(♪ upbeat music ♪)
[JI] Hi, everybody! So, today I'm going to be talking about
the reason why you should have an e-portfolio.
So an e-portfolio is pretty much a website
that has all of your.. resume, samples of work, your cover letter.
Pretty much everything on there so
a potential employer can come and look and see
exactly what skills you have... just more about you and your work before hiring you.
I know that the younger generation, the newer generation of interpreters
are pretty much, from what I know,
are all learning how to do this in their interpreting programs.
So it's going to be very common for new or younger interpreters,
less experienced I should say, to have portfolios.
Now more experienced interpreters, my level and above
more experienced, more seasoned, they have e-portfolios now too
or are working towards getting them.
So it's becoming pretty standard, or it will become pretty standard soon.
So I wanted to kind of talk about what mine looks like
which isn't the only format you can do.
But kind of what I have and some ideas for you guys
if you want to set up an e-portfolio.
So, I just bought the domain name of jillstewardson.com
which is just my first and last name.
If you can get your domain name like this, that's usually the best
because then someone can just look you up right by your name.
Umm, if your name is taken because it's common,
or maybe you're using it for some other reason,
you can always just get like your last name.
Like stewardsoninterpreter or stewardsoninterpreting, something like that.
But something very professional
or you can just pick a different name for a domain.
So I went ahead and bought the domain of my name.
Then I chose wix.com as the website to help set up templates for my website, my e-portfolio.
So I kept it really simple.
As you can see I just have a simple little logo here.
It's not my logo. It's just an image.
Then my name. I have my menu.
Then I just have images of myself in some of my videos.
Here in the yellow it just says,
"All images from self filmed, public, online material. No breach of confidentiality."
I want potential employers to know that I'm not
putting work online that breaches confidentiality of in-class work.
Thing that I'm doing now, since I've not gotten permission.
All of these are from Youtube videos and then I just use a green screen.
Which I can make another video if you guys are interested about that.
So then after that, I have just a very, very brief introduction.
Who I am, how long I've been working,
and the areas that I have worked in or am working in now.
So that just kind of gives a very brief overview of who I am.
The next thing that I have is my resume.
So we click on my resume. Literally it's just my resume.
I have my professional purpose,
which you can or you don't have to put on.
I know resumes are changing now and
and a lot of times people don't put down a professional purpose
but I just have one on there.
These are my skills.
If you have any certifications like DeafBlind certification,
legal, anything like that, I would put that on there as well.
So this is just your standard ASL, PSE, SEE, spoken English
and then again, some of just the general areas that I've worked in.
Then this is my work experience.
So, as you can see I just have all my jobs and my education.
So, on the jobs here as you can see
I go back till 2006
because I have been working in the field for a little bit of time now.
I try to, because I have the experience,
only put in jobs that are, I guess you'd call it Deaf related.
So anything like working at a Deaf school, learning sign language,
working at a VRS company as a customer service representative and as an interpreter,
and then just different agencies that I've worked at in the area that I live.
So I would try, if you can, if you have some experience,
to put as much relevant work experience that you can, that relates to interpreting.
If you don't have as much, then you can put other jobs on there
just to establish that you do have a work history.
Then like I said, at the bottom I have my education.
So this down here is just saying where I got my associates and my two bachelors from.
Then just below that I have my references.
I just have three references on there,
my current boss and then some other people.
So technically you can look at it if you want, it's on there.
Then I have two different things here.
Now this one I'll show you first.
DAS, where I currently work is protected.
So if I click on it,
it will say guest area and then it has a password.
So you have to type in a password here to get into the area
and the reason for that is because
this shows current pieces of my interpreting work
from my job that I'm at now.
So it actually has me working in classrooms
because I'm in secondary education and
mostly, pretty much all in classrooms and maybe a few other things.
That I do not have the permission of the people involved
to put out onto the internet.
So, if you ever do any sort of video of your work
and it's in any area that involves any people
that's not public domain such as Youtube,
then you either make sure that you protect it like this with a password
or you get permission from those people specifically
that they will allow you to show it on a public domain such as the internet.
Otherwise do not show it because that's a breach of confidentiality
and that doesn't look good for you.
So, let's get out of this.
So let's go to my samples of work.
Now, for right now I just have two samples of work.
I haven't done quite as much as I'd like to.
But I have one English to ASL, so showing my signing skills
and one ASL to English, so showing my ASL to English or voicing skills.
Now, like I said, both of these are Youtube videos.
As you can see here, I just have a Youtube video
that I just downloaded from online, it's a TED Talk.
Then I filmed myself in front of a green screen.
Which like I said if you want to see a video
on how I do that, on how I edit it, I can do that for you guys.
That just again shows...
so I have it linked to my Youtube as unlisted
and I also have captions on here.
I don't have the sound on, but you can just see he's talking
and then I'm just showing my interpreting work.
Same thing for this.
All it is, is just a screen recorded video of the Youtube video
which again is a TED Talk which is public property.
Then I have the captions and if you were listening,
which again I don't have the sound on,
it just has my voice voicing this video.
So these are two public videos... let me stop these...
that anyone can see if they want to see my work.
This one is just for current work
and the main reason I have it on here
is because it's for promotion reasons.
If I want to go up for promotion at my job,
my boss or anybody else can see
my plan of work, different appraisals, and samples there
to potentially put me up for promotion.
Next I just have an About section.
This is just a little bit more of an expanded version
of the introduction that I had on the home page.
Where I got my bachelor's, how long I've been interpreting,
what I did, what I'm doing, my national certification and where I'm currently working.
Then last, I have a way for people to contact me.
If you guys want to you can take you domain name,
put it on your business card,
and then that way people will have your personal contact information along with this.
But if anyone just happened to find me, say through Youtube or something like that,
and they wanted to see my work
or if I didn't have a business card,
I can just really quickly write down this website for them.
Then again, if they wanted to contact me they can get to me through that.
So, that is my e-portfolio.
Like I said, it's really not that hard to do.
Just pick... you can pick Wix, you can pick SquareSoft,
there's a lot of different websites that can help make a site for you like this.
Then it's really not that hard.
You just have to look at tutorials and then figure it out along the way.
Yeah, it's definitely worth it.
I know a few interpreters who have gotten hired
specifically because the employer said
they were able to see their e-portfolio and see more samples of work.
That can be a really big thing for a potential employer
to see more of your samples of work
and just kind of an expanded version of who you are and put a name and a face.
A lot of times you just send in a resume and a cover letter
and it doesn't really do much for them.
So definitely put this in, your e-portfolio,
on either your cover letter or within your resume
so that potential employers can see it
because this will be a big boost for you.
So, that's about it.
Do you guys have an e-portfolio?
Definitely let me know down below.
I'd love to kind of just see some of them
and see other formats that people have.
Cause like I said, this isn't the only way that you can do it.
Definitely style yours however you want to
and include whatever information you want to on yours
and yeah, let me know about that!
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We really appreciate it and I'll see you in the next video. Bye!
(♪ upbeat music ♪)
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