here's an extra storage 128gb so if the 16 isn't enough I go to 120 DB right
here be sure to try out the Amazon hack because you'd be able to get yourself
your school guys issue for a life here back again with another video on how to
get free stuff from Amazon and yes guys I am aware that I made a lot of videos
on how to get free stuff from Amazon but just tell me how am I supposed to not
make more videos if you guys just keep on these big amazing supporting comments
telling me that it works for you guys it'd brighten up your day
it puts my time
I'm gonna leave a link to those videos in the description so speaking of my
previous videos in one of them I actually told you guys to smash 10,000
likes and I will order anything for all of you guys who did that but and you
guys smash over 20,000 likes oh yes and thank you guys for that as well and but
the first part about that is that I wasn't able to help all of you guys out
because only 10% of you guys actually reached out to me through Twitter and
about 3% of you guys sent me correct addresses I mean like full address is
required and why we add the 7% of you guys didn't sell me artist says you guys
just keep on sending me incomplete you send me half address and yeah so I
wasn't able to help you guys and you guys tell me I'm still gonna said I
couldn't really blame you guys cuz it was my fault I didn't actually make your
way that you can actually send me your addresses easily so yeah I was pretty
bummed about that so due to that I had to stay up all night for almost about a
week that's what I haven't been uploading guys so I had to create this
website right here for you though the link with that will be at the top of the
description once you click that link you want to do exactly as told what to do
then you're going to want to enter your address then I'm gonna do it for you and
everyone's happy so for some reason some of you guys think you actually fooling
me by not following the instructions so I have this little application my
computer where I can see everyone who did everything as I told them to do so
if you didn't do it all you do and you expect me to help you then you're just
fooling yourself so yeah so you're gonna make sure to do everything and yeah if
you really want something but if you don't then you don't have to know so
great that link go check you here now i strictly advise you guys to read
everything before you do anything so you wanna saw by reading this so once you
read that now you're not going to do this so as you can see guys say
subscribe and turn on the notifications now some of you guys may think I'm just
so boring myself but this look at the warning below it is
saying that if you don't subscribe and turn on the notifications it won't send
you our information so what this means is that if you don't subscribe and turn
on your notification it won't notify me when you submit your address so that
means I won't get it and if I don't get it so that means I can't help you so if
you really want me help you out make sure you do it and yeah everything
go now once you're done in that once you're subscribed you want to take this
right here just put a link right here and now when you're doing it just click
that link it will take you to the to my youtube channel then you want subscribe
or if you're watching this video right now you want to store down and this is a
subscribe button right now even without clicking this and yeah so once you
subscribe you will hit the check box right here and if you're already having
the notifications on then you want to hit this as well but if you don't guys
don't hit that if you don't have the notifications on or if you haven't
subscribed we're going to do is you want to click the link and go do this then
come back and hit the checkbooks so yeah now once you're done you're going to
scroll down and as you can see says like share and leave a comment so this means
that you should comment down anything like this you can comment out your name
your favorite color your favorite food um the alphabet I don't know guys just
comment down anything - oh it says if you like share and comment many times
your order will rank on top basically guys I'm sure a lot of you guys out
there are waiting for me to help you and they'll be a ton of orders but if you
like the video you share this video and you've comment down anything but if
you're savage enough you can even go to 5100 I don't care guys just comb it as
many times as you want and share this video to 10 people it's also the next
number you can even share to your contact list I don't know guys really
helps you get when your order will be at the top then I'm gonna eat and do it for
you first no I'll stop placing our orders once
this video hits 50,000 likes and 20,000 comments guys go smash the like button
and from the comments section with anything in sequence
yes that's believe it guys now where you guys have all been waiting for
here's where you enter what you want now as you can see you guys you can either
tell me right here oh you can add a link if it's necessary I mean like it will
help me out when finding the exact thing that you want um yes then you not go -
how bad do you really want it guys I literally want to know how bad do you
guys want it maybe some people just want thing just for the sake of getting it
for free but some people who really need it so if you really needed you put in 10
be honest guys then once you feel it done feeling that you want to go - when
do you want it this is also important guys so it's not either for you then she
put exactly when you want it and you may get it so once you're done with that you
want to go now and enter the shipping IDs now I don't know if you guys have
noticed or not this shipping edges right here it's kind of in a sequence like the
Amazon shipping edges so I did this purposely so that it is becomes Mak easy
