simply meant that he was unauthorised, he was not authorised to be away from work

and so they had written to him and said he needed to return to work and he didn't return

to work because he was caring for his wife and his child.

Their opinion was, well he's abandoned his employment because he hasn't returned upon

our direction.

In terms of the employer looking at a carer's leave request, they really shouldn't

narrow it down to just the impact that it will have on the business, they actually need

to take a broader view of the situation from the employee's perspective as well?

Well they should and also, I mean without being too legalistic, legislation

that is beneficial such as this should always be interpreted in that respect, as a benefit

to be provided as a benefit to an employee rather than something that should be construed


This is a benefit to the employee, therefore Parliament must have intended for it to be

viewed broadly.

So when an employee comes to you, I mean obviously there will be circumstances where an employee

isn't entitled to carer's leave, but the employer should also take a broad view of trying to

assist an employee in difficult circumstances.

I think there are two areas you mentioned there where employers can fall down.

One is that they forget that some legislation is written from that beneficial perspective

and forget to view it in that sense, and the other is that it can become very frustrating

when employees want to continually ask for carer's leave and there appears to be no basis

or relation back to that section of the Act.

That frustration can often lead to employers just giving a blanket no without taking due

consideration of the information and the facts at hand.

It goes back to the initial part of your question, which was the introduction

of carer's leave, which was a broad expansion of the traditional sick leave, if you like,

which was prior to the introduction of the Fair Work Act where, through awards, was generally

five days of sick leave, and that's quite easily to be controlled by employers through

medical certificates, that type of thing.

So we had a large expansion in terms of days, so we straight away went up to ten days and

then we had the expansion of the right, if you like, for carer's leave.

So you could take an employee who was entitled to take a day off, for example, for a sick

child who couldn't attend school, how was an employer able to control that?

How was an employer to be able to ascertain whether or not that occurred?

I mean, as parents we both know, children don't, if they are unwell and can't go to

school, they may not be unwell enough to go to the doctor and also there's an unnecessary

financial burden on an employee to have to take their child to a doctor, for example.

There's an evidence issue for the employer.

How do I know my employee is trustworthy and is actually caring for somebody.

That's an issue as well, which leads into this idea of the narrow interpretation from


So it really is, a lot of the time, a question of trust.

A question of trust and a question of taking a broader perspective of the situation

and perhaps even seeking legal advice if they're not sure about whether they should grant that

leave or not.

Well obviously, as the case decided, you better be careful about making a unilateral

decision about what is or isn't carer's leave.

Okay, thanks Martin.

For more infomation >> Carer's Leave and The Fair Work Act in The Workplace - Duration: 5:56.


Mỹ Bá.o Đ.ộng Khẩn Cấp Với TIN NONG Donald Trump V.I PHẠ.M A.N N.INH QUỐC GIA bị PHÁT GIÁC - Duration: 20:16.

For more infomation >> Mỹ Bá.o Đ.ộng Khẩn Cấp Với TIN NONG Donald Trump V.I PHẠ.M A.N N.INH QUỐC GIA bị PHÁT GIÁC - Duration: 20:16.


For more infomation >> Mỹ Bá.o Đ.ộng Khẩn Cấp Với TIN NONG Donald Trump V.I PHẠ.M A.N N.INH QUỐC GIA bị PHÁT GIÁC - Duration: 20:16.


Dios es BUENO - God is GOOD - Duration: 1:51.

God is LIGHT and there can be no particle of darkness in Him, nor can He hide behind a Dark Cloud.

God is the TRUTH and there can be no contradiction in Him.

God is totally GOOD and in Him there can not be an atom of evil.

God is LIFE and Life in abundance

God is PEACE and BROTHERHOOD and can not command any man to kill another man under any circumstances.

God is of Comforting and Powerful Appearance: His appearance can never be terrible in sight or cause death.

God is FAITHFUL and applies His Justice Only by His Holy Hands or sends His angels; Only in exceptional and irremediable cases.

God above all things is our LOVING FATHER who is always waiting for the Return of his Sons.

Children whom he never points and always waiting to receive them with a warm and emotional embrace. God always forgives, as long as man repents and acknowledges his mistakes. God, our Father, is a Mercy-thirsting God who loves His Sons...


For more infomation >> Dios es BUENO - God is GOOD - Duration: 1:51.


For more infomation >> Dios es BUENO - God is GOOD - Duration: 1:51.


(RICEGUM DISSTRACK) TANNER FOX - We Do It Best Official Music Video REACTION!! - Duration: 10:02.

what is up guys my name is snow xvi and vodka alright so as you read by the

title today i'm going to be reacting be the one and only god of rap tanner fox

okay you don't know who tanner fox's that means you haven't been in the game

okay have you ever have you ever listened to rap music come on you're

slacking with that being said I've heard a lot of things about this song okay and

let me explain it to you guys I don't have that high of an expectation from

what I have heard all right maybe I'm just like the people I talk to and the

things I see is all anti Tanner Fox I don't know all right obviously needless

to say I've never had a t Fox brand hoodie or see this is this is just

regular Gildan you know I'm saying anyways let's cut to the chase let's get

a song listen I'm gonna say banger or not Frank

what's that dude hold up listen closely boys sounds like when you kick a dog you

could get up yo easy oh my god their flex and look at how many fridges you

know that took them at least like five minutes to perfect you know what I'm

saying with that default brand March Lincoln

bio hahahaha are those cameras dude what are those things in the corner over here

what is that dude sort of Pokemon Pokemon cards dang bro okay I mean so

far Tanner Foxx was an interesting voice

why does it look like every indie rock person know are you serious dude he's

legit smashing a car up dude oh no I don't even have a car I've been

had my license for the longest time and I still don't have a car he's mad

that's probably like $1,000 right there dude that car was a thousand

and he brought that car just to make this video bro that's a banger dude

respect mad respect dude skirt off in the race car

slo-mo pores nobody sounds like he thought that fidget spinner rapper kid

dude what's his name I don't even know his name I don't want to look it up

either what does that mean she's switching what she's switching flow like

a lake if I let makes no sense bro likes don't just switch flows you feel me do

life switch flows you know maybe I'm like I know I'm not a mathematician but

like yo but sneak this but our rice gum rip rice go whatever ice come do did I

know like tenor Fox and rice girl had some beef but like come on that was like

a million years ago oh if you offer him gum no never

oh-ho dude ten or Foxboro relax dude come on I didn't come here expecting

bars I came here expecting the worst thing possible

what was that you don't do that in our rap song are you talking about your

bedtime in this day and age no one has a bedtime unless you're in kindergarten

all right Jesus oh my god you don't there's unwritten laws about

this stuff in the rap game you know I'm saying you don't geez man

literally every youtuber who's ever made a music video has to plug in their merch

like this I don't understand bro he he Loki does want people to buy all of his

merch today I see him plugging it like every video but he's probably made like

50 videos just about it's merch geez

most complaints you'll noise complaints because they

laugh know that you know they're releasing bangers and their subwoofers

and everything but they're going crazy this is like just you play this at a

club bro this is where you turn up in a club you put you put this on you get the

off scored you put this on look you're gonna get the puss bro I promise Maya

choose what the heck why is he crossing out rip rice gum

that's a double negative you don't like does that honestly guys am I making any

sense I haven't slept for the past like for the past couple of days I haven't

slept but listen to me when you say yo r.i.p rice gum huh and you cross it off

that's a double negative like when you see a sign that says no smoking right

and then you cross off that sign it's like no no smoking you know what I'm

saying does that make sense oh my god I would keep going

bro look at this man smiling the bag bro he's so bad he's legit looking like this

he knows he's hard dude he's about to get some mad street cred bro he probably

got some posts after this no lie your Loki she does look cute

though she does look cute but I mean I heard that like she sucks at rapping but

for my three seconds I've heard like there's been worse people okay she's

definitely better than every everyday bro

that one girl in every day bro like I'm here to educate you and I ain't talking

about book what is she doing she's being seductive bro she really she really

wants you guys to buy that merch Lincoln mile who's vacuuming noise complaint cuz

they're loud you know I feel so bad for the car dude

but there's kids in Africa walking ten miles for their water and you're here

smashing a car you could have donated that car to Africa bro or me you could

have donated that Africa could have donated that Africa to me because don't

exact card to me what is this man he's so hard look at him he's in the back

he's just chillin bro man I wish I was that cool yo you can't be roasting on

rice gum and his friends for having the nicest house I've ever seen on YouTube

that just means they have money you can't be roasting people like yeah how

you have a big house big house lots of money lots of money you can't be doing

that that's just unspoken rules who's using

her who's using her pay I've never seen her pictures whatsoever first of all why

she won that correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know my bras but is that

a sports bra or is that one of those push up bras

is this a roast about rice gum is a song about rice gum or is this just 10 or Fox

making fun of himself look I'm not going to tell you how to make music you feel

me but when you're trying to like roast someone else you don't roast yourself in

the process you know what I'm saying like you're we the best you know what I

said we do it best we do this we do that look at our car that we're just smashing

oh yeah by the way my leg is this big my my cyclone the words you so dizzy

Oh take on the words so dizzy Broca's cyclones they spin they spin and like

you know when you spin you get dizzy bars man oh my god this is so bomb this

is a banger for sure dude yeah 100 bucks okay let me start off by saying guys

probably think I hate Taylor Fox with the way I spoke you know I'm saying I

don't hate Tanner Fox I actually do like some of his vlogs I'm not going to front