for me to do it so that means I'll be shipping out stuff for you guys super
easily and yeah so as you can see it has everything I would also be required by
Amazon when I'm shipping your order so full name I just line one address line 2
ct England is my city is my city city city state zip country phone number and
stuff like that now also an important thing guys not that do you give me
permission to show any of your information in my video go you guys I
literally want to make a video where I sheep out stuff for you guys I don't
know if I should do it at the life station to tell me how to do it and yeah
so you make sure let me know if you don't want to find I don't mind but if
you do if you're ok with it and just want to think yes or if you're not it no
you would know what to do now the final thing is just follow me on
Twitter so I can privately contact you for more details and maybe I can let you
know when are you going to actually get what you ordered and yeah so it's pretty
much important formula reader so that that's the only way you guys won't take
me so that's basically it I won't shoot it down even hit submit don't forget to
submit otherwise how will I get it and make sure you did everything and I told
you guys okay guys now once you've submitted that then it is done you I'm
gonna give you address provided that you did everything as I told you throughout
the video so yeah now we are going to do is you
want to keep on watching the video and if you also want to know one learn how
to do it on your own then you definitely want to keep up keep on watching the
video and there will be an unboxing and a huge announcement at the end of the
video guys so you don't want to miss out on that so keep on watching and yeah so
guys and I almost forgot I always do my shout out and get your giveaway so they
shout-out goes to all of you guys right there on the screen and the links to
your channels will be in the description so I'm going to start off by putting
three gifts on the screen right now so you're going to get 17 more gift cards
if you watch through the end of the video I'm going to try pop them up
places when you don't expect it so some people may see some people may not see
so you want to watch the video if you're that lucky person so don't miss out so
if you ever wondered how do I manage to give away gift cos in my videos so I
made a video about it the link will be in description or put a pop up somewhere
in the screen you want to click it and yes enter the giveaway all you have to
do is drop a like below this video turn on the notification make sure you in the
family make sure you're subscribed then once you're done you want to comment
down below the gift whether you want any gift card what is an actually difficult
a Google Play gift card and Amazon gift good guys just comment down below what
gift do you want and I'm gonna get it for you alright yeah Stella guys okay
guys now once you're on the Amazon page you want to search up wherever you want
to get guys this can be anything there's no limit to this so so I've been
thinking lately and I really want to step up my ug gamer and try out other
stuff so we're going to be getting a vlogging camera our new girls and the
Vulcan camera my choice is a canon g7x mark soo
alright guys and I actually chose this camera cause all the big YouTube
vloggers using this camera okay so here's what it is exciting it's a new
camera guys so this is my current camera taped up nice and janky like
Frankenstein little baby this is the new one oh how beautiful it is beautiful
okay put it there and then I ask you like a true but
overall guys is a pretty good camera to be honest um at size wise and a lot of
other aspects and I don't I don't really know much about cameras so if you're a
beginner than this the right cameras now what you have selected what do you want
to get now for those of you guys who feel scared is going to clean you from
this point if you think that it's kind of illegal which is actually not guys I
don't know why you guys keep on thinking that or you think that this not going to
work for you then click the link in the description send me your edges through
that and I'll be sure to help you so yeah but if you were savage enough
anyone to do this by yourself or the other there's also a link in the
description that would take you to the Amazon hack now once you agree to that
link it will take you on right here so when this opens up guys you want to read
everything in detail to fully understand and it's pretty safe guys I have been
using this axis day one my encounters never got banned um police have never
showed up on my door trying to arrest me or anything like that no such thing it
what you want to start off by doing is just reading the instruction so as you
can see the Amazon hat um so now you want to go to the step so before you go
continue doing the steps you want to read this disclaimer right here
basically guys I'm just gonna try and summarize for you guys so if you don't
do the steps the following steps as you can see on the screen this hat won't
work so if you're wondering why I did it work
that's because you didn't do it right now so we're gonna start with the first
set that say details of the item you want right now so this I selected the
camera and I'm going to go back to the Amazon page and copy the full name guys
and you want to go back to the Amazon hat and paste it right there
so if this is the only item that you want then you want to proceed to the
second step but I have more items so since I got a camera and I guess this is
not actually not for vlogging for that so the four continue I'm just going to
add this to cart alright so there it is I I they already know I'm not going to
check out yet because I need some other more stuff I guess I need an extra
barrier I don't know Tom yeah I think it will come in handy somehow so I'm going
to add this to cart as well yeah so before I add that to card guys I want to
copy the name basically the Amazon hack so I just want to answer and paste it
right there right now so I want to add it to cart also guys as you can see I
currently have two items in my cart right now so yes I'm going to continue
shopping now since I have a camera right next to Barry I guess I need a tripod so
I'm going to go for the Joby Gorillapod so I'm going to go to this one right
here now when I copy the full name as well then I go back to the Amazon hack
and base is right there so I'm going to add this to cart as well
we're going to go for extra memory card you never know you're gonna need it we
go for the 128gb so I'm going to copy its name as well copy that and go back
to the Amazon hack pasty-white the so there you have the guys as you can see I
currently have full items right there I'm gonna add this to cart as well
alright restore justice all I need or I guess so as I was saying I hope you guys
know how expensive logging is but thanks to this hack guys anyone can do it if
you want to start on your vlog in China MB bigger no Jay no Jake power or any
vlogger you like are no but you can do it
just use the hike follow the stuff guys and this will work I'm just trying to
help you guys out get what you've always wanted and yeah
so just let me help you now I'm going to push you to check out
I'm going to enter in my address as well and get back to you guys I'm gonna get
this as soon as possible so I'm gonna find the nearest date so a two-day
shipping get it by Wednesday July 19 I guess that's the move so that means I'm
currently placing my order on Monday which is the 17th so I'm going to get
this by the 19th and as you can emboss it and quickly a pause the video for you
guys so so you got so expect this video to drop by 19th or 20th of July or I
guess now so once you're reaching this point you want to go back to the Amazon
hack and you want to complete all the human verification process so if you
didn't subscribe to my channel and you deta magnifications then now is the time
to do it so once you've done that you wanna check that right there and if you
didn't like the video just a good time do it so if you did already now you want
to hit the check box right there and if you comment on already then it died and
if you share the video it the make sure don't do any of these guys if you didn't
actually do a supposed to do otherwise this isn't gonna work so once you've
done that now this the final part is once you like any of these so I'm going
to click on select my video right here and submit oh yeah guys then before you
submit you want to make sure to copy down the card details so that you don't
actually forget so now once you've done that and you want to submit or not so
once you submit that then you get a confirmation emails in the
congratulations you have completed the hack and I'll go ahead push if you check
out and get yourself some fish stock so they don't have to tell me twice then
I'm going back to my Amazon page and you want to enter the name of the card which
is Matthew and the third number is you
there you have it guys there you have it your order has been placed if you want
us to be using make sure you enter your address and tell me to stop and order if
we did let me like why not I'm here to help you guys this let me help you in
our hope you comment down below how does this feel when you see this just tell me
well how you feel on you when you see this method idea that you're actually
going to get your boarding stop and you may stop vlogging so what if you guys
want to sell your volume channels are not YouTube channel are no guys
you literally order anything and start getting into one so that's pretty much
it make sure you follow the steps and just do as I told you guys and I guess
they're not when I was talking about one big announcement is that I'm gonna be
doing a live stream I don't know yet or I should do it in a formal video and
yeah so good now this isn't the end of the video and but thank you though if
you're still watching if you're watching this video to hear comment down below
and our pin and our selfie will go subscribe your channel so if you're
watching this this we use this far and I'm literally going to look for the one
who comment commented potatoes the first make sure you comment out potato and I'm
gonna give you a shower in the comment section our no guys yeah
don't make sure do it now peace out
okay guys it's allies only beer and I'm back with another video so let's do this
video is it like a continuation from the other video that I ordered the actual
glasses I was gonna order a camera and it is canon g7x much too I started off
Amazon around $600 oh yeah here is if it just to prove that my method works there
so that you guys should try it out and you can get anything you want off Amazon
so I'm gonna going deep on the unboxing so because I know they already bunch of
unboxing videos on YouTube Thomas I'm sure that's how it goes I guess you guys
came with 16gb but I got another one so where the menus are so nobody needs them
yeah if you take too easy going in depth this is what you get to go here's the
charger and here's the camera itself
battery not even open yes this is the camer charger and here's 16gb but no a
bigger one and so yeah pretty much it be sure to try out the Amazon hack because
you'd be able to get yourself almost like anything you want or family and as
you can see here to prove that my iPhone my camera from Amazon and my gorilla pod
and a bunch of other stuff so if you guys want to try and get a camera you
can try it out a little link in the description for the things that I used
and hey guys have a great day it's a boil iPhone
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