I'm not going to sit here and say I don't watch his videos and you know

whatever I do watch his videos I like some of his videos the song wasn't that

bad I came in with like a really low expectation if it would be differently

because you can't be comparing 10 or Fox to like studio people who do it for a

living you know I'm saying look that's all they live and breathe for he's just

like a youtuber who does vlogs he's not a musician he doesn't have that

background you know what I'm saying so you can't be putting up with like all

the big people like you know Drake little Uzi whoever they're up here right

that's this is not the standard for like you know youtubers and whatnot unless

that's their channel with their channels based on so like you can't be comparing

those two and I feel like people been doing that in terms of buying this for

me I would not buy this just because I am NOT a fan that big of a fan of 10 or

Fox but if I was a fan of Tanner Fox and for 99 cents I would definitely buy this

I don't know maybe I'm crazy I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video if you

did leave a like comment down below what you think

everybody's oh yeah subscribe

For more infomation >> (RICEGUM DISSTRACK) TANNER FOX - We Do It Best Official Music Video REACTION!! - Duration: 10:02.


For more infomation >> (RICEGUM DISSTRACK) TANNER FOX - We Do It Best Official Music Video REACTION!! - Duration: 10:02.





BMW 3 Serie 320iA High Executive , M-sport, Steptronic Ed., El.schuif-/ kanteldak, PDC achter, HiFi - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320iA High Executive , M-sport, Steptronic Ed., El.schuif-/ kanteldak, PDC achter, HiFi - Duration: 0:56.


Mỹ Bá.o Đ.ộng Khẩn Cấp Với TIN NONG Donald Trump V.I PHẠ.M A.N N.INH QUỐC GIA bị PHÁT GIÁC - Duration: 20:16.

For more infomation >> Mỹ Bá.o Đ.ộng Khẩn Cấp Với TIN NONG Donald Trump V.I PHẠ.M A.N N.INH QUỐC GIA bị PHÁT GIÁC - Duration: 20:16.


Floyd Mayweather Top 10 GREATEST KNOCKOUTS - Duration: 10:38.

this giveaways for all sports beat Watchers every month we give away a $200

Amazon gift card very easy to enter all you have to do is like this video be

subscribed to the channel and turn on your notifications so you don't miss a

daily upload leave us a comment why you want to win this gift card and include

your Twitter handle so we can get hold of you and that enters you there is also

a bonus entry in the description top of the description is a link click on that

and you can get a bonus entry into the giveaway

welcome to sports these guys I'm your host Jeffrey alongside my partner in

crime Jim Ann and today what we're going to

talk about is we're not going to talk about anything well we are but we've got

something unique for you guys if you like this type of content we can bring

you a top 10 what we're going to do today we're going to be talking about

Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor for months I mean leading up we are we are

it's just it's a topic we're going to discuss it but we thought we would show

you why Mayweather is 49 and oh right a list of spanked yeah a list of stanky

knockouts so we are going to present to you guys and let you watch and I want to

know what you guys think after you watch this we're giving you our pick for Floyd

Mayweather's 10 best knockout of all time and this is a little bit of a taste

of what one said Conor McGregor is going to see he also gave it to the Irishman

Ricky Hatton which were probably somewhere in the top three knockouts

Floyd Mayweather's career cuz hatman was a beast at the time of that fight as

well I bet he's in this list yeah yeah I'm player whoever edited it put him in

number 2 or 3 absolutely so what this is this is stuff that you can't really find

all in one spot I'm sure there's other videos but this is our pick in our order

and it's not the best footage a lot of this was old footage like classic

footage or whatever but we did the best we could so you knew who it was and even

will trash-talking between between mr. Mayweather and that old announcer that

one ami he's like I was fifty years younger I'd kick you around I was young

and I think that was what he was fighting Victor Ortiz but anyway doesn't

matter these are the top 10 best ployed Mayweather knockouts of all time Sports

beat edition

Lucas you never give me a face shape you know that someone let you talk to

through our teeth all right I'm through they both why else up and give me a

interview what is it talking about what do you learn you never give me a fair

shake HBO needs a fire you'll know syllable

fuck wait sit here you not sit I wish I was 50 years younger and I check your


For more infomation >> Floyd Mayweather Top 10 GREATEST KNOCKOUTS - Duration: 10:38.


I Spoke Korean Everyday for a Month || Speaking Challenge Results - Duration: 4:07.

Hello, everyone! My name is Natalia and I'm your Korean study buddy~

Today I will be sharing my results from my Speaking Korean Everyday for a Month Challenge!

But, first...

I want to apologize... So I'm sorry I've been so MIA in the

comment section on the Instagram all of you guys that have been studying me

lovely messages asking questions and stuff I'm so sorry I was been answering

I've been super stressed with like school to work and like it hit me like a

bus and I'm just doing anyway so I'm sorry love

- what are you requested that I make a video about like things that you can

tweet at like Korean send them on twitter and if you guys have anything

that you would want to be included in the video or your truth about just let

me know down below so I have an idea of like which direction to go with these

tweets other than like I love you you are licensed so let me know down there

okay so now for the results right that's what you came here for okay so after

speaking for a month I don't want to say my korean improved like a million times

or something because like it got like a little better i'm definitely like faster

at speaking than I was before and but I want to say the biggest change that I

like experience was in my confidence I also might sound like super weird but

after coming back from Korea the fact that I wasn't speaking a lot made my

speaking like confidence complexes and the myself super weird but it's true so

um just like speaking all the time it may not only do it like maybe speak

faster but I felt kind of more comfortable we can't like oh yeah you

can understand me I don't know why I like I feel like you can't understand me

but then you're like oh yeah and you respond and there's no accreditation

that makes me feel better also with confidence things like it reminded me

that even when I feel like people are getting

impatient I guess with me so I'm like how do you like pause and then will my

sentence to figure out my grammars or not like I have to keep honestly I have

to keep reminding myself that during the challenge like people aren't doing

annoyed with you like this is a little English exchange a play come on and so

that helps me out a lot I'm just like thinking one oh my gosh so

you're probably wondering how I was talking every day so I mainly used to

low top which I know some people don't like but I find it really useful I

mainly did that and then I also talked to my friends like from Korea Uncas cow

which I'm something must have thought I was so weird

I started only sending them voice messages in Korean and it's really not

how we communicate so they were just like hey Oh upper part is like I wasn't

telling people what I was doing so it was like messages all the time

you know they were texting and like message anyway so there's that so I

started with voice messages because I'm awkward and I get uncomfortable very bad

um but I can do some calls you know to work up that awkwardness

uh-huh anyway so what the call of honestly those did not get any easier

like yes other there was facing clusters but there's so much more intimidating

the voice calls because you know you can't play it over again and to unlike

in person call like in person cold face to face conversations you can see what

someone does understand geez I can't just do to figure things out all the

time you can't do that you just used spy work that was so awkward like so my

heart was always like racing like this every time there was a phone call but

yeah so overall changes confidence of Korean speaking and a little faster got

some corrections led some words made some new friends but yeah so that's it

so don't forget to tell me what you want for that Twitter video thing

alright and I will see you next time Palomar guys bye-bye

For more infomation >> I Spoke Korean Everyday for a Month || Speaking Challenge Results - Duration: 4:07.


Auto-analisis - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Auto-analisis - Duration: 5:07.


Super Air Zonk CD Denjin Rockabilly Paradise Turbo-Grafx 16 PC Engine Duo Japanese Soundtrack GTV - Duration: 7:16.

Hey have you ever heard the Zonk Song?

Lemme see that Zonk!

That Zonk, Zonk, Zonk, Zonk, Zonk!


No not that!

I'm talking about the soundtrack to the CD Denjin!

Known in America as Super Air Zonk!

Actually the US version got the short end when it comes to the soundtrack, because the

Japanese version comes with vocals for the opening, ending and game over screens!

So what are they singing about?

Let me put some subtitles on here and then you can sing along!

Now you know the Zonk song, so go out and sing it.

As well as you can…..

Thanks for Japanese Journey and G to the Next Level for

their cameos in this video.

For great vids on life in Japan, check Japanese Journey.

And for some awesome game reviews check out G to the Next Level.

If you liked this video, subscribe to what's coming next.

If you really really like it, why not become a contributing member via patreon?

For all members, you get exclusive access to a 50 minute mega video where I review the

dragon quest TV show made in Japan, as well as a lot of other cool stuff Youtube just

won't allow!

